nebkat|beer changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | IRC stats : | GIEF Teamhacksung Galaxy S3 FTW! .:.
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<DuperMan> hey Entropy512
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<raymonddull> sweet, when I open my keyboard, my screen flips upside down instead of sideways. stupid mogul
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<DuperMan> lawl
<DuperMan> my system volume still be stuck at 0
<DuperMan> should grep something and touch something
<DuperMan> but lazy and dumb:(
<Entropy512> grrr, I wish it were easier to figure out what pids are touching a given sysfs file
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<Entropy512> something keeps cranking the min cpufreq on Infuse up to 200 MHz
<Entropy512> but I can't figure out what
<DuperMan> Entropy512: srsly? kill it and see what grieves:D
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Aw man, my system UI sounds died again.
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: THAT
<DuperMan> system_volume keeps resetting to 0
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: No solutions?
<DuperMan> think I blame the headphone volume resetter + what I happened to be doing at the time
<raymonddull> well just be glad your gpu has more ram than I have normal ram
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: easy to fix if not *nix dumb like me
<DuperMan> raymonddull: phone or pc? both
<raymonddull> phone
<DuperMan> both
<raymonddull> 64mb ram ftw
<DuperMan> ~200 phone gpu nowadays
<DuperMan> 1.25gb pc gpu
<DuperMan> :)
<raymonddull> my phone has 64mb ram total
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<DuperMan> 2.25 if you count the physics card's ram
<raymonddull> -_-
<DuperMan> if you manage to dev on it I'm tempted to send you my hx4700 as a challenge
* raymonddull watches mogul boot up into froyo
<DuperMan> I love it to pieces, it deserves better than gathering dust here
<DuperMan> you game?
<raymonddull> hmm
<raymonddull> no
<DuperMan> k, thought you might like the challenge.
<DuperMan> hadn't any secret strings attached but yeah, too much of a bother for a 5 year late novelty
<DuperMan> :)
<raymonddull> nah this challenge right now is getting this thing functional enough to be a car music player
<DuperMan> that hx4700 already is :P with awesome wm6.5
<raymonddull> $15 a month unlimited data+pandora
<DuperMan> and a 32gb cf
<raymonddull> I have a 16gb microsd in it but it does recognize my 32gb card so I guess I could throw it in there
<raymonddull> and it had wm6.1 but its running froyo right now
<raymonddull> barely
<DuperMan> nice. google music here... started my xda groove with that device
<DuperMan> ever had a hx4700?
<raymonddull> no
<DuperMan> ruled the pda market for 4 bloody years until that market died:)
<DuperMan> an hp made by ye olde HTC
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<raymonddull> nice
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<DuperMan> yeah. so outdated though. can't believe it was a 2004 device
<DuperMan> it's specs lived 'till mid 2009~
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<strata> raymonddull: hi again.
<strata> raymonddull: i flashed the fascinate nightly to his showcase and it appears to have fixed the sms issue.
<raymonddull> yay
<strata> *228 still doesn't work though.
<strata> well. i'm not "sure" if it works or not.
<raymonddull> afaik its not supposed to work
<strata> well. alltel says "your activation is now complete", but then the phone says "activation problem" and the radio shuts off
<raymonddull> as long as sms works, its good.
<raymonddull> yeah, thats normal
<raymonddull> its because the radio is getting the new settings, cm freaks out that the radio firmware just shut down
<strata> did it still get all the ota though?
<raymonddull> yup
<strata> ah ok that's kinda what i was thinking
<strata> i wish android was just android and the carriers and device manufacturers didn't have to add their own ingredients
<raymonddull> you and me both
<strata> like Blur
<strata> i need blur for my camera and hdmi and other things to work properly
<raymonddull> eww
<strata> cm7 pretty much gave up on droid x because of the radio crashing probs
<strata> no video playback either
<strata> it was horrible
<raymonddull> thats what happens when you're forced to use a motorola kernel
<strata> i was willing to not have a camera and go without youtube
<raymonddull> an outdated one at that
<raymonddull> afaik everything works on fascinate/showcase
<strata> it's not a motorola kernel per se
<strata> motorola actually open sourced everything
<strata> you can pull their stuff off git
<raymonddull> yes but it won't boot with anything other than their kernel
<raymonddull> locked bootloader
<strata> incorrect
<raymonddull> 2ndinit still uses their kernel
<strata> it will boot whatever you want as long as they sign it
<raymonddull> ok...
<strata> but you're also slightly out of the loop on the whole bootloader thing :)
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<raymonddull> out of the loop/ out of the caring
<strata> some guys have successfully run custom kernels on moto phones now
<raymonddull> I gave up on motorola when the cliq got eclair
<strata> my understanding of how it works is they're using 2nd init as usual but instead of using it to load a new rom, they load module into moto's kernel to enable kexec and then use that to execute a custom kernel
<strata> since the bootloader has already verified a valid moto kernel, there's no more checks and the new kernel is free to run
<strata> thus rendering the locked bootloader irrelevant
<strata> it's very interesting stuff. albiet way too late in the game
<strata> had they come up with this kexec stuff like 3-4 years ago, it would have stopped all efforts to unlock the bootloader
<raymonddull> yeah definitely to both parts, interesting and way too late
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<strata> however. afaik the new droid's have locked bootloaders
<strata> so i suspect kexec+2nd init becoming a major part in the near future
<DuperMan> oh lovely. lost my settings database
<DuperMan> bootloop AWAY!
<strata> and we'll probably see alot of motorola hackers coming back into the scene
<raymonddull> yeah
<strata> lot's of the droid-x guys went to other brands because of the bootloader situation
<strata> but their hearts will always be with motos
<strata> i hope kexec rekindles the flame :)
<strata> because my droid-x is mad obsolete. but i wont get rid of it until i find something better. and i can't find anything better at the moment that's not motorola.
<strata> the showcase is a joke. it's like a wannabe iphone3. no offense.
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<strata> it just feels flimsy
<strata> i can't speak for any of their newer stuff because i haven't played with them.
<raymonddull> it feels flimsy but my fascinate has been through hell and back and it survived
<raymonddull> worst that happened to it was "falling" out of a moving car doing about 35mph
<strata> hahahah nice
<strata> i've dropped this motorola several times
<strata> so that's where i'm focusing my efforts
<strata> i'm thinking i'm going to jump on this kexec bandwagon and start experimenting with it
<strata> i have some arm development boards that can somewhat emulate the environment
<raymonddull> sounds like fun
<strata> should be enough to get a PoC that would be easily moved onto a real device
<strata> they make 2nd init sound so complicated
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<raymonddull> its to make them feel smarter.
<strata> lol yea
<strata> dude it's just ptrace
<strata> when i read the explanation of 2nd-init for the first time, it was like 'oh wow! ptrace? thats so oldschool'
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<strata> it's entirely possible that the carriers might either disable that syscall or something worse
<DuperMan> hmmmm... asqllite and ashell are teh suck for me
<DuperMan> deleted the database
<DuperMan> now android is sick
<DuperMan> :P but yeah, clicky sounds all around
<DuperMan> no lockscreen though
<DuperMan> :D
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<DuperMan> coolness. at least xbmc builds straight to program files now
<DuperMan> XD
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<meowsus> I'm trying to flash CM9 nightlies on my Galaxsy S2 Skyrocket and they are failing, can someone help me troubleshoot? I'm running stock 2.3.5, rooted and have CW recovery installed
<bbqbot> derp
<meowsus> Pretty preas
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<xal> anyone around to answer a quick question about known issues on CM9 for SGS2?
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<Entropy512> <meowsus> I'm trying to flash CM9 nightlies on my Galaxsy S2 Skyrocket and they are failing, can someone help me troubleshoot? I'm running stock 2.3.5, rooted and have CW recovery installed - um, no clue who is maintaining shitrocket, no one from teamhacksung I'm aware of
<Entropy512> don't try to flash I9100 or I777 builds - if you get past the asserts you'll hardbrick
<Entropy512> bedtime
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<meowsus> Entropy512, shitrocket. Sniff sniff.
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<teenvista> is theare any way to adjust vibration intensity in CM9?
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<Assid> @changelog sgs2
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<Assid> would kies work if your using cm9 ?
<nebkat> no
<nebkat> Assid: its @changelog galaxys2
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<nebkat> @changelog galaxys2
<Assid> not even the media library for syncing?
<gladiac1337> nope
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<Assid> slightly off topic.. im looking for something that is able to get id3 tags and find duplicates
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<Assid> anyone have any idea what can do this for me ?
<Assid> i just put together everything my friends had in the genre i listen.. but im pretty sure ive got alot of duplicates
<Assid> so i wanna take it in.. clean.. and export so i can burn my cds
<Assid> any suggestions
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<xplodwild_work> Assid: I'm sure some Music Library Manager software exists
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<Assid> would you know any?
<bbqbot> derp
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<AJ__> Hey all.
<AJ__> I have an SGN with stock 2.3.6 (unrooted).
<AJ__> If I want CM9, where do I get started?
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<DuperMan> AJ__: with the guide. or you could flash cf-root for cwm recovery then flash cm9 in recovery, like the guide says
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<Dragooon> DuperMan: What phone do you carry?
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<joarckk> anyone in line!!
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<DuperMan> Dragooon: Note
<Dragooon> I guess it's given you're on CM9
<DuperMan> pretty much. thought about porting cm7 for the hack of it but saw no reason
<Dragooon> I'd love to be on CM9 (I was on CM9 for the past month), but I love S-Note app :(
<DuperMan> it's no dealbreaker for me since I never got used to it. loving SBM and don't really do much note taking, though it's a shame onenote for android exist yet will probably never get wacom support like it's awesome desktop (?) couterpart
<Assid> hmm.. whatever happened to encore ?
<DuperMan> which is?
<DuperMan> :P
<Dragooon> It became a deal breaker for me after I tried it's formula recognition
<Dragooon> Physics has never been so easy :P
<DuperMan> dragoon: I'd drool but I'm spoiled enough to rely on my s7s for class xD
<DuperMan> still, getting it brother
<Assid> whats sbm
<Dragooon> What's S7s?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> series 7 slate
<Dragooon> Ah, nice
<Assid> hmm ok
<Dragooon> I don't have one :P
<DuperMan> i.e "the thing I'd never have bought had I heard about the Note a week sooner"
<DuperMan> ><
<DuperMan> wanna buy?
* Assid is happy with his sgs2
* DuperMan was happy with his sgs2, is happier with his note
<Assid> although highly annoyed witht he battery life
<Assid> its too big mate.. cant carry around int he pocket carefully
<Assid> or rather having to always be careful
<DuperMan> well somehow the note manages to waste just enough more power than the sgs2 to equal it in battery life
<DuperMan> with a nearly twice higher capacity battery
<DuperMan> :/
<Dragooon> How much you selling it for?
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<DuperMan> Dragooon: the slate? 600$ and you get my dignity for free
<Assid> i just bought myself a rechargable battery pack
<Dragooon> DuperMan: With shipping?
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<DuperMan> Dragooon: nah, I'm not too sure I really want to sell since it's so sweet for w8 and classes... but def. without shipping/taxes/etc
<Dragooon> DuperMan: Fair enough, I wasn't gonna buy it for more than 120$ anyway
* DuperMan slaps Dragooon around a bit with a large trout
<DuperMan> it's the best graphics machine hands down, schoolwork too
<DuperMan> just getting dated wayyyyy too fast
<Dragooon> Tried putting Windows 8 on it?
<DuperMan> peanut butter met jelly, yup
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<xplodwild_work> Peanut Butter Jelly Time!
<Dragooon> The hell?
<DuperMan> when first encountering a meme you do not know, smile and nod
<Dragooon> I'd rather troll
<DuperMan> how droll
<DuperMan> I have food bye
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<DuperMan> all oms nomed
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<Dragooon> Why is every stock firmware uploaded to hotfile...
<DuperMan> fun. a bad character seems to kill my build
<DuperMan> *building
<DuperMan> because plausible deniability
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<Dragooon> My net is screwed
<Dragooon> Someone poured coffee on my router
<DuperMan> hit it with a fish. the net loves irony
<DuperMan> lol. damn
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<DuperMan> <<<<< summady smart please
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<kaushikfrnd> i downloaded this thanx i am now having ICS but i am unable to switchoff my GT-i9100G galaxy s2
<bbqbot> derp
<sh4z> herp
<sh4z> derp
<sh4z> kaushikfrnd
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<kaushikfrnd> sh4z: ??
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<sh4z> sup
<sh4z> lol
<sh4z> kaushikfrnd
<kaushikfrnd> ?
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<Taktloss> Hold the power button two seconds and select shutdown ;)
<kaushikfrnd> Taktloss: its not that simple :D ... when i shutdown it automatically switching on again
<gladiac1337> "adb shell shutdown"
<kaushikfrnd> gladiac1337: how to do that
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<gladiac1337> adb is a tool that is part of the android sdk platform tools. you would have to install the sdk to perform the command. i don't really think that the shutdown command does anything different compared to the normal shutdown you did per gui though...
<kaushikfrnd> actually i am not a developer :p ... i installed the rom from this now i am facing problem with my device
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<kaushikfrnd> gladiac1337: so unable to shutdown my device completely it powers on back ...
<Taktloss> well its still in development so bugs can and will happen
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<TAsnw> <TAsnw> hey. Since I updated my s2 a few days ago, gtalk has started being *really* flakey. What do you think, is it an issue with that specific nightly? Or should I update gapps or something?
<Taktloss> and for me it just works as i said :)
<TAsnw> (what I asked @ #Cyanogenmod)
<TAsnw> any ideas?
<TAsnw> Oh, and hi btw. :)
<kaushikfrnd> Taktloss: :) okay may be i am having some proble with my device
<gladiac1337> kaushikfrnd: did you follow the installation instructions precisely?
<kaushikfrnd> gladiac1337: yes just not the app part
<kaushikfrnd> i am just installing it now
<DuperMan> 'precisely' is an absolute qualifier
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<xZain> Hey
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Have you heard that sources for G are out?
<bbqbot> derp
<Samwan> :D
<xZain> uh is something lock with the galaxys2 is something cant wake up from deep sleep and lockscreen strange
<xZain> sometimes*
<Samwan> @admins
<bbqbot> Samwan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Samwan> oh they fixed it
<gladiac1337> Jiangyi: he knows already - <codeworky> yay, i9100g sauce
<xZain> no they did not
<xZain> in which Build
<Jiangyi> gladiac1337: Ah OK.
<Jiangyi> These things just keep happening while I'm asleep. :-P
<kaushikfrnd> gladiac1337: Taktloss can you guys see the link and tell me how to flash the Gapps from internal sdand which gapp to flash
<xZain> Samwan,where did they fix it
<Samwan> before, when you typed "@admin", bbqbot listed every admin and highlighted codeworky
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<gladiac1337> kaushikfrnd: did you get gapps already and copy it to your phones storage?
<xZain> 0.o
<xZain> uh is something lock with the galaxys2 is something cant wake up from deep sleep and lockscreen strange <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,
<kaushikfrnd> gladiac1337: am confused which gapp to download from the list
<gladiac1337> get the newest version:
<kaushikfrnd> ok
<kaushikfrnd> done
<kaushikfrnd> gladiac1337: now how to flash it
<gladiac1337> you got to copy that zip onto your phones internal memory using usb-storage for example or mtp, reboot into recovery and then flash it using "install zip from internal storage"
<kaushikfrnd> ok ok thanks
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<xZain> hey you guys know about the lockscreen issue ?
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<xZain> for galaxys2 ?
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<kaushikfrnd> i am unable to get into boot mode
<kaushikfrnd> have i bricked my phone
<kaushikfrnd> *recovery / download
<kaushikfrnd> modes
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<gladiac1337> does it still start normally?
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<Entropy512> <xZain> hey you guys know about the lockscreen issue ? - you'd think that multiple posts from us regarding it would be enough to say we know
<Entropy512> possible fix patch already submitted to gerrit
<Entropy512> but needs a few days for testing and review
<xZain> link
<xZain> want see code
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<DuperMan> he said GERRIT
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<r3v0> anyone running the latest nightly
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<DuperMan> damn. now I'm not finding the commit :P
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<xZain> :\
<r3v0> i wondered what happened to my s2 with the latest nightly
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<kaushikfrnd> gladiac1337: no it does not
<kaushikfrnd> i tried to restore my backup
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<gladiac1337> kaushikfrnd: what was the last thing you did?
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<bbqbot> derp
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<r3v0> methinks CM hates me today
<r3v0> it doesnt want to boot
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<DuperMan> keyword: want. it outgrew you. har.
<r3v0> lol
<r3v0> just sits there on a black screen
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<DuperMan> took battery out for a few minutes, tried another batt?
<r3v0> yeah
<DuperMan> is it cold?
<r3v0> it goes past the sgs2 screen
<r3v0> then it black screens
<r3v0> something about the bootclasspath
<DuperMan> hm
<r3v0> i can provide log cat
<r3v0> but it will be in the form of a screenshot
<h4rdco2e> Wtf Cm9 fucked my battery 35% after 4 hours in use! This is not ok!
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<DuperMan> r3v0: shame but go for it
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: here's your money back
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: hm, I dont want money
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: do you have an idea to save more battery >.<
<DuperMan> use the phone less. it's a pretty linear correlary
<DuperMan> uhm... looks like pit is borked.
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: I think there is something fucked up with the settings, what chould that be?
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: google maps can be a total damn hog
<DuperMan> I lived without it on the galaxy
<DuperMan> s 2
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: and Facebook?
<r3v0> DuperMan, thats what i thought is there any devs here>
<DuperMan> r3v0: I'm a n00b. afaict your screenshot is my first encounter with the emmc death bug
<r3v0> emmc death bug?
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: had it sync manually, saved me headache as well as batt
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<gladiac1337> is that capture from a i9100?
<DuperMan> r3v0: disclaimer reiterated - pretty n00b here. there's a known bug and many threads regarding it, has to do with certain ics firmwares afaik
<r3v0> yeah
<r3v0> cm used to boot fine untill the latest nightlies
<GuineaPiet> Quick question: on the XDA page, the CWM flashable kernel with old wifi driver... does it have any drawbacks?
<gladiac1337> r3v0: is your sgs2 the global version or the american at&t or something like that?
<r3v0> globsl
<xZain> WTF is ??/100 Charging ?
<gladiac1337> alright, the emmc-bug does not really exist in i9100-land
<r3v0> yeah
<gladiac1337> so i guess something else went wrong
<r3v0> even checked the md5's
<r3v0> but other roms boot fine
<DuperMan> errr... so does it get to recovery/download mode?
<r3v0> ofc
<DuperMan> if so, boot ye olde gingerbread stock rom, full one
<DuperMan> *flash
<DuperMan> flash cf root or such on top for cwm
<DuperMan> sounds a lot like you have samscream sungwich partition layout
<r3v0> nope
<r3v0> i have never flashed
<r3v0> a samsung ota
<r3v0> EVER
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<DuperMan> couldv'e been part and parcel of some cooked rom as far as we know, the symptoms are appropriate
<r3v0> its funny
<r3v0> old CM boots
<r3v0> like before i updated to the latest nightly
<DuperMan> try putting siyah kernel after the new nightly's flashed on:P
<r3v0> which was about 2 weeks ago
<r3v0> ok
<DuperMan> (assuming latest version is safe)
<DuperMan> (I'm sgs2-free for a while now)
<r3v0> yeah i put mine down a 2 weeks ago
<r3v0> when i got my one X
<r3v0> but sold one X now
<DuperMan> nice. Note here. bummer
<DuperMan> holding not to lol, damn
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<r3v0> DuperMan, how do you find the pentile display on the note
<r3v0> fixed it
<r3v0> mint
<xplodwild_work> r3v0: it's as good as sgs2
<r3v0> i found the text a litte fuzzy :P
<DuperMan> r3v0: ^
<r3v0> but im super picky
<DuperMan> it's what it is - wvga for color intensive stuffs and 720p grayscale
<DuperMan> I'm super picky too but I kinda dig it
<xZain> kernel with old wifi driver + nightly = funny shit
<DuperMan> xZain: xPlain
<r3v0> how so xZain
<gladiac1337> phone is uber hot :P
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<xZain> off your phone and try to charge
<xZain> it will display = ??/100
<DuperMan> will keep it in mind come winter
<xZain> Charging
<gladiac1337> gotta go, bye
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<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: do you know how to creat a Theme for theme engine!?
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<h4rdco2e> xplodwild: in my Source is no ~/android/system/vendor/tmobile/themes but if I sync I still dont get this!
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: haven't tried to yet, know I've seen that one though
<cdesai> h4rdco2e: branch ics ?
<DuperMan> in my tree
<cdesai> h4rdco2e: re run repo sync
<h4rdco2e> cdesai: I run repo sync -j16
<DuperMan> being dumb and trying three risky commits to smdk4210 together almost blindly x)
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: I've found somwthing on xda so yes here we go!
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<DuperMan> 16868 16867 and 16860 iirc XD good luck h4rdco2e:)
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<xplodwild_work> h4rdco2e: i'm sure there's a tutorial somewhere
<xplodwild_work> h4rdco2e: somewhere like at xda
<h4rdco2e> xplodwild: I've found one its for ginger but it should work for ICS too, however I will re sync source now and then start works, I thing I get Fun on such stuff!
<cdesai> h4rdco2e: there is for ics too
<cdesai> Chef Central > Android
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<Brendan_> hello just a quick question, whats the diff betwn aosp and cm9? thanks!
<cdesai> Brendan_: over 9000 lines of code, and a lot more than that
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<Brendan_> oo, is aosp/aokp safe to use now other den cm9? currently i am on cm9 nightlies
<addi> they are all safe
<addi> they are all good
<Brendan_> aosp considered a leak or?
<Kaik541> addi: can I kill him?
<Kaik541> please
<addi> yes -.-
<Kaik541> @bomb Brendan_
<bbqbot> Brendan_, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
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<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Brendan_ was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was red]
<Kaik541> anyway, just bought my car dock from google play store
<Kaik541> such a weird fucking sentence to type
<cdesai> bought something from a play store xD
<cdesai> sounds like a kids shop
<Kaik541> cdesai: exactly, and I just bought actual hardware for my "google phone"
<Kaik541> from something as ridiculous as the "Play Store"
<Kaik541> it bugs me that there is a "Devices" tab on the play store now and it only redirects to a single device
<Kaik541> I really, really hope that means it's due for a huge expansion
<cdesai> and worldwide avaibility
<Kaik541> cdesai: probably not unfortunately
<Kaik541> isn't music and movies still almost entirely US-only?
<bbqbot> derp
<cdesai> yea, it is, although works with a proxy
<Kaik541> I'd just like to see two options for a nexus tablet :)
<Kaik541> a mid-range asus one that's cheap, and a high end samsung one would be a tough choice
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<xZain> @bomb
<bbqbot> xZain: You are not allowed to run that command!
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<cdesai> Kaik541: bomb him
<DuperMan> weird. phone ain't bricked yet.
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<DuperMan> cdesai: you are not allowed to command Kaik541!
<Kaik541> @bomb xZain
<bbqbot> xZain, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
xZain has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
<Kaik541> or did you mean DuperMan ?
<Kaik541> haha
<DuperMan> must say zain was elegant. pinged out before the bomb went off
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> stylish
<addi> DuperMan, what awesomeness are up to today my Awesomeness?
<DuperMan> lol. needlessly risky combinations of stuff I don't really understand
<DuperMan> you addi?
<addi> i slept for 12 hours today instead of the usual 5-6 hours. awesomeness achieved :p
<DuperMan> +1 Looks good to me, but someone else must approve
* EvilBelgian shakes head
<DuperMan> chill belgian. I'll keep trying to do more without risking mockery and will be mocked and bricked of Note in no time :)
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<InHate> Anybody here? Need some serious help trying to put CM9 on my i9100G
<cdesai> s3 sources out folks
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<DuperMan> crap. now all phones will stare at us
<InHate> E:signature verification failed <--- How do you solve this?
<bbqbot> derp
<cdesai> InHate: re download
<InHate> I get these 2 errors when i try to flash my via SD card
<InHate> E: failed to verify whole-file signature E: signature verification failed
<InHate> Re download the zip files? Are you sure?
<cdesai> re push zip
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<cdesai> yea
<cdesai> sig verification failed means a bad download sometimes
<cdesai> what recovery ?
<cdesai> should be using CWM
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<cdesai> try toggling sig verification first
<InHate> Clockworkmodrecovery
<cdesai> ohai supercurio
<cdesai> supercurio: s3 sources :D
<supercurio> yup, available!
<InHate> Is it a problem in downloading or copying it to my SD card?
<cdesai> InHate: sig verification failed is like you signing a cheque with someone else's signature
<InHate> Aww man. So re-downloading will do the trick?
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<h4rdco2e> xplodwild_work: Do you have the source of Androidian? I cant find this folder where it should be
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> peterperfect: do you have source?
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<xplodwild_work> h4rdco2e: nobody has it
<peterperfect> nop
<peterperfect> im not that perfect
<h4rdco2e> xplodwild_work: but in vendor/provider/tmobile/ should be a directory for themes and there is Cyanobread and Androidian!
<DuperMan> is vendor tmobile called during make?
<peterperfect> who is doing this themes?
<DuperMan> why is tmo btw?
<DuperMan> oo
<DuperMan> *is it
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<h4rdco2e> peterperfect: I want to try one ;)
<xplodwild_work> DuperMan: It was TMobile that brought Theme Engine on CM7
<xplodwild_work> well, on 2.2/2.3
<h4rdco2e> Simply Blue
<DuperMan> nice. not a totally different engine now?
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: its the same,
<h4rdco2e> some changes in framework!
<InHate> Thanks for the assistance cdesai
<DuperMan> cool. digging in the tmo vendor folder, seeing if anything looks like a theme
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<addi> wait, T-Mobile contributed Theme Engine to CM?
<addi> or was it added to CM by the CM devs?
<DuperMan> it hadn't forbode, most likely
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: uncompiled source for the TMobile themes "Androidian" and "Cyanbread" in the ~/android/system/vendor/tmobile/themes directory.
<addi> yes, probably. i knew it was T-Mobile's theme engine, but no one told me T-Mobile themselves added it :p
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<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: no. /vendor/tmobile/products/themes?
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: I think the tutorial write dont know what he is writing ;)
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: what's a tutorial? I'm just jabbing to see if I can find what I'm not sure you're looking for xD
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> brb, dog walk
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<Kaik541> addi: tmobile built the theme engine
<Kaik541> they submitted it to AOSP and google said no
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<Kaik541> so they said "well I bet CM could use it then"
<addi> oh, nice
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<Kaik541> and tmobile and CM have always had a close relationship
<addi> Symbian had a great software for making themes. even noobs like me could make some
<Kaik541> they're the only carrier I know of that actively encourages development and even gives out devices
<Kaik541> there have been manufacturers who have done that, but I don't know of another carrier that has
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<addi> nice. good on their part ^^
<addi> yes, manufacturers like Samsung who give out phones but help no further :p
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<Kaik541> I think TMO even gave kmobs a gslate when those things were like $700
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<Kaik541> he said he could get them something like 1000 new followers in three days
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<Kaik541> and they said they'd give him a gslate if they did
<Kaik541> he only ended up getting them about 800 followers, but they gave it to him anyway
<addi> w000t, they sure are nice
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<DuperMan> tmo gave kmobs a gslate. dawg.
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<DuperMan> tmobile's tree feels redundant - can't figure hands from feet :)
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<b00gieMan> hey room
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<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: So Theme is ready for testig, do youknow how i compile it I'm on Windows cause of Photoshop!
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<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: not a clue but if you branched it should be easy enough to pull it to the running env
<DuperMan> eclipse othewise? :)
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> ^
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: I will try
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: there just some icons swichten and Circle Battery but if it works I will do a huge theme out it
<DuperMan> :) no reason for it not to. it's mostly just putting assets in containers and linking to them in the os properly right?
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: Yes its very easy
<h4rdco2e> Icons in drawabls & xmls for linking them
<DuperMan> I just noticed something odd - testing a combination of commited wifi/audio fixes, not mine, the phone felt cooler to me but setcpu reported 43c battery - #placebo #ineedsleep
<DuperMan> dropped to 39 in a moment. heh
<h4rdco2e> WTF Eclipse is so fucked up
<DuperMan> wait so where were the assets? ><
<h4rdco2e> no assets
<h4rdco2e> just res and Menifest
<DuperMan> guess you could try visual studio if you have the whole tree - but why not save the in progress assets in dropbox or gdrive? :D
<DuperMan> res - resources. dunno where I learnt to call them assets
<h4rdco2e> this is how far I am
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<DuperMan> nearly flashable, if the directory wasn't archived :)
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<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: its not compiled that the problem, the only!
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<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: I will try if Linux is able to compile!
<DuperMan> shouldn't have probloem if all the bits are there :) good luck, wish I could help
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<Karbowiak> want to see something insane?
<bbqbot> derp
<Karbowiak> yes, derp to you too
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<kiven> hi, its not released yet nightly of today?
<kiven> only version from jenkins
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<EgotisticalElf> remove it, then provide an in-app purchase to put it back in
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Kaik541 changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | IRC stats : | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | GIEF Teamhacksung Galaxy S3 FTW! .:.
<Kaik541> new topic just for codeworkx
<t-ready> hah
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<codeworkx> Kaik541: xD
<codeworkx> y everyone records anything stupid i'm saying?
<peterperfect> cuz its funny
<codeworkx> Kaik541: nebkat is having a whole book
<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> <codeworkx> YIPIJAHEY SCHWEINEBACKE
<peterperfect> pork cheeeeeeeck
<nebkat> codeworkx: <3
<nebkat> your quotes are wiser than all of xda combined
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<Kaik541> nebkat: and drunker
<nebkat> true
<nebkat> I wish I hadn't had that HDD failure :(
<nebkat> would have had so many good logs :(
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<codeworkx> nebkat: hahaha
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<margle> how does one determine the pda, phone and csc values if you don't have a dialer
DuperMa is now known as DuperMan
<chadouming> you install a dialer ?
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<Kaik541> the better question is
<Kaik541> why do you need any of those things as they are useless?
<margle> ok, so… I had a device that was running boot-to-gecko.
<margle> I'm totally new to the android platform
<margle> so, I didn't create and backups, besides doing adb backup -all on my local filesystem
<margle> so, today I reflash what I thought was a stock install of ics but my phone is now stuck on the samsung logo screen
<margle> s/reflash/reflashed.
<margle> so… I figured I had the wrong rom.
<margle> and wanted to find the correct one
<margle> basically I want to return to the stock ics rom
<Kaik541> then it still doesn't matter
<Kaik541> just flash all the things
<margle> Kaik541: as far as I can tell I did, I used heimdall and supplied all the arguments.
<margle> the flash worked and it rebooted correctly.
<margle> well, to the logo
<margle> where would I find a standard ics rom?
<Kaik541> margle: are you sure you flashed it correctly?
<bbqbot> derp
<margle> Kaik541: nope, not sure.
<margle> Kaik541: perhaps I should try the odin method.
<Kaik541> margle: what was the command you ran for heimdall?
<margle> Kaik541: heimdall flash --primary-boot boot.bin --cache cache.img --factoryfs factoryfs.img --hidden hidden.img --modem modem.bin --param param.lfs --secondary-boot Sbl.bin --kernel zImage
<Kaik541> hmm, seems correct from what I remember about SGS2
<Kaik541> did you go into recovery mode and factory reset?
<margle> all those files were available
<margle> Kaik541: yup.
<margle> Kaik541: it went back to the old factory reset bin
<margle> e3?
<margle> or something like that.
<Kaik541> yeah
<margle> Kaik541: would you recommend that I try odin on windows?
<margle> I've downloaded another "rom"
<margle> a tar.md5, I'll extract it now and try again
<Kaik541> margle: I'd say try the resurrection edition of CM9
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<margle> Kaik541: ok, I've downloaded that.
<margle> Kaik541: can you use heimdall on that in the same way?
<Kaik541> yes
<margle> Kaik541: that you sir.
<margle> android is rather refreshing and interesting coming from ios.
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<margle> Kaik541: there's a data.img, do you think that would be the flag --data?
<chadouming> lol, most of the boot 2 gecko repo on github is taken from codewrokx repo xD
<Kaik541> margle: I don't remember, do a heimdall --help and check
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<DennisBPM> calendar on lockscreen, very nice :D
<DennisBPM> nice feature
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Any horrendous thing that Samsung messed up again in the new kernel sources?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i'm still fighting with the haptic feedback
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Really hard to fix?
<codeworkx> android is doing shit
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<Jiangyi> Well, that's never good. :-(
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