nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | Changelog App : | IRC stats : | <codeworkx> YIPIJAHEY SCHWEINEBACKE
<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
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<wubbot> WUB
<Araemo> that's enough dubstep in here
<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
<evil-doer> lamest. bot. ever.
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
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<chadouming> Beer, you there ?
<chadouming> Xplodwild ?
chadouming has quit [Client Quit]
<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
slainer68 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<wubbot> WUB
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<wubbot> WUB
Parth has quit [Quit: Quack!]
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<wubbot> WUB
Parth has quit [Client Quit]
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<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
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<wubbot> WUB
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<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
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<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
Assid has quit [Quit: Bye]
<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
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<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
<Jiangyi|Sax> This is getting annoying and unproductive. :-P
<wubbot> WUB
<Entropy512> I WUB WUBBOT! :P
<Araemo> I just need to tell quassel that wubbot does not count as new messages
romann|afk is now known as romann
<wubbot> WUB
<EgoElf> /ignore wubbot :)
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<wubbot> WUB
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<wubbot> WUB
edude03 has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
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<wubbot> WUB
Parth is now known as NStupido
NStupido is now known as NSError
<wubbot> WUB
<Entropy512> dammit I don't have ops in -support
<wubbot> WUB
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<wubbot> WUB
romann is now known as romann|afk
NSError is now known as Parth
<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
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<wubbot> WUB
<fcortes626> anyone there?
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<wubbot> WUB
autoprime has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<wubbot> WUB
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<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
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wubbot was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Kaik541 [wubbot]
<Jiangyi|Sax> Thank you kaik541.
ciwrl|away has joined #teamhacksung-support
<evil-doer> thank you VERY much
devilmask has joined #teamhacksung-support
<devilmask> okay i have a stock android ics 4.0,3 galaxy s2
<devilmask> i want cyanogen mod rc1
<devilmask> wat do i have to do ?
<devilmask> help!
cdesai has joined #teamhacksung-support
<devilmask> help
<devilmask> :P
<devilmask> anyone ?
<cdesai> sure
<devilmask> i have stock android 4.0.3 galaxy s2
<devilmask> how do i change to cyanogen rc1?
<devilmask> i mean stock as in the official touchwiz one :P
<cdesai> go to cyanogenmod wiki
<cdesai> there's a flashing guide for s2
<cdesai> under samsung
<devilmask> okay tnx
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<unsobill> trying to flash my droid X to metroPCS - which channel should i go to ?
<Kaik541> not this one
unsobill has left #teamhacksung-support ["Leaving"]
<raymonddull> lol
<raymonddull> that was... intersting.
<raymonddull> droid x is motorola AND diag mode can't happen in cm on that phone
cdesai has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<raymonddull> so I was looking at the info for the phones, is there anything different between the tmobile and at&t versions of the s3 other than lte?
<Kaik541> um
<Kaik541> no
<Kaik541> that's kinda the point :P
<raymonddull> awesome
<raymonddull> the more I look at this thing the more I fall in love
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<h4rdco2e> Kaik541: Where do I find STK?
<Kaik541> idk my bff jill
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<cdesai> stk = sim toolkit
<Kaik541> I live in the USA, we aren't allowed fun times with our SIM's
<cdesai> probably an icon or a sekrit code
<cdesai> Kaik541: :/
<h4rdco2e> cdesai: hm, do you know how to open it? I want to try
<cdesai> h4rdco2e: you running the test build cody did ?
<h4rdco2e> cdesai: sure
<cdesai> h4rdco2e: sim toolkit
<cdesai> in launcher
<cdesai> launch it
<h4rdco2e> cdesai: not here
<cdesai> h4rdco2e: strange
<h4rdco2e> cdesai: I look in /system/app
<Kaik541> h4rdco2e: maybe god hates you/your phone/your provider
<cdesai> (the app icon always appears, but it just doesn't work
<cdesai> Kaik541: no, the app should be there
<cdesai> so his phone
<Kaik541> unless his SIM doesn't spport it
<Kaik541> the SIM can actively reject the STK app
raymonddull has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
<h4rdco2e> cdesai: Its in /system/app
<h4rdco2e> Kaik541: I'm using a USIM
<Kaik541> for instance, my captivate never worked while on AT&T with STK, but I popped in my friend's simple mobile SIM (which does use STK in most phones) and it showed up
<Kaik541> took out his card and popped mine back in and gone again
<cdesai> h4rdco2e: try another SIM?
<cdesai> the icon should show up on all builds if it's supported
<h4rdco2e> cdesai: I just have USIMs
<cdesai> this patch (the one you're running) would make it actually work
<h4rdco2e> However, I think I don't need it
ray|yar has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
<h4rdco2e> thanks, anyway
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<dimitris_> hey guys if i put off the screen rotation is the problem that maps is getting stuck with orientation sensor gone?
<dimitris_> is that right
<dimitris_> hey nebkat
<dimitris_> your app was promoted on a dutch android blog
<cdesai> beer: ^
<beer> dimitris_: w00t
<beer> dimitris_: link? :)
<dimitris_> are you nebkat?
<beer> dimitris_: yep xD
<dimitris_> ok w8
dimitris_ has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<cdesai> nebkat: u got trolled
<cdesai> XD
<nebkat> cdesai: dat waz u?
<cdesai> nebkat: nope not me
<cdesai> check my ip on bbqdroid
<nebkat> maybe he just closed the tab
<nebkat> cus he idiotte
qnm has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
<cdesai> cus he troll?
<nebkat> why would he troll me?
<nebkat> it wasnt funny
<nebkat> at all
<cdesai> you changed your nick.
<cdesai> :P
<nebkat> and?
<nebkat> :P
XDS2010 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<nebkat> the best that could happen is that he gets a kickban
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zz_Alram is now known as Alram
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<dimitris23> (dimitris23) If you turn of screen rotation is the problem with the orientation sensor gone in maps?
<dimitris23> On s2?
<nebkat> dimitris23: can you explain the problem?
<cdesai> steps to reproduce it
<cdesai> do this, and that happens < like that
cdesai has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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<dimitris23> Yes
<dimitris23> When in google maps the app just flips when i zoom in and out a few times
<dimitris23> I think ita the orientation sensor
<dimitris23> Was mentioned in known issues
<dimitris23> But is that the same as screen orientation function
<dimitris23> So when i turn that of the prob ia gone maybe?
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<dimitris23> Cdesai?
<dimitris23> You have any idea
<nebkat> noxxx: fixed two bugs
mrb101 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> <wubbot> WUB
<nebkat> <wubbot> WUB
<nebkat> * Kaik541 has kicked wubbot from #teamhacksung-support (wubbot)
<nebkat> xD
wubbot has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> @eval clearInterval()
<wubbot> undefined
<nebkat> @eval for (var i = 1; i < 99999; i++)clearInterval(i);
<wubbot> undefined
<nebkat> hope it works :P
<wubbot> WUB
<nebkat> @eval clearIntervals = function(){for (var i = 1; i < 99999; i++)clearInterval(i)}
<wubbot> [Function]
<nebkat> @eval clearIntervals()
<wubbot> undefined
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<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
kalpik has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.3.8]
<wubbot> WUB
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<wubbot> WUB
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<wubbot> WUB
<wubbot> WUB
mrb101 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
<wubbot> WUB
<cdesai> wubbot: you wub every 5 mins!
<wubbot> WUB
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<Tobi_> hi all
<Tobi_> i read a tutorial that says : Don't restore Apps using Titanium Backup! why is that?
<ernie`> just a precaution
<ernie`> generaly you will be alright to restore from titanium as long as they're user apps
<ernie`> don't restore system apps
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<wubbot> WUB
<Tobi_> ah ok thx, i just want me savegames, thats it :D
<ernie`> then you should be good to do
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<Tobi_> im on the galaxy note at the moment and i got a speedmod kernel. i will flash the save kernel via odin and then the cm9 version
<Tobi_> but which one to chose?
<Tobi_> lates nightly oder latest rc?
karbowiak is now known as Karbowiak
<ernie`> I have no knowledge on the Note, so I can't help you here
<wubbot> WUB
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Tobi_> ok, thank you anyway :)\
<ernie`> Np
Dimitrispizza has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Dimitrispizza> Guys is it normal that after every flash the phone heats up
<Dimitrispizza> And the batt gets drained fast
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<wubbot> WUB
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<cdesai> you're a second late wubbot
<ernie`> Everyday I'm wub-ing
<Baskey> where the hell is nebkat?
<Dimitrispizza> Do you experience that heating after flashing !?
<cdesai> Baskey: (Read error: Operation timed out)
<Baskey> :(
<ernie`> Dimitrispizza, I haven't on the S3
mrb101 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
<Dimitrispizza> On the s2?
<Baskey> Dimitrispizza: sometimes
h4rdco2e has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<Dimitrispizza> But does it has something to do with flashing
<Baskey> dunno
<Dimitrispizza> And why doea faq say to put battery out
<Dimitrispizza> Why would that help for long term
<wubbot> WUB
<Dimitrispizza> What wub
Dimitrispizza has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
<ernie`> Wait for it...
<cdesai> wub
<cdesai> in
<wubbot> WUB
<cdesai> 2
<cdesai> :D
<ernie`> ^^
<ernie`> ONE MORE TIME!
<cdesai> wubts
<wubbot> WUB
<cdesai> :D
<ernie`> This is going to be my entertainment for the day
<Baskey> lol
<Baskey> I'm gonna kill nebkat
<ernie`> hehe
<wubbot> WUB
lolwat has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<cdesai> missed this one ernie`
<ernie`> nooooooooooooooooo
<ernie`> my whole day is ruined
<ernie`> :(
<jerwaz> Wtf is that bot
<cdesai> jerwaz: kick it if you wantz
<ernie`> Its exactly what the name implies
<jerwaz> nebkat is not here ...
wubbot was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by jerwaz [wubbot]
<cdesai> ty
<ernie`> when the cat's away, the mice will play
<jerwaz> =)
<ernie`> darn, now I actually have to be productive today
DevNoob has joined #teamhacksung-support
<DevNoob> hello
<cdesai> hai
<DevNoob> I am new to cyanogenmod and have one tiny question I wpould like to ask
<DevNoob> if anyone can answer
<Baskey> sure
<DevNoob> my baseband (I assume baseband = bootloader) version is LPS, higher than LPH. is it still safe to flash the Ressurection version?
<cdesai> nope
<cdesai> baseband == radio == modem
<cdesai> bootloader is completely different
<DevNoob> oh, er well I spent last 10-15 minutes googling how to find bootlaoder version
<DevNoob> and couldnt find it
<DevNoob> so i just assumed :p
<DevNoob> thanks
<DevNoob> *back to google* xD
<Baskey> @google Dzejkop
admk has joined #teamhacksung-support
<admk> hello
<cdesai> yea
<cdesai> wubbot was bbqbot
<admk> i have an1 problem with cm9 rc1
<admk> can an1 help me?
<jerwaz> xD
datagutt has joined #teamhacksung-support
<admk> with keyboard
<jerwaz> just ask
<admk> he crash all time
<jerwaz> or tell
<admk> i dont know why
<DevNoob> ah cdesai, thanks for your help. I am now sure that I won't be able to find bootloader version, and I am just going to flash the ressurection version, Thanks for your help mate :)
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<cdesai> :)
<cdesai> DevNoob: are you running ics?
qnm has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
<cdesai> even stock / samsung ics
<cdesai> if so then it should be ok
<DevNoob> yeah ICS 4.0.3 atm
<DevNoob> oh ok :) Then I will try the nightly version, again Thanks cdesai :)
<admk> so any can help me?
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<cdesai> ohai DevNoob
<cdesai> woops
<cdesai> typoe
<cdesai> ohai wubbot
<wubbot> WUB
<datagutt> haha
<cdesai> datagutt: fix this
<datagutt> i dont know what code he changed
<DevNoob> a bit replied...the AI will soon take over
<DevNoob> bot*
<cdesai> datagutt: derp code ?
<datagutt> did he eval or change the code?
<wubbot> derp
<datagutt> i didnt make that derp code
<datagutt> and its not in repo iirc
<cdesai> yea isn't
<cdesai> just tell me it runs from bbq
<datagutt> change code… dont commit it
<datagutt> nebkat does know how opensauce works
<datagutt> doesnt*
wubbot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<datagutt> illl try a reboot
bbqbot has joined #teamhacksung-support
<cdesai> our old bot's back
<Baskey> :)
<Baskey> @google Dzejkop
<bbqbot> League of Legends #2 Przegrana z honorem(Dzejkop GRA W GRE ... -
<Baskey> @google Jakub Olczyk
<Baskey> @8ball is Nebkat retarded?
<bbqbot> Yes.
<Baskey> :)
<cdesai> @8ball are you sure?
<bbqbot> Ask again later.
<ernie`> I miss wubbot :(
<datagutt> aw
<datagutt> @nick wubbot
bbqbot is now known as wubbot
<ernie`> yay :D
<datagutt> i cant make it wub though
<datagutt> lol
<ernie`> aww
<datagutt> because nebkat has no idea what opensource is
<datagutt> and i dont know what he did
<ernie`> haha
<ernie`> @8ball wub?
<wubbot> Outlook not so good.
<datagutt> cdesai: did he do any @eval?
<datagutt> i wonder if it got logged
<cdesai> datagutt: not while i was around
<cdesai> datagutt: ask Xiff-BNC
<cdesai> lol tab fail
<cdesai> xplodwild:
<datagutt> well that DID fit
<datagutt> because he runs a bnc
<cdesai> datagutt: but nebkat wouldn't do the eval here
<cdesai> he would have done it in our top secret channel
<ernie`> top secret, eh?
<datagutt> #teamhacksung-support-6-3-2012.txt is the newest log
wubbot is now known as codybot
XDS2010 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<DevNoob> cdesai: Just flashed cm 9.0.0-RC1, everything works fine. Thanks for the support :)
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<DevNoob> wow, First impression of cyannogenmod is awesome...why did I have not this earlier :)
<DevNoob> Great ROM guys, bye now I am off to explore cm :)
DevNoob has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<Baskey> cdesai FOR PRESIDENT
<Baskey> @geo user cdesai
<codybot> Resolving hostname for cdesai
<codybot> Resolving ip for ~cd@unaffiliated/cdesai
<codybot> Error resolving ip for unaffiliated/cdesai
<Baskey> :(
s2noob has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<cdesai> datagutt: :D
<cdesai> codeworkx: ^
<Baskey> <ok>
Baskey has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
baskeybot has joined #teamhacksung-support
baskeybot is now known as Baskey
<admk> hello
<admk> can an1 help meee please
<admk> in my cm9 rc1 keyboard crash all time
<admk> :(
<admk> ?
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<admk> ??
<admk> so :8
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<Baskey> noooo
<Baskey> I miss wubbot
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XDS2010 has quit [Client Quit]
<admk> ..?
peterperfect has quit [Read error: No route to host]
ToyKat[zZz] is now known as ToyKat
<cdesai> :D
<admk> an1 developer online?
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nebkat has joined #teamhacksung-support
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codybot was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by xplodwild [Childish !]
<cdesai> xplodwild: it was fine here
<cdesai> xplodwild: did it every 15 min
<xplodwild> it appeared too much on my window
nebkat has joined #teamhacksung-support
bbqbot has joined #teamhacksung-support
<cdesai> bbqbot: back to normal
<nebkat> @nick wubbot
bbqbot is now known as wubbot
<Baskey> ...
<nebkat> better than way :)
<datagutt> haha
<datagutt> but no more wub every 15 min
<datagutt> lol
<nebkat> it was 5
<nebkat> not 15
<nebkat> how about this
<datagutt> 5 then
<datagutt> dont have it too often
<datagutt> do it like, every 2h or so
<nebkat> @eval wub_machine = setInterval(function(){IRC.message("#teamhacksung-support")}, 1000 * 60 * 60);
<wubbot> { ontimeout: [Function] }
<nebkat> good
<nebkat> ?
<nebkat> every hour
<nebkat> :)
<cdesai> nebkat: every 90 mins?
<nebkat> cdesai: no
<nebkat> 60
<Baskey> no, 90
<datagutt> hm sounds ok
<datagutt> @eval wub_machine
<wubbot> { ontimeout: [Function] }
<nebkat> ugh
<nebkat> @eval clearInterval(wub_machine)
<wubbot> undefined
<nebkat> @eval wub_machine = setInterval(function(){IRC.message("#teamhacksung-support")}, 1000 * 60 * 90);
<wubbot> { ontimeout: [Function] }
<nebkat> enjoy
<Baskey> :)
<cdesai> ty :)
<nebkat> wubbot is the best name though
<cdesai> nebkat: 90 coz u cant do 9001
<nebkat> @say NickServ group
<nebkat> 16 wubs a day
<nebkat> kinda sux :/
<Baskey> nebkat:
DJClean has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> Baskey: it aint loadin
<Baskey> TRY AGAIN
<nebkat> Baskey: it aint loadin
<nebkat> nop
<nebkat> google aint loadin either xD
<nebkat> mmh must be my MC3 download
<Baskey> -_-'
<Baskey> IT'S OLD
<nebkat> Baskey: fuck you
<Baskey> :)
h4rdco2e_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<nebkat> @8ball is Baskey a dickhead?
<wubbot> Concentrate and ask again.
<nebkat> @8ball is Baskey a penishead?
<wubbot> Ask again later.
<Baskey> :):):)
<nebkat> @8ball is Baskey a penis-headed fucker?
<wubbot> Outlook good.
<nebkat> yep
<nebkat> yep
<nebkat> n
<nebkat> yep
<Baskey> nope
<Baskey> nope
<nebkat> lets play a game
<Baskey> NO
<nebkat> if @8ball says a "yes" answer, I kickban you
<nebkat> if it says no, you are safe
<nebkat> if it says maybe, we go again
<Baskey> whatever
<nebkat> basically, there is a 1/3 chance you will stay alive
<Baskey> I'M READY
<nebkat> actually wait
<nebkat> damn dupey isnt here
<nebkat> lets do it on jerwaz :D
<jerwaz> w00t ?
<nebkat> @8ball is the answer yes?
<wubbot> Most likely.
<jerwaz> hey nebkat =)
<cdesai> @8ball will Baskey survive this ?
<wubbot> Most likely.
jerwaz was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [hey]
jerwaz has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> jerwaz: how are you :)
* nebkat is crazy, I know
<nebkat> inb4
<jerwaz> Fine and you ?
<jerwaz> x)
<nebkat> relised my app
<jerwaz> I saw it =)
<jerwaz> but no ...
<jerwaz> I dont need it ...
<nebkat> Y NIT?!?!?!?!
<nebkat> you can pay me by paypal btw
<nebkat> and I send it to you
<nebkat> Baskey: MC3 is so good
<jerwaz> x)
<Baskey> but short
<nebkat> it is still the best game out there
<nebkat> Baskey: not really
<nebkat> compared to some pc games
<nebkat> it is quite good
<jerwaz> I prefer to use my money to buy beeeeeer
<nebkat> jerwaz: ok
<cdesai> +1 nebkat
<beer> buy me
<beer> wait
<beer> buy me!
<beer> you know what game is truly amazing?
<beer> galaxy on fire 2
<beer> it has at least 50 hours of gameplay
<beer> damn I loved that game
<beer> then I switched to nexus or something
<beer> and I didnt move over the data
<beer> i'll have to play it again :)
<beer> they need to make GOF3
<beer> here we are
<beer> 797.89/797.89MB
<cdesai> This app is compatible with all of your devices.
<cdesai> lol mc3 is comptatible with my armv6 phone
<beer> lol
<Baskey> lol indeed
<beer> anyone who still uses an armv6 phone sux though :P
<beer> includes you cdesai :P
<cdesai> sure :P
<beer> aww shiieeeeeeeeeeet
<beer> mc3 has stopped
<cdesai> beer: s3?
<beer> yep
<beer> E/AndroidRuntime( 7930): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Make sure the SurfaceView or associated SurfaceHolder has a valid Surface
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<beer> wub wub wubby
<beer> @prefix wub
<wubbot> Prefix changed to wub
<beer> wubkick baskeybot
baskeybot was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by wubbot [baskeybot]
baskeybot has joined #teamhacksung-support
<beer> lol
<beer> wubhelp commands
<wubbot> Commands: wubhelp wubuserlevel wubeval wubowners wubadmins wubmods wubnick wubprefix wubsay wubjoin wubpart wubkick wubkickban wubunban wubop wubdeop wubvoice wubdevoice wubmute wubunmute wubtopic wubinvite wubautoOP wubsupported wubdownloads wubchangelog wubaddDevice wubremoveDevice wublog wubgoogle wubeightball wubbash wubaddQuote wubbomb wubgeo wubtimer wubmoney
<beer> wub8ball
<wubbot> Don't count on it.
<beer> wubmoney 100 eur usd
<wubbot> 100 EUR = 126.63 USD
<beer> wubprefix @
<wubbot> Prefix changed to @
Baskey has quit [Read error: No route to host]
baskeybot is now known as Baskey
<cdesai> wub wub
<cdesai> * Nick already in use: wub
cdesai is now known as bbqbot
Baskey has left #teamhacksung-support [#teamhacksung-support]
<bbqbot> testing
<bbqbot> am i still here?
<wubbot> derp
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
Baskey is now known as nebkat
<bbqbot> no?
bbqbot was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by beer [bbqbot]
nebkat is now known as Baskey
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by beer [Baskey]
bbqbot is now known as cdesai
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> :)
<beer> Baskey: xD sorry
<Baskey> @8ball LAWL
<wubbot> My reply is no.
cdesai has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> @8ball is Dwarken ok?
<wubbot> Better not tell you now.
<Baskey> :(((
<beer> xD
<beer> @8ball did he died?
<wubbot> Cannot predict now.
<beer> @8ball is he ok?
<wubbot> Cannot predict now.
<beer> @8ball will I ever see him?
<wubbot> Ask again later.
<beer> @8ball isn't it weird that you gave me 4 maybes in a row?
<wubbot> Better not tell you now.
<beer> @8ball 5??!?!?!?
<wubbot> Yes.
<beer> xD
<beer> there is a
<beer> @eval Math.pow(0.25, 5)
<wubbot> 0.0009765625
<beer> there is a 0.09765625% chance of that happenning o.o
RoBz has joined #teamhacksung-support
<beer> wow
<beer> nova 3 takes up 1.7gb
<beer> that is what it was like on pc's a few years ago
cdesai has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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<Baskey> Play Store says that Eyespy is "incompatible with your T-Mobile Samsung GT-I9100."
<Baskey> lol
edude03 has joined #teamhacksung-support
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<Arturox> Hi all my friends, hope anyone can help
<Arturox> I have installed the yesterday and I can't get data connection
<Arturox> I still can connect via WiFi but no using my mobile network
kalpik has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.3.8]
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<beer> Arturox: did it work on nightly?
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<Arturox> @beer, I haven't tried yet the nightlies
<wubbot> Arturox: Command doesnt not exist!
<beer> Arturox: do you have apn set up?
<wubbot> derp
<Arturox> no I haven't, last time I flash my phone I do with a stock firmware and it worked ok and I do not have to configure an APN
<beer> Arturox: well configure it and it will work :P
<Arturox> sorry if I have a dumb ass question but where do I have to go to configure it? :(
<beer> Arturox: settings -> wireless category - more -> in there
<Arturox> Thank you very much
<Arturox> it worked
<beer> ;)
<beer> Arturox: you might consider buying my app? :)
<Arturox> Thanks, I will consider it
<Arturox> thanks for your help
Arturox has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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edude03 has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<wubbot> undefined
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<serioushan> Is the CM9 Nightly Build for i9100G supports overclocking?
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<Jiangyi|Phone> Serioushan: No.
Baskey has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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<Jiangyi|Phone> Btw, did someone ping me, or did my BLN just go crazy in the middle of the night? :S
<beer> Jiangyi|Phone: who would ping you? :P
<wubbot> derp
<baskeybot> derp indeed
baskeybot is now known as Baskey
<Jiangyi|Phone> Beer: Good question. :-|
<beer> Baskey: :D
toohot has joined #teamhacksung-support
<toohot> hey
<toohot> hello
<toohot> to you guys
<beer> Baskey: it is really say it is incompatible with tmobile s2?
<beer> toohot: hey
<beer> toohot: hello
<beer> toohot: to you
<toohot> my s2 does not charge normally
<Baskey> beer: yeah, but that was fault of changed dpi
<beer> Baskey: idiot
<Baskey> NOT IDIOT
<toohot> it was for 1 hour on charger and only 10%
<toohot> is that known
<toohot> that it doesnt charge normally
<beer> toohot: dont know dont care
<toohot> why????
<toohot> dont you have somthing to do with the fucking cm rom??
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<toohot> every time i get to hear you dont care
<toohot> whats with you
<toohot> what do you do here
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<Baskey> beer smokes too much weed
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<toohot> no dont think so
EvilBelgian has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<beer> toohot: wait a second
<Baskey> @8ball Is beer stoned?
<wubbot> Cannot predict now.
<beer> toohot: who says you deserve any support?
<beer> Baskey: stfu im serious now
<Baskey> :(
<beer> toohot: what have you ever given me?
Xiff-BNC has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
<toohot> no problem men, one day you will need help you say how people help you
<toohot> maybe you gonne die that day
<beer> toohot: stop bullshitting
<beer> first of all, it was a joke
<toohot> what joke??
<beer> I have no idea what is the issue with your charging
<toohot> dont talk then
ray|yar has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
<beer> toohot: uhm I can talk on my own channel whenever I want
<toohot> o your nebkat
<nebkat> yep xD
Xiff-BNC has joined #teamhacksung-support
<toohot> your serbian is that right?
<wubbot> derp
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<nebkat> toohot: yep ;)
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<toohot> you remember the greeks helped your country in time of war?
<nebkat> toohot: uhm sure?
<toohot> i am greek and we helped strangers for nothing you understand
<toohot> no you come say to me this things here
Didou`` has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> toohot: ugh xD
<nebkat> toohot: im just trying to say
<nebkat> dont be angry when I dont have help for you
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<nebkat> we aren't a dedicated support service
<toohot> i understand that
<cdesai> just a group of volunteers
<nebkat> the fact that im part of the cm team doesnt mean I can help you more/less
<toohot> but this is totaly useless
<toohot> every time i ask something you say things like i dont care and so on
<nebkat> its a joke lol
<nebkat> I honestly dont know
<nebkat> if I knew I would tell you
<nebkat> I haven't used my s2 in over 3 months xD
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<toohot> oke nebkat is cool
Didou`` has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
<nebkat> toohot: have fun ;)
toohot has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<Jiangyi|Phone> Nebkat: Clearly, you scare people xD lol
<nebkat> Jiangyi|Phone: clearly, I enjoy it
<Jiangyi|Phone> Nebkat: Clearly, you enjoy being drunk too
<nebkat> Jiangyi|Phone: I dont drink
<cdesai> nebkat: orelly?
<nebkat> cdesai: provit
Jiangyi|Phone has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<cdesai> <-> beer is now known as nebkat
<nebkat> clearly, its a joke
<nebkat> as is
Jiangyi|Phone has joined #teamhacksung-support
* Jiangyi|Phone finds this hard to believe
<nebkat> <cdesai> <-> beer is now known as nebkat
<nebkat> <nebkat> clearly, its a joke
<nebkat> <nebkat> as is
Didou has quit [Quit: Didou]
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<Jiangyi|Phone> Nebkat: Oh, you and your Serbian sense of humour..... :-|
<nebkat> :P
<nebkat> EvilBelgian:
<nebkat> :D
<evilserb> -NickServ- Nick evilserb is now registered to your account.
<cdesai> lol
cdesai has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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lolwat has quit [Quit: Verlassend]
fernandotakai has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
<Jiangyi|Phone> And now everyone's leaving.....
Baskey has quit [Quit: Aces!]
<nebkat> Jiangyi|Phone: :(
autoprime has joined #teamhacksung-support
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romann|afk is now known as romann
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<DuperMan> @voice noxxx
<DuperMan> @devoice noxxx
<DuperMan> ^^
<bbqbot> undefined
<DuperMan> @say what?
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<noxxx> nebkat hi did you look into my logcat?
<nebkat> noxxx: yep and I fixed I think
<noxxx> i see you updated eyespy
<nebkat> yea
<noxxx> what was the problem? camera didnt want to make a picture of my fat face?
<nebkat> noxxx: err I've forgotten
<nebkat> lemme check again
DJClean has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
romann is now known as romann|afk
DJClean has joined #teamhacksung-support
<DuperMan> I love my photoshoppy skill. nailed the aspect ratio for a wordpress banner by sight, booya!
romann|afk is now known as romann
<DuperMan> xD
Smx has joined #teamhacksung-support
Smx has left #teamhacksung-support [#teamhacksung-support]
<noxxx> nebkat?
<nebkat> noxxx: yep
<noxxx> did you check my bug? what was that?
<nebkat> checkin now
<nebkat> noxxx: yep fixed
<noxxx> so what happened? why the app died?
<noxxx> i am interested in it
dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<nebkat> noxxx: camera was returning fuct camera data
<DuperMan> oo
<DuperMan> it's why it's there like. is it a single sensor or a low res array?
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
jcoreyelmore has joined #teamhacksung-support
<jcoreyelmore> Hi guys, I'm Corey. Just got a GTab 2 10.1 last night, throwing your rom on it now.
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<bbqbot> undefined
Charkey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<pmgnet> plz can I have cm9 for galaxy s3? Stock is painful. :-)
Didou has joined #teamhacksung-support
<bbqbot> derp
<pmgnet> Oh, apologies. That's the cool S3. I have the i747.
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ciwrl|away has quit [Excess Flood]
<Jiangyi|Phone> Pmgnet: No you have the cool S3 lol
<noxxx> i read that sgs3 haz a bug in SW
<noxxx> so it discharges 10 times faster
<noxxx> than it should
Jiangyi|Phone has quit [Quit: til next time!]
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<ernie`> I want to find the keyword to which bbqbot says derp
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<Kaik541> ernie`: it's random
<Kaik541> it's just after a certain number of lines/words have been said
<ernie`> I will crack the code...
* ernie` laughs madly
Charkey has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
<nebkat> ernie`: I thought I was mad :(
<nebkat> ernie`: you know what?
<nebkat> ernie`: you know what?
<bbqbot> derp
<ernie`> what?
<nebkat> yep
<ernie`> hmm......
<ernie`> btw. nebkat.. since i have you here.. last two updates on EyeSpy has made it so the screen never turns off, ever
<nebkat> ernie`: uhm
<nebkat> how?
<nebkat> ernie`: what version are you on?
<ernie`> Dunno.. if I enable it, and leave the screen on on the table, it will never turn off the screen
<ernie`> just updated to 1.1
<nebkat> ernie`: hmm, and you set the regular screen timeout to 15s or whatever?
<ernie`> regular screen lock is at 1 minute, and face check at 45 seconds
<nebkat> ernie`: it will turn off after 1:30 then
<nebkat> just test it by setting both regular and face to 15s
<ernie`> ok.. I will try and wait 1:30 from now
<ernie`> before I try that
<nebkat> testing it right now on 15s
<nebkat> and.....
<nebkat> works
<nebkat> yep it workx
<ernie`> hmm
<ernie`> its been 1:30 now and its still on
<nebkat> ernie`: so you've bought the app right?
<ernie`> yes
<nebkat> lemme send you a test version
<nebkat> in pm
<ernie`> sure
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> Baskey: BASKEY!
<Baskey> nebkat: NEBKAT!
<nebkat> Baskey: DWARKEN!
<Baskey> nebkat: XPLODWILD!
<nebkat> Baskey: ZLOTY!
<Baskey> nebkat: динар!
<nebkat> Baskey: CHEATER
<nebkat> not even I can type it taht good :P
<Baskey> nebkat: LIAR
<Baskey> lol
<noxxx> last two updates on EyeSpy has made it so the screen never turns off, ever // lol
<Baskey> nebkat: IT IS
<noxxx> nebkat looks like your fixes didnt work
<nebkat> noxxx: THEY DO
<nebkat> it was s3 bug
<nebkat> we got it working in pm
<nebkat> he just had to reboot
<nebkat> noxxx: IDIOTTE
<Baskey> @google eyespy ipmart
<bbqbot> Peephole security cameras - TheFind -
<bbqbot> EYE SPY LA CONTESTS &amp; DISCOUNT OFFERS by Eye Spy LA Editor -!OpenDocument
<Baskey> o.O
<Baskey> Y U NO ADD IT
<noxxx> nebkat then i wahnt TEST VERSHAN!
<Baskey> lolololol
<Baskey> lovely #aospsgs2 xD
<nebkat> Baskey: FUCK YOU
<Baskey> Y
<nebkat> xD
<noxxx> nebkat pls update it on play
<nebkat> Baskey: omg you troll
<nebkat> Baskey: you kept that for proff
<nebkat> proof*
<Baskey> yeah
<nebkat> Baskey: xD
<nebkat> xD
<nebkat> xD
<nebkat> xD
<noxxx> my wife says "WE MUST CUT OFF HIS BALLZ FOR DAT BUGZ"
<Baskey> noxxx: I LUV YOUR WIFE
<Baskey> brb
<noxxx> Baskey WAHT!?!?
<noxxx> she says she doesnt know any Baskeys
<nebkat> da bestist dubstepp
<bbqbot> derp
<noxxx> nah
<noxxx> too whzwhzwhhwhzw
<noxxx> to little WUBWUB
mobilx has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> noxxx: shitty speakers
<noxxx> nebkat tell me why language switchinng on ics keyboard is so stupid? longpress on space, then choose language - it is too slow
<nebkat> no idea :P
<noxxx> pff
<noxxx> i thought you're genius
Baskey has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
<noxxx> hmmm
Javier_ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<noxxx> smart timeout
<noxxx> new feature
<Javier_> hi
Javier_ has quit [Client Quit]
<nebkat> DIS SHIT IS GOOD :D
<nebkat> oops
<nebkat> DIS SHIT IS GOOD :D
rodries has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
<Jiangyi> nebkat: .... No. ._.
<nebkat> Jiangyi: they got that over there?
<noxxx> nebkat now i know why your apps are so buggy
<nebkat> noxxx: yep yep yep
Diwad has joined #teamhacksung-support
<noxxx> you're using heroin to develop it
<nebkat> @8ball do I take heroin?
<bbqbot> Better not tell you now.
<nebkat> @8ball do I take heroin?
<bbqbot> You may rely on it.
<nebkat> yep
<nebkat> HELLO DIWAD
<ernie`> haha
<noxxx> @8ball do nebkat will die like those jerks in Requem For A Dream?
<bbqbot> Ask again later.
<noxxx> @8ball do nebkat will die like those jerks in Requem For A Dream?
<bbqbot> Reply hazy. Try again.
<noxxx> @8ball do nebkat will die like those jerks in Requem For A Dream?
<bbqbot> Reply hazy. Try again.
<noxxx> @8ball do nebkat will die like those jerks in Requem For A Dream?
<bbqbot> Yes.
<noxxx> lol
<Jiangyi> @8ball will nebkat die from drug overdose?
<bbqbot> Yes — definitely.
<Jiangyi> nebkat: ^^
<nebkat> aww shit dawg
<noxxx> nebkat pls stop using drugs
<nebkat> noxxx: problem?
<Jiangyi> What noxxx said.
<nebkat> [trollface]
<ernie`> nebkat, you only madder when you're on heroin :P I'm mad all the time :D
<nebkat> do people actually think I take drugz? :P
<noxxx> nebkat of course
<Jiangyi> @8ball do people actually think nebkat takes drugs?
<bbqbot> Concentrate and ask again.
<Jiangyi> @8ball do people actually think nebkat takes drugs?
<bbqbot> Without a doubt.
<Jiangyi> Nebkat: ^^
<nebkat> YEP
<nebkat> but no not really :/
<nebkat> im to smart fo dat shit
<nebkat> too*
<noxxx> i will call 911
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> noxxx: PLZ
<Jiangyi> Is it even 911 in Serbia? lol
<nebkat> Baskey: BASKET
<noxxx> or 112
<noxxx> dunno
<noxxx> a will call police
<Baskey> nebkat: NEBCAT
<ernie`> Its 0118 999 8819 9911 9725 3
<nebkat> Jiangyi: 112
<nebkat> I thinkz :P
<Jiangyi> Word of advice: When you go to China, the 3-digit emergency numbers are backwards.
<Jiangyi> :-P
<nebkat> 119?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Yeah 119 lol
<nebkat> is that cus dey write ltr?
<nebkat> [trollface]
<nebkat> rtl*
<Baskey> [facetroll]
<Jiangyi> 411 = 114
<ernie`> ]ecafllort[
<Jiangyi> Jiangyi = iygnaiJ
<noxxx> when you call 112 in Russia, woman with sad voice says press 1 for fire service, 2 for police, 3 for ambulance. When you press any digit she says "all operators are busy, pls wait". I was waiting for 3 minutes last time. FASTESTEST SERVICE.
Jiangyi is now known as yawa|iygnaiJ
<nebkat> nebkat = nebkat [trollface]
<noxxx> who want to buy my car?
<Baskey> + 112
<noxxx> ernie` lol yes)
<bbqbot> undefined
dark3n is now known as dark3n|off
<ernie`> you really are a though nut, bbqbot, you know that?
<Baskey> @8ball you really are a though nut, bbqbot, you know that?
<bbqbot> Signs point to yes.
<Baskey> :)
yawa|iygnaiJ is now known as Jiangyi
Baskey has quit [Read error: No route to host]
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<ernie`> interesting
dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
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JieeHD|Offline is now known as JieeHD
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lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<dabear> oh
<dabear> jelly bean is out?
<dabear> where can I haz read moar?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> @google Android Jelly Bean
<bbqbot> Android 4.1 Jelly Bean review: a look at what&#39;s changed in Google&#39;s ... -
<dabear> any general thread on xda about it?
<noxxx> @google nebkat uses drugs-driven development
<bbqbot> Umjindi Municipality LED STRATEGY 2010-2013 -
<noxxx> oO
<Baskey> indeed
<Baskey> @google nebkat exposed
<bbqbot> Mali Initiative :: Street Child Literacy Program -
<Baskey> lawl
<noxxx> @google russian drunken party
<bbqbot> Crazy Drunk Russian Girl On Wedding Party - YouTube -
<noxxx> lol
<noxxx> such a stupid girl
<Baskey> @google WE LOVE RUSSIA
<bbqbot> We Love Russia - YouTube -
<noxxx> but that is not russian girl
<Baskey> @geo user noxxx
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for noxxx
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1294314496,1294319615],"country":"RU","region":"","city":"","ll":[60,100]}
<noxxx> still no city :)
<Baskey> :(
<noxxx> Moskau
<Baskey> Dachau
<Baskey> Breslau
<Baskey> Pozen
<noxxx> what?
<noxxx> Pozen?
<bbqbot> undefined
<noxxx> Pozen is undefined see?
<Baskey> Poznań
<noxxx> Poland?
<Baskey> yep
<noxxx> lol
<noxxx> Poland was the favourite place to visit for USSR citizens)
<Baskey> <ok>
<nebkat> Baskey: nop
<Baskey> where've you been?
<noxxx> nebkat one more update!?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Zhongguo
<noxxx> what?
<nebkat> noxxx: is that a question?
<noxxx> googoozhon?
<nebkat> or a command
<noxxx> nebkat ye i am schocked by updates count today
<nebkat> noxxx: I dont got nothin better to do :P
<noxxx> nebkat you'd betta haz sex i think
<Baskey> @google nooooooooo
<bbqbot> Instant No Button! Star Wars funnies FTW! -
<nebkat> noxxx: iziz 14 idiotte
<nebkat> but yeah sure xD
<Jiangyi> @google Zhongguo
<bbqbot> Zhongguo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
<Jiangyi> Oh this I have to see :-P
<noxxx> nebkat r u 14?
<nebkat> noxxx: yapp
<noxxx> holy shit
<Jiangyi> nebkat: I'm older than you? O_O
<noxxx> kid on board!
<nebkat> Jiangyi: prubably
<nebkat> you tell me :p
* Jiangyi feels depressed now
<Baskey> dafuq
* Jiangyi can't code yet he's older T_T
<Baskey> nebkat is 14yo?
<noxxx> Baskey yep
<Baskey> :O
<noxxx> he even didnt haz sex yet
<nebkat> Baskey: who else smokes weed?
<bbqbot> derp
<noxxx> well only if with his own hand lol
<nebkat> noxxx: "iziz 14 idiotte" does not imply that :P
<Baskey> [22:17] (noxxx) he even didnt haz sex yet
<Baskey> me too
<noxxx> damn
<Baskey> I know, that's sad
<noxxx> what do i do here?
<nebkat> Baskey: except youziz like 50
<nebkat> noxxx: how old are you?
<noxxx> i have 7 y.o. son and 6 month daughter
techmik has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
<Jiangyi> Put me in that club too then :-|
<noxxx> i am 28
<nebkat> noxxx: pedophile
<Baskey> xD
<nebkat> brb
<noxxx> twice older than nebkat
<Baskey> I'm 17
<noxxx> nebkat*2=noxxx
<noxxx> lol
* Jiangyi is 15
<noxxx> i am married for the 2nd time
<Baskey> lol
* Jiangyi has forgotten to go eat lunch
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Food
<Jiangyi|Food> bbl
<noxxx> i am watching the IT crowd
<Baskey> :)
<nebkat> noxxx: you know
<nebkat> 2*nebkat = noxx
<nebkat> but
<nebkat> 1*nebkat > 2*noxxx
<noxxx> more in what?
<noxxx> orly?
<nebkat> yarly
Nyn3x has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
<noxxx> you're just 14 y.o. boy so i eve will not talk about this with you :)
<nebkat> I GOT 111 sales!!!
<nebkat> :)
<noxxx> oh you're rich now
<nebkat> IM NOT A BOY, IM A MAN! :P
<nebkat> I wuz before :P
<nebkat> i've earned more with beansoft
<noxxx> nebkat you'll be a man after you have sex :)
<Baskey> +1
<Baskey> your own hand doesn't count
<noxxx> Baskey +1
<noxxx> even you friends hand doesnt count
<nebkat> Baskey: xD
<Baskey> noxxx: +1
<noxxx> any hand doesnt count
<Baskey> indeed
<noxxx> animals too
<Baskey> and dead bodies
<nebkat> awww :*
<noxxx> welll ... technically ...
<nebkat> yep yep yep
<noxxx> if it is dead naked woman ...
<Baskey> meh
<nebkat> IM A MAN :D
<Baskey> nebkat: YOU ARE POTATO
<noxxx> nebkat technically yes
<nebkat> we get the point :p
<nebkat> no need to talk about having sex with a dead woman :P
<noxxx> nebkat never ever do it
<Baskey> @google nebkat doing dead bodies
<bbqbot> [ROM][AOSP][4.0.3] Codename Android 1.1.4 - RootzWiki -
<noxxx> lol)
<nebkat> uhm
<nebkat> wtf
<Baskey> exactly
<nebkat> hmm
<noxxx> matryoshka babooshka
<Baskey> :)
<noxxx> @google babooshka
<noxxx> babooshka isn't defined yet.
<noxxx> lol
<Baskey> @google babuszka
<bbqbot> Wooden Keychain - Babuszka Nesting Dolls - Keychains - By Polish ... -
<noxxx> lol
<noxxx> babuszka is matryoshka
<bbqbot> [Official][4.0.4][Nightly] CyanogenMod 9 - xdadevelopers - XDA ... -
Nyn3x has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> yep yep n yep
<nebkat> Baskey: YIPIJAHEY SCHWEINEBACKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Baskey> @google I WANNA FUCK NETCHIP
<bbqbot> The MB does not &quot;find&quot; the onboard LAN (Gigabyte X58 UD4 ... -
<nebkat> @google fuck netchip
<bbqbot> Blame Samsung -
<Baskey> LOL
<nebkat> xD
<nebkat> @google fuck samsung
<bbqbot> Gaytrix ~ Shirtless male celebrities, athletes, models &amp; hotties -
<bbqbot> Fuck you samsung - YouTube -
<nebkat> ew
<Baskey> lolololol
Jiangyi|Food is now known as Jiangyi
<Baskey> gaytrix
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat []
<noxxx> gaytrix!?
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> noxxx: he obviously knows about it :P
<nebkat> soooo good xD
<noxxx> wtf guys
<Baskey> @google nebkat is a pedophile
<bbqbot> No search results returned for that keyword.
<noxxx> are you gay?
<Baskey> nebkat is gay
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [yeah yeah]
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> noxxx: ofc not
<Baskey> @8ball is nebkat gay?
<bbqbot> You may rely on it.
<Jiangyi> O_O
<nebkat> @8ball are you bullshitting?
<bbqbot> As I see it, yes.
<nebkat> yep yep n yep
<Jiangyi> I come back and this happens.....
<nebkat> Jiangyi: IT WAS BASKEY
<Baskey> NO, NO AND NO
<nebkat> Baskey: you have ten seconds to prove you arent gay... go
<noxxx> lol
<nebkat> yep yep n yep
<nebkat> yo time is up
<noxxx> Baskey soeh?
<bbqbot> derp
<noxxx> proove it!
<nebkat> lets play again
<nebkat> Baskey: you have ten seconds to prove you arent gay... go
<Baskey> :)
<nebkat> yep yep n yep
<nebkat> yo time is up
<noxxx> how can Baskey proove he is not gay if he didnt haz sex?
<nebkat> noxxx: he has
<Baskey> nope
<nebkat> noxxx: WITH A GAY PARTNER
Diwad has quit [Quit: Linkinus -]
choirboy has joined #teamhacksung-support
<noxxx> he even doesnt know how to do it in proper way
<nebkat> oh what random topics we have nowadays :P
<Baskey> @8ball is nebkat retarded?
<bbqbot> Don't count on it.
<Jiangyi> nebkat, Baskey, and moi are in that club.
<Baskey> :(
<nebkat> Baskey: friends? :)
<Baskey> Jiangyi: yeah...
<nebkat> Jiangyi: you want to join the evil sied now?
<nebkat> EVILJEW.COM
<Jiangyi> nebkat: No. ._.
Jiangyi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [no no n no]
Jiangyi has joined #teamhacksung-support
<noxxx> ok gays
<noxxx> oh
<noxxx> i mean GUYS
<noxxx> got to go to sleep
<noxxx> it is late
<Baskey> sleep well, noxxx
<nebkat> noxxx: no its not idiot
<nebkat> :P
<Baskey> it's 22:40
<nebkat> noxxx: what tiem is it there? :)
<Baskey> HIAR
<noxxx> 0:40 am
<nebkat> Baskey: SO EARLY RITE
<nebkat> noxxx: hmk
<Baskey> RITE
<Jiangyi> Good night! :-)
<nebkat> noxxx: I go sleepz at 1:50
<noxxx> bye
<nebkat> good night noxxx :)
<noxxx> nebkat OH YOURE TOUGH GUY!!!
<nebkat> GO BE A MAN
<noxxx> ok
<nebkat> noxxx: OH YES I AM
<Jiangyi> nebkat: I shall make new translations for your Trebuchet today. :-P
<noxxx> i will fuck for 4 times
<noxxx> 1 for me and 3 for you guys
<Baskey> :)
<nebkat> noxxx: twice on each hand?
<noxxx> nah
<nebkat> hahahahaa
<Jiangyi> @google BE A MAN, DO THE RIGHT THING
<bbqbot> russell peters: be a man - YouTube -
<noxxx> i've got wife nebkat
<Jiangyi> ^^^^
<nebkat> noxxx: YOU MARRIED YOUR HAND
<Jiangyi> Russell Peters
<Jiangyi> :-D
<nebkat> TTYT
<Baskey> xplodwild: TEACH US HOW TO MAKE ZE LOVE
<nebkat> <datagutt> @eval 1/5
<nebkat> <bbqbot> 0.2
<nebkat> <nebkat> datagutt: are you retarded?
<datagutt> haha
<noxxx> @eval 0/0
<bbqbot> noxxx: You are not allowed to run that command!
<noxxx> damn
<nebkat> @eval 0/0
<bbqbot> NaN
<nebkat> @eval Nan instanceof 'number'
<bbqbot> ReferenceError: Nan is not defined
<bbqbot> undefined
<datagutt> @eval Infinity * 100
<nebkat> @eval NaN instanceof 'number'
<bbqbot> TypeError: Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got NaN
<bbqbot> undefined
<bbqbot> Infinity
<nebkat> @eval NaN instanceof 'number'
<bbqbot> TypeError: Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got NaN
<bbqbot> undefined
<datagutt> @eval Infinity - NaN
<bbqbot> NaN
<datagutt> @eval typeof NaN
<bbqbot> 'number'
<datagutt> THAT is retarted
<nebkat> ah thats the one
<nebkat> datagutt: as are you :p
<datagutt> retarded*
<Baskey> @google SERBIA STRONG
<bbqbot> SERBIA STRONG! - YouTube -
<noxxx> k bye everyone
<Baskey> bye
<nebkat> Baskey: NSWF?
<nebkat> noxxx: gn
<datagutt> bored != retarded sadly
<nebkat> @google gay gipsies
<bbqbot> Gypsy, Gay And Trapped At Home -
<nebkat> ew xD
<bbqbot> How do you have sex with your hand -
techmik has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> lol
<nebkat> would've been so funny if I said that *after* techmik joined :P
<nebkat> would look so funny out of context xD
<Baskey> :D
<nebkat> (and it still does now :P)
ciwrl|away has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> or now xD
<Jiangyi> [16:43] <@nebkat> @google gay gipsies [16:43] <@bbqbot> Gypsy, Gay And Trapped At Home - [16:43] <Baskey> nebkat: I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT DOES IT MEAN [16:43] <@nebkat> ew xD [16:44] <@nebkat> @google HOW TO HAVE SEX WITH YOUR HAND [16:44] <@bbqbot> How do you have sex with your hand -
<Jiangyi> Well, that was a fail copy-paste ._.
Jiangyi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [stop making up random lines]
Jiangyi has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Jiangyi> AIYA
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Y U NO BE A MAN
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Y U NO DO THE RIGHT THING?
Cym has joined #teamhacksung-support
choirboy has left #teamhacksung-support [#teamhacksung-support]
<nebkat> no :(
noxxx has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<nebkat> netchip is trying to act smart
<nebkat> its so funny :)
<Cym> Hi, I am testing an experimental ROM from codeworkx for my p3110 (tab2 7") and the mic does not work. Is there a way to track bugs?
<Baskey> just kiddin'
<nebkat> Baskey: AND I THOUGHT WE WUR FRIENDS :'(
<Baskey> nebkat: I LUV U AND U KNOW IT
<Baskey> :)
<Baskey> lawl
<nebkat> Baskey: NoT IN A GaY WAY THOUGH? RITE?
<Jiangyi> Cym: Ignore him. :-P
<Cym> just 14?
Jiangyi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [shish]
<nebkat> Cym: yep, just 14 ;)
<nebkat> so cheap amirite?
<bbqbot> derp
Jiangyi has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> nebkat: RITE
<nebkat> @money 14 pln usd
<bbqbot> 14 PLN = 4.20 USD
* ernie` takes a note on bbqbot's derping
<nebkat> ernie`: WHAT DERPGIN?
<ernie`> [22:49:09] <bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> ernie`: think about it?
<nebkat> ernie`: think about it?
<nebkat> ernie`: think about it?
<nebkat> ernie`: think about it?
<nebkat> ernie`: ?
<nebkat> ernie`: ?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> ernie`: ?
<Cym> Man, I could not handle touchwiz for more than like 2 days
<nebkat> ernie`: ?
<nebkat> ernie`: ?
<nebkat> ernie`: ?
<nebkat> ernie`: ?
<nebkat> ernie`: ?
<nebkat> THINK ? ABOUT ? IT ?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> ????
<nebkat> ??/
<nebkat> THINK >>>?<<<< ABOUT ???? IT >>>>>>>>?<<<<<<<<<
<ernie`> wait
<ernie`> nebkat,
<ernie`> nebkat,
<ernie`> nebkat,
<ernie`> nebkat,
<ernie`> nebkat,
<ernie`> nebkat,
<Jiangyi> Cym: Logging it would mean getting a logcat.
jcoreyelmore has quit []
<nebkat> THINK
<nebkat> ?
<nebkat> ABOUT
<nebkat> ?
<nebkat> IT
<nebkat> ?
<Cym> you need a log?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> ?
<nebkat> ?
<nebkat> ?
<EvilBelgian> I hate the internet in this country
<ernie`> ?
<nebkat> ?
<ernie`> ?
<ernie`> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> ?
<Baskey> WTF
<ernie`> YES
<nebkat> ?
<nebkat> ?
<nebkat> ?
<nebkat> ?
<nebkat> ernie`: YEP
<Cym> im happy to provide if need be
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: dont you mean "I hate the internet."?
<nebkat> Cym: he isnt around now sorry
<ernie`> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<EvilBelgian> No just the infrastructure available for the internet in the country I live in
<Cym> but it is an issue with all the P31XX models
<nebkat> Cym: just stay around for a while and ping him when he isnt away
<Baskey> @geo user EvilBelgian
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for EvilBelgian
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[3302428672,3302428927],"country":"ZA","region":"06","city":"Germiston","ll":[-26.2167,28.1833]}
<Cym> ping codeworkx you mean?
<nebkat> Cym: yeah
<nebkat> when he isnt away
<Cym> i could also post a log on xda
<nebkat> Cym: sure
<Cym> on his thread
<Cym> but then I'm not sure how much personal info is in that log
<Jiangyi> Cym: Yeah that works too.
<Jiangyi> Cym: Basically none. :-P
<Cym> is it better to do that privately?
<EvilBelgian> nebkat, the entire consumer internet backbone just got stiffed in the ass for the weekend to give businesses functioning internet whilst they fix an undersea cable that suffered a fault on friday morning
<Jiangyi> Nah, a log doesn't give away your personal info
<Cym> ok
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: mustve been fun
<Baskey> @8ball is netchip hot?
<bbqbot> Outlook not so good.
<Cym> ill just grep it for my passwords first
<Jiangyi> EvilBelgian: So that's why I couldn't connect to Chinese sites this morning! :O
<Baskey> yep
<Baskey> yep
<Baskey> yep
JieeHD is now known as JieeHD|Offline
<nebkat> n
<nebkat> yep
<nebkat> Baskey: WHERE IS MY COOKIE
<nebkat> @eval cookies
<bbqbot> ReferenceError: cookies is not defined
<bbqbot> undefined
<nebkat> @eval cookies = {}
<bbqbot> {}
<nebkat> @eval cookies.owner = "nebkat"
<bbqbot> 'nebkat'
<nebkat> Baskey: MY COOKIE
<Cym> Yall think the P31XX builds will be added to the nightlies soon?
<nebkat> @eval cookies = undefined
<bbqbot> undefined
<nebkat> @eval cookies
<bbqbot> undefined
<EvilBelgian> Jiangyi , yup
<Cym> there is a link to it on the wiki but it is not active
<nebkat> xplodwild: WHERE IS MAH COOKY
h4rdco2e has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> h4rdco2e: h4rdco2e
<Baskey> xplodwild: STOP FAPPING
<Baskey> @8ball is xplodwild fapping?
<bbqbot> Outlook not so good.
<nebkat> Baskey: HE IS ON REDTBUE.COM
Devourz has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> @8ball is xPloDWIld ON REDTUBE.COM
<bbqbot> Outlook not so good.
<nebkat> @8ball is he on ANIMALPR0n.EU?
<bbqbot> You may rely on it.
<Cym> tanks
<Baskey> @google animalpr0n
<Jiangyi> Cym: It's been like that for a while now, not sure why it hasn't merged yet. :-P
techmik has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Cym> looks good
<Baskey> @google Jiangyi RIDIN' A HORSE
<bbqbot> -
<nebkat> @google pr000000n
<nebkat> @google pr0n
<nebkat> @google p0rn
<Cym> yah.. i know things take time
<nebkat> @google porn
<bbqbot> Free Porn Videos &amp; Sex Movies - Porno, XXX, Porn Tube and Pussy ... -
<nebkat> lol
<Cym> but touchwiz is terrible man
<nebkat> @google touchwiz porn
<bbqbot> ICS On The Samsung Galaxy S2: A Whole Lot Of The Same Old ... -
<nebkat> ICS On The Samsung Galaxy S2: A Whole Lot Of The Same Old ... TOUCHWIZ PORN
<Cym> it kinda sounds like a porno name
<Baskey> @google sense porn
<bbqbot> Beck: We need Chris Christie Common Sense Porn - YouTube -
<Cym> it has "touch" in it
<nebkat> @google touch porn
<bbqbot> iPhone Topsites - Best iPhone Porn - Rankings - All Sites -
<nebkat> xD
<nebkat> @google apple porn
<bbqbot> Geometric Porn: Should Apple Have Rejected This Artist&#39;s App As ... -
<Jiangyi> Cym: LOL xD
<Baskey> @google BABA GHANOUSH
<bbqbot> Baba ghanoush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
<Cym> touching wiz
<Cym> that sounds more like it
techmik has joined #teamhacksung-support
<ernie`> ??????
<ernie`> just testing
<Cym> If codeworkx is in germany, then he is prolly sleeping
<nebkat> Cym: it only 11 :P
<Cym> or in the pub, it is saturday night
<Jiangyi> Cym: He hasn't been here all day I think. :-|
<ernie`> dem germans like their beer
<nebkat> ernie`: as do the irish
<ernie`> true
<Cym> that and sausages
<ernie`> though Ive never been to Ireland
<Cym> Im in Holland
<nebkat> its more like
<nebkat> touchjizz
<Cym> good one
<ernie`> You're in Holland and you think Germans are sleeping now?
<Cym> yep
<Cym> we dont stay up that late around here. :-P
<ernie`> Sleep during day, work during night
<ernie`> Thats what being a student has taught me
<Cym> all that tryptophan in the worst
<Cym> its like eating a turkey.. makes you sleep
<ernie`> Brew some coffee
<Cym> Nah.. I like to joke around
<Cym> No offense, codeworkx, if you are lurking :-P
<Cym> anyone else in here with a tab2?
<bbqbot> derp
<Cym> pretty good price
h4rdco2e has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Cym> CM9 kicks ass
<nebkat> Cym: I KNOW DOESNT IT :D
<Cym> I like how the status bar goes away when I need full screen
<Cym> Touchwiz has that super gay screen capture icon too
<nebkat> Cym: touchwiz is gay*
<nebkat> Baskey: so how long you hasent hurd from him?
<Cym> seems like we should be working on CM10 now since jelly beans are out
<Cym> its only 4.0 to 4.1
<Cym> i bet its not a major upgrade
<nebkat> Cym: we are discussing whether it will be cm10 or cm9.1
autoprime has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Cym> yah, i think they like whole numbers
<nebkat> autoprime: HERRO
<nebkat> Cym: no 9.1 was planned anyway
<Cym> i thought it was 7 for gingerbread, 8 for honeycomb (never released), and 9 for ics, so the next logical would be 10 for jelly beans
<autoprime> hai
<Cym> it did get its own statue on the lawn
<Cym> I posted logs on his CM9 thread on xda just incase I dont see him in here
<Cym> trebuchet is not bad
<Cym> touchjizz just lags like hell
<Cym> cool man
<Cym> good work
<Cym> and whats up with those icons that pop up when you press the middle of the status bar on touchwiz
<Cym> that was a bad idea
<Cym> and its like only limited to 6 choices or something
<Cym> like a calculator
<Cym> and a calendar
sixstringsg|afk is now known as sixstringsg
<Cym> like i want that right there
<Cym> man
<nebkat> jelly bin is so smuth
Nyn3x has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<nebkat> but I dont liek teh style :P
<Cym> what is new then
<Cym> i figure it will look just like ics
<nebkat> it is uglier
<Cym> no holo?
<nebkat> nah its just
<nebkat> they made lots of things white instead of blue
<nebkat> looks stupid
<Cym> oh
<nebkat> it'll probably be fine on s3 though
<Cym> ics blue is a good color, but it was a little overdone
<Cym> i dont really like all my icons blue
<nebkat> its not icons
<Baskey> [23:28] (@nebkat) Baskey: so how long you hasent hurd from him?
<nebkat> but the software buttons for example
<Baskey> I DUNNO
<nebkat> Baskey: FIND OUT
<Baskey> since... March? April?
<Baskey> sth like that
<Cym> well i mean like the icons in the status bar for the clock and signal meters
<Cym> i would even prefer monotone
<Cym> or flat black
<nebkat> Baskey: grep -rinv "stupidity" Baskey://brain | wc -l
<Cym> i like the icons to be "flat"
autoprim_ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Cym> no bevels
<Cym> bevels remind me of Sense
<Cym> *chills*
<nebkat> Baskey: It will return 0 xD
<nebkat> +1 if you get it :P
<Baskey> I don't
<bbqbot> undefined
<Cym> no bevels with shaded or rounded edges
<Cym> i like thin lines
autoprime has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
<Cym> I really hate windows, but i have to say that the icon them for W8 is pretty good
<Cym> theme
<nebkat> Baskey: grep -rinv "stupidity" means "inverse search for 'stupidity' recursively"
<nebkat> and wc -l is line count
<nebkat> so basically
<nebkat> search Baskeys brain for a line that is not stupidity
<nebkat> will return 0 :P
<nebkat> GIEF LOTY
<nebkat> GIEF ZLOTY
<Baskey> HEY HEY
<Cym> You know how if you hold down the version number in the stock ICS rom and flying ice cream bars fill the screen? Cyanogen needs to add a easter egg too.
<Baskey> yeah, flying netchips for example
<Cym> maybe something with Cid in a ice cream bar
<Cym> or maybe just porn
<Baskey> +1 for pr0n
<Baskey> nebkat: PING XPLODWILD
<Cym> cid having sex with an ice cream bar
<Baskey> or cid havin' sex with netchip-dev
<Cym> heh
<Baskey> that would be awesome
<Cym> lol
Jiangyi has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<Cym> the faster you tap the screen, the faster he does it
<Baskey> :D
<Cym> That new "cyanogen" ringtone is pretty cool
<Cym> today is the fist day I have had a chance to see it
<Cym> I have been stuck on my HTC Desire until now
<Cym> it served me well
<Cym> but i will never get a device with hardware buttons again
<Cym> the power button and the volume rocker is ok for hardware buttons, but not with a home button
<Baskey> SGS2 has physhical home button
<Baskey> and so has SGS3
<nebkat> physical is better
<nebkat> trust meh
<EvilBelgian> physical ftw
<Baskey> INDEED
<Baskey> bigger is better
<EvilBelgian> want capacitive volume rocker actually
<Baskey> nebkat: remember that
<Cym> they stop working
<ernie`> coming from N1, the physical button is the hardest thing to get used to
<Baskey> my SGS II is one yo and home button is fine
<Cym> the first thing that broke were the physical buttons
Devourz has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Cym> and you just have to push harder and harder
<Cym> maybe it is just HTC that sucks
<Baskey> DAFUQ
Devourz has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> cant believe someone actually bought all dem burgers
<Cym> I think i liked the music player better in CM7 than CM9
<ernie`> burger me up, scotty
<Baskey> nebkat: MAYBE THEY ARE FAKE
<Cym> not sure about this Apollo
<nebkat> Baskey: MAYBE HE IS FAKE!
<Baskey> use Google Play Music
<Baskey> FOR TEH WIN
<Baskey> cloud storage FOR TEH WIN
<Baskey> UP TO 20K SONGS
<ernie`> GMusic is nice
<Baskey> nebkat: lawl
<Cym> AVRCP support is not working
<Cym> it worked in CM7
Devourz has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Baskey> nebkat: you've posted it yesterday
<nebkat> Baskey: damn you
<nebkat> ^ homo
<Baskey> 7yo GAY
<nebkat> HOW CAN YOU BE PROUD?!?!?!??! :P
Devourz has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Cym> I come to mine ur internetz
<nebkat> sry fur spam
<nebkat> but dey r gud
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<Baskey> nebkat: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH
<nebkat> just this last one
<nebkat> repost
<nebkat> but its so good xD
<Baskey> you've posted it already
<Baskey> :(
<Baskey> :((((((((
<nebkat> Baskey: FRIENDZ FUR EVUR
<nebkat> inb4 repost :P
<Baskey> [00:10] (Baskey) you've posted it already
<Baskey> Y
<ernie`> I didn't get the one with the sperm count.. or is it just as obvious as one would think?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> "i know how 2 run 3 blocks in 30 seconds with 2 32 inch flat screens"
<ernie`> bbqbot, NO U!
<nebkat> xplodwild: LEGALIZE NETCHIP
<ernie`> I would tell you a UDP joke
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<ernie`> but I'm not sure you would get it
<Baskey> nebkat is too dump
<Baskey> and so am I
<Baskey> lol
<Baskey> too dumb*
<Cym> what you like more, SuperSU or Superuser
<nebkat> ernie`: TELLIT TAH MEH
<ernie`> nebkat, read it again ^
<Cym> 3.1.2 now
<Cym> he added ability to hide root
<Cym> i suppose to keep up with SuperSU which was the first to add that option
<ernie`> nebkat, you know what UDP is?
<Cym> you need a derp bot
Baskey is now known as baskeybot
<baskeybot> derp
baskeybot is now known as Baskey
<Cym> a bot to just say "derP" in response to everything
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<Cym> @derpbot what is the time?
<bbqbot> Cym: Command doesnt not exist!
<Cym> derpbot: it is derP thirty.
<Baskey> @8ball WHAT IS TEH TIME?
<bbqbot> Outlook not so good.
Rewolution has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
<Cym> You have to be careful or you might find yourself alone and jacking it in san diego.
<Baskey> @geo user Cym
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Cym
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1303027712,1303028735],"country":"NL","region":"01","city":"Meppel","ll":[52.7,6.2]}
datagutt has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
wbaw- has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
<Cym> derP
<Cym> every heard of "subliminal man"?
<Cym> see, if you want something, you just have to slip the keyword into all your sentences
<nebkat> anyone got one x?
<Baskey> ME
<Cym> LIke when I was younger, I wanted a dirt bike, CR80, but they didnt want to get me one, CR80.
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DarkAlchemist has quit [Quit: « UPP »]
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<Baskey> @geo user Rewolution
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Rewolution
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[3349659889,3349661695],"country":"US","region":"NY","city":"Yonkers","ll":[40.9513,-73.8773]}
wbaw- has joined #teamhacksung-support
<ernie`> nebkat, the joke, in case you we're wondering, is that UDP packages don't always reach their destination, in other words, you don't get them
<Baskey> am I really so that dumb?
<Baskey> :<
<ernie`> :p
<Baskey> nebkat: WHERE ARE U, MR. WHO?
<Cym> hello codeworkx
<codeworkx> dafuq
Devourz has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
<Baskey> @8ball is Cym a stalker?
<bbqbot> As I see it, yes.
<Baskey> :)
<Cym> goede avond
<Cym> any chance i can help solve the mic problem with the p31xx devices?
<Cym> if you need logs or whatever
<Cym> heh
<Cym> nothing like reading code at 1am
sixstringsg is now known as afkstringsg
<Jiangyi> Back.
<Baskey> hi there
<Baskey> :)
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: It's all Nebkat's fault! :-P
<Baskey> yeah
<Baskey> #blamenebkat
<Baskey> @google #blamenebkat
<bbqbot> No search results returned for that keyword.
<Baskey> :(
infideler has quit []
<Jiangyi> Oh, codeworkx is away. :<
<Baskey> that's a bummer
<Baskey> nebkat seems to be away too
<Baskey> nebkat: Y U AWAY
<Baskey> I'm soooooo sleepy
<Baskey> 1:02 AM
<Cym> y u no fix? :P
<bbqbot> derp
<Cym> heh
<Jiangyi> Baskey: Go to sleep. ._.
<Baskey> that's a good idea
<Cym> get some derp sleep
<Baskey> ok then
<Baskey> I'm off
<Cym> derp
<Baskey> nope
<Baskey> not derp
<Baskey> [01:03] (Baskey) GOODNIGHT
<Jiangyi> Good night! :-)
<Baskey> thanks
<Baskey> xoxo (no homo)
<Cym> heh
Baskey has quit [Quit: Baskey]
<Cym> definitely not
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<Cym> well, I dont want anyone to think I am stalking them... so, I will go back to doing something else.
<Cym> thanks for the amusement
<Jiangyi> Cym: It's fine, don't worry about it. :-P
<Cym> cool
<Cym> fixing scripts to include latest superuser
<Cym> that is like the 3rd update in 2 days
<bbqbot> undefined
<Jiangyi> O_O
<Jiangyi> Ummm.... Is bbqbot supposed to say that?
<nebkat> Y BASKEY LEFT?!?!
<Jiangyi> nebkat: We told him to go to sleep. :-P
Jiangyi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [why?]
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: You've got to stop doing that. D-:
* Jiangyi doesn't like to keep typing captchas
<nebkat> Jiangyi: I've got to stop doing that?
<nebkat> Jiangyi: I have got to stop doing that?
<nebkat> NO
Karbowiak is now known as karbowiak
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Sax
<Jiangyi|Sax> nebkat: Whatever. :-P
<nebkat> bye :)
* Jiangyi|Sax go play sax now
<Jiangyi|Sax> beer: You're leaving? O_O
<beer> Jiangyi|Sax: its 1:16AM :P
<Jiangyi|Sax> beer: Right. lol
<Jiangyi|Sax> beer: Good night!
<beer> Jiangyi|Sax: gn ;)
<beer> happy saxing
<Jiangyi|Sax> thanks? lol
<bbqbot> derp
<beer> Jiangyi|Sax: nop
<beer> bye
<Jiangyi|Sax> a bientot
DJClean has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
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<ernie`> beer, my phone isn't sleeping again :( had to reboot again
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<Jiangyi|Sax> ernie`: Your phone's not sleeping, but beer is sleeping lol
<ernie`> the irony
<Jiangyi|Sax> Indeed. :-P
infideler has left #teamhacksung-support [#teamhacksung-support]
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romann is now known as romann|afk
Jiangyi|Sax is now known as Jiangyi|Dinner
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