bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <codeworkx> samsung phones are accidents | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
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<Shamisen> hi romann
<Shamisen> so like
<Shamisen> why cant i chat in #teamkang
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<wergeld> holy crap. JB takes up a shitload of space when compiling.
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<Tusker> it's not a small project...
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<wergeld> hell, some of the stuff we build at work is smaller than this lol
<wergeld> then again it is not an OS
* wergeld shrugs
<wergeld> trying to get my hands dirty in ROM build modifications - not rezipping but actually changing code
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<Tusker> that's my plan at the moment too :) have a few things I'd like to patch
<Kenji> will the pdk help modders or does it only effect oems?
<wergeld> i would love to add the drop down toggles to aosp as just a starting point. learn that and then go from there.
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<wergeld> make: *** [out/host/linux-x86/obj/lib/] Error 1
<wergeld> =(
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<addi> oi MacDrunk
<MacDrunk> sup
<MacDrunk> what ya doing
<addi> nothing much yet, just woke up. :p
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<MacDrunk> ok
<MacDrunk> just come back from girls house
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<Shamisen> MacDrunk
<Shamisen> did u get some ?
<MacDrunk> na
<MacDrunk> hm
<Shamisen> wut
<MacDrunk> i need some help
<Shamisen> tryin to hook up with this girl?
<MacDrunk> i want to control internet trefic on my house
<Shamisen> oh
<Shamisen> COMODO Firewall
<MacDrunk> we have a 3mbs connectios
<MacDrunk> i know it sucks
<MacDrunk> thats all we can affort
<MacDrunk> so my sis my bro and my nephew use internet
<MacDrunk> and 3 android phones
<MacDrunk> i like to put some quota per day
<addi> i have a 2 mbps connection, shared by 3 in the house :)
<addi> but India's average is in kbps for unlimited data connections, so I'm actually better off :p
<addi> anything up above 2 mbps and unlimited = live out on street if you want to use them ^^
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<MacDrunk> well we can get connectios up to 20 mbps
<MacDrunk> but dam it cost lots of money
<MacDrunk> well
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<addi> MacDrunk, yeah, we have up to 20 mbps connections too, but drops down to 1 mbps after 25 GB :/
<addi> and even these 12/20 mbps connections were recently started, a drive to improve the state of internet speeds here in India, hehe
<cdesai> tea
<cdesai> *yea
<cdesai> fk FUP
<MacDrunk> well anyways
<MacDrunk> i like to find out a way to post a limit quota
<cdesai> well in the router settings, you enter your phone no. and password
<cdesai> and pass is easy to guess, just too easy
<cdesai> i'll try that once my quota ends :P
<MacDrunk> wel i have a dlink wifi router
<MacDrunk> to complicated
<MacDrunk> jejeje
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<addi> me has D-Link router too, but never tried quota stuff.. unlimited FTW :p
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<MacDrunk> dude to users
<cdesai> i just want unlimited on git://
<cdesai> and ssh://
<addi> actually, my sis downloads more than me. movies and tv shows. and I thought I was a big pirate -.-
<MacDrunk> lol
<MacDrunk> were do you dl movies from
<MacDrunk> i use kat
<addi> i don't download movies at all, not a fan of watching movies unless in the theater :p
<MacDrunk> lol
<MacDrunk> well yesterday i went to watch total recall
<addi> i have an account on, which me, my sis and my Dad all use (Dad uses it sometimes to look for really old war movies and such) :p
<addi> i went on Friday
<addi> no, wait, Friday was Bourne Legacy, Thursday I watched Total Recall
<addi> cheap movie tickets FTW
<MacDrunk> dam
<MacDrunk> bourne legacy next friday i think
<MacDrunk> dude do you have to pay on that account>>
<addi> nah, it's a link sharing site
<addi> try to look for posts that have [JF] in the title = files uploaded on JumboFiles. Nice file host. free registration = no limits on download speeds or amount
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<addi> cdesai, Motorola to leave "unprofitable markets". think we should say bye bye to them already? :p
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<cdesai> na, my dad used to use motorola phones
<cdesai> 10 sal pehle :P
<cdesai> still have the box
<addi> hehehe
<addi> but no more phones released here I guess
<addi> they don't really sell well. or do they? o_0
<cdesai> nope, they don't
<cdesai> samsung leads
<cdesai> fir no kia
<MacDrunk> hmm
<MacDrunk> try to set up and account but i couldn
<addi> even HTC sells enough, so I guess Motorola will leave. too bad if they are the ones who make the next Nexus, again will have to get it without bill/warranty :p
<addi> 799 MB usable on Note. 693 MB on GNex. y me have less memory?! :(
<bbqbot> derp
<MacDrunk> hmm JF are the best files to fetch right
<addi> yeah
<MacDrunk> in movies and other listings right
<addi> or PL = PutLocker (though not that used). JumboFiles is used quite a lot though
<addi> yeah
<addi> direct link to movies:
<MacDrunk> oj
<addi> direct link to TV shows: :p
<MacDrunk> ok
<cdesai> @kick addi NO piracy on this channel
addi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [NO piracy on this channel]
<MacDrunk> naa tv shows i dont dl
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<addi> @kick cdesai okay
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<MacDrunk> addi
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<MacDrunk> wout happend
<MacDrunk> damit
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<MacDrunk> stop
<cdesai> Kindergarten is elsewhere!
<addi> @kick cdesai stop trying to be the damn moral police -.-
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<cdesai> wtf
<cdesai> addi: be in your limits
<addi> MacDrunk, PM for more talk on it :p
<addi> you be in your limits. stop kicking like an idiot. i'll talk about piracy if I want to
<cdesai> don't give links
<cdesai> i'm in my limits
<addi> you have a problem with it? don't click on the links
<cdesai> this is hacksung-support
<cdesai> i don't
<cdesai> but one does not simply paste piracy links on here
<addi> so? off topic chats aren't allowed here?
<cdesai> just not that shit
<addi> OKAY
<addi> SORRY
<addi> NO MORE
<cdesai> don't link
<MacDrunk> hmm
* addi apologizes and pleasures himself
<MacDrunk> no warez and just read the topic
<MacDrunk> shit
<MacDrunk> only warez on samsung
<MacDrunk> how ironic
<addi> funny, topic says nothing about posting piracy links. so I shall continue to do it
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<MacDrunk> addi pm me
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<themartien> hi
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<h4rdco2e> WHERE is emmc?
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> bbqbot: bitch please!
<addi> h4rdco2e, emmc is in the phone
<addi> :p
<h4rdco2e> addi: I meant /mnt/emmc
<addi> yes, it's in the phone :p
<addi> no idea what block it is though :p
<h4rdco2e> It's away since I updated on jb
<addi> ah, right
<h4rdco2e> addi: emmc is the whole chip :-)
<h4rdco2e> addi: SGS3 caused?
<addi> i know, i was talking about the /mnt/emmc partition :p
<addi> no idea
<addi> ah, wait, of course
<h4rdco2e> there is "extSDcard" this looks just shitty
<addi> internal is /data/media, so they must have changed external SD location
<addi> ICS changed how internal and external storage are mounted :)
<h4rdco2e> addi: Internal is /mnt/sdcard and external is /mnt/extSDcard
<addi> yeah, they changed the naming convention. fine as long as its usable :p
<addi> h4rdco2e, /data/media = the actual location i was talking about, mounted as /sdcard
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<h4rdco2e> addi: internal is mounte in /data/media and there a 2 links (/mnt/sdcard and /sdcard) right?
<addi> yes
<h4rdco2e> wtf?
<h4rdco2e> and external
<addi> to keep compatibility
<addi> /mnt/sdcard and /sdcard are the same thing really, afaik
<Espenfjo> /storage/* ?
<addi> no external on my GNex, so no idea xD
<h4rdco2e> Espenfjo: What is Google doing?
<h4rdco2e> 3 locations for sdcard?
<addi> h4rdco2e, /mnt/storage and /storage don't count as different locations for storage in that serious a way
<cdesai> NO
<cdesai> just 1
<cdesai> it's all not /storage
<h4rdco2e> addi: I have no /data/media xD
<cdesai> rest are symlinks for backwards compability
<cdesai> s/not/now
<addi> h4rdco2e, you should, but who knows? :p
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> h4rdco2e, see? compatibility is the key word
<addi> so your apps can continue working normally :p
<h4rdco2e> addi: mhm, /storage/sdcard1 is external and /storage/sdcard0 int
<addi> h4rdco2e, um, you have an SGS2, so you won't have /data/media
<cdesai> yea
<addi> ah, so that's what sdcard0 means xD
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<h4rdco2e> cdesai: but why is there a /mnt/extSDcard dir? (not in ICS, SGS2)
<addi> h4rdco2e, /data/media is what Google is using after ICS, so devices like SGS3 that come with ICS out of the box have it, older devices still using /sdcard
<cdesai> addi: no
<cdesai> not really actually
<cdesai> on devices with a single partiton for data and sdcard, /data/media is used
<cdesai> check free space for both, they'll be same
<cdesai> it was used on HC tablets
<addi> ah, those with internal storage I guess?
<Espenfjo> gnexus for example
<addi> big internal storage like 16 GB or whatever?
<cdesai> it's used even on the nexus 7
<h4rdco2e> cdesai: /mnt/emmc is not longer able?
<cdesai> so, you can utilize most of the space
<addi> yeah, good move that is, even though it forces MTP on us
<cdesai> h4rdco2e: no, but depending on the device, it should be a symlink
<cdesai> coz ext4
<h4rdco2e> cdesai: no symlink
<h4rdco2e> cdesai: emmc cahnge into extSdcard
<cdesai> good boyu
<cdesai> *boy
<addi> stupid manufacturers putting in 400 MB for apps otherwise and reserving all else for personal files
<h4rdco2e> addi: Google should buy HTC, Samsung
<cdesai> waste of money
<addi> why would HTC/Samsung sell themselves when they're doing so well? :p
<cdesai> we should buy apple
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<cdesai> then opensauce all their shit, give out all stuff for free and file for bankruptcy
<addi> xD
<h4rdco2e> cdesai: +1
<addi> cdesai, but wait a minute, who would want to use opensauce Apple shit? :p
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> addi: WE NEED NOKIA SYMBIAN OpenSaurce
<addi> yes, that will be used 10x more than iOS opensauce
<addi> i for one would be glad if Symbian-style multitasking was adopted more :p
<h4rdco2e> addi: Nokia's indestructible technology
<addi> cdesai, nice
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<addi> h4rdco2e, more like indestructible patents, which they might soon start selling to get some money to survive
<h4rdco2e> addi: :-D
<addi> and Elop still wants to use the N9 design. seems every Nokia phone will look the same for some time to come :p
<h4rdco2e> addi: I Hope iPhone 5 is a flop!
<addi> though for a design that beat the iPhone design, I'm not surprised they want to milk it as long as possible
<addi> h4rdco2e, it won't be. Apple fans will make it a hit
<h4rdco2e> addi: Nokia should do something different, Smartphones aren't there best idea
<addi> well, MeeGo was great, they just needed to stick with it
<addi> its Elop that isn't Nokia's best idea :p
<h4rdco2e> addi: It will include completly new technologie (e.g Lockscreen Pattern)
<h4rdco2e> *iPhone 5
<addi> this time you will have to press screen and rotate your fingers counterclockwise. like the new key locks on doors :p
<h4rdco2e> hahahahhahahah, +300
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<h4rdco2e> The complety new OLED-Display whould give you a new view on your iPhone!
<addi> manufactured by LG, who we are going to sue after Samsung!
<h4rdco2e> Apple Incorporated, invented the new way to look Videos and Shows it is called Apple TV
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<addi> new AT&T S3 firmware size = 1.1 GB. o_0
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<addi> cdesai, "Other changes including reducing their presence in Asia and India" so Motorola Nexus probably not coming here :p
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<codeworkx> addi: 900mb bloatware
<codeworkx> addi: samdroid goes windoze
<codeworkx> ugly, buggy, bloated, laggy
<cdesai> ^
<cdesai> check cm roms
<cdesai> aosp never goes above 150mb
<cdesai> addi: download ki ?
<cdesai> if yes, then i'll send you a command to run
<addi> kya download kiya? :D
<cdesai> rom
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<addi> cdesai, nah, main kyon karunga? mere pass toh GNex hai. was just commenting on the fact, haha
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<int81> hi, i'd like to try the cm10 rom, but i'm a bit concerned about warranty, i'd like to understand better how the recovery works at filesystem level
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<int81> for example, where is the clockwork recovery placed when i flash it?
<int81> i've read that /system/recovery.img is placed in /dev/mtd/mtd1 at boot
<addi> it's flashed on the same partition that holds the stock recovery afaik
<addi> but flashing back to a stock ROM resets everything to stock, so you don't need to worry about that
<addi> the flash counter will increase though, but the TriangleAway app can take care of that as well
<int81> mm for example, why does the counter increase?
<int81> is this a thing that happens when using odin?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> (if your device is supported by it)
<int81> i'm talking a bout a samsung galaxy s2
<addi> it happens when you flash a custom kernel
<addi> it's Samsung's way to know you've messed around with the phone
<addi> yes, then Triangle Away is supported
<addi> int81, in short, don't worry about the warranty. you can get back to stock at any time by flashing a stock ROM and using Triangle Away
<addi> stock ROM using Odin*
<int81> mm oh well, i think i've understood how to do the flash and reset to stock, but i'd like to understand better this at low level :)
<int81> ok addi, thanks for that
<addi> that would take a lot of time and isn't really necessary before trying out CM. you can do that as time goes by, hehe
<int81> heh, forums are quite misleadings most of the times
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<addi> question to SGS2 owners: recovery same as kernel or separate?
<Espenfjo> Same
<Espenfjo> brb
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<int81> any resources I can read to know more about the bootprocess/partitions works? :)
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<int81> or should i stick with reading sourcs?
<int81> *sources
<codeworkx> read sources
<dsathe> codeworkx: any alternate to the gallery app , i miss the picasa web album intergartion :(
<int81> pretty long way but ok.. thanks :)
<dsathe> on cm 10
<codeworkx> no
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<slainer68> hey. ive just seen a message from cody saying that all devs have switched to cm10. but why is still building cm9 ? thx.
<addi> because cm10 has no official nightlies/RC/stable releases yet?
<addi> and cm9 support just can't be stopped like that? :p
<wergeld> let's see if this build works.... and go!
<wergeld> got random oddball error last night. so lets see if this build runs.
<slainer68> addi: ok, but which event will cause cm10 nighlies to become official ?
<bbqbot> derp
<slainer68> durp
<addi> slainer68, the event of it being stable enough/long enough in development to warrant nightlies
<addi> it's only been around 1.5 months that Jelly Bean came out, it takes time ;)
<slainer68> i don't understand the process. if cm10 builds are not official they should not even be called cm10...
<cdesai> huh?
<cdesai> on what basis are you telling that?
<wergeld> cm10beta then?
<addi> slainer68, builds developed by CM developers = official no matter the state they are in :p
<slainer68> ok.
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<int81> mm by looking here i read that we have to flash clockwork recovery with odin... can't I just use rommanager to flash it? (i have a rooted stock rom)
<int81> or, can't i just load the clockwork recovery manually via the stock bootloader and apply the
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<addi> int81, ROM Manager doesn't work well with Samsung ROMs. also, since the recovery is on the same partition as the kernel on the SGS2, you need to flash CWM with Odin
<addi> forget about using ROM Manager for flash CWM and stuff
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<addi> also, you need signed files to update from stock recovery, pretty sure no signed CWM files exist for it :p
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<int81> you mean that to put files on the system partition of a stock rom when i'm on the CWM recovery, i need the zip file to be signed?
<addi> i mean that to use any file in stock recovery no matter what its purpose, it has be signed with Samsung's signature
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<addi> which is why we use Odin, which doesn't require anything to be signed
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<addi> if you have a stock ROM + CWM recovery, then you can flash unsigned zips/anything you want from recovery
<addi> but to get CWM recovery, you need to use ODIN.
<int81> ok
<int81> the way I rooted my phone was without odin though..
<addi> rooting doesn't play around with the kernel, so it's a different matter
<int81> i placed on the sdcard, rebooted to stock bootloader, applyed
<MiracleM4n_> int81: Do you know how to use Odin?
<bbqbot> derp
<int81> oh ok
<int81> MiracleM4n_: nope
<addi> int81, wait, if you used the, it should have installed CWM as well
<int81> never used that
<addi> that's a signed zip you used then :)
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<int81> addi: i don't think i did anything weird, probably i'm not explaining myself well :)
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<int81> i loaded that
<addi> = it includes CWM recovery, unless you used a for another device :p
<int81> than i loaded the su and busybox binaries
<addi> yes, then CWM is probably installed on your phone. try booting into recovery and check it out ;)
<int81> the was signed... but i had to modify it slightly because my stock rom was full (it's an italian i9100p phone with, without any spac left on /system...)
<int81> if i press menu+volumeup+power i get the stock bootloader
<MiracleM4n> int81: Im assuming your all stock except for Rooting?
<int81> (i just opened the zip, modified the sh script to delete Maps.apk, and then copy su and busybox on system..)
<int81> MiracleM4n: exactly
<int81> applyed that (obviously unsigned..) zip on cwm
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<addi> ah, I think that installed CWM temporarily so you could install the file
<int81> and nothing more... that's why I'm confused :)
<int81> addi: yes
<addi> alright, forget what I said, that CWM zip was temporary, so you still need CWM. hence -> ODIN
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<int81> that's why I wonder: why this is the common way to do that?
<addi> which thread are you following for CWM?
<int81> sorry, why this is not the common way to do that? :)
<addi> well, afaik 1. the kernel and recovery are not separate, so you can't just flash cwm to the partition without a kernel
<int81> addi: yes but i can still use the temporary one, right?
<addi> 2. again, you need a signed zip for flashing something like a kernel
<addi> yes, though not sure if that is recommended
<addi> this is just like fastboot on other devices. there you use fastboot, here you use Odin. (not sure you;re familiar with fastboot)
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i finally uploaded the modems to rommanager
<int81> ok, sorry addi, missing pieces gets me crazy, after blindly flashing cm in many phones... i want to understand it better :)
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: LOL xD
<addi> ah, so you are aware of fastboot then :p
<int81> yep
<int81> but that was just a blind fastboot command line iirc, that i now forgot :P
<addi> int81, lets just say that a kernel which includes CWM needs to be flashed, and Odin is the only way to do that on the SGS2 (or the SGS1 for that matter)
<addi> actually, even on the SGS3 I'd say :p
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Do you just winzip these or? xD
<addi> he winzips everything, uses Windows, knows no development
<addi> he said so himself :p
<int81> oh ok... so it's the cyanogenmod that needs cwm
<int81> can't boot with the stock bootloader
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<addi> yes. though the ROM will install a kernel which includes CWM :)
<cr1st0> ppl i own a samsung gio and the damn gps never works
<int81> got it
<int81> thanks addi
<cr1st0> someone have one with gps working
<addi> codeworkx, can CM be installed via temporary CWM (using a file)?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> on the SGS2*
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<Jiangyi> addi: Yes, but temp CWM has brick bug. :-P
<addi> o_0
<addi> isn't that on the Note?
<addi> SGS2 must surely be from the Gingerbread days
<int81> (well i've for sure a faulted chip, 0x19)
<Jiangyi> addi: Right, but I'd take caution anyways.
<addi> int81, okay, Odin it is then :p
<int81> hah ok
<int81> so you say that is signed
<Jiangyi> Best way is to root the phone somehow, and then flash the kernel with mobile Odin or Ktool. :-P
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<addi> int81, if its working, then it most probably is
<int81> hah, mobile odin doesn't increase the counter
<addi> yer, it doesn't
<int81> do you know if anyone took a look at odin?
<int81> i mean reversed
* Jiangyi goes to eat breakfast
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<int81> the counter increase could be triggered from the program
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<int81> i mean, from odin
<int81> or it could be just tied to some low-level function inside the phone that lets flashing happen
<addi> Odin has been around since before SGS2, so it's for sure the phone that triggers it :)
<int81> (not much other ways i guess)
<int81> enough time for the whole world to reverse it, fair enough :)
<int81> well thank you for taking time to clear my mind
<codeworkx> real guys don't care about any counters
<addi> +1
<Frd^> +1
<int81> lol, then i'll care about the brickbug and flash with odin :P
<codeworkx> as long as you don't do a factory reset, everything is fine
<addi> from a stock Samsung ICS firmware, no?
<codeworkx> flash with odin -> flash cm via recovery -> don't do a reset -> reboot your device -> reboot into recovery -> factory reset
<addi> or stock ICS kernel
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<codeworkx> addi: doing a factory reset while running a dangerous kernel -> brick
<int81> from a stock samsung tim branded ics firmware (as i don't know if brands touch the kernel, i hope not :P)
<addi> yes, that's what me was asking. dangerous kernel only ICS ones or did add the brick bug to Gingerbread too for SGS2? :p
<addi> int81, any offical Samsung ICS firmware = do not factory reset
<addi> brands only add bloated apps :p
<int81> a lot really
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<codeworkx> addi: gb kernel are safe. they introduces the bug after we've informed them about it
<addi> yer, I know that xD
<int81> codeworkx: got it, i guess you need to factory reset only after reboot because you would otherwise use the old stock kernel to erase the partition (that could have the infamous mmc flag set)?
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<addi> which is to say SamsungJohn is a scam and they no listen to any advice :p
<codeworkx> int81: right
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<spY|da> codeworkx> addi: doing a factory reset while running a dangerous kernel -> brick <- define dangerous kernel?
<int81> spY|da: any kernel with the MMC_CAP_ERASE set, see
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<Jiangyi> [10:30:13] <codeworkx> real guys don't care about any counters <- I'm not a real guy then. :-P
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<Jiangyi> Well, it's more that TriangleAway doesn't work on the G. If it did, I wouldn't care either lol
<wergeld> is there a tutorial on modding aosp for a custom build?
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* peterperfect[A] is now away - Reason : lunch
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<Kuzon> I got my phone to boot into stock recovery
<Kuzon> and gave me a shit load of errors that shouldn't be there
<Kuzon> and the phone is stuck in a boot loop so it's actually able to turn on now some what
<Kuzon> that's the errors it gave me
<Jiangyi> Oh look, it's a cappy. :-D
<Jiangyi> Kuzon: Does download mode work?
<Kuzon> that's a SGS II i777 jian
<Kuzon> lol
<Kuzon> and yes DOwnload mode works
<Jiangyi> Damn, I was off.
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<Jiangyi> Looked kinda curvy to me at first.. :P
<Kuzon> Captivate has straight edges and corners
<Jiangyi> Kuzon: Flash complete stock and it should be fine again.
<Kuzon> It is compelte stock
<Kuzon> it's boot looping
<Kuzon> mine you, it took a miracle to get stock on there
<Kuzon> cause the USB port is dead/dying
<Kuzon> I have to physically replace it
<Kuzon> I saw somewhere that if stock is installed and boot loops I should recovery and wipe / reset uit
<Kuzon> wondering if I should wipe cache too
<Kuzon> reset does that anyways
<Kuzon> okay time to reboot
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<Kuzon> Why did ATT make an all white boot load image. That's dumb lol
<Jiangyi> Kuzon: did you flash stock with a pit file?
<Kuzon> I used a one click stock Odin
<Jiangyi> o_O
<Kuzon> it said in the log it had a pit file with it
<Kuzon> it booted
<Kuzon> holy shit
<Kuzon> my phone is alive after half a week of no function
<cantIntoCode> Kuzon: how did you get it to work?
<cantIntoCode> new usb port?
<bbqbot> derp
<Kuzon> hey, the one click odin was the ONLY one that allowed the USB connection
<Kuzon> no I haven't fix it yet
<Kuzon> and it's still broken actually
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<Kuzon> other odins and heimdall are not able to access the device
<cantIntoCode> odd
<Kuzon> but that one did no idea why
<Jiangyi> That's messed up. ._.
<Kuzon> I also rubbed on some rubbing alcohol on the usb port
<Kuzon> helped for the one click odin to write to it
<Jiangyi> did you flash stock GB or ICS?
<Kuzon> all I could think of was POkemon cartridges
<Kuzon> GB
<Kuzon> ICS wasn't an option
<Kuzon> No idea if I wanna risk it
<Jiangyi> ok that's good.
<Jiangyi> lol pokemon cartridges xD
<Jiangyi> hmmm.... where did my gameboy go....
<Kuzon> I might use mobile odin
<Jiangyi> You'll need root first, not sure how to get that in this situation.
<Jiangyi> :S
<Kuzon> It's rooted actually
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<Kuzon> the one click back to stock was a rooted file
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<int81> wow odin makes my virtualbox vm to crash
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<DennisBPM> Long time ive been here
<Kuzon> I think you mean it's been a while since you were last here
<DennisBPM> Jup :)
<Espenfjo> DennisBPM: And as you see, nothing has changed ;)
<DennisBPM> Lol i guess so
<DennisBPM> how are things goign around here ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> As usual
<Espenfjo> Hating Samsung
<Espenfjo> Waiting
<Kuzon> speculating
<Kuzon> trouble shooting
<Kuzon> crushing dreams
<DennisBPM> Same shit different day eh ?
<Espenfjo> yup
<Kuzon> But now with 80% more Jelly Bean
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<DennisBPM> Nice
<DennisBPM> Frunning cm10 on my HOX
<DennisBPM> running*
<DennisBPM> where the F is nebkat ?:D
<bbqbot> derp
<DennisBPM> awaycat
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<DennisBPM> haha :D
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<wergeld> gn jb aosp built!
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<Kuzon> ok I some how got CWM Recovery installed
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<Kuzon> Does anyone know if the CM10 for i777 needs CM9 as a base?
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<wergeld> to fish or not to fish...
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<Jiangyi> Kuzon: Don't think so, you can flash CM10 straight without CM9.
<Espenfjo> yup
<Espenfjo> it can be flashed directly
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<Assid> heya
<Assid> err.. im seeing ril updates for the first time.. what exactly are these ?
<Assid> patches for the radio ?
<Espenfjo> link between framework and radio
<Assid> hmm. so should patch.. right ?
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<Assid> im guessing future updates will have them inbuilt ?
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: What is LQ5 RIL?
<Espenfjo> What asks you to update?
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<Assid> nothing.. just asking if future releases require you to repatch ? like you redo gapps addons..
<Kuzon> Jiangyi, CM10 is already running on my i777
<Jiangyi> Okie-dokie.
<Jiangyi> Hope you enjoy. :-)
<Kuzon> this is great
<Espenfjo> Assid: perhaps
<Kuzon> Now to repair the USB port so nothing bad happens again
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: <3
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: ?
<Assid> if im using LQ6 modem.. do i use LQ5 RIL or LQB ?
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: haha, just kidding :-D
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<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: Does have SGS2G also RIL issues?
<h4rdco2e> Espenfjo: What does the LQ5 RIL change?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: Kind of. It's a different situation than you guys from what I understand.
<Jiangyi> On the G, users of 2G networks will get signal drops whilst using an app that streams data frequently in the background while the screen is off.
<Espenfjo> h4rdco2e: magic
<Jiangyi> This occurs on all ICS ROMs, including stock, but does not occur on GB.
<Espenfjo> Assid: use the one that is best for you
<Jiangyi> And it only affects 2G users, not 3G.
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<h4rdco2e> Espenfjo: I guess my Phone gets wings and flys away, no what does it change?
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<Espenfjo> It changes the magic
<Espenfjo> Really
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: RIl issues ar just on 2g not 3g?
<Espenfjo> From some type ot magic, into some other type of magic
<h4rdco2e> Espenfjo: Which magic xD
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<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: if you don't understand something, read about it, or don't touch it
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: Pretty much.
<Espenfjo> h4rdco2e: Do you know what obsidian is?
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: NOO, I just want to know why there are RILs in your clockworks folder
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<codeworkx> dunno why they've choosen to sit at my account and not someone else's.
<Espenfjo> Magic
<codeworkx> they walked in and said "cool here, let's stay"
<h4rdco2e> Espenfjo: Are you on weed=
<Espenfjo> h4rdco2e: Nope
<Assid> codeworkx: your account?
<h4rdco2e> Espenfjo: you're on weed
<Espenfjo> h4rdco2e: But what I am saying is the truth
<codeworkx> Assid: rommanager, useraccount, hello?
<Espenfjo> Ask samsung
<Assid> oh
<h4rdco2e> Espenfjo: holly fuck
<h4rdco2e> holy*
<h4rdco2e> Espenfjo: Other question what would happend if I flash it?
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> bbqbot: shut up!
<Espenfjo> h4rdco2e: Something might break, something might get fixed
<Espenfjo> Do you have any radio related issues today?
<h4rdco2e> Espenfjo: Sometimes but I could be provider caused, becaue they do Networktests (LTE, and they bourth Orange AT (Provider))
<Espenfjo> If everything works, dont try to fix it
<Espenfjo> If nothing works, fix it
<Espenfjo> quit simply
<h4rdco2e> ok, if I have problems I do restart and then it workx most times :-D
<Espenfjo> Perhaps with a new RIL the problems will go away
<Espenfjo> Perhaps with a new modem the problems will go away
<Espenfjo> Or they will get worse
<codeworkx> get worse :-D
<Espenfjo> Probably
<h4rdco2e> Are the RIL issues just since Jb?
<codeworkx> no, we've ril issues since samsung does exist
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: your're a naysayer!
<codeworkx> samsungs ril is far away from aosp and we always had to hack on it
<Jiangyi> Don't think 2G users of the 9100G will ever be happy. =|
<codeworkx> walk to samsung shop, throw phone into shop window, ge away
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: No Samsung shops in Canada. :-|
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: send it back to korea
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: this hurts
<codeworkx> i can give you the address
<DuperMan> codeworkx: y he not haz gf?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Might as well send it back to China where it's made. :-P
<codeworkx> DuperMan: are you on weed?
<Assid> hahaha
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: On a side note, some Chinese users want to send you $$$. :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: no. HQ korea. if enough people are doing it, they're getting pissed
<DuperMan> codeworkx: on boredom. made a false supposition nearly suiting for the chat I interrupted which amused me:D
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<DuperMan> feed them to mighty badly drawn cthulhu:D
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: also a cool thing
<Assid> wow.. tired today..
<DuperMan> that'll be like sixties bra burning - might ignite wave of carrier/manufacturer promiscuity?
* DuperMan shuts up. sorry
* Assid lets the phone reboot and prays updates dont break something :P
<Assid> alrite.. gnight
pier|afk is now known as pier
<DuperMan> why pray and take risk when blood sacrifice works? night
<DuperMan> I should too /me blinks nn
<Assid> we need ipv6 to take off more
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* Jiangyi wonders if there's Paypal in China
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<h4rdco2e> Is somebody 15?
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> bbqbot: -.-
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: Yes. Me.
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: really?
<Jiangyi> Yes.
<h4rdco2e> me too xD
<h4rdco2e> this declared my bad english
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: Is Canada cold?
<Jiangyi> Ehhh.....
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<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: Isn't there Summer now?
<Jiangyi> Yes.
<h4rdco2e> 30°?
<h4rdco2e> Celsius
<h4rdco2e> 86 °F
<Thracky> only 26 today
<Thracky> but it's been 30'ish a majority of the summer
<h4rdco2e> Thracky: Where are living?
<Thracky> same as Jiangyi
* Jiangyi doesn't understand fahrenheit.
<Jiangyi> :S
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: Canada is using Celsius?
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: Yes, and we use metric.
<addi> yippee, Nokia might be bringing real multitasking to WP8. :D
* Jiangyi doesn't understand why America has to be different.
<addi> now my purchase of a WP8 phone as a secondary device seems more and more likely :p
<h4rdco2e> Fahreheit is bad xD
<addi> Jiangyi, because they think they're cool
<Kuzon> I like fahrenheit for normal temps cause it's fun to yell
<Kuzon> it's fucking 100 degrees outside
<Kuzon> and not be unrealistic
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Kuzon: We do that for cold temperatures in Winter. :-P
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: do you like maple syrup?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> wat
<Jiangyi> eg. OMG IT'S -30 DEGREES!
<Espenfjo> ril crash
<Espenfjo> omg
<Espenfjo> first time, evvah
<h4rdco2e> Espenfjo: flash Magic (LQ5 RIL)
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<Thracky> my ril crashes have been really infrequent lately
<Kuzon> I also like Miles
<Kuzon> but I like meters
<h4rdco2e> Kuzon: Miles are boring
<Thracky> I much prefer metric for distance heh
<Kuzon> I'm mixed because I use a lot of metric in science, computers, and shit
<h4rdco2e> my car drves 170mph
<Thracky> but I am Canadian.
<h4rdco2e> my car drives 450km/h
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<Thracky> try 273 h4rdco2e :P
<Kuzon> Also I like American outlets better
<h4rdco2e> Thracky: yes but there 2 diffenten cars, 1. VW Golf (170mph) 2. Lamgorghini (450km/h
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<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: Terry Fox!
<Thracky> h4rdco2e: no lambo goes 280 mph :P
<h4rdco2e> Thracky: My Lambo goes it!
<h4rdco2e> (Need for Speed: Most Wanted)
<Thracky> lol
<Thracky> realistic simulation for sure
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<h4rdco2e> Thracky: V12- Motor
<h4rdco2e> 399ps
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<mongi> Hey guys, where is the place to report bug/issues and that stuff about CM9?
<mongi> on i9100
<Fissurez> xda thread?
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<mongi> waht about the
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<mongi> the cm page there
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<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: What about Terry Fox? o_O
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<Fissurez> why is there a stupid search app in the stable version of CM9?
<Fissurez> it looks like it's from froyo.
<Jiangyi> Thracky: How's Mint working for ya? :-P
<Fissurez> how do i uninstall that damn app
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: Pretty sure that has to be there for there to be a search bar on the homescreen. :-P
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<Fissurez> DUUUUDE
<Baskey> Y CM9?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> Jiangyi: pretty sure there was a default one for ICS
<Fissurez> that didn't look like it was ripped straight out of 2010
<Baskey> flash gapps
<Baskey> DOIT
<Fissurez> you don't need to when upgrading from CM9 RC2
<Baskey> just do it
<Fissurez> why bother?
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: If my memory serves me right, then I think that that search thing is swapped out with a Google one when you flash GApps.
<Fissurez> Jiangyi: well ok, either way
<Baskey> I second what Jiangyi said
<Fissurez> i just used titanium backup to nuke dat mofo and then installed google now :D
<Jiangyi> I don't know about your phone, but I9100G needs GApps flashed again everytime you update the ROM.
<Fissurez> Jiangyi: doesn't seem so with the i9100
<Fissurez> that, or i don't use gapps enough to notic
<Jiangyi> blah. =[
<Fissurez> youtube is still there
<Baskey> YouTube is provided by Play Store
<Baskey> not gapls
<Fissurez> maps too?
<Baskey> gapps*
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: No, if we don't flash it again, everything GApps-related would FC/disappear. =P
<Baskey> yep
<Fissurez> then what IS gapps?
<Fissurez> been doing fine without it XD
<Baskey> those (these?) google apps you can't find in play store
<Fissurez> specifically?
<Fissurez> i was wondering why i had some stupid voice dialler app
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<Baskey> play store, search apps
<Fissurez> play store works fine
<Jiangyi> Google Now =\
<Baskey> yeah, google now (in jb gapps)
<Baskey> faceunlock
<Baskey> talkback (?)
<Fissurez> yeah, ICS needs gnow later
<Fissurez> don't use face unlock
<Baskey> ICS IS SOEH 2011
<Fissurez> hell, this seems to have worked out well.
<Fissurez> Baskey: IK
<Fissurez> but i'm not using CM10 until HW accell is completely fixed
<Fissurez> and is smoother than CM9
<Fissurez> where would one get gapps?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> wait...
<Fissurez> i could just not install them and be like "i'm too pro for Gapps"
<Jiangyi> Fissurez:
<Baskey> Fissurez: HW accell isn't the point
<Baskey> everything is smooth
<Baskey> memory leaks are THE POINT
<Fissurez> Baskey: as a baby's bum?
* Jiangyi keeps laughing with completely-functional 9100G :-D
<Fissurez> Baskey: WELL THEN
<Baskey> more-less yeah
<Fissurez> Jiangyi: same!
<Fissurez> O_O
<Jiangyi> No hwcomposer issues, no memory leaks :-D
<slainer68> i think i'll switch to cm10 on my sgs3 when the memory leak is fixed ;à
<Fissurez> how would you know how smooth a babies bum is Baskey!
<Fissurez> PEADO!
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: He has a good point. :-|
<Fissurez> but you touched it's arse!
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
<Baskey> yep
<Fissurez> people like you burn in hel
<Jiangyi> o_O
<Baskey> nah, I'm not THAT crazy
<Fissurez> but srsly though, what is in gapps that i actually need -.-
<Jiangyi> Play Store. lol
<Jiangyi> Google framework.
<Jiangyi> :P
<Fissurez> Jiangyi: already got play store
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: That means you have GApps.
<Fissurez> seems to have been preserved over the transition
<Fissurez> well then :)
<Fissurez> guess the i9100 doesn't wipe gapps
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: OK, then it's definitely an I9100G only thing. :-|
<Fissurez> might install it from CWM anyways
<Jiangyi> Oh well, I'll take flashing GApps again over non-working hwcomposer and memory leaks. :-P
<Fissurez> just incase i missed something
<Thracky> Yeah I never have to reflash gapps
<Fissurez> ROM manager even.
<Jiangyi> This reflashing GApps thing only started happening after CWM got updated to v6. :-P
<Jiangyi> v5 was perfectly fine.
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<addi> twrp ftw
<Fissurez> mr. codework(x)'s entry in ROM manager is borked
<Fissurez> latest recovery for the i9100 seems to be for me
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<mongi> How do I make a pic as wallpaper without having to cut the image? =S
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<Jiangyi> Fissurez: It's cuz ROM Manager doesn't handle CWMs that are fused with kernels properly.
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<addi> ROM Manager sucks. manual download and manual flashing FTW
<Ravenheart> +1
<DarkAlchemist> addi: after it boot looped my cm10 the other night, I have to agree
<addi> plus ROM Manager has always failed at downloading ROMs in the background for me, around the 5-6 times I've tried it
<Jiangyi> @money 1 CAD CNY
<bbqbot> 1 CAD = 6.41 CNY
<addi> @money 1 CAD INR
<bbqbot> 1 CAD = 55.81 INR
<Jiangyi> Disregard ROM Manager, acquire ROM from XDA link. :p
<addi> yer
<addi> or or or anywhere except ROM Manager :p
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<SGSii> is nfc on the Samsung galaxy s2 and tv out not working on cm10?
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<koud> :)
<SGSii> hmm thanks, just got a sgs2 because my Desire broke. Things are very diffrent
<SGSii> It has Orange ICS not sure if i should move to a custom rom and loose tv out and nfc
<_Fissurez_> you can get both of those on custom roms
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<Thracky> well, according to the known issues for cm9, "TV Out: not working properly (and will probably never work)"
<Espenfjo> nfs is working
<SGSii> which rom would you recommend? i was on android revolution on my desire and i loved it
<Thracky> nfc is working now? can probably pull that off known issues then
<Espenfjo> well.. the I9100P isnt really something that exists, is it? :P
<Thracky> I have no idea :P
<SGSii> um, i have one in my hand
<Espenfjo> I9100_p_? wow
<bbqbot> derp
<SGSii> yeah got it today from orange
<SGSii> has some sort of tag app
<SGSii> for nfc
<Coirpre> i think som of you are talking about CM9 and others about CM10
<Espenfjo> wow
<Espenfjo> I thought that the I9100P only was a rumor :P
<addi> it's probably completely like I91000 but with a few Orange added apps and firmware :p
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<SGSii> has the Tagg app for scanning NFC, but i dont have anything for it to scan to test
<SGSii> i have an alarm fob, but that wont scan
<Espenfjo> It may be possible to fix it if you are good, dont know if any devs have touched it
<Espenfjo> Especially since there has emerged a lot of other NFC enabled phones lately
<SGSii> I'm not good :p
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<Fissurez> Espenfjo: the i9100P is just a UK thing i think, not very common, and it's just a i9100 with an add on
<SGSii> << a uk thing
<Espenfjo> Probably touchwizzed to hell then
<SGSii> yeah :(
<Jiangyi> There are probably more I9100Gs than I9100Ps. :-P
<Thracky> touchwiz sounds dirty
<SGSii> "he can simply add the required libs for nfc again and it should work too"
<c00kies|repnzsca> italy has i9100P too
<c00kies|repnzsca> SGSii: someone posted a thread on xda with the nfc module
<SGSii> yeah found it
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<SGSii> so can anyone recomend a stable ics rom that support tv out
<Kuzon> what phone
<SGSii> sgs2
<Kuzon> What model
<Espenfjo> p
<Espenfjo> SGSii: I do think that only stock based roms support it at the moment
<SGSii> yeah p
<SGSii> just scanned my frist nfc tag into my phone :D could you recomend a stock based rom then?
<Thracky> blamesamsung :P
<codeworkx> i'll do a winzipped stock rom soon. will be named "SuperAOSPNexusHyperDroidHelkybean"
<codeworkx> there we'll have zero bugs and working tvout
<Thracky> codeworkx: people will *still* beg you for nightlies
<Thracky> ZOMG no new build in 10 hours, PANIC!
<SGSii> lol
<SGSii> i had my last rom for like 8 months
<SGSii> took me 2 weeks to find it lol
<Thracky> I don't think I've gone more than a week or two without flashing something since I got my s2 heh
<codeworkx> SGSii: wrong channel for asking fir poopwiz roms
<SGSii> ok np, we can chat about other things :P
<Jiangyi> Thracky: +1 lol
<codeworkx> my s3 lags. how to fix? hexacore?
<Espenfjo> Thats an easy fix actually
<Espenfjo> Install MIUI, it doesnt lag :D
<Thracky> download a new gpu.
<codeworkx> oh wait. put sim into nexus, fixed.
* Jiangyi is trying to get a Chinese IME on this Linux VM
<Jiangyi> If this works, I'm installing Mint w/o VM. :-P
<Thracky> heh, my mint 13 is working nicely, except the ATI drivers/catalyst control center are a bit wonky with handling my tv being turned off and on all the time.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Process cannot be processed. Error. x_x
<Jiangyi> .....
<Jiangyi> wth did I just type? lol
<Jiangyi> Let's try that again: Request cannot be processed. Error x_x*
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<codeworkx> i should get you on arch
<Thracky> lol
<Thracky> Jiangyi's head would explode on arch
<codeworkx> this does exactly what you want
<Jiangyi> Oh boy. ._.
<codeworkx> after you've spent two weeks on configuring
<Kuzon> this conversation is giving me cancer
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<Thracky> windows cancer? should just have it removed.
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<Jiangyi> Oh shoot, do Asus sound cards have Linux drivers......
<Jiangyi> Better check that. ._.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: u no need driverz
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Headphone amps built into sound cards wouldn't need drivers? o_O
* Jiangyi finds that kinda......
<Thracky> mint pretty much has everything built in
<Thracky> even hdmi audio worked out of the box for me
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: welcome to linux
<Namchief> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<Namchief> any plans to support galaxy proclaim?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Quick Google search shows that my sound card is kind of messed up on Linux. :-|
<codeworkx> Namchief: another cheap crapphone?
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: its not :-D
<Jiangyi> "This hardware has no volume controls; use PulseAudio.
<Jiangyi> Front panel, HP, and microphones do not work. "
<Jiangyi> :-P
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<codeworkx> perfect
<Jiangyi> ......
<codeworkx> what card is it?
<Jiangyi> Asus Xonar DG. :-P
<Namchief> codeworkx: basicly prepaid phone for use on Straight talk Verizon
<Jiangyi> Oh boy. CDMA phone incoming. :-[
<Kuzon> when is CDMA gonna die
<Namchief> When GSM decides to cover the entire country
<codeworkx> Namchief: chances for cm support are below zero
<Namchief> I was hoping for CWM support
<Namchief> Guess i will tell her that she needs to upgrade her phone
<Namchief> Thanks
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<Jiangyi> Well, no native Linux for me I guess. =[
<Jiangyi> Unless I go back to the integrated Realtek.......... *shivers*
<Thracky> why not just try it
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: realtek works for sure
<Jiangyi> Thracky: I'll load up a live CD later and see how it goes, but after googling, my optimism just like died.
* Jiangyi still wonders if there's a way to get ADB to work through VM.
<Jiangyi> So far, VMWare just won't accept my phone.
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<EvilBelgian> isn't that cause their's no connection between your USB Port and the Vmware image
<Kuzon> You can get it to connect
<Jiangyi> Well, it shows the connection, but I just get a cannot mount -50 error in the VM.
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<Thracky> Jiangyi: adb worked fine for me in Vmware and Virtualbox
<mongi> why is there a sound recorder process runing in bg if there is no app foi it?
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Like I said, that error's preventing me from doing anything. Whole system actually froze after that error.
<Thracky> lol
<sven_> sorry i have a new room for samsung galaxy tab 2 7.0
<sven_> i need the original room for this tab
<Thracky> is your phone properly recognized in windows itself?
<sven_> please anyone helpme
<Thracky> as in, can you run windows adb?
<EvilBelgian> Jiangyi, New VM image?
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Works fine in Windows.
<Thracky> i wonder if you have something already connecting to the phone in the background in windows
<Thracky> something you may be unaware of
<Jiangyi> EvilBelgian: I'm hoping to not need to go there.
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Now that you've mentioned it......
<Jiangyi> Wait brb, gonna try something
<Jiangyi> Thracky: NVM, I tried killing ADB on Windows, didn't work.
<Jiangyi> Different error this time though.
<Thracky> means you're on the right track :P
<Jiangyi> Error initializing camera: -60: Could not lock the device
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<EvilBelgian> Do you have nebkat's smartstay app installed?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> EvilBelgian: No =\
<Thracky> adb still works with smartstay on
<EvilBelgian> It was a thought...the error lines up pretty neatly with what smartstay does.
<Thracky> I assume these are VMware errors, not adb errors correct?
<Jiangyi> Yes, VMWare.
<Thracky> how does your phone connect, mtp or ptp?
<Thracky> can't imagine what camera would have to do with anything
<Jiangyi> MTP.
<Jiangyi> Yeah it wasn't camera last time AFAIK.
<Jiangyi> Although I do have bad memory sometimes.
<Thracky> clearly something is still communicating with the phone in windows
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<Jiangyi> Dunno. I have it unmounted from Windows and all before telling VMWare to take control of it.
<Thracky> do you have anything running as a service that would maybe be interacting with the phone?
<Jiangyi> Not that I can think of...
<Jiangyi> Got another one: Error initializing camera: -1: Unspecified error
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<Jiangyi> I disconnected and reconnected it, and now it won't show up on both ends.
<Thracky> heh
<Jiangyi> Happened before too, wasn't fixed til a restart.
<Thracky> the funny (maybe) part is you're on a fresh windows install too :P
<Thracky> home time
<Jiangyi> Yep.=[
<Jiangyi> Guess I'm just not meant to compile CM from source.
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<Jiangyi> Blah. BSODed. =[
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<chieftex> if anyone has time to check my thinking on somethings please let me know
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<Jiangyi> chieftex: Can I be of service to you?
<chieftex> if you have time, id certainly appreciate it
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