bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <codeworkx> samsung phones are accidents | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
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<xi0n> error: Ref refs/remotes/github/linux-3.0.y is at 0527fde0639955203ad48a9fd83bd6fc35e82e07 but expected f351a1d7efda2edd52c23a150b07b8380c47b6c0
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<xi0n> i just changed something in the local_manifest.xml and now get this error when syncing
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<whitequark> xi0n: change it back then
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<xi0n> but i made a change to be able to compile a different branch of something...... I mean, should be correct.....
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> so you don't actually understand what you have changed?
<xi0n> well, i followed the wiki for compiling cm10 for i9100 and I have been successfully compiling some roms the past weeks
<xi0n> but that was with the latest kernel... but codeworkx is using another kernel, older that is supposed to be in the branch i chose....
<whitequark> ah.
<xi0n> so i modified the local_manifest.xml....
<whitequark> try going to the directory where the kernel resides and do the following:
<whitequark> git remote rm github; git remote add github $NEW_REPO_PATH
<whitequark> or optionally just delete it and do `repo sync'
<whitequark> that should work too
<xi0n> I mustt point out this is the first time i compile roms..... i have knowledge about linux (i use arch daily since 4 years more or less) but compiling... i only know how to code java desktop apps and stuff like that..
<whitequark> well, there's nothing wrong with it :)
<Thracky> get yourself familiar with repo
<Thracky> that would be the biggest benefit
<Jiangyi> Man, it is times like this where I wish I know how to code.
* Jiangyi wants a patch on GB to be ported into CM9/10
<xi0n> yeah.... :)
<Jiangyi> =[
<whitequark> Jiangyi: you can always learn it
<xi0n> i changed this: <project name="teamhacksung/android_kernel_samsung_smdk4210" path="kernel/samsung/smdk4210" remote="github" revision="jellybean" />
<xi0n> for this: <project name="teamhacksung/android_kernel_samsung_smdk4210_new" path="kernel/samsung/smdk4210" remote="github" revision="jellybean" />
<Jiangyi> whitequark: I know, I really should.
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<xi0n> since then, I get those messages i pasted before
<whitequark> xi0n: the new repo path should be git://
<Jiangyi> I was learning a bit of C++ before, and kinda understand the form of it, but never touched Java.
<whitequark> Jiangyi: Java isn't the hardest language around. You'll probably need a month or so.
<Jiangyi> whitequark: That's it? O_O
<bbqbot> derp
<whitequark> the most complexity in Java world is from lots of overengineered frameworks
<whitequark> the Java language is pretty simple and solid
<Jiangyi> Oh OK.
<whitequark> definitely simpler than c++
<Jiangyi> <- This is the patch I was talking about btw
<Jiangyi> whitequark: Got a good tutorial to start with or?
<whitequark> there was some upcoming change in gerrit with a description which said it'll fix chinese SPNs or APNs or so
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<whitequark> Jiangyi: Google. internet is full of Java tutorials
<Jiangyi> Alright then. :-P
<Jiangyi> There was?
<Thracky> yeah java at least gets you through all the application end of everything heh
* Jiangyi goes to look for it
<Thracky> Jiangyi: is pretty good iirc
<Jiangyi> How could I have missed such a change on Gerrit.....
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Thanks.
<whitequark> seriously, Java was invented to allow coding scale linearly. You know, to train some not-very-clever people to be able to write another boring business app no one needs in a reasonable time and budget
<whitequark> so, well, it's not a complex language indeed :)
<Jiangyi> Sounds like it's good for people like me. lol
<whitequark> OTOH, JVM is an incredibly complex and fast piece of software, and is probably one of the best VMs invented in this world
<whitequark> along with V8
<Jiangyi> Hmm... Should I follow java tutorials or Android tutorials? :-P
<whitequark> one does not exclude another. to work with Android you need to know Java, but not only Java
<Thracky> Jiangyi: start with java, then do android
<whitequark> ^ that
<Jiangyi> OK then.
<Thracky> Jiangyi: the guy who does newboston is relatively entertaining also
<Jiangyi> That's always nice. lol
<whitequark> wait, _video_ tutorials?
<whitequark> imo that's completely worthless
<whitequark> except for maybe entertainment value
<Thracky> these are useful.
<Thracky> imo
<whitequark> there isn't anything in programming which is best demonstrated by videos
<xi0n> whitequark : I see no diffeence between what you point out and what is in my manifest,....
<Thracky> it all depends on how you learn.
<Thracky> not everyone can sit there reading page after page of boring shit
<whitequark> xi0n: yep, the manifest is fine. you need to adjust the checkout of kernel git repo
<whitequark> Thracky: you'll spend days writing and reading pages after pages of boring shit anyway
<whitequark> Thracky: programming is all about it.
<Thracky> sure, so why add to it? :P
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<Thracky> if you're just learning the basics, I see nothing wrong with using *decent* video tutorials to do it.
<whitequark> xi0n: or just delete the whole kernel checkout completely and do repo sync
<Jiangyi> I'm with Thracky on this one. :-P
<xi0n> i deleted a folder smdk4210 from the filesystem directly, and redid repo sync -j16.... and I still got the same error....
<xi0n> is what you mean?
<Thracky> (and Jiangyi is just a young buck on top of it :P)
<Jiangyi> lol fair enough xD
<whitequark> xi0n: yes. well, I dunno what's wrong then, ask someone more knowledgeable
<Thracky> I had no interest in programming until I started learning it in school
<Thracky> because someone was actually teaching
<whitequark> having a good teacher matters indeed
<xi0n> but it looks only like some check process that faiuls... i mean... stuff gets synced.... i will still try compiling and see what happens.... worst case: Compilation fails ......
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* Jiangyi has no programming classes atm
<xi0n> if you have a good programming teacher is way easier than learning by yourself...
<Jiangyi> Gonna start taking those in Gr.11 :-P
<Thracky> yeah high school classes are relatively useless anyways Jiangyi, at least in the GTA.
<xi0n> reading code well commented helps... but its not common to find it... xD
<Thracky> everyone I'm in school with currently who took it in high school is totally lost.
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Where'd you learn it then? o.o
<bbqbot> derp
<whitequark> well, you don't need a teacher to learn how to write programs, that's trivial. you need a teacher to learn how to write good programs
<Thracky> Jiangyi: my first formal experience was last year in post secondary, picked it up no problem cause i had a great teacher and a good concept of programming logic
<whitequark> because if you're new to it, you won't understand which technique is good and which isn't, and for which reasons.'
<Jiangyi> Ah I see.
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<whitequark> Thracky: could you point me to some article about educational systems in English-speaking world? because in Russia they're totally different, at least everything has different names, and I have no clue what "post secondary" actually means
<Paw_> Hi there.
<Thracky> whitequark: secondary = high school... like 14-18 years old
<Thracky> post secondary = college or university
<whitequark> aha, thanks
<Thracky> I screwed around for like 10 years before figuring out I really should be in some sort of computing field after high school :P
<Thracky> so I'm 29 an in my 2nd year of college heh
<Thracky> *and
<Jiangyi> Thracky: I've wanted to be in computing since I was 3. lol
<Thracky> Me too, but I had the whole idea that it was a hobby and I didn't want to ruin it
<Paw_> One question, is there a bug in cm9 for the tab 2 7" involving the SD loading right?
<Thracky> that and i was a nationally ranked figure skater and that took like 20 years of my life :P
<whitequark> hah, I knew that when at age of 6 or so I have seen Windows, er, windows, for first time and immediately knew that I wanted to develop that stuff myself
<Jiangyi> I never took the opportunity to start programming though, and I'm sad that I didn't earlier.
<Jiangyi> My dad let me touch the computer starting at 10 months old.
<Thracky> Jiangyi: it's not a big deal, I dabbled in VB when I was 12, and some mIRC scripting, but I picked it up really fast last year
<Jiangyi> It was running Windows 95 or something.
<whitequark> and about a year ago I dropped out from 2nd year of university, and now I'm paid to develop compilers
<Thracky> and when I say dabble, I mean I played around for 3-4 weeks then god bored and went and played games.
<Jiangyi> Thracky: I'm starting to take a robotics course next year, and I think that that course involves java too. :-P
<Jiangyi> lol that was me when I was 12 too xD
<Paw_> Um... am I missing something?
<whitequark> Paw_: describe what's wrong
<whitequark> no one has entire bug database in mind
<Paw_> SD isn't loading right. Noticed it crashed been I tried to put a file there from my FTP.
<Paw_> Its shown as full in storage, when its not.
<Paw_> *noticed it after
<whitequark> I doubt that's a bug in CM. probably the filesystem on your SD card was corrupted
<Paw_> Typing on fresh from, sorry for typos.
<whitequark> the easiest way to fix it would be formatting it.
<Paw_> I plan to test that when I've got a PC. Just wanted to know of it was a common bug or something.
<whitequark> probably no.
<xi0n> i think i fixed my issue: at least i don't get the error when syncing.....
<xi0n> I removed this line from the xml: <project name="CyanogenMod/android_kernel_samsung_smdk4210" path="kernel/samsung/smdk4210" remote="github" revision="jellybean" />
<Paw_> Alright, thanks Quark. I'll give it a shot when I can.
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<xi0n> i guess the kernel from teamhacksung and the one from cyanogenmod are different versions... 3.0.16 - 3.0.36 and you cannot mix them up...
<xi0n> my wild guess...
<Jiangyi> xi0n: There is no Jellybean smdk4210 kernel on CM last time I checked.
<xi0n> Jiangyi : Geting used to github... :P I noticed what you say...
<xi0n> now I have no error.... I will try to compile....
<xi0n> BTW... i noticed like 70% of the compilation time of a ROM is the kernel compilation itself.... am I right?
<xi0n> finally, it seems that is more worth it to compile the whole thing....
<Jiangyi> No, kernel doesn't take that long.
<xi0n> I'm doing so in a virtual machine... takes like 4 hours to do the full rom,....
<Jiangyi> Ah.
<Jiangyi> Well, the first time is going to be slow, but after that, it gets faster in my experience.
<xi0n> i setup the environment under arch linux (the system i use daily)... but i was getting some weird error
<xi0n> so i had to setup ubuntu in a VM.... and the process is slow as hell... even with ccache activated
<xi0n> ERROR: could not open directory /home/jonander/android/system/out/target/product/i9100/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/../../system/usr/lib/modules/ No such file or directory
<xi0n> the system at some point, was creating the folder for the kernel with some extra characters
<xi0n> instead of 3.0.36
<xi0n> I never knew why...
<Jiangyi> I think I read someone with similar problems in the CM10 dev thread.
<xi0n> me
<xi0n> :)ç
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<Entropy512> weird
<Entropy512> maybe some odd unicode thing?
<xi0n> dunno...
<xi0n> I actually use english language in my system's settings.... and never had any similar trouble..
<xi0n> and being arch, i compile stuff from time to time when building packages from aur,....
<xi0n> I guess maybe some settings for the gcc that are messing with this...
<xi0n> or gcc version... which is 4.7 where everyone recommends to use 4.6...
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<xi0n> i really don't know.. and the error appears after an hour or more... so reproducing it is a bit of a pain in the ass...
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<GFXi0N> I am xi0n....connected from my phone
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<Baw5> yo
<Baw5> wasup guys
<Baw5> can anyone help me find basebands for my gt-i9100
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<Mason1234> Guys how do i make a backup of CM10?
<Mason1234> I tried using CWM , and the backup file size is 16.9mb , i guess i did something wrong?
<bbqbot> derp
<Mason1234> anyone thr?
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<Mason1234> guys
<Mason1234> anyone thr?
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<MacDrunk> anyideas were to get swipe keyboard
<addi> register, download, done ^^
<addi> Parth, y u no talk
<MacDrunk> hmm on phone
<addi> MacDrunk, no other way to get it except from that site
<MacDrunk> done
<MacDrunk> im on cyanogenmod 9
<MacDrunk> and only issue is battery
<MacDrunk> i guess the rom need to settle first
<MacDrunk> hmm
<MacDrunk> im on c command line and i write down adb devices and no device is found
<MacDrunk> any ideas
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<GomiNoSensei> knew I should have got a 9300 instead of a i747
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<addi> MacDrunk, install drivers? :p
<addi> or, enabled debugging in developer options in settings
<addi> probably disabled by default
<GomiNoSensei> speaking of drivers, anyone know where I can get a nice set for win7 that will work?
<addi> for i747?
<GomiNoSensei> yeah, tho i'm pretty sure the same drivers will work for all variants
<GomiNoSensei> well, was pretty sure, now everything I try the mtp fails
<addi> MTP doesn't need drivers to work
<GomiNoSensei> think before my re-install of win7, i had to regedit every reference to samsung out to get drivers to work
<addi> that's automatic, like mass storage mode is automatic for USB mass storage devices
<GomiNoSensei> not in my install, it seems, it find the driver and fails every time I plug my device in
<GomiNoSensei> it's a fresh install from last week, too
<GomiNoSensei> i was all happy when the drivers from kies worked, said reboot rewquired
<GomiNoSensei> so when i rebooted, it tried to find the drivers again, and the mtp failed
<GomiNoSensei> adb works, just not in recovery
<addi> hmm, so it's some other problem with MTP
<addi> actually, MTP doesn't work without drivers for every device
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<GomiNoSensei> i had the 9100 now I'm missing the dev community cuz I got an american s3
<GomiNoSensei> but then, I didn't get the 9100 till a good portion of the work was done
<addi> always buy international variants :D
<Espenfjo> I think there has been a lot of development work on the American versions as well
<GomiNoSensei> well, yeah
<Espenfjo> Steve himself are maintaining the Sprint and Verizone ones I think
<GomiNoSensei> and cyanogen has a d2
<GomiNoSensei> sprint and at&t
<Espenfjo> ah
<GomiNoSensei> task650 and ktoonsez are alright, but they're not siyah, and codeworkx
<addi> he maintains T-Mobile one as well
<GomiNoSensei> heh
<GomiNoSensei> oh, right, tmo and at&t, and someone else does vzw and sprint
<GomiNoSensei> he has the tmo
<addi> well, the point stands, maintained by cyanogen or not, get international variant. OKAY?! :P
<GomiNoSensei> might get one still, was kinda blinded by the lte
<addi> faster official updates, more custom dev, etc, lots os advantages to the "messed up" American variants :p
<GomiNoSensei> might give my gf the i747, take back my 9100, and get myself a black 64G exynos
<addi> thanks to carriers taking extra time to bring out official updates, people take that as a bad point of Android itself, even though international variants get updates much faster -.-
<addi> blame it all on the US and its carriers
<GomiNoSensei> well, I think this will be the phone that ends the carrier stranglehold on updates
<GomiNoSensei> cuz they're all pretty close... all the US/canada versions, anyways
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<GomiNoSensei> till google out evolves the telcos
<addi> not really, still will take time after international variant. AT&T e,g has to increase firmware size from 800-900 MB to 1.1. GB -.-
<addi> so that 200 MB of bloat will take 2 months at the least :p
<GomiNoSensei> bell was the first to get us ICS officially on 9100
<GomiNoSensei> a lesser evil...
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<GomiNoSensei> i just hope the next nexus has expandable storage...
<addi> tbh, leaked firmware are even faster on international variants
<addi> it won't. Google has cloud to sell
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<GomiNoSensei> yeah, google has a habit of getting ahead of itself
<GomiNoSensei> bah, i747 has an emulated fuse internal sd
<GomiNoSensei> so atm I can't even have the external on UMS
<addi> yes, that is normal for all devices that come with ICS
<addi> biggest advantage = apps get the whole internal storage
<addi> biggest disadvantage: MTP :X
<Espenfjo> Main issue with UMS is that it exports the filesystem directly to the guest OS, so that your sdcard has to be able to read the filesystem on the sdcard
<Espenfjo> with MTP only the phone has to read it
<addi> that's another advantage, sdcard stays mounted on phone at all times
<GomiNoSensei> yeah, i just wish I could get mtp working, cuz it's better than nothing
<GomiNoSensei> there are a LOT of samsung keys in my reg to destroy
<Espenfjo> The US variants use Kies as well?
<bbqbot> derp
<GomiNoSensei> yeah
<addi> they all use Kies I think
<Espenfjo> Try to install it, perhaps that will solve the issues
<Espenfjo> Drivers or not
<GomiNoSensei> tried
<GomiNoSensei> think it screwed things up worse
<Espenfjo> :D
<GomiNoSensei> cuz I can't get adb to work anymore
<addi> haha, Kies FTW :D
<GomiNoSensei> still got the kies usb drivers on my hd, tho
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<John> i have samsung galaxy s2 i9100g offical not yet rooted is it good to root or not
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<John> please repy any one
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<gladiac1337> do you intend to hack, develop or have fun with your phone?
<gladiac1337> impatience...
<addi> what I wanna know is how do these people find the link to the IRC channel?
<gladiac1337> yeah... kinda sad imho
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<Bird1e> hey guys
<Bird1e> During update to CM10 I am now stuck in boot loop, unable to enter CWM. Any ideas?
<gladiac1337> did you wipe?
<Bird1e> yes.
<Bird1e> (Galaxy S i9000 btw)
<gladiac1337> what system was installed before?
<Bird1e> SlimICS
<Bird1e> whiped data and formatet /system
<Bird1e> formated*
<Bird1e> I can get into download mode.
<Bird1e> But no USB drivers work for me now
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<Bird1e> now I'm downloading GB rom with ODIN.
<Bird1e> and*
<ricotz> Bird1e, try hard to enter recovery with the keycombo (took me awhile) then you can wipe and flash again, and it is working now
<Bird1e> I'm hoping I can get odin to see the device somehow
<Bird1e> I have tried several times :P
<ricotz> Bird1e, i know, hold it the keys very long
<Bird1e> power, home, vol up, right?
<ricotz> yes
<ricotz> (try to let them go when you see the battery charging symbol)
<Bird1e> no luck
<Bird1e> keeps rebooting while I'm holding the buttons down
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<ricotz> yeah, it behaved that way too for me
<ricotz> but eventually cwm was usable
<Bird1e> Meh
<Bird1e> this sucks
<gladiac1337> hmm
<Bird1e> hmm. I cannot find the stock rom list-thread on xda. Do any of you know where it went?
<bbqbot> derp
<gladiac1337> makes me think... if we managed to make cm detect bootloops it might be able to trigger recovery mode. how does reboot recovery actually work?
<Pulser> iirc it sets a flag
<Pulser> on the cpu
<Pulser> or something like that, and when it's seen
<Pulser> it tells it which init script to run
<Pulser> for example, there's something for charge mode
<Pulser> recovery
<Pulser> regular
<Pulser> etc
<gladiac1337> so if we managed to determine bootloops precisely we could actually make cm fall back to recovery automatically.
<cdesai> no
<cdesai> that'ld need bootloader hacking
<cdesai> on most samsung phones kernel + normal ramdisk + recovery is in one image
<Pulser> I think I know how we could do the detection
<Pulser> set a flag as early as possible in boot process
<Pulser> clear it in userland
<Pulser> via an app that runs immediately on boot
<Pulser> ie. a hidden "dotfile"
<gladiac1337> yes - and if the flag is already set ad boot then fall back to recovery
<Pulser> yup
<Pulser> but that relies on the "script" even running
<cdesai> Pulser: hmm?
<cdesai> if kernel is borked
<cdesai> nothing
<Pulser> to set the cpu flag
<Pulser> correct cdesai
<cdesai> that's the problem
<Pulser> this would stop a userland one :P
<Pulser> not a kernel one
<cdesai> so there's a separate recovery partition
<Pulser> so a duff davik, or no launcher would be fixed
<Pulser> dalvik*
<cdesai> but no, samsung had to merge em both
<Pulser> that would sort itself automatically
<cdesai> let's all take a moment to #blamesamsung
<Pulser> why yes, that's a good idea
<Bird1e> Okay. This sucks!
<Bird1e> Odin does not recognise my phone now.
<Bird1e> fuck it. I'm going to lunch now.
<gladiac1337> does windows even detect your phone?
<gladiac1337> in devmgmt.msc?
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<Chris0706> hey there
<Chris0706> anybody in, who wants to help me with a charge/battery problem ?
<Pulser> sup?
<Chris0706> i just restarted my sgs2
<Chris0706> and now it only shows the battery charge symbol
<Chris0706> but the symbol doesnt move at all
<Chris0706> tried to put charger on/ battery on an off and tested cleaning the usb
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<Pulser> hmmm
<Pulser> so it won't boot?
<bbqbot> derp
<Chris0706> strange think to is, yeah
<Chris0706> strange thing is, if i want to go to cwm, i instead get to fastboot
<Pulser> fastboot?
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<Pulser> does the S2 have fastboot???
<Pulser> :P
<Chris0706> oh its called odin mode sry
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<Pulser> ah ok
<Pulser> hmm that is quite strange
<Pulser> bootmodes sound all messed up
<Chris0706> seems not like the normal usb charger problems i found on the other forums
<Chris0706> can i try anything in odin mode ?
<Chris0706> i have to eat for shot, if you know any advice
<Chris0706> let me know ^^
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<Bird1e> god damnit
<Bird1e> ricotz, any ideas?
<Bird1e> still not able to boot into cwm
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<Bird1e> gladiac1337, when put into download mode, it's detected as "Gadget serial control"
<Bird1e> listed under "other devices"
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<Bird1e> weird.
<Bird1e> now it worked.
<Bird1e> it's in odin now
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<gladiac1337> good
<Bird1e> yes
<Bird1e> but I cannot seem to find any firmware complete with CSC, PIT and so on
<ricotz> Bird1e, if you are flashing a stock version again, rooting it and flashing cm10 again, it resulted in the same problem
<ricotz> at least for me
<Bird1e> >_<
<gladiac1337> i dont have a i9000 so i cannot really help you all that much
<Bird1e> what should i do then?
<ricotz> it seemed to be a problem of cwm itself since it looped in the recovery mode
<ricotz> but after trying hard with the keycombo, turning it off and even taking out the battery i got into recovery mode at some point
<v4nelle> Bird1e: try to remove the battery for 2-3 minutes....and retry after that to go on cwm
<v4nelle> and if you cant go on cwm again,try to flash an ics kernel via odin
<Bird1e> I will try
<Bird1e> I cannot find any odin-flashable ICS rims
<Bird1e> roms*
<Bird1e> I have been looking for some time
<v4nelle> there is non official ics rom
<v4nelle> not*
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<v4nelle> startsk has ics kernel on .tar format,soyou can install it via odin
<v4nelle> statosk*
<Chris0706> @pulser can i just flash the ics cynanogenmod bootloader again via odin and see if it works? or any problems with that action
<bbqbot> Chris0706: Command does not exist!
<Pulser> you could flash the kernel again
<Pulser> I think that's the thing you should flash
<Chris0706> okay
<Bird1e> where would I find that?
<bbqbot> derp
<Chris0706> i will try on that one
<Chris0706> do you have the url in mind
<v4nelle> sorry
<v4nelle> i though you want cm9
<Bird1e> :P
<v4nelle> you post the right link :p
<v4nelle> sorry for my english btw
<Bird1e> and the kernel goes where?
<Bird1e> pda, phone or csc?
<v4nelle> but before flash the kernel,try to remove the battery for 2-3 minutes and retry to go on cwm
<addi> w00t, v4nelle talks after a long, long time :D
<Bird1e> I tried that
<Bird1e> didn't work
<v4nelle> addi: i have too many time to come here :)
<v4nelle> Bird1e: pda
<Bird1e> are you sure? ;)
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> v4nelle, still using Darky ROM? :p
<v4nelle> Bird1e: choose the .tar version of kernel
<Bird1e> i did
<Bird1e> Semaphore_JB_2.0.6.tar
<v4nelle> ok then
<v4nelle> addi: no...i am on slim ics :)
<v4nelle> yet :p
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<v4nelle> Bird1e: are you sure that the installation of cm10 finished successfully?or you are on slim ics yet?
<Bird1e> Wait!
<Bird1e> I'm in CWM now
<Bird1e> woohooo
<v4nelle> lol
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<v4nelle> addi: what are you using now?
<addi> i have a Galaxy Nexus now, so every ROM is good ^^
<addi> (using one called BAMF now)
<Bird1e> v4nelle, How can I check?
<addi> well, CWM will say installation completed after CM10 finishes installing
<v4nelle> Bird1e: are you using semaphore JB kernel now?
<addi> and when you boot up you will see the boot animation of CM :p
<Bird1e> yes
<v4nelle> Bird1e: try to reinstall the cm10...with full wipe
<v4nelle> just to be sure
<v4nelle> WIPE (wipe data/factory reset + wipe cache partition)
<v4nelle> Install the ROM from internal sdcard using ClockworkMod Recovery
<v4nelle> Optionally install the Google Addon
<v4nelle> follow these 3 steps
<v4nelle> addi: i think i will with my i9000 for 1 more year :)
<addi> v4nelle, no need to wipe cache separately. ever
<addi> data wipe is all that is needed :)
<v4nelle> no money for another phone and perfect support from the devs ,stuck me here :p
<v4nelle> addi: i copy/paste the instructions from the cm10 thread ...but you are right :)
<addi> hehe
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<Bird1e> bam!
<Bird1e> It worked!
<Bird1e> Thank you lads. I owe you one
<addi> my sgs started acting up, so had to change. i went to wp7 from sgs for a month before coming back to Android, haha
<Chris0706> pulser it is booting now after flashing new siyah kernel, just wana try to remove battery and get it back in ^^
<v4nelle> i remember some tweets from you on twitter about wp7
<addi> you follow me on Twitter? o_0
<v4nelle> Bird1e: i am waiting for a review...i am stil on ics :p
<Bird1e> :P
<Chris0706> FUCK THAT SHIT
<Chris0706> usb charger sucks
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<Chris0706> so everytime i want to boot my phone, i have to reflash the kernel -.-
<Chris0706> i will never ever turn it off again!
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<zeorin_> Hello, I've been trying to find the official user CM10 galaxy S2 thread on XDA, but no luck. Please could someone give me a link?
<bbqbot> derp
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<v4nelle> addi: if you are still behind @addicted2088 i still follow you :p
<addi> yeah, I am :p
<addi> what's your Twitter name?
<v4nelle> v4nelle
<v4nelle> but i dont think you can understand what i tweet!I speak greek :p
<Veyka> twits twittering like twats ;)
<v4nelle> lol
<v4nelle> i speak england very best i thing :p
<gladiac1337> tru that
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<Jiangyi> Hmm.......
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<Jiangyi> Weather doesn't look so cheery today. =[
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<addi> chadouming,
<addi> whats up dood
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Gopacka has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Gopacka> hi
<Gopacka> hey guys, is there some finished version of cm9 ?
<addi> there is a stable release, yes
<Gopacka> ok where can i download it?
<Gopacka> for galaxy s3
<cdesai> &type=stable
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> :p
<Gopacka> ok if i download it, in which way i have to flash it?
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> CM server build CM10 for the G twice today. :-P
<addi> Gopacka, the usual way you flash custom ROMs. from CWM
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<Gopacka> ok ill try it now
<addi> don't forget the gapps file ;)
sbrissen_gone is now known as sbrissen
<Jiangyi> OK, off to teh CNE :-P
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|CNE
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<Gopacka> ohh there was an error: E: Can't open /sdcard/ whats wrong?
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<addi> um, have you installed ClockworkMod recovery?
<Gopacka> yes
<Gopacka> cwm v5.8.4.3
<chadouming> sound like a bad download
<gladiac1337> does it say md5 checksum mismatch?
<chadouming> CWM doesnt test the MD5 unless you ask it to do so
<Gopacka> no, only : Finding update package.... Opening update package..... E : Can't open /sdcard/ (bad) Installiton aborted. Thats all
<chadouming> redownload
<Gopacka> ok
<Gopacka> i stay in chat here ok?
<chadouming> yup
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<Gopacka> :D lol now its done... :D
<Popple3> Hey guys. Just a very quick question about RIL crashes in the CM10 experimental builds. Should I flash the modem from the first post of the user thread before submitting any bugs about it?
<Gopacka> ok but one more question
<Gopacka> can i take HDR Pictures?
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<chadouming> hmm, Popple3 , is it written anywhere that cody want some log of the RIL crash ?
<chadouming> Gopacka, you need a 3rd party app
<Gopacka> ok can you tell me a good app?
<chadouming> nope
<Gopacka> ok but thank you for your help :) :-*
<Gopacka> bye
<Gopacka> great Support
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<chadouming> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[1469078528,1469079551],"country":"DE","region":"01","city":"Weil Der Stadt","ll":[48.75,8.8667]}
<gladiac1337> lol :)
<chadouming> not all german are angry xD
<gladiac1337> i find it interesting how people manage to find the irc but are incapable of finding the downloads & the instructions
<gladiac1337> it is ridiculous
<Popple3> chadouming: Probably should've mentioned it's for the GT-i9100. There's a Google Docs form linked from the user thread.
<chadouming> oh, then simply follow the instruction on that file
<chadouming> it's asked what modem you use
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<onyx> Build on Jenkins crash...
<Popple3> chadouming: Yeah, I was just wondering if I should flash one of codeworkx's modems first, there's a few different ones on his ClockworkMod feed. I guess he probably wants to catch issues on all modems, so worth sending regardless I guess
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<datagutt> FU
<gladiac1337> huh?
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<xplodwild> @invite #blamesamsung
<xplodwild> @invite #blamesamsung xplodwild
<xplodwild> fu.
<tipxall> ?
<chadouming> you didnt saw that tipxall
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<wayno93> does anyone know of any apps that stop the phone from going into deep sleep
<wayno93> I think it may have something to do with either lux or smart stay
<chadouming> use betterbatterystats or common sense
<wayno93> im using betterbatterystats and its showing as the rilj wakelock
<wayno93> ive factory reset the phone twice
<wayno93> first time - no problem until i reinstalled all the apps
<wayno93> second time - only installed some apps and got the problem back again
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<datagutt> [15:42:14] <@datagutt> if netchip only saw this
<datagutt> [15:42:18] <@datagutt> while he was young
<datagutt> [15:42:33] <@datagutt> then he would not make commit shitty stuff to cm
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<pier|wrk> :p
<v4nelle> guys is there any irc channel about gtab 10.1?
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<adil> I'm trying to compile AOSP GB for galaxy ace... but stuck at this error... build/core/ *** hardware/msm7k/libaudio: MODULE.TARGET.SHARED_LIBRARIES.libaudiopolicy already defined by device/samsung/cooper/libaudio
<addi> adil, ask in #cyanogenmod-dev or #Cyanogenmod :)
<adil> okay... thanks...
tjwins has joined #teamhacksung-support
<tjwins> hello
choirboy has joined #teamhacksung-support
<chadouming> hello
<Thracky> hello.
<tjwins> I need technical Assistance
<addi> hmmm, we need nebkat xD
<chadouming> hi, this is chadouming from #teamhacksung-support. I'm here to technical assist you. What is your problem dear ?
<Thracky> lol
<Thracky> chadouming your name isn't americanized enough
chadouming is now known as wifi
<wifi> bettar ?
<Thracky> you need to be someone with poor english and an overly american name
<tjwins> how come you have to use apex launcher to do verica view on CM10 nighlty build for p3113
<wifi> hmm, i am not sur to understood ya question
<wifi> what is verica view ?
<tjwins> is there a way to make it dont have to be landscape on normal launcher
<tjwins> vertucal
<Parth> vertical
<tjwins> vertical
pier is now known as pier|wrk
<addi> Thracky, I've lately realized that the domestic customer care guys here in India have proper English, it's the ones that answer US calls that are given American names and supposed to have a neutral accent are the bad ones xD
<addi> Parth!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<addi> whats up dood
<Thracky> addi: lol true
<Parth> nothing
<wifi> hmm, well, tjwins i have no landscape trouble with trebuchet
<addi> i mean, it's as if they have something against the people in the US xD
<Thracky> tjwins: launcher options I would imagine.
<wifi> i dont have p3113 tho
<addi> Parth, where you been dood?
<Parth> nowhere
<wifi> @dood addi
<bbqbot> addi: what up dood
<addi> wifi,
<tjwins> ok
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<addi> whats up dood
<Thracky> tjwins: Launcher/General/Auto Rotate Screen
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<whitequark> @dood what
<bbqbot> what: what up dood
<tjwins> ill try that
<tjwins> lol, im such a tard
<tjwins> thanks so much
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<adil> i'm unable join #cyanogenmod-dev or #Cyanogenmod.. so can anyone else help me?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> adil, register your nickname
<adil> sorry i'm new here... how do i register?
<addi> i gave you a link ;)
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<adil> done.. wats next?
<D3vourz> join channels
<addi> adil, indentify to nickserv, then join those channels like D3vourz said :)
<Espenfjo> quite useful read
<adil> so how do i do that?
<Espenfjo> It is described in both of the links
<adil> thanks for your help..
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<Jiangyi|CNE> ...... They have Chinese sculptures here selling for like $6000. ._.
<Jiangyi|CNE> And it's supposed half-priced.
<Jiangyi|CNE> daflip? Globes for $500. o_o
<Thracky> better be nice globes
<Thracky> i love how you go to the CNE and you're on IRC on your phone :P
<Thracky> must be with family and not friends
<Jiangyi|CNE> lol it's a friend
<Jiangyi|CNE> he's looking at pocketwatches, so... xX
<Jiangyi|CNE> xD*
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<addi> Jiangyi|CNE, don't lie. we are the only friends you have. and none of us is looking at pocketwatches u_u
<astrakid> hi, i am looking the latest cm10 nightly. for i9100. i am using nightly from 20120815, but i read there are already newer nightlies available.
<addi> should have them
<astrakid> thx, buit there i only find cm7 and cm9...?
<astrakid> or do i miss something?
<Jiangyi|CNE> addi: o_o
<Parth> I9100 doesn't have nightlies yet
<Parth> not for CM10 anyway
<addi> oh, right xD
<addi> astrakid, then head to the XDA thread for CM10 and get it from there I guess
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<bbqbot> derp
<addi> and 0815 seems to be the latest there, so I guess you should stick to it :p
<astrakid> ok. :-/ nevertheless: thanks! regards, astrakid
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<happy3friends> hello !
<happy3friends> i have a question about the upgrade from CM10 build to a CM10 built
<peterperfect> say
<happy3friends> i have to wipe cache, wipe dalvik cache or fix permission?
<happy3friends> and, if i have gapps i have to reflash it again?
<peterperfect> NO
<peterperfect> just flash the build
<peterperfect> and reboot
<peterperfect> just that
<happy3friends> Ok :)
<peterperfect> :)
<happy3friends> flash the gapps?
<peterperfect> nop
<peterperfect> just the build
<happy3friends> oki
<happy3friends> thank you very very very much!
<happy3friends> :D
<peterperfect> no problem
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<happy3friends> i can use TB App+data restore in CM10 builts or only App restore?
<happy3friends> sorry to ask so much :/
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<datagutt> @join #blamesamsung
<EgotisticalElf> happy3friends, app+data is fine for any non-system application
<happy3friends> thx :)
<EgotisticalElf> if you have problems, report them to TiBu, he'll report them to cM if needs be
<happy3friends> thnks to peterperfect and EgotisticalElf
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<pmgnet> Where is the restore data for lockscreen settings for CM10?
<pmgnet> what package name is it under within a nandroid or TiBu?
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<DuperMan> yay n7000 updates:D
<DuperMan> sup?
<addi> DuperMan,
<addi> whats up dood
<DuperMan> omf gosh din't see that comin'
<DuperMan> the moon I think
<addi> you sitting outside in the open?
<DuperMan> nah, just heuristicizing derpness
<DuperMan> gonna brick the phone in a few trying a build with the expermn'tal kerrnaell
peterperfect has quit [Quit: Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers.]
<DuperMan> shit@pete's /quit, Imma poweruser carrying big fucking knives:/
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<DuperMan> hmmmm
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<bossmann> hi
<DuperMan> imma synced teh smdk4210_new into /kernel/samsung/smdk4210
<DuperMan> it ok?
<DuperMan> seems faily so now I makes teh new clean buildorz
<bossmann> hi i have a question
<DuperMan> yay
<DuperMan> thank you
<codeworkx> DuperMan: no need
<DuperMan> codeworkx: thanks, guess I just had a random bad copying of the latest none-clean builderz xD
<bossmann> @code when the screen is off but before lockscreen, if i press home button, it goes straight to homescreen, not the app that was open before.. this was fixed in a previous build, but its back?
<bbqbot> bossmann: Command does not exist!
<DuperMan> codeworkx: sexy! I was waiting for _new to finally become CyanogenMod/ ^^
<DuperMan> 'grats-ness
<DuperMan> guess it's just stupid that I use teamhacksung/kernel/smdk4210_new now, like I failed with oggling experimental branch lol
<bossmann> code: code when the screen is off but before lockscreen, if i press home button, it goes straight to homescreen, not the app that was open before.. this was fixed in a previous build, but its back?
<DuperMan> bossmann: pressing home is pressing home, how should that ever be 'fixed'?
<DuperMan> screen off but not locked means the phone is dandy and all operational - just not outputting to display no nothing
<DuperMan> lol
<bossmann> i mean when the screen is turned off though..
<bossmann> yeah but it shouldnt go to home, it should just turn the screen back on, no?
<DuperMan> no
<DuperMan> why should it? is 'home' 'power'?
<bossmann> it was fixed in a previous build thouhg..
<DuperMan> I may be wrong but I'd say it was broken in previous build and fixed again
<DuperMan> :P
<bossmann> LOL
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<dabear> for some reason my galaxy s2 doesn't allow me to install endomondo/runkeeper anymore
<dabear> does anyone know why this happens, and what I can do to make it work again?
<dabear> cm 9
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<Guest20353> hello
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<chadouming> hi
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<addi> hello, this is customer care helpings. how can I helping you?
<Espenfjo> *Notes that addi does not use capital letters in his greetings. Remembers not to raise addi's salary.*
<addi> :(
<addi> I RESIGN
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<Espenfjo> Ah.. Just as well..
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<Espenfjo> In my country it is hard to fire people
<Espenfjo> Almost impossibro
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<addi> :D
<sagitariusA> anybody can help me about cm9 and cm10 ? i got some questions please
<chadouming> hello, this is Chadouming smith from Teamhacksung-support of america. how can I helping you?
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<sagitariusA> i have used cm9 stabble version and its touch response is not good. its no way near as gingerbread rom.
<sagitariusA> is it my device only or a general problem? my mobile is galaxy s2 gt-i9100g
<chadouming> on which phone
<chadouming> hmm, you looked at the common issue for that phone ?
<Espenfjo> *Wakes Jiangyi|CNE*
<sagitariusA> yes, i have seen few people complain about it. but there is no fix. cm10 has even worse touch sensitivity
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<sagitariusA> can any of you convey to codeworkx to fix cm10 before its stable version is released. it has a sticky touch response
<sagitariusA> just like cm9 if not worse
<codeworkx> sagitariusA: pay us, donate time
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<addi> chadouming, it's Teamhacksung-supportings :p
<chadouming> i tried to americanize my introduction
<chadouming> not enough ? xD
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> nah, not enough :D
<chadouming> haha
<chadouming> chadouming smith
<chadouming> hi, my name is john smith
<addi> is John the most common name they use? xD
<chadouming> john smith, the most common name in USA
<addi> i really want to talk to a customer care guy taking international guys to see what you guys put up with :p
<addi> international calls*
<sagitariusA> @codeworkx i would love to but maybe in one month. u guys deserve a lot of donation :D
<bbqbot> sagitariusA: Command does not exist!
<chadouming> xD
<addi> kinda of a business and recruiting fail seeing how they recruit only idiots for the international call centers :p
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<chadouming> hmm
<chadouming> service has problem
<sagitariusA> so will anybody help me?
<chadouming> dev are working on it, nothing much can be done atm
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<sagitariusA> i am glad to know that. thank you very much everyone for all the cool stuff. i will donate when i get the chance. special thanks to codeworkx
<codeworkx> sagitariusA: then thing is, touchscreen on ics was never good.
<codeworkx> sagitariusA: not on stock and not on any other rom
<codeworkx> sagitariusA: problem on i9100, on i9100g and and and
<sagitariusA> @codeworkx, i am glad to hear that, because i thought maybe it was my device. since i installed the official ics update, it had bad touch. but i wonder how they managed to fix the issue in galaxy s3
<bbqbot> sagitariusA: Command does not exist!
<sagitariusA> codeworkx: will there be a fix in the future? maybe in the stable version of cm10 for i9100g?
<codeworkx> can't look into future. magic orb is broken
<chadouming> hmm,
<chadouming> @8ball will there be a fix in the future?
<bbqbot> It is decidedly so.
<addi> @8ballings
<bbqbot> addi: Command does not exist!
<sagitariusA> codeworkx : i hope you can fix. you are genius afterall, i am sure you will do :D . thank you again for all the great work you contributed. :D . i wish you very happy times
<addi> happy times? XXX happy times? o_0
<codeworkx> sagitariusA: flash this
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<sagitariusA> codeworkx , will it fix or improve on it? ok i will sir. i cannot thank you enough
<Trae32566-STA> codeworx: long time no see
<addi> Trae32566-STA,
<addi> whats up dood
<Trae32566-STA> nothin much, hbu?
<addi> i wanted to ask, do the guys at Samsung also use TriangleAway and Mobile Odin? :p
<addi> nothing much here either ^^
<Trae32566-STA> No comment at this time.
<Trae32566-STA> >.>
<addi> xD
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<addi> well, you never seem to login from home anymore :p
<Trae32566-STA> sure I do
<Trae32566-STA> a ton
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<addi> okay, I'll ask you when I see you online from home xD
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<mongi> what i said became truth haha, and few here said was not possible...
<Espenfjo> lies
<mongi> i don't know... i hope not hehe
<Espenfjo> Its a practical joke by jbq
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<mongi> why that?
<bbqbot> derp
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<addi> because he recently stopped having coffee/caffiene and is now looking for other ways to get his fix u_u
<DuperMan> building la la
<DuperMan> yay
<DuperMan> caffeine is fun, y no living?
<addi> because no living in this case = better living than with caffiene :p
<DuperMan> moar living>chillaxed phun living
<DuperMan> +1
<addi> but me has no caffiene. so me not living well? :(
<DuperMan> u living, weller than living for shorter timez with teh cofferz
<DuperMan> u teh diabuttsex?
<addi> ah, goodings. I be very happiness.
<DuperMan> so gladly of hearsing
<addi> gladlings*
<DuperMan> indeedilly
<DuperMan> very goods
<addi> goodings*
<DuperMan> *many
<DuperMan> but goods, not goodings
<DuperMan> gooding is where u make teh things less bad
<addi> okay, goods. whatever Mr. Awesomeness says
<addi> ^^
<DuperMan> lol. f u. big smileness.
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> i is gooding verficationallishly for teh words u is said
<DuperMan> see how useding?
<addi> you is loseness me now
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<addi> i is not followings anything
<DuperMan> teh words they need merit for the speaking of properhood
<DuperMan> duh
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<DuperMan> to speak with properhood is to have 12 inch fifteenth pen
<addi> then I is not in runnings anymoreness
<DuperMan> forrest
<DuperMan> but no, f that, meh. teh silly
<DuperMan> :D
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<Kenji> if you flash a model does that change both RIL and baseband?
<Kenji> modem i mean
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<codeworkx> modem just modem
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<Kenji> and modem is baseband?
<bbqbot> derp
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<chadouming> yes
<chadouming> modem is baseband and RIL something else
<Kenji> the interface that talks to the modem if i understand it correct
<chadouming> RIL is the part that help communication between modem and hardware
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<Kenji> but solved my problem, could get the correct ril with GetRIL
<Espenfjo> correct
<Espenfjo> bhahaha
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<Syphyr> hello campers
<D3vourz> i play sniper
<D3vourz> so its ok
<D3vourz> hi
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<DuperMan> hai
<DuperMan> mai bt a2dp it not sings goodly no maw
<DuperMan> ;[
<chieftexi> i never liked bt for audio
<DuperMan> I grew accostumed, don't think (also know factualishly) most formats are too posh for teh a2dp downconvert
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<farmfieldsd> Just want to warn: menu for changing between mtp/ptp/ums is gone on CM10-i9100.
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<codeworkx> farmfieldsd: known
<farmfieldsd> what mode is supposed to be by default from now? or is just a bug?
<codeworkx> mtp is default
<codeworkx> just forgot to include the ums patches
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<farmfieldsd> okay. several copy errors on mtp is just a fuct up mediaprovider?
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<Jiangyi|CNE> farmfieldsd: If you're really stuck, you can use ADB or something like AirDroid.
<ernie`> what's with the spiderpig? xD
<ernie`> spiderpig, spiderpig, does whatever spiderpig does
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<Rskyline> @codeworkx sir can you please give me the link of the kernel you released today?
<bbqbot> Rskyline: Command does not exist!
<Rskyline> for i9100g?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Rskyline> any user of i9100g here?
<alessa> Good evening. abbord of all let me compliment you for the perfect job you do and especially a big thank you to you all. Now I have a specific request to do this a wonderful team. I use on my gs2 cyanogen10 and I am more than satisfied, but I'm missing just one thing to be really close .... the compatibility with HDMI output. Current I am the team does not give importance to this option, and I can understand, but if I
<alessa> sorry
<alessa> 1 min please ....
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<Syphyr> codeworkx, is it known that the compass does not show up in GPS apps and it is 90 degrees off?
<Syphyr> in CM10 for P31xx
<Syphyr> the maps are 90 degrees off too
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<alessa> it's easier like this;-)
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<aku> anyone tried the to experimental build?
<aku> cm10
<peterperfect> yes
<peterperfect> we all on cm10
<peterperfect> :)
<addi> not me :(
* addi loads shotgun and shoots himself
<aku> im sorry that came out wrong
<aku> anyone tried the new experimental build? *
<aku> 10-20120820-EXPERIMENTAL-i9100-CODEWORKX
<aku> i'm flashing it as we speak D:
<addi> <- will be such an ecstatic moment for Motorola devs and owners >.>
<peterperfect> im flashing in some minutes too
* addi has eyes firmly shut. it's flashing time u_u
<peterperfect> addi y u no on cm10?
<peterperfect> there are just two reasons y u no cm10
<addi> i keepings shifting between ROMs, they all good on GNex o_0
<peterperfect> 1 - your device has no cm10
<peterperfect> 2 - you are idiotte
<addi> 2 ^^
<peterperfect> 2 indeed
<addi> ^_^
<aku> so....this roms laggier than the previous one
<aku> alarmdroid won't load up
<aku> darn
<peterperfect> Entropy512 dude you commited a gazillion patches today for 4210 kernal
<peterperfect> O_O
<addi> aku, yes, because I forgot to rub oil on codework|x today :p
<MotoMudder> 4210 is note huh, he mentioned that
<aku> that's a shame
<Entropy512> peterperfect: almost all just remerging stuff that was in the old kernel
<MotoMudder> no NM
<Entropy512> and fixing I777 compatibility
<Jiangyi|CNE> Gazillion patches ftw :-D
<MotoMudder> ^^^^ TY
<Entropy512> n7000 is fuct at the moment - codeworkx broke our device tree with a bad git push
<peterperfect> MotoMudder 4210 is also sgs2 i think
<peterperfect> aw
<Entropy512> 4210 is I9100/I777/N7000
<peterperfect> #blamecody
<Jiangyi|CNE> lol codey is breaking things again?
<bbqbot> derp
<MotoMudder> ahh I knew i recognized it :)
<Entropy512> Based on I9100 update7 sources, cody has been using it for around a week for I9100 builds
<peterperfect> wildexplod had a build today i think
<Entropy512> I fixed I777 last night and made sure N7000 was up to speed
<peterperfect> for n7000
<Entropy512> xplod's build was based off of the new kernel
<Entropy512> but I'm not sure if he build from cody's broken tree or not
<Entropy512> I fixed the THS tree but I have no clue how to fix the main CM repo
<Entropy512> no nightlies for N7000 until that gets unfucked
<aku> peterperfect, you flashed it yet?
<aku> trying to reinstall alarmdroid and it comes up with ''insufficient storage available''
<peterperfect> aku yep
<peterperfect> seems good for me
<peterperfect> but didnt do nothing yet
<peterperfect> just booted
<peterperfect> aku seems nice
<aku> does your alarmdroid work?
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<peterperfect> i dont use alarmdroid
<peterperfect> why you reinstalling shitz?
<peterperfect> Yeah! I don't know who this Spiderpig guy is, but Codeworkx has a lot to learn from him! Amazing battery life with this build. Got 3 days out of a single charge!
<peterperfect> Yeah! I don't know who this Spiderpig guy is, but Codeworkx has a lot to learn from him! Amazing battery life with this build. Got 3 days out of a single charge!
<peterperfect> from xda
<peterperfect> ¬¬
<peterperfect> shit
<aku> wouldnt open the first time so i thought reinstalling would do the trick
<aku> guess not :/
<peterperfect> i forget every time i paste some cody gets pinged
<aku> is that a troll post? 3days.....
<peterperfect> no..probably a guy that doesnt touched his phone for three days
<peterperfect> this is awesome
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<peterperfect> buy a 600 eur phone
<peterperfect> let it 3 days hanging on desk
<peterperfect> to teste battery
<peterperfect> seems clever
<Entropy512> yeah, I could easily get 3-4 days if I did that
<peterperfect> 8 days in airplane mode
<peterperfect> :P
<peterperfect> very useful
<peterperfect> btw Entropy512 i bought this android mini pc
<peterperfect> MK802
<peterperfect> ever heard of it?
<Kenji> screen is like 80% of the battery use, so if that is of then 3 days is probobly easy
<MotoMudder> BTW Entropy512 Your links in i777 general are dead. Just FYI
<addi> my GNex is sitting at 18 hours 42 minutes on time, 72% battery left, 1hr of display time, W-Fi on as well. pretty sure i can make it go 3 days on any ROM like this, specially with Wi-Fi turned off and no screen time :p
<peterperfect> shit............ohai SOD
<peterperfect> last build gave me SOD
<peterperfect> while usb charging..
<peterperfect> no good
<peterperfect> well dunno if its sod
<peterperfect> but something similar
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<cantIntoCode|ZzZ> my s3 is at 90% with about an hour screen time and no wifi addi
<cantIntoCode|ZzZ> and its been off charge for like 13 hrs, been painting all day so not used it much
<addi> S3 battery = great. GNex battery = er, what can I say :p
<addi> but Gnex = too awesome to cry over battery :p
<cantIntoCode|ZzZ> haha true
<cantIntoCode|ZzZ> battery life on the s3 is brilliant, gets me through the day with heavy usage no problem whereas my old i9000
<cantIntoCode|ZzZ> well what can I say :P was dreadful
<cantIntoCode|ZzZ> anyways I'm knackered goodnight ladies
<Kenji> s2 battery = sucks ass
<addi> but on idle, i9000 was awesome
<addi> almost as if it used no battery at all :X
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<Entropy512> peternotperfect: yeah, I've heard of MK802, have one but haven't had time to play with it at all
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<sinc> the extended battery for S2 is nice
<D3vourz> how nice
<jaket> nicer than taco flavored kisses
<Kenji> sinc: the 2000 or 3200 mah?
<bbqbot> derp
<sinc> 2000
<sinc> the official samsung one
<Thracky> I'm gonna buy an anker 2000 mah, their warranty and customer service is awesome and it's only 10 bucks heh
<sinc> gave me something like +30% more batterylife
<Thracky> my wife has one of their batteries for her sensation
<sinc> plus the new back cover made the phone symmetric
<Thracky> oh it needed a new back cover?
<sinc> it came with the battery
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<Kenji> more mah means its bigger so you need a new cover
<Thracky> ah the anker is 1900 mah and doesn't need a different back
<Thracky> I know that, but you can get higher capacity batteries that don't need a new cover, they just won't have as much as the ones that do require it.
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<Kenji> ye
<Thracky> if you buy 2 you get a free wall charger
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<Thracky> and they replace defective batteries very quick
<Thracky> what's the stock i9100 have? I've never even looked
<Kenji> 1650
<Thracky> ah so 1900 would help
<Kenji> with the 2k one the phone seems to become flat on the back side
<Kenji> instead of the lip
<sinc> yup
<Thracky> I have an otterbox anyways so it doesn't bother me
<Thracky> I drop my phone at least once a day
<Kenji> stop that:P
<Kenji> cba to use that big of a case. droped mine probobly like 10 times and still works perfect so
<Thracky> I'd love to but I always spaz and send my phone flying
<Kenji> think i am gonna get the 2k one
<Kenji> a bit bigger phone for not having to worrie about battery seems worth it
<jaket> i took the back cover off my s2
<jaket> now it is super thin, but the battery falls out if i drop it
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<nickl_> hello
<nickl_> anyone home?
<jaket> hi
<nickl_> jaket: hey
<nickl_> awesome
<jaket> sup
<nickl_> thaught I stumbled into a chost town
<nickl_> =)
<jaket> we're alive in here
<nickl_> tell me... if you'd know
<nickl_> how long is one expected to to wait for registration to approve and come back to you
<jaket> registration of what
<nickl_> od that would be the forum I guess
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<Kenji> jaket: haha get some ducktape
<nickl_> ring any bells?
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<jaket> i dont know that site
<nickl_> Kenji: I missed that
<jaket> sounds like a pirate site
<Kenji> nickl_: missed what
<nickl_> is this the twilight zone
<jaket> is this just fantasy
<jaket> caught in a chatroom no escape from reality
<nickl_> Kenji: the duct tape comment
<nickl_> nnnoooooo
<Kenji> nickl_: probobly because it was for jaket :)
<nickl_> I'm sinking Im sinking
<jaket> *chew chew*
<nickl_> Kenji: :p
<jaket> here comes the pain
<jaket> how bout i beat your butt right now
<nickl_> I was hoping it's the light at the end of the tunnel
<MotoMudder> o.0
<nickl_> jaket: now you lost me
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<jaket> i'm not sure re: your registration question
<nickl_> who would know that?
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<jaket> hmm
<jaket> probably post a thread on xda about it
<nickl_> pondering what I'm pondering?
<bbqbot> derp
<nickl_> no ways
<nickl_> seriously
<nickl_> I was actually hoping to avoid xda
<jaket> we all are
<jaket> thats why we come here
<jaket> you can run but they'll find you
<nickl_> you're not hiditg very well
<jaket> true
<jaket> hide in plain sight
<nickl_> I've been doing ok so far
<Kenji> i hate that doesn't ship to eu and that i have to buy from
<Thracky> they don't even ship to canada
<Kenji> the dollar has so much less value
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<nickl_> Kenji: that's the poms for you
<Kenji> what's a pom?
<nickl_> we have to get most of our shit through them too, Apple etc etc
<nickl_> ZA
<nickl_> Brittish
<nickl_> I think it came from the red hats they used to wear
<nickl_> wouldn't know
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<nickl_> befare my time
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<nickl_> no pommy is well known
<nickl_> not?
<nickl_> there goes that twilight zone soundtrack again