nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | Changelog App : | IRC stats : | <codeworkx> YIPIJAHEY SCHWEINEBACKE
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<guru__> hi
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<mrb101> Hello, I have a Galaxy Nexus GSM.. Downloaded CM9.0.0 RC1 just while ago and tried to update my Stock build.. after reboot the Proccess get stuck at the Splach screen ! any ideas or help please ?!
<EgoElf> give it 5 min
<mrb101> its been more than half an hour now !!
<mrb101> i did try the same process like 4 times
<mrb101> wiped the cache and delvik each time :)
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<mrb101> its been more than 45 mints now !
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<Jiangyi> mrb101: Did you wipe data?
<mrb101> NO !
<mrb101> Should I ?! as i thought the installation will update the System not wipe everthing out ?! i needed some data and Apps and i couldn't get a backup !
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> mrb101: Wait, so you're coming from stock ICS to CM9 right?
<mrb101> yes
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<Jiangyi> mrb101: Yeah you have to wipe.
<Jiangyi> Sorry about the late responses btw :-(
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<DuperMan> let the idiocy resume
<DuperMan> @op
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> @admins add DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> @mods add DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> @owners add DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> @userlevel
<bbqbot> DuperMan has userlevel 1
<DuperMan> :D
<raymonddull> hah
<raymonddull> @userlevel
<bbqbot> raymonddull has userlevel 4
<raymonddull> someone sounds mad
<Jiangyi> @userlevel
<bbqbot> Jiangyi has userlevel 1
<Jiangyi> lol
* Jiangyi expected userlevel -9001 :-D
romann is now known as romann|afk
<raymonddull> 1 is user with no privledges
<raymonddull> like none at all
<raymonddull> @commands
<bbqbot> raymonddull: Command doesnt not exist!
<raymonddull> ...
<raymonddull> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @join @part @kick @kickban @unban @op @deop @voice @devoice @mute @unmute @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<raymonddull> that one
<raymonddull> Jiangyi, type @help
<raymonddull> see what you get
<Jiangyi> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<Jiangyi> raymonddull: I have Google. Good enough. :-D
<raymonddull> hmm so you... do get something
<raymonddull> thats fun
sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|afk
<DuperMan> raymonddull: gimme admin or I cry
romann|afk is now known as romann
<raymonddull> hmm
<DuperMan> no, don't
* Jiangyi facepalms
<Jiangyi> Another G version!? O_O
<raymonddull> oh god
<raymonddull> please no
<Jiangyi> I am curious as to what the x version will do.
<DuperMan> wasn't it queen Elizabeth the 1st who said "f u india"?
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> whre's the g version?
<Jiangyi> And if they're going to market the G version as the same thing like they did with the S2, then it'll have to have some kind of a quad-core. :-P
<Jiangyi> "Also Galaxy S III in India will release the device in two different version of generic GT I9300 and GT I9300G."
<DuperMan> they will, and teh print will be finer than chilean cocain
<Jiangyi> If it's Tegra 3, then that'd be uber bad.
<DuperMan> good bad or bad bad?
<Jiangyi> And I can't think of another quad core.
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: We all know how bad Nvidia is :-D
<DuperMan> well my pc differs :D
<DuperMan> won't fit in pocket:/
<Jiangyi> Linus didn't use the middle finger and profanity for no reason :-D
<DuperMan> reminds me: FLIP TO UNLOCK!!!!!!
<DuperMan> NOW!!!!
<DuperMan> (FLIP - the finger)
<raymonddull> yeah lmfao
<raymonddull> when the creator of linux says fuck you nvidia there is definitely a pretty damn good reason
* Jiangyi nods in agreement
<DuperMan> penis envy
<raymonddull> right...
<raymonddull> one builds gpus, one created an operating system, totally the same thing
<DuperMan> while I appreciate the fact linux was first to the finish line porting openbsd to something he could claim he made himself
<DuperMan> no, thanks linus but no
<DuperMan> *linus
<DuperMan> derp
<Jiangyi> Umm... You wrote Linus both times. ._.
<raymonddull> umm... thats what you typed the first time
<raymonddull> lmfao
<DuperMan> it isn't.
<DuperMan> it is what I wrote times the second and third
<DuperMan> :)
<raymonddull> ...
<Jiangyi> ..........
<raymonddull> oh
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<DuperMan> see why I should have kick?
<raymonddull> so you can kick yourself?
<bbqbot> derp
<raymonddull> -_-
<DuperMan> yes, it adds atmosphere
<raymonddull> no more derpin for you for right now
<DuperMan> hehe also, derp should be limited to non-actives non-voices non-mods and me
<Jiangyi> =|
<raymonddull> derp only happens every like 8th question
<Jiangyi> I thought it was 7th :-P
<raymonddull> I think its the 8th, maybe 5th?
<raymonddull> idk
<DuperMan> 7th.
<DuperMan> it's my damn idea
<raymonddull> nebkat set it like a month ago
<DuperMan> :P
<raymonddull> yeah I remember
* raymonddull was there
<DuperMan> 6 weeks. my memory is disgustingly accurate sans drugs
<DuperMan> ^^
<raymonddull> lmfao
<Jiangyi> raymonddull: It's definitely more than a month. It's been derping ever since I first came onto this place.
<DuperMan> ^ quote-worthy!
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> so there was a HUGE fire yesterday
<raymonddull> hah
<DuperMan> and it made my job SWEET
<raymonddull> !add-quote <Jiangyi> raymonddull: It's definitely more than a month. It's been derping ever since I first came onto this place.
<DuperMan> anybody calls - 'no bye'
<raymonddull> oh right... its muted
<raymonddull> !add-quote <Jiangyi> raymonddull: It's definitely more than a month. It's been derping ever since I first came onto this place.
<DuperMan> 'can't give assurance of accuracy of information bye'
<raymonddull> @add-quote <Jiangyi> raymonddull: It's definitely more than a month. It's been derping ever since I first came onto this place.
<bbqbot> raymonddull: Command doesnt not exist!
<raymonddull> fuuuu
<DuperMan> 'still no'
<raymonddull> stupid bot
<Jiangyi> =|
<raymonddull> and nebkat is not here so I can't make him add it...
<DuperMan> it's only the latter part that's mad win
<DuperMan> also, try eval
<raymonddull> and by make, i mean poke him and try to convince him to
<Jiangyi> Wait, what does adding it do? o_O
<raymonddull> not literally hey nebkat do this
<DuperMan> says the quote when you join, most likely
<Jiangyi> Oh. lol
<raymonddull> it adds it to the quote index
<raymonddull> so you can say !quote 83
<DuperMan> @eval Jiangyi="It's been derping ever since I first came onto this place."
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<raymonddull> and it will say the quote
<raymonddull> basically yes
<DuperMan> worst syntax ever
<DuperMan> ^^
<Jiangyi> lol ok then xD
* Jiangyi still wonders what they'll put into the G version
<DuperMan> less, silly
<Jiangyi> Can't be an OMAP, cuz there aren't any quad core OMAPs. :-P
<DuperMan> omap 1gb ram
<DuperMan> muhahaha
<raymonddull> probably a dual core omap and market it as a budget system
<DuperMan> also, likely
<DuperMan> and market it as the real deal
<raymonddull> I mean it is going to india
<Jiangyi> I wouldn't mind if it's OMAP5 and 2GB of RAM lol
romann is now known as romann|afk
romann|afk is now known as romann
<DuperMan> why change what worked with the i9100g scam?
<DuperMan> oO
<raymonddull> anyway, I need some sleep, I have to get up for work in like 6 hours.
<DuperMan> bai. I'll wacom some more. I only draw well drunk and I'm stalker when drunk:/
<DuperMan> will see how insomnia treats me
<Jiangyi> Well, i9100g scam said that it still had a 1.2 GHz dual-core CPU :-P
<DuperMan> :D
<Jiangyi> Good night!
<Jiangyi> :-D
<raymonddull> did I unmute the bot?
<raymonddull> can't remember
<DuperMan> think so
<raymonddull> there
raymonddull is now known as ray|sleep
<DuperMan> nice!!!!
<DuperMan> that your g+?:P
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Is my name Louis Gray? lol
<DuperMan> are social networks names always spot on?\
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> :)
<ray|sleep> hah
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: =|
* DuperMan dares google to prove my name is not Robert Faulson
<Jiangyi> <-- This is my boring profile
<DuperMan> added you on 3 circles :P now you'll see how creepy my profile is^^
* DuperMan dies a little inside
<ray|sleep> lmfao
<ray|sleep> anyway, bye
<DuperMan> nn
dark3n is now known as dark3n|off
ray|sleep has left #teamhacksung-support ["Leaving"]
* Jiangyi is slightly disturbed
* Jiangyi feels a bit stock
<DuperMan> toldja
<Jiangyi> stalked*
<DuperMan> don't. I only stalk exes
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<DuperMan> and only if the sexytimebedfun was worth it
* DuperMan dies harder, inside
* Jiangyi is increasingly disturbed
<DuperMan> how disturbing can 3 posts be?
<DuperMan> oO
<Jiangyi> I swear, codeworkx is gonna rage once he hears about more S3 variants. :-P
<Jiangyi> [23:11] <+DuperMan> and only if the sexytimebedfun was worth it
<Jiangyi> ^^That was disturbing
<DuperMan> I'd rather aphomise it as 'honest'
<Jiangyi> Actually, I didn't receive notifs on you adding me o_O
<DuperMan> hmmmmm... g+ fail win?
<Jiangyi> =|
<DuperMan> tried to 'poke' comment at your single post
<DuperMan> it disallowed
<Jiangyi> =|
<Jiangyi> btw
<Jiangyi> You watching the Google I/O livestream tomorrow?
<DuperMan> guess so, got some 4 days off work^^
<DuperMan> (then a hellish 2 weeks grind)
<Jiangyi> AHHHHHHH
<Jiangyi> ..... Sorry about that.
<Jiangyi> Your profile pic scared me a bit. lol
<Jiangyi> jk
<DuperMan> hmmmm... is it still the drawing?:/
<DuperMan> changed it to a 'normal' pic ages ago
<DuperMan> lol
<Jiangyi> lol now I see it's your face....
<Jiangyi> or someone's face....
<Jiangyi> idk lol
<DuperMan> hmmmm... I'll refuse comment until judgement is passed:P
<DuperMan> lol
<DuperMan> hmmm... 2 hitlers on a simple search. bad g+!
romann is now known as romann|afk
romann|afk is now known as romann
<Jiangyi> o_O
<DuperMan> now looking up artists. f g+ for failing
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<Jiangyi> Well, sleepytime for me
<Jiangyi> Good night guys. :-)
<DuperMan> :) nn
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<KINGTATu> hello
<KINGTATu> i have a question about CM9 RC1
<KINGTATu> anybody?
<gladiac1337> just ask :)
<KINGTATu> i have a galaxy s2 with stock ics rom
<KINGTATu> in settings it has a option to set the vibration itensivity of 1. ringtone 2. sms 3. soft keys
<KINGTATu> does cm9 rc1 has this option?
<bbqbot> derp
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<cameraman> urmm?
<KINGTATu> guys?
<KINGTATu> tnx anyway!
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<SKArabaeus> hey there - i'm on the latest nightly for i9000. everything works fine, except google apps. i flashed them right after the rom (and again doing dalvik and cache wipe after they didn't show up) - restoring mail etc. with titanium also doesn't work - what could that be?
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<addi> SKArabaeus, the gapps file only includes Play Store and Talk, other apps like Gmail, YouTube you need to download yourself
<SKArabaeus> bummer. tried that, but i don't see them in play store
<SKArabaeus> oh, jesus - maybe because of dpi changed to 182
<addi> exactly :)
<SKArabaeus> weird, never had that problem before oO
<Kaik541> SKArabaeus: yes you did, you probably just never noticed it
<SKArabaeus> i was on slim for a month or so - it also had 182 (that's why i changed it)
<Kaik541> because it's an incredibly common with changing DPI which is why we don't give users a way to do it manually
<SKArabaeus> hehe, maybe
<addi> Slim includes all gapps iirc
<SKArabaeus> yeah, right ^^
<addi> :)
<SKArabaeus> 240 is standard, isn't it?
<addi> yeah
<SKArabaeus> oh btw addi - haven't you been around in icssgs channel?
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<addi> yeah. i'm in every channel xD
<SKArabaeus> :D
<SKArabaeus> awesome - every channel needs the good guy ;)
* addi isn't exactly good :p
<SKArabaeus> :D
<Kaik541> @bomb addi
<bbqbot> addi, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<addi> 42
<bbqbot> Correct wire!
<bbqbot> Bomb disarmed!
<Kaik541> addi: you fuck
cameraman has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<addi> :(
addi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Kaik541 [disarm this]
<gladiac1337> congrats for disarming bomb :)
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<Kaik541> he cheated
<addi> ^_^
<SKArabaeus> haha
<ocin> hello, I have a I9100 and can't install any custom rom from CWM. Coming from original rom XWLPG. It always bootloops or boots to cwm. Odin cm9 works. Does the modem actually include the bootloader or not?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> ocin, modem doesn't include bootloader
<SKArabaeus> addi - but if i can't install mail b/c of dpi size, why can't i also restore it with titanium? (just out of curiosity)
<addi> bootloader is separate, modem is separate
<ocin> then I don't understand why no custom rom works :/
<addi> SKArabaeus, that I have no idea about :/
<SKArabaeus> hehe, it's getting worse - changed back dpi to 240 and still no mail in play store available
<addi> i have never played around with changing DPI, except once to see what it does quite a few months back :p
<SKArabaeus> :P
<addi> you are looking for Email or Gmail? :p
<SKArabaeus> gmail
<SKArabaeus> lol, wtf? i just opened play on my pc - it sais the app is incompatible - i opended up details: "this app can't be installed in the country of your device" (translated)
<SKArabaeus> i'm in effin germany, not china :D
<addi> So? Not only China has limitations :p
<SKArabaeus> haha
<SKArabaeus> the ones in germany are just not obvious, i know. but i'd swear, google mail isnt blocked here ;)
<Kaik541> SKArabaeus: gmail is blocked though
<Kaik541> googlemail != gmail
<SKArabaeus> uhm, i can receive mails sent to as well as
<SKArabaeus> On April 13, 2012, Google received the right to the Gmail trademark in Germany. On this day the domain and the Gmail trademark were transferred to Google
<SKArabaeus> ;)
<addi> SKArabaeus, open Slim iCS file, take Gmail's APK from system/app and copy and install!
<SKArabaeus> addi - i will do that later, but first i will try to figure out, what is the thing about the country in play store
<Kaik541> SKArabaeus: yes, which means it will take time for them to roll out it's availability to make sure they don't infringe on anything
<Kaik541> SKArabaeus: but that's Germany for you
<SKArabaeus> dunno how long the rollout takes, but as i said - it works for me
<SKArabaeus> it should be, that's right, i'm just starting a google ralley about this ;)
<Kaik541> SKArabaeus: gmail/googlemail has always *worked* in germany but the application can only come on a device pre-installed
<Kaik541> it cannot be updated, downloaded, etc. legally in Germany
<addi> aren't there versions of gapps that include all Google apps?
<SKArabaeus> ah, okay
<Kaik541> addi: super old ones yeah, we don't include anything that's available in the market
<addi> heh, okay
<SKArabaeus> kaik, only thing wondering me now is, that titanium can't restore it
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<addi> SKArabaeus, slim ics, copy, install. GO!
<Kaik541> SKArabaeus: titanium doesn't backup/restore system applications
<addi> only their data
<SKArabaeus> aaahhhhh
SKArabaeus was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by addi [SKArabaeus, slim ics, copy, install. Y U NO LISTEN?!]
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<addi> ^^
<SKArabaeus> i'm on it addi
<addi> NOW!
<SKArabaeus> semi random change of topic - do you use qtadb (and does it work?) it crashes a lot when i push files
* addi doesn't
* addi uses adb push manually to transfer files, that's it
<SKArabaeus> kk
<SKArabaeus> uhm, in my system/apps folder is already a gmail.apk
OtherJakeSays_ is now known as OtherJakeSays
OtherJakeSays is now known as JakeSays
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<addi> SKArabaeus, okay, your phone is seriously messed up.. :p
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<SKArabaeus> just pushed the file from slim, it was twice as large than the one on the phone
<SKArabaeus> now reboot and fix permissions?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> why did you push? tried to install it normally?
<SKArabaeus> and i can't see why my phone should be messed up - i made a full wipe before installing cm9 yesterday
<SKArabaeus> hehe, cuz you said it
<addi> <addi> SKArabaeus, slim ics, copy, install. GO!
<addi> copy, install = install, not push :p
<SKArabaeus> i think at first you said to push it to system/apps (can't read the logs on webchat before the kick)
<addi> okies okies
<SKArabaeus> :D
<addi> reboot, see if it works
<addi> then try installing normally if it doesn't
<SKArabaeus> yeah. almost up
<addi> and if it still doesn't work, sell phone and get Galaxy Nexus :P
<SKArabaeus> S3 ;)
<SKArabaeus> a friend of mine has it (and she's too stupid to really use it -.-)
<addi> or that, and then wait for Jellybean for 6 months ;)
<SKArabaeus> good point
<SKArabaeus> good lord - didn't work by pushing, but installing apk finally worked
<SKArabaeus> thx addi
<SKArabaeus> and if you don't mind - there is another question which came up yesterday
<addi> ^_^
<SKArabaeus> what can cause bootloops, can i get out of them other than wipe or reflash?
<SKArabaeus> and last - why the fuck did a bootloop appear after the system has been running fine for weeks?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> don't know, i always wiped and flashed again. and on the SGS that was a common problem with custom ROMs. after a few months of working fine, bang, boot loops
<SKArabaeus> weird
<SKArabaeus> but in the end it got me to clean up my phone and install cm9 :D
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<Daniel165> Hi Guys. I got a question. What issues are needed to be fixed on SGS i9000 to get RC version?
<bbqbot> derp
<Daniel165> I mean CM9 ofc
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<nebkat> Daniel165: MANY
<Daniel165> Hey nebkat, nice to see you again :D remember you from Samdroid :P Well, I ask for my friend, cuz he got SGS
<nebkat> Daniel165: ahhh yeah hey :D
<nebkat> how are you? :)
<Daniel165> good :D so can you tell me what need to be fixed and what chances? so i can tell him
<nebkat> no idea
<nebkat> I don't got an S
<nebkat> I got S3 :)
<Daniel165> haha cool
<Daniel165> white one?;]
<Daniel165> I got One X and I'm happy too :)
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<Daniel165> Jelly Bean 4.1 today I guess ^^
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<nebkat> yep
<nebkat> its a minor release though
<nebkat> dont be expecting much :P
<addi> minor or major, OEMs always take 6 months to get it out xD
<Daniel165> haha yea i know its minor
<nebkat> addi: +9001 xD
<Daniel165> but its good.. if they released major update with all the api changes then id take ages to update :p
<Daniel165> but im more expecting Nexus 7 :D
<addi> i'm more expecting some news about Google cracking down on updates and fragmentation. but then, Google doesn't really care ^^
<Daniel165> well.. Google lives its own life
<Daniel165> :D
<Daniel165> but you know.. Microsoft and Apple screwed too
<addi> yeah, but they are still better off ;)
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<addi> WP7 getting a kick was expected as MS tried to bring WP8 to modern hardware, but after that, updates for WP8 will be quite regular
<addi> but then again, Android does more on 2.2 than WP8 or iOS6 :p
<Daniel165> yea and next year same with wp9
<addi> nah, WP9 won't be so major
<addi> shifting from age old SNapdragon S1 hardware to S4 is a big jump, so bye bye WP7 :p
<Daniel165> and u know.. i dont think devs will do apps for windows 8/wp8 and additionaly wp7.. just those 2
<addi> yeah, after a few months
<Daniel165> u never know what microsoft do :]
<addi> i do know. they copy Apple's procedures. locked down, limited, feature less OS :p
<Daniel165> but nokia doesnt care.. they got premium camera haha
<addi> that cam probably won't sell that much thanks to its high price :p
<Daniel165> haha t-mobile de is best.. they dont sell lumia 900 shit anymore haha
<Daniel165> cya guys
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<Kiian> yo
<Kiian> sumone is here?
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<Kiian> Fuck the world dude
<gladiac1337> alrighty then
<Kiian> COFFEEE?!
Kiian was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by addi [OKAY]
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<kjw`> Hi all, wondering what's the state of call quality on the i9300 with CM9? I get poor in-call audio but only when making calls, not receiving. Tried enabling HD-voice with codeworkx's modified settings apk, and that resulted in no in-call audio at all. Is there anything I can do to help with investigations? Want me to send over logs of any sort?
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<QuBasiQ> Hallo!
<QuBasiQ> Hat jemand eine Frau verloren?
<bbqbot> derp
<QuBasiQ> derp?
<gladiac1337> QuBasiQ: You sure you are in the right channel?
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<kjw`> Apparently not
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<slainer68> ja wohl ja wohl !
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<Flumdahl> if i do a wipe / factory reset after flashing my phone with a new rom ... will it delete the data on the internal sdcard?
<GuineaPiet> Are there any significant changes between the nightlies and the RC?
<GuineaPiet> nope it does not
<GuineaPiet> wipe your internal SD card
<Flumdahl> good
<GuineaPiet> OK... so is the RC better than the Nightlies in any way?
<Flumdahl> yes
<Flumdahl> rc roms are the ones that comes before a stable one
<Flumdahl> nightly roms are the alpha developement romes where alots of bugs can be found
<GuineaPiet> hmkay. S2 nightlies seem pretty stable but i'll check the RC
<Flumdahl> :P
<GuineaPiet> peace out
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<cdesai> nightlies = last night's code
<cdesai> rc = a bit old code, but stable
<Flumdahl> ^^
<Flumdahl> in CWM recovery .. backup there. does it take backups of the whole rom i have ?
<cdesai> yep
<cdesai> system + data
<Flumdahl> so if i flash my phone with cm9 rom ... and it does not work good... i can restore from that backup so i have my omega rom again ?
<cdesai> yep
<Flumdahl> ah nice
<Flumdahl> then ill do that
<Flumdahl> shall try 2 roms for my sgs3
<gladiac1337> it does not backup the radio
<Flumdahl> radio ?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Flumdahl> i dont use any radio :P
<Flumdahl> internet radio do i use
<cdesai> not that one
<cdesai> but still that won't really matter
<gladiac1337> :P gsm-firmware of your phone
<Flumdahl> cdesai: it does not take backup of the internal sdcard ? only stuff from the root ? like u said system + data (wich contains all apps i have installed)
<cdesai> ^not the best term for that
<cdesai> Flumdahl: flashing cm9 won't wipe your internal sd
<cdesai> still do keep a backup on pc
<cdesai> so do one thing
<cdesai> cwm > backup > mass storage > backup sd to pc
<Flumdahl> not what i asked.
<cdesai> and no that doens't backup sd
<Flumdahl> nice
<Flumdahl> good good.
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<Flumdahl> hmm how do i disable all those announces that comes in the top of display?
<Flumdahl> that is a window i can scroll down to enable/disable wi-fi bluetooth etc etc
<Assid> my battery just dies on the s2 :(
<Assid> cdesai: which modem you using ?
<cdesai> Assid: i haz no s2
<Flumdahl> cdesai: so when i restore the backup... i just do restore then reboot?
<cdesai> Flumdahl: yep
<Flumdahl> okok
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<nebkat> samwan gief opinion
<nebkat> EyeSpy is a practical application that keeps your phone from turning off when you are looking at it. It uses the front facing camera to detect faces. If a face is found, it will keep the screen on until the next scan.
<nebkat> DuperMan: herro
<nebkat> Kaik541: ^ is it n00b proof?
<nebkat> addi: ^
nebkat is now known as ^
^ is now known as nebkat
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<Samwan> hi guys
<Samwan> I just wanted to congratulate to anyone of the dev's for the "RC" state
<cdesai> *everyone
<cdesai> *devs
<nebkat> Samwan: yes
<nebkat> now tell me
<nebkat> do you understand this
<nebkat> EyeSpy is a practical application that keeps your screen from turning off while you are using it.
<nebkat> It uses the front facing camera to detect faces. If a face is found, it will keep the screen on until the next scan.
<cdesai> ^this an android app
<cdesai> what do you think it does ?
<Samwan> cdesai: thank you
<addi> <nebkat> EyeSpy is a practical application that keeps your phone from turning off when you are looking at it. It uses the front facing camera to detect faces. If a face is found, it will keep the screen on until the next scan.
<Samwan> nebkat: there is a more "primitive" app, doing the same without self-scans, it just let's the screen on until you tell to turn it off
<addi> good description
<Samwan> it's perfect to watch porn
<cdesai> ^ROFL
<addi> there's this app call iSeeYou for that as well
<Samwan> I don't want to get seen while watching porn to be honst...
<nebkat> Samwan: in other words, its called "set the timeout to 15 minutes and enjoy ALL teh pronz"
<nebkat> addi: yeah, but dat shit
<Samwan> nebkat: not to 15 minutes but to "infinity"
<addi> or 60 minutes if you intend on watching the whole thing :p
<cdesai> and it sees you
<cdesai> what if you're naked
<cdesai> better this just spies your eye (face actually)
<nebkat> ugh seriously
<Samwan> i forgot to turn it off after porn and after bout 8 hours of sleeping screen was still on and phone was fucking hot
<addi> well, as long as it no send info to China gov, all is fine, naked or not :p
<nebkat> help meh find da best descriptin
<nebkat> I WANT N00B PR00F SHIZ
<cdesai> any noob in here?
<cdesai> *any noob here and still around
<Samwan> "EyeSpy detect's your face (mfw I have no face) and let's the screen on until yuor face is away, PROTIP: doesn't work with the face of your mother, camera will break"
<Samwan> here I am a n00b.
<nebkat> it has to state the fact that it's not
<addi> nebkat, first of all: .. phone's "screen" from turning off
<nebkat> "until your face is away"
<nebkat> its
<addi> not phone from turning off ^^
<nebkat> addi: I changed it
<nebkat> <nebkat> EyeSpy is a practical application that keeps your screen from turning off while you are using it.
<nebkat> <nebkat> It uses the front facing camera to detect faces. If a face is found, it will keep the screen on until the next scan.
<addi> hehe, okay
<cdesai> nebkat: faces still
<nebkat> cdesai: no it sounds good
<nebkat> in the next part it says "a face"
<cdesai> k
<addi> add this at end: "If a face is not detected at the next scan, the screen will turn off according to the screen timeout setting in Display options."
<cdesai> ^n00b proof
<addi> that's pretty noob proof i think
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<addi> "EyeSpy scans for a face at regular intervals. If a face is detected, it will keep the screen on until the next scan. If a face is not detected at the next scan, the screen will turn off according to the screen timeout setting in Display options."
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<Samwan> But seriously... this + flash porn + max screen brightness
<Samwan> it won't last for a porn
<addi> or, if you've put in the option to make it scan just before the screen timeout is about to happen: "EyeSpy scans for a face just before the screen is about to go off, and if a face is detected, it prevents the screen from turning off"
<nebkat> addi: I like the "regular intervals"\
<addi> wouldn't it be nice to make it detect the timeout interval set in Display settings, then scan just a few seconds before the screen timeout? or will that not be as intuitive?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> guess then you have to account for something touching the screen in between the time before timeout happens
<nebkat> addi: nah the scanning more regularly can be useful too
<nebkat> although I do plan some automatic mode
<addi> well, okay then, use the 'regular intervals' version. and that's enough for an explanation
<nebkat> EyeSpy is a practical application that keeps your screen from turning off while you are using it.
<nebkat> EyeSpy scans the front camera for faces at regular intervals. If a face is found, it will keep the screen from turning off.
<cdesai> nebkat: doit
<addi> yer, good enough
<addi> for those who don't understand that, they can rot in hell
<nebkat> There are many advanced options available and many more planned!
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<Assid> hmm anyone have a blackberry developer license.. i just thought of something cool to gift a friend
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<dsathe> hello
<cdesai> hey
<dsathe> there seems to be a very wierd bug in my S2 running 25-06 Cm9
<dsathe> whenever it wakes up the wifi is off and touchscreen is messed up :(
<dsathe> any ideas ?
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<dark3n> stop it from going to sleep :)
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<chadouming> Hey nebkat, invite me on #bs
<cdesai> chadouming: /msg chanserv invite #blamesamsung
<cdesai> chadouming: come fast
<chadouming> Not working
<chadouming> I'm on the boat now xD
<cdesai> chadouming: y u maek me op
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<Jiangyi> Hi
<Baskey> hi, Jiangyi :)
<Jiangyi> :-)
* Jiangyi needs to go to school to pick up music sheets later :-|
<Jiangyi> and then
* Jiangyi shall watch Google I/O
<Baskey> :)
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<xZain> Helllo
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Apologies, I only put the logcat in the drive and forgot about dmesg. Fixed that now. >_<
<xZain> hey guys is it possible to config the kill delay time ?
<xZain> and I wanna report a Bug the time keep freezing at right cornor
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<Jiangyi> I love peterperfect's Quit reasons lol xD
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<etakarine> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
<etakarine> !help
<etakarine> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @supported @downloads @changelog @google
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<mi9100g> hi
<mi9100g> i tried to use the cm9
<mi9100g> but it said installation aborted and i didn't find a solution in the forums
<mi9100g> or faq's
<mi9100g> any helps ?
<etakarine> what device are you using?
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<mi9100g> i9100g
<etakarine> and how did you try to install it?
<mi9100g> first i root the device
<mi9100g> using odin
<mi9100g> and the device is ics 4.0.3
<etakarine> did you obtain root ?
<bbqbot> derp
<mi9100g> i didn't get the yellow triangle
<mi9100g> but rom manager application said it's rooted
<mi9100g> and i was able to enter and try to install the zip file
<mi9100g> from internal sd card
<etakarine> you should try to use CWM if possible and install from there
<etakarine> do you know how to go to CWM on the s2?
<mi9100g> using volume up and power and main button
<mi9100g> ?
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
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<etakarine> yes exactly, please follow these instructions carefully and it should work
<etakarine> it is possible because your phone is a G model you will not be able to do it
<mi9100g> i didn't understand the zadig thing
<mi9100g> Untar codeworkx's kernel into the Heimdall directory ?
<mi9100g> then On the computer, open terminal and run the following command from the Heimdall directory: heimdall flash --kernel zImage
<etakarine> the g model is supported
<etakarine> heimdall is the same as odin
<etakarine> it is a flasher program
<mi9100g> oki i'll retry , it's must to use heimdall ?
<etakarine> if you are having many headaches just download a 2.3 kernel that made by CF (Chainfire) from the XDA forums, then go into recovery mode and flash cyano it will work
<etakarine> it is easier
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<etakarine> and chainfire kernels can be easily installed from odin
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<mi9100g> i use this kernel then install cm9 ?
<etakarine> yes
<mi9100g> ok thank you very much
<mi9100g> i'll try now :)
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<etakarine> no pob
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<mi9100g> this kernel is not for ics
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<Jiangyi> mi9100g: Which part are you stuck on?
<bbqbot> derp
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<h4rdco2e> mi9100g: If you have GB you have to flash a GB kernel!
<mi9100g> i tried to install the cm9 on i9100g but they said
<mi9100g> installation aborted
<Jiangyi> mi9100g: And you are currently on?
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<mi9100g> ics 4.0.3 kernel version 3.0.8 smp preempt
<Jiangyi> mi9100g: Alright. You'll need to get CWM first. You're stuck at trying to flash Code's CWM kernel in Odin?
<h4rdco2e> mi9100g: flash odin ressurection!
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: I9100G doesn't have one.
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: what!
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: i9100g has got one!
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: Codey doesn't wish to upload 600 MB. :-P
<mi9100g> i have cwm
<mi9100g> cwm-based recovery v5.5.0.4
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: I thounth I saw EU and CHINA version!
<Jiangyi> mi9100g: Hmm... Well, all I can say then is redownload the CM9 zip.
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: You did, but codey took it down.
<h4rdco2e> mi9100g: download and flash
<mi9100g> ok i'll redownload it
<h4rdco2e> download with PC, less issues
<mi9100g> yes i downloaded it first time with pc
<mi9100g> i'll do it again
dark3n is now known as dark3n|off
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: You're not a Dev, right?
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: No, but I helped Codey with CM9 for the I9100G in the early days cause I have a Chinese version. :-P
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: I remember, yea I'm a bit pissed off that Wi-Fi Direct is not working >.<
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: And we don't know who to blame this one on. lol
<mi9100g> did u guys try cm9 on i9100g ?
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: no it's the missing feature to send, from Hardware it workx
<h4rdco2e> mi9100g: no i've got i9100
<Jiangyi> mi9100g: Been using it for almost 2 months now. :-)
<mi9100g> yea my boss installed it today on i9100
<mi9100g> it's awesome
<mi9100g> i download it for myself , but he use it first
<Jiangyi> mi9100g: CM9 on the G is better than on the I9100 xD
<mi9100g> i hope it will work
<mi9100g> could i use better kernels ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> mi9100g: For the G, there aren't any other kernels that work with CM9 atm.
<h4rdco2e> mi9100g: no, codeworkx's kernel is awesome!
<h4rdco2e> You don't want to use another kernel
<mi9100g> can u give me the link to download codeworkx's again please ?
<Jiangyi> mi9100g: It comes with CM9.
<h4rdco2e> holly shit!
<h4rdco2e> You can't use a ROM wihout a Kernel!
<mi9100g> oh oki sry , noob :)
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: Gnex original Rom, doesn't have a Wifi Direct sending posibility?
<mi9100g> so the kernel that come with official ICS will not cause problem for cm9 right ?
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<Jiangyi> mi9100g: It'll be overwritten with the CM9 kernel when you flash CM9.
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<h4rdco2e> mi9100g: whole system will be overwritten, CM9 is AOSP based, Samsung makes thereself thing
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<b3ndech9> #teamhacksung-support
<b3ndech9> hallo
<mi9100g> if the cm9 didn't work after redownload it and flash it
<mi9100g> is there another solutions ?
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<Jiangyi> mi9100g: The chances of failure is very low. :-|
<mi9100g> is there cm9 for s3 ?
<Jiangyi> That is, if you follow everything properly.
<Jiangyi> mi9100g: Yes there is.
<mi9100g> i wasn't able to understand how the heimdall thing work only
<mi9100g> but i root the device
<mi9100g> and have WCM
<mi9100g> using odin
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<b3ndech0> hi gusy
<b3ndech0> guys
<b3ndech0> i just installed the rom and had terrible audio quality for calls, so i was reading something about this hd voice issue and tried to install the apk wich codeworks posted. somehow i did something wrong. now i cant hear the other person. i formatet system and it worked again. then i installed the latest gapps and it doesent work anymore. wtf am i doing wrong? and how can i push a system app without adb, somehow it allwa
<mi9100g> should i retry with heimdall ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> mi9100g: No, don't worry about Heimdall if you have a PC.
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<Mardos> whats the semcosh users
<mi9100g> ok that's gd :)
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<Jiangyi> b3ndech0: Drop the system app in /system/app with Root Explorer or an equivalent, and change its permissions to match the others. As for the audio quality, I don't know, since I don't have a S3.
<b3ndech0> but why do i loose my incall audio after flashing gapps?
<b3ndech0> doesent make sense to me
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<Jiangyi> b3ndech0: Yeah it doesn't seem very logical. :-S Sorry that I can't be of help.
<b3ndech0> not your fault, thanks anyway!
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<b3ndech0> is there a free variant of root explorer?
<b3ndech0> the made id a payd app ...
<Jiangyi> b3ndech0: Try ES File explorer.
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<Jiangyi> Google I/O time :-D
<Jiangyi> Only 7 more minutes....
<Baskey> but "What's New in Android?" is later
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<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: nope
<Jiangyi> Baskey: w/e, I'm going to try to watch the whole thing xD
<Baskey> good luck :D
<Jiangyi> Baskey: You watching?
<Baskey> I'm gonna follow The Verge live commentary
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Are you going to keep up with the livestream, or are you too busy with all teh devices? :-P
<Jiangyi> Baskey: There's a live commentary? o.O
<Baskey> let's call it "live-blog"
<Jiangyi> Ahhhhh
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<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: of cource, it has
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<Jiangyi> Yay, static picture on the livestream. Fun.
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: you're right there is just a demo
<xplodwild> Jiangyi: heh, they're late
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: I know. :-(
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: Grab your pitchforks!!!!
<xplodwild> yeh suckz :(
<Jiangyi> :-D
<Jiangyi> It started!
<xplodwild> orly?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild> nothing here
<Jiangyi> ..... That is some of the weirdest music ever.
<Mardos> xplodwild what is semcosh
<xplodwild> Mardos: wifi chip model
<xplodwild> Jiangyi: yeah just saw
<Mardos> ahh
<xplodwild> my netz lagz
<Mardos> how can i find if mine is a semcosh ? so i know the next nightly is compatible or not lol
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<xplodwild> 1 million people watching livestream on youtube
<xplodwild> "45,200" youtube says
<xplodwild> Mardos: just use it and don't wonder
<Kaik541> 47k now
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: He did say "will" lol
<Kaik541> xplodwild: could be multiple people watching the same stream, or google is drunk
<xplodwild> dunno
<Kaik541> google is drunk
<Kaik541> that's the motto I live by
<Baskey> "please turn the hot-spot off"
<Jiangyi> lol
h4rdco2e has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<xplodwild> heh
<xplodwild> that "400M" apple-like "we're so big"
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<Baskey> YAY
<Baskey> JELLY BEAN!
<Baskey> I WANT IT NAO
<Jiangyi> lol project butter xD
<Baskey> lol
<xplodwild> project butter
Didou has joined #teamhacksung-support
<xplodwild> mewants sauce
<xplodwild> wut
<xplodwild> sounds interesting
<Kaik541> fucking magic google
<Kaik541> they know how I'm going to lose at angry birds already
<Espenfjo> butter plx
<Espenfjo> Real butter
<Espenfjo> Made from cream
D3vourz has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
<Jiangyi> Systrace eh
<Jiangyi> ?
<EgoElf> hopefully JB is a easy upgrade from ICS
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<EgoElf> would hate the CM9 RC1 to turn to nearly vapor wear..
<xplodwild> hmm
<Espenfjo> ahaha, they have fixed contact picture issue :P
<xplodwild> hi res contact picture
<evil-doer> yeah noticed that
<Kaik541> hahaha
<Kaik541> for butter or worse
sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|afk
<evil-doer> so this would be cm10?
<Kaik541> 9.1 most likely
<xplodwild> yey
<xplodwild> we saw everything
<addi> this is it. smooth and faster. nothing more required from Android xD
<xplodwild> looks very apple-ish
<xplodwild> "auto-resize" THIS IS AMAZIING
<Baskey> I WANT NEW UI
<xplodwild> stock keyboard tends to become SwiftKey-like
<xplodwild> woot
<addi> Baskey, how many times you wants new UI?!
<Kaik541> predictive voice text?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild> offline voice type
<addi> make OEMs take even more time with updates messing new UI up?! :p
<Baskey> addi: ONCE A MONTH
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<addi> Baskey, go iOS, much customization there :p
<Baskey> HELL NO
<Espenfjo> hmm
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<Espenfjo> didnt see viking language on that list
<addi> yay, fuuu Siri, offline voice typing on Android :p
<mi9100g> guys cm9 is installed
<mi9100g> but the login animation is runing and keep runing
<xplodwild> hmm accounts now directly in settings?
<Jiangyi> +1 to offline voice
<mi9100g> it didn't start the system
<xplodwild> ahhh camera
<xplodwild> mi9100g: every dev is watching I/O, come back at the end of the conference :p
<addi> Seen enough! Me want OTA on Nexus NOW!
<mi9100g> i should wait ?
<Espenfjo> it is nice
<Espenfjo> mi9100g: reflash
<mi9100g> oki
<Espenfjo> wipe and reflash
<Jiangyi> Even non-devs like me are watching xD
<Baskey> yeah :D
<Baskey> lol@that dude from photo
<addi> oh boy. OTA update NOW!
<mi9100g> when the conference end ?
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<Jiangyi> new notification menu :O
<xplodwild> mi9100g: 1-2hours I guess
<Baskey> [18:55] (Baskey) TEH NEW NOTIFICATIONS
<addi> can +1 G+ posts from Notification bar! :O
<Baskey> oh no, Gotye
<addi> and any other app xD
<Baskey> ffffffuuuuu
<dasunsrule32> nice
<mi9100g> ok i wipe and reflash
<xplodwild> yay
<dasunsrule32> that is nice
<xplodwild> in your face apple's notifications center
<dasunsrule32> heck yeah
<dasunsrule32> lol
Mardos has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
<Baskey> srsly?
<Jiangyi> screw iOS!
<dasunsrule32> search
<Espenfjo> there is your new ui, Baskey
<ernie`> just one week (or so) since CM9 came to SGS3.. and now I want CM10 xD
<dasunsrule32> siri
<dasunsrule32> er, google now
<Baskey> Espenfjo: :D
<dasunsrule32> lol
<xplodwild> siri-killer coming
<addi> and they say iOS 6 is the most advanced mobile OS. assholes xD
<dasunsrule32> that's Crapple's opinion
<dasunsrule32> o.O
<xplodwild> haha
<addi> oh no, they copied Metro UI in search? :X
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild> they're doing like "it's not siri, you just do a search :)"
<addi> oh no, that's like Currents UI :p
<Baskey> this guy is so awkward
<Espenfjo> ooooh
<xplodwild> boom
<xplodwild> siri killed
<dasunsrule32> NICE!
<Espenfjo> Headshot!
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<xplodwild> apple's being raped hard
<Baskey> NICE UI
<evil-doer> what voice system is this. sounds like a new one
<Baskey> metro-ish
<xplodwild> evil-doer: true
<Baskey> lol
JakeSays has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<mi9100g> wipe and reflash didn't work
<Baskey> lololol
Mardos-AWAY has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
<Baskey> pygmy marmosets
<Jiangyi> lmao
<dasunsrule32> lol
<addi> xplodwild, nah, Apple has Facebook integration! :p
<xplodwild> google just wins
JakeSays has joined #teamhacksung-support
<dasunsrule32> +1000000000000 +Google +Android
* addi feels sad for those who won't get Jelly Bean without buying a new device
<addi> and for those who will wait 6 months to get it xD
<dasunsrule32> The Gn is on sale
<dasunsrule32> :)
<dasunsrule32> $349
<Baskey> addi: YOU ARE BRUTAL
<addi> ""Today's phones can do anything you ask. But they're only as smart as you tell them to be. But now that starts to change.""
<addi> only Apple tells people how smart they can be xD
<dasunsrule32> oh...
<Kaik541> dasunsrule32: yeah but where's my goddamn tablet
<dasunsrule32> Not liking that tracking
<dasunsrule32> lol
<dasunsrule32> Im paranoid though
<dasunsrule32> lol
<Kaik541> want to smoke cigarette
<Kaik541> can't leave live stream
Anthony1s has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<Kaik541> laptop died... need tablet
<dasunsrule32> watch it on your GN
<dasunsrule32> full screen the stream
<Kaik541> will be too tempted to hit home button
<xplodwild> Watch a pr0n movie
<xplodwild> Gives you bitch number
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<Jiangyi> cool search
<Jiangyi> Kaik541: Live stream >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Smoking
<dasunsrule32> I want to continue to dev, but I can't stop watching lol
<Didou> nice google io :p
<dasunsrule32> nice
<dasunsrule32> that is sick
<dasunsrule32> I'll never be late again
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<dasunsrule32> ha
<addi> Didou, the BEST
<Baskey> that's like iGoogle
<Espenfjo> Google knows
<Baskey> but for Android
<dasunsrule32> yeah
<addi> this is what ANdroid needed to be, and now it is XD
<dasunsrule32> nice
<dasunsrule32> everything is more integrated
<Baskey> indeed
<xplodwild> it's pretty big-brotherish
<dasunsrule32> xplodwild: duh?
<xplodwild> but cool nonetheless
<dasunsrule32> lol
<xplodwild> dasunsrule32: google knowing everything you use to do
<dasunsrule32> Googe = Big Borther
JakeSays has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<dasunsrule32> Google = Big Brother
<dasunsrule32> there
<dasunsrule32> lol
<Jiangyi> Hopefully Google won't turn evil :-|
<dasunsrule32> Won't? They are lol, we just love their stuff :)
<xplodwild> mid-july
<xplodwild> :'(
<Espenfjo> mid-july :(
<dasunsrule32> They seem friendly, because they opensource
<evil-doer> thats not too far
<dasunsrule32> lol
<dasunsrule32> NICE!
<Baskey> :(
<Espenfjo> SDK!
<xplodwild> evil-doer: IT IS FAR
<evil-doer> july is less than a week away
<dasunsrule32> 2 weeks!!!
<xplodwild> everyone downloads SDK
<xplodwild> nao
<xplodwild> xD
<dasunsrule32> lol
<dasunsrule32> go
<Baskey> lol
<Espenfjo> pkd?
<Espenfjo> gief
<Baskey> xplodwild: I WANT IT ON MY SGS2
<dasunsrule32> I'm sure someone will yank the link to the OTA today
<Espenfjo> gief!
<dasunsrule32> haha
<xplodwild> mewats too
<Jiangyi> Does a SDK help you guys a lot? lol
<dasunsrule32> Sweey!
<Espenfjo> android device partners? :(
<dasunsrule32> BDK
<dasunsrule32> PDK
<Baskey> TDK
<dasunsrule32> How do we get that?
<Baskey> CIA
<dasunsrule32> no, PDK
<dasunsrule32> lol
<dasunsrule32> make it so....
<addi> hahaha, Verge says Galaxy S getting update in Mid-july xD
<Baskey> lol
<dasunsrule32> lol
<xZain> hey xpoldwild
<dasunsrule32> typo
<xZain> wanted to ask what happened to the set delay time ?
<bbqbot> derp
<dasunsrule32> i still can't believe the phone ui on the 7
<dasunsrule32> that's a lot
<dasunsrule32> Here's your paid for by your ticket, nexus 7
<dasunsrule32> thank you
<dasunsrule32> lol
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<addi> GIEF OTA update NAO !
<Kaik541> addi: mid july
<addi> NAO! :(
<Baskey> NAO
<xplodwild> oh
<xplodwild> piracy protection for realz now?
<dasunsrule32> app encryption
<addi> when does Google usually release source after unveiling new Android?
<dasunsrule32> addi: a long time
<dasunsrule32> lol
<addi> Baskey, sell your current phone and get Nexus!
<xplodwild> delta update
<dasunsrule32> this time, 2 weeks
<xplodwild> that's something good
<addi> damn xD
<addi> so mid July it is.
<addi> but still, GIEF NAO! xD
<dasunsrule32> smart apk = delta rpm's
<dasunsrule32> lol
<dasunsrule32> diff
<Devourz> :3
<Jiangyi> Cloud messaging?
<Kaik541> addi: they're doing simultaneous launch of OTA and source mid july
<dasunsrule32> Yeah, ads for free
<dasunsrule32> oh
<dasunsrule32> lol
<addi> ah, okay. but oh well, tomorrow i'll be back to normal and won't have a problem waiting for it :p
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<Kaik541> I just want to be able to order the tablet
<xplodwild> hehe
<Kaik541> once I'm done with that I won't care for a while
<xplodwild> Speaking of tablets
<xplodwild> :D
<xZain> wanted to ask what happened to the set delay time ?
<xZain> for the kill app
<Devourz> TABLET
<Jiangyi> OHHHHH
<Mardos-AWAY> nexus with touchwizzzz LOOl :P imagine that
<Mardos-AWAY> to much framee
<Baskey> but it's cheap
<Mardos-AWAY> LMAOO you see that guys faceeee
<addi> an idiot Symbian/WP7 user's tweet: "Android Beam:Android Beam makes it easier to share images, videos, or other payloads by Bluetooth 4 data transfer. Wow! #Symbian Cica 2001!"
<addi> these idiot asshole noobs -.-
<Mardos-AWAY> 9hrs!!!!
Trae32566-STA is now known as Trae32566-STA[A]
<xplodwild> will that mean
<xplodwild> moar opensource for Tegra 3 devices?
<xplodwild> peterperfect: ^
<Jiangyi> that's be awesome
<xplodwild> tf300t / tf201
<Kaik541> xplodwild: no, it'll mean more specific blobbies
<xplodwild> will profit
Anthony1s has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Mardos-AWAY> is this device 3g or only wifi ?
<Kaik541> wifi
<Baskey> only wifi
<Mardos-AWAY> hmm what will be the price ?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild> 199$
<Kaik541> for the 8 GB
<Kaik541> $250 I think for 16 GB
<Jiangyi> we must see the price......
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<Mardos-AWAY> phone mode
<Mardos-AWAY> not tablet mode how come lol
<Jiangyi> They just have to make us wait...
Mardos-AWAY is now known as Mardos
<Kaik541> breaking bad
<Kaik541> xplodwild: maybe this release will at least help fix the tablet "blanking" on rotate for tegra devices?
<xplodwild> probably
<Kaik541> oh my god
<Kaik541> local caching of videos <3
<Mardos> how long is this thing
<mi9100g> Jiangyi ?
<xplodwild> but yeah did they got rid of tablet UI?
<xplodwild> or 7" devices will have phone UI?
<Jiangyi> mi9100g: Sorry, I'm too focused on watching the conference :S
<Mardos> $199 ill def buy one for home use and use as a xbmc remote and samsung tv remote lol
<xplodwild> btw what is that green circle?
<mi9100g> ok sorry , when u done if u are there i'll ask
<Kaik541> xplodwild: no one knows yet
<xplodwild> ah
<Kaik541> I'm betting it's a 7" form factor choice
<Mardos> how is that new youtube?
<Kaik541> maybe 7.7" too... but probably traditional layout for 8.9"+
<Kaik541> many people who owned OG galaxy tab say the 7" form factor is well suited for the "phone UI"
<Jiangyi> chrome = stock browser
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<Mardos> interesting mapos
<xplodwild> ahh
<xplodwild> Kaik541: that's new Google Currents
<Kaik541> I don't get currents, personally
<xZain> xplodwild, what happen to the setting the time to kill app via backbutton :(
<Kaik541> all of a sudden the magazine seems angry
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<Mardos-AWAY> lol it ends badly
<Jiangyi> lol
<Mardos-AWAY> ok wow that gaming looks cool lool
<Mardos-AWAY> $199 oh yea
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<Mardos-AWAY> $25 to spend
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<xplodwild> I'm almost tempted to buy one
<Mardos-AWAY> WOW
<Mardos-AWAY> your almost tempted lol ?
<Mardos-AWAY> im buying oneee
<Mardos-AWAY> mid july :(
<xplodwild> I already have TF300T
<peterperfect> i will buy nexus tablet next month
<peterperfect> :P
<peterperfect> xplodwild who cares? there is always room for more :D
<Mardos-AWAY> tf300 is that the transformer or the prime?
<xplodwild> same hardware as the prime almost
<xplodwild> it's the cheap Primee
<peterperfect> Mardos-AWAY is the "prime light"
<Kaik541> xplodwild: and this is cheapest prime
<xplodwild> true
<Mardos-AWAY> xploid i meant which do you hav elol
<Kaik541> this is basically "small tf300t without a keyboard dock"
<xplodwild> Mardos-AWAY: I have the tf300t xD
<Jiangyi> woot!!!
<Jiangyi> It's almost an impulse buy :-D
<xplodwild> nexus cube
<xplodwild> looks pretty spherical to me
<Kaik541> "nexus q" "I think most people have no idea what it is when they first see it"
<Kaik541> how is this a selling point?
<peterperfect> Kaik541 exactly
<xplodwild> oh
<xplodwild> Nexus Q
<peterperfect> [14:33] <@Kaik541> this is basically "small tf300t without a keyboard dock"
<peterperfect> ^^
<Mardos-AWAY> whats with the guys hair jeez
<xplodwild> this is Ikea-killer
<peterperfect> FUCK FUCK FUCK
<peterperfect> nexus Q
<peterperfect> nao!
<Jiangyi> I don't get what it does....
<xplodwild> I still don't get what the fuck it does
<evil-doer> haha, me either
<Thracky> it's gonna be an apple tv competitor I bet
<evil-doer> its like an snl skit
<Mardos-AWAY> android poweerd compuiter
<xplodwild> doesn't look like it's connected to a tv
<peterperfect> its a home computer center
<xplodwild> oh k
<Mardos-AWAY> XBMCCCCC !!!!!!!
<peterperfect> XBMC!!!!]
<Mardos-AWAY> ahaha good thinking
<Mardos-AWAY> same chip as the galaxy nexus
<Mardos-AWAY> oh yaaa
<peterperfect> CM9 Nexus Q just for the win!!
<peterperfect> :P
<Thracky> thank god it has ethernet
<xplodwild> hehe
<xplodwild> CMQ
<Thracky> still don't think it's meant to challenge the apple tv? :P
<bbqbot> derp
<Mardos-AWAY> whats derp?
<Thracky> herp derp
<Baskey> bbqbot: SHUT THA FUCK UP
<Mardos-AWAY> derka derka
<Thracky> derp is international
<peterperfect> USB in
<peterperfect> "to us to hack as we wish"
<peterperfect> Google <3
<xplodwild> it's even lighting up
<xplodwild> like UFO
<Mardos-AWAY> 1 more hr till euro lol
<Thracky> shit if the Q lets me pull from google music that's awesome
Didou has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
<Jiangyi> Umm....
<Jiangyi> This is gonna be hard to explain to my friends lol
<Thracky> "It's like apple tv but you can do way more shit with it" :P
<Thracky> that's how you tell noobs
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<xplodwild> tha t Winamp vizualization
<Thracky> if it can handle 1080p and truehd and all that kind of shit I'd probably replace my boxee with that.
peterperfect has quit [Quit: For Sale: Parachute. Only used once, never opened, small stain.]
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<Thracky> 299 :|
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<evil-doer> yikes
<xplodwild> that's quite expensive
<Mardos> i missed the price how much was it
<xplodwild> 299$
<evil-doer> it aint gonna sell
<Mardos> ya no thanks
<Jiangyi> Yeah =|
<evil-doer> my prediction is we wont even remember it this time next year
<Jiangyi> Raspberry Pi time!
<xplodwild> :p
<Mardos> yaa i should be ordering mine soon !!
<xplodwild> even apple tv is cheaper
<Thracky> way cheaper
<Thracky> it's 3x the price of apple tv
Devourz has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
<addi> Chrome = default browser = bye bye Flash support?
<xplodwild> and in France we have "boxes" for free with our DSL subscription
<Mardos> hello html5?
<Jiangyi> It's an interesting idea, but the price killed it.
<addi> well, yeah, hello html5 but html5 isn't really going too fast, is it?
<addi> oh well, other browsers FTW when needed xD
<Jiangyi> Next thing we know, it'll have massive price drops like the Galaxy Nexus xD
<Mardos> hmm 16gb for 259
<Mardos> when is the announcement of 4,1/
<xplodwild> Mardos: it's done
Mardos-AWAY has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
<xplodwild> was in the beginning
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<Jiangyi> Damn I'm hungry now.
<Jiangyi> But Livestream > Food
<Mardos> oops lol missed it oh well engadget time
<Mardos> fails when checking out lol
<Baskey> :D
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<peterperfect> <3 Google
<peterperfect> ok, nexus Q first
<peterperfect> then nexus tablet
<peterperfect> :)
<Baskey> Nexus 7 first
mi9100g has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<Baskey> Q is useless for me
<peterperfect> Q usefull for me
<Kaik541> Q is useless
slainer68 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Kaik541> it's a go between
<Kaik541> only works if you have a decent speaker system but no method of controlling it
<peterperfect> Kaik541 you can software fix this
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<peterperfect> new g+ for tablets
<Jiangyi> If it has a bad DAC, then..... :-|
<Jiangyi> lol G+ for iPad too
<Sushi> completly OT: does anyone knows how to test upnp from behind a NAT gateway ?
<xplodwild> curious to check Apple fanboys websites
<xplodwild> hear what they think about 4.1 vs i0S 6
<Baskey> :)
<Baskey> "iOS IZ BETTAH"
<Jiangyi> What Baskey said lol
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<Baskey> Google+ is too complicated for me xD
<Thracky> maybe you should buy a jitterbug and be done with it.
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<Thracky> :D
<Jiangyi> It's not that complicated, but I'm not as interested in it :-P
<Jiangyi> Android <3
<Baskey> just gimme bettah integration with Twitter
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<Jiangyi> OH NOES my picture disappeared
<Jiangyi> oh, now it's back. :-P
<Baskey> ok
<Baskey> blah blah blah, that's boring
<Baskey> I don't care about live slideshows
<Baskey> "TEH PARTY MODE IS ON!!!!"
<Jiangyi> Yeah, I don't care too much about G+
* Jiangyi wants MOAR ANDROID
<Baskey> INDEED
<Jiangyi> I think I'm gonna go grab food instead. :-P
<Baskey> :)
<Baskey> I'm disappointed 'cause there's no netchip on-stage
<Baskey> :(
<Baskey> why the heck Chrome is shown on OS X?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> Baskey: TEH LID DEVELOPUR
<Baskey> nebkat: :D
<Jiangyi> Ooooh Sergey
<Jiangyi> I think it's Project Glass :D
<Baskey> nooooo
<nebkat> Jiangyi: heh
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<Baskey> now imagine TEH PLANE CRASHES
<Baskey> L:OL
<Thracky> lol
<Thracky> that is awesome
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> epicness
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<Jiangyi> lol rappeling
mi9100g has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<Baskey> BAM
<peterperfect> <3 Google
<Jiangyi> Freaking Google knows how to please the crowd lol
<Thracky> no shit
<peterperfect> holy cow
<Thracky> that was amazing
<peterperfect> live streaming
edude03 has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<peterperfect> how da fuc they are transmitting this?
<Espenfjo> gwifi
<Jiangyi> Buffering D-:
<Jiangyi> NUUUUU x2
<Jiangyi> Ijust lost audio
<Baskey> wtf is wrong with this guy?
<Baskey> HE'S WEIRD
<evil-doer> peg teeth
<evil-doer> how is it possible to have a gap between every single tooth like that
<Mardos> time to test the 0627 build for 9300
<Baskey> evil-doer: xD
<evil-doer> what accent is she
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<Baskey> no, not again
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<Jiangyi> Wait, so Glass projects an image in front of the user's eyes?
<Jiangyi> o_O
<Thracky> yes
<Jiangyi> OK, just checking.
<Thracky> why else would that thing be there in front of their eye
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<peterperfect> windoze: y u no handle two connections properly
rodries has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Baskey> PEE-POL
<Baskey> rofl
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Just a camera would also be userful. :P
<Jiangyi> useful*
<Thracky> but why would the eyepiece be there? :P
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: I only asked cuz there's nothing actually in front of their eyes, but right above it. :P
<Thracky> yeah cause you can look up at it :P
<Thracky> you know this is going to be used for porn.
<Thracky> 100%
<Baskey> Thracky: hahaha, lmao
<Baskey> you made my day, bro'
<Thracky> live streaming pov porn
<Jiangyi> lol
<Baskey> Y IFONE
<Jiangyi> LOL
<Jiangyi> Clearly, it's to show how much superior Glass looks compared to the iPhone User xD
<Baskey> lol xD
<Thracky> Jiangyi: very good observation actually heh
<Thracky> makes more sense after you said that
<Baskey> yeah
<Thracky> I'm only watching the video but no audio cause I'm at work heh
<Baskey> :(
<Thracky> and the closed captioning is kinda meh
<Jiangyi> :-(
<Jiangyi> Audio is much more important though
<Baskey> captioning translated to polish is like LOLOLOLOLOL
<Baskey> believe me
<Baskey> :D
<Thracky> glass could be used incredibly well for sports tracking apps
<Thracky> live hangouts is pretty cool
<Baskey> DAFUQ
<Thracky> *are
<Jiangyi> lol
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<Baskey> is Serge stoned?
<Jiangyi> ....... O_O
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<Thracky> oh god, wearing glass while super stoned then going and watching the footage after.
<Baskey> :D
<Espenfjo> stream fu
<Thracky> 1500 bucks wow
<Jiangyi> We don't get it :-(
<Thracky> well nobody gets it but IO attendees
<Espenfjo> :o
<Espenfjo> 9k NOK
<Espenfjo> hmmm
<Espenfjo> Still do want
<Thracky> US only :P
<Jiangyi> Wait, $1500?
<Jiangyi> I didn't hear that O_O
<Thracky> for the developer prototypes
<Thracky> by no means would that be consumer pricing at this point
<Jiangyi> Yeah, but I still didn't hear that part
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<Thracky> lol... paul oakenfold and train... interesting mix for their party :P
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<Espenfjo> adp!
<Mardos> alright the gameee is about to starttt!!
<Espenfjo> fu
<Thracky> everyone gets a galaxy nexus and a nexus 7 heh
<Jiangyi> OK, I'm jelly now
<Espenfjo> fu them
<Espenfjo> :D
<Thracky> and jellybean OTA after they turn them on
<Thracky> on the galaxy
<Espenfjo> Hate all 6k of them :D
<Espenfjo> fu
<Mardos> the new nexus for $349 is a sweet deal ! as a back up phone
<Thracky> I guess I missed the part about the new nexus
<Jiangyi> I hope someone will extract the preview from it
<Baskey> I know this song
<Baskey> Quiet Little Voices
<Jiangyi> I didn't hear the part about the Nexus price drop either :P
<Baskey> by We Were Promised Jetpacks
<Jiangyi> I think we're done
<Jiangyi> .... nvm
<Jiangyi> Oh well, I'll pause it and grab food. :-|
<addi> All Google I/O attendees are getting a Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7, and Nexus Q
<addi> !!!
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Food
<Jiangyi|Food> addi: Ikr!?
* Jiangyi|Food is jelly as hell
<addi> yeah, i mean, 3 devices for free? :O
<Baskey> YEAH
<EgoElf> they've always made IO worth the cost of the ticket
<EgoElf> 900$ of hardware
<addi> a Galaxy Nexus phone, Nexus 7 tablet, the latest OTA update of Jelly Bean, and the Nexus Q
<addi> they getting JB too! :(
<Jiangyi|Food> -sadface-
<addi> system dump up already
<Baskey> addi: Justin Bieber?
<Jiangyi|Food> That was fast
<Jiangyi|Food> O_O
<addi> Baskey, ? :O
<Baskey> you said JB
<Thracky> don't lie.
<Thracky> you want him in all sorts of ways.
<Jiangyi|Food> ........
<Baskey> nooooooo(o)
* Jiangyi|Food is slightly disturbed
<peterperfect> is there a new nexus?
<peterperfect> or is the same nexus?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> yer, you want her.. i mean Bieber
<addi> Baskey, Y U WANT Bieber?!
<addi> peterperfect, same, but with Jelly Bean
<Jiangyi|Food> same nexus I believe
<Baskey> addi: I DO NOT WANT
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<TimV_> Hello
<TimV_> is it posible that the mic is not working with skype on the P3110
<Thracky> heh chrome just came out of beta
<Thracky> just showed up on play
<TimV_> is it posible that the mic is not working with skype on the P3110
<Thracky> maybe if you ask 3 more times.
<Ryunaga> Hello, Anyone able to help, I think I screwed up with my Galaxy Note...
<Ryunaga> I still have Odin, device won't boot into a rom otherwise or CWM...
<xplodwild> <Espenfjo> codewo - fix plx <3 <<<= Fix wut? xD
<Ryunaga> that... was fast.
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<Espenfjo> xplodwild: hack it onto my sgs2 ofc :P
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<Baskey> xplodwild: YEAH, HACK IT
ToyKat[zZz] is now known as ToyKat
<Baskey> BREAK*
<xplodwild> Espenfjo: won't work, samsung haxs
<xplodwild> Espenfjo: might get better luck on a netxus
<xplodwild> nexus*
<Espenfjo> hack it!
<Espenfjo> :P
<Baskey> xplodwild: HACK IT OR DIE
<Espenfjo> I know it wont work
<Espenfjo> But still, do want
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Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by xplodwild [.]
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<Baskey> xplodwild: what is HWCOMPOSER?
<xplodwild> Espenfjo: true, can't wait for sauce either
<Espenfjo> :)
<Espenfjo> but.. well.. butter is going to melt away our gfx libs :(
<Espenfjo> aint gonna work
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<peterperfect> Espenfjo what you asking for?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Espenfjo> peterperfect: everything
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<addi> OTA for Nexus
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<Jiangyi> My internet went out :-(
<Jiangyi> What'd I miss?
<Jiangyi> Goddamn it
<Jiangyi> Nexus 7 is $10 more in Canada. ._.
<Espenfjo> omg
<Espenfjo> $10 canadian dollars?
<Espenfjo> or rather.. 209 canadian dollars?
<Jiangyi> Yeah.
<Jiangyi> It's not that big of a deal, but....
<Jiangyi> Last time I checked, we were on par with USD. ._.
<Espenfjo> 4USD diff
<Espenfjo> 209cad == 203 usd
<Jiangyi> Really?
<Espenfjo> Think a 4USD tax for being more awesome is warranted
<Jiangyi> @money 200 USD CAD
<bbqbot> 200 USD = 205.20 CAD
<Jiangyi> Ah OK then. Excuse my rambling. ._.
<Jiangyi> Ooooh 4325 mAh battery!
<Espenfjo> <3
<Jiangyi> Oh look, Corning Glass.
<Jiangyi> That's.... Specific of them.
<Jiangyi> /s
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<Jiangyi> Amazon better come up with something fast now....
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<Thracky> linus torvalds is quite moody isn't he?
<Thracky> :P
<Jiangyi> Maybe...... lol
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<lolwat> when did google plan to release the source of jelly bean?
<Baskey> mid-july
<EgoElf> they usually do a day or two before devices are shipped
<EgoElf> but if IO devs are getting the devices it should be this or next week
<Baskey> @geo user Mardos
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Mardos
<bbqbot> {"range":[645225504,645234687],"country":"US","region":"DC","city":"Washington","ll":[38.9144,-77.0763]}
datagutt has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
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<Karbowiak> @geo user Karbowiak
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Karbowiak
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1464419328,1464434687],"country":"DK","region":"17","city":"Copenhagen","ll":[55.6667,12.5833]}
<Karbowiak> hah
<Karbowiak> wrong
<Karbowiak> failbot
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<Espenfjo> failconnection
<Jiangyi> @geo user Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ade6b250@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<Karbowiak> failfjo
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<Mardos> why you guys doing the geo..?
<Ryunaga> wow
<Karbowiak> 7" tablet, notquitesureifiwant
<Ryunaga> It's amazing how fast Jellybean was dumped. Was this the source?
<bbqbot> derp
<Karbowiak> tho, 199$ for it
<Ryunaga> 7" tablet, $199, Tegra 3, 1280 x 800... sounds sexy enough
<Karbowiak> ye
<Karbowiak> just needs some CM9 love and the tablet UI
<Ryunaga> CM10?
<Karbowiak> from the looks, it's just a healthy doze of mobile ui atm
<Ryunaga> Wouldn't CM9 be a downgrade (to ICS) when it's JellyBean?
<Ryunaga> Would CM on JB called CM10?
<Karbowiak> JellyBean isn't a reason to rename to CM10
<Karbowiak> since its an incremental
<Karbowiak> 4.0.4 to 4.1
<Ryunaga> CM9.1?
<Ryunaga> ah okay.
<Karbowiak> when Android hits 5.0 then sure it'll make sense
<Ryunaga> I can't wait to play with that smooth scrolling...
<evil-doer> seems like theres more new stuff in it than there was from 3.0 to 4.0
<Ryunaga> yeah. Is GoogleNow built into JellyBean?
<Karbowiak> here's to nightly builds with Jellybean
<Karbowiak> :D
<evil-doer> seriously tho. 4.0 was just mostly some refinements from 3.0
<Karbowiak> full hardware ui was surely just some refinements
<Karbowiak> ^^
<Ryunaga> Yeah I'm sacrificing a HTC G1 to the dev gods.
<Karbowiak> hardware rendered ui *
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<Ryunaga> I think I have to crack it open and reach for the heart, then have the Tech Gods accept this sacrifice for faster JellyBean Nightlies.
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<peterperfect> Aw just for info
<peterperfect> I asked jbq about linaro on 4.1
<peterperfect> He said it uses gcc 4.6 cuz 4.7 wasnt ready
<peterperfect> So its almost there
<evil-doer> every single .1 update android has had has had a cm 1.0 added on. it would be very uncharacteristic for jb to not be cm10
<peterperfect> True
<evil-doer> 1.0 1.1 1.5cupcake 1.6donut 2.0eclair 2.2froyo 2.3gingerbread
<Ryunaga> Question, I had a problem with my note, it wasn't reading Internal SD, as if it was only reading a partition. Anyone know the cause of such an issue?
<bbqbot> derp
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<JackFetter> Hey guys, are any of you available for a bit of a Q/A session?
<nebkat> JackFetter: sure
<nebkat> JackFetter: DOES IT PROFIT?!?!?!?!?!??!?!
<JackFetter> Okay, sweet
<JackFetter> Haha
<nebkat> JackFetter: sure what you need? :)
<JackFetter> Okay, well I'm thinking of picking up a Note. From the get-go, completely as I get it (with the Samsung TouchWIZ Gingerbread mess), apart from flashing CM9, do I NEED to take any other steps?
<bbqbot> derp
<JackFetter> Apart from the ones listed on the XDA Thread
<Espenfjo> There is a mandatory donation for me as well
<Espenfjo> but that should be it
<JackFetter> Oh okay, awesome. And I haz no credit cards
<JackFetter> But yeah, thanks for that
<JackFetter> Super simple
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<Baskey> nebkat: HI, HANDSOME
<nebkat> Baskey: HERRO BOY
<nebkat> DUPEY
<nebkat> DuperMa: DUPEYYYYY
<Mardos> lol good times with the notes
<nebkat> Mardos: WHAT TIEMS
<Baskey> nebkat: TEH GOOD TIEMS
<EgoElf> has the N7 pre orders sold out yet :)
<nebkat> Baskey: BUT IT DA TRUTH
<nebkat> I dont see what so good about an N7
<nebkat> well
<nebkat> then again
<EgoElf> cheap
<EgoElf> vanilla
<nebkat> I dont see what is so good about anything
<EgoElf> heh
<nebkat> cus I got an s2, nexus, s3
<nebkat> all I needz :D
<EgoElf> ya, if you don't need one, no point
<Baskey> nebkat: YOU RICH FUCK
<Baskey> GIMME S3
<EgoElf> i have 2 TP, s1, s2, s3, and an ipad
<nebkat> Baskey: IT BE MAH CODIN SKILLZ
<EgoElf> and bought a n7 for the wife
<Baskey> EgoElf: hi, husband
<EgoElf> my wife doesn't know how to IRC.. sorry bud
<EgoElf> especially when she is driving
<Baskey> EgoElf: I changes my address
<Baskey> changed*
<EgoElf> i live at 1601 Pennsylvannia Ave in DC
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<Baskey> SEND
<Baskey> NAO
<Ryunaga> Is the Galaxy Note AOKP release safe from that crazy bug that might Superbrick your system?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> nebkat: what's the SUPERBRICK BUG?
<Mardos> i got s33333 take it
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<Cym> Hello
<Baskey> hi
<Baskey> wanna play game?
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<Cym> Are these builds using the same machine as the official CM builds?
<Baskey> nebkat: you know what to do
<Cym> I know its experimental at this point for the Galaxy Tab 2, but I'm just curious how it works
<Cym> does it eventually get added to the official list?
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<Mardos> $1500 for google glass WOW
<Cym> @changelog GT-P3110
<nebkat> Cym: err go to site and choose p3110 manually
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<nebkat> Mardos: Want to play da gaem?
<nebkat> or no wait
<Baskey> :)
<nebkat> who can see it coming?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> who can see it coming?
<nebkat> who can see it coming?
<nebkat> who can see it coming?
<nebkat> who can see it coming?
<nebkat> YOU, YEAH YOU
<Cym> are you talking about
<Cym> i dont see p3110 in the list for samsung on bbqdroid
<Cym> codeworkx posted an experimental version on xda, but I was just curious if it was part of the official list
<nebkat> Cym: err not yet actually
<Cym> cool
<Cym> i must be patient
<Cym> :-)
<Cym> thanks
<Cym> i just used codeworkx recovery and it is difficult to keep the stock ROM much longer.. all that bloatware. I think the tablet came stock with three separate markets.
<Cym> awesome work teamhacksung is doing
<Cym> much appreciated
<Cym> xda developer section for tab 2 is only 2 pages long right now. :-P
<Jiangyi> Wow
<Jiangyi> crazy things happened while I was afk :O
<Cym> you know what bothers me the most about stock ics.. is that dumb status bar that wont go away while you watch video
<Cym> gee
<Cym> i have to root just to get rid of it
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<Cym> is that a problem still with cm9?
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<Cym> i have not had the chance to try yet
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<Cym> the link on the wiki is there.. (but the device is not actually added yet)
<Cym> so i guess the codename for the one i need will be p3110 when it does get added to the official download page
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<Entropy512> <Ryunaga> Is the Galaxy Note AOKP release safe from that crazy bug that might Superbrick your system? - no clue, this isn't an AOKP channel
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<Dacooter> Hey Guys, I wanted to say thank you for all of the Hard work on development for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2
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