Kaik541 changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | IRC stats : http://irc.nebkat.com/ | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | GIEF Teamhacksung Galaxy S3 FTW! http://pledgie.com/campaigns/17290 .:. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1633734
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<DuperMan> googlesource is very fun today
<DuperMan> much teh awesome
<cdesai> DuperMan: +!
<cdesai> *+1
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<DuperMan> try syncing with -j1 or without -j
<DuperMan> guess teh incremental being a hammering magnet
<cdesai> i did -f :p
<DuperMan> despite teh errorers?
<DuperMan> phun
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<DuperMan> I just synced fuyne
<cdesai> that was before an hour or two
<DuperMan> -f is forced yeah?
<cdesai> keep on sycning even if some projects derp
<cdesai> so yea force
<DuperMan> lol. now teh download.clockworkmod is cute
<DuperMan> nvm, pulled through. outta wok da dawg
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<Tom_> Hallo, viell. jemand hier der mir - adb root - adb shell cat /proc/kmsg erklaeren kann? :)
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Finally got a guy who gave me logs. It's now on the Google Drive.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: On a side note, the guy who had signal problems said that the build you made him flash half-solved it; Now it only drops when there are background apps using data.
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<Lenny> my phone seems to charge quicker via usb than it does via the wall charger...
<Lenny> wrong channel... :P
<Jiangyi> Darn, have to go to school early today. See you guys later!
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I looked over the log briefly and it looks like pressing the menu key had no response whatsoever, and the guy who sent me the logs said the same thing.
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<xZain> Sup
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi|school: menu key is already fixed. got a user with faulty phone and teamviewer :-D
<Jiangyi|school> codeworkx: That's great. What was wrong anyways? :-P
<codeworkx> we dunno
<codeworkx> seems the calibration fails for a unknown reason
<Jiangyi|school> Oh ok. ._.
<_paco_> which rom on the sgs1 9000 ?
<Jiangyi|school> codeworkx: Should I try to get the guy with the vibration issue here for you to Teamviewer too? lol :P
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi|school: nope xD
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<Jiangyi|school> codeworkx: OK then. Damn, I gotta go, later man.
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<spY|da> kann man die benachrichtungszeile sperren, so das man sie beim lockscreen nicht aufziehen kann?
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<_paco_> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
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<CafeKing> Great weather today
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<dpetrek> hihos
<dpetrek> i have a quick question about updating stock kernel for s2 if anyone cares :)
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<EgoElf> hmm, i wonder if the sgs2 emmc issue is related to this one --> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1447303
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<foggyb> if I install CM9 nightly on top of a CM9 May 25 nightly, will i lose my modem and GPS mods?
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<foggyb> sorry April 25 nightly
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<athurh> foggyb: an update format system so any changes you've made in this partition will be lost. There are a file you can create for backup the files you want but i dont remenber the name..
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<JROppenheimer> hey y'all - anyone here?
<bbqbot> derp
<JROppenheimer> with a little knowledge on I9100G
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<JROppenheimer> @codeworkx YOU ARE THE MAN! I just read about the emmc bug
<bbqbot> JROppenheimer: Command doesnt not exist!
<JROppenheimer> codeworkx YOU ARE THE MAN! I just read about the emmc bug
<codeworkx> i did nothing
<codeworkx> just informed the users as requested by samsung
<JROppenheimer> my god - does anyone know how many phones got bricked by this bug 'til now?
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<codeworkx> some
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<JROppenheimer> so Samsung contacted you, to spread the word?
<codeworkx> i contacted samsung to do something, then they responded ;-)
<codeworkx> we're in contact since they've seen what we did with the i9000 a year ago
<JROppenheimer> great work!!!!!!
<JROppenheimer> will be back in a moment
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<chadouming> hehe, codeworkx, you are getting famous !
<JROppenheimer> does that happen on stock rom flashs also? via kies for example`
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<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: rom flash itself isn't dangerous.
<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: but a factory reset / data wipe
<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: everything which sends an erase command down
<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: be cool, i'm having two phones with faulty chips
<codeworkx> :-D
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<Entropy512> <JROppenheimer> my god - does anyone know how many phones got bricked by this bug 'til now? - shit-tons of SPH-D710s and N7000s
<Entropy512> <codeworkx> JROppenheimer: rom flash itself isn't dangerous. - not true, any updater-script which does a format when combined with an ICS update-binary is dangerous
<Entropy512> even if the rest of recovery is "safed"
<Entropy512> I think that's why many people got nailed by flashing CM9 from dangerous kernels
<Entropy512> http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#/c/17326/ should reduce that risk
<Entropy512> nandroid restore, wipe, and flashing some ZIPs are the dangerous ops
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<marixxaa> hello
<Entropy512> ooops, missed that -Kies/Odin is not affected
<Entropy512> they straight-up write to the partition without doing an erase beforehand
<codeworkx> Entropy512: he asked the kies case. but yes, you never know what an updater-script does
<Entropy512> yeah missed the kies question
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<codeworkx> Entropy512: what's your test case kernel? i've two devices with faulty chips :-D
<marixxaa> i dont know if im on the right channel i had a few questions about the Asus Transformer Pad 300
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx or xplodwild: How are you thinking about a Vibration Control, how hard Vibration is? (like the feature in Extweaks)
<Entropy512> h4rdco2e: i9100/n7000? I'm thinking of porting codeworkx's vibe control stuff next week
<Entropy512> we're all kinda busy with the eMMC corruption fiasco at the moment
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<Entropy512> codeworkx: I think it's linked from the gerrit comments
<Entropy512> but one sec
<h4rdco2e> Entropy512: sure, just to know! You're a dev?
<JROppenheimer> codeworky Entropy512: thanks for the help
<h4rdco2e> marixxaa: Ask!
<JROppenheimer> woops - typo
<Entropy512> codeworkx: https://github.com/Entropy512/n7000_erasetest_kernel/commit/c9b5be55339417831a507de9e41a0493113c8076 in combination with turning MMC_CAP_ERASE back on in mshci.c (look at mshci.c of that particular tree... It's vanilla N7000 Update3 with minimal changes to test)
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: Are you're Electronic Music fan, I've got some really good songs (to make codeing more fun)
<codeworkx> Entropy512: busy with another device. is it safe?
<JROppenheimer> codeworkx : the good thing is - I was just going to flash stock ICS to do logcat on the BT issue. Fuss132 told me about the bug, and told me to wait.
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: si
<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: hm?
<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: gief log
<codeworkx> :-D
<marixxaa> okay first is there anyway to connect my pad to my cellphones wifi tethering?
<Entropy512> codeworkx: IF you use that patch, you MUST use that patch if you turn on mmc_cap_erase (if you read that code, it deletes everything in mmc_erase() and replaces it with a printk() followed by returning -EOPNOTSUPP
<Entropy512> that will make a kernel safe in a way that lets you see if recovery is trying to fire erase commands
<codeworkx> basically replaced mmc erase with printk
<Entropy512> yup
<Entropy512> removing MMC_CAP_ERASE blocks the erase functions far higher up
<JROppenheimer> codewokx: actually you kinda lost me with the last comment on my last comment
<Entropy512> so if you use that patch but leave out MMC_CAP_ERASE, the code never gets hit
<JROppenheimer> :)
<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: don't you wanna provide me something to play with?
<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: i'm bored
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<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: i've started working on devices i dont own
<JROppenheimer> codeworkx: thought so ... like there is nothing else you could do. as I don't know your kind of humor tooo well, tell me if you are bullshitting me :)
<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: srsly, gimme logs. i wanna fix this
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: I could give you logs too if you want ;-)
<h4rdco2e> I've got some Time, I'm bored
<Xero-> h4rdco2e, try zcat yourkernel > /dev/audio
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: i9100g a2dp
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: stock rom
<h4rdco2e> a2dP?
<codeworkx> stream music over bluetooth to a fucking headset
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<JROppenheimer> codeworkx: but that would mean that I would have to flash back to indian stock ICS. As there seem to be only two users using BT, do you think I should risk wasting my device (h4rdco2e: yeah)
<h4rdco2e> With stock rom?
<bbqbot> derp
<JROppenheimer> yes
<h4rdco2e> JROppenheimer: no
<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: oh yeah, for sure. we'll risk it xD
<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: the i9100g kernel is based on tuna which is known to be safe :-D
<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: cause google knows the problem since november 2011
<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: and so does samsung
<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: or at least a part of samsung xD
<JROppenheimer> codewokx: Thunnus albacares?
<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: but you're right. only 2 users
<JROppenheimer> codewokx: not what I meant. what I meant was: only two people seem to be complaining about it in the CM9 thread
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<JROppenheimer> codewokx: and as I still DO have some 3.5mm head phones, and the 3.5mm jack is not fucked up yet, I can surely wait.
<amelia_> Hey, what's the best Samsung to get? I'm considering a Nexus S for Replicant, or possibly a Galaxy Nexus..
<JROppenheimer> codeworkx: and as I still DO have some 3.5mm head phones, and the 3.5mm jack is not fucked up yet, I can surely wait.
<JROppenheimer> codeworkx: damn there was an r missing
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: your need stock kernel too I guess?
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: hmm. no
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: any i9100g kernel should do
<h4rdco2e> libautio is userspace right?
<codeworkx> right
<codeworkx> but it must be framework
<codeworkx> samsungs framework
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<h4rdco2e> ahm, I've got the international SGS2
<h4rdco2e> there is bluethooth headset working, I think
<JROppenheimer> are you still on stock!?
<h4rdco2e> JROppenheimer: me?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> bluetooth was one of the first thing fixed on I9100 CM9
<chadouming> i remember
<JROppenheimer> h4rdco2e: yes
<h4rdco2e> chadouming: you're dev?
<chadouming> they are talking about I9100G h4rdco2e
<chadouming> nope
<h4rdco2e> JROppenheimer: no, but I'm able to flash
<chadouming> more kind of higly experienced user who help other here
<h4rdco2e> chadouming: I thound it out ;-)
<chadouming> but i remember taht bluetooth was fixed in the early
<chadouming> even they didnt want to work on it
<codeworkx> bluetooth is fine
<JROppenheimer> chadouming: what is your point?
<codeworkx> just A2DP is derpy
<JROppenheimer> true
<chadouming> If he has I9100 there is no problem
<chadouming> no ?
<JROppenheimer> also true
<JROppenheimer> but since god himself seems to hate me, he gave me the G
<chadouming> haha
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<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: the G is fucking GEIL
<h4rdco2e> JROppenheimer: I don't understand why Samsung port there Touchshit on the new devices, this is your more work for them with no win!
<codeworkx> as stable as i9100, runs like hell, bln, touchkey timeout, vibra intensity
<JROppenheimer> codeworkx: I do like my phone. but it was a real pissoff to see, that the community was WAY behind
<codeworkx> which community? xD
<codeworkx> that's the only problem
<codeworkx> no devs and no users
<JROppenheimer> I have to admit: I was was a little spoilt by HD2
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: vibra intensity? I'm loosing this on SGS2
<codeworkx> it's close to galaxy nexus. might be good for future
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: Did you actually get your SGS3?
<bbqbot> derp
<JROppenheimer> what is the best place to start getting into developement?
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<Entropy512> <codeworkx> JROppenheimer: the i9100g kernel is based on tuna which is known to be safe :-D - I wouldn't bet on that. Google fixed it in the hardware itself
<Entropy512> GNex units have fwrev 0x25
<Entropy512> well, Google forced Sammy to fix it
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<Entropy512> codeworkx: If MMC_CAP_ERASE is enabled for whatever the eMMC is hung off of - don't trust it!
<Entropy512> as said above - Google did NOT fix this in the kernel for GNex, they forced Samsung to provide non-defective eMMC chips
<Entropy512> OK I need to leave
<JROppenheimer> Entropy512: oh - actually tuna is no bullshitting old JROpp? I see, I see - I will have to get a feeling for the amount of humor in this place ...
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<Entropy512> tuna = gnex
<h4rdco2e> fucking stroms >.<
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<Jiangyi> Are we talking about the superbrick bug?
<marixxaa> so i must be in the wrong channel
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<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: "Orientation sensor is rolling when pitching" this is caused why?
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<h4rdco2e> Entropy512: Save HEadset Voulume is not Working on i9100!
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<dagb> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
<dagb> @changelog galaxysmtd
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Are you forcing the CM server to manually recompile another build?
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<chinafire> hi Jiangyi
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: si
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: OK, thanks. By the way, the guy with the ril problem is chinafire. :-P
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: wtf
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: what happened?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: chinafire? xD
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: chainfire <-> chinafire
<codeworkx> bbqbot: STOP DERPING!!!!
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: That's what I said to him! lol xD
<codeworkx> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<codeworkx> @op
<bbqbot> codeworkx: You are not allowed to run that command!
<codeworkx> bbqbot: FUCK YOU
<codeworkx> rly
<codeworkx> damn machine
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<codeworkx> stupid machine
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I thought you controlled bbqbot..... O_O
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<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> nebkat:
<codeworkx> does
<nebkat> wut
<Jiangyi> Oh.
<nebkat> Jiangyi: I do
<Jiangyi> Good to know. :P
<nebkat> @owners add codeworkx ~codeworkx@hotel123.server4you.de
<bbqbot> User codeworkx got added as owner.
<nebkat> codeworkx: enjoy :P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Thanks.
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Your bot loves to derp at me. lol xD
<nebkat> it derps on every seventh question mark
<codeworkx> nebkat: y u removed @say?
<codeworkx> ?
<codeworkx> ?
<codeworkx> ?
<codeworkx> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> ?
<codeworkx> ?
<nebkat> codeworkx: yourdoingitwrong
<codeworkx> ?
<nebkat> @help say
<bbqbot> Usage: @say [<channel>] [<message>]
<bbqbot> Description: Says message to channel
<codeworkx> ?
<codeworkx> ?
<codeworkx> ?
<bbqbot> derpderp
<nebkat> codeworkx: dont abuse :P
<nebkat> codeworkx: unless you are trolling noobs
<nebkat> codeworkx: then always abuse
<Jiangyi> I'll be right back. Have to reset my goddamn router again..... :-P
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<Jiangyi_> Back.
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<bbqbot> Jiangyi: <3
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<Jiangyi_> Aww thank you bbqbot :P
<codeworkx> :-D
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Hmm.... I plugged in my USB cable to the phone, and it restarted........ O_O
<codeworkx> haha
<codeworkx> happend to me with the faulty kernel
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Now I have to check whether I have bad eMMC chips too..... Fun.
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: FML. I have the bad eMMC chip. :-(
<codeworkx> :-D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Good news is that all the testing from the previous month didn't kill my phone. :-P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: What chip do you have?
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: 0x19 VYLOOM
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Same as mine then. Screw Samsung! (Again)
<codeworkx> who cares
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I'm worried about the people on the Chinese leak and maybe they might get screwed over. :P
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<codeworkx> i didn't hear of a single brick on i9100g yet
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I think I've seen a few, but I'm not sure if it's because of the bug or just user ignorance. :-P
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<vadi> How to root my Galaxy Note without having to use a Windows PC?
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<vadi> I am on Debian GNU/Linux, squeeze
<vadi> thanks
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<vadi> Jiangyi, I do not have an EXTERNAL SD, only the internal which is included by default in the mobile device. Is it possible to follow that procedure using the internal SD instead of the external one?
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<Jiangyi> vadi: Sorry, it's not.
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<vadi> thanks Jiangyi
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<vadi> Is it possible to enter recovery move, and then cancel (maybe just turning off the device)? Will I brick my mobile if I do it?
<bbqbot> derp
<vadi> s/move/mode/
<vadi> I just want to see that recovery menu, but I want to be sure I will not brick my device.
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<vadi> I have entered in recovery mode. I have even tried to follow the procedure choosing the recover from external sd, but as do not have one it have failed.
<vadi> I have rebooted the mobile and it works perfectly :)
<vadi> If I manage to put the files in the "cache", I cound use the "apply update from cache" option instead of the "apply update from external storage"
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<vadi> No, it is not possible to copy anything to it via the USB cable :-(
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<Folker> Hey folks! Are the known issues - avaliable on the post - current and updated? Thx!
<Folker> Anyone?
<codeworkx> which phone?
<Folker> Galaxy S II
<codeworkx> which?
<codeworkx> there are 1000 variants out xD
<codeworkx> GT-I9100, GT-I9100G ?
<codeworkx> SGH-I777?
<Folker> GT-I9100
<codeworkx> k
<codeworkx> yes
<codeworkx> up2date
<Folker> Thanks
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<Jiangyi> I feel sorry for the owners of the I9108.....
<Jiangyi> They don't ever get anything.... :-(
<EgotisticalElf> is the sgs2 emmc brick recoverable?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> no
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<EgotisticalElf> it looks the same from the user side as the encryption unsuccessful on some sgs1 phones
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