bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: KANAŁ WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <Baskey> POKAŻ CHUJA, PIERDOLCU | <nebkat> DZIĘKUJĘ PIERDOLCU | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | IRC stats :
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<Veyka> Anyone awake whos willing to look at a logcat of my annoying data drop issue, sgs2/cm9
<Jiangyi> Veyka: You don't happen to be on a 2G-only carrier do you? o_O
<Veyka> Jiangyi: Nope, 3G only carrier
<Veyka> 3UK
<Jiangyi> OK, nvm then lol
<Veyka> Shits driving me nuts
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<LostMonk> hi, Im on the page for known issues with the galaxy tab II
<LostMonk> and its empty
<LostMonk> does this mean that all functions work?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi_> LostMonk: It's probably just not updated. :-|
<LostMonk> kinda figured
<LostMonk> :/
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<razor_blade> hello
<razor_blade> anyone on?
<razor_blade> I hae a weird issue with mounting an external sd after flashing to the nightlies
<razor_blade> I am sure that it is easy enough to fix, but I am a little lost
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<xplodwild_work> @eval xplod()
<bbqbot> ReferenceError: xplod is not defined
<bbqbot> undefined
<xplodwild_work> fu
<xplodwild_work> @eval xplod = function() { IRC.invite("#blamesamsung", "xplodwild_work"); return "Yes master, I will destroy the world"; }
<bbqbot> [Function]
<xplodwild_work> @eval xplod()
<bbqbot> 'Yes master, I will destroy the world'
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<gladiac1337> lodder: hey, everything alright with your xxlq5 radio?
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<Grooove> Hi Guys :)
<Grooove> except the firmware in the first post is there no other modem that fixes the call bug -.- i cant hear anything and the other too
<Grooove> at all calls i do
<addi> what device? this is a channel for many devices
<Grooove> oh sorry
<Grooove> sgs3
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<Grooove> @addi ???
<bbqbot> Grooove: Command does not exist!
<Grooove> addi???
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<xplodwild_work> Grooove: Do you remember the big red thing in the first post?
<xplodwild_work> says something like "READ KNOWN ISSUES"
<jentztan> Hi guys, I m considering to use CM9 on my S3. currently I am using Omega Rom. I've got a question, do I have to do a full wipe or can I just follow the steps in this website?
<gladiac1337> it clearly states that you have to do a "data wipe / factory reset"
<gladiac1337> so please do :)
<jentztan> oh ya.. i misread it
<jentztan> i thought it was dont do lol Thanks
<gladiac1337> np
<Grooove> xplodwild yeah i read it but i ask here is there any other solution except the modem in the first post ^^
<Grooove> my calls dont work not the 1st 2nd or 3rd call
<xplodwild_work> Grooove: You don't have LFB modem?
<bbqbot> derp
<Grooove> not yet
<xplodwild_work> If we wrote all over the place to use it, that's for a reason
<Grooove> because the rom manager crashes several times i download the modem
<gladiac1337> forget rom manager - flash using cwm
<xplodwild_work> @google xda i9300 lfb modem
<bbqbot> [ROM][GT-I9300][4.0.4] CyanogenMod 9 nightly builds - Page 158 ... -
<xplodwild_work> (we should fix that links issues)
<xplodwild_work> Grooove:
<Grooove> kk thx a lot
<xplodwild_work> ROM Manager crashes here too ... I still don't know why CM ships with this proprietary app that doesn't work
<gladiac1337> agreed, first thing after flashing cm9 updates is removing the rommanager apk
<Grooove> i hope the modem works for me i have the problem since yesterday with the call prob
<Grooove> sorry for the stupid question but im know here i was a iphone user :( *shame on me* :D
<Grooove> new not know xD
<xplodwild_work> I'll merge BBQLog, NightlyAssistant, and add a Downloads section...
<xplodwild_work> then submit it to cyanogen as a replacement for ROM Manager
<xplodwild_work> because meanwhile, remember those ads viewed by millions of people? :)
<Grooove> hihi i hate these ads ^^
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<gladiac1337> please do :). Let's finally get rid of rom manader
<xplodwild_work> Grooove: BBQLog will obvisouly have some
<Grooove> i become a add 5minutes ago there ask to fuck for tonight? WTF?
<xplodwild_work> Grooove: but BBQLog requires some infrastructure to run
<xplodwild_work> we're not just an app that hosts stuff on a slow server
<Grooove> like rom?
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<xplodwild_work> Grooove: currently BBQLog is just changelog
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<Grooove> search for clockwork touch -.-
<Grooove> every link i find is for rom manager
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<gladiac1337> would be kinda cool if bbqbot uploaded the #teamhackung chatlogs to bbqdroid :)
<addi> so ROM Manager is a fail on all devices or just Samsung's?
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<Grooove> ok the lfb modem works big thx 4 help i donate a few euros ^^
<xplodwild_work> ;)
<xplodwild_work> addi: dunno, but fails here in all cases
<xplodwild_work> addi: at first I thought it was because I missed superuser request
<addi> yeah, never worked well on Samsung devices
<xplodwild_work> addi: but seems like it doesn't ask for su rights, and just freeze
<xplodwild_work> meanwhile koush earned monies through ads
<addi> xD
<xplodwild_work> that's what makes me mad
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<xplodwild_work> BBQDroid project as a whole would profit way more than koush's pockets
<Baskey> rom manager is just a retarded piece of crap for me
<Baskey> honestly
<xplodwild_work> true
<addi> it's for idiots who feel it hard work to get into recovery and do things manually
<addi> oh, and it ALWAYS fails to download stuff
<Baskey> indeed
<xplodwild_work> Baskey: did NightlyAssistant failed to download?
<xplodwild_work> NEVAH
<Baskey> NEVAH
<Baskey> AMS
<addi> didn't try NightlyAssistant, but NEVAH :p
<Baskey> lawl
<xplodwild_work> let's do some all-in-one app for CM
<xplodwild_work> xD
<xplodwild_work> Log + downloads + nightly notification
<Baskey> + MouthSpy
<xplodwild_work> heh
<Baskey> xD
<addi> you means EyeSpy? :p
<Baskey> yep
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<addi> oh, and CWM touch is also a fail, compared to TWRP -.-
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<addi> it's like what Nokia did with Symbian. just put it on touchscreen devices without adapting to it
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<Grooove> can i only uninstall the cm9 rom manager system apk via adb and terminal ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Kaik541> xplodwild_work: that's why CM team wants to replace ROM manager with an internal utility for updating
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<xplodwild_work> Kaik541: do they?
<Kaik541> xplodwild_work: yeah, want that "system updates" button in settings to actually do something
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<Kaik541> but until someone writes something for it that works on all devices... eh
<Kaik541> and ROM manager will still have the "unique" ability to queue updates
<nebkat> Kaik541: we need more java devs
<nebkat> that code cleanly :P
<Baskey> omg nebkat
<nebkat> Kaik541: queue updates?
<nebkat> Baskey: OMG BASKETBALL
<Baskey> :D
<Baskey> THE D-DAY
<Kaik541> nebkat: "advanced mode" in ROM manager... multiple zips that flash automatically/factory reset automatically/etc
<nebkat> Kaik541: no need for that in our updater
<Kaik541> yeah
<nebkat> gapps already have automatic backup
<Kaik541> none at all
<Kaik541> which is why it's a fair trade off
<Kaik541> so ROM manager will get relegated to "optional"
<nebkat> and anyone using other zips is doingitwrong
<nebkat> brb
<Baskey> [09:56] (Grooove) can i only uninstall the cm9 rom manager system apk via adb and terminal ?
<Baskey> you can delete it using root explorer or solid explorer
<Kaik541> but to my understanding, no one is actually working on implementing it
<Kaik541> it was intended to be a goal for CM9... but looks like it won't make it in
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<soundless> Anyone can help me, I have no idea, why camera, keybard or only when I touch the phone... nowhere comes a sound...
<soundless> I don't know if there are settings for that, because in keyboard settings sound is enabled and elsewhere also and volume is at max...
<soundless> I have this problem for weeks now...
<Kaik541> it's ok don't tell us what device
<Kaik541> we'll just guess
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<soundless> Sorry I thought its maybe a general problem xD GNOTE
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<soundless> No one can help me or at least has an idea?
<xplodwild_work> Kaik541: if nobody does, I'll do for Jelly Bean
<xplodwild_work> I just can't stand ROMManager monopoly anymore
<Kaik541> xplodwild_work: huzzah
<Kaik541> I want it in there too, so tired of ROM manager, all we need is a "select update" and "backup?" checkbox
<xplodwild_work> yup
<ToyKat> Hey, quick and pretty important question: Is the phone in the 07-07 build broken? It doesn't seem to "ring" when I call someone, and apparently the other end was unable to hear me when it apparently connected anyways
<ToyKat> Oh eh, it's the GT-i9300 one btw
<xplodwild_work> ToyKat: LFB modem?
<bbqbot> derp
<ToyKat> xplodwild_work: whatnow?
<nebkat> Kaik541: can we haz upgraded recovery?
<nebkat> bbqteam could make a new recovery
<nebkat> current one is pretty bad in code style and organization
<ToyKat> Kaik541: where do I get the blobs then, and how do I flash them? o.O
<Baskey> ToyKat: just flash the proper modem
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<Kaik541> nebkat: there are already so many competing recoveries and CWM tends to "just work" at this point
<nebkat> addi: no, just no
<ToyKat> And where do I go about downloading a modem zip? o.O
<nebkat> Kaik541: well, we really just want to clean it up
<addi> well, compared to current CWM Touch, yeah, TWRP is awesome
<nebkat> not make a new one
<ToyKat> Seriously, right now I'm completely clueless, for once :o
<nebkat> it can just be cwm 6/7
<addi> CWM Touch is, like I said, Symbian for keypads put on touchscreens without any changes
<ToyKat> I desperately need my phone right now xD
<nebkat> ToyKat: flash a stock rom if it is soooo serious
<Kaik541> nebkat: fix all the things
<ToyKat> Was gonna do a nandroid restore to a nightly where it worked
<Kaik541> and then have koush yell at you for breaking things he didn't test
<nebkat> Kaik541: so ya? w00t
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<xplodwild_work> ToyKat: Do you know that great thing called Google?
<xplodwild_work> ToyKat: Or ROM Manager since we're talking about it
<xplodwild_work> ToyKat: Or even "Search this topic"
<addi> all the smart kids use it these days. you should use it too ToyKat
<addi> Google that is
<xplodwild_work> @google Galaxy S III LFB Modem
<bbqbot> [LFB][08Jul][V1.5][15 Toggles][LagFix] - xdadevelopers -
<xplodwild_work> @google I9300 LFB Modem Download
<bbqbot> [ROM][GT-I9300][4.0.4] CyanogenMod 9 nightly builds - xdadevelopers -
<addi> xplodwild, Y U BE GOOGLE FOR HIM?!
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild_work> there, first post of the page, link to download
<ToyKat> Yeah. what is google? never heard of it
ToyKat was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by addi [KTHXBEY]
<Baskey> lawl
<xplodwild_work> These guys coming from iPhone
<xplodwild_work> they can't do anything that requires more than plugging into USB and pressing one button
<Baskey> or meizu
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<ToyKat> xplodwild_work: while you were ranting about me not using google / search, I found what I was looking for
<ToyKat> NOW you can ban me if you want
<soundless> Problem: My phone won't provide any sound (except media and phone) for example there is no camera shutter or on/off and keyboard sound... in the settings everything as on and at max volume... anyone has a solution for this problem?
<Kaik541> @bomb ToyKat
<bbqbot> ToyKat, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
ToyKat was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
<xplodwild_work> @ban Toykat
<bbqbot> xplodwild_work: Command does not exist!
<xplodwild_work> DAFUQUE
<addi> @commands
<bbqbot> addi: Command does not exist!
<addi> @help
<xplodwild_work> @help commands
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @kick @kickban @op @deop @voice @devoice @mute @unmute @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @userlevel @eval @owners @admins @mods @nick @prefix @say @join @part @kick @kickban @unban @op @deop @voice @devoice @mute @unmute @topic @invite @autoOP @supported @downloads @changelog @addDevice @removeDevice @log @google @eightball @bash @addQuote @bomb @geo @timer @money
<addi> it's kickban!
<xplodwild_work> theres kickban
<addi> Y U
<Sushi> /ban does not works ?
<xplodwild_work> @kickban ToyKat
<addi> Sushi, we like using bbqbot :P
<xplodwild_work> Sushi: bbqbot is better than anything
<soundless> PROBLEM: My phone won't provide any sound (except media and phone) for example there is no camera shutter or on/off and keyboard sound... in the settings everything as on and at max volume... anyone has a solution for this problem?
<addi> nebkat says to use bbqbot or we be idiottes
<Sushi> k :)
<xplodwild_work> soundless: clean your ears, works fine here
<xplodwild_work> soundless: you're not in silent/vibrate mode at least?
<nebkat> Sushi: yep, k
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<xplodwild_work> @jbqueru Damn, it takes forever to git fsck a linux kernel tree, and there are 7 of them in AOSP. ‪#bored
<bbqbot> xplodwild_work: Command does not exist!
<xplodwild_work> That was on July 6th
<xplodwild_work> I smell some JB very soon
<gladiac1337> uh :)
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<xplodwild_work> i'm bored
<nebkat> xplodwild_work: NO
<nebkat> xplodwild_work: WRITE AUDIO
<xplodwild_work> ...i'm bored
<xplodwild_work> xD
<stockholm> is there a cyanogenmod for samsung galaxy S3 yet?
<nebkat> stockholm: IDIOT
<nebkat> stockholm: USE GOOGLE
<stockholm> ah
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<nebkat> hey datagutt
<stockholm> thanks, for the name calling :-)
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<datagutt> hey nebkat
<datagutt> last day before baskeyball camp?
<bbqbot> derp
<gladiac1337> what exactly is samsung stk? i only see in the source that it has to do with sending sms.
Baskey is now known as baskeyballcamp
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<nebkat> datagutt: yeah :'(
<baskeyballcamp> gladiac1337: sim toolkit
<nebkat> datagutt: FIX IT! :'(
<gladiac1337> months back i experienced problems when sending sms because of ril crashing because the smsc-number was invalid. is that the samsung way of implementing sending sms so my smsc-hack can be reverted?
<xplodwild_work> baskeyballcamp y u basketballcamp?
<baskeyballcamp> xplodwild_work: NEBKAT MADE ME
<xplodwild_work> gladiac1337: wut?
<gladiac1337> some people with tmobile austria had to change the sms to get sms-sending work
<gladiac1337> had to change the smsc
<xplodwild_work> doesn't work by just pressing Refresh button?
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<xplodwild_work> slainer68: Y U FREEBOX!?
<gladiac1337> xplodwild_work: that was the fix:
<bbqbot> derp
<slainer68> xplodwild_work: wat :D?
baskeyballcamp is now known as Baskey
<xplodwild_work> slainer68: I haz freebox too :D
<slainer68> Baskey: booooh
<xplodwild_work> @kick Baskey U NO TALK DAT SHIT HERE
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [U NO TALK DAT SHIT HERE]
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<Baskey> xD
<xplodwild_work> "As a rule of thumb, when planning ahead of time, a starting point is to assume that debugging will take as long as development. "
<xplodwild_work> true this
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<xplodwild_work> Hey Apple, I just met you, and this is crazy
<xplodwild_work> But I grow up like you
<xplodwild_work> So sue me maybe
<nebkat> no
<xplodwild_work> xD
Nonninz has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
<whitequark> xplodwild_work: as long? bullshit
<whitequark> development takes first 90% of time
<whitequark> debugging takes second 90% of time
<whitequark> ... er, well, technically that is as long. nevermind
<xplodwild_work> whitequark: tell JBQ
<whitequark> xplodwild_work: JBQ?
<xplodwild_work> JBQueru
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<Grooove> oh gladiac1337 du bist österreicher? xD
<gladiac1337> Grooove: yes I am
<Grooove> me 2 woher genau?
<gladiac1337> Groove: near vienna
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<Jiangyi> Well, see ya guys in 1.5 weeks. :-P
<addi> Jiangyi, noooo, don't go!
* Jiangyi is going to America :-P
<addi> eeek, America? good luck :p
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> come back normal, please :p
<Jiangyi> lol
edude03 has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
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<Jiangyi> OK, gtg
* Jiangyi will attempt to get wifi at the airport
<Jiangyi> nebkat: BYEEEE
<Jiangyi> Baskey: ^^^
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<larsemil> When making calls its all silent, how do i fix this? Other end doesnt hear me and i dont hear them
<gladiac1337> larsemil: do you have a sgs3?
<larsemil> yes.
<larsemil> sorry for not mentioning
<gladiac1337> what radio version do you have?
<gladiac1337> I don't have a sgs3 but that's supposed to fix radio related problems
<larsemil> gladiac1337: thanks alot! will try that.
<gladiac1337> you are welcome
Baskey has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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<larsemil> gladiac1337: that solved it. thanks alot
<gladiac1337> great :)
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<xplodwild_work> if (false && "fuck" && mEntity->hasSkeleton())
<xplodwild_work> dafuq did I write
<slainer68> if false :p
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<Grooove> gladiac1337 Probleme aber beim Updaten der CM 9 gibts nicht oder ?
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<Grooove> also nicht das ich wieder ne komplette formatierung machen muss
* Jiangyi|Phone is at the airport
<xplodwild_work> english only
<Grooove> ok sorry xplod
<gladiac1337> Grooove: You should not need to wipe your data. However, clearing your dalvik cache is strongly recommended
<Grooove> ok thx for it
<Grooove> is there a changelog for the update ?
<Grooove> i dont find anything at the xda thread
<peterperfect> xplodwild_work, y u no link lpb modem on the op?
DJClean has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
<peterperfect> Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
<xplodwild_work> Grooove: Uhm
<gladiac1337> Grooove: The current changelogs are always here:
<xplodwild_work> Grooove: First post
<xplodwild_work> Grooove: "CHANGELOG"
<gladiac1337> yes, and first post :P
<Grooove> ahhhh kk sorry i forget the bbq
<xplodwild_work> One does not simply forget bbq
<peterperfect> Grooove you never forget bbq
<peterperfect> Is like forgetting how to.walk
<gladiac1337> noone ever forgets bbq... noone but chuch norris
<gladiac1337> chuck
DJClean has joined #teamhacksung-support
<peterperfect> Oh boy i hate rommanager
<gladiac1337> +1
<Grooove> im new to android so i dont know all about this
<Grooove> i was iphone user 1 month ago
<peterperfect> Good to you
<peterperfect> Youve been saved from the moroncracy
<gladiac1337> Grooove: That's alright - people only get angry sometimes when they write good and long tutorials but users don't wanna read 'em.
<gladiac1337> or at least not completely
<Grooove> i know i read some tutorials but not all
<lodder> what is the default dpi on cm9, sgs2?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> Ok 4 more days to JB
<peterperfect> Lodder 240
<gladiac1337> eeek :)
<lodder> 4 more days? how do you know that?
<gladiac1337> hey lodder: are you still happy with xxlq5-radio?
<Jiangyi|Phone> W00t
<lodder> gladiac1337: yea th xxlq5 radio is great
<lodder> no issues, great batterly life ;)
<gladiac1337> lodder: I also think so... I'm using it now for some time and am pretty happy :)
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<Mardos> sweet got wallet working on my s3 lol
<chadouming> i cant wait wallet work here
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<Mardos> you can do it lol
<Mardos> download paul modacos hack
<Mardos> and change your build prop settings
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<Jiangyi|Phone> Lol
<Jiangyi|Phone> American customs agent attempted to speak Chinese to me XD
<addi> 30 people died in US due to heat.. be careful Jiangyi|Phone :P
<cdesai> Jiangyi|Phone: xD
<Jiangyi|Phone> Lol
<cdesai> they'll never talk to an indian in his language though
<cdesai> too many langauges to learn
<cdesai> XD
<addi> guess all the 'keeping your computers on all day and night and contributing to CO2 emissions' is biting people in the ass :P
<addi> cdesai, kya baat kar rahe hai aap? ek hi toh bhaasha hai yaha.. :P
<cdesai> addi: orelly?
<bbqbot> derp
<cdesai> addi: mai gujju, so gujarati for me
<cdesai> and hindi too
<addi> :P
<cdesai> but then quite a lot of people dunno hindi
<addi> quite a LOT of people, specially in the south, heh?
<cdesai> yea
<cdesai> and east
<addi> oh, right
Malmis has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Jiangyi|Phone> Chinese has a lot of regional languages too, but they're slowly dying
<Jiangyi|Phone> Ok, time to board
<Jiangyi|Phone> Later guys!
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<addi> cdesai, you think any of our regional languages is ever gonna die? xD
<cdesai> addi: sanskrit should!
<addi> hahahaha, yeah
<addi> at least should be taken out of syllabus in schools :p
<cutme> how can i get the galaxy tab2 cm rom's platform sign
<addi> but does anyone actually speak Sanskrit?
<bbqbot> derp
<cdesai> addi: teachers :P
<cdesai> cutme: you wanna sign an app with the platform key?
<cutme> yes
<cdesai> cutme:
<addi> yer, was gonna say the same :D
<cutme> i use this platform key,but signed apk cannot be installed,
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<addi> cdesai, w00t, N7 launching in India in December. so another fuuuu to Samsung for not releasing GNex
peterperfect has quit [Client Quit]
<cdesai> december da fu
<cdesai> who's gonna buy it so late
<cdesai> shipping it from us would be faster
<cdesai> and cheaper too if you use USPS
<addi> nah, as long as it comes here for a low price, it's all fine
<addi> it's the NEXUS TABLET, HARRR!
<cdesai> 15k hoga
Fissurez has joined #teamhacksung-support
<addi> haan, probably
<addi> woh bhi theek hi hai
<cdesai> so shipping would be max 2.5k
<cdesai> and will take less time
<addi> me toh not interested in tablets, but me wants Nexus 7 to come
<addi> so people can say fuuu to Samsung :p
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<Fissurez> anyone heard of an S2 seeing an external SD, and how full it is, but not reading any of the data
<addi> um, are you looking in /emmc? :p
<Fissurez> no, external_sd
<Fissurez> or does CM9 change the location?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> changes location
<Fissurez> location of the external SD folder
<addi> it's /emmc instead of /external_sd
<Fissurez> ohok.
<Fissurez> is that a root permissions foldeR?
<Fissurez> because poweramp can't seem to see all my music ther :C
<addi> then poweramp seems to not work well with /emmc
<addi> it's just a normal folder
<Fissurez> well, crap.
<addi> external sd card is just mounted as /emmc instead of external_sd
<Fissurez> i shall try and fiddle with that then
<Fissurez> ohok, so i should delete external_sd?
<addi> delete it, let it be, doesn't make a difference :)
<Fissurez> can i just rename and copy and rename some xml files to give the same transition to multiple actions?
<Fissurez> and which one corresponds to which action?
<addi> no idea about that
<Fissurez> i'm asking this, cause for some reason, launching apps from the home screen looks different to from dock.
<Fissurez> oh, emmc needs root access?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> is bbqbot an actual bot? -.-
<addi> yes
<addi> he says derp after every 7th question in the channel :p
<Fissurez> ....
<addi> no, it's a normal folder
<addi> it's your sd card, nothing else
<Fissurez> dafuq with the questions thing.
<Fissurez> i like this channel :D
<addi> yer, bbqbot is awesome bot :p
<addi> @8ball is bbqbot awesome?
<bbqbot> As I see it, yes.
<Fissurez> whoop
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<nebkat> @timers list
<bbqbot> nebkat: Command does not exist!
<nebkat> @timer list
<bbqbot> Timers:
<bbqbot> 0[topic TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <Baskey> POKAŻ CHUJA, PIERDOLCU | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | IRC stats :]
<nebkat> shit
<nebkat> I must've set it to longer than expected :P
nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <Baskey> POKAŻ CHUJA, PIERDOLCU | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | IRC stats :
sixstringsg|afk is now known as sixstringsg
<addi> <nebkat> HELLO SIR I AM FROM TECHNICAL SUPPORT SIR HOW MAY I HELP YOU SIR <- I want to talk to an Indian customer guy. NAO! :p
<addi> customer care*
<nebkat> addi: I AM FROM POLSKILAND
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<nebkat> @geo user addi
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for addi
<bbqbot> {"range":[2991554560,2991570943],"country":"GB","region":"","city":"","ll":[54,-2]}
<nebkat> LIAR
<addi> BNC :p
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<nebkat> addi: orly? whai
<addi> no reason :p
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<Grooove> one last question are there any must have apps for sgs3 with cm9 ?
<bbqbot> derp
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<addi> Grooove, must have apps = the ones you need and want, no specific list for any device :p
<nebkat> Grooove: YE
<nebkat> Grooove: GET EYESPY
<addi> eyespy released? :O
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> addi: agiz ago
<addi> how much battery it draining?! tell mez!!
<nebkat> addi: 0!
* addi goes buys it then..
<addi> i'm assuming my GNex will be fully compatible? :p
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<nebkat> addi: YES SIR
<nebkat> _Fissurez_: ^
<_Fissurez_> wut
<_Fissurez_> ohok
<_Fissurez_> well.
* chadouming is away: dinner
nebkat is now known as technicalsupport
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<technicalsupport> -NickServ- Nick technicalsupport is now registered to your account.
<technicalsupport> AWWW YEAH
<_Fissurez_> ...
<addi> technicalsupport, i was charged only $0.01 for EyeSpy by Google :O
<technicalsupport> addi: no idea :P
<addi> got the message on phone that i was charged only $0.01 xD
<_Fissurez_> hmmmmm
_Fissurez_ is now known as Fissurez
<technicalsupport> -NickServ- Nicks : nebkat stfu gtfo murata semcove standard beer semcosh cyanogenmod booze br0 horny
<technicalsupport> -NickServ- Nicks : winzipper evilserb crystalweed zloty idiotte theposh technicalsupport
<technicalsupport> AWWW YEAH
<addi> technicalsupport, no idea? Y SUPPOSED TO BE TECHNICAL SUPPORT?!
<customercare> -NickServ- Nick customercare is now registered to your account.
<customercare> AWWWWWW YEAAHHH!
<Fissurez> olol
<technicalsupport> nobody likes customer care
<technicalsupport> faggit
<Fissurez> want to help me solve a problem?
<customercare> so?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> i want to change the animation for when you open an app on the homescreen
<technicalsupport> Fissurez: PAY ME $2 and get prolauncher TODAY :D
<technicalsupport> sorry
<technicalsupport> $5 :P
<technicalsupport> sorry
<technicalsupport> $10 :P
<Fissurez> i will end you :)
<technicalsupport> Fissurez: how much you want it for
<Fissurez> can i just rename the xml files to get animations that are similar accross the board?
<technicalsupport> Fissurez: no
<technicalsupport> it'll bork
<technicalsupport> and it dirty
<technicalsupport> btw
<technicalsupport> this launcher has a whole lotta shit
<technicalsupport> vertical paged drawer
<technicalsupport> multiple paged dock
<Fissurez> oh, so i can't take the animation for opening an app from the dock, and rename it to make it the animation to open from the homescreen?
<technicalsupport> what?
<technicalsupport> you mean like on jellybin?
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<Fissurez> well, i have seperate animations for opening an app from the homescreen and from the dock
<Fissurez> and i hate the io
<technicalsupport> waaaa?
<Fissurez> iOS styled zoom into app animation
<technicalsupport> how
<Fissurez> technicalsupport: god knows.
<technicalsupport> Fissurez: THANK YOU SIR
<Fissurez> the dock is it slides in from the right, and the homescreen uses the ios zoom in animation
McFrog has quit [Quit: McFrog]
<Fissurez> also, i dislike the menu popup too, but i have no idea how to change these things
<technicalsupport> - We hope our technical assistant could help you with your problem. Could you please do a survey to help us improve our quality? -
<technicalsupport> (yes/no)
* Fissurez slaps technicalsupport silly
<Fissurez> apple has decent tech support.
<technicalsupport> I'm sorry, we did not understand your answer. Please answer (yes/no)
<Fissurez> so you can do it too.
<Fissurez> ...
<technicalsupport> I'm sorry, we did not understand your answer. Please answer (yes/no)
technicalsupport is now known as Baskey
<Baskey> hehehehe
Baskey is now known as nebkat
<nebkat> :'(
<addi> going where? :(
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> and for how long?
<datagutt> ILL MISS YOU POSH :(
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<addi> nebkat, EyeSpy awesome app. soooo many options :O
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* chadouming is back (gone 01:04:14)
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<Karbowiak> lots of experimental builds for the GS2 as of lately
<Karbowiak> very nice
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<Grooove> nebkat i dont need this app xD i talk about must have apps for the sgs3 not sgs2 :)
<addi> define must-have app
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<chadouming> addi : Must-have app : An app that you must have
<addi> hmm, okay xD
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> like framework-res.apk or systemui.apk :P
<chadouming> those are must have app
<addi> Grooove, so basically, just get an app that you must have from the Play Store.. xD
<Grooove> bad joke :P
<addi> joke? it's a serious answer :p
<Grooove> ahhhh damn it i need a app to uninstall the crap rom manager ^^
<addi> chadouming, haha, sure are xD
<chadouming> lol, i aint kidding
<Grooove> titanium?
<chadouming> file manager ?
<addi> or a root explorer to delete its apk from system/app
<addi> no u. root explorer. not file manager :P
<chadouming> file manager include also file explorer with root ability
<Grooove> sorry for this stupid question im new to android i use ios before :)
<chadouming> you went to the light side of the force :D
<chadouming> OR, if you have adb driver and adb on your computer , you can also do adb pull /system/rommanager.apk
LostMonk has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Grooove> rommanager can not deleted ^^ with root manager ^^
<addi> who said so?
<addi> you delete its apk, it's gone
<addi> make sure the app you are using has root access
<Grooove> the file manager can not delete the apk
<addi> it's not using root then
<Grooove> hmm i look at this mom
<addi> do yourself a favour, and get Root Explorer
<addi> buy it
<addi> must have app for all devices
<Grooove> ahhh now it works
<Grooove> i need to activate root access in the settings
<chadouming> Es file explorer work nice too
<chadouming> +free
<Grooove> thats the explorer i have
<Grooove> but i need it to give them access in the settings menu
<Grooove> so search for widgets and good apps for sgs3 with cm9
<addi> buy Root Explorer. NAO
<addi> there is no 'good app for use with CM9'
<addi> you use what you want, there is nothing called 'good apps for this ROM for this device'
<chadouming> hmm, well , nstools works well with Galaxy nexus
<addi> yeah, but still, to expect a 'list' of such apps is foolish tbh
<chadouming> and there is an app for gokhanmoral kernel that i guess works best with gokhanmoral kernel
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<addi> kernel ;)
<addi> they all have apps now it seems for their kernels :O
<chadouming> hmm, masturmods settings works with certain roms
<Grooove> what kernal is the best at the moment for cm9 ?
<addi> stock cm9 kernel
<addi> :p
<chadouming> depend of the phone xD
<Grooove> :P ^^
<addi> NO
<Baskey> YES
<addi> NEVAH
<Baskey> FOREVAH
<addi> :(
<addi> OKAY
<codeworkx> Karbowiak: these are not experimental
<codeworkx> Karbowiak: better than nightly. i swear!
<codeworkx> awesomesauce inside
<chadouming> :D
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<Veyka> trollw0rkx, I want to file a complaint, your newest experimental version doesnt make my phone grow wings
<Veyka> I am outraged
<Araemo> Veyka: soak it in redbull
<Araemo> didn't you read the thread? It doesn't grow wings until you soak it in red bull.
<bbqbot> derp
<Veyka> Baahaha
<Veyka> My data stalling issues have stopped touchwood
<Veyka> Maybe it was just 3 being shitty
Baskey has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
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<Mardos> derp
<Baskey> herp
<Mardos> oh herpes nice
<Araemo> herpes of the brain perhaps
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<Mardos> does mhl work with cm9 ?
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<Mardos> nevermind s3 has a new pin
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<noxxx> hi
<chadouming> hi
<Jiangyi> Mardos: Works on the I9100G
<chadouming> hmm
<chadouming> pretty much what the title say
<chadouming> it's a add space package
<chadouming> VOLUME DROP FIX
<noxxx> well i do not understand
<noxxx> when did it droped?
<chadouming> LUX RANGE( light sensor )
Jiangyi has quit [Quit: til next time!]
<chadouming> when had ear buds and notification ?
<noxxx> i am stupid sorry
Jiangyi has joined #teamhacksung-support
<chadouming> not that bad
<noxxx> chadouming nope
<noxxx> now i see why i dunno what is it
<noxxx> and waht about lux range
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<noxxx> is it wider or faster or what?
<bbqbot> derp
nebkat has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
<chadouming> well, it fixes something about light sensor, i dont know what , but it was bork :P
<noxxx> well ok
<chadouming> xD
<noxxx> no tranlation for bork
<chadouming> broke
<noxxx> for me bork is manufacturer of chep electronics for fuckin HUGE price
<chadouming> but in 1337 5p34k
<noxxx> oh i see
<noxxx> ok
<chadouming> (leet speak)
<noxxx> i 533
<chadouming> yup
<chadouming> well, it's in kitten speak
* noxxx is kewl haxor
<chadouming> more like Can i haz ?
<chadouming> exactly
<noxxx> can i haz what?
<Jiangyi> Lol
<noxxx> Jiangyi hello
<Jiangyi> Ohai
bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <Baskey> POKAŻ CHUJA, PIERDOLCU | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | IRC stats :
<noxxx> i will have birthday in 24 minutes :0
Jiangyi has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
<chadouming> :D
<DuperMan> 64gb sdxc arrived
<DuperMan> now formatting
<DuperMan> stupid work
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> moar porn!
<chadouming> -_-'
<chadouming> why not stream porn instead of putting it on your SD Card ?
<DuperMan> because I CAN
<DuperMan> also, can't stream to cloud yet when authoring porn
<DuperMan> not fast enough:D
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<Mardos> damn i need a case for the s3333
<DuperMan> that'd really be the measure for cloud viability won't it?
<DuperMan> wtf is a s3333?
<DuperMan> oO
<Mardos> s3
<DuperMan> lol ah
<chadouming> S3333 is the 3332 successor of the GT-I9000 :D
<DuperMan> sooooo obvious
<DuperMan> sure no chains of mine are bein yanked aswe speak?
<DuperMan> xD
<chadouming> duh
* chadouming is not sure if he is alive
<chadouming> let's bomb !
<DuperMan> +1
<DuperMan> me first!!!!
<DuperMan> @op DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<chadouming> @bomb DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<DuperMan> f u neb
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
DuperMan has joined #teamhacksung-support
<chadouming> next ?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> next is mr. s3333
<chadouming> @bomb Mardos
<bbqbot> Mardos, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<DuperMan> glue
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Mardos was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
<DuperMan> breen
<DuperMan> :(
<DuperMan> :D
<chadouming> xD
Mardos has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Mardos> nopt fair
<chadouming> @bomb Mardos
<bbqbot> Mardos, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<Mardos> i wasnt even looking at irc
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
<Mardos> red
Mardos was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was red]
Mardos has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Mardos> i did say redd wtfff
<chadouming> lawl
<chadouming> i think it really hate you
<Mardos> not fair i wasnt even looking lool
<chadouming> nope
<DuperMan> sdxc is sd-sxy
<chadouming> you said something else first
<Mardos> boo f u @8ball
Didou` has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Mardos> @8ball gay?
<bbqbot> Signs point to yes.
<chadouming> @eightball did what DuperMan said is really bad word play ?
<bbqbot> Concentrate and ask again.
Didou` has quit [Client Quit]
<chadouming> @eightball did what DuperMan said is really bad word play ?
<bbqbot> Better not tell you now.
<chadouming> @eightball did what DuperMan said is really bad word play ?
<bbqbot> Outlook good.
<DuperMan> ain't this cute? it's my firstttttttttttttt class 6 sd
<DuperMan> see?
<DuperMan> it WASW
<DuperMan> WAS
<DuperMan> chadouming: you know what trumps all and any claims otherwise?
<DuperMan> I HAVE BEER
Didou has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> i have work
<DuperMan> I have both
<DuperMan> had work
<DuperMan> now beer
<chadouming> time to bomb :D
<chadouming> let's bomb someone random
<DuperMan> asked an arab-israeli taxi driver earlier
<chadouming> @eval i = Math.floor(Math.random() * 122)
<bbqbot> 25
<DuperMan> seems I have a knack for making cartoons of jews
Malmis has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
<chadouming> @bomb arthurh
<bbqbot> arthurh, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<DuperMan> for tee too
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
<DuperMan> @op
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> @op DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> @moderators add DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan: Command does not exist!
<DuperMan> @mods add DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> @owners add DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> XD
<chadouming> @bomb arthurh
<bbqbot> arthurh, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<DuperMan> @ascended_demigods add DuperMan
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> DuperMan: Command does not exist!
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
<chadouming> dont stop tha bot
<DuperMan> too jewish for rhythm
<DuperMan> but it wouldn't went
<Mardos> duperman no rights eh
<DuperMan> don't stop the bot too too pah too]
<DuperMan> rights? I make up for with wrongs
<DuperMan> btw, dudes what sent me the sdxc went the extra mile
<chadouming> duh
<DuperMan> actually found a bloody ISRAELI outlet's box to send in xD
<DuperMan> so, f u taxes
<DuperMan> ^^
<chadouming> xD
<Mardos> i love paying taxes its soo much funn !
romann|work is now known as romann|afk
<DuperMan> srsly, that's putting the customer's always dandy
<chadouming> how much % taxes you ahve ?
<Mardos> ontario 13%
<DuperMan> well the fuckers only allowed the highest shipping option
<DuperMan> so it's 110$ overall
<DuperMan> :/
<noxxx> fuck!
<noxxx> fail!
<DuperMan> but not another 15%
<DuperMan> derp
<noxxx> epic fail
<DuperMan> but considering local prices it's peachy
<noxxx> opel astra family doesnt haz ESP
<chadouming> Quebec here it's 15%
<Mardos> are you kidding?
<bbqbot> derp
<Mardos> alberta is the best
<DuperMan> edged in 12.5$ under the local lowest priced
<DuperMan> price
<chadouming> yeah, but i must hate you because you are in ontario and i'm in quebec you fucking square head
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> what is ESP ?
<DuperMan> square bitches are PERVY
<DuperMan> Mardos hook me up
<DuperMan> but not to chicks you like
<Mardos> hook you up with to bitches
<DuperMan> yes. better yet, tell bitches I'm bad news
<DuperMan> the badboy sort that never has a pooperscooper around
<Mardos> fuck them bitches
<Mardos> bitches be crazyy
<DuperMan> 5MBPS on the c6 xdsc
<DuperMan> me likey
<DuperMan> bitches be awesome
<DuperMan> actually had a psycho to my liking
<DuperMan> had to be a douche and confront the d... girl with itself
<DuperMan> cause, like, imma nice
<DuperMan> :(
<Mardos> hate psycho bitches
<DuperMan> hand 'em over
<DuperMan> unless frigid
<Mardos> found my case boom buygin it now
Nyn3x has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<DuperMan> which?
<noxxx> chadouming ESP is electronic stabilization system
<DuperMan> otterbox or bust
<DuperMan> extra sensory perception
<noxxx> and astra family can not haz it
<DuperMan> new age fuck
<Mardos> oh hell no i want slimm
<chadouming> oh, driving for n00bs
<DuperMan> -note is mean
<DuperMan> it a brick
<DuperMan> first phone I don't need a case for since nokia
<noxxx> chadouming nope, it is SAFETY
<chadouming> that's what i said
<chadouming> lol, who had a case for a phone that is stronger than the case %
<DuperMan> otterbox. or. bus
<DuperMan> t
<chadouming> ?
<DuperMan> dunno otterbox? ><
<chadouming> link the bust case
<DuperMan> lol
<DuperMan> srsly?
<DuperMan> was na expression
<noxxx> well
<noxxx> now i am 29 y.o.
<noxxx> almost 30
<DuperMan> tell te model and Imma show you otterbox
<DuperMan> :P
<Mardos> damnnn your oldddddddddddddd
<DuperMan> noxxx: 28 going on 16
<noxxx> today is my birthday. everybody say HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOXXX!
<DuperMan> Mardos: I can haz ur gf?
<Mardos> happy birthday cock suckerrrr
<DuperMan> grats noxxx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Mardos> no gf its a wife:( lol
<chadouming> hey noxxx , i got a little gift for you : HERE IS A BOMB :D
<chadouming> @bomb noxxx
<bbqbot> noxxx, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<Mardos> ahahahah
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<noxxx> red
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
noxxx was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
noxxx has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Mardos> ahahha
<DuperMan> may u stupid being a n00b!!!!!
<DuperMan> <
<DuperMan> 3
<noxxx> chadouming thank you
<DuperMan> <3
<Mardos> my room mate is my wife damn itttt
<noxxx> Mardos suck cocks
<chadouming> take it as a great gixt :D
<DuperMan> god. square
<DuperMan> she got a sis?
<bbqbot> derp
<noxxx> room mate is wife lol
<DuperMan> your wief?
<DuperMan> wife?
<DuperMan> oOOOOO
Malmis has joined #teamhacksung-support
<noxxx> wief
<noxxx> wief is rmoo maet
<chadouming> DuperMan, if you want to find a girl, get it in real life. On the internet, you might get a g.i.r.l.
<Mardos> brooo
<DuperMan> chadouming: not caring about the acronym of course I will
<DuperMan> I, as I'm loath to realize, good looking
<DuperMan> :/
<noxxx> DuperMan go find DuperWoman
<chadouming> haha
Mardos is now known as DuperWoman
<DuperMan> noxxx: nooooo. she was fun for a year
<DuperWoman> hey dupermann
<DuperWoman> sup sexyy
<noxxx> lol
<DuperMan> proved to be ME levels psycho
<DuperWoman> ASL
<DuperMan> hi DuperWoman. dig anal?
<noxxx> DuperMan DuperWoman go have DuperSex
<DuperMan> into tattoos orgies?
<DuperWoman> oh babyy anal beeds is my preference
<DuperMan> beads, and ew
<DuperWoman> beads
<noxxx> anal is awful
<noxxx> there's poos
<DuperWoman> who does anal now a days
<noxxx> DuperMan you do
<chadouming> read fast. . . anal bleeds is my preference xD
<noxxx> oh
<noxxx> DuperWoman
<DuperMan> I'm old fashioned
<DuperMan> I like flowerd
<DuperMan> flowers
nebkat has joined #teamhacksung-support
nebkat has joined #teamhacksung-support
<noxxx> old fasioned anal?
<DuperMan> getting to know each other slowly
<DuperMan> asssex
<chadouming> hey nebkat, what a good timing to come
<DuperWoman> i can shave the anus for you
<chadouming> kick them all !
<DuperMan> @ball is DuperWoman overdoing it?
<bbqbot> DuperMan: Command does not exist!
<noxxx> well at least i haz a gift
<DuperMan> @eightball is DuperWoman overdoing it?
<bbqbot> Signs point to yes.
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperWoman> lol
<nebkat> hey chadouming
<noxxx> @8ball is DuperWoman suck cocks ang gettin it anally?
<bbqbot> Yes — definitely.
<nebkat> xD
Nyn3x has joined #teamhacksung-support
<chadouming> yeah, you had a bomb
<noxxx> thanks
DuperWoman is now known as Mardos
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [DuperMan]
DuperMan has joined #teamhacksung-support
<DuperMan> shit. I should get drunk less
<DuperMan> shit. I should get drunk less
<DuperMan> or I'd known
<nebkat> :'(
<DuperMan> and knowing is HALF THE BATTLE
<noxxx> nebkat I HAZ BIRTHDAY TODAY
<DuperMan> nebkat noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
<nebkat> noxxx: fu xD
<Espenfjo> OMG
<noxxx> nebkat thank you
<Mardos> where you going
<nebkat> Mardos: a basketball camp
<noxxx> lol
<Mardos> your black?
<bbqbot> derp
<noxxx> there will be no girls
<DuperMan> fuck on my behalf, thell the bitches to sure me ;)
<DuperMan> f
<Mardos> no girls pure sausages
<noxxx> they say you shouldnt say
<noxxx> 'black'
<chadouming> person with a dark skin ?
<Mardos> are oyu african american
<DuperMan> I just asked an arab taxi driver about how good my first sketch at a logo is
<DuperMan> nebkat
<chadouming> to be politicaly correct ?
<ciwrl|away> black is correct
<Mardos> are you sa slave?
<DuperMan> 1 to 10
<ciwrl|away> anything else is just PC crap
<DuperMan> he said it's 8 jew
<DuperMan> :DDDDDD
<noxxx> why i cant say black if he's black?
<chadouming> xD
<Mardos> wait where did you see a arab taxi driver?
<DuperMan> say pork monkey
<DuperMan> porch
<noxxx> afroamerican sgs 2
<chadouming> cause that ain't politically correct
edude03 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<DuperMan> israel. it's more multifulcture and liberal than you'd assume
<DuperMan> douches
<DuperMan> :D
<Mardos> duperman where you from ?
<nebkat> im nut black retards
<noxxx> calling apple apple is not politically correct
<noxxx> cucumber is not green
<DuperMan> f pc
<noxxx> coz it hurts it
<DuperMan> I just not die miraculously
<noxxx> it is grasscolored
<chadouming> it's politically correct, they got a copyright on it
<DuperMan> Mardos: israeli
<noxxx> here in Moscow is a lot of black people
<noxxx> dunno where they from
<Mardos> a salam alekum lool
<noxxx> but looks like they're from nebkat's basketball camp
<DuperMan> alekkum sallam
<nebkat> xD
<DuperMan> marchaba rafikki
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [stupid jew]
<Mardos> shlonak habibi
DuperMan has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Mardos> shlonak habibi
<DuperMan> @kick nebkat die not a nazi at all die
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> <3
<Mardos> are we allowed to be a jew hater?
<bbqbot> derp
<Mardos> derp
<noxxx> Mardos nope
<DuperMan> you are, but honest quesiton: why?
<DuperMan> oO
<nebkat> Mardos: YES
<Mardos> my boss is a jew and i hate him
<nebkat> ^ FAGGOT
<DuperMan> been one forever but DAMN WHAT's THE PONT BESIDE BROOKLYN JEWS?!??!?!?!
<DuperMan> point*
<nebkat> ahahahahahahahaha
<noxxx> black jewish basketball player?
<chadouming> impossible ?
<DuperMan> closest I got - lenny crabsbitch
<noxxx> dunno
<Mardos> are you an orthodox jew?
<noxxx> black jewinsh basketball player should be gay
<DuperMan> rofl
<DuperMan> I a human stuck in the desert because hitler
<noxxx> black jewish gay basketball player
<DuperMan> cal me what you will
<DuperMan> they all do
<DuperMan> :P
<noxxx> ok good nigt everyone
<noxxx> got to go
<DuperMan> good
<nebkat> there is no such thing as a black jewish pikey
<noxxx> my roommate wont forgive me a second more
<nebkat> jussayin
<noxxx> ma wief
noxxx has quit []
<DuperMan> nebkat: LENNY KRAWTIZ
<DuperMan> aka dude who fucked your wasp gf
<DuperMan> ;)
<Mardos> any software that you can send videos from your phone to your pc ?
<nebkat> he ain't a pikey
<nebkat> idiotte
<DuperMan> he IS
<chadouming> later
<chadouming> all
<DuperMan> ciao
<chadouming> @bomb duperman
<bbqbot> duperman, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<Mardos> do you know the top lawyers in toronto are all curly headed jews
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
chadouming has quit [Quit: I'M GOING DOWNNNNNNNN]
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<DuperMan> ble
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was orange]
DuperMan has joined #teamhacksung-support
<DuperMan> blue
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> @op
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> fucker
<Mardos> yo duper do you know the top lawyers in toronto are all curly headed jews
<DuperMan> no showing off the site mascot to you
<DuperMan> but yes later
<DuperMan> Mardos: could I care less?
<bbqbot> derp
<Mardos> duper are your people trying to take over every citty?
<Mardos> derp
<DuperMan> if they give me money I might care
<DuperMan> they'e mine? AWESOME
<DuperMan> waiting calling woman
<DuperMan> wait can't yet
<Mardos> are you and drake related
<DuperMan> NO
<Mardos> @8ball ?
<bbqbot> It is decidedly so.
<DuperMan> @8ball will my discustingly long penis grow huger?
<bbqbot> My reply is no.
<DuperMan> GOOD
<Baskey> nebkat: NEBCAT
<DuperMan> I said that.
<DuperMan> I'll bbl
<DuperMan> oO
Trae32566-STA has quit [Quit: Peace out!]
slainer68 has joined #teamhacksung-support
Diwad has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
Diwad has joined #teamhacksung-support
<EvilBelgian> lol
<EvilBelgian> HEY
<EvilBelgian> woah
<EvilBelgian> accicaps
Cym has joined #teamhacksung-support
Cym is now known as Sym
Sym is now known as Cym
<Cym> hallo
<Cym> Any luck with that buffer overflow in the hardware decoder for the P31xx roms? I think it has something to do with the variable bitrates in tv shows that triggers it.
<Cym> that or it doesnt like b frames
<Cym> Is the firmware for the hardware decoder open source?
<bbqbot> derp
<Cym> is it just hotplug'd?
Fissurez has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Jiangyi has joined #teamhacksung-support
jasonstedman has joined #teamhacksung-support
<jasonstedman> hi
<jasonstedman> Im looking for some help
<Mardos> youve come to the right place trust me
Diwad has quit [Quit: Linkinus -]
<jasonstedman> thank you. i just got a samsumg galaxy tab 2 10.1 P5100. Trying to install a custom rom. rooted ok. then went to install custom rom and now will not boot
<Cym> did you do factory reset after installing the rom
<jasonstedman> it will not let me into anything other than ODIN Download mode
<jasonstedman> It will not boot past Samsung logo
<jasonstedman> I think that the custom rom that I installed was not for samsung galaxy tab 2??
<Jiangyi> Jasonstedman: Not sure, which ROM?
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
<jasonstedman> I flashed a rom for the samsung galaxy nexus by mistake now the tab will not boot. is there a way I can restore it to factory settings?
<Jiangyi> Jasonstedman: Flash a stock ROM through Odin.
<Cym> hold down the power button for about 10 seconds and it should reboot and you should be able to get back into download mode
<jasonstedman> I can get into the download mode but can not find the files to flash to regain the stock rom
iamanoob has joined #teamhacksung-support
<iamanoob> ji can soneone speak to me private? i need help rooting my phone. thanks
<jasonstedman> what phone do you have?
<iamanoob> galaxt s2 i9100p
<iamanoob> orange phone
<Cym> Is codeworkx taking a look at that hardware decoder bug?
<bbqbot> derp
<jasonstedman> google search for a "samsung galaxy s2 root tool kit" you should find a link to a download
Baskey has quit [Read error: No route to host]
datagutt has quit [Quit: kthxbai]
<iamanoob> even if it is i9100p?
<Jiangyi> Jasonstedman: find one from
<jasonstedman> ill take a look thanks
<iamanoob> thanks
<Jiangyi> Iamanoob: Yeah it's the same thing as the I9100, except for a NFC chip I think.
<iamanoob> i am a bit worried that my phone dies
<iamanoob> i amno expert :(
<iamanoob> i installed this program but it wont open
<Jiangyi> Iamanoob: It's pretty hard to totally hard-brick your S2. :-P
<Jiangyi> What firmware are you on?
<iamanoob> Jiangyi.... do you have teamspeak pls?
<nebkat> HEYYYY
<Jiangyi> Iamanoob: I'm on a phone and away from home. Sorry. :-(
<iamanoob> oh :(
<Jiangyi> Hmmm.... my phone has 5% left. O_o
<Jiangyi> Uh oh..... lol
<Jiangyi> Nebkat: ello.
<Jiangyi> Lol
* Jiangyi is American for the week
iamanoob has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<Jiangyi> Nebkat: Gtg I'm running out of battery :-P
<nebkat> ttyl Jiangyi
<Jiangyi> :)
Jiangyi has quit [Quit: til next time!]
<Cym> Don't be skerd
EgoElf has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<CoowBooy> PIERWŻY
boog_afk is now known as boog
<jasonstedman> what is bricking??? coz i think I bricked my samsung galaxy tab 2!!
<evil-doer> someone should build a house out of bricked phones like they are real bricks
<Cym> the word "bricking" is highly over used
<jasonstedman> does anyone have a direct download for a custom rom that i can flash with odin? for a samsung galaxy tab 2 10.1 P5100?
<nebkat> Cym: +1
<nebkat> jasonstedman: there is this new shiz
<nebkat> jasonstedman: its called GOOGLE
<nebkat> jasonstedman: YOU SHOULD START FUCKING USING IT
<jasonstedman> Im really mad with myself, I have had this tab for two days and I messed it up! I have no idea what im doing!
<jasonstedman> @nebkat i have been on it all day and i have no idea what im looking for
<bbqbot> jasonstedman: Command does not exist!
<nebkat> jasonstedman: then you shouldnt be doin it :p
<nebkat> flash stock
<nebkat> and have fun
<nebkat> :P
<nebkat> im going now
<nebkat> BYE ALL
<nebkat> fuckers.
nebkat has left #teamhacksung-support ["Leaving"]
<Cym> ok, if I download a rom from sammobile and I want to apply it without overwriting my recovery, how would I flash it
EvilBelgian has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
<jasonstedman> use odin?? that's what i did
<bbqbot> derp
<Cym> no, i mean you dont want to flash it all
<Cym> there are different parts
<Cym> inside the zip is a file called factoryfs.img
<Cym> i think that if you wanted to just upgrade a rooted stock rom, you would only update the factoryfs.img?
<Cym> im not sure
<jasonstedman> pit i think im not sure
<Cym> i think the pit file defines the partition layout
<Cym> not sure
<Cym> i should read about that
<Cym> i bet there is a post about it somewhere
<Cym> you should learn what the different parts of the file does
<Cym> when you extract it
<jasonstedman> go from there, thats what im doing
<Cym> but, for now, if i was you, i would start over
<Cym> i would use odin to apply the factory image over
<Cym> then install clockworkmod again
<Cym> and then factory reset
<Cym> apply cm9
<Cym> factory reset again
<Cym> apply gapps
<Cym> reboot
<Cym> the trick is to factory reset after you apply cm9
<Cym> you only have to do that the first time
<jasonstedman> how do i apply a factory image and where can i find this factory image file?
<Cym> become a member
<Cym> look up your device
<Cym> get the firmware
<Cym> then you can reset it back to stock
<Cym> and then start over with the rooting
<jasonstedman> i just became a member and now looking for the right one
dawg has joined #teamhacksung-support
<dawg> Are there rules I am supposed to read for this chat? Or do I just ask away?
<Cym> Rules? we dont need no stinking rules.
<Cym> just no touching
<dawg> Ok then :)
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<dawg> Has anyone ever reported a problem with the home button not working after flashing cm9?
<Cym> ive heard that a lot of times
<dawg> On stock, it behaves normally but as soon as I flash any build of CM9, the home button can only be used to turn the screen on.
<dawg> I can't find a fix anywhere.
<Cym> so its working if it turns the screen on
<dawg> Yes
<dawg> wait
<dawg> It's working to turn the screen on, but for nothing more.
<dawg> It will not work after the screen is on, when on CM9.
<Cym> i would check the settings in the launcher
<Cym> maybe the launcher defines the home button behavior
<dawg> Well even If I hold the button down, I don't get the task manager.
<Cym> if its really not working, the first thing they say to try is a wipe
<Cym> if you cant find it in the settings
<dawg> I've wiped thrice now, gone back to stock, then back to cm9 and did more wipes.
<dawg> Still doesnt work.
<Cym> when you first installed cm9, did you do a factory reset after you installed cm9 the first time?
<bbqbot> derp
<dawg> Of course.
<Cym> some instructions say before and some say after
<dawg> I did both.
<dawg> :p
<Cym> im not sure if that makes a difference
<Cym> did you try a different rom
<dawg> Well, stock rom.
<dawg> Works no problem on stock.
<Cym> yah but i mean a different custom rom
<Cym> or different version
<dawg> No
<dawg> I tried a different version
<dawg> I've tried 3 different versions
<dawg> None of which worked
<Cym> from the official cm download page?
<dawg> Yes
<dawg> SGS2, XXLPS Baseband
<dawg> GT-I9100
<dawg> :/
<dawg> I've asked on xda and no one has an answer.
<Cym> yah that one has good support
<dawg> I've tried google searching, no luck.
<Cym> and you reset it totally back to stock and installed cwm over again?
<dawg> yes
<Cym> have you tried other launchers where you can define what the behavior of the home button does?
<dawg> Yes
<Cym> and nothing?
<dawg> Nothing :/
<dawg> I should mention, the lock screen doesnt work either
<Cym> it just doesnt respond?
<dawg> No response whatsoever
<Cym> I have heard other people complain about it
<Cym> but the solution was usually to do the rooting procedure over
<dawg> There is nothing about it in the FAQ's
<Cym> atleast that is how they fixed it
<dawg> Ok
<dawg> Ill try rooting again
<Cym> im not sure what else you can try
<Cym> except a different rom
<dawg> Me neither.
<dawg> Well, thanks for your help Cym.
<Cym> you could try a different custom rom before you start over
<Cym> np
<dawg> Goodbye.
<Cym> good luck
<dawg> Thanks.
dawg has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<Cym> next
<jasonstedman> me??
<Cym> so you find it?
<bbqbot> derp
<jasonstedman> im downloading P5100XXALD6_P5100OJVALD4_OJV.rar hoping that this is the file i need to flash
<jasonstedman> the file is 615 MB?????
<Cym> sha
<Cym> compared to 150 for CM9 lol
<Cym> that is a lot of bloat
<Cym> you could fit 4 cids into one touchwiz
<jasonstedman> i can not find a download for cm9 for sgt2
<jasonstedman> cids??
<Cym> cid is the mascot for cyanogenmod 9
<Cym> andy is the old one
Bobbe has joined #teamhacksung-support
<jasonstedman> i dont care what rom it is aslong as its working lol
<Cym> yah its only on codeworkx page for now until it gets introduced into the official nightlies
<jasonstedman> I defo learnt my lesson, i should not play around with things i don't understand
<Cym> you can find the galaxy tab 2 cm9 builds here for now:
<Cym> make sure you gget the one for 5100
<jasonstedman> i already tried it i count get it to work
<Cym> oh
<Bobbe> hey guys, just to let you know that I (and at least one other user) were having problems with calls being mute on both sides after installing CM9
<Bobbe> the issue persisted with the july 7th and 8th roms, but not from the 6th downwards (didn't test them all)
<Bobbe> now it's gone
<Cym> for what device
<Bobbe> just installed today's nightly and it works, so if anyone comes desperate trying to make calls just tell them to update to the latest version =)
<Bobbe> s3
<Cym> ah
<Bobbe> was that a known issue? Nobody could give us support here when we asked, and it is not in the known issues page or listed as a bug in the forums (confess I didn't read all 151 pages of posts though)
<Baskey> Bobbe: that's a known problem
<Baskey> first call is mute
<Bobbe> not just first call, any calls actually
howcaniroot has joined #teamhacksung-support
<howcaniroot> hi. i have a problem rooting my phone
<Baskey> Bobbe: they're workin' on it
<Baskey> be patient
<Bobbe> Baskey: no, no, they fixed it. Just telling you that today's nightly doesn't have the issue. Just dropped by to let you guys know it's fixed so you can tell other people if they come with the same issue from one of those ROMs =)
<howcaniroot> any help pls?
<Cym> howcaniroot, wait wait.. don't tell me.. its a rooting problem?
<howcaniroot> yes
<Baskey> Bobbe: oh, I understand
<Baskey> thx for the feedback
<Cym> rooting is not really the issue, the real problem is getting the modified recovery installed so that you can root it
<Cym> rooting is just copying some files to it
<Bobbe> Baskey: wasn't it you trolling the Chinese dude the other day? I think he had the same problem, but couldn't word it in English pretty well...
<howcaniroot> my kernel is root@DELL144 #2.......
<howcaniroot> how can i find a rom for it?
<bbqbot> derp
<Bobbe> lol
<Cym> well, it sounds like you have a I9100
<Cym> so you first need to find a clockworkmod recovery for I9100
<Cym> then you get cm9
<Baskey> Bobbe: we're trolling for sum fun
<Cym> cm9 is already rooted
<Baskey> by we I mean me and guys from Teamhacksung
<Baskey> don't take it personally
<howcaniroot> what do you mean? cym?
<howcaniroot> i cannot understand :(
<howcaniroot> why is my phone PBVKL?
<Cym> the first thing you need to do in order to root is to replace the recovery with a modifed version
<Cym> the firmware does not matter
<howcaniroot> how can i do it?
<Bobbe> Cym: I think he will need to learn how to use Odin first. Doesn't look like he knows about it
<howcaniroot> i have odin installed
<Cym> you need to find a version of clockworkmod recovery for your device
<Cym> google "clockworkmod I9100"
<howcaniroot> ok
<Bobbe> Baskey: Worry not sir, it's just an IRC channel. Getting offended by trolling here doesn't make sense
<Baskey> you know, devs are getting bored when they are bugging by newbies
<Baskey> over and over again
<Cym> anyone talk to codeworkx today?
<howcaniroot> i am still having problems
<howcaniroot> cym.. do u have teamspeak?
<Cym> nope
<DuperMan> 64gb sd - wrokds
<DuperMan> works
<howcaniroot> how can we chat by voice?
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> with love
<DuperMan> or skype
<Cym> we cant
<DuperMan> or google talk
<DuperMan> not wanting a silly thing to occur!=it being impossible
<DuperMan> you could
<DuperMan> you're just creeped to learn it's desired
<howcaniroot> can we try skype? or google?
<bbqbot> derp
<howcaniroot> i am a noob :(
<DuperMan> you could, you might
<howcaniroot> i really wish to install nexus ics on my phone :(
<DuperMan> you shouldn't
<DuperMan> mostly likely you won't
<Cym> lol
<Cym> sorry man
<Cym> this is about as far as im willing to go on a first date
<howcaniroot> why?
<DuperMan> partly because he called it a first date and you failed to notice the tongue in cheek nature of the statement
<Bobbe> lol
<Cym> dont you love irc
<howcaniroot> thanks for not helping me
<Cym> no offense howcaniroot , but i dont do that with anyone.
<Cym> you can ask your questions here and i will try to answer them
<Bobbe> howcaniroot: dude, come on, he gave you simple instructins and detailed explanations of what you have to do
<Bobbe> you're getting angry because you're not being spoonfed
<howcaniroot> no man my phone is completely different
<Bobbe> it's the I9100 dude, it's the same SGS2 half of the world bought
<howcaniroot> when i use odin i need a rom that matches kernel I9100PBVKL
<Bobbe> there, read it
<howcaniroot> and i cant find one
<DuperMan> wecome
<Bobbe> if it doesn't apply to you, find out what does
<Cym> the rom does not need to match the kernel
<jasonstedman> ok i just downloaded cm9, how do i install this?
<Cym> the rom only has to match the device
<DuperMan> that's what you said howcaniroot
<DuperMan> it's rude
<DuperMan> while I'm inclined to believe as well as hope it wasn't your intended message
<DuperMan> that's what you said
<jasonstedman> if i get my tab fixed ill make a £50 donation to CM
<Thracky> DuperMan: all your free time are belong to us.
<DuperMan> if I'll get a 50ukp donation I'll dance the macarena badly, maybe
<DuperMan> (no)
<Thracky> I bet you'd do it for 75 :P
<DuperMan> lemme see... 320 local monies
<DuperMan> ok. if I can wear a mask.
<Bobbe> what's your local money DuperMan
<DuperMan> new Israeli Sheqel baby
<jasonstedman> ok so i have these files zipped up how can i flash them over to my tab via download mode
<DuperMan> the rarest of the formerly overinflated highly localized currencies
<howcaniroot> you said that the rom does not need to match the kernel
<Cym> i believe you use odin to flash the firmware files from sammobile
<howcaniroot> that why does it say that it needs to be matched?
<Cym> you only need to match the device to the rom, not the kernel
<Cym> any rom for the i9100 will work
<howcaniroot> can you give my a rom for example?
<howcaniroot> my phone is i9100p
<howcaniroot> orange phone
<Bobbe> DuperMan: how much is that in USD?
<Cym> did you goto sammobile
<jasonstedman> who?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> Bobbe: a usd ia about `3.8nis
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<howcaniroot> i know that there is an issue with nfc
<howcaniroot> no idea
<DuperMan> I have many issues with nfc. not having a chip makes it super hard
<Cym> howcaniroot, are you in europe?
<howcaniroot> yes
<Cym> what country
<howcaniroot> Malta
<Cym> go there
<Cym> get the one for your region
<Cym> become a member to download
<DuperMan> malta. it has babes right
<DuperMan> ?
<howcaniroot> yep nice babes
<DuperMan> I prefer psycho bitches
<howcaniroot> ok i will download italy
<DuperMan> but if they do really weird sexual things I'll acquiesce
<DuperMan> careful not to get too much berlosconi bloat
<DuperMan> har
<Cym> howcaniroot, but why do you want to download a stock rom
<Cym> howcaniroot, if you just want to root, then you need to get "clockworkmod"
<Cym> after that, get cm9
<Cym> done
<bbqbot> derp
<evil-doer> howcansheslap
<Cym> so, you dont want to get a stock rom from sammobile
<Cym> you are heading in the wrong direction
<howcaniroot> oh
<howcaniroot> what shall i do then?
<Cym> and i think ive already said it a few times
<Cym> get clockworkmod installed
<Cym> then come back
<howcaniroot> ok
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<Cym> google "clockworkmod I9100p"
<Cym> must be lost in translation
romann|afk is now known as romann
<Cym> clocko worko modo
<Cym> that is spanish
<Cym> klokwerkmod
<Cym> german
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<Cym> sorry, i only know 3 languages
<howcaniroot> sorry but cant find 1
<howcaniroot> :(
<evil-doer> so thats how you spell in spanish? add an o to the end of every word?
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<Cym> yah, i think so
<evil-doer> just like swedish, just add bork
<howcaniroot> can i download this from play?
<howcaniroot> or can you give me a direct link?
<Cym> howcaniroot, apparently you can use the clockworkmod for the I9100 and I9100P interchangeably
<Cym> I think
<Cym> atleast from what the first post says
<Cym> dont quote me
<Cym> evil-doer, yes
<Cym> I also can speak pirate
<howcaniroot> i installed rom manager clockworkmod
<howcaniroot> is that it?
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<Cym> that wont work
<Cym> you will have to flash clockworkmod with odin
<howcaniroot> how can i do that?
<Cym> you need a windows pc
<Cym> with a cable
<howcaniroot> i have odin open right now
<howcaniroot> and connected to my phone
<howcaniroot> then?
<bbqbot> derp
<Cym> get Kies installed so you have the drivers working
<howcaniroot> i have kies
<Cym> you dont want kies running though when odin is being used
<howcaniroot> it is closed
<Cym> I did not see a different version of cwm for the I9100P.. I *think* you can use the cwm for the I9100. But you need to make sure and read it.
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<howcaniroot> so i can just go here?
<howcaniroot> hello?
<Cym> try that
<howcaniroot> ok
<Cym> hmm wait
<Cym> NOTE: This guide is only applicable for the international variants (GT-I9100, GT-I9100M, GT-I9100T) and not the regional variants.
<Cym> i dont see a "P"
<Cym> so, not sure
boog is now known as boog_afk
<Cym> but..
<Cym> I think the recovery is the same and you would just need a different cm9 rom that is specific for the 'P' model
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<Cym> although I am not positive
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<Veyka> P is identical, you can use I9100 roms but you will lose NFC
<Cym> cool thanks
<Cym> that is what i thought
romann is now known as romann|afk
<Veyka> Theres a flashable zip somewhere which makes nfc work again
<Veyka> Not sure if it works on cm9 though
<Cym> good to know
<Cym> howcaniroot, there you go
<Cym> that should do it
<Cym> follow that guide I just posted
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<Cym> ok, who wants to help me now
<Veyka> What or who did you break?
<Veyka> :P
<Cym> the hardware mp4 decoder in the P31xx ROM (Galaxy Tab 2) has a buffer overflow problem that I think is triggered by the variable framerates from television recordings
<Cym> just wondering how that is going
<Cym> if the firmware is even open source
<Veyka> Most likely no
<Veyka> But you would have to prod a dev, and I think they are asleep
<Cym> yah, ive just been hanging around
<Cym> hoping to catch someone
<Cym> its one of those bugs that is hard to reproduce
<Cym> It is either the variable framerates/bitrates that are triggering it or it is something with B frames
<Cym> but a pain none the less
<Cym> I'm here to test if anyone needs me
<Jiangyi> wOOt
<Jiangyi> :-D
<howcaniroot> "From the "Load Package" tab, under the "Heimdall Firmware Package" section click the "Browse" button."
<howcaniroot> what should i select from browse?
<Cym> You can use Odin instead of Heimdall
<Veyka> Jiangyi: I was just reading that :P
<howcaniroot> ok
<howcaniroot> than i can choose recovery-clockwork-
<Cym> use odin to flash recovery-clockwork-
<Cym> the directions should be pretty straight forward
* Jiangyi is excited for JB :P
<Veyka> ikr
<Cym> we wont even have time to appreciate cm9 because cm10 will be replacing it
<howcaniroot> odin is not finding my phone anymore :S
<howcaniroot> it used to
<howcaniroot> i am on downloading mode from my phone
<Cym> make sure Kies works
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<Cym> Kies will supply the drivers
<Veyka> Long live cm9, cm9 is dead, long live cm9
<Cym> heh
<Cym> Google had to release jelly bean to get around the ban
<Cym> or the tab 2 would not be sold in the us
<Cym> Apple is being a dick
<Cym> but the judge said that the Android phone was not as cool as the iPhone
<Jiangyi> Tis alwayd Apple. :/
<jasonstedman> kk i have downloaded the firmware for my tab it has 4 files in it CVC, Platform, Modem, Bootloader. how do i now flash these to my tab with odin
<Jiangyi> Always*
<Cym> so the Android phone was allowed to compete because it was not as cool
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<Cym> The judge was like, "lets let the nerdy people have their phones"
<Cym> and if they want to be cool like me, they will get an iPhone
edude03 has joined #teamhacksung-support