bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <codeworkx> samsung phones are accidents | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
<nickl_> I find Amazon to be a rip off anyway surely there is cheaper closer by
<nickl_> Kenji: what are you in the market for?
<Kenji> a battery
<nickl_> notebook battery?
<nickl_> China is about the same distance
<nickl_> Haven't bought there myself but rather tempted
<jaket> isnt pom
<jaket> prisioner of her majesty
<Kenji> phone battery
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<nickl_> jaket: not as far as I know
<nickl_> jaket: I thought they were the soldiers
<nickl_> oh yes this is support
<nickl_> guess I should come up with a n00b question
<nickl_> uhm...
<nickl_> I want to install this cool app
<nickl_> but it requires that I brick my phone
<nickl_> does anyone know how I can brick my phone
<nickl_> plesae it is urgent
<nickl_> really
<nickl_> they say the offer expire in 3 hour
<Kenji> put the phone on top of a rock, thne find a brick, hit the phone 3 times with the brick
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<nickl_> won't that damage the brick?
<nickl_> I can't find a rock
<nickl_> what do I do now?
<Kenji> you can't create anything new without breaking some rocks
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<nickl_> someone else must've broken them
<nickl_> there's just sand
<nickl_> what do I do now?
<bbqbot> derp
<nickl_> what do I do now?
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<nickl_> what do I do now?
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<jaket> nickl_:
<jaket> i think that pom is a derogatory term
<nickl_> yes senor?
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<nickl_> jaket: how did you deduce that?
<nickl_> calling me a racist?
<jaket> "Pommy is supposed to be short for pomegranate. Pomegranate, pronounced invariably pommygranate, is a near enough rhyme to immigrant, in a naturally rhyming country.
<jaket> racism.
<nickl_> oh you colling me a racism
<nickl_> no that is completely different
<nickl_> I don't think it was about the fruit though
<jaket> i callig you a racism
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<Jiangyi> ............. I come home, and I see nonsense here. ._.
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<Tangogek> First of all, very very great rom
<Tangogek> i am facing one issue what is still not resolved, when making calls using blue tooth or headset it is not working
<Tangogek> is this a known issue?
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<Entropy512> not on any device I work with... But I have no clue which device you're talking about since you haven't stated which one
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<peterperfect> i cant believe it
<peterperfect> asus underped my sn
<peterperfect> i finally unlocked it
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<Jiangyi> peterperfect: Unlocking as in bootloader or SIM unlock?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> bootloader
<peterperfect> they derped a range of serial numbers
<peterperfect> in which the unlock tool wasnt working
<peterperfect> i bought mine in may first
<peterperfect> and till now i wasnt able to unlock
<peterperfect> tf300
<peterperfect> BRB
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<Jiangyi> Ahhhh.
<Jiangyi> Asus screws up stuff too? :-/
<Jiangyi> damn it, is there not a single company that doesn't screw things up?
<peterperfect> yep
<peterperfect> and now i cant get linux to recognize my devices
<peterperfect> Jiangyi: are you on linux?
<Jiangyi> peterperfect: I'm dual booting windows and linux mint. :-P
<peterperfect> ok
<peterperfect> mint is failing to read my sgs3
<peterperfect> and doesnt even get my asus
<peterperfect> wtfq
<Jiangyi> peterperfect: I never got MTP to work with my 9100G, but I did get ADB working fine.
<peterperfect> lets install sdk on windoze
<Jiangyi> brb
<peterperfect> what a shame
<peterperfect> windoze pronto installed asus fastboot interface
<peterperfect> (drivers)
<Jiangyi> back
<Jiangyi> lol
<peterperfect> almost done here
<peterperfect> after that im flashing cm to my mk802
<peterperfect> btw Jiangyi
<peterperfect> its awesome
<Jiangyi> fastboot?
<peterperfect> yep
<peterperfect> best way to flash images
<peterperfect> nexus and asus have it
<peterperfect> its a android sdk tool
<Jiangyi> cool :-P
<Jiangyi> btw, what's an mk802? lol
<peterperfect> lol
<peterperfect> @google MK802 amazon
<bbqbot> Mini MK802 Android 4.0 Google TV Box HD IPTV Player PC - Amazon -
<peterperfect> check it out
<peterperfect> its awesome
<peterperfect> huge OTG capabilities
<peterperfect> aaand haz cm
<peterperfect> ahahah
<Entropy512> I saw a highly alpha CM port with a fairly cluttered device tree
<Entropy512> got a link to the device repo?
<peterperfect> nop
<peterperfect> aw
<peterperfect> yes
<Entropy512> I have one but I haven't had time to play with it yet
<peterperfect> i was going to say
<peterperfect> that cm9 is fully working
<peterperfect> cm10 is only lacking HW decoding
<peterperfect> so
<peterperfect> Entropy512:
<peterperfect> FIX
<peterperfect> xD
<peterperfect> heh
<peterperfect> i will link you
<peterperfect> hang
<Jiangyi> lol
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<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> they have a lot of support
<peterperfect> bluetooth dongle
<peterperfect> 3g dongle
<peterperfect> camera
<peterperfect> this device is amazing
<peterperfect> im using one here
* Jiangyi is reconsidering
<Entropy512> those "compatibility" zips are... odd...
<Jiangyi> Raspberry Pi or this....
<peterperfect> yep
<peterperfect> maybe you can save this too
<peterperfect> :)
<peterperfect> and merge it to cm tree
<peterperfect> he is using .34 linux
<peterperfect> which is pretty advanced considering that sgs3 stills on .14
<peterperfect> for cm10
<Entropy512> unfortunately, it's a bitch to find his relevant patches to the core repos... :(
<Entropy512> he's got all sorts of hax
<peterperfect> yeah im seeing this
<peterperfect> is easier to start from ground
<peterperfect> haha
* Jiangyi is a bit confused at the compatibility zips too
<peterperfect> Jiangyi: dunno haspberry, but mk802 works like a charm
<Entropy512> raspberry is a VERY weak device
<peterperfect> well you got to flash cm and after this flash compatibility zips
<peterperfect> its legacy modules on kernel
<peterperfect> dunno why cant update them
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<Jiangyi> Hmm.....
<Jiangyi> This is reminding me of something similar to the mk802, but using Exynos instead.
<Jiangyi> If only I can remember the name.....\
<peterperfect> its allwinner with MALI
<Entropy512> Jiangyi: Cotton Candy?
<peterperfect> im running from haxynos
<peterperfect> cotton candy aint been released yet
<Jiangyi> Right that's it! :-P
<peterperfect> people take to long to release
<peterperfect> chinese go and BANG
<peterperfect> do it
<Jiangyi> lol
<peterperfect> ok
<peterperfect> recovery on
<Jiangyi> It's what the Chinese are best at. :-P
<peterperfect> CWM rulez
<peterperfect> awwww
<peterperfect> CWM
<peterperfect> so happy
<peterperfect> lets backup this shit
<aku> peterperfect, how many usb ports does the mk802 have?
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<peterperfect> w2
<peterperfect> 2
<peterperfect> it comes with a couple of adapters
<peterperfect> it even support multiple screens
<aku> must run like shit on multiple screens
<peterperfect> dunno
<peterperfect> but im pretty sure CM will improve speed
<peterperfect> its not a beast you know
<peterperfect> but it just works
<aku> been watching some youtube videos and guys are comparing it to early 90's computers
<peterperfect> didnt tested yet
<peterperfect> but im more interested in media
<peterperfect> but it has a fair 1,2ghz
<peterperfect> 1gb ram
<peterperfect> and mali
<peterperfect> put good software on it
<peterperfect> and its good to go
<peterperfect> worth it
<aku> what sort of software
<peterperfect> 72 usd
<peterperfect> CM
<aku> not really capable of running linux
<peterperfect> yes it is
<peterperfect> ubuntu
<aku> really sluggish
<peterperfect> how do you know?
<aku> im watching videos on it
<peterperfect> well, lets see how cm goes
<peterperfect> i found it not bad for a stock home mad chinese firm
<peterperfect> no offense Jiangyi
<peterperfect> :)
<aku> when was it released?
<peterperfect> what?
<peterperfect> mk802 or cm?
<aku> MK802
<peterperfect> (i dunno either)
<peterperfect> dunno
<aku> they'll probably release a dual core version soon enough :D
<peterperfect> there is a MK802II released
<Jiangyi> peterperfect: lolwhut
<peterperfect> dunno whats the difference anyway
* Jiangyi needs original Chinese sites
<Jiangyi> They always tell things better in Chinese. :-P
<aku> it has 4gb storage
<Jiangyi> peterperfect: You know the product is kinda weird when Googling MK802 shows more English sites than Chinese ones.
<Jiangyi> And the fact that it has no Chinese brand name.
<peterperfect> yep
<peterperfect> there is a english guy
<peterperfect> that has contact with rikomagic
<Jiangyi> AND prices are all listed in American Dollars, not a single site listed it in Chinese Yuan.
<Jiangyi> Damn, I start volunteering tomorrow.
* Jiangyi almost forgot
<peterperfect> for what?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi> peterperfect: This program that helps newcomers get used to high school life here. :-P
<peterperfect> nice
<peterperfect> ok lets flash it to tf300t
<peterperfect> that akward moment that cwm 5 has no progress line
<peterperfect> and its installing update
<Jiangyi> lol
<peterperfect> dude..anything is slow vs sgs3
<peterperfect> ha
<peterperfect> here comes CID
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> 9100G's fast enough for me. :-P
<peterperfect> done it
<Jiangyi> User: "Cid's head is OK, just not his body."
<Jiangyi> :-|
<peterperfect> i think it too
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<peterperfect> cid body is pretty idiotte
<peterperfect> but his face is awesome
<peterperfect> drunk alien face everywhere
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<Jiangyi> xD
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<dvine> is it possible to activate ums mode for the gt-i9100 on cyanogenmode 10?
<dvine> tried sgs3 easy ums but doesn't seem to work on the s2
<dvine> cyanogenmod* ^
<Espenfjo> Changes arent merged yet
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<dvine> Espenfjo: was that answer directed at me?
<Espenfjo> yes
<dvine> thanks for the response, but i am not quite sure I understand the answer..
<dvine> what exactly does that mean?
<Espenfjo> For a device to support UMS the device maintainers have to add support
<Espenfjo> It is a configuration setting in a file which has to be set during build
<dvine> right... so in other words, I will have to wait for a nightly to have the ums enabled before I can utilise it?
<Espenfjo> Yes (Or do a build yourself).
<dvine> ohh i do not think i am prepared to try to create my own build.. is there a tutorial on how to do so though if i was to look into it?
<dvine> i appreciate your reponse.
<dvine> response*
<Espenfjo> Its some process to start, but it is quite easy as well
<dvine> thanks for the heads up dude.. :D
<dvine> i'll do some research! cheers.
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<koud> I hope samsung will leak some i9100 jb stuff soon :)
<gladiac1337> koud: +1
<PspHellcat> but w/o emmc breaking, pls
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<dvine> is there any mods that have ums enabled by default and not half the features broken?
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<gladiac1337> dvine: i have no issues with ums in cm9
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<SS__> hi
<SS__> I am having an issue with CM9 stable build for Galaxy S2 (I9100)
<SS__> The phone looses signal...
<MacDrunk> same here
<SS__> I tries searching in many forums but did not find any answer... When I flash the stock rom i get back the signal
<SS__> Any idea how do i resolve this ?
<bbqbot> derp
<MacDrunk> trouble whit spirit fm no working also on translate app if i want to listen to the translation,, it wont work
<MacDrunk> any ideas
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<SS__> any body out there who can help me ?
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<MacDrunk> ./hhello
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<MacDrunk> dait
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<MacDrunk> damit
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<addy28> excuse me
<addi> excused ^^
<addi> hello addy28
<addy28> can i know major bugs of cm9 for galaxy s2 i9100g?
<addy28> i m total newbie
<addy28> is that same for samsung galaxy s2 i9100G made by codeworkx ?....and sir can i know if important features are working properly? like wifi, bluetooth, usb otg, etc?
<addy28> ??
<addy28> thanx addi
<addi> it works pretty well in case you're wondering
<addy28> yaa i was waiting for cm9 for G version .ALL THANX TO CODEWORKX.....i m waiting for stable cm9...thanx for the support
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<allda> is there anybody?
<addi> whatever it is you want to ask or say, say it and wait for someone to reply
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<Tr0jAn> addi.. this is very familiar ;)
<Tr0jAn> seems every channel has the same
<addi> yeah, I think we need to save a file with such responses xD
<bbqbot> derp
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<Espenfjo> :O
<addi> that rotating circle could have been slower
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<gladiac1337> uh, stargate? :P
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<chieftexi> espenfjo - can I ask you a question about asking questions?
<dvine> gladiac1337: yeah i dind't have the issue in ics, but it does appear in jb
<dvine> so just trying to find a current jb build that doesn not have the ums issue..
<dvine> there are so many variants, so it is difficult to find the right build presently
<dvine> cm10 doesn't, so need to find one that does.
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<gladiac1337> yeah, i decided to stay with cm9 until that is sorted out.. besides other things
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<gladiac1337> huh? nexus gt-i9260?
<dvine> gt-i9100
<gladiac1337> nono i just read a report in sammobile about a new nexus device
<addi> yes, could be Nexus Plus
<addi> but presence of SD card = looks fake :p
<gladiac1337> who knows :)
<addi> unless Samsung decided to tweak the software and added an SD card on their own :p
<gladiac1337> i would love to have a sd slot
<addi> so would a lot of people, so let's hope its true ^^
<gladiac1337> yea :)
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<peterperfect> ppl
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<peterperfect> ciwrl|away: now we has a classy bootanimation! :D
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<peterperfect> no more nerdy kindergarden
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<gladiac1337> i like it, too
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<gladiac1337> most people seem to love the background music though :P
<addi> that kinda music is always awesome :p
<gladiac1337> i the sgs2 booted up for like a minute we could embed it into the animation but since it takes only a couple seconds that is not an option i guess :P
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<chieftexi> - if you follow these install instructions, wont you get a yellow triangle?
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<GabMus> hello
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<GabMus> im going to update my i9100 to a new version of cm10, is there anything baaad i should know?
<addi> Chieftexi, you can always use TriangleAway to reset flash counter
<addi> GabMus, make a backup of your current ROM in recovery, then try the new update yourself to see if there's anything bad
<GabMus> i think everything will be ok
<GabMus> i dont wanna lose time making backups
<GabMus> xD
<GabMus> if something goes wrong ill use my old backup
<addi> well, then you should stop trying out custom ROMs ;)
<GabMus> why?
<GabMus> backups arent THAT important
<GabMus> download is still to 15%
<GabMus> ;\
<GabMus> :\*
<gladiac1337> tell that the people who corrupted their efs :P
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<addi> well, they aren't, but if you don't want to "waste time" making backups and also don't want to find out what's wrong by trying it out yourself, then yes, stop using custom ROMs
<GabMus> you're sooo boring :P
<addi> ^^
<addi> just wary of newbies xD
<GabMus> im not a newbie
<GabMus> ù-à
<GabMus> im just lazy ù_ù
<addi> okay, wary of lazy people and newbies ^_^
<GabMus> thats already better
<GabMus> fine
<GabMus> dafuq 22%
<addi> anyone who comes in on IRC and asks if a new version has something "baaad" before trying it out is a generally a newbie u_u
<GabMus> uff... i just wanted to know if there is a big huge problem with the new version. if you tell me "try it out and tell us" then i just understand that there are no big problems and i can proceed
<chieftexi> addi yes but isnt it better just to not raise flash counter?
<gladiac1337> triangle away resets the counter to zero
<gladiac1337> that's exactly what it does
<addi> well, again, worrying about stuff like flash counter = stop flashing custom ROMs >>
<chieftexi> i know, but doesnt that teach people the "short way"?
<bbqbot> derp
<GabMus> i never worried about flash counter. even i triangle away didnt exist i would have used custom ROMs.
<GabMus> i dont want to use an old system with samsung stuff like touch wiz
<addi> ^
<chieftexi> yeah i wouldnt say im worried, but its nice to know as much as possible
<chieftexi> better than crying after the fact
<GabMus> i think i knwo enough
<chieftexi> i didnt mean you gab, i just mean generally
<GabMus> yeah just to say
peterperfect is now known as peternotperfect
<GabMus> i know briefely how stuff works. i have some programming knowledges and i never used windows. i think i should undersand when something is wrong. nobody should try custom ROMs without a minimal knowledge
<GabMus> 40% -_-"
<chieftexi> agree 100%
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<addy28> help please.. i just flashed cm9 on my samsung galaxy s2 G version, and i want to instal googleapps how should i download from rom manager
<addy28> ?
<GabMus> thats what i was talking about
<GabMus> here you are
<GabMus> flash it as it was a rom
<GabMus> in recovery mode
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<addy28> ohk thank you sir...but i have one problem my phone cant mount external sd card in recovery mode
<addy28> so i have to put the zip file in internat sd
<gladiac1337> OT: holy son of a mother... i really don't like adobe at all...
<addy28> ohk thank you sir...but i have one problem my phone cant mount external sd card in recovery i have to put the zip file in internat sd
<GabMus> and whats the problem?
<GabMus> it boots even without gapps
<GabMus> boot the phone
<GabMus> connect via usb
<GabMus> transfer the zip
<GabMus> reboot in recovery and flash it
<addy28> thank you....i wil do that but i was wondering if there is solution for me that my external sd card is unable to mount in recovery mode what must be problem/?
<GabMus> maybe the filesystem
<GabMus> whats the sd filesystem?
<GabMus> fat32? fat16? ext? ntfs?
<addy28> sorrry dont know i m total newbie
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<GabMus> mh...
<addy28> :(
<GabMus> try formatting the sd directly using the phone
<addy28> ohhk or maybe it is common in galaxy s2 i9100G ??/
<GabMus> nop
<GabMus> my sd perfectly works
<GabMus> i dont think there are much differences between i9100 and i1900G
<addy28> hmm maybe it is the sd card is very very very old one
<GabMus> i meant i9100g
<GabMus> maybe
<GabMus> try a friends one
<GabMus> i suggested you to format the actual one
<addy28> and yes there is major difference in the G and non G version
<addy28> ya thanku i will firstly formaat mine and then try new sd card
<GabMus> you are right
<GabMus> there are differences in the cpu and in the gpu
<addy28> yes sir, and exynos is better than that tiomap or something
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<GabMus> 95% *_*
<GabMus> _ ( (( \ =\ __\_ `-\ (____))( \---- (____)) _ (____)) (____))____/----
<GabMus> dafuq
<GabMus> wrong paste, sorry
<addy28> np
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<addy28> thank you for your help sir....see you later
<GabMus> ok guys i installed
<GabMus> now im rebooting
<addy28> google apps installed and working thak u
<GabMus> np
<GabMus> ;)
<GabMus> see ya
<addy28> thanx see ya
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<GabMus> it works
<GabMus> starting test B|
<GabMus> same gapps problem as the previous version
<GabMus> flashing genuine gapps
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<GabMus> everything looks normal
<GabMus> ok
<GabMus> gotta go guys
<GabMus> see ya
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<mongi> did cm10 already change the bootanimation?
<aku> nope
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<cdesai> it'll soon
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<cdesai> Parth: baka
<cdesai> kem 6e
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<irwinlee> @ NEBKAT realised that the am/pm on cm9 for p3110 cant be activated?
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* peterperfect[A] is now away - Reason : lunch
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<codeworkx> irwinlee: why should neby care?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> irwinlee: he doesn't own the device, me neither.
<irwinlee> sorry guys but where should i go for some help/support for cm 9
<codeworkx> this channel
<codeworkx> or xda forum
<dizko> trying to figure out which rc script i could stick something in to launch at startup (4.0.4). seems rc layout changed a lot since earlier versions
<dizko> without baking it into the bootimage, is there a good place to put such a thing?
<codeworkx> system/init.d ?
<dizko> doesnt exist
<codeworkx> system/etc/init.d
pier is now known as pier|afk
<dizko> right
<dizko> doesnt exist
<codeworkx> /data/local/
<codeworkx> /data/local/userinit.d
<dizko> also doesnt exist
<codeworkx> create it?
<dizko> those are the ones i found from google sensei
<irwinlee> wonder if its me but realised the am/pm doesnt show when selected to be shown on settings
<codeworkx> system/etc/init.d exists for sure
<dizko> well, ill need to verify that its called from earier in the rc process
<dizko> root@android:/data/local # ls -ld /system/etc/init.d
<dizko> /system/etc/init.d: No such file or directory
<codeworkx> root@android:/ # ls -la /system/etc/init.d
<codeworkx> -rwxr-xr-x root shell 304 2008-08-01 14:00 80cfw
<codeworkx> -rwxr-xr-x root shell 377 2008-08-01 14:00 00banner
<codeworkx> -rwxr-xr-x root shell 416 2008-08-01 14:00 90userinit
<codeworkx> are you talking about cm or aosp?
<dizko> what's the first thing init processes in android (like inittab in unix)
<dizko> its aosp
<codeworkx> cat /init.rc
<codeworkx> aosp doesn't support it
<codeworkx> so you have to modify the bootimage anyway
<dizko> so init kicks off init.rc directly?
<dizko> ic
<dizko> i was kind of thinking that might be the case based on what i was seeing
<dizko> thanks for the confirmation
<irwinlee> cm
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<dizko> yea, im not gonna port cm to this device
<dizko> just got done getting it working on my handset which isnt that far off from existing work
<dizko> ill just mod the bootimage
<dizko> service sshd /system/bin/start-ssh
<dizko> class main
<dizko> root@android:/ # service check sshd
<dizko> Service sshd: not found
<dizko> can i just stick something at /system/bin/start-ssh
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<dizko> are services defined elsewhere or just by being enumerated in init.rc ?
<codeworkx> just init.rc
<codeworkx> is your script looping? or dies straight after executing?
<dizko> background
<dizko> this is a nexus q
<dizko> looking for somewhere to start the launcher
<codeworkx> if the service isn't up, then your script exited
<codeworkx> ps ?
<dizko> well, there is no sshd script there
<dizko> its just there in init.rc inexplicably
<codeworkx> you're trying to run /system/bin/start-ssh which isn't there?
<dizko> no its defined in init.rc, but doesnt exist
<dizko> so i was thinking i could leverage it to put my own script
<codeworkx> sure
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<dizko> worked kinda but it keeps looping and restarting
<addi> someone's review on Razr Maxx: "I just spoke to a high position management person from Motorola and asked him why don't they do a strong marketing like Samsung and HTC and even Nokia. And his answer was what clicked me...our research budget is more than our marketing budget..and we do let our product do the talking"
<addi> xD
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<dizko> just needed to background it so that the shell could exit
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<aku> codeworkx, nice animation
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<pier> animation? where?
<pier> cody what's new in your experimental-build?
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<GabMus> hello
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<Tr0jAn> ;)
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<bbqbot> derp
<pier> ok
<Tr0jAn> yea thats in todays build
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<ernie`> haha what
<ernie`> the new boot animation made my screen go completely black even though its on
<peterperfect> ernie`its because its borked
<peterperfect> patch not ready yet
<ernie`> oh ok
<peterperfect> did you build it yourself?
<ernie`> no.. I just replaced the in /system/media
<ernie`> which I never thought would have so large impact on my screen
<ernie`> on the latest (spiderpig) build
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<Tr0jAn> ernie` bootanimation working here
<peterperfect> depends on device
<Tr0jAn> OK
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<crowboth> has anyone converted the new jbfascinate rom to USCC Mesmerize?
<ernie`> i9300 here
<ernie`> worked fine on my N7
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<peterperfect> Entropy512 liked the new bootanim?
<sagitariusA> hello teamhacksung . i hope everyone is fine.
<addi> sagitariusA, Welcome to Teamhacksung Customer Carings. All is fine, yes. How may we helping you?
<sagitariusA> I have noticed that rooting the i9100g with jiangyi's 1st method reduces the touch screen sensitivity(something that was already bad). I want to try superoneclick, but does it put yellow triangle?
<sagitariusA> i know you must be asking why i didn't post in xda developers, the reason is, they didn't allow me. i am new there
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<addi> well, go to every thread you find and write a thanks message or say "wow, this is great" or something like that to increase post count and not be new anymore :p
<sagitariusA> addi: really? then i will try.
<sagitariusA> thanks
<addi> i'm not sure what the requirements for posting a new thread are, but having some general posts is it afaik'
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<Veyka> addi: fuck you
<Veyka> :(
<Veyka> sagitariusA: dont do that, bad troll is bad
<sagitariusA> veyka, really? how do i know who is really a teamhacksung member and not. that adi person is a waste of time. he interrupted me last night too when i was asking thing to codeworkx
<addi> well, I think it's a stupid requirement, so go ahead, troll
<Veyka> pfft
<Veyka> sagitariusA: Aka dont spam to get 10 posts >;[
<Veyka> It reduces the number of idiots and spammers in the dev section
<Veyka> Thats all
<Veyka> :/
<addi> yeah, wait for a few days and make meaningful posts then be allowed to post. good idea. keep waiting >.>
<sagitariusA> veyka : ok i won't. thank you. how is the proper way to get 10 posts?
<Veyka> addi: Its just a numbers game, the amount of spam/etc kept out vs number of valid questions delayed
<addi> yes, but still, stupid >.>
<Veyka> addi: Sure, but we cant patch people ;)
<sagitariusA> Veyka : thanks
<addi> a newbie is supposed to come in and help others while he knows nothing himself in order to increase posts xD
<Veyka> Read > learn > post
<Veyka> :D
<addi> exactly, which takes time, so troll xD
<Veyka> Fuck lazy users!
<addi> (though I myself did "Read > learn > post" when I was new on XDA) :p
* Veyka pets addi "Good little user"
<Veyka> </trololol>
<Veyka> ;)
<addi> but in my case, the seasoned users were more fools than knowledgeable, so I was help quite a few. let's hope sagitariusA can too xD
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<Veyka> SM =! not an idiot
<sagitariusA> codeworkx is available now or not?
<addi> able to help*
<peterperfect> sagitariusA seems a not to me
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<Maty> hey, you should make bigger the option screen when you drag it down, when in landscape view
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<DuperMan> is this prisoney?
<DuperMan> :/
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<Thracky> I feel like I probably shouldn't visit at work.
<DuperMan> it's why that psycho I don't know bought the shitty site\
<DuperMan> u know it all so srs
<DuperMan> no sarcasm
<DuperMan> of 80 nt a single tongue's in chich
<DuperMan> sahfisoiafh
* DuperMan harakiris
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<hadyans_fr> hello
<hadyans_fr> i wanna ask
<hadyans_fr> i want to install cyanogenmod 10 for the first time
<hadyans_fr> How to backup my data at first?
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<EgotisticalElf> nandroid and/or titanium backup (or similar)
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<OverTheStars> hello
<OverTheStars> anyone here?
<Jiangyi|Sleep> Hi.
<OverTheStars> Sup?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi> I forgot to change my name back lol
<OverTheStars> eh, no worries I just have a habit of asking if anyone is in.
<OverTheStars> i've been in rooms with like 300 people who don't say a word. XD
<Jiangyi> haha
<OverTheStars> can be kinda awkward after a few minutes if your expecting a reply.
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<OverTheStars> anyway, I was just wodnering if there is much difference between CM10 and a rom I'm using called Hellybean.
<Jiangyi> Umm......
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* Jiangyi has no idea
* Jiangyi goes to find this Hellybean
<koud> mellyfean?
<crowboth> Hellybean is a rom based on CM10
<Jiangyi> Oh.
<Jiangyi> In that case, here's my standard answer: Disregard everything else, acquire CM. :-p
<OverTheStars> lol.
<OverTheStars> I may do that.
<OverTheStars> hellybean just actually had an "official version" on the forums before cm10 did.
<OverTheStars> plus, I'll admit cm9 was always really well.. laggy for me.
<Jiangyi> What phone is this again?
<OverTheStars> captivate
<Jiangyi> CAPTIVATE! :-D
* Jiangyi used to have one
<OverTheStars> I love my phone.
<OverTheStars> I don't care if it is a dinosaur of the tech world >.>;
* Jiangyi loved it too
<Jiangyi> Then it got stolen. :'(
<OverTheStars> :(
<OverTheStars> I have to admit, I feel like I picked agreat phone.
<OverTheStars> I could have waited a month for the atrix
<OverTheStars> but, I didn't want to gamble on poor dev support
<OverTheStars> since at the time the captivate had *enormous* dev support
<OverTheStars> still does compared to the flyer XD
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<Jiangyi> I wasn't into the whole XDA thing when I had it, so I never flashed it. :-(
<OverTheStars> I am not like a huge rom whore
<OverTheStars> but, I've never been one to stick with just the version at&t gave me.
<OverTheStars> I had to have 2.2 before it was officially out for my phone.
<OverTheStars> then 2.3. and 4.0 never even launched for it XD
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<Jiangyi> My Cappy was Canadian, so we got updates before AT&T. :-P
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<Jiangyi> AT&T is just plain slow at everything.
pier|afk is now known as pier
<Reldey> Hey everyone, I'm not sure if this is the place to ask this, but I recently formatted my i777's internal memory to NTFS (I'm an idiot) and now I have no idea how to get it back. I've tried ODIN by clicking on the re-partition option, but it constantly says <ID:0/004> Can't open the specified file. (Line: 1876) and fails. any ideas? If I'm off base by posting this kind of question, just let me know.
<Reldey> Currently i'm running the stable CM9 rom.
<Jiangyi> Reldey: Get a stock ROM and the PIT file for your phone, and flash it through ODIN with Re-Partition checked.
<Reldey> Ok, ill try to find those
<Reldey> Thanks a lot.
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<OverTheStars> lol. At&t is just bad.
<OverTheStars> not much else describes them.
<OverTheStars> but, I'm not a fan of carriers in general.
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<eltodi> Hola
<eltodi> alguien con un tab2 p5110 ?
<eltodi> me recomiendan la cm10 ?
<Jiangyi> Umm.... English please?
<eltodi> sorry
<eltodi> it´s my first time
<eltodi> i´m root on my tablet
<eltodi> and i want to change the rom
<Jiangyi> Ah.
<Jiangyi> Do you have CWM?
<bbqbot> derp
<eltodi> i have origin rom
<eltodi> but rooted
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<eltodi> i`ve read the batery is very low with cm10
<eltodi> it´s true?
<eltodi> about 4 hours ?
<eltodi> sorry my english,...
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<Kenji> samsung has a pretty good closing statement i must say
<Kenji> then so did apple
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<Thracky> hmmm
<Thracky> s3 is $0 renewal at Future Shop on thursday
<Thracky> but it's the sgh-i747
<Thracky> not the i9300
<Thracky> I'm worried there will be fuck all for development on it heh
<Thracky> oh nm there's already nightlies lol
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: Yeah I was just about to say that. lol
<Jiangyi> eltodi: Flash the CWM kernel that code has provided on XDA.
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<Thracky> hrm, very tempting, just need the wife to find out what my early upgrade fee is
<Thracky> although the s3 would probably go to her anyways.
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<Jiangyi> I'm still uncertain that S3 is a good idea.
<Thracky> yeah I still kinda wanna wait for a new nexus
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<Thracky> hmm, buyncell in mississauga will give me 250 for my s2, 195 early upgrade, and if I get future shop's warranty I can just make my phone stop turning on when I want to exchange it for the new nexus :P
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<Jiangyi> Thracky = Evilly clever
<Jiangyi> lol
<moccoLFC> Evening.
<moccoLFC> Can anyone help me? bit of a stupid question like.
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<Jiangyi> Go ahead, shoot. :-P
<moccoLFC> just trying the latest build, no google apps, tried the tutorial off XDA, theyre just not appearing.
<EgotisticalElf> gapps is never included
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<EgotisticalElf> *must* be added after-the-fact
<moccoLFC> i have downloaded them
<moccoLFC> and installed from zip
<crowboth> What rom, what build did you install?
<crowboth> That's the first I've heard of Gapps not working
<crowboth> Also what version of Gaaps?
<crowboth> Gapps
<moccoLFC> 10-20120821-EXPERIMENTAL-i9100-CODEWORKX
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<moccoLFC> and the Gapps from XDA.
<Jiangyi> Probably a bad download of GApps.
<moccoLFC> reckon i should download again?
<moccoLFC> because multitasking aint even there now haha.
<Jiangyi> O_O
<Jiangyi> Multitasking should be there.............
<moccoLFC> i click centre buttton, nothing
<moccoLFC> i had Search and the multitasking before i tried to install gapps
<moccoLFC> haha
<Jiangyi> :S
<Jiangyi> Yeah, just download it again and reflash it, and see how that goes.
<moccoLFC> im rebooting just with the rom, see what happens
<moccoLFC> okay man, thanks.
<moccoLFC> yeah i now have multitasking and the search bar at the top haha
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<moccoLFC> ill download again.
<moccoLFC> Jiangyi, would you say the ones on the XDA thread are the right ones?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> moccoLFC: Yes, unless codey did something derp. :-P
<moccoLFC> okay. nice one
<moccoLFC> Sorry for the dumb questions, first time ive rooted before haha
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