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mithro: i figured out why the conda installer doesn't work on debian
when your install script runs pip, it really does run pip from the conda environment, and that uses the conda python
however... conda python, for some incomprehensible reason, loads a third of the packages from the conda env, a third from ~/.local, and a third from /usr
in other words, a classic conda experience
whitequark: I think a bunch of the issues we see in conda world stem from there being is a pretty strong mismatch between what the people who are paying the conda devs to do work (mostly enterprises like universities) and the majority of users (scientists/programmers) really want.
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I used to have a very negative opinion of conda; I no longer really think that for a few different reasons
I think Symbiflow shipping a conda-based toolchain that does not expose the end user to conda issues is basically fine. not perfect, but fine
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what I really hate though is having to work around conda issues myself, having spent several years doing that as an employee
anyway, once you address all of the issues I filed, I think the Conda distribution of the toolchain should be usable for most people as long as they never actually touch the conda environment inside
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whitequark: I'm mostly distracted with finishing off getting stuff published for the skywater-pdk stuff, hopefully acomodi or someone else will be able to finish off that stuff