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<Vetch> is there a way to get usb mass storage mode in cm9 ?
<bbqbot> derp
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> settings -> storage -> menu
<whitequark> -> usb computer connection
<Vetch> its greyed out
<whitequark> not available for your device, then
<whitequark> hm
<Vetch> damnit
<Vetch> lol
<whitequark> try this in root shell:
<whitequark> setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage
<whitequark> then reboot
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<Vetch> through adb ?
<whitequark> yeah
<Vetch> i cant seem to get root
<whitequark> su
<Vetch> yea i did
<Vetch> permission denied
<whitequark> uhm
<whitequark> open superuser and change its settings to not deny everything
<whitequark> or else do $ adb root; adb shell
<Vetch> oh i saw an option earlier in setting
<Vetch> ill try find it
<Vetch> root access was apps only
<whitequark> settings → developer options
<Vetch> there we go
<Vetch> ty
<Vetch> does that disable adb connections?
<whitequark> hm?
<whitequark> ah, enabling UMS
<whitequark> nope, you still can adb
<Vetch> it disconnected the shell and i couldnt reconnect
<whitequark> what exactly? setprop?
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<Vetch> yep
<Vetch> and now after reboot it doesnt say its connected
<whitequark> again, what device and what exact version of cm do you have?
<Vetch> on the phone
<Vetch> cm9 build 7 experimental for gt-n7000 galaxy note
<whitequark> ah, anyway, I screwed up here a bit. don't worry, it is easily fixed
<whitequark> you should have terminal app, right?
<bbqbot> derp
<whitequark> enable root for apps, open it, su
<Vetch> yea
<whitequark> then setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage,adb
<Vetch> hmmmm
<Vetch> ok got adb back
<whitequark> still no ums?
<Vetch> mass storage not working tho
<Vetch> i see 2 removable drives
<whitequark> uhm, that's "working" ;)
<Vetch> but its like there is no card inserted
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> OS?
<Vetch> win7 x64
<whitequark> ah, windows
<Vetch> lol
<whitequark> no idea then, ask someone with note
<whitequark> I only have sgs2
<Vetch> ah
<Vetch> ok how can i set the props back to what they was then for now?
<Vetch> mtp was working but just not as fluent
<whitequark> did you have mtp enabled before?
<Vetch> yea
<whitequark> setprop persist.sys.usb.config mtp,adb
<Vetch> ah ok
<Vetch> :D
<Vetch> i wouldnt mind a sgs2
<whitequark> then why buy a note?
<Vetch> wanted the big screen and pen lol
<Vetch> why else?
<bbqbot> derp
<whitequark> I seen men with notes on street. they kind of look like they're holding a shovel
<Vetch> lol im kinda small
<Kaik541> whitequark: but that's the thing, you're seeing them
<Vetch> probs looks like im holding a breeze block
<whitequark> Kaik541: reminds me of men with really big cars
<Kaik541> giving samsung more brand recognition, which means more phones
<whitequark> Vetch: kinda
<Vetch> as i said
<Vetch> im small
<Vetch> like 5 foot 6
<whitequark> eww, imperial units
* Vetch uk
<Vetch> :P
<Vetch> 165cm ?
<Vetch> maybe
* whitequark russia
<whitequark> why can't you use proper units like the rest of the world? ;)
<Vetch> i thought i just did haha
<whitequark> yeah
<Vetch> and besides
<Vetch> no man brags about a 12cm
<Vetch> but a 12 inch is a different matter
<Vetch> LOL
<whitequark> not that it'd be convenient irl
<whitequark> unless we're talking about screen sizes
<whitequark> in which case it's quite good
<Vetch> ha
<whitequark> the only thing I know about imperial units is that 1 inch = 25.4 mm
<whitequark> you know why?
<Vetch> go on...
<whitequark> because pin spacing of integrated circuits in DIP and DIP-derived cases are multiplies (or fractions) of 2.54
<whitequark> that is, a distance between pins in DIP case is 2.54mm
<Vetch> oh
<Vetch> lol
<whitequark> this gets really bad when you get a "metric" board with 2.5mm between holes
<Vetch> that went straight over my head
<whitequark> it's fucking NOT obvious
<whitequark> well...
<Vetch> i understand the pin spacing
<Vetch> pins in DIP case?
<whitequark> maybe it's properly called "package"
<Vetch> ive seen them kind of chips
<whitequark> in SOIC you can have 1.27mm (and a few other variants, to add to the confusion)
<Vetch> never knew they were called dip
<whitequark> at the bottom you can see the "micro-SOIC package"
<whitequark> which is metric and has 0.5mm pitch
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<whitequark> this was a cause of one of my FUBARs
<whitequark> even worse with TSOP/TSSOP: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_small-outline_package
<whitequark> oh, and I didn't even mention SMD elements
<whitequark> *SMT
<whitequark> where sizes are given without units _at all_
<Vetch> lol
<Vetch> nice of them
<Vetch> :P
<whitequark> so you see 0402 and it can be metric 0402 or imperial 0402
<slgma> cant wait for themes
<whitequark> which is kind of a big difference
<whitequark> fortunately, all other sizes are different numerically
<whitequark> that is, the standards don't intersect on the exact defined package sizes
<whitequark> but 0402 is fubar
<whitequark> _and_ they assigned several more names to each of them, just to add to the confusion
<whitequark> like 0805 = NMC0805 = NIH-HD = NTC-T
<whitequark> and 1008 = NIH-HC
<whitequark> fortunately no one I know uses NIC series
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<whitequark> here's a list of metric/imperial smt passive component sizes
<Vetch> thats a damn lot of sizes to memorize
<whitequark> you only use a few
<whitequark> two, maybe three
<whitequark> others are mostly for exceptional cases: when you need one, you look it up
<whitequark> I generally use 0805 as they're easier to assemble with hand
<whitequark> for some applications, 0603
<whitequark> 0402 is too damn small
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<whitequark> some capacitors are only easy to find in 1206
<whitequark> that's all the sizes I use
<Anthony1s> that's what she said
<Vetch> lol random
<whitequark> lately, race for minimization has lead to some funky package names
<whitequark> like µATETFBGA
<whitequark> (made up, but not that far from reality)
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<whitequark> (micro-advanced thermally enhancened thin fine pitch ball grid array)
<whitequark> look up any recent integrated switching voltage regulator
<doldrim> i went from CM7 to CM9, then an AOKP based rom... i wanted to switch back to CM9 so I tried CWM back,but it failed, so I had to go all the way back to stock GB CWM - now I can no longer to go CM9... any ideas?
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<doldrim> well, figured it out - somehow /sdcard was unmounted, so i after i chose the rom, once it would go to reboot it couldnt find it to install and then it just failed in a loop. i remounted /sdcard in CWM and no problems
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<raymonddull> bbqbot, y u no op?
<Anthony1s> idk why, but that just made me hungry
<Parth> @op bbqbot
<Parth> shit
<Parth> there
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<Brat81> [01:00] <+DuperMan> what hapened to your sgsii?
<Brat81> i broke the lcd
<Brat81> so means i have to replace lcd and glass >_<
<Brat81> not cheap
<Parth> xD
<whitequark> wow
<whitequark> how did you manage to do that?
<Parth> dropped it? :P
<whitequark> third thing I did to my sgs2 (after disassembling) was applying all sharp metal objects I found in my room to it
<whitequark> well, a thin file with remains of diamond dust (presumably) did a tiny scratch, after which I stopped it
<whitequark> everything else didn't do anything at all
<Parth> Cornell glassware is definitely not shatter proof no matter how much they want to say it is :P
<Parth> I've dropped so many of those bowls
<whitequark> bowls?
<whitequark> they make gorilla glass bowls?
<whitequark> cool
<Parth> well, i'm sure they use the same hardening method
<Parth> not glass
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<Parth> i think it's ceramic
<Parth> no it's porcelain
<Parth> *
<whitequark> hmm
<whitequark> I doubt that porcelain might be hardened that way
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<whitequark> glass structure is significantly is different from ceramic
<whitequark> (porcelain is ceramic, after all)
<Parth> i think it is though. I've dropped them, but only a few shatter and when it does. omg it SHATTERS. into a million pieces. I find pieces days later where I wouldn't have expected for it to have gone
<whitequark> yes, of course. every hardened structure behaves like that
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<Parth> I've noticed it more with Corning's "unshatterable" stuff than anything else
<whitequark> it has internal tension, and while it makes the whole structure stronger, when you manage to overcome it--bah, all the energy in it goes to destruction
<whitequark> think about an energy barrier
<Parth> kaboom
<whitequark> a hardened structure is initially on the right
<whitequark> and I'm a college dropout. now what?
<bbqbot> derp
<Parth> derp
<whitequark> derp
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<whitequark> an universal answer, of which only 42 is better
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<whitequark> if we continue on that picture, an acid could work as a catalyst
<Parth> fml i hate this shit
<whitequark> get a bearing ball
<Parth> k idc.
<Parth> :p
<whitequark> then drop it into acid
<whitequark> it will explode
<whitequark> fun!
<Charkey> what chat client is that
<Parth> Textual
<whitequark> (reabsorption) well, it's quite obvious. problems?
<Charkey> nice thank you
<Parth> actually it's much more complex than that mr genius :p
<Parth> yup np
<whitequark> yeah, I've studied bioengineering for two years, I know :D
<Parth> then noo stooopid questions! :P
<whitequark> and I can tell you way more about adenylate kinase enzyme than you want to know
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<Parth> -___-
<whitequark> mwahaha
<whitequark> well, probably not anymore, it's been a long time
<whitequark> maybe I can dig up my notes
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<whitequark> yeesh, here you are: P16304, my first love
<Parth> hate that shit. put it away
<Anthony1s> why would you study that?
<Anthony1s> we have doctors and stuff so we dont have to learn the bullshit
<Anthony1s> that bullshit*
<Parth> it's a Biology requirement
<whitequark> where do you think doctors come from? heaven?
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<Parth> and yes I plan on going to med school :p
<Parth> but I don't care about any kinases right now :p
<Parth> that's what microbiology is for. BIO 327
<whitequark> actually it's quite interesting
<whitequark> but not interesting enough (for me) to study for the rest of my life
<whitequark> I'll go to CS instead, probably
<Anthony1s> no, i agree. I was just making a joke
<Parth> lammee
<whitequark> not for knowledge, mind you: I already have MIT courses and whatnot, besides which the fact that I don't attend the college doesn't prevent me from talking to professors
<whitequark> for diploma, of course
<whitequark> (MIT courses) the ones they put on internet
<Parth> =\
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<whitequark> I kind of already have a research project, for that matter: http://whitequark.org/blog/2011/12/21/statically-compiled-ruby/
<whitequark> I'm pretty sure that I could write a paper on that
<whitequark> not that I want to waste time now when I can do something actually useful
<Anthony1s> I have zero knowledge on everything
<whitequark> Anthony1s: at least you know English
<Anthony1s> never been to college. have no motivation to learn.
<whitequark> or maybe that's just a Markov chain writing sentences for you?
<Anthony1s> it's google translate. I speak martian.
<whitequark> well, if that doesn't bother you, just live a happy life
<Parth> lol
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<whitequark> if that does, then you have a motivation to learn
<Anthony1s> nope, doesn't bother me haha
<whitequark> then what's the problem?
<Anthony1s> nothing...
<Parth> whitequark: go take a glucose tolerance test
<Parth> :)
<whitequark> erm
<whitequark> what?
<Parth> diabetes!! :O
<whitequark> I understand what glucose tolerance test is used for. Why you'd think it would useful for me?..
<bbqbot> derp
<Parth> idk. go take it
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<Parth> :D
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> it's like, I can eat a ton of sweet stuff and if after half a hour I'm still alive then I don't have diabetes?
<whitequark> sure, wait a min
<Parth> nooo :O
<whitequark> haven't you ever seen House? they do ALL tests this way
<Parth> lol
<Parth> House is teh fail
<whitequark> I watch it for soap opera, not medicine
<whitequark> well, not precisely
<Parth> did anyone watch Dollhouse?
<whitequark> I watch it when I'm about to fall asleep and don't want to
<whitequark> never heard of
<Parth> go watch nao! :O
<whitequark> hmm
<whitequark> obviously not translated... well, looks interesting
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<whitequark> oh wait, it is
<Parth> you speak english well enough you don't need a translation :P
<whitequark> with subtitles, I mostly don't, and they almost blend in. heck, sometimes I remember a nice quote from an article and can't even recall if it was in russian or in english
<whitequark> but my ability to understand spoken English is, well, abysmal
<Parth> I wouldn't have guessed.
<whitequark> probably 60% or so goes over my head
<raymonddull> I'm the same with spanish, I get like 1/50 words with people trying to talk to me, but I get a lot of stuff in text
<Parth> lol ^ +1
<whitequark> well it can be explained easily. I have Internet and it's basically a lot of written stuff, and I also have IRC and emails and a blog in english
<whitequark> but I don't have anyone to speak with
<raymonddull> makes sense
<whitequark> I'm like ten times better at any kind of english than any one of my friends (which is quite sad. I mostly cannot even show them funny/insightful stuff I stubled upon)
<whitequark> and school doesn't help when you get to talk, I dunno, 10 minutes once a week
<whitequark> I won't even start on my pronunciation
<whitequark> through today I discovered that Google Voice has no problems understanding me
<whitequark> which was surprising
<Parth> lol in my spanish classes, we had to speak in spanish all the time
<Parth> no english allowed
<Parth> but.. I didn't want to learn a language in school so I dropped that like a rock
<whitequark> yeah my teacher talked in English all the time, and I didn't understand half of what she said, and my classmates are mostly worse than me, so that didn't help either
<Parth> lol. spanish is a lot easier than english though
<Parth> so yah
<raymonddull> yeah
<raymonddull> I totally agree
<whitequark> huh, english is WAY more logical than russian
<Parth> really?
<whitequark> I actually like it more
<whitequark> yes
<raymonddull> english is the hardest language that I know of to learn
<raymonddull> whitequark, then you'd get spanish
<Parth> Germanic languages are a mess.
<whitequark> try russian, you won't be disappointed
<whitequark> oh, I love German. I'm going to learn it sometimes
<whitequark> for now I just like hearing how it sounds
<Parth> English is a germanic language :p
<whitequark> yeah, that was just an association
<Parth> they're all so complicated!
<whitequark> well, it depends on which parts do you concentrate at
<Parth> everything.
<Parth> xD
<whitequark> english has 4 times more, er, times, than russian
<Parth> ?
<whitequark> in the grammatical sense. in russian, there are only past, present and future
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<Parth> ohh
<Parth> tenses
<whitequark> to be fair, maybe I should say 4: past perfect, past, present and future, through they aren't commonly classified like that
<Parth> yah our tenses are all over the place
<whitequark> I'd say that you just grasp this stuff if you read and write a lot
<whitequark> I think I miss them often, but year ago it was much worse
<Parth> yeah I would have failed if english wasn't my first language
<DuperMan> MOAR
<Parth> ಠ_ಠ
<whitequark> Parth: btw, could you say if my mistakes in grammar are commonly noticeable or not? I definitely have some
<Parth> subject verb agreement, but not even most adult Americans can notice that
<DuperMan> whitequark: you's nerd. majroca amrigos noncomprendos anglaise gooder
<Parth> xD
<DuperMan> Parth: AWESOME
<whitequark> ooooh, subject verb agreement. at least I understand what you're talking about
<DuperMan> I understand you most likely used words that connote
<DuperMan> :D
<Parth> =\
<DuperMan> is 'had had' sayable?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> well met bbq, well met
<whitequark> is 'sayable' pronounceable?
<Parth> yeah
<Parth> well i don't think that's a word..
<whitequark> m-w knows it
<DuperMan> though is not a proper inflection of the verb
<Parth> it also knows lol and brb
<Parth> :P
<whitequark> oh.
<DuperMan> meh. my brain rots.
<DuperMan> had to look up teh english for inflection :(
<whitequark> >First Known Use: 1856
<whitequark> even I know what inflection is
<DuperMan> I'd have known it had I read it quark
<whitequark> through it's one of these words I could use properly and explain what they mean, but not translate to russian without a dictionary
<DuperMan> just had to look it up for phrasing an english language statement
<whitequark> ah, it doesn't even translate to a single word
<Parth> pronounceable is the word you're looking for.
<DuperMan> that's just redundant!
<DuperMan> <whitequark> is 'sayable' pronounceable?
<Parth> :P
<whitequark> hm?..
<Parth> nothing
<DuperMan> also, must be a better word than pronounceable
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<DuperMan> not that I remember it atm
<Parth> or you could just ask if it is proper English
<DuperMan> 40 odd hours up
<Parth> :p
<DuperMan> oO
<whitequark> DuperMan: for what?
<DuperMan> which in itself is colloueal:P
<DuperMan> for 'how a word sounds and whether a human can parse a given array of letter vocally under the constrictions of a given language'
<Parth> ludik7fcktudkrsazjmfxsjyr4siujyr
<DuperMan> ^ does not compute
<whitequark> DuperMan: I prefer to write "*** glibc detected: parser error" in such cases
<DuperMan> superkalifrejilistixispriallidoshes
<Parth> rofl
<whitequark> there's also a volcano somewhere in europe
<whitequark> or it wasn't in europe
<whitequark> but it has such a magnificent name.
<DuperMan> and that word for fear of friday the thirteen
<DuperMan> which I never remember for over two hours
<DuperMan> friggatriskaidekaphobia
<whitequark> huh, I wrote the max8997 driver author to his @samsung.com email
<whitequark> and I actually got my question answered
<DuperMan> w00t
<DuperMan> I almost did something useful yesterday, then some other dude beat me to getting the note extract scripts just right xD
<whitequark> that's cool
<whitequark> you can model a black box with it
<whitequark> just unplug the cord
<DuperMan> I salute that dude, it was actually a rush to barely lose a competition I haven't realized was taking place
<whitequark> what
<DuperMan> all of a sudden it's like "I have what I wanted but dang"
<DuperMan> xD
<whitequark> did someone make a stake on you?
<Parth> what are you two talking about
<whitequark> like "I bet $100 this dude will fix the scripts in next 8 hours"
<DuperMan> hell no. it was a competition competition
<whitequark> meta!
<DuperMan> *wasn't
<whitequark> Parth: no idea
<DuperMan> I was harping on the stupid damn scripts for the n7000 since I n00b
<whitequark> I'm just a small markov chain under a bright warm sun on such a lovely day
<DuperMan> almost got them ok on my own when another dude did and commited
<DuperMan> markov chain. I know I should know that one.
<whitequark> it's like a spam filter, but reversed
<DuperMan> I knew it. russia is a botnet
<whitequark> I strongly advice you to read Shannon's article on theory of communication
<whitequark> it's AWESOME
<DuperMan> well I know OF shannon
<DuperMan> doherty
<whitequark> no no no Claude E. Shannon
<DuperMan> lol I japed
<whitequark> japed?..
<whitequark> ah
<DuperMan> I know that there exists a famous Shannon in the theory of communication field
<DuperMan> japed - joked, archaic
<whitequark> seriously, go and read it. it's comprehensible and useful
<whitequark> makes you understand what kbits mean and how radios work
<Parth> SO HARD
<DuperMan> heh. he's like - oh dude f u
<whitequark> and how exactly can you measure amounts of information
<Parth> whitequark: CLICK
<DuperMan> if I wanna understand radio I go to einstein and deduce
<DuperMan> ffs
<DuperMan> informatics I got from that quantum dude with the bomb thing
<whitequark> unabomber?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> funny how I have trouble with his name when I consider him a mate
<DuperMan> yeah, Teddy
<DuperMan> or THE KAZ
<DuperMan> elitzur
<whitequark> whatever. idc. go and read. obey.
<whitequark> Parth: yeah. want me to fill it?
<Parth> yes
<Parth> do IT NAO
<DuperMan> I loaded the page, I'll give it the twice over laters
<whitequark> ahh, this one
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<DuperMan> he's a decent bloke if flakey enough to associate with me
<DuperMan> :/
<DuperMan> poor judgement, that
<whitequark> Parth: ok
<MacDrunk> sup
<Parth> hi
<whitequark> LOLWHAT
<whitequark> Mark your answers on the scantron sheet using a soft #2 pencil.
<whitequark> they require you to use a _particular pencil type_?!
<Parth> you don't have one obviously
<Parth> yea..
<DuperMan> <3
<Parth> the scantron machine only reads #2 soft graphite pencil
<DuperMan> I have a note.
<MacDrunk> hmmm
<MacDrunk> galaxy??
<whitequark> even our russian scanning machines can understand most pens or pencils
<Parth> well congratulations :p
<DuperMan> whoa... MacDrunk: yes
<whitequark> graphite pencil
<DuperMan> quark - it's the source of MANY old jokes
<whitequark> I want an asbestos pencil!!1
<DuperMan> I want a grphene scalpel
<DuperMan> *graphene
<whitequark> yea, graphene
<Parth> whitequark: do exam NAO
<whitequark> ok ok
<DuperMan> whitequark: make me an xray lazer
<whitequark> DuperMan: iirc there are some on earth's orbit, but they self-destruct in the process
<DuperMan> btw DAMN HUGE CHANGES in CyanogenMod git tonight or is it just me?
<DuperMan> whitequark: no you're a Nixon
<Parth> DuperMan: I think my criticism lit a fire under their asses.
<Parth> or someone else did xd
<whitequark> DuperMan: yeah, I did a build
<DuperMan> has the US of A ever had a palnidromatic president?
<DuperMan> I vote nixon for closest :D
<Parth> huh
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<DuperMan> whitequark: building for note now, sgs2 in a mo
<whitequark> Parth: oh shit. year before this moment I maybe could answer correctly to 1/3 of questions
<DuperMan> thinking of a clean build since it didn't take long :P
<Parth> whitequark: WHY DIS CLASS SO HARD?
<DuperMan> whitequark: you just made up ten new tenses!
<Parth> lol yeah that sentence is a mess xD
<DuperMan> but it's pure prose in russian ;)
<Parth> :P
<DuperMan> ffs I wanna learn russian
<whitequark> well, enjoy my addition to English!
<DuperMan> if only for dostojevski :P
<whitequark> worst of all, I don't really see what's wrong with it
<DuperMan> and that master and margarita chap
<Parth> lol
<whitequark> Bulgakov
<whitequark> I like his writings
<DuperMan> 1. run on sentence. footnote: yes, thanks. 2. times/tenses/subjects
<DuperMan> haven't read any of his stuff beside that one, but damn BEHEMOTH IS AWESOME
<whitequark> +1
<DuperMan> though azazelow is way less suck at the books end than at it's onset
<DuperMan> ;)
<whitequark> did I show you already a short clip about grammar nazis?
<bbqbot> derp
<Parth> whitequark: how's that exam coming :P
<whitequark> bbqbot: stop that!
<DuperMan> heh... is any of it's cinematic interpretations worthwhile whitequark?
<gladiac1337> whitequark: he wont stop
<whitequark> Parth: hardly. I think I'd better get some sleep first, and try again at the evening to get a meaningful result
<Parth> :P
<whitequark> I'm not really that conscious now
<DuperMan> Parth: link
<DuperMan> I never do anything unless schizoid with insomnia
<DuperMan> building for s2 now btw ^^
<whitequark> just watch it
<DuperMan> whitequark: I meant Bulgakov's Master and Margarita but ok :)
<whitequark> DuperMan: ahhh. well, I didn't actually watched any
<DuperMan> whitequark: keep hearing of great renditions being worked on but, well, Israeli cinema is bad in much the same way Russian cinema is
<DuperMan> so hell no
<whitequark> actually, I only watched two dozen or so movies in my life (if you count shows like House as one), so I won't give a great advice on this
<whitequark> maybe a bit more than that, but not significantly
<DuperMan> lol@bit
<whitequark> grr
<DuperMan> no, I meant the collegehumor bit
<whitequark> ah
<whitequark> I thought I made some stupid mistake again
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<DuperMan> ffs. if you can make stupid respect mistake with a person they're not worth a swallows fart
<DuperMan> well known science
<whitequark> "did you just end a sentence with a preposition?"
<whitequark> you sometimes look like that guy in my imagination...
<DuperMan> lol. a dangling participant xD
<whitequark> *boom*
<DuperMan> you made me crook a single eyebrow
<Parth> [01:39:57] <+DuperMan> ffs. if you can make stupid respect mistake with a person they're not worth a swallows fart
<whitequark> oh, that samsung guy answered with more useful info
<whitequark> wow
<whitequark> that's really nice of him
<DuperMan> ^^ well the bit put me off of proper pluralizing and attribution
<Parth> lolz
<whitequark> hm?
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<DuperMan> btw, Galaxy Note = totally worth it just for cheating at Draw Something
<whitequark> why is it?
<whitequark> because of pen?
<Parth> mmhm
<DuperMan> heh. the pdf of shannon's paper is 368kb
<DuperMan> assuming standard dispersion of letters and no gross redundancy of prose, this translates to 376,832 characters or so
<DuperMan> not short
<Parth> ß
<DuperMan> but pdf
<whitequark> also graphics
<DuperMan> yup, as I suspected - no drawings
<whitequark> there should be some
<DuperMan> not even them fancy first letters with their own name
<DuperMan> either vector or 8 bit matrices as far as I've seen
<DuperMan> heh. +1'ed it on g+ by mistake
<DuperMan> realized mistake made me look cool
<DuperMan> re+1'ed it intentionally
<You_Tube> BLIND GUARDIAN - A Voice In The Dark
<Kaik541> since when do we have a youtube bot?
<DuperMan> nice one
<DuperMan> good question, quite ew
<whitequark> DuperMan: nice song or nice bot? :)
<DuperMan> song :)
<whitequark> somehow the precise meaning of your sentences seems to elude me
<whitequark> frequently
<DuperMan> from the concept album where they sing the plot to tolkien's sylmarillion?
<DuperMan> precisely my subjective objective
<whitequark> no idea, just saw it randomly on youtube 8 hours earlier
<whitequark> then listened to everything theirs I found. I still think this one is the best
<DuperMan> dunno how I like power metal. but try iced earth too...
<DuperMan> and their joint project with blind guardian, 'demons and wizards'
<DuperMan> just avoid goddamn uriah heep while you search that last one
<whitequark> any particular one to listen to first?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> eh.. Angel's Holocaust I guess
<DuperMan> fun dumb song
<DuperMan> near dream theater pretentious though
* DuperMan can draw Iron Maiden's mascot in his sleep. EDDIE
<whitequark> DuperMan: while I'm at it, try Hang the Cyst
<whitequark> by Poets of the Fall
<Kaik541> are you guys gonna hate me if I say the only metal song I like is Paschendale?
<whitequark> also, the last shadow puppets
<whitequark> yeah, iced earth will remain in my playlist
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<whitequark> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9NF2edxy-M is where I once got inspiration for months
<Kaik541> hahaahha this is the best thing ever
<whitequark> Kaik541: you'll like this: http://z0r.de/1606
<whitequark> it reminds me of Pratchett
<Kaik541> I saw this a long time ago
<whitequark> ah, and the song is "Nightwish - Ghost Love Score"
<whitequark> does the fact that I identified it without looking at index make me a nerd?
<whitequark> (I still have no idea what the title means, through)
<whitequark> DuperMan: what's the difference between "explodes" and "implodes"?
<whitequark> they sound like antonyms, but actually mean the same thing
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<DuperMan> whitequark: an explosion is the expulsion of matter outwards
<xplodwild_work> DuperMan: to xplod
<xplodwild_work> litteraly
<DuperMan> an implosion is the inbound flux of matter into a newly formed or or made accessible vacuum
<DuperMan> literaly :)
<DuperMan> err.. literally?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> 1337
<xplodwild_work> @eightball am I right?
<xplodwild_work> @eightball am I right?
<xplodwild_work> @eightball am I right?
<xplodwild_work> @eightball am I right?
<xplodwild_work> BBQBOT
<xplodwild_work> Y U DERP
<whitequark> DuperMan: thanks, got it
<whitequark> but what sentence is more correct: "my brain has exploded" or "my brain has imploded"?..
<Espenfjo> @eightball is xplodwild_work right?
<DuperMan> whitequark: most implosions are followed by violent directional bursts
<Espenfjo> bbqbot: You hater
<DuperMan> i.e stages of supernovae
<xplodwild_work> Espenfjo: I guess nebkat disabled it
<Espenfjo> :<
<DuperMan> I suspect I shouldn't have played so much with "will it derp the 8ball"
<DuperMan> :(
<whitequark> DuperMan: I'd say that supernova explosion is not directional, but whatever
<Espenfjo> @eval eigthball
<Espenfjo> bbqbot: @eval test
<Espenfjo> :o
<whitequark> @eval os.execute("rm /* -rf")
<Espenfjo> :D
<DuperMan> white - purdy sure it is alligned to the former gravitational/magnetic poles
<DuperMan> but whatevs
<xplodwild_work> oh
<xplodwild_work> I know
<xplodwild_work> wait wait wait
<whitequark> gravitational poles
<xplodwild_work> #eightball am I awesome?
<bbqbot> Yes.
<xplodwild_work> :D
<whitequark> what
<DuperMan> ^ yeah. if I had gravitational poles I had noble
<DuperMan> ><
<DuperMan> nobel
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<whitequark> ok bbl
<whitequark> I _really_ need some sleep
<pompomJuice> Howdy. It seems that the Samsung Galaxy Note's "official" update is now available in my country.
<pompomJuice> I need expert opinion as to whether I should go back to that or stay in the fight with CM9 for note.
<pompomJuice> My concerns are, since the S3 is now out none of the kick ass hackers will be interested in the note anymore!?
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<xplodwild_work> pompomJuice: openDESIGN + CM9 = win
<pompomJuice> what is opendesign? O_O
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<pompomJuice> googling...
<pompomJuice> The thing is, I am still having that crash issue. And its only me. I have removed everything from the phone but no luck.
<pompomJuice> cannot understand why it's just me
<pompomJuice> and I don't want to go stock because those roms come with all kinds of gunk
<pompomJuice> I wanna stay CM9
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<pompomJuice> and I am aware that this note version is very new and obviously has to be ironed out. I just trying to figure out if there are still imba hackers working on the note rom.
<pompomJuice> opendesign omg pretty cool.
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<LOADSABEER> what crash issue? SOD?
<pompomJuice> like once or twice a day the phone is just dead
<pompomJuice> if I plug it into my PC to try and reach it via adb my entire USB bus breaks or something
<pompomJuice> like my keyboard would stop functioning
<pompomJuice> until I unplug the device
<pompomJuice> I had the same issues with my SII
<pompomJuice> so I am wondering if it has anything to do with my carrier somehow because noone else has this problem
<pompomJuice> I remove ALL apps from the phone
<pompomJuice> run zero widgets
<LOADSABEER> doubt it's carrier related. what radio are you using?
<pompomJuice> the stock
<LOADSABEER> hmm weird
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<pompomJuice> never flashed a different radio
<pompomJuice> and the phone is scaly, I am doing adb logcat over wifi at work trying to catch a crash
<pompomJuice> but it wont crash while I am doing that
<pompomJuice> and then sometimes the phone works for a day or two
<pompomJuice> like this weekend it was pretty stable
<pompomJuice> then last night BAM it died with it my alarm hehe
<pompomJuice> the battery was fine so it does not look like something was spinning it's wheels and draining the battery
<pompomJuice> also scanning the forums for someone with the same issue but there are like a gazillion pages already
<xplodwild_work> pompomJuice: it's likely adb holds a wakelock
<xplodwild_work> so it won't sleep thus won't sod
<pompomJuice> basta
<pompomJuice> ok well I refuse to go back to stock. I just cant it's not hardcore enough. I will try and see what happnes when new ROMS are released and report when the problem has gone away.
<xplodwild_work> pompomJuice: i'll try to see if I can tweak WiFi driver to make it not crash
<xplodwild_work> and anyway it'll be fixed once samsung release their sources
<xplodwild_work> (unless they did crap and LPYish SoD too)
<pompomJuice> cool stuff
<pompomJuice> one thing I did notice though
<pompomJuice> I used to run juicedefender
<pompomJuice> Friday I removed it
<pompomJuice> and over the weekend the crashes were much less, in fact I only had 2
<pompomJuice> and JD does meddle with wifi turning it on and off all the time to look for hotspots
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<pompomJuice> and the phone usually crashes after I activate/deactivate it. And JD does all kinds of wifi enablings when you activate it
<pompomJuice> and for completeness, what I did with the phone was. Buy -> run for a week -> zerg rush -> flash CM9
<xplodwild_work> pompomJuice: yeah according to the few kmsgs I had, some SOD are due to WiFi driver panic'ing when phone goes in sleep mode
<xplodwild_work> well, when driver is meant to go in sleep mode
<pompomJuice> aah
<pompomJuice> that could be it because if am pretty sure after I removed JD things were much better
<pompomJuice> and JD enables wifi as you activate the device
<xplodwild_work> now I'm running WiFi all day long and never had any sod
<pompomJuice> and I usually activate then something distracts me then I deactivate then 10 minutes later the phone died
<xplodwild_work> might depend on network security or channel or whatever
<pompomJuice> yea our wifi here at work is pretty shit because we are in a technodork part with all kinds of wifi raping the channels
<pompomJuice> park*
<pompomJuice> ok cool but it is being looked at
<pompomJuice> thats good
<xplodwild_work> yup
<pompomJuice> CM9 is the shizz I dont want antyhing else
<xplodwild_work> I'll be taking a look this week as I finally have some time
<pompomJuice> im happy
<pompomJuice> awesome
<pompomJuice> by the way I went to that opendesign website
<pompomJuice> I cant find an obvious install button
<Espenfjo> It doesnt exist yet
<Parth> lawl
<xplodwild_work> FAQ states it's being developed
<pompomJuice> lol
<pompomJuice> aah ok
<pompomJuice> I want it hehe
<pompomJuice> pretty brave project too, I'm impressed
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<xplodwild_work> this makes me think I have to open up a thread about this on xda
<xplodwild_work> and I have to update it with the latest features we have
<xplodwild_work> and since I do so much things at work, I'll think of a way we can do our community-driver odVoice
<xplodwild_work> driven*
<pompomJuice> pretty hectic hobby indeed
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<Sil> @supported
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<StNick> Yay for CM9 nightly submission!
<StNick> :D
<xplodwild_work> ;)
<StNick> Any idea when we'll see the first nightly?
<xplodwild_work> if everything goes fine, one should come tomorrow I think
<StNick> Fantastic.
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<Espenfjo> datagutt: Meizu MX MIUI 4.0 info http://t.co/8c1Ut6sZ
<Espenfjo> :P
<datagutt> i signed up ithink
<Karbowiak> wtf
<Karbowiak> Meizu MX is going to use MIUI?
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<datagutt> no
<datagutt> MIUI is creating a rom for MX
<Karbowiak> oh
<datagutt> (and someone gave me access to beta)
<Karbowiak> would rather someone took FlyMe and ported to GS2 tbh
<datagutt> Yeh
<datagutt> FlyMe would look nice on sgs2
<datagutt> resolution might be problem though
<Karbowiak> res isn't that much different tho
<Karbowiak> 960x540 vs 800 by, uh..
<Karbowiak> something
<Karbowiak> lol
<datagutt> Hm yeh
<datagutt> someone tried porting it to some other phone like a year ago
<datagutt> but they had a really old firmware
<Karbowiak> afaik the ICS version of it is out
<sh4z> I'm coding :D
<datagutt> the latest is available in zip now so should be easier
<sh4z> g'day fellas
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<datagutt> Karbowiak: the ICS version is not out until june
<datagutt> theres 4.0 released but its stock/aosp
<Karbowiak> i think i saw it linked somewhere, oh well
<datagutt> android 4.0 is out for it, flyme 1.0 or whatever is not
<Karbowiak> oh
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<xplodwild> got my TF300
<xplodwild> but battery totally empty
<Assid> hrmm whats the big deal about the siyah kernel ?
<zcat> First time I've downloaded a ROM nightly while it's in the middle of being uploaded... http://get.cm/?device=captivatemtd is 70% uploaded.
<zcat> Ctrl-C. wget -c blah
<zcat> Assid, it's got electrolytes?
<DuperMan> woooo second to watch n7000
<DuperMan> will galaxys2 finally bec... nevermind :)
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<datagutt> zcat: Brawndo - It's what plants crave
<zcat> you know it
<zcat> water's for sissies
<datagutt> water is what you use in a toilet!
<datagutt> and have you ever seen plants grow out of a toilet?
<bbqbot> derp
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<datagutt> derp indeed
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<DuperMan> ^ yes
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<Vetch> g'morning
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<kambing> hello
<Vetch> sup
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<kambing> can any one help me im just brick my note gt-n7000 from Criskelo ICS ROM to CyanogenMod 9 buil 7..........
<Vetch> define brick
<Vetch> and what exactly did you do
<kambing> yup
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<Vetch> ...
<kambing> now no respon
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<Vetch> just get to the details already
<Vetch> although from your statement i can already guess you never followed instructions
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<addi> kambing, DETAILS, NAO
<Vetch> [13:30] <kambing> can any one help me im just brick my note gt-n7000 from Criskelo ICS ROM to CyanogenMod 9 buil 7.......... << WHICH PART OF FLASH A GB ROM FIRST DID YOU NOT READ ?
<Vetch> but anyway... details or you will have a brick for a very long time
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<Vetch> addi guess he likes his brick? LOL
<addi> well, the Note does make for a very good brick. xD
<Devourz> lol
<Vetch> hehe my note would make a good brick :P unfortunately for builders everywhere im not stupid enough to llet that happen
<addi> around 175g of pure brick, with a big screen to check your hair :p
<Devourz> paper weight
<kambing> i just follow tutorial http://rootgalaxynote.com/
<Vetch> which tutorial
<Vetch> ok im losing patience now
<Devourz> next time follow xda thread better
<Devourz> i hate using some 3rd sites for stuff thats taken off xda dev
<Devourz> lol
<Vetch> the tutorial you use doesnt matter
<kambing> first im rooted my phone http://rootgalaxynote.com/galaxy-note-root/how-to-root-galaxy-note-gt-n7000-method-2odinheimdall/ then i flash Criskelo ICS ROM v3 all work ....it happen when i flash update-cm-9.0.0-galaxynote-xplodwild-build7.zip
<Vetch> as long as the info in it is 1) correct
<Vetch> and 2) followed exactly
<kambing> in recory mode
<kambing> update-cm-9.0.0-galaxynote-xplodwild-build7.zip size 134.02MB....
<Vetch> ok so that tutorial gets you on a rooted GB rom with abyss kernel
<Vetch> then what did you do?
<Vetch> how did you get criskelos?
<Vetch> and WHY oh WHY did you flash cm9 from it rather than from GB like xplodwild specifically says in his post
<kambing> im flash rom Criskelo ICS ROM
<Vetch> with CWM?
<Vetch> mobile odin
<Vetch> pc odin?
<bbqbot> derp
<Vetch> how did u get it
<Vetch> jeez
<kambing> pc odin
<addi> first rule: keep a stock ROM ready to flash with ODIN if your phone stops responding ;)
<kambing> but i hv install mobile odin
<Vetch> second rule, only flash stock roms with pc ODIN
<Karbowiak> thought mobile odin was a big no no?
<Vetch> Karbowiak for what?
<Karbowiak> everything
<Karbowiak> lol
<Vetch> ive used mobile odin for everything
<Vetch> never had a hiccup
<Karbowiak> i see
<Karbowiak> maybe i should reevaluate
<Vetch> the apparent 'no no's are
<Vetch> CWM with an ICS kernel
<kambing> any solution
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<addi> Note's CM9 requires everything to be GB, right?
<addi> other ICS ROMs require that Chainfire repack afaik
<Vetch> kambing we still dont know what your phone is doing
<cuco> @supported
<Vetch> addi: theres a few now based off LPY so no need for repack
* cuco is using it wrong apparently
<Vetch> however yes CM9 should be flashed from a GB kernel
<addi> oh, that ROM that's bricking SD cards? :D
<addi> right now, he should just flash a GB ROM through ODIN, get CWM, flash CM9
<Vetch> the LPY isnt bricking sd cards
<addi> wiping data on CWM when on LPY is?
<addi> i didn't really understand what exactly the problem was :D
<Vetch> <addi> wiping data on CWM when on LPY is? << dangerous
<Vetch> the bricking problem
<Vetch> is due to cwm and ics kernels
<Vetch> they dont seem to play nice right now
<Vetch> stock LPY (ics kernel) is fine
<Vetch> cm9 kernel is also fine
<addi> ah, okay
<Vetch> kambing can you get into download mode ?
<bbqbot> derp
<kambing> vetch Abyss Kernel dont work with CWM ?
<Vetch> abyss kernel is a GB kernel
<Vetch> works fine with CWM
<Vetch> for a GB ROM
<kambing> i`m try too ,use 3 combo key not work
<Vetch> does the screen come on at all?
<Vetch> lights on soft buttons?
<pompomJuice> I don't understand, why does last_kmsg not contain any datetimes?
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<kambing> i forget , while i`m flsh cwm in recory mod sudenly my phone goes blank ....
<Vetch> HA
<kambing> no lights at all
<Vetch> was that during flashing criskelo or cm9 ?
<kambing> from criskelo to cm9
<Vetch> so cause of using cwm in an ics kernel then
<Vetch> there are millions of posts about NOT doing that
<Vetch> CM9 instructions also say
<Vetch> then use CWM from that GB ROM to flash cm9
<kambing> hahha...so my phone dead..
<Vetch> sounds like it
<Vetch> you could try download mode
<Vetch> even if the screen is off
<Vetch> and try ODIN with a stock gb rom
<Vetch> but if that dooesnt work then your probably gonna have to hope you can get samsung to repair it
<kambing> i have try ..with 3 combo key not working.
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<FreaKai> hi
<Vetch> but if you flashed criskelo using odin also you may have increased binary counter and if samsung see that then you will have no warranty
<kambing> no respon from computer
<Vetch> hi FreaKai
<Vetch> power/home/vol down
<Vetch> remember to press vol up after about 8 seconds
<FreaKai> just one question: i am wondering if there are new Samsung Galaxy Note builds since BUILD #7 - 2012/05/07?
<kambing> i try
<Vetch> FreaKai not yet
<Vetch> this week maybe if xplodwild gets time
<FreaKai> hmm ok. whats the reason? the new LPY?
<bbqbot> derp
<Vetch> hes been busy i guess
<Vetch> so hasnt had a chance to do any moer builds
<Vetch> but he said last night that hes going to try get a new build this week
<FreaKai> ok. thats a good reason ;-)
<FreaKai> the stock ICS rom for note has horrible battery time
<Vetch> the stock ics for note is horrible
<Vetch> nothing more needs to be said
<FreaKai> i only getting 13 hours... with GB it was 30 hours
<Vetch> theres lag/bad battery/bad modem with wifi droppping
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<FreaKai> ok :-) then its not me
<FreaKai> thx
<Vetch> not to mention s memo hasnt even fixed its biggest issue
<pompomJuice> does anyone here know about a link that can explain what lst_kmsg is, when is it populated, anything really?
<Vetch> no idea pompomJuice
<Vetch> try google?
<pompomJuice> I have
<pompomJuice> its like the most important file
<pompomJuice> that has no information on it
<pompomJuice> I just want to know
<pompomJuice> when is it generated
<pompomJuice> only when the phone crashes
<pompomJuice> when you reboot
<pompomJuice> what?
<Vetch> i have no idea
<pompomJuice> I cant find anything
<Vetch> try askig later when some more people are around they may be able to answer
<pompomJuice> sigh
<pompomJuice> will do
<Vetch> FreaKai you currently running cm9b7 ?
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<FreaKai> nope
<FreaKai> i am running stock ics :-(
<Vetch> blah lol
<Vetch> stock kernel i hope
<Vetch> not cf-root
<FreaKai> yes
<Vetch> good
<FreaKai> with this note i nevr rootet lol
<Vetch> at least you are being safe
<Vetch> rooting is fine
<Vetch> just be careful of these ICS kernels with CWM
<FreaKai> i flashed only stock roms
<FreaKai> so no bad kernel
<Vetch> flash gb stock kka use zergrush
<Vetch> flash cm9
<Vetch> proffit
<Vetch> :D
<FreaKai> ok
<Vetch> hehe
<FreaKai> the cm9b7 is fine?
<Vetch> depends if the known issues bother you
<FreaKai> the kernel too
<Vetch> but the kernel is safe
<FreaKai> i can live with the issues
<FreaKai> what i need is battery time
<Vetch> i can walk you through the entire process if u need help
<Vetch> you have no s memo/s note with cm9
<Vetch> be warned
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<Vetch> :P
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<FreaKai> thats ok... my problem is that i dont have internet at home cause i moved last week
<FreaKai> i am at the work now
<FreaKai> here i cant flash
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<FreaKai> so i have to wait :-(
<Vetch> but you can grab the files you need while your there?
<FreaKai> yes
<FreaKai> stock gb, zergrush
<Vetch> ok so you will need...
<Vetch> yea or a pre rooted stock gb
<DuperMan> memo can be installed
<Vetch> memo is not s memo
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<DuperMan> neither is much good, SBM got a pressure sensitivity update today though
<FreaKai> dont need s memo
<Vetch> so yeah u need: stock gb, zergrush and cf root kernel, cm9b7, gapps signed
<DuperMan> hopefully by the next update it'll work with the android framework => with cm9
<FreaKai> ok
<Vetch> and the flash process is like this...
<DuperMan> what a list. no odin?
<bbqbot> derp
<Vetch> flash stock gb > wipe data/cache > zerg rush > reboot into CWM and flash cm9 zip > flash gapps while still in recovery > wipe data/cache/dalvik cache > and reboot
<Vetch> DuperMan i assume if hes already flashed stock roms before he already has odin
<FreaKai> i have odin
<Vetch> ^^
<FreaKai> which stock gb rom?
<DuperMan> vetch - looking what zergrush is ><
<FreaKai> directly rootable?
<DuperMan> besides starcraft
<Vetch> i use KKA stock rom
<Vetch> which is directly rootable with zergrush
<Vetch> DuperMan~: zergrush is the rooting exploit
<DuperMan> oh yeah. ehm... why not cfroot 5.3 for gb?
<Vetch> [14:13] <Vetch> so yeah u need: stock gb, zergrush and cf root kernel, cm9b7, gapps signed
<FreaKai> kka (switzerland)?
<Vetch> hold on
<FreaKai> k
<Vetch> N7000XXKKA_N7000XEUKK3_N7000XXKK5_HOME.tar.md5
<DuperMan> CF-Root-SGN_XX_OXA_LC1-v5.3-CWM5 this worked great for me, can't see why you'll wanna root before cfroot roots
<DuperMan> and either's moot after flashing cm9 from cwm
<Vetch> cf root uses the zergrush exploit
<Vetch> to gain temporary root in order to inject the cf root kernel
<DuperMan> o_o good on it, but the cm9 cwm flashable archive replaces all it's things anyway
<Vetch> except modem
<Vetch> but you need a working CWM to flash cm9
<DuperMan> yeah, and partition table's gotten from the stock rom
<Vetch> and the only safe CWM at the moment are GB based
<DuperMan> no need for zergrush standalones of any kind
<DuperMan> that and cm9 with the ics pit wasn't hot for me
<DuperMan> :)
<Vetch> zergrush/cf root is only used to gain root+cwm from stock gb rom
<Vetch> its not needed after that
<DuperMan> I missed that and just used odin :)
<pompomJuice> Just to be clear here. Where does the kernel resize? Inside the CM9 flash or not?
<pompomJuice> reside*
<Vetch> which kernel?
<Vetch> the cm9 kernel is in the cm9 zip file
<pompomJuice> the OS kernel
<pompomJuice> ok
<pompomJuice> so can you flash a seperate kernel if you wanted too?
<bbqbot> derp
<Vetch> erm
<DuperMan> ^ but don't
<Vetch> after u mean?
<pompomJuice> like for example the new ICS stock is out so I want that kernel with CM9?
<Vetch> yea but i wouldnt
<Vetch> no you dont
<Vetch> you want cm9 kernel with cm9
<pompomJuice> yea I know
<pompomJuice> I was wondering
<pompomJuice> I understand linux pretty well
<Vetch> its possible
<pompomJuice> but they changed the driod
<Vetch> just not recommended
<pompomJuice> droid*
<Vetch> or even sure if it will actually work
<Vetch> but you may change it and try if you like
LOADSABEER|lunch is now known as LOADSABEER
<pompomJuice> well I was not planning on doing that
<Vetch> hehe
<pompomJuice> I was just wandering if it was possible
<pompomJuice> so that I can understand how everything fits together
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<Vetch> well cm9 is open source kernel
<Vetch> not sure how much of it is based on stock
<FreaKai> vetch where ca i download N7000XXKKA_N7000XEUKK3_N7000XXKK5_HOME.tar.md5
<FreaKai> can ypu plz provide a link :-)
<FreaKai> would be nice!
<Vetch> hold on ill find you a link
<Paul_> nebkat|beer: your newest Change doesn't work
<pompomJuice> I'm highly annoyed that I can use little of my linux knowledge to debug android even though the two are the same?
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<LOADSABEER> good news that galaxy note cm9 submitted for dailies :D
<DuperMan> +1
<DuperMan> :D
<Vetch> weeeeeeeee
<Vetch> looks like ill be updating a lot
<Vetch> lol
<DuperMan> now rom manager app should stop calling it sgs2
<LOADSABEER> never use rom manager app :/
<pompomJuice> that is good news :D
* DuperMan is flashing fourth or fifth time today
<LOADSABEER> does rom managers features work on note?
<LOADSABEER> not used it since i had my desire hd
<DuperMan> half half. it mixes the sdcards up
<LOADSABEER> ah ok, when i load it, it says i dont have cwm recovery installed...
<DuperMan> manually override I guess.. tell if it says you have a sgs2, and don't rely on it for anything atm :P
<pompomJuice> quick question: Holding down power and home = Reset?
<DuperMan> just power for long long time
<pompomJuice> aah ok
<pompomJuice> my phone just crashed again. Will the last_kmsg only contain info on the last crash or all crashes or what?
<pompomJuice> sod
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<alex3305> @downloads Samsung Galaxy Note
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<DuperMan> @supported
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<chipyy> hi
<chipyy> anybody here?
<bbqbot> derp
<Vetch> @supported
<Vetch> doh
<chipyy> vetch in CWM advanced-batery status wipe
<chipyy> is this same as battery calibration?
<Vetch> im not sure on that, never used it, not found any need
<Vetch> i would assume it resets the battery to recalibrate
<chipyy> ok
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<chipyy> According to my personal experience, whenever you flash a rom which is basically different from the one you are going to remove, it is useful to wipe the battery stats and charge the phone to its full capacity. This is generally valid for all the android phones.
<chipyy> google knows everything:D
<Vetch> haha
<Vetch> ive never neede to wipe
<peterperfect> hello
<Vetch> and battery has always been fine
<Vetch> hi again peterperfect
<Vetch> lol
<chipyy> at me isnt :D
<chipyy> battery is going a little to fast :D
<Vetch> which rom ?
<chipyy> cm9
<Vetch> note ?
<chipyy> the latest version
<chipyy> nop
<chipyy> it is to big :D
<chipyy> S2
<Vetch> ah lol
<Vetch> no experience with it on sgs2
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<chipyy> aha :D
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<chipyy> you have note or what?
<Vetch> yea i have note
<Vetch> my mum has a sgs2
<Vetch> but ive not played with roms on it or anything
<chipyy> aha :D
<Vetch> havent even rooted it lol
<Vetch> she doesnt really need root/roms etc
<Vetch> she just makes calls, browses web and facebook lol
<chipyy> too good for her :D
<Vetch> lol
<chipyy> better you buy something cheaper for her :D
<Vetch> haha
<chipyy> my brother is 12 years old
<Vetch> she got it on contract
<chipyy> and he wants htc one
<chipyy> x or s
<Vetch> haha
<chipyy> i dont know exactly
<Vetch> no point
<chipyy> he is fucking stupid
<Vetch> too much power
<chipyy> yes
<chipyy> and fother will buy it
<chipyy> he is more stupid than brother
<Vetch> quad core... yea lets add more cores that we dont use
<chipyy> just me and mom are smart :D
<chipyy> jp
<Vetch> and while were at it lets use a small battery
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<chipyy> S2, simply the best for 4 years , it must work fine
<DuperMan> ......... STFU
<chipyy> hehe
<DuperMan> @op DuperMan
<Vetch> ...... blow me
<chipyy> whats the matter duper
<Vetch> :D
* DuperMan kicks bbqbot in the nuts
<chipyy> didnt get milk from your mom at morning?
<bbqbot> derp
<chipyy> XD
<DuperMan> the silly misunderstanding of whether a device will still make calls and whether it'll perform at a pleasing overall manner in x months
<DuperMan> aha
<chipyy> is any php geek here?
<Vetch> if you want a solid phone that will mae calls for months/years get a green screen nokia LOL
<chipyy> jp :D
<chipyy> for my brother :D
<chipyy> and it will be immortal XD
<chipyy> bye bye
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<peterperfect> i hate gsm arena Vs. reviews
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<peterperfect> they never take a position
<peterperfect> always: its a matter of choice
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<h4rdco2e_> codeworkx: its a shame how long samsung needs to fix a battery bug. Samsung needs guys like you. You just need a logcat to fix a battery bug!
<DuperMan> peterperfect: isn't failure always an option?
<DuperMan> they're keeping it real
<DuperMan> peterperfect: what review irked you?
<DuperMan> also, my builds are imm76l. is that a thing or a misconfiguration?
<h4rdco2e_> DuperMan: The new build is just a change in the Nexus Kernel!
<Assid> waddup peeps
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e_: what? I use ocd superpowers to nearly have my device upstream :P
<h4rdco2e_> DuperMan: ohhh ;)
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<h4rdco2e_> nebkat|beer: what is with your Launcher Settings Change, it doesn't work!!
<DuperMan> I'd love tablet interface... might use brain for
<h4rdco2e_> DuperMan: how do you get it on your Phone, Cm9?
<peterperfect> DuperMan its idiotte, they do the review and se i9300 is FAR AWAY supperior to One X
<peterperfect> when comes to the concluions
<DuperMan> summady already doing that :)
<peterperfect> they say: theres no winner here, its a matter of choice
<peterperfect> get some balls and say which is better
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e_: cwm
<peterperfect> they always do this
<h4rdco2e_> DuperMan: link pls
<peterperfect> i think they just want to keep good relations with all the OEMs as they always get devices for testing
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<DuperMan> peterperfect: some people might prefer sirii lookalike bloat over a good phone
<DuperMan> matter of opinion really
<DuperMan> ^
<peterperfect> DuperMan i think you didnt get me
<peterperfect> they set parameters, standards for a review
<peterperfect> they review by topics
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e_: I'd rather not share my kangs, they'll be unsupported to the Nth
<peterperfect> specs, display, benchmarking, camera, software etc
<h4rdco2e_> DuperMan: Which phone do you use?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> one phone smokes the other on every single topic of analisys
<peterperfect> and when it comes to conclusions is always a matter of choice?
<DuperMan> peterperfect: I think you're right on the money but your accusation can be softened to 'they're being nice as they point at the poor kid and tell how poor it is'
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e_: note
<peterperfect> fuck that!
<DuperMan> well 'the verge'
<DuperMan> :P
<peterperfect> if you set standards so you can compare things, you must get to conclusions
<DuperMan> but they've sold out, and tbch, how can you not sell out in consumer electronics journalism?
<DuperMan> lol
<peterperfect> its stupid obvious that they always do same thing
<DuperMan> you see through it, as would anybody with a basic grasp of the field
<DuperMan> whereas someone without won't make hand or tails anyhow
<DuperMan> so.... ehm.... "yes, but that's life for you"?
<peterperfect> what?
<peterperfect> youre crazy
<DuperMan> it's worse by far in game reviews. CoD shouldv'e been ranked a 3.4 with a review summary along the lines of "I was sleeping by the first kill. been there, done that"
<DuperMan> *for the past couple of versions
<DuperMan> pentile is funky. ega style color blending but legitimately high res blacks
<DuperMan> :D
<peterperfect> yep..i dont dislike pentile
<DuperMan> btw, iDumb. read page nine of the article, got your point
<DuperMan> ><
<DuperMan> my Note must feel like that monster bird 'rodin' (spelling) did watching king kong fight godzilla
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> also, the very last sentence pretty much says "sg3 win but I'm hard for owning either for real"
<peterperfect> yep they are stupid
<peterperfect> as i said
<peterperfect> they want to keep good with all OEM
<DuperMan> that's not being stupid considering it's either that or shilling to an actual carrier/soon bankrupt office supplies chainstore
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<DuperMan> think 'gizmodo'
<peterperfect> so will never say: dont but this, buy that
<peterperfect> dude, i undestand they commercial motivation
<peterperfect> i just think this is not honest
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<peterperfect> feel like retarded to who is reading
<DuperMan> no, but will say 'you wink cough could cough wink buy that but here's this'
<DuperMan> think what a b**t***e it must be to write
<peterperfect> the thing is, if you have no isention to compare things, so you shouldnt do it
<peterperfect> its ugly
<peterperfect> keep 1 review for each phone
<peterperfect> and thats it
<peterperfect> if you compare you have to set position
<peterperfect> and dont matter how clear is the difference that they find on their own test
<peterperfect> they never pick a side
<peterperfect> they are doing it wrong
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<DuperMan> so... apples and oranges - no
<DuperMan> what's your take?
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<DuperMan> so... if apple wins beeter, any 90's pornsite admin gonna sue samsung over s pen?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> :D
<peterperfect> DuperMan are you on drugs?
<DuperMan> cusping on the third day of insomnia
<DuperMan> *better
<peterperfect> ok, you are on drugs
<peterperfect> Parth he is on drugs
<DuperMan> well, ritalin for my lazywiseassnonsequitoruttering disorder
<peterperfect> DuperMan its easier to understand a technical explanation from Entropy512 then to understand what you talking
<DuperMan> ironic. I was better off on drugs. and understand technical stuff more easily than I do most people.
<DuperMan> point: I shut up now
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<Mardos> entropay any luck with the new lpy kernel
<h4rdco2e_> DuperMan: Am I able to disable USB-Debugging without any problems?
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<peterperfect> h4rdco2e sgs2?
<h4rdco2e> peterperfect: yes
<peterperfect> yes..what problems are you afraid of?
<bbqbot> derp
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<h4rdco2e> peterperfect: I just ask because its default enabled and there is a reason why its enabled!
<peterperfect> usb debbuging only matter for adb and operations on download mode
<peterperfect> afaik
<peterperfect> you should have no problems at all on leaving it enabled
<h4rdco2e> peterperfect: maybe that was the problem why my UMS is soo fucking slow ~1mb/s
<h4rdco2e> not ~9mb/s as usually on Stock!
<peterperfect> h4rdco2e test it
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<h4rdco2e> peterperfect: no changes, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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<h4rdco2e> peterperfect: how fast is it on your S2?
<peterperfect> i trully dont know..even cause i usually stay with mtp
<DuperMan> fractal background+pentile=moires
romann is now known as romann|afk
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: yes, except for titanium backup bitching about it and no adb
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: Uninstalling Titanium Backup should help?
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<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: no
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: what them?
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: usb 1.1 or 1.0
<DuperMan> at least that's how it sounds
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<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: hm should I try my USB 3.0 Port?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> peterperfect: I have an idea
<h4rdco2e> bbqbot: Hm, do you think you are "cool" with your "derp"?
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<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: stfu, I fixxidit
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<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: I will stfu later but what do you mean with "fixxidit"?
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: I fixed it :P
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<nebkat|beer> just needs new nightly
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: Do you mean know the Launcher Settings problem?
nebkat|beer is now known as nebkat
<nebkat> h4rdco2e: yes
<nebkat> it isnt a fucking problem :P
<h4rdco2e> nebkat: sorry, but I just want to report it to you ;)
<DuperMan> it's yet another feature getting rammed down our roms :D
<nebkat> h4rdco2e: i know!!!
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<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: Now It is on the 3.0 Port still slow, maybe becoaus the SD-Card hm
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<h4rdco2e> nebkat: http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#/c/13306/ What is this?
<nebkat> h4rdco2e: navbar customization?
<h4rdco2e> nebkat: Navbar is still costumable
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: yeah, or media scanning heavily. is ums or mtp the slower one?
<nebkat> h4rdco2e: ?????
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: UMS is slower
<h4rdco2e> ~1-2mb/sec on stock GB ~9/s
<Espenfjo> fix it
<h4rdco2e> Espenfjo: less know-how
<h4rdco2e> nebkat: what is there for customization?
<nebkat> h4rdco2e: icons?
<nebkat> h4rdco2e: you are idiotte :P
<h4rdco2e> nebkat: WIfi and so one?
<nebkat> h4rdco2e: ????????????????????????????????
<nebkat> h4rdco2e: the navbar on nexus!!!!
<h4rdco2e> h4rdco2e: that was what I want to know!
<h4rdco2e> nebkat: that was what I want to know! thank you :)
<nebkat> idiotte :P
<h4rdco2e> sadly yes!
<h4rdco2e> How is the Google Galaxy Nexus launcher called?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: you using anything really dumb like dual mount?
<nebkat> h4rdco2e: ?!?!?!?!
<h4rdco2e> bbqbot: fuck you!
h4rdco2e was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [notnx]
<DuperMan> derplauncher:D
<DuperMan> plz
<nebkat> xplodwild: are you "official" note maintainer?
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<h4rdco2e> nebkat: I was thinking about the Nexus Stock launcher on ICS!
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: no single boot, newest nighly
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: you dont have the problem right?
<nebkat> h4rdco2e: the device has nothing to do with it????!?!?!?!?!
<nebkat> ididotte
<h4rdco2e> h4rdco2e: anyway on SGS2 it is called Touchwiz and on Nexus=
<DuperMan> devices are just slow resource lacking blockages in the way of good code
<DuperMan> :P
<nebkat> h4rdco2e: that has nothing to do with it :P
<nebkat> that is the rom
<DuperMan> no, they use trebeuchet. both.
<nebkat> the launcher is called launcher
<nebkat> or "launcher2" if you want to be specific
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<DuperMan> u srsly never asked your 'so it's called launcher, but why?'
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: hm, I think SGS2 is as good as Nexus, hardware side (without screen)
<DuperMan> yourself
<nebkat> DuperMan: ?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> without screen maybe, but not without trollworks
<nebkat> you are confusing me :P
<h4rdco2e> nebkat: trebuchet is based on Launcher2?
<nebkat> yes
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: both are running Cm9
<Vetch> trebuchet is awesome :P
<Vetch> lol
<DuperMan> nebkat: insomnia. I've been told it's like drugs.
<h4rdco2e> Vetch: true
<nebkat> Vetch: yep isnt it :D
<nebkat> DuperMan: I take drugs
<Vetch> for the short time i had stock ics on my note
<Vetch> i still installed trebuchet lol
<DuperMan> nebkat: so do I. insomnia made me so warped I managed to sound innocent
<DuperMan> :D
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [im lost right now]
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<DuperMan> you... installed... trebuchet.
<h4rdco2e> Vetch: very interesting how you you installed it?
<DuperMan> pushed the apk to /system/apps
<nebkat> if anyone wants to troll netchip
<nebkat> go to #hydrogenics
<nebkat> and spam it
<nebkat> or something
<nebkat> just annoy netchip :)
<nebkat> trolololololololo
<DuperMan> spam ain't trolling. telling 'n00bz go spam' is u trolling us
<h4rdco2e> netchip is mostly like codeworkx@cyanogenmod isnt it?
<DuperMan> O:
<nebkat> h4rdco2e: ?
* DuperMan prepares the trout
<h4rdco2e> the kernel, nebkat is mostly cyanogenmod kernel code
* DuperMan slaps h4rdco2e around a bit with a large trout
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<nebkat> h4rdco2e: no, he compiles his
<nebkat> so it comes up as different
<nebkat> but its same sauce
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: great knowledge
<h4rdco2e> nebkat: yeah, there just some small changes
* DuperMan took long since he compile his own trout
<DuperMan> 1. branch. 2. toggles (mess with) 3. XDA 4. ???????
<DuperMan> 5. PROFIT
comsat has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> #prefix @
<bbqbot> Prefix changed to @
<DuperMan> @op
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<nebkat> DuperMan: <3
<nebkat> DuperMan: hehehe
<DuperMan> you made me lose 3 inches
<DuperMan> :(
McFrog has quit [Quit: McFrog]
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<h4rdco2e> @deop nebkat
<bbqbot> h4rdco2e: You are not allowed to run that command!
<comsat> guys, any idea how to fix DSP Manager on Galaxy S2 ? Sound is terribly distorted
<nebkat> comsat: dont use it?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> but beats headpho... no, just don't
<h4rdco2e> bbqbot: dont say me for what I'm not allowed!
<DuperMan> ^
* DuperMan reloads the trout
<comsat> i can always stop using it - was wondering if there's any way to fix it cause if working properly - it's quite great
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<DuperMan> a. no equalizer is great, ever, unless you create shit or know how to configure a set for a room
<nebkat> netchip fails at jokes :P
<nebkat> nebkat is an annoying troll :: We made a second name for nebkat: trollkat
<h4rdco2e> bbqbot: @kick me
<nebkat> hilarious </sarcasm>
<nebkat> @kick h4rdco2e ktnx
h4rdco2e was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [ktnx]
<nebkat> off to eat
h4rdco2e has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> then study
<nebkat> ttyl
<DuperMan> b. wait for better audio drivers. shouldn't it play nice with alsa?
<DuperMan> no? it's fail
comsat has quit [Client Quit]
<h4rdco2e> nebkat: are you be able to kick yourself?
<DuperMan> 2x as witty as netchip
<nebkat|beer> @kick nebkat|beer why not?
<bbqbot> nebkat|beer: You are not allowed to run that command!
<nebkat> @kick nebkat why not?
nebkat was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [why not?]
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nebkat is now known as nebkat|beer
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: nice ;=
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<nebkat|beer> netchips bot fails soo much
<nebkat|beer> it can kick anyone with @bomb
<nebkat|beer> so im kicking netchip xD
<peterperfect> ok
<peterperfect> we got the most hated commit ever
<peterperfect> and this is the longest commit ever
* peterperfect is the commit spy
<DuperMan> -_-
netchip has joined #teamhacksung-support
<netchip> thanks for unbanning nebkat|beer
<nebkat|beer> ?
<LOADSABEER> hi netchip
<nebkat|beer> how did he get in?
<peterperfect> nebkat|beer $319 eur so fart
<peterperfect> far
<DuperMan> why did you unban nebkat|beer nebkat|log? he kicks nebkat all the nebtime
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat|beer> peterperfect: as long as I get my note!
<peterperfect> you cant get note..xplod is developing for it
<nebkat|beer> orly?
<peterperfect> kernel haxxory
<nebkat|beer> he said hed gief it to meh
<peterperfect> realy
<peterperfect> really
<peterperfect> he is lying
<h4rdco2e> peterperfect: for what does derp stand for?
<peterperfect> @google derp
peterperfect was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [I dont want to live on this plannet any more :'(]
<bbqbot> Derp - Memebase - http://derp.memebase.com/
peterperfect has joined #teamhacksung-support
<peterperfect> shit
<peterperfect> @google derp
<bbqbot> Derp - Memebase - http://derp.memebase.com/
<peterperfect> h4rdco2e click and be happy
<DuperMan> dead end ridiculous person
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: herp-a-derp
<DuperMan> herp is he-man role playing, was hugeeeee in the eighties
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: I want to have a synonym for derp ;)
<netchip> hi LOADSABEER
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: what is ELECTRON_BEAM_ANIMATION_ON
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: STOP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!
<DuperMan> it's but a siple thing. it is what it is.
netchip has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<DuperMan> xD
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: Asking is a part of trolling ;)
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<DuperMan> trolling is luving
<peterperfect> nebkat|beer fix electronbeam
<peterperfect> its your commit
<peterperfect> you fix it
<h4rdco2e> what is the ELECTRON_BEAM_ANIMATION O.o
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<DuperMan> it can't be an animation meant to resemble an electron beam can it?
xenos has joined #teamhacksung-support
<xenos> hello all
<xenos> is there any news wwith respect to CM9 for note
<xenos> ???
<h4rdco2e> Is h4rdco2e stupid or just asking too many questions? 37.4% lines contained a question!
<h4rdco2e> The loudest one was h4rdco2e, who yelled 10.3% of the time!
<h4rdco2e> ze_doido didn't know that much either. 26.1% of his/her lines were questions.
<h4rdco2e> haha?
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<h4rdco2e> addi: you wrote about me, on irc.blamesamsung.org
Devourz has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<addi> i did? What? :O
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> bbqbot, <3
<h4rdco2e> addi: ah it wasn't you but you yelled 9,5% of the time
<addi> yes, that's odd. me no yell
<addi> me only bring happiness
<addi> me only bring love
<addi> me only bring XXX
<h4rdco2e> I was asking questions for 27,8%, how did irc.blamesamsung.com know this?
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<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: because you have a ? at the end of every fucking sentence :P
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: good point, this would be the great statistic, right?
<addi> nebkat|beer, damn you, why did you tell him? Him asking why he's on the list is another reason he's on the list :p
<h4rdco2e> addi: I am often on this list
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<DuperMan> so....
<DuperMan> what does 'Mod' stand for?
<dabear> modification
<dabear> moderator
<dabear> depends
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: I blame it's scary contextual language parser i.e artificial intelligence's reading ability
<DuperMan> so it's cyanogenmod cause the guy from teh matrix was a moderator for his generation??
<DuperMan> soooooooo cool!
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<GuineaPiet> is it worth upgrading to a new GApps version?
<bbqbot> derp
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<xenos> is there any new updates for cm 9
<xenos> for thw note
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<datagutt> [19:28:13] <datagutt> trolooololollo
<datagutt> [19:28:24] netchip|away sets mode +b *!*datagutt@*unaffiliated/datagutt
<datagutt> [19:28:24] netchip|away kicked datagutt from the channel. (datagutt)
<datagutt> haha
<datagutt> that was fast
<datagutt> wait
<datagutt> nebkat|beer
<datagutt> what bot does he use?
<datagutt> did he kang ours?
<nebkat|beer> nah
<datagutt> ah
romann|afk is now known as romann
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<peterperfect> codeworkx Y U NO MERGE clock widget?
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<JakeSays> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
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<JakeSays> hmm. so none of those devices are tablets, are they?
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<caselven> hello\
<caselven> i would like to ask is the development of CM9 for galaxy note has stopped
<caselven> why there is no updates since may 7th
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<JakeSays> caselven: rumor has it someone is working on it
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<caselven> so when would we get the rom
<_pompomJuice> there are nightly build now
<_pompomJuice> uuh
<_pompomJuice> yea
<_pompomJuice> s*
<caselven> what do u mean by nightly build
<_pompomJuice> load that one for your note
<_pompomJuice> not sure if it can do AT&T
<_pompomJuice> but international works
<_pompomJuice> I have already flashed it and its running sweet
<caselven> is it better than build 7
<caselven> ??
<_pompomJuice> well
<_pompomJuice> it will mostly be the same
<_pompomJuice> but so far I had hang issues with 7
<_pompomJuice> this one is still going
<_pompomJuice> I think it draws from the mainline development on CM9
<caselven> u suggest me to stay with build 7 or flash this build
<_pompomJuice> I don't think there are a lot of guys that can hack these things and they have day jobs too so it takes a while
<_pompomJuice> the general rule is if you dont have problems dont flash
<_pompomJuice> there wont be much of a difference
<_pompomJuice> unless someone says that there are major fixes or changes
<caselven> mmm i have a problem with viber and groove ip only
<caselven> they always crash
<_pompomJuice> have yoy tried to check the logs first?
<_pompomJuice> you*
<_pompomJuice> I doubt the nightly will fix that
<_pompomJuice> but you can try
<_pompomJuice> just flash and wipe dalvik and see what happens
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<_pompomJuice_> soz dc
<caselven> will the apps go away ???
<_pompomJuice_> no
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<_pompomJuice_> the phone keeps all its settings
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<_pompomJuice_> mmm thats interesting
<_pompomJuice_> both work and home died at the same time
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<caselven> thanks man ill try it
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<JakeSays> so whats the difference between the n7000 and i717?
<bbqbot> derp
<Parth> all teh things.
<nebkat|beer> JakeSays: derp
<Parth> xD
<Parth> trolls to teh rescue!
<JakeSays> wut?
<raymonddull> derp.
<Parth> derp
<JakeSays> i put the latest leaked at&t build on my note. its working well enough
<JakeSays> but i'd really like to build my own kernel
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<slgma> parth you a dev?
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<Parth> no
<nebkat|beer> hahaha
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<codeworkx> peterperfect: we're rewriting the whole deskclock
<codeworkx> peterperfect: takes some days
<peterperfect> codeworkx awright
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<qwebirc32577> hi people, i have a question
<qwebirc32577> are antutu test reliable?
<JakeSays> hmm. apparently there's not much difference between the n7000 and i717
<caselven> another question plz
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<JakeSays> caselven: its rude to ask to ask a question.
<caselven> i have switched to tablet mode
<caselven> but there is an empty spaces in the application menu
<caselven> is there a way to fill the window
<caselven> or add number of apps
<caselven> ??
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<caselven> is there a way to increase the number of apps per row and columns in CM9 galaxy note in the application mernu
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<caselven> is there a way to increase the number of apps per row and columns in CM9 galaxy note in the application mernu
<caselven> is there a way to increase the number of apps per row and columns in CM9 galaxy note in the application mernu
<caselven> is there a way to increase the number of apps per row and columns in CM9 galaxy note in the application mernu
<Parth> not yet
<Parth> depends on when trebuchet gets that feature
<Parth> until then, wait
<peterperfect> Parth die :P
<Parth> well it was annoying
<caselven> is there any app that would do it
<caselven> ???
<bbqbot> derp
<Vetch> now now
<peterperfect> im kidding, don die..i like you
<Parth> <3
<peterperfect> caselven there are a lot of launcher on the playstore
<Vetch> get go launcher...
<caselven> i dont like launchers]
<Vetch> lol
<peterperfect> ahahahaha
<peterperfect> caselven so you wont get what you need
<Vetch> Trebuchet > any launcher
<caselven> i just want to make apps fills application menu
<peterperfect> need = want
<Vetch> :D
<Vetch> and the launcher is what makes that menu
<Vetch> :/
<caselven> whats the best dpi to have
<Parth> the default
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<Vetch> whichever u like to use
<Vetch> lol
<Parth> >_>
<nebkat|beer> THE DEFAULT
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<Parth> if you change your DPI then don't ask questions here. kthnx.
<Vetch> whats so bad about changing dpi ?
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<Vetch> even tho mine is on default
FaultInception has quit [Client Quit]
<Parth> it causes ALL TEH PROBLEMZ
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<Parth> k
<Igashu> mmm
<Igashu> just finished max payne 3, ready for teh diabloz :)
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Got any idea why camera started working all of a sudden? :-D
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: not really
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: the omx device nodes we're missing
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: dunno if they came magically up xD
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i think you're fucking happy now?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Sure? lol
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: It doesn't feel right that I'm not flashing something now. xD
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: did you notice any other problems so far?
BrandoHD has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Well, the capacitive buttons still don't light up
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: that should be pretty easy
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: maybe i'll have a look at it tomorrow
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: in about 30 minutes i'll loose my life for diablo 3
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: That's pretty much it. Everything else is just UI lag here and there.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Have fun :D
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: you could gimme a log for the lights
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: So do I just use the buttons and then get a logcat?
<peterperfect> codeworkx youre a famous guy..your advertising profits
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: ls -la -R /sys/class/sec
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: ls -la -R /sys/class/backlight
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: ls -la -R /sys/class is probably better :-D
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: http://pastebin.com/AHkesBt9
romann is now known as romann|afk
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<qwebirc44566> Hello, I needed help with usb storage on te i777
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: hmmm. wanna test something? :-D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Absolutely :-D
qwebirc44566 is now known as selali
FaultException has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<selali> Am I asking in the wrong place?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: and then reboot
<selali> anyone?
peterperfect has quit [Quit: I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not too sure.]
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: They light up now, but they won't go off until the phone goes into sleep.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: And the other thing I forgot to mention is that the vibration is much lower compared to stock.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: np, will fix it with sources
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: The vibration?
<codeworkx> yes
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Ah.
<nebkat|beer> codeworkx:
<nebkat|beer> do you know how to set up an ssh socks proxy with auth?
<codeworkx> nebkat|beer: google
<nebkat|beer> codeworkx: I tried
<nebkat|beer> there is nothing
<nebkat|beer> NOTHING
<tat-> ssh -D1080 yourserver ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Parth> derp
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: The file you just sent me broke brightness adjustments lol
<nebkat|beer> tat-: I have that
<nebkat|beer> tat-: but it doesnt set up auth
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: oh nice :-D
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: we'll do it tomorrow
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: get the old file from the zip and push it back
<tat-> nebkat|beer: theres no support for auth, use something other then ssh if you need it
<nebkat|beer> damn :P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Alright. Good night.
<nebkat|beer> tat-: how do I restore ssh -f?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: good night :-)
BHD has joined #teamhacksung-support
<tat-> not sure, kill it? :)
<nebkat|beer> eh :P
<tat-> did you start ssh with -D listening on a public ip in the background? :)
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<Vetch> hmmm to flash nightlie build do i need to wipe etc or just flash and wipe cache ?
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<megapinky> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
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<peterperfect> well...everything quiet
<peterperfect> people must be playing diablo
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<Vetch> wish i was
<Vetch> lol
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<MrKancho> sup guys?
<MrKancho> could use a little help please.. I lost cwm, but I still have root.. can't install cwm via ROM Manager.. can't install a Kernel via Mobile Odin Pro.. anyone got any ideas?
<bbqbot> derp
rtfpessoa has quit [Quit: Instantbird 1.1]
<MrKancho> great. thanks.. -.-
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<JakeSays> man, i really cant stand all the crap at&t puts on my phone.
<JakeSays> you guys need to finish i717 support ! :D
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