Kaik541 changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | IRC stats : http://irc.nebkat.com/ | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | GIEF Teamhacksung Galaxy S3 FTW! http://pledgie.com/campaigns/17290 .:. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1633734
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<Jiangyi> JakeSays: You can always revert to an earlier ROM with Odin.
<JakeSays> Jiangyi: eh, i think its my cable
<JakeSays> stupid at&t store sold me a new cable today
<Jiangyi> JakeSays: Computer won't even recognize it in download mode?
<bbqbot> derp
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<JakeSays> Jiangyi: nope, until i plugged in the old cable
<Jiangyi> JakeSays: Well, AT&T cable fails then lol
<JakeSays> yup. lol
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<JakeSays> so i installed clockworkmod touch recovery.. how the heck do i use it?
<raymonddull> you... touch it
<JakeSays> touch it where?
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<raymonddull> ...
<Jiangyi> JakeSays: Volume keys for up and down, power key for enter....
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<JakeSays> Jiangyi: how do i get the damn thing to run?
<Jiangyi> JakeSays: Enter recovery when your phone's off. (Volume Up + Power on your Note I think)
<JakeSays> ahhh
<JakeSays> lol ok
<JakeSays> it makes sense now
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<Jiangyi> Alright, glad we figured this out. :P
<JakeSays> me too!
<JakeSays> i'm dying to get a vanilla ics on this thing
<Jiangyi> For the record, Canadian versions are better. Same thing, but no ugly AT&T logo. ;-)
<JakeSays> lol
<Jiangyi> Only reason that I actually care about the LTE Note is that it can run on AWS networks with a hack. :-P
<raymonddull> orly
<raymonddull> that would be... coool
<JakeSays> Jiangyi: so yours isn't an i717?
<Jiangyi> JakeSays: No, I don't have a Note, I just know some things about it. xD
<JakeSays> ah ok
<Jiangyi> raymonddull: Yeah, same hack as the one on the GS2 Skyrocket, since it's basically the same hardware minus the screen.
<raymonddull> hmm
<raymonddull> thats interesting
<raymonddull> in other words, http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3plt7g/
<Jiangyi> raymonddull: Samsung was too lazy to change the hardware between T-Mo's GS2 X and AT&T's Skyrocket, which made this possible xD
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<raymonddull> always fun
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<JakeSays> hmm how do you go back a menu in cwm?
<JakeSays> lol back button. duh.
<JakeSays> eventually i'd like to build my own kernel
<JakeSays> i'd *love* to rework how the damn power and volume buttons work
<Jiangyi> JakeSays: I would too. But I'm a total noob, so I have a long way to go. xD
<JakeSays> well you're less noob than me :p
<raymonddull> JakeSays, well... in the os you can already remap the power and volume buttons
<JakeSays> oh?
<JakeSays> :D
<raymonddull> change them in the keylayout file
<JakeSays> ah cool
<raymonddull> /system/usr/keylayouts/______.kl
<JakeSays> cuz their position on the note is the dumbest thing ever
<raymonddull> what the file is called depends on device
<raymonddull> they're just text files
<raymonddull> anyway, off to go paint my room.
<Jiangyi> raymonddull: Have fun!
<Jiangyi> :-)
<EgotisticalElf> weird.. captivate build 0609 is dated 0609 235113, yet doesn't have commits from 0608 1301
<EgotisticalElf> sorry, dated 0608 235113
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<rip> trying to find out info on cm9 nightly package file errors when downloading from play store. any one else have this issue?
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<rip> trying to find out info on cm9 nightly package file errors when downloading from play store. any one else have this issue?
<rip> have formatted. cleared cache and davlik
<rip> reinstalled gapps
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<rip> anyone?
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<cdesai> rip: what error exactly?
<cdesai> *describe what happens
<rip> thanks cdesai. package file error
<cdesai> not getting u, elaborate
<cdesai> u flash cm9
<cdesai> then
<rip> on formatted nightly. open play store. click on most apps nad i get pfe
<rip> flashed. wiped. done the whole kit. im not a noob to roms. but have no idea when it comes to cooking
<rip> xxlps base
<rip> 20120512 nightly
<cdesai> tried the latest gapps from goo.im?
<cdesai> also, what device?
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<rip_> yes i have
<rip_> its mainly occuring with theme apks and launcher apks
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<h4rdco2e> new internet, 9,5mb/sec
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<Xero-> slow
<Xero-> for a 100mbit
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<Xero-> u should be getting at least 11,5 @h4rdcore ;)
<h4rdco2e> Xero-: it's LTE so its slow :-(
<Xero-> then its oki i guess
<h4rdco2e> If got luck because nobody is using it right now
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<Js__> i had flashed cm9 on my i9100g and i can't play wma.songs anymore. What is the problem? sry noob here
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<paul_> Xero-: I setted my Machine up again and I'm getting this issue: paul@h4rdco2e:~/android/system$ repo sync
<paul_> bash: /home/paul/bin/repo: Keine Berechtigung
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<paul_> Xero-: Working, chmod a+x ~/bin/repo ;-)
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<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: who created the MAKE files? Google or Teamhacksung?
<bbqbot> derp
<cdesai> h4rdco2e: which makefiles?
<h4rdco2e> cdesai: makefiles gernerally?
<cdesai> *android makefiles
<cdesai> google ofcourse
<cdesai> we adapt em to our needs
<cdesai> and make new ones when needed
<h4rdco2e> sure
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: which?
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: for making CM
<codeworkx> google
<codeworkx> +cm mods
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: sure, thanks
<Espenfjo> make system is insane
<Espenfjo> running make with verbose is insane
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: Power Shutter isn't working gernerally, right?
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<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: it is
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: works fine here
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: not, on n7000 or i9100
<h4rdco2e> I think, maybe there is a switch hidden on my Phone
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<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: I'm so happy Gerrit is now working: http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#/c/17453/
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: you have to set it at camera app
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: power shutter
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: set it how, I compiled it before its working, I don't know what you mean
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: camera -> settings -> power shutter -> enabled
<h4rdco2e> done, and which button shutts?
<codeworkx> power key?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> power shutter?
<codeworkx> use brain!
<Xero-> lol :D
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: haha, fuck no permissions brain.sh, but yes it workx. But I had to clean Camera data
<h4rdco2e> Xero-: I got Gerrit working ;-)
<Xero-> wow
<Xero-> alone?
<h4rdco2e> yes
<Xero-> iam so proud
<h4rdco2e> and making themes too
<Xero-> i might even send you a cake
<Xero-> :)
<Jiangyi|Phone> I still need to set it up..... :-(
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi|Phone: maybe I could help you
<Jiangyi|Phone> H4rdco2e, it's fine, I kinda want to sttuggle my way through this. XD
<Jiangyi|Phone> Struggle*
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi|Phone: sure ;-)
<Jiangyi|Phone> I will get this done right after my exams are over... :-P
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<happysmith> hi codeworkx
<happysmith> Standby loss of signal
<codeworkx> happysmith: be clear?
<codeworkx> which phone? which signal?
<happysmith> I am a Chinese, my English is not very good
<codeworkx> i9100g
<codeworkx> provider?
<happysmith> ye
<happysmith> If the closure of GPRS
<happysmith> It does not appear Loss of signal
<happysmith> ZCLP7
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<crazyguy_> it there someone
<crazyguy_> to give me support
<codeworkx> happysmith: talk to Jiangyi
<happysmith> Jiangyi should be in bed
<crazyguy_> the flashlight turns on for a sec when you press the back button in camera mode
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<codeworkx> crazyguy_: known
<codeworkx> crazyguy_: it's probably the proprietary camera hal which is doing shit
<crazyguy_> ok ok
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<crazyguy_> is it gonne be fixed soon=
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> proprietary camera hal
<codeworkx> no sources
<crazyguy_> thats fucked up
<crazyguy_> oke
<codeworkx> i can try debugging it, but no time
<codeworkx> that's always the problem
<crazyguy_> is there some linaro in the latest
<codeworkx> stop talking about it plx
<crazyguy_> oke is cool
<happysmith> There have been many machine discovery
<happysmith> Loss of signal problem
<crazyguy_> is the flux kernel compatible with samsung stock rom anyone?
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#/dashboard/3296, the Contacts & Camera translations are complete ;-)
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<happysmith> hi codeworkx
<happysmith> Loss of signal problem Have method to solve it?
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<denworld> good morning?
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<china_lee> hi
<denworld> hi,lee
<china_lee> HI I AM COME FROM CHINA..
<denworld> ......wrong sentence……
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<china_lee> SORRY
<china_lee> my english is very bad
<denworld> hi,AndrewJiangyi
<Jiangyi|Phone> Hi.
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<xZain> have a long way to Go
<happysmith> hi AndrewJiangyi
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<china_lee> hi happysmith
<happysmith> hi china_lee
<happysmith> 你好 Lee
<china_lee> 我在想大神能否看得懂中文
<happysmith> 我是大神,我能懂
<xZain> o.0
<xZain> English Please
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<china_lee> o o .I sorry!
<Jiangyi|Phone> ..... This is what happens when the Chinese forum users come here. ._.
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<china_lee> We are all CM9 fans
<denworld> I need a translator,Jiangyi,can you help me?
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Did you tell happysmith to talk to me? ._.
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> yes
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: he's signal drops. check if it's the bad provider
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: He's the one that I was talking about since the beginning. lol
<codeworkx> ok, problem solved
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I also asked around a bit. Guys who are running on the other network with a special 2G-only SIM card also gets signal drops.
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<JROppenheimer> Anything new on the emmc issue?
<xZain> Samsung is working on a Fix
<xZain> thats abt it
* Dragooon wonders what's up with Linaro Android being merged into CM9
<JROppenheimer> K thanks for the info. I was thinking, there has to be at least one totally pissed engineer at samsung.
<xZain> Programming is fun and tiring :(
<JROppenheimer> Sure. On not released products. But if you find out that a product already released is faulty, that must be a pain.
<xZain> well Im happy with my Phone xD thanks to CM9/AOSP/Google seems awesome FUCK Samsung :)
<JROppenheimer> What is it you use?
<xZain> Galaxy S2
<xZain> But CM9 xD
<xZain> Lulz
<xZain> anyway I gtg :) see ya around mate ;)
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<china_lee> Excuse me, someone in?
<JROppenheimer> Me
<JROppenheimer> But I am no pro
<china_lee> :)
<china_lee> I want to know what update today?
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<JROppenheimer> Update to what?
<DuperMan> ch ch changes
<DuperMan> turn and face WRONG ROOM
<Jiangyi> Yeah, he probably wants to know what's new in CM today.
<DuperMan> lots
<china_lee> I'm sorry, speak English is bad
<Jiangyi> Yeah, there are so many things that I'm acutally getting confused lol
<DuperMan> speaking english is good lee
<DuperMan> it helps international communities understand things
<DuperMan> :P ><
<Jiangyi> lol
* DuperMan shuts up
<Jiangyi> I'm going to have fun trying to summarize the changes and translate it into Chinese...... ><
<DuperMan> :O awesome language. say, what 's the cantonese (i think) word that's chinese for love for japanese for rump?
<china_lee> I will try to learn my English better..
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: I have no idea what you just said. O_O Plus, I'm Mandarin lol
<JROppenheimer> Hahahhahaha
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<DuperMan> ah. heard someplace the japanese word for ass is the chinese word for love, shinshin or something, but o/t badly
<DuperMan> just HAVE to know if it's FUD XD
<DuperMan> sorry for the dumb foreigner
* Jiangyi is very confused :S
* DuperMan is only a little drunk
<china_lee> I love you.. I will always support you
* Jiangyi has no beer
* Jiangyi is underage :D
<DuperMan> lol. thanks lee. Jiangyi: good guess!
<DuperMan> xD
<Jiangyi> lol
<china_lee> I want to go to bed. And you chat very happy
<DuperMan> I just got home from work and I think I'm not being very constructive to the chat :) bbl
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Are we constructive most of the time anyways? xD
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: me? NO. BUT I TRIES
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Good enough then! :-P
<china_lee> Bye-bye..
<DuperMan> DuperMan#2368 add me in Diablo 3
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<DuperMan> laters :P
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<Jiangyi> I no have D3 :-(
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Got BF3?
<DuperMan> yeah
<DuperMan> lol pausing mah d3 wait
<Jiangyi> Alrighty
<DuperMan> how is I add ppl with origin?
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Just add on Battlelog lol
<DuperMan> xD never got into bf3 hardcore, just got it free with my gfx card
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Ok, what's your ID then?
<DuperMan> aMaskFades on origin
<DuperMan> bastard is getting a 2gb update to launch ><
<DuperMan> *teh bastard game is
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Sent you a request.
<Jiangyi> And yeah, the update's for Close Quarters DLC + Premium stuff :P
<DuperMan> nice! I have that for free?
<DuperMan> I wanna hate 'origin' but it's slimmer than steam :P
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: No, they just force you to download it. :-(
<DuperMan> meh. guess that's 'the deal' with the bf3 premium ad campaign they got going
<DuperMan> lol
<Jiangyi> yeah lol
<DuperMan> almost makes me care more for modern warfare. almost.
<Jiangyi> Black Ops 2 looks pretty awesome. :P
<DuperMan> meh. cod is cod. go jump play counter strike with nicer graphics
<DuperMan> run run rpg
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> God them noobtubes in MW2. O_O
<DuperMan> oo no. liked bioshock2 mp though
<DuperMan> shoot me but t'was fun
<Jiangyi> Oh my goodness, did the changelog for the i9100G just get even longer? O_O
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<DuperMan> lol well it's been a revision update weekend+CID bootanim and then the usual.
<Jiangyi> But we got the Cid bootanim yesterday
<DuperMan> but now it tilts, I think
<DuperMan> and the animations itself is part of vendor/cm so ....
<Jiangyi> Ag,
<Jiangyi> Ah.*
<DuperMan> updating is FUN
<Jiangyi> Yeah, I think I'm addicted lol
<DuperMan> +1
<DuperMan> btw, origin servers be awesome :| getting a steady 1.7mBps on that update
<Numlox> my ::/32 is bigger than your /32
<DuperMan> pie
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<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Yeah they are. Except EA doesn't host their own servers to play on anymore =\
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: dont add approvers unless 2 people +1ed it
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: generates a shitload of emails
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: add the other german reviewers also
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: sure, sorry
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: they don't? lol
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Nope. All the servers are basically rented by other people now.
<DuperMan> ea is so ea
<DuperMan> ew
<DuperMan> :)
<Jiangyi> Yep. :P
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<maltloaf> i'm trying to flash my phone back to standard ics from cm9 nightly but i'm stuck at the samsung S logo, can anyone tell me how to fix ?
<Dragooon> Someone should make something more awesome than git
<EgotisticalElf> why?
<Dragooon> Because it'd be awesome
<desg> mercurial
<Dragooon> lol, no
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<Jiangyi> maltloaf: Did you try wiping data?
<maltloaf> thank you yes just did that and it's fixed it
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<Beowulf588> hey guys i just get the lucifr kernel and installed with the cwm the nightly build for i9100g ics and no if i reboot i only get into the start screen
<maltloaf> im angry at myself for not thinking of it sooner
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<EgotisticalElf> Dragooon, how much more functional do you need to get?
<Jiangyi> Beowulf588: You need to have ICS bootloaders to flash CM9. Update to ICS first.
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<Dragooon> EgotisticalElf: It was a stupid joke
<Beowulf588> i don't come into the recovery anymore...
<Jiangyi> Beowulf588: Can you get into Odin Download mode?
<EgotisticalElf> ok, sarcasm is hard to read via IRC
<Beowulf588> it is volume down and home button and start button right ?
<Jiangyi> Yes.
<Beowulf588> yes now
<Beowulf588> now connect with the pc and start odin right ?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Beowulf588> and where do i get the ics bootloader for i9100g ?
<Jiangyi> Beowulf588: Download a ICS ROM from Sammobile or other sites.
<wbaw-> cm9?
<Jiangyi> Beowulf588: Which country did you buy your phone from?
<Beowulf588> germany
<Jiangyi> Beowulf588: OK. Download either the Malaysia, India, Vietnam, or France ROM and flash it.
<Beowulf588> only hotfile nice -.- do you know a site with a faster downloadrate ?
<Beowulf588> if the download is finished what i have to do then ?
<Jiangyi> Beowulf588: Sorry mate, can't find anything else. :-S
<Beowulf588> np ty only 17min
<Jiangyi> Beowulf588: Put the .tar.md5 file inside the PDA section of Odin and flash. Do not tick Re-Partition!
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<Beowulf588> what i have to do now ?
<Jiangyi> Beowulf588: Are you booted in?
<Beowulf588> yes i've flashed with oding the france edition
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<Jiangyi> Beowulf588: Alright, now you have to get CWM to flash CM9.
<Jiangyi> Beowulf588: Do you care about your flash counter?
<Beowulf588> no i don't think so
<Jiangyi> Beowulf588: Flash the ICS LP7 kernel with ODIN.
<Beowulf588> could i also use the lucifr kernel again ?
<Jiangyi> Beowulf588: No, Lucifr is for Android 2.3.
<Beowulf588> now odin mode and flash the lp7 kernel right ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Beowulf588: Yes. In PDA.
<Beowulf588> now i started the cwm with volume up home and start
<Beowulf588> but there are no buttons to navigate
<whatfedeabekat> Anyone here who compiled the CM9 git code recently?
<Jiangyi> Beowulf588: Navigate with the volume keys for up and down and the power key for enter.
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<Beowulf588> ok i've flash cm9 and gapps and do a data wipe nor reboot right ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Beowulf588: Yeah, wipe data and reboot and you should be set.
<Beowulf588> ooh nice thank you for your help ! :)
<Jiangyi> Beowulf588: Yeah no trouble. Glad to see it working for you. :-)
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<Diwad> guys, are you implementing this in cm9: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mrQRYmYip6Q ?
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<Jiangyi> Diwad: Code tried it out on the I9100G, and it made no difference.
<Diwad> Ok, do you think they can do something else with it to support/give a kick to our sgs II's? Some guy on polish forums told cm9 team is implementing it already and I wasn't so sure about it
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<Jiangyi> Diwad: I have no idea, I'm not a developer. Sorry.
<Diwad> ok, thx anyway.
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<xplodwild> Diwad: I'm testing it
<Diwad> oh, ok. on sgsII?
<Diwad> how do you see it's future on this device?
<xplodwild> SGS3 actually but shhhht, that's a secret
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<Diwad> yeah, i thought so:P Many devs are moving from sgsii to ii as i see
<raymonddull> hmm so sgs3 support is alive and well it seems. xplodwild if you don't mind me asking, LTE model or international quad core version
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<xplodwild> raymonddull: intl
<xplodwild> we're mostly europeans here
<xplodwild> LTE isn't out yet also, so obviously
<raymonddull> well I know a few members of the team have connections at samsung so its possible
<xplodwild> we're not that friendly
<xplodwild> :p
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<Jiangyi> I still don't have faith in the chances of the LTE SGS3 getting CM9 :-P
<raymonddull> yeah thats one of the major reasons I'm gonna wait
<raymonddull> I was thinking about getting a contract when it launches, but the more I think about it, it seems less and less like a good idea
<Jiangyi> My dad's contract is due for renewal next year, so I'll see what happens then. Hopefully the next Nexus will also be Pentaband.
<Jiangyi> In Canada, buying a phone with a contract + cost of voiding the contract ahead of time = Less than buying the phone outright.
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<raymonddull> same here
<Jiangyi> raymonddull: Where do you live?
<raymonddull> westland,mi
<Jiangyi> Ah.
<Jiangyi> 2-year contracts are the norm there?
<bbqbot> derp
<raymonddull> yup
<raymonddull> tmobile used to have 1 year but they killed that off awhile ago
<Jiangyi> It's 3 years over here. :-(
<sh4z> G'day!
<Jiangyi> Hello.
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<Aftab> Hi
<Aftab> New guy here
<Aftab> anyone online?
<Aftab> Trying to find out where do we submit the bugs and issues noticed in CM9 nightlies?
<bbqbot> derp
<Aftab> I'd like to help out. Not a developer, but not a total noob either. Therefore I believe I can help with the bug fixing and stuff
<Aftab> SGS2 i9100 user. Running CM9 20120609 nightly
<Jiangyi> I guess that means you just report it here. :-P
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<Aftab> Thanks! :)
<Aftab> well i've been trying to play Temple Run and Real Racing 2, but both keep crashing
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<Aftab> if this issue has been reported before, please let me know. If not, I'll grab a logcat and share
<Jiangyi> Aftab: I don't know a lot about the i9100 in regards to gaming, but have you tried Chainfire3D?
<Aftab> Just installing. Lets see if that helps
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<roehab> ashka marala ulumba fantese mirala erepash mortatz bachke brum
<roehab> branko boschkatz fantese merhipatz
<roehab> gn8
<Jiangyi> ......................
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<Jiangyi> English please.
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<roehab> ok camera hangs on i9100g on cm9 plz fix it
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<roehab> matispel
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<roehab> shmekdrupel
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<Jiangyi> lol
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