Kaik541 changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | IRC stats : http://irc.nebkat.com/ | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | GIEF Teamhacksung Galaxy S3 FTW! http://pledgie.com/campaigns/17290 .:. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1633734
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<EgotisticalElf> my wife's sgs2 is doing something weird.. it isn't detecting the usb plug/unplug. if i cold-boot it with the cable in or out, thats the status it stays in. this is running on stock (ya, i know yall aren't samsung tech support, but just asking...)
<[deXter]> EgotisticalElf, Change the USB port / charging assembly
<[deXter]> It costs like 8 bucks on ebay
<[deXter]> and fairly easy to replace
<[deXter]> I had the same issue as well
<[deXter]> well in my case my SGS2 fell down in a bowl of tasty noodle soup.. so the port got borked but it behaved in a similar manner as to what you describe
<EgotisticalElf> thanks
<[deXter]> Although I do have full phone insurance.. I don't want to invoke it
<[deXter]> I found out that I'd have to pay a premium of $100.. screw that!
<EgotisticalElf> exactly
<EgotisticalElf> and repair from samsung will be a lot more too
<EgotisticalElf> that the item?
<[deXter]> EgotisticalElf, nope
<EgotisticalElf> is that part universal?
<[deXter]> Well I know it works for all the international versions.. not sure about US versions though
<EgotisticalElf> alriight, well, i guess i'll play doctor on the phone and see what i find
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<Vershokk> Hey guys
<Vershokk> Can anyone answer a pretty straightforward question for me? I have run a search through CM forums and xda and for one reason or another can't find an answer
<cdesai> what's it ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Vershokk> CM9, is it running AOKP or AOSP? =_=, I just wanna make sure I can use my MHL adapter >.<
<Vershokk> running AOKP atm, and its pretty damn frustrating
<cdesai> CM9 = CM9.
<cdesai> AOSP = Google's source
<Vershokk> +_+"
<Vershokk> brilliant
<cdesai> CM9 = tweaks over that.
<cdesai> *that = AOSP
<cdesai> AOKP = same thing, but less devices
<Vershokk> madness
<cdesai> and different stuff
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<Vershokk> cheers guys
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<Jiangyi|Phone> Vershokk: CM9's based on AOSP yes. As for the MHL adapter, what device do you have?
<Vershokk> Samsung GT-I9100T
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<Vershokk> it works :) I just flashed a new rom a few weeks back
<Vershokk> well, months
<Vershokk> and since then didnt use my MHL adapter, and derped out over AOKP
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<Jiangyi|Phone> Vershokk: I don't think that MHL is working on CM9 for your phone yet.
<Vershokk> Oh really? Bummer! Thanks man
<Jiangyi|Phone> Yeah no prob.
<Vershokk> ah yes, it does list TV OUT not working
<Jiangyi|Phone> Yeah. :P
<Vershokk> Might... have to go back to stock *shock and horror*
<Jiangyi|Phone> Well i'm off to bed. Good day to you all. :)
<Vershokk> peace
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<JROppenheimer> good morning - do I get it right, that parts of android are in C and parts are in Java?
<bbqbot> derp
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<GuineaPiet> I think I fucked up my phone -_-
<JROppenheimer> GuineaPiet how that?
<GuineaPiet> Depleted the battery so that I could charge it from empty. Turned it on again to make sure its empty. Waited for phone to go off again. Now my phone cant charge -_-
<JROppenheimer> like wait until battery totally empty?
<GuineaPiet> yeah
<JROppenheimer> shouldn't the phone turn on even without battery, when plugged in?
<bbqbot> derp
<JROppenheimer> not sure, but thought so
<GuineaPiet> If I plug it in now the charging screen comes up, but it doesnt charge and the phone cant turn on -_-
<JROppenheimer> I would just lay it down, plug it in, and wait an hour or so
<JROppenheimer> before turning it on
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: does it stay on the static charging screen?
<JROppenheimer> codeworkx: my god - when do you sleep
<GuineaPiet> The black screen with the battery on it
<codeworkx> JROppenheimer: i did 5 hrs
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: but it stays there?
<JROppenheimer> codeworkx: Sleep is overrated :)
<GuineaPiet> but nothing happens. And when I plug it out, the screen doesnt go off again
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: let it stay there for 15 mins
<GuineaPiet> kk
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: then try starting
<JROppenheimer> ain't the battery just too low, to startupß
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: doesn't matter if it isn't animated. as long as it stays, the kernel is up and not crashing
<GuineaPiet> OK thanks. I thought it might help with prolonging my battery life, because I usually go about 3 days without charging, but then about 3 days ago, suddenly my phone cant last longer than a day
<GuineaPiet> when not doing anything
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<GuineaPiet> So I thought, "Hey, worth a shot"
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: this doesn't change anything on how long the battery lasts
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: these are just stats :-D
<GuineaPiet> haha well now I know -_-. Just couldnt understand why it died faster all of a sudden
<JROppenheimer> GuineaPiet: Did you install some app?
<GuineaPiet> The last thing that updated was Google Chrome I think
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<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: maybe some app which was bugging your phone.
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: especially stuff like IM apps (ICQ) are killing phones
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: facebook is also famous in draining battery
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<GuineaPiet> Will it show it at the battery stats screen?
<codeworkx> probably
<codeworkx> betterbatterystats is also good for seeing whats causing it
<GuineaPiet> I'll check if it comes back on again...
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<GuineaPiet> It's ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon \:D/. <3
<GuineaPiet> codeworkx
<codeworkx> :-D
<GuineaPiet> Never turning it off again... Have a nice day
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<TheHim> guys does anyone know where i can download stock ics roms?
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<xZain> Kies
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<xZain> =\
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<JakeSays> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
<JakeSays> damn.
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<Treveo> Sorry for asking, I know that the compass is not working 100%
<Treveo> It spins like crazy, but which nightly should I take to get it working?
<Treveo> I tried to find out when it was broken but couldnt find
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<Treveo> Anyone can tell me?
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<DuperMan> hi
<DuperMan> new Cid bootanimation woohoo
<JakeSays> so whats the best way to backup my ics device?
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<DuperMan> nandroid
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<JakeSays> DuperMan: nandroid?
<cdesai> JakeSays: via recovery
<cdesai> ClockWorkMod recovery
<JakeSays> cdesai: i'm not sure what clockworkmod is
<cdesai> go to your device specific sub-forum on xda
<cdesai> aka, forum.xda-developers.com
<cdesai> top right - find your device - enter your device name
<JakeSays> ah cool
<JakeSays> i'm getting my note replaced today so i want to back up contacts, etc. then i'm gonna try cm9 on the new one.
<cdesai> JakeSays: install cf-root
<cdesai> search for how to make a nandroid using clockworkmod
<cdesai> and read the cf-root thread
<JakeSays> does that create an image of the whole device? if so thats more than i need i think
<JakeSays> i can't wait to get this at&t/samsung crap off of my device
<cdesai> not images, but tar, same thing tho
<cdesai> backs up to sd.
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<JakeSays> hmm. i just merged my contacts with my google account, so that should be enough i would think
<JakeSays> i've only had this device for about a month so there's not a lot on there yet
<JakeSays> i've been waiting for cm9
<JakeSays> hmm. whats the flash counter?
<DuperMan> ok, 180 degrees turn of opinion - LOVE CID
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<DuperMan> he's a hannibal lecter meets megaman with a dash of iron man:D
<JakeSays> huh. interesting. so samsung counts how many times you flash your device.
<JakeSays> bastards.
<JakeSays> i wonder if i should revert to the stock os before switching devices
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<CafeKing> Hello. Anything going on in here?
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<CafeKing> Anyone knows if someone is trying to work on ICS Reloaded?
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<desg> which package should i use instead of sun-java6-jdk
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<xZain> devatwork
<xZain> Hello
<CafeKing> Hi
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<b00gieMAndroid> anybody here a note + cm9 user
<b00gieMAndroid> ?
<xZain> nope
<xZain> SGS2 + CM9
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<CafeKing> Yes me
<CafeKing> I got a Note
<b00gieMAndroid> which cm9 build?
<bbqbot> derp
<b00gieMAndroid> i mean date
<CafeKing> 09.
<b00gieMAndroid> howz it
<xZain> isnt CM9 on Note on Alpha ?
<xZain> and it is not Stable
<b00gieMAndroid> lol xzain, u need to wake up
<CafeKing> brb
<Jiangyi> xZain: You are slow my friend.
<xZain> dude I use SGS2 :\ Sorry
<b00gieMAndroid> + 20milions to that :)
<b00gieMAndroid> so? u dont care or keep in speed with other devices?
<b00gieMAndroid> lmao
<b00gieMAndroid> u dont deserve to be here in this chat room x_x
<xZain> sorry
<xZain> I guess Note is in Nightly ?
<b00gieMAndroid> Sorry? :@
<b00gieMAndroid> There is a difference between Official Nightly and some ported alpha!
<CafeKing> Back again
<b00gieMAndroid> man, go use an iPhone, u dont even deserve an SGS2 >_<
<xZain> :(
<CafeKing> Just flashed the latest nightly and it seems okay so far :)
<b00gieMAndroid> hmm
<b00gieMAndroid> well
<b00gieMAndroid> many users on xda are complaining about increase in SODs and random reboots
<b00gieMAndroid> since june release
<b00gieMAndroid> i faced same on 5th
<b00gieMAndroid> same on 7th
<b00gieMAndroid> dont think 9th will be any different
<CafeKing> It's funny
<CafeKing> Never had a sod on my Note at all
<b00gieMAndroid> same here
<b00gieMAndroid> untill i clean installed CM9 dated 5th jun
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Sorry for the noob question, but what actually changed in the new nightly? The log doesn't seem to tell a lot......
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: then nothing
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: OK. I knew it was a stupid question! :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: really stupid
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<codeworkx> busy with another phone
<Jiangyi> Alright, sorry to disturb you.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i9100g is mostly done for me
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: everything else = community :-D
<xZain> >:(
<xZain> I9300 I guess now
<Jiangyi> Awww.... :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: sourcecode is available, instructions howto build and send patches also
<xZain> hey workx :\ what do you do with so many Phones
<codeworkx> they're laying around
<DuperMan> gimme
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I see what you mean. I only get some minor problems here and there these days.
<xZain> I only got 1 Phone SGS2 seems nice for me :3
<Jiangyi> Thanks for everything. :-)
<xZain> it is expensive to get a New Phone
<DuperMan> heh... ubuntu gonna do azure
<DuperMan> lol
<codeworkx> i'll still need those phones in case something happens and i have to do fixes
<DuperMan> no, give
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<xZain> stop being a fag
<DuperMan> @kick DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<xZain> and get your own
<codeworkx> @kick DuperMan
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<codeworkx> :-D
<xZain> :-D
<xZain> lol
<Jiangyi> :-P
<xZain> code dont watch Soccer ?
<bbqbot> derp
<xZain> Germany is playing Later
<DuperMan> honored:)
<bbqbot> DuperMan: w00t!
<xZain> UEFA Euro ?
<xZain> no one watched ?.
<codeworkx> nope
<DuperMan> lol <3 bbqbot
<codeworkx> only the final games
<xZain> what time is it over ur place now ?
<Jiangyi> I need to find a channel that plays that :-P
<DuperMan> probably is streamed someplace
<xZain> Jiangyi
<xZain> JustinTV
<DuperMan> btw, o/t - finally killed leoric xD
<xZain> dont they air it over your place ?
<Jiangyi> xZain, I have antenna TV, so idk. :-D
<xZain> where are you from
<xZain> ?
<Jiangyi> Canada
<Jiangyi> Well, China, but I live in Canada.
<xZain> :S im sure they air it
<xZain> UEFA Euro
<Jiangyi> I should go check again. brb
<xZain> hey code :\ how did you pick up Programming or learn so much about Android
<DuperMan> by doing:P
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<Jiangyi> back
<Jiangyi> I found nothing. :-(
<xZain> :(
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<RamiAtallah> Hello People
<RamiAtallah> can anyone help me please
<zcat> would you like fries with that?
<DuperMan> yes
<RamiAtallah> I have installed the CM9 latest update into my GT-I9100
<EgotisticalElf> i'll take a double-big mac, with cheese, no mustard, fries and a shake
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<RamiAtallah> but when i turn the phone on it gave me a yellow warning
<RamiAtallah> then the CM9 starts
<RamiAtallah> is this normal ?
<bbqbot> derp
<EgotisticalElf> don't have a sgs2 here, sorry
<xZain> RamiAtallah that is nothing
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<xZain> it is by Samsung to let you know that you use a Custom Rom
<RamiAtallah> ok :)
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<RamiAtallah> thank you
<xZain> it can be remove by using TriangleAway
<xZain> by ChainFire
<RamiAtallah> how can i download it ?
<xZain> xda-devs
<RamiAtallah> ok :)
<xZain> (:
<RamiAtallah> one more question
<RamiAtallah> CWM flashable Modems
<RamiAtallah> for what should i install them after the CM9 installation ?
<xZain> what about them
<RamiAtallah> its my first time to install custom software
<xZain> try see which one is better for ur Country
<xZain> where do you live ?
<RamiAtallah> Jordan
<xZain> uh
<xZain> SamMobile.Com
<RamiAtallah> Near Israel
<xZain> see which one is from your country the latest ICS
<xZain> and rip the moderm.bin and flash using Odin
<xZain> :D
<xZain> google my friend
<RamiAtallah> ok but its for what ?
<xZain> Signal
<DuperMan> roam on jawaal's network:P
<RamiAtallah> :(
<RamiAtallah> am really messed up
<RamiAtallah> i cant find which Modem should i install
<RamiAtallah> and in sammobile.com cant also find my country 0_o
<xZain> dude just stay on the same Modem now
<RamiAtallah> :D
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<DuperMan> was it better before? probably just bad coverage:P
<RamiAtallah> yes
<RamiAtallah> today i called my friend for 20 mins
<RamiAtallah> and the coverage went down
<RamiAtallah> and the call dissconected
<xZain> :S
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<DuperMa> ehm... clocktroll's thread has modems
<DuperMa> or you could pick one from rom manager, his section:P
<xZain> RamiAtallah
<DuperMa> don't really remember which I'm using but *cough*in a nearby area*cough* lp3 was good to me
<xZain> are you near Iran
<xZain> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMa> iran is 800 miles away :P he's from 'a twon I can't pronounce that waze and googmaps always show me when the map's zoomed out'
DuperMa is now known as DuperMan
<RamiAtallah> nop near egypt
<xZain> see that
<DuperMan> so near eilat
<RamiAtallah> yes
<RamiAtallah> LPW
<DuperMan> just switch to an israeli carrier, we have AWESOME coverage:P
<RamiAtallah> then should i install ?
<RamiAtallah> hhhhh
<DuperMan> lol you hhhhhhh for lol too? worst. lol vairant. ever. :)
<DuperMan> try lpw or lp3...
<RamiAtallah> ok i will try LPW
<RamiAtallah> call me a n00b but how can i install it
<RamiAtallah> :(
<RamiAtallah> odin then what ?
<DuperMan> from cwm
<RamiAtallah> i have download it
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<DuperMan> oh, sammobile. just odin and follow instructions - but you're better off using the xda thread for cm9 if you have cm9
<DuperMan> the first post there should tell you anything you need to know
<RamiAtallah> i am following this link
<RamiAtallah> i reached the CWM
<RamiAtallah> no instructions then :P
<DuperMan> so you have radio-cm9-LPW...zip?
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<DuperMan> and you already installed cm9, right?
<bbqbot> derp
<RamiAtallah> yes
<RamiAtallah> yes
<DuperMan> boot into cwm (press off for two seconds and choose reboot recovery from the menu)
<RamiAtallah> ok
<DuperMan> in cwm go to install zip from sd and install the zip from the sd
<RamiAtallah> just :)
<RamiAtallah> like gapps
<DuperMan> errrrrrr... you HAVE copied the zip to the phone beforehand yeah?
<DuperMan> yup:)
<RamiAtallah> thank you dude :)
<DuperMan> np
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<RamiAtallah> one day i will be next to you helping people
<RamiAtallah> but this time is my first to install custom software
<DuperMan> no rush :P good luck
<RamiAtallah> Thumps up
<DuperMan> lol thumbs :P brb phone :)
<RamiAtallah> :$
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<DuperMan> wtf. girl just called to say I'm like dr who and hung up
<DuperMan> o_O
<DuperMan> is that a good thing?
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<EgotisticalElf> showing up at the last second to save the planet only to disappear again 3 seconds later?
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<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Do you know the girl? lol
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<DuperMan> Jiangyi: yes. guess issa compliment but wtf
<DuperMan> also, knowing her she meant how I fix messed up chicks but stay lonely. hooray.
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Guess girls from everywhere are all kind of weird at times xD
<DuperMan> aye, but it's just a part of girls being a subset of people
<DuperMan> :D
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<Dragooon> If I got 1k$ and I'll be in US for the next 3 weeks, what should I buy??
<Dragooon> Only one ?*
<desg> food
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<Frd^> ass and titties
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<Jiangyi> Dragooon: An NA S3 ;)
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<Orginator> anyone up for a quick test to reproduce a bug? (sgs2)
<bbqbot> derp
<Orginator> hmm so quiet in here..
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<pepp> gn gnnn
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<JonTheNiceGuy> Hey, I was pointed here by the CWM thread on XDA Developers for Asus TF300t. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 and my device says it's starting fastboot usb download protocol, but in /var/log/syslog I'm not seeing anything about fastboot, and ~/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/fastboot devices doesn't list anything. I've updated /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules and I'm running out of ideas. This is a stock TF300t pur
<JonTheNiceGuy> chased today in the UK. It applied an upgrade on boot, but I was able to run the unlock tool from Asus.
<JonTheNiceGuy> err... after boot even.
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<JonTheNiceGuy> xplodwild, I see you authored the post in question... :)
<JonTheNiceGuy> But, obviously, more than happy to get any pointers from anyone who might be able to help!
<xplodwild> JonTheNiceGuy: just follow the tutorial
<JonTheNiceGuy> xplodwild, I did.
<xplodwild> fastboot devices -i 0x0B05
<xplodwild> does nothing?
<xplodwild> or fastboot detect doesn't remember
<JonTheNiceGuy> devices does nothing, detect dumps the help page
<xplodwild> you have somehting wrong with your pc then
<xplodwild> try another PC/USB/OS
<JonTheNiceGuy> I'll try my missus' XP laptop
<JonTheNiceGuy> Just wondered if there was anything else to check.
<JonTheNiceGuy> I mean, I'm getting logs showing the device is there in /var/log/syslog.
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<JonTheNiceGuy> Jun 9 21:23:51 monolith kernel: [ 8730.628031] usb 2-2: new high-speed USB device number 11 using ehci_hcd ////// NL ////// Jun 9 21:23:51 monolith mtp-probe: checking bus 2, device 11: "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb2/2-2" ////// NL ////// Jun 9 21:23:51 monolith mtp-probe: bus: 2, device: 11 was not an MTP device
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<JonTheNiceGuy> And lsusb returns this: Bus 002 Device 011: ID 0b05:4daf ASUSTek Computer, Inc.
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<JonTheNiceGuy> Ah well... thanks anyway. I'll fire up her laptop and see what turns up...
<Orginator> hey xplodwild
<Orginator> do you have a few ?
<xplodwild> Orginator: quick
<Orginator> you've got a s2, right? If so, would be nice if you could try to reproduce a bug.. call your s2 from another phone.. and while the call is open.. try say open a picture on your s2.. or notes..
<Orginator> if the bug exist then the app (gallery?) will close/reopen itself each couple sec
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<JakeSays> so anyone around with experience using cm9 on an i717?
<Orginator> mm xplodwild forgot about me, such a pity :p
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: lazy guy!
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<ioglnx> hello
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: What did I do? lol
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<Jiangyi> Orginator: I don't have such a bug on my S2 G.
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<Orginator> Jiangyi running latest cm9 with stock kernel?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Orginator: Yes.
<JonTheNiceGuy> Argh. I can't figure out why I can't get bloody fastboot to run :(
<Orginator> Jiangyi basically when there's a call going on on my s2.. and I try to say dictate something to someone from a photo or notes or whatever
<Orginator> then it usually doesn't work well
<Orginator> because it's turning for example the gallery on/off and reloading the picture again and again each couple seconds..
<Orginator> it's been like this since many cm versions
<Jiangyi> Orginator: I tried opening gallery and opening many pictures, even a video with no problems whatsoever.
<Orginator> so you had a call in background, and you opened a picture?
<Jiangyi> Yes.
<Orginator> hmm interesting
<Orginator> I'd dump some logs but don't have a second phone to call myself atm :p
<Jiangyi> Orginator: If you're in North America, use Google Voice?
<Orginator> i'm from germany
<Jiangyi> Nevermind then. :P
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<JonTheNiceGuy> xplodwild wrote a post on getting root and CWM onto the Asus TF300. I've followed his instructions. I've installed the Asus unlock tool. It says "Unlocked" on boot. I go to the fastboot mode on the device. I drop to a shell (windows and linux) and do fastboot -i 0x0B05 recovery recovery.img it says waiting for device... After 5 minutes and it's done nothing, I cancel it and do fastboot devices... nothing, I do fastboo
<JonTheNiceGuy> t -i 0x0B05 devices - on linux I get nothing, on windows I get the help options. I put the -i 0x0B05 after the word devices - I get nothing. I boot back into Android, and I see adb lists the device OK.
<JonTheNiceGuy> Any thoughts?
<JonTheNiceGuy> I'm on a .29 kernel if that makes any difference.
<Jiangyi> Sorry man, I don't know, I'm a bloody noob at these things. :-(
<JonTheNiceGuy> Jiangyi, no worries.
<JonTheNiceGuy> :)
<JonTheNiceGuy> I'm just frustrated that I'm doing everything apparently right, but it's resisting me :S
<xplodwild> JonTheNiceGuy: if it gives help on windows then you have a wrong version
<xplodwild> JonTheNiceGuy: download the Android SDK and take it from there
<JonTheNiceGuy> I downloaded the latest adk
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<JonTheNiceGuy> ADK? stupid typo. SDK even
<JonTheNiceGuy> I then ran "android" and installed "platform tools" and the USB driver... which, I should add, does nothing.
<JonTheNiceGuy> I ended up installing the sync client to get the device drivers
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<JonTheNiceGuy> In device manager it shows "ASUS android bootloader interface" when it's in fastboot mode.
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<JonTheNiceGuy> Perhaps I have the wrong drivers?
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<xplodwild> JonTheNiceGuy: then you're using fastboot wrong
<xplodwild> shouldn't display help message
<JonTheNiceGuy> let me try again.
<codeworkx> Orginator: <3 i9100g
<JonTheNiceGuy> And as if to prove me a liar, the b***ard only went and bloody worked that time around.
<JonTheNiceGuy> xplodwild, I thank you for your huge amount of patience.
<JonTheNiceGuy> I don't know what I was doing wrong.
<xplodwild> ;)
<Jiangyi|Phone> JonTheNiceGuy: Don't worry, sometimes my devices hate me too xD
<JonTheNiceGuy> lol
<JonTheNiceGuy> ahhh sweet cwm :)
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<moe> hello
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<moe> notification light is always on
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<JakeSays> damn. i installed the at&t ics rom on my note, and now my pc won't recognize it :(
<JakeSays> any ideas on how i can revert?
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