nebkat|s3 changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
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<witakr> anyone at all
<witakr> please
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<Jiangyi> witakr: Can't get your hands on Windows at all?
<witakr> yeah im trying odin again right now
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<witakr> it sucks that you have to have a windows machine to root the sgs3
<Jiangyi> witakr: I can understand, it's really odd that Heimdall just refuses to work at times.
<witakr> Jiangyi: i think its a compatibility issue. It seems to be a common problem with this phone
<witakr> Jiangyi: when trying to root with heimdall that is
<Jiangyi> witakr: Well that bites. :-/
<witakr> Jiangyi: you can root with odin in windows.. I have rooted and unrooted my gs3 several times with odin but I have yet been successful in getting cm9 loaded
<witakr> Jiangyi: I think i have narrowed the issue with cm9 down to the version of the nightly I was trying to install.. I think i was using the wrong one for my variant
<witakr> Jiangyi: I'm currently downloaded what I think is the corect version of cm9 for my variant and when it's done im going to give it another shot
<Jiangyi> witakr: What variant?
<witakr> sprint
<Jiangyi> witakr: The file should say d2spr then.
<witakr> Jiangyi: yeah thats what I have downloading now
<witakr> Jiangyi: i feel pretty confident know that i figured that out
<Jiangyi> Alright, hope all goes well. :-P
<witakr> i was trying to us the international version before and didnt realise it
<witakr> thanks, I think it will work this time
<Jiangyi> Ah.
<Jiangyi> that seems to be a common mistake these days. :-P
<witakr> Jiangyi: yeah, well the xda thread refers the reader to the for the international version only and makes no distinction, afaik, on the thread or download page
<Jiangyi> witakr: They usually assume that you'd know the codename for your device. :-P
<Jiangyi> witakr: Wait, it linked you to the i9300 builda? o.o
<witakr> Jiangyi: ya well I'm
<Jiangyi> builds*
<witakr> Jiangyi: i got the spr build link from the team epic root instruction page
<Jiangyi> witakr: Ah OK. Well, as long as everything works out in the end, we're good lol
<witakr> Jiangyi: I think it will. Just waiting for the rom to finish downloading. I'm at work and the internet connection is super slow here
<Jiangyi> :)
<witakr> Man I love CM.. I first started using it when I rooted my old HTC Evo 4g and I loved it
<witakr> Now I have CM9 running on my HP Touchpad and soo on my new gs3
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<Jiangyi> Cm ftw :p
<Jiangyi> witakr: Why'd you choose 9 over 10?
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* Jiangyi Jiangyi|Sleepyland
<witakr> Jiangyi: well, 9 is seemingly more stable than 10. I want 10 but I'm going to a wait a little before I flash it to allow some more of the bugs to be fixed
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Sleepyla
<Jiangyi|Sleepyla> there we go.
<Jiangyi|Sleepyla> witakr: Ah ok.
<Jiangyi|Sleepyla> witakr: Just telling ya, CM9 stable will be built in some hours from now.
<witakr> Jiangyi|Sleepyla: a stable release in just hours?
Jiangyi|Sleepyla is now known as Jiangyi|Sleep
<Jiangyi|Sleep> witakr: Yep. :-P
<witakr> wow didnt know the stable release was that close to being finished
<witakr> well ready
<Jiangyi|Sleep> witakr: You can see the news on the CM website.
<Jiangyi|Sleep> Anyways, I'm off to sleep. :-P
<Jiangyi|Sleep> Gnight!
<witakr> Jiangyi|Sleep: thanks for the help and info.. night!
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<ernie`> Yello
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<danyasd> heyhey
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<Frd^> hello, is i9300 getting stable on cm9?
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<Frd^> so not cm9 stable on i9300 =/
<ernie`> Wait and see
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<Frd^> it will come =)
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<Fissurez> WANT
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<NightCoder> Morning users, someone can explain me the new changelog (GS3):
<NightCoder> what are Merge branch 'jb-release' of I've never seen anything like it in the changelog...
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<pier> NightCoder, when ppl merge upstream
<pier> in that case google's AOSP
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<Kuzon> pier, mind giving me a bit of help on this, a bit off topic for the channel though
<pier> Kuzon, well try to ask ;)
<Kuzon> well was using my phone today and I plugged it into my desktop like I usually do and when it connects suddenly everything starts crashing on the phone
<Kuzon> system ui, gapps, talk, gmail, everything
<Kuzon> so I decided to get a new rom
<Kuzon> flash AOKP on it, get all my stuff logged in, running, apps installed
<pier> ok
<Kuzon> I plug it in again to my desktop
<Kuzon> it starts crashing
<Kuzon> last time it wouldn't even reboot
<Kuzon> this time it reboots but I can't do anything
<pier> did you move your apps to the sdcard?
<Kuzon> and it keeps trying to use data
<Kuzon> no
<Kuzon> I can't do anything on the phone btw
<Kuzon> won't enable any settings
<Kuzon> no apps can open
<pier> only when plugged or ?
<Kuzon> once the clean rom plugs into my computer it starts crashing and continues no matter what
<Kuzon> unplugged or not
<Kuzon> restarted or not
<Kuzon> I tried wiping stuff in the recovery but that did nothing
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
<pier> clean rom = full wipe?
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<Kuzon> yeah it was a full wipe minus the internal personal storage
<Kuzon> I feel like it's something malicious by the way it only happens when connecting to my desktop and how it's constantly upload data
<Kuzon> *uploading
<Kuzon> lockscreen is crashing too
<Kuzon> can't access the phone now
<pier> this sounds weird
<pier> very
<Kuzon> indeed. I'm in the process of backing up personal media files to do a 100% wipe
<Kuzon> and I'm scanning my computer to see if something is causing it, probably will have to go through it manually
<Kuzon> but no idea what's the cause
<Kuzon> or why it happens on different roms from the same action
<Espenfjo> cant get a logcat?
<bbqbot> derp
<Kuzon> Where is the log at?
<pier> !google logcat
<pier> @google logcat
<bbqbot> logcat | Android Developers -
<Baskey> @google logcat
<bbqbot> logcat | Android Developers -
<pier> ty Baskey
<Baskey> double logcat, double fun
<Kuzon> would be nice if adb could see the device
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<Jiangyi|Sleep> kuzon: An alternative would be to use the terminal emulator on the phone.
<Kuzon> no apps open
<Kuzon> in fact the lockscreen crashes so much I won't get in either
<Jiangyi|Sleep> Oh. Sorry, missed that line. :S
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<Jiangyi|Sleep> Kuzon: I think you should head to an AOKP channel, this channel is more for help on CM for Samsung devices.
<Kuzon> iits not a rom issue
<Kuzon> and I didn't ask the channel, I said it was off topic
<Jiangyi|Sleep> Kuzon: Are you sure about that? Did you try other ROMs?
<Kuzon> yes, that's why it's puzzeling
<Jiangyi|Sleep> Even stock?
<Kuzon> no, not stock yet
<Jiangyi|Sleep> sorry if I sound kinda dumb, I'm half asleep :S
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<Jiangyi|Sleep> Kuzon: Which device is this again?
<Kuzon> i777
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<Jiangyi|Sleep> Yep, I have no clue whatsoever. :S
<Kuzon> Neither does anyone else
<Kuzon> so I'm just gonna wipe everything
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<rootbox> hi
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<rootbox> i have a problem my phone isn't booting anymore (can't bypass the S2 Logo)
<Jiangyi|Sleep> rootbox: Can you get into download mode?
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<rootbox> the only action was that i wanted to update to 9 final
<rootbox> yeah
<rootbox> download mode is working
<rootbox> flashed already a brunch of kernels from xda
<rootbox> with heimdall
<rootbox> looks like it works now
<rootbox> uff
<rootbox> flashed an very old cm9 zImage
<Mardos> 8.64mb/s with usenet love it!
<EvilBelgian> isn't a graphics card suicide just the greatest way to start a weekend
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<Shamisen> hi EvilBelgian
<Shamisen> do u live in flanders
<Shamisen> cuz my belgian friend thinks flanders is evil
<EvilBelgian> actually
<EvilBelgian> I live in south africa
<Shamisen> o0
<Shamisen> so africa does have internet after all
<EvilBelgian> Yes
<EvilBelgian> it does
<EvilBelgian> are you american?
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<Shamisen> yep
<EvilBelgian> Texas
<EvilBelgian> Chatting on your SGS3
<Shamisen> i live in florida
<Shamisen> and i only have an s 2 :(
<EvilBelgian> :/ whois is lying
<Shamisen> lol
<Espenfjo> EvilBelgian: traceroute instead
<Espenfjo> Then you will see Tampa, Florida
<EvilBelgian> Cool
<cdesai> @geo Shamisen
<Jiangyi> @geo user Shamisen
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Shamisen
<bbqbot> {"range":[2906742272,2906742783],"country":"US","region":"FL","city":"Tampa","ll":[27.9987,-82.5156]}
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<cdesai> damn u bot
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<EvilBelgian> @geo user cdesai
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for cdesai
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~cd@unaffiliated/cdesai
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for unaffiliated/cdesai
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<cdesai> :P
<EvilBelgian> Interesting
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<codeworkx> @geo user codeworkx
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for codeworkx
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~codeworkx@piratenpartei/BY/codeworkx
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for piratenpartei/BY/codeworkx
<codeworkx> :-P
<cdesai> pirate
<Mardos> @geo user Mardos
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Mardos
<bbqbot> {"range":[645225504,645234687],"country":"US","region":"DC","city":"Washington","ll":[38.9144,-77.0763]}
<Mardos> damn it
<koud> @geo user koud
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for koud
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1334335488,1334336767],"country":"SE","region":"16","city":"Link�ping","ll":[58.4167,15.6167]}
<koud> hmm unicode error?
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<mongi> anyone here with cm9 on a gnex?
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<leechxit> hi
<leechxit> u there?
<leechxit> just installed the latest mod
<leechxit> but cant seem to load google play
<leechxit> it crashes
<leechxit> is it a known issue?
<leechxit> is it ok to install the previous build on top of this build?
<mongi> did you wipe?
<bbqbot> derp
<leechxit> i installed on top of the last build..
<Espenfjo> that is ok
<leechxit> the instruction says so
<Espenfjo> mongi: wipe?
<leechxit> hehe
<leechxit> nope..didnt the instruction says for update built not necessary have to wipe
<leechxit> it a known issue? google play crashes?
<Espenfjo> no
<mongi> i as meaning this, sorry data wipe/factory reset
<Espenfjo> what does the logs say?
<Espenfjo> mongi: Why would he do that?
<leechxit> how to check logs?
<leechxit> hehe
<leechxit> sorry
<Espenfjo> @google logcat
<bbqbot> logcat | Android Developers -
<Thracky> leechxit: did you at least wipe cache/dalvik?
<Espenfjo> Thracky: wipe cache/dalvik?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> Why on earth would he do that?
<Thracky> I guess I'm missing some context then :P
<cdesai> dalvik is wiped by zip
<cdesai> cache not needed
<Thracky> ah
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<Thracky> I always wipe em after a flash
* Thracky shrugs
<leechxit> not sure how to check the logs
<leechxit> hehe
<Espenfjo> Wiping of dalvik is completely unneeded on >= ICS
<Thracky> ahh ok
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<leechxit> but currently the google play is not loading
<mongi> Espenfjo: why?
<ViceFlow> Got the same problem here
<ViceFlow> Play store not loading
<mongi> is this problem on stable release?
<Espenfjo> mongi: Because the framework checks that the checksum of the applications are matching. If they are not it rebuilds dalvik/dex cache. If they match no need to rebuild
<Espenfjo> leechxit: To read logs you need to do a logcat, those links should hopefully say something about it
<leechxit> ok
<leechxit> tried it
<leechxit> unable to open log device
<leechxit> permission denied
<Espenfjo> Oo
<mongi> Espenfjo: hmm, thanks for the explanation
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<leechxit> good..have another person with the same prob here..
<leechxit> hehe
<leechxit> hmm..
<leechxit> and yeah...this is with the stable release
<ViceFlow> lol yeap
<ViceFlow> The rom is awesome
<ViceFlow> but play store for some reason wont load
<leechxit> so far it has been awesome
<leechxit> ;)
<Espenfjo> Try to flash gapps again
<leechxit> hmm...ok..
<ViceFlow> Good idea !
<leechxit> hehe nice
<leechxit> it is working
<leechxit> after reflashing gapps
<leechxit> need to put that in the documentation guys
<leechxit> ;)
<Thracky> shit I think I'm gonna have to flash my nandroid backup of cm9 so I can remove my blizzard authenticator from there heh
<Thracky> otherwise I have to send them government issued photo ID
<mongi> starting tomorrow, there won't be news builds on till cm10 go nightly?
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<ViceFlow> Play Store works when you flash gapps.
<ViceFlow> awesome
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<Espenfjo> Thracky: You can just copy blizzauths data to a new rom/device
<Espenfjo> I copied from i9100 to maguro, worked
<Thracky> too late lol
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
<Thracky> Espenfjo: just a backup/restore of data with TB would suffice?
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<Mardos> i think im getting bored of my S3
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<Espenfjo> Thracky: should be, yes
<mongi> Espenfjo: you use gnex?
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<Espenfjo> I switch a bit back and forth between the gnex and i9100
<Espenfjo> atm. I am on the i9100
<mongi> Espenfjo about the gnex. it's kind a simple question. you used cm9 on it? do you remember when you get a sms, did you screen used to turn in on at this moment?
<bbqbot> derp
<Mardos> Samsung reveals Exynos 5 Dual (5250): what you need to know about the world’s first Cortex A15 SoC
<Espenfjo> mongi: no, only used CM10 infact.
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<Espenfjo> mongi: And I also specifically turned off screen on in go sms pro since I have the notification LED
<mongi> i see... it's a feature i'd like to see on cm...
<mongi> the i9100 has no led =/
<mongi> the led is on gnex right?
<Espenfjo> yes
<Thracky> so security question info was compromised, but you can't actually change your security questions :|
<mongi> till today i regreat not buying the gnex =s
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<Thracky> heh latest version of smartstay ex is
<Thracky> oh nebkat
<Thracky> so silly.
<Jiangyi> mongi: Codey made the capacitive button LEDs into notification LEDs for the I9100G. :-P
<mongi> Jiangyi: not for the i9100? =/
<Jiangyi> mongi: No, it would kill the battery really quickly on Exynos. :-P
<Jiangyi> <3 OMAP
<mongi> damn exynos =/ haha
<Thracky> I had it on cm9 with siyah heh
<Thracky> didn't kill my battery
<koud> Jiangyi: why would it?
<Jiangyi> koud: Keeps a wakelock apparently.
<koud> not sure why it would be different between omap and exynos for that
<Jiangyi> dunno, that's what code said, :-P
<Veyka> Omap doesnt need wakelocks
<Veyka> Hardware diff's
<koud> I guess same reason why it cant go into deep sleep during charge
<Veyka> No devices deep sleep while charging afaik
<koud> i think gnex does?
<koud> not sure :P
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<Veyka> koud: I shall test!
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<Veyka> koud: I was wrong, the gnexus seems to deepsleep while charging :p
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<codeworkx> Veyka: why no one trusts me if i say omap is far better than haxxinos?
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<Veyka> codeworkx: no fucking clue, I bailed on exynos to omap though so
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<codeworkx> TI is having the better concept ;-)
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<Veyka> Nexus all the way :p
<codeworkx> TI: ok, let's think about how we can do it the best way -> do it. ## Samsung: let's hack it fast, throw it out to the masses and make $$$$
<Veyka> Ti do seem to be more sane
<Veyka> And far better OS stuff
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<Veyka> anyway, afk
<codeworkx> TI's stuff is always the same. doesn't matter which phone.
<codeworkx> samsungs stuff is ALWAYS not the same. even between variants
<codeworkx> they've no real concept
<Jiangyi> TI doesn't make their own phones, so they actually need to have good concepts. :-P
<Jiangyi> Umm... Noob question: Say I started a branch on one computer and uploaded it to Gerrit. How would I submit patch sets to that on a different computer?
<pier> today's noob question is: where updater-script is built? *puppy eyes*
<Jiangyi> lolwhut
<Jiangyi> pier: Somebody asked that on XDA? :p
<pier> no
<pier> I'm asking here
<pier> I want to modify the updater-script
<pier> :)
<pier> the noob is me :D
<Jiangyi> Oh lol
<datagutt> ok how did i manage 176 posts on meizu
<pier> I want to modify AOSP updater-script and cant find where this is built
<datagutt> i guess 90% of those are complaining
<pier> datagutt, wtg :)
<Jiangyi> datagutt: Clearly you like China too much. :-P
<datagutt> orly
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: repo start blah project
<datagutt> its mostly complaining
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: then cd to that dir
<datagutt> like
<datagutt> 90 of them or so
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: then fetch the change
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: modify it
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: git add -A
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: git commit --amend
ntStatis has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Fetch as in checkout or?
<codeworkx> pier: edify generator -> updater-script
<pier> thx cody
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: look at gerrit webinterface. there are links... git fetch refs/changes/94/20994/1 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I know, I mean is it Checkout, Pull, Cherry-pick, or patch? Or does it not matter?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: cherry
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Got it. Thanks.
<Thracky> Jiangyi: you install mint or something? :P
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Yeah, in a VM. :-P
<Thracky> h
<Thracky> *ah
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<Thracky> I'll probably do a proper install of it tonight
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You were right, Mint makes me not want to use Windows for basic things anymore. :-|
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<Thracky> Jiangyi did your power go out at all this morning?
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Nope.
<Thracky> ours was out at the office from like 6-9:30
<Thracky> must have been a small area affected
<Jiangyi> Thracky: See? My area's not ghetto. :-P
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<Thracky> yeah our street has all these sketchy ass "businesses"
<Thracky> someone probably broke something trying to steal power for their grow op
<Jiangyi> lol
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<Thracky> oh, and ALL of scarborough is ghetto ;-)
<Jiangyi> User: "Is there a difference between CM, MIUI, and AOKP?"
<Jiangyi> BIGGEST Understatement ever.
<Thracky> tell them to give up and buy a jitterbug
<EgoElf> that's like comparing unix, linux and macosx
<Veyka> The good, the bad, and the wut
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<Baskey> the good, the bad, and the queen
<Veyka> I want CM10 nightlies </bitch bitch>
<Baskey> I want CM11 nightlies
<Veyka> CM22 or gtfo
<EgoElf> CM42 FTW
<Baskey> CM9001
<Veyka> Pffft, fanboy
<Jiangyi> Hmm.... Just noticed one feature that only Chinese Stock ROMs has: Call Recording.
<Jiangyi> ._.
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<Veyka> Cos its not illegal over there?
<bbqbot> derp
<Veyka> :p
<Jiangyi> Veyka: Is it really against the law to tape a phone convo? o_O
<Veyka> Jiangyi: Yes, wiretapping laws
<Veyka> Aka you cant without prior consent or notification
<Jiangyi> Veyka: Oh right, that part.
<Veyka> Thats why they always say "May be recorded for training purposes"
<Jiangyi> Riiight.
<Veyka> Someone must have an opportunity to hang up before recording starts afaik
<EgoElf> because "May be recorded to nail your a$$ to the floor if you lie" doesn't sound as nice
<Veyka> tbh its probs more legal hassle than its worth in the west
<Jiangyi> EgoElf: Actually, it's more like nailing their a$$ to what their reps say xD
<Thracky> Jiangyi: probably only used by chinese government officials :D
<EgoElf> there is that too, i do here some cust service reps let into their underlings about tone/scripts/etc
<EgoElf> do hear some*
<Jiangyi> Thracky: You'd be surprised, half the Chinese G users are wondering where it went in CM. :-P
<Thracky> lol
<Thracky> ok they record convos to send them to the government and get in the good books :P
<Jiangyi> Thracky: A mod on a 9100G forum in China recorded his convos with Samsung reps and it was hilarious xD
<Jiangyi> Those guys were just like baffled.
<Thracky> clearly no wiretapping laws there heh
<Thracky> woo battery went from 9 to 11%
<Thracky> this always happens when I'm in and out of recovery a few times heh
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: if you've spent some time with mint and got some basic knowledge about linux, you'll never touch windows :-D
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Except for games ofc. :-P
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: check the software manager for linux games. there are like 100000000
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: it's no BF3, but there's funny stuff there
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I take it that Wine doesn't play well with games?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: it does. but you need some time to get used to wine
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: some games need special settings, other games need other settings and and and
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: it's a one-time thing
<Jiangyi> Ah I see.
<Jiangyi> Speaking of BF3, adding 4 more GB of RAM gave me more FPS :-P
<codeworkx> setting a game up might kill you, but if it's done, it's running
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Killing you = Spending over 9000 hours configuring it?
<codeworkx> uhm.. yeah
<codeworkx> google for "Play on Linux"
<codeworkx> dunno how far this project is
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<Jiangyi> @google play on linux
<bbqbot> Home - PlayOnLinux - Run your Windows applications on Linux easily! -
<Jiangyi> <3 bbqbot when nebkat's not controlling it. xD
<Veyka> Play on linux is pretty good
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<Veyka> Its an easy way to manage wine instances
<Veyka> Cos lots of games will need dll overides, but one set may break another game, etc
<Veyka> Also you will generally need to nocd crack a lot of more intrusive DRM as it just doesnt work
<Veyka> Steam works very well though, as do most of the source games
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<Baskey> @dood Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Jiangyi: what up dood
<Jiangyi> Veyka: Isn't Steam planning to go to Linux soon?
<Baskey> @geo user Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1427701760,1427708959],"country":"DE","region":"","city":"","ll":[51,9]}
<Veyka> Jiangyi: Yes
<Veyka> I think L4D2 is going to be the first game
<codeworkx> right
<Veyka> But if the source engine gets a linux/ogl backend then the rest should follow
<Jiangyi> +1
<codeworkx> afaik its finished but they're working on the steam client to make it as feature rich as the win version
<Veyka> Well, of cause it alrdy has ogl
<Veyka> Yeh, something like that
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<Veyka> Im sure the move to webkit would have helped the portability a lot
<Jiangyi> If they bring something like CS to Linux, I'm pretty sure that'll be good for them. :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: btw.. you can all the quake's or doom's
<codeworkx> *play
<Veyka> New counterstrike is source isnt it?
<Veyka> So that should get a linux port
<Thracky> biggest issue from what I was reading is proprietary driver issues
<codeworkx> If there would be a BF3 linux version... i would deinstall windoze
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I'm too young to have played those games. lol
<Thracky> cause nvidia and ati don't give a shit about linux drivers mostly
<codeworkx> Thracky: might change in future ;-)
<Jiangyi> Intel Graphics! :-D
<Jiangyi> jk
<Veyka> nvidia binary driver is mostly "ok"
<codeworkx> i played RIFT with ati drivers on wine. worked
<Veyka> ATI one is getting better, but the words fglrx still make my head hurt
<codeworkx> but RIFT isn't a high end game
<Thracky> codeworkx: yeah with valve pushing for linux I'm sure they'll pay more attention
* Jiangyi wonders if C&C/RA plays on Linux
<codeworkx> oh wait. most mobile devices are running linux
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: old games do mostly
<Veyka> C&C generals works fine under wine
<Veyka> so should the older and newer ones
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: supporting games is just a matter of time
<Veyka> Having a high profile publisher and platform on linux can only help
<Veyka> And the rise of ogl in mobile games can only help
<Jiangyi> Yay, RA2 will probably run then. :-D
<Veyka> Looks like RA2 Yuries Revenge works ok
<Kaik541> codeworkx: everything valve does is stuff they decide to work on, not because they're told to do it... so the work has been SLOW over the past like 5 years
<Veyka> The basic version doesnt though
<Veyka> :)
<Jiangyi> D-:
<Veyka> Very old test results though
<Veyka> Might be fixed in a newer version
<Veyka> Try it and see!
<Jiangyi> That doesn't make a lot of sense though. =|
<Jiangyi> Veyka: Don't think trying out games in a linux VM is the best idea lol
<Veyka> Nop
<Veyka> Oh
<Veyka> The problems are due to the fucking DRM
<Veyka> :D
<Thracky> Jiangyi: why not just use the windows installer for mint, you don't even have to partition anything.
<Veyka> Ewh
<Thracky> but you still get a proper full environment
<Veyka> Bad bad bad
<Thracky> better than a VM
pier is now known as pier|cig
<Veyka> Vm is fine for building and messing about
<Kaik541> codeworkx: I remember just being excited two years ago with this -
<Veyka> If you want to go the whole hog, partitions plz
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<Thracky> Veyka: yeah but if you're a noob and want to dual boot still, I'd recommend a windows install :P
<Thracky> less chance of screwing your shit up
<Veyka> Hehehe
<Veyka> You would have to be pretty braindead to screwup with the new smarter installers
<Thracky> disk performance suffers yes, but at least things will work.
<Jiangyi> Thracky: I'll take the VM. Whole reason that I didn't do a real install was worrying about drivers and such.
<Thracky> sadly my intro to unix class last semester had us using wubi to install ubuntu
<Thracky> which is ridiculous because these idiots really could have benefited from doing a full install
<Thracky> Jiangyi: there's really very little to worry about with drivers.
<Thracky> you have slightly older hardware and you don't have anything oddball.
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Well, it's too late now anyways. :-P
<Thracky> no it's not.
<Thracky> nuke the vm
<Thracky> mount the mint cd
<Thracky> run the windows installer :P
<Thracky> done.
<Jiangyi> Thracky: I already have the CM Repo sync'd and everything D:
<Thracky> you suck
<Veyka> ^
<Veyka> You could install linux using the windows installer
<Veyka> Boot it
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<Veyka> Install the vm software
<Veyka> Then copy from the VM to the install
<Veyka> :D
<Jiangyi> I don't have enough space to do all of that. o_o
pier|cig is now known as pier
<Veyka> Noob
<Thracky> I was gonna do my mint install on my 180 gig ssd, but I decided I'd rather keep the space for windoze for now and use one of my regular hdd's for mint
<Thracky> cm repo and android source takes up so much freaking space
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<Thracky> (for a smallish ssd anyways)
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<codeworkx> Thracky: mint ssd, android ssd, windows ssd, 2 hdd's for data i never touch
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<codeworkx> and my media box with 2,5 TB storage
<codeworkx> i don't use :-D
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<Thracky> codeworkx: hoarder!
<Thracky> I have a 2 tb external for my media, 2 500 gig hdd's and the 180 gb ssd in my desktop
<Thracky> so I'm just gonna load mint on one of the 500's
<Jiangyi> You all have more storage than me. T_T
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Android SSD?
<Thracky> I also have a 750 gig external with some older media, and a 320 gig external for my wii :P
<Thracky> and a 120 and a 250 gig IDE drive sitting there doing nothing.
<Assid> err does ubunty stgill have that unity bar crap
<Assid> or they got rid of ti
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: android sources
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: yes, android got it's own ssd
<addi> Assid, if its Unity, it has the crap bar
<Assid> when the hell are ssds gonna drop even more
<codeworkx> Assid: yes, ubuntu is still ugly :-D
<Assid> what do you suggest,, im again catching the "move to linux" bug
<codeworkx> mint
<codeworkx> single desktop -> cinnamon
<codeworkx> multi desktop -> mate
<Assid> err.. probem i have a ati card
<peterperfect> mint is very good
<addi> Assid, then you go back to Windows after a few days with "move back to Windows" bug? :p
<peterperfect> im using it now
<codeworkx> or if you like the gnome 2 or winxp way of doing things -> mate
<codeworkx> Assid: i'm running a HD 7970
<Assid> addi: last time.. i tried .. something didnt work right.. and i moved back..
<codeworkx> Assid: mint lets you install working ati drivers with one click
<Assid> ahh yeah.. xbmc looked different.. more crappy
<Assid> sweet
<codeworkx> just install them. but don't touch them
<Assid> i mostly use my desktop for xbmc .. since i no longfer have a monitor attached to it.. only a 32" tv
<codeworkx> if there are new ati drivers out via ati website, don't touch
<Assid> so just let mint do its thing ?
<addi> yer, don't touch drivers from ATI or nVidia themselves, haha
<codeworkx> Assid: my little media pc (dual core amd a350, hd6200) is also running mint on a 46" tv
<addi> nVidia drivers from nvidia themselves required me to uninstall a kernel and what not -.-
<codeworkx> Assid: right, just stay on what mint installs for you
<codeworkx> Assid: if there's a update the mint team want's to have in, you'll get it
<Assid> fair enough.. i mostly sit and recompile my openwrt on a server then re-download etc.. starting to be a pain
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<Assid> so you think cinnamon ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Assid> can i see someones cinamon's desktop in action?
<Assid> hmm checking this out ..
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<Jiangyi> Assid: I went with cinnamon yesterday. :-P
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: So SSD speeds up compiling too eh?
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* Jiangyi wants SSD even more now
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<Jiangyi> too bad it'll be limited by my SATA2 port. :/
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<datagutt> @unban datagutt
<datagutt> @unban datagutt #blamesamsung
<datagutt> @help unban
<bbqbot> Usage: @unban [<user>] [<channel>]
<bbqbot> Description: Unbans user
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<Guest28790> did the cm9 stable build for p3100 break by any chance?
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<PandaUK> uh woops
<PandaUK> wrong chat sorry
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<Thracky> definitely not clicking that lol
<Thracky> especially after the "uh woops"
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<Thracky> hmm trying to install a theme and getting error processing purchase [df-bpa-09] in Play.
<Thracky> kinda odd
<Thracky> wiped data and it looked like it was gonna work but then my battery finally died :P
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<dhalham> hello team hacksung, i came here to ask if anybody knows whats my problem when compiling, im compiling jb and i hvae got this error : device/samsung/galaxy5/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/layout/keyguard_screen_tab_unlock.xml:288: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'hitRadius' with value '@dimen/multiwaveview_hit_radius'). make: *** [out/target/common/obj/APPS/framework-res_intermediat
<dhalham> anyone know whats the problem
<dhalham> make: *** [out/target/common/obj/APPS/framework-res_intermediates/package-export.apk] Error 1 make: *** Deleting file `out/target/common/obj/APPS/framework-res_intermediates/package-export.apk' make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
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<dhalham> anyone? i thought this was a support irc
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<Thracky> calm your tits. people don't sit here waiting to answer questions 24/7.
<Thracky> And even if people are here, maybe they're not answering because they don't know the answer?
<Thracky> oh, he left.
<Thracky> i9100 user thread is getting out of control.
<Thracky> might be time to lock it for a bit.
<Trae32566-STA> meh, they'll just start another one :|
<Thracky> last page or so is just a huge bitch fest
<iinga> nearly every thread i go on with regards to i9100 is a huge bitch fest
<iinga> disadvantage of owning one of the most popular phones
<Thracky> true
<Thracky> I rarely read the user threads heh
<EgoElf> i'm surprised the cm dev group doesn't act like a bunch of monks and essentially drop releases from about 10 miles out, then go back and hide from the masses in their caves
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<Thracky> at least the dev thread isn't continually clogged with stupid user questions like it was at the beginning of cm9
<Thracky> nice, mod cleaned out all the bullshit out of that thread
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<Baskey> @dood Baskey
<bbqbot> Baskey: what up dood
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<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> addi,
<Baskey> what's up dood
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<bigbrovar> Hi guys I am about to flash cm9 stable on my sgs. This page recommends 20120317 version of gapps but the version I have I abit more up to date 20120429 which I downloaded from . does that mean I am gonna die?
<bbqbot> derp
<Frd^> yes
<addi> bigbrovar, nah
<addi> you will go into coma
<addi> :p
<Frd^> and die
<addi> no u
<addi> only coma
<addi> bigbrovar, not a problem, flash the latest one
<Frd^> now cm9 on sgs and sgs3 ;)
<Frd^> need to get sgs2 so i can flash cm9 on that two
<bigbrovar> Thanks guys :)
<Frd^> if some version of gapps does not work flash another ;)
<Frd^> eazy
<Frd^> damn optimizing...
<bigbrovar> also which modem is recommended.. word on the street is LFB is the best and has the least issues. However some folks talks of a new modem which works even better on the sgs3
<Frd^> that what in my sgs3
<Frd^> and sgs1 has JKF
<Frd^> some wierd call mic and speaker problems..
<bigbrovar> Frd^: yeah that's what I heard.. something to do with using bluetooth or some ish like that. I didnt have any issues though during the nightlies
<Frd^> had those on rc2
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<Frd^> reboot fixes those, but really annoying..
<Frd^> haven had them like week
<Frd^> tested with different modems packs. LFB got less
<bigbrovar> Frd^: yeah so I head. But the issues is fixed now?
<Frd^> i hope so ;) cause stable is out =P
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<bigbrovar> Frd^: so it seems cm9 won't be having UMS on sgs3 .. I remembered sgs2 had UMS support with cm9
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<bigbrovar> only windows has good MTP .. thats the only draw back to my upgrade from sgs2
<Frd^> that true,
<Kuzon> anyone know what this error means?
<Kuzon> failed to access device libusb error: -12
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<addi> Kuzon, did you install the drivers for Heimdall?
<Kuzon> Heimdall doesn't see the device listed
<Kuzon> via zadig
<addi> need to check "list all devices" in zadig
<Kuzon> it sees gadget seriel
<Kuzon> I did
<Kuzon> and gadget seriel control
<Kuzon> those are associated with the phone
<Kuzon> but not named or known
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<addi> did you use Odin at some point?
<Kuzon> yes
<addi> if yes, then change USB ports
<Kuzon> ok
<addi> can't use a port you used for Odin in Heimdall, and vice versa
<Kuzon> okay I switched ports
<Kuzon> still shows up as gadget seriel
<Kuzon> serial*
<addi> hmmm
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<Kuzon> I see
<Kuzon> the driver is having a vehicle issue
<Kuzon> I should buy my phone a new bike
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<Kuzon> okay either the computer drivers suck and I need to fix them
<Kuzon> or my phone is not letting anything write to the storage
<Kuzon> or maybe not having kies is an issue
<Baskey> @dood addi
<bbqbot> addi: what up dood
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> @dood Baskey
<bbqbot> Baskey: what up dood
<Kuzon> @dood dood
<bbqbot> dood: what up dood
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> o.O
<Kuzon> oh god
<Kuzon> says he broke his spine at the base?
<Baskey> yep
<Kuzon> He moved a lot
<Baskey> indeed
<Kuzon> at first I thought the line caught in his arm
<Kuzon> cut it off
pier is now known as pier|afk
<Kuzon> or it rubbed off clean from the slide down the damn
<Kuzon> *dam
<Kuzon> I hate Kies
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<bigbrovar> anyone every got the cm9 lockscreen weather to work.. it refreshes alright but never displays no weatehr info
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<dabear> bigbrovar: works fine here
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<twDuke> hi
<twDuke> i have a problem finding files i push with adb, with adb push sdcard/
<twDuke> shouldnt i see them when going to select from internal in cwm?
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<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> twDuke: It's /sdcard, not sdcard/.
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<Motogeekchris> Nexus 7, y u no have stock in ontario
<Thracky> order from the play store
<Thracky> my boss got his in like 5 days
<addi> no, best to get from local store, no knowing if your device may have one of the common problems of the N7 and need a replacement :p
<Thracky> there won't be any stock to exchange it anyways.
<twDuke> Jiangyi: thx, but still no luck really dont understand as it confirms with speed and number of bytes transfered
<twDuke> just cant see the file
<Jiangyi> twDuke: What device is this again?
<twDuke> a sgs2
<Jiangyi> twDuke: Well, try doing it while in CWM Mode.
<twDuke> Thats what im doing :)
<Jiangyi> Oh. Try in the system then. xD
<Motogeekchris> 20$ shipping
<Motogeekchris> thats the kicker
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<Yoshimo> if i wanted to try titanium backups restore, where in cm9 would i find the untrusted source option?
<Jiangyi> Yoshimo: In Security I believe.
<Jiangyi> Motogeekchris: Kicker for me is that I have a $50 FS gift card. :p
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<Motogeekchris> same here, but i think they will be the last to get stock
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<Jiangyi> twDuke: Right I forgot. In CWM, the Internal SD card is /emmc I think.
<twDuke> ok trying
<twDuke> Jiangyi: <3
<twDuke> Jiangyi: it worked, thx alot dude
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<Kuzon> alright so recovery mode doesn't work anymore / won't boot into it
<Kuzon> and the Samsung firmware error is showing with phone yellow triangle and computer icon on the screen
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<Jiangyi> twDuke: No prob :-)
<Jiangyi> Kuzon: Hook it up to your computer and use Odin.
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<Kuzon> like I didn't try that
<Kuzon> some kind of driver issue
<Kuzon> or nand issue
<Jiangyi> Should be computer. There's no reason that it shouldn't work.
<Jiangyi> Well, unless your cable's bad. :-\
<Kuzon> maybe
<Jiangyi> Did you install Kies or the standalone drivers?
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<Kuzon> ><Jiangyi> Did you install Kies or the standalone drivers?
<Kuzon> both
<Jiangyi> Well then I'm out of ideas.
<Jiangyi> Try another computer?
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<Kuzon> I just used a new computer to try and flash the phone
<Kuzon> same exact errors
<Kuzon> it fails to write to the phone
<Kuzon> it detects it and knows it