nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <xplodwild> see the August whore on my balls | <codeworkx> KalimAz: I can see my panties | NO ETAs | Don't talk about CM10 | DO NOT PING CODY
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Cool. :-)
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: What do you mean by a little bit of sound? o.O
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: 8GB or 16GB?
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: 8GB
<Jiangyi> Ah OK.
<Thiagovfar> Living in Brazil, that's quite an achievement I already got one =)
* Jiangyi is unsure if 8GB is enough
<Jiangyi> Although I suppose it can all be solved with USB OTG. :-P
<Thiagovfar> dollars are expensive
<Thiagovfar> @money 50 BRL USD
<bbqbot> 50 BRL = 24.46 USD
<Thiagovfar> oops
<Thiagovfar> @money 50 USD BRL
<bbqbot> 50 USD = 102.22 BRL
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: ok, full sound
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: O____O
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: So much for no hope in I9100.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: let's see what the cam is doing
* Jiangyi is betting that it's borked
<codeworkx> :-D
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: did you realize that there are no i9100 users awake?
<bbqbot> derp
* Thiagovfar is a i9100 user.
<codeworkx> damn
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<Thiagovfar> He just happens to have a new toy
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: What did I say about I9100 users being everywhere? :-D
<codeworkx> i'm giving u another
<Thiagovfar> Did I miss something?
<codeworkx> nooo
<codeworkx> everything fine
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<Jiangyi> Ummm.....
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Isn't that a good thing?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: it's borked xD
<maximil> does i9100g gets hot next to camera as i9100?
<codeworkx> not that much
<maximil> hm...
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Wait, so everything fine = borked? o.o
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: cam is borked
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Ah OK.
<Jiangyi> maximil: Gets hot only in GTA III for me.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: BTW, did you ever look at that camera log I left in your drive ages ago?
<maximil> Jiangyi: i9100 get freaking hot =s in everything almost
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: no xD
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: no time
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: :-( Look at it pretty please?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: <-- That's the guy, he posted about it again today.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: about the non working cam on 1 device? xD
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: More than one, but yes, it's a minority.
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<Thiagovfar> I already love tablets.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: There are a few Chinese users who has it too. Besides, the guy who reported it is a friend of mine, so.... :-|
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<etherez> Hm. Is it normal to take long long time o flash cm9 on s3? When i flashed it on my s2 it went like 1 min max
<etherez> and here it has been on like 1 cm
<etherez> the loading bar
<Thiagovfar> noob question: My Nexus 7 charger is 5V, 2A. Can I use it on my GT-I9100?
<etherez> ?
<Thiagovfar> The wall charger. It is way more powerful than the GT-I9100 (which is 5V, 0.7A).
<Thiagovfar> I wonder what would happen If I plugged in the i9100 on that 2A charger
<etherez> i know :p i was writing another questionmark for my question :p
<Thiagovfar> oh
* Thiagovfar feels dumb
<etherez> But i got an error message now :o
<etherez> "failed to verify wholefile signature"
<etherez> Thiagovfar: Should work
<etherez> And since i whiped the device. i can't use it as an external storage device either. how can i transfer files then.
<etherez> anyone?
<Jiangyi> etherez: ADB?
<bbqbot> derp
<etherez> only adb? can i use odin to transfer files?
<etherez> or use odin to flash cm ?
<Jiangyi> etherez: Is there a Resurrection Edition for the S3?
<etherez> Ehh. what?
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<Thiagovfar> etherez: can't CWM mount your device as USB storage?
<etherez> nope.
<Jiangyi> nvm, didn't find a resurrection edition.
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<Jiangyi> etherez: Are you sure /sdcard and /emmc are mounted?
<etherez> only have the option to whipe the device or flash from sdcard
<Jiangyi> ......
<etherez> but since the image was broke i had to download a new one and transfer again
<Jiangyi> etherez: Are you sure you're in CWM? Cause that sounds like stock recovery to me.
<bbqbot> derp
<etherez> I flashed cwm
<etherez> so..
<codeworkx> this is damn hacky
<codeworkx> but fun
<etherez> And i had CWM installed on the phone. and i pressed boot into recovery mode from the cwm
<Captainstarbucs> hi codeworkx, did you happen to post a 5113 build with working sound?
<Thiagovfar> Did you install ROM manager or CWM?
<etherez> CWM
<codeworkx> Captainstarbucs: read thread. there's the fix
<etherez> used that guide
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Are you making a wrapper or something?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: more bad
<etherez> Hmm. my phone wont work :(
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: reconstructing stuff which got removed
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: but just to make tvout stop crying
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: tvout will never work this way
<codeworkx> think i got it. ;-)
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: TV-out? What's that? ;-D
<Jiangyi> TV-out = Unexpected error on Exynos. :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: this thing which is working on your device
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Wait... Are you doing the I9100 camera or the 9100G camera?
<codeworkx> i9100
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<Jiangyi> K, so I haven't been saying idiotic things. :P
<etherez> codeworkx: When i type "adb devices" it lists none
<codeworkx> etherez: device?
<etherez> s3
<codeworkx> missing permissions?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> windows? linux?
<etherez> i tried to flash cm9. and woudn't flash. So no i have no OS on it. So i have to use adb to moe my files to it.
<etherez> using windows with administrating rights
<etherez> should i try download mode ?
<nevyn> can you get to download mode?
<etherez> yeah
<etherez> I'll just try to flash cwm again
<nevyn> can you get to cwm?
<etherez> nope
<etherez> There
<etherez> cwm 6..0 flashed
<Jiangyi> etherez: Think it's best if you just flash back to stock and then start over.
<codeworkx> i'm so close
<etherez> Jiangyi: I'm in cwm now
<etherez> But when i press mount /sdcard/ nothing happens
<codeworkx> etherez: mounts and storage
<etherez> yeah
<codeworkx> etherez: mount data
<codeworkx> etherez: adb push file /data/media
<codeworkx> that's the internal sdcard
<etherez> okay. But there's no option to mount data . only unomount data
<codeworkx> then ok
<codeworkx> it's mounted
<codeworkx> push your files
<etherez> but adb will stil not show any devices connected
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<etherez> Hmm
<etherez> It boots up cm9 now
<Jiangyi> ............
<etherez> with the new cm mascot
<etherez> woho
<codeworkx> why cm9?
<codeworkx> there's 10
<etherez> because cm10 is buggy?
<etherez> isn't it +
<etherez> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> etherez: as good as 9
<etherez> hmm
<etherez> then i'll download cm10
<Jiangyi> I actually might go back to 9 just to finish translations.
<codeworkx> fuck 9
<codeworkx> we'll probably stop nightlies for 9 if 10 is ready
<etherez> sweet
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Doesn't CM9 go to weeklies then?
<codeworkx> dunno
<Thiagovfar> See you guys, gonna sleep
<Jiangyi> Well I'm gonna finish translating anyways.
<Jiangyi> No one else seems to want to do it =[
<codeworkx> i hate translation patches
<codeworkx> they dont fix bugs
<codeworkx> just waste my time
<codeworkx> :-D
<Jiangyi> Note to self: Don't send codeworkx any more translation patches. :-|
<codeworkx> :-D
<codeworkx> send them
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: People only send it to you cuz you have approval and merging powers. :-P
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<codeworkx> i'll do them if devices are finished
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Which is never. :-P
<codeworkx> if i dont buy a new device, then it might happen
<Jiangyi> codey not buying a new device? Yeah right. :-|
<Jiangyi> thiagovfar: Good night!
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<etherez> erhm
<nevyn> so I possibly did something stupid in that I ran the script which simlinks /datadata to /data and now I have horrible performance
<nevyn> this was before becoming aware of the touch file in /datadata option
<nevyn> i9000 with CM9
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<maximil> some one has jb wallpaper to down?
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Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Awat
Jiangyi|Awat is now known as Jiangyi|Away
<Jiangyi|Away> codeworkx: If you honestly want me to send them, then I have 8 coming your way. lol
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Away: cody 1 : 0 samsung
<codeworkx> muhahahaha
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<Jiangyi> Codeworkx: working?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: aye
<Jiangyi> Codeworkx: So what's not working?
<codeworkx> shitstorm inc
<codeworkx> THE I9100 GOT BEANZ!!!!!!
* athurh <3 cody
<Jiangyi> Oh hey, just noticed that BLN's working on CM10 lol
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<bbqbot> derp
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<Dillinjer> @changelog sgs3
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<DuperMan> xplodwild
<DuperMan> xplodwild
<DuperMan> xplodwild
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<DuperMan> I can haz kanging teh codeworkx with teh adjusting for note or my brain will break?
<MBBrandon> why no cm10 talk?
<DuperMan> here=support
<MBBrandon> i can dig it
<DuperMan> experimental - not even as supported as opensauce stuffs
<MBBrandon> is the cm9 for samsung galaxy tab 2 7supported?
<Jiangyi> MBBrandon: That, and we didn't want I9100 users to feel to upset before.
<Jiangyi> too*
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: I'm still trying to ignore the "g" suffix
<DuperMan> u bastid
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<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Hey, no point now, 9100 just got CM10. :-|
<asd_> with audio?
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<Jiangyi> Apparently.
<MBBrandon> what is i9100?
<DuperMan> MBBrandon: new iphone
<Jiangyi> codeworkx = botworkx
<MBBrandon> ahhh
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<DuperMan> Jiangyi: the og sgs2?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> :D
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Yeah, it was released <30 min ago.
<MBBrandon> just wanted to pop in and say thanks, i picked up a galaxy tab 2 7 and am REALLY loving it since i installed cm9!
<DuperMan> gave him a thknas :D
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<override182> codeworkx = jesusatworkx
abc is now known as Guest97279
<Jiangyi> Damn, every refresh gives me 3 more replies. O_O
<Jiangyi> 9100 user overload X_X
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: abusing the downloads server. shame I've no time to have my silly buildbot poop out both
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<DuperMan> (time because need braining for it:)
<override182> at least they overload here instead of spamming the dev thread. LOL
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> is what that's for
* Jiangyi wonders if he should tell the Chinese I9100 users of this
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: yeah, then hint at who's translating for them
<DuperMan> right
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Nah, won't do it.
<override182> why? whats wrong bout chinese users?
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Kangs of this will probably show up by tomorrow. :-|
<override182> where?
<Jiangyi> override182: Chinese forums. 9100 section is always filled with CM kangs done by random Chinese guys that don't actually add anything to the original CM AFAIK.
<override182> ahh i see.. never knew about it
<Jiangyi> You know it's sad when you can't find an OG copy of CM9 in those forums. :-|
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: What do you mean, hint at who's translating for them? o.o
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: derp. thought you didn't want the headache of the noobsrush
<DuperMan> so threw in you're in a position to be flooded with pleas and requests :P
<DuperMan> kinda my finest at giving a comliment tbch
<DuperMan> :)
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Ah that's what you mean xD
<DuperMan> weirdest part: you understand ME?!?!?!?!?
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: This is why I stay in the I9100G section. Less people :-D
<DuperMan> xD
* Jiangyi occasionally go to the I9100 section and tease though xD
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<DuperMan> Jiangyi: I'm happy I have a note and lost my sympathy for people 'just trying to (have me walk them through a step by step virtually doing it for them) make it work'
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Yeah, me too. Well 9100G in my case.
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: I help whoever I find nice and have a problem that's somewhat interesting. :-P
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: ironically I now work a call center and can vouche that support isn't about 'helping people get their feet' but 'damming the bulk of stupid'
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<Jiangyi> haha
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: much as I try to deny I like helping and haven't completely internilized yet that not-geeks are a real thing :(
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: 97% of all my friends are non-geeks. 90% of that don't even know how to reinstall Windows.
<override182> 9100 experimental, daily driver anyone?
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: friends? why? how do you trade with them/mutually assure interests?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> I'm nearly honestly intrigued :)
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: They're nice people, they play games, they play instruments, etc. :-P
<DuperMan> yeah, music geeks and potheads
<DuperMan> in time you'll learn greasemonkeys are geeks too :)
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: My school's kinda big into music, so.... :-P
<DuperMan> ah... I like music geeks as long as they're not into 'rhythm is my religion', y'know?
<Jiangyi> Uhh..... idk?
<Jiangyi> o_O
<Jiangyi> Does anyone actually do that? lol
<DuperMan> just a quick scanback at my highschool hayday and a 'yeah, dude... damn yeah:/ damn'
<DuperMan> lol
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<DuperMan> are you using g+/maps?
<Jiangyi> Didn't I already add you on G+?
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<DuperMan> Jiangyi: think u did in talk xD wondered about drain actually
<DuperMan> lol
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Drain? What?
<DuperMan> google maps is a horrible cpu/battery hog and I suspect g+ and currents are too (the apps) :)
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<DuperMan> w333333333333 flashing jb:D
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Maps and Google Now for me.
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<Jiangyi> Google wants to stalk me....
<DuperMan> google now? wants?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> google now is like real time deals right?
<m0zzie> herp
<DuperMan> :)
* DuperMan is starting to consider carrying the s2 as a dumbphone
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<Captainstarbucs> Can someone point me in the right direction for getting the galaxy tab 2 10' 5113 to be visable with ADB? :s
<DarkLegend_> settings > developer options > android debugging
<DarkLegend_> enabled?
<Captainstarbucs> yeah
<Captainstarbucs> i tried connecting it through the network too, but it won't pick up
<Captainstarbucs> and USB is being difficult
<DarkLegend_> samsung usb drivers installed (if you have kies installed, then the're installed)
<DarkLegend_> :o
<Captainstarbucs> yup, they're installed
<m0zzie> so how many of us are running the just released cm10 i9100 build?
<Captainstarbucs> oh wait.
<Captainstarbucs> I think it just showed up
<Captainstarbucs> brb
<DarkLegend_> just dloaded m0zzie .. waiting for battery to charge up :(
<Captainstarbucs> ugh, looks like it's recognized now, I just tried adb shell mv /system/etc/sound/espresso10rf /system/etc/sound/espresso10wifi and it tells me it's a read only file system..
<Captainstarbucs> i just want sound to work on my tablet lol
<BrandoHD> I just can't beleive there hasn't been a post in the CM10 thread for a whole hour
<Captainstarbucs> Any obvious details I'm looking over?
<DarkLegend_> adb shell
<DarkLegend_> then su
<DarkLegend_> :D
<DarkLegend_> and you need to remout prolly as rw
<DarkLegend_> :/
* DarkLegend_ hides
<Captainstarbucs> lawl permission denied for su
<Captainstarbucs> how do I remount as rw?
<DarkLegend_> you need su for that :P
<Captainstarbucs> this is weird then
<DarkLegend_> settings > developer options > root access ---> does it has adb
<DarkLegend_> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Captainstarbucs: ADB root, ADB remount, adb shell mv /system/etc/sound/espresso10rf /system/etc/sound/espresso10wifi
<DarkLegend_> hmm
<Captainstarbucs> ok o
<Captainstarbucs> i'm gonna try to do this from the start. brb
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Posted the XDA link on Chinese forum. It has been completely ignored. :-D
<Captainstarbucs> ADB root went through, but ADB remount is giving me an error.
<Captainstarbucs> Operation not permitted
<Jiangyi> o_O
<Jiangyi> That's odd.
<Captainstarbucs> Indeed
<Captainstarbucs> I never had this much trouble with ADB before
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<Captainstarbucs> does this have to be in download mode or something silly like that?
<xEnt> love you codeworkx & xplodwild & anyone else who helped in the cm10 to galaxy phones
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<xEnt> i would take my shirt off and give you a picture of my nipples
<Captainstarbucs> heh.... heheh i think i know why it's not working hold on
<xEnt> but i am afraid they don't live up to your standards
<codeworkx> Captainstarbucs: there's a new build up. check this
<Captainstarbucs> Oh, great
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You're still not asleep? O_O
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<xEnt> codeworkx you should be sleeping in some king size bed with a bunch of hot hookers around you right now
<Captainstarbucs> I will check the thread
<DarkLegend_> Captainstarbucs, try -> adb shell su mount -o remount,rw /system
<xEnt> its a shame
<Captainstarbucs> i got it working guys, i was a dummy and didn't allow root to go to ADB
<Captainstarbucs> thank you for the help
<Jiangyi> Oh lol
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<Captainstarbucs> thanks to all the devs too
<Captainstarbucs> i'm so happy that I have a jelly bean device
<xEnt> im jelly
<xEnt> GET IT
<Captainstarbucs> one more quick question, where can I get google now at?
<Captainstarbucs> should I search for the .apk somewhere?
<Jiangyi> Captainstarbucs: Just flash GApps.
<Captainstarbucs> I did earlier but I don't think it came with google now
<xEnt> guys the galaxy note has like the same specs as the s2 right?
<xEnt> is it like a 10 minute job to port this cm10 build to the note if you know what your doing?
<Captainstarbucs> i got the new currents ap and the play magazine app with the gapps that i flashed, but no google now
<Jiangyi> Captainstarbucs: The JB one?
<bbqbot> derp
<Captainstarbucs> I believe so
<Jiangyi> 20120717?
<Captainstarbucs> that I am not sure
<Captainstarbucs> let me check my downloads folder
<Captainstarbucs> gapps-4.1.1-Kejar31-20120715 is the one I used
<Jiangyi> Get the one from
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: me? sleep?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: it's 5:38 am
<xEnt> does that mean early for you or late
<codeworkx> didn't sleep yet
<xEnt> do you have a full time job?
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<xEnt> i dont get how these android programmers can like, have a proper job and deal with this shit, and have a life
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: That's what I mean. =[
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You better have a lot of coffee....
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<sovc> hey!!!
<sovc> [ROM][GT-I9100][JB][4.1.1] CyanogenMod 10 preview works in WIFI???
<Jiangyi> Yes.
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<sovc> WIFI fix completed???
<sovc> WOW~!!
<sovc> #"@#$@grukdsfe.hfdffg
<sovc> fhkgdfio fg
<sovc> gbfbjdf
<sovc> v
<sovc> Really?
<xEnt> posted by marcellocord @ xda: CM10 feedback
<xEnt> Camera [photo and video], works good
<xEnt> Phone, works good
<xEnt> Audio, works good. Touch sound is too loud comparing to ICS.
<xEnt> Wi-fi, works good
<xEnt> Data, works good
<xEnt> butter, no butter, it's smooth in some places, and laggy most time
<xEnt> Touch sensitivity, same to CM9, but I feel scrolling is better
<xEnt> Smoothness, good, but not so good as ICS
<xEnt> All Google Apps are working, Google Voice Search working 100%, Google Now working, account working
<sovc> no more?
<bbqbot> derp
<xEnt> pretty damn good for a preview
<sovc> Many bugs
<sovc> ?
<Jiangyi> Damn, I can't tease I9100 users about CM10 anymore.
<Jiangyi> :-|
<xEnt> its only been an hour or so since release, so far i don't think so
<sovc> ~}
<sovc> Official Cyanogen Mod 10?
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<xEnt> flash works, orientation sensor works
<Jiangyi> xEnt: I9100G users had CM10 more than a week ago.
<xEnt> yeah, does not mean they have the same bugs though
<xEnt> since theres a week difference, must have been some substantial changes
<xEnt> that may effect different parts
<Jiangyi> Our CM10 has basically everything working, including TV-out :-D
<xEnt> nice
<Jiangyi> omap <3333333333333
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<xEnt> mmm
<xEnt> whats a better device though (spec wise)
<xEnt> i9100 or g?
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<Jiangyi> Same CPU, 9100 has a stronger GPU.
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<Jiangyi> But we don't overheat as much, and we have better audio.
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<SunShean> hello
<SunShean> anyone here used CM10 for Galaxy S2 i9100?
<xEnt> i think everyone is
<SunShean> can i dual boot it with my rom :-/
<xEnt> dont think so
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<Captainstarbucs> Jiangyi flashing that version didn't give me google now :(
<Captainstarbucs> I donno what's up
<Jiangyi|Phone> Umm.....
<Jiangyi|Phone> That's weird.
<Captainstarbucs> yeah, it dosen't give me much, just the very basic apps
<Captainstarbucs> no google currents, no anything new to jellybean
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<xEnt> hey codeworkx i assume you managed to fix the audio issue? heard you guys were having problems on the s2 and note with it
<cat12> yep xEnt , its fixed :)
<xEnt> cool, for some reason im curious on how they did that, even though i probably won't understand
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<cat12> I read that the legacy audio wrapper they had did the trick for ICS->JB
<cat12> which was not the case for GB->ICS
<cat12> (we were lucky now in that regard :) )
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<xEnt> i see
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<Dwarken> G'morning biatches.. :)
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<ninu129i> so what are the bugs
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<Gisahq10> i want know base rom for CyanogenMod 9 nightly
<Gisahq10> i will install but i dont know what base rom to install
<addi> Dwarken,
<addi> whats up dood
<Dwarken> i'm tired... 6 in the morning.. ZzzzZZ
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<Gisahq10> please tell me about base rom to install last CM9
<Gisahq10> what base rom?
<Dwarken> addi: what's the time at your place?
<bbqbot> derp
* Dwarken gonna put derp up bbqbot¨s ass.
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<addi> Dwarken, 10.43 to be exact
<addi> GMT +5.30
<addi> Gisahq10, what device?
<Gisahq10> S2 I900
<Gisahq10> I9100
<Dwarken> addi: :) how is it in the future?! :D lol brb going to get some coffee
<addi> codeworkx, then go sleeeeeeeeeeeep
<BrandoHD> go get your sleep man
<Gisahq10> i will have launch now i'm from thailand
<codeworkx> 7:18 am here :-D
<BrandoHD> you can't sleep in the day
<BrandoHD> lol
<codeworkx> i can
<codeworkx> vacations :-D
<Gisahq10> good nigh everyone
<Gisahq10> please tell me what base rom to use for CM9 S2 I9100
<BrandoHD> well it's 1:20 here and I'm going to flash now
<BrandoHD> then sleep
<Dwarken> i neeed sleep and i have slept almost all night!? :O
<BrandoHD> Dwarken: sad
<BrandoHD> lol
<Dwarken> long time since i have been this tired in the morning.. hurray for getting up at 4.30am
<BrandoHD> Dwarken: well that explains it
<Frd^> codeworkx: ;)
<addi> hmm, i don't usually see the GMT +1/2 guys awake at this time on IRC, hehe
<addi> today there seem to be two, Dwarken and cody :D
<Dwarken> been awake for bout 2 hours now
<addi> i woke up at 10.25 :P
<Dwarken> addi: go to work! :D
<addi> i'm already at work :p
<Dwarken> do your 12hour shifts.. :P
<Dwarken> dafuq?
<addi> = at home
<Dwarken> u live at work?
<Gisahq10> mr.addi , please tell me what base rom to use for last CM9 S2 I9100
* Dwarken is confused
<addi> Dwarken, i work from home, haha
* Dwarken is confused about addi, is he a protitue?
<Dwarken> haha nice :D
<BrandoHD> shit, I forgot to backup my apns
<Dwarken> addi get me a cool job in india :P
<addi> Gisahq10, um, flash the CM9 resurrection edition then go for the latest ROM
<Dwarken> i want to be a salesmand on a moped! :D
<addi> Dwarken, cool job? in India? xD
<bbqbot> derp
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<addi> Dwarken, okay, but keep in mind then living life is hell with the salary they get paid :p
<Dwarken> Ofc with european salery :P
<addi> hahaha, no can do xD
<Dwarken> crap.. :! P
<cantIntoCode> addi: I am always here
* cantIntoCode does not sleep
<addi> cantIntoCode
<addi> whats up dood
<cantIntoCode> NO
dasunsrule32 has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
<addi> xD
<cantIntoCode> xD
* Dwarken saw addi sleep with cantIntoCode
* addi saw Dwarken sleep with Baskey. took pictures as well
<Dwarken> Yaay!
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<Dwarken> Only catholics priests sleep with baskey ^^
<addi> you is catholic priest? :D
<addi> codeworkx, I9100 CM10 without audio? :D
<codeworkx> with
<addi> ooh, finally. good for i9100 owners ^^
<Frd^> ;)
<Dwarken> codeworkx: what is status with preview 8? still the same things not working?
<Frd^> codeworkx: have you calculated hours what you have worked with cm10 now?
<codeworkx> to much
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<gladiac1337> uh, with audio? that sounds promising :)
<gladiac1337> damn, cm10 threads are available on xda - didn't realize until just now.
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<Dwarken> addi: can i has sex?
<addi> once Baskey is here, sure
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<gladiac1337> addi: lol
<Dwarken> yir
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<Dwarken> where is link for CM10 Preview 8 for I9300? :O
<bbqbot> derp
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<Dwarken> random derp noob
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<lk> Hi all
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<lk> Just installed CM10 for i9100 cute
<lk> Does anybody now if google now can be install
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<PedigreeHail> good morning ladies and gents (where it is)
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<xplodwild_work> @eval xplod()
<bbqbot> ReferenceError: xplod is not defined
<bbqbot> undefined
<xplodwild_work> @eval IRC.invite("#blamesamsung", "xplodwild_work");
<bbqbot> undefined
<addi> xplodwild_work,
<addi> whats up dood
<xplodwild_work> I was away yesterday
<xplodwild_work> and I feel like I was in another world for weeks
<xplodwild_work> 9 PMs on XDA and I wasn't even aware CM10 for SGS2 got released, with audio
<gladiac1337> alright, making a nandroid of my sgs2 on cwm failed miserably after freeing space. i just installed the newer boot.img from cm10 and now it works.
<xEnt> is the audio part the part your stuck on xplodwild_work?
<xEnt> (for the note)
<PedigreeHail> that is an interesting thing, Can§t figure out how codeworx got yamaha libs working
edude03 has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<cantIntoCode> seen it
<addi> ^^
<tat-> Hm, some APNs missing in CM10?
<tat-> (gt-9100)
<PedigreeHail> +tat- thats possible
<xplodwild_work> PedigreeHail: audiowrapper
<xplodwild_work> legacyu
<xplodwild_work> -u
<xEnt> means same for the note amirite
<PedigreeHail> @xplodwild_work :thx
<bbqbot> PedigreeHail: Command does not exist!
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<aivalli> hi
<PedigreeHail> xplodwild_work:thx
<aivalli> I am trying to install CM on my samsung GT I5801
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<aivalli> I need to install clockwork mod recovery
<aivalli> there are none that officially available
<aivalli> doesn't seem to do the job
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<PedigreeHail> aivalli: u mad bro?
<aivalli> not really
<aivalli> wny ?
<bbqbot> derp
<aivalli> *why ?
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<aivalli> PedigreeHail: what do you mean ?
<PedigreeHail> aivalli:..ah sorry..thought u installing i9100 build on it :)
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<aivalli> you have any other recovery package that I should look at ?
<tat-> oh, APNs worked fine after first reboot :-)
<Captainstarbucs> I need a guy that can give me a gaurenteed gapps .zip with google now :v
<Captainstarbucs> people have been linking me to gapps all day and none of them have google now :(
<tat-> Captainstarbucs: Google Now is "hidden" in the Google app
<Captainstarbucs> how do I un hide it?
<tat-> just press the search bar
<aivalli> anyone ?
<Captainstarbucs> the search bar? on the default google launcher?
<tat-> yes
<tat-> and then you'll get a wizard enabling google now
<Captainstarbucs> that's.. odd it just lets me search
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<tat-> which gapps did you flash?
<bbqbot> derp
<Captainstarbucs> that's the same one I used
<aivalli> for the gapps packages do check md5 sums
<aivalli> there is a good chance of corruption
<aivalli> I have been there
<Captainstarbucs> program?
<Captainstarbucs> what's the preferred checksum checker
<addi> i haven't, never had a corrupt gapps xD
<Captainstarbucs> I also never had a corrupt gapps either
<addi> Captainstarbucs, they all do the same thing ;)
<addi> so use any md5 checker
<aivalli> neither me but what I meant was do check the md5sum of that gaps*.zip
<addi> ^^
<Captainstarbucs> what's the name of the .apk for google now?
<Captainstarbucs> i'll just try flashing it alone
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<cantIntoCode> velvet.apk afaik
<Captainstarbucs> ok, i see it
<Captainstarbucs> lol, it's already installed
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<aivalli> is there a way to push CM .zip without recovery installed ?
<OhGeezMetro> good question.
<Captainstarbucs> i don't know how to provoke it though
<aivalli> can odin do something like that ?
<addi> nope
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<OhGeezMetro> anyone have any skill with provisioning?
<Captainstarbucs> not to mention, my regular voice search is hilariously innacurate
<addi> you can adb push it, but not sure that works in stock recovery :p
<aivalli> I have everything else including a CM image but no recovery mod that ways to work :(
<aivalli> addi: I did do a dab push - but that is not what I want
<aivalli> I want to install CM
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<addi> then you need CWM
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<aivalli> addi: agreed
<addi> or you can flash CM resurrection edition first through Odin if that is available
<OhGeezMetro> cant he push cwm through using an .img and fastboot?
<addi> fastboot on Samsung phone? 0_o
<bbqbot> derp
<PedigreeHail> about now: I think you need to have everything set to US English
<aivalli> no luck
<aivalli> the phone just does not boot into recovery :|
<OhGeezMetro> even using adb reboot recovery?
<aivalli> it just waits on the logo
<aivalli> OhGeezMetro: trying that out
<OhGeezMetro> that should work
<aivalli> OhGeezMetro: how long should I wait before I say it did not work too ?
<aivalli> 2 mins ?
<aivalli> also there is no log cat output
<OhGeezMetro> what kind of samsung is this?
<OhGeezMetro> and i would wait it out no more than 5 mins
<aivalli> odin also said detected and then disconnected
<aivalli> sure giving it 5 mins
<OhGeezMetro> try a different cable? different port? maybe your usb connector on the phone is faulty or on the fritz as well posisbly
<OhGeezMetro> aivalli: what kind of samsung?
<bbqbot> derp
<aivalli> OhGeezMetro: that reminds me that I have a;ways been a tad less in waiting :P
<OhGeezMetro> bbqbot: indeed?
<aivalli> OhGeezMetro: GT I5801
<addi> um, this channel isn't really for the I5801
<addi> that's quite an old device
<addi> (which I had from Oct 2010 to Dec 2010)
<addi> you'll need to ask for help in its XDA forums
<aivalli> ah
<aivalli> do they have an IRC channel ?
<aivalli> dedicated I meant
<addi> no idea
<addi> probably not
<aivalli> damn all I am missing is a recovery install ( I think)
<aivalli> else I think I am set on CM joy
<addi> i installed CWM and custom ROMs on it back in September when my gf was using it
<aivalli> so near yet so far
<addi> didn't have a problem with CWM or the custom ROM
<OhGeezMetro> dont feel bad i stick with my samsung sch-i500 :D
<addi> OhGeezMetro, uh, I5801 is a low-end device, your i500 is not :p
<addi> 667 MHz CPU on I5801 ;)
<addi> 256 MB RAM ^^
<aivalli> OhGeezMetro: 5 minutes elapsed - no recovery
<OhGeezMetro> Okay, well addi might possibly be able to help you I'm stumped as I do not have experience with that device
<addi> the combination to enter recovery is Vol Up + Down + Home + Power, you using that aivalli?
<addi> OhGeezMetro, most of my THanks on XDA came from the I5800/I5801 development forum :p
<addi> was my first Android
<OhGeezMetro> Awesome. Yeah I've never had experience or owned that device. Just my lovely fascinate and epic4g :D
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<OhGeezMetro> brb
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<OhGeezMetro> i'm having fun learning about provisioning, fun when you flash peoples services for them
<OhGeezMetro> ;)
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<addi> aivalli, wait, now that I remember, the custom ROMs I flashed came in Odin form :D
<addi> and they had CWM included
<aivalli> go on :)
<aivalli> you have that ?
<addi> nope, but find a custom ROM on the forums that comes in Odin flashable format
<addi> flash it, and you get CWM
<addi> you do know you can flash I5800 ROMs on it as well, right?
<aivalli> addi: really ?
<addi> of course
<addi> you won't find many ROMs for the 5801
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<trackz> danke codeworkx für das i9100 cm10 build!!! :)
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<xplodwild_work> "DO NOT PING CODY"
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<trackz> ;D
<Dwarken> Omfg, Doing backup of SDcard with ADB pull, windows will nok recognize my phone as mass storrage.. :P
<trackz> too euphoric sry ;)
<aivalli> addi: google giving me a single link
<aivalli> not helping much
<addi> um, have you even been to the XDA forum for Galaxy 3?
<bbqbot> derp
<aivalli> checking
<addi> 0_o
<addi> everything is available on XDA
<xplodwild_work> addi: except porn movies
<addi> :(
<addi> having porn movies on XDA would be one reason that would make me open the site, otherwise I don't bother xD
<xplodwild_work> xxxda
<neoD|ml> haha
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<addi> still under construction :(
<jezus> CM10?
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<xplodwild_work> xD
<xplodwild_work> epic xxxda users are epic
<xplodwild_work> join, say "CM10?", leave
<addi> ^^
<addi> we should ban him for this blasphemy :p
xplodwild_work changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <xplodwild> see the August whore on my balls | <codeworkx> KalimAz: I can see my panties | NO ETAs | DO NOT PING CODY
<xplodwild_work> guess we can now allow CM10 discussion
<addi> damn these idiots. they shipped the motherboard but not the processor >.<
<Dwarken> xplodwild_work: what have been fixed som Preview 7 to 8?
<xplodwild_work> addi: that reminds me me a few weeks ago
<aivalli> I got -- but it is not in odin format
<aivalli> odin needs a tar
<xplodwild_work> addi: they shipped RAM, CPU, SSD, everything.. BUT the motherboard
<aivalli> sorry
<xplodwild_work> aivalli: isn't the tar inside the zip?
<aivalli> it was right below
<xplodwild_work> hehe
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<xplodwild_work> Dwarken: camera
<Dwarken> ok.. :)
<addi> xplodwild_work, the site I order from is awesome with delivery, every thing I've ordered from them has come with 36 hours as they have their own shipment and courier service, but it seems they gonna make me wait for CPU :/
<Dwarken> what is the "Audio issuse" ?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Dwarken> issues
<addi> within*
<aivalli> we have one that says odin and then next one says cwm
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<xplodwild_work> addi: what cpu?
<addi> aivalli, use Odin one ;)
<addi> xplodwild_work, core i5 3550
<addi> IB
<aivalli> a ddi so no cam to be installed hen ?
<xplodwild_work> addi: heh, me haz better
<addi> me can't haz better, barely saved up enough for this :p
<xplodwild_work> addi: got a 3770K, it's awesome
<addi> i don't need that to be honest
<addi> was gonna get a 3570K, but me no overclocks
<xplodwild_work> well yea depends on usage
<addi> yeah
<xplodwild_work> building Android needs that kind of CPU :p
<xplodwild_work> need to overclock that bitch too
<xplodwild_work> running at stock (well, 3.8GHz)
<addi> and they told me that 3570K is 2500K equivalent and will be priced the same. they fooled me -.-
<xplodwild_work> 45°C under full load
<OhGeezMetro> ill build it on a celeron just saying
<OhGeezMetro> ;)
<OhGeezMetro> haahahah
<Dwarken> Taadaaa CM9 on ma sgs3, now i'mm gonna upgrade to cm10
<addi> xplodwild_work, yeah, that low temperature under full load really the most important thing i considered when buying the IB CPU, hehe
<xplodwild_work> Dwarken: do you deserve it? :p
<OhGeezMetro> anyone have QPST experience?
<Dwarken> xplodwild_work: ofc, i only derserves the best
<xplodwild_work> addi: BeQuiet fans, and you live in a perfect world :p
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<addi> yeah, though me will stick with stock cooler, so i guess my temperatures going further up
<xplodwild_work> addi: I'm amazed by thos fans, they gather way less dust than any other fan, and they're silent as heaven
<addi> but still, better than current CPU. goes up to 70 and above -.-
<aivalli> the odin image goes via BOOT or PHONE or the INTEGRATE PACKAGE ?
<addi> xplodwild_work, how much do they cost? :D
<addi> aivalli, if it's a single file, then tick One Package/integrate package
<cantIntoCode> I'll have a 3770k next month
<cantIntoCode> cant wait :D
<xplodwild_work> addi: iirc I paid something like 15eur
<addi> cantIntoCode, Y U NO BUYS NEW MAC?! :P
<bbqbot> derp
<cantIntoCode> xplodwild_work: what heatsink you using?
<cantIntoCode> or cooling solution
<xplodwild_work> cantIntoCode: CNPS10X
<addi> xplodwild_work, hmmm, not so costly
<xplodwild_work> air cooling all the way
* cantIntoCode is going to order a h100
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<xplodwild_work> damn, xda users are robots
<xplodwild_work> put a new download link
<cantIntoCode> thats like the coolermaster hyper 212
<xplodwild_work> KB/s in KB/s out 490.10 29366.06
<xplodwild_work> after 1 min
<addi> i was stupid. i was waiting for 'ivy bridge to arrive in India', though they had already arrived. they just didn't say 'Ivy Bridge' anywhere, so me missed them, haha
<cantIntoCode> 3770k is nice man
<xplodwild_work> yup
<addi> it's costlier than what my CPU + mobo are costing me xD
<Dwarken> Hmm my phone says "forwarding calls" in notification bar, i has done that for at week now?! Any ideas? it happend after i switched to 3.
<cantIntoCode> what mobo you using xplodwild_work? sorry for all the questions
<xplodwild_work> addi: not the same power :p
<cantIntoCode> just curius haha
<xplodwild_work> cantIntoCode: asrock z77 pro4
<addi> i can get 3 4GB RAM sticks for the difference xD
<xplodwild_work> cantIntoCode: np :p
<cantIntoCode> hmm
<cantIntoCode> asrock
<cantIntoCode> I always go asus
<addi> xplodwild_work, yeah, tease me xD
<cantIntoCode> how are their mobos?
<xplodwild_work> cantIntoCode: well I went for a cheap solution
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<xplodwild_work> cantIntoCode: performance is well though UEFI is dumb
<cantIntoCode> asus mobos aren't *that* expensive
<addi> xplodwild_work, haha, ordered an Asrock myself. first time i'm getting an Asrock
* addi also went for cheap solution
<cantIntoCode> you can get the normal versions without all the -V PRO EXTREME w/e crap
<OhGeezMetro> qualcomm product support tool error anyone?
<addi> xplodwild_work, those Xfast USB etc really useful?
<xplodwild_work> for example I had initially 2x4GB stick CL9 1600MHz, when I switched to other sticks CL8, it didn't want to boot because it was stuck at weird frequencies/clocks
<xplodwild_work> addi: haven't extensively tried it, got 30MB/s with an external HDD through USB2
<xplodwild_work> so it seems nice
<aivalli> I can has CM :)
<addi> as long as there are some improvements, hehe
<cantIntoCode> cant wait to see how high I can get the 3770k with the h100
<cantIntoCode> will be fun
<addi> Xfast RAM, Xfast LAN, Xfast USB, so many Xfasts on Askrock mobos xD
<cantIntoCode> next month it will be purchased, student loans ftw
<cantIntoCode> oops old screenshot
arnov has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<cantIntoCode> cant find the other screenshot managed to get better hardware for cheaper, oh well its similar to that
<addi> cantIntoCode, this is my 'build':
<addi> though only CPU + Motherboard :p
<cantIntoCode> addi: get the unlocked version
<cantIntoCode> it cant be much more?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> it is :/
<cantIntoCode> damn
<addi> plus i never overclock :/
<addi> i can still cancel my order for CPU tbh
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<addi> will need $50 extra for 3570K
<cantIntoCode> fractal design r4 cases are out in a few days
<cantIntoCode> I'll be getting one of those instead of the r3
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<addi> cantIntoCode, i think i'm gonna ask around in local shops for how much the 3570K will cost me
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<cantIntoCode> yeah
<cantIntoCode> fuck the price of the corsair hx 750w went up £30 D:
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<cantIntoCode> fuck everything went up in price D: even the mobo
<addi> :/
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<addi> and when the hell are HDD prices coming down? or is this the new 'normal' for HDD prices -.-
<cantIntoCode> addi: idk they went up in prices due to floods in the east ages ago
<addi> yeah
<addi> and don't seem to want to come down now
<cantIntoCode> fucking prices of psu mobo went up £30 each -_-
<addi> um, only an SSD?
<addi> no normal HDD? :P
<Dwarken> who normal Hdd when you have 2 TB SSD cluster? :P
<xEnt> u guys got nothin on my 2500k @ 5.1ghz
<xEnt> ssd, 2x 6970s etc
<Dwarken> why*
<cantIntoCode> dont need hdds
<cantIntoCode> got plenty of them already
<addi> haha, okay
<xplodwild_work> Dwarken: gief 2TB SSD Cluster :D
<addi> i make do with one 500GB HDD and two 160 GB HDDs :p
<addi> 250GB one got corrupted, so had to bring the two 160 GB ones out of retirement
<xplodwild_work> xEnt: 3770K / 128GB SSD Samsung / 8GB Crucial Ballistix CL8 1600MHz/ GTX285 Black Edition
<addi> and a 500GB USB drive
<cantIntoCode> I've got a 2tb one, a 1tb one and a 320gb one
<addi> cantIntoCode, i would have a 1TB one if they were selling at their pre-flood prices :p
<addi> but no movies on my PC = space always left
<cantIntoCode> almost £100
<cantIntoCode> for a 2tb drive pfft
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<addi> damn, just got message on Twitter from the site that CPU will be shipping out today as well.. oh well, don't have spare $50 lying around anyway, haha
<cantIntoCode> ah well haha
<cantIntoCode> no point in buying the unlocked version if you dont overclock
<addi> yeah
<addi> i was gonna get a 2500K, but this 3550 sits between 2500K and 2600K, so went with it
<cantIntoCode> yeah 2500k is a nice cpu man but the 3550 is also nice :D
<cantIntoCode> haha intel are awesome
<xplodwild_work> intially I looked around i7 3820
<addi> from what I hear, performance on 2500K is awesome
<xplodwild_work> but then people said "2011 sucks"
<addi> xplodwild_work, i was gonna get SB till yesterday morning, then realized IBs were already available :p
<cantIntoCode> yeah I heard
<addi> gotta love this site, ordered last night, and items already shipping out in less than 24 hours
<addi> guess it helps having your own courier service
<Dwarken> I love alaskan malamutes.. <3
<addi> i've never seen one in real life. they don't come to India :p
<addi> i love all dogs, except the small ones that do nothing but bark all the time xD
<cantIntoCode> I hate pets
<cantIntoCode> allergic to everything -_-
<OhGeezMetro> I bet India is nice right now. As opposed to the hell of back and forth experienced in this country xD
<addi> OhGeezMetro, India is very nice ;)
<OhGeezMetro> What carriers are used over there cellular wise?
<addi> lots, but they don't sell devices
<addi> no contract system here
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<OhGeezMetro> Hm thats strange. So everything is sold at MSRP retail value for telephone instead of contract pricing rates?
<addi> i can count around 9 carriers off the top of my head, haha
<addi> yes
<OhGeezMetro> That sounds rough
<xplodwild_work> "Oh shit mother of god this thread gave me a boner.I was browsing xda on my phone while I was pooping after a gym workout lol ,when I saw this thread I shouted oh fk like a maniac ,the guy in a cubicle next to me started to cry for help because he thought someone was having a heart attack or delivering a baby "
<xplodwild_work> xxxda
<addi> yeah, can't go on changing devices just like that
<addi> xplodwild_work, w00t? xD
<bbqbot> derp
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<xplodwild_work> addi: someone discovering CM10 i9100
<OhGeezMetro> That sounds painful. I guess being over here has its perks. Can't beat a good credit score and a contracted phone for 200-300USD cheaper than retail price
<cantIntoCode> hahaha
<cantIntoCode> I just flashed preview 8
<cantIntoCode> running nice
<addi> yeah, i would love a contract system, but it has its cons so better off without it :P
<OhGeezMetro> I'm still trying to get a pc36100 to play nice with QPST >.<
<cantIntoCode> LOLLL
<cantIntoCode> It's 15 degrees and partially cloudly in Glasgow here is the forcast for the next 14 days
<cantIntoCode> in a very british accent
<cantIntoCode> lol google now ;p
* OhGeezMetro envies everyone not in USA
<OhGeezMetro> :]
<cantIntoCode> and why is that?
<addi> OhGeezMetro, USA sucks specially when you want to buy an Android phone. carrier bloat and messing devices up FTW :P
<OhGeezMetro> isn't it painfully obvious the many reasons why?
<OhGeezMetro> lol
<addi> "Batman costumes now banned in US. Guns, ammunition still not. Because (all together now) Guns don't kill people. Batman costumes kill people"
<addi> why such stupidity of allowing anyone to buy guns exists is beyond me
<cantIntoCode> because of the bill of rights
<cantIntoCode> you are 'allowed to bear arms'
<addi> stupid bill :X
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<muppet> hello
<addi> muppet!!!
muppet is now known as Guest39652
* addi is unsure if this is the muppet he thinks it is :P
<vedant> codeworkx: hm, just ran into a weird error. After pressing the power button, IMGSRV/surfaceflinger crashes. All input channels get closed and the only way to operate the tablet is via adb. Restarting system_server didn't help, after reboot it seems fine. See logcat here:
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* OhGeezMetro dont even get me started on the batman bs
<OhGeezMetro> o.o
<cantIntoCode> I still havent seen batman
<addi> all these things reaffirm my belief that life in India is better than in the 'great' US of A -.-
<cantIntoCode> or any of the other batman movies
* cantIntoCode feels ashamed :(
* OhGeezMetro wonders how if he would experience discrimination based on lack of healthcare there in India, as he does here?
<cantIntoCode> addi: did madfinger get back to you?
<addi> nope :P
<cantIntoCode> >not having free healthcare
<cantIntoCode> sucks to be in the usa
<addi> they probably got a barrage of such emails
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<cantIntoCode> addi: probably
<addi> cantIntoCode, no free healthcare here either, but medicine is very very cheap
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<cantIntoCode> the fact that if something bad happened to me I wouldn't be out a penny is a great thing
<OhGeezMetro> more like do the hospitals discriminate in regards to the care you receive based on lack there of of healthcare?
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<cantIntoCode> or if I needed an operation I wouldn't have to not get it if money was a factor
<cantIntoCode> nhs ftw
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<fallenAngel> hello
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<xz_> codeworkx, I made a mirror of your CM10 build.
<addi> yeah, that's a problem here. Indian gov just doesn't care about the people
<xz_> It's 100/100 UK based server.
<addi> no social security, etc etc
<OhGeezMetro> :(
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<Dwarken> Woohooo Cm10 Preview 8 for I9300 runs smooth
<cantIntoCode> Dwarken: yaa <3
<cantIntoCode> just restoring all my apps just now
<fallenAngel> i have a question that the instalation of CM10 experimental, i'm try install in a Secondary ROM with SiyahKernel options, and it stuck while booting.
<Dwarken> never going back ^^
<cantIntoCode> fallenAngel: probably because siyah kernel won't work with cm10
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<ernie`> is there a new preview?
<bbqbot> derp
<fallenAngel> cm10 only works if is installed on the primary boot, really?
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<xplodwild_work> fallenAngel: at your own risk, we won't provide any support if you fail with your dualboot
<addi> OhGeezMetro, an example. in the 3G auction, no carrier got it for every state, so like one state has 3G on 3 or 4 carriers, not on the rest. so the carriers teamed up to provide 3G to people in these states by using each other's 3G bandwith. as in I can use Sprint uses Verizon's 3G network in one state where Sprint didn't get 3G spectrum. what does government do? trying to get carriers to stop doing this as it reduces profits for government. no m
<addi> atter if it helps the customers
<addi> no 3G on your favourite carrier? switch to another to get 3G is what they want -.-
<xplodwild_work> addi: glad to hear that France isn't the most stupid country
<Baskey> Dwarken, addi, xplodwild_work,
<Baskey> whats up doods
<suikhei> hello. on the orig ROM for Galaxy Ace it has a keyboard that can have the standard phone keyboard (press a key several times for the correct letter). I now have cm7 and cannot find this option, how can I get it?
<addi> xplodwild_work, actually, otherwise the telecom authority is quite good, keeps prices extremely low
<Dwarken> Baskey: weee... now i got CM10 on ma sgs3.. :P
<Dwarken> now i just need to update my sgs 2
<Baskey> xplodwild_work: France isn't stupid, Orange is stupid
<xplodwild_work> Baskey: true
<Baskey> Dwarken: forget it
<addi> carriers in India are the very nice thanks to telecom authority cracking down on them most of the time
<Dwarken> then i jsut have to wait until nexus 7 will be in stock again
<addi> heck, they're so nice they team up with each other to provide 3G to everyone. but that reduces gov profits quite a lot so they don't like it, haha
<addi> but then again, last I checked, every country's people call its government stupid :P
<xplodwild_work> Dwarken: I'll probably try to get a Note 10.0
<xplodwild_work> 10.1*
<xplodwild_work> looks like an interesting tablet
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> addi,
<Baskey> whats up dood
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<addi> Baskey, Dwarken wants to have sex with you. he's been waiting
<Baskey> I'll probably try to get the next Nexus
<xplodwild_work> and me and me and me?
<cantIntoCode> jellybean = full wifi bars, samsung stock = 2 bars
<cantIntoCode> fuck samsung
<Baskey> fu Samsung
<Baskey> and fu poopwiz
<cantIntoCode> ya
<_pier> compiling cm10-i9100 :P
<addi> xplodwild_work, you're next ;)
<Baskey> [10:26] (_pier) compiling cm10-i9100 :P
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<Baskey> w00t?
<_pier> happy :D
<Baskey> you mean I9100, not I9100G?
<bbqbot> derp
<_pier> yes
<Baskey> :o
<_pier> codeworkx released a build last night
<_pier> :D
<xplodwild_work> Baskey: yes your crapphone haz cm10
<_pier> lol xplo
<Espenfjo> :D
<Baskey> xplodwild_work: EXCUSE ME?
<_pier> lets see if Baskey knows italian now
<addi> GO GO GO
<cantIntoCode> I h4x0r3d dead trigger for infinate monies
<cantIntoCode> game is no longer fun
<Baskey> SCUSAMI?
<_pier> woot
<xplodwild_work> cantIntoCode: y u haxor a free game that was meant to be paid
<cantIntoCode> I bought it
<addi> cantIntoCode, give me link to h4x :p
<cantIntoCode> then they made it free
<addi> me too!
<cantIntoCode> addi: use gamecih
<cantIntoCode> thats what I did
<Baskey> addi: do u haz @bomb ritez?
<cantIntoCode> also the game now no longer gives me free stuff everyday lol
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<addi> i think all they're trying to do is ruin Android's name by saying 'Android has pirates'
<cantIntoCode> because I put my day forward quit game relaunched
<cantIntoCode> like 20 times then it stopped giving me stuff
<addi> really stupid to forego all profits just cause there's rampant piracy
<cantIntoCode> yeah madfinger are being stupid
<addi> Baskey, no :(
<addi> @bomb
<Baskey> :(
<bbqbot> addi: You are not allowed to run that command!
<xplodwild_work> addi: is the game available on iTurds?
<_pier> some weird script added a line to my local_manifest
<_pier> virus!
<cantIntoCode> xplodwild_work: yep
<_pier> <project name="CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_SamsungServiceMode" path="packages/apps/SamsungServiceMode" remote="github" revision="ics" />
<addi> xplodwild_work, yes
<xplodwild_work> paid or free?
<addi> for $0.99
<xplodwild_work> and they have less piracy?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> well, they do need to jailbreak their devices for pirated apps
<addi> not so on Android
<addi> but again, all a ploy to mar Android's name
_pier is now known as pier|brunch
<cantIntoCode> highly doubt iOS has less piracy
<addi> no one makes something free because of piracy
<cantIntoCode> anything to bash android
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<xplodwild_work> they got paid by Apple
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<xplodwild_work> "tell android is crap and we'll compensate your free game by $1 Billion"
<addi> but since Android is on so many more devices, won't piracy be higher on it?
<xplodwild_work> obviously
<addi> i mean, hard to see an iPhone here in India, but S3s and One Xs you'lll see a LOT
<addi> or S2
<addi> or Note
<addi> etc etc
<cantIntoCode> pfft
<addi> alright, CPU also shipped xD
<cantIntoCode> iPhones everywhere here
<addi> they can't be everywhere here with their $800 prices and no contracts :p
<addi> 3GS is available for $180 though on one carrier though :p
<cantIntoCode> honestly in college all I see is iPhones
<cantIntoCode> although this one time
<addi> haha, CPU coming from Bangalore, motherboard from Delhi.. xD
<cantIntoCode> I seen this hipster walking around with a white ipad and beats
<addi> from opposite ends of my city
<cantIntoCode> I nearly pee'd my pants
<cantIntoCode> actually holding his ipad while listening to music what a hipster
<addi> no such hipsters here xD
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<Baskey> :O
Jonas_ is now known as Guest22767
<Baskey> nice...
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> ish
<Baskey> addi,
<Baskey> whats up dood
<Baskey> xplodwild_work: y bbqlog apo haz no provide any changelog fur CM10?!
<Baskey> EXPLAIN
<xplodwild_work> Baskey: because no nightly yet?
<xplodwild_work> oh btw, been a while since I checked apps revenues
<Baskey> being serious
<Baskey> I get your point
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<bbqbot> I can see the August whore on my panties
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<cantIntoCode> oh the mobile data toggle is buggy :P
<cantIntoCode> click it, it does what its supposed to but the png doesn't change to the enabled one haha
<xplodwild_work> @bomb Baskey U NO PLAY WITH BBQBOT
<bbqbot> Baskey, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was red]
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<Baskey> xplodwild_work: I WUZNT PREPAHRED
<Dwarken> @bomb?
<bbqbot> Dwarken: Command does not exist!
<Dwarken> @bomb
<bbqbot> Dwarken: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Baskey> @bomb Dwarken
<bbqbot> Dwarken, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<Dwarken> @red
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> Dwarken: Command does not exist!
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<Dwarken> red
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Dwarken was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was orange]
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<Dwarken> ahah
<xplodwild_work> wub wub wub
<pier|brunch> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<pier|brunch> :/
<Baskey> @help commands
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @userlevel @owners @admins @mods @say @join @part @kick @kickban @unban @op @deop @voice @devoice @mute @unmute @topic @invite @supported @downloads @changelog @addDevice @removeDevice @google @eightball @bash @addQuote @bomb @nuclearbomb @geo @timer @money
<pier|brunch> yeah
<pier|brunch> u got the powaaah
<Baskey> @deop
mattofsweden|afk has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<trackz> is there a way to get flash player on JB?
<pier|brunch> deop and it ops
<pier|brunch> Oo
<pier|brunch> xplo
<Baskey> Dwarken: you remember that weird db-something guy?
<Baskey> :D
<Dwarken> db? :P
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> dbbdbd
<Baskey> he always talks about pandas
<Baskey> and their assholes
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<blizzari> what are the known bugs in CM10 (I9100)?
<xEnt> well fuck
<xEnt> that was a good chicken parmigiana
<cantIntoCode> ahh -_-
<Baskey> more or less
<Baskey> #blamesamsung
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<blizzari> Wifi,3G,BT? works?
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<Baskey> no wifi, that's for sure
<Baskey> I dunno about 3G and BT
<Baskey> ANYONE?
<blizzari> no problem for me i dont have even wifi at this time xD
<addi> This GooManager app is so much better than ROM Manager. actually downloads files without getting an error in between -.-
<Baskey> ROM Manager = failfest
<Dwarken> Baskey: who the fuck's that?!
<Baskey> Dwarken: so you don't...
<Baskey> bugger
<cantIntoCode> addi: does the google now public transport thing work well?
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<addi> cantIntoCode, don't know, I don't use it :p
* addi never uses GPS
<cantIntoCode> I wanna try it but I wont be using public transport till next month lol
<blizzari_> same
<cantIntoCode> if your at a bus stop or a train station it gives you the train times ;p
<cantIntoCode> just wanna see if it works here in glasgow
<addi> and Maps doesn't support public transport etc afaik
<addi> here in India that is
<addi> StreetView I know doesn't work here
<addi> others I'm not sure of
<addi> heck, even navigation doesn't work, though I guess it doesn't in many countries
<blizzari_> Nebkat: what does not work? BT,3G?
<blizzari_> i can say that navigation does not work in all nordic countries
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<cantIntoCode> all that works here
<blizzari_> navigation or you meaning 3G Bt
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<Dwarken> blizzari_: what do you mean navigation don't work in nordic countries?
<bbqbot> derp
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<pradeep> Hi
<blizzari_> When i tried it in sweden,norway,finland it said "Navigation is not supported in your country at this time"
<pradeep> i just saw CyanogenMod 10 on xda site
<blizzari_> dont know if im the only one
<pradeep> is it compatable with xperia arc xpreria free project kernal
<pradeep> ??
<cantIntoCode> its just the transparency shit thats left on the i9300 right? everything else I've tried works perfect
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<Zachie> Just flashed CM10 on my i9100 & widgets before my pattern lock isn't working?
<xplodwild_work> pradeep: in your opinion?
<xplodwild_work> pradeep: does "Sony Xperia" sounds like "Samsung Galaxy"
<xplodwild_work> ?
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<xplodwild_work> cantIntoCode: hwcomposer is dead
<blizzari_> means no HW acceleration?
<bbqbot> derp
<cantIntoCode> samsung fuuu -_-
<xplodwild_work> yup
<blizzari_> bug its still smoother than ICS or?
<cantIntoCode> awaiting new blobs then?
<blizzari_> but*
ghn has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<Dwarken> can't remember how to disable the thing so you can slide from apps to widgets.. heeelp :D
<cantIntoCode> still runs perfect man guess time will tell to see how things go
<pradeep> xplodwild_work: i mean does cm10 support xperia ?
<blizzari_> xplodwild_work: What does now work i need only 3G and Bluetooth?
<xplodwild_work> pradeep: we're Samsung guys
<xplodwild_work> pradeep: we don't give a heck about sony
<pradeep> xplodwild_work: ohh ok ok
<cantIntoCode> haha
<xplodwild_work> blizzari_: what device?
<blizzari_> I9100
<xplodwild_work> everything should work on i9100
<xplodwild_work> except graphics are not hardware accelerated
<blizzari_> oh k then ill Try CM10
<xEnt> xplodwild_work its pretty damn good for non hardware accelerated graphics
<xEnt> people saying its pretty smooth, not 100% project butter smooth
<xplodwild_work> xEnt: it's really bad on Note
<xplodwild_work> especially homescreen
<xEnt> why
<addi> Windows 8 gonna be fully hardware accelearated on desktops according to MS, that makes me happy
<xEnt> higher res?
<addi> UI should be snappier -.-
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<xplodwild_work> addi: huh?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild_work> addi: what is Aero rendered with then? xD
<blizzari_> could be because the HWComposer doesnt work and The screen res
<xEnt> who the fuck wants metro, and who the fuck wants it to hog my video card
<addi> xplodwild_work, on Windows 8, it's ALL rendered by hardware according to MS xD
<xplodwild_work> xEnt: bigger screen/res yup
<blizzari_> actually you can disable it
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<xEnt> xplodwild_work don't bother releasing a preview if it's laggy, all you'll get is bitchin
<xEnt> <includes me>
<xplodwild_work> xEnt: #dontgiveafuck
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<xplodwild_work> I'll release, if they are happy then good, if not then gtfo
<xEnt> haha
<Dwarken> xplodwild_work: +1
<blizzari_> Got Win 8 without Metro U, works really smooth
<pudlo846> hi...congrats fo cm10 first release;)
<addi> "everything in Windows 8 is hardware accelerated, and as a result its text, 2D, and 3D performance will blow Windows 7 away."
<xEnt> so xplodwild_work when someone fixes shit on the sgs2, you can essentially copy/paste it into the note?
<addi> as long as its faster than Win7 xD
<dasding> just a quick answer before flashing: i keep my nandroids on my external sd, can i flash them from external sd?
<addi> dasding, need to be on internal
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<dasding> ok thx for the notice!!
<pudlo846> what is hwcomposer responsible for?
<addi> hardware acceleration of UI :P
<xplodwild_work> xEnt: yup
<addi> afak
<dasding> thx to all developers for the good work!!!! testen jb right now :)
<xplodwild_work> xEnt: and we can even do nothing as we now have galaxys2-common
<xEnt> good shit
<xEnt> sit back and let codeworkx do all the work
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<xEnt> and leech his shit rofl
<gumbald> Awesome work xplodwild and codeworkx! Not found any problems yet. Had to do a few reboots, wipes and reflashes before everything appeared, but knew everything was working fine when it prompted me to enter my language and account settings on first boot. Didn't do that the first few times.
<pudlo846> but not fully functional means that it lag a little or just freezes?
<xplodwild_work> pudlo846: lag
<xEnt> i don't think google are pushing 'google now' enough
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<xEnt> apple fuckin renamed their mothers to siri to get the word out
<xplodwild_work> hah power outage
<xEnt> google deliver an even better product, and just toss it in their OS like its a little thing
<xplodwild_work> coworker didn't have screen on backup xD
<xEnt> storm xplodwild_work?
<pudlo846> thanks i will wait for now with flashing but once again big thanks for not leaving sg2 and for your wonderful job with jb!! big up;)
<xEnt> in ausfailia over here, very windy/stormy
<cantIntoCode> its sunny here in glasgow for a change
<cantIntoCode> usually raining and cold :(
<blizzari_> same here in finland
<xEnt> i honestly wonder why cyanogenmod does not cost money, like $5
<xEnt> unless theres some legal shit
<xEnt> id gladly pay for a nice upgrade for my phone
<xEnt> and i know millions of others would too
dmbkiwi has joined #teamhacksung-support
<blizzari_> Downloading CM10 could takd 4-5hours xD
<xplodwild_work> xEnt: no, electricity company working outside the building
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<xplodwild_work> it's horrible
<xplodwild_work> every single battery is beeping every 30 secs xD
<xplodwild_work> + I'm near servers room xD
<hallbird> Hi, am installing cm10, but I have read in codeworkx post about Modems, is it necessary to install them ? where I am running cm9 and cmw6
<bbqbot> derp
<xz_> xplodwild_work, is hwcomposer a big issue?
<xz_> (i9100 CM10)
<pier|brunch> a8cb0b4aebacbb65ecc13b682c1f1a3c
<pier|brunch> woot
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<xplodwild_work> xz_: display is just sluggish
<xEnt> what do you do in your job?
<xEnt> sys admin?
<xplodwild_work> xEnt: software engineer
<hallbird> guys any answer please ..
<xEnt> inb4 network engineers tell you to get the fuck away from their hardware
<xplodwild_work> hallbird: what was your question?
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<Dwarken> why no CM10 bootscreen yet?!?! slackers.. :P
<xplodwild_work> xEnt: we only have one network admin here
<hallbird> am installing cm10, but I have read in codeworkx post about Modems, is it necessary to install them ? where I am running cm9 and cmw6
<xplodwild_work> xEnt: most hardcore stuff isn't managed from this building, but from the main company in germany
<xEnt> ah fair enough
<xplodwild_work> xEnt: here people are scared when they see a linux shell
<cantIntoCode> lol ^
<xEnt> and they are called programmers lol
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<cantIntoCode> thats like most of my friends, I think they think I'm some hacker or something when they come in and see that I have mint & terminal open -_-
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<xEnt> rofl
<xplodwild_work> at least one guy next to me is doing Perl with vi
<cantIntoCode> tell me about it
<xplodwild_work> but he's the only one out of all the building (+ me)
<xEnt> what u guys making anyway
<xEnt> anything useful
<Dwarken> Damn i hate Vi, shortcut based editor :P
<xplodwild_work> Dwarken: I'm also more a nano-guy
<Dwarken> i always fuck it up with vi
<cantIntoCode> I use geany haha
<cantIntoCode> nano is also boss
caenel has joined #teamhacksung-support
<blizzari_> And Gedit?
<bbqbot> derp
<caenel> hey
<hallbird> guys is it it necessary to install Modems if am running cm9 and cmw6
<caenel> is there a changelog for CM10?
<xplodwild_work> though lately I'm setting up sshfs
<xplodwild_work> and using a GUI code editor
<cantIntoCode> what gui?
<Dwarken> can i has Cm5 for I9300 pls?!
<xplodwild_work> on OSX Smultron
<hallbird> for installing cm10
<xplodwild_work> Dwarken: the day I'll have free time
<dmbkiwi> hallbird: no
<xplodwild_work> Dwarken: I'll port Android 1.5 to S3 x D
<cantIntoCode> smultron hmm never heard of that
<Dwarken> xplodwild_work: haha :D
<xplodwild_work> cantIntoCode: notepad++ ish for mac
<hallbird> oh ... thank u @dmbkiwi
<cantIntoCode> xplodwild_work: haha I use lion as well
<cantIntoCode> on macbook + hackintosh
<cantIntoCode> I'll check it out, I dont write code much on mac
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<xplodwild_work> cantIntoCode: stayed on SL for me
<cantIntoCode> ohh nice
<xplodwild_work> cantIntoCode: Lion was slow as hell
<cantIntoCode> $5
<cantIntoCode> lion works fine on my hackintosh and same with macbook
pier|afk is now known as pier
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<xplodwild_work> and I'm having a few weird issues from time to time
<cantIntoCode> is it a hackintosh?
<xplodwild_work> no real macbook
<cantIntoCode> that odd, what year
<xplodwild_work> sometime when I take it out of sleep, system UI stops responding
<xplodwild_work> mid-2010
<cantIntoCode> mines is mid 2011
<xplodwild_work> when I close the lid to put into sleep mode, screen shuts down, then turn on for 15s, then the laptop really sleeps
<cantIntoCode> I only had one wierd issue which was a few months ago and once lion started and connected to the internet systemui would die
<cantIntoCode> reformatted and reinstalled boom no problems since
<xplodwild_work> sometimes when I plug the MagSafe it won't load, have to unplug/replug
<cantIntoCode> damn that is wierd
<xplodwild_work> I'm having random wifi dropouts but that might be my router
<xplodwild_work> (packetloss randomly spiking)
<cantIntoCode> I get wifi dropouts its my router
<blizzari_> Triple Booting is the right way of developing Lolz
<cantIntoCode> its a pile of balls
<cantIntoCode> blizzari_: haha my pc is win7 + mint 13 cinnamon + lion 10.7.4
<blizzari_> xD mine Lion + Ubuntu + Win8
<cantIntoCode> windows 8 pfffft
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<blizzari_> without MUI
<xplodwild_work> Min 13 + Win 7
<cantIntoCode> xplodwild_work: cinnamon?
<xplodwild_work> cantIntoCode: originally cinammon
<xplodwild_work> then I put on MATE
<cantIntoCode> ahh :)
<xplodwild_work> because my dualscreen was fucked up with cinnamon
<jezus> <GT-i9100>
* cantIntoCode only has one screen :(
<trackz> xplodwild disable button backlight isnt possible atm for i9100 or am i wrong?
<jezus> Wrong
<jezus> Paranoid android does that
<trackz> i mean at cm10 preview
<jezus> oh
<jezus> :P
<jezus> soz
<trackz> :D
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<trackz> my fault ;)
<blizzari_> Try a kernel like Dorimanx and turn it off with ExTweaks
<trackz> *cm10* ;)
<xplodwild_work> trackz: isn't DeviceSettings there?
<bbqbot> derp
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<trackz> dont find it
<trackz> should it be?
<xplodwild_work> trackz: dunno if cody added it
Batman_ is now known as Guest46511
<trackz> ok
<xplodwild_work> will have to check
<xplodwild_work> but I'll add it if not
<trackz> nice :)
<Guest46511> Is there a Proper Changelog for CM10 i followed the link but its not for CM10?
<Guest46511> Anyone?
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<xplodwild_work> Guest46511: not yet
<Guest46511> Ok
<trackz> xplodwild_work
<trackz> original pic from cm10 thread by codi
<Dwarken> german! :O
<Guest46511> Can i ask what Works? (and how to change my nickname?
<trackz> no device specific settings
<xplodwild_work> Guest46511: /nick YourNewNick
<Guest46511> Thankyou
<xplodwild_work> Guest46511: check the thread it's written
<Guest46511> I Have but i cant find info about what works
<blizzari_> same
<trackz> nearly everything wirks
<trackz> or... much works!
<trackz> :D
<neoD|ml> camera.. ;p
<trackz> @ i9100
<xz_> How can I use google now?
<xz_> It's always searching in google everything what I say
<xz_> even What's the weather now
<blizzari_> i hate this FPS lagged Cam module
<Guest46511> And i have MANY Games near a Total of 7GB download :( But i cant use Titanium Backup? What about App2Zip ?
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<blizzari_> 1. thing i love in the new Play store. The partly updates.
<Dwarken> partly updateS?
<Guest46511> And i have MANY Games near a Total of 7GB download :( But i cant use Titanium Backup? What about App2Zip ?
<blizzari_> i mean that you dont need to redownload thw whole Pp
<blizzari_> app*
<Guest46511> I have MANY Games near a Total of 7GB download :( But i cant use Titanium Backup? What about App2Zip ?
<Dwarken> just download them over wifi over the night.. n oproblem
<neoD|ml> lol
<Dwarken> :P
<Guest46511> Yeh But
<Guest46511> Wifi Is SLOW
<Espenfjo> Restore app, not data
<Espenfjo> that should be ok
<Guest46511> But i lose my saves wont i?
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<Espenfjo> Yup, but if you know what you are doing you should be able to restore data as well
<Guest46511> i dont
<Guest46511> im a NOOB
<Espenfjo> The reason for it saying that you shouldnt use titanium backup is that it is so easy to restore system data
<Espenfjo> and then you will break everything
<Espenfjo> but restoring angrybirds isnt likely to cause any problems
<Espenfjo> but phone app eg. will likely kill your phone
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<Guest46511> i dont backup System apps Just Games like Angry birds.Spider man,Dead Zone,Etc
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<Espenfjo> Should be safe then
<Guest46511> Thank!
<Espenfjo> worst case scenario you will just have to do the process all over again
<Guest46511> U The Man
<Guest46511> 1 More thing thou
<neoD|ml> :D
<Dwarken> :( Viber does not work for JB yet
<Guest46511> Will restoring from a ICS Nandroid backup Brick my mobile
<Espenfjo> No, it shouldnt
<xz_> MMC_ERASE is not turned on?
<Guest46511> But dint JB And ICS use diffrent Kernals?
<Espenfjo> Guest46511: Yes, but nandroid will restore kernel as well
<Guest46511> MMC_ERASE?
<Guest46511> Ok then
<Espenfjo> xz_: never on any cm ics rom
<Guest46511> huh?
<xz_> great to hear
<Espenfjo> Guest46511: There is a bug in the samsung phones causing a hard brick (non fixable) when wiping
<Espenfjo> But it is fixed in all kernels released by CM atleast
<Guest46511> Um
CD has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Guest46511> i use Siyah Kernal
<Espenfjo> He _should_ be safe as well
<CD> CM10 is superb..
<neoD|ml> when wiping Espenfjo ?
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<Guest46511> u know Hamachi?
<CD> latest g-apps are 19 july rit?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> Dwarken: Dwarken
<Guest46511> is there such thing as that for Android?
<Espenfjo> CD: 17?
<Dwarken> wuut?
<Dwarken> Baskey:
<Espenfjo> Guest46511: dunno
<Guest46511> Whats VPN
<CD> m downloadin 9..jul..
<Baskey> Dwarken:
<CD> 19
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<Dwarken> Baskey:
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pier is now known as pier|afk
<Baskey> Dwarken
<Dwarken> Baskey
<Baskey> no, Dwarken
<Dwarken> yup thats me
<Guest46511> Whats VPN
<Guest46511> nick 101010101
<Dwarken> Virtual Private Network
<xplodwild_work> Guest46511:
<xplodwild_work> @google VPN
<bbqbot> Virtual private network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
Baskey is now known as Christian_Thorup
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<Dwarken> omfg ^^
<Guest46511> Not Working? /nick Apple_Pie
<Christian_Thorup> Dwarken: no, I'm Dwarken
<xplodwild_work> Guest46511: nick already taken maybe
<xplodwild_work> No such nick/channel: Apple_Pie
<xplodwild_work> ah no
<xplodwild_work> xD
Christian_Thorup is now known as Baskey
Dwarken is now known as Bartek_Orkiszews
<Bartek_Orkiszews> aargh
<Bartek_Orkiszews> biatch
<Guest46511> i want to change my nick
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Bartek_Orkiszews is now known as Bartek_gay
Guest46511 is now known as mynameisbob
<Baskey> ...
<mynameisbob> o
Bartek_gay is now known as Dwarken^^
mynameisbob is now known as Apple_Pie
Baskey is now known as Cream_Pie
Apple_Pie is now known as Bruce_Wayne
<Cream_Pie> Dwarken^^: hi there
<Bruce_Wayne> Im Batman
<Bruce_Wayne> i Am Batman
Bruce_Wayne is now known as Apple_Pie
Dwarken^^ is now known as Robin
<Cream_Pie> @google baman and piderman
<Robin> I'm the new Batman
<bbqbot> Baman Piderman - Find Da Sandwich (Ep #1) - YouTube -
<Apple_Pie> :(
Apple_Pie is now known as Bruce_Wayne
Robin is now known as Dwarken
<Bruce_Wayne> im Dating Anne_Hathaway
Bruce_Wayne is now known as Apple_Pie
<Apple_Pie> Ok so checklist for CM10
<Apple_Pie> Wifi?
<Apple_Pie> GSM?
<bbqbot> derp
<Apple_Pie> 2G?
<Cream_Pie> wifi no
<Cream_Pie> gsm yes
<Apple_Pie> 3g?
<Cream_Pie> DUNNO
<Apple_Pie> No Wifi?
<Cream_Pie> NO WIFI
<Apple_Pie> Well Eat me And Dip Me In Cream
<Apple_Pie> Is Wifi A hard one to fix?
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<neoD|ml> wifi works?
<Cream_Pie> nope
<Cream_Pie> @op
<bbqbot> Cream_Pie: You are not allowed to run that command!
Cream_Pie is now known as Baskey
<Espenfjo> wifi yes
<Baskey> @op
<Baskey> wifi WORKX?
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<Espenfjo> wifi has been working since day 1.5
<neoD|ml> mje
<Baskey> lol
<Apple_Pie> ................
<Apple_Pie> Well Eat me And Dip Me In Cream
<neoD|ml> camera no
Gohan is now known as Guest2021
<neoD|ml> works but supershaky
<Apple_Pie> No Camera?
<bbqbot> derp
<neoD|ml> more or less, no
<Apple_Pie> SuperShaky???
<neoD|ml> fc all the time
<Apple_Pie> For Wifi
<neoD|ml> im kinda waiting for that before trying it
<Baskey> Dwarken,
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<Apple_Pie> So Downloading a 1.8Gb Should wait till its better?
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<Apple_Pie> So Downloading a 1.8Gb Should wait till its better?
<Apple_Pie> How do i reserve this name
<Baskey> /part
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<Baskey> [12:01] (433) Apple_Pie :Nickname is already in use.
<Baskey> damn
<Dwarken> poor Baskey
<Baskey> :(
Apple_Pie has joined #teamhacksung-support
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<Apple_Pie> How To Login?
<Apple_Pie> nickserver
<Apple_Pie> ...............
<Apple_Pie> Is Wifi currently being worked on?
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<Homie> :)
Homie is now known as Guest68725
<Guest68725> :(
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<Apple_Pie> Is Wifi currently being worked on?
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<MrPadie> Hi all. Just two quick questions. 1) Please confirm - In Jelly Bean for i9100, Google Now is not part of Google Apps, but apart of the ROM itself, correct?
<bbqbot> derp
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<ernie`> wub wub wub
<Apple_Pie> i heard it had lots of FC's?
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<MrPadie> @Apple_Pie - you referring to my post?
<bbqbot> MrPadie: Command does not exist!
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<MrPadie> Apple_Pie - you referring to my post?
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<Apple_Pie> Probaly
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<Apple_Pie> heard wifi had lots of FC's
<MrPadie> Ok, rather let me ask this question. Do bug reports for Google Now fall under Gapps or the ROM itself?
<Apple_Pie> If Gapps Install's Google Now it would go under Gapp's?
<MrPadie> Yes, thats clear. But it is unclear if Google Now falls under Gapps or not. Does anyone know if Google Now is apart of Gapps?
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<Apple_Pie> Google Now Is included in AOSP So it would be a ROM issue, no?
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<MrPadie> Yeah, I would think so. Just trying to pin down who I should contact regarding bug reports - trying to make the report more useful. I'll post it in the forum with a log and replication, and see what comes of it
<MrPadie> Thanks
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<Apple_Pie> If Wifi is working i will install this and not install gapps and see if google now is included or not
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<MrPadie> WiFi worked fine for me
<MrPadie> Been using it on my university network for almost the whole morning
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<pawitp> Google Now is gapps
<Veyka> Baahahaha, emergency call button says Mother
<Veyka> Haaahah
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<Westage> Hey everyone!
<Westage> I have a question, Codeworkx which modem are you using? I am from germany too and I can'T decide which one is the best. Could you Help me?
<bbqbot> derp
TIMME has joined #teamhacksung-support
<TIMME> hey guys
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<TIMME> got one question ^^ is der any threath where i can see whats working and whats not working on the CM10 preview?
<endstille> Westage: that should depend on your location. try checking here
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<Westage> Thanks Endstille :) I will give it a try
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<MarC865> hello
<MarC865> ?
<cantIntoCode> hello there
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<koud> amazing work guys! :))
venezia64 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<MarC865> yep
<MarC865> very nice done
<MarC865> but
<MarC865> does anyone have camera working after installing Gapps?
<MarC865> why does this happen? do we need a updated Gapps?
<koud> Espenfjo: you are still working on hwcomposer?
<cantIntoCode> mm odd, my friend cant here people with data enabled on cm10 i9300 but I can :)
<cantIntoCode> idk whats going wrong for him haha
<Espenfjo> koud: no, not atm.
<Espenfjo> wont be until next week atleast
<koud> ok, but I assume still broken?
<Espenfjo> yes
<koud> the one used in prereleaase now is samsung or inssignal one?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> samsung
<koud> now when audio is working I can try take a look at it too
<Espenfjo> :)
<Espenfjo> koud: Everything is up at the repos
<koud> nice, even device tree?
<MarC865> devs, in CM10, after installing Gapps, camera dissappears?
<Espenfjo> koud: think so
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<Espenfjo> koud: atleast the device tree is published on our github account now
<koud> yes
<koud> I saw
<koud> :))
<cantIntoCode> lol derp hes using headphones and the mic doesnt work in cm10 xD
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<koud> cantIntoCode: ?
<cantIntoCode> he said he couldn't here people when he calls them on cm10 i9300
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<MarC865> K, found some JB gapps
<MarC865> let's try
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pier|afk is now known as pier
<koud> hmm
pier is now known as pier|afk
<koud> cm recovery 6.0 use ios stiched background???
<Baskey> it looks very iOS-ish
<Espenfjo> koush is secretly an apple fan
<koud> Espenfjo: not that secrently :P
<Espenfjo> :P
<koud> only one that keeps reporting osx building issues
<cdesai> he's a hackintosh guy :P
<Baskey> cwm is retarded
<Baskey> twrp ftw
<cdesai> twrp is retarted
<cdesai> it's a recovery ffs
<Baskey> SOEH?
<cdesai> no, you are.
<koud> too bad with this background
<Baskey> cdesai: prove it
<koud> it is even notisable that the android figur is not cut out right
<koud> has some black spots arnound hand
<cdesai> Baskey: recovery is meant to recovery your device
<Veyka> I wondered wtf CWM6 cranks up the brightness to maximum
<cdesai> and not have fun
<Baskey> cdesai: twrp is easier to use
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<Baskey> IDIOTTE
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<koud> Veyka: why not?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> Baskey: shush
dj is now known as Guest61379
<Veyka> koud: Because it makes everything really washed out
<Veyka> And I see no point in shunting the backlight to maximum
<Veyka> It was fine before and I dont like change?
<Veyka> :P
<Guest61379> hi @ all
<Guest61379> i have a little question
<koud> Veyka: true, It was fine :P contrast was better before with the black background
<Veyka> ^this as well
<Guest61379> i tried cm10 on galaxy s2 gt-i9100... but on voice settings.. no preview i can hear
<koud> the floodgates are open :P
<Veyka> I tried sgs2 cm10
<Veyka> Not bad
<Veyka> But I also finally put my gnexus order in today
<Guest61379> can anyone help me
<Veyka> So I lack care, but amazing work on their part
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<tbot96> hi
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<sbeuke> hi
<Veyka> What do you mean by voice settings?
<tbot96> Can i ask a question?
<Veyka> Fuck me
<koud> I will keep this phone until next android release
<Veyka> Floodgates was right
<Veyka> still on sgs2?
<koud> yeah
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<Veyka> Good device
<tbot96> Does the experimental sgs2 work as 2nd rom?
<Guest61379> @Veyka google-speech-settings
<bbqbot> Guest61379: Command does not exist!
<Veyka> Fucking ICS kernels dont work
<koud> I will keep it until the next round of nexus devices have been released for a while and the price has started dropping
<Veyka> Read the god damn thread
<fasasf> I've got a question
<Veyka> Heh
<fasasf> may I ask?
<bbqbot> derp
<Veyka> No
<Veyka> Dont ask to ask, fucking ask
<koud> :P
<koud> the grumpy channel
<fasasf> Can I use the JB ROM as a second ROM?
<Veyka> .....
<fasasf> :D
<Veyka> Someone just asked that
<fasasf> So can I?
<Veyka> Die in a fire
<Veyka> "Fucking ICS kernels dont work"
<tbot96> please
<fasasf> too lazy to read all the log
<Guest61379> fasasf no, because the kernel don`t support this
<Veyka> It was.. 2 lines ago
<Veyka> My god
<koud> @bomb fasasf
<bbqbot> koud: You are not allowed to run that command!
<koud> :(
<tbot96> ummm
<Veyka> No
<sinc> fasasf: you can't use ICS kernels with JB.
<fasasf> Trolololololo.
<Veyka> Because ICS kernels dont work
<fasasf> ;)
<Veyka> Changes to the init.d/ramdisk/other shit
<koud> that said
<tbot96> but u know the first release of JB on sgs2?
<tbot96> it worked as second rom
<tbot96> but cm10 doesnt support?
<koud> I do belive there is a dualboot kernel with jb support
<Veyka> orly?
<tbot96> yes
<Mardos-Away> lmaooo you wish u can bomb him
Mardos-Away is now known as Mardos
<Guest61379> has anyone trouble too with the google voice?
<koud> yeah, I think they use with the aosp guys
<Veyka> Also wasnt the 1st ICS release just a dirty port?
<bbqbot> derp
<Veyka> Im going to check
<Veyka> Still, 3rd party kernels are not supported
<tbot96> ok.....
<tbot96> so no dualboot...
<koud> not officially supported
<koud> only cm10 kernel is supported
<Veyka> Go try it
<koud> but you can go ask in their threads
<Veyka> If it breaks your phone, find someone else who cares
<koud> for support
<tbot96> lol already did
<tbot96> try with siyah
<tbot96> kernal
<tbot96> no boot screen
<Veyka> Siyah defo wont work
<tbot96> tried with dormnix? thingy
<tbot96> and the bootscreen loops
<Veyka> Seems you have your answer then
<tbot96> yes
<tbot96> its not supported yet...
<koud> I know cm has split framework into two
<tbot96> thought there was a way
<koud> so it might need more changes to init script
<Veyka> And never supported by the CM guys
<cdesai> just a init.rc edit for that
<cdesai> *framework split
moyajaya has joined #teamhacksung-support
<tbot96> oh really...
<tbot96> so dualboot wont work with cm10?
<tbot96> not now
<tbot96> like
<tbot96> later
xplodwild_work has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<Veyka> It might
<ernie`> noooooooooooooo
<Veyka> But CM wont support it
<Veyka> Its that simple
<tbot96> oh right
<tbot96> have u tried the rom?
<Veyka> Yes
<tbot96> i read that its not stable enough for daily use...
<tbot96> do u think it is too?
<Veyka> Eh.. it seemed fine
<Veyka> Im back on cm9, cos Im not setting up a new rom
<Veyka> New phone tomorrow
<Veyka> As I said before
<tbot96> wat phone??
<bbqbot> derp
<Veyka> gnexus
<tbot96> sgs3?
<tbot96> oh
<tbot96> right
Areg8_6 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Veyka> I "love" TW so much
xplodwild_work has joined #teamhacksung-support
<tbot96> haha
<Veyka> sgs3 is nice hardware, shit software, again
<xplodwild_work> @eval IRC.invite("#blamesamsung","xplodwild_work");
<bbqbot> undefined
<tbot96> well...
<Veyka> CM guys work wonders
<Veyka> But there are still limits
<tbot96> its like the first android phone to have all these weird functions....
<Areg8_6> i'm here to say THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!!! appreciate your work DEV's!!!
moyajaya has quit [Client Quit]
<Areg8_6> u'r awsome :)
<Veyka> And none of them interest me one bit
Guest68725 has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<tbot96> haha true
<tbot96> s voice
<tbot96> is jst vlingo...
<Veyka> sucks
<Veyka> gnow seems to kick its ass
<Veyka> Also, update speed, will be slow as shit
<tbot96> gnow?
<Veyka> Same as ever
<Veyka> google now
<tbot96> oh rite
<tbot96> yea
<tbot96> jst love the freedom of android
<tbot96> unlike ios
<Veyka> the sgs2 hasnt even gotten a non broken 4.0.4
ou812bkewl has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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<LV> Anyone else getting no audio (In or out)?
<tbot96> hmmm
ou812bkewl has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Veyka> Wipe everything
<Veyka> Wipe it again
<Veyka> Well dont
<Veyka> Just make sure you did a data wipe/factory reset
<Areg8_6> audio works well
<Veyka> IOS is really not my thing
Fissurez has joined #teamhacksung-support
<LV> I did, but I'll give it another shot :P
<tbot96> same haha
<tbot96> so google now only works for aosp?
<tbot96> at the moment?
<bbqbot> derp
<Veyka> Theres haxxorz versions for ICS
fasasf has quit [Quit: Page closed]
Areg8_6 has quit [Client Quit]
<cantIntoCode> oh mountain lion comes out today
schiznik has joined #teamhacksung-support
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<tbot96_> can u post me a link?
<koud> cantIntoCode: yawn
<tbot96_> for google now?
<tbot96_> support for non-aosp?
<koud> @google
tbot96 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<tbot96_> um
<tbot96_> how do u set the permissions?
<tbot96_> Set the permissions, to the /System/App/GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk to RW-R--R-- wats this thingy
Motogeekchris has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Veyka> Use root explorer or solid explorer
<tbot96_> hmmm ok
tbot96_ has quit [Client Quit]
<LV> Well, after wiping again, things like volume control and the Phone work "smoother" however, still can't hear anything and then it crashes out the phone app heh
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<BrandoHD> The noobness in the CM10 thread is high
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<SunShean> anyone here flashed CM10
<LV> okay this is very odd, if I try and do anything "sound" related, like check out the "Volumes" settings page, or make a call the phone freezes up for a bit then gets going (But I don't hear any sound)
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<BrandoHD> SunShean: I have, on SGS2
<SunShean> i see the introduction
<SunShean> do not restore apps from titanium backup
<SunShean> why?
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<LV> " Can I restore my apps with "x" ? Yes, if you are lucky, it will work. But don't restore system apps, otherwise it can FC all the time and even enter in bootloop after a reboot."
ou812bkewl has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Baskey> @op
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<LV> re-applied mod, wipe'd all of the things, still no damn audio. Any suggestions?
<bbqbot> derp
aivalli has quit [Quit: aivalli]
<LV> It's taunting me, because everything else works great hah!
chadouming has joined #teamhacksung-support
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<BrandoHD> Sunshean is is not recommended
<BrandoHD> if you do it and get issues, don't cry
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<mongi> I just checked now the JB threat for I9100. Does that mean they've fixed 'no sound, problems with hwcomposer' as said in codeworkx's blog?
<ernie`> does CM kernel support init.d?
<Balder> @mongi, yes
<bbqbot> Balder: Command does not exist!
<Balder> mongi, yes
<mongi> Balder hm, thanks. are you using already?
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<xplodwild_work> @eval IRC.invite("#blamesamsung","xplodwild_work");
<bbqbot> undefined
<Espenfjo> hah
<chadouming> @eval xplodwild
<bbqbot> ReferenceError: xplodwild is not defined
<bbqbot> undefined
<Baskey> ...
<xplodwild_work> nebkat restarted the bot
ou812bkewl has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Baskey> fu
<Baskey> nebkat: WHY DID YOU DO THAT?
ou812bkewl has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Mardos> xplodwild what happened to you creating a custom kernel for hte Note ?
<bbqbot> derp
<koud> Espenfjo: how can I verify hwcomposer is not working?
hodf has joined #teamhacksung-support
<xplodwild_work> Mardos: less time available than expected
<xplodwild_work> Mardos: and google is doing it already
<Baskey> plody is just partying too much
<Mardos> nice
<Mardos> did you ever get the emmc bug on your note
hodf has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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<DuperMan> damn, just looked at the weather and was amazed it's only 36c
<DuperMan> o___o
Fonty has joined #teamhacksung-support
msaraiva has joined #teamhacksung-support
<msaraiva> morning all
Skaga has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> afternoon
<Mardos> superman wasuppp
<msaraiva> Baskey: Y U NO RESPECT MY TIMEZONE!
<msaraiva> :)
intro has joined #teamhacksung-support
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> addi,
<Baskey> whats your timezone
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats your timezone
<Baskey> addi,
<addi> GMT+5.30
<Baskey> whats your timezone
<addi> :D
<Baskey> GMT +1
<Baskey> addi,
<Baskey> whats up dood
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> xplodwild_work,
<Baskey> whats up dood
<Baskey> dood,
<Baskey> whats up dood
ou812bkewl has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Baskey> addi,
<Baskey> whats up dood
ou812bkewl has joined #teamhacksung-support
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> ou812bkewl,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> bbqbot,
<addi> whats up dood
Guest77833 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> :D
<xplodwild_work> @kick addi
<addi> cdesai,
addi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [addi]
<xplodwild_work> @kick baskey
test has joined #teamhacksung-support
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [Baskey]
<Skaga> Good Afternoon. THX TEAMHACKSUNG for JB on the 9100.
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
addi has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> :(
<addi> xD
<xplodwild_work> Skaga: you're welcome
<addi> Y U NO KICK BASKEY? :(
<Baskey> he kicked me
<cdesai> addi: [18:12:29] <-* bbqbot has kicked addi from #teamhacksung-support (addi)
<cdesai> [18:12:30] <xplodwild_work> @kick baskey
<addi> oh, okies xD
<cdesai> :p
<DuperMan> Mardos y u no spekll???
<addi> DuperMan,
<addi> whats up your awesomeness
<Baskey> cdesai: THAT'S... AWESOME
<DuperMan> :) lol. awesome puddle of sweaty smelted awesomeness
<DuperMan> duh
<DuperMan> Baskey: I is ironic meme yet?
<Mardos> baskey your crazy
<Mardos> do you work ?
Amiloluap has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> DuperMan: ASK ADDI
<Baskey> HE'S MY BRAIN
<DuperMan> Baskey: but not care enough :(
<Baskey> addi,
<Baskey> :(
<addi> ask Dwarken, he's Baskey's sex mate
<Baskey> indeed
<DuperMan> ah.
<DuperMan> k
<Baskey> Dwarken: come here, you sneaky bastard
<Baskey> @google Christian Thorup
<bbqbot> Christian Thorup profiles | LinkedIn -
test has quit [Client Quit]
<xplodwild_work> @google Dwaeken Sex Mate
<bbqbot> No search results returned for that keyword.
<xplodwild_work> @google Dwarken Sex Mate
<bbqbot> Andrea Dworkin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
<DuperMan> oh no shenaninganz
<xplodwild_work> @google Baskey Sex Mate
<bbqbot> Sexy Gift Baskets | Sexy Gift Sets | -
<xplodwild_work> @google "Baskey" Sex Mate
<xplodwild_work> xD
<xplodwild_work> xD xD
<Baskey> what the...
<addi> xD xD
<xplodwild_work> Baskey: Y U DOMESTIC VIOLENCE
<xplodwild_work> xD
<DuperMan> rofl
<addi> @google "addi"
<bbqbot> American Dream Downpayment Initiative - Affordable Housing - HUD -
* DuperMan tips hat
<addi> xD
<cdesai> lmao
<cdesai> @google "plody"
<bbqbot> - plotters, consumibles ink-jet, tintas, carpetas para ... -
<Baskey> xplodwild_work: U IMPLYIN' I'M DOMESTIC VIOLENCE?
<DuperMan> if you have to ask u ain't bright neither
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> <3
<ernie`> The pdf says so, must be true
<xplodwild_work> @google Netchip Sex Mate
<bbqbot> Results: SaskCentral Queen City Marathon -
<DuperMan> fuck
<DuperMan> xDDDDDD
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<xplodwild_work> @google XpLoDWilD Sex Mate
<DuperMan> google says queens marathon
<xplodwild_work> heh
<DuperMan> all hail google
<xplodwild_work> My life's more private than yours
<bbqbot> No search results returned for that keyword.
<addi> @google addi dood
<bbqbot> Albums by Dead Sea Apple - Rate Your Music -
<addi> @google addi dood
<bbqbot> Albums by Dead Sea Apple - Rate Your Music -
<addi> 0_o
<Baskey> @google Guillaume Lesniak playing his Fender Jazz Bass
<bbqbot> No search results returned for that keyword.
<DuperMan> lol. dead sea apple is a very very poisonous cactii
<DuperMan> local idiots consume it as a drug
<DuperMan> xD
<addi> @google local idiots
<bbqbot> Local Idiot To Post Comment On Internet | The Onion - America&#39;s ... -,2500/
<addi> ^^
<Mardos> lool the onion
<DuperMan> translates to 'apple of sodomy' moreso than 'dead sea apple'
<DuperMan> :P
<Baskey> @google 2 pedophiles 1 xplodwild
<bbqbot> #teamhacksung-support on 2012-07-01 — irc logs at -
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<Baskey> lol
<xplodwild_work> @google 2 baskey 1 xplodwild
<bbqbot> songotex - YouTube -
<DuperMan> did google just link to the future?
<DuperMan> oo
<xplodwild_work> DuperMan: no, 1st July was 24 days ago
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<DuperMan> xplodwild: my derp then
<DuperMan> so sorry
psp4uae has joined #teamhacksung-support
<psp4uae> hi guys
<Mardos> hello lady in red
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: I LOVE YOU! <333
<Mardos> homo?
<psp4uae> I have a question about cm10 for SGSII
<Mardos> Apple Q3 2012 Results: 26 million iPhones and 17 million iPads sold, $35 billion in revenue
<psp4uae> What is not woriking in the CM10 so far
<h4rdco2e> Mardos: homo sapien, not gay!
<Baskey> psp4uae: just follow the thread on xda
<Mardos> phone data email text
<psp4uae> thanks
<cdesai> one does not simply ask cm10 questions here
<Baskey> cdesai: ANY ETA?
chadouming changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <xplodwild> see the August whore on my balls | <codeworkx> KalimAz: I can see my panties | NO ETAs | DO NOT PING CODY | DONT TALK ABOUT CM10
<addi> actually, you can now
<chadouming> @kick baskey
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [Baskey]
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<addi> or not
<Baskey> :)
<cdesai> can't
<Mardos> psp4uae NO CM10 chat
<addi> xplodwild_work removed that limitation earlier this morning :p
<Mardos> ask in the discussion
<addi> and now its back
psp4uae has quit [Client Quit]
<DuperMan> xplodwild: LOGS
<Mardos> <xplodwild> see the August whore on my balls
<Mardos> lool
<DuperMan> ><
Fonty has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<DuperMan> lol wtf
<Baskey> Mardos: he translated my quote
<Baskey> xD
<Dwarken> Baskey: now i',m here.. xplodwild_work my sex doll
<Mardos> since when did you get @ lol?
<DuperMan> oh, see you in august puta
<DuperMan> :)
<Baskey> Dwarken: WUB WUB
Skaga has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<xplodwild_work> @deop Baskey
<Dwarken> @geo DuperMan
<xplodwild_work> @geo user DuperMan
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for DuperMan
<Baskey> @op
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1442461696,1442463743],"country":"IL","region":"05","city":"Tel Aviv","ll":[32.0667,34.7667]}
<Dwarken> poor Opless Baskey
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<DuperMan> ah. yeah, got me.
Westage has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<Baskey> Dwarken,
<Baskey> whats up dood
<Baskey> @op
<Baskey> :)
<Dwarken> at Work still..
<h4rdco2e> xplodwild_work: Which issues are on SGS2?
<Baskey> xplodwild_work: is wud thingie removed as well?
<Mardos> loool you lost your op ahahahaha
<Baskey> Mardos
<Baskey> @op
<xplodwild_work> h4rdco2e: hwcomposer
<Mardos> oh lmaoo
<xplodwild_work> Baskey: yes
<xplodwild_work> Baskey: blamenebkat
<h4rdco2e> xplodwild_work: Sound is running?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> xplodwild_work: :|
<xplodwild_work> h4rdco2e: yup
<DuperMan> sounds teh work on sgs2, derp
<h4rdco2e> xplodwild_work: great work!!!
<Mardos> @op
<bbqbot> Mardos: You are not allowed to run that command!
ou812bkewl has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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<Baskey> oh, it workx
<Mardos> ineed
<h4rdco2e> xplodwild_work: Who fixed audio?
<DuperMan> microsoft
<Mardos> your mom
<xplodwild_work> h4rdco2e: cody did, he enabled arcee's ics legacy wrapper
<xplodwild_work> and luckily it worked
<DuperMan> mmmmmm wrappers
<DuperMan> so they changed like 'all teh shit' in jb
<Mardos> codyyyy
<DuperMan> but call it incremental?
<Baskey> [14:59] (h4rdco2e) xplodwild_work: Who fixed audio?
<h4rdco2e> Baskey: i9100
<Baskey> :o
<DuperMan> vibra.. oh
<h4rdco2e> vibra?
<Mardos> wtffff
<Mardos> Kari Ann Peniche's estranged husband claims the couple's 10-month old baby tested positive for meth ...
<Baskey> vibra
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx IS GOD!
<DuperMan> htc vibra :P
<xplodwild_work> DuperMan: changes are minimalistic
<DuperMan> f. it actually sounds good -.0 'vibra'
<xplodwild_work> it's not a full refactoring
<ernie`> @google google
<bbqbot> Google -
<DuperMan> xplodwild: smells like butter is kinda android direct x but I is stupid on it
<DuperMan> just musing inaptly:D
venezia64 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Baskey> @bash
<bbqbot> quote:
<bbqbot> (@bart`) bwhahhahahahahah. i think they should send that little girl from the pepsi commercials to cuba too
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi|zzz: WHAT YOU'RE SAIING NAO @Cm10 :-P
<Mardos> damn fucking actors always complaining about more money
<DuperMan> I work a veryyyyyy low class info center. I had a call today from a woman who may or may have not been beating her child to death as we spoke curteously
* DuperMan vents
<Mardos> WTF
<Baskey> WTF indeed
<DuperMan> ^
<Mardos> why though
Fissurez has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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<DuperMan> dunno. zealots be zany?
antonio1475 has quit [Client Quit]
LV has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<Dwarken> DuperMan: sounds like a lot of fun at work.
ou812bkewl has quit [Quit: bye]
<Mardos> fucked up shitt dude
palmino has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
<Baskey> Dwarken
<Dwarken> Baskey: wurd up?
<Jiangyi|zzz> H4rdco2e: why u ping me when I'm sleeping? T_T
<Dwarken> Kill that bastard, i'll pay for the bullet
<DuperMan> well creepy enough to have made me draw -_-
<DuperMan> <3 note
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi|zzz: sorry
<Baskey> Dwarken: +1
<Baskey> Jiangyi|zzz: ping
<Dwarken> Jiangyi|zzz: Diing
<Baskey> Jiangyi|zzz: dong
<DuperMan> @kick Baskey this ain't #cyanogenmod
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> :)
<Baskey> @kick DuperMan NO
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [NO]
DuperMan has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> wtf
<DuperMan> u saying it is
<DuperMan> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> :P u still make bot do when u @say
<DuperMan> silly
<Mardos> op me bitches lol
<Jiangyi|zzz> T.T
<DuperMan> well, @do
<Jiangyi|zzz> No sleep for me eh?
<DuperMan> Jiangyi|zzz: join the club
<cdesai> @kick Baskey you don't do that :P
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [you don't do that :P]
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Jiangyi|zzz> Wow, chinese commas also show up as question marks on Gerrit.
<DuperMan> ><
<Jiangyi|zzz> Google, y u no make gerrit multilingual?
fernandotakai has joined #teamhacksung-support
<DuperMan> lolness. there's a Hebrew letter that's android for 'abort'
<DuperMan> so consider yourself lucky
palmino has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Jiangyi|zzz> Ok, back to sleep. :/
<Dwarken> Jiangyi|zzz: sleep well
<DuperMan> +1
intro has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<Dwarken> a what letter?
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: stfu
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|zzz: fu?
<Mardos> cody is back
<DuperMan> Dwarken: some annoying escape signal - when you type it hilarity ensues
<DuperMan> <3 windows 1255
<h4rdco2e> Mardos: but he is a bit angry
<Mardos> lots of fucks going around lol
<h4rdco2e> Mardos: less sleep I think
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: fu fu fu. i went to bed at around 9 AM!!!!
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: i'm fuct
<DuperMan> trollockx - u had sleeps?!?!?!?!
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> just be cause of the fucking i9100
<DuperMan> bastard
<Jiangyi|zzz> Codeworkx: Just because you don't need sleep doesn't means us mortals don't. T_T
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<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: I could undersand U
<codeworkx> i'm dead
<codeworkx> let's get some coffee
<Dwarken> who needs sleep when you can get sex?
<Jiangyi|zzz> H4rdco2e: Did you ping cody again?
<trackz> or JB on i9100 !
<h4rdco2e> codey you cant get enough coffe
<Mardos> dude easy on the sex
<spirouzbe> hello all ! cograts for CM10 @ I9100
<ernie`> we call coffee for compiler oil here
<DuperMan> oo
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi|zzz: I think so, fucking TAB button
<Jiangyi|zzz> H4rdco2e: in that case you're screwed.
<spirouzbe> is there a site/forum/post that regroups the known bugs of CM10 for I9100 ?
<DuperMan> spirouzbe:
<Jiangyi|zzz> Spirouzbe: No, tis a preview
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<Jiangyi|zzz> Spirouzbe: TV-out doesn't work AFAIK
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<spirouzbe> thx
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<Jiangyi> Blah wrong button.
<spirouzbe> ok so its just to play around :)
<spirouzbe> phone/data is working ?
<blindcoder> Hello. I'm flashing a P3100 right now, why should Titanium Backup not be used?
<DuperMan> spirouzbe: like the all the stuffs but more newer and fun :) blindcoder: so you won't say you weren't warned
<Mardos> just use tb
<blindcoder> DuperMan: fair enough, thanks :-)
<spirouzbe> sorry i havent yet read the post on xda but since 4am this morning 52 pages -_-
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<DuperMan> @topic
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> no topic reminderrer command?
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<spirouzbe> :)
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<DuperMan> this much I know: my l9100 is hot again and BEER
<DuperMan> sexy hot, not 'overheating hot' :| I shut up again
<Jiangyi> Spirouzbe: Major functions work
<Jiangyi> Otherwise, code wouldn't even put it out.
<Mardos> get a new phone lol
<DuperMan> Mardos: did, Entropy512 is Santa
<spirouzbe> great ! then its a dailly :D
<Mardos> he gave u a phone lol
<DuperMan> spirouzbe: the bolded italicized dots of great confusement - how so?
<bbqbot> derp
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<DuperMan> *three
<DuperMan> not the
<spirouzbe> @duperman what do you mean ?:)
<bbqbot> spirouzbe: Command does not exist!
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: If I have used a build of CM9 with nothing working but basically sound and calling for half a month, I think this can be a daily driver lol
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<dizko> android devices being a big disappointment lately =(
<DuperMan> spirouzbe: 'a daily'. it doesn't follow that's neither a 'daily driver' nor any automated 'pre-nightly'
<DuperMan> ><
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: normally I'd say that's what she said but I'm a he and it's what I said
<DuperMan> ><
* Jiangyi has low expectations
<spirouzbe> no but a preview with major functions working is good enough for me for daily use :)
<spirouzbe> until a nightly comes :p
<DuperMan> off the actual topic, very on topic: DO NOT PING CODY | DONT TALK ABOUT CM10
* Jiangyi bets 9100G is still smoother
<spirouzbe> and seeing how fast you guys work nightly is probably coming at 4am this evening :p
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: 'baby galaxy nexus' if I remember codz'erz' description of the 9100g from a couple months ago obsessively enough
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: :-D
<DuperMan> Baskey: you made a fuss on what's a rebranding of 'no pinging trollworkx'
<DuperMan> :P :)
<dizko> what's the term for lcd backlights that appear like a series of spotlights and dark spots ?
<Jiangyi> Uhhh
<DuperMan> dizko: crummy
<Jiangyi> Ink spots?
<dizko> nexus 7..
<DuperMan> nah, not burn ins neither
<DuperMan> just crappy backlighting
<Jiangyi> Yeah
<Jiangyi> Get it replaced.
<DuperMan> or is it the capactive layer being looked at too keenly?
<xplodwild_work> dizko: that's nex7?
<dizko> how about my sgs3 lte....4 hour bettery life while idling
<dizko> yea
<Jiangyi> Damn that's bad
<DuperMan> dizko: use a pc for torrents
<dizko> thats just idling..
<DuperMan> nowai
<DuperMan> --
<Jiangyi> Must get warranty if i'm buying that then lol
<dizko> im fairly sure that 'bug' in the radio idle power draw setting wasnt a bug
<dizko> that was just...with lte enabled
<DuperMan> chance u like left it on 'performance' mode?
<DuperMan> ....
<dizko> no
<dizko> its on power save mode
<Jiangyi> Well, LTE........
<DuperMan> u say no and I say 'dude battery sizing is OLD HAT wtf'
<dizko> its like a pocket heater
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<dizko> not using it and its hot as fuck
<DuperMan> kill youtube preloading etc.
<DuperMan> if hot, is used
<DuperMan> simple
<Jiangyi> Dizko: use BBS
<dizko> bbs?
<DuperMan> a better internet
<DuperMan> smaller
<dizko> oh beterbatterystatws
<DuperMan> ><
<Jiangyi> BetterBatteryStats
<DuperMan> lol
<dizko> yea i have that
<dizko> its the lte, no question
<dizko> ive turned off as much bloatware as possible
<Jiangyi> Alright, do you need LTE?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> dizko: try removing maps for a while
<dizko> im working on porting cm9 but....have shit to do
<DuperMan> does wonders
<dizko> if i leave it in airplane mode it works great ;)
<dizko> if i just power it off im sure its even better
<DuperMan> dizko: I mean it about maps :/
<mongi> JB on I9100 FUUUAARKKK
<dizko> my girlfriend wont use a smartphone and has a candybard handset ith a physical keybad that costs nothing and lasts forever
<Jiangyi> Dizko: Wait, isn't there CM9 for your device already?
<dizko> im about to just go retro
<dizko> no i live in japan, d2dcm
<DuperMan> dizko: u can do better, what's her number?
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<Jiangyi> DuperMan: -.-
<Mardos> DroidSniff at work is funn ahaha
<DuperMan> +1 Ji
<ernie`> lol.. the features for mountain lion are hilarious
<DuperMan> Mardos: wasn't it enough I made dumb remarks about his girl?
* DuperMan shuts up n' stuff
<Jiangyi> Dizko: Oh the infamous Japanese version of phones. :/
<Mardos> his girl is a precious ...
<DuperMan> so tempted to IKNOWRITE it:/
<dizko> no she's very atyipcal
<DuperMan> dizko: if we really cared we weren't as callous
<dizko> most japanese people have their docomo handset that's got 10 million functions that most people dont know how to use
<dizko> then the buy an iphone on softbank
<dizko> but keep their docomo handset because family plan and whatnot
<dizko> so theyre all paying like $200/mo in cell phone charges with multiple 2 year lock-ins
<DuperMan> isn't dokomo like 'nfc since 1998'?
<DuperMan> *c
<Jiangyi> ........
<desg> what kernel can i use for the i777 to get cm9?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Desg: Any that has CWM.
<desg> does siyah work>
<desg> ?
<dizko> yea except its called "FeliCa"
<Jiangyi> Desg: what are you on right now?
<DuperMan> acid
<desg> i had to go back to root
<dizko> what sucks is bcause of that NFC isnt compiled into the stock kernel on the japan phone
<desg> stock root
<dizko> so i cant use the normal apps
<dizko> once i get android to finish building ill enable that, hopefully its not an actual hardware limitation
<DuperMan> dizko: teh irony :/ reminds me of the british acorn computers
<DuperMan> and I wouldn't bet on it
<DuperMan> :)
<dizko> i dont have a fm radio, but i have "1seg" digital tv
<Jiangyi> Desg: idk if siyah works on stock, but you're welcome to try
<dizko> and an antenna that i can extend
<dizko> like something from the 80s
<desg> oh
<blindcoder> fascinating... even though the stock samsung os says "GT-P3100", the assertion in the installer says "getprop("ro.product.device") == "GT-P3100"" failed
* Jiangyi doesn't know too much about i777s
<DuperMan> dizko: wanna build a software codec? be my guest .......
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> *modem
<dizko> im pretty sure nfc is a superset of felica so im hopeful that it works
<blindcoder> anyone seen this before?
<dizko> there's an app that works on my nexus s that can read the nfc train card here
<dizko> which uses felica
<DuperMan> dizko: I miss the old wifi adapters that didn't ask for permission to sniff
<DuperMan> but they're mostly b/g
<Jiangyi> Blindcoder: flashing from stock to CM9?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> cough
<dizko> btw, the nexus 7 also seems heavy to me...i didnt pay any attention to the weight before i ordered it
<blindcoder> Jiangyi: yeah
<Jiangyi> Blindcoder: Did you flash the proper CWM through odin?
<Jiangyi> AFAIK there's one that only works on JB
<blindcoder> Jiangyi: used odin to root it, CWM says
<desg> i need to get cwm i tried siyah
<desg> it didn't work and gave me i900 boot splash
<Jiangyi> Well, that should be fine I think. Redownload and try again?
<blindcoder> Jiangyi: I'll try, thanks.
<dizko> ok enough bitching ill try to ask something productive, can anyone give me a suggestion on this error:
<dizko> ake: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/d2dcm/obj/lib/', needed by `out/target/product/d2dcm/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libalsa-intf_intermediates/LINKED/'. Stop.
<dizko> root@ip-10-12-131-151:/data/android/system# Write failed: Broken pipe
<dizko> i copied the along with all the other proprietary files
<dizko> so i dunno...
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<Jiangyi> Desg: Pretty sure you can find a CWM kernel for stock on the CM wiki or a post done by one of the teamhacksung members.
<DuperMan> dizko: u need teh props
<dizko> oh really...does that script do that as well? im not doing this locally so i just reproduced what the script would've copied manually
<dizko> ill check
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<dizko> or FILE in `egrep -v '(^#|^$)' device-proprietary-files.txt`; do
<dizko> ah
<dizko> so that file is empty on the d2att that i cloned to do this
<DuperMan> dizko: . ~/your/synced/android/system/device/samsung/?????/
<DuperMan> with the device connected by adb
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<DuperMan> make sure you have the dependencies and the ~/android/system/vendor/??? is populated after the script was ran
Entropy512 is now known as Entropy|work
<DuperMan> ??? standing for "an n7000 or an l9100 or whatever" :)
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Damn. Korean S3 has exynos quad and 2GB of RAM. ._.
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<dizko> duperman: yea that line is from the script, it checks the contents of the device-properties-files.txt for files to extract
<cdesai> @op Entropy|work
<dizko> which, on d2att, is empty
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<dizko> then it does the d2-common files, which i definitely copied, i doublechecked it didnt miss any
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<Mardos> stupid memory leak
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<Jiangyi> Hmmm.....
<Jiangyi> The japanese S3's radio looks more like the tmo S3's.
<Jiangyi> Interesting lte setup they've got.....
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<dizko> jiangyi: how so?
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<Jiangyi> Dizko: Docomo uses 1700 AWS for HSPA (like tmo, but unsupported on att)
<Jiangyi> Dizko: and its LTE is on 2100 which I thoight was interesting
<Jiangyi> Thought*
<dizko> not sure where youre reading that
<dizko> but docomo uses 800mhz LTE
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<dizko> and doesnt have HSPA+ support
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<dizko> softbank uses 1500mhz for HSPA+
<Jiangyi> Dizko: Well, I'm reading the s3 spec sheet, and that's what it indicates to me :S
* Jiangyi foes to doublecheck
<Jiangyi> Goes
<dizko> its correct in the wikipedia page and the reference sheet on xda
<dizko> its definitely not 2100 for lte
<Mardos> are you able to flash 9300 roms on the korean s3?>
<dizko> it uses 2100 for umts, so you can use a standard 3g cell phone
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<dizko> although they did some lame IMEI filtering at the apn level
<dizko> so most people who use imported cells use softbank
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<dizko> i believe korea uses 800mhz for lte as well
<dizko> dont quote me on that though
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<Jiangyi> Good thing japanese is kinda close to chinese
<pier> mh
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<dizko> close how, geographically?
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<Jiangyi> Dizko: no, as in some of the characters
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<Jiangyi> Damn, docomo's website doesn't list frequencies in the spec sheet.
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<dizko> yea, like...japan originally got their writing from china..but most people were illiterate so they changed the forms
<dizko> but 98% of japanese people cant even read japanese from like before maybe 1700AD
<DuperMan> omnomnombuildscripts
<dizko> so....they'll understand a chinese kanji here and there but they cant read it
<DuperMan> dizko: can 98% of English speakers read unlit shaekspear?
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<dizko> they use more english roman characters than chinese =)
* chadouming is away: Guess what ?
<dizko> at least in shakespere the characters are the same
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<Mardos> 'whattttttttt
<desg> Jiangyi: i followed the wiki and it's for i900
<DuperMan> dizko: my impression was japanese is a sequestered lettering method from off the ... mainland(?) chinese of ~1600
<Jiangyi> Desg: there's one for S2 AT&T....
<desg> it says see i900
<DuperMan> probably very wrong and offensive here so sorry in advance
<DuperMan> :)
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<mongi> codeworkx: dock station for i9100 with usb a sound speakers won't work in JB?
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<mongi> for exemple the samsung dock
<dizko> duperman: nah it came a long time before that (The kanji did), but yea later they used simplier pieces of the kanji forms to make hiragana and katakana
<dizko> they have 3 sets of characters
* Jiangyi still can't find good info on docomo
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<dizko> the wikipedia article on sgs3 has the specs
<Jiangyi> Desg: Look at the CM wiki, not the teamhacksung wiki then.
<Jiangyi> Dizko: didn't see the japanese variant there last time. I'll check again
<DuperMan> dizko: I can't even do basic chinese cursing, k'sai
<dizko> ive lived in japan a bit over 3 years and i can barely communicate let alone read ;)
<dizko> i just do a lot of deductive reasoning
<DuperMan> I watched a bunch of anime, dei katana nandeu sakana neko
<DuperMan> :D
<dizko> something sword anything fish cat
<DuperMan> god sword whazzup fish cat
<DuperMan> ><
<DuperMan> and that's what I was trying to say ><
<Jiangyi> Ah ok
<dizko> i went to the museum the other day and saw a 1000 year old katana...pretty bad ass
<Jiangyi> So yeah, it is more similar to the tmo variant in terms of 3G/HSPA, but its LTE is different from all NA variants.
<DuperMan> damn. some of the awesomer shit though is 10,000+- chinese ruins/antiques
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<dizko> my favorite japanese phrase is "kiri sutei gomen" which is like "permission to cut and run"
<dizko> samuri could slice you and walk away if you offended them
<DuperMan> kurosai
<Jiangyi> O.o
<DuperMan> 'license to kill'
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<DuperMan> but more cool I suppose :)
<dizko> some british buy in the 1800s got to close on his horse and they killed him....caused a big stink
<dizko> s/buy/guy/
<dizko> too close
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<DuperMan> wasn't it that cruise fellow?
<DuperMan> har
<dizko> hehe
<dizko> it kind of led to a big change in their perspective on the outside, because british boats came and shelled the city the boss dude was from
<dizko> and they were much for some boats?
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<DuperMan> if sword of the stranger is a proper source for historical knowledge (together with ninja scroll) british colonializm was more of a more effective evil than better or worse
<DuperMan> oo
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<blindcoder> oooooh, fun times!
<TheJumper> So, is there already something like a Known Bugs list for the JellyBean rom for the International SGS2?
<blindcoder> Jiangyi: ro.product.device and are reported as "espressowifi"
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<blindcoder> Jiangyi: of course the assert fails then...
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<DuperMan> TheJumper: party line is "no" until disputed by party, me being third party
<blindcoder> Jiangyi: is that still a compatible device?
<dizko> woah the d2att extract files script is completely different than that of the d2att
<dizko> er
<dizko> i9300 is different than d2att
<TheJumper> Okay DuperMan
<Jiangyi> Blindcoder: Hmmm... I thought that problem was solved a while back.
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<Jiangyi> :S
<s2user> Hello. I just flashed CM10 for Galaxy S2 (Build 20120725) and GApps (Build 20120717). Installation finishes without error. Did a full wipe after that. The Problems is, i do not have Camera App and Google Now. What can i do?
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<blindcoder> Jiangyi: issue or not, is it okay to just disable assertions? I got a fulll backup, just in case :)
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<Jiangyi> Blindcoder: yeah should be fine.
<blindcoder> Jiangyi: great, thank you for the help :-) I'll have to go now, and try it in the evening. Have a good day!
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<Jiangyi> Blindcoder: np, and you too!
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<Grigdush> hi every one
<s2user> hi
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<Grigdush> i just had a question about CM10 preview on SGS 2 , which flashable Modems do we have to use?
<Espenfjo> the one that works best for you
<xplodwild_work> Grigdush: keep the one you have
<xplodwild_work> Espenfjo: Y U NINJA MEH?
<Espenfjo> Because you so slow
<Espenfjo> <3
<cdesai> Espenfjo: i'm slow
<cdesai> not him
<cdesai> coz my isp
<Espenfjo> oh
<xplodwild_work> I ninja'd cdesai the other dayh
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<Grigdush> ok so what's the diffrence betwen all of them ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Grigdush> LPX Modem: LPW Modem: LPS Modem: LPR Modem:
<s2user> May anyone help me with my Problem with Google Apps 20120717, please?
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<joslin> hi
<joslin> what is new rom
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<Yoshimo> why do many releases of cm for samsung devices state "dont restore apps with titanium backup"?
<xplodwild_work> Yoshimo: who to blame when the app will force close?
<bbqbot> derp
<kldoc> Hello, i'm coming here, because i have an annoying bug on CM9 for I9100G, after i open and close the camera a few times, camera app crash, this bug does not exist on stock ICS rom, i made a logcat and a dmesg for debugging purpose
<xplodwild_work> codeworkx: ^
<kldoc> i can also add that camera viewport crash, whatever camera app i use in the same conditions
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<kldoc> camera module is fujitsu with firnware OMEF01
<zenified> hey any of you guys had problem with the gb gapps 20120717 with cm19?
<zenified> cm10*
<manups4e> hi to everyone :) i want ask 1 thing :) i can't get to work output voice to work
<desg> guys when i try to put my phone into download mode it says firmware upgrade encountered an issue
<manups4e> how can i do this?
<kldoc> that's all information i have, logs are on a dropbox for download, if you wish to read them, i can post the links
<desg> how do i go about fixing thR
<desg> that*
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<kldoc> i also tested CM10, the bug is still there
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<kldoc> i'm not an isolated case, i asked other people on facebook i9100g group, and a few other share the same problem than me
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<DuperMan> kldoc: is preview, not testing build
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<kldoc> to make things clear, i report the bug on CM9, which in RC release is unstable while using camera because of that bug, i mentionned CM10 only because i tested to see if that bug was gone, and it's not ...
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<codeworkx> kldoc: if there's time, i'll have a look at it. but that might be first in 2045
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<DuperMan> dare u to give him ur sgs3 in 2038 if he's still monitoring the bug
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<MarineMan> Good morning all
<chadouming> hi
<DuperMan> fair enough
<MarineMan> i have a question about installing the rom
<chadouming> read the topic
<DuperMan> yeah, I'd say "no" but no oppers:/
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<MarineMan> anyone have issues installing it?
<DuperMan> chadouming: might I use caps in exclaiming 'review the topic'?
<chadouming> nope
<Araemo> "The first rule of cm10 is you don't talk about cm10"?
<DuperMan> :/
<DuperMan> @ops add DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan: Command does not exist!
<DuperMan> @mods add DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> f all :)
<Araemo> I think you mean fail.
<DuperMan> four letters is as accurate as you got
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<MarineMan> i'm getting and error it says "installing update.... then it says assert failed: getprop("ro.product.device") and stuff like that then says (status 7) Installation aborted.
<MarineMan> has anyone else had this issue?
<chadouming> marineman, you might be sympatic, but the topic clearly says do not talk about CM10. CM10 is not ready and it's not near to be ready. It's meant to be for experienced user who want to try it and dont need an explanation on how to install or recover from it.
<DuperMan> yes. with cm9. before I did stuff right....
<MarineMan> k thanks
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<Isaibed> hello guys :) i have a question :)
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<chadouming> Isaibed, as long as it's not related to CM10
<Isaibed> i have a Galaxy S2 and i wanna try the CyanogenMod 10,, my question is, wifi is working?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Isaibed> ups sorry ^^
<Espenfjo> yes
<DuperMan> Isaibed: it won't heal if you keep scratching
<DuperMan> ah u asked
<Espenfjo> it is working
D3vourz has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
<Isaibed> thanks perfect :)
<DuperMan> Espenfjo: u put 'cm xx' posters all over nairubi?
<Espenfjo> wat?
<DuperMan> >< sorry, assumed 'it is working' meant 'people troll about 10'
<DuperMan> :)
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<Isaibed> bye and thanks for support :) and sorry for my stupid question ^^
<DuperMan> Isaibed: it was an incrementally new question. har
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<DinosaurHunter> thank you for jelly bean on the i9100
<nebkat|s3> DinosaurHunter: DONAT DEN
<DinosaurHunter> i'm just a poor kid
<DinosaurHunter> but i will try to give as soon as i have some money
<datagutt> give all the money to me
<DinosaurHunter> :O
<datagutt> (kidding)
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<DinosaurHunter> :)
<nebkat|s3> DinosaurHunter: gief to me
<datagutt> no nebkat|s3 steals money from innocent developers like me
<datagutt> itsatrap
<datagutt> (inb4kickban)
karbowiak is now known as Karbowiak
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datagutt was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|s3 [a tarp indeed]
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<DinosaurHunter> is nebkat a dog, a bunny, or a bear
<DinosaurHunter> i can't make out from the picture
<peterperfect> DinosaurHunter no no...just gief moniez to nebkat|s3 when he updates trebuchet
<DinosaurHunter> o....kay
<nebkat|s3> DinosaurHunter: ignore all except me, they are mentally ill
<nebkat|s3> DinosaurHunter:
<DinosaurHunter> hehe
<nebkat|s3> FTW!
ciwrl|away is now known as ciwrl|work
<datagutt> I know why nebkat cant update trebuchet
<datagutt> its because he kanged it from me
<datagutt> he needs to wait for me to update it first
<Thracky> what's the appropriate donate addy for hacksung?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> I'll finally contriboot something since I'm not flat broke at the moment
<nebkat|s3> Thracky:
<Thracky> lies.
<Thracky> that's donate to nebkat's beer fund
<Thracky> you have enough beer
<nebkat|s3> +1
<nebkat|s3> no
<nebkat|s3> feel the August whore on my balls
<nebkat|s3> - plody
<chadouming> nebkat|s3, you are pretty much the only mentally ill here. beside addi, baskey and duperman ofc, but those doesnt count xD
<datagutt> We should start a fund so nebkat can get help
<nebkat|s3> chadouming: im less mentally ill when i want to be idiotte
<Thracky> oh hurr durr big donatebutton on teamhacksung :P
<datagutt> the nebkat awareness compaign
<nebkat|s3> datagutt: +1
<nebkat|s3> give it all 2 me
<Thracky> a fund to send nebkat to rehab?
<nebkat|s3> fur beirs
<Thracky> is this what we're doing?
<nebkat|s3> aww yeah
<chadouming> no rehabs, only psyciatric hospital for nebkat
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<DuperMan> psyche is just a fancy name for rehab from realizm :P
<Thracky> donated.
<nebkat|s3> Thracky: tank uuuuuuu
<Thracky> (sorry nebkat :P)
<Thracky> not to you lol
<Thracky> to cody
<Thracky> I could maybe throw a few euros your way for trebuchet....
<Thracky> *maybe*
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<nebkat|s3> no
<nebkat|s3> dont
<nebkat|s3> i dont deserve a cooky
<DuperMan> but drawer folders and nebkat feeling obliged
<DuperMan> :(
<nebkat|s3> i got a lotta money
<nebkat|s3> like
<nebkat|s3> enough to buy coke
<nebkat|s3> like
<nebkat|s3> cocaine
<DuperMan> surely u mean pepsi
<DuperMan> ah
<nebkat|s3> ah
<Jiangyi> .....
<nebkat|s3> brb
<DuperMan> lawl
<chadouming> NO ONE IS PEPSI
<nebkat|s3> off to buy watermellun
<chadouming> pepsi is bs
<chadouming> that's ok nebkat|s3
<nebkat|s3> everyone stop talkin
<DuperMan> I don't drink sodas
<DuperMan> -_-
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<chadouming> @bomb nebkat|s3
<bbqbot> nebkat|s3, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<nebkat|s3> i dont want to have a chatlog to read
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
nebkat|s3 was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was green]
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<nebkat|s3> ye
<nebkat|s3> ye
<nebkat|s3> real funny
<DuperMan> but log is better than bad it is good
<DuperMan> har
<chadouming> no chat log to read if you aint logged
chadouming was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|s3 [no]
<DuperMan> +m
<DuperMan> moar simple
<nebkat|s3> someone else fixxit
<Jiangyi> Nebkat|s3: Do CM10 trebuchet, and I think that people will donate to you. :P
<nebkat|s3> imma be to lazie
<Jiangyi> For now, we need to buy cody some coffee lol
<nebkat|s3> Jiangyi: i dont needz monie
<nebkat|s3> brb
<nebkat|s3> gettin da watermellun
<Jiangyi> Lol
<Baskey> chad, hahahahah, chad
<xz_> @bomb xz_
<bbqbot> xz_: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> so Jiangyi, how many legit pings at nebkat can I make not addressing nebkat|s3 while nebkat is away?
<Baskey> @bomb xz_
<bbqbot> xz_, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<xz_> green
<bbqbot> Correct wire!
<bbqbot> Bomb disarmed!
<xz_> :)
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<DuperMan> lol
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<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Dunno.
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<nebkat|s3> Fuckin waturmellun
<nebkat|s3> so fuckin heavy
<nebkat|s3> err
<nebkat|s3> datagutt: uban meh
<DinosaurHunter> hmm download speed: 3.7 KB/sec
<nebkat|s3> UNBANN MEEEE
<datagutt> and what do i get in return
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<nebkat|s3> @invite nebkat|s3 #blamesamsung
<bbqbot> nebkat|s3: You are not allowed to run that command!
<nebkat|s3> peterperfect: pliz unban
<datagutt> unbanned
<Baskey> join
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wifi is now known as chadouming
<chadouming> bad nebkat, baaaaaaaaadd
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<nebkat|s3> chadouming: +xxx
<nebkat|s3> i won a maths debate
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<nebkat|s3> say it really really faaast
<Baskey> MAEK IT
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<nebkat|s3> qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
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<nebkat|s3> itzoyxoydofoyxhldykakywkyskyskhshkxhxhlxluxhlgkzv.zngstjziyxkyxykh.egkaitztjaitsyiekyeiydyodykrykwtjwtuxykdyk
<RoBz> whats the launcher on cm10?
<chadouming> stock jb launcher i guess
<nebkat|s3> kyddyiskysyidyidyidyidiydykxykxykdykdhkdhdhdufogohhhphsudsjxusuusudiudududuuududududududufudufifufifififofofifkvkvkvkckvkvlgndbdhcjcjcifijygofofysys
<Baskey> yep
<nebkat|s3> yep
<RoBz> cool
<RoBz> gonna replace my screen then install :D
<nebkat|s3> windoze starttupp repai
<nebkat|s3> NO
<nebkat|s3> NOE
<Baskey> NOEH
<chadouming> nebkat|s3, shit happen :(
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<nebkat|s3> testing testing 123
<Baskey> zloty zloty 123
<chadouming> 321 gnitset gnitset
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<blizzari> Hi xplodwild remember me? xD. CM10 is smooth as hell. One question bootanim. shows CM9 xD
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> addi,
<Baskey> whats up dood
<xplodwild> blizzari: cm10 boot anim not ready
<blizzari> yeah thought already of that xD. Strange but on JB i get 4 Bars of connection on ICS 0-1
<chadouming> blizzari, good for u ^^
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<lolwat> what happend to this patch
<lolwat> will it ever be merged?
<blizzari> btw why does CM, never use any file exploler?
<lolwat> cause they there is no dev who does create one
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<blizzari> use one like solid explol
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<lolwat> is no open source nor does it follow ics guidelines
<lolwat> i think both are critical points for cm
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<koud> lolwat: I am not sure about the open source part
<koud> cm includes other prorprietary software
<lolwat> oioc
<lolwat> oic*
<koud> is rommanager opensource?
<koud> and I think also the terminal application is not opensource
<lolwat> nope
<lolwat> i don't use rom manager or terminal though
<lolwat> does rommanager allow to flash muliple zips with only one reboot?
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<koud> don't know
<koud> I have never used rommanager :P
<lolwat> i don't use it eihter ^^
<Thracky> what modem do people tend to use these days? I haven't changed mine in ages
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<koud> Thracky: what phone?
<Thracky> i9100
<koud> I am using XXLPX
<Baskey> ditto
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<Jiangyi> Oh shoot, I gotta go find a present ASAP. =[
<Jiangyi> Important person's birthday tomorrow.
<Jiangyi> :-P
<mongi> will bootanimation change in cm10?
<Jiangyi> mongi: Someone has to make a CM10 animation first.
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<mongi> Jiangyi: so the cm team want to change, right?
<Jiangyi> mongi: Obviously, but I'd say it's pretty low priority.
<mongi> Jiangyi: hm...
<Espenfjo> it will change
<mongi> also, will samsung dock work with jb?
<mongi> on i9100
<Espenfjo> Not sure if it will be the same as today, with 10 instead of 9, or a totally new one
<Espenfjo> mongi: I doubt it, but ofcourse, you might be lucky
<mongi> i was thinking about buying it... but =/
<Espenfjo> doit and test, best case it will work. worst case you will have to wait for drop from sammy
<Espenfjo> worser case it will never work :D
<Espenfjo> But it should work in CM9, so it should be doable
<mongi> sammy?
<mongi> =s
<mongi> is it samsung? haha
<Espenfjo> yes
<mongi> oh haha
<mongi> i don't believe they will release jb for i9100
<Espenfjo> But maybe for the note
<Espenfjo> They are basically the same
<mongi> hm...
<mongi> jb works better on i9100g then i9100, right?
<nebkat|s3> ya
<mongi> damn haha
<Jiangyi> yeah
<Jiangyi> Except we don't have FM at all. :-(
* Jiangyi cries
<evil-doer> or mhl
<bbqbot> derp
<mongi> but fm doesnt work in either of them...
<Jiangyi> evil-doer: 9100G has MHL.
<Jiangyi> mongi: You guys have Spirit FM.
<evil-doer> with cm? hmm
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<Jiangyi> Yep.
<mongi> yeah yeah
<mongi> on cm7 they got fm working
<evil-doer> im just wondering when a cm10 preview will be available for the my note. since its got the same internals as the s2
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<evil-doer> basically just bigger screen plus stylus
<hamzeh> hi all i want to ask where i can fing google voice search ??///////
<hamzeh> i have android jelly bean 4.1,1
<Jiangyi> evil-doer: Xplod's doing it.
<hamzeh> helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllp :@
<Jiangyi> Baskey: idk what's left to translate. lol
<Jiangyi> hamzeh: Did you flash GApps?
<hamzeh> i have cm10 sgs2 i cant find google search for jelly bean
<hamzeh> yeas
<hamzeh> and i install my apps from the google play
<Baskey> it's simply called a Voice Search
<Jiangyi> hamzeh: The 20120717 JB one?
<hamzeh> 20120717 gapps ?
<Baskey> yep
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<Houselegend> Hello everyone, one questions. What are the known bugs for Galaxy S II CM 10 ?
<bbqbot> derp
<hamzeh> i install this 20120317
<hamzeh> how i can upgrade ?!
<Jiangyi> hamzeh: There you go. You need the new one.
<hamzeh> :D so how i can get the new one :P
<hamzeh> ?
<Jiangyi> Houselegend: No answer for that.
<Jiangyi> hamzeh:
<hamzeh> then ?
<Houselegend> Why no answer ?, There are non known bugs or you dont want to speak about that ??? I
<hamzeh> then install 20120726 ?
<Baskey> hamzeh:
<hamzeh> i start download 20120726
<Jiangyi> Houselegend: It's a preview, bugs are everywhere. :-P
<Houselegend> I know that there are bugs, but is there any major, like Camera, Phone, Wi-Fi and Data/3G ?
<hamzeh> which is betert 26\7 or 17\7
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<Jiangyi> Houselegend: Not really AFAIK.
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<SHoTTa35> Figured i'd pop in and drop my thanks for some CM10 SGS2 - sure that was hard work.
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<Assid> hey
<Assid> so i heard theres a preview release for the s2 out?
<bbqbot> derp
<SHoTTa35> yeah, go check it out
<Assid> last i heard codeworkx had issues with a whole lot of things..
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<evil-doer> well obviously he is magic
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<SHoTTa35> apparently they were fixed? check it out
<Assid> not on ?
<Assid> got a link?
<SHoTTa35> no, it's experimental
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<Jiangyi> Sooooo many I9100 users........ o_o
<Jiangyi> Less than 24 hours, and their CM10 thread is as big as the I9100G's after 1.5 weeks.
<addi> Jiangyi,
<SHoTTa35> apparently most used phone on CyanogenMod now. Took over from the forever champion Desire i think
<addi> whats up dood
<Assid> err is everything working? sound/video/gps/bt... ? normally codeworkx used to put a list of whats not working .. and then keep cutting them off as they get rectified ?
<Assid> atleastr thats how the last 2 releases came out
* Assid tips his virtrual hat to the madhatter codeworkx
<DuperMan> y virtuhat?
<bbqbot> derp
<Assid> im not wearing a real one ?
<DuperMan> took me a moment but I figured oo
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Moderator on Chinese forum banned a guy for talking a lot of shit about I9100G. :-P
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<SHoTTa35> assid - test it out and see
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: it runs siam tan raite?
<SHoTTa35> that or look in the thread and read
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Whut? o.o
<Assid> but seriously how in the world did it go from no support cause of exynos .. to everything supported in a matter of few days?
<Assid> SHoTTa35: yep.. downloading.. i got a slow pipe at home :(
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<DuperMan> Assid: exynos got the trollwroxed
<DuperMan> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Assid: My guess is that hwcomposer is still wonky, and ICS blobs for sound turned out to work on JB.
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<SHoTTa35> almost everything works though, maybe a few bugs and all but audio and wifi and 3g all work
<Jiangyi> Everything else was cody speed-hacking. :-|
<codeworkx> Assid: it was everything working except sound. and hwcomposer is still not perfect
<DuperMan> agreed, if only cause 'summady' said wrapper earlier
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<Assid> hrmm remind me.. i need to put ina donate later today
<SHoTTa35> start doing your nandroid backup now Assid
<Assid> how do you backup the google authenticator .. so you can re-get it back without having to re-setup your account ?
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<SHoTTa35> don't, start all fresh
<Assid> dude!! :(
<SHoTTa35> nobody said it was 100% stable so there's no point in doing everything now. Test it out first then see if you even like it enough to attempt to restore all your data to it.
<Assid> strange.. when i go to rom manager it says i have and wen i boot to recovery it says
<SHoTTa35> that's why you do a nandroid first
<SHoTTa35> just download them and boot to recovery, don't bother with rom manager. Also make sure you also have JP-Gapps so you can get Google NOW and such
<Assid> yeah the gapps-jb is being downloaded.. unfortunately cant use multithreaded download there..
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<Assid> i normally never use nandroid backup.. so far even the nightlies havent failed me
<SHoTTa35> well this isn't a nightly
<SHoTTa35> bold EXPERIMENTAL should be enough to warrant backup first
<Jiangyi> +1
<Assid> i know.. but believe it or not.. i did the same thing when codeworkx had released the experimental cm9
<Assid> pure faith
<SHoTTa35> then you need to put down the crack :D
* Jiangyi didn't backup when going from stock to very very experimental CM9
<Assid> there has to be a way to backp the key stuff like authenticator ..
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Looked back at some of the earlier builds you sent me. How did you even deal with me!? I was a total noob! xD
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<chadouming> i think he is used with noob xD
<nebkat> sup
<chadouming> he dealed with all of us
<chadouming> hey, speaking of noob xD
<SHoTTa35> haha
<Assid> thats true.. that guy is one of the most patient cookies ive seen
<Jiangyi> lol
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* Assid personally doesnt like the cm9 boot logo..
* addi personally doesn't even care about boot animations, not like they're too important or something you see too often
<SHoTTa35> If things goes well enough you'll only have to see it once and then carry on with your life
<addi> +1 SHoTTa35
<Jiangyi> SHoTTa35: Not if you have ORD and you flash everyday xD
* Jiangyi personally like the new Nexus bootanim
<addi> Jiangyi, even then you shouldn't care cos it becomes repititive anyway ^^
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<Assid> eh./.. reboot forces you to look at it too
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<addi> you guys make too big a deal out of it. like noobs!
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<DuperMan> addi: I live for the boot anim. so smooth installs --
BHD is now known as BrandoHD
<addi> DuperMan, you are awesome, you don't count. :P
<DuperMan> *on fresh installs
<DuperMan> lol
<BrandoHD> lol
<DuperMan> @voice addi
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> wait, I'm taking your reality and replacing it with mine. just figuring out how
<DuperMan> :)
<addi> ^_^
<Assid> time to install and wipe
<chadouming> Duperman, you know you can have the long boot anim everytime you reboot your phone ?
<bbqbot> derp
Baskey has quit [Quit: If you were there, beware.]
<Assid> it failed :(
<DuperMan> chadouming: I wipe data every flash DUH
<Assid> i says cant find that file .. and in bracket (bad)
<chadouming> haha, no, simply wipe dalvik cache every time you reboot. You will have long boot anim
<DuperMan> it's also my screensaver to keep the phone from wasting battery to turn the screen on n' off
<chadouming> assid, that sound like a bad download
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Wanna play BF3?
<Assid> finding update package.. opening update package.. cant open.... (bad)
<DuperMan> chadouming:actually it's been replaced with the 'optimizing stuffs' counter since ics xD
ciwrl|work is now known as ciwrl|lunch
<chadouming> i know, but you still get a longer boot animation
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<chadouming> Assid, like i said, it sound like a bad download
<Assid> crap more waiting time to redownload
<DuperMan> a smidgen. make it all xip no caching plz
<DuperMan> :P
<chadouming> i bought BF3
<chadouming> so stupid that you have to launch from web browser
<chadouming> and origin is BS
<DuperMan> origin is a steam clone, drm just won't die
<chadouming> otherwise, seems really good :D
<DuperMan> not opinion there :P fact
<chadouming> but i havnt played much tho
<DuperMan> you read about the 'dead trigger' re... pricing... being framed as 'derp pirates'?
<Assid> i think my modem is messed up on cm9 btw.. i randomly have NO network
<chadouming> and i'm playing with xbox360 controller (I know it's bad, but with wireless keyboard and mouse on my bed, it's BS) and it's not so friendly. I even have to keep my mouse near.
<chadouming> DuperMan, nope
<Assid> rather strange and stupid cause my sister has the same phone and cell provider and it doesnt happen to her..
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Can I add you? :-P
<Assid> and the same modem
<Assid> only difference is i flash mine way more often than she does
<addi> DuperMan, all a ploy to mar Android's name by saying there's too much piracy
<addi> Apple paid them to do it like someone earlier said xD
<chadouming> sure, but i havnt played online yet. Like i said,i havnt played much
<DuperMan> chadouming: are you reading my mind mate? :| dead trigger is a nice shooter for android (derp) the price of which was dropped from ~2$-8$ to free for the pay for guns
<addi> DuperMan, uh, no, it was only $0.99 from the start
<DuperMan> addi: real? lol. stupid google won't take monies anymore from notamericanlandia
<addi> it always had inapp purchases even when it was paid but those purchases are not necessary for enjoying the game
<DuperMan> :/
<chadouming> want to try the campaing before so i get used with the control then pwn people
<chadouming> <DuperMan> chadouming: are you reading my mind mate? :| dead trigger is a nice shooter for android (derp) the price of which was dropped from ~2$-8$ to free for the pay for guns -> wtf about reading your mind ?
<chadouming> <DuperMan> you read about the 'dead trigger' re... pricing... being framed as 'derp pirates'?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> <chadouming> DuperMan, nope
<DuperMan> chadouming: bf3. juggled two subjects
<chadouming> hmk xD
<DuperMan> I isn't informative
<Jiangyi> lol
<DuperMan> ><
<DuperMan> lol
<Jiangyi> I wonder if anyone else here play BF3....
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<chadouming> people usually goes with COD
<chadouming> cause it's easier
<chadouming> and you can kill 10000 persons alone
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: compare leaderboards with preview releases of CM versions we not discuss
* Jiangyi plays both
<DuperMan> c.o.d is the same since like 2002. . .
<Jiangyi> MW3 is bad though.
<DuperMan> no 'around corners' lean-aiming, meh
<chadouming> i like bfbc2
<Jiangyi> That's CoD4, and BO2 when it comes out. :-|
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<SHoTTa35> we talking PC or Xbox/PS3?
* Jiangyi never played bfbc2
<DuperMan> pc
<chadouming> pc
* addi only plays single player, in which BF3 sucks hard. just shiny engine but not so good gunplay
<Jiangyi> PC
<chadouming> pc -> xbox360 controller xD
<chadouming> so i guess we can say xbox360
<Jiangyi> addi: Yeah campaign was meh
<SHoTTa35> i didn't get to play it either, I bought BFBC2 the other day though
<DuperMan> ^ +1. last time I really got into mp was Bioshock 2
<SHoTTa35> xbox360 version
<Jiangyi> chadouming: No, Xbox360 graphics are crap :p
<DuperMan> awesome :P
<chadouming> haha
<addi> Jiangyi, the engine is not good
<addi> firing those guns feels odd
<addi> exactly like the new Medal of Honor, but not as bad
<addi> and the graphics are all just shining car lights :p
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<Jiangyi> addi: They do?
<Jiangyi> I don't feel the oddity
<chadouming> hmm, i like to get grenade launcher and pass through house, not around xD
<Jiangyi> :-\
<addi> well, compared to other FPS, i do feel the oddity
<chadouming> i like . . . haha . . . I LOVE
<DuperMan> addi: go play red faction
<DuperMan> ;)
<addi> isn't that too old? :P
<DuperMan> oh, what was the good bf with the bunch of environmental damage? bc2?
<blindcoder> g'evening
<Jiangyi> LET'S PLAY NOW :D
<blindcoder> I see now why Titanium should not be used... it doesn't work anymore it seems
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: I will harder than in life >:(
<DuperMan> xD
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<addi> DuperMan, bfbc2 gad good environmental damage
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Yeah BC2
<addi> yeah, BC2 xD
<chadouming> hell yeah
<DuperMan> will fail >< my mind it freuds the words
<chadouming> no sniper just hiding on windows. Simply destroy those windows :SD
<chadouming> :D*
<SHoTTa35> holy crap, this CM10 SGS2 thread is moving so fast. Each time i finish reading a page and click next it shows another 6+ more pages added. Started with 58 this morning, already up to 82!
<DuperMan> ! feels weird going back to x360 ports after that n' crysis\
<DuperMan> :PPP
<Jiangyi> Well,
* Jiangyi is gonna go play BF3 now
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|BF3
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<chadouming> SHoTTa35, cody released an hell torrent of useless post on the xda forum
* DuperMan is trying to get into 'the witcher 2'. y no good gaming?
<DuperMan> :(
<Jiangyi|BF3> Damn I'm in queue.
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<chadouming> Jiangyi|BF3, i'm working currently xD
<Jiangyi|BF3> chadouming: :-(
<DuperMan> bbl, gonna try 'learn' sf v tekken ^^
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<DuperMan> sf. fun with friends, not good.
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<datagutt> <@nebkat> I AM POSHEST
<datagutt> @eval nebkat
<bbqbot> ReferenceError: nebkat is not defined
<bbqbot> undefined
<datagutt> @eval nebkat = 'poshest'
<bbqbot> 'poshest'
<nebkat> @eval nebkat = "posh meizu employee"
<bbqbot> 'posh meizu employee'
<Assid> so how do iget google now ?
<nebkat> Assid: <xplodwild> see the August whore on my balls
<Assid> ??
<bbqbot> derp
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<Assid> okay .. JB doesnt have my access point for 3g
<SHoTTa35> Assid - reboot
<SHoTTa35> then add them in
<SHoTTa35> Google Now is in Google Search
<SHoTTa35> don't get how nobody can figure this out
<Assid> yeah JUST saw that
<nebkat> SHoTTa35: no jizz
<SHoTTa35> everyone keeps going to Voice Search
<SHoTTa35> lol
<Assid> hmm does this release have issues with downloading synched data? normally its supposed to steam everything back to me
<nebkat> SHoTTa35: in other words, im not a part of everyone
<SHoTTa35> what issues you talking Assid
<addi> he is no. 1 dood
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<Assid> SHoTTa35: automatic restore..
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<xz_> codeworkx, thanks
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<balins> salve sapete dirmi i bug di jelly bean su gs2?
<koud> codeworkx what does it test?
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<Mardos> anyone here use dc++
<xz_> Restoring CWM6 backup from CWM5 is not working for me.
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<xz_> I though I can make CM10 backup and switch between jellybean and ICS but it's not working.
<SHoTTa35> did you do a full wipe Assid?
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<ameer1367> anyone tips for dualbooting CM10 next to daily rom? im runniny syah 3.4.1 Kernel
<koud> codeworkx: whould be emmc safe?
<codeworkx> aye
<xz_> ambrosia, It's not possble.
<xz_> ICS and jellybean needs difrent kernels
<ameer1367> so only as primary rom
<ameer1367> ok thx
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<ameer1367> wil JBean work on syahkenel on Galaxy SII i9100?
<datagutt> @kickban nebkat
nebkat was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [nebkat]
<ameer1367> syahkernel is also AOSP/CM ready
nebkat is now known as nebkatt
nebkatt is now known as beer
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<beer> @kickban datagutt
datagutt was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [datagutt]
<vedant> codeworkx: hey, did you ask the GUI guys about that call log issue in p3100? what did they say?
<xz_> ambrosia, It will not work.
<xz_> Syahkernel is only for ICS.
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<ameer1367> sad
<ameer1367> ok thx
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<ameer1367> following codeworkx post:
<ameer1367> cant see anything about flashing any special JB based kernel
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<ameer1367> only CM kernel
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<Assid> err anyone know wheres the setting for disabling icons on the home screen on new app install?
beer is now known as nebkat
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* chadouming is back (gone 04:03:58)
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<addi> can feel the hurt in Samsung
<Veyka> Well they are pissed off
<chadouming> Samsung has been researching and developing mobile telecommunications technology since at least as early as 1991 and invented much of the technology for today‘s smartphones. Indeed, Apple, which sold its first iPhone nearly twenty years after Samsung started developing mobile phone technology, could not have sold a single iPhone without the benefit of Samsung‘s patented technology.
<chadouming> hmmm 1991 - 2011 = 20 years
<chadouming> apple started to sell iphone in 2011 ?
<chadouming> haha
<Assid> err how do i stop the icons from coming on the home screen ?
<Baskey> disable it in play store settings
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<Assid> aah found it thanks
<Assid> has google/FB managed to play nice for auto sync of contacts with JB ?
<Veyka> Pretty sure not
<Veyka> Its mainly that FB wont play fair and doesnt actually copy the contacts to your device
<Kaik541> chadouming: they said "nearly 20 years"
<Kaik541> 1991 - 2007 ~= 16
<Kaik541> which is nearly twenty
<chadouming> that's still 20% diff xD
<Kaik541> meh, it's still nearly twenty
<Kaik541> 80 is nearly 100 when compared to 20 (apple's only been in the game for 4 years)
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<chadouming> hmm, 80 is not nearly 80, it's nearly 75
<chadouming> or 85
<ameer1367> ive got mis informed by xz_
<Kaik541> chadouming: wat
<Baskey> ameer1367: why?
<ameer1367> cm10 compile works on syahkernel 3.4.1
<ameer1367> its on my screen right now :D
<Baskey> siyah support Jelly Bean
<ameer1367> awdem
<Baskey> soeh
<koud> workx, what is the easiest way to see that hwcomposer is not working? running CTS?
<Assid> stupid people need to start using G+ .. i want updated images
<ameer1367> yeah but a guy yoled me its not few mins a go
<Veyka> You can manually sync FB photos
<Veyka> Theres a few apps that do it
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<Assid> i tried haxsync.. didnt work out too good for me
<Assid> pictures.. numbers.. etc
<nebkat> @kickban nebkat #blamesamsung
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<nebkat> @mute nebkat #teamhacksung-support
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<Baskey> @op
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<nebkat> ok next time a stupide question is asked, im doing my shit
<nebkat> Baskey: addi or someone warn me
<nebkat> just ping me
<nebkat> ktnx
<Baskey> nebkat
<nebkat> @kickban Baskey too late
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [too late]
<koud> nebkat: i thought there was no stupid questions
<koud> X)
<nebkat> koud: there isnt
<nebkat> that is why I said "im doing my shit"
<nebkat> you know what that means
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<nebkat> Baskey: yay
<Baskey> :)
<Baskey> WORKX
<koud> Espenfjo: there? :)
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<Assid> hmm.. my k9 doesnt want to connect anymore.. something tells me it has something to do with the SSL issue.. anyone aware of what this could be?
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<Poo-Teen> aloha!
<Poo-Teen> i see dat cm10 haz progress for sgs2?
<Baskey> YA, IT HAZ
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<Fissurez> lol, it crashes every time i load messages.
<Poo-Teen> codeworkx?
<Fissurez> Poo-Teen: read the thread?
<Baskey> YEP
<Poo-Teen> i want to make a baby with him
<Baskey> Poo-Teen: he's straight
<Baskey> NO HOMO
<Fissurez> okey.
<chadouming> hmm, and Poo-Teen, can i kick him :D ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> as the topic says, yes
<chadouming> cool
<chadouming> :D
<Fissurez> yeah, it's not daily driver stuff yet.
<chadouming> @bomb Poo-Teen
<bbqbot> Poo-Teen, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<Fissurez> red!
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Poo-Teen was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was orange]
<Fissurez> lol
<Fissurez> wat fail
<chadouming> >:D
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<Fissurez> lol
<Kaik541> ahahah
<Fissurez> but to be fair, it's nice, and typically buggy.
<Fissurez> to hell with the person who said it can be used as a daily driver!
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<xxxon> shit
<HyprWave> hey, If I wanna go from CM9 to CM10, do I need to do a full wipe?
<Fissurez> no
<chadouming> hi poo-teen
<Fissurez> also: topic!
<Fissurez> read the damn thread!
<chadouming> HyprWave, yeah, read the damn thread.
<HyprWave> Oh, but I thought it was meant for asking ETAs and stuff
<HyprWave> kk
xxxon is now known as Poo-Teen
<nebkat> xxxon: guess what
<Poo-Teen> chadouming hi
<nebkat> chadouming: dont kick
<HyprWave> sorry
<Poo-Teen> nebkat what?
<nebkat> Poo-Teen: guess what
<nebkat> so
<chadouming> xD
<nebkat> pick a number between 1 and 10
<chadouming> mah
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<chadouming> i wanted to bomb him again since now he is here
<chadouming> @bash
<nebkat> chadouming: I will deal with him
<bbqbot> quote:
<bbqbot> (|Chris) i felt boobies tonight!
<bbqbot> (McMoo) did they belong to a womang?
<Poo-Teen> nebkat well if it's binary i have no choice
<nebkat> Poo-Teen: PICK A NUMBER FF
<nebkat> FFS
<Fissurez> also, i don't know why it says no CM10? it must be totally fine to talk about how it is, just not "HOW FALSH CERNAGONMERD
<Poo-Teen> 2
<chadouming> hmm Poo-Teen you are stupid, if it's binary, you have choice between 1 and 2 xD
<nebkat> Poo-Teen: square it
<Poo-Teen> chadouming no i cant
<nebkat> @mute chadouming shish
<Poo-Teen> there's no 2 in binary
<nebkat> @mute chadouming #teamhacksung-support shish be quiet
<Poo-Teen> well ok
<nebkat> Poo-Teen: SQUARE IT
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|BF3: PWNED!!!!
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|BF3: you broke CM9!!!
<nebkat> Poo-Teen: SAY IT
<Poo-Teen> FOOOOUR
<nebkat> now divide that by the original number
<Poo-Teen> TWOOOO
<nebkat> now take away the original number
<Poo-Teen> nebkat if youre about givin' a fuck so it is old joke
<nebkat> yep, congratulations, you have arrived to the amount of fucks I give about your mental retardism
<Poo-Teen> get lost
<nebkat> @kickban Poo-Teen
Poo-Teen was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [Poo-Teen]
<chadouming> 2 * 2 / 2 - 2
<chadouming> xD
<nebkat> chadouming: using math to express how many fucks you give
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<Fissurez> right! back to CM9!
<chadouming> why dont you say : i give 2π rad / 360° - 1 fuck about you
<Fissurez> sorry, but i like my google account.
<chadouming> Fissurez, why dont you flash GAPPS ?&
<Baskey> Fissurez: FLASH GAPPS IDIOTTE
<Fissurez> thread seemed to imply i didn't need to
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<chadouming> you dont NEED to, you have to if you want all the apps from google including playstore xD
<Fissurez> as in, migrating from other ROM - "flash Gapps"
<Assid> now why doesnt k9 want to work ? stupid ssl certs
<Jiangyi|BF3> codeworkx::-(
<Fissurez> upgrading from CM9 - nothing
<Jiangyi|BF3> codeworkx: SORRY D-:
IamSachin has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> IamSachin: hi, matw
<Baskey> mate*
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Assid has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia]
<Jiangyi|BF3> codeworkx: I'll fix it ASAP. Anything else derpy?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> Poo-Teen: Putin
<Poo-Teen> i am freakin back
<chadouming> nice
<Poo-Teen> Baskey oh you're captain obvious?
<Poo-Teen> nebkat is cm10 discussion forbidden as said in the topic?
<Fissurez> jus' saying - ROM manager does not have JB Gapps
<Baskey> yes
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|BF3: dunno. why don't you built your changes? :-P
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<Baskey> Fissurez: download it from
<Poo-Teen> just tell me where can i discuss cm10 or see any changelogs?
<Jiangyi|BF3> codeworkx: I did for everything else, seems that I missed that one. =[
<nebkat> Poo-Teen: @chanelog
<nebkat> @changelog i9300
<nebkat> @changelog galaxys2
<Jiangyi|BF3> well, everything else except for frameworks base that is.
* Jiangyi|BF3 feels like an idiot
<Poo-Teen> nebkat i told about cm10
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<Fissurez> JELLY BERN
<Baskey> Fissurez: BELLY JEAN
<nebkat> Poo-Teen: it is cm10 too
<nebkat> idiotte
<nebkat> or well
<nebkat> Ithink it is
<nebkat> ahhaha
<nebkat> damn
<Fissurez> OMGBANHIM
<nebkat> I need to update dat shit
Jiangyi|BF3 is now known as Jiangyi
<HyprWave> restoring only the apps DATA through titaniumbackup shouldn't be a problem, right?
<Poo-Teen> i just need to know if it haz any critical bugs
<Thracky> me likey the jelly beanz.
<HyprWave> I think that's what I did with CM9, downloaded apps from play store and restored data
Gapone has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Thracky> Poo-Teen: nothing so far but I haven't tested extensively.
<Baskey> HyprWave: you can restore whole apps with data
<nebkat> Poo-Teen: on s2?
<nebkat> Poo-Teen: its pretty good
<Baskey> just do not restore system apps
<HyprWave> ofc, I'm not even backing those up
<Thracky> I didn't restore a damn thing, I don't really store much locally
<Baskey> so you are good to go
<Poo-Teen> nebkat how is it possible? last week it was just bootin'
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> Poo-Teen: teamhacksung is god
<Poo-Teen> nebkat i know
Barna has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
<HyprWave> even cooler, thanks!
<Poo-Teen> but how did you (gods) haxed it?
<Poo-Teen> or it uses some kind of software everything?
<HyprWave> 2 days ago I flashed JB on my dad's GN
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<HyprWave> Now I can have it on my SGSII :D
<Fissurez> yeah... it's good.
<flinch87> i dont have mass storage -__-
<Jiangyi> Now I remember. I made the arrays change after I attempted to build Mms.
<Jiangyi> DERP .-.
<Fissurez> flinch87: use MTP
<flinch87> it appears but nothing happens.
<Fissurez> worked fine for me
<Poo-Teen> oh oh oh
Baskey has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Poo-Teen> so it worth to change cm9 to cm10 for everyday use?
<Poo-Teen> Fissurez youtube works?
<Fissurez> datopic!
<Poo-Teen> sorry
<Fissurez> don't say the taboo phrase!
<Poo-Teen> i will cal it muff instead
<Poo-Teen> is it ok?
<Fissurez> as long as you ask the question in a way that we aren't talking about "it" to do with the i9100, then it's fine
<Fissurez> basically.
<Fissurez> be smart
<flinch87> i re flash the rom many times but mtp doesnt work
<Poo-Teen> Fissurez so youtube works in your muff?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> no, i haven't tried muffing my mufftub
<Thracky> CM 1.0E1
<Fissurez> dis kid is crazy!
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<flinch87> any help?
<Fissurez> no suppert
<cantIntoCode> yes, no supperty
<cantIntoCode> suppert*
<Fissurez> basically, you flash muff, you're on your own.
<flinch87> muff?
<Fissurez> muff.
<flinch87> what is that?
<cantIntoCode> its like a forest
<Fissurez> ^
<cantIntoCode> but sometimes also comes in grazing varieties
<Fissurez> basically, if you read the channel.
<Fissurez> you'd understand my filthy joke.
HyprWave has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<chadouming> cantIntoCode, that's moss
<cantIntoCode> but y u no has suppert?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> does anyone else find the facebook app drains the shit out of their battery? always happened to me whether cm7 or 9 or even stock samsung rom heh
<chadouming> flinch87, seeing the way you entered here and only said : MY PHONE IS BORKED, REPAIR IT NAO, i can suppose that you didnt read the thread
<chadouming> by doing so, i can declare that yes, you wont have any support here
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<chadouming> now if you have some last word, i'd be pleased to hear them
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<mrpunkyx> hi
<chadouming> hi
<Fissurez> anyone else having their phone (i9100) running maxed out?
<Fissurez> running the rom that shall not be named
<Pulser> Fissurez, what ROM?
<DuperMan> derp the best herp for the news on tomorrow's surprises, read all about it on xda
<chadouming> hmm, miui ?
<mrpunkyx> where can i see the CM10 changelog?
<DuperMan> ^
<DuperMan> not where, when
<Fissurez> whu oh!
<Pulser> probably your media scanner service, Fissurez?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> mrpunkyx, read the topic
<Fissurez> THE TABOO!
<Fissurez> Pulser: wow, you might be right
<Fissurez> any way to sort that out, or will it settle down on it's own?
<DuperMan> don't fiddle with 'dev tools'. :)
<Pulser> not certain, I'm playing with it just now
<Pulser> perhaps gonna just kill it off tbh :)
<Frd^> Thracky: you need to close that facebook fomr back-button not menu, if you close it on menu-button it stays backround and updates shit
<nebkat> someone help me think of name for "would you rather" app
<DuperMan> nebkat: would you kindly
<nebkat> haha
<DuperMan> 'which'
<DuperMan> or an alternative old hat spelling
<Fissurez> didn't google docs get replaced by google drive?
<DuperMan> damn good title :D
<DuperMan> Fissurez: on the consumer front, sure
<mrpunkyx> ok, i think i just gona nandroid then :D
<Fissurez> then why am i getting a google docs sync error....
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<DuperMan> error prompts aren't really meant for consumers
<matt____> hey
<Fissurez> right, nandroid restore time!
<Thracky> Frd^: even if I do that it's still running in the background.
<matt____> on the gt-i9100 cm10 thread is the 'test kernel' better than the stock one or is it the same kernel ?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> 'disable' or will that mess the things?
<cantIntoCode> 48÷2(9+3)= ?
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<matt____> 4
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<matt____> 2
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<Frd^> 2*12
<X3S> Hum awsome GT-i9100 port! thanks
<Thracky> 24*12
<Thracky> not 2*12
<Frd^> answer is 2
<Thracky> unless I forget order of operations
<Thracky> which is possible
<Frd^> 48÷2(9+3)= ?
<Frd^> 48÷2(12)=
<DuperMan> so weird omega type thing==log?
<bbqbot> derp
<Frd^> 48÷24=
<Frd^> 2
<Thracky> noo
<Thracky> order of operations is wrong
<DuperMan> confyooozed
<Thracky> you have to to parentheses
<Thracky> *to do
<Thracky> then div/multiplication from left to right
<Thracky> so the div gets done first
<Thracky> then the mult
<Thracky> 48/2 = 24
<DuperMan> derp...
<Thracky> so then 24*12
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<Fissurez> i shall closely be wathching the thread though ^_^
<DuperMan> wait, I had a weird o| tilted 90' counterclockwise sign rather than any proper division
<Thracky> wierd
<Thracky> you should get that checked out
<DuperMan> I feel compelled to chuckle
<DuperMan> but can't be sure, tired. argh
<cantIntoCode> cant into math?
<cantIntoCode> its 288
<Thracky> which is 24*12 :P
<Thracky> just too lazy to calculate that
<cantIntoCode> BODMAS = brackets of divide multiplay addition subtraction
<cantIntoCode> multiply*
<Thracky> I guess 144 * 2 would work
<DuperMan> thanks :)
<chadouming> yup
<cantIntoCode> Order of operations ^ brackets first = 12 then divide = 24 then multiply 12 * 24 = 288
<Thracky> since 24 = 2 * 12
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<Thracky> binary math is fun
* DuperMan notation failed
<DuperMan> is there any other sort?
<DuperMan> :P
<cantIntoCode> idk
<DuperMan> you couldn't unless you countered turing
<cantIntoCode> a true mathematician would never write such an ambiguous equation
<DuperMan> (couldn't know)
<DuperMan> not countered, just made a better mousetrap
<DuperMan> ygwim
<Thracky> I'm straight. Haven't I already countered Turing?
<chadouming> cantIntoCode, you are right
<chadouming> simply follow order of operation xD
<cantIntoCode> ya
<Fissurez> what advanced settings app?
<chadouming> doesnt exist. it's simply MYSTERY
<Fissurez> :OOOO
<DuperMan> notepad:D config.prop:D
<DuperMan> errr system.prop, build.prop
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<desg> guys when i try to put my phone into download mode it says firmware upgrade encountered an issue, how do i fix this
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<Jiangyi|PC> desg: Did you close Kies?
<desg> i don't even have kies installed
<Jiangyi|PC> desg: Odin or Heimdall?
<Jiangyi|PC> And do you have drivers installed?
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<desg> odin and yes i do have the drivers installed
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<Jiangyi|PC> desg: Wait, does it say that on the phone or Odin?
<desg> phone
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<Jiangyi|PC> desg: What are you flashing?
<desg> i was trying to flash a kernel
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<Jiangyi|PC> You sure the download was good?
<desg> yeah i ran the md5
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<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi|PC> Kinda weird then.
<desg> how do i fix this?
<desg> i literally can't use my phone because of that splash
<Jiangyi|PC> Umm... Flash stock and try again?
<desg> how
<desg> when i try to go into download mode that pops up
<desg> firmware upgrade ecountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies & try again
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<akSeya> daaamn
<akSeya> i told cm to format SD card and it formated internal storage :(
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<tat-> woops
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<Jiangyi|PC> desg: You can still flash while it shows that screen.
<Noft> will new previews be published in USER THREAD only ?
<akSeya> YYYY!??!
<bbqbot> derp
<blizzari> woop woop. When are changelogs be coming? or will they come?
<batletueur> Hello, I wonder if there are many bug on CyanogenMod 10 thank you very much
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<blizzari> btw i found a wrong word in finnish translation. When you first time set up google account. where reads emergency call* there reads mother* dafuq
<batletueur> there are many bug for everyday use?
<akSeya> it deleted some apps too
<akSeya> damn!!!
<akSeya> i just don't believe that... damn!!!
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<Noft> @batletueur didn't notice MUCH of them...for me look ok for daily
<bbqbot> Noft: Command does not exist!
<akSeya> fuck
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<Jiangyi|PC> Well, he ragequit.
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<batletueur> ok thank you noft
<Noft> oh is any of devs here ? i had one HUGE prob with CWM
<blizzari> btw i found a wrong word in finnish translation. When you first time set up google account. where reads emergency call* there reads mother* dafuq
<Noft> I tried to make nandroid backup and than it corrupted whole internal SD
<blizzari> i was well confused i thought it would call my mother lol
<Noft> i had to flash with odin any of samsung images, then it went back ok but lost data
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<Jiangyi|PC> blizzari: Well, you can fix it yourself by using Gerrit, or wait for someone to fix it. :-|
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<blizzari> im not really good at such things xD
<zacthespack> I know im not meant to talk about CM10, but its great to see a first build on the Note :D
<koud> Espenfjo: awake? :)
<batletueur> the sound has been fixed on the galaxy s2
<Baskey> @op
<batletueur> ?
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<batletueur> the sound has been fixed on the galaxy s2 ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Noft> batletueur y
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<Jiangyi|PC> zacthespack: Oops, misread what you said. Ignore me. :-S
<zacthespack> all good :)
<zacthespack> just what to say thanks to any devs that are on, finaly I can test my project on Jellybean
<Noft> bye guys, i'm going to do some hack with my NOKIA 3310 LCD display :DD
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<Espenfjo> koud: hi
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<koud> some easy way I can verify hwcomposer is not working? without adding some debug lines in surfaceflinger or somewhere :P
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<koud> and why is it hwcomposer.smdk4210 and not hwcomposer.exynos4 like the other libs?
<koud> ah and last question i think:P have you tried running any of the CTS stuf to test hwcomposer?
<desg> i just tried going back to stock now it's in a loop on the at&t boot splash
<Scavenger> am I able to ask questions about CM10?
<Jiangyi|PC> desg: Go into recoery mode and wipe data.
<Espenfjo> hm
<Espenfjo> dunno how to test it XD
<Espenfjo> playing video
<Espenfjo> or something like that
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<Espenfjo> I.. hm.. I dont know why it is smdk4210 now :/
<Espenfjo> boardname instead of arch
<Baskey> [22:06] (blizzari) btw i found a wrong word in finnish translation. When you first time set up google account. where reads emergency call* there reads mother* dafuq
<Espenfjo> soc isntad of platform rather
<Baskey> the same in Polish
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<Espenfjo> koud: I would guess it tries the most specific first. soc, platform, defualt etc.
<Jiangyi> Baskey: I'm gonna check the Chinese later then. lol
<Jiangyi> It'd be hilarious if it's also mother. :-P
<Baskey> :D
<Espenfjo> So, smdk4210 is more correct than exynos4 as it is not the same as for the sgs3
<koud> Espenfjo: yeah probably, how do you know it is not working? X)
<Espenfjo> youtube is broken
<koud> eh
<koud> youtube works for me
<Espenfjo> and up until now it has been stuttering like eww
<koud> Oo
<koud> you mean the youtube app?
<Espenfjo> working without any distortion?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Baskey> Espenfjo: YT is fine with latest GAPPS
<Baskey> also
<Baskey> Google has pushed an update to the Play Store
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<nebkat> #heavy #watermellon
<Baskey> today
<koud> Espenfjo: fine for me
<koud> no disortions and fluid
<koud> and 1080p recorded video works too in gallery
<Espenfjo> hm
<Espenfjo> odd :D
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<koud> I will remove hwcomposer see what difference it does :P
<Espenfjo> :)
<Espenfjo> perhaps it works now
<Espenfjo> cody did some magic this night
<koud> well remove hwcomposer seems to make no difference :S
<Espenfjo> I am visiting my parents with my GF, so I am struggelig to keep up
<Espenfjo> removing it and rebooting/restarting surfaceflinger?
<koud> remove restart
<koud> well renamed to hwwww :P
<Espenfjo> :)
<koud> hope it does not load based on the first two letters
<Espenfjo> hd video should be a problem
<Espenfjo> no
<koud> 1080p video still works
<koud> but I think animations in gallery looked bit slower
<koud> hard to tell though
<Pulser> koud, would lsmod help us?
<Pulser> or is it nto a module?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> no
<Pulser> (been travelling all day, I'm tried)
<Pulser> tired*
<Espenfjo> not a kernel module
<Pulser> ffs can hardly type
<Pulser> ahhh
<Pulser> derp
* Pulser should sleep
<Espenfjo> koud: perhaps h/w acc. in mxplayer
<koud> hwcomposer gives out video accel api?
<Espenfjo> Not sure how it works
<Espenfjo> it would have to go through the surfaceflinger
<Espenfjo> but dunno how it does decoding
<koud> I think must be separate thing
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<koud> should probably run CTS :P but out of space on my sdd :/
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: All fixed. I made sure it all built fine this time around. Sorry about that. :-P
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<Virtual-R> Anyone able to give me the sourcecode to Startrek: Deep Space 9 ? I need to reassemble the takiyon-beam
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<mikeybaby72> Hi all From Yorkshire, UK!
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<Virtual-R> mikeybaby72: You tried, I tried, noone wants to chat with us, lol
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Thanks! You're awesome. :-)
<Jiangyi> mikeybaby72: Hello from Toronto, Canada!
<Virtual-R> Hello from Stockholm, Sweden
<Ollie5> Hello from London, UK
<Baskey> @op
<Baskey> Hello from Lublin, Poland
<Veyka> Hello from Norwich UK :P
<Lenny> who started this?
<Virtual-R> Lenny: mikeybaby72 did. Haha
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<Lenny> Hello from Colchester, UK
<mikeybaby72> That's better - what devices are you people running and what is your next move flashing upgrade-wise? :-)
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<Virtual-R> mikeybaby72: i9300, running Cyanogenmod 10 Preview 8, next step, next preview. Loving every bit of it
<Lenny> f-uuuu tesco confirm my damn order!
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<Veyka> I9100/Cm9 nightly
<Veyka> Gnexus tomorrow
<pigbait> is googlenow voice reply not working on CM10 for gt-i9100
<Veyka> :D
endstille has quit [Quit: I'll be back.]
<Virtual-R> pigbait: there was a discussion about googlenow on the i9300 CM10 general forum, I think there are some problems with it. Me myself haven't tested it yet
<mikeybaby72> pigbait: did you not read the intro text on here when you logged in to channel?
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<pigbait> opps so sorry
* Virtual-R hiding his *ss from beig kicked :S
<pigbait> virtual thanks for the replay
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<pigbait> reply
<Virtual-R> mp
<Virtual-R> np that is
<codeworkx> mikeybaby72: Nexus or OMAP5
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<Veyka> Trollworkx helped push me towards the gnexus :P
<pigbait> thanks for your hard work codeworkx
<pigbait> and all the team
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<Virtual-R> Codeworks: you're probobly tired of this, but thank you from me too, you guys do a wonderful job.
<codeworkx> trying our best
<Veyka> yeh, he rocks the shit hard
<Veyka> \m/
<fayezkhan555> Thanks @codeworkx from me too and for your hardwork
<mikeybaby72> Codeworkx: OK. My first time here on this channel. It did say on the teamhacksung website that you work with ALL sammy devices that can run Android. I have two questions. :-)
<Jiangyi> mikeybaby72: I9100G on CM10. :-)
<Virtual-R> Brent Spiner uses an Android phone
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<mikeybaby72> Jiangyi: Nice! ;-)
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: It'd be so ironic if the Next Nexus uses Exynos or the first OMAP5 device is a Motorola with bootloader locked. :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: that would suck
<Espenfjo> next nexus being exynos could be nice
<codeworkx> oh noez
<Espenfjo> google touching all the code
<mikeybaby72> I'm using I9100 but stuck on (sorry for swearing here) CheckROM v4! :-o
<codeworkx> but samsung isn't doing a good job
<Veyka> Fuck checkrom
<mikeybaby72> Exactly!
<Jiangyi> Nono, first OMAP5 device is Xiaomi with MIUI, that'd also make you mad. :-P
<codeworkx> TI also cares about it's shit, pushes to linux mainline, and does proper support
<codeworkx> samsung gives a shit about everything
<codeworkx> a) fast
<codeworkx> b) money
<codeworkx> c) done
<mikeybaby72> I need to know my best move to upgrade from 2.3.6 ASAP. :-(
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<codeworkx> mikeybaby72: which device are you on?
<Lenny> codeworkx, you forgot the other layer, "beating apple"
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<Jiangyi> Mikeybaby72: Ignore the I9100 suerbrick bug as much as you can.
<Jiangyi> superbrick*
<mikeybaby72> I NEED flash support so don't want JB yet - just not sure what to flash next?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> mikeybaby72: oh. i can create a kernel which gets rid of your device if you want
<Jiangyi> mikeybaby72: Flash works on JB.
<Jiangyi> Just can't be installed through Google Play afaik
<Virtual-R> I respect Samsung for their technoligy though. I am so impressed and happy with my i9300, it feels like my second wife. It's fast, nice screen and even better without samsung bloatware.
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You merged all my translations except Trebuchet. Something wrong or?
<mikeybaby72> Adobe are stopping the support from mid August. So I need to get in quick and keep a backup of the last release of flash APK!
<BrandoHD> codeworkx: what would you think of the next Nexus being bases on quad core S4
<BrandoHD> based*
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: link plx
<Virtual-R> mikeybaby72: google flash and jb, you will find apks that do work without any problem
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: my "please cody look at my commit" list is longer than one page on a 24" display
<mikeybaby72> Is flash on JB a workaround?
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: <- I know it's only 8 lines, but that would complete Trebuchet translations AFAICT.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You need higher-resolution monitors then xD
<Virtual-R> mikeybaby72: Kind of...
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<Jiangyi> mikeybaby72: Nah, just install the apk and it works.
<mikeybaby72> It's native support, is it? Do you just side-load it onto any JB ROM?
<Jiangyi> ya side-load
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<mikeybaby72> Can I go straight from GB to JB and bypass ICS?
<Jiangyi> brb, it started to rain and I have stuff outdoors D-:
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<mikeybaby72> on 2.3.6 ATM.
<mikeybaby72> :-(
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<Virtual-R> Mikeybaby72: I pm'ed you a link
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<tofu_> mikeybaby72: you might try out ics first, since you'll find much more infos and support for it (i guess you havn't got any experience with flashing yet)
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<mikeybaby72> getting lots of FCs and random reboots. Need to flash a better ROM ASAP. Just a bit baffled by the range of options/choices out there!
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<mikeybaby72> :-O
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<Virtual-R> I made it easy for myself. Used CM on my HTC Legend. Continue to use CM on my galaxy s3 ;)
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<Jiangyi> Back.
<Jiangyi> Google Now trolled me.
<Jiangyi> Told me there was no rain today T_T.
<GoldDinger> my phone wont boot help
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<Jiangyi> mikeybaby72: Disregard everything, acquire CM. :-D
<Virtual-R> GoldDinger: PM me your phonemodel and explain your problem and I will try to assist you
<tofu_> mikeybaby72 but i think you should be able to switch directly from gb to jb since it erases the whole image/os ... duno about bootloader issues though
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Thanks, AFAIK Chinese translations are done for CM9 now. :-D
<Jiangyi> Time to start on CM10!
<codeworkx> fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
<codeworkx> hate translations
<GoldDinger> I flashed this tar file that said to make my phone faster, I have a i777
<mikeybaby72> That's what I'm puxxled by and what are the CWM/Nandroid options for JB ROMs?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Fine fine, I'll wait til CM10 nightlies then. :-P
<GoldDinger> I was running a hellraised CM10
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<Jiangyi> Damn, there's one more thing to translate in CM9.
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<pap0tex> hi!
<pap0tex> question, would the rom for i9100 work on i777 ?
<pap0tex> thz in advance!
<pap0tex> nebkat: !!!
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Will you get mad if I change 2 lines of Google translations?
<Baskey> pap0tex: nope
<codeworkx> yep
<codeworkx> pap0tex: is there still no i777?
<nebkat> pap0tex: whodat
<pap0tex> thz guys
<pap0tex> ive been looking for the i777
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Fine. :-
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<Jiangyi> :-|
<codeworkx> pap0tex: nothing on xda?
<pap0tex> not labeled for i777
<pap0tex> just i9100
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<codeworkx> pap0tex: be patient.
<codeworkx> pap0tex: soon ;-)
<pap0tex> and since before i had used i9100 roms i though
<pap0tex> aight codeworkx !
<pap0tex> thz for all the hard work
<pap0tex> :D
<desg> Jiangyi: it won't go into recovery for me
<pap0tex> well guys, thz for all your help.
<pap0tex> have a great day all
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<Jiangyi> desg: O_O
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: why there are no new ics roms for G?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Umm.. There are. Bunch of AOKP based ROMs and MIUI.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i mean samsung roms
<Jiangyi> Well, there's one.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: one
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: :-D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Why have more than one? It's just samsung xD
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: do you remind the day where we had cam working with upside down preview?
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yeah? :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: how good did this work?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: It was actually rotated 90 degrees, not upside down, and the pics actually came out fine surprisingly.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: hmm. sounds interesting :-D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Why do you mention it?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: was opensource cam and nexus ducati image
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: should give it another try
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Wait, I thought you told me back then that it was the Tab 2's cam. ._.
<codeworkx> hmm
<codeworkx> no nexus afaik
<codeworkx> dunno
<codeworkx> lemme test :-D
<Jiangyi> OK then lol
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Working on one last patch to send you, and then it's all done.
<Jiangyi> :-P
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<OhGeezMetro> cm10 works suprisingly well on my fassy :D
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<fayezkhan555> @codeworkx currently what are u working on????
<bbqbot> fayezkhan555: Command does not exist!
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<Baskey> @kick fayezkhan555 DO NOT PING CODY
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<Fissurez> oooh, bitch got owned.
<mikeybaby72> lol
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<Fissurez> oh, he's back.
<Baskey> @op
<Fissurez> @awesome
<bbqbot> Fissurez: Command does not exist!
<Fissurez> aw :C
<Fissurez> you raged too hard
<Fissurez> wait.. are you using the rom that shall not be named?
<Baskey> yep
<Fissurez> well then, expect that then :D
<Fissurez> also, you guys need to jump on that name.
<Baskey> Charlie Mike One Zero
<Fissurez> that still counts.
<codeworkx> why don't u name it?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> you should kick yourself.
<Baskey> Fissurez: ok
<Baskey> @kick Baskey
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [Baskey]
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<Fissurez> :D
<Baskey> @op
<codeworkx> CodyMod10?
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<Fissurez> which irc client are you using?
<Fissurez> yaaic is nice, but...
<Virtual-R> mIRC
<Virtual-R> hihi
<Baskey> AndroIRC
<codeworkx> quassel and quasseldroid :-P
<Jiangyi> QWebIRC :-D
<Fissurez> quassel <3
<Jiangyi> And AndChat
Virtual-R is now known as Virtual-R_Away
<Fissurez> meh, call me a snob, but i was dissapointed by the quassel looks.
<Fissurez> although..... if you could skin it.
<Fissurez> also annoying that you need a core, considering i don't have my pc on all the time
<mikeybaby72> I'll be back soon peeps - Keep it Android! ;-)
boog has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> mikeybaby72: cya
<Fissurez> anyone want to suggest any good CM9 kernels?
<Baskey> Fissurez: WHA DEVIEC
<Fissurez> wha?
<Fissurez> oh
<Fissurez> SGS2
<Fissurez> i9100
BrandoHD has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<Fissurez> YES
* Fissurez high fives Baskey
airuzzo has joined #teamhacksung-support
* Baskey rapes xplodwild
<datagutt> SGS3 FTW
<Fissurez> WOAH
<Fissurez> O_O
<Baskey> datagutt: no
<airuzzo> hi there :)
<datagutt> YES
<Jiangyi> I9100G FTW
<Fissurez> no.
<Baskey> Jiangyi: no
<Fissurez> i9100G is a KIRF i9100
<Baskey> Fissurez: +1
<airuzzo> guy pls can i ask something about google voice command on JB ?
<airuzzo> guys*
<Baskey> syre
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: Then it's a KIRF that is better than the OG. ;-)
<Baskey> sure*
<datagutt> i hate all these devices with small changes
<Fissurez> Jiangyi: keep telling yourself that, with your non-exynos processor.
<datagutt> the only thing it does is fragment the rom community
<airuzzo> im from it and i have set pico tts and it language
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: Tell that to cody. :-P
<datagutt> buy one of those slightly changed device
<airuzzo> but google dont recognize command, only google search...
BrandoHD has joined #teamhacksung-support
<datagutt> bam, less rom to choose from
<datagutt> airuzzo: enable google now in the settings
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: He wants Exynos to die in a flame lol
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<airuzzo> datagutt: pls where? setting/ then ?
<Fissurez> buhahahaha
<seamus92> hey, does this work on a uk model of the i900
<Fissurez> does what?
<bbqbot> derp
<datagutt> press the searchbar
<Fissurez> seamus92: i9100?
<datagutt> the google part
<BrandoHD> will try this quassel
<seamus92> yee
<datagutt> then press menu
<datagutt> settings
<Fissurez> seamus92: or i9000
<datagutt> google now
<datagutt> then press the switch ontop
<Fissurez> seamus92: i9100 is the same throughout the world, and read the IRC channel topic.
<seamus92> The S2 is what i ment mine is running XPQL I think
<airuzzo> ty datagutt , i have schede now, voice, mobile search and privacy & account
<airuzzo> not google now :(
<Fissurez> seamus92: basically, you mention the taboo word, and Baskey boots your ass.
<Fissurez> he's kinda crazy.
<datagutt> try installing latest gapps
<Baskey> I'M MENTAL
makimac has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [XULRunner 12.0/20120420145725]]
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<airuzzo> ok im using gapps-jb-20120717-signed now, are not last ?
<Fissurez> are not last?
<airuzzo> il try to pick from rom manager...
<Fissurez> Baskey: you never told me a good kernel
<Fissurez> airuzzo: rom manager doesn't have JB Gapps.
<Baskey> airuzzo: gapps-jb-20120726
<Fissurez> you want the one for 4.1.1
<Baskey> Fissurez: Siyah seems to be a quite good kernel
<airuzzo> lol 26 :) ok ill try this, ty vm Baskey , really appreciated
<Baskey> Fissurez: and there's an another kernel, based on Siyah, but with TWRP recovery
seamus92 has quit [Client Quit]
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<Fissurez> TWRP?
<Baskey> yep
<Fissurez> wassat
<Fissurez> better than CWM?
<Baskey> YEP
romann is now known as romann|afk
<Fissurez> "team win"
<Fissurez> i like this already
<Baskey> :D
<Baskey> you have to choose TWRP in ExTweaks settings
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> what about that?
<Fissurez> it derps with links too?
<Fissurez> or is it if there's a sentance with a question mark in.....
<Baskey> there's a question mark
<Baskey> so...
<Fissurez> ? + ? = DERP
fghdfg has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> ? + ? + ? + ? + ? + ? + ? = DERP
<Fissurez> 5th one is next!
<Fissurez> ♪
<Fissurez> Baskey: any opinions on neak kernel?
<cantIntoCode> who knows who richard stallman is?
<cantIntoCode> got something really funny
<Baskey> Fissurez: nope
<Fissurez> google does.
<Baskey> @google richard stallman
<bbqbot> Richard Stallman&#39;s Personal Page -
<cantIntoCode> hes the GNU guy
<datagutt> he uses yoolong laptop
<cantIntoCode> yaa
<datagutt> 9inch with open bios and slow as shit processor
<cantIntoCode> yep ^
<cantIntoCode> he uses it for vi and email or something
<datagutt> poor guy, he freaked out when he got his bag stolen
<datagutt> medicine and stuff
<cantIntoCode> read that email someone sent him hahaha ^
<datagutt> laptop without backup because he doesnt trust the cloud
<datagutt> haha
<datagutt> he got humour though
<Fissurez> odd.
<cantIntoCode> yeah hahahaa
<Fissurez> make hate comment against apple = instantly funny?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> DERPED
<Fissurez> apple is crap
<cantIntoCode> no someone emailed him obviously taking the piss
* Fissurez waits for the applease and laughter
<cantIntoCode> I'm a mac user
<datagutt> i use mac
<Fissurez> will i be funny if i make fun of you?
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<bbqbot> CRAPPLE
<datagutt> just updated to mountain lion
<Fissurez> y
<datagutt> bbqbot: PORT TREBUCHET DAMMIT
<datagutt> OR IF YOUR CHAD
<datagutt> hi
<Baskey> lol
<datagutt> AGAIN
<datagutt> xD
<datagutt> POSHESSED
<datagutt> BY NEBKAT
<Fissurez> PASHESSED
<Baskey> posh code
<datagutt> LIKE MEIZU
<Baskey> HEH, MEIZU, HEH
Jiangyi_ has joined #teamhacksung-support
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|laptop
<Baskey> Jiangyi_,
<Baskey> whats up dood
<Fissurez> yeah, why does a non samsung phone have an exynos?
<Fissurez> i'm confussled.
Jiangyi_ is now known as Jiangyi
thunder has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Jiangyi> datagutt: China Unicom is more like AT&T.
<Baskey> China Unicorn
thunder is now known as Guest50765
<datagutt> Jiangyi: what is pccw more like?
<datagutt> meizu has a deal with them
<Fissurez> also, any tips when flashing kernels? like charging to full or something?
<datagutt> bloatware branded phones and shit
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|laptop: seems to work ;-)
<Baskey> Fissurez: JUST DO IT
<Fissurez> yay!
<Guest50765> hi, i just flashed cm9 rc2 build followed by gapps-ics-20120317-signed .... problem is now I have no google play market installed. anyone help with that?
<Fissurez> i install zip vie CWM?
<Jiangyi> datagutt: That's Hong Kong stuff, so idk :-|
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yay :-D
<datagutt> Jiangyi: Y U NO HONGKONG
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<Jiangyi> datagutt: I no want to speak da Cantonese
<datagutt> Jiangyi: get me a meeting with jack wong
<datagutt> and the other meizu bosses
<Baskey> Guest50765: try gapps-ics-20120429-signed
<datagutt> and get me a gun
* Chuck_Bartowski hits Baskey with an unhuman PASOK
<datagutt> :p
<Jiangyi> datagutt: ...........
<Fissurez> datagutt: woah
autoprime has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Fissurez> u crazy man
<datagutt> not really
<Baskey> datagutt: Y U SO HOLMES
<datagutt> just pissed at meizu
<datagutt> i hope they unlock my loader
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<Fissurez> hehehe,
irReDD has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Guest50765> thanks baskey ill try that now
<Fissurez> Baskey: i just flash the kernel zip in CWM amirite?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> urite
<Fissurez> awmahgerd, internet so slow
<Fissurez> somone go burn down bt's offices for me
<datagutt> and im crazy?
<Fissurez> yes.
<Fissurez> i have a valid reason
<datagutt> destroying meizu would do chinese a favor
<Fissurez> exactly.
<Fissurez> they don't need favours
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<datagutt> and stupid europeans/americans/whateverarebuyingthisshit
<datagutt> CHINA KITTENS
<Fissurez> they haev all the world's money.
<Fissurez> YES
<datagutt> IT
<Fissurez> it needs a fluffy processor.
<datagutt> Kitten computer inc.
<datagutt> YES
<Baskey> datagutt: I WANT A BBQPHONE
<Baskey> lol
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<Fissurez> THEY LIED
<datagutt> dude i have 10mbits
<datagutt> and 0,5upload
<Baskey> ditto
<Fissurez> i have 6
<datagutt> 0,5 fucking upload
<Fissurez> and it cuts out every now and then
<Baskey> 10mbits
<datagutt> xD
<datagutt> i pay for 20
<datagutt> get like 12 download
<Baskey> datagutt: Y WE SO SLO
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yamba has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
<datagutt> and the company that provides faster speed has shit support
<datagutt> and lots of problems so fuck em
<datagutt> xD
<Fissurez> oh look.
irReDD has quit [Client Quit]
<datagutt> FUCKING GET
<datagutt> (hi espenfjo=
<datagutt> nextgentel atleast works
<datagutt> kinda
<Jiangyi> Wow, quassel does look kind of weird.
<Fissurez> Jiangyi: desktop?
<datagutt> xD
<datagutt> ok you win
<datagutt> or lose
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: Yeah.
datagutt has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<Fissurez> Jiangyi: ITS WONDERFUL
* Jiangyi waits for repo to sync
ciwrl|work is now known as ciwrl|away
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: It's even weirder on my computer since it uses the Chinese default font for displaying English. ._.
<Fissurez> XD
<Fissurez> i skinned mine to look a bit like a mac irc client called limechat
<Baskey> Y U ONLY 7.5
<Baskey> I HAZ 10
<Fissurez> because phones.
<Jiangyi> OK, found where to change fonts.
<Jiangyi> Calibri looks better.
<Fissurez> wut.
<Baskey> Fissurez: YEP
<Fissurez> did you mod that apk?
<Fissurez> or is that your language?
<cantIntoCode> limechat ftw
<Fissurez> because if so, that's awesome
<Baskey> Fissurez: I'm from Poland, dude
<Fissurez> cantIntoCode: don't ever enable auto download images.
<Baskey> uruchom ponownie = restart
<Fissurez> :O
<Guest50765> hey baskey the 0429 googleapps worked, thanks!
<Fissurez> THAT IS SO COOL!
<Fissurez> >:C
<Baskey> Guest50765: I'm glad
<cantIntoCode> Fissurez: I already have
<cantIntoCode> lol
<cantIntoCode> I've been hit a few times with that lol
<Jiangyi> <- This is only cuz I'm syncing repo.
<Fissurez> cantIntoCode: you are a masocist!
<Fissurez> Baskey: do i get banned for posting a link to a goatse jpeg? i want to make cantIntoCode's life horrible.
<cantIntoCode> i can fap to that
<Fissurez> oh.
<Fissurez> right, ban him now.
<cantIntoCode> lol
<Jiangyi> lol
<Baskey> Fissurez: POST IT NAO
<Fissurez> no.
<Fissurez> O_o
<Fissurez> i literally made that face
<Baskey> :D
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<Fissurez> also, where does dropbox save it's files?
<bbqbot> derp
<Guest50765> seeing as everyone else is doing it
<Baskey> nice one
<codeworkx> ohai, teh theme manager
<Baskey> xplodwild: I hate Orange so much
<Baskey> kill 'em or sth
<Fissurez> Baskey: i hate purple.
<Baskey> <high five>
<Fissurez> no u
<Jiangyi> Guest50765: T_T
<Baskey> Jiangyi: U JELLY?
<Guest50765> mmmm jelly
<Jiangyi> Verizon Fios, Y u no in Canada? T_T
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<Fissurez> because magic.
murin has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> #blamemeizu
<Fissurez> i claim that channel as my own!
<Fissurez> because i clicked on it.
<Guest50765> thanks again for the help
murin has left #teamhacksung-support [#teamhacksung-support]
<Fissurez> i try my hardest.
<Baskey> Guest50765: you're welcom
<Baskey> e
<Baskey> stupid enter
<Fissurez> poor enter.
<Baskey> Fissurez: that's your fault, REMOVE ENTER FROM TEH PREMISES
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: wants new build?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Very much so yes :-D
<Fissurez> build of what?!
<Baskey> I CAN HAZ NO ENTER?!?!
joethc has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Fissurez> hu?
<Baskey> nebkat
<Fissurez> hu?
<Jiangyi> Hmmm.... Github is awefully slow today.
<bbqbot> derp
punkerbruin has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<Jiangyi> awfully*
<Fissurez> also, who wants to buy me a nexus 7!
<Baskey> Fissurez: netchip
<Baskey> Jiangyi: ¡Ay caramba!
<Fissurez> hu?
<Jiangyi> ?
<Baskey> Fissurez: chippy teh kangstah
<ernie`> I'll get my Nexus 7 come 1st August :D
<Fissurez> i have no idea who or what you are talking about
<Baskey> Fissurez: U DON'T KNO NETCHIP?
<Fissurez> no u
<Fissurez> oh!
<Fissurez> yay!
<Fissurez> i'm sure he has a spare.
Guest50765 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<Fissurez> even though it's ASUS?
<Baskey> yep, he's posh
<Fissurez> tell him to send me one.
<Fissurez> and ask him both nicely and in an agressive way
<Baskey> Fissurez: DOIT YOURSELF
<Baskey> @google netchip twitter
<bbqbot> netchip (NetchipTl) on Twitter -
<Baskey> HERE YOU GO
<Fissurez> wut twitter.
<Fissurez> no
Jiangyi|laptop has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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<Baskey> @geo user Fissurez
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Fissurez
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1453456128,1453456383],"country":"GB","region":"A5","city":"Bedford","ll":[52.1333,-0.45]}
<Fissurez> ...
<Fissurez> BEDFORD?!
<Fissurez> DAFUQ
<Baskey> SOEH U R BRIT
<Fissurez> yes
<Fissurez> the best kind of brit!
<Baskey> I BET U R
<ernie`> posh?
<Fissurez> YAS
<Jiangyi> Wow, Tab 2 has an IR emitter? :O
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> no, poor as fuck cause i'm still in education.
<Fissurez> otherwise i'd go buy my own nexus
<ernie`> hrhr
<Fissurez> then get an ipad.
<cantIntoCode> geo me
* cantIntoCode is also a brit
<Fissurez> don't care
<Baskey> Fissurez: HAO OLD R U
<cantIntoCode> nH
<cantIntoCode> fuck the queen
<Fissurez> ew
<Fissurez> 17
<cantIntoCode> not literally.
<ernie`> gross
<Fissurez> ^
<Baskey> Fissurez: lawl, so am I
<cantIntoCode> >not being 18
<Fissurez> queen is a nice old lady, you can't hate her
<cantIntoCode> sucks to be you
<Fissurez> nup
<Jiangyi> cantIntoCode: Queen's pretty popular here in Canada :-P
<cantIntoCode> Jiangyi: so I've heard
<Baskey> I saw her panties on some kind of auction
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<Baskey> or sth like that
<Fissurez> cause she's an old lady with enough bling to make most rappers feel inadequate.
<Jiangyi> .......
<Fissurez> bitch has dat swag going on.
<ernie`> queen's got style, yo
<Jiangyi> You know it's bad when you're syncing repo and Ubuntu tells you that there's only 300 MB of space left. =[
<Fissurez> wut
<Fissurez> Jiangyi: BIGGER HARD DRIVE!
<Fissurez> or bigger sd
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: Well, Bigger VM hard drive.
<Jiangyi> Was a totally stupid move to only set it to 20GB.
<Fissurez> nah, just bigger hard drive.
<Fissurez> Jiangyi: yes.
<Fissurez> buy another hard drive!
<Baskey> Jiangyi: IDIOTTE
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: I have 400GB of free space lol
<Fissurez> YAY!
<Fissurez> Jiangyi: i have ~ 1.3TB
<Fissurez> steamsale hit me hard.
<dixipix> Hey guys, suddenly when i was entering my recovery to make a nandroid backup nothing works. I didnt do anything in recovery at all. When i tried to make a backup i got te message E:Cant open /tmp/recovery.log
<dixipix> Now i cant reboot or flash something
<dixipix> im stuck in recovery
autoprime has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Fissurez> can't even turn off?
<Baskey> dixipix: can you access download mode?
<Fissurez> right you need to be careful. get a hammer.
<dixipix> yes. but when you turn it on im in recovery again
<Fissurez> o
<dixipix> Yes i can acess download mode
<Baskey> dixipix: so flash something through the odin (whatever, sammy rom or cm9 ressurection)
<dixipix> derp. i got OSX :(
<Baskey> heimdall?
autoprime has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Jiangyi> dixipix: Try Heimdall.
<dixipix> can you link me to a version that is compatible?
<Fissurez> ♪
<Baskey> Jiangyi: help him nao, asap
<Jiangyi> Baskey: You do it, Heimdall's not my area D:
<Baskey> mine neither
<Jiangyi> I actually think that the original Heimdall site is down. :-|
<dixipix> doh
<cantIntoCode> anyone on mountain lion yet?
<Fissurez> cantIntoCode: why would you do that?
<dixipix> never used heimdall. is it safe?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> lion was pretty bad.
<cantIntoCode> I like lion
<autoprime> mountain lion > lion
<Fissurez> wait until bugs are fixed.
<autoprime> snappier
<Fissurez> oh?
* Jiangyi doesn't like Mac OS X in general
<cantIntoCode> might update my hackintosh
<cantIntoCode> idk if I want to risk it tho lol
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<autoprime> i use Spaces.. and transitions are ultra smooth. like ics vs jb
<Fissurez> Jiangyi: too apply?
<cantIntoCode> spaces are awesome
<Fissurez> i have a spaces clone on my pc
<utzgf456> whats "spaces"?
<Fissurez> it's meh.
<Fissurez> utzgf456: awesome if you have a trackpad on a mac.
<cantIntoCode> ahh
<cantIntoCode> windows users does not know what spaces is
<autoprime> spaces plus mac tracpad with swipping = <3
<cantIntoCode> autoprime: yes <3
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: Even Ubuntu is better.
<utzgf456> ah your talking about mac stuff
<Fissurez> mac trackpads are brilliant
<Fissurez> utzgf456: what did you expect? this is #teamhacksung
* Jiangyi is a Windows user and a Linux noob
<Jiangyi> There, I admitted it.
<autoprime> im def not an apple guy.. but i do like my macbook pro :)
<utzgf456> yeah^^
utzgf456 has quit [Client Quit]
<cantIntoCode> autoprime: same
<Fissurez> the new macbook pro is sexy.
<cantIntoCode> fuck apple
<cantIntoCode> but I like my macbook pro
<cantIntoCode> and my hackintosh lol
<Fissurez> i'd fuck the retina macbook pro
<Jiangyi> The new macbook pro has no ethernet port. =\
<Fissurez> not literally.
<cantIntoCode> mines is a mid 2011 model :(
<Jiangyi> Well, not built-in
* cantIntoCode haz no retina
<dixipix> i found heimdall 1.3.2
<dixipix> latest?
<Jiangyi> Have to buy a $30 thunderbolt to Ethernet adapter.
<Fissurez> yup
<Fissurez> but use wifi
<autoprime> ya thats rather silly. tho i bet the avg apple user hasnt used an ethernet plug in years
<Fissurez> you shouldn't need ethernet.
<cantIntoCode> 1.3.2 is fucked
<Fissurez> not for a mac
<cantIntoCode> use 1.3.1
random_ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Fissurez> what's this I hear about the rom that shall not be named not having any sound in calls?
edude03 has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<random_> is there a workiing/ not working list?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> just like the sound in calls?
<Fissurez> random_: too early for that
<random_> when should i come back?
<random_> ohhh
<random_> nvm
<random_> okok
<random_> when can we expect 1?
<Fissurez> it's like the spanish inquisition.
<random_> lol
<codeworkx> random_: everything works
dixipix has quit [Quit: Lämnar]
<random_> waaw
<Fissurez> woahwoah, i almost pinged cody
<Fissurez> *phew*
<Baskey> Fissurez: BEWARE, YOUNG LAD
<Fissurez> so all the things people are saying about HW accell and sound in calls not working is wrong?
<random_> ya think samys gonna jb the s2
<random_> ?
<Fissurez> random_: eventually
<Fissurez> when they get round to it.
<Fissurez> maybe in a few years time.
<Baskey> Fissurez: hwcomposer is b0rkd
<random_> 4.0.4 was only released a month ago..
<Fissurez> so hardware accel is borked then?
<random_> probably jb next year then
<Fissurez> random_: woah there, S2 is no longer their flagship device.
<Baskey> Fissurez: I'm not so wise to answer
dixipix has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> BUT
<Baskey> probably
<random_> is googles voice assistant FULLY working?
<Fissurez> wait... what is hwcomposer?
<bbqbot> derp
EvilBelgian has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
<dixipix> i have now managed to install heimdall 1.3.1 and now?
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<Fissurez> i'm all new to this hacky android stuff.
<Baskey> "xplodwild: what is hwcomposer" is our internal joke/meme
<Fissurez> wut.
<Baskey> you can ping him
<Baskey> feel free to
<Fissurez> he's away
<Fissurez> no point
<Baskey> PING
<ernie`> xD
random_ has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<Fissurez> xplodwild: I'M SORRY HE TOLD ME TO
jfdl has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Fissurez> ok, now what is it?
<Baskey> have no idea
<Baskey> xplodwild: what is hwcomposer?
<codeworkx> a kind of beer
<Fissurez> YAY
<jfdl> what is not working
<jfdl> on jelly bean
<codeworkx> me
<dixipix> How do i proceed with heimdall. What do i need to download?
<cantIntoCode> lol
<codeworkx> because i'Ve vacations
<codeworkx> so i'm not working
<Fissurez> jfdl: YOUR MOTHER!
<cantIntoCode> I remember in the i9000 days some asked what is nightlies
<Baskey> cantIntoCode: lol
<cantIntoCode> I said roms that only work at night and they believed me
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: So that's why you don't need sleep :O
<Fissurez> buhahahaha
<Baskey> hahaha
<cantIntoCode> I think codeworkx posted after it with facepalm
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: :-D
<Fissurez> BASKEY
<Fissurez> HE PINGED HIM
<Fissurez> THEY BOTH DID
<Baskey> Jiangyi CAN
<codeworkx> DAFUQ!
<jfdl> fissurez are trying to be funny
<Baskey> Jiangyi is awesome enough to ping Cody
<Jiangyi> Yay
<Baskey> Fissurez IS funny
<Fissurez> ^
<codeworkx> Jiangyi went through the hell because of me
<Fissurez> Baskey: what about cantIntoCode?
<codeworkx> he's allowed
<Fissurez> oh?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You mean my phone went through hell lol
<codeworkx> ya
<Fissurez> ohlol
<Fissurez> how borked
<cantIntoCode> I'm allowed what o_O
<Fissurez> cantIntoCode: THE TOPIC! THE TOPIC!
<jfdl> i am asking wether there is something not working in the new rom
<cantIntoCode> WHAT TOPIC
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: CM9 tests with about 5 flashes everyday for more than a month. :-P
<Fissurez> jfdl: which new rom?
<Baskey> /topic
<jfdl> jelly bean rom
<Fissurez> cantIntoCode: the channel topic
<jfdl> for i9100
<Jiangyi> Ah damn.
<Fissurez> jfdl: any specific jb rom :D
<Jiangyi> Repo sync failed.
<jfdl> the latest
<cantIntoCode> ahh okay
<cantIntoCode> lol
* Fissurez is kick baiting
<dixipix> can somebody guide me through heimdall flash so i can revive my phone?
<Jiangyi> No space left. D:
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: mahahahaha
<Baskey> Jiangyi: Y U NO LEAK KEY LIME PIE SAUCE?!
<codeworkx> dixipix: heimdall flash --kernel whatever.img
<Fissurez> key lime pie is such a bad name
<codeworkx> kilaimpi
<cantIntoCode> kake
<cantIntoCode> lol
<Baskey> cream pie
<dixipix> what kernel should i use for CM9. dont remember
<ernie`> lol hats
<Fissurez> dixipix: i just installed the NEAK kernel
<Fissurez> see, i think "kransekake" would be a much better dessert
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<Jiangyi> I thought the latest rumours pointed to Kandy Kane.
<Fissurez> jfdl: say the name, i dare you :D
<Fissurez> Baskey is in a psycotic mood today :D
<Baskey> @topic TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <xplodwild> see the August whore on my balls | <codeworkx> KalimAz: I can see my panties | NO ETAs | DO NOT PING CODY | DONT TALK ABOUT CM10 | Android 5.0 Kransekake
bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <xplodwild> see the August whore on my balls | <codeworkx> KalimAz: I can see my panties | NO ETAs | DO NOT PING CODY | DONT TALK ABOUT CM10 | Android 5.0 Kransekake
<jfdl> cm-10-20120725-EXPERIMENTAL-i9100-CODEWORKX
<ernie`> kransekake xD
<Fissurez> HE SAID IT!
<glurak888> hi my cam is freezing as i record videos on my s2 with cm10
<codeworkx> :-D
<Fissurez> Baskey: DOOOO EEEEET
<ernie`> I would love to see an android named kransekake
<Fissurez> ernie`: agreed
<glurak888> ???
<Fissurez> Baskey: u suck
<codeworkx> what will happen if i post a dl link into a wrong thread?
<Fissurez> @topic
<Baskey> EXCUSE ME?
<glurak888> ok thx i suck ?
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> Fissurez: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Fissurez> codeworkx: hilarity!
<Fissurez> OSHIT
<jfdl> where are you guys
* Fissurez hides
<jfdl> waiting for answers
<glurak888> i need help
<Baskey> Fissurez: NO MERCY
<Baskey> @kick Fissurez
Fissurez was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [Fissurez]
Fissurez has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Fissurez> :C
<codeworkx> could be funny
<Baskey> Fissurez: HAVEN'T NOTICED
<koud> :=)
<jfdl> what is not working cm-10-20120725-EXPERIMENTAL-i9100-CODEWORKX
<Fissurez> bully.
<codeworkx> jfdl: works fine, use it
<Fissurez> wait cody, you still working on it?
<jfdl> everything working from camera to other app
<ernie`> just post the name of the zip with no link
<Fissurez> umad!
<jfdl> ???
<Fissurez> ucrazy!
<glurak888> hey codeworkx? when will come the next build out ? ;)
<Fissurez> HE PINGED HIM Baskey!
<codeworkx> DAFUQ
<codeworkx> ETA
<codeworkx> ALARM
<Fissurez> he also asked for an eta.
<codeworkx> glurak888: 24.12.2045
<ernie`> he will be missed
<jfdl> codeworkx as everything ok including camera and other app
<Baskey> @kick glurak888
glurak888 was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [glurak888]
<Fissurez> pwnted.
<codeworkx> jfdl: yrp
<dixipix> @ codeworkx can only find a tar file or a zip file. which can i use in heamdall? (im feeling like a complete retard right now)
<Fissurez> OH NOES!
<codeworkx> dixipix: extract the tar
<codeworkx> dixipix: and use whats in
<Baskey> Fissurez: HE'Z ALLOWED
<dixipix> thanks!
<Fissurez> i feel like i'm being discriminated against.
<Baskey> get used to it
<codeworkx> Fissurez: STFU
<Fissurez> :'C
<codeworkx> xD
<Fissurez> ;_;
<dixipix> can i use neak to even try out the cm10 preview?
<Fissurez> they still didn't fix the mytouch 4g text on the cm website
<Fissurez> this makes me mad.
<ernie`> my timezone is telling me to sleep.. good night
<Baskey> gn, ernie`
<Fissurez> same, BUT I SHALL NOT GIVE IN!
<Baskey> mwah
<Fissurez> O_o
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<Fissurez> YES
<dixipix> okey. i will not fuck this up. When i extract the tar i found a file named zimage. That one will go in to the tab FLASH in heimdall. Thats it?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> also, tomahawk is a program i thoroughly recommend
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<dixipix> it just says its a invalid file :S
<Fissurez> :O
<Baskey> Google Nao, I <3 U
<Fissurez> hmm..
<Fissurez> maybe i should give the rom that shall not be named another chance -.-
<Karbowiak> lolwat
<Karbowiak> CM10 for SGS2 ?!
<Fissurez> ...
* Fissurez facedesk
<Baskey> Karbowiak: YEP
<Baskey> I9100 TO BE EXACT
<Karbowiak> neato
<Fissurez> why am i the only person tha get's kicked for breaking the rules ;_;
<dixipix> this isnt working
<Baskey> neato burito
<Karbowiak> im assuming everything is broken
<Baskey> Karbowiak: nah
<Fissurez> Karbowiak: funilly enough, you'd be wrong
<Baskey> it's my daily rom nao
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<Karbowiak> so what's broken? lol
<Baskey> hwcomposer
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<Baskey> and sum lil' things
<Karbowiak> so the main thing about JB isn't working? lol
<Baskey> it's not buttery smooth, but I can hande it
<Fissurez> ohlol
<Karbowiak> lol
<Karbowiak> ah well
<Fissurez> Baskey: in terms of smoothness
<Karbowiak> i shall try!
<Fissurez> ?
<Baskey> Fissurez: same lvl
<Fissurez> then why is it better?
DJClean has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
<Fissurez> -.-
<Baskey> it's snappy from time to time
<Fissurez> i used a nexus 7 today
<Baskey> but I don't want to go back to ICS
<Fissurez> want one more now
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Last one, I promise:
<Fissurez> Baskey: but it's not as stable!
<Fissurez> :O
<Fissurez> LEEK?!
<Baskey> that's true
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Damn that was fast. O_O
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<Fissurez> Baskey: because quassel isn't!
<Jiangyi> CM9 Chinese is done! W00t!
<Baskey> I WANT DAT
<Fissurez> Baskey: although i do look forward to a monolithic client for quassel
<Fissurez> like on windows
<Fissurez> basically, quassel is really good if you have your pc on all the time
<Fissurez> otherwise? nope.
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> derp yourself.
<Jiangyi> brb dinner
<bbqbot> derp
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Dinner
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<Baskey> Fissurez: what the... what the?
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<Fissurez> goatman is goat.
<Baskey> “He was actually on his hands and knees. He was climbing over rocks and bushes and pretty rough terrain on a steep hillside. We were the only ones around for miles. It was real creepy.”
<Fissurez> turns out he was a hunter
<Baskey> holy crap, that guy is even more mental than me!
Krebo has quit [Client Quit]
<Baskey> I mean... seriously
<Fissurez> i dunno, he was actually trying out his goat costume for the archery hunting season
<Fissurez> pretty crafty.
mattofsweden|afk has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
* Fissurez is tired.
<Baskey> so am I
<Fissurez> want to have a contest?
<Baskey> depends
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<Fissurez> what's faster, my x buttong or your ban button?
<Fissurez> codeworkx CM10 GALAXY S2 I9100 WHEN IS CHANGELOGS
Fissurez has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Baskey> your x button
<Baskey> I'm too lazy
<SHoTTa35> bastid
<Baskey> @ban Fissurez
<bbqbot> Baskey: Command does not exist!
<Baskey> @op
<Baskey> @ban Fissurez
<bbqbot> Baskey: Command does not exist!
<Baskey> OH NOES
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<Baskey> @kickban Fissurez
<Baskey> @unban Fissurez
<dixipix> heimdall wont cooperate with me. which file do i need and where should i put it in hemidall?
SoOlDiEr has joined #teamhacksung-support
<SoOlDiEr> hello
<SoOlDiEr> Guys i have a quick question
<SoOlDiEr> if possible a simplae answer
<SoOlDiEr> simple*.
<SoOlDiEr> anyone ?
<BrandoHD> ask ?
<SoOlDiEr> great
Baskey has quit [Quit: If you were there, beware.]
<SoOlDiEr> umm is there anyway we can get radio app to work on codeowrkxx builds specifically on i9100G
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<SoOlDiEr> nock nock
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<Karbowiak> whoever said that the camera would only do 3MP is most likely wrong, mine does 8MP just fine
<Jiangyi|Dinner> SoOlDiEr: Nope.
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<Jiangyi|Dinner> Karbowiak: It used to do that when there were duplicate cameras, one's 8MP and one's 3MP
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<Jiangyi|Dinner> codeworkx: Anything to look for other than the cam?
<bbqbot> derp
Jiangyi|Dinner is now known as Jiangyi
JBaddict has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Thracky> back to cm9 for me :| just got one of those kinda cool but kinda shit philips fidelio alarm clocks and it uses bt audio
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<Thracky> 10 is pretty damn nice though even without hw accel heh
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: Exchange it for an I9100G. xD
<Jiangyi> jk