[symbiflow-arch-defs] HackerFoo opened issue #1799: Fresh copy of repo fails on `make env` - https://git.io/Jk2K4
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[sv-tests] caryr opened issue #1155: Icarus failing various number_test_* checks - https://git.io/Jkat7
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<nils.albartus> hi there, is there anyone from project icestorm in this channel? we are trying to add support for the iCE40 Ultra parts and were hoping that previous attempts in that direction have been made, so that we can maybe exchange some information. like @julian.speith i am researcher a the max planck institute for security and privacy. you can also reach out to us via mail: nils.albartus@csp.mpg.de
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nils.albartus: ice40 ultra devices are supported already
<nils.albartus> you are right. maybe i was just confused, cause in the list was not the device i was looking for :)