nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | Changelog App : | IRC stats : | <codeworkx> YIPIJAHEY SCHWEINEBACKE
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<whitequark> wtf is the EXPERIMENTAL-dualmic?
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
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<EgotisticalElf> a test build with extra features added
<EgotisticalElf> if nightly has no support, experimental will laugh out outta the room
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<Entropy512> <whitequark> wtf is the EXPERIMENTAL-dualmic? - obsolete after next nightly is what it is
<bbqbot> derp
<Entropy512> hmm how do I trigger the derp
<Entropy512> <whitequark> wtf is the EXPERIMENTAL-dualmic? - obsolete after next nightly is what it is
<Entropy512> ok it's not a keyword trigger
<Entropy512> hmm
<Entropy512> now to make bbqbot derp
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<Elesa> hi
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<addi> Hello
<cdesai> morning
<addi> morning derps :p
hobby has joined #teamhacksung-support
<hobby> Anyone around?
<hobby> I just flashed from beta 13 to nightlies and, my contact sync seems not to be working anymore
<addi> wipe data, and all your problems will fly away :p
<cdesai> ^
<hobby> ok, thanks :)
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<aarcane> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
<aarcane> @downloads captivatemtd
<aarcane> so I'm looking for a specific modem, the version on MY captivate: ugkg3 . I can't find it in any download sites.
<aarcane> I can't find it anywhere, and I don't know what other name it might go by.
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<n30_pda> does cm9 allow ipv6 on wifi interface?
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<n30_pda> how do i disable in web broswer to stop view pages as obile sites?
<bbqbot> derp
<tat-> n30_pda: yes, cm9 has ipv6 support. android has supported ipv6 since ... forever.
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<n30_pda> nice.
<n30_pda> anyone know howto disable so browser wont go to wap pages if thas is available
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<tat-> in chrome you can select "request desktop site"
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<Tapan> hi guys
<Tapan> anyone here to help me
<Tapan> anyone hre
<cdesai> ?
<Tapan> hi
<Tapan> i have flashed the latest cyanogen mod 9 on my samsung galaxy tab2 p3100
<Tapan> everything works fine but the issue is with voice calls
<beer> Tapan: lets play a game
<beer> pic a number between 1 and 10
<Tapan> i cannot make voice calls. I can only receive them & and also the problem is that i or the person on the other side cannot hear my coice or i cannot hear his voice
<Baskey> beer: xD
<Tapan> any fixes
<beer> Tapan: PLAY THE GAME
<Tapan> can anybody help me ??
<bbqbot> derp
<beer> Tapan: PLAY THE GAME FFS
<beer> pic a number between 1 and 10
<Baskey> @geo user Tapan
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Tapan
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for 7becc46d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<cdesai> Tapan: just pick one
<beer> Tapan: PICK A NUMBER BETWEEN 1 and 10
<beer> err
<beer> between 2 and 10
<beer> lol
<beer> Tapan: DOIT OR ELSE I KICK
<cdesai> *bomb
<beer> Tapan: ANSWER ME NAO
<cdesai> bombing in 3
<cdesai> 2
<beer> 2
<beer> 1
<cdesai> 1
<cdesai> doit
<beer> @bomb Tapan idiot
<bbqbot> beer: You are not allowed to run that command!
<beer> oh fuck you
<cdesai> LMAO
beer is now known as nebkat
<nebkat> @bomb Tapan idiot
<bbqbot> Tapan, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
nebkat is now known as beer
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<beer> idiot
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Tapan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was red]
<beer> damn he is stupid
<beer> Baskey: no
<beer> Baskey: pm
<cdesai> Baskey: go play cs
<Baskey> CS is fuckin' boring
<cdesai> COD then
<cdesai> BF after that
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<cdesai> he's back beer
zz_Alram is now known as Alram
<beer> tapan:
<beer> pick a number between 2 and 10
<Tapan> 2
<beer> square it
<Tapan> 4
<beer> divide by the original number
<Tapan> 2
<beer> take away the original number
<Tapan> 2
<Tapan> 0
<beer> congratulations, you have arrived to the amount of fucks I give about your problem
<cdesai> ROFL
<Baskey> nail'd
<Tapan> lol
<beer> ok i g2g
<beer> ttyl
<Baskey> bye
Baskey has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
ToyKat[zZz] is now known as ToyKat
<ToyKat> Morning
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<Flumdahl> hi, anyone that knows howto disable browser to prefer wap pages when surfing?
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<ToyKat> Settings -> Apps -> Select Browser -> Clear Defaults
<Flumdahl> hmm i think i did not explain well enough.
<ToyKat> Or did you mean change UAstring to desktop?
<Flumdahl> when i use my browser and go to some pages that have wap support ... it takes wap before the regular page. i dont want to go to the wap pages because the regular page works fine in browser
<ToyKat> in browser -> write about:debug in the address bar
<ToyKat> then in browser -> settings -> advanced (I think) -> UAString -> Desktop
<Flumdahl> thanks
<Flumdahl> that did solve it :P
<ToyKat> UAstring => User Agent
dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
<Flumdahl> i have read about it for a while ago . but i did not have my tab then so i could not do it then... after that i did not find the page again with howto do it
<Flumdahl> now is my tablet almost perfect .P
<Flumdahl> just waiting for new release to see if google play problem is solved.
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<hackyou> hello
<hackyou> how is the flashlight behaving on latest nightlys i9100?
<Flumdahl> yeah. im thinking of give it a try.but dont know yet
<hackyou> if you close the camera of camcorder app the flashlight turns on for a sec
<hackyou> that was about 2 weeks ago
<hackyou> is that sloved now?
<bbqbot> derp
<hackyou> difficult question?
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<airf20power> hi
<airf20power> i have the original gingerbread on my i9100g
<airf20power> can i flash cm9 without upgrading to original ics firmware
<airf20power> ?
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<codeworkx> impatient like hell
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<Espenfjo> hm.. bored with diablo, bored with civ5, bored with RPI, bored with my flu...
<Espenfjo> Todays the day for coding!
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<n30_pda> sound nice
<ToyKat> Espenfjo: if today's the day for coding: Can I optimize this in any way?
<Espenfjo> I think it is copyrighted and patented by oracle :(
<ToyKat> Eh?
<Espenfjo> :( you didnt get it
<Espenfjo> ok..
<Espenfjo> but anyways
<Espenfjo> Dunno, is it slow?
<ToyKat> Not -really- but would like it to be faster...
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<ToyKat> I mean, it depends on how much data you put in it... And usually the dataset would be roughly 20-50 million values
<Espenfjo> oh
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<Espenfjo> well.. your sorting (getMax) is kinda slow since you loop through every value.
<Espenfjo> You should try to use a smarter sorting algorithm for it
<ToyKat> It's not sorting so much as it is extremely lossy compression
<ToyKat> targetX and targetY will usually be smaller
<ToyKat> Look at it as if it's an image
<ToyKat> But you need the maximum value for a specific region to display, not average or anything like that
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<Espenfjo> hm, dunno :(
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<ToyKat> It's basically a two-dimensional array that needs to be displayed "accurately" on a screen that's a lower res than the original data, and in order to see errors in the dataset (High values), you only want to display the max value
<ToyKat> Dunno how else to explain it xD
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<ToyKat> Hm, well, parallelizing it speeds it up a bit xD
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<Espenfjo> Doh.. of course.. new OS X.. no xcode.. no compiling :(
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<cdesai> lol cody
<codeworkx> :-D
<addi> Indian cow? :p
<cdesai> addi: gaay
<addi> gay or lesbian, doesn't matter. it's a cow :p
<cdesai> lol gaay as in hindi gaay
<cdesai> :P
<cdesai> not gender
<addi> oh xD
<addi> main bhool gaya aap Hindustani hai mere aaka :p
<ToyKat> I want a red painted cow :o
<cdesai> addi: buri soch
<addi> cdesai, kya karu, yaha sab usi matlab se bolte hai :p
<cdesai> that's why i typed the double a
<cdesai> tarak mehta time xD
<addi> yikes, tarak mehta = me vomiting from all the overacting and over accentuated Gujarati accent :p
<addi> mere Gujarati dost toh itni khatarnak accent nahi maarte xD
<cdesai> gujarati :D
<cdesai> i'm guju
<cdesai> juice pivanu
<addi> i know :p
<cdesai> carrom ramvanu
<cdesai> maja ni life
<cdesai> xD
<addi> xD
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coolya|away is now known as coolya
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<Flumdahl> are there some rss on new releases ?
<uberushaximus> has rss
<Flumdahl> i wanted for my tablet :P
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<Flumdahl> but thanks anyway
<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: Just change i9300 to whatever your tablet's codename is. :-P
<Flumdahl> there is nothing for p5100
<uberushaximus> p5100 isn't listed on
<uberushaximus> there's p5, p500, and p5wifi
<Flumdahl> hmm ok
<Flumdahl> that does not seem to be to galaxy tab 2 10.1
<Flumdahl> 3g
<codeworkx> Flumdahl: xda
<Jiangyi> Wow CM9 on tablet looks pretty :O
<ToyKat> /window balance
<ToyKat> Woops
<DuperMan> I drew uncircumcised abraaam for work
<DuperMan> beat it\
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> :P
* DuperMan shoots in head dies
<DuperMan> :D
<Jiangyi> o_O
* Jiangyi is not following
* DuperMan is dead after work, drawing
* Jiangyi just had sax class
<DuperMan> I drew bibical 'abraam' (old testament) by jew bible without knowingly disagreeing with muslim bible or believing in either
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> sex?
<Jiangyi> Sax
<Jiangyi> OMG everyone misreads that!
<DuperMan> I can teach sex. what's your... nvm
* Jiangyi is disappoint
<DuperMan> :/
* DuperMan wasn't expecing much
<Jiangyi> Saxophone!
<Jiangyi> :P
<DuperMan> no.
<DuperMan> does she need Hebrew face[alming lessons?
<DuperMan> ^^
* Jiangyi has no idea
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* DuperMan is pretty sure she's his cousin's gf if she does
<DuperMan> bastard
<DuperMan> how can I freak out a mandarin speaking chick?
<DuperMan> (cousin's gf)
<Devourz> not with slug and octopus porn
<DuperMan> like I didn't try
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Chinese people sometimes freak out for no reason around non-Chinese ppl :-D
<DuperMan> har
<DuperMan> come on, she ain't japanese:P
<DuperMan> what's cantonses or mandarene for 'hello you need to get off here'
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> )
<Jiangyi> get off as in get off the bus?
<Jiangyi> :P
<DuperMan> bus.
<DuperMan> -_- dude. my cousin. it is.
<DuperMan> lol
<Jiangyi> Oh.
<Jiangyi> idk lol
<Jiangyi> I know enough Chinese to do translations for CM, but not for slang lol
<DuperMan> ehr 'the bus goes from xianzu prefect to USA'?
<DuperMan> ;)
<Jiangyi> o_O
<DuperMan> I made up a prefect
<DuperMan> sue me
<DuperMan> (don't)
<DuperMan> rofl
* Jiangyi shall sue Duperman for no reason :D
* DuperMan dies of no monies HI HEB
<DuperMan> *neb
<DuperMan> ;)
<DuperMan> SRSLY serious question: if my cousin was in china for a month and brought her back is she a spy?
<DuperMan> :P
<Jiangyi> lol no?
<bbqbot> derp
<Devourz> i think u give to much tought about ur cousin
<Devourz> lol
<Devourz> likee waaay to much
<DuperMan> ah. I will inform him. I agree, but the reason is that I live in the desert
<Jiangyi> lol
<DuperMan> and I'm bored
<DuperMan> oO
<Jiangyi> I have like 20 cousins ._.
<DuperMan> I have.. 7, I think
<Jiangyi> and ironically, I'm an only child. lol
<galadrium> here's someone with Orange Switzerland
<DuperMan> hmmmmm.. SWITZERLAND
<DuperMan> WHAT IS HER PHONE?!!?
<DuperMan> :)
<galadrium> i9300
<DuperMan> bit.....\
<DuperMan> orange israel note
<DuperMan> xD
<Jiangyi> Sometimes, I wonder if there's actually another person with a Chinese I9100G in NA. :-P
<DuperMan> no
<DuperMan> :)
<Jiangyi> Or even just a I9100G. :P
<Jiangyi> If not then..
* Jiangyi feels special and lonely at the same time
<DuperMan> I could ask around the central tel aviv bus stop but they're mostly thiveving psychos
<DuperMan> :/
<Jiangyi> o_O
<DuperMan> was I meant to pretend they're decent? :P
<DuperMan> lol
* DuperMan kills international trade
<galadrium> ein freund und ich sind beide bei orange schweiz.
<galadrium> wir haben galaxy s3, an install cm9.
<galadrium> doch bei beiden ist telefonieren nicht möglich.
<galadrium> qualität vom anruf ton ist miserabel, ich verstehe nichts.
<galadrium> haben jetzt alle modems getestet es bringt einfach nichts
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: You weren't here when I sent this xD
<DuperMan> your friend and mine is on Orange Switzerland
<DuperMan> is that neb?
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> ah, tiqruit ^^
<Jiangyi> What?
<DuperMan> it's me under the red plaid quaffiah!
<DuperMan> ;) :P (no)
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<DuperMan> ehrm... I actually had a 'she shells sea shells' momenbt today. just pointed the damn tourist back to the call center ^^
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> I haven't seen a single person say that in real life. :P
<DuperMan> dude... never work a transport monopoly's call center
<DuperMan> like, ever
<DuperMan> I'm just glad they haven't caught up to the fact I speak fluent English yet
<DuperMan> otoh if you ever need a trip to Eilat ;)
ray34567540 has quit [Client Quit]
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Isn't it bad to work in any call centre? lol
<DuperMan> it is.
<DuperMan> *too
<DuperMan> ma'am
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> juust verifying - ramat gan to haifa right?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> :PPPPPP
* Jiangyi did not understand that
<DuperMan> take a weekend, you will. just an interIsraeli bus line
<DuperMan> ><
<Jiangyi> or
coolya is now known as coolya|away
<DuperMan> aha.yesIsee. where from and where to?
<DuperMan> pleaserepeat
coolya|away is now known as coolya
<DuperMan> ^my chiense
<Jiangyi> Actually, not Cantonese, cuz Cantonese spelling is screwed up to us Mandarin ppl
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> ahaplweeeeeezereeeeepeeeeeet
<Jiangyi> You racist. :P lol
<Jiangyi> jks
<DuperMan> not intentionally xD
<DuperMan> srsly if I could only work the Hebrew < Cantonese line...
<DuperMan> MAN
<DuperMan> I'd love that :)
<Jiangyi> Ok Breakfast/Lunch time :-P
<Jiangyi> bbl
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Food
<DuperMan> get me dog breakfast :P
<DuperMan> get me dog breakfast. /me shoots self in head dies
<DuperMan> ^^
<galadrium> codeworkx: gibt es schon eine lösung für das hd-voice problem ? oder besser gesagt das rauschen wo mann nichts versteht :)
<DuperMan> habst ihr zilch liebe vur das hdvoice ja?
<DuperMan> haben nicht ihr
<DuperMan> ~
<DuperMan> aber sind genichtlig habst diese?
<codeworkx> galadrium: welcher provider?
<galadrium> codeworkx: orange schweiz
<codeworkx> galadrium: haben die auch hdvoice?
* DuperMan practices german killing immer languag
<DuperMan> involved
<galadrium> codeworkx: ja, ahben alle in der schweiz
<galadrium> codeworkx: also orange und swisscom ganz sicher bei sunrise weiss ich nicht genau
<DuperMan> not original rom? ISHUTUPNOW
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> galadrium: push das mal nach /system/app
<galadrium> codeworkx: einfach da rein schieben und neu starten?
<codeworkx> galadrium: einfach rein reicht
<codeworkx> galadrium: einstellungen -> erweitert -> hdvoice anschalten
<galadrium> codeworkx: einfach da rein schieben und neu starten
<galadrium> codeworkx: ok ein moment bitte
<codeworkx> galadrium: neu starten nicht notwendig
<DuperMan> viel
<DuperMan> ah
<galadrium> codeworkx: muss erst cm nochmalls installieren :)
<DuperMan> eat more veal
<galadrium> codeworkx: muss ich die neueste cm9 version habe oder geht dass auch mit der vom 22.06?
<DuperMan> das latest
<DuperMan> :P
<ToyKat> Hms, I'd like to get the default samsung camera on CM9, is that possible somehow?
<addi> no
<ToyKat> Any particular reason for why that's not possible? Incompatible kernels or something?
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<codeworkx> galadrium: egal
<codeworkx> ToyKat: incompatible framework
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<ToyKat> Ah, and no way to modify the sammy one I s'pose
<addi> Sammy one can be modified, but then you get copy-paste themed ROMs, not AOSP ROMs like CM9 :)
<galadrium> codeworkx: hmm ich finde die einstellungen nicht
<ToyKat> Because I really liked the burst shot feature in the sammy one, and atm it feels like the default camera, and any other camera app for that matter is lagging badly - I'm guessing the camera driver / lib / interface isn't complete
<addi> closed source libs and drivers are the problem
<galadrium> codeworkx: unter einstellungen gibt es kein erweitert :)
<codeworkx> galadrium: dann hast du die apk nicht gepusht
<ToyKat> Yeah, thought so
<codeworkx> galadrium: unter gerät gibt es das
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<codeworkx> galadrium: Systemeinstellungen ist klar oder?
<galadrium> ja da bin ich
<Jiangyi|Phone> ToyKat: you on s3
<Jiangyi|Phone> ?
<ToyKat> addi: what exactly did you mean by copy-pasted roms, was thinking of just the camera app, not the entire framework
<ToyKat> Jiangyi|Phone: yeah
<galadrium> also in den einstellungen wo ich alles machen kann wie konto sicherheit standortdieste usw.
<addi> ToyKat, copy paste ROMs = stock ROMs that are just themed etc. that's where Samsung's framework is modified :p
<addi> in CM9, it's built from source
<galadrium> codeworkx: ich bin zu blöd :P
<ToyKat> Well yeah I know that, but I wasn't saying copy-paste the framework, was saying copy-paste / modify the camera to work with aosp
<Jiangyi|Phone> ToyKat: I can see why you'd miss the camera then. :-P
<addi> ToyKat, i get what you were saying, I was kidding :)
<ToyKat> kay xD
<Jiangyi|Phone> If I had a S3, I wouldn't mind staying on stock for a bit lol :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Phone: die!
<ToyKat> TW made me want to shoot myself
<Jiangyi|Phone> Codeworkx: I wouldn't have a choice lol, no CM on NA version :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Phone: cyanogen itself is working on it
<ToyKat> Anyways, shouldn't the camera drivers be in the kernel source that sammy released? Or are the camera drivers from a 3rd party / prebuilt?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi|Phone> Codeworkx: I thought he was doing Note?
<codeworkx> ToyKat: kernel driver -> camera hal -> camera app
<ToyKat> mkay
<codeworkx> ToyKat: so what's closed source?
<codeworkx> ToyKat: camera hal
<ToyKat> Camera Hardware Abstraction Layer
<codeworkx> pay me $$$$$$$$ per month, then i'll drop my job and work fulltime on android
<ToyKat> Closed source means the creator has kept the source for themselves, or it's licensed under a license other than a GPL / Whatever license
<ToyKat> etc.
<galadrium> codeworkx: ich ahbs jetzt gefunden, hat nichts gebracht :( aber beim anrufen kommt jetzt: leider wurde galaxy sIII einstellungen beendet
<Jiangyi|Phone> Codeworkx: Hope your job pays you well. :-P
karbowiak is now known as Karbowiak
<codeworkx> galadrium: start halt doch mal neu
<galadrium> habe ich auch gemacht
<galadrium> codeworkx: hmmm komisch hat das bei anderen was gebracht?
<addi> <Jiangyi|Phone> If I had a S3, I wouldn't mind staying on stock for a bit lol :-P <- a friend of mine told me stock on S3 is laggy here and there. CM9/AOKP etc are completely superduper smooth :p
<Jiangyi|Phone> ...... nvm then. Lol
<addi> good lad xD
<Jiangyi|Phone> Well, I'll still have to see about the NA version. :-P
<DuperMan> smooth:P
<Jiangyi|Phone> Bunch of EU guys are mocking NA for only having dual-core.....
* Jiangyi|Phone facepalms
<DuperMan> I will wear "last station where woman can exit bus"
<DuperMan> thanks
<Jiangyi|Phone> O_o
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<addi> DuperMan, actually, the reviews say the dual-core isn't as fast as the quad-core xD
<addi> of course, those are people that want it to be 110% smooth :p
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: what about that. ? i new there is a new release there. but hte problem with google play is not solved.
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: there is still apps i dont find when i search for them on my p5100 with the cm9 rom but i find them with another rom .
<Flumdahl> but i can download the apps on my i9300 and transfer them over bluetooth to p5100 and install the apk files manually
<galadrium> codeworkx: ich habe jetzt mal ein video erstellt, kannst es dir ja mal anschauen, vieleicht ist es nicht das gleiche problem wie andere mit dem hd-voice haben:
<codeworkx> galadrium: genau das selbe
<ToyKat> o.o
<galadrium> codeworkx: hmmm aber bei anderen hat das mit den einstellungen funktioniert?
<codeworkx> galadrium: du mussts auch anschalten
<codeworkx> galadrium: aufm video ists aus
<galadrium> codeworkx: habe ich auch gemacht
<codeworkx> galadrium: festnetz geht dennoch nicht
<galadrium> codeworkx: achso nur auf ein anderes mobilfunk?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> galadrium: und auch nur wenn das auch hdvoice hat
<codeworkx> galadrium: ehrlich gesagt hab ich keine ahnung wie wir das identifizieren sollen ob die gegenstelle hat oder nicht
<codeworkx> galadrium: android bietet rein gar nichts
<codeworkx> galadrium: für mich ist die sache so gut wie erledigt. #wontfix
<galadrium> codeworkx: kommt aber immer leider wurde galaxy sIII einstellungen beendet, sobald hd-voice an ist
<galadrium> codeworkx: hmmm aber dich denke dass problem werden noch so einige haben
<codeworkx> galadrium: nur wenige
<codeworkx> galadrium: ich kanns nicht reproduzieren weil kein hdvoice
<galadrium> codeworkx: alle schweizer :)
<codeworkx> galadrium: dann solls nen schweizer fixen
<galadrium> codeworkx: hihi
<galadrium> codeworkx: habt ihr keine schweizer beim cyanogenmod team
<codeworkx> galadrium: nein
<codeworkx> galadrium: bei euch gibts keine devs :-PÜ
<galadrium> codeworkx: hehe ich würde ja gerne helfen, aber weiss nicht wie
<codeworkx> galadrium: genau das meine ich
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<galadrium> codeworkx: naja ein freund vom mir ist programierer, und der kauft sich bald ein s3 und möchte natürlich auch cm9 haben, evtl. kann der dann was machen
<codeworkx> galadrium: ich hoffs für dich ;-)
<galadrium> codeworkx: ich auch, gibt es in de also kein hd-voice?
<codeworkx> galadrium: keine ahnung
<galadrium> codeworkx: habs grad gegooglet in de gibt es auch anbieter mit hd-voice :P
<codeworkx> galadrium: meiner nicht
<galadrium> codeworkx: da hattest aber glück :P
<galadrium> codeworkx: naja also wider zurück zur stock rom :( danke trozdem für deine mühe
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<pmgnet> is adb USB broken in 0624 build on i777?
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<Flumdahl> codeworkx: any idea howto solve it ?
<DerTimmay> To the devs of CM9 for I9100G, please try this: play music with apollo or any other music app - than start any app which uses the GPS signal and do a GPS fix - the sound is interrupting shortly but permanently. As long as GPS is in use, e.g. any navigation software, i got sound drops. Do you think there is a way to fix this?
<bbqbot> derp
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<pmgnet> I flashed back from 0624 to 0621 and adb USB is working again.
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<codeworkx> weeeeeehhh, nightlies
<peterperfect> Y u no build
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<Jiangyi> Yay nightly built xD
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<peterperfect> Yep but i think bluetooth changes are not there
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<n30_pda> how do i disable 3g in latest cm9 for p5100
<n30_pda> and gps to
<n30_pda> i only find enable data for 3g but is it disabled then so 3g wont steal power
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<Entropy512> <n30_pda> i only find enable data for 3g but is it disabled then so 3g wont steal power - airplane mode then override by turning on the interfaces you want
<Entropy512> just like every other Android device on the planet
standard is now known as nebkat
<Entropy512> it's kinda stupid that Android won't let you disable 3G without entering airplane mode
<Entropy512> but that's the way it is and has always been
<n30_pda> okay. ill try. thanks
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<n30_pda> that seems to work.
<n30_pda> but what did u say about gps?
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<Entropy512> Location Services
<n30_pda> huh?
<n30_pda> ahhh
<n30_pda> i found it. thanks
<nebkat> -ChanServ- #horny-kats is now registered to nebkat.
<n30_pda> dm
<Jiangyi> Entropy512: What about the option of only use 2G?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> nebkat: ._.
<Entropy512> that's often in device settings when it even works
<nebkat> Jiangyi: long story :P
<Entropy512> a lot of Samsung's recent RILs don't like that option AT ALL
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<Jiangyi> Hmm... It works great on my I9100G. :-P
<DerTimmay> Jiangyi: Do u have sound drops when the gps is active?
<Jiangyi> DerTimmy: I don't use the GPS. :-P
<DerTimmay> hmm ok
<DerTimmay> but sometimes it is usefull ;-)
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<Jiangyi> DerTimmy: Yeah, but I can't really test while just sitting here at home lol
<Jiangyi> DerTimmy: Ofc, it doesn't help that I don't have a data plan. :-P
<DerTimmay> dont u have a window at your home? ;-)
<Jiangyi> DerTimmay: Alright, what do I have to do to replicate the problem?
<DerTimmay> ok first aktivate gps
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<DerTimmay> than start apollo an play music
<DerTimmay> than start any app which usses the gps signal
<DerTimmay> like google maps or "gps test"
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<Jiangyi> That's it?
<DerTimmay> during your phone tries to find gps signal, your should hear that the sound is droping
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<Jiangyi> Oh OK. I thought you had to make it do GPS prompts or something, but I guess not. :-P
<Jiangyi> One sec
<DerTimmay> but i just updated to 0624 i going to test it also now
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<Jiangyi> DerTimmay: I don't think I have it. A couple of crackles, but no volume drop.
<DerTimmay> yes i mean this short interruptions
<DerTimmay> tis a bit annoying if u use your i9100g as navigation system and mp3 player in your car like me
<Jiangyi> Ah. Well I'm not sure why though. :-P
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
<nebkat> Jiangyi: ping me when an idiot comes
<nebkat> ktnx
<Jiangyi> O_O
<Jiangyi> Umm.... OK. Why though?
<nebkat> were you here when we played our game?
<Jiangyi> The bomb game?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> if not, you'll see :D
<nebkat> no
<nebkat> the other game
<DerTimmay> but the problem starts when the first satellit is in view
<Jiangyi> the guess what game?
<nebkat> the game about why I dont give a fuck
<Jiangyi> ok no
<Jiangyi> DerTimmay: It only starts for me just as it's about to lock on.
<DerTimmay> Jiangyi: yes, and it contiues as long as gps connection is up
<Jiangyi> DerTimmay: For me it stops after locking on.
<codeworkx> DerTimmay: 2 little breaks while locking, then fine
<DerTimmay> which gps app are u using?
<Jiangyi> GPS Status.
coolya is now known as coolya|away
<DerTimmay> ok with "gps test" i also have the biggest drops at locking on it still happens from time to time also after locking
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Away
<DerTimmay> i quickly try gps status
<DerTimmay> codeworkx: when the connection to the satellites is fine, i also have not many breaks, but when u are changing your position like u do it when yor are driving a car, the interruptions increases to an level which makes it imposible to listen to music.
<codeworkx> DerTimmay: try using performance governor
<codeworkx> DerTimmay: and see what happens
<DerTimmay> ok one sec
<DerTimmay> codeworkx: nope that does not help
<codeworkx> i dunno what's wrong
<codeworkx> really no single idea
<codeworkx> how's stock ics?
<DerTimmay> unfortunality i never tried wich stock ics, i flashed cm 9 immediately
<Stonos> speaking of GPS, are there any GPS changes in ICS? Locking is much quicker on CM9
<Stonos> reported accuracy is also better, but in reality I think it's worse :(
<codeworkx> DerTimmay: would be interesting to know
<codeworkx> DerTimmay: should also be a problem there
<DerTimmay> codeworkx: ok maybe i can find someone who is on stock and if not, i could quickly flash it and try for my self
<DerTimmay> codeworkx: i let you know
<DerTimmay> codeworkx: yesterday i made also some logfiles with logcat recorder. i dont know if they would be helpfull for you.
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<Entropy512> Stonos: Which device? The blobs are fairly different, but that's about it. We have no idea what was changed in the blobs for any device.
<Entropy512> other than Samsung broke the interface on almost all devices by adding an extra field to the SV Status structs in gps.h
<Entropy512> took a while to fix that one
<Stonos> Entropy512, i9100
<Entropy512> and reported accuracy = universally worthless on all GPS units
<Entropy512> if a device is claiming an accuracy estimate other than DOP numbers
<Entropy512> it is lying
<Entropy512> period
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<Jiangyi> I hate my internet. ._.
<Jiangyi> DerTimmay: Any progress?
<bbqbot> derp
<DerTimmay> we are now trying to find out if this problem is also present on ics stockrom
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<DerTimmay> Jiangyi: so if you know somebody, ask him ;-)
<Flumdahl> anyone that knows howto solve this issue: ?
<Flumdahl> i have the same issue but not only with the youtube. some other apps to.
<DerTimmay> if there is nobody i flash to ics stock and try it myself next week
<Jiangyi> DerTimmay: I was going to post in the fb group, but I see that you've done that already. xD
<DerTimmay> :-D
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<DerTimmay> Flumdahl: i am using the youtube app, found it on play store. i dont understand your problem :-/
<Flumdahl> DerTimmay: play store says that youtube, sparbanken, eniro, telenor apps is not compitable with my p5100
<Flumdahl> i have wiped / factory reset my p5100 several times ... flashed it again and flashed gapps-ics latest
<Flumdahl> etc etc.
<Flumdahl> but i still cant find the apps in play store . if i browse on web i find them and there it tells my that my p5100 is not compitable with that app
<Flumdahl> more than me that having that problem
<DerTimmay> hmm ok very strange
<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: I get a feeling that it might be something in your system is indicating that you have some other model.
<Sushi> stupid question, does installing CM9 changes the kernel too ? (galaxy 9100G)
<codeworkx> sure
<Sushi> thanks
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: still flash issues with cam?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: The thing where it flashes when turning on?
<codeworkx> only happens if its to dark
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I don't have it, but a lot of other users do.
<codeworkx> for the auto focus
coolya|away is now known as coolya
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Same answer to that.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Although my flash is a bit more sporatic at autofocusing.
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: It doesn't turn on when it's bright, but if the lighting is normal, it turns on most of the time, and definitely turns on when it's dark.
<codeworkx> aye
<DerTimmay> yes camera improved a lot, no more pink spot, better focus and flash *thumps up*
<Sushi> codeworkx: camera app crashes here a few seconds after being launched
<Jiangyi> Looks like we got another camera crash person here. :-P
<DerTimmay> Sushi: do a reboot
<DerTimmay> Sushi: than it will work
<Sushi> ohh
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Aye as in yes, or aye as in NOOO/damn it?
<codeworkx> Sushi: wipe cam app data too
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: yes ;-)
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: OK then, whatever you say. :-P
ToyKat is now known as ToyKat[zZz]
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I'm guessing you're done all the other things for now if you're asking about I9100G?
<Sushi> nope, still crashing
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<Jiangyi> Sushi: Crashes every single time or?
<bbqbot> derp
<Sushi> yes
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: no. i9300 is a biatch
<Sushi> F/libc ( 1665): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1)
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: That means that the NA version's gonna be worse then. Greeeat.
<codeworkx> Sushi: flash stock ics, do some pics, go back to cm
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: How does doing some pics in stock help? o_O
<Sushi> I'm curious too ^^
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: you can update the camery fw using a special samsung app/menu
<codeworkx> and this also happens automatically
<Sushi> oO
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<codeworkx> but didnt have a look at the currect code
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: .... I think I may now know the guy from the other day's problem.
<DerTimmay> codeworkx: ok someone on facebook who is using stock ics confirmed that the gps sound problem is also present on ics stock
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: He stayed on Stock for 5 min before going to CM9, and definitely did not use camera app in stock.
<Sushi> mhhhh
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: if your cam is having a damn old fw, this could be a problem
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: we're shipping the firmwares with cm, but dunno who cares about updating
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: He came from 2.3.5, so yeah, I'll tell him to do that tonight. :-P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: So CM doesn't update camera firmwares?
<codeworkx> i dunno
<codeworkx> didnt have a look at it
<Jiangyi> =|
<Sushi> codeworkx: found the problem
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<Sushi> the camera app was trying to load a video preview done with the stock camera
<Jiangyi|Phone> Strange stuff
<codeworkx> lol
<Sushi> and crashed
<Sushi> i have the logcat if you wish
<Sushi> and the video :p
<codeworkx> delete both
<codeworkx> fast!
<Flumdahl> [22:17] < Jiangyi> Flumdahl: I get a feeling that it might be something in your system is indicating that you have some other model.
<Flumdahl> Jiangyi: no. it does say correct unit name ... gt-p5100
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<Flumdahl> [22:17] < Jiangyi> Flumdahl: I get a feeling that it might be something in your system is indicating that you have some other model.
<Flumdahl> Jiangyi: no. it does say correct unit name ... gt-p5100
<codeworkx> Flumdahl: check build.prop
<codeworkx> espresso10rfxx
<codeworkx> espresso10rf
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: where do i find that ?
<codeworkx> adb root
<codeworkx> adb shell cat /system/build.prop
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<Jiangyi> Them firefox crashes are not fun.
<Flumdahl> im a newbie. where is adb root ?
<Flumdahl> terminal stuff ?
<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: It's a command you run from your computer that has ADB installed.
<Flumdahl> i dont have that. is it available for mac ?
* Jiangyi is gonna flash latest nightly now. Hopefully he didn't make some uber screwup in his translations that was merged and built.
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: but if i have espresso10rfxx/espresso10rf what to do then ?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> then its fine
<Flumdahl> Jiangyi: i am running the latest for p5100
<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: I guess you can use Root Explorer and open it up and see.
<Flumdahl> ok ill install that
<Flumdahl> ro.product.device=expresso10rf
<Jiangyi|Phone> Codeworkx: espresso or expresso? O_o
<Flumdahl> oh sorry
<Flumdahl> espresso
<Flumdahl> but what is then wrong here.
<Jiangyi|Phone> I'm not sure then. Locale?
<Flumdahl> lang is en and region us
<Jiangyi|Phone> Yeah, then I'm out of ideas. :S
<Flumdahl> ill check on my phone to i9300 it works there but another rom
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<codeworkx> Flumdahl: checked it to stock
<codeworkx> absolutely fine
<codeworkx> ro.product.model=GT-P5100
<codeworkx> ro.product.brand=samsung
<codeworkx> ro.product.device=espresso10rf
<codeworkx> ro.product.board=piranha
<codeworkx> ro.product.cpu.abi=armeabi-v7a
<codeworkx> ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi
<codeworkx> ro.product.manufacturer=samsung
<codeworkx> dunno why it should be marked as incompatible
<Jiangyi|Phone> Piranha? O_o
<Jiangyi|Phone> What's with samsung and their names......
<Flumdahl> name=m0xx and device m0
<Flumdahl> on my cellphone
<Flumdahl> if i run fryrom on p5100 it works . but i dont have that left on it so i cant check that ot
<Flumdahl> ut
<Flumdahl> out
<Jiangyi|Phone> Flumdahl: your phone is not supposed to match your tab
<Flumdahl> hehe that is true
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<Flumdahl> the apps are working on my tablet ... i installed them on my phone and transfered the apk files from phone to tablet and installed them on tablet . they work wihtout any problems but i cant find those apps on my tablet. but i can search for them on play market website but there it says my unit is not compitable
<Flumdahl> and its not only me that have this problem
<Jiangyi|Phone> I know what you mean, i haf that issue on the stock Chinese rom of my phone, but that was more of a locale issue
<Jiangyi|Phone> Had*
<Flumdahl> yeah, it feels like some region / locale issue but then why does it say its incompitable
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<Flumdahl> incompitable for me is something like putting a porche engine in a saab
<Flumdahl> hehe
<Flumdahl> im open for suggestions to find a solution on this
<Flumdahl> its an awesome rom overall but this issue with not be able to install apps i want that sux but it would be awesome to find a solution
<Jiangyi|Phone> Brb
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<codeworkx> Flumdahl: for example i germany, we don't have access to GoogleMail at all
<Flumdahl> ok
<_paco_> rms emacs gdb gcc "güya" kodlamis
<_paco_> bir yerde ama bi skm yapmadigini yaziyo
<Devourz> what
<Flumdahl> but with the stockrom i have access to youtube, sparbanken, eniro and telenor app
<Devourz> gmail is blocked in germany?
<_paco_> shit
<_paco_> sorry
<Flumdahl> i also have access to those apps with fryrom
<codeworkx> Devourz: yep
<codeworkx> Flumdahl: if it'S preinstalled on the rom, then its no problem
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: yes. but sparbanken, eniro and telenor is not preinstalled
<Flumdahl> that is apps i download from google play
<codeworkx> hmm
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<DerTimmay> im am using gmail for a long time now in germany, its only called "google mail" and not "gmail"
<codeworkx> DerTimmay: if gmail isn't in gapps included, you won't get it from market on cmn
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: that is why i am so confused.
<codeworkx> Flumdahl: i'm confused to
<Devourz> lol why is blocked whats the excuse? and whatever it is its shite
<Devourz> lol
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: anyway u can remote the tablet and troubleshoot it ? i will be happy to help
<Devourz> missing on a best email provider ever
<Flumdahl> as long there will be a solution for the issue
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<Flumdahl> codeworkx:
<Flumdahl> ro.product.locale.language=en
<Flumdahl> ro.product.locale.region=GB
<codeworkx> Flumdahl: i'm having the same problem :-D
<Flumdahl> that is what is in build.prop on fryrom
<Flumdahl> if that might help ?
<nebkat> wtf are you doing
<nebkat> what is the issue?
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: nice. find a solution then :D
<codeworkx> market incompatibility
<Flumdahl> then i will love u :P
<Flumdahl> haha
<Flumdahl> there was same issue on your cm9 for samsung gio
<codeworkx> i never did cm for gio
<Flumdahl> it might not be u
<Flumdahl> that one
<Jiangyi|Phone> Codeworkx: slipped through your quality control process eh? XD
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Phone: what process?
<codeworkx> xD
<Jiangyi|Phone> Lol
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: plz tell me if u find the solution :D
<codeworkx> after i've fixed the i9300
<codeworkx> so about in some years
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<Flumdahl> gah
<Flumdahl> :(
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: otherwise. damn good job with the rom
<Jiangyi|Phone> And i9100g after that....... this is gonna take over 9000 years for you, code :-P
<Sushi> OVER 9000!
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<Flurry> hello all!
<Flurry> I have an error with android source code building, this is the error: can anyone help me?
<Kaik541> Flurry: you're missing the proprietary file
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<Flurry> Kaik541, How can I solve?
<Kaik541> follow theinstructions
<Flurry> sorry for the question, but...where are the instructions?
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<Flurry> Kaik541, sorry for the question, but...where are the instructions?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Flurry> Kaik541, can I send you a PM?
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<Flurry> Jiangyi, yes, I have read this guide, but I have the error, one week ago I have build a cm9 source without problem, but this time I have this strange problem, how can I solve?