nebkat|beer changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | IRC stats : | GIEF Teamhacksung Galaxy S3 FTW! .:.
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<Zackington> how do i unlock a Telstra samsung galaxy s II ? suggestions?
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<raymonddull> call the carrier and get an unlock code
<Parth> :P
<raymonddull> what, it works for at&t.
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<raymonddull> thats how I got my focus unlocked
<Parth> you return it and buy an unlocked version :P
<Parth> :)
<raymonddull> why bother? its simple, enter the code and flash cm like you were going to anyway
<Parth> but you don't need to unlock it in order to flash CM :P
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<Parth> so that's an off topic question anyway
<Parth> :p
<raymonddull> no but you do to use another carrier.
<Parth> well we dunno the situation. :)
<Parth> but I wouldnt buy a locked phone to begin with if I'm not already a subscriber of that carrier.
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<raymonddull> depends on the deal, I got an at&t focus for $40, so I bought it
<raymonddull> yes its a windows phone, don't judge me. it has magldr already and they're working on android.
<raymonddull> lol
<Parth> /ME is judging
<raymonddull> tbh I kinda like it
<Parth> gah
* Parth is judging.
<raymonddull> I've been using it for over a week now and honestly I don't really miss android much
<Parth> :O
<raymonddull> I sold pretty much everything I own and I'm down to that phone and my 7" eee701 netbook, I sold all of that to get my car, and tbh I've just been using it as a phone and not much else and it works good as that
<Parth> =\
<Zackington> ahh this isnt helping me
<raymonddull> that said, I had an interview on monday, I find out on friday if I got the job, if I did I'm going back to android
<Zackington> is there like software or something?
<Parth> I thought I found one somewhere
<Parth> but idr
<Parth> it was on xda though
<raymonddull> I wasnt paying attention, what was he trying to do?
<bbqbot> derp
<Zackington> unlocking a Telstra samsung galaxy s II
<Zackington> thats what^
<raymonddull> oh
<Zackington> without paying
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<Parth> just call Telstra and be like: OMG IM GONNA DIE IF I CANT UNLOCK THIS PHONE
<Parth> and then they'll do it
<raymonddull> lol, at&t will unlock without questions, you dont even need to be a customer
<raymonddull> idk about telstra
<Parth> actually I thought AT&T wouldn't give you an unlock code unless you were a customer
<Parth> last time I asked, they were pretty dumb about it.
<raymonddull> nah I unlocked my focus like a week ago, and someone in another channel had no issues like 45 minutes ago
<raymonddull> just tell them you bought a phone on ebay you
<Parth> :O
<raymonddull> want to ulock
<raymonddull> unlock*
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<raymonddull> fucking tiny netbook
<raymonddull> still can't hit ' without hitting enter
<Parth> ;P
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* Parth is downloading Linux Mint Debian :)
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<raymonddull> nice
<Parth> this new Cinnamon UI looks hawt
<raymonddull> yeah its pretty nice
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<Parth> weee
<h8rift> Parth: agreed...tho it was laggy on my Ubuntu 12.04 install (bug was noted already, of course)
<h8rift> it was perty
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<Parth> anyone have any experience with ?
<raymonddull> I do not
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<Parth> hostgator is having a "spring" special
<Parth> $7.95 for their baby package
<Parth> I'm familiar with their level of support and it's super fast. BUT ME NO HAZ MONIEZ
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<Zackington> telstra rejects giving me an unlock code for a sgs II
<Zackington> i need another solution.
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<groovy> hi
<EvilBelgian> hi
<groovy> can you help me pls?
<bbqbot> derp
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<groovy> i flashed cyanogenmod 9 on my galaxy note
<groovy> but i am not able to send sms
<EvilBelgian> uggghh...smsc
<groovy> if i want to send a sms, the connection is lost
<EvilBelgian> lemme find the walkthrough
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<groovy> yes
<groovy> thank you :)
<EvilBelgian> @geo user groovy
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for groovy
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for 563b6423@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<EvilBelgian> bbqbot doesn't know where you are
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<groovy> lol? :D
<groovy> maybe because im sitting in school :P
<EvilBelgian> running IRC through a proxy? I doubt that
<EvilBelgian> no you're just using the webchat
<groovy> sure i do
<groovy> i got the link for the chat from xda
<groovy> @geo EvilBelgian
<groovy> @geo user EvilBelgian
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for EvilBelgian
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[3302428672,3302428927],"country":"ZA","region":"06","city":"Germiston","ll":[-26.2167,28.1833]}
<EvilBelgian> I am not in germiston
<EvilBelgian> stupid IP address
<groovy> :D
<groovy> big thx evil
<groovy> now it works :D
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<gladiac1337> groovy: is the sms sending problem fixed?
<gladiac1337> try reboot and check again if it is really fixed
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<groovy> yes it is, thank you
<groovy> but now the internet is not working properly :D
<groovy> +ok, it dont work at all
<groovy> ...
<groovy> ok, now it works, dont know why,,,
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<Frd^> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
<Frd^> @downloads galaxysmtd
<bbqbot> Download at:
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<musashiro> using the latest nightly... hoping i wont get any sod
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<whitequark> wtf is pch_gbe?
<whitequark> erm, no.
<whitequark> more precisely, what does it have to do with sgs2?
<whitequark> ah, it was an upstream merge, nevermind
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<Karbowiak> the fuck, apparently the chip in the SGS2 supports Bluetooth 4.0 o.O
<xplodwild_work> Karbowiak: wut?
<Karbowiak> might just be crap spewed by some fag
<Karbowiak> comment by Jennifer Nguyen, lol
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<xplodwild_work> "Hm, I've read that the Samsung Galaxy S2 has Bluetooth 4.0 hardware, but it's been limited to 3.0 speeds because there aren't any devices that support Bluetooth 4.0 "
<xplodwild_work> Best joke of the day
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<Karbowiak> but yeah, another day, another bluetooth enabled watch for cellphones, trying to get funding on kickstarter
<Karbowiak> it all started after Pebble got 10 million USD, lol
<chadouming> why not get a sony smartwatch ?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> cheaper with many more function
<chadouming> and look cooler
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<peterperfect> a bit strange a thing that is cheaper, more function and cooler
<Rizur> the sgshmm
<Rizur> hmm
<chadouming> i swear
<Rizur> the SGSII has the Broadcom BCM4330 bluetooth module
<Rizur> it has been limited is all i can assume
<netchip|sleeping> nebkat|beer: LOL Go to gtalk... The story continues...
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<peterperfect> , Bluetooth 4.0+HS
<Rizur> a bit more info i have just dug up
<chadouming> -> pebble : 150USD vs -> 140USD
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<Karbowiak> so the BCM4330 can do BT4.0
<xplodwild_work> Karbowiak: for real?
<Karbowiak> Rizur posted the link
<peterperfect> yep
<peterperfect> so its not the joke of the year xplodwild_work
<Karbowiak> so we actually have BT4.0 in the GS2
<peterperfect> xD
<xplodwild_work> duh
<Karbowiak> someone should hack it to make it work !
<Rizur> ;)
<xplodwild_work> Karbowiak: make the stack+driver
<peterperfect> xplodwild_work haxxx kernel nao
<peterperfect> :D
<xplodwild_work> SGS3 has BCM4330?
* Karbowiak waves magic wand
<Karbowiak> xplodwild_work there, done
* Karbowiak hands xplodwild_work the stack+driver
<Karbowiak> and yes
<Karbowiak> GS3 has BT4.0
<xplodwild_work> so we'll steal its driver
<Karbowiak> we'll see if its the BCM4430
<Rizur> [14:06:31] <xplodwild_work> Karbowiak: make the stack+driver
<Rizur> indeed
<Karbowiak> 4330 *
<Karbowiak> Galaxy Nexus has BCM4330
<peterperfect> everybodiez haz bcm4330
<chadouming> xD
<musashiro> is it possible to remove the mouse pointer when the spen hovers the screen?
<chadouming> true, every good phone has this chip
<Rizur> the note has it too
* BrandoHD is happy
<peterperfect> but anyway
<peterperfect> why we want bluetooth 4.0?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> hahha
<Karbowiak> why don't we want bluetooth 4.0?
<Karbowiak> iPhone 4s has bcm4330
<Karbowiak> lol
<xplodwild_work> uses less battery
<netchip|sleeping> SGS3 has BCM4334
<musashiro> is it possible to remove the mouse pointer when the spen hovers the screen?
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<netchip|sleeping> Fuck HyDrOG3NICS
netchip|sleeping is now known as netchip
<Karbowiak> someones mad
<Karbowiak> did the frenchie fuck you in the ass ?
<netchip> yes
<netchip> Karbowiak: I was the dev and he used me
<netchip> AKA made money on my back
<Karbowiak> you mean he made money off of your work
<Karbowiak> not your back, unless he put you in a bed and let men stick their cocks up your asshole for money
<Karbowiak> in which case, good for you
<peterperfect> fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu asus stop being full of shit
<netchip> Karbowiak: xD
<xplodwild_work> who wants paradoxxx_ phone number?
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<xplodwild_work> I'm regularly speaking with him xD
<xplodwild_work> but he never answers
<netchip> xplodwild: ahahaha
<netchip> xplodwild_work: try nao
<netchip> lol
<Karbowiak> he's french
<netchip> He fuct us all
<Karbowiak> even if you gave me money i wouldn't call him
<netchip> Karbowiak: xplodwild is too
<Karbowiak> fuck the french
<xplodwild_work> Karbowiak: Y U FSCK ME?
<Karbowiak> why is it easier to fuck a french in the mouth than the ass?
<bbqbot> derp
<Karbowiak> because they always back away from people
<Karbowiak> much like french tanks drive faster in reverse than forward, so they can get away from a fight quicker than they get into it
<xplodwild_work> wut
Karbowiak was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by xplodwild_work [Oh. Sorry, backing away.]
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<xplodwild_work> Espenfjo: thx
<Karbowiak> :D
<Espenfjo> xplodwild_work: :))
<chadouming> oh god
Karbowiak was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by xplodwild [Quasseldroid is French too.]
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<xplodwild_work> ok, back to work :p
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<Karbowiak> mehehe
<Karbowiak> 'back to work'
<Karbowiak> back..
<Karbowiak> mehehehehe
<netchip> ahahaha
<chadouming> hmm, you should stop karbowiak xD
<Karbowiak> oh pff, only joking :)
<xplodwild_work> Karbowiak: I did most BBQLog and OpenDESIGN stuff at work
<xplodwild_work> just sayin' how hard I work
<xplodwild_work> :p
romann|afk is now known as romann
<chadouming> xD true
<chadouming> and complain about BBQLog, i dare you ! I double dare you MOFO
<netchip> xplodwild_work: what kind of work do you do?
<netchip> @changelog galaxys2
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<datagutt> omg changelog command
<xplodwild_work> netchip: Software engineer for reporting and market analysis products
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<Karbowiak> so no more looking at the slow as shit page ?
<xplodwild_work> Karbowiak: hell no
<chadouming> well, test it Karbowiak
<netchip> xplodwild_work: Wow, quite interesting!
<xplodwild_work> BBQLog is fast and great
<netchip> :)
<chadouming> :)
<Karbowiak> i see nothing on it :(
<chadouming> no new change for the next galaxys2 nightly xD
<chadouming> select another nightly
<chadouming> in the list
<Karbowiak> ah
<Karbowiak> win
<chadouming> lol
<xplodwild_work> I wonder if paradoxxx blacklisted me or if he just ignore
<Karbowiak> hello BBQLog
<xplodwild_work> I'm going to raise my text rate to him :p
<xplodwild_work> (unlimited text FTW)
<chadouming> 2 days it's out and we already near 92k page views
<chadouming> hmm, how much text / month do you make usually ?
<peterperfect> bbqlog is awesome
<peterperfect> thats the real deal
<chadouming> hell yeah
<xplodwild_work> chadouming: a few hundred
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> hmm, not that bad
<chadouming> i make between 2.5k-3k only with my GF xD
<netchip> WATDAFUQ
<netchip> I makde 20 texts/m
<netchip> :P
<chadouming> text moar !
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<netchip> chadouming: my class do tweet :P
<netchip> We aren't old ;p
<chadouming> shissh
<Rizur> bbm ftw lulz
<chadouming> true that you are a young kid, but at your age, twitter was not yet there (Coming out soon tho) and fb was not how it is now. Only "Cool" people were using it. I also had no cell phone and was spending more time outside than in front of my computer
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<Karbowiak> honestly, what would make me happy was if google actually pushed a sort of text message / chat app like apple has with iMessages
<Karbowiak> text messages with gchat built in would be pretty win
<Karbowiak> or just created a unified message application, that other apps could hook into, but yeah
<Karbowiak> i can dream
<chadouming> xD
<xplodwild_work> oh
<xplodwild_work> I have work to do
<xplodwild_work> amazing
<Karbowiak> apparently winphone has that
<Karbowiak> messaging application which is integrated with all kinds of services
<Karbowiak> facebook, msn messenger, some others (linked in i guess, and that microsoft thingy), jabber, text messages
<Karbowiak> who knows, maybe with WinPhone8 Apollo, dual core S4, 1GB memory and that Nokia 41MP PureView sensor, i might actually jump ship
<chadouming> xD
<netchip> xplodwild_work: Why is this line here? Yes, I did a grep -Rni on frameworks/base vendor/samsung/galaxys2-common/proprietary/hwcomposer/lib/
<xplodwild_work> netchip: what file has this in?
<netchip> xplodwild_work: Probably don't understand your question... let's try to answer it:
<netchip> oh
<netchip> you intend as dependency?
<netchip> pff
<netchip> afaik
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<xplodwild_work> I don't get the point of your grep actually
<netchip> xplodwild_work: for example: BOARD_USES_SECTVOUT is needing, it was also copied to obj/lib, so I wondered why it's needed also with and I ended with a grep
<xplodwild_work> well if libfimc references functions from, we have to pack it with it
<xplodwild_work> otherwise you get link errors at boot and such
<netchip> ooooooh. That makes it clear :)
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<netchip> ahaha kang xD
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<netchip> What WiFi chip is S3 using?
<netchip> BCM4334 afaik, yes?
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<Espenfjo> mhm
<Jiangyi|school> Netchip: Sorry, bad link. One sec.
<netchip> Jiangyi|school: thnx
<netchip> vendor/samsung/galaxys2-common/proprietary/hwcomposer/lib/
<netchip> fock
<datagutt> netchip make bt4.0
<datagutt> pl0x
<netchip> dabear: wat?
<netchip> datagutt: wat?
<datagutt> some people say that sgs2 has hardware support for bluetooth 4.0..
<datagutt> makeadriverkthx
<dabear> ?
<dabear> ah
tumasgiu has joined #teamhacksung-support
rtfpessoa has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<dabear> as you've got my attention anyways: anyone of you tried the new coda 2.0 yet?
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<Jiangyi|school> codeworkx: Seems like a bunch of people got CM9 before the guy took it down. :-P
<chadouming> @google coda 2.0
<bbqbot> Panic Blog » Panic State of the Union &#39;11 -
<dabear> chadouming:
<chadouming> ewwww, mac !
<b00gieMAndroid> hi room
<b00gieMAndroid> is duper or vetch around
<Dragooon> There's a coda 2.0?
<bbqbot> derp
<netchip> nebkat|beer: you got my password? :P
chadouming is now known as room
<room> hi b00gieMAndroid
<room> this is room
<room> b00gieMAndroid, wtf are you saying ?
room is now known as chadouming
<Espenfjo> netchip: I have your password. It is Espenfjo<3
<netchip> Espenfjo: ahaha
<dabear> Dragooon: yes there is
<Dragooon> SHould give it a shot
<Dragooon> Is the license from Coda 1 carried over?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|school: if it's built from sources, they'll probably have broken wifi :-D
<Jiangyi|school> codeworkx: That's what they're all saying haha
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|school: anti kang :-D
<Jiangyi|school> codeworkx: Smart move. :-D
OtherJakeSays is now known as JakeSays
edude03 has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<Frd^> fuck
D3vourz has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Jiangyi|school> codeworkx: Some people are saying that UMS is broken too. :-P
<Frd^> gapps pack verification failed =/ on cm9
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|school: anti kang :-D
<codeworkx> Frd^: bad download
<codeworkx> Frd^: gapps isn't supported by us anyway
<chadouming> stop lying codeworkx, it's not bad download but anti-kang
<Frd^> i downloaded it from rom manager
<Jiangyi|school> lol everything is anti kang!!!!! :-P
<chadouming> not more supported by them xD
<codeworkx> Frd^: gapps aren't created or maintained by us
<codeworkx> Frd^: and it doesn't matter where u download. a bad download can always occour
<Frd^> ok
Devourz has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<Frd^> i did not plame this on you just saying =)
<codeworkx> Frd^: redownload and try again. if it still happens, bug
b00gieMAndroid has quit []
<Frd^> codeworkx: oki, i will
<chadouming> @google antikang ?
<bbqbot> anti kang sora (@antikangsora2) on Twitter -!/antikangsora2
<codeworkx> @google anti kang
<bbqbot> [Vietsub parody][anti Kang Sora] Super Junior - U MV - YouTube -
<codeworkx> @google stupid bbqbot
<bbqbot> #teamhacksung-support on 2012-05-22 — irc logs at -
<Frd^> only 5 days to manage on this device
<Jiangyi|school> ...... Anti-kang goes to Korean music video? O_O
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Frd^: and then?
<Frd^> codeworkx: sgs3 =)
<codeworkx> Frd^: and u think it will be better? :-D
<Frd^> codeworkx: i really hope so =D
<codeworkx> Frd^: i don't think so
<Frd^> it can be crapper that sgs1
<codeworkx> it can
<Jiangyi|school> OK, I'm off to lunch, see you guys when I get home.
<codeworkx> it's full of nasty services and stuff
<Jiangyi|school> Have a nice day guys!
<Frd^> codeworkx: my sgs had stock rom only 3days
<Frd^> let see how long it takes with sgs3
<codeworkx> my sgs2 5 minutes
<Frd^> =)
<Frd^> sgs was muy first android
<Frd^> so took some time
<codeworkx> the sgs3 probably 5 minutes too
<EvilBelgian> sgs2 was my first android I've been stuck on an HTC snap for the past year.
<Frd^> codeworkx: one boot on stock and hack then on cm?
<chadouming> lol, my galaxy nexus had stock rom about 15 minutes
Jiangyi|school has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<chadouming> my SGS 2 an hour and my SGS I one week
<Frd^> but you are devs. i'm regular user
<codeworkx> Frd^: one boot to touchwiz to get really sick and the instantly cm to get happy
<Espenfjo> hm. I never booted into TW on my first, the sgs2
<Espenfjo> Flashed M... CM straight away
<codeworkx> is it possible to buy sgs3 without softare for half of the money? would be awesome :-D
<Frd^> codeworkx: ;) i need to wait to arrive on sgs3 =)
<Frd^> cm to arrive
<Frd^> someone stole cm from there
<codeworkx> and we need devices to make it happen
<Frd^> yeah
<Frd^> i hope you will get
rtfpessoa has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<EvilBelgian> codeworkx: you have a sgs2?
<Frd^> this cm9 is so nice
peterperfect has quit [Quit: ASCII a stupid question, get a stupid ANSI!]
<codeworkx> EvilBelgian: lul?
mosno has quit [Quit: mosno]
<codeworkx> i've a sgs2 straight from samsung korea
IDST has quit [Read error: No route to host]
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<EvilBelgian> ah, stupid question I know.
ciwrl|away is now known as ciwrl|work
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<netchip> nebkat|beer: xplodwild: codeworkx: pulser:
<bbqbot> derp
<netchip> bbqbot: yeah you're lovely ;P
<xplodwild> netchip: :)
McFrog has quit [Quit: McFrog]
<netchip> :)
<xplodwild> one more text to paradoxxx :p
<netchip> :P
<xplodwild> "Too bad your rom dies :("
<netchip> ^^
<Rizur> lulz
<netchip> xplodwild: AHAHAHA you haven't his new number
<netchip> He says
<netchip> let's quote
<netchip> ik: xplod is texting you
<netchip> Lucas: Lol
<netchip> I don't think so.
<netchip> ik: he is also calling you lots of times but you don't naswer LOL
<netchip> answer*
<netchip> Lucas: Lol
<netchip> He doesn't have my new number
<netchip> AHAHAHA
<netchip> ROFL
netchip was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by xplodwild [First stop laughing]
netchip has joined #teamhacksung-support
<netchip> xplodwild: u so bad for me :(
<netchip> (kidding xD)
<xplodwild> Then it won't cause any trouble if I subscribe that number to all sex-lines? xD
<netchip> xD
<xplodwild> And any normal person would answer my text with "WTF?"
<netchip> yeah xD
<xplodwild> He gets the message (I get the confirmation)
<xplodwild> but nobody answers
<netchip> ... :D
<xplodwild> so I'm sure he's just saying "meh he hasn't my new number"
<xplodwild> but he hasn't got any new number
tumasgiu has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<netchip> xplodwild: hmm, quite sure, yes
<xplodwild> it's not like it's the first time he lies
<netchip> +1
<xplodwild> one way to know..
<xplodwild> AHAHA
<xplodwild> xD
<xplodwild> you said he bought a new PC?
<netchip> xplodwild: Next time for my ROM I'll also add: "After donating me (;D) you could give some moniez to hack all the samsungs ;)"
<netchip> (teamhacksung)
<xplodwild> found this when googling his number :p
Parth has quit [Quit: Quack!]
<netchip> ahahaha
<xplodwild> also, I was on Lucas' voicemail when calling his number, so :)
<netchip> :)
<xplodwild> and it rang
<xplodwild> so the number is still active :)
<netchip> xplodwild: Para fails
<xplodwild> so he lied once again
<netchip> chadouming: your answer is so true
rtfpessoa has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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<bbqbot> derp
rtfpessoa has quit [Client Quit]
<chadouming> which answer netchip ?
<chadouming> lol
kalpik has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<chadouming> ^ lol
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<Karbowiak> fucking french
<Karbowiak> lol
h4rdco2e has joined #teamhacksung-support
<xplodwild> Ah funny
<xplodwild> when an app sends many sms at once
<xplodwild> there's a security that triggerse
<h4rdco2e> xplodwild: Hydrog3nis-ICS is over?
<xplodwild> h4rdco2e: looks so
<netchip> xplodwild: h4rdco2e it is
<netchip> *maybe* I'll start my own AOKP ROM
<netchip> just for the lulz
<h4rdco2e> netchip: I've heard you did the whole work
<netchip> h4rdco2e: indeed
<h4rdco2e> shame on Paradoxxx
<Karbowiak> so he accepted donations
<Karbowiak> to further his rom
<Karbowiak> and bought a pc, and killed the rom
<Karbowiak> :D
<netchip> Karbowiak: +1
<Karbowiak> honestly, he's smart
<xplodwild> and he feels proud
<chadouming> xD
<Karbowiak> i'd have done the same
<netchip> xplodwild: that's.... the most sad
<chadouming> this remember me someone else :D
<Karbowiak> altho i wouldn't have said anything
<chadouming> let's have fun about plane too
<netchip> chadouming: xD
<Karbowiak> i would have just kept devving in blind
<Karbowiak> claiming random bullshit
<Karbowiak> to get more money
<xplodwild> Karbowiak: Meh, actually I'm smarter since I got (more than) 2 two phones and a tablet :p
<Karbowiak> fuck you
<chadouming> lol
<Karbowiak> you mean 1 phone
<xplodwild> BUT
<chadouming> xplodwild, love this
<Karbowiak> send me the phone and tablet
<xplodwild> when I made pledge, I bought what the pledge was for
Veyka has quit [Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish!]
<xplodwild> and did develop for these devices
<netchip> xplodwild: an that's the right thing
<netchip> and*
<Karbowiak> netchip, heres a tip tho
<xplodwild> going to push my TF300T tonight to CM mainline btw :)
<h4rdco2e> netchip: do you know a nice AOKP? I've got CM9 since experimentail and know I want to change for a time!
<bbqbot> derp
<Karbowiak> you know all the work you put into the rom that was abused by paradoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ?
<Karbowiak> keep making it, but publish it yourself
<Karbowiak> and reap the rewards yourself
<netchip> Karbowiak: That's what I am going to do but will add a link to teamhacksung
<netchip> if I get unbanned by pulser
<Rizur> ^^
<Karbowiak> yeah ok, gl with that
<Rizur> shop time, brb
dudeyo has joined #teamhacksung-support
<chadouming> xD
<netchip> k RickXy
<netchip> chadouming: wat?
<chadouming> yup, gl with that
<netchip> k RickXy
<h4rdco2e> And does somebody know a AOKP for the meantime?
<netchip> fock
<netchip> k Rizur
<Karbowiak> probably easier to get a new email
<Karbowiak> new ip address
<netchip> h4rdco2e: yes
<Karbowiak> and register a new account
bajee11 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Karbowiak> and never mention you're netchip
<Karbowiak> ^^
<netchip> y0 bajee11
<Karbowiak> xplodwild i like your signature on xda
<chadouming> nethip :D
<Karbowiak> <codeworkx> YIPIJAHEY SCHWEINEBACKE
<xplodwild> :D
<chadouming> netship*
<bajee11> hey netchip
<bajee11> wats going on
<Karbowiak> HE WAS SCAMMED
<h4rdco2e> netchip: Could you tell me the name?
<netchip> bajee11: Paradoxxx scammed me, community & teamhacksung
Karbowiak was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by xplodwild [Can I donate kick too? :D]
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<netchip> h4rdco2e: then go into isotope folder
iq75 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Karbowiak> !!!!!!!!!!
<xplodwild> xD
vivmar has joined #teamhacksung-support
<netchip> xD
<bajee11> wow
<Karbowiak> yes you can donate 1000 $
<bajee11> what a surprise
<Karbowiak> that is a perfectly acceptable amount to donate to save this kids life
<h4rdco2e> netchip: stable?
<vivmar> finally i have found the chat
bezke has joined #teamhacksung-support
<netchip> h4rdco2e: kinda
<Karbowiak> netchip lives off of burgers and fries
tumasgiu has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Karbowiak> buying a burger joint isn't cheap
<bezke> hydrogen closed
<bezke> jajaaj
* chadouming is away: dinner
XaToR has joined #teamhacksung-support
<netchip> TO ALL WHO WANT TO HEAR BOUT ME: Paradoxxx scammed the community, teamhacksung and last but not least me
twy11 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Karbowiak> noone wants to hear about you
<Karbowiak> shut up
<netchip> Karbowiak: wut?!
<bbqbot> derp
Sinan__ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<vivmar> so is all .....true
skeets has joined #teamhacksung-support
<netchip> See al; that people? FOR ME, TAKE THAT ;D
<Karbowiak> people want to laugh at you
<Karbowiak> that's why
Abder has joined #teamhacksung-support
<bezke> TO ALL WHO WANT TO HEAR BOUT ME: Paradoxxx scammed the community, teamhacksung
<abc_> @bezke, its time.for ur rom now
<bbqbot> abc_: Command doesnt not exist!
<nebkat|beer> bezke: people here dont use idiotte roms
<vivmar> so what happens now?
<nebkat|beer> afaik
<bezke> TO ALL WHO WANT TO HEAR BOUT ME: Paradoxxx scammed the community, teamhacksung
<abc_> .@bezke it time for ur rom now
bezke was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [stop spam]
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<chadouming> awww, thread closed
<netchip> vivmar: I hope I get unbanned @ XDA so I could start my own project with fairness to teamhacksung and the community
<netchip> :(:(:(:(:(:(:(
<chadouming> xplodwild, you shouldn't have linked here on XDA, gonna be filled soon xD
<netchip> Y U CLOSED THREAD?!
<xplodwild> ban all teh people!
kalpik has joined #teamhacksung-support
<vivmar> @netchip maybe u can use rootzwiki,or not?
<bbqbot> vivmar: Command doesnt not exist!
codeworks has joined #teamhacksung-support
<abc_> so netchip, will u focus on isotope?
Nonninz has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
<codeworks> so isotope?
<netchip> abc_: and SGS3 yes (with new project :D)
<netchip> codeworks: wat?
Abder has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<netchip> Y U NO KNOW THAT NAME ;D
<netchip> (kidding)
<codeworks> you stop isotoe?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworks> isotope?
<abc_> lol
<netchip> codeworks: omfg scammer! U NO REAL CODEWORKX
<abc_> mind letting me.join as beta tester if there is such thing
<codeworks> i am CODEWORKS
<codeworks> not codeworkx
<netchip> codeworks: confusing as hell
<codeworks> its "s" not "x"
<Karbowiak> XDA mods are stupid
<codeworks> so whats going with isotope?
<netchip> codeworks: yeyeyeyeye but codeworkx is also in here
<Karbowiak> closing a thread just when it's getting interesting
<codeworks> or now its time to sgs3
<netchip> Karbowiak: that's sad yes
<Karbowiak> fuck those cuntniggers
<netchip> codeworks: both
<codeworks> FINE!!
hospital has joined #teamhacksung-support
<codeworks> codeworkx its the fuck..... boss hehehehe
<Karbowiak> BAN ALL THE CODEWOR* !
<netchip> xD
codeworks was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [idiotte]
<bajee11> spent half my time in hydrog3nics thread.. lol, time to look for a new rom
<nebkat|beer> I hope that wasnt the real one :P
<nebkat|beer> lol
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<abc_> .@bajee11 isotope
<fredy_> why paradoxx are scammer?
<XaToR> oh my god :(
<XaToR> now i need to look a new rom :/
<fredy_> netchip, why you broke the relation?
<netchip> bajee11: or CM9
<nebkat|beer> abc_: you dont need @
<netchip> nebkat|beer: lol
<nebkat|beer> just say their name
<netchip> fredy_: he scammed everyone
<netchip> me, teamhacksung and community
<fredy_> money?
<fredy_> or soruce?
<vivmar> right now there's no more aokp for SGS2....
<netchip> fredy_: moniez
<netchip> vivmar: /care
<netchip> bloat droid
<fredy_> your money?
<bbqbot> derp
<netchip> fredy_: our money
<fredy_> oh my god
<netchip> bbqbot: derp
<fredy_> money of paypal?
<fredy_> how many money
<netchip> fredy_: oh he got 300 euro more than I got
netchip was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [ignore bbqbot already :P]
<h4rdco2e> how much*
<fredy_> oh my god
<abc_> ok, sry
skeets has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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<netchip> nebkat|beer: :P
<netchip> fredy_: oh he got 300 euro more than I got
<netchip> and was not giving 50/50
<fredy_> why its include teamhacksung?
ee has joined #teamhacksung-support
<h4rdco2e> Paradoxxx: Like a Motherfucker!
<netchip> fredy_: they ported AOSP
<rodries> arghh the hydrogen thread has been closed too soon, I was making popcorn
<netchip> h4rdco2e: true
<netchip> rodries: +1
<abc_> any reason why he did this?
<h4rdco2e> netchip: why get you banned?
<netchip> h4rdco2e: sigh
<netchip> do a google
<fredy_> paradoxxx are 18 years old?
<abc_> need money for emergency?
<netchip> fredy_: yeah
<netchip> abc_: ahahaha
willuz has joined #teamhacksung-support
<h4rdco2e> abc_: he dont have a life!
<vivmar> rodries:we can open a topic in general forum for disappointed hydrogen users...
<fredy_> 18 years old and 300 euros
<fredy_> hahahaah
<h4rdco2e> abc_: he needs money for his new PC!
<abc_> oh lol
<netchip> fredy_: Don't laugh. Nebkat didn't got in total 100e
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<netchip> fredy_: While he's doing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more
<netchip> fredy_: Paradoxxx did nothing but marketing
<abc_> so guys which rom.are.u moving to?
<fredy_> netchip do you have gtalk for talk, ? i am from spain
<abc_> while we wait for isotope
<netchip> fredy_: why I should gief :P
<netchip> abc_: or CM9 << STABLE ENOUGH
<h4rdco2e> fredy_: he is frensh
<h4rdco2e> I think
<netchip> h4rdco2e: I'm Dutch
<h4rdco2e> ah fuck
<fredy_> I am from spain
<h4rdco2e> fredy_: I am from austria!
<netchip> LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Paradoxxx is offline at gtalk
<h4rdco2e> fredy_: nebkat is from UK
<fredy_> so netchip you need make new team
<fredy_> for sgs2 and sgs3
<netchip> fredy_: no
<netchip> I don't
<netchip> have to
<h4rdco2e> fredy_: codeworkx is from germany
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<fredy_> can i help you netchip?
abc_ has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<netchip> fredy_: nah
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<h4rdco2e> fredy_: for Hydrog3n-ICS he also did the dev work allone!
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<abc_> netchip: any thread somewhere for isotope?
<netchip> abc_: no, not yet
Lucas_ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<netchip> who is Lucas_ ?
<Lucas_> ...StOP tu talk about me..
<netchip> @whois Lucas_
<bbqbot> netchip: Command doesnt not exist!
<netchip> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @supported @downloads @changelog
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peterperfect has quit [Changing host]
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<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: what are you thinking about SecLauncher?
<bbqbot> derp
<Lucas_> i dindt scam nothing
<netchip> Lucas_: How do we know you are para?
<netchip> confirm?
<Lucas_> bye
<netchip> @geo Lucas_
<abc_> @geo Lucas_
<h4rdco2e> @geo user Lucas_
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Lucas_
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for 5539d894@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
Lucas_ has quit [Client Quit]
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: seclauncher?
<nebkat|beer> wat?
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: SGS3
nick_ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<netchip> nick_: you are Lucas_ idiot
override182 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<netchip> Compared IPs
karserasl has joined #teamhacksung-support
nick_ is now known as Guest55882
<netchip> Still Guest55882
<h4rdco2e> netchip: Lucas_ isn't Paradoxxx
Dvink has quit [Client Quit]
<h4rdco2e> his IP isn't french
<netchip> h4rdco2e: I do think so yes...
<Guest55882> hi people
<h4rdco2e> netchip: it is more likely than North Korea
<h4rdco2e> than french
<netchip> Guest55882: Obvious troll is obvious << PLEASE KICK HIM
<bajee11> isotope aokp?
<h4rdco2e> bajee11: true
<netchip> bajee11: Isotope Rizur is using too
Guest55882 has quit [Client Quit]
<nebkat|beer> idiotte
<netchip> nebkat|beer: who?
<netchip> nebkat|beer: Guest guy?
<h4rdco2e> netchip: Guest55882 is espana near to Madrid!
<nebkat|beer> yes
wini has joined #teamhacksung-support
<netchip> h4rdco2e: loooooooooooooool
abc_ has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<wini> yo
<h4rdco2e> @geo user nebkat|beer
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for nebkat|beer
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~nebkat@unaffiliated/nebkat
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for unaffiliated/nebkat
<wini> so the roumors about hidrog3n are true?
<wini> that it's over
<h4rdco2e> wini: true
<h4rdco2e> but the real dev makes a new better AOKP
<wini> hum ... very disapointed
<nebkat|beer> aokp?
<nebkat|beer> ew
<netchip> nebkat|beer: +1
<netchip> nebkat|beer: bloat droid lol
<h4rdco2e> netchip: dik
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h4rdco2e was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [idiotte]
<netchip> h4rdco2e: wat?
h4rdco2e has joined #teamhacksung-support
<netchip> h4rdco2e: wat?
<nebkat|beer> hello Neophyte_ :)
h4rdco2e has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<override182> whats next after Hydrog3nICS netchip?
<Neophyte_> netchip are you there?
<nebkat|beer> Neophyte_: are you para?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat|beer> or what
<vivmar> any official topic or page for isotope?
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<Neophyte_> i am neophytex.360
<netchip> Neophyte_: Here I am
<wini> netchip are you going to release any other updated version ?
<Neophyte_> listej
<netchip> nebkat|beer: he isn't
<Neophyte_> listen
<netchip> wini: not HyDrOG3NICS, or maybe I'll tweet one
<netchip> Neophyte_: kk
abc_ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<h4rdco2e> netchip: ISOTPOPE is AOKP?
<Neophyte_> hydrogen contains scripts designed by me
<h4rdco2e> netchip: do this again!
<nebkat|beer> Neophyte_: and?
<netchip> Neophyte_: REALLY?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat|beer> Neophyte_: show me one of your scripts btw
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: to this again!
<nebkat|beer> I want to see what level you are at xD
<netchip> Neophyte_: so?
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<netchip> Neophyte_: Which one?
<Neophyte_> you copy me from my hydra h20
<netchip> Neophyte_: DAFUQ
<netchip> Neophyte_: Talking shit
<netchip> Neophyte_: I'm suing build system and nebkat|beer can confirm
<netchip> using*
<h4rdco2e> Neophyte_: troll!
<nebkat|beer> wait
<nebkat|beer> Neophyte_: show me your
<nebkat|beer> Neophyte_: im sure it has a lot of bullshit
<Neophyte_> you copy my and init.d
<h4rdco2e> @geo user Neophyte_
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Neophyte_
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for 5539d894@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<nebkat|beer> Neophyte_: show me!
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: you are a fucking idiotte
<nebkat|beer> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[1429854208,1429864447],"country":"ES","region":"55","city":"Valladolid","ll":[41.65,-4.7167]}
<netchip> xD
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: cause?
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: you have done @geo fifty times
<Neophyte_> yes i am from ES
<nebkat|beer> Neophyte_: SHOW ME YOUR BUILD.PROP SHIT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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<netchip> ahahahaha
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: is 50 the limit?
<netchip> -.-'
<abc_> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[1884192768,1884209151],"country":"ID","region":"30","city":"Depok","ll":[-6.3433,106.4989]}
h4rdco2e was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [It doesnt get more stupid than that :P]
<Espenfjo> h4rdco2e: 0 is the limit
ee has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<Espenfjo> doh
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<netchip> /facepalm
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: wtf?
<Espenfjo> h4rdco2e: 0 is the limit
<Neophyte_> i have reported to xda
<netchip> h4rdco2e: YOU GOT TO SEARCH ON IP
<h4rdco2e> but!
<netchip> Neophyte_: wat?
<nebkat|beer> Neophyte_: SHOW ME IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<h4rdco2e> it worked with @geo user!
<nebkat|beer> or else kicknan
<nebkat|beer> kickban*
<nebkat|beer> Neophyte_: NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Neophyte_> netchip...take care ok? you are ban from xda
<Espenfjo> h4rdco2e: idiotte
<nebkat|beer> Neophyte_: 30s to show me
prova has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat|beer> or else I kickban
<netchip> Neophyte_: k, but wazzup?
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: Neophyte_ is searching for Hydrog3s source on Github ;)
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<karserasl> you all call yourselves "devs"? More like stupid little fucks
<nebkat|beer> karserasl: +1
<Espenfjo> wtq?
<bbqbot> derp
<partyup1324> lol
<nebkat|beer> Espenfjo: it doesnt apply to us obv
<netchip> nebkat|beer: He is talking about you :P
<partyup1324> fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
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<wini> well ... flashing resurection meanwhile :) ... i was wainting for the new version of hydrog3n but no luck hehe
netchip is now known as netchiploveseati
netchiploveseati is now known as netchip|eating
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netchip|eating was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [you will get unban in a few hours]
<nebkat|beer> shit not funny
Neophyte_ was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [idiotte]
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<abc_> ,
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<abc_> asd
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<Rizur> have i missed much? :)
<vivmar> nope
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<Beeston94> So who is the bad guy here?
<peterperfect> codeworkx on your signature, "coming soon" with just one "m"
<IDST> xplodwild
<Beeston94> isn't he a good developer?
<IDST> he's good developer, but naughty guy
<IDST> oh believe me
<Beeston94> oh ok..
edangel has joined #teamhacksung-support
<codeworkx> peterperfect: i dont care
<codeworkx> naughty? most users are naughty
<codeworkx> peterperfect: fixed it for you. are you stalking me?
<peterperfect> codeworkx yes i stalk everybody
<peterperfect> u mad? :)
<codeworkx> peterperfect: do you wanna be my wife?
<peterperfect> codeworkx fine with my gf
<codeworkx> peterperfect: really?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> codeworkx yep. But thanks for caring
<codeworkx> peterperfect: are you 110% sure?
<peterperfect> 109%
<codeworkx> hmm. ok, that's enough
* chadouming is back (gone 00:58:33)
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<Beeston94> Anyone want to donate to me?
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<peterperfect> no thanks
<peterperfect> Beeston94 donate do me
<Beeston94> oh ok just thought i'd try
<Beeston94> what good have you done? development-wise?
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<chadouming> lol Beeston94 you are donation verifier ?
<Beeston94> well I have done a few custom wallpapers, does that count?
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<codeworkx> Beeston94: no
<codeworkx> Beeston94: buying us beer counts
<codeworkx> and booobs! booobs always count
<Beeston94> Well codeworkx you've done a lot :D If I had a beer or a credit card for that matter I would donate ;p
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<Espenfjo> I did UMS switcher! I get beer for that?
<Netchip> Hello ladies and gentlemen
<Netchip> I am netchip
chadouming is now known as dog
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
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<dog> hi netchip, this is dog
<Netchip> XD
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<Netchip> Fair point
dog is now known as Chadouming
<Netchip> my mommy won't let me root my s2 :(
<edangel> lol
<Chadouming> hmm, that doesnt sound like real netchip
<xplodwild> Beeston94 (516cbec0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. est parti (Quit: Page closed)
<xplodwild> Netchip (516cbec0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. a rejoint #teamhacksung-support
<xplodwild> weird, same IP
<peterperfect> Espenfjo sensors would get 10 beers
<Netchip> Awwwww....Had to ruin the fun? :P
<Chadouming> yup
<Netchip> I totally had them
<xplodwild> Orly?
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<Netchip> well i'd like to think so ^^
<nebkat|beer> Netchip: you are idiotte
Netchip was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Espenfjo [i don't like you, go away!]
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Espenfjo was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [I WAS FUCKING TYPING THAT AND THEN YOU STOLE IT]
<nebkat|beer> ehehehe
Espenfjo has joined #teamhacksung-support
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<Espenfjo> :(
<nebkat|beer> Espenfjo: idiotte!
<Espenfjo> Y U HATE ME
<nebkat|beer> Espenfjo: I dont
<nebkat|beer> I hate Pa
<nebkat|beer> Parth
<Chadouming> hmm, ever heard that people might hate more than one person ?
<nebkat|beer> Chadouming: noep
<nebkat|beer> Chadouming: stop the capital c
<nebkat|beer> it looks idiotte
<capital_c> why you want to stop me ?
<nebkat|beer> capital_c: thats better
IDST is now known as Baskey
Capital_C was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [looks idiotte]
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<Baskey> fair enough
<Baskey> oh, poor netchip ;(
nebkat|beer was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Capital_C [NO IT'S NOT]
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<Rizur> why did netchip get banned :o
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<Baskey> because he's a netchip
<xplodwild> oh he's banned again?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> that's already enough xD
<nebkat|beer> Rizur: because cody wanted it that way
<Baskey> xplodwild:
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<Baskey> Christian Thorup = Dwarken
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<peterperfect> nebkat|beer netchip is on #BS run and ban him
<peterperfect> :P
<nebkat|beer> peterperfect: you doit :P
<peterperfect> done
<peterperfect> BBQBan
<Espenfjo> poor child
<peterperfect> sometimes i feel bad for him
<peterperfect> nobody likes him
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<chadouming> xD
<peterperfect> he will be a problematic one when grouwn
<peterperfect> grown
<chadouming> he found a friend once, i think we have to call him bad luck netchip now xD
<Espenfjo> peterperfect: or the other way around
<nebkat|beer> ugh
<Espenfjo> peterperfect: He is 13 or something, he might turn out to be a good dev when he is 20 :P
<peterperfect> Espenfjo yep..maybe
Netchip has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Netchip> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
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<Netchip> oO
<peterperfect> a lot!
<nebkat|beer> netchip: want to gief us donat? :)
<nebkat|beer> bbqteam
<Netchip> nebkat|beer: I want to, but am not allowed
<nebkat|beer> netchip: what you mean you are not allowed?
<nebkat|beer> you have your own moniez
<Netchip> nebkat|beer: giefing you money by aprenst (or anyone else)
<nebkat|beer> surely you are allowed to use them?
<Netchip> nebkat|beer: not my own paypalz
JieeHD|Offline is now known as JieeHD
<nebkat|beer> but you got the money?!
<Netchip> nebkat|beer: How must I give it you then xD
<nebkat|beer> paypal?
<nebkat|beer> its simple
<Netchip> can't
<Netchip> I can't make one
<nebkat|beer> but I mean if you received 20e why cant you gief it?
<bbqbot> derp
<Netchip> < 18 years old
<nebkat|beer> so?
<nebkat|beer> its *your* money
<Netchip> = no paypal
<nebkat|beer> how did you get the 20 then?
<EvilBelgian> it went into his parents paypal
<Netchip> nebkat|beer: to parents paypal which transferred to my bank account
<bbqbot> Download at:
<Frd^> @downloads galaxysmtd
<Netchip> pulser: chance to unban me @ XDA?
<Netchip> :)
<nebkat|beer> netchip: tell them to gief?
<nebkat|beer> its your money
<nebkat|beer> surely they wouldnt stop you?
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<Netchip> nebkat|beer: that's the point. They decise at the end what I do with my moniez.
<Netchip> nebkat|beer: Atleast that's the law in Tha Netherlands
<Netchip> if < 18 years
<nebkat|beer> forget about the "law"
<nebkat|beer> (lol)
<Netchip> nebkat|beer: ahaha
<codeworkx> i hate it if nebkat|beer removes bans i've set
<NeoPhyTe-x360> XDD
<nebkat|beer> cant you tell them to gief?
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<Netchip> nebkat|beer: no
<codeworkx> simple solution
<nebkat|beer> codeworkx: ok fixit :P
<nebkat|beer> shit
<nebkat|beer> bye netchip
netchip was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [netchip]
<Kylobayd> sooo netchip is guilty and paradoxx didnt do anything wrong? o_o
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat|beer> wait
<nebkat|beer> he closed all irc xD
<nebkat|beer> shit
<Espenfjo> Kylobayd: other way around
<Espenfjo> Kylobayd: netchip is just young and naive
<EvilBelgian> why does no one like him?
<Kylobayd> aw wtf their team was pro loved their rom.. and now it is the end wtf ;p
<Espenfjo> EvilBelgian: too noisy
<EvilBelgian> isn't that cause he's 14 and thinks the world revolves around him though?
<Kylobayd> now hurry checkrom and make a pro ics rom again xd
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<Espenfjo> EvilBelgian: It is
<Espenfjo> As any ~normal 14 year old do on the internett
<Karbowiak> i understand netchips rage tho
<EvilBelgian> precisely...ugghh I was annoying at that age
<Karbowiak> fucking french fucker
<chadouming> -_-'
<Kaik541> nebkat|beer: Y U KILL CODEWORKX
<Kylobayd> netchip scammed all the money and thats it or wot
<Karbowiak> no
<chadouming> no
<Karbowiak> paradoxx got all the money
<Espenfjo> Kylobayd: paradoxxx scammed the moneys
<chadouming> paradoxxx scammed all the moniez
nebkat|beer was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [you dont deserve to be here :(]
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<Karbowiak> and did almost none of the work
<Espenfjo> Kylobayd: netchip hasnt got a dime
<EvilBelgian> Karbowiak, are you british? you spout alot of french hate even if it is deservedly at para
<Karbowiak> and netchip did almost all the work, and got no money
<partyup1324> fucking cunt paradox scammed us all
<Kylobayd> ic wtf so why is every1 rage'in against netchip then? ;p
<chadouming> People dont like netchip because of it's attitude
<Karbowiak> EvilBelgian i don't like the french, and im not british
<Karbowiak> i hate the british too
<Karbowiak> infact
<Karbowiak> i wish all of england would get nuked
<Karbowiak> fuck i hate all the accents there
<nebkat|beer> :() I killed him :'(
<Karbowiak> and the majority of the women there is ugly as shit
<Karbowiak> so fuck england
<Karbowiak> and fuck france
<nebkat|beer> CODY COME BAAAAACKK :'(
<Karbowiak> and while we're at it, fuck the vatican
<Kylobayd> oh so paradoxx is a scammer and netchip is a annoyin french dude .. al righty lolol
<nebkat|beer> WHY?!?!
<Karbowiak> and austria!
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<nebkat|beer> WHY IT MUST HAPPEN?!?!?
<EvilBelgian> ohhh you hate everyone
<Karbowiak> no
<Karbowiak> i like germans
<Espenfjo> Kylobayd: no, netchip is Dutch
<Kylobayd> Netherlands <3
<Karbowiak> and dutch people
<nebkat|beer> Karbowiak hates a lot of things :P
<Kylobayd> oh realy? O_o
<bbqbot> derp
<Karbowiak> but really
<Kylobayd> I thought netchip was french? lol
Karbowiak was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming [STOP HATING]
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<nebkat|beer> Karbowiak: and serbs and irish?
<Karbowiak> Y U NO LET ME H8?!
<nebkat|beer> what bout dem
<Karbowiak> serbs are cool
<nebkat|beer> \o/
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<Karbowiak> irish dudes are cool when they're drunk
<chadouming> cause hate ain't cool
<nebkat|beer> \o/
<EvilBelgian> what about south africans?
<Espenfjo> chadouming: He is Danish.. Not his fault
<Karbowiak> also, serbs are only cool if they we're born with an AK
<Karbowiak> side note
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<Kylobayd> im also dutch <3_<3 jajaja
<Karbowiak> i hate all danes, but myself
<under> Guys.
<Karbowiak> and esp fuck the swedes
<Karbowiak> the swedes are in a whole different realm of hate
<EvilBelgian> what about the swiss?
<chadouming> and quebec ?
<Karbowiak> they're french
chadouming was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [fuck quebec]
<Karbowiak> FUQEM
chadouming has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Karbowiak> brb, pizzatiemmmmm
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Kylobayd was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Espenfjo [Fuck pizza]
<Espenfjo> no
<Espenfjo> wrong person!
<Espenfjo> omg
<EvilBelgian> well then we can assume he likes italians
<Espenfjo> :(((
Espenfjo was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [wrong person oops]
<chadouming> you must have pizza, you hate everyone, so you probably hate italians, and the person who made your pizza
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<Espenfjo> :(((((
<nebkat|beer> Espenfjo: idiotte
<nebkat|beer> lol
<chadouming> and I tought nebkat was the Hater, you are not even near karbowiak
peterperfect has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<Karbowiak> seriously fuck them
<Karbowiak> they can't do anything right
<EvilBelgian> they can make pizza
<Karbowiak> instead of fixing their shit, they let the mafia run it all
<under> :P
<Karbowiak> also, fuck Greece, not because their goverment is shit
<Karbowiak> but because i had to learn about ancient greece and aristotle
<chadouming> -_-'
Karbowiak was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [you obviously have problems :P]
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<nebkat|beer> amirite? :P
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> yeah, philosophy is sooooooo useless . . .
<NeoPhyTe-x360> who was "Neophyte_" ?? he's not me
<Karbowiak> AND NOW
<Karbowiak> I WILL EAT PIZZA
<under> speriamo ti affoghi :P
<nebkat|beer> NeoPhyTe-x360: some idiotte :P
<Karbowiak> made by some 3rd world country imported wannabe muslim fag
<chadouming> maybe it will shut you up
Karbowiak was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Espenfjo [Go be angry somewhere else]
<nebkat|beer> Espenfjo: +1
<NeoPhyTe-x360> nebkat|beer: fuck him then
<nebkat|beer> NeoPhyTe-x360: +1
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<Espenfjo> Kylobayd: :(
<chadouming> NeoPhyTe-x360, you were the one who made a kernel, right ?
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<EvilBelgian> omw you found a use for the Google +1
<Espenfjo> Kylobayd: I hit the wrong person. Sowwwy
<Kylobayd> no problem ;p
<NeoPhyTe-x360> chadouming: I do some mods on kernel sources, but not much, why?
<nebkat|beer> codeworkx: <3
<Frd^> hmm, why mine fc all the time?
<codeworkx> nebkat|beer: please stay on hydrowhat channel with him
<nebkat|beer> meh ok
<chadouming> i remember your name from XDA
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<chadouming> but i can't see clearly
<NeoPhyTe-x360> chadouming: yeah, I'm NeoPhyTe.x360 on XDA
<chadouming> didnt you made a rom too
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<Frd^> damnd that adb pull tooks time...
<NeoPhyTe-x360> chadouming: yeah, some mods, desire and sgs2
<chadouming> yup, i was on SGS II forum
<chadouming> didnt you stopped your kernel developement because there was too much drama ?
<NeoPhyTe-x360> chadouming: yeah....
ieki has joined #teamhacksung-support
<NeoPhyTe-x360> chadouming: don't like problems so, no more kernels.
<chadouming> i new i remembered you xD
<chadouming> hmk, don't tell me, i will try to remember the name :D
<chadouming> your rom was solarflare ?
<NeoPhyTe-x360> chadouming: yeah, the old one yes
<chadouming> xD
karlaow has quit [Client Quit]
<chadouming> yeah, long time i havnt been on GS II forum
Kylobayd has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<NeoPhyTe-x360> chadouming: I left it some months, and now I'm back another time
<chadouming> hmk
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<chadouming> ninphetamine !
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<NeoPhyTe-x360> haha
<NeoPhyTe-x360> good old kernel
<Berzerker> xplodwild: you here?
<chadouming> nope, mirage ?
<NeoPhyTe-x360> yeah, this was built by me, mirage s2
<chadouming> yup :(
<NeoPhyTe-x360> siyah based
<nebkat|beer> oops
<chadouming> i had to go see on XDA, my memory is getting bad :'(
<NeoPhyTe-x360> nebkat|beer: XDDDD
<NeoPhyTe-x360> Listening Markus Schulz presents - Global DJ Broadcast (24 May 2012)
<under> mmmh... so paradoxxx was/is a little piece of...
PG has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Frd^> why FC?
<Frd^> and Clock has stopped
<Kaik541> @bomb Frd^ BECAUSE
<bbqbot> Frd^, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
Guest3149 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<Frd^> red
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Frd^ was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was green]
<Kaik541> :D
Frd^ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Frd^> always correct way to asnwer guestion, activate bomb
<nebkat|beer> @bomb nebkat|beer
<bbqbot> nebkat|beer: You are not allowed to run that command!
<nebkat|beer> fuck
<nebkat> @owners add nebkat|beer ~nebkat@unaffiliated/nebkat
<bbqbot> User nebkat|beer got added as owner.
<nebkat|beer> @bomb nebkat|beer
<bbqbot> nebkat|beer, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<nebkat|beer> 42
<bbqbot> Correct wire!
<bbqbot> Bomb disarmed!
<addi> bomb me, bomb me!!! :P
<EvilBelgian> it's always the answer
<chadouming> @bomb EvilBelgian
<bbqbot> chadouming: You are not allowed to run that command!
<EvilBelgian> It's why I have it tattooed on my back
Yami_Bas has joined #teamhacksung-support
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<Frd^> is there some way to fix that crash or should i just look from google?
<chadouming> @google fix force close
<bbqbot> force close! FIX - xda-developers -
<nebkat|beer> @bomb addi
<bbqbot> addi, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<addi> 42
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
addi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was red]
addi has joined #teamhacksung-support
<addi> :( :(
<Frd^> 404 Page Not Found ;/
<nebkat|beer> @bomb Frd^ #blamesamsung
<bbqbot> Frd^, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<Frd^> 42
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Frd^ was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was orange]
Frd^ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<addi> nebkat|beer, you making me look like..
<addi> IDIOTTE xD
<chadouming> @bomb EvilBelgian
<bbqbot> EvilBelgian, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
h4rdco2e has joined #teamhacksung-support
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
EvilBelgian was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was red]
EvilBelgian has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Frd^> you got too many bombs =)
Numloxx has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
<NeoPhyTe-x360> 42
<nebkat|beer> how about this one
<nebkat|beer> @timer set 60 bomb Frd^
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<nebkat|beer> 60s, goodbye :D
<Frd^> thx :)
<Kaik541> @timer set 2 bomb
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<Kaik541> @bomb nebkat|beer
<bbqbot> nebkat|beer, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<nebkat|beer> red
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
nebkat|beer was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was orange]
nebkat|beer has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Frd^> blue
<bbqbot> Frd^, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Frd^ was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
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lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<EvilBelgian> no fair
<EvilBelgian> I was in the kitchen
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<Baskey_> lol :D
Baskey_ is now known as Baskey
<EvilBelgian> what's with all the underscores
<chadouming> @bomb EvilBelgian
<bbqbot> EvilBelgian, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
amititzhaki has joined #teamhacksung-support
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<EvilBelgian> 42
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
EvilBelgian was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
EvilBelgian has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Kylobayd> yellow
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<EvilBelgian> damn so it doesn't always work
<Abder> Hydrog3nICS is over ?
<Espenfjo> yes
<XaToR> yes
kalpik has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
<EvilBelgian> You should just put it in the status
chadouming has quit [Quit: I'M GOING DOWNNNNNNNN]
<Espenfjo> EvilBelgian: not our rom
chadouming has joined #teamhacksung-support
chadouming has quit [Changing host]
chadouming has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Espenfjo> We are just helpful
<Espenfjo> instead of doing an /kick
kelah has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<Abder> What's the best aokp rom for the GS2 then ?
<EvilBelgian> I know it's not your rom just would be quicker seeing as so many people are asking
dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
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<Espenfjo> Abder: None
<Espenfjo> There is no good AOKP rom
<Espenfjo> Its shit
<Hollow_> Out of interest has anyone tried the 18/05 build in the codeworkx folder?
Kylobayd has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<chadouming> @bomb chadouming
<bbqbot> chadouming: You are not allowed to run that command!
<chadouming> !
<Espenfjo> Hollow_: 18/05 < 25/05 FYI
boog has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat|beer> this is not a hydrogenics channel
<nebkat|beer> stop saying shit about it
<nebkat|beer> plz
<Xero-> @bomb nebkat|beer
<bbqbot> nebkat|beer, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<Espenfjo> Stop saying shit about it. You mean i should talk nicely about it? XD
<Hollow_> apologies, thought I had the link to the hydro irc
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<nebkat|beer> 42
<bbqbot> Correct wire!
<bbqbot> Bomb disarmed!
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: info about netchip?
<Xero-> :/
<nebkat|beer> Xero-: yup
<nebkat|beer> @bomb nebkat|beer
<bbqbot> nebkat|beer, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<nebkat|beer> bleu
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
FernandoMiguel has joined #teamhacksung-support
<bbqbot> BOOM!
nebkat|beer was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was orange]
nebkat|beer has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat|beer> ahaha
<nebkat|beer> @bomb nebkat|beer
<bbqbot> nebkat|beer, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<nebkat|beer> blue
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
nebkat|beer was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was red]
nebkat|beer has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat|beer> blue
<nebkat|beer> blue
<Espenfjo> plz
<Xero-> lol
<nebkat|beer> blue
<nebkat|beer> blue
<nebkat|beer> blue
<nebkat|beer> blue
<nebkat|beer> blue
nebkat|beer was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Espenfjo [silence!]
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<EvilBelgian> that was interesting
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coolya|away is now known as coolya
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<chadouming> shit happen
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<azerty_> hi guys
<azerty_> sorry im late but someone can sum up what happened ? Oo
<Gadibob> Alo looking for answer..
phini has left #teamhacksung-support [#teamhacksung-support]
<azerty_> >?
<coolya> nebkat|beer, was playing with the bot xD
<nebkat|beer> coolya: +1q
<nebkat|beer> +1*
<Gadibob> Also looking to see what with hydrogen ??!
<azerty_> anyone who can explain to us ?
kevin-g-b has joined #teamhacksung-support
<coolya> and some people at cern produced antihydrogen
<nebkat|beer> Gadibob: this is not a hydrogen thread
<nebkat|beer> plz stop talking about it
<nebkat|beer> Gadibob: para waas a fool
<nebkat|beer> a derpy one
<Espenfjo> wth
<Gadibob> Sorry.
<nebkat|beer> and he scammed peoples money
<Espenfjo> Why are you all hydrogen people coming in here?
<EvilBelgian> coolya speaks truth
<nebkat|beer> and he is hopefully wiped forom teh netz
<nebkat|beer> Espenfjo: someone must've linked them :{
<nebkat|beer> :P
<Kylobayd> ya some1 linked this channel in the hydrogen threat
<chadouming> yup, xplodwild linked here
Brujo has joined #teamhacksung-support
TR2N has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Espenfjo> xplodwild: Y U NOT HERE TO DO SUPPORT!
<xplodwild> Im here
<Baskey> U ARE NOT
<xplodwild> ok I'm not here
<xplodwild> GF said no to babies
<TR2N> Okay guys, what happend to HyDrOGEN ICS?
<Baskey> such a bummer
<TR2N> Can anyone tell me please?
<azerty_> give 100 to paraaadoxx
<azerty_> and he will tell you XD
<azerty_> 100€
<rodries> is here a xda admin?
<Espenfjo> xplodwild: good gf
<TR2N> No, i don't want to spend money on
<xplodwild> Espenfjo: you already told me :p
<addi> <xplodwild> GF said no to babies <--- forever or temporarily? :P
<Espenfjo> xplodwild: Cant tell you enough
<xplodwild> rodries: why?
<xplodwild> addi: for now :p
<TR2N> someone who bought an PC..??
<bbqbot> derp
<rodries> I¡d like to know what is going to happen with netchip ban
<Espenfjo> TR2N: The paradox dude stole money
<Baskey> xplodwild: but the question is, what happened to the GIRL NEXT DOOR?
<xplodwild> ahhh hahahahaha xD
Kylobayd has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<addi> xplodwild, oh, damn. or i would have asked her to talk to and change my gf's mind as well xD
<addi> i no want kids, she want kids, and me gotta listen :P
<xplodwild> Baskey: never heard them afterwards :p
<Espenfjo> addi: Go to the doctor, snip snip
<Baskey> damn :/
<Berzerker> xplodwild: have you thought about porting AOKP also?
<addi> xD
<Espenfjo> addi: Dont tell her
<xplodwild> Berzerker: no
<Berzerker> it's out for the prime, probably wouldn't take too much effort to get it working
<TR2N> And where is netchip?
<Baskey> Paradoxx + Netchip is the worst combo ever
<xplodwild> Berzerker: not enough time, sorry
<Berzerker> k cool
<azerty_> <Baskey> Paradoxx + Netchip is the worst combo ever = YOU MADE MY DAY
kalpik has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
<TR2N> Will the project continue?
<TR2N> In an other form?
<Baskey> azerty_: I'm glad :D
<Espenfjo> xplodwild: :( why did you bring all of this in here
<rodries> any reply about what is going to happen with netchip ban?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> Netchip has been banned from this channel since the born of day
raymonddull has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Espenfjo> This channel is not hydrogenics / aokp / shit
<rodries> relax
<raymonddull> tha fuck is hydrogenics?
<rodries> I'm only asking
<TR2N> Okay, thank you.
<addi> Y U PEOPLES NO GO TO #hydrogenics or #teamkang??!!!
<raymonddull> was that your foot? yes. and that was my baby's foot.
<raymonddull> thats all I ever think of when I see that scene
<coolya> addi, because they got banned for asking for cm xD
<raymonddull> meet the spartans, thats the name of the movie I'm thinking of
Berzerker has left #teamhacksung-support [#teamhacksung-support]
<addi> coolya, oh xD
<TR2N> Okay guys, can someone please instruct me, what was going on??
datagutt has joined #teamhacksung-support
datagutt has joined #teamhacksung-support
<raymonddull> lol its rating is 2.5/10 hahahah I guess everyone else thought it sucked too
<Espenfjo> TR2N: as said, paradox stole people money.
Kaik541 has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
<raymonddull> o.O
<Espenfjo> Which has _nothing_ to do with what happens in this channel, or any channel related to this channel.
<TR2N> And what is with netchip? What was his problem??
<Espenfjo> Ask him
<TR2N> Thank you.
<raymonddull> he's a 12 year old that thinks he's a dev, thats his problem
<datagutt> hey raymond
<raymonddull> hi
<datagutt> wait
<datagutt> when did you become op?
<bbqbot> derp
<datagutt> i didnt notice lol
<raymonddull> like over a month ago
<raymonddull> lol
<datagutt> haha
<datagutt> you are not very talkactive then
<raymonddull> sure i am
<datagutt> a fellow miui users..
<raymonddull> just usually while you're asleep
<datagutt> user*
<datagutt> where the fuck do they get the ops in here from -.-
<coolya> there are to many cooks out there, who cook, grill or panfry ... but claim them self a Developer
<raymonddull> just talkative in a lot of channels, I havent been on miui since like last june
<raymonddull> and I got op from nebkat
<datagutt> My phone doesnt even support it
<datagutt> even though its coming out
<datagutt> before cm
<datagutt> :(
<raymonddull> lol mine doesnt support android /at all/
<datagutt> ios?
<raymonddull> I'm using a samsung focus for right now
<datagutt> please
<datagutt> god no
<datagutt> ah
<raymonddull> wp7
<datagutt> well there is worse
<raymonddull> it was $40 and I needed $ for my car
<raymonddull> so I sold everything but my netbook and that phone and bought a car
<datagutt> 7.5 ihope?
<raymonddull> yeah
<raymonddull> I'm on tango
<datagutt> ah
<raymonddull> afaik its not released, its testing builds after mango
<datagutt> k
<datagutt> 7.5 refresh or something right
<datagutt> i dont know much about wp7
<datagutt> lol
<datagutt> (had to google the tango part)
<raymonddull> yeah something like that
<raymonddull> its like a later build of 7.5
<Baskey> hi, datagutt! haven't seen you for ages!
<datagutt> Oh Basky
<datagutt> baskey*
<Baskey> yay! :D
<datagutt> hey
* datagutt tries to remember
<raymonddull> if we wanna get specific I'm running WP7.5 os version: 7.10.8773.98
<Baskey> hahaha
kalpik has joined #teamhacksung-support
<raymonddull> so I'm thinking like 6 months for a cm port? its essentially thunderbolt hardware with samoled iirc
<Baskey> Tango is the codename for WP 7.5 Refresh
<raymonddull> I know its snapdragon but idk which one
<Baskey> it's the first Focus, right?
<raymonddull> yeah
<raymonddull> just looked it up, its qsd8250
<raymonddull> I have the sgh-i917
<raymonddull> unlocked and using it on tmobile.
<datagutt> Once June 8th
<Baskey> I had Omnia 7, very similar device
<datagutt> i have to start porting cm
<datagutt> because there will be a updated ics out then (skinned, but i can use their drivers)
<datagutt> I COULD just ask netchip
<datagutt> he ports for stuff he doesnt own anyways
<raymonddull> at this point pretty much all the windows devices are qsd8250, adreno200 gpu, 800x480 amoled
<datagutt> but it wouldnt be safe to run x)
<raymonddull> lol
<datagutt> ray, so slightly outdated?
<datagutt> adren200 = htc desire hardware or something
<Baskey> #PickupLineOfTheNight: "Is that a Galaxy Note in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"
peterperfect has joined #teamhacksung-support
<raymonddull> yeah pretty much
<raymonddull> same as desire/n1/evo 4g/dinc
<addi> windows devices are adreno 205 ;)
<raymonddull> not mine
<addi> quite a difference from 200 :P
<addi> yes, new ones are
<datagutt> addi still outdated
<addi> yours old one :D
<addi> datagutt: but still WP7 runs smooth :P
<datagutt> most of wp hardware is at lest
<raymonddull> qsd8250, adreno 200
<datagutt> least*
<Baskey> the newest one are adreno 220 or 205?
<datagutt> doesnt support quad-core (i hope it supports dualcore though
<addi> so outdated is a matter of perspective. Adreno 205 is enough to run Shadowgun :)
<datagutt> wp devices are almost the same
<datagutt> all of em
<addi> at FWVGA res anyway, higher than that = fail :P
<datagutt> needs certain designs rules
<datagutt> design*
<datagutt> very strict on hw etc
<Baskey> WP8 Apollo will support multi cores
<raymonddull> mine runs everything but the avatar animations smoothly
<raymonddull> those drop to about 10fps
<addi> yes, new ones are almost the same, just the 1ghz ones are a different model, 1.4Ghz ones are the T models
<datagutt> and thats like
<datagutt> lots of years after everybody else
<addi> yes, but again, enough for WP7
<raymonddull> this thing has the same hardware as my hd2 did and it runs wp7 a hell of a lot better than ics does on the same hardware
<addi> WP8 will probably need newer ones though
<raymonddull> probably
<raymonddull> though this thing's exploded screen will be my reason for upgrading not wp8
<raymonddull> I'll be back on android once I get a job
azerty_ has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<raymonddull> which if all goes well will be tomorrow
<addi> good luck :)
<raymonddull> I had an interview on monday and I find out tomorrow if I got it
<raymonddull> thanks
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JOHN___ is now known as johnPaul2
<johnPaul2> HI
<johnPaul2> PS. THIS IS A FACT
<raymonddull> lol
<FernandoMiguel> can we ban this smuch ?
<raymonddull> !kick johnPaul2
johnPaul2 was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by raymonddull [johnPaul2]
<raymonddull> hmm bbqbot y u no !kick
<Baskey> what the hell
<raymonddull> lol ikr
<Baskey> and why from Ukraine? :D
<raymonddull> not a clue
guv has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Kaik541> @kick raymonddull do it right
raymonddull was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [do it right]
raymonddull has joined #teamhacksung-support
<raymonddull> -_-
Anthony1s{-_-} has joined #teamhacksung-support
<raymonddull> lol
<raymonddull> @bomb Baskey
<bbqbot> Baskey, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<Baskey> GREEN
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was orange]
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<raymonddull> lol fail
<Baskey> damn
<Baskey> :/
<raymonddull> wanna try again?
<Baskey> nah
<Kaik541> @bomb Baskey too bad
<bbqbot> Baskey, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<raymonddull> lol
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<Baskey> RED
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
Anthony1s has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<Baskey> I'm not good at disarming bombs, additional help of Intersect would be nice
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Anthony1s{-_-} is now known as Anthony1s
<DuperMan> the correct color is "hold nebkat|beer's cat hostage and force nebkat to lie on the bomb or you shoot it"
<DuperMan> I believe it's a shade of blue
<NeoPhyTe-x360> waiting for tomorrow, I need vodka now hahaha
<DuperMan> Imma whiskey soon, just need a taxi company that doesn't hate me yet
<DuperMan> more of a challenge than it would seem
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afkstringsg is now known as sixstringsg
Jiangyi has joined #teamhacksung-support
<NeoPhyTe-x360> hahaha
<NeoPhyTe-x360> I'm lucky here I don't need taxis
<NeoPhyTe-x360> XDDD
<NeoPhyTe-x360> only I have to try to not to fall until I come to my home
<DuperMan> bat's are as blind as me
<DuperMan> so... :)
<EvilBelgian> you had to figure out a way to use a computer with sonar?
under has quit [Quit: Sto andando via]
<raymonddull> yay I finally can stop using this tiny ass netbook
<raymonddull> I just bought another laptop
<raymonddull> dell xps m1210
<raymonddull> yay for failing nvidia gpus making shit cheap for me
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<NeoPhyTe-x360> RaspberriPi is available order from today at RS Components
<NeoPhyTe-x360> if someone are interested
<addi> how big is the Android 4.0.4 repo in size?
<addi> 6 GB? 7 GB? :(
<DuperMan> NeoPhyTe-x360: link
<raymonddull> addi, like 7gb probably
<DuperMan> addi: about right, but have some 22gb ready for a build env in the least
<addi> hmmm, so guess I'm gonna have to leave it overnight :/
<raymonddull> cm is closer to like 9gb now iirc but aosp has less branches than cm
<addi> DuperMan: yeah, free space not a problem, slow internet so wondering about size
<raymonddull> ahh
<DuperMan> addi: moar zise
<addi> downloads at 220 KB/s :P
<raymonddull> yeah expect overnight probably for 2 days lmfao
<addi> Indian internet speeds FTW
<DuperMan> lol ain't too bad. hehe. hehe.
* raymonddull looks down at torrents going at 4.5MB/s
<DuperMan> my camel central internet does it in some 2 hours xD
<NeoPhyTe-x360> DuperMan: http ://authenticate.rsdelivers .com/ , I think you have to preorder before
* DuperMan enjoys the breeze at 1.6mBps
<addi> will take only 9 hours :P
<DuperMan> how does 'only' apply?
<EvilBelgian> and here I am downloading shite at 20kb/s
<EvilBelgian> bastards
<addi> haha, max speed i've seen in my life is 1 MB/s, and that too on phone with 3G :P
<addi> EvilBelgian: 20 kb/s? :X
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> download stuff instead of shite and the isp will priorotize you
<DuperMan> ;)
<raymonddull> lol
<addi> okay, sleep time while repo sync does its magic :/
<EvilBelgian> addi: I have the cheapest internet connection in south africa
<raymonddull> ouch
<addi> nite nite
<DuperMan> my phone does a steady 450kBps on h (none +)
<DuperMan> and UNLIMITED
<DuperMan> ftw
<raymonddull> goodnight addi
<addi> EvilBelgian: South African internet scene also poor like India?
<DuperMan> real unlimited bisches
<DuperMan> the sex
<addi> here 1 mbps connection is standard in most homes
<DuperMan> nn
<raymonddull> mine is real unlimited up to 5gb then its unlimited but slow as fuck
<addi> i got unlimited on PC, but not on 3G :P
<DuperMan> addi: what is "2001"
<DuperMan> oh aren't we playing jeopardy?
<raymonddull> lol
<addi> no, we're playing 'whose internet sucks?'
<DuperMan> I need a gigabit router :(
<DuperMan> home stuffs getting fat
<DuperMan> oh. "what's an addi"
<DuperMan> for 500 points:D
<EvilBelgian> addi: used to be but it's getting better. I'm just stuck using the crappest internet on the planet until I get a job that allows me to upgrade to a 4 megabit line
<DuperMan> WIN
<addi> i need a new CPU + motherboard, but no moneyz
<raymonddull> I find it interesting that I drive a car that is older than a lot of people in this channel
<DuperMan> shit no, EvilBelgian was the answer :D
<peterperfect> i need ferrari too
<peterperfect> but no money
<addi> EvilBelgian: ah, okay. Here 2 megabit lines with unlimited are the tops for most, 4 megabit and beyond too costly
<Baskey> I need my own xplodwild, but no money :(
<raymonddull> lol I drive a 91 grand prix se peterperfect
<raymonddull> very far from a ferrari
<addi> but we do have 12 mbps or 20 mbps connections now, but not unlimited :/
<raymonddull> but it is red if that counts
<xplodwild> Baskey: your own me?
<EvilBelgian> 900 rand a month for a 4megabit line here. that's about 80 euros
<EvilBelgian> and that's uncapped
<addi> I'm paying $25 for 2 mbps uncapped
<Baskey> xplodwild: you are the property of your gf
<addi> though it's a special offer. normally it's $50 :X
<xplodwild> ofcourse
<DuperMan> shit. no whisky tonight
<DuperMan> :(
<DuperMan> f money
<DuperMan> lol2
<NeoPhyTe-x360> here 50/5 about 50 €
<addi> repo syncing at 50-60 KiB/s!!!!! Y?!!!
<EvilBelgian> addi: internet gets unseasonably expensive because the last mile is controlled by one company
<DuperMan> gay topic is gay
* DuperMan shoplifts xplodwild
<Baskey> :D
<addi> EvilBelgian: the telecom authority here just started on the mission to bring high speeds to India
<DuperMan> addi: gotta love indian politics/public policy/advertising
<DuperMan> soooooooooo mid twentieth century western world
<addi> gotta hate it :P
<DuperMan> nah, you're living Mad Men
<EvilBelgian> addi: sounds fun...we're forcing our telecom authority to let go of their monopoly...which isn't too difficult since the majority of the backbone is now under the control of various cellular companies
<addi> 10% of tax goes in development, 90% in politicians' pockets :P
<DuperMan> addi: 9 percent more development than here
<raymonddull> yup
<DuperMan> ;)
<raymonddull> same here its like 1 vs 99
<addi> like we have a 12 mbps connection from one provider that goes down to 1 mbps after 25 GB. for $18
<DuperMan> here the cellular carriers actually just got their ass handed to 'em
<addi> well then, if that's the case, then here nothing goes into development compared to you guys ;)
<DuperMan> you know how governments always subsidize infrastructure then give it to the de facto carrier monopolies/cartel?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> haha, here too, though that was due to a 2G scam where they were sold spectrum at lesser cost than actual
<DuperMan> well, our government just reversed that
<addi> so now they gotta all pay the extra money they didn't pay then
<DuperMan> which is why I not haz new job:(
<addi> one company Telenor thinking of writing off all investment and going away :O
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<DuperMan> carrier I should phone repped froze all new training courses and new hirings etc overnight
<DuperMan> fuckers
<DuperMan> lol pretty same, pelephone :P
<DuperMan> iirc they're the equivalent of telenor
<DuperMan> first carrier around, had monopoly for while etc
<DuperMan> cdma btw
<DuperMan> lol
<addi> here no carrier monopoly
<addi> about 8 major ones
<Baskey> just 14 days left to the start of Euro 2012, and then invasion of tourists :/
<Baskey> damn
<raymonddull> we have 2 gsm and 2 cdma carriers
<DuperMan> neither, 3 major ones, but pelefon/phone WAS the only one from 1992/4 to 1998~
<raymonddull> well those are the major ones, but the others are just regional
<DuperMan> tourist chicks:D
<raymonddull> the major ones cover the whole country
<addi> though when DoCoMo came from Japan here, they started making call and sms rates so low, all others had to follow suit, now all having 70% less profit every quarter xD
<DuperMan> we're too small to have regionals xDDDDDDD
<DuperMan> hardly even have regional sports leagues
<Baskey> DuperMan: but tourist chicks you mean hot spanish women?
<addi> they started per sec pulse, which drove everyone mad
<Baskey> :D
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<DuperMan> just lower tier national ones
<Baskey> by*
<NeoPhyTe-x360> spanish women all whores
<DuperMan> Baskey: well duh
<NeoPhyTe-x360> fucking bitches
<Baskey> lol
<DuperMan> only not just spanish
<NeoPhyTe-x360> hahaha
<DuperMan> and mostly english speaking
<addi> DuperMan: where you be from?
<NeoPhyTe-x360> I say spanish women because I see them everyday
<DuperMan> NeoPhyTe-x360: mysogeny won't get you laid
<DuperMan> addi: israel, land of camels and uptight chicks
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<addi> ah, okay
<DuperMan> you addi? indian I'd assume
<DuperMan> lol
<addi> of course :P
<addi> India FTW
<DuperMan> actually tend to agree, india is pretty damn interesting
<Baskey> there's a big potential
<addi> well, we have problems, but it's not all bad..
<addi> not like what the western world would make it out to be through stupid movies like Slumdog
<DuperMan> it's as big as europe, more populated and even more complex culturaly
<DuperMan> or so I heard
<addi> though that kinda shit does happen
<addi> very complex
<DuperMan> addi: I know very little about it, but my gut tells me saying "India" is as bad a generalization as saying "people are ..."
<DuperMan> lol
<addi> yeah :p
<Baskey> we don't care about cultural heritage here in Poland
<Baskey> and that's the main problem
<DuperMan> I hate post modernism, but damn... you guys and china are as huge as 'teh west'
<addi> Individual mother tongues here were counted at 1652 in 1961 in India :P
<DuperMan> Baskey: stfu, dude. If it weren't for heritage I'd be polish
<DuperMan> :PPPP
<Baskey> huh :D
<DuperMan> and hell if I'd not have liked it better than the dang desert
<DuperMan> lovely country you got there
<Baskey> there's no perfect country in the whole world, that's for sure
<addi> nowadays I'm getting surprised by seeing Indians everywhere. head of Google Search -> Indian. Main guy in Google Drive development -> Indian.. me didn't know that till a month ago :P
<DuperMan> well polish chicks are hot, a third of 'em
<DuperMan> other third look like bulldogs
<DuperMan> last third looks like my sis
<DuperMan> so ew
<addi> Baskey: true, problems everywhere, nice things everywhere
<Baskey> indeed
<DuperMan> hmmmmmmmm... bottom of the ocean
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<DuperMan> ^
<DuperMan> find a nice thing 'bout living there
<addi> okay, now off to sleep. nite nite peoplez ^^
<NeoPhyTe-x360> ciao addi
<DuperMan> nn. I should set a donations paypal
<DuperMan> cause I srsly want someone to buy me a beer xD
<Baskey> I admire russians, they are so optimistic :D
<DuperMan> xDDDDDDD
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<DuperMan> I admire my cultists, thinking I care
<DuperMan> o:)
* DuperMan has had a small cult in tel aviv, srsly. NEVER try and explain reason to clubbers by doing mind tricks and a reveal
<Baskey> lol
<DuperMan> people can be incredibly stupid. endlessly.
<DuperMan> me: that was reikii, see how it's just about creating a faraday cage of sorts with your veins so heat is trapped inside?
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<DuperMan> idiot: wait, so you can heal ANYTHING?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> ^ :D
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<Baskey> hahahaha
t-ready has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
<Baskey> Mass Effect: Infiltrator, here comes THE DADDY
Baskey is now known as Baskey_AFK
<DuperMan> at least that dude was a douche missionary, no harm in making him less sane
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<mprashantg> Hi
<mprashantg> I am new to custom roms
<mprashantg> and am planning to install CM9
Baskey_AFK is now known as Baskey
<DuperMan> mprashantg: good
<mprashantg> currently I am using GB 2.3.6 on Galaxy s2 i9100
<DuperMan> Baskey: why no ME?
<Baskey> I need to download files first
<Baskey> :D
<mprashantg> I read the documents and see that the resurection method is the simplest
<DuperMan> Baskey: better use for your time: gift me Diablo 3 on steam
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> mprashantg: indeed
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<Baskey> DuperMan: I wish I could :D
<Baskey> my games collection on Steam is so lame
<DuperMan> Baskey: gief amazon cupouns? xD
<DuperMan> Baskey: teh lazy! +haven't done anything donation-worthy of yet
<DuperMan> stupid integrity
<DuperMan> :(
<DuperMan> w00t speaking of steam, metro 2033 is going for 5$ today
<DuperMan> grab it mate
<mprashantg> will I loose all my data once I install cm9?
<DuperMan> decent shooter
<NeoPhyTe-x360> awesome
<DuperMan> mprashantg: yes, back it up first
<Baskey> oh, thx for info
<Baskey> I love the book
<mprashantg> any software you recommend?
<DuperMan> haven't read :O srsly awesome?
<DuperMan> teh book
<DuperMan> mprashantg: titanium backup
<Baskey> yeah
<DuperMan> sms backup and restore
<mprashantg> that requires root
<mprashantg> I haven't rooted my phone yet
<DuperMan> haven't read read anything good in almost a year, I'm audiobook lazy
<DuperMan> ew@me
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<Baskey> hipstagram :D
<DuperMan> mprashantg: install cf-root and make a cwm (nandroid) backup as well as titanium backup backup before installing cm9
<DuperMan> lol
<DuperMan> hate instagram Baskey, I love photography
<DuperMan> and instagram is teh whore
<DuperMan> :(
<NeoPhyTe-x360> good photo
<Baskey> yeah, that's true
<Baskey> whore of iOS
<DuperMan> wait bisches
<Baskey> I don't get that whole hype about instagram
<Baskey> NeoPhyTe-x360: thx
<DuperMan> real photography :P
<DuperMan> no photoshop/instagram
<DuperMan> no, this is me with photoshop:
<Baskey> lol
<DuperMan> previous ones were pure good snapshot skills
<mprashantg> DuperMan: is root mandatory to install cm9 or just for backing up data
<mprashantg> I just took a backup with mybackup
<DuperMan> mprashantg: mandatory unless using the resurruction technique
<DuperMan> herp
<EvilBelgian> why did I just look at a picture of an anorexhic man
<mprashantg> is that good and will I be able to do a restore from mybackup to cm9?
<DuperMan> btw, samsung phone cameras - win
<EvilBelgian> havign sex
<DuperMan> EvilBelgian: to see what a skillful sick fuck I am with a touch of photoshop, f u for seeing through the artistic pretense
<DuperMan> :(
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: They're good until you meet the pink spots! :-(
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: I likey teh pink, see previous photo what I should never have put here
<DuperMan> lol
* DuperMan facepalms to oblivion
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Thank goodness I still don't see anything out of that picture. I don't think I want to know.
<EvilBelgian> Duperman, are you the anorexhic with an exhibitionist sex life?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> EvilBelgian: more of a dime artisan
<EvilBelgian> I'm afraid you've lost me there and I couldn't be arsed to google dime artisan
<DuperMan> artist wannabe
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> got the whole look and attitude down pat, just need talent
<EvilBelgian> ahhh
<EvilBelgian> I'm a "freelance writer"
<EvilBelgian> in other words
<EvilBelgian> I have a blog
<DuperMan> lolol. I made three poet chicks cry, will never have blog
<DuperMan> or publish
<Baskey> I'm lame at poetry
<DuperMan> poetry is lame, so that must mean you're a rather decent poet
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<Baskey> I like your way of thinking
<DuperMan> open source, I adore thy
<DuperMan> of your backdoors I dream
<DuperMan> in your peer review I find solace
* DuperMan stops, fuck this is gay
<Baskey> I'm more into music, I adore my lovely guitar
<DuperMan> I had guitar strings snap while mates left me alone in a room with a guitar three times over my life now.
<DuperMan> not proper statistaclly
<Baskey> :D
<DuperMan> it's for the better, thinking of my actually negative musical prowess
<mprashantg> DuperMan: thanks for your assistance. much appriciated.
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<DuperMan> mprashantg: I assisted? neat
<EvilBelgian> lol
<mprashantg> one more question... other than backup should I take care of anything else?
<DuperMan> tell your phone you love it in case you won't get another chance
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<Baskey> you made my day
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<EvilBelgian> bash?
<bbqbot> derp
<mprashantg> also once I install the gapps package will I be able to connect to play and download the apps that I currently have installed?
<EgoElf> yep
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: You're right about that. I never got to say goodbye to my Galaxy S Captivate. :'(
<EgoElf> Jiangyi, you can get a new one on a new 2yr AT&T contract for only a penny!!
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<Baskey> gtg re-watch Chuck, then play Mass Effect Infiltrator
<Baskey> see ya
<Jiangyi> EgoElf: I'm in Canada lol
<EgoElf> well, it works on rogers!
<Jiangyi> EgoElf: I now own a S II I9100G.
<Baskey> and goodnight (it's 22:52 here)
<EgoElf> just saying, if you wanted to say goodbye and all
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<EvilBelgian> Duperman" I put that classic line on bash
<Jiangyi> lol fair enough
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<Jiangyi> But I can't say goodbye properly with that ugly AT&T logo in my face D:
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<Jiangyi> (Canadian version had no branding)
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<DuperMan> :) w00t what did I miss? trying to fix a silly update zip with my best loved apps
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: canadian sgs2? what's it's specs?
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: Why doesn't recovery revover SD Things?
<Jiangyi> Duperman: I'm talking about my old SGS Captivate.
<DuperMan> night bas... too late
<h4rdco2e> SD APPS
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: it should when it's set right. I guess you have sdcard and emmc reversed
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Canadian SGS2s either are the exact same as the I9100, or it's the T-Mobile one, or the AT&T Skyrocket.
<DuperMan> even so it's VERY easy to 'fix' reversing them in the recovery.fstab
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: silly complex
<EvilBelgian> Nice Jiangyi we only get the basic I9100 here in sa
<Jiangyi> My SGS2 is from China though.
<DuperMan> note. so full of win. :D
<Jiangyi> Here, different carriers all get different versions.
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<DuperMan> here carriers usually just grab the international model. nice of 'em
<Jiangyi> Can't even buy a high-end phone legitimately with warranty unless you sign with a carrier.
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<DuperMan> ew. brb coffee
<FernandoMiguel> in case someone from Portugal is here
<DuperMan> hmmm... sidenote, seems my sweet prepaid calls/sms plan is cockblocking the phone rebate plan xD
<DuperMan> brb
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<chadouming> everyone go read !
<chadouming> it's an order
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<Kaik541> SGS3 looks less stupid out of promo shots
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<EgoElf> good, not sure if i want a sgs3 for the cool phone, or a note for the screen size
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<Kaik541> also, samsung needs to not put S Memo on everything
<Kaik541> we get it, you made an app that can recognize fingers, good for you
<Kaik541> now keep it to devices with, you know, the S Pen
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<EgoElf> ya, that'd be nice..
<EgoElf> maybe not put it on the device, but add it to the market
<EgoElf> as they do have c-pens for the sgs3, which i'm guessing *should* work on most capacitive devices
<Kaik541> samsung added a battery percentage option
<Kaik541> I think I saw sony doing the same thing
<Kaik541> for their ICS releases
<DuperMan> yo
<DuperMan> hmmm... they added nfc with software update to bt chip? wow
<DuperMan> u sure?
<Kaik541> DuperMan: ?
<DuperMan> Kaik541: tired, making shit up.
<Kaik541> oh that's pretty cool,s amsung's video player creates animated thumbnails for videos
<Kaik541> not very useful, but neat
<DuperMan> how metro.
<DuperMan> :/
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<DuperMan> touch sounds are being weird
<DuperMan> and the notifications drawer power widget got uglibigified
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