Kaik541 changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | IRC stats : http://irc.nebkat.com/ | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | GIEF Teamhacksung Galaxy S3 FTW! http://pledgie.com/campaigns/17290 .:. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1633734
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Uploading at 30 kB/s. :-(
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<codeworkx> haha
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: ODIN version is 20120603 but CWM is 20120602? More confusions for people I see! :-D
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: see xda thread
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<pmgnet> anyone having trouble with adb access with 0531?
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<betoo> hey..
<betoo> anybody around... just got a few questions..
<Jiangyi> Yes?
<betoo> ok i got an s2 from bell, i upgraded to ics 4.0.3 stock from bell .. and wanted to update to cm9
<betoo> is it a good idea ? or should i leave stock.. and all this nonsense software around..
<betoo> so many pages on xda forums is killing me... so many updates for cm9 wasnt sure which one.. what to do.. kinda confused but with a little bit of help i could be on my way
<betoo> I downloaded update-cm-9-20120531-NIGHTLY-galaxys2-signed.zip
<betoo> is that the latest ?
<betoo> not even one answer ?
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<_8david> betoo, I'm just a user, not a developer, but I'd think that you should know yourself whether you'd like to install a different firmware. If you don't have a reason to do so, then don't do it.
<_8david> But if you decide to do it, thread 1419102 will tell you how.
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<betoo> - DO A DATA WIPE / FACTORY RESET (otherwise your calendar sync will not work)
<betoo> is that the same thing '? i have done a FACTORY RESET
<betoo> a data wipe is diff ?
<bbqbot> derp
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<raymonddull> ok now that I'm done fighting with this acrocity known as windows 8 release preview, whats up uberushaximus
<xZain> lol
<xZain> windows 8 is shit
<raymonddull> xZain, I'm using it on my laptop right now, its just terrible.
<raymonddull> I've said it before and I'll say it again. on a phone/tablet its nice, I have no issues with my windows phone. on a computer. fuck off.
<Assid> they are gonna make metro tiles optional
<Assid> you would have a windows 7 interface
<raymonddull> I keep hearing this but I definitely did not see an option here
<raymonddull> and this is pretty much the release candidate
<xZain> lol
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<raymonddull> there's a registry edit to do, I guess I could try that. brb, gotta reboot for that.
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<Assid> err.. can anyone suggest some tv shows
<Assid> i generally prefer scifi
<Assid> all my shows are either ending .. or not being aired atm
<Parth> Dollhouse
<Parth> it's on Netflix
<Assid> seen dollhouse
<Parth> blah
<Assid> i watch alot of tv
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<DuperMan> ah the fun. job in an hour and build is bork
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<raymonddull> ok that did not go as planned.
<DuperMan> yo ray
<raymonddull> I now have no start menu
<raymonddull> sup DuperMan
<DuperMan> windows 8 ray? xD
<DuperMan> that's a feature there;_
<cdesai> raymonddull: u entered your windows live credentials ?
<DuperMan> ;)
<cdesai> raymonddull: if so you'll have to authenticate that it's you
<raymonddull> cdesai, yes I entered my windows live credentials, yes I authenticated that its me, I have no issue logging in, I tried changing to the classic start menu and now it just renders as a blank page when i launch the start menu
<cdesai> raymonddull: happened with me too
<raymonddull> like full page of the gay blue wallpaper, but no tiles
<cdesai> raymonddull: although that was a few days back with consumer preview
<raymonddull> I think its my gpu drivers because internet explorer renders everything as white too
<DuperMan> sounds like fun o' fail
<cdesai> raymonddull: ctrl + alt + del
<raymonddull> and flickers when I scroll
<raymonddull> yeah i can get out of it, it just doesnt show anything
<DuperMan> just... rrr... what gfx?
<raymonddull> i can click things, nothing renders properly though
<raymonddull> DuperMan, a dying geforce 7400go
<Assid> why does microsoft insist on a failure product every alternate release ?
<Assid> windows me , vista , 8
<raymonddull> Assid, lets try video drivers that weren't written for vista before we judge.
<DuperMan> you bisches inna vm?
<DuperMan> yeah, drivers trouble. all teh fun
<raymonddull> DuperMan, nope, threw in an ssd and installed on a laptop i got for $40 on ebay
<raymonddull> dell xps m1210 that the chick thought was completely dead, I plugged it in and it booted up no issues at all
<Assid> nice!
<raymonddull> well other than that all the shit she had installed caused 3.8gb ram usage out of 1gb on boot.
<DuperMan> very nice, but the gfx they is fail. :(
<raymonddull> yay for 5400rpm hard drives constantly writing to the page file
<raymonddull> fucking slow as hell
<DuperMan> try to fallback to an intel gfx if can
<raymonddull> DuperMan, its not bad once I get decent drivers, it handled portal 2 decently once I killed the shit in xp
<raymonddull> and no it doesnt have intel graphics
<raymonddull> its nvidia or no boot
<Assid> raymonddull: whats windows me and 8's excuse ?
<raymonddull> Assid, windows me was shitty drivers, and right now thats what it seems like 8's issue is too.
<DuperMan> raymonddull, Assid: wait for good drivers or bust, sowwy
<DuperMan> loving win8 rp here
<raymonddull> I actually tried using me again like a year ago, and on a computer that it has decent drivers for it has no issues
<raymonddull> not one bsod in a week of using it
<raymonddull> which is very far from what I was seeing in 2001
<raymonddull> wow the CFL is very strong with this one, turn down the brightness and I hear the inverter buzz change with each step
<raymonddull> I'm spoiled by the led backlights all these macbook pros I've been working on have
<raymonddull> I went from 15" 1440x900 to 12" 1280x800
<raymonddull> though this thing is cool, I might keep it. for $40 totally worth it, it was like $1700 in 2007
<raymonddull> 2ghz core duo,1gb ram, 120gb hard drive, geforce 7400go, all in a 12" 1"thick package
* DuperMan <3 s7s win8
<raymonddull> nice led backlit media keys on front, xps badge and black soft touch cover on back
<raymonddull> this thing is nice
<raymonddull> and for the like $43 I paid, why the fuck not
<raymonddull> even if it didn't work, the hard drive is worth that at this point
<raymonddull> its been a year, little kids get back to work making us spinning metal disks
<DuperMan> yup, sweet deal. and does work. just bad bad gfx
<raymonddull> not really bad graphics, these are known to fail but this one is running cool and doesnt seem to be having any issues other than windows 8 being a pos with ancient drivers
<raymonddull> I'm using 194.xx and the current releases for 7xxx cards are like 294.xx, current for normal cards I know is in the 3xx range
<DuperMan> NO! nvidia be a bitch with no test drivers!
<DuperMan> :D
<Assid> no one ever gives me good stuff for free :(
<raymonddull> DuperMan, this is a 7xxx card, they went 8xxx,9xxx,1xx,2xx,3xx,4xx,5xx,6xx after that
<Assid> how much are SSD's now
<raymonddull> I think its ok that they're not keeping up with drivers on a 6 year old car.
<raymonddull> card*
<raymonddull> Assid, I paid $139 for my 90gb like 2 months ago, but its a high performance drive
<raymonddull> cheap drives are approaching $1/gb
<Assid> is it really worth changing?
<bbqbot> derp
<raymonddull> mine reads and writes sustained around 510MB/s
<raymonddull> this thing's original hard drive was averaging 36MB/s
<raymonddull> so you tell me
<Assid> but in reality besides boot time.. where else would you find a major difference
<raymonddull> obviously desktop drives are faster, the 1tb wd10ealx in my old desktop was averaging 130MB/s
<raymonddull> Assid, huge difference for launching huge programs
<raymonddull> photoshop is like 2 minutes vs like 16 seconds
<Assid> hmm
<raymonddull> you notice a much bigger improvement if your hard drive is complete shit to begin with though
<raymonddull> laptops make a huge improvement there, especially if it has a 4200rpm drive
<Assid> i got the dell xps 15.. i think its got the 5400 rpm drive..
<raymonddull> yeah this is an xps1210 and it had a 5400rpm seagate momentus 5400.2 drive
<Assid> although i fucked up.. should have upgraded to full hd screen
<raymonddull> yeah high res screens are nice
<raymonddull> I still regret never buying a QXGA screen for my thinkpad.
<raymonddull> I need to get another R50p and do that
<raymonddull> 2048x1536 on a 15" panel is just fucking awesome
<Assid> i would have been happy with 1080...
<Assid> i screwed up.. and it sucks
<raymonddull> 1920x1200 on a 15.4 is too grainy for me now, I've come to demand awesomeness
<Assid> okay so i found more tv shows i can start following
<raymonddull> >1080p IPS or gtfo
<Assid> raymonddull: i dont game.. in reality .. all i do now on this is email.. chat.. surf..
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<Assid> no more coding.. no more anything
<raymonddull> Assid, the most gaming I've done in the last month is 2 games of demolition in black ops because of my friend making me play
<Assid> so why need such a high res?
<raymonddull> and yeah I pretty much hit that point about 2 months ago. I used to be on my computer 24/7, now I've been on for 45 minutes today.
<raymonddull> because I like to see EVERYTHING at once.
<raymonddull> no scrolling. ever.
<Assid> yeah.. true..
<Assid> ive reduced my pc usage at home too.. just use it as a tv.. thats it
<Assid> 10-12 hours a day at work.. is enough
<raymonddull> I havent turned on my tv since.... january maybe?
<raymonddull> I use my monitor for xbox, tv is a dust collector
<raymonddull> think I may have given it to my brother, not really sure.
<Assid> hahahahaa
<raymonddull> ok what the fuck was that nvidia
<Parth> 1080p doesn't do it anymore
<raymonddull> just jumped to 640x480 at about 4 colors
<Parth> I need an Apple Cinema display
<raymonddull> Parth, apple cinema displays are meh
<Assid> :'(
<raymonddull> need moar pixels
<raymonddull> I need big bertha
<Parth> I need the resolution but I don't feel like paying $3k for it :P
<raymonddull> google it, IBM T220
<raymonddull> aka big bertha
<Assid> dell shouold have an upgrade policy for screens
<Assid> would end buyers remorse
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<raymonddull> 3840x2400
<raymonddull> on a 22" screen
<raymonddull> wow holy shit that made a huge difference
<raymonddull> windows 8 issues were definitely driver related
<raymonddull> everything is so much smoother, ie and start both work now
<Assid> hmm
<Assid> k bbl.. battery dying on this laptop
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<raymonddull> yeah... mine doesnt charge becuase i have a non dell charger
<raymonddull> stupid thing, its an hp charger, laptop says no fuck you, I'm not charging from that... thing.
<raymonddull> it will power the laptop but the laptop refuses to charge from it, so it's sitting at 38% remaining (plugged in, not charging)
<raymonddull> thats a dell thing, not windows 8
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<DuperMan> ohoh a good one: what's the contrast ratio? har
<raymonddull> probably like 12:1
<Parth> xD
<DuperMan> ><
<raymonddull> this thing doesnt seem much better tbh, white is mild orange
<raymonddull> black is meh gray
<DuperMan> 12:1 is like... colorblind edition
<DuperMan> crt colors ftw
<DuperMan> C R T!
<raymonddull> this xps is like look at it at a 15 degree angle and half the screen is gone
<raymonddull> you literally have to be directly in front of the lcd or you see nothing useful
<DuperMan> that's a feature
<DuperMan> ppl can't spy
<DuperMan> ;)
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<Jiangyi|Phone> I see you guys are chatting it up. :-D
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<MemoryController> oops hi
<MemoryController> well
<MemoryController> just eMMC bricked
<MemoryController> while on latest siyah
<MemoryController> thought i should warn users
<MemoryController> brick occured when selecting factory data reset via cm9
<MemoryController> is there any solution other than getting sammy to replace it?
<MemoryController> hmm
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<MacDrunk> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
<MacDrunk> @changelog galaxys2
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<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
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<codeworkx> lul, the i9100g is deep sleeping while BLN is on
<codeworkx> <3
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<pulser> lol codeworkx
<pulser> how did you do that?
<Dragooon> I'm baaaack
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<itzibitzi> anyone else having the problem that the connection to google is lost after some time?
<itzibitzi> sgs2, latest nightly
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<CafeKing> Hello :)
<CafeKing> Is the dev of CM9 for Samsung Galaxy Note around?
<bbqbot> derp
<Dragooon> I was thinking something
<Dragooon> Nexus supports MHL, and isn't the entire tree of Nexus open sourced?
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<CafeKing> Anyone in here with knowledge about kernels?
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<SaThaRiel> Hey, with cm9 - do i really need to restart my mobile when i want to add a notifcation sound?
<SaThaRiel> Ive put it into /system/media/audio/notifications (or something like this) and i havent found it until i restarted...
<Espenfjo> mediascanner should pick those up
<SaThaRiel> Built in or an extra option/package?
<codeworkx> pulser: omap4 4tw
<Espenfjo> built-in
<pulser> ah nice
<pulser> bugger
<Dragooon> codeworkx: You sure hate Exynos a lot
<SaThaRiel> Hm...ok, i downloaded the file and moved it with root browser in the directory...maybe that was the problem
<codeworkx> right ;-)
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Phone: touchled timeout inc
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<Jiangyi|Phone> codeworkx, just woke up, great news. :D
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<chrmhoffmann> i have a problem installing CM9 nightly.
<Taktloss> Hi
<chrmhoffmann> i tried to follow the guide here: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/Samsung_Galaxy_S:_Full_Update_Guide
<chrmhoffmann> but when installing the zip, it complains about mismatched device prop
<chrmhoffmann> assert failed: getprop etc.
<chrmhoffmann> ro.product.device does not match galaxys etc.
<Taktloss> chrmhoffmann: you tried google ;P http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=21808225&postcount=2
<bbqbot> derp
<chrmhoffmann> i can remove that assert there, but it means that the guide is broken.
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<Taktloss> did you try to update from stock
<chrmhoffmann> no. it was an update from CM9
<chrmhoffmann> but i flashed the speedmod kernel with heimdall
<chrmhoffmann> as in the guide.
<chrmhoffmann> Basically what happened was that the phone fell down during upgrade :)
<chrmhoffmann> so it didn't boot anymore
<chrmhoffmann> only thing that still worked was Download mode.
<chrmhoffmann> so i flashed that speedmod thing with heimdall as mentioned in the guide
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<chrmhoffmann> and then i tried to flash an update.zip (CM9 nightly)
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<chrmhoffmann> i removed assert now and tried to flash but it hangs.
<chrmhoffmann> so maybe my phone actually really broke.
<chrmhoffmann> nevermind.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: We may have a problem.......
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Phone: why?
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: ^
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Seems that the 0603 ODIN pack for CHN is bricking phones.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: sure?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: A few users are reporting that they're completely stuck on the bootscreen after flashing.
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<MemoryController> hi
<MemoryController> it's confirmed, i got emmc superbrick from latest siyah
<MemoryController> datafs fails
<MemoryController> cant mount /data /efs /cache /emmc
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<codeworkx> -.-
<codeworkx> MemoryController: that's no emmc brick
<MemoryController> ?
<MemoryController> then what is it?
<codeworkx> if your phone powers on and you can enter download mode, then it's not bricked
<MemoryController> oh rly?
<MemoryController> because i saw on xda
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: as long as there's the samsung logo, everything is fine
<MemoryController> well then what is happening?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: but removed them
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Well, they can't get into the system whatsoever......
<MemoryController> why does datafs fail then?
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<MemoryController> cm9 resurrector doesnt flash
<MemoryController> how can i fix it?
<kldoc> Hello, i have been trying to play some videos on CM9 for I9100G, and mp4 encoded video only play with software decoder, and divx encoded can't be played at all, using mx player, is there any solution for that ?
<codeworkx> MemoryController: try flashing a stock rom with pit and repartition
<Taktloss> get another player !?
<bbqbot> derp
<MemoryController> i did that
<codeworkx> MemoryController: full stock rom
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<codeworkx> MemoryController: including a data image
<MemoryController> yup with cache.img data.img hidden.img sbl1.bin zimage factoryfs
<MemoryController> still not working
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<MemoryController> can you recommend a gb full stock rom
<MemoryController> ?
<MemoryController> codeworkx: i found this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/archive/index.php/t-1614726.html
<MemoryController> and he says he has emmc brick
<MemoryController> with the same symptoms as me
<MemoryController> so...
<MemoryController> which one is it?
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<coolya> best sentence in the Thread "Try it with the original USB cable"
<Taktloss> well they are talking about an entirely different rom
<Taktloss> as far as i know
<MemoryController> can ou guys recommend a stock rom that is known to have everthing included?
<MemoryController> i tried with an ics one
<MemoryController> but didnt work
<MemoryController> can you recommend a gb one?
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<MemoryController> also when it tried to boot after the stock flash, it booted to stock recovery
<MemoryController> and i received many errors
<MemoryController> it couldnt mount an partition
<MemoryController> *any*
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I see you've pulled the ODIN ROMs.
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<kldoc> Just to say that i've tried dice player instead of Mx player and it's working with hardware decoder, but it's rather sluggish on divx ...
<Jiangyi> kldoc: You hang around here too? :O
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<addi> kalpik,
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<kalpik> addi: :P
<ddxfc> fdcf
<addi> yay, kalpik is alive! xD
<addi> okay, see you in another few months then :p
<kalpik> of course :P
<kalpik> haha
<addi> a few months after which the SGS3 might not require a kidney to be sold if you want to buy one :p
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<tapman> Any idea by when CM9 for i9100G will be stable ?
<bbqbot> derp
<coolya> tapman, its done when its done
<Jiangyi> tapman: It is stable. There are bugs but overall, it's stable.
<Jiangyi> but it's stable*
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<tapman> Alright, can I install it on a phone i use everyday ?
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<Jiangyi> tapman: Yeah. I've been running it for a very long time now.
<Jiangyi> tapman: It didn't get nightly status for no reason. ;)
<tapman> :D
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<Dragooon> Oh crap, in order to get a replacement of my sd card I'll have to ship it back to US
<Parth> derp
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<addi> Dragooon, internal SD bricked?
<Dragooon> addi: no, external :P
<Dragooon> My phone's fine and dandy
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<addi> oh, so get a new one instead of sending it back to the US :p
<Dragooon> It's a 64GB microSD, they don't come cheap
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<D3vourz> lul
<D3vourz> bummer
<D3vourz> 1euro= 1gb :P
<Jiangyi> It's about $.90/GB for MicroSD cards here in Canada.
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<addi> Dragooon, but sending back to US + getting it back = same cost as getting one here? :p
<Dragooon> One here will be Rs 4k
<Dragooon> Sending it to US should be cheaper
<addi> you sure use a lot of space on the phone xD
<Jiangyi> Dragooon: Wait, what phone do you have?
<bbqbot> derp
<Dragooon> Jiangyi: Note
<addi> he has the Note :)
<Jiangyi> Hmmm.... And the 64 GB card works?
<Dragooon> Yes
<Dragooon> It also works on my Galaxy S
<Dragooon> When it worked that is
<Jiangyi> Well then.... Samsung's being idiots for advertising only up to 32 GB of external storage.
<Jiangyi> Official site for Note: 16GB Internal memory + microSD (up to 32GB)
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<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: i9100G has got less Issues than the original?
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<h4rdco2e> oh, I see Codeworkx is away :(
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<DuperMan> let the record state 'yawn'
<DuperMan> supplemented henceby with 'snort, cough, yawn'
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<tat-> damn. only ~$80 for sandisk mobile ultra 64gb here in norway.
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<tat-> but the cheapest stores doesent seem to have it in stock yet
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<DuperMan> no. moar cloud.
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<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Bad weather?
<DuperMan> standardized, api'ed, well documented cloud.
<Jiangyi> Oh. Oops.
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: ~36c
<DuperMan> :)
<Jiangyi> I thought you meant the real clouds outside lol
<Baskey> that's super duper
<Jiangyi> It's pouring here.
<DuperMan> I suppose there may have been, but if so - they died.
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<choirboy> I wound up having to revert my galaxy nexus toro (Verizon) back to the stock ROM. Bluetooth stopped synching with my 2011 Toyota Tundra's stereo after 3/28 using both cyanogenmod nightlies and aokp. Anyone heard of this?
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<Yasin38> hey
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<Yasin38> ive got some questions: i have got a ii9100g and want to install a custom rom. which one with ics do you know?
<Jiangyi> Yasin38: Well, if you're here, I'm presuming that you want to install ICS?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> I mean CM9
<Jiangyi> bbqbot's right, total derp moment.
<Yasin38> @ Jiangyi yes, i want to install ICS
<Yasin38> and im searching for a smooth rom wihtout any bugs
<Jiangyi> Yasin38: Only custom ROM for ICS that's working right now is CM9.
<Jiangyi> So you don't have a lot of options if you want ICS.
<Yasin38> @ Jiangyi Whats the difference between original ICS and CM9?
<Jiangyi> Yasin38: Stock ICS has Samsung's whole TouchWiz UI over it and it feels a lot like how it is in Gingerbread.
<Jiangyi> CM9 gives you the pure Google Anrdoid 4.0 experience, without anything Samsung on it.
<Yasin38> @ Jiangyi: And if I use an other launcher, is there a difference in performance or something like that?
<Jiangyi> Yasin38: Different launchers take up different amount of resources.
<Yasin38> @ Jiangyi: So you are recommending CM9? I hate TouchWiz :D
<Jiangyi> Yasin38: Of course I am. This is the Teamhacksung support channel afer all ;-D
<Jiangyi> I don't think anyone likes Touchwiz here.
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<Yasin38> @ Jiangyi: Yeah you're right :D But one question: In the FAQ of teamhacksung.org it says that it insn't stable yet. What kind of bugs can occur?
<codeworkx> Please dont call samsung roms original ics
<Jiangyi> yay codeworkx is back :-D
<codeworkx> i wouldnt call it android at all
<Yasin38> Hahah Okay :D
<codeworkx> Paindroid 4 Gingerbing Edition
<Yasin38> lol :D
<codeworkx> what? :-D
<codeworkx> they killed the whole user experience with their touchshiz
<Yasin38> Yes, I think so :)
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: The guy with the signal problem sent more logs. I put it in the Google Drive if you want to take a look at it. :-P
<codeworkx> kk
<codeworkx> did he flash the zip?
<Jiangyi> Yeah, he said it actually got slightly worse. lol
<Yasin38> HTC's Sense is in my opinion the best UI
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<Yasin38> Is there any option to get Sense 3.0/4.0 on the SGS2 in the next time? But I think it'll be very hard to port it, or not?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi> Yasin38: Sense modifies a lot of system apps, so it's extremely hard.
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<Jiangyi> cody|iPhone: You have an iPhone!? :O
<cody|iPhone> no xD
<Yasin38> @ Jiangyi: Did you read my question? :D --> In the FAQ of teamhacksung.org it says that it insn't stable yet. What kind of bugs can occur?
<cody|iPhone> its stable
<Jiangyi> Yasin38: Well, it's stable for daily use. As for bugs.... I haven't seen much, so ask codeworkx. :P
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<Yasin38> Okay, then I will flash it now :) But I have to backup the apps on my phone, but it isnt rooted, so I cant use Titanium Backup, is there any alternative?
<Yasin38> ? :)
<Jiangyi> Yasin38: That's a tricky one without root....
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<Yasin38> Ok, then I'll just backup the SD Card and make Screenshots from the App Drawer, so I can remember, which apps were installed :D
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: BTW, was there really a problem with the ODIN builds?
<codeworkx> dunno
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: So you took it down for safety precautions? :P
<codeworkx> yes
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: OK. That's 600MB of upload wasted again. :P
<codeworkx> no
<Jiangyi> no?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> files are still on server
<codeworkx> ;-)
<codeworkx> the images. just have to tar and md5 it
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: No, I mean me lol
<Jiangyi> :-D
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<codeworkx> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
<Jiangyi> No i9100g?
<codeworkx> no n7000?
<Jiangyi> That too.^
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<CafeKing> Hey xplodwild. Are you around?
<xplodwild> CafeKing: yep
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<CafeKing> xplodwild: Will it be possible with bln enabled in CM9 for Note?
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<codeworkx> xD
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<CafeKing> An honour to be at the same chat as you, codeworkx :-P
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<CafeKing> Hmm
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<Yasin38> Loool, I'm stupid. I thought I have the G version but I have the normal mode haha
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<Jiangyi> Yasin38: Really?
<Jiangyi> O_O
<Yasin38> Yes :D The Phone is not mine, its from my sister and I always thought it was the G model
<Yasin38> Now I looked in the settings and I cant see any G there :D
<Jiangyi> Ah...
<choirboy|afk> Bump: I wound up having to revert my galaxy nexus toro (Verizon) back to the stock ROM. Bluetooth stopped synching with my 2011 Toyota Tundra's stereo after 3/28 using both cyanogenmod nightlies and aokp. Anyone heard of this?
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<Jiangyi> Sorry mate, don't know :-(
<choirboy> :-(
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Some people are saying that their menu key stops working after they lock the screen and go back in. Any ideas?
<bbqbot> derp
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<tyn> How do you change the modem on Cyanogenmod? I need one for the SGS i9000m.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: after the touchkeys i'll have a look at it
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<Jiangyi> tyn: Find a CWM flashable one and just flash it through CWM. It looks like you have the Bell variant, so look carefully.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: There's more to do with the touch keys? I thought we were done.....
<tyn> Can I flash a modem.bin from cwm?
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<Jiangyi> tyn: modem.bin is meant to be flashed with ODIN I believe.
<tyn> Yeah that's what I thought too, and everytime I do with any of them the baseband says it's unknown and doesn't work
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<Jiangyi> tyn: Are you flashing it with it in the PHONE section of ODIN?
<tyn> I think I've figured it out
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<Jiangyi> tyn: Alright then. :-)
<tyn> Darn it, when I installed captivate.radio-JL2.zip over cwm like I was supposed to, all I did was make the baseband say unknown and stop working again
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<Jiangyi> tyn: Not 100% sure on this, but I don't think you're supposed to use a Captivate radio with your i9000m....
<tyn> It's what it says to do on the FAQ and JL2 the code is one that has been on bell modems before, though
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<Jiangyi> Well, I'm not sure then..... I still think you should find the bell version, just to be on the safe side.
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<tyn> I can't find any.
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<tyn> Here's hoping, that would be amazing
<Jiangyi> tyn: Here's the ODIN version of that: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=10681000&postcount=2
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i'm rewriting the driver partially
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Ah...
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: still fighting with some bugs. it's going crazy. timeout, force disabled, notification...
<Jiangyi_> codeworkx: Force disable?
<codeworkx> if, if not, then, but, uhhh, but, if, but blah
<bbqbot> derp
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi_: disable keyled completely
Jiangyi_ is now known as Jiangyi
<Jiangyi> Oh.
<codeworkx> and for the timeout i have to track touchscreen state
<codeworkx> is finger on screen or not
<codeworkx> :-D
<Jiangyi> I can see why that would be hard to do.
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<Jiangyi> Well, interestingly, the bugs you mentioned, I haven't encountered myself :D
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<Jiangyi_> My internet just loves to die.
<Dragooon> Jiangyi_: Atleast it comes bakc
<Dragooon> back*
<Dragooon> Once mine days, it dies....
<Dragooon> dies*
<Jiangyi_> Dragooon: Yeah, it's because of this cheap Linksys router. :-P
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi_: ah, looks better :-)
<Jiangyi_> codeworkx: Which part?
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<codeworkx> everything. hope notification still works
<codeworkx> this if fucking awesome and clean
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: do you have your phone?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Sure do.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: then i'm uploading something for you
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yay :-D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: But can't you test on your own phone? (I'm not complaining, just wondering)
<codeworkx> i did
<codeworkx> but it might be possible that i missed a case
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Oh alright.
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* codeworkx is proud now
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I see you've gotten some help ;-)
<codeworkx> my brother
<codeworkx> helped me on the timer thingy
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yeah, it looks much more readable now. Not that I still know how to read it lol
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* Jiangyi will learn this someday...
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: this is one of the bugs we had: http://pastie.org/private/xd6lpkaqriuiec6abf7w
<codeworkx> it didn't do anything bad, but doesn't look fine :-D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Hmm....I think I understand a little bit of that...
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Does that explain the .5 second LED light when I wake up my phone even when I set the LEDs to off? Or am I just completely off?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: nvm, read it over again, I was wayyyyyy off.
* Jiangyi is being dumb
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: off = completely off.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: timeout =after a time the leds go off. if you touch screen or button, it's on again
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I know, I was being dumb.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: And I was thinking of how it just glows for 0.2-0.5 of a second when I wake it up even when I set it to off right now.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: that's a hardware thingy
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Ah ok.
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<codeworkx> yay, 40gb free dev host
<codeworkx> d-h.st
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Was that the free dev hosting service that was advertised on XDA a while back?
<codeworkx> yes
romann is now known as romann|afk
<codeworkx> 20gb normal, 40gb for elite noobs
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Did you just indirectly called yourself an elite noob? xD
<codeworkx> :-D
<codeworkx> Elite recognized Developer
<codeworkx> = Elite noob
<Jiangyi> Seems legit. :-D
<codeworkx> lets flash
<Jiangyi> OK. :-D
<anton__> hey guys, i have a question. is the last nightly build working? it's about 30mb smaller then the others
<bbqbot> derp
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: dev host is bitching
<codeworkx> trying mediafire
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Uh oh. Is it stuck at 100% or something?
<codeworkx> build seems to work fine
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: yes :-D
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: It's always that! Same with me! :-P
<Parth> whatcha doing
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<Jiangyi> Parth: You're not OP? :O
<Parth> idk
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<codeworkx> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @join @part @kick @kickban @unban @op @deop @voice @devoice @mute @unmute @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<codeworkx> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
<codeworkx> @supported add i9100g
<bbqbot> That manufacturer is not supported!
<codeworkx> hehe
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: ok, found a little bug. disabling the lights takes 3 seconds. already fixed on gerrit
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Does that mean you have to re-reupload?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> isn't a bad bug
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Alright.
<codeworkx> test this for a day, report back, if it's fine i'll merge it
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Anything specific to test?
<codeworkx> touchkeys xD
<codeworkx> off to bed now. it's 1:07 am.
<codeworkx> < 5 hrs sleep
<codeworkx> -.-
<codeworkx> FUUUU
<codeworkx> damn users
<codeworkx> damn phonez
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: OK then. Good night! :-)
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<Jiangyi> Parth, you there?
<Parth> yup
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