nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | Changelog App : | IRC stats : | <codeworkx> YIPIJAHEY SCHWEINEBACKE
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<Jiangyi> Oh God. I have a big problem now.
<Jiangyi> Even Odin mode won't recognize it.
<Jiangyi> ...... WTH?
<Jiangyi> I tried through every USB port I have, and the last one I tried suddenly worked.
<Jiangyi> :-S
<Thracky> another computer dying on you
<Thracky> what do you do to them that makes them off themselves?
<Jiangyi> Thracky: I wish I know LOL
<Thracky> when I win lotto max tonight I'll buy you a new one :P
<Thracky> (I wish.)
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Maybe it's because it's on 14 hours a day? :-P
<Thracky> mine's on 24/7
<Thracky> often bitcoin mining
<Thracky> radeon 6990 running at like 75 degrees all day :P
<evil-doer> crank the fan up
<Thracky> I usually keep it at like 75% fan speed
<Thracky> otherwise it's too damn loud
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<Thracky> like having an aircraft in my apartment
<evil-doer> mines hangs around 60 degrees at 66% speed
<Thracky> while running at 100% load?
<bbqbot> derp
<evil-doer> firmware modded 6950
<evil-doer> ya
<evil-doer> mining
<Thracky> ah nice
<Jiangyi> Not sure what bitcoin mining is. I'll go look it up. :-P
<Thracky> I don't mine that often these days but since the price spiked up a bit I figured I'd go again :P
<evil-doer> yeah it was hanging at or under 5 for so long
<Thracky> I made a bundle on the big bubble so at this point I don't really care that much heh
<evil-doer> i sold off a bit a little under the max last year
<evil-doer> now that was easy money
<Thracky> yup lol
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<T0yK4T> TCPpidgeon's gotta suck...
T0yK4T is now known as T0yK4T[zZz]
<T0yK4T[zZz]> weird, had a forward slash in there
<Jiangyi> Good night T0yK4t[zZz]!
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<pmgnet> How do I disable this "Must set PIN to use VPN" feature?
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<hobby> Hello :)
<hobby> anyone around?
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<Simoleon23> Hi..
<Simoleon23> Is anyone here..
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* Jiangyi|Phone can't sleep :-/
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<Assid> wank a bit
<Tag__> Okay..that was weird. Anyways, so I'm here to inform you guys that there's an issue with CyanogenMod 9 camera. Here are the issues:
<Tag__> - Out of focus - Turns on LED when camera turned on - grainy and blurry picture
<Tag__> That's all
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<Jiangyi|Phone> Assid: ..... No. ._.
<Tag__> So no issues?
<Jiangyi|Phone> Tag___: I9100G
<Jiangyi|Phone> ?
<Tag__> Yes GT-I9100G
<Jiangyi|Phone> Tag__: Thought so.
<Jiangyi|Phone> Tag__: You're not the only one
<Tag__> It's exclusive to I9100G?
<Jiangyi|Phone> Tag__: I think so.
<Tag__> Oh okay, that's well, good to know I guess. Is it fixable
<Jiangyi|Phone> Tag__: According to codeworky, not the first one
<Jiangyi|Phone> Second one, dunno
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<Jiangyi|Phone> It seems to be very varied though
<Tag__> So out-of-focus issue can't be fixed, am I correct?
<Jiangyi|Phone> Like, I don't have moat of the camera problems that everyone has
<Tag__> How so?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi|Phone> Most*
<Jiangyi|Phone> Tag__: I don't have any of the issues you juat mentioned. :-P
<Tag__> I heard too some users saying that they don't have the issue, while others do. What could we (me and others having the issue) be doing wrong..
<Jiangyi|Phone> Tag__: You might not be doing anything wrong. :-P
<Tag__> lol okay, so the camera may never be fixed right?
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<ufo900> hi all. i see in galaxy s2 section a new nightly: .. what is it about? thanks
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<ufo900> hi all. i see in galaxy s2 section a new nightly: .. what is it about? thanks
<Assid> whats a dualmic ?
<ufo900> exactly and the "experimental"
<Assid> means they are trying something
<ufo900> ok but what :)
<Assid> something you shuodl stay away from
<ufo900> lol are you serious?
<Assid> general idea.. if you dont know what it is.. stay away from it
<Assid> by my understanding.. it should be the activation of the dual mic which the s2 has.. but never used
<ufo900> don't know even.. forum asked :)
<ufo900> thank you anyway
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<BaconMan> Hey guys, this is the support chan for cm9 right?
<beer> BaconMan: for samsung devices
<BaconMan> Yean i have s3 :)
<BaconMan> after 4 years with iphone i brought an s3 few days ago and i'm really happy with it
<BaconMan> i installed cm9 which is my first rom ever
<BaconMan> but i want to know if i can install the original device dialer and calender?
<bbqbot> derp
<BaconMan> if you can give me a link on how to do it i will be great :)
<beer> BaconMan: yeah iphone is shit
<beer> BaconMan: sadly no :P
karbowiak is now known as Karbowiak
<BaconMan> really? there is no way to do it? i thought everything is possible on android :P
<beer> BaconMan: mostly yes, but icanexplain
<beer> BaconMan: their dialer and contacts app are proprietary stuff
<beer> samsung's apps
<beer> they are made to run on their touchwiz framework
<beer> if you attempt to run them on a cm9 rom it could crash due to missing features
<beer> and you cant port the framework
<BaconMan> i understand
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<Assid> feels good to be able to jump between roms right
<Assid> hrmmm we need better support for xperia s
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<exelior> hey guys
<exelior> how is the i9100 camera on cm9 ? flash bug gone?
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<exelior> is there anyone?
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<frxstrem> seeing how the Samsung Galaxy S III (GT-I9300) is capable of simulaniously being connected to Wi-Fi Direct and regular Wi-Fi (in the stock ROM), shouldn't the CM9 port be able to do so as well? (the latest experimental which I am running deactivates regular Wi-Fi while Wi-Fi Direct is active)
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<exelior> hello
<exelior> am i alone here?
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<shane_> hello
<shane_> can sombody help me
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<Baskey> l
<Baskey> derp
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<Rizwan> Installed CM9, behind the proxy in the university, unable to connect the internet, any help apprctd
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<Rizwan> slainer68 can u help
<Rizwan> proxydroid also not working, only browser connecting no connection for apps
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<Rizwan> flashed CM9, apps are unable to connect to the internet, except browser. I am behind Univ PRoxy
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<Rizwan> anyone?
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<danyasd> hey, are the servers wich provide cm9 for the galaxy s3 zip down?
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<danyasd> I can't download the lastest version for the s3
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<codeworkx> danyasd: we know
<codeworkx> danyasd: nobody is dying because of it
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<Baskey> xplodwild: are you still there?
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<cdesai> Baskey: na
<cdesai> he's idling since long
<Baskey> :/
<addi> who is idling? WHO?!
<cdesai> addi: plody :p
<addi> there is no plody here! :P
<cdesai> xplodwild == plody :P
<addi> oh, he's xplody :p
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<paciotti> anyone here? I would like to better understand the memory arrangement on my SGS1...
<Sushi> Not torrent for nightly builds ?
<Sushi> oops sorry, stupid
<paciotti> Recently I installed a couple of games and I received the notice "low memory".
<EgotisticalElf> that isn't memory management
<EgotisticalElf> that is the 175mb /datadata partition onyour phone that is full
<EgotisticalElf> not the 2gb /data partition
<EgotisticalElf> or the 13gb /sdcard partition
<paciotti> yes, I know
<paciotti> but how can I solve that?
<bbqbot> derp
<EgotisticalElf> du -d 1 /datadata | sort -n
<EgotisticalElf> run that as su under adb and it should tell you which apps are consuming the most space of that 175mb
<EgotisticalElf> remove the ones you don't want
<paciotti> there is no chance to move some of the data on the slow memory?
<EgotisticalElf> i don't know, i never looked at that option
<Sushi> mh
<EgotisticalElf> i just "dealt" with it
<Sushi> trying to install CM9 for the first time on a galaxy s2 GT-9100G
<Sushi> there is only one distribution for the s2, 9100 and 9100G ?
<cdesai> nope
<Sushi> okay
<cdesai> s2 has variants
<cdesai> 9100 is one, 9100g another
<EgotisticalElf> << i9100
<Sushi> okay
<Sushi> thanks
<cdesai> totally different tho, one is exynoes and teh other oamp
<Sushi> wasn't getting the correct one
<cdesai> s/oamp/omap
<Sushi> wasn't sure if an image was able to boot both
<paciotti> I have a lot of space taken by chrome data... is it normal?
<cdesai> paciotti: clear it's cache
<paciotti> I did it a few days ago...
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<paciotti> Under the app section I can read: 46MB the application, 19MB of data and 0B of cache
<paciotti> Titanium says 22MB of app, 45MB of data
<paciotti> 0 cache
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<paciotti> can someone that use chrome check if my value are abnormal?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi|Phone> Codeworkx: I put a logcat of an user who has camera connection issues in the Google drive. The error looked kind of weird to me. :-P
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Phone: userfail
<Jiangyi|Phone> Codeworkx: .... How so?
<Sushi> @#!
<bbqbot> Sushi: Command doesnt not exist!
<Sushi> :)
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<hobby> Hey Everybody
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Phone: if it's only one user, then it's user or phone fail :-P
<addi> like someone said, pebpap
<addi> (problem exists between phone and person)
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<Sushi> "unable to write to ums lunfile (no such file or directory)" when trying a CWM recovery
<Sushi> ring any bell ?
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<Jiangyi|Phone> I hate my router :-P
<hobby> Im coming from Teamhacksungs Ics build 15 beta. could i just update straight to the nightlies by just flashing the rom? or do i have to change the kernal or something?
<EgotisticalElf> you should be able to just flash the latest nightly just fine
<hobby> cool, thanks alot:P. i just wanted to be sure, ive bricked a cappy b4 and i didnt want it to happen again lol
<EgotisticalElf> :)
<EgotisticalElf> cappy is easy to resurrect
<Jiangyi|Phone> Codeworkx: Did you say anything? :P
<bbqbot> derp
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<EgotisticalElf> and you'll notice a HUGE difference
<Flumdahl> hi, my friend tried to flash his GT-S5660
<hobby> i think i flashed a wrong bootloader or something when i was tryna unbrick it
<Flumdahl> but he did not succeed with it
<hobby> it wouldnt get passed the att screen lol
<Flumdahl> now it wont start or something like that. we can do power + vol up + home button
<Flumdahl> but how do i fix loader with cwm etc etc?
<Flumdahl> so his phone works again
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<paciotti> EgotisticalElf I found this script, it looks promising. I'm trying right now. Maybe you are interested:
<EgotisticalElf> i've heard of people using it, and some it works well, some it does not at all
<EgotisticalElf> personally, i have an sgs3, so i dont much care :)
<Jiangyi|Phone> Flumdahl: Can you get into download mode?
<EgotisticalElf> my captivate will be relegated to my 3yo daughter for a mini-tablet :)
<paciotti> EgotisticalElf 3yo? MAXI tablet! :) Sorry for translating error: "dealt" is past! Thanks!
<EgotisticalElf> she loves the touchpads and ipads, so it is really a mini tablet
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<everadio> hhey guys
<everadio> is there a cm9 i9100 user online?
<Jiangyi|Phone> EgotisticalElf: teaching Android flashing early on are we? XD
<EgotisticalElf> whatever works :)
<Flumdahl> Jiangyi|Phone: you mean vol down + power button ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi|Phone> Flumdahl: yeah :-P
<Flumdahl> then yes. it says downloading
<Flumdahl> but what to do there?
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<Jiangyi|Phone> Flumdahl: Download a stock ROM and flash it with your computer.
<EgotisticalElf> flash it? isn't that illegal in some areas?
<addi> not if you do it in your home :p
<Flumdahl> Jiangyi|Phone: any good link u know about ?
T0yK4T[zZz] is now known as T0yK4T
<Jiangyi|Phone> Flumdahl:
<everadio> guys how is camera in latest nightly ??
<everadio> flash light still go on when you close the app
<everadio> ?
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<Flumdahl> and now to my problem .
<Flumdahl> i have an galaxy tab 2 10.1
<ronaldo> anyone checked the camera
<ronaldo> in the latest nightylys for i9100???
<Flumdahl> i have installed cm9 nightly flash from xda forum ... but like some else having trouble with google play says my unit is not compitable with the app i wanna install
<Flumdahl> how do i solve this ?
<bbqbot> derp
<hobby> .y
<hobby> sorry
<hobby> some apps dont work for the rom
<hobby> ive ran into this problem before
<ronaldo> and how is camera hobby?
<hobby> sometimes the app isnt compatible with the rom
<Flumdahl> but if i install the apps on my cell phone s3 then i can send the apk files to my tablet and install them on the tablet without troubles
<hobby> right now im on build 15 beta from a while ago, and the camera works great
<Flumdahl> but why cant i install directly form google play ?
<hobby> i havent had a problem with it
<hobby> is the tablet on the same rom?
<Flumdahl> no
<Flumdahl> its not
<Flumdahl> i have omega 5.1 on phone and cm9 on tablet
<hobby> yeah, some apps arnt compatible with all roms
<Flumdahl> if i install fryrom on tablet instead it works to install from google play it does not say its not imcompitable
<Flumdahl> hobby: yes i understand that. but if that is the point. why can i take the APK file from my phone and use them to install on my tables
<Flumdahl> tablet
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<Flumdahl> its just google play that says it is not compitable ... but it still does work to install them if i take them from another android unit
<Flumdahl> ive read something about using another gapps-ics but i think i have tried all but no sucess
<hobby> your trying to install google apps?
<Flumdahl> no
<Flumdahl> its sparbanken <-- name of app
<Flumdahl> its one app that wont work to install from google play
<Flumdahl> there are more apps
<Flumdahl> youtube is another app i dont find
<Flumdahl> on google play on my tablet.
<Flumdahl> but i have it on my galaxy s3. and i can enable bluetooth and send it from my s3 to tab 2
<hobby> Ooo i see what your saying
<hobby> the apps don't show up on the market?
<hobby> is what your saying right?
<hobby> if thats the case, i have no clue why lol
<Flumdahl> if i search on the tablet. i cant see them
<hobby> is your tablet rooted?
<bbqbot> derp
<hobby> derp
<hobby> lol
<Flumdahl> hobby: hehe yes.
<Flumdahl> i have runned several of roms on it
<hobby> I wish i knew how to fix the problem, but all i can really suggest is to install the google apps again and see what happens. Im not really sure about the tablets. Everythings a bit easier for me with the captivate lol
<Flumdahl> that is my problem
<Jiangyi|Phone> Flumdahl: Yeah google play is rly weird
<T0yK4T> herp derp
<Jiangyi|Phone> Merp
<Flumdahl> that have i also tried
<T0yK4T> Flumdahl: Grammar suggests you're from germany, just wondering if I'm right
<Flumdahl> no . im from sweden and sorry my english sucks :P
<T0yK4T> Ah, just that sentence construction that seemed like it was either german or danish, swedish works too I guess xD
<Flumdahl> hahaha
<Flumdahl>* what should i select ? the latest?
<T0yK4T> Depends on what phone you're on, what rom you're using and what the suggested gapps is for that rom + phone combo
<EgotisticalElf> Flumdahl, try the latest, it should be fine for all CM9 builds
<T0yK4T> usually the latest should be good, but there are exceptions
<EgotisticalElf> i've used the latest on 3 or 4 devices
<Flumdahl> that one
<Flumdahl> Google Apps:
<Flumdahl> Get the latest Version from Rom-Manager.
<Flumdahl> Newer, unsupported versions can be found at
<Flumdahl> that is what the page says
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: please wake up :D
<EgotisticalElf> and what does RM recommend?
<Flumdahl> i know u know the solution of my little problem
<Flumdahl> EgotisticalElf: RM ?
<EgotisticalElf> ROM Manager
<EgotisticalElf> the changelogs are pretty benign tbh
<EgotisticalElf> don't do 0422, just do 0429 or 0317
<Flumdahl> how do i check that in RM
<codeworkx> Flumdahl: update your rom
<EgotisticalElf> check your device -> download roms and then check Gapps
<EgotisticalElf> but srsly, just flash 0429
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: 20120622: Download
<Flumdahl> im running that one
<codeworkx> Flumdahl: data wipe + gapps reflash
<Flumdahl> in recovery mode ?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Flumdahl: where else?
<codeworkx> Flumdahl: if it doesn't work wait for the next build
<codeworkx> Flumdahl: not sure if my latest changes are included
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: do u mean wipe data/factory reset ?
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<Flumdahl> then install zip from sdcard
<Flumdahl> and choose gapps ?
<Flumdahl> just wanna be sure that im doing it right
<Flumdahl> i have done that now. waiting for tablet to startup
<Sushi> does the internal sd card get reset when doing a wipe ?
<addi> no
<Sushi> thanks
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: seem that i need to wait ... i still dont find youtube sparbanken telenor apps on market.
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<addi> Sushi, wipe = wipe /data partition, which is where apps are installed and settings etc are saved
<Flumdahl> and if i browse google play on my laptop i find them but it says that my tablet is uncompitable with the app
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: The guy wiped everything, reflashed the stock ROM and then CM9, and he's still getting camera errors. :-P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Doesn't look like he's the only one either.
<addi> pebpap
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<Jiangyi> Baskey!
<Baskey> Jiangyi!
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: my cam is working fine, also the one on my GFs phone
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: can't reproduce
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: So is mine.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: That's why I asked him to get a log to you.
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: any idea when there will be a update
<codeworkx> Flumdahl: you no ask for etas
<Flumdahl> ok
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: So nothing you can do? :-P
<addi> get him logcat :p
<Jiangyi> addi: Did that already. :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: no time
<addi> then give him time, don't push him :p
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: if i get time, i'll have a look at it.
<addi> ^^
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: maybe in about 40 years
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: OK then. O_O
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: It's better than a no, cannot fix I guess lol
<codeworkx> i9100, i9100g, i9300. p3100, p3110, p3113, p5100, p5110, p5113
<codeworkx> enough to do
<addi> that's a huge list to be concentrating on one person's camera problem xD
<codeworkx> right
<Jiangyi> Well, it's more than one :-P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Don't you ignore app problems anyways?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: mostly
<addi> those Facebook askers should go get a life -.-
<addi> why the hell Facebook is so important is beyond me
<addi> use it on the computer or on the browser, that's it bitches
<addi> but no, ME WANT SYNC
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yeah, I really don't get how it works for some and not for others. :-P
<Jiangyi> Maybe Samsung pulled a different camera thing like they did with the S3?
JieeHD is now known as JieeHD|Offline
<addi> Samsung pulled off a different phone thing with I9100G, so wouldn't be surprised if they changed other stuff here and there :p
<Jiangyi> addi: Fair enough. :-P
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<addi> and to think both I9100 and I9100G sell for the same price is even worse
<Jiangyi> addi: The S2s with the Qualcomm Snapdragons also sell the same over here in NA, and those are even worse lol
<Jiangyi> sell for the same*
<addi> those Snapdragons aren't as fast as the TI OMAP in the I9100G?
<addi> they do have faster GPUs though, that's for sure :p
<Jiangyi> addi: Snapdragon S3s. Cortex-A8 CPUs and Adreno 220. lol
<addi> well, those aren't bad when you compare them to the TI in I9100G :p
<Jiangyi> At least the TI has Cortex-A9s :-\
<addi> that Adreno 220 is surely more powerful than the SGX540
<addi> oh, right
<hobby> is there anyway i can backup my text messages and contacts, so i have them when i flash to nightlies?
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: anyway. if i except the issues with google play your system for galaxy tab2 is awesome
<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: Did you try flashing the latest GApps build instead?
<Jiangyi> addi: I thought it was pretty equal. :-P
<Flumdahl> Jiangyi: i tried to flash that one several time
<Flumdahl> times
<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: Nothing eh? Well, that sucks. :-(
<Flumdahl> tried to do it from ROM manager to
<addi> Jiangyi, okay, off to Wikipedia i go to compare :p
<Flumdahl> and still having that issue that i dont find youtube, sparbanken and telenor from google play
<Jiangyi> addi: Wikipedia have GPU comparisons now!? O_O
<addi> nah, i will open both pages separately and compare myself xD
<addi> Jiangyi, SGX540: 20-30 million triangles/sec, Adreno 220: 88 million triangles/sec
<addi> let me see more :p
<addi> SGX540 is from 2007, quite older than 220 (though that isn't grounds for better or worse)
<Jiangyi> Hmm... The one in the G is OCed by 50%, so that gives it a nice boost too.
<Jiangyi> Could've sworn I saw somewhere that it was equal.....
<addi> yeah, 220 is 266MHz by default, OMAP 4430's SGX540 is 304 by default. though 4460's is 384 by default by Nexus has it at 304 MHz, so lot of confusion :p
<addi> but Nexus has it*
<Jiangyi> addi, I9100G runs at the same speed as the Nexus.
<addi> yeah
<Jiangyi> That much I'm certain of :P
<addi> realized that after reading Wiki :p
<addi> so nice of Google to release an outdated phone :p
<Jiangyi> addi: Meh. OMAP is nice though.
<addi> not on the Nexus it isn't. fails to keep up with 720p screen many a times
<addi> but yeah, OMAP is nice
<Jiangyi> It's good enough for I9100G, since the screen's 480p. :-P
<Jiangyi> I want to see OMAP5 nao!!!
<addi> yeah :/
<addi> yes, wait till end of year you impatient guy :p
<Jiangyi> If Samsung actually made a G version of the S3 with OMAP5, I wouldn't mind that at all xD
<addi> yeah, though Samsung won't do that :p
<Jiangyi> Who knows :p
<Jiangyi> Maybe we'll see OMAP5 in the next Nexus lol
<addi> i guess they will, after putting 8 core Exynos in the S4 :p
<Jiangyi> After hearing codey's rant on Exynos, I kind of don't want it anymore xD
<addi> i just want a Nexus device now, no matter the hardware inside. others can go to hell with their '6-8 months to get new Android version out' devices :p
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> addi: I thought that's why we have CM xD
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<addi> Jiangyi, and how long till CM is completely stable? oh wait, it never gets completely stable on non Nexus devices :p
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> addi: It runs good enough for me. :-|
<addi> good enough != perfect like it does on Nexus :p
<Jiangyi> Better than stock
<addi> of course
<addi> still not the best. so Nexus FTW. all others FAIL :p
<Jiangyi> =|
<addi> everything is better than stock in the world of Android ^^
<Jiangyi> I still don't get why Nexus doesn't have a SD card slot
<addi> because they were workin on Google Drive for years, that's why
<addi> who would use that if there was microSD slot? WHO?! :p
<addi> and also because Google is lazy and believes Nexus isn't supposed to woo customers, just devs :p
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: OMAP ALL TEH THINGS
<Sushi> yup, camera broken on nightly :p
<Sushi> 9100g
<addi> Nexus S had no 720p, no TV-out, no microSD, etc etc, so people went to the Galaxy S after seeing that
<addi> Google FAIL it is called
<Jiangyi> Yeah =\
<codeworkx> tvout? thats no argument
<codeworkx> how much users really use it?
<addi> yeah, well, some people do use TV out
<codeworkx> 1%?
<addi> but that's the point, Nexus S should have had those things. it didn't
<codeworkx> google doesn't like sdcards
<addi> it likes cloud xD
<codeworkx> right
<codeworkx> me to
<codeworkx> too
<codeworkx> if i loose data, my fault
<Jiangyi> If the next Nexus had a SDcard slot, I'd jump on it
<codeworkx> if cloud looses data, google failt
<addi> all was clear when Drive released. reason for no ext SD card on all Nexus devices became apparent :p
<addi> Jiangyi, see? that's what people think and then go to other devices
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Do you like anything other than OMAP? lol
<addi> which is all a fail for Google and for Android
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: nope
<Jiangyi> addi: Yeah :-P
<Sushi> codeworkx: their fault, but i have serious doubt you could do anything about it :p
<addi> TouchWiz and Sense come along with external SD card support xD
<codeworkx> Sushi: they'll restore data. me probably can'T
<Jiangyi> I'm willing to sacrifice the SD card slot if the next Nexus still has penta-band support and OMAP5 :P
<codeworkx> Sushi: because lazy users dont do backups of their card every day
<addi> and all users don't have access to internet/fast internet all the time to go for cloud. hence no external sd card fail = people buying TouchWiz crap :/
<addi> or Sense crap
<codeworkx> addi: that's another fault
<codeworkx> everyone on this planet should have fast internet
<codeworkx> we've enough resources and manpower
<addi> but they don't ;)
<Jiangyi> Yeah, I never have a data plan, so cloud's not the most convenient thing for me when on the go
<addi> nothing is ideal
<addi> so never gonna have fast internet everywhere
<codeworkx> 500mb = 10 eur
<codeworkx> no contract
<codeworkx> that's how stuff goes
<addi> not everywhere ;)
<codeworkx> that's the problem
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: 250MB = $25 here :-(
<addi> yeah, well, problems and problems everywhere :(
<addi> Cloud FTW when there's 100% fast internet access everywhere in the world. till then, fail
<addi> Jiangyi, w00t? 1 GB for $5 here. though this is India and everything is kept cheap :p
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> 1GB = about 3 euro here
<codeworkx> w00t
<Jiangyi> addi: NA sucks when it comes to internet.
<addi> NA sucks? :o then what about India? :O
<Baskey> codeworkx: TEH POWAH OF Red Bull Mobile
<addi> though till 2 months back 1GB was $7 :p
<addi> but in the end only those that keep a lot of music or movies on their phones really need expandable memory over 16GB. or those who make too many nandroids :p
<Baskey> Google Music and I don't need lot amounts of space
<codeworkx> addi: only the bad guys who are ripping moviezzzzzzz
<codeworkx> addi: warezzzzzzzz
<Jiangyi> Yeah my music library is about 9 GB =\
<addi> i is using warezzzzz but only for games :p
<addi> currently downloading Ghost Recon Future Soldier :p
<Baskey> mine is about 50GB
<Jiangyi> addi: High five me too
<Baskey> xD
<codeworkx> SDCARD = ILLEGAL
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You don't warez at all? xD
* addi doesn't like watching movies on the computer or phone, so no movies on his computer/phone
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: me linux
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: everything is free
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I'm talking about Android warez xD
<addi> Linux doesn't get you free movies and games and music. or does it? xD
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: nope
<codeworkx> addi: sure
<codeworkx> addi: if you use linux, everything is for free
<addi> Jiangyi, Android warez for me = only games, all apps me buys. and mainly because with games i have a 1 hour attention span on the phone :P
<Baskey> EVEN PR0N IN HD?
<addi> codeworkx, hmm, guess I'll stick to Winblows and warez :p
<Jiangyi> addi: Same with me. I only use free apps though lol
<addi> yeah, mostly me too.. but bought some stuff as well
<addi> most recent was Apex Launcher Pro :p
<Baskey> addi: Y U NO USE TREBUCHET?!?!?
<addi> it no being so customizable
<addi> Apex FTW
<Baskey> nebkat GONNA BE MAD
<addi> i loved ADW Ex, and Apex takes many stuff from that, so APEX FTW
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<addi> Baskey, who said I was using CM9 on my Nexus? :p
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> i was till about a week ago though xD
<Baskey> CM9 OR DEATH
<paciotti> Hello! My SGS is rebooting itself into recovery...
<addi> Baskey, nah, on Nexus all is nice :p
<addi> that's where my 13GB of Nexus is being taken:
<Jiangyi> This is a more certain rule: ROOT OR DEATH
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<addi> Jiangyi, i didn't root. these custom ROMs do it for me. still death? :p
<Baskey> N.O.V.A. 3 sux hard
<Baskey> I don't get that whole hype
<Jiangyi> addi: Fine. ROOT ACCESS OR DEATH
<Baskey> about this game
<addi> Baskey, i've stopped at level 2 myself :p
<Baskey> :D
<addi> but ME Infiltrator = damn fine game
<Baskey> yeah, indeed
<addi> oh, and Blood and Glory = a damn fine game as well, which i didn't expect it to be being from Glu and free :p
<Baskey> it's FREE FREE or FREEMIUM?
<Baskey> :(
<addi> but playable without buying stuff :p
<addi> i actually like that about Glu. all games freemium, though some do prefer paying outright
<addi> but even without paying, enough fun
<Jiangyi> I'm too much of a PC gamer to play shooting games on the phone :P
<addi> me too + the attention span of an hour or two :p
<Baskey> TPP games are quite nice
<Baskey> FPSs sux
<Jiangyi> I wanna play Warface :-(
<Baskey> I wanna play xplodwild :-(
<Jiangyi> o_O
<Baskey> :3
<Jiangyi> O_o
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<addi> <Baskey> I wanna play xplodwild :-(
<addi> :O :O :O
<Baskey> As I said a few days ago: me + Dwarken + xplodwild = TEH BEST THREESOME EVAH
<Jiangyi> Hmm.... Could anyone tell me where the localization file for the menu that comes up when you hold the power button is?
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<addi> Baskey, only DuperMan is awesome, all else are FAIL compared to him. too bad he isn't here or he would tell you
<Baskey> the best is that guy, who talks about pandas
<Baskey> I don't remember his nickname
<addi> well, as long as you aren't "DuperSome", you are nothing :p
Baskey is now known as DuperBaskey
<DuperBaskey> AM I AWESOME NOW?
<addi> nope
<DuperBaskey> :(
DuperBaskey is now known as Baskey
<addi> sorry, but that's how it is :p
<Baskey> that's brutal
<Baskey> ;(
<addi> heck, I was the most awesome there was till I met DuperMan. now i'm second most awesome :p
<addi> and now me goes plays ME3. see you guys ^^
<Baskey> cya
<Jiangyi> bai
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<Jiangyi> Hmmm... So apparently, I'm going fishing today. :-P
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<Baskey> :|
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<Sushi> camera crashing on the 9100g is a known issue i guess ?
<Jiangyi> =|
<Jiangyi> not my style of music :P
<uberushaximus> sounds pretty good codeworkx
* Jiangyi WANTZ
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<supersayian> hi can anyone help me for flashing cyanogen for the first time?
<bbqbot> derp
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<MOX2> I am using cm9 wif i9300
<Baskey> that's super, MOX2
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<MOX2> but it will break voice calls
<MOX2> can any help me?
<codeworkx> detailed infos?
<MOX2> hong kong i9300
<codeworkx> detailed infos?
<MOX2> if i call ,it will break voice calls
<codeworkx> how?
<MOX2> the sound is not clear
<codeworkx> did you try different modems?
<MOX2> yes
<MOX2> i try to use the hong kong modems
<codeworkx> did you try the patched settings app?
<MOX2> no
<codeworkx> does your provider use amr wideband?
<bbqbot> derp
<MOX2> i am so sorry,what is wideband
<codeworkx> HD Voice
<MOX2> no
<MOX2> i dont use
<codeworkx> does your provider support it?
<MOX2> i don't use HD Voice because ithe provider dont support
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<MOX2> i am first time to have this problem,i haven't ssen it on my i9000,i9100,i9220
<codeworkx> then try diff modems
<MOX2> where can find diff modems?
<MOX2> i am so sorry
<codeworkx> rommanager
<MOX2> do u think it is caused by the googlesapp 0429
<MOX2> LF2 Modem ,LF1 Modem,LEF Modem,LE8 Modem,LE4 Modem,LE6 Modem,LE5 Modem
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<MOX2> thank you for your helping
<MOX2> i will try to change tomorrow
<Frd^> any1 here how played Nova3?
<Frd^> who*
<MOX2> me
<MOX2> is time to sleep
<MOX2> byebye:)
<Frd^> MOX2: are u played level ice and fire?
<MOX2> sorry,i have to sleep , i answer u tomorrow because i have to check it
<Frd^> ;)
<MOX2> i forget
<MOX2> sorry
<Frd^> it's only 22:00 =)
<MOX2> now is 3.00am
<MOX2> hong kong
<MOX2> +8.00
<Frd^> good night =)
<MOX2> byebye:)
<MOX2> u too
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<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: do you know how merged the VIBE CONTROLL I FOUND IT TODAY :-)
noxxx has joined #teamhacksung-support
<noxxx> hey all
<noxxx> what is "dualmic" in
<noxxx> ?
<noxxx> and is the latest 20120623 is "dualmiced
<noxxx> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> noxxx: its a experimentail version
<h4rdco2e> for the feature that 2 mics are working
<h4rdco2e> on on the top and one on the bottom
<noxxx> h4rdco2e i.e. noise reduction?
<Baskey> what's "experimentail"? :D experimental tail?
<h4rdco2e> noxxx: yes
<noxxx> h4rdco2e and 20120623 is also with NR?
<h4rdco2e> Baskey: whatever
<h4rdco2e> noxxx: dont know
<noxxx> pfff
<noxxx> who could know that?
<noxxx> i'm excited about that feature
<angelsl> noxxx: why not try it and see?
<noxxx> angelsl i'm on latest nightly already but i dunno how to check if NR is working
<angelsl> noxxx: reflash old nightly, test a call
<angelsl> then flash the latest nightly and test call again
<noxxx> angelsl nah i'm not rolling back ever
<angelsl> meh
<angelsl> lemme see then
<noxxx> only jumping over CM9 - MIUI4 - STOCK
<noxxx> then back to CM9 always )
<angelsl> noxxx: not merged yet
<noxxx> angelsl pfff so sad (
<h4rdco2e> noxxx: Stock is suck, I changed too often
<h4rdco2e> but stock has got mor issues than CM9
<h4rdco2e> Entropy512: How is it looking for Wifi Direct sending menue?
<noxxx> h4rdco2e my wife use stock and her sgs2 has so many glitches per day so mine didnt has ever
<h4rdco2e> noxxx: samsung ruins the devices
<Baskey> @geo user h4rdco2e
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for h4rdco2e
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1565655552,1565656063],"country":"AT","region":"09","city":"Vienna","ll":[48.2,16.3667]}
<noxxx> but she doesnt like HOLO interface
<angelsl> that's scary
<angelsl> @geo user angelsl
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for angelsl
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~angelsl@pdpc/supporter/student/angelsl
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for pdpc/supporter/student/angelsl
<angelsl> luckily that doesn't work for me :p
<angelsl> yay vhosts
<noxxx> she says "it is too dark and not cartoonish"
<Baskey> o.O
<nebkat> Baskey: yo
<nebkat> Dwarken repliez?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> nope :(
<Baskey> and hi btw
<T0yK4T> Hms, what exactly are those Dual-mic experimental packs?
<angelsl> it's a build with this change merged.
<angelsl> whoops wrong one
<T0yK4T> Hm, still don't know what it does... All I see in the changes is an added property in an xml file..
<angelsl> it enables the dual-mic noise cancellation feature
<T0yK4T> Ah
<T0yK4T> thanks for that :)
<h4rdco2e> Baskey: why do oyu want to know that I'm from Vienna?
<T0yK4T> Has anyone else noticed audio clicks when listening to music btw?
<T0yK4T> They appear random at the moment, been meaning to try figuring out what's causing it, but haven't had the time yet
<T0yK4T> That's on the I9300 btw
<angelsl> T0yK4T: are you sure it's not your music being clipped?
<T0yK4T> Yep
<T0yK4T> Unless clipping is something non-codec specific
<angelsl> they don't occur at the same time into a song?
<T0yK4T> Nope
<angelsl> no, clipping is just overamplification
<h4rdco2e> T0yK4T: its a issue of i9100
<Baskey> h4rdco2e: I didn't knew that before
<angelsl> essentially
<T0yK4T> yeah that's not what's happening
<h4rdco2e> @geo user Baskey
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Baskey
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1337542656,1337544703],"country":"PL","region":"84","city":"Starachowice","ll":[51.0519,21.0883]}
<angelsl> h4rdco2e: really? i never got that issue
<T0yK4T> It happens on both flac and mp3s, and even on quiet music
<h4rdco2e> angelsl: i9100 without G
<T0yK4T> I got it on my LG Optimus 2x as well, before
<h4rdco2e> T0yK4T: Audio Libs are broken, right codeworkx
<angelsl> h4rdco2e: yup
<h4rdco2e> angelsl: it's a lib isse
<noxxx> @geo user noxxx
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for noxxx
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1294314496,1294319615],"country":"RU","region":"","city":"","ll":[60,100]}
<noxxx> pff
<T0yK4T> @geo t0yk4t
<noxxx> still no city
<T0yK4T> awww
<h4rdco2e> noxxx: no city
<angelsl> meh, i don't listen to music much anyway
<angelsl> not an issue for me :p
<h4rdco2e> noxxx: russia do not give us data
<T0yK4T> I do, I have 2 hours of public transport to get to work
<noxxx> i thought that moscow is well known city
<T0yK4T> I -need- music
<noxxx> h4rdco2e of course, we're all from KGB
<h4rdco2e> noxxx: lol
angelsl has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Entropy512> <h4rdco2e> Entropy512: How is it looking for Wifi Direct sending menue? - no clue what you're talking about
<bbqbot> derp
<noxxx> i scratched my car's climate control panel :(
<noxxx> with screwdriver
<h4rdco2e> in the true moscow is not on the place where everybody thinks, true noxxx
<T0yK4T> Why would you do that? o.O
<noxxx> accidentally
<T0yK4T> :<
<Entropy512> <h4rdco2e> for the feature that 2 mics are working - actually, turning on dualmic disables the second mic - blame samsung. The second mic often causes call echo
<noxxx> now i have to buy the whole unit to swap panel
<T0yK4T> O_O
<noxxx> climate control unit
<h4rdco2e> Entropy512: I was thinking about Wifi-Direct sending but its not possible, so I want to ask you if you could make one
<Entropy512> i don't do apps
<noxxx> it costs 800$
<noxxx> i have to find used one
<T0yK4T> I want my LTT back :<
<noxxx> T0yK4T LTT?
<h4rdco2e> Entropy512: it's a Kontexmenue entry, Send -> Bluetooth, E-Mail, Wifi
<T0yK4T> License To Troll
<Entropy512> as I said
<Entropy512> I don't do apps
<T0yK4T> My nick registration was apparently incomplete :/
<Entropy512> i do kernel and device tree
<h4rdco2e> Entropy512: it's not a app?
<Entropy512> it's app work
<T0yK4T> Or they switched nickserv o.O if you can even do that
<h4rdco2e> Entropy512: ok, btw thank you for Vibe Controll
<Entropy512> that was originally by codeworkx, I just backported it from I9300
<h4rdco2e> nebkat: would you do Wifisending menu entry?
<h4rdco2e> Entropy512: to i9300 has got it before i9100?
<nebkat> h4rdco2e: nobody understands you :P
<nebkat> you are worse than Dup
<nebkat> Dupe
<nebkat> hehehehe
<T0yK4T> Google translate much? :P
<h4rdco2e> nebkat: haha, yes I'm tired :-(
<h4rdco2e> T0yK4T: to much
<nebkat> h4rdco2e: no, just in general xD
<h4rdco2e> nebkat: I'm gernerally tired
<nebkat> fu xD
Assid has joined #teamhacksung-support
T0yK4T is now known as ToyKat
<Assid> What's up crazy boyz
* Assid is focked up in the great
<Assid> Head
<h4rdco2e> nebkat: However, could you do a possibility to send datas over Wifi?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> no idea :P
<Assid> Just turned a year older
<ToyKat> Congrats?
<ToyKat> Or "Awww, sorry to hear that"?
<h4rdco2e> nebkat: no idea? It's in AOSP I guess
<Assid> ToyKat: fuck knows, I'm just buzzed enough to wanna sleep
<Assid> nebkat: you freak
<Assid> Sometimes eye spy don't work
<Assid> And i don't see no update
<nebkat> Assid: wat date of build you running?
<nebkat> Assid: happy birthday man ;)
<h4rdco2e> nebkat: who is able to such a work?
<Assid> I think the 27th
<Assid> Thanks
<ToyKat> h4rdco2e: whaaa?
<nebkat> Assid: what you mean the 27th??
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> ToyKat: wifi direct sending
<Assid> 21st?
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: I get it to connect stock & cm9
<ToyKat> Uh, what about it?
<h4rdco2e> ToyKat: it at all, its not possible
* ToyKat gives up
<Assid> Yeah 21st
<h4rdco2e> ToyKat: youre not able to send somthing over wifidirect
<Assid> Crap I'm 31 :(
<Assid> And I'm single on my birthday
<Assid> And I'm already home
<ToyKat> Awww
<Assid> Wtf
<ToyKat> Wanna know what I did on my 24th?
<ToyKat> Went to get sushi :)
<Assid> I sang on karaoke
<ToyKat> Never done Karaoke xD
<ToyKat> But was on a choir when I was like... 8 xD
<Assid> Try in front of 40/50 people
<ToyKat> in* methinks
<Assid> You don't know
<ToyKat> gawd, I'm tired o.o
<nebkat> ToyKat: wait a second
* ToyKat waits patiently?
<nebkat> ToyKat: did you steal part of my nick?
<Assid> Nebkat fix bug
<ToyKat> Nawh
ToyKat was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [fuckr]
<Assid> Assid get laid
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<Assid> Women: Assid is single
h4rdco2e is now known as nebcat
<Assid> World stop fuvking yourself
<nebkat> Assid: did you want to say "Assid got* laid"?
<nebcat> nebkat: you're a fake
nebcat was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [agree]
<ToyKat> Assid: and you are on what side of the gender-line?
<bbqbot> derp
<Assid> No, directive
<nebkat> Assid: what bug
nebcat has joined #teamhacksung-support
nebcat is now known as h4rdco2e
<Assid> Doesn't do it right
<noxxx> can anyone tell me who could ever invent such a stupid way to switch input language on stock CM9 keyboard?
<h4rdco2e> nebkat: I love you kicks
<Assid> Try 30/30
<Assid> Display / software timeout
<nebkat> Assid: mmh it might be a liitle bit buggy, but it works mostly
<Assid> Try it
<nebkat> Assid: im running it now
<Assid> I didn't say it didn't work.. i said bug
* Assid needs a gf
* addi would suggest otherwise. it's a life of slavery and agreeing to your gf saying you are pathetic
<addi> but yeah, it's a good life :p
<Assid> nebkat: get me update
<Assid> Hmmmmmmmmm
* Assid goes to sleep
<Assid> Happy birthday to me
<Assid> Yeah!!!!
Assid has quit [Quit: Bye]
<ToyKat> Was wondering if anyone could be bothered to set dalvik.vm.heapsize to 128 by default for the I9300?
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
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<maccrack> hallo
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<Flumdahl> hmm. how do i enable the mobile data on cm9 on gt-p5100 ?
<nebkat> Flumdahl: settings -> wireless category - more -> mobile networks
<Flumdahl> yes ? so long i am correcty
<Flumdahl> then seup the access point names
<Flumdahl> then reboot after save
<Flumdahl> i have done that but still i dont get any net
<Flumdahl> but i dont find network mode on my tablet
<Flumdahl> cant i turn of gps mobile network in the status window anymore ?
<Flumdahl> like i can do with wi-fi and BT
<ToyKat> No circle with a cross in it, with a circle inside=
<ToyKat> ?*
<ToyKat> eh, cross with a circle with a circle
<Flumdahl> yes i noticed that
<ToyKat> That's GPS
<Flumdahl> uh i thought u meant for mobile networks
<ToyKat> 3G you have to go to settings to enable/disable
<Flumdahl> i dont have enable/disable for 3g and bluetooth
<Flumdahl> bluetooth i have
<Flumdahl> gps and 3g i meant
<Flumdahl> what i have enable/disable for is wifi and bluetooth.
<ToyKat> "Settings -> Wireless & Networks => More -> Mobile Networks -> Enable / Disable Mobile Data
<ToyKat> "*
<ToyKat> Or download a power control widget
<Flumdahl> ah
<ToyKat> And are you sure there's even 3G in your tab? And that you have a SIM inserted?
<bbqbot> derp
DerTimmay has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<Flumdahl> ToyKat: yes it is working right now
<ToyKat> Kay
slainer68 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Flumdahl> but it would be nice to havecontrol over gps and 3g in the menu as i have for wifi and bt ...
romann|afk is now known as romann
<ToyKat> Didn't you say you -had- GPS as well?
<ToyKat> Wifi -> Bluetooth -> GPS -> Silent / Vibrate
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<Flumdahl> ill upload screen shots then you will see what i have
<Flumdahl> there would be awesome to have 3g and gps to
<nebkat> mm Baskey
<nebkat> if you see some noobs say some shit that you think IDGAF about, call me over
<nebkat> just say "nebkat:"
<nebkat> and i'll deal with them xD
<nebkat> you'll see xD
<Flumdahl> or its not possible to get 3g and gps in those menus
<Flumdahl> ?
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<Baskey> nebkat: OK
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<Baskey> that's fair enough
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<Marcel1984> Hi, quick question,i have two Galaxy S3's (wife and mine) and would like to run cyanogenmod just like i did on my HTC Desire, I'm following this guide: my question is, do I need to root my device or does dit go automatically if I install CM9 (for the first time) using the recovery method for installation?
<lolwat> should have bought a hox
<Marcel1984> anyone?
<ToyKat> automatically
<ToyKat> Just need recovery installed first, then you're good to go, root should be included in CM9
<Marcel1984> k thnx, thought so,but better safe then sorry :)
h4rdco2e has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Entropy512> Marcel1984: has to be an international version
<Entropy512> flash it on a USA version and it'll brick you. :)
<Entropy512> (I9300 good, anything else bad)
<Marcel1984> i'm from holland (netherlands)'
<Marcel1984> so should be good right?
<Marcel1984> how can I check for sure?
<ToyKat> Open the back, remove battery
<ToyKat> should say GT-I9300 in there, nothing more
<ToyKat> But I'd say in NL you're pretty safe, unless your carrier shipped US phones, which I doubt
<Marcel1984> will check for sure, again better safe then sorry
<lolwat> Marcel1984, eufa fail
<Baskey> derp
<Marcel1984> lolwat: ...
<Marcel1984> don't care mutch about football so :)
<lolwat> truth not ...
<Marcel1984> it's an i9300 so here we go
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<Marcel1984> how do i get in reovery mode?
<bbqbot> derp
<Marcel1984> recovery*
<ToyKat> hold vol up + power + home
<ToyKat> until samsung logo appears
<ToyKat> Or is it vol down, can't remember
<ToyKat> one of those xD
<Marcel1984> that gets me in download mode
<Baskey> which one?
<ToyKat> You need oding to flash a recovery then methinks
<Marcel1984> vol down
<ToyKat> Then try vol up
<Marcel1984> oh
<Baskey> it's volume up
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<Marcel1984> guide is missing some things :)
<ToyKat> xD
<Marcel1984> i'm in
<ToyKat> Do a backup before you do anything else
<Marcel1984> will do
<ToyKat> Then wipe, then flash
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<Marcel1984> got one booted in CM9, thnx for your help!
coolya|away is now known as coolya
<whitequark> huh, exynos4210 is mainlined
<Entropy512> whitequark: has been mainlined for a while - but the level of support is kinda shitty
Baskey has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Entropy512> whoa... exynos5 support is mainlined THAT's new
<coolya> still no exynos5 cpu in the wild? xD
<coolya> codeworkx: you are not drunk? :D
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<whitequark> Entropy512: define "shitty" ?
<Entropy512> until very recently, zero support for cpuidle beyond WFI
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<Entropy512> even now - it looks like there are functions for LPA/AFTR but they'll never actually get used
<whitequark> I see
ToyKat is now known as ToyKat[zZz]
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<iSIEMENS> :) ?what is the language on this site ---> IMPIRAT.COM
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