bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <codeworkx> samsung phones are accidents | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
<Jiangyi> W00t?
<Alram> yeah
<Alram> they have to recalculate damages now
<Alram> itll most likely be about 2 million less
<sinc> fuck yeah mmmmurica
<Jug6ernaut> this just goes to prove how stupid americans are ;S
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<Kenji> Today's verdict should not be viewed as a win for Apple, but as a loss for the American consumer. It will lead to fewer choices, less innovation, and potentially higher prices. It is unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to give one company a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners, or technology that is being improved every day by Samsung and other companies. Consumers have the right to choices, and they
<Kenji> know what they are buying when they purchase Samsung products.
<Jiangyi> ”So, just to be clear, when faced with 700 decisions the jury was good to go. But when faced with two decisions, they need some guidance.“
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<DuperMan> lol. apple raped xmas, la dee da
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<Allen_R> how is this working as a daily driver
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<ames> hi guys
<ames> have a weird issue installing cm rom on my p3100
<ames> there is a check for the model which fails
<ames> tried to turn off the asserts but it's still exev them
<ames> model seems correct
<ames> ideas how to debug?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> ames: If you're 100% certain that you have the right file and the right model, then open the zip up and delete the first line of updater-script.
<ames> cool, yes i'm sure. how can i output the value which the device is reportimg?
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<Jiangyi> ames: Pardon me?
<ames> it does getprop("ro.product.device") to do this check. how can i vheck what value this call rrturns
<Jiangyi> Well, if it fails, then it should usually tell you what you have versus what it should be.
<ames> agree but since the values it checks against look correct, i want to see what the function returns and figure out what's wrong. maybe there is extra dash or something
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<ames> I don't seem to find updater-script into those builds, is that the right location: \META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script
<Jiangyi> Yes.
<Jiangyi> Sorry, didn't list the whole thing.
* Jiangyi is sleepy :S
<ames> disregard, found it
<ames> got this
<ames> assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "p3100" || getprop("") == "p3100" || getprop("ro.product.device") == "GT-P3100" || getprop("") == "GT-P3100" || getprop("ro.product.device") == "espressorf" || getprop("") == "espressorf" || getprop("ro.product.device") == "espressorfxx" || getprop("") == "espressorfxx");
<ames> and it looks correct as the device is gt-p3100
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<ames> is this going to work:
<ames> ui_print(getprop("ro.product.device")); ui_print(getprop(""));
<Jiangyi> Just delete the line completely.
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<ames> interestingly, the value is expressowifi
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<ames> removing the line worked
<ames> Thanks a lot Jiangyi!
<Jiangyi> No prob. :)
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<Jiangyi> And now to sleep.
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<DuperMan> my petition is bigger
* DuperMan petitions to denote the wording of any and all petitions to date and to come not making exception of this meta-petition, resultant text with the suffix of this statement being the constitution of said petition
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<MacDrunk> hello
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<MacDrunk> anyone here alive
<pw> ZZZzzzzZZ
<pw> :D
<MacDrunk> lol
<MacDrunk> any way were to get thems for cm9 stable
<MacDrunk> or apps
<MacDrunk> also bluethoot is not workinig
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<MacDrunk> hm,
<MacDrunk> damit and i thowht this rom was the most stable
<MacDrunk> shit no bluetooth and no wifi direct
<MacDrunk> damit
<pw> problems with wifi and bt under cm9? restart your device
<MacDrunk> nop
<MacDrunk> it wont work
<MacDrunk> wifi direct is not aviable on any menu,, i mean if you want to send a pick it just not apper on send by menu
<MacDrunk> and if i want to install the bluetooth peripherial device driver it wont let me
<MacDrunk> any ideas
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<Mike79> Hey guys. Starting with a nightly for i9100g a few days ago, the camera is missing. everything else seems fine. just updated to latest nightly, again the same behaviour. I have (re) installed gapps 820120429). Any idea?
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<Mike79> any help?
<Mike79> *cough*
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<Debiano> hi
<Debiano> can i install CyanogenMod 10.0.x on my galaxy S III i9300 ?
<bbqbot> derp
<bealtine> yes but its experimental
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<Debiano> what is the last stable release ?
<bealtine> there isnt one...
<bealtine> still experimental
<Debiano> ok
<bealtine> keep an eye on for releases
<Debiano> i try this
<Debiano> version 10
<Debiano> :)
<bealtine> remember its still buggy
<Debiano> mmmm
<Debiano> 9.0 ? Is better stable ?
<bealtine> well its a stable release
<Debiano> ok... i try this :)
<Debiano> but
<Debiano> i must use the 9.0 version or last 9.0 nightly ?
<bealtine> 9 stable
<Debiano> ok
<Debiano> tnx :)
<Frd> fu Modern Combat 3 is not working on cm9 on sgs3 =/
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<Galaxys2_> hello
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<Debiano> installed 9.0 stable :)
<Debiano> first boot :D
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<Debiano> mmmm... boot splash...
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<bealtine> did you do a wipe first?
<Debiano> wipe cache ? or data ?
<bealtine> both
<Debiano> ok
<bealtine> in cwm
<Debiano> ok
<bealtine> wipe dalvik cache too
<Debiano> ok
<Debiano> done...
<Debiano> reinstall
<Debiano> and reboot
<bealtine> just reboot
<Debiano> booting :)
<Debiano> boot done :D
<DuperMan> does it run crysis?
<DuperMan> now it booted n all
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<bigbrovar> Hi guys, .. quick question, anyone knows where notifications and ring tones are stored in cm9?
<bigbrovar> I got some nice IM chat notification tones and would like to use them but don't know where to copy them to
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<v4nelle> ηι αλλ
<v4nelle> hi all
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<nebkat> what up doods
* bealtine waves
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* Jiangyi ohai
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<Frd> any1 have idea how to get Modern Combat 3 to work on CM9?
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<Jiangyi> Frd: What phone?
<Frd> sgs3
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<Frd> Jiangyi: ideas?
<Jiangyi> Intl one?
<Frd> yes Int
<Jiangyi> If so, probably Mali screwing things over again. =|
<Frd> can I do anythink about that?
<bbqbot> derp
* Jiangyi wonders if Chainfire3D works with SGS3.....
<Frd> work but did not help
<Jiangyi> OK, then Idk.
<Jiangyi> Did you get the right graphics pack?
<nebkat> @geo user bealtine
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for bealtine
<bbqbot> {"range":[1845462016,1845463295],"country":"IE","region":"07","city":"Dublin","ll":[53.3331,-6.2489]}
<nebkat> bealtine: hah knew you were from ireland :D
<bealtine> its the typing accent right?
<nebkat> haha
<nebkat> dublin north/south?
<Frd> Jiangyi: let see
<bealtine> centre
<nebkat> cool
<nebkat> im south, ratfarnham
<bealtine> do you know dublin?
<Frd> Jiangyi: i just install CF3d driver, should i do somethink else also?
<Jiangyi> Don't think so.
<bealtine> well fuck me said the queen bee
<Frd> that game just FC after demo
<bealtine> i'm in d7
<bealtine> i look out over the phoenix park
<nebkat> bealtine: do I know dublin?
<nebkat> ofc
<bealtine> i get that if you're from the country:)
<bealtine> hehe
<nebkat> wait so, the @geo got Dublin 7 right?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> I thought it only did cities :D
<nebkat> @geo user nebkat
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for nebkat
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for 2e074399@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<nebkat> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[772210688,772255743],"country":"IE","region":"07","city":"Dublin","ll":[53.3331,-6.2489]}
<nebkat> aw
<bealtine> i dont think it was d7
<nebkat> region: 07
<bealtine> i'm up by the NCR
<nebkat> ah right
<nebkat> I rarely go north of rathgar
<bealtine> yyou country folk are like that
<nebkat> haha
<nebkat> well
<bealtine> j/k
<nebkat> what do I need in the centre?
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<nebkat> its pretty good here with dundrum, carrickmines, etc :)
<bealtine> well I like it...before here I lived in wicklow
<bealtine> not much to do there except drink
<nebkat> xD
<bealtine> gallons of the shit
<nebkat> #trueirish
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<bealtine> so here i'm just a short taxi spin into town
<nebkat> taxi is too expensive
<nebkat> for anything
<bealtine> and with hailo I dont even have to wait:)
<bealtine> from rathfarnam sure its far too expensive
<bealtine> < 10 to town from here
<nebkat> yeah but in general
<nebkat> and bus is shit
<nebkat> 75c to school
<bealtine> rare creatures...
<bealtine> bus from here is good
<nebkat> well
<nebkat> the bus lines aren't bad
<nebkat> but the fares
<nebkat> although it should be much better
<bealtine> 2 yoyos
<nebkat> in serbia, where im from, public transport is so much better
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<bealtine> ah ja
<nebkat> (this is one of my usual conversations with irish people :P)
<bealtine> heh
<nebkat> I always rage when I here you saying how the public transport is great
<bealtine> our services are shite
<bealtine> i'm a part-time telecomms analyst...
<nebkat> for what company?
<bealtine> and software guy
<bealtine> i do contracting for uk companies
<bealtine> and a bit for the eu through them
<nebkat> any android/java knowledge?
<bealtine> not yet...installed eclipse about an hour ago:)
<nebkat> I recommend IntelliJ instead of Eclipse
<nebkat> much better IDE
<nebkat> but for a start Eclipse is best because of all the tutorials
<bealtine> i'll do some mad clicking for a bit...then write hello world and make an apk
<bealtine> ok I'll check it out
<bealtine> i'm used to visual studio
<nebkat> hmm just got an idea
<nebkat> i'll make a script that lists all the people from a certain country
<nebkat> inside bbqbot
<nebkat> for fun
<Jiangyi> lol
<bealtine> and greet them in their language:)
<Jiangyi> What about multi-cultural people like me? :p
<Thracky> "multi-cultural"
<Thracky> you're still Chinese :P
<Thracky> you just happen to live in Canada
<nebkat> Jiangyi: just for you
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: Canada's an immigrant country anyways. :-P
<nebkat> aw damn forgot im on windoze now :(
<Thracky> Jiangyi: so is the entire USA
<Thracky> anyways, time to go to the bank and increase my potential for debt by another 10k
<Thracky> stupid student line of credit.
<nebkat> Thracky: wait
<nebkat> Thracky: make it 11k and gief :P
<Thracky> can't. 10k max per year :P
<Thracky> and I will be needing that money to live heh
<nebkat> Thracky: my live > your life :P
<Jiangyi> Thracky: I'll be an official Canadian in 3 years anyways. :-P
<nebkat> Jiangyi: im am already Irish :D
<nebkat> idiot!
<Thracky> nebkat: yeah but my wife's life > your life :P
<Jiangyi> +1 to that
<Thracky> she's better looking.
<Thracky> by a lot.
<Thracky> and doesn't have a penis.
<Thracky> and has boobs
<bealtine> i have boobs and a pecker too
<Jiangyi> ........................
<bealtine> :)
<Jiangyi> This is getting weird now.
<Thracky> well, I have those too, but female boobs are nicer.
<nebkat> Thracky: your wife has *some* money
<nebkat> I have *some less* money
<Thracky> no then I will be homeless :P
<Thracky> if I give you *some* money
<nebkat> Thracky: go live with Jiangyi :P
<Thracky> anyways, debt is calling.
<Thracky> I don't think his mother would approve of a 29/22 year old married couple moving in with their 15 year old son.
<Jiangyi> I'm sorry, I currently have no rooms available for rent. =\
<Thracky> might be a little strange.
<Jiangyi> Thracky: I have couples renting my basement anyways. =\
<Thracky> and we have loud sex. so that would be awkward
<Thracky> I will *never* live in another basement apartment ever again
<Thracky> it's awful
<Thracky> bbl.
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: more like: "I have couples in my basement anyways, except they aren't renting, and they dont want to be there"
<Jiangyi> .................................
<bealtine> so thats where they all disappear to...
<bealtine> i knew you country ppl were weird...
<nebkat> bealtine: everyone in canada is simply weird
<nebkat> seems to be obvious on this chan
<bealtine> heh
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<nebkat> especially the Quebecans
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<nebkat> hmk, Quebec and their broken French
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<bealtine> franglais
<Jiangyi> .................
<Jiangyi> :-P
<nebkat> Jiangyi: yes, yes you do
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<Jiangyi> =|
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<masterex567> I would like to ask.. For Galaxy s3. In your opinion. What's the best cm9 nightly official rom for Galaxy S3 i9300 intl. In terms of UI and Performance.
<masterex567> Not experimental ofcourse. But mainly UI and Performance. If anyone could help.
<masterex567> Anyone on this channel?
<masterex567> Helloo
<masterex567> Anyone at all?
<masterex567> or should i just go off?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> Nope.
<Fissurez> Depends
<Fissurez> Are you going to bring me entertainment?
<masterex567> Lol. Sorry for being impatient. :s. What do you recommend?
<masterex567> Depends
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<Fissurez> Hm
romann is now known as romann|afk
<Fissurez> I have no idea, i don't have a s3
<masterex567> Lol. Ok.
<Fissurez> Id say get the newest one
<masterex567> but in overall. what are better? release candidate or nightly?
<Fissurez> Release candidate
<masterex567> Latest nightly (non-experimental) or rc
<masterex567> okkkk
<masterex567> I'll try that then
<masterex567> Thanks.
<Fissurez> Wait... is stable not out yet?
<masterex567> ur on xda?
<Fissurez> Yes i am
<masterex567> username?
<Fissurez> With like 2 posts :D
<Fissurez> Sane as here
<bealtine> cm9 stable
<Fissurez> Why?
<bbqbot> derp
<masterex567> just..
<masterex567> never mind it
<masterex567> so what about latest nightly
<Fissurez> Yeah masterex567 - basically its stable>release candidate>nightly
<masterex567> okk
<Fissurez> Nightlies are daily updates to the code
<masterex567> and the changelog page?
<Fissurez> Uhm.
<masterex567> I know what nightly means. I havent tested it i was asking
<Fissurez> Google it :)
<masterex567> haha. suree
<masterex567> just wanna know something
<Fissurez> Repease candidates are usually more stable, as the ly are candidates to release :D
<Fissurez> Wow, my autocorrect is horrific
<masterex567> is there any ui differences between cm nightly and rc?
<masterex567> coz i mainly love ui
<Fissurez> No.
<Fissurez> Well
<bealtine> nightlies could introduce bugs
<Fissurez> There may be some minor feature differences, but not usually
<masterex567> hmm.
<masterex567> ok
<Fissurez> Like being able to use widgets before unlock
<Fissurez> (The unlock widgets before the pattern code)
<Fissurez> But generally everything is the same
<masterex567> so i won't actually get the difference between nightly and release candidate?
<Fissurez> Its unlikely youll see a difference in features
<masterex567> okkk
<masterex567> thanx man
<masterex567> wht device are u using?
<Fissurez> Sgs2 i9100
<masterex567> okkk
<masterex567> i have an ace. buying s3 tommorow. so i just wanted to know. xD
<Fissurez> Basically the one sammy device that cody hates the most.
<Fissurez> S3 is a really good phone from what i hear
<Fissurez> Although im interested by the lg phone thats coming out soon
<masterex567> yup. my friend has it. i hated it at first. but voice cmd reallly amazed me.
<Fissurez> Or at least rumored ti be
<Fissurez> Voice cmd?
<Fissurez> Meh.
<masterex567> yup
<masterex567> it runs in background
<Fissurez> Google now is better than the sammy one
<masterex567> you say play and the music plays. then just say capture and ta-da picture
<masterex567> Yup. I prefer google now
<masterex567> I've created a rom for galaxy ace
<masterex567> called droidace
<masterex567> so now i'm looking to create for galaxy s3
<Fissurez> Speaking of which.... rumours of jb for sgs3
<masterex567> i cant seem to find working JB for s3!
<masterex567> i was looking for a base for my rom for s3. couldn't find.
<masterex567> now i wz just lookin' for a base.
<Fissurez> Stick with ics until sammy release the jb
<masterex567> yup
<masterex567> cm9 based
<masterex567> nice talkin' to you. Let me get back to buildin' the rom. ;)
<Fissurez> Y/w
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<NeedHelp> Hi- Just flashed to CM10, and no wifi, anything I can try? I'm on a Galaxy Tab 2 P5113
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<NeedHelp> anyone?
<bbqbot> derp
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<addi> bealtine: wow, that guy came up with streaming video huh? I didn't realize guys who invented all that were still alive, haha
<addi> I was under the impression these things just came to be ^^
<bealtine> the guy who invented the programmable computer is still alive:)
<addi> Hehe
<addi> So the guy who actually was instrumental in making my life easier is lesser known to noobs than that idiot Steve Jobs, who's attributed with changing 'the lives of people' or something
<addi> Still thinking of how Jobs and Apple made my life better :P
<bealtine> if apple actually invented anything they'd be dangerous
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<bealtine> did you get the ass kicking link?
<bealtine> addi?
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<Syphyr> hello campers
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<Syphyr> I'm having a problem playing avi (divx) video on my P3110 with CM10. When I watch an avi without my bluetooth headset, everything is fine. But, if I watch the same avi while using my bluetooth headset, then the a/v sync is off.
<Syphyr> There is something with the bluetooth headset output that is affecting the a/v sync in software decoding mode
<Syphyr> I do not have this problem while watching mp4 in hardware decoding mode.
<Syphyr> only in software decoding mode
<Syphyr> in combination with bluetooth
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Syphyr> can anyone confirm?
<Baskey> datagutt: HELLO SIR
<Syphyr> it is very frustrating
<Syphyr> CM9 is fine
<Syphyr> I guess it is too early for bug reports on a nightly
romann is now known as romann|afk
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<DuperMan> so yeah too early don't
<DuperMan> sexy av framework updae is sexy
* DuperMan goes sees what's the fuzz
<DuperMan> oh, qcom:/
<Devourz> easy on the CRUSE CONTROL THERE BUDDY
<Devourz> :3
<DuperMan> also, my capslock makes the sexiest 'beep' (h/w feature, in the actual keyboard) when I hit it
<Baskey> DUPEY
<DuperMan> @eightball TEH SAMSUNG IS THEY LOSTED - ergo; moar h/w future and less failwiz?
<bbqbot> Ask again later.
<DuperMan> @eightball is it later yet?
<bbqbot> Without a doubt.
<DuperMan> @eightball TEH SAMSUNG IS THEY LOSTED - ergo; moar h/w future and less failwiz?
<bbqbot> Without a doubt.
<DuperMan> awesome
<DuperMan> r u rly a Bask?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> not you homo
<DuperMan> hmmm... if nerdverts who dig sex with animatronix are 'robosexuals' is bbqbot ethnosexual?
romann|afk is now known as romann
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<DuperMan> hawt, a logcat
<Syphyr> bbqbot is derposexual
<DuperMan> in this case I'd love to trade some pix with it
<Syphyr> it can create "derps" with asexual reproduction
<DuperMan> they lack the genetic variety to constitute a long-term viable derp species
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<Syphyr> that must be the reason my its immune response is in trouble due to interbreeding.
<Syphyr> why*
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<Syphyr> well that didnt make any sense
<Syphyr> anyways
<DuperMan> so you're hungry because you didn't eat. redundantly explaining that y causes x which is afflicted by y is superfluous
<DuperMan> not sense, logics
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> * to be afflicted
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<DuperMan> lolness. quick, go to and tell if your landing page shows a fart as well
<Syphyr> 97.1% kindle owners are satisfied huh
<Syphyr> wow
<Syphyr> that is like almost everyone
<Syphyr> I wonder what that percentage is for Nexus7 owners
<Syphyr> so who is working on the bootanimation
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<Syphyr> has anyone tried a rasberry pi?
<Syphyr> sounds cool for only 30 bucks
<Syphyr> can basically turn it into a media center
<Syphyr> and it runs android
<Syphyr> or linux
<DuperMan> Syphyr: a. I was happy for the ~14 months I bothered using it, guess the rest haven't used theirs and are glad the paperweight was cheap-ish. b. hopefully. c. slashdot says buggy usb.
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<nebkat> doooods
<Syphyr> yah, i read the ethernet is also connected to the buggy usb
<DuperMan> nebkat! let's have babies! I had a steak for lunch, need something more supple for dinner
<DuperMan> Syphyr: at which I was going
<nebkat> DuperMan: evil jew fuck
<DuperMan> *getting
<DuperMan> nebkat: I try, but I'm just an evil fuck. too oddball for the cool secret societies
<nebkat> DuperMan: tru
<DuperMan> even the masons only would list me as a fanclub member
<Syphyr> we have a building here downtown with the "masons" symbol on it.
<Syphyr> in the Netherlands
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<DuperMan> but I like ppl being paid for working, just not current implementation of reward system and how ip can be raped by corporations over technicalities
<DuperMan> Syphyr: assume it's all fucking true, for the sake of the discussion: and then?
<DuperMan> everybody dies, no matter how silly they were in their handshake while they lived
<DuperMan> also, I don't give humanity enough credit to be able to uphold long term mind boggling conspiracies
<DuperMan> disregarding religion
<Syphyr> Nah, but the people with money will survive longer
<Syphyr> heard of the Vanderbilt society?
<DuperMan> networking in nice places with people of similar magnitude of influence is just sick
<Syphyr> At the current rate of population growth, we are looking at another 1 billion people on this planet in about 5 more years
<DuperMan> and obviously nobody is skiing
<Syphyr> there is no way we can sustain that
<Syphyr> imho
<DuperMan> I wish it was true mate. so much nicer to ahve a planned societal/world order with any reason then the crowds panicking into religiosity and shitting blowing sky high then just fucking ending if we mess up too bad
<nebkat> DuperMan: fuck you and your fuck
<DuperMan> you know?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> DuperMan: we all know you are high on crack
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [you idioooot]
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<DuperMan> signed bitch
<Syphyr> and now that all our corn crops have basically died, just wait to see how much an egg is going to cost
<DuperMan> *shit fucking blowing sky high
<DuperMan> it's a touchy subject and I'm drugz
<Syphyr> an egg is about 75% corn
<DuperMan> Syphyr: Occam's says 'shit happens'
<Syphyr> yup
<DuperMan> as accurate and simpler than 'evil cabal causes shit to happen in this particular fashion'
<DuperMan> an eg.. is... WTF
<DuperMan> tomatoes are made of sunshine
<Syphyr> heh
<DuperMan> love can feed you if you only believe
<Syphyr> chickens eat about 75% of their feed from corn
<Syphyr> so corn is going to affect all livestock
<DuperMan> currently, because it's handy.
<DuperMan> the corn bit
<DuperMan> the affected is more like 'some guy selling old fashioned grain feed will make a buck'
<Syphyr> well, i have heard that chickens are pretty picky about what they eat. :-)
<DuperMan> 'join venderfuckall uberclub'
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> riiight
<Syphyr> its not going to be easy to find something else
<DuperMan> I know, chickens and doped cows are too hipster these days
<Syphyr> we are basically just fucked
<DuperMan> no, some dudes who don't get the supplies they're sent due to corruption in their third world governments are fucked
<DuperMan> we're gonna have slightly different - very slightly - eggs
<DuperMan> and the former were fucked to begin with
<DuperMan> what they don't want you to know is that they dig scat porn, not the particulars of how obviously you're being used
<Syphyr> third world countries that can not even afford to feed their own people, lease out their land to grown food on for other countries.
<DuperMan> since 'you's don't bother with democracy no more
<DuperMan> * don't even bother
<Syphyr> yup
<DuperMan> governments are made of people, people are douches, douches are douchier the richer they are compared to the guy who was their best friend growing up
<DuperMan> ergo dictators in africa
<Syphyr> but when you listen to the similarities between a dictatorship and american politics, its not that different
<DuperMan> why 'must be the evil less dumb ppl' where 'idiots all around' suffices?
<DuperMan> but when you get shot for stating it isn't, without being inciteful in a likely violent fashion, it is
<DuperMan> rarely happens in america I hear
<Syphyr> All they say on fox news is that everyone is communistic (when they dont even know what it is)
sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|afk
<Syphyr> it bothers me when they use the terms incorrectly
<Syphyr> socialism is not communism
<DuperMan> that's more to do with the willful dumbing down of unchecked capitalism, and leads sadly to fundemantlism via thimocracy
<DuperMan> but again, more about a fine mixture of personal interest and faith on part of those motivated enough vs. the gutless silence of the common folk
<nebkat> DuperMan: stop talking yo shit
<DuperMan> trying to avoid godwinning here
<nebkat> DuperMan: im not bothered reading the chatlog
<DuperMan> nebkat: I signed you sack of brittle meth
<Baskey> nebkat: NEBOJSA
<nebkat> DuperMan: I signed you sack of kikking
<nebkat> Baskey: BASKEYBALL
<Baskey> HEEEY
<DuperMan> I kike like a dyke cause the schickse's (goy girls) dig my brights
<DuperMan> Baskeyball is now illegal
<DuperMan> :(
<nebkat> DuperMan: dawg you high on meth
<nebkat> Baskey: DA PC ARRIEV TOO LAET
<nebkat> Baskey: guess where my pc is currently?
<Baskey> CODYLAND?
<DuperMan> nebkat: a fine mix of well rationed neurotoxins branded as meds+booze
<nebkat> Baskey: FUCKING LODZ
<Baskey> LOL
sixstringsg|afk is now known as sixstringsg
<nebkat> DIE BIHTCH
<DuperMan> wtf lodz
<DuperMan> ><
<nebkat> DuperMan: do you know where it is?
<Syphyr> but instead of reminding ourselves out fucked up most people are, there are a few good things. I mean, that recent mars landing was pretty damn awesome.
<DuperMan> tere's a local town named that
<Baskey> o.O
<nebkat> Syphyr: yeah, but that doesnt unfuck anything :P
<nebkat> DuperMan: orly?
<DuperMan> only place you find real deal methheads in here
<nebkat> Baskey: im serious
<nebkat> look at this
<Baskey> there's a Dell factory in Lodz
<Syphyr> thats true, nebkat
<Baskey> ŁÓDŹ
<DuperMan> oh, that lod(z)
<Syphyr> You would have to be a real nob to smoke a Noblesse
<Jiangyi> ..................
<DuperMan> rofl. Syphyr, you know the brand or irony was unintended?
<nebkat> Baskey: I know
<Syphyr> it just kinda came out that way
<Syphyr> :-)
<nebkat> Baskey: they unemployed 1900 irish people for that factory in lodz hahahahahahahhahahahah
<DuperMan> they're good shit, like camel with roaches
<Syphyr> Ive never had one
<nebkat> Baskey:
<DuperMan> luck of the irish
<nebkat> DuperMan: indeed :D
<Baskey> nebkat: HEHEHEHEHE
<Jiangyi> Freaking Win8.
<DuperMan> godwinning here - daft how an Israeli city is named after one of the least likable ww2 places of social gathering and subsequent death
<nebkat> Baskey: are there any bandits in ŁÓDŹ?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> :)
<nebkat> is it like criminal central?
<DuperMan> nebkat: if it is the similarities are eerie
<DuperMan> :P
<Baskey> nebkat:Łódź
<DuperMan> soooooooooooo ms is evil(er) because it feels comfortable becoming as evil as google and apple are
<DuperMan> :/ f u
<nebkat> Jiangyi: fuck microsoft
<Jiangyi> +1
<Syphyr> Gates is a saint compared to Jobs
<nebkat> Syphyr: NOT IF HE SCREENS MY TORRENTS !!!!
<DuperMan> heh. local lod is a port too
<DuperMan> shitty too
<DuperMan> ruled by jews too
<Syphyr> well, that is Murdock
<DuperMan> :P
<nebkat> I just thought of something
<DuperMan> nebkat: wanna buy my w8 compliant tablet? ain't selling
<nebkat> if dubstep has wubstep
<Syphyr> speaking of Tor netorks...
<Syphyr> networks
<Baskey> :O
<DuperMan> whoever spoke of that?
<Jiangyi> Do not blame Gates, he's too busy helping Africans and such. =\
<Syphyr> well, nebkat said something about screening torrents
<Baskey> nebkat, Jiangyi: #blameballmer
<DuperMan> I only handcuff hot chicks, consentually
<DuperMan> :/
<DuperMan> must I?
<Baskey> YOU HAVE TO
<Syphyr> that new version of Tor wants a really new version of openssl for the new TLS ciphersuites
<nebkat> Baskey: so lodz has a cocaine factory? hahahahahhahaahahah
<DuperMan> I had enough of a liberaterian stage to know I have the right to commit a citizen's arrest
<DuperMan> shit
* DuperMan does
<Baskey> nebkat: umm... LOL
<DuperMan> krakow awesomer
<Syphyr> ok, i have a real question
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<DuperMan> haz that palace what looks like the shire:D
<DuperMan> or was that warsaw?
<Baskey> honestly? dunno
<bbqbot> derp
<Syphyr> if I want to make theme for cm10, what is the best example to follow
<DuperMan> ah, the wawel
<DuperMan> krakow it is
<DuperMan> SWEET place, need to shoot pr0n there some night
<Baskey> Kraków is boring
<DuperMan> tourists=scoring
<Baskey> and so is Łódź
<DuperMan> tourists=scoring
<Baskey> MAYBE
<nebkat> so neil armstrong has died?
<DuperMan> USUALLY
<Baskey> yep
<DuperMan> lol rly?
<Baskey> rly
<DuperMan> shit
<DuperMan> just after the public degradation
<DuperMan> lol
<DuperMan> wait, lance
<Baskey> hahahaha
<DuperMan> wrong armstrong
<Baskey> fail
<DuperMan> xD
<DuperMan> total
<Syphyr> my stretch-arm-strong died recently too.
<Baskey> that's a bummer
* DuperMan is now waiting for a newsflash about louis having been white
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<DuperMan> shit, neil was nearly as awesome as buzz
<Baskey> and who's buzz?
<DuperMan> ask Syphyr, he was the first guy to pretend-bounce-nearly-weightless on the nevada soundstage
<DuperMan> /s
<nebkat> #restorearmstrong
<Baskey> nebkat: duuude :D
<Baskey> I love that pic
<Baskey> I mean this weird, not-so-well-renovated Jesus
<nebkat> Baskey: so do I bitch
<DuperMan> I don't get it. did I miss too many cancer-bloke gossip?
<nebkat> DuperMan: you heard of the restored jesus fuckup?
<DuperMan> ah
<Baskey> man, this is fucked up :D
<Baskey> and creepy
<Baskey> both at the same time
<DuperMan> rofl. it's only ~180y/o
<DuperMan> some 'antique'
<DuperMan> xD me likey
<DuperMan> ah, old bats
<DuperMan> they never cease to amaze. why do bus drivers bother slowing down?
<Baskey> nebkat: BUY MEH A NEW GUITAR
<DuperMan> Baskey: your mommy bought you a very expensive bass when you were 17 and couldn't play a single note
<DuperMan> stfu
<nebkat> Baskey: i'll buy you a jew
* DuperMan is too good at reading ppl
<Baskey> jew?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> DuperMan: I'M 17 ALREADY, IDIOTTE
<DuperMan> you can't play a jew. you must be born one
<DuperMan> har
<DuperMan> Baskey: ehrmmmm.... HAI
<DuperMan> <3
<Baskey> HAI
<Baskey> AND PIZZA
<Baskey> CALL ME MR. B
<DuperMan> IT IS RARE
<DuperMan> HOW OLD IS YOUR SIS... hi
<Baskey> HOW DID YOU...
<DuperMan> 20-23
<DuperMan> might be 26
<Baskey> 22
<DuperMan> rofl. stop honeypotting my trolling and/or being silly enough to own up when I'm right
<DuperMan> <3
<DuperMan> ^^ better
<DuperMan> well yeah Jiangyi, apple were being as shitty as they were before ms put them in their shoddy sticky place
<DuperMan> shame they gained ground
<Jiangyi> +1
<DuperMan> but yay less touchwiz
<Baskey> I SOLD MY SGS2
<DuperMan> ROFL DUDE
<DuperMan> so did I, a day prior to verdict xD
<DuperMan> what? no. I needed cash and got note already
<DuperMan> shill
<DuperMan> turncoat mofo
<DuperMan> give me a smooch
<Baskey> Note is too big for me
<DuperMan> (don't)
<Baskey> I don't like phones bigger than my penis
<DuperMan> ehrm... oi... oy vey.... no comment
<Baskey> so Note isn't exactly for me
<Baskey> nebkat: NEBOJSA
<Syphyr> Is that a Note in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
<Baskey> :D
<DuperMan> both, check my other pocket
<Baskey> I love that one
<DuperMan> the shirt pocket
<DuperMan> the protrudence of the tip of my phallus
<DuperMan> it grows from my left nipple :(
<Syphyr> It must be difficult to find pants that fit.
<DuperMan> I just use hamlock
<Syphyr> :P
<Thiagovfar> Did I just hear iPhone?
<DuperMan> off to play fail of geekytween
<DuperMan> yay oldschool transformers
<Thiagovfar> I dare you to put cyanogen on iPhone. I double dare you.
<Baskey> Thiagovfar: nah
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<Baskey> nothing to see here
<DuperMan> Thiagovfar: almost happened on 4
<DuperMan> laters
<Baskey> NOOOOO
<Thiagovfar> Seriously?
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<Syphyr> I heard that if you put Android on an iPhone, the world will end.
<Thiagovfar> I've heard somebody put windows 95 on an iPhone
<Thiagovfar> I think that pretty much invalidates your argument
<Jiangyi> I've heard of attempts of Android on iPhone yes.
<Syphyr> Prophecies are very specific. I think it has to be Android.
<Thiagovfar> Syphyr: you might have a point there.
<Thiagovfar> We'll have to wait and see.
<Syphyr> Yah
<Thiagovfar> AFAIK, it's becoming difficult even to jailbreak iphone.
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<Syphyr> My girlfriend sold her Droid for a 4S.. so I had to leave her.
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<Thiagovfar> Wow! You sir, take the mobile OSs war a little too serious.
<Jiangyi> Syphyr: +1
<Jiangyi> lol jk
<WifiHelpPlease> Hey, Need some help please :) Just flashed cm10 on my P5113 and wifi is dead, any suggestions?
<Jiangyi> Don't actually do that. :P
<Jiangyi> WifiHelpPlease: Did you try reflashing?
<bbqbot> derp
<WifiHelpPlease> yeah have flashed 3 times now
<WifiHelpPlease> I wipe, then flash, then re-wipe
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<WifiHelpPlease> everything works nicely, but wifi apperantly doesn't like me
<WifiHelpPlease> It connects though, just nothing loads
<Syphyr> WifiHelpPlease, i have heard of that happening to people that accidentally flashed the incorrect rom
<WifiHelpPlease> hmmm, Let me doubble check
<Jiangyi> You sure you flashed the P5113 build?
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<WifiHelpPlease> yeah, in settings: Model Number: GT-P5113, Cyanogen Mod Version: 10-20120825-NIGHTLY-p5113
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<WifiHelpPlease> and download mode says GT-P5113 as well
<WifiHelpPlease> any ideas?
<Syphyr> did you try a factory reset?
<WifiHelpPlease> another one? I will give it a go now and let u know
<Syphyr> so you did that?
<WifiHelpPlease> yeah =/
<Syphyr> and how did you do that? from the recovery?
<WifiHelpPlease> just did another one, gonna try again
<Syphyr> i mean going into recovery and clearing cache/data
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<WifiHelpPlease> really weird because I have another tablet of the same model, did the same thing, and it works great
<WifiHelpPlease> I went into recovery and hit factory reset
<Syphyr> k
<WifiHelpPlease> should I manually clear cache/dalvik?
<bbqbot> derp
<Syphyr> the factory reset should also format the cache
<WifiHelpPlease> hmmm.....
<Thiagovfar> Wipe data/factory reset. That's what it says on cwm
<Syphyr> if all else fails, the best thing to do is go back to stock and then start over
<Thiagovfar> that's what you're looking for
<WifiHelpPlease> will do
<WifiHelpPlease> Im going to try to wipe once more and then I will go that direction.
<codeworkx> WifiHelpPlease: before you're wasting more of your time... logs?
<Syphyr> what gapps are you using
<WifiHelpPlease> @codeworkx how do I get a log?
<bbqbot> WifiHelpPlease: Command does not exist!
<WifiHelpPlease> codeworkx, how do I get logs? :)
<WifiHelpPlease> Im using 20120726 gapps
<Syphyr> adb shell logcat > log.txt
<WifiHelpPlease> one sec
<codeworkx> WifiHelpPlease: adb root
<codeworkx> WifiHelpPlease: adb shell dmesg
<WifiHelpPlease> will do, one moment :)
<Syphyr> codeworkx: is there a latency for you with the bluetooth audio when using software decoding mode on avi (divx)?
<Syphyr> i know its too eary for bug reports
<codeworkx> video? bluetooth? huh?
<Syphyr> i have a p3110 with cm10 and when I watch avi (divx) with my bluetooth headset, then the a/v sync is way off
<Syphyr> this is not a problem with cm9
<codeworkx> divx is nothing which is supported
<Syphyr> and the same video has no problems with a/v sync when i dont use bluetooth
<Syphyr> its not the video decoding that is a problem
<codeworkx> bluetooth is slow
<Syphyr> its something with the bluetooth
<Syphyr> yah, that is what people say, but why does it work on cm9?
<Syphyr> and stock
<codeworkx> because its ics
<codeworkx> jellybean is different
<codeworkx> and the kernel is a ics one
<Syphyr> so jb is slower?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> but i'm pretty sure the kernel needs some updates
<Syphyr> with hardware decoding and bluetooth, there is no problem
<Syphyr> its only a combination of software decoding and bluetooth
<codeworkx> dunno
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<Syphyr> its ok if you dont
<Syphyr> :-)
<codeworkx> that's something i'll never care about
<Syphyr> im just trying to bring it to attention if you get time
<Thracky> but codeworkx Y U NO STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING AND FIX NAO!!
datagutt has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<Thracky> :D
<codeworkx> i'm sick of fixing shit
<Syphyr> i bet
<Syphyr> are you the only one working on it?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> i really dont care
<codeworkx> looks like
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<Syphyr> you have too many devices
<Syphyr> to maintain
<Syphyr> i have much respect for you though
<codeworkx> i should drop the p31xx
<codeworkx> since i don't own one
<Thiagovfar> codeworkx: watch out. Dropping a device might cause it to break apart.
<Syphyr> are they not the same?
<Syphyr> as the P51xx
<codeworkx> pretty much the same
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<Syphyr> so its really just more merging
<codeworkx> but doesn't make fun to work on it. most people always cry, but never give usefull feedback
<codeworkx> see xda. 99% of xda = shit
<Syphyr> people like to cry
<Jiangyi> codey's rants are always entertaining. :-P
<Thracky> I can't read xda at all
<codeworkx> xda is full of retards, kanger and winzippers
<Syphyr> so is the planet
<codeworkx> most entertaining are the PM's you're getting
<Syphyr> haha, you dont have that turned off?
<Thiagovfar> Did you have to involve the planet into it?
<codeworkx> i read some of them for the lulz
<Syphyr> i would have thought you would have
<codeworkx> but mostly i simple delete xD
<Syphyr> well, dont burn out on us please, we need you
<WifiHelpPlease> K its writing to the log now, will upload when its done, thanks guys
<codeworkx> WifiHelpPlease: will never stop ;-)
<Syphyr> i read all the threads on xda and how they are arguing with you
<WifiHelpPlease> ahh, do I unplug it then?
<codeworkx> ctrl + s ?
<codeworkx> c
<WifiHelpPlease> lol sorry Ive never done this before
<WifiHelpPlease> (adb)
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: <-- Told ya it was broken on some people's phones. :-P
<Jiangyi> (Backlight thingamabobber)
<DuperMan> killing off everybody then falling off a ledge to cybertronian hell is sux
<Syphyr> codeworkx, if you were to guess, what part of the code should I look at if I wanted to try to debug my problem
<WifiHelpPlease> Here is the log
<WifiHelpPlease> thanks for all the help!
<WifiHelpPlease> Recap: Wifi not working, tried re-flashing, wiping, etc
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: still not working?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: the proxi sensor on that device is pretty hard lighting on boot
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: never seen
<DuperMan> fu i klilled dessepteckoons
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Proxi sensor light = 100% messed up on I9100G.
<Jiangyi> Lights up randomly, and different for every single user.
<Syphyr> Also, the rotation of all my maps is 90 degrees off and the compass does not seem to work.
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: sounds like a feature
<DuperMan> educational - makes u less lazy
<DuperMan> gets u ready for when there are zombies all over and only an azimoth to cross the seas by
<Syphyr> hehe, thats exactly what i was thinking too DuperMan
<DuperMan> >< I need to better my thinkings
<DuperMan> ;)
<codeworkx> WifiHelpPlease: normal wifi? also, i told your to get me dmesg
<codeworkx> WifiHelpPlease: logcat is mostly useless for this kind of stuff
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: proxi works on my and my gfs phone
<WifiHelpPlease> ahh k one sec
<WifiHelpPlease> dmesg comming :)
<DuperMan> DuperMan: good going, troll harder
<DuperMan> thanks codey
<codeworkx> Syphyr: then fix it
<Syphyr> i would try
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: It works for everyone, just randomly lights up.
<codeworkx> it lights up if it gets enabled
<Jiangyi> Although I have successfully brainwashed 80% of the Chinese users to live with it. :-P
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: you're fixing it already
<DuperMan> :D
<Syphyr> codeworkx, are you tired of hearing about things that are broken?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Anyways, what about the backlight enable thing?
<DuperMan> Syphyr: he's tired of doing the actual very little but quite complicated needed to fix said things
<codeworkx> Syphyr: yep. like i've said. I'll drop the p31xx
<DuperMan> so was I in his place, also 'why I'm not'
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: dunno, didn't test to disable
<Jiangyi> .............
<Syphyr> well, i just hope you can find a replacement (although it will not be easy)
<codeworkx> didn't do much on the i9100g because of i9300 which is a accident
<DuperMan> codeworkx: meant no underestimation, it'd have taken me ~8 months of hard labour/learning to get anywhere near, just being real
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<codeworkx> Syphyr: drop = don't support the device anymore
<Syphyr> yah, but wouldnt you want to find a replacement?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Thing is that it works fine for me, not others. ._.
<codeworkx> Syphyr: what replacement?
<Syphyr> someone else
* Jiangyi has special phone that haz no problems
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: tell them to wipe :-D
<DuperMan> Syphyr: don't support == not interesting enough to bother finding out
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: At this point, I've told them to do everything lol
<DuperMan> Syphyr: don't support == not interesting enough to bother finding out
<Syphyr> ic
sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|afk
<WifiHelpPlease> Trying to get dmesg, but output says: klogctl: Operation not permitted
<codeworkx> Syphyr: p31xx = low activity device = < 1000 users = not worth the time
<DuperMan> ^
<codeworkx> WifiHelpPlease: adb root
<codeworkx> WifiHelpPlease: adb shell dmesg > kernel.log
<Syphyr> and remove it from the nightly builds?
<codeworkx> right
<DuperMan> Syphyr: IT DIED
<Syphyr> well that would really suck for me
<DuperMan> or you do it
* Jiangyi senses users would be sad
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> users are either angry or sad. I can relate better to sad
<codeworkx> Syphyr: start contributing
<DuperMan> so sad is better
<WifiHelpPlease> I am first typing: adb root then adb shell dmesg but same output =/
<DuperMan> speaking as a user btw
<Syphyr> I do contribute all the time
<codeworkx> oh, my notebook battery is ..... empty
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<WifiHelpPlease> ahh my bad
<DuperMan> rofl. have fun code :)
<WifiHelpPlease> I had root disabled in settings
<WifiHelpPlease> one sec
* Jiangyi watches codey escape
<Jiangyi> :P
* DuperMan highfives Jiangyi
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: tested backlight on GFs phone. off = off
<Syphyr> well.. now i am sad
<DuperMan> sure, on her phone
<DuperMan> ^^
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: tell users that they're stupid
<Jiangyi> Then what is the madness that goes on with other ppl's phones!?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: yes, it's the truth
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: maybe custom kernel?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Checked, all stock.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: flame them hard
<Jiangyi> Just.... Themed and such.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: anyway, flame them. we've 3 phones without problems
<DuperMan> they probably have silly 'personal legacy' stuffs with the tb
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: 3 VS over 900. :-P
<codeworkx> blah
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I can't flame, I'm only 15 yo.
<DuperMan> make it ten times that and it'd matter
<Jiangyi> :-P
<DuperMan> ^^
<codeworkx> 3 skilled users vs. 900 stupids
<codeworkx> :-D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Fine, then tell me what he did wrong in that vid. :-|
<codeworkx> it's working perfectly here.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: wipe
<DuperMan> "<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Fine, then tell me what he did wrong in that vid. :-|" f dude
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: don't modify system files
<DuperMan> wtf
<WifiHelpPlease> Dmesg uploaded:
<WifiHelpPlease> thanks
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Other people have complete stock and have the same prob, this is just the guy who actually bothered to record a vid.
<Jiangyi> AND wiped.
<Jiangyi> *
<codeworkx> WifiHelpPlease: this doesn't look like "just wifi"
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: works for you, compare
<codeworkx> WifiHelpPlease: looks more like tethering or wifi direct
<codeworkx> WifiHelpPlease: running custom kernel?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: blamesamsung?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: get used to it
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: or flame them
<codeworkx> i'm not fixing their shit
<WifiHelpPlease> not custom =/
<WifiHelpPlease> just what came with it
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Didn't you write that part though? o_O
<codeworkx> WifiHelpPlease: but doesn't look like normal wifi
<DuperMan> oo
<WifiHelpPlease> one sec
<bealtine> if it happens on a stock rom then it aint cm10's fault
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: must be hardware shit
<DuperMan> suesamsun.... wait
<Jiangyi> bealtine: Tis CM feature that's not on Stock. :-P
<bealtine> you said it happens on stock
<Jiangyi> bealtine: Stock CM. :-P
<WifiHelpPlease> Here, when i press and hold on the network it says: Status Connected Linkspeed 65Mbps Security WPA2 PSK
<WifiHelpPlease> just my home router
<WifiHelpPlease> uses DHCP
<Syphyr> codeworkx, maybe you could just share your patches with another maintainer and someone else could help you merge it
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Oh joy oh joy. :-|
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: tell one of the users with faulty phone to built own kernel with debugging and hunt it
<codeworkx> Syphyr: WHIch PATCHES??????????????????
<DuperMan> the ones that work
<Syphyr> you dont make patches?
<DuperMan> :D
<WifiHelpPlease> and running the kernel that came with CM10
<codeworkx> Syphyr: if i would have patches, then it would be fixed, right?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Syphyr: and since it's not fixed....
<codeworkx> Syphyr: use brain
<Syphyr> no thats not what i mean
<Jiangyi> Syphyr: Kinda pointless since merging only takes like 30 seconds if the patch is there.
<WifiHelpPlease> my phone on cm10 and the other tablet seems to be okay with it....
<DuperMan> codeworkx: if fairies farted coke south america would have no money
<WifiHelpPlease> =/
<DuperMan> ask peterperfect
<Syphyr> i mean if you just wanted to work and maintaine the p51xx branch, then the changes would be very similiar to the P31xx branch
<Syphyr> and if there were diffs
<DuperMan> Syphyr: sounds simple, do it
<codeworkx> i currently don't care about any tablet
<Syphyr> those diffs could be shared
* DuperMan quits trolling
<codeworkx> low activity devices = not worth the time
<Syphyr> i get that
<codeworkx> get used to it or do it yourself
<codeworkx> i'm busy with other stuff
<DuperMan> so get it instead of saying you do and begging
<WifiHelpPlease> Codeworkx, thanks for all the help, any ideas? :)
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: But low activity device = OMAP and high activity device = Exynos crap. :-P
<Syphyr> but since your changes are similiar, maybe your diffs could help another maintainer
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: yes, and high activity device = ultra fucked up = needs a lot of work
<DuperMan> maybe Syphyr. try.
<codeworkx> Syphyr: everything is on
<codeworkx> Syphyr: there are no maintainers or skilled people
<codeworkx> Syphyr: just morons
<codeworkx> Syphyr: that's what happens on low activity devices
<Jiangyi> High activity device will always be screwed. Low activity device can be made perfect. ;-)
<codeworkx> Syphyr: no one wants to work on it
<DuperMan> saying: where is maintainer==QED
<DuperMan> ^^
<codeworkx> how high are the chances that on 500 users there's one who can code, has linux skillz, isn't a lazy one?
<codeworkx> 0,0001% ?
<Syphyr> im not begging, im just talking, trying to work out a solution
<codeworkx> Syphyr: solution = do it yourself
<DuperMan> well 1/500 times the ratio of skilled folks to genpop
<Jiangyi> 9100G actually has some people like that, just not working on CM. :-|
<DuperMan> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: 2? 3?
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: citation. it is needed.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: and 80% of them kanged cm kernel and cherry picking random stuff into?
<WifiHelpPlease> Anyone able to help me with my wifi issue?
<codeworkx> -.-
<codeworkx> WifiHelpPlease: factory reset :-D
<codeworkx> <- off
* DuperMan likens most ppl to hobos holding a sign 'will get paid, no work'
<DuperMan> nn
<WifiHelpPlease> again? will try again lol
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> WifiHelpPlease: reflash cm, factory reset
<WifiHelpPlease> got it
<Syphyr> well.. I guess that is that then
<Syphyr> codeworkx, is totally burned out
<Syphyr> shitty
<DuperMan> no. just bored, and doing it for the sports
<DuperMan> you unappreciative common person holding his own interests over other's as a sane person should
<DuperMan> a.k.a fu
<Syphyr> no its cool
<Jiangyi> Good night.
<Syphyr> i understand
<DuperMan> you understand and I pretned to be in the know. we all have our hidden talents
<DuperMan> we're like the x-men
<Syphyr> yah
<Syphyr> well im no super hero
<Syphyr> im just bummed out cause I was having fun
<Syphyr> and i liked his work
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: I don't have a hidden talent. :-P
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: you know chinese and has asian gf
<DuperMan> that's superhero right there
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Me knowing Chinese != Hidden, and I don't have a gf.
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: I shut up now, honesty o/d
<DuperMan> :)
<Jiangyi> @google o/d urban dictionary
<Jiangyi> Blah.
<Jiangyi> :-|
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<DuperMan> :) nn. I try sleep now. getting silly overpriced junk from ebay tomorrow ^^
<Syphyr> basically, i have to go back to a rooted stock rom if i want it working (since nobody is going to fix anything else from now on)
<Syphyr> that just sucks
<Syphyr> ok im off
<Syphyr> night
Syphyr has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<WifiHelpPlease> Okay, so you guys are all going to kill me as im probably annoying the **** out of you, but its still not working...
<WifiHelpPlease> I went back to stock
<WifiHelpPlease> it worked in stock
<WifiHelpPlease> reflashed cm10, wifi broke again
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<WifiHelpPlease> any ideas?
<WifiHelpPlease> anyone?
<Thiagovfar> WifiHelpPlease: Fix it, then tell us how you did it =)
<WifiHelpPlease> haha thanks :P
<WifiHelpPlease> sounds great, just tell me how to do it :P
<WifiHelpPlease> lol
<Thiagovfar> what device, again?
<WifiHelpPlease> P5113
<WifiHelpPlease> anyone? lol
<WifiHelpPlease> would be greatly appreciated
* Jiangyi has zero clue
* WifiHelpPlease thinks zero clue is better than -1 clue
<WifiHelpPlease> lol
* WifiHelpPlease is worried because now even stock wifi decided to break
Thiagovfar has quit [Quit: leaving]
<WifiHelpPlease> after my fifth time flashing into cm10 and wifi breaking, I reflashed this time to stock and it isnt working there either now
<WifiHelpPlease> gonna re flash stock
<bealtine> it sounds like cache corruption to me
<bealtine> but what di I know?
<Jiangyi> WifiHelpPlease: If Stock is broken, then send it in for repairs. :-P
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<bealtine> did you setup the wifi connection again or just reconnect?
raXuz|Away is now known as raXuz
<WifiHelpPlease> reflashed stock and it works again
<WifiHelpPlease> now gonna try cm10 for the 6th time :D
<WifiHelpPlease> lol
<bealtine> do the 3 wipe trick
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romann|afk is now known as romann