nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | Changelog App : | IRC stats : | <codeworkx> YIPIJAHEY SCHWEINEBACKE
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<Faryaab> Anyone among devs online ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Faryaab> Need to seriously talk to someone
<zcat> herp
<Jiangyi> Hey Faryaab. I've seen you around the forums before, you've done some nice work. :-)
<Faryaab> thanks
<Faryaab> then you will like this too
<Faryaab> I got Android 4.1 on the S3
<Jiangyi> :O
<Jiangyi> Too bad Codeworkx's sleeping right now. :-P
<Faryaab> yea i needed some help
<Faryaab> from him thats why i came here
<zcat> Faryaab, nice work. and what's the top40 list of broken stuff? :)
<Faryaab> for now having FC on launcher so can't explore much but I went into the settings app through the notification menu
<Faryaab> and man
<Faryaab> this thing is SMOOTH!
<Faryaab> well it recognized my baseband
<Faryaab> so i guess cellular radio must be working
<Jiangyi> Hey, at least it boots lol xD
<Faryaab> If I somehow can get the launcher to work that would be awesome
<Jiangyi> Already better progress than what happened on the I9100G :-P
<Jiangyi> Hopefully there's no need for a new bootloader this time around...
<Jiangyi> Faryaab: Does ADB work?
<Faryaab> yes
<Faryaab> It also has some new animations
<Faryaab> which are way cool
<Jiangyi> Awesome :-)
<Jiangyi> Faryaab: If the launcher is crashing, maybe a 3rd-party launcher can somehow work?
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<kv3> Is there anyone available for some questions?
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<Assid> hmm you guys didnt go for the io ?
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<xplodwild> zomg
<xplodwild> nexus 4.1 ota
<Diwad> I wonder when can we get 4.1 for sII -_- In this place I hate g nexus:P
<Assid> xplodwild: nexus 4.1 ota ? what do you mean?
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<xplodwild> takju image is available
<Assid> whats a takju ?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild> US GSM
<xplodwild> mewants yakju :(
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<xplodwild> is it an problem that i have yakju ???
<xplodwild> can i flash form that (GSM) to the other rom without problems ?
<xplodwild> no problem, just follow guide and all should be good as long as you have a GSM GN.
<xplodwild> nice
<xplodwild> too bad my GN battery's dead
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* Assid needs to see the google io video
<Assid> was it worth it ? any new major changes?
<xplodwild> to summarize:
<xplodwild> - Project Butter, to optimize screen refresh and touch prediction
<xplodwild> => better touch response and UI smoothness
<xplodwild> - Google Now, learning what you do and auto alert you
<xplodwild> - Voice Actions siri-killer
<xplodwild> - New notification bar
<xplodwild> - Offline voice typing
<xplodwild> - Magazines and TV shows in google play
<xplodwild> and hmm that's about it I think
<Assid> hmm nice..
<Assid> if the images are out.. source should be out in the next 2-4 days.. means nightly would theoretically stop for a week or so
<xplodwild> nope
<xplodwild> sources available mid-july
<xplodwild> USB Audio
<xplodwild> USB audio output support allows hardware vendors to build hardware such as audio docks that interface with Android devices. This functionality is also exposed with the Android Open Accessory Development Kit (ADK) to give all developers the chance to create their own hardware.
<xplodwild> this is nice, no more complaints on XDA
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<xplodwild> Assid: also delta updates for apps in the market
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<Assid> delta updates?
<xplodwild> downloads only what changes
<xplodwild> basically they diff the previous and new APK and tells your phone what are the bits to change
<Assid> nice..
<xplodwild> instead of redownloading the new apk completely
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<kv3> Heya, I'm having some trouble getting fastboot connected. I've tried the step-by-step guide and when I attempt to use the fastboot CL command. it says <waiting for device> and just hangs.
<xplodwild> kv3: which device?
<Kaik541> xplodwild: I'm in love with the speech synthesis they use for siri-clone
<xplodwild> Kaik541: true
<kv3> TF300T
<xplodwild> Kaik541: I downloaded GSM JB image, going to flash on my nexus
<xplodwild> kv3: did you properly write the command
<xplodwild> ?
<Kaik541> xplodwild: don't use the OTA
<kv3> 0x0B05 correct?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild> Kaik541: I took koush image
<kv3> or are those O's?
<Kaik541> there's already a deodexed/blah/blah on xda and one on koush's site
<kv3> I assumed that was hex
<xplodwild> kv3: no they're zeros
<xplodwild> kv3: is your tablet in fastboot mode?
<kv3> yes
<kv3> Starting Fastboot USB download protocol
<Kaik541> xplodwild: you decided on whether or not you'll get N7?
<xplodwild> kv3: then reboot your pc, tablet, try to unplug or replug, ... sometimes it's bitching
<xplodwild> Kaik541: not sure yet, I already have TF300T and don't use it much, so I must see why would I need N7 :p
<kv3> This is the third time I've tried that already... hmm...
<Kaik541> xplodwild: well the smaller form factor would lead to more likely to use IMO... 7" can be held in one hand pretty easily
<Kaik541> I'm mostly looking forward to replacing my (now dead) netbook with it
<kv3> Is there a way to check to make sure there is a good connection with dmesg or whatnot, everything seems fine.
<Kaik541> really hoping ASUS pulls a transformer out their ass and uses those pogo pins for a keyboard dock
<xplodwild> Kaik541: I don't mind the size, but either way I can't find any proper use for a tablet, besides reading the news in the morning
<Kaik541> for me it'd mean no longer sitting at my computer desk for things like IRC and browsing (which is how I use my PC 95% of the time)
<xplodwild> I sometimes browse the web or watch youtube videos on my couch
<kv3> I'll try it one more time, brb.
<xplodwild> but that's about it
<Kaik541> I read a lot online, I browse a lot of random stuff, I have IRC on most of the time... my desktop is basically only for two things: 1) star trek online and 2) occasionally build CM
<Kaik541> so something more handheld would be nice... but I can see why they people have a hard time finding a niche for tablet use
<Kaik541> but since I'm a netbook owner since forever, it means I'm basically just getting a better netbook sans keyboard
<xplodwild> if I didn't have TF300 I would've bought it instantly
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<Kaik541> especially since the nexus 7 will actually be able to play games xD
<xplodwild> but I can't see what I'd do with two tabs
<kv3> I'm still getting the same thing. How long should it take to get fastboot to output anything?
<xplodwild> kv3: pretty instant
<kv3> Yeah, still nothing.
<xplodwild> kv3: do you use SDK fastboot?
<xplodwild> or some random binaries found on the web?
<kv3> Yes, I downloaded the SDK from today
<kv3> r20 iirc
<kv3> yes, r20
<Kaik541> xplodwild: yeah I guess that's why I jumped on it so fast... I'd only have one and since my netbook died rather abruptly on me (faulty charger, still works, just can't get AC to work), I could either spend $30 on a replacement charger or just get an awesome google device :3
<xplodwild> hmm weird, well dunno, other people had troubles sometimes with fastboot but it eventually went away on another computer or after a few reboots
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<xplodwild> Kaik541: depends on the price it'll have in France
<xplodwild> if it's < 199eur, I might consider it
<xplodwild> if they bitch and raise it above 200eur, I'll call it a day
<Kaik541> yeah it was basically the price point that got me
<xplodwild> booted my nexus 15min ago, CPU still hot, ha samsung..
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<Kaik541> I was like "it's an adorable device, basically tf300t-light..." and then it was "oh, also, mad cheap bro" and I was like "DONE"
<Kaik541> was still kinda sad there wasn't a dual-tablet announcement
<Kaik541> that exynos git on google's servers got my hopes up
<xplodwild> dual?
<bbqbot> derp
<kv3> brb again
<xplodwild> ah
<xplodwild> probably next nexus phone
<Kaik541> xplodwild: but the hardware it's tied to had a 7" screen from what I remember
<xplodwild> maybe early test devices
<Kaik541> maybe, wouldn't be surprising
<xplodwild> they don't build 4" amazing phones directly :p
<Kaik541> was just hoping they'd announce two tablets yesterday
<xplodwild> they probably have development boards and they use 7" regular touchscreen during dev
<Kaik541> the asus-made "cool, but tiny and cheap" one and the samsung "behemoth of power and sex"
<xplodwild> alright, rebooting recovery, doing backup, and flashing JB :D
<Kaik541> that way I could sit and debate about which I would buy
<Kaik541> anyway, guess I should try to go sleep for like 2 hours before work
<Kaik541> night all
<xplodwild> night
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<Assid> my bro still havent got his ICS update on his xperia s
<Assid> slow rollout :(
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<kv3> Still nothing... fuck
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<xplodwild> backup fastah
<xplodwild> mewants jellybean nao
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<kv3> So this dude mentions something in the thread about having the corect adb drivers installed... how do I check that?
<kv3> *correct
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<xplodwild> kv3: uninstall the device in Device Manager
<kv3> Debian
<kv3> I'm on Debian. No Device Manager.
<kv3> Realized after asking that he was talking about windows
* kv3 would rather not install Windoes
* kv3 can if he must.
<xplodwild> oh
<xplodwild> should work fine on linux
<kv3> should...
<kv3> though it is not.
<xplodwild> jellybean booting :D
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<xplodwild> woaw
<xplodwild> jellybean voice changes
<xplodwild> but French is still... weird xD
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<kv3> GOT IT!
<kv3> I had to add some udev rules :3
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<xplodwild> heh
<xplodwild> damn, jelly makes me wants to use my nexus as my daily phone again
<xplodwild> and offline voice recognition is already available for a wide range of languages
<kv3> wow
<xplodwild> too bad that Google's siri-killer works only in english it seems
<kv3> lol
<kv3> I got to see Mozilla's new mobile OS yesterday
<kv3> nonsequiter I know...
<kv3> I don't think I would ever really use something like siri
<xplodwild> voice actions is fast
<xplodwild> actually it's not like siri
<xplodwild> but your can tap the google voice search button, ask something, and in less than a second it answers you
<xplodwild> it's not a "personal assistan"
<xplodwild> it's more a voice search that is really effective
<kv3> I had something like that on the tf300t, but I must mumble
<kv3> or it can't decipher my accent
* kv3 is Texan
<xplodwild> it gets my french just-woke-up voice just fine
<kv3> hmm...
<kv3> I remember that it worked, but for longer phrases it just freaked out.
<kv3> There was a google voice keyboard on ICS that was almost awesome
<xplodwild> voice actions works out for small things but still very limited
<Assid> voice changes?
<Assid> so i made my first BB app..
<Assid> which does nothing but shows a mobile website :P
<Assid> how original
<Assid> why dont they add majel to play and let everyone else download it
<Assid> is the conference going on today as well?
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<Assid> it wheres the video
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<Assid> why doesnt google get rid of the stock browser and make chrome the default browser
<davisc> Sooo... when are we getting CM9.1 with Jelly Bean? ;-p
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<Assid> 2 years 16 days 45 seconds
<Assid> damn
<Assid> nebkat: the icon shows up in notification even if not enabled
<nebkat> Assid: err where
<Assid> eyespy
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<zfatihkaratana> hi guys
<zfatihkaratana> i need a help about cm9 with galaxy note
<zfatihkaratana> is there anyone around?
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<uphAcLic> hi guys
<uphAcLic> i need a help about cm9 on galaxy note
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<addi> uphAcLic, why logged in with two accounts?
<addi> not gonna get help any faster with that :p
<Assid> multi threaded helping
<peterperfect> Ahaha
<peterperfect> That was funny
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<mi9100g> any idea about where to find cm9 for s3 ?
<cdesai> @downloads i9300
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<xplodwild> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
<xplodwild> hmm
<cdesai> mi9100g:
<xplodwild> nebkat: fixit
<cdesai> xplodwild: iirc it's @devices add i9300 or something like that
<xplodwild> @devices add i9300
<bbqbot> xplodwild: Command doesnt not exist!
<xplodwild> @help devices
<bbqbot> Command does not exist
<xplodwild> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @join @part @kick @kickban @unban @op @deop @voice @devoice @mute @unmute @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<xplodwild> @help @supported
<bbqbot> Command does not exist
<xplodwild> @help supported
<bbqbot> Usage: @supported Shows supported devices
<bbqbot> Description: [<manufacturer>]
<cdesai> @help changelog
<bbqbot> Usage: @changelog Shows the cm changelog
<bbqbot> Description: [<device_name>]
<Baskey> xplodwild: MAKE ME JELLY BEAN ON SGS2 NAO
<cdesai> there were more xplodwild
<cdesai> mi9100g:
<cdesai> @downloads i9300
<bbqbot> Download at:
<cdesai> heh?
<cdesai> fail
<xplodwild> we broke it
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<xplodwild> Baskey: it runs fine on mah GNexus
<xplodwild> then wait for sauce
<mi9100g> and from where i can get root and CWM for s3 ?
<Baskey> xplodwild: MAKE SAUCE
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<xplodwild> mi9100g:
<xplodwild> @google i9300 CWM
<bbqbot> i9300 CWM Recovery | The Android Soul -
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<zfatihkaratana> sorry i was back :)
<zfatihkaratana> i did not mean to get in with both two account :p
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<uphAcLic> ooppps
<uphAcLic> both was open
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<uphAcLic> i flushed cm9 to galaxy note n7000
<uphAcLic> it is perfect with note
<uphAcLic> but i lost snote
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<cdesai> flushed really ?
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<toppits> codeworkx: hi, did u get my mail with the gps-log about the sound problem? did you have time to look over it?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi> Hey guys :-)
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<toppits> hi ^^
<Jiangyi> Man, the new Google Maps update disappointed me :-(
<Assid> why
<Jiangyi> I thought it was going to be offline map caching + searching of that cached part while offline. :-p
<Assid> no..only vectors
<Assid> search can never be offline
<Faryaab> Uploading Android 4.1 for the S3
<Jiangyi> :-(
<Jiangyi> Yeah, so basically the new update's basically what one of the Labs options was.
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<codeworkx> toppits: wontfix
<Cruli> Any one here know's how to secure an Ex-HDD with a password?
<codeworkx> toppits: also present on stock rom
<evil-doer> i bet google knows
<toppits> codeworkx: oh, dammit :( thx for the info!
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<cdesai> Baskey: old one :p
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<EvilBelgian> @download sgs2
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<EvilBelgian> @download galaxys2
<bbqbot> Download at:
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<EvilBelgian> How do I check which modem my phone has and is there a specific modem thats preffered for the Galaxy s2?
<EgoElf> the one that comes with CM is generally fairly good, however, some people find other modems better
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<EvilBelgian> What kind of differences do the different modems make?
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<Jiangyi> nebkat!
<Jiangyi> Hi.
<Jiangyi> :-)
<EgoElf> EvilBelgian, everything from better/worse connection rates to HSUPA and such.
<EvilBelgian> ah ok
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<EvilBelgian> I take it best idea is to go for the official modem that providers user for stock ICS in my country?
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<nebkat> hey
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<nebkat> BUY IT
<nebkat> DuperMa: DUPEY
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<EvilBelgian> LTT?
<EvilBelgian> much rape does this do to my battery
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: read the FAQ :)
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: very little
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: License To Troll
<EvilBelgian> :P if I'm gonna give you money I'm gonna bother you in person about it
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: ok ok :P
<Jiangyi> nebkat: What's LTT?
kalpik has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> Jiangyi: license to troll
<Jiangyi> Oh. LOL
Trae32566-STA has joined #teamhacksung-support
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: BUY
<Jiangyi> nebkat: I haz no credit card D:
<nebkat> Jiangyi: :/
peterperfect has joined #teamhacksung-support
<EvilBelgian> works on s2 with RC1 cm9 obviously ? cause I'm not installing no test app
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<akSeya> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 SGS3 i9300
dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
<EvilBelgian> I bought your damn app Nebkat
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: <3
<nebkat> @mods add EvilBelgian
<bbqbot> User EvilBelgian got added as mod.
<EvilBelgian> only because I saw an ad for the s3 advertising that exact feature though
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: heh
<nebkat> what you think gave me the idea?
nebkat has quit [Quit: Leaving]
nebkat has joined #teamhacksung-support
<EvilBelgian> makes sense
<EvilBelgian> is english your first language?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: basically yes
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
angelsl has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Where are you from? o_O
<nebkat> Baskey: BASKET
<nebkat> Jiangyi: serbia
<nebkat> Baskey: BUY EYESPY
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Ahh.....
<Jiangyi> nebkat: My math teacher's from there lol
<Baskey> epic tune
<Baskey> nebkat: WHAT'S EYESPY?
<nebkat> Baskey: mah app
slainer6_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Flumdahl> :O
<Flumdahl> 4.1
<Flumdahl> rawr
<Baskey> Flumdahl: dude, you're fast :D
<nebkat> Baskey: U WILL BUY IT
<Baskey> nebkat: I WILL
<nebkat> Baskeyyyy :D
<EgoElf> in the fridge
<EgoElf> then it is at the store
<EgoElf> probably next to the peanut butter
<Baskey> EgoElf: thx, ANDROID 4.1 - I'M COMING
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Hmm.....
* Jiangyi will learn winzipping just to see if the GNexus 4.1 build runs on 9100G :P
<Baskey> nebkat: BE MY ROBIN HOOD
<nebkat> Jiangyi:
<Baskey> BE MY BABY
<Baskey> BE MY GTO
nebkat is now known as winzipper
<winzipper> w00t
<Jiangyi> winzipper: Haz you a good guide to winzipping? :-D
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> I jk
winzipper is now known as nebkat
<nebkat> "Wait.. What app? What are you talking about?" - stupid cracker
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<jerwaz> Hey !
<jerwaz> Wazzup guys ?
<Jiangyi> Hi
<Jiangyi> :-)
Devourz has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Jiangyi> Baskey is clearly crazy/high
<Baskey> both
<Jiangyi> I will laugh if this crappy attempt of me winzipping actually works :P
<Baskey> you gonna be moar pr0 than netchip-dev
<Baskey> nebkat: I miss him
<Baskey> he's my favourite target
<Jiangyi> Baskey: I never really quite figured out who netchip is. :-P
<Baskey> he's... he's... oh wow
<Baskey> I can't even describe him
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> OK, my attempt failed as expected :-P
<Baskey> :(
<Jiangyi> Good news is CWM is still there lol
<Jiangyi> Back to CM9!
<nebkat> "Yes that's my email. Dude I refunded cuz I don't have use for it. Refunds are going to happen. Remember I only 15 minutes to decide if I wanted or don't. I'm pretty sure you worked hard on your app and I applaud you for it but I didn't back up your app or nothing of the sort."
Michael__ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Jiangyi> Flip, forgot about GApps. DERP
<Michael__> So! how can I connect to those stupid ad-hoc networks ?!! does cyanogen mod contain that feature or not .. thanks ^^
<Jiangyi> lol
peterperfect has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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<Jiangyi> Oh look
<Jiangyi> Chrome for iPhone and iPad today :-P
ernie` has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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<pmgnet> Has anyone replaced microUSB on i777?
<EgoElf> i did
<EgoElf> the whole bottom usb panel
<EgoElf> part cost 10$ on ebay and took about 20 minutes to install
<pmgnet> Do you happen to have links? I'm strugging to find the right parts.
<pmgnet> EgoElf: I have some issue with the USB that it keeps flipping to car mode
<EgoElf> ya, same here.. one sec
<pmgnet> and tough to charge at times.
sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|znc
<pmgnet> lately a bigger pain because I'm coding, and deploy by USB is best.
<EgoElf> that's what i bought
<pmgnet> that's i777 compatible?
<EgoElf> yes, the part internally is actually labeled with the euro part
<pmgnet> awesome. How did you swap it out so fast? Any good guide?
<EgoElf> ifixit teardown
<EgoElf> it's just screws to get the back + mainboard off
<EgoElf> i had already a tiny screwdriver + spudger to remove the case
<pmgnet> yeah, that sounds like my best path. Don't want to pay $150 for a repair job. Thanks.
<EgoElf> i've neve repaired one before and it was easy
<pmgnet> sweet. free and fast shipping too. On its way!
<EgoElf> ya, that one is 2$ more, but it is from the US instead of HK
<pmgnet> EgoElf: did you use i9000 ifixit instructions, or did you find i777 specific?
<bbqbot> derp
<EgoElf> they're similar enough
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<Baskey> xplodwild: R U STILL ALIVE?
<xplodwild> Baskey: NO
<Baskey> xplodwild: U R ON MY FLIPBOARD
<Baskey> xplodwild:
<xplodwild> orly?
<xplodwild> heh
<Baskey> :D
peterperfect has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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lodder has joined #teamhacksung-support
Baskey has left #teamhacksung-support ["Aces!"]
[deXter] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
JieeHD is now known as JieeHD|Offline
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<Jiangyi> Germany had better make a comeback...
Baskey has quit [Quit: Aces!]
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> Jiangyi: not happening
<nebkat> Baskey: BUOGHT MAH APP
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Germany loss = Codey unhappy = explosionz :-P
<Jiangyi> I second what Baskey says!!!
<nebkat> Baskey: I -1 what you say
<nebkat> I say go buy my app
<nebkat> DWARKEN Y U NO REPLAI?!?!?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> lol pure torture xD
<Mardos> i cant belvie germanyy will loose this!!
<Baskey> Jiangyi: lmao
<addi> Baskey, hi. I'm running Jelly Bean on my Nexus. are you? :p
<Baskey> don't even...
<Kaik541> addi: which version did you try? koush's or the one on xda/
<Baskey> I HAZ NO GNEX
<addi> Kaik541, one on xda, that has a root fix along with it. Rom manager kept getting stuck on downloading
<addi> Baskey, that's why me told you :p
<Baskey> I know
Jiangyi_ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> you hurt my feelings
<Baskey> :<
<addi> :( sorry
<Baskey> that's ok
<addi> next time get a Nexus device!
<Baskey> :)
<Baskey> nebkat: nebkat: nebkat: nebkat: Y U LUNCH DON'T SUP BELLY JEAN ANIME?!
<addi> Kaik541, any big differences between the two?
<Baskey> I don't even know why there is so many nebkats
<Kaik541> addi: no idea, debating which to try
<addi> oh, hehe
<Jiangyi_> I should've totally gotten the GNexus before :-(
<addi> both work fine, i know one guy who tried Rom manager one. both working epic
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [sorry im durnken]
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
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<Jiangyi_> lol durnken
<Baskey> nebkat: HOW DARE YOU?
<addi> epicness is Jelly Bean!
<nebkat> Baskey: its the beer talking
Jiangyi has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
Jiangyi_ is now known as Jiangyi
maltloaf has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
<nebkat> Baskey: og shit sury
<nebkat> here
<nebkat> @owners add Baskey
<bbqbot> User Baskey got added as owner.
<addi> i will if it's under $2 :p
<Jiangyi> Well, I might not have Jelly Bean, but I'm going to try to get the JB Boot animation on my phone. :-P
<Baskey> I've flashed this
<addi> jelly bean makes you do this:
<Jiangyi> JB Boot animation is at such an old resolution...... O_O
<Baskey> addi: duuuuude
<addi> :p
<Baskey> wrong, I didn't flashed bootanimation
<Baskey> I flashed animations
<Jiangyi> 640x640
<addi> but my Nexus is 720x1280! fuuuu Google
<addi> :p
<EvilBelgian> nebkat your app jsut crashed on me
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: submit bug report
<nebkat> and gief logcat
<nebkat> ktnx
<EvilBelgian> howfor
<EvilBelgian> oh I click report when it crashes
<EvilBelgian> makes sense now
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: and give me logcat now
<EvilBelgian> how do I logcat
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: adb logcat
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: pressed report?
<bbqbot> derp
<EvilBelgian> yup
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: thanks, now get logcat
<EvilBelgian> I have to get adb
<nebkat> yep
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: you must, it is a basic android hacker's tool
<Kaik541> teach me how to logcat
<EvilBelgian> I had it installed
<Baskey> /quit
<Baskey> Y U NO QUIT
Baskey has quit [Quit: Baskey]
<EvilBelgian> then virus she eaty
<EvilBelgian> and i haven't had reason to after
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<illumin> :o
<illumin> peno
illumin has left #teamhacksung-support [#teamhacksung-support]
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
sbrissen is now known as sbrissen_gone
<Jiangyi> OK, Now that I've edited the bootscreen files
<Jiangyi> Hopefully it'll work. :-P
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<Mardos> germanys out :(
RogueWave has quit [Client Quit]
Baskey has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> Mardos: hehehehehehehehee
AdamG- has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: logcat pl0x
<nebkat> hey AdamG- :)
<AdamG-> hey
<nebkat> haven't seen you around in a while
<EvilBelgian> still downloading adb
slainer68 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> nebkat: Y I'M NO LONGER A OP
<Baskey> I LIEK OP
<EvilBelgian> internet she suck
<nebkat> Baskey: erm you changed host?
<Baskey> yup
<AdamG-> nebkat: had family issues had to attend to
<nebkat> AdamG-: I released first app today :)
<Baskey> nebkat: I have variable IP address
<nebkat> Baskey: go ask for a cloak
<Baskey> nuuuuuu
<Baskey> :<
<Baskey> sad baskey is sad
<nebkat> xD
<Baskey> lol, nice one
romann|afk is now known as romann
<AdamG-> interesting
<AdamG-> lots to catch up on
<nebkat> Baskey: you love dwarken...
<Baskey> and you killed him
<Baskey> :(
<EvilBelgian> wuu2
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: GET ADEBE
<EvilBelgian> ??
<nebkat> EgoElf: adb
<nebkat> Baskey:
<nebkat> @google Baske
<bbqbot> Baske - Wiktionary -
<nebkat> @google Baskey
<bbqbot> HOME - Baskey new products -
<nebkat> @google Dwarken
<bbqbot> - The Final Howard Stern Terrestrial Radio Show -
<Baskey> lol
<Baskey> @google nebkat
<bbqbot> xda-developers - View Profile: nebkat -
<Baskey> ;_;
<EvilBelgian> @google evilbelgian
<bbqbot> Bertrand EvilBelgian Logan | Facebook -
<EvilBelgian> lame
<Baskey> @google nebkat spangled shalalala
<bbqbot> No search results returned for that keyword.
<nebkat> @google troll
<bbqbot> Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
<Jiangyi> @google Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Jiang Yi - DramaWiki -
<Baskey> @google guillaume lesniak
<bbqbot> BBQLog app Coming soon from +Guillaume Lesniak - Google+ -
<Jiangyi> o_O
<Baskey> hahaha
<Jiangyi> @google Andrew Jiang
<bbqbot> Prof. Anxiao (Andrew) Jiang - TAMU Computer Science Faculty Pages -
<xplodwild> heh
<Jiangyi> ..........
<Baskey> @google Bartek Orkiszewski
<bbqbot> Damian Pukaluk - Google+ -
<Baskey> dafuq...
<Baskey> @google Bartłomiej Orkiszewski
<bbqbot> BARTŁOMIEJ SIENKIEWICZ - Gazeta Wyborcza - internetowe ... -
<Baskey> noooo
<EvilBelgian> @google your mom
<Baskey> @google netchip
<bbqbot> PLX Technology : USB Controllers -
<nebkat> @google cody god
<bbqbot> Bobcat Goldthwait to Diablo Cody: “Cram it” | Citypaper Blogs -
<Baskey> o.O
<nebkat> @google codeworkx god
<bbqbot> codeworkx » Galaxy S II GT-I9100G nightly builds -
<nebkat> @google android god
<bbqbot> Pocket God™ - Android Apps on Google Play -
<EvilBelgian> lol
<nebkat> aww :(
<Baskey> @google BASKEY GOD
<bbqbot> Akito Sohma - Fruits Basket Wiki -
<Baskey> o.O
<Jiangyi> Darn it
<Baskey> @google eyespy
<bbqbot> EyeSpy | Welcome -
* Jiangyi can't get JB boot animation to work on his phone
<EvilBelgian> @google Bertrand Logan
<bbqbot> Bertrand Logan - South Africa | LinkedIn -
<EvilBelgian> really...
<Baskey> xD
<EvilBelgian> that's saddening
<Baskey> @geo user EvilBelgian
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for EvilBelgian
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[3302428672,3302428927],"country":"ZA","region":"06","city":"Germiston","ll":[-26.2167,28.1833]}
<EvilBelgian> I have put nothing
<EvilBelgian> on there
<EvilBelgian> geezus
<Baskey> bbqbot: Y U LIE
<Baskey> @google bbqbot
<bbqbot> BBQ BOT Round Two - YouTube -
<Baskey> interesting
<Baskey> ...
<Jiangyi> o_O
<Baskey> xplodwild: [23:04] BBQ BOT Round Two - YouTube -
infideler has joined #teamhacksung-support
<EvilBelgian> I'm only gonna be able to logcat this tomorrow
<EvilBelgian> I downloaded the adb package off
<EvilBelgian> do I need any other packages
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akSeya is now known as Guest10319
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<Jiangyi> EvilBelgian: You'll need to run that and download the platform-tools package
Guest10319 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|BBQ
<Mardos> oh wtf happened to netchip lol?
<bbqbot> derp
<EvilBelgian> downloading everything
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: adb
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: adb logcat now
<nebkat> or
<nebkat> adb logcat *:E
<EvilBelgian> 384k internet
<EvilBelgian> it'll be done in the morning
<EvilBelgian> it's 23:32 btw
<Baskey> so is here
<Jiangyi|BBQ> I prefer to do adb logcat -d :-P
Guest10319 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Jiangyi|BBQ> Anyways, I'm gonna go set up a BBQ now, cya guys later
<Baskey> xoxo
<Baskey> luv ya :*
<Jiangyi|BBQ> Baskey: NO HOMO
<Jiangyi|BBQ> (For the 2nd time)
<Baskey> :(
<Jiangyi|BBQ> :-P
<Jiangyi|BBQ> Love nebkat instead lol
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: :P
<Baskey> nebkat: HI HANDSOME
<EvilBelgian> sleepy time
<Baskey> yeah...
<EvilBelgian> if I can reproduce the bug in the morning I'll logcat for you
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: thanks :)
<Baskey> I'm bored
<Baskey> no OP, no Dwarken, no naked photos of xplodwild
<Baskey> I'm disappointed
<Baskey> :(
<xplodwild> heh
EvilBelgian has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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<Jiangyi|BBQ> Oops
<nebkat> Baskey: did he died?
<Jiangyi|BBQ> I forgot that I needed to practice sax.
<Jiangyi|BBQ> :-P
Jiangyi|BBQ is now known as Jiangyi|Sax
<Baskey> nebkat YOU TELL ME
<nebkat> Baskey: hi died
<Baskey> :(
<Baskey> [23:47] (Jiangyi|BBQ) I forgot that I needed to practice sax.
<Baskey> I READ SEX
<Jiangyi|Sax> Baskey: Everyone does. :-(
<Baskey> :)
<Baskey> I can practice with you
<Jiangyi|Sax> Baskey: Ehhhhh...... No. ._.
<Baskey> damn :(
<Jiangyi|Sax> Uhhhhhhhhh*
<Baskey> ok, no homo STARTING TOMORROW
<Baskey> I PROMISE
<Baskey> 9 actually
<Jiangyi|Sax> I wish you good luck with that. :-P
<Baskey> thx bro'
JieeHD is now known as JieeHD|Offline
<nebkat> Baskey: GOOD LUCK WITH WHAT? SUX?
<nebkat> I MEAN SAX?
<nebkat> I MEAN SEX?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> derp indeed
<Baskey> bbqbot: good boy
<Baskey> 3 minutes remaining
<nebkat> @uptime
<bbqbot> Bot has been online for: 12 days, 11 hours, 43 minutes, 5 seconds
<nebkat> cool :D
<nebkat> Baskey: 2.
<nebkat> 1.
<Baskey> nah, not so fast
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [wrong chan]
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
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<Baskey> LOCK'N'LOAD
<Baskey> Hello, I'm a totally new, ultra-boring version of Baskey.
<Baskey> nebkat: Is there anything I can help you with?
<Jiangyi|Sax> Basket?
<Baskey> Sorry, that's not possible.
<Jiangyi|Sax> Well, in this case, I shall attempt to return to my formal online self.
<Baskey> xplodwild: Is there anything I can help you with? Maybe hwcomposer?
<Jiangyi|Sax> This is excruciatingly hard after Nebkat has poisoned me. :-P
<xplodwild> Baskey: stfu
<Baskey> xplodwild: I'm sorry for my inconvenience.
<xplodwild> ohhh yes you are
<xplodwild> Baskey teh inconvenient
<Jiangyi|Sax> Poor Baskey.
<nebkat> xplodwild: HE TOOK BASKEY :'(
<xplodwild> Better have baskets
<xplodwild> sorry.
<xplodwild> it's late, you know
<Baskey> That's OK, Guillaume.
<nebkat> That's not OK, Basket
<Baskey> Is there anything I can help you with?
Baskey is now known as BaskeyBOT
<nebkat> yes
<nebkat> you know what?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> @kick BaskeyBOT
BaskeyBOT was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [BaskeyBOT]
BaskeyBOT has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> @kick BaskeyBOT
BaskeyBOT was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [BaskeyBOT]
BaskeyBOT has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> @timer set 1 @timer set 1 @ timer set 1 @timer set 1 @timer set 1 @timer set 1 @kick BaskeyBOT
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<bbqbot> nebkat: Command doesnt not exist!
<nebkat> damnit
<nebkat> @timer set 1 timer set 1 timer set 1 timer set 1 timer set 1 timer set 1 @kick BaskeyBOT
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<bbqbot> nebkat: Command doesnt not exist!
<nebkat> @timer set 1 timer set 1 timer set 1 timer set 1 timer set 1 timer set 1 kick BaskeyBOT
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<bbqbot> Timer set!
BaskeyBOT is now known as baskeybot
baskeybot was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [baskeybot]
baskeybot has joined #teamhacksung-support
<baskeybot> Is there anything I can help you with?
flcknzwrg has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> baskeybot: thought a rename would get you out of it? xD
Trae32566-STA has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
<nebkat> baskeybot: Y U STEAL THE REAL BASKEY :'(
<baskeybot> Sorry, I'm not able to answer on your question.
<baskeybot> Is there anything I can help you with?
<flcknzwrg> what about GLONASS, should it work? (i9300, yesterday's CM9 nightly) Doesn't look like it, though I can't say for sure; in any case, GPS status showed a bunch more satellites on samsung's stock rom before I flashed CM9
<nebkat> flcknzwrg: WHO USES GLONASS? HAHA NOBOS
<nebkat> NOOBS
<nebkat> baskeybot: either basket or no baskey
<flcknzwrg> I'm at 70 deg north, glonass works quite beautifully up here
<nebkat> yay
<baskeybot> nebkat: Sorry, I can't help you.
<baskeybot> Is there anything I can help you with?
<nebkat> yes
<nebkat> @kickban baskeybot :)
baskeybot was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [:)]
<Jiangyi|Sax> Poor baskeybot. :-P
<Jiangyi|Sax> He was starting to grow on me.
<Jiangyi|Sax> I don't know whether to laugh or facepalm at this.......
baskeybot has joined #teamhacksung-support
<baskeybot> Is there anything I can help you with?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> baskeybot: derp
<baskeybot> Sorry, I don't understand you.
<Jiangyi|Sax> baskeybot: Can you get me Jelly Bean source codes?
<baskeybot> Sorry, I'm not able to do that.
<baskeybot> Is there anything I can help you with?
<Jiangyi|Sax> baskeybot: This sentence is false. Correct?
<flcknzwrg> about the glonass thing...
<baskeybot> I don't understand you. Please try again.
<Jiangyi|Sax> baskeybot: Are you superior to BBQbot?
<baskeybot> 2+2=5
* baskeybot is changing language to Polish
<baskeybot> Witam! Czy mogę wam w czymś pomóc?
<Jiangyi|Sax> @8ball Are you superior to baskeybot?
<bbqbot> As I see it, yes.
<Jiangyi|Sax> @8ball Is baskeybot intelligent?
<bbqbot> It is certain.
<Jiangyi|Sax> @8ball Then how is baskeybot inferior to you?
<bbqbot> Concentrate and ask again.
<Jiangyi|Sax> Baskeybot: What is your opinion on Mr. Botworkx?
<bbqbot> derp
<baskeybot> Obawiam się, że nie znam odpowiedzi na Twoje pytanie.
<baskeybot> Czy mogę Ci w czymś pomóc?
peterperfect has joined #teamhacksung-support
* Jiangyi|Sax is activating Chinese bot mode
Jiangyi|Sax is now known as ChinaBot
<ChinaBot> 你好
<ChinaBot> 请问我能够帮助你吗?
<Karbowiak> dø din forpulede fucking skævøjede satan
peterperfect has quit [Changing host]
peterperfect has joined #teamhacksung-support
<peterperfect> AHAHAHAHAHAHA
Timmay has quit [Quit: Timmay]
<ChinaBot> O_O
peterperfect has quit [Quit: Leaving]
ChinaBot is now known as Jiangyi
Karbowiak is now known as karbowiak
<nebkat> baskeybot: ne razumemo poljski
slainer68 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
peterperfect has joined #teamhacksung-support
peterperfect has joined #teamhacksung-support
peterperfect has quit [Changing host]
<baskeybot> nebkat: Ale ja rozumiem Ciebie.
<baskeybot> Czy mogę Ci w czymś pomóc?
<nebkat> baskeybot: pricaj srpski
<baskeybot> Nie rozumiem.
<nebkat> mrs u picku materinu pedercino jedna!
baskeybot was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [baskeybot]
baskeybot has joined #teamhacksung-support
baskeybot was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [baskeybot]
baskeybot has joined #teamhacksung-support
baskeybot was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [baskeybot]
baskeybot has joined #teamhacksung-support
Devourz has joined #teamhacksung-support
* baskeybot is switching to English.
<baskeybot> nebkat: Do not swear, young lad.
D3vourz has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
* baskeybot is switching to Polish.
<nebkat> baskeybot: koristis google translate?
<bbqbot> derp
<baskeybot> Nie.
<baskeybot> Rozumiem część słów.
<nebkat> ceski?
<baskeybot> Polski.
baskeybot was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [sta se kurcis]
baskeybot has joined #teamhacksung-support
Jiangyi has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
dasunsrule32 has joined #teamhacksung-support
DJClean has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[deXter] has joined #teamhacksung-support
Araemo has joined #teamhacksung-support