Kaik541 changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | IRC stats : http://irc.nebkat.com/ | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | GIEF Teamhacksung Galaxy S3 FTW! http://pledgie.com/campaigns/17290 .:. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1633734
<xplodwild> MacBook-Xplod:platform-tools guigui$ nano ~/SGS3DUMP/etc/wifi/
<Sheldon> macbook? :(
<Sheldon> Lonely I'm mr. lonely, I have nobody, only my own
<xZain> This gay seems gay
<xZain> Guy
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: no
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: -.-
<codeworkx> WHERES MY BED?
<codeworkx> 4 hours to sleep
<codeworkx> bye bye :-D
<toenizz> logcat of camera hang issue I9100G http://pastebin.com/ZzMCBdG9 http://pastebin.com/PgadiSiX dmesg log
<toenizz> gn8
<codeworkx> toenizz: nothing i could fix
<codeworkx> cam is proprietary
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: lol
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Good night!
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<toenizz> codeworkx: ok gn8 take akku out of phone for minutes solved it but it comes back :)
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<Jiangyi> toenizz: I've had that issue several times too. :-P
<toenizz> Jiangyi: thats funny but nothing in the logs :) idk how to solve this
<Jiangyi> Everytime it happens, I just open up gallery, close it, go back to the camera app, and everything's fine again.
<toenizz> i removed the battery for 10 minutes... now i test if it happens again
<toenizz> fixed :D
romann|afk is now known as romann
<toenizz> what could this mean^^ something wrong with ram management?
<Jiangyi> toenizz: I think that was just a stroke of luck. :-P
<toenizz> Jiangyi: I made ​​it 2 times and each time it worked
<Jiangyi> toenizz: Oh. Well, I don't know then, it doesn't seem to do anything for me last time I tried.
<toenizz> now again it hangs :(
<toenizz> Jiangyi: have to close with menu button then again open camera and it works
Karbowiak is now known as karbowiak
<Jiangyi> toenizz: Yeah that'w what I do.
<Jiangyi> that's*
<toenizz> Jiangyi: i hope that it can be fixed without logs :)
<toenizz> gn8
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<GabChia> Hi there
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<wayne___> hi
<wayne___> can someone help me with my galaxy note?
<wayne___> i can't switch it on.
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<wayne___> hi?
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<noxxx> hi all
<noxxx> is there any way to wipe custom brightness levels data?
<bbqbot> derp
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<b00gieMAndroid> hi al
<b00gieMAndroid> anybody around
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<vizdak> hi
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<noxxx> hi there
<noxxx> where can i find known issues for n7000?
<EvilBelgian> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<EvilBelgian> nope not there
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<noxxx> EvilBelgian: sadness
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<Guest69743> Hi al i ahve a question i have a galaxy 2 i9100 with the latest version of cm9, i installed the latest version of gapps but my mail app is not working
<Guest69743> i downloaded the gapps from goo.im/gapps i have 2 mail adresses ( gmail ) i only can see one and push is not working
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<Guest69743> anybody now the answer for the problem
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<xZain> codeworkx : i9100/i777: Fix AOSP charger, remove useless mounts :) Thank You x3 I wish I could help you in anyway I could for making my device better ;) I will provide logcat next time If I found any more Bugs ty
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<xplodwild_work> xZain: do not ping codewrox if you don't need to
<xplodwild_work> use codewrox
<xZain> oh sorry mate did he set a Alarm or something ?? (o.o)
<xZain> btw xplodwild_work I was thinking why not debug the libaudio or reverse engineer to fix the audio issue unless it is illegal ??
<xplodwild_work> xZain: we all get pinged when someone say our nicks
<xZain> sorry :\ man
<xplodwild_work> I don't think they'll sue anyone
<xplodwild_work> but... we need to do it first
<xplodwild_work> and that's a bit more complex
<xZain> uh something I dont get I Mean does it exists in the stock cause I never used before.. if it is samsung has not released a Fix till today ???
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Any ideas regarding the signal issue? (Sorry to bug you about this.)
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<xZain> xpol does not want to reply to me :\
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<xplodwild_work> xZain: I don't get what you said
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: nope
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: The guy thinks it's libril.so and we found Galaxy Nexus users with the same issue.
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<qwebirc2829> gcracka
<qwebirc2829> first off...thanks for the hard work
<qwebirc2829> i have a gs2 sgh-I777 and am having a problem with my over the air voice call audio.
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<qwebirc2829> everything else seems to function correctly (sms, mms, data services) however when i call someone i don't hear it ringing and then when they answer and i see the connection i still get not audio. they get no audio as well.
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<qwebirc2829> i have tried multiple different radios with no luch
<qwebirc2829> luck
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<xZain> I mean does it exists in samsung stock rom ?
<xZain> the libaudio Bug ?
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<xZain> well I think a Possible fix would only wait for Samsung or ? reverse it your own(no idea if it is illegal)
<bbqbot> derp
<xZain> I doubt Samsung dont fix Bugs ?
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<xplodwild_work> xZain: what exists?
<xplodwild_work> I have no clue what you're reffering to
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<xtachix> oh hi
<xtachix> anyone here who could help me resolve a simple issue for cyanogenMod9 for i9100G ?
<xtachix> i've downloaded the latest one (ics 4.0.4)
<xtachix> from that thread
<bbqbot> derp
<xtachix> but i cant access sim card contacts
<xtachix> how do i do that
<xtachix> derpenia
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<xplodwild_work> xtachix: I guess you can't
<Baskey> YES, WE CAN
<xplodwild_work> xtachix: if going into Contacts app
<xplodwild_work> press the 3 dots on the bottom right
<xplodwild_work> and pressing Import
<xplodwild_work> then Import from SIM card
<xplodwild_work> if that doesn't work, then it won't work
<xplodwild_work> and if it worked because you weren't aware of that option, you need to use your brain harder
<xplodwild_work> ohai Baskey
<Baskey> xplodwild_work: Y U MAKE ME JELLY, YOU SNEAKY SNEAKY...
<xplodwild_work> oh stop it you!
<xplodwild_work> :3
<Baskey> I WANT SGS 3 TOO
<xplodwild_work> I want it too
<xplodwild_work> it's so far from me right now
<xplodwild_work> I have my nexus best friend with me right now
<Baskey> AAARGH
<Baskey> I HATE U 2, SGS2
<Baskey> just kidding, I luv U xplodwild_work
<Baskey> :)
<xplodwild_work> Baskey: tell that to the girl next door
<Baskey> oh, lovely girl next door
<xplodwild_work> I love samsung software team so much
<xplodwild_work> "So, first time user boot his phone, freeze his notification bar for a minute"
<xplodwild_work> "Then, piss them off with our Software update notification you can't remove"
<xplodwild_work> "Then add icons on menu items, so we're not on the Android guideline anymore"
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<xtachix> worked through "people" application
<xtachix> imported everything from there
<xtachix> thank you very much
<xZain> <xplodwild_work> the libaudio Bug
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<xZain> Volume does not always restore properly when a notification comes and headphones are plugged in.
<xZain> this >:(
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<xplodwild_work> xZain: oh, they won't fix it
<xplodwild_work> xZain: they changed the way it works within TouchWiz
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<xplodwild_work> as long as it works with touchwiz they don't care
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<xZain> oh so it is works fine on stock device ?
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<xZain> well in that case you guys have no choice but to debug and get it working..
<xZain> I doubt they will release the source code for library of audio
<bbqbot> derp
<xZain> anyone got SGS3 ?
<Baskey> xplodwild
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<xZain> well sgs2 is enough for me :)
<xZain> I like the camera app :) but I believe it will be hacked into SGS2
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<bombalj> hi everyone
<bombalj> is anyone having issues with "system sounds" being unavailable after some flashes?
<bombalj> every now and then I simply loose system sounds although they are enabled in settings
<bombalj> and after several new version flashes they return
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<leo9891> Bow Chika Wow Wow
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<qwebirc2829> audio issue was not an issue for me in the stock rom, or other versions of ICS just seems to be associated with mod9 or possibly 4.0.4. i have attempted to change every audio setting i can find, every phone option, every radio available, every tweak in the rom i would think might be associated, but still no audio only on calls(calls are connected, rings when receive a call and vise versa, sms and mms functional, oth
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<qwebirc2829> i had to use CyanogenMod 9 Resurrection Edition EU -- for use with Odin to flash because it gave an error ("bad") when installing from zip.
<cdesai> qwebirc2829: bad error = bad zip, redownload
<qwebirc2829> ive downloaded 3 different builds...is it likely i just lucked up and got three bad zips?
<leo9891> You have audio problems with your SGS2?
<bbqbot> derp
<qwebirc2829> yes, with mod9
<leo9891> do you have the SGH-i777 version or the i9100 version?
<qwebirc2829> sgh-i777
<leo9891> Did you flash a i9100 ROM in it?
<leo9891> I think thats why your audio isn''t working
<qwebirc2829> i did but have since restored to a working mod
<leo9891> people were flashing the i9100 ROMs into the SGH-i777 because they worked, but there were some bugs.
<leo9891> I just read about it a few mins ago.
<leo9891> brb lemme find the link.
<cdesai> @downliads i777
<bbqbot> cdesai: Command doesnt not exist!
<cdesai> @downloads i777
<bbqbot> Download at: http://get.cm/?device=i777
<cdesai> @qwebirc2829 get a zip from the above link
<bbqbot> cdesai: Command doesnt not exist!
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<qwebirc2829> thanks, but this is where i got them from....update-cm-9-20120522-NIGHTLY-i777-signed, update-cm-9-20120518-NIGHTLY-i777-signed, and update-cm-9-20120603-NIGHTLY-i777-signed
<cdesai> qwebirc2829: how do you transfer em?
<cdesai> qwebirc2829: try flashing via Rom Manager
<qwebirc2829> i put in recovery and flash from internal sd, where i saved them
<leo9891> from what I read, you can't just flash over a SGH-i777 rom over if you had a i9100 rom installed. You have to follow certain steps to make sure your phone gets rid of ALL the i9100 files.
<qwebirc2829> i have cleared and reset every cache and factory reset every time, but i will give this a try...thanks for your help
<leo9891> no prob.
<leo9891> make sure you only use ROMs that are for your device only!
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<InHate> Device : GT i9100G. Installed CM9. Flashed cm9 and gapps and factory wiped phone. Not able to find Play store, file manager, etc. Solutions please?
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<Jiangyi> InHate: I don't believe CM9 includes a file manager. As for the play store, it really should be there........
<leo9891> reflash the GApps
<InHate> Thank you. Will reflash gapps.
<InHate> Will re-download the latest gaps (although i already have it), reflash, reboot and try again.
<leo9891> i know in the instructions it tells you to flash the ROM and then the GApps. But you have to at least start up the ROM, and then go back into CWM Recovery and then reflash and they will show
<leo9891> same happened with me.
<Jiangyi> I
<Jiangyi> have never had that problem.
<Jiangyi> I always flash CM9 and GApps together in one go.
<InHate> So i dont have to redownload? I can just directly boot into recovery right now and flash gapps?
<leo9891> idk, but i did that and the Play Store and any other Google Apps didn't show on my phone at all.
<leo9891> yeah just re-flash
<leo9891> no downloading
<InHate> Aie aie. Wish me luck.
<InHate> But i got to say mate. CM9 is amazing. Cannot be compared to ICS
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<CafeKing> Good afternoon. Anyone in here who could teach me how to add bln to kernel? :P
<bbqbot> derp
<InHate> What, all you guys are devs here?
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<cdesai> InHate: not all, this is the support channel
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<leo9891> i'm a newbie, i have no idea what i'm talking about so don't follow my advice
<leo9891> j/k
<Jiangyi> I'm no coder either, just a user. :P
<cdesai> CafeKing: there are many implementations, might find some on xda
<leo9891> i am kinda of a newb but i grasp hold of MOST of this stuff pretty easily. I just like using hacks
<InHate> @leo Your awesome it works :P
<bbqbot> InHate: Command doesnt not exist!
<InHate> Yeah for some reason things catch on with me too
<leo9891> i know :-P
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<InHate> but wanna try out this dev stuff
<InHate> Certain skills required?
<leo9891> idk, i'm no dev by any means
<leo9891> never created a thing in my life... except a sandwhich
<InHate> Ahaha. Any idea what is required to become one
<cdesai> InHate: patience is the first thing
<InHate> Are you a dev, sir?
<cdesai> coding skills, google fu next
<cdesai> InHate: indeed
<InHate> coding? Which languages?
<Jiangyi> Java I presume?
<cdesai> depends on what you wanna do
<InHate> I work on ubuntu, know C. I need to know unix?
<CafeKing> I would pay cash for bln in the kernel for CM9 for Samsung Galaxy Note
<InHate> Suppose i wanna create a ROM
<leo9891> if you do coding, just create some stuff, get your work around the interwebs, and you will become known as a dev.
<cdesai> C for kernel, java for frameworks / apps, cpp for libraries, and asm if you wanna go really deep
<Jiangyi> CafeKing: BLN is hard to do on Exynos chip I heard.
<CafeKing> Hmm, ok Jianguy
<CafeKing> Jiangyi*
<InHate> Hmm. Ill check out kernel developping
<InHate> thanks cdesai
<Jiangyi> CafeKing: codey already did it for the I9100G, because it uses OMAP.
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<CafeKing> Ok, didn't think there was a big difference between SGS2 and Note
<Jiangyi> CafeKing: There isn't really. I9100 doesn't have BLN either.
<CafeKing> I9100 does have bln
<CafeKing> I had it before and indeed there was bln
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<Jiangyi> CafeKing: There is? I could've sworn someone was just asking for BLN a few days ago......
<bbqbot> derp
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<CafeKing> Yes, it have bln :)
<CafeKing> Got a mate running CM9 on it and bln is included in the kernel
<Jiangyi> CafeKing: Oh OK. Ignore me, I'm being dumb then xD
<CafeKing> Lol, no worries mate :)
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<JROppenheimer> hey y'all
<CafeKing> Hello
<JROppenheimer> anyone developing on I9100G around?
<Jiangyi> JROppenheimer: Only one is Code
<JROppenheimer> thought so
<JROppenheimer> awesome work he has done
<Jiangyi> Why do you ask?
<JROppenheimer> 'cause I was just wondering why not working AD2P is not listed as a not working feature.
<Jiangyi> Ah. Yeah some other users have reported that too.
<JROppenheimer> it actually becomes quiet hard to read the CM9 thread on XDA because of all the bullshitty posts
<JROppenheimer> and actually I don't get, how code is able to follow the whole thing.
<Jiangyi> JROppenheimer: Yeah, it is pretty bad.
romann is now known as romann|afk
<JROppenheimer> and as the only thing NOT working (at least it seems for me) is AD2P I thought I would come here and just ask straight forward
<JROppenheimer> all the nagging and complayning about -35.7 points in antutu is really getting my nerves f***ed up
<JROppenheimer> well - I will return later.
<JROppenheimer> peace out, and thanks to all for making this possible!
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<CafeKing> Anyone on the Samsung Galaxy Note in here? Great device :)
<Jiangyi> No, I9100G here. :P
<Jiangyi> Was considering that, but only the Snapdragon variant was available in North America.
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<Jiangyi> Well, I got to go, have a good one guys. :-)
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<DuperMan> yay
<CafeKing> New bag as in new girlfriend? :P
<DuperMan> no. no bag.
<DuperMan> new
<DuperMan> wanger, 1.3 oz or so
<CafeKing> Hmm
<DuperMan> gf had 18oz~
<CafeKing> Arh
<DuperMan> :(
<DuperMan> ^fuh nee
peterperfect[A] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
<DuperMan> less suck
<DuperMan> and turns out slash me had good price
<DuperMan> ^^
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<CafeKing> What phone you got, mate?
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<DuperMan> Note
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<CafeKing> Same here :) Note as well
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<DuperMan> metallica sound AWESOME again now^^
<CafeKing> Haha
<DuperMan> srsly dudde, good shit^^
<DuperMan> got them while looking to have my shure's warranty fulfilled
<DuperMan> xD
<CafeKing> Not bad ^^
<DuperMan> aye, much >>>>> in ear
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<DuperMan> otoh my new Wanger bag has so much room I'm afraid of the weapons I carrey
<DuperMan> xD
<CafeKing> DuperMan: Do you know how to add bln to kernel? :D
<DuperMan> CafeKing: if I did was I surting armies over cans?
<DuperMan> (probably)
<CafeKing> Lol, got no clue what you just meant :D
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<DuperMan> shoudln't. i'm the weird one
<CafeKing> Aham ^^
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<CafeKing> I love my Note :)
<DuperMan> ^^^
<DuperMan> SO MUCH
<peterperfect> i love my future sgs3
<DuperMan> don't. it'll be good tech but lack soul
<CafeKing> I don't like SGS3... Nothing special
<CafeKing> brb
<DuperMan> my best note effort to date
<DuperMan> ^^
<DuperMan> put it on facebook. nobody liked cause they thought imma sui
<DuperMan> :(
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<DuperMan> m o t h e r f u c k e r s
<CafeKing> That's pretty amazing - and back
<DuperMan> back, mostly
* CafeKing is listening to covers of Someone Like You
* DuperMan hears some cradle. ew.
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<CafeKing> How I miss bln
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<DuperMan> why
<DuperMan> ?
<chadouming> lol, BLN was bullshit, always holding a wakelock and draining battery by doing so
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<CafeKing> It's a cool feature and I was pretty used to it on all of my former devices
<chadouming> if you want it that much, there is siyah kernel, where gokhanmoral happened to make BLN work without wakelock, but if anything crash you wont have support here
<DuperMan> or you could just blind yerself with a led every other day
<CafeKing> Haha
<CafeKing> Afaik there's no CM9 kernel with bln for Note
<DuperMan> isn't my penis a kerne.... oops
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<chadouming> ah, you are talking about note, sry. Most of the people i see here have GSII
<CafeKing> No worries, I used to have a couple of SGS2's but after some low end devices I got a Note :)
<chadouming> hmm, gokhanmoral is merging more and more SGS II and note file to make a unified kernel. You might get his kernel soon :P
<CafeKing> I would love that. Used his kernel on SGS2. Brilliant work
<DuperMan> note is great. gokhan can dance and smile and suck nothing
<DuperMan> he's ok
<DuperMan> but I won't use his kernel, probably
<CafeKing> I would just love a CM9 kernel with bln... And yes! I will su about bln now :D
<DuperMan> you're already super
<DuperMan> have a blast
<DuperMan> ^ mentioned fact is fact
<CafeKing> Are you high?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> I try
<DuperMan> but no
<DuperMan> can you help?
<CafeKing> Lol no
<DuperMan> :(
<DuperMan> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.obasiapps.productivity.quicknotes&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5vYmFzaWFwcHMucHJvZHVjdGl2aXR5LnF1aWNrbm90ZXMiXQ.. worth buy?
<DuperMan> no gb
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<DuperMan> whoooooooooops
<DuperMan> dropkicked note is dropkicked
<DuperMan> stupid refles
<DuperMan> relex
<DuperMan> reflex
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* DuperMan does a risky thing
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<tasslehoff> I have very low volume on the original earbuds of my SGSII (koss portapro are fine). With Voodoo Louder even the smallest gain gives distortion. Any other things I can try. The Web talks about some samsung service codes. Are they still valid when I run CM9?
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<tasslehoff> hm. managed to enter service mode, but Audio is the only menu that doesn't work.
<tasslehoff> ah, audio service blocked
<tasslehoff> hrmpf
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<tasslehoff> But Volume+ seems to do enough for me. Thanks for listening ;)
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<qwebirc2829> can I flash only the secondary boot loader i777-UCKH_sbl.tar to my i777 on ics 4.0.3 with odin without mucking up something else?
<qwebirc2829> i accidentally flashed a rom meant for an I9100 and i need to get back to the original boot loader to resolve some audio issues i am having while calling.
<qwebirc2829> before i flash the correct i777 rom
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<qwebirc2829> or do i need to flash back the entire stock set?
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<chadouming> you should be able to flash only bootloader, but if you want to be more secure, simply flash the stock rom
<chadouming> you can do a backup first in CWM then restore only app and you should be alright.
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<chadouming> or restore everything in fact, CWM doesnt touch the bootloader
<qwebirc2829> thanks...i read a lot more and felt pretty good about it so i gave it a shot and it worked, but thanks for the reply
<chadouming> yw
<qwebirc2829> the fact that cwm doesn't touch the bootloader is what i didn't understand and why i was still having problems...
<qwebirc2829> should be good now..we'll see about to reflash mod9 and see if my call audio is working
<chadouming> but flash bootloader always risky, i recommend you to always flash it with a stock rom
<qwebirc2829> yea that was my question...should i still go back and flash the stock with odin before i proceed?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> derp?
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<chadouming> nah, now you flashed it it's alright
<DuperMan> I always flash, usually end in lockup
<chadouming> that's because you are a n00b ?
<DuperMan> no, it's because bad pun about exhibitionism
<DuperMan> now let's see how d3 likes trackballs
<qwebirc2829> aaahhhhhh i see what you did there...bravo sir...bra-vo!
<DuperMan> it was at all not fail
<chadouming> was taht sarcastic qwebirc2829 ?
<DuperMan> matter? iCringe
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<qwebirc2829> no...Stewie inflection
<DuperMan> should we usually expect you to talk cock in cheek or is your unmentioned reservation more apparent as a rule?
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<xenos> hey all
<xenos> i would like to ask where to get official samsung galaxy note apps to add them to CM9
<peterperfect> probably you cant
<peterperfect> sammy haz different framework
<xenos> what about the s3 mod
<peterperfect> DuperMan isnt it?
<bbqbot> derp
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<xenos> what about the s3 mod for CM9
<peterperfect> dunno
<peterperfect> i dont have note
<peterperfect> DuperMan help the guy!
<DuperMan> ok
<DuperMan> ehm... try HARDER
<DuperMan> if you tried without intent of succeeding intially
<DuperMan> start from the beginning
<DuperMan> and try
<DuperMan> failing to fail might help, but your best bet is not failing
<peterperfect> zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
<DuperMan> eh... yeah, diff framework
<DuperMan> drunk+d3+new headphones+new job
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> (takes a bunch to justify me acting as usual don't it?)
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<peterperfect> yep
<peterperfect> DuperMan you dont miss not apps at all?
<DuperMan> peterperfect: I haz SBM
<DuperMan> once google clears me to not-a-bum again I will haz whatever else is good
<DuperMan> what's there to miss if I never got into ass note?
<arun_> i am unable to play .avi . mkv video files using 4.0.4 is the feature not included in rom or is it not working in my phone
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<DuperMan> arun_: I heard the iRiver h300 can run avi kinda well
<DuperMan> if you encode them for it
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<Numloxxx> i had one of those... the h320 i think
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<xenos> is there a rom that is better than CM9 for galaxy note
<xenos> and like s3
<DuperMan> Numloxxx: rockbox. done.
<DuperMan> xenos: no
<Numloxxx> rockbox?
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<DuperMan> never installed it on your iRiver? ew
<Numloxxx> dont think so
<Numloxxx> is it a rom?
<xenos> is there a way to install Galaxy S3 mod into galaxy note CM9
<Numloxxx> hmm, i think i tried it years ago
<DuperMan> iirc... it was good moosic
<Numloxxx> not sure why i didn't end up using it
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<Numloxxx> but by that stage, i didn't use it anymore
<DuperMan> xenos: I installed a galaxy 3 into my singularity and it rebooted
<xenos> i didnt understand
<xenos> I have the note
<xenos> I have CM9 on it
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<DuperMan> good
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<xenos> is there a wait to get touchwiz and apps of s3 into it
<DuperMan> a. no. b. no. c. no. d. well, memo and task mamanger work
<chadouming> i would answer e) a. b. and c. but not d.
<Numloxxx> i refuse to answer a,b,c and d... simply coz i got NFI.. lol
<DuperMan> chadouming: well, give a lad something to chew on if he's so persistent
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<DuperMan> I just killed Diablo in ACT 2
<DuperMan> using a DILDO
<DuperMan> so FU
<DuperMan> no screenshot
<Numloxxx> try spinning around in ur chair anti-clockwise, holding up ur phone to the ceiling and shouting "I HAVE THE POWER!!!" aka He-Man style... ?
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<DuperMan> I'd rather pass gas listening to pearl jam with the sweet warm sound of my q460 akg phones
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<JROppenheimer> sooooooo I'm bach
<JROppenheimer> any news on the AD2P problem?
<JROppenheimer> anyone at least noticed it?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> bach was better
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<DuperMan> and no news, it's still ellusive and rare enough to not be a real bother
<DuperMan> which facet thereof are you pointing at?
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<addi> DuperMan, hail your awesomeness!
<addi> i forgot to be awesome today :p
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<addi> so gotta be double awesome tomorrow
<Numloxxx> Happy ipv6 day everybody :)
<DuperMan> addi; quit it. -_-
<DuperMan> but yeah, tomorrow last day of training for new job
<JROppenheimer> by all means - I am going to buy AD2P HeadSets to the whole world, so it won't be a rare problem :)
<DuperMan> get better at reading after you do that. I'd say 'first', but no
<DuperMan> :
<DuperMan> :)
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<JROppenheimer> hahahaha
<JROppenheimer> what part did I miss?! hold on - will try to reread...
<DuperMan> a person doing something suggested here... I need to take hell's temp
<JROppenheimer> actually my log goes back to 20:50 (my time) wich is about 10 minutes ago
<JROppenheimer> did the point accure before that time?!
<JROppenheimer> I seem to really don't get what you are throwing at me
<JROppenheimer> c'mon enlighten me!
<JROppenheimer> :)
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<DuperMan> hmmmm...
<DuperMan> I just asked what exactly was your issue, since a2dp is overall workable but has many
<iamnotagoldfish> quick question: how much hard drive space do you need to build CM9 from source?
<DuperMan> ~24gb
<iamnotagoldfish> thank you much
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<JROppenheimer> OOOOOH
<JROppenheimer> okay
<JROppenheimer> (btw that was a quick answer)
<DuperMan> lol eh... welcome. <3 my headphones
<JROppenheimer> sorry - I am used to only communicate through the I9100G thread
<DuperMan> np. protip: irc isn't a forum
<JROppenheimer> I know
<JROppenheimer> and that tip is totally pro
<JROppenheimer> wich makes me a total nopro
<iamnotagoldfish> haha JR Oppenheimer. awesome
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<JROppenheimer> since Code is the only one developing for the I9100G I was hoping to catch him here
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<JROppenheimer> my issue is: AD2P is not working
<JROppenheimer> BT is working for phone, but not for music
<DuperMan> phone, rom, headset?
<JROppenheimer> I9100G, CM9, Sennheiser MM100
<DuperMan> dunno about I9100G. sorry
<JROppenheimer> kinda was expecting
<JROppenheimer> man - GET ONE :)
<JROppenheimer> NOW
<JROppenheimer> argh
<DuperMan> :) no, note
<JROppenheimer> you're on note?
<DuperMan> yes.
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<JROppenheimer> actually I thought of buying one, but I got the S2G pretty cheap
<JROppenheimer> and the note seemed a little big
<evil-doer> i love the note, not too big
<DuperMan> ^
<evil-doer> all other phones are too small :P
<JROppenheimer> and ain't the resolution the same?! So information per point is the same?
<JROppenheimer> information on screen
<JROppenheimer> sorry
<evil-doer> 1280x800
<JROppenheimer> oh okay
<DuperMan> ACTUALLY after using a note for 3 weeks
<DuperMan> they are
<DuperMan> :|
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<peterperfect> ok
<DuperMan> ?
<evil-doer> DuperMan, the weirdest moment was just a few hours after having the note actually. i looked back at my old phone and it was hilariously tiny looking
<JROppenheimer> what was the old one?
<bbqbot> derp
<evil-doer> you get used to it fast
<DuperMan> evil-doer: YES
<evil-doer> galaxy s
<JROppenheimer> Nokia 3210?
<DuperMan> +1
<DuperMan> with a 9100!
<evil-doer> i9000 is my old phone
<DuperMan> I upgraded from a nokia 5800
<evil-doer> well i9000m to be specific
<DuperMan> but wasted dough on i9100 in between
<JROppenheimer> okay 5800 to note is like switching realities
<evil-doer> which is what i recently installed cm9 on
<DuperMan> JROppenheimer: had hd2 and sgs2 in between, just not from carrier
<JROppenheimer> I had HD2 before
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<DuperMan> it was awesome. waited for something like note with my hd2 but it got stolen a year too soon
<DuperMan> :/
<JROppenheimer> and I really have to say: If I had spent more then 50€ on the SGS2G - I would have been really pised!
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<DuperMan> now it's 4 cores (probably 6) and 4gb ram for my next upgrade
<JROppenheimer> for what?
<JROppenheimer> are you rendering Jurrassic Park 4 on the damn thing?
<DuperMan> no, I'm futureproofing:P
<JROppenheimer> actually whatsapp does work on one single core :)
<evil-doer> my next phone will probably be the galaxy note 3
<JROppenheimer> hahahahah
<DuperMan> porn should run smoothly
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<DuperMan> lol
<DuperMan> dumb me
<JROppenheimer> becauseof the pr0n`??
<DuperMan> no, because the ctl+f4 in wrong place
<JROppenheimer> ctl + f4 is ALWAYS the right place, as long as you have quick saved the game!
<DuperMan> lol. building for the sgs2 every other day and today it's taking long
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<DuperMan> JROppenheimer: orly? try
<sh4z> hey guys
<DuperMan> hai
<JROppenheimer> how does that work!?
<JROppenheimer> writing to one person?
<bbqbot> derp
<sh4z> is it possible to set a portrait wallpaper? in cm9
<JROppenheimer> you mean scrolling wallpaper?
<sh4z> I have a couple nice ones to use 480x800
<DuperMan> just shoot something cool:P
<DuperMan> or use my cat
<sh4z> no like instead of the usual
<DuperMan> well obviously it isn't stock with cm
<sh4z> there used to be two options
<DuperMan> :P
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<DuperMan> hai
<noxxx> hi all
<JROppenheimer> brb
<DuperMan> good thing about note: busty girl talking to me on it
<DuperMan> :D
<JROppenheimer> "trust me I'm from the internet"
<JROppenheimer> like I siad: I'll be right back
<sh4z> afaik by default you can only set stuff that is widescreen otherwise it gets cropped incorrectly...
<DuperMan> well no, friend of ex
<DuperMan> :P
<sh4z> it's like non scrolling wallpaper except instead of the normal double selection overlay (shows both overlays for which part will show) in gallery it has a single portrait selection box. maybe this is a Samsung only feature
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<peterperfect> ok i have a gt7500 on my hand
<peterperfect> should i flash all teh thengs?
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<sh4z> nobody any ideas. no support for portrait wallpaper and not planned in future? that works be seriously disappointing
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<sh4z> would*
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<Sz> Hi
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<Guest25297> habe probleme mit dem flashen vom cyanogenmod 9 auf i9100g
<Guest25297> wenn ich über den clockworkmod 5 die das ics flashen will bootet nach erfolgreichem flashen mein handy nicht
<Guest25297> das bleibt einfach beim ersten bild stehen was kann ich da machen=
<Guest25297> ?
<Guest25297> niemand der mir helfen will?
<bbqbot> derp
<sunrise0291> stock ics hattest du aber vorher drauf?
<Jiangyi> Sorry, I don't speak German D: (Understood the question through Google Translate though)
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<Jiangyi> Darn, I lost UI Sounds again..... :-(
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<Guest25297> was ist stock ics?
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<Jiangyi> Samsung's screwing up again... New GB update for the G in China. O_O
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<EgoElf> i wonder how close the sgs3's are in model
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<Jiangyi> EgoElf: What do you mean?
<EgoElf> well, sgs1 had like 20 variants, sgs2 had like 10 or something silly
<EgoElf> sgs3 so far, visually, only has 2 (color) and internally, only 2 known
<Jiangyi> EgoElf: I'm thinking that there's going to be 5 models. International, LTE, AWS, CDMA, and TD-SCDMA.
<EgoElf> 5 would still be sweet for management
<Jiangyi> Well, I suppose they can have LTE and AWS together in one phone, that'd be great =P
<Jiangyi> And hopefully they won't pull some wacky tactics and make a G version again.
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<under> Hi
<under> I've a problem with s2. I rebooted in recovery with ROMManager and now the phone wont boot
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<Devourz> under
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<Devourz> usb jigg?
<under> what?
<under> I dont have it
<Devourz> did you try to put ur phone in download mode?
<Devourz> and does that works?
<bbqbot> derp
<under> yes, nothing happens
<Devourz> hmm get usb jig mate or make one
<Devourz> dont know what else to tell you if aint booting lol
<under> okay
<EgoElf> reflash and/or factory wipe
<Devourz> lol he cant boot the phone
<EgoElf> having a working cwm recovery means your phone is functional, just something is corrupted somewhere
<under> how?
<EgoElf> define "boot"
<Devourz> not powering at all ?
<EgoElf> or not booting past the logo
<under> no EgoElf , in ROM Manager, I choosed to reboot in CWM but it didnt
<Devourz> wait
<Devourz> you can still power on
<Devourz> >
<Devourz> ?
<under> yes
<Devourz> lol...
<Devourz> i tought you cant power on
<Devourz> at all
<Devourz> nvm
<Devourz> lol
<Devourz> just do what he said up
<under> ?
<under> i cant enter in cwm
<Devourz> ‹ EgoElf › reflash and/or factory wipe
<under> from what?
<EgoElf> boot using vol up/down + power
<EgoElf> it should go right to cwm
<under> it wont
<EgoElf> does it boot to the OS?
<under> no
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<EgoElf> can you boot to download (up/down + usb)
<under> usb? let me try
<bbqbot> derp
<under> EgoElf, with usb i can access in download mode
<under> I think I can flash a rom via odin
<EgoElf> yep, on sgs2, you can use cm9 odin package i've seen around
<under> resurrection yes
<under> I have to boot in windows then
<EgoElf> but you'll have a phone
<under> yes
<under> thank you so much
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<EgoElf> np, i've been there a dozen times myself
<under> :)
<under> bye bye
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<Guest25297> how kernel is the right kernel for my i9100g
<Guest25297> ?
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<Jiangyi> Guest25297: If you're on stock, refer to Codeworkx's thread here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1631934
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<peterperfect> hello
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<Jiangyi> hello.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: weeeeeeeh
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Did something bad happen? D:
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> everything fine
<codeworkx> phone rockz like a star
<Jiangyi> lol
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I lost UI Sounds again, and I really don't want to wipe data lol
<codeworkx> lol?
<codeworkx> i can't say if it's a problem. i disabled them
<codeworkx> they're annoying me
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<RogueWave> *click*
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: fuck, time runs and runs. i should be in bed -.-
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Always had that bug on mine, where it would just lose it sporatically. Even in the testing versions.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: after reboot fine?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Nope. Only after a data wipe.
<codeworkx> that's strange xD
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Well, and occasionally a flash update would fix it too.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Anyways, nothing about signal loss on EDGE? :-P
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: never experienced it
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: It's mostly Chinese users from what I gather.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: maybe the phone is slightly different
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Dunno. I won't get the problem since I don't have mobile data. :P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: did you have it on the test versions? do you have it now?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: oh
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: lemme prepare something
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: The problem's been in every version from what I've heard. No signal loss if mobile data's off though.
<Jiangyi> Thanks. :-)
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Thanks. I'll get someone to test this and report back tomorrow. :-P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: May I ask what exactly did you do?
<codeworkx> i just placed the chinese ril files into this file :-D
<codeworkx> actually we'Re using the international ones
<codeworkx> this zip simply replaces INT with CHN files
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: i thought flashing through CWM doesn't change these type of things.
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: And I just read some more. Seems like some people are getting it on the leaked Chinese ICS too. O_O
<Jiangyi> Actually, ignore the first part, stupid statement =P
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<Entropy512> <Jiangyi> codeworkx: I lost UI Sounds again, and I really don't want to wipe data lol - try AudioManager on Market
<Entropy512> there seems to be a hidden "System" volume setting not controllable through the CM UI
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<Entropy512> It's been weeks since I had that issue though
<Entropy512> but it's happened to me once or twice before
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Dinner: userspace libs and the ril daemon. i can basically flash everything via cwm. except bootloaders because the partitions are hidden.
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Alright. What should I get from them if this doesn't work?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: is the guy with the ril crashes using stk?
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: SIM Tool Kit?
<codeworkx> yep
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I think Chinese networks have that on phones as default.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: could be a problem
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Well, I guess that would make sense, since my carrier here doesn't have that, and so, I don't drop signals. :P
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: So any solutions? I don't remember there being an option to disable stk when I was in China.
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: STK isn't working for sure. :-D
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: someone has to fix it. but it never worked correctly on samsung phones
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: works half on i9000, works not on i9100
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Oh OK. No way to disable it completely?
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: adb remount -> adb shell rm /system/app/Stk.apk
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: dunno what happens :-D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: That's reassuring. lol
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: So flash the package and remove stk. Anything else?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: no
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Alright.
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: He asked me to show this to you before: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=28133
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<whitequark> either my eyes are lying to me
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: He says it's similar to his problem.
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<Jiangyi> whiteshark: LOL you're right. Looks kind of ghetto. :P
<whitequark> Jiangyi: they have full BSP source code
<whitequark> 2G of fun
<whitequark> I'm currently downloading this to verify that it actually has RIL sources
<whitequark> for example
<whitequark> also there's uboot
<athurh> codeworkx: this can be enabled for all samsung models? http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#/c/17172/
<codeworkx> Jiangyi:
<codeworkx> echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/smartreflex/sr_core/autocomp
<codeworkx> echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/smartreflex/sr_mpu/autocomp
<codeworkx> on i9100g
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: In terminal emulator?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: or adb shell command
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Alright. Thanks again.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i'll push a testbuild out tomorrow with smartreflex disabled
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Alright. I'm going to see if this works tonight. Hopefully it will, if not, I'll bug you again in 12 hours-ish. :-D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Sorry for keeping you up. :-(
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