Kaik541 changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | IRC stats : http://irc.nebkat.com/ | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | GIEF Teamhacksung Galaxy S3 FTW! http://pledgie.com/campaigns/17290 .:. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1633734
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<JROppenheimer> Code are you still here?
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<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: yay
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<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: wassup?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: The logcat's in the Google Drive.
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<Jiangyi> I'm guessing you're asleep. lol
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: neva
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: lol
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: How you get so little sleep and still wake up and go to work, I will never know xD
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<Entropy512> yeah it's like 4 AM or something like that in his timezone
<Entropy512> maybe we should call him botworkx
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: oh oh
<Entropy512> machine-generated code
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: seems this is related
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: To the mobile data drop problems?
<codeworkx> yes
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Wait so you fixed it? :-D
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: did he try to force 2g?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: no
<Entropy512> why isn't that file just called DerpRIL.java?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: another guy added this patch to fix his problems. and i think this patch breaks it for your friend
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: He only has 2G. The network doesn't have 3G.
<codeworkx> so one of the guys has to die nao!
<Jiangyi> lol
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: try ticking "2g only"
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I'll tell him that. Anything else?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: yes, buy me beer!
<codeworkx> or coffee
<Entropy512> hmm, if 2g-only networks make that code unhappy, would've expected whining from T-Mobile users
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Beer no, I'm underage. Coffee maybe, I'll have to think of a way to ship it to you :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: didn't he delete /system/app/Stk.apk ?
<Entropy512> but maybe they've finally figured out that they can't take any old unlocked phone and use it on their crappy network. :)
<Jiangyi> Entropy512: Well, I don't think many people would actually use the international version on T-mo :P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yeah, it had no effect.
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<codeworkx> basically 06-03 12:07:19.489 E/RIL ( 140): ReaderLoop STATE_CRASH_RESET
<codeworkx> is the problem
<codeworkx> comes from ril
<codeworkx> that's bad
<codeworkx> ok, haxxx framework more
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Maybe you should get sleep first? :-P
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Entropy512: wanna review my ClockworkMod Recovery SDCard derp Edition?
<codeworkx> oh already added you
<EgoElf> sdcard derp edition?
<EgoElf> :)
<Entropy512> codeworkx: I don't have any devices that's applicable to
<codeworkx> any device with internal and external card
<codeworkx> Entropy512: try /sdcard for internal and /extsdcard for external :-D
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<EgoElf> oh, that sdcard derp edition.. doesn't look like it'll touch my issue (internal sdcard is borked)
<Entropy512> hmmm... maybe tomorrow... but i'm going to be light on the reviews until next week
<Entropy512> packing tomorrow night
<Entropy512> out of town all weekend
<Jiangyi> Entropy512: Have fun!
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|away
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<koud> seems quite difficult to get some more higherup cm people to look at a patch :P
<whitequark> koud: link?
<whitequark> well, wait a few days
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<koud> ok :P inpatient :p
<Hunt3r> Hi
<Hunt3r> someone there to help me ?
<Entropy512> yeah... sometimes things take time, in some situations just because people are busy
<Entropy512> you've got a pile of +1s, it's in good shape
<Entropy512> :P
Jiangyi|away is now known as Jiangyi
<Entropy512> heh you only uploaded it yesterday
<Hunt3r> entropy can you help me ?
<Entropy512> keep in mind a lot of people don't go into deephack mode until the weekends
<Hunt3r> I've a problem with my i9100G
<Entropy512> unknown
<Entropy512> G - nope, I know little about the G
<Hunt3r> :(
<Hunt3r> someone there for G version ?
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<Hunt3r> I installed cyanogenmod 9 ICS 4.0.4 for i9100G and my data connection doesn't work :-/
<Jiangyi> I have the G.
<Hunt3r> I installed ZPLC7 modem
<Jiangyi> Are you on 2G or 3G?
<bbqbot> derp
<Hunt3r> but still doesn't work
<Hunt3r> 3G
<Jiangyi> Are you sure you got your APN settings all correct?
<Hunt3r> I did
<Hunt3r> manually
<Hunt3r> I tried with SMS auto configuration
<Hunt3r> doesn't work
<Hunt3r> but it worked on 2.3.6
<Jiangyi> Hmm.... Try the other modem?
<Hunt3r> Modem is depending on the location ?
<Entropy512> somewhat
<Hunt3r> localisation*
<Jiangyi> Well, some modems give you better performance than others, and ZCLP7 is a Chinese modem, so....
<Hunt3r> ok
<Entropy512> although I guess there was recently some discussion about some ril funkiness with the G
<Hunt3r> what's the french modem ?
<Hunt3r> i'm in martinica
<Hunt3r> caraibe
<Jiangyi> Entropy512: That was more about 2G networks. :-P
<Hunt3r> french department
<Entropy512> don't know if there are any french modems for G... I think G seems to be primarily sold in Asian countries
<Jiangyi> French modem is XXLPN
<Hunt3r> Ok
<Hunt3r> where can i catch it ?
<Entropy512> yeah, france will usually be XX or XW region code
<Jiangyi> Yeah, I'm trying to find it right now.
<Hunt3r> thanks
<Jiangyi> Darn it, can't find it.
<Jiangyi> :-(
<Jiangyi> Hunt3r: Try the DDLP5 modem from the CM9 thread for now.
<Jiangyi> I'll brb
<Hunt3r> ok
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|away
<Hunt3r> DDLP5 is for which country ?
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<Hunt3r> still doesnt work --'
Jiangyi|away is now known as Jiangyi
<Jiangyi> Back.
<Jiangyi> DDLP5 is from India.
<Jiangyi> Can you make calls?
<bbqbot> derp
<Hunt3r> yeh I can
<Hunt3r> and SMS
<Hunt3r> I'm not the one gettinh this problem
<Jiangyi> That's pretty weird then.
<Hunt3r> ICS 4.0.3 worked fine
<Hunt3r> this morning :-/
<Hunt3r> I really don't understand
<Hunt3r> I gonna try nighttly 606
<Jiangyi> Yeah OK. Sorry that I don't have a clear solution.
<Hunt3r> np
<Hunt3r> some people have problem with wifi
<Hunt3r> me, I've with data network
<Jiangyi> I've only heard of people with data drops, but not no data at all.
<Hunt3r> I have a problem maybe a bug since i intalled the las update and kernel update. The issue that im facing its with data network. It cant connect. I dont know if its the nighly update or kernel but this its new for me.
<Hunt3r> codworkx sait
<Hunt3r> said
<Hunt3r> answered*
<Hunt3r> flash latest nightly or my full cm9 build. works always. ;-)
<Hunt3r> I gonna do ...
<Hunt3r> that's boring to flash and reinstall everything each time :S
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<Jiangyi> Hunt3r: Updating CM9 doesn't require you to wipe your data.
<Hunt3r> ok
<Jiangyi> And that was the guy who lost data from codeworkx's latest kernel, which you didn't flash. :\
<Hunt3r> I want to go from CM9 4.0.4 605
<Hunt3r> to CM9 4.0.4 606
<Hunt3r> I just install from sdcard ?
<Jiangyi> Yeah.
<Hunt3r> ok
<Hunt3r> I thought that I needed to wipe cache and blabla
<Hunt3r> I hope 606 will fix my data connections problem without giving me problems with wifi
<Hunt3r> :-/
<Hunt3r> the guy from xda said he took the previous version
<Hunt3r> but he didn't noticed which
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<Hunt3r> 606 doesnt fix it
<Hunt3r> gonna try 604
<Hunt3r> 606 wifi works
<Jiangyi|Phone> Still not working?
<Hunt3r> data network is not working
<Jiangyi|Phone> Hunt3r, at this rate, I'd suggest you try wiping data to see if maybe that'll fix it.
<Hunt3r> ok
<Hunt3r> I try now
<Hunt3r> data factory reset + cache ?
<Hunt3r> I gonna lose all my apps
<Hunt3r> :-(
<Jiangyi|Phone> Yeah, I'm sorry about that. You can always back it up first.
<Hunt3r> I gonna reinstall np ^^
<Jiangyi|Phone> Alright, I really hope this works for you.
<Hunt3r> still doesn't -_-
<Hunt3r> oh no
<Hunt3r> not ICS
<Hunt3r> FUCK YOU I9100G
<Hunt3r> OH
<Hunt3r> it works now :o
<Jiangyi|Phone> Lol
<Jiangyi|Phone> XD
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<Jiangyi|Phone> Hunt3r: So all good?
<Hunt3r> yah
<Hunt3r> thx
<Jiangyi|Phone> Alright, great. :-)
<Jiangyi|Phone> I'm going to go to sleep then. Good night!
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<Hunt3r> thx u too
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<Spoonman> Good morning everyone.
<Spoonman> Does anybody know what the 'Lockscreen issue' listed on the CM9 discussion page is all about?
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<leo9891> Queestion, i'm not much of an IRC person, but I forgot how to change channels... :-/
<leo9891> I just have this channel set as a favorite on my Bookmarks
<EgoElf> /join #<channel>
DRockstar|Cloud is now known as DRockstar
<leo9891> Thanks EgoElf
<Spoonman> Anyone about the 'Lockscreen issue'?
<leo9891> Damn, the channel i wanted was support for the LG Thrill. ITS COMPLETELY EMPTY!!!!! LOL
<Spoonman> Anybody willing to try and reproduce a bug on SGS II CM9 (very simple)?
<bbqbot> derp
<leo9891> i don't have any lock screen issues with my SGH-i777
<Spoonman> Are you using 'pattern' lock?
<leo9891> no. is there supposed to be a bug with the pattern lock security?
<Spoonman> That's what I'm trying to figure out. I have one, and I can't find any trace of it online.
<Spoonman> I'm having a hard time believing I'm the only one that noticed it?
<leo9891> hmmmmmm i'll check on mine
<Spoonman> If you have pattern lock on, but disable it *temporarily* through the notification bar power widget...
<Spoonman> The lockscreen should be off. Now if you get a notification (SMS, Whatsapp, Facebook, whatever) and click it - the lockscreen pops up out of nowhere.
<Spoonman> And what's worse is that though still disabled on the power widget, it's back on now.
<Spoonman> Tried it?
<leo9891> how do you "temporarily" disable it through the notification bar?
<leo9891> i'm running CM9 if that makes a difference
<leo9891> idk what you got
<Spoonman> I have CM9 as well.
<Spoonman> System Settings -> Interface -> System -> Notification drawer -> Widget buttons -> Toggle Lockscreen
<Spoonman> I use that button to disable the lockscreen while I'm home or at a "safe place".
<Spoonman> Tell me if you have it.
<leo9891> got it.
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<leo9891> lemme test
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<leo9891> yeah it happened to me
<Spoonman> Alright... At least I know it's an issue and not some app that I have.
<Spoonman> I don't think anyone is aware of it though.
<Spoonman> And it means you can't use cool apps like 'WiFi unlock'
<Spoonman> (which disables the pattern automatically if you're on wifi networks you consider "safe").
<Spoonman> leo9891: Thanks for your help
<Spoonman> Too bad this issue is so old I believe no one noticed it...
<leo9891> lol
<Spoonman> And... submitting bug reports on nightly builds is a main cause of male impotence.
<leo9891> if you have SMS Popup installed, it will let you reply to the SMS.
<Spoonman> Not ready to lose *THAT*...
<leo9891> BUT if you click on the SMS in the Notification Bar, then the Pattern Lock pops up, even if you already read/replied to the message
<Spoonman> It's not just SMS, it's aggravating to constantly unlock at home...
<leo9891> yeah
<leo9891> i just never use a lock. i don't worry about anyone using my phone, cause no one does.
<Spoonman> Too bad there are *only* nightlies for the SGSII, nothing to submit bugs about, even though it's there in every nightly out of the ~20 I tried.
<leo9891> lol
<Spoonman> Nobody uses mine either, just afraid of having all that data in someone's hands if it ever gets stolen.
<Spoonman> It's the only reason I use a lockscreen.
<Spoonman> Anyway thanks for testing with me!
<leo9891> get an app that you can use to remotely erase everything on your phone
<leo9891> so IF it does get stolen, you can wipe it clean
<Spoonman> Oh I don't trust those apps... I believe 99% of people that steal a phone will disconnect it from WiFi 1st thing.
<leo9891> I know thats not the point though, but still, its the only work around
<Spoonman> WiFi/Cellular data etc.
<leo9891> idk, most thieves are stupid.
<leo9891> "oh look a phone! imma call my frendz!"
<Spoonman> Haha
<Spoonman> My friend's phone was stolen by a cab driver and all she could think about was that he could view her photos.
<leo9891> lmao!
<leo9891> she got some kinky pics prolly
<Spoonman> I'd like to see those!
<leo9891> but girls are always like that.. a pic of their face and they are having a panic attack if it fell into someone else's hands
<Spoonman> Well, she was also worried he'd have access to her FB, Gmail, read her messages and so on.
<Spoonman> Yeah, that's true.
<leo9891> i need to get my wifes phone working.. there is no data on her phone! idk what happened to it
<Spoonman> LG Thriller?
<leo9891> Thrill 4G
romann is now known as romann|afk
<leo9891> its on Stock Root
<Spoonman> Are the APNs gone>?
<bbqbot> derp
<leo9891> its completely stock besides it being rooted
<Spoonman> Did you check the APNs?
<leo9891> oh crap...
<leo9891> got it!
<leo9891> i think she disabled the Data in the APN Settings!
<leo9891> didn't think of that lol
<Spoonman> Excellent!
<leo9891> i didn't think of that cause shes not one to mess with settings
<Spoonman> Women... :)
<leo9891> she gets something and she leaves it that way.
<leo9891> never messes with setting or trying to customize it lol
<Spoonman> Most women are like that.
<Spoonman> Well you solved her issue. Now what?
<Spoonman> Are you done with kids? Want to report the bug I found? ;)
<leo9891> So i spent like an hr looking for a ROM for her and installed CM7 Nightly and there was still no data! but then i found out that CM7 doesn't have data due to some baseband issue
<leo9891> lol no problems with the kids
<Spoonman> What a mess... at least you had a CWM backup to quickly go back to.
<Spoonman> Actually having kids don't mean that one's ready to become impotent, so forget it ;)
<leo9891> yeah I don't get why they don't want bugs reported on nightlies...
<leo9891> i think it would just make it faster to make a stable or atleast a Release Candidate
<Spoonman> Me neither but I'll definitely respect it.
<Spoonman> Oh well... I'll wait for one of those before I report it.
<Spoonman> Anyway, gotta head to work... Hasta luego!
<Spoonman> (And thanks again!)
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<leo9891> now to figure out that baseband issue...
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<JROppenheimer> Sry got disconnected
<MacDrunk> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
<JROppenheimer> Is there a help guide or quick guide for this channel?
<JROppenheimer> I am new to irc
<JROppenheimer> And i dont know how to adress f e only one person
<MacDrunk> what ya need
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<JROppenheimer> If i dont want to spam the thread, can i send messages to only one?
<JROppenheimer> To whom it concernes
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<vizdak> JROppenheimer what you type here will be seen by everyone in this channel.
<JROppenheimer> I understand
<JROppenheimer> My app just told me that you mentioned my nick
<JROppenheimer> Ia that by just typing the nick
<JROppenheimer> Or does it need some kind of syntax?
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<xplodwild_work> JROppenheimer just your name
<xplodwild_work> like this JROppenheimer
<JROppenheimer> Awesome thanks for the help
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<b00gieMAndroid> hi room
<b00gieMAndroid> no update since 5th june release
<b00gieMAndroid> for note?
<bbqbot> derp
<JROppenheimer> What is derp?
<b00gieMAndroid> when human eats, we burp.. when bots are full with junk, they derp :P
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<GabChia> Hello. Can anyone help me?
<GabChia> Anybody here? I need your help
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<JROppenheimer> @codeworkx did you see my adb logcat post in the CM9 thread of I9100G on xda?
<bbqbot> JROppenheimer: Command doesnt not exist!
<JROppenheimer> anyone here?
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<randomer> hello all
<randomer> anyone on?
<bbqbot> derp
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<cdesai> @skynet
<bbqbot> cdesai: Command doesnt not exist!
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<JaydeeKay> hey guys
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<JaydeeKay> Does anyone have experience with A2DP here?
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<JaydeeKay> anybody at all?
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<xplodwild_work> JaydeeKay: just ask
<xplodwild> @op xplodwild_work
<JaydeeKay> Alright. It's following the issue which was supposedly resolved with the release of CM7. The issue was that Android locked the bitpool to a low rate for A2DP, this in turn caused the sound quality to have severe distortion and sound like crap.
<JaydeeKay> i'm running the latest CM9 nightly on my GS2.
<xplodwild_work> hmm, I haven't followed at all what changed on CM7
<xplodwild_work> have you the specific commit done on CM repositories that changed it?
<JaydeeKay> I've just spent £750 on my car audio equipment, specifically for bluetooth streaming and support, however there is severe distortion in the higher frequencies, which is only apparent when using A2DP. Auxillary is crystal clear
<xplodwild_work> JaydeeKay: Can't you switch to CyanogenMod 9 ?
<JaydeeKay> i am on CM9
<JaydeeKay> However the issue still remains.
<xplodwild_work> you said "release of CM7"
<xplodwild_work> let me a minute, checking something
<cdesai> JaydeeKay: which release specifically ? (7.x RCy)
<bbqbot> derp
<JaydeeKay> I do apologise if I have confused you. I said that this issue was supposedly fixed with tbe release of CM7
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<JaydeeKay> Cdesai, I dont have that information on hand unfortunately. I'm sitting in Starbucks on my lunch break lol
<JaydeeKay> I've ruled out my audio equipment in my car. I've ruled out my audio files (I'm an audiophile and use flacs.)
<xplodwild_work> JaydeeKay: can you open Terminal Emulator, type "su" then type "alsamixer"
<xplodwild_work> tell me if it find it or not
<JaydeeKay> Sure thing, give me a moment
<JaydeeKay> unfortunately, it's not found
<xplodwild_work> I'd need to ask codewrox if these tools still work, back when we had audio issues on ICS we were using it to adjust soundcard mixer volumes directly
<xplodwild_work> and the digital gain was set high, causing distortion
<xplodwild_work> that might still apply on bluetooth, so it's worth trying
<xplodwild_work> though I'm not sure how to bring you the binaries
<JaydeeKay> There are threads plastered the internet which go back years concerning this matter. I've spent days configuring and checking my wiring. I've stripped my cars interior due to this twice lol
<xZain> oh wow
<xZain> MAG4FA, VYL00M, or KYL00M fwrev 0x19 --> known bad
<JaydeeKay> I'm pretty sure it's not a gain issue mate. This happens on all volumes, even if I set Poweramps gain values lower than default
<xplodwild_work> JaydeeKay: hmm
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<JaydeeKay> Is there a way to check the bitpool setting?
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<xZain> so I have a 0x19
<xZain> and my Phone can brick anytime ?
<xplodwild_work> xZain: no
<xplodwild_work> well yes but no
<JaydeeKay> I'll give that a buchess man, appreciated. I knew it's Bluez plugin. 2 mins
<xplodwild_work> values are defined here
<cdesai> MIN is 2, pretty low
<JaydeeKay> Just chcki
<JaydeeKay> Just reading it now. I'm on my phone, so I apologise if I don't reply promptly
<xplodwild_work> np
<JaydeeKay> Would you be able to tell me which line the code is on for bitpool? It'll take ages to scroll on android
<cdesai> JaydeeKay: he linked to the line
<JaydeeKay> Yea i see now lol
<JaydeeKay> There isn't any values there
<JaydeeKay> Max is 64, min is 2.
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<JaydeeKay> I honestly have no idea what's causing this issue...My blackberry sounds perfect, my laptop as well
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<xplodwild_work> JaydeeKay: might be the SGS2 chip not performing well also
<xplodwild_work> I remember having bad sound quality even with stock
<JaydeeKay> Bluetooth doesnt use the Yamaha DAC though
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<JaydeeKay> Sorry about that, I closed the browser by accident.
<JaydeeKay> There's a config file located in: System/etc/Audio. Audio.conf
<JaydeeKay> There's lines for the Yammy DAC, voice, hifi and Bluetooth.
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<xplodwild_work> JayDeeKay: not relevant iirc
<JaydeeKay> Ahhh okay. I'm absolutely stumped
<JaydeeKay> It's crystal clear using Aux however I have an obsession about cables hanging around my car
<JaydeeKay> Hence the reason I spent a fortune on bluetooth equipment...
<xplodwild_work> I understand, but I can't do more sorry :/
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<JaydeeKay> no worries buddy, I appreciate what you've done for me.
<JaydeeKay> Would increasing the minimum bitpool value have any effect? You know a lot more about developing than I
<xplodwild_work> It could help
<xplodwild_work> though I don't know enough about A2DP to be sure
<xplodwild_work> would cost nothing to try though
<JaydeeKay> Awesome. Could you tell me an easy way to edit it? I've got limited knowledge on the matter
<xplodwild_work> that needs BlueZ recompilation
JieeHD|Offline is now known as JieeHD
<JaydeeKay> So there's nothing i can do here?
<xplodwild_work> I can build you a rom with the change
<cdesai> JayDeeKay: ask a frnd / frndly dev to make a custom build for u.
<cdesai> ^^
<JaydeeKay> I'm asking one now ;) Xplod, is that not time consuming?
<xplodwild_work> I'm so busy at work, so I'll do it :p
<xplodwild_work> just need to type a few commands and the buildserver will do it all alone ;)
<cdesai> takes minutes
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<JaydeeKay> Oh Jesus. You are a legend
<JaydeeKay> I've really got to get into this, I'm an expert on windows, not so much linux :P
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<xplodwild_work> JayDeeKay: Build started, will be ready in something like 20-25min
<JaydeeKay> Thank you so much man. Is it a whole new rom?
<bbqbot> derp
<JaydeeKay> bbqbot is derping?
<cdesai> JayDeeKay: it'ld be the lastest nightly + the bitpool change
<cdesai> and bbqbot shall forever derp
<JaydeeKay> I can't say thank you enough, so for your trouble i shall buy you a beer
<JaydeeKay> Starting today, I shall be learning how to recompile etc.
<xplodwild_work> that's easy
<xplodwild_work> but needs a good pc
<cdesai> just a few commands
<cdesai> 8-12 G RAM preferred, with a fairly decent processor
<cdesai> + disk space
<JaydeeKay> My pc cost me £1200 in parts. PC gamer ;)
<xplodwild_work> JayDeeKay: http://bbq.blamesamsung.org/ your build is ran there ;)
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<JaydeeKay> awesome thank you!
<JaydeeKay> good pc man
<xplodwild_work> that's a server :p
<JaydeeKay> I7-2600
<JaydeeKay> thats not a server cpu ;)
<cdesai> that's kind of my pc
<JaydeeKay> I'd link you my PC, but im not at home :P
<xplodwild_work> when BBQ will be more rich, we'll take some hexacore
<JaydeeKay> haha, i like your style man
<cdesai> datacenter planned by 2020
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<cdesai> xD
<cdesai> wonder what will be android build requirements then
<JaydeeKay> I'd hate to imagine lol
<xplodwild_work> 64GB ram min, 256GB SSD for 1 device
<cdesai> and 16 cores
<JaydeeKay> Crazy shit lol, however i don't really believe in SSD's, yea they're faster but there less reliable than good old HDD
<xplodwild_work> JayDeeKay: almost done
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<JaydeeKay> sweet :D what have you set the minimum value too?
<bbqbot> derp
<JaydeeKay> to*
<xplodwild_work> JayDeeKay: 16
<JaydeeKay> Much appreciated buddy, lets just hope that this will solve the issue!
<xplodwild_work> pm'ing you the link
<JaydeeKay> I'd rather have quality over range any day. My phone sits 5cm from my head unit, so yea :P
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<JaydeeKay> Back in a bit!
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<DuperMan> so... power on while charging
<DuperMan> really fixed?
<DuperMan> :D
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<xplodwild_work> why doesn't "JayDeeKay" come back?
<cdesai> +1
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<JaydeeKay> Hi guys, i'm back
<cdesai> ohai JayDeeKay
<cdesai> xplodwild_work: ^^
<JaydeeKay> I'm afraid it didn't help, It made it slightly worse - Which I have no idea how that's possible...lol
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: hey
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: What's up? :-)
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: http://d-h.st/9tI for the guy with RIL problems
<JaydeeKay> Codework - You might be able to shed some light on an issue i'm having
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: OK Thanks. Let's see how fast I can upload with my school's internet. lol
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: why not share this dl link?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: China and web filtering. :P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: ah, the internalweb
<cdesai> ^lol
<xplodwild_work> JayDeeKay: maybe lowering the bits would make it better? xD
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I'll get him to try to download it directly, but I don't expect it to work.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: srsly, someone has to get rid of the people who did filtering
<JaydeeKay> I have no idea mate :P It's extremely irritating
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yeah. Might as well get rid of that government while they're at it lol
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: +1
<JaydeeKay> Do you suffer from the issue?
<cdesai> codeworkx: downloads are ok, even pastebin's blocked in India
JieeHD is now known as JieeHD|Offline
<JaydeeKay> I've somehow managed to use 32gb of space on my device...
<chadouming> drop some porn, you should be alright
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Why the OP again? lol
<JaydeeKay> Haha; It's the flacs man
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> Jiangyi, kick whoever you want :D
<chadouming> except codewrokx ofc
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<Jiangyi> chadouming: No. :-P
<chadouming> eventually you will do it ^^
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: School has uber fast upload speeds. O_O http://www.speedtest.net/result/1995452321.png
<chadouming> lol uber fast . . .
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<Jiangyi> chadouming: Canadian residential internet has pretty bad upload speeds. This is insanely good by my standards lol
<chadouming> lol, that's not residantial. My school as twice 50 mbits upload
<chadouming> 1 for informatic student, 1 for the rest of the school xD
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Got like 150 people on the network, so.....
<Jiangyi> chadouming: I know it's not residential, I'm just saying.
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<chadouming> yup, but we are 20 computer student xD
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<chadouming> people abused and they cutted it tought
<chadouming> They uploaded 210Gb in one night xD
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<chadouming> network technician was not happy
<cdesai> chadouming: 210 Gb of? :D
<chadouming> idk xD
<Jiangyi> lol
* chadouming is away: Guess what ?
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<JaydeeKay> Does the Galaxy S2 modem kernel control the bluetooth connections?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi> Hmm..... Chinese upload sites are failing.
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Got anything out of that logcat?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: which one?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: The one about vibration issues thats in the Google drive.
<codeworkx> not yet
* chadouming is back (gone 00:22:53)
<codeworkx> and i dunno which it is. the naming is pretty stupid xD
<codeworkx> logcat.txt
<codeworkx> uhm...
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: My bad, I'll rename it.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: It's now logcat (Vibration Problem).txt :-D
<monkey_> I feel like a n00b but here goes. Attempted to flash CM9 to my Galaxy Note using CWM recovery and it won't power up. I would be very grateful if someone could letme know what to do or help in any way.
<chadouming> reboot into CWM, wipe data, cache, system, reflash CM9 reboot
<monkey_> won't allow me to boot or boot into download mode
<chadouming> if you can't boot into download, you are screwed
<monkey_> I have no optionswhatsoever?
<monkey_> options* whatsoever*
<JaydeeKay> Do you have a jig?
<JaydeeKay> Or is that only for the GS2?
<JaydeeKay> Tried putting it on charge?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: is there also a dmesg for vib?
<monkey_> I don't know what a jig is.. Yeah no affect with charging it..
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: No, I'll get that from him later.
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<nail16> yup what next ?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: that's more important xD
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Didn't know, sorry. :P
<codeworkx> nail16: http://d-h.st/1Xy
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I got to go, class is over. See ya in 4-5 hours!
<nail16> thanks man
<codeworkx> nail16: the first thing you do, -> backup & restore -> backup to internal card. BUT DONT RESTORE!
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<nail16> k
<codeworkx> nail16: i dunno which one your boot partition is. there are several which could it be
<codeworkx> nail16: so backup and gimme the backup images
<JaydeeKay> I have no idea Monkey. Tried pulling your battery out and refitting?
<nail16> ok
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<monkey_> No joy. Is this a common issue? Or have I just been a total tard and missed a crucial step?
<nail16> im on ubuntu currently will boot into windows and check it out
<monkey_> If it helps I flashed from rocketrom
<JaydeeKay> I have no idea Monkey. You're saying you can't do anything? The phone is just dead?
<monkey_> Yeah it's really weird, totally non-responsive :|
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<JaydeeKay> I have never experienced an issue like it
<JaydeeKay> What phone is it?
<JaydeeKay> Nvm, it's a note :P
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<monkey_> Reckon I could get away with taking it to my provider and claiming ignorance?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild> monkey_: did you by any chance flash samsung ICS?
<xplodwild> well, were you on samsung ics before flashing CM9?
<xplodwild> even worse, imilka/chinese lieak
<xplodwild> leak
<monkey_> It was rocketrom, it was ICS, it had a samsung bootscreen...
<xplodwild> monkey_: what was it based?
<monkey_> two minutes and I'll find alink to the site I downloaded it from.
<JaydeeKay> http://www.thegalaxytabforum.com/index.php?/topic/3880-not-bricked-but-dead/
<JaydeeKay> Wrong chat xD
<JaydeeKay> Monkey - Have you tried holding down the power button for 10 seconds or longer?
<monkey_> Will try now
<xplodwild> monkey_: XXLC1
<xplodwild> monkey_: did you wiped?
<monkey_> JayDeeKay: No Response
<monkey_> @xplodwild: Negative..
<bbqbot> monkey_: Command doesnt not exist!
<JaydeeKay> Your note might be dead...
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<xplodwild> monkey_: you didn't wipe data or system?
<bbqbot> derp
<monkey_> @xplodwild No, stupid move?
<bbqbot> monkey_: Command doesnt not exist!
<JaydeeKay> Xplod, he can't turn his note on or anything
<monkey_> xplodwild: No, stupid move?
<JaydeeKay> It seems he's not getting any power to the device
<xplodwild> monkey_: it shouldn't have bricked then
<xplodwild> well, it could but unlikely
<xplodwild> JayDeeKay: Samsung roms are sensible to wiping (I bricked my own Note a few hours after getting it this way)
<JaydeeKay> A quick google search has revelead that it's a common issue
<JaydeeKay> True true, however he can't turn his note on at all
<JaydeeKay> I really do think your note is dead Monkey
<xplodwild> Then it's dead yup
<xplodwild> JIG won't help, faulty emmc
<JaydeeKay> I'm afraid it's to the android hospital :(
<monkey_> Is there anything I can do to warn other people of my tard actions?
<codeworkx> monkey_: everyone is already warned
<codeworkx> monkey_: everyone who reads
<codeworkx> monkey_: it's known since weeks/months
<codeworkx> monkey_: samsung is aware of the problem, too
<monkey_> That will teach me for being too keen. Thanks for your help guys, I appreciate it.
<JaydeeKay> Do you have warranty on your note?
<monkey_> Yeah, and I forked out for insurance as well. Reckon my provider will take it back if I leave out the bit where I was installing another rom in it/
<monkey_> on * ?*
<JaydeeKay> If it's truly dead, they'll just swap it out
<JaydeeKay> At least they do in England
<JaydeeKay> Where are you from?
<bbqbot> derp
<monkey_> Australia
<JaydeeKay> Ahh, no idea about the way it's handled over there
<monkey_> If they want to send it back to samsung are they able to tell what's happened?
<monkey_> I've never taken a phone back in aus so I have no idea what the process is..
<JaydeeKay> More than likely they'll just replace the phone buddy
<JaydeeKay> I'd give them a call, say you were performing a software update via Kies when all of a sudden it switched off and wouldn't power back. It's totally unresponsive
<JaydeeKay> How long have you had it for?
<monkey_> All of a week! Quickest ruination of any device I've ever owned..
<monkey_> At least I'll take more care next time heh
<JaydeeKay> Then you're still under the cooling off period, which means you can pick another phone if the price is the same etc
<monkey_> ah mad as.
<JaydeeKay> Should be anyway - As I said, i'm from the UK, which is similar to Australia
<JaydeeKay> I'd just give them a call man
<chadouming> monkey_, bring them and say it stopped working suddenly, they will check for physical damage, wipe everything, jtag and send you back
<monkey_> JayDeeKay: This is true, most of our laws are built on yours.
<JaydeeKay> Awesome - Just give them a call dude, that's all I can say ;)
<JaydeeKay> Chad, it wont work. It's dead
<chadouming> they can repair it, if they can't they will simply swap, they dont really give a fuck xD
<JaydeeKay> That's true :P
<JaydeeKay> 9 times out of 10, they simply replace it anyhow
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<monkey_> If somehow they find out I'll just kick up a stink, when I asked what the insurance covered the response was " Everything but fire " from the manager. Should I play the ignorance card, or go with the Kies update path?
<JaydeeKay> Bleed blind ignorance mate ;) What does your T&C say about rooting?
<monkey_> Having a look at my contract, I'll see if it mentions it
<monkey_> No mention of rooting, and one of the pages has had two pages worthof info printed on it, pretty sure that makes it void :\
<monkey_> one page is illegible
<JaydeeKay> Hmm
<JaydeeKay> Just bleed ignorance then mate
<monkey_> That's what I'll do then. Thanks for the help again, I'll drop by and let you know how it went down.
<monkey_> Have a good one!
<JaydeeKay> No worries buddy, glad I could help
<JaydeeKay> You too man
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* chadouming is away: Dinner
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<nail16> codeworkx you there ?
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<Ratboy> Hello, ive got the i9100g and want cm9... how do i know which "CWM flashable Modem" do i need and whats the different between these?
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<EgoElf> Ratboy, pick one until it works well for you
<EgoElf> call quality, internet speed, etc
<chadouming> hmm, Ratboy you looked at teamhacksung faq ?
<Ratboy> oh ok, thx
<codeworkx> chadouming: wrong faq xD
<chadouming> i know, but the question what modem do i need still applie
<chadouming> apply
<codeworkx> sure
<chadouming> i'm not that noob :P
<Ratboy> but one point for me, because this part isnt in the G faq, that I read before ;)
<chadouming> nope, you know that I9100G is not that much diff from I9100 and there is much more doc available for I9100. You had to read more about I9100
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<Ratboy> nvm ill play now with some modems because actuall the call quality sucks
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<DuperMan> valve/blizzard merger - who'll be shocked?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> :P
<Dragooon> if Valve and Blizzard were to merge
<Dragooon> Then Valve will either buy out Blizzard from ActivationBlizzard, or become a part of Blizzard under ActivationBlizzard
<Dragooon> The first case is actually good
<Dragooon> In the second, it's the end of the world
<chadouming> lol. you think valve can buy blizzard ?
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<Dragooon> I don't think so
<Dragooon> Not that Vivendi will sell Blizard anyway
<Dragooon> But Vivendi can buy Valve
<Dragooon> Which still leads to the end of the world
<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> valve 293 employees, blizzard over 4600 employees xD
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<under> Hi!
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<Dragooon> Half of those are server admins for WoW :P
<DuperMan> Dragooon: my reasoning - origin, how nicely filled with fail it is
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<Dragooon> What origin?
<DuperMan> Steam is a money printing press, take 'wow addicts' as a stead revenue stream - err, userbase - and compare with 'people who game'
<DuperMan> origin is the thing they force you to sign up for to play mass effect 3:P
<chadouming> origin is ea game steam
<Dragooon> Origin is owned by EA
<DuperMan> ea is ea, steam is kinda getting bled of new eleases by that
<DuperMan> ea is ea hence also 'meh ea' :/
<Dragooon> Steam is still much larger than Origin
<chadouming> maybe misunderstood. I want to say that Origin is to EA game what Steam is to vavle
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<chadouming> valve*
<DuperMan> to kill origin dead something like blizzard and valve teaming up might work
<Dragooon> Uh...don't know
<Dragooon> I doubt EA will loose it's platform
<DuperMan> Dragooon: look at the coming soon sections of either
<DuperMan> *both
<DuperMan> (steam, origin)
<DuperMan> kinda depressing
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<DuperMan> not that I have that much love for bulky old steam, but meh
<Dragooon> Bunch of Indies for Steam
<DuperMan> where teh crysis 3?
<DuperMan> :P
<Dragooon> At origin...but still, Steam has plenty of big names
<DuperMan> it's pretty much as uncompetetive as FIFA starting a eurosport rival
<under> I've an issue with CM9 @ SGS2. I'm using the phone to connect my computer on internet using USB Thetering. Randomly the connection disappears (I'm using w7) and I've to untick and tick the thetering to restart the connection. Is this a known bug?
<DennisBPM> guys i got the chance to buy a cheap galaxy note
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<DuperMan> DennisBPM: get it. how cheap?
<DennisBPM> 150 euros ;)
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<DennisBPM> but, i need some infos from someone who allready owns it
<DuperMan> like 'will you sell for 150'?
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> cause no
<DennisBPM> dont know what youre talkign about
<DennisBPM> i found someone who is willen to sel it for 150 euro ;)
<chadouming> but it the sell it for 300EUR :D
<DuperMan> :O WHERE
<DuperMan> I want to find such retards and or thieves but no not thieves
<DennisBPM> some guy on the internet
<chadouming> hmmm, unless you know him, nothing good
<DennisBPM> i think its not a thief, he's got everything
<DuperMan> webcam the transaction
<DuperMan> at worst we'll have lolz
<DennisBPM> its not a transaction man, he lives 22 km from where i live lol
<DennisBPM> goign to pick it up
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<DuperMan> that's what I meant :)
<_paco_> run
<DuperMan> if it isn't a transaction you're being a thieve ><
<DuperMan> pay the man!
<DennisBPM> Although 150 is nothing!
<DennisBPM> almost free
<DennisBPM> ive seen his pictures
<DennisBPM> not a scratch!
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<DennisBPM> and i will be able to test it whe ni arive at his place
<chadouming> you will get beaten up and robbed !
<DuperMan> I really arrive he's a sucker or too rich for his own good and phones dumb
<DuperMan> *hope
<DennisBPM> beaten ?
<bbqbot> derp
<DennisBPM> hell no
<DennisBPM> lol
<DuperMan> typed arrive as I read it
<DuperMan> :P
<DennisBPM> if someone has to beat someone, ill be the one beating him lol
<DuperMan> now why would you do that unprovoked?
<DuperMan> tsk
<DennisBPM> i mean, if he try;s
<DennisBPM> And i never go alone, dont like driving alone lol
<DuperMan> can't help but wonder if it's a 12y/o parentally sponsored heroin junkie
<DuperMan> (who else would sell such a phone for so little?)
<DennisBPM> probably
<DennisBPM> but doesnt matter, its about the phone, not the person :D
<DuperMan> it's a note man, even if the phone's reported for malfeancies you get a wacom:)
<chadouming> lol, what tell you they wont be 3 ? you might be able to fight, but 3 persons is always hard xD
<DennisBPM> malfeancies ? wacom ? are you on drugs ?
<DuperMan> 150 euro mint Note. should you be the one asking that?
<DennisBPM> lol
<DennisBPM> ill check it out first before i buy it
<DennisBPM> check it
<DuperMan> just meet at the mall and thank me when he runs off with your wallet
<DuperMan> :)
<DennisBPM> he wants 200 for it
<DennisBPM> but i dont like 200
<DennisBPM> so 150 is the deal
<DuperMan> using goooooooooooooogiel troonslaaaaaaaaat
<DuperMan> :D
<DennisBPM> haha :D
<DuperMan> sounds like he's legitimately stupid
<DuperMan> just, take care
<DuperMan> lol
<DuperMan> :P
<DennisBPM> i guess hes stupid
<DuperMan> oops... kinda sorta had my cousin vacationing daaaaar buy it for 205 o:)
<DennisBPM> im selling the phone because i cant get used to the touchscreen lmao
<DennisBPM> jsut say it, hes to big for you
<DuperMan> ^
<DuperMan> he can't. the meme singularity of everyone answering that's what she said at the same moment will send the internet 6 years back in time
<DuperMan> internet time
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<DennisBPM> i wont use the pen
<DuperMan> so about last thursday
<DuperMan> wanna sell me the pen for... eh... nah, too much of a hassle:/
<DennisBPM> you want the pen ? lol
<DuperMan> it's always nice to have a spare for ~4.8 euro tops
<DuperMan> :P but shipping will be as much etc
<DennisBPM> thats true
<DennisBPM> and whe ni get it
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<DennisBPM> i be flashin!!!!!
<DuperMan> :) and probably using the pen with say SBM once, and not forgetting to set pressure sensitivity to on, and not selling the damn pen
<DuperMan> also, it leaves a hole if you don't have it to put in:P
<DennisBPM> thats true
<DennisBPM> oh no
<DennisBPM> my little brother found out
<DennisBPM> about my evil plans with that note
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<DennisBPM> now he wants it :(
<DennisBPM> and me ? with my golden heart
<bbqbot> derp
<DennisBPM> will keep it for myself lol!
<DennisBPM> no
<DennisBPM> first imma check it out
<DuperMan> hmmmm... eh... yeah. use, get bored, give, want back but let keep
<DuperMan> ^how I roll
<DennisBPM> yeah something like that lol
<DuperMan> just so long as he's not as young as to not pay for his own phone
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<DennisBPM> 17 years
<DennisBPM> :)
<DennisBPM> got money!
<DuperMan> XD TAX HIM 10!
<DennisBPM> no no lol
<DennisBPM> hes my borther man
<DennisBPM> my bro
<DennisBPM> brother
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<DuperMan> derp. my bro is a petty bastard, makes me help him even more begrudgingly than I do the rest
<EvilBelgian> random question here but if the new wifi driver breaks the lockscreen
<EvilBelgian> why are you using it?
<DennisBPM> fixed belgian
<EvilBelgian> weee
<EvilBelgian> thought it wasn't cause the link to the kernel is still on the known problems section of the XDA thread
<DennisBPM> on my gs2 its fixed so
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<DuperMan> ehm... give bro gs2 and keep note?
<DuperMan> :P
<DennisBPM> that is also an option
<DennisBPM> but first i will need to use it a few days
<DennisBPM> before i make a decision
<DennisBPM> lol i allready know it will be in download mode allready on my way home
<DennisBPM> allready got cm9 here for note
<DennisBPM> :d
<EvilBelgian> DuperMan, I maintain the opinion that the note is an oversived unweildy POC and I want an HTC ONE X
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<DennisBPM> i like the one x
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<DennisBPM> except no sd card
<DennisBPM> and the battery cant be removed ?
<EvilBelgian> ok ewww
<DennisBPM> waht about that
<EvilBelgian> I want the SGS3
<DennisBPM> lol
<DuperMan> DennisBPM: I like to draw and have a decent a2dp+headphones kit
<DennisBPM> ok
<DennisBPM> i like to make music :D
<DuperMan> :P guess I'll be upgrading to note 10 before I realize what I just said ><
<DennisBPM> lol
<DuperMan> I like to watch music.
ray|dell is now known as raymonddull
<EvilBelgian> The Galaxy Note is a phone designed to play draw something
<DuperMan> nah, cheating mad at that is a side perk
<EvilBelgian> it's like a phone cause you can make calls
<EvilBelgian> and it's like a tablet because it can't fit in your pocket
<raymonddull> lol
<raymonddull> it fits in my pockets
<EvilBelgian> well not all of us wear cargo pants
<raymonddull> then again a kindle fire fits in my pocket sooo...
<raymonddull> ugh mogul why are you such a piece of crap
<DuperMan> I fit a regular kindle (3rd gen keyboard) in my jacket pocket
<DuperMan> is the mogul question for real?
<raymonddull> lol
<EvilBelgian> do you have one of those awesome jackets they sell on Thinkgeek
<raymonddull> I'm working on getting this thing back on boost and its being a piece of shit as usual
<raymonddull> the custom rom I had on it won't OTA activate and it wont flash stock for some reason
<DuperMan> EvilBelgian: should I? have a nice slick one from zakopane bought on a whim
<DuperMan> :P
<EvilBelgian> they have a few different models for different quantities of pockets
<EvilBelgian> Fleece or rainjacket
<EvilBelgian> and one heavy jacket for extremely cold weather
<EvilBelgian> I have dreams about these
<DuperMan> nice, but where the dead animals?
<DuperMan> :/
<DuperMan> stupid decent humans
<EvilBelgian> are you russian or something
<raymonddull> lol
<DuperMan> I try
<raymonddull> no.
<EvilBelgian> do you refuse to aknowledge warmth unless an animal died to provide it
<EvilBelgian> "In Russia we use mice in fireplace when there is no wood"
<raymonddull> woah woah woah wait a minute... isnt it like 130 degrees there like all the time? why do you need a jacket
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> I live in the desert. I refuse to pay for something awesome I'll only use four weeks a year unless sacrifice was made
<raymonddull> lolol
<EvilBelgian> Duperman which dessert do you live in?
<DuperMan> icecream sandwich
<DuperMan> derp
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<EvilBelgian> desert*
<DuperMan> Israel. Belgium may have a higher suicide rate but ours have a bigger bang
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> or was I thinking about denemark?
<EvilBelgian> I live in South Africa
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<DuperMan> rofl
<DuperMan> so same weather pretty much
<DuperMan> slightly hotter
<EvilBelgian> on your side
<DuperMan> (in SA)
<DuperMan> on our side we get rain every other decade
<DuperMan> *snow
<DuperMan> lol
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<DaFenix> do i need root access when i install CyanogenMod via recovery?
<EvilBelgian> Duperman...if you go to Ceres in the middle of winter and wait
<EvilBelgian> it will snow
<EvilBelgian> for about 15 minutes
<EvilBelgian> but it only happens once a year
<DaFenix> @supported do i need root access when i install CyanogenMod via recovery?
<bbqbot> That manufacturer is not supported!
<DuperMan> we have (half the) Hermon :P similar but good years have enough snow to let people think they're skiing in that slosh
<EvilBelgian> that's why israel tried to invade Lebanon
<EvilBelgian> for the ski resorts
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<EvilBelgian> and to kill all the palestinians hiding in the mountains
<DaFenix> anyone there from teamhacksung?
<DuperMan> yes EvilBelgian, as accurate as it is relavent :)
<EvilBelgian> our politicians get pictures of their penises painted by protest artists and they complain that this is not an accurate representation of their penises
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<DuperMan> you're trolling wrong, satire is ok here (was a notch better in quality a while back though)
<EvilBelgian> also it makes sense I'm not very accurate. it's from a half heard conversation
<DuperMan> lol
<DuperMan> wait, can you protest properly in SA? really curious, not trolling
<EvilBelgian> The entire country is pretty much dedicated to telling the government they're shit
<EvilBelgian> and if you're white the government calls you racist
<DuperMan> yeah but the gov is trying to quit offing the loud ones iirc
<DuperMan> so you're on a decent track, sorta:/
<EvilBelgian> The country is ruled y the ANC at the moment...the people who liberated South Africa from Apartheid
<EvilBelgian> but it turns out they don't have much ability in actually running a country
<EvilBelgian> but it's fine I live in the western cape which is the only province that voted for Majority Democratic Alliance
<EvilBelgian> Ruled by Helen Zille and Patricia De Lille
<EvilBelgian> two scary ass bitches
<EvilBelgian> they plan to have presidency by 2018 and I think they can do it
<DuperMan> so... kinda like a certain geopolitical entity often mentioned while my place is discussed. sorry to hear, hope the (bigger? nuts won't take over (if applicable)
<DuperMan> * (bigger?)
<bbqbot> derp
<EvilBelgian> Oh it's kinda a chilled...south africa is getting very at getting things done in spite of its government
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<EvilBelgian> they're just ineffectual idiots
<EvilBelgian> that don't pose any real harm
<EvilBelgian> unless god forbid they have a cause...that's a bit of a headache
<DuperMan> ^ hope they learn the right damn lessons from ethiopia
<DuperMan> or it's neighbor, one what gone zealoticious
* DuperMan kicks re'al politics, the un, in the nuts
<DuperMan> blizzard are calling 40$ starcraft 2 wings of librety a deal
<DuperMan> oo
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<EvilBelgian> funny blizzaes
<EvilBelgian> ard*
<EvilBelgian> 40 dollars for a fucking expansion pack
<EvilBelgian> that's rich
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<peterperfect> w000t
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<vitorbaptista> Hello! Was someone able to use HDMI with the nex Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0?
<DuperMan> false advertizing too - they claim it's only for the digital edition
<DuperMan> but no
<vitorbaptista> I got a HDMI dock, but couldn't make it work. Neither the HDMI, nor the audio-out.
<peterperfect> vitorbaptista: are you on cm9?
<DuperMan> btw, seems ike s2wol is just s2
<DuperMan> sc2
<DuperMan> bleh
<peterperfect> DuperMan: what da hell you talking bout?
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<DuperMan> starcraft 2. I'm so bored I'm looking at bloody action figures, meh
<DuperMan> sorry
<Kaik541> DuperMan: read the books
<Kaik541> they're entertaining
<Kaik541> just finished archive and the dark templar saga
<peterperfect> meh
<Kaik541> "I, Mengsk" was also pretty good
<peterperfect> my sgs3 is scheduled to deliver june 28th
<vitorbaptista> peterperfect: nope, using the stock android
<peterperfect> o god why so long waiting
<DuperMan> Kaik541: hmmmm... reading list too long as is, waiting for new Pratchett if I'm buying any book I'm actually gonna read
<peterperfect> samsung y u n produce enought units to fulfill the demand
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> for inflates teh perceived demand
<peterperfect> well and it seems to work
<DuperMan> blamedsamsung
<peterperfect> totally
* peterperfect haz 3 devices nao
<peterperfect> will be 4 when sgs3 arrie
<peterperfect> arrive
<peterperfect> sgs2, sgs3, gtp7500, tf300t
<peterperfect> dunno what to do with so many eletronic gadgets
<peterperfect> :P
<chadouming> send me the TF300 ?
<chadouming> or the tab :D
<peterperfect> :P
<DuperMan> hmmm... y no note?
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> replace the dang emulator in the sdk with one of them
<peterperfect> well
<peterperfect> note came in a moment when i haz sgs2
<peterperfect> and was waiting for sgs3
<peterperfect> and i wanted a tablet
<peterperfect> with a docking keyboard
<peterperfect> so i got tf300
<peterperfect> last week p7500 simply fallen from the sky on my hea
<peterperfect> head
<peterperfect> i won from the job
<DuperMan> I kinda missed out on it when I got my tablet pc then 4 months later carrier had it and I haz upgrade and waiting for the sgs3 seemed silly
<peterperfect> dont seem so silly right nao
<peterperfect> hahah
<DuperMan> kinda does:)
<peterperfect> no it does not
<peterperfect> sgs3 > note
<DuperMan> not to you. specs!=usecase
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<DuperMan> how is sgs3 better for for drawing notetaking and porn? :D
<peterperfect> drawing?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> do you draw to work or something?
<DuperMan> as best as I can. sketching? :P nah, apt amateur
<DuperMan> did do some photo touchups and academic editing/proofing though
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Guy flashed it, and the signal loss issue is still there. :-(
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: then he has a problem
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: let him change sim card :-D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Along with a lot of Chinese people. OK then. ._.
<codeworkx> all or some?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Some.
<codeworkx> a special provider?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Mostly a provider with only 2G GSM and a 3G TD-SCDMA (Which is useless on the G)
<codeworkx> fuck this provider
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: If we f*** this one, then there's only 1 provider left. lol
<codeworkx> does stock ics work for them?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Some say yes, some say no.
<Jiangyi> :S
<codeworkx> aha
<codeworkx> blame samsung ril
<codeworkx> wait for official ics
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: OK then. Back to the waiting game......
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Don't think China will see ICS anytime soon. They just pushed a GB update a few days ago. ._.
<codeworkx> "ok, stock doesnt work, too. but say yes to cm dev, maybe he'll fix it"
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I'm sorry about that. I should've asked more clearly. :-(
<codeworkx> :-D
<codeworkx> its not your fault
<codeworkx> i trust you, but dont trust users
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: LOL Aren't I an user? :P
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> youre a logger ;-)
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: That position actually exists? :O
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<codeworkx> you're between whole china and me
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Hmm.... Someone found a bug regarding the proximity sensor light. After you make a call and it ends, the proximity sensor light would not light up until a reboot.
<codeworkx> i'll look at it
<Jiangyi> OK.
* Jiangyi is not sure if it's a good bug or a bad bug
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: do a call and after that check the sensor with zDeviceTest
<codeworkx> if it works like expected, who cares?
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: OK, it seems like that after a call, it'll stay off no matter what for about 5 minutes, and then it'll be back after.
<peterperfect> he is resting
JieeHD is now known as JieeHD|Offline
<peterperfect> poor light sensor works so much
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<peterperfect> codeworkx: do you like sgs3?
<codeworkx> dont have one
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: zDeviceTest shows that the proximity sensor only jumps between 8 cm and 0 cm, no in-between values.
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<Jiangyi> Don't know if that's normal or not.
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<brazor> someone online?
<codeworkx> jiangyi: thats fine
<Jiangyi> OK then.
<codeworkx> covered/not covered
<codeworkx> thats how it works
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Damn, there's still people who can't get their menu key to work. :-(
<codeworkx> strange
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Any advice from you that I should tell them? Logs, anything?
<codeworkx> need to brew debugging krnl
peterperfect has quit [Quit: Bye]
<codeworkx> lemme get my notebook
<codeworkx> at gf actually
<Jiangyi> OK, no hurry.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i'll build a kernal
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Alright. :-)
<codeworkx> damn. have to sync
<codeworkx> takes a little bit
<Jiangyi> I am going to try to learn this over the summer. Got nothing better to do anyways. xD
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<sunrise0291> what to learn? Android development?
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<Jiangyi> Yeah, Gerrit, etc.
<Jiangyi> Going to learn how to do translations so that the Chinese users will stop complaining about English menus all the time :-P
<sunrise0291> to translate to chines shouldnt be a so big problem. As I see the menu/settings/etc are translated over xml ressource files
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: http://d-h.st/tEd
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<codeworkx> keycode=138 = menu
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Thanks. So what should I get them to do?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> sunrise0291: Could you go into some more detail about that for me? :-P
<codeworkx> adb root -> adb shell cat /proc/kmsg -> hit key and see what happens
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Got it. Now I just have to wait for a guy with the key problem that also knows how to use ADB.
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<ring0> hi, has the new boot animation with cid actually been merged into the nightlies yet?
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<DuperMan> hai