<Anthony1s> yup
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<ExtremeDevilz> :)
<ExtremeDevilz> Happy Bdae To Me ;)
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<ZeTaDD> hey everyone!
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<ZeTaDD> ?
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<sh4z> sup
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<Assid> wassup crazies
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<noxxx> hi all
<noxxx> hi all
<noxxx> what "stagefright: Fix camcorder effects on MSM8660." means?
<noxxx> no more avatar movie?
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<sh4z> did someone change the sound files which get referenced from under /system/media/audio/ui/
<sh4z> ?
<sh4z> specifically the lock sound does not work anymore
<sh4z> it used to ..
<sh4z> i think its since about 20120515 or so ?
<sh4z> galaxysmtd
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<Sirul> Hi
<xplodwild_work> hi
<sh4z> hi
<sh4z> im updating my graphics card drivers lol
<xplodwild_work> cool story br
<xplodwild_work> o
<sh4z> iknorite
<Parth> Look at my blog! http://blog.htrap.net
<Parth> Is a sooooo funny
<Sirul> Anybody here can confirm quite hours is working on CM9 nighliest for Galaxy S2?
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<Sirul> I've been trying to make it work but for notifications sounds seems to do nothing
<Sirul> vibration and haptic feedback is being disabled but notification sounds keep playing
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<Assid> argh stupid battery
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<Rene_> Hallo everybody
<Rene_> Does everybody knows why install gapps not work? IT does not show any icon
<DuperMan> it works. clear cache/dalvik cache before/after flashing gapps in cwm
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<Rene_> Tried it again with dalvik-cache and cache wipe but it's the same. It will not install Google apps. But wiping dalvik gives path error /ext-sd
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<Rene_> Hello, i tried install google apps but it will not show any icon. After install i wiped cache and dalvik cache but dalvik gives me error mount ext-sd
<DuperMan> are you using a phone?
<Rene_> y n7000
<Rene_> what can it be?
<DuperMan> did you wipe data after flashing cm9? try downloading gapps again
<DuperMan> is your sd from an older phone?
<Rene_> i came from 2.3.5 stock then rooted then flashed cm9 and wiped data yes...no sd is new
<Rene_> should i wipe data after every nightly update?
<bbqbot> derp
<Puny-God> no
<DuperMan> no, and that error is pretty standard - ext-sd is mostly sought for for backwards compatiblity
<DuperMan> the gapps download is most likely bad, download it again
<Rene_> ok i will try
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<b00gieMAndroid> hi all
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<DuperMan> hi
<b00gieMAndroid> sup duperman
<b00gieMAndroid> why you no talk today?
<b00gieMAndroid> :P
<b00gieMAndroid> btw, u tried taiwan release?
<DuperMan> watching akira. nah.
<b00gieMAndroid> no clue what that is
<DuperMan> awesome movie. go fetch. :)
<b00gieMAndroid> cool
<Rene_> its not working
<b00gieMAndroid> whats not
<Rene_> install gapps for me
<Rene_> ;)
<Rene_> downloaded it again , installed, wiped cache and dalvik and reboot... no icon
<DuperMan> a. wipe cache and dalvik cache, b. flash cm9 rom c. flash gapps d. restart?
<DuperMan> ^while in recovery
<DuperMan> no icon=no market?
<Rene_> no goo app
<DuperMan> gapps==play store+gmail+calendar
<DuperMan> pretty much
<Rene_> ? i thought it where goo app like in aokp -.-
<DuperMan> never used aokp. ohhhhh THAT
<b00gieMAndroid> MEGA FACEPALM
<DuperMan> no, don't need.
<DuperMan> shouldn't really
<Rene_> oh man
<DuperMan> ><
<DuperMan> could, prbably
<DuperMan> but why?
<Rene_> in aokp there is an app called goo.im where you can download roms, extensions and so on =D
<Rene_> and i miss the pretty weatherpanel from aokp in cm9 =(
<DuperMan> I know that app, not using it is AWESOME
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> about the panel, fancy widgets or something from market
<DuperMan> oo
<b00gieMAndroid> duperman that's an app for goo.im
<b00gieMAndroid> it lets u flash kernels, dload roms, do other settings here and there
<Rene_> gives fancy widgets a pretty weatherpanel in dropdown notification?
<bbqbot> derp
<Rene_> and with that bigger buttons for wifi and bt
<DuperMan> ah, a panel in the notifications... how handy
<Parth> That is soo wonderful!
<Parth> I would love that
<Parth> it's an AOKP thing I think
<Rene_> yes
* Parth is wondering why he doesn't use AOKP
<Rene_> because dock audio is not working at the moment =D
<Rene_> and with cm9 it does =D
<Parth> I don't remember the last time I used a "dock"
<Parth> other than this: http://i.imgur.com/bBK2J.png
<Rene_> i use a dock on my bed-table and in my car ;)
<b00gieMAndroid> that weather in panel is kinda rip off from ios5
<b00gieMAndroid> i guess fancy widget does that
<b00gieMAndroid> i use Go Weather, it looks better.. fancy widget and beautiful widets and stuff is good for sense type clock and weather
<Parth> I stopped using those bloaty widgets
<b00gieMAndroid> same here
<Parth> covered up too much of my beautiful wallpaper :)
<b00gieMAndroid> but am using go weather
<b00gieMAndroid> well that depends parth
<b00gieMAndroid> on touchwiz it doesnt
<Parth> :P
<Parth> well I'm using CM9
<Parth> so...
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<b00gieMan> look at amazing AOKP roms on SGS2 and Galaxy Nexus
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<Parth> but I like my CM9 :(
<Parth> waaaaaah
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<b00gieMan> cm9 is good, am not sayin gits bad.. just that aokp has more features
<b00gieMan> and it makes it a bit better
<Assid> what!?
<Assid> "just that aokp has more features" ???
<Assid> do you even know what aosp is and what cm is
* Parth hides.
<Assid> and wtf is AOKP?
<Assid> is that like a new rom ?
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<b00gieMan> facepalm
<Parth> is ROM that has fixed MTP. AGAIN.
<Parth> (CM9 has yet to do that :P )
<b00gieMan> anyway guys, bbl, gotta fix few things
<Assid> there is aokp ???
<b00gieMan> yes tehre is AOKP
<b00gieMan> Android Open Kan Project
<b00gieMan> Kang
<b00gieMan> brb now
<b00gieMan> is why i said facepalm lol
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<b00gieMAndroid> AOKP is not the name of ROM assid
<b00gieMAndroid> roms are based on AOKP like others are based on AOSP
<b00gieMAndroid> AOSP / AOKP develop their own things
<b00gieMAndroid> hence for phones like Note with stylus and all, things become difficult
<Assid> hmmm
<Assid> isnt aokp based on aosp
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<b00gieMAndroid> why am i getting rebooted again and again
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<joshua__> test... :P
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<codeworkx> Parth: whats wrong with mtp?
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<Assid> just curious.. how long does your battery last.. if your barely using it.. like maybe 10 mins of talk time. and upto 30 messages
<Assid> i have 63% android os usage.. and with that little usage.. i kind of only get 14 hours
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<joshua__> @assid definately more than 14hrs
<bbqbot> joshua__: Command doesnt not exist!
<joshua__> @<Assid> Definately more than 14 hrs
<bbqbot> joshua__: Command doesnt not exist!
<Assid> you cant use @
<joshua__> lol....okok my bad
<Assid> irc works with nick:
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<Assid> but this sucks.. im getting crappy life
<Assid> you use k9?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Assid> crazy bot
<lodder> I have a 2000 mah battery and I get 2 days and 20h
<Assid> so 1600mah should atleast give me 1.5 days
<Assid> do you use wifi ?
<Assid> or are you always on 3g?
* Assid is starting to lose it
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<codeworkx> Assid: 63% android os usage says nothing
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<lodder> I have a tasker like juicedefender script which uses every hour min 5 min of wifi or 3g depending on location and if screen on use wifi or 3g with auto sync always on
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<Assid> codeworkx: any way i can share better battery stats or anything with you guys?
<Assid> im extremely confused on this..
<peterperfect> Assid www.imgur.com
<codeworkx> Assid: if android os is the only process running, then it will show 100% on android os ;-)
<codeworkx> Assid: but that doesn't mean it's bad
<Assid> so what can i "output" to share the stats
<peterperfect> Assid screenshot?!
<codeworkx> Assid: detailed battery statistics
<Assid> that option exists in BBS ?
<peterperfect> Assid screenshot of partial wakelocks and kernel wakelocks on bbs should be fine
<peterperfect> codeworkx hey! how is teh playing?
<codeworkx> good
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<Assid> uploading to imgur.. one sec
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<Assid> i didnt unplug 6 minutes ago.. so thats strange
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<Assid> i rebooted i think at that time
<codeworkx> Assid: run it for a full day and gimme kernel wakelocks and partial ones
<Assid> alrite thats tomorrow night then.. since i;ll charge tonight
<peterperfect> Assid yep..6 minutes wont let us see nothing
<Assid> how many hours do you need atleast
<Assid> 10 hours ?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Assid: right
<Assid> fair enough.. will shoot it tomorrow
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<peterperfect> Assid thats no exact number..as code said, spend your normal day after charging and then come here with the shots
<Assid> alrite
<Assid> got an email address soi can shoot it out incase im not in front of my machine
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<datagutt> @join #blamesamsung
<Assid|2> always do
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<emp__> hey, is the GT-N7000 and GT-I9220 the same device?
<bbqbot> derp
<Assid> do they sound the same
<emp__> my local store lists Note as a I9220
<Assid> isnt that the galaxy tab?
<Assid> or something
<addi> i9220 is Chinese one last i heard :P
<addi> the initial ICS repacks for Note were for I9220, the Chinese version
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<addi> repacks = firmware*
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<codeworkx> this happens when blizzard does what they can best: http://i.imgur.com/nqDn0.jpg
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<xplodwild_work> codeworkx: not doing places you're not supposed to see?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> yes, they make online pay necessary, while they don't put LAN play in SC2. stupid Blizzard -.-
<addi> play*
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<_paco_1> #blameblizzard
<codeworkx> xplodwild_work: no. server fuc up
<xplodwild_work> data is streamed?
<addi> xplodwild, yeah, some code of the game only on their servers
<addi> gets streamed every time you want to play even singleplayer. or so i heard
<DuperMan> so no more WoWsex
<addi> 'you can't crack the code that's not there', said someone from Blizzard when asked about piracy xD
<DuperMan> -_- reverse. engineered. servers. now with added 'waiting for plot'!
<xplodwild_work> addi: while it's technically impressive (and sice I'm on a project related to this, I'm impressed), it's crap for unreliable/slow connections
<addi> yes.
<DuperMan> y u no quantum?
<addi> DuperMan, yeah, that's what people are waiting for :P
<addi> they price it at $75, they make it online-only. Blizzard is fucked up
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<addi> and nice to see the crowd going and buying their games and supporting them just because they waited 10 years for their next game -.-
<DuperMan> that is, latency is a major hassle to such a degree it's the determining factor between landline and cell internet for many households
<DuperMan> addi: can you say "valve's future"?
<addi> well, unless they release Episode 3 this year, fuck them and their future :P
<DuperMan> no, fuck anything you bought on Steam with that attitude
<addi> i never bought anything off Steam xD
<DuperMan> it's bloody cute how the tech media adores valve when honestly they don't have a reason to lift a finger as a developer
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<addi> i don't use anything like Steam or whatever. all games bought locally, and that too rarely cos i don't play multiplayer :P
<DuperMan> from a monitary perspective
<addi> though with Valve, even buying the disc locally, you still have to use Steam and download data xD
<DuperMan> yup. and the games are still overrated
<addi> well, I love HL. and that's it.
<DuperMan> well, one of their two original in house projects
<DuperMan> I loved the other one
<addi> hehe :D
<addi> instead of working on delivering the final episode of a game they said they'll release regularly, they work on n number of other projects -.-
<DuperMan> they work at working - bastards
<Xero-> yeah addi they work as slow as pele
<Xero-> who needs 12 months to replace 12 pngs inside a rar archive
<Xero-> woohooow
<addi> slow but only in the case of HL it seems xD
<Xero-> ;)
<DuperMan> hl leak. classic.
<DuperMan> 2
<DuperMan> *
<addi> Episode 2 came out 5 almost 5 years ago :O
<addi> out almost*
<addi> so much for 'episodic content is better as we can push out games faster' xD
<addi> DuperMan, Gabe said they've hit development difficulties and are looking at how they can solve them -.-
<addi> probably haven't got the story written yet
<DuperMan> story - space MADNESS
<DuperMan> *spacetime
<DuperMan> wait that didn't explain the thing with the ma... PERSON WITH SUIT!
<addi> The G-Man thread is probably what is hanging them xD
<addi> they have no idea who he is themselves :P
<DuperMan> why? it's a cheap trope :P half life as a series is made of very very well made games
<DuperMan> the first of whom almost being innovative
<addi> the thing is, Episode 2 was just so epic in the last hour, that knowing what happens next is bloody irritating to wait for
<DuperMan> but more than games they're tech demos
<addi> they were tech demos :D
<DuperMan> no paradigm shift to assert dominance after - no '3' title
<addi> and Episode 3 probably delayed so HL can be a tech demo once again :D
<DuperMan> well, tech demos and fan service
<addi> Episode 2 was a tech demo, but mainly of the fact they added a few already existing technologies :P
<DuperMan> they have no damn soul. the whole point of freeman is 'yo gamer you be random'
<DuperMan> well yeah, searching my mind for the buzzword for that - ehm...
<DuperMan> synergy
<DuperMan> also, I hate their engine.
<DuperMan> that said, kinda awesome how the fact the dialogue is lip-synced makes hl2 age so well
<addi> yes
<addi> and Alyx's facial expressions still one of the best today
<DuperMan> also, headcrabs. win.
<addi> haha, yeah
<DuperMan> they should just revamp hl1 blue shift and the military take for every new generation of tech :D
<DuperMan> on the other hand, barney and barney 2
<DuperMan> (applicable to all hl2 'returning'... 'characters'...)
<addi> except Gordon? But wait, he's not really there xD
<DuperMan> srsly. such awesome ending. it had so much potential. :)
<addi> yeah
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<DuperMan> ^
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<DuperMan> perspective - wait 75$? so diablo 3 collectors edition is CHEAP!
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> um, $75 is for normal version?
<DuperMan> no? iirc collector's is 100$
<DuperMan> so I assumed whoever said 75$ meant regular
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<addi> yes, i was saying it's for $75 :P
<addi> that wasn't really a question xD
<DuperMan> regular?
<DuperMan> ><
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<b00gieMAndroid> flashed MIUI on my N7k :P
<addi> yes, regular
<b00gieMAndroid> 2.5.11 rca1
<b00gieMAndroid> its based on cm9
<DuperMan> ok. that paranoidandroid thing looks nice
<b00gieMAndroid> and wierd, its working better than cm9 :S
<DuperMan> haven't used miui once tbch, but why shouldn't it feel like it does? it's a clumped 'lil package or something
<Parth> I can't believe it's only 10:30 AM
<Parth> it feels like I've been up for ages
<DuperMan> no, 17:30
<DuperMan> learn to read time:P
<Parth> The date & time is currently: Friday, May 18, 2012 10:36:12 AM
<Parth> bisch.
<b00gieMAndroid> well miui looks fckin awesome on a big screen of n7k
<DuperMan> you wish! I have timestamps
<Parth> :P
<DuperMan> [17:35:53] <@Parth> I can't believe it's only 10:30 AM
<DuperMan> see?
<b00gieMAndroid> and with iPhone theme it looks like one of those iPhone5 mockups lmao, a friend who came to visit asked if i installed iOS on my Note lmao fruck!
<Parth> miui is very nice looking. if only other ROMs cared to look that good.
<Parth> *cough*
<DuperMan> Parth: are you calling caynogenmod cyanoFATmod?
<Parth> idk what you're talking about
<b00gieMAndroid> lol
<DuperMan> ok. bloated stock is bloated, stock
<DuperMan> agreed.
<Parth> MIUI isn't bloat.
<DuperMan> nor stock
<Parth> ಠ_ಠ
<b00gieMAndroid> this is how my n7k is looking currently ROFLMFAO!
ciwrl|away is now known as ciwrl|work
<_paco_1> is stock good on n7k?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> MIUI IS SHIT
<_paco_1> I'm gonna get one right nao
<DuperMan> angsty verbiculations
<b00gieMAndroid> did u see teh link i just posted?
<DuperMan> too star trek
<DuperMan> +apple build quality
<DuperMan> cute but I'm no fan
<DuperMan> it's a mockup iphone5
<DuperMan> hooray
<b00gieMAndroid> yea
<b00gieMAndroid> note actually looks like this with miui and iphone theme on it lmao
<DuperMan> heh. but giddy samsung backplate texture
<DuperMan> :P
<b00gieMAndroid> only shit is miui currently is lagy as shit
<DuperMan> true though, I think the note is the best built samsung anything
<b00gieMAndroid> yea
<b00gieMAndroid> note's back is flimsy but its solid built
<b00gieMAndroid> even stronger than gal nex
<b00gieMAndroid> a friend already screwed his gal nex backplate
<DuperMan> you not have the clamhsell backplate?
<b00gieMAndroid> ??
<DuperMan> finding a link
<b00gieMAndroid> ok
<DuperMan> neat. got mine with the carrier's bundle :)
<b00gieMAndroid> that's a flip case, not clamshell :P
<b00gieMAndroid> i got mine too with the note
<DuperMan> they're vertically the same
<Vetchems> weeeeeeeeee
<DuperMan> bazinga
<b00gieMAndroid> but am using this amzer lux argyle
<DuperMan> *luxe
<b00gieMAndroid> yea luxe :P
<b00gieMAndroid> i want a white flip case thou
<b00gieMAndroid> its freakin expensive in INdia
<DuperMan> srsly, that's such a weird name I had to type it manually verbatim in teh google
<b00gieMAndroid> 1.7k :/
<b00gieMAndroid> there's one more awesome case for note
<b00gieMAndroid> shellster
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<DuperMan> meh. spent too much on my sgs2 otterbox. now carrier warranty is my case:D
<b00gieMAndroid> the one in 2nd link looks great
<b00gieMAndroid> heh otterbox is over priced and fugly
<b00gieMAndroid> manufacturers are dying to make phones slimmer
<Vetchems> codeworkx d3 servers down ?
<DuperMan> no, damn strong and fugly:D
<codeworkx> Vetchems: no
<b00gieMAndroid> and we moron users want to make it fat using protection cases
<DuperMan> I treated my sgs2 like a nokia
<Vetchems> site is :S
<b00gieMAndroid> hey vetch
<Vetchems> hey b00gieMAndroid
<b00gieMAndroid> yea its strong and fugly
<b00gieMAndroid> i just got on miui vetch, tested out everything, now restoring back to samsung stock :P
<Vetchems> pfft
<b00gieMAndroid> surprising miui is working better than current cm9
<b00gieMAndroid> lol
<DuperMan> why samstock?
<Vetchems> miui based on stock rom ?
<b00gieMAndroid> no
<b00gieMAndroid> miui is cm9
<DuperMan> ^ no
<b00gieMAndroid> am on stock coz i need radio and stuff working coz at times i need to record some radio shows..
<_paco_1> cm9 is cm9
<b00gieMAndroid> yea
<Vetchems> hmmmm whats working better ? than cm9 then ?
<b00gieMAndroid> but miui is based on cm9 :/
<bbqbot> derp
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<_paco_1> not on aosp?
<b00gieMAndroid> camera, video playback, video, call quality, signal strength, etc
<b00gieMAndroid> nopes
<DuperMan> by that reasoning you're your exes new boyfriend:D
<b00gieMAndroid> its cm9
<b00gieMAndroid> wait
<DuperMan> xD
<b00gieMAndroid> its made on xplodwild's release :)
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<b00gieMAndroid> i'll consider miui the day miui settles with their framework and UI is smooth... rite now its laggy
<DuperMan> is a t-shirt saying 'opensauce killed teh scene' too geeky?
<Vetchems> it looks very touchwizzy
<b00gieMAndroid> :P
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<b00gieMAndroid> no man vetch, its more iPhonny :P
<Vetchems> even worse?
<Vetchems> LOL
<b00gieMAndroid> hhaahah
<b00gieMAndroid> vetch, my note lookeid like this with miui iphone theme: http://cdn.jaxov.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/iPhone-5-Concept-4.jpg
<Vetchems> lol
<b00gieMAndroid> lol
<DuperMan> that shellster case looks decent
<Vetchems> how could you degrade your not to that
<b00gieMAndroid> a friend even got confused and thought i actually did some magic with ios on samsung
<b00gieMAndroid> yea duper it is, used it for galaxy nexus
<b00gieMAndroid> lol vetch, just checkinjg out things
<Vetchems> haha
<Vetchems> gonna see if d3 servers are working again yet
<b00gieMAndroid> i'l be cm9 when its all awesome and stable :) will consider nightly too when it starts working the way i want :P
<Vetchems> if i dont return then find me in new tristram somewhere
<b00gieMAndroid> lo
<DuperMan> will cm15 run d2?
<b00gieMAndroid> anybody's tried BLR online game?
<b00gieMAndroid> iots free
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<b00gieMAndroid> its*
<DuperMan> too much ios b00gieMAndroid
<DuperMan> :P
<b00gieMAndroid> lmao
<DuperMan> blr - the baldur's gate thingy?
<bbqbot> derp
<You_Tube> Blacklight Retribution Gameplay - First Look HD
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<b00gieMAndroid> its free online and really famous
<b00gieMAndroid> brb food
<DuperMan> ^ tribes:P
<whitequark> cyanogen is working at samsung, so why the hell some unrelated folks need to port cm9 to samsung devices?
<whitequark> it seems screwed up
<Parth> he took off on the gravy train
<whitequark> what?
<Parth> nvm.
<whitequark> ah, "eat your own dogfood"?
<Parth> idk
<DuperMan> whitequark: he made his own gravy? :P
<DuperMan> Parth: heh. you made a duper
<Parth> ಠ_ಠ
<whitequark> damn it, I don't understand you :/
<DuperMan> :D
<Parth> He took off on the money train. i.e. he left and he's not coming back
<DuperMan> I went meta. 'to make a duper' is 'not be understood'
<Parth> the end.
<Parth> new story
<DuperMan> new story... how is linus torvald? why no bsd demon for cm9 mascot?
<DuperMan> :P
<whitequark> hm, did he left cyanogenmod or samsung? because I see quite a lot of commits in cm by him
<bbqbot> derp
<Parth> idk
<DuperMan> where can I sign up for bbqbot's cult?
<whitequark> DuperMan: repeat after me:
<whitequark> derp
<DuperMan> herp
<DuperMan> no wait
<DuperMan> zoit
<Parth> xD
<DuperMan> aw come on gimme one moar twy
<DuperMan> narf?
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<DuperMan> whitequark: the internet luvs u
<Igashu> whitequark: I think the answer to your question is yes, Steve works at Samsung, and yes, Steve still contributes to CM
<codeworkx> whitequark: because he's not allowed to share code/knowledge with the public?
<Igashu> But no, it probably wouldn't be good for his career path if he were to take and use/release source or proprietary binaries that Samsung as a company did not yet want to release.
<DuperMan> I think the answer is as irrelevant as the question unless you're steve
<Igashu> I think the answer is pretty straightforward if you've ever worked at a company with NDAs and noncompetes :d
<Igashu> But you're right, the question is one of entitlement
<DuperMan> that too, but 'good on guy I don't know and from whose earlier efforts I benefit' does nothing for me. pardon my douche, unwarrented.
<DuperMan> douchery *
<Parth> perhaps he can give Samsung a hint to ditch Broadcom?
<Parth> :D
<DuperMan> >< think about the broadcom employee children!
<Parth> DIE.
<Parth> if broadcom can't release proper drivers, they all deserve to FAIL!
<Igashu> I'm sure he'll bring it up in his weekly sit-down with Choi.
<Igashu> lol
<Parth> lol Samsung should have more live events. so we can all provide our racist commentary as usual :P
<b00gieMAndroid> :P
<DuperMan> I was just accepted to a contracted position whose confidentiality clause negates the contractor's generic survey
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> bbl
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<whitequark> intel has a lot of awesome instructions
<whitequark> for example, pmaddubsw, punpckhwd, cvttpd2dq, phminposuw, pcmpestrm, pinsrw and pclmullqlqdq
<whitequark> in x86 cpus, that is.
<whitequark> I guess if I read that out loud I'll call ctulhu or something alike
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<codeworkx> Espenfjo: hell act1. basically just the beginning: http://codeworkx.de/movies/index.html
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<codeworkx> Espenfjo: if you wanna dl: http://codeworkx.de/movies/hell.wmv
<Espenfjo> haha, omg
<Espenfjo> I am having some serious problems with some Vampire Dune Dervices
<Espenfjo> They eat me
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<codeworkx> Espenfjo: :-D
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<codeworkx> this game is fucking funny on hwll
<codeworkx> *hell
<peterperfect> hail sammy
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<lodder> going to buy d3 this weekend!
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<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: which colors did you i9100 has and the i9100g has now?
<h4rdco2e> brocken language sorry
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: What color have your two Galaxy S2?
<h4rdco2e> (i9100 and i9100g)
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<Parth> still brocken
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<whitequark> btw, either OLED has really burned out a lot in those 5 months I owned my previous sgs2, the new one has better display, or all of that is just some kind of placebo effect
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<whitequark> but I swear that the new display has better colors
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<Parth> whitequark: Samsung rather you buy a new phone than fix the phone you have
<Parth> so it probably does have a better display
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<akSeya> hey folks, not a cm question, but a ICS one.. how to disable "background data" .. you know, that one that apps syncronizes or use data connection without asking
<akSeya> I just can't find it in ICS
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<_paco_1> personal-accounts&sync?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Parth> no
<Parth> akSeya: go to Data Usage under System Settings
<Parth> and hit the Menu button
<akSeya> Parth, got it XD
<akSeya> thanks
<Parth> yup
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<chadouming> @bomb chadouming
<bbqbot> chadouming: You are not allowed to run that command!
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<akSeya> @bomb nebkat
<bbqbot> akSeya: You are not allowed to run that command!
<peterperfect> @bomb akSeya
<bbqbot> akSeya, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<akSeya> green
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
akSeya was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was orange]
<Parth> 42
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<peterperfect> akSeya you never bomb nebkat
<akSeya> i was expecting that ^^
<akSeya> peterperfect, y u no bomb nebkat??!?
akSeya was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [you never bomb nebkat]
<Xero-> @bomb nebkat
<bbqbot> nebkat, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<Xero-> :D
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
nebkat was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
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<Espenfjo> ah, sgs3 rooted
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<peterperfect> Espenfjo does it means we got sensors?
<peterperfect> xD
<Espenfjo> no
<peterperfect> fu
<peterperfect> Espenfjo who rooted sgs3?
<Espenfjo> Guess
<peterperfect> DuperMan?
<peterperfect> i think it was him
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<nebkat> must be
<nebkat> he is the only one who has ever rooted a samsung phone
<DuperMan> so I just watched Mission Impossible 3
<DuperMan> *4
<DuperMan> and the twist was fuck you very much peter :P
<DuperMan> nah. twist was bunch of updates
<addi> DuperMan, you found nothing better to do with your time than watch MI3? :P
<DuperMan> 4. the previous 3 got my expectations down so low I liked it
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<addi> yes, 4 was quite good compared to the 1st 3
<DuperMan> the tv episode about the "football" was better
<DuperMan> iirc
<addi> at least they showed that the face mask was actually more complicated than simply a rubber one shown in previous movies xD
<DuperMan> I probably mash the whole series together in my memory
<DuperMan> >< but no! hmmmm... contacts with vision enhancement they had in some episode about poker
<DuperMan> or blackjack
<DuperMan> and making stuff up about optics is putting the rubber mask on the audience :D
<addi> well, if you look at it like that, then yeah, you're right xD
<DuperMan> simply put, it was the best bond in a while
<DuperMan> samsung underhanding arm and intel with graphene?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> oO
<addi> SGS3 to have separately flashable recovery. good thing considering the S1 and S2 don't have it but the Galaxy Ace does :P
<DuperMan> oh. graphene silicon sandwich.
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<DuperMan> "Up until now, the biggest obstacle to using graphene for transistors was the inability of graphene to turn current on or off." derp
<addi> and it can turn current on and off now?
<DuperMan> you can brush your teeth with bleach if you take them out first
<DuperMan> -_-
<addi> :/
<DuperMan> isn't transistence per definition 'the abitility to change states cause power'
<DuperMan> it should read 'added graphene layer makes silicon processors hotter, cooler'
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<DuperMan> (sorta, only drawing half the picture and doing my usual highly readable job at that:)
<addi> all i know is that transistors can amplify current and has an emitter, base and collector xD
<DuperMan> just a huge wad of switched clickclickclicking at eachother :P
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<whitequark> addi: wrong, field effect transistors don't have any of the three
<whitequark> and currently you're pretty much using billions of FETs and only a few BJTs
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<whitequark> you know why? because FETs (when used the right way) can be used to assemble static circuits, where "static" means that they only consume power when the state is changing
<addi> haha, i was just talking in general :D
<whitequark> i.e. when your phone is sleeping it doesn't eat much power because it doesn't do a lot
<whitequark> while if it would be done with BJTs (with TTL circuits; don't confuse with TTL levels) it'd be RED HOT ALL OF THE TIME
<addi> don't FETs use the source, drain and gate stuff? :D
<addi> and an SiO2 layer xD
<whitequark> yeah, they do
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<peterperfect> Espenfjo who rooted sgs3
<peterperfect> ??
<Espenfjo> ChainFire of course
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> Espenfjo yep, that was obvious
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<mcvay> hi can someone help me with a pretty major battery issue on my captivate?
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<ciwrl|away> meowsus this is where all the sgs users hangout/support
<ciwrl|away> fair warning, do read instructions when they are present else Kaik541 will kill you
<ciwrl|away> :)
<ciwrl|away> try and have a good weekend
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<utopik> hello
<utopik> is there any way to recompile a rom with a patch applied without losing all the stuff we have done ?
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<Crysler> can i put a question here ?
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<soonhd2> any one could help me via CM)
<soonhd2> CM9
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<matador_kuw> hello
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<soonhd2> should i install CWM via recovery and then flash or flash CM9 via revovery
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