nebkat|s3 changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
Motogeekchris has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Thracky> dizzy: mine even does that without being dropped in water first :P
<Thracky> dizzy: then my battery goes up a little and just stays between 12-13% for a while
<dizzy> it fuckes me up sometimes... i was at my GF and i lost like 60% in 3 seconds :D
<dizzy> have you ever tried to recalibrate your batterystats?
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<DMoult> if i go into settings -> performance and change the governer then set it to 'set on boot', do i still need to reboot to activate the new governer?
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<Jiangyi> DMoult: No, it's already set.
<Jiangyi> dizzy: From what I've heard, calibrating battery stats is a myth. :-P
dislike has joined #teamhacksung-support
<dislike> hi
<dizzy> hey
<dislike> german?
<Jiangyi> Nein. :-P
<Jiangyi> That's all the German I know. lol
<dizzy> Also ich schon :>
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<dislike> kann mir einer helfen per skype oder so.. der sich auskennt?
<dizzy> Oh you dont know the other famous words that all americans know?
<bbqbot> derp
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<dizzy> dislike, ich hab nicht wirklich Ahnung :> Um was gehts denn grob?
<dislike> dizzy weißt du wie ich CM9 aufs Sgs2 -G installiere?
<jaket> EIN KLIEER
<jaket> ein pooperstuffen
<dislike> das hab ich schon alles gesehen
<dizzy> Jaket wtf? :> Im am german and i dont know these words...
<dislike> aber ich versteh es einfach nicht
<dislike> zuviele fremdwörter ._.
<dizzy> Aktueller Stand bei dir ist komplett stock? Also noch kein CWM und so drauf?
<jaket> sputz
<dislike> genau
<dislike> 2.3.6 hab ich
<dislike> könntest du mir über skype/icq helfen? wäre mir viel übersichtlicher :s
<dizzy> Hab beides nicht :D
<dizzy> aber ich kann dir ganz simpel helfen mom
<dislike> okay
<mongi> hey guys. i have a modem.bin here, and would like to flash it via cwm, so it has to be in tar.md5, right? how do i "turn" a bin into tar.md5?
<bbqbot> derp
<dizzy> Das sollte schonmal generell helfen
<dizzy> allein weil es deutsch ist :D
<dislike> ok ich schau es mir mal an :D danke schonma
<dizzy> wichtig ist aber, dass du das ROM für die G version lädst
<dizzy> also aus dem 1. link den ich gepostet habe
<dislike> ok
<dislike> aber was bedeutet das:
<dislike> Wer kein ISC LPQ RoM auf seinem Handy hatte kann hier beginnen.
<dislike> ISC LPQ?
<dizzy> Wenn du es nicht kennst, hattest du es nicht :D
<dislike> ok :D
<dislike> ._.
<dislike> welche davon für die G version?
* Jiangyi is completely lost
<Jiangyi> Except for the G version part.
<dizzy> ;p
<dislike> ? :o
<dizzy> du willst doch CM9 installieren
<Jiangyi> dizzy: Tell him that I9100 and I9100G is different.
<dislike> jja
<dizzy> also die dazu passende :D
<Thracky> Jiangyi: something about poland, france and world domination. that's all you need to know.
<dizzy> yes ive said
<dislike> da steht sowas ja nicht xD
<Jiangyi> lol
<dizzy> 20120429 7c524e1e078164f681e0aa6753180b2c
<dizzy> This should be the right Gapps for CM9 in i9100G, right?
<Jiangyi> dizzy: GApps is the same for all the phones.
<mongi> no one?
<dizzy> k ;)
<Jiangyi> AFAIK anyways.
<dislike> also egal
<dislike> :x
<Jiangyi> mongi: No, we're non-existant. :-\
<dizzy> yop
<dislike> okay ^^
<mongi> c'omn
<mongi> mon
<Jiangyi> dizzy: Tell him that he needs to be on a 4.0 stock ROM before flashing CM9.
<dizzy> mongi: if i could, i would help you :)
<Jiangyi> Flashing from GB won't work.
<dizzy> does he need to? :>
<Jiangyi> dizzy: Yep. It's a G thing. :-P
<Thracky> you so gangsta Jiangyi
<Thracky> ain't nuttin but a G thing
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Dem Chinese Mafia Gangstas.
<dizzy> i always though that things like "Yo nigga whaddup, im so swag" are G-things :>
<Thracky> damn triads
<Thracky> don't forget about G-strings
<Thracky> standard uniform for chinese mafia iirc
<Jiangyi> dizzy: Also tell him not to flash any ROMs from CHina.
<Jiangyi> China*
<Thracky> it'll turn his phone fake
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> seriously though, it'll brick. :-P
<dizzy> dislike: Scheint doch nicht so easy zu sein wie beim nicht-G
<Thracky> I didn't say a good fake.
<Jiangyi> haha
<dislike> -.-
romann|afk is now known as romann
<dislike> dacht ich mir
<dislike> weil:
<dislike> - Make sure you're running ICS bootloaders! (if you're unsure, flash a official ICS rom and proceed)
<dislike> & ics ist ja die 4.0
<Jiangyi> Oui, c'est tres important.
<Jiangyi> Oops, wrong language. :S
<Thracky> strange looking chinese
<Jiangyi> Oh no external sites. D:
* Jiangyi never trusts them
<chadouming> @geo user joethc
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for joethc
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[2919348480,2919348735],"country":"CA","region":"BC","city":"Surrey","ll":[49.1364,-122.8213]}
<dizzy> dislike: da sollte alles ziemlich gut beschrieben sein wie ich es sehe
<dislike> okay
<Thracky> someone from surrey bc who likes pot? you don't say.
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> o_O
<dizzy> @geo user dizzy
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for dizzy
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for 5fdfa204@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<Jiangyi> Well, at least we have more and more Canadians here.
<dizzy> and that is something good? :>
<Jiangyi> Well, Thracky and I are Canadian, so... :-P
<Thracky> and chadouming
<Thracky> but he's from quebec so not really.
<Thracky> :D
<Jiangyi> lol that's mean. :-P
<dizzy> canada seems to have a way other timezone then the usa..cause only canadians are here
<dizzy> :)
<Jiangyi> dizzy: No it's the same lol
<Thracky> americans are busy watching their 6 hour time delay olympics
<dizzy> btw what time is at at your place?
<Jiangyi> Thracky: +1
<Jiangyi> Although Bell's pretty suckish too. :-P
<Jiangyi> dizzy: 9:11pm.
<dizzy> i dont fucking know this greenwich whatever :>
<dizzy> okay
<dizzy> hete it's 3:11am :>
<dizzy> here
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<evil_doer> hey dont forget me, im canadian too
evil_doer is now known as evil-doer
<Thracky> but you're evil
<Thracky> so we don't want you
<chadouming> @kick Thracky Pff, i have enough of baskey bullshiting beacsue i am canadian, you wont start because i'm from quebec
Thracky was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [Pff, i have enough of baskey bullshiting beacsue i am canadian, you wont start because i'm from quebec]
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<chadouming> sohw you that quebec has something bigger than the rest of you
<evil-doer> quebec has vachon, so thats cool
<chadouming> you mean the pastry ?
<evil-doer> i was actually in the town with the first vachon plant helping someone roof a house, was gonna go on a tour of it but never did
<evil-doer> yeah
<evil-doer> jos louis etc
<chadouming> yeah
<chadouming> i know another vachon that is an asshole and raper
<chadouming> like he raped a girl, not like he does some rap xD
<chadouming> but i would have been surprised you know him xD
<evil-doer> the only vachon i know is delicious
<Thracky> I like poutine. a lot
<chadouming> haha, another nice thing from quebec ^^
<Thracky> and my boss is from montreal, and a good friend of mine :P
<evil-doer> im not a fan of poutine
<evil-doer> i just dont like gravy, on anything
<evil-doer> chili fries are good
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<Jiangyi> POUTINE!
<Jiangyi> :DDD
<dizzy> yay ive goz cm9 reflashed and then siyah...i dont realise ANY diffrence :>Y
<Jiangyi> dizzy: You would get murdered around here for not having a stock CM kernel. :-P
<dizzy> i know. ;)
<dizzy> no risk no fun :D
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<dizzy> im just testing... until now all i knew was CM9 + CMkernel....
<dizzy> Now i know.. CM9 + Siyah kernel..and its the same.
<Jiangyi> Oh boy.
<Jiangyi> Chinese site article: Acer says "If Microsoft pushes Win8 Surface, we're abandoning Windows"
<PandaUK> does anyone know how make it so that the steam app works with LED notifications?
<dislike> soo hab nun ICS drauf :D
<dizzy> glückwunsch
<dizzy> congrats ;p
<dislike> danke :D
<dizzy> und war schwer?
<dislike> nope, wenns richtig erklärt wird ist eig nichts schwer :D
<dizzy> konnte mein link da helfen?
<bbqbot> derp
PandaUK is now known as PandaUK|sleep
<dislike> ja
<dislike> danke dafür
<dislike> nun muss ich aber noch jelly bean + CM9 rauf installieren
<dizzy> ?
<dizzy> jelly bean is aber cm10
<dislike> :D
<dislike> also bin ich ja schon fast durch
<dislike> habs verwechselt
<dizzy> ich würde erstmal cm9 lassen
<dizzy> ist zZ eher stabil
<dislike> ok
<dislike> nun versteh ich was nicht
<dislike> entpacken (nur für Windows), alternativ dpkg -i heimdall*.deb (Ubuntu Linux) recovery-clockwork- entpacken Galaxy S2 ausschalten Gerät in den Download-Modus booten (Volume-Down, Home, Power-Up) Für Windows: evtl. Anpassung des USB-Treibers mit zadig.exe durchführen. Da mir das selbst nicht geglückt ist kann ich dazu keine Beschreibung geben. Auf der Kommandozeile heim
* Jiangyi goes to Google Translate
<dislike> hab nun gerät in den download modus gebracht
<dislike> nun weiß ich nicht wo die kommandozeile ist
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<dizzy> aus dem heimdall drivers ordner die zadig.exe ausführen
<dizzy> Options » List All Devices.
<dizzy> Samsung USB Composite Device or Gadget Serial. <-- das auswählen
<dizzy> install driver
DR_ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<dislike> sowas hab ich da garnicht
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<dizzy> mhm sorry dann kp, aber google hilft sicher :D gibt X seiten zu dem thema, bin da auch nicht mehr im element.. :> das muss man alles nur beim aller ersten mal machen :D
<DR_> can someone help me install cm10 on my sgs2? I'm running into issues... I can't seem to locate my zip file in CWM
<dislike> okay
<dislike> danke
<dizzy> DR_: whats the problem? :>
<dizzy> is the zip file on the SD card/internal storage?
<bbqbot> derp
<dislike> eigentlich kann ich das handy doch auch so lassen
<DR_> Yes it's internal. Had no problem with CM9
<dislike> wozu CM9
<DR_> Install zip from sdcard and then "no files found"
<dizzy> and from internal sdcard?
<DR_> Yes I select "choose zip from internal sdcard" and it says no files found
<dizzy> dislike: gute frage xD
<dislike> hmm.. kann ich auch jelly bean für mein handy installieren oder gibt es sowas noch nicht?
<dizzy> kp obs das für das G gibt
<dizzy> DR_: Recheck your mounts
<dizzy> Jiangyi: Thracky - Is there any CM10 for the GT-I9100G ?
<DR_> how?
<Jiangyi> dizzy: Yes. Actually, there was CM10 before the I9100 lol
<dislike> yes i saw CM10 for Jelly bean
<dizzy> dislike: dann nimm das doch :D
<dislike> das ist ja aber wieder CM :D
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<DR_> how do I recheck my mounts?
<dizzy> in the recovery mode under mounts and storage
<dizzy> in cwm
<DR_> mount /sdcard "Error mounting /sdcard"
<dislike> nagut, dann danke ich dir für deine hilfe dizzy! :) ich lass es nun wie es ist, deutlich schneller geworden ^-^
<DR_> Anything else I should be doing?
<dizzy> hehe wirst schon zufrieden sein mit ;) ansonsten wie :>
<dislike> jep mach ich :P
<dizzy> DR_: im quite new to this too, sorry, maybe if you highligh Jiangyi enough he could help ;p
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<Jiangyi> Wait what? o.o
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> DR_: Sounds like your phone's internal memory's messed up.
<Jiangyi> DR_: Can you boot into the phone?
<DR_> The phone boots fine. I installed CM9 about a month ago and now wanted to upgrade to CM10.
<DR_> Everything works fine on the phone. Never had this problem installing CM9
<Jiangyi> bbl
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<mongi> is touch enabled when phone is charging turned off? mine is just charging here, i pressed the on/off button to check battery level and touched the screen, when i did that the light of back/setting buttons turned on
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<dizzy> idk..
<dizzy> my phone is never turned off
<dizzy> :>
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<Jiangyi> back
<Jiangyi> Damn, he left. :-|
<Jiangyi> mongi: I think it is.
<dizzy> xD
<jaket> @changelog
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<dizzy> gn8 ppl
<dizzy> Jiangyi: thanks for help
<Jiangyi> yeah no prob :-)
<dizzy> i just wanted to highlight you again ;p
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<Tusker> hey guys, trying to compile JB and it's not liking the new "config_deviceHardwareKeys" in the overlay, any ideas ?
<Tusker> (i9100 device)
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<kilo82> Cyan 10 is it suposed to have cyan 9 boot screen?
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<kilo82> neone here?
<DMoult> kilo82, yes
<kilo82> just wondering about cm10 if boot is suposed to be same as cm9
<Jiangyi> kilo82: Yes.
<kilo82> is it good enough for daily driver on sgs2?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Xeon3D> hi. Can I flash a GT-I9100P with I9100 roms?
<Jiangyi> Xeon3D: Yes. You'll lose NFC though.
<Jiangyi> kilo82: I guess. :/
<Xeon3D> Jiangyi, So I've read... I was searching XDA but I guess google > xda-dev's search function...
<Xeon3D> I've seen there's a flashable package to add NFC back even tho in this damned country I dunno where NFC can be used.
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<kilo82> i think cm10 is more smooth than cm9 but my hspa keeps going in and out with 3g
<Jiangyi> kilo82: Try different modems.
<Jiangyi> Xeon3D: I haven't seen anywhere here in Canada either lol
<kilo82> i have mugdk or whtever that is will the LQP work on my canada bell phone?
<Jiangyi> kilo82: Yeah.
<Jiangyi> oh yay another Canadian :-D
<kilo82> i tried to install the new clockwork recovery from the cm10 thread and i thought i almost bricked my phone
<kilo82> jiangyi: where abouts in canada?
<Jiangyi> kilo82: Toronto :P
<kilo82> im in BC
<Jiangyi> Nice.
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<Jiangyi> OK off to sleep. :-P
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|zZzZz
<kilo82> well im out gonna flash lq6 tomorrow see what changes
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> hope it works out for ya. :-P
<kilo82> thanx later
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<Shamisen> hi
<Shamisen> what is this channel for
<Shamisen> question: how does team hack sung feel about the fact that samsung's camera, music, and MMS apps are better than google's camera, music, and MMS apps
<Shamisen> and what is being done to incorporate Samsung's Superior apps into aosp
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<dizko> sarcasm?
<neoD|ml> you guys know of any way to change the icons of battery/time etc in statusbar?
<neoD|ml> in cm9 sgs3
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<Shamisen> dizko: i'm 100% serious
<Shamisen> i'm running aokp
<Shamisen> i can't even open some conversation threads with the default messaging app, it freezes when there are more than a couple thousand messages
<Shamisen> samsung's app has no such problem
<neoD|ml> couple thousands
<neoD|ml> lol
<Shamisen> i backup and restore all my messages
<Shamisen> problem?
<Gapone> why?
<bbqbot> derp
<Shamisen> because i feel like it
<neoD|ml> lol
<Tusker> Shamisen: seems like you are a good candidate to triage and fix all these issues
<Gapone> heh
<Shamisen> solution is to use go sms
<Shamisen> but that isn't the point
<neoD|ml> what is this guy
<neoD|ml> prank?
<Gapone> Just start from fresh... who needs old messages
<Shamisen> i'm samsung's reckoning
<neoD|ml> "firefox crashes when im using 5000000 tabs, who is working on fixing this?"
<Shamisen> look at it this way
<Shamisen> you don't expect your gmail app to crash
<Gapone> I think there's more important things to do now than this
<Shamisen> and you probably have several thousand emails
<Shamisen> whats the diff
<neoD|ml> not synced to the phone
<neoD|ml> that would be stupid
<Shamisen> mine are
<Shamisen> <:
<neoD|ml> yeah but u seem special
<Shamisen> anyway, i was just wondering where we were with getting touchwiz apps on aosp roms
<Shamisen> this seemed like the right place to ask
<dizko> im working hard to get rid of all that bullshit
<pawitp> around -9000 then
<Shamisen> >bullshit
<dizko> the camera app is okay
<Shamisen> music is good too
<dizko> the contacts app screwed up all my gmail contacts
<Shamisen> and uh, the messaging app
<Shamisen> thats all i want
<dizko> why dont you just do a titanium backup and recover them?
<Shamisen> i tried! it didn't work
<Shamisen> framework issues i guess
<dizko> so fix it and release a fork
<Shamisen> if i could fix it
<Shamisen> i probably wouldn't be here
<Shamisen> is this channel affiliated with team kang/aokp project
<Tusker> Shamisen: if you could prove a usual use case, then people would be more willing to try and fix something
<dizko> a friend of mine has even more sms than that
<Tusker> but, for obscure issues, where only a very small percentage of users encounter, developers don't have much appetite to fix
<dizko> uses some 3rd party app
<dizko> so, he's not the only one
sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|afk
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<Tusker> dizko: then, there is a "solution", which is to use a different app
<dizko> its more of a work around, imho, google should just fix their app
<Tusker> then file a bug with google, and let it get fixed based on their priority
<dizko> personally i dont use sms at all
<dizko> in japan you can only send sms to people on the same carrier as you
<dizko> so everyone uses email
<Shamisen> it's called meiru
<Shamisen> dizko: you live in japan?
<dizko> yes
<Tusker> dizko: so des ne!
<Shamisen> sugoi des
<Shamisen> do you know nipponese
<dizko> its desu
<Tusker> sorry :(
<Shamisen> i'm a big fan of anime
<Shamisen> so i know all about japan.
<dizko> watashi wa nihongo ga benkyoshita, demo mada jouzu ja arimasuen
<Shamisen> dont be so modest
<dizko> im not much of an anime fan
<Shamisen> i bet you'd be a great asset to our fansub group
<dizko> no really, my japanese sucks and i havent been into anime since like....ghost in the shell was new ;)
<Shamisen> :p
<Shamisen> i heard if people in japan in japan find out that you like anime, your social status is pretty much destroyed, everyone avoids you etc
<Shamisen> minus one of those in japans
<dizko> i think thats entirely dependent on who the person is
<dizko> there are like stacks and stacks of anime in the recycling in the garbage room ever week
<dizko> and people ready it on the subway
<dizko> not all just otaku
<dizko> but like, old guys, young girls...lots of people
<dizko> old guys read porn on the subway too though, so...shrug
<dizko> from my experience, its the japanese people living abroad who dont like it when youre into japanese stuff
<dizko> like, japanese girls in the US will get all bent out of shape if you dated a japanese girl before her
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<Shamisen> ah
pier|afk is now known as pier
<pier> morning :)
* dizko watches android build for the 12th time
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<DuperMan> dizko: y 12?
* DuperMan is doing a clean build on a self-dare
<dizko> im porting cm9 to my device
<dizko> fix one thing, another breaks,
<DuperMan> yup
<dizko> then i found someone else doing some work on it so im trying to merge their stuff with my stuff
<DuperMan> oi. that kinda stuff breaks stuff, back stuff up or fork stuff
<dizko> well, i mean manually
<dizko> like, "oh, they included such and such vendor file that i hadnt"
<dizko> also the kernel defconfig
<DuperMan> lol. so not 'merge', just merge
<DuperMan> :)
<dizko> i wish android h/w vendors would just release all their software on google play, make it so you have to buy their product to get a license if they care that much
<dizko> the store can load it all up before the sell it to you, then you can just wipe it and install waht you want if you dont like bloat
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<ernie`> second last day at work
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<Assid> ernie`: your killing yourself after that ?
<ernie`> Yes
<ernie`> No point after that
<Assid> awesome worldpopulation -1
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<sh4z> howdy fellas
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<cdesai> @money 6500 inr usd
<bbqbot> 6500 INR = 117.92 USD
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<PArksdsj> hello
<PArksdsj> Help me please
<PArksdsj> When is the OFFICIAL CM10??
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<qdba> hello
<qdba> i had some problems building cm10 for p5100 myself
<qdba> there is a problem with command
<qdba> cd ~/android/system/device/samsung/i9100/ ( go to ...p5100) ; connect your running device via usb and make sure adb works ; ./
<qdba> there is only a file
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<qdba> I've some questions to this file
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<qdba> any dev here who could help me?
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<Pulser> ?
<Pulser> qdba, what about that file?
<qdba> there will be adb puuled some files from Tablet
<Pulser> yes
<Pulser> that's what extract-files does
<Pulser> it pulls the proprietary files
<qdba> yes
<qdba> i.e system/vendor/bin/pvrsrvinit
<qdba> but there is no file system/vendor/bin/pvrsrvinit on phone
<qdba> than i looked drirectly int o the zip file of last build
<qdba> no file too.
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<qdba> lats build is 20120729
<qdba> last...
<Pulser> hmmm
<Pulser> what device?
<qdba> p5100
<Pulser> have you got a link to the device repo?
<Pulser> ok
<Pulser> p5100, what actually is that device btw?
<bbqbot> derp
<qdba> the only diff is cm_p5100-userdebug
<Pulser> also... I take it you are using the p5100 scripts, not i9100?
<Pulser> cd ~/android/system/device/samsung/i9100/ ( go to ...p5100) ;
<Pulser> you are using device/samsung/p5100?
<qdba> yes
<qdba> sure :-)
<Pulser> gdgd
<Pulser> well, best to mention it to the device maintainer tbh
<Pulser> you COULD try removing that file from the list
<Pulser> as it's a proprietary, and if it's not there in the output ROMs, then it's not needed to boot
<qdba> yes I removed it from proprietary-common-files.txt
<qdba> tried to build the rom
<qdba> there are no error on building
<qdba> but the Tab won't boot with this build
<qdba> btw Iremoved it from init.espresso10.rc: start pvrsrvinit
<Pulser> hmmm
<Pulser> wait... are you sure that the output ROM is like this, without the file?
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<qdba> yes because with this this file the compiling the rom FAILED
<Pulser> hmmmm
<Pulser> yet the compiled ROM doesn't have this file (ie. a nightly or unofficial)?
<qdba> unaofficial
<qdba> -a
<Pulser> hmmm
<Pulser> talk to the device maintainer I think
<Pulser> I'm out of ideas, I'm afraid
<qdba> thats whrer I#m here :-)
<Pulser> :)
<Pulser> do you know who the maintainer is?
<Pulser> ie. what is the p5100 in its "real" name?
<qdba> codeworkx
<Pulser> oh ok cool
<Pulser> wait, p5100 is a tablet, not a phone?
<bbqbot> derp
<qdba> I no
<qdba> I know
<qdba> cm10 works on p5100
<qdba> but last build provided by coeworkx is from 20120729
<qdba> in the meantime there are a lot of changes in cm10
<qdba> so i decided to build it for my own
<Pulser> hmm I see :)
<Pulser> let me check somethign for you
<Pulser> what is the missing file again?
<qdba> system/vendor/bin/pvrsrvinit
<Pulser> hmmm
<Pulser> OK, I can give you the file
<Pulser> pop that in the folder :)
<qdba> thanks
<qdba> but its the wrog file
<Pulser> np
<Pulser> eh?
<Pulser> ohhh
<Pulser> wrong name :D
* Pulser facepalms
<qdba> not pvrsrvctl
<qdba> but pvrsrvinit
<Pulser> well... that file isn't in the proprietary file heap :)
<Pulser> so... I don't know if it's needed
<Pulser> is the file present in the 29 july build?
<qdba> I guess it's not needed
<Pulser> I think that seems likely
<qdba> becauslast buid from codeworkx is running on my tab
<qdba> and there the file isn't there
<qdba> perhaps there must be another problem
<qdba> the last few Minutes I setup the build environment new
<qdba> now i'll remove the missing file from scripts
<Pulser> :)
<qdba> will make some changes to ( not adb pull but copy it from last nightly zip file)
<qdba> the I trie id once more
<qdba> +n
<qdba> * guess I need a new keyboard* :-)
<qdba> then make a lunch cm_p5100-userdebug to build the vendor environment
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<ex3cute> hello all
<ex3cute> have a weird problem
<ex3cute> my samsung tab 2 10.1 when i go into recovery i dont have an option to flash the zip files from internal sd card only external
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<datagutt> hahahah
<datagutt> so smooth
<Baskey> datagutt: HI DATAGUTT
<datagutt> hi
<datagutt> i want 4.1 on my spica
<ex3cute> lol
<datagutt> with working camera
<Baskey> LOL
<Baskey> TOM3Q = WIN
<datagutt> omgwtfbbq
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<datagutt> tom3q has 'working' camera on cm7 for spica
<datagutt> o_0
<datagutt> atleast working preview
<Baskey> lawl
<datagutt> and capture
<datagutt> get.. him… on teamhacksung team
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<datagutt> please
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<Baskey> FORCE HIM
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<datagutt> HE WORKS AT SAMSUNG :
<datagutt> D:
<datagutt> he is sitting at samsung getting forced to write bad code
<Baskey> wut
<Gapone> is there a custom_backup in cm10 so I can backup my gps.conf
<Gapone> when flashing to latest
<Gapone> is it the same as cm7?
<ernie`> Is the S3 JB TW leaked?
<bbqbot> derp
<ernie`> (thats a lot of abbreviations after one another)
<datagutt> ernie`: not that i heard of
<datagutt> lemme see
<datagutt> finn jarle eh
<ernie`> No good?
<datagutt> should be good
<datagutt> kilde sammobile
<datagutt> they are often right
<ernie`> yeah
<ernie`> thats what I thought
<datagutt> their site does talk with netchip a lot
<datagutt> and last time i checked their grammar is worse than a 8 year old indian but
<ernie`> Hmm.. but they dont really seem to say anything about them being leaked
<datagutt> Samsungs oppdateringsplan for Android Jelly Bean er lekket.
<datagutt> just the plan
<datagutt> not the firmware itself
<ernie`> Oh
<ernie`> Bad choice of words
<ernie`> or me for skimming
<datagutt> i rarely read amobil or mobilen xD
<ernie`> datagutt: traitor to your own father?
<datagutt> haha
<datagutt> i get news faster on other sites (english ones)
<ernie`> yeah
<datagutt> i do check sometimes
<datagutt> and point out errors
<datagutt> xD
<ernie`> the whole tek-network just publishes already out news in Norwegian
<datagutt> not always
<ernie`> not always, but most times
<datagutt> they have exclusives sometimes
<ernie`> well.. of course not the reviews and such
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<ernie`> Shouldnt be reading news at work
<ernie`> I should be working.. .tsk tsk
<ernie`> datagutt: did your dad get to keep the N7 after the review? or how is it with review items? lottery? sent back? first come first serve?
<datagutt> sent back
<ernie`> shame
<datagutt> he gets the keep the iphone 4s for until the next iphone comes out though
<datagutt> when iphone 5 comes out, he sends back the 4s
<datagutt> etc etc
<ernie`> why would he want that :P
<datagutt> because he also tests app sometimes
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<ernie`> ahh
<datagutt> also.. he likes iphones
<datagutt> xD
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<ernie`> To each their own I guess :P
<datagutt> he doesnt hate android though
<datagutt> switches phones all the times
<datagutt> has 4 sim cards
<datagutt> xD
<ernie`> lol
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<addi> nice are those who don't religiously worship just a single OS. use the best of all worlds is a nice motto
<datagutt> +1
<datagutt> i use osx and android
<datagutt> some people think that is weird but
<datagutt> osx works good for me
<addi> i myself understand that iOS and WP7 have their positives, but Android is best for me
<datagutt> has the terminal stuff i need from linux (or the programs i need are installable from macports)
<addi> e. g you simply cannot beat WP7 at the social integration
<addi> MS got the tiles and 'providing your day to day info to you' part right
<addi> yer, OS X is nice, has Unix underneath, unlike er, whatever Windows has :p
<datagutt> wp7 is nice..
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<addi> it just has some silly limitations at this point, so hoping WP8 gets rid of them
<ernie`> datagutt: +1
<ernie`> osx and android as well
<addi> i uses Windows and Android. am I a bad boy? :p
<datagutt> windows
<datagutt> jump the ship before windows 8 please
<datagutt> 7 is OK
<addi> i am on Win 8 ;)
<datagutt> I dont get the
<addi> bypassed Metro completely, hahaha
<addi> Classic Shell FTW
<datagutt> cram a freaking phone/tablet ui
<datagutt> yeh
<ernie`> Seeing how long windows OSs live, you can use 7 for at least 15 years or so
<Baskey> @dood addi
<bbqbot> addi: what up dood
<addi> @dood Baskey
<bbqbot> Baskey: what up dood
<datagutt> but they make it harder to bypass it
<datagutt> like on the rtm
<datagutt> they made it slightly harder
<Baskey> I haz RTM
<addi> datagutt, tbh, even with the leaked RTM build, the start menu hacks are working fine
<Baskey> I hate Metro
<datagutt> addi: still
<addi> but Win 8 certainly feels smoother, than alone is the reason I'm using it
<datagutt> you WILL see metro
<datagutt> you cant 100% bypass it
<addi> yeah, but its not too irritating after the first day, heh
<Baskey> idiotte
<datagutt> i think microsoft is trying to kill pc
<datagutt> and force people to use tablets
<Baskey> "post-pc era"
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<ernie`> But if OS X ever turns out to be as locked up as iOS is.. Ill have to switch
<addi> i used to always go back to Win 7 in a day when i tried those consumer etc previews. this time i decided to stick to it for a few days and try to use it
<addi> and its worked well
<datagutt> ernie`: jailbreak your mac!
<datagutt> xd
<addi> ernie`, Apple is getting there :p
<datagutt> then im going to linux
<addi> post-pc era = for fools imo
<Baskey> yep
<datagutt> nothing wrong with pcs
<ernie`> datagutt: I dont want to be locked from using my computer and having to wait for a jailbreak for it
<datagutt> tablets has its use
<ernie`> addi: thats what I fear
<datagutt> phones has its use
<addi> can't beat a PC/laptop no matter how good your tablets might become
<datagutt> laptops for real work
<datagutt> like
<datagutt> not facebook or farmville
<Baskey> :D
<addi> people might be doing "real work" on their iPads, whatever that real work is, but it still won't beat PCs
<datagutt> Baskey: we know you play farmville
<Baskey> heck no!
<Baskey> I do not
<addi> @dood farmville
<bbqbot> farmville: what up dood
<Baskey> I don't haz Facebook
<Baskey> :)
<ernie`> Only thing stopping me when Steam comes to Linux is Adobe products.. to switch to Linux
<datagutt> @eval zynga = 'sux'
<bbqbot> 'sux'
<addi> ernie`, with the way Apple is trying to noobify everything, the day is not far
<addi> ernie`, Steam coming :D
<datagutt> addi: apple invented all
<ernie`> At least not yet.. if not I can always stay on the latest usable osx
<addi> i'm seriously hoping other game devs follow Valve's example and move a bit towards Linux
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<datagutt> im on mountain lion
<addi> while I prefer Windows for every day use over Linux, i wouldn't mind switching to it if games start coming up on it
<addi> datagutt, and patented every thing :p
<datagutt> i dont like how they made apps look EXACTLY like the ios ones
<Baskey> he's crazy
<addi> @google snoop lion
<bbqbot> Snoop Lion -
<Baskey> it's snoop dogg
<datagutt> I took too much weed
<datagutt> now im a lion
<datagutt> smoked*
<Baskey> haha, exactly
<ernie`> ML here
<addi> datagutt, that's the problem. there's a new fad of making the experience uniform across all devices. which is a fail rather, specially when you look at Metro
<datagutt> addi: looks idiotte
<addi> Ubuntu has Unity because they want to move to phones/tablets
<pvagner> guys, please is there an app or a way to do it using adb so I can initiate a flash via clockworkmod?
<datagutt> unity is idiotte
* datagutt grows beard
karbowiak is now known as Karbowiak
<addi> i mean, seriously, nothing has irritated me as much as Unity did when I tried it.
* datagutt starts using only terminal, lynx and FULLY OPEN distors
<datagutt> distros*
<datagutt> im gonna join stallman
<addi> fully open ecosystems = messed up like Android :p
<pvagner> e.g. might something like this work on SGS2?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> @google legalize crystal lion
<bbqbot> hVL94&#39;s channel - YouTube -
* datagutt gets me a leemote yeeloong
<addi> pvagner, why not just go into CWM and flash manually. doesn't take too much
<pvagner> addi: yes I know this is kinda stupid what I am asking for. However I am blind thus I still need to ask someone to do the clockworkmod thingy for me.
<addi> ah, okay
<addi> never heard of a way to flash custom ROMs from adb to be honest
<pvagner> addi: I am fine with linux terminal so I am just wondering whether that might help me in this regard.
<addi> though that method looks to be fine, the one you linked
<pvagner> addi: however I think rom manager does it the similar way if not the same.
<pvagner> addi: and I have been told rom manager does not work well on samsung phones.
<addi> yes, i guess the methods are same, it's all Linux underneath, heh
<ernie`> datagutt: are you old enough for a beard? :P
<addi> yes, but if you already have ROM Manager set up to work with the recovery installed on your phone, then its fine
<datagutt> not yet
<addi> it can reboot to recovery and flash ROMs
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<datagutt> beard wont get long atleast
<datagutt> :p
<addi> but again, I'm not that knowledgeable about these things. I'm a noob Windows user :|
<Baskey> datagutt: 2 YOUNG FOR A PROPER BEARD
<datagutt> @eval addi = 'noob windows user'
<bbqbot> 'noob windows user'
<addi> xD
<pvagner> addi: I have just asked a friend to flash a preview cm10 for me. Rom manager came preinstalled however rom manager reports clockworkmod 4.X.X something is installed while I am sure CM10 comes with clockworkmod 6.1. something. so I think this does not work together.
<datagutt> @eval netchip = 'noob everything'
<bbqbot> 'noob everything'
<ernie`> @netchip
<bbqbot> ernie`: Command does not exist!
<datagutt> lol i can add commands aswell
<Baskey> chippy chippy chippy
<addi> pvagner, ROM Manager needs to be told that you already have a CWM installed and that it should use it. I don't use ROM Manager so not much idea (even though I stupidly bought the useless app)
<addi> @eval addi
<bbqbot> addi: You are not allowed to run that command!
<addi> -.-
<pvagner> addi: I am using free version of rom manager atm
<addi> but on my SGS1, I've used ROM Manager to install ROMs a few times. but those were early days where there was only CWM3 and 5
<addi> ah, free version will suck even harder, hehe
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<addi> but I guess I can't help. i've only ever flashed ROMs from CWM manually :|
<datagutt> Apple - The recipe company
<addi> pvagner, you might have luck asking in #koush official CWM channel. ask what commands it uses etc.
<addi> i'm gonna try out that method as well actually, see if ADB flashing works, hehe
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<pvagner> addi: by looking into the rom manager settings does not reveal possibility to tell it to use installed clockworkmod recovery. it has a button to flash its own recovery however that fails on my phone.
<datagutt> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @join @part @kick @kickban @unban @op @deop @voice @devoice @mute @unmute @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<pvagner> addi: also do you know there is an app called CWM by a developer called chainfire on the google play. it is essentially the same like rom manager but for samsung phones. this only works with cf-root kernel however. I am speculating there must really be some difference if he has bothered to create a different app for samsung phones. Or.. am I looking at it from a wrong point of view?
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<addi> pvagner, yes, ROM Manager doesn't play too well with Samsung phones, so Chainfire created the CWM app
<addi> for kernels based on CF-Root
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<pvagner> addi: therefore there is no app for samsungphones running cyanogenmod kernel for flashing roms outside clockworkmod. its why I have doubts adb trick will work.
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<pvagner> alternativelly is there an odin equivalent for linux? and can I convert flashable zip into the format flashable via download mode? or is that an overkill?
<Assid> @punch
<bbqbot> Assid: Command does not exist!
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<addi> pvagner, there's Heimdall for Linux
<addi> and yes, you can make an Odin package
<addi> this was one method I used a year back:
<addi> for the SGS1
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<addi> cdesai,
<addi> whats up dood
<cdesai> teh usual
<cdesai> boot pc
<cdesai> irc
<cdesai> chrome
<cdesai> repo
<addi> xD
<Entropy512> lol
<Entropy512> cdesai: if you leave your PC on
<Entropy512> irc/gerrit/repo
<Entropy512> :P
<pvagner> can anyone of you share a contact over SMS using CM10 preview on SGS2? am I stupid or this is not yet possible?
<bbqbot> derp
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<pvagner> it is not possible to go to the sms / mms app hit a new message button then hit attach and add a contact into the message. Previously I was running samsung stock firmware. Is something like this available with CM9
<peterperfect> pvagner dunno never tryied
<Thracky> pvagner: doesn't look like it.
<Thracky> when you try to "share" a contact directly messaging app isn't even an option
<pvagner> peterperfect: with samsung firmware I was even able to long tap an entry in the cal log and send the number using sms. otherwise the samsung firmware is crap but I kinda miss this.
<pvagner> so this is even not available with CM9 or are we all talking about CM10?
<addi> peterperfect, i also covered that news here:
<addi> :P
<addi> Titanium backups FTW, didn't encounter any issue due to the encryption, hehe
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<chadouming> wtf
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<chadouming> i would say fail comment
<chadouming> proving that he has no life
<Thracky> lol
<chadouming> wanna place a face on that guy ?
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<addi> chadouming, i thought so too, but after so many "first" comments, that was a breath of fresh air xD
<addi> of course he has no life xD
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<Baskey> @dood addi
<bbqbot> addi: what up dood
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> addi,
<Baskey> what's up dood
<addi> no u
<Baskey> no u
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<xz_> Good photo.
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<Assid> dizko: you there?
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<Guest31771> hi guys
<chadouming> hi
<Guest31771> i wanted to flash my s2 to cm9 but it show up installation aborted
<Guest31771> can anyone help me with tat?
<koud> Guest31771: what does log say?
<Guest31771> Finding update package... Opening update package... Installing update... assert failed: getprop("ro.product.device") =="galaxys2" || getprop("") =="galaxys2" || getprop("ro.product.board") =="galaxys2" || getprop("ro.product.device") =="GT-I9100" || getprop("") =="GT-I9100" || getprop("ro.product.board") =="GT-I9100" || getprop("ro.product.device") =="GT-I9100M" || getprop("
<chadouming> seems like you didnt downlaod the right package
<koud> what rom are you using now?
<koud> and what phone
<Guest31771> something like tat and end of it installation aborted
<Guest31771> im using custom ics rom and using galaxy s2 i9100g
<Thracky> wrong rom then
<koud> well
<Thracky> you need the G rom
<koud> yeah
<Thracky> you have the i9100 non G rom.
<koud> go to i9100g site and download that version
<Thracky> that's why those asserts are there, to prevent people from flashing the wrong thing to their phone :P
<koud> :P
<Guest31771> hmm
<Guest31771> let me check
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<qdba> I build cm10 for p5100 without errors
<qdba> but after installing the ROm the TAB won't boot
<Guest31771> i download from this link
<qdba> I tried the last nightly build from codeworkx an my new compiled kernel this works
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<Guest31771> i tried the g rom
<Guest31771> it still gimme the same error
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<Guest31771> installing update..assert failed: getprop("ro/product.device") == "i9100g" || getprop("") == "i9100g" || getprop("") == "GT-I9100G" E:error in /sdcard/ (status 7) Installation aborted
<EgoElf> Guest31771, then you need to take your phone back to ics stock
<codeworkx> Guest31771: you're running a wrong recovery or using the wrong device
<EgoElf> my guess is that custom rom has changed the build product
<EgoElf> codeworkx, should that getprop("ro/product.device" really be a slash ? seems out of place
<EgoElf> nah, prolly a mis-type on his part, never mind
<EgoElf> just realized how he got that here :)
<Guest31771> my device is galaxy s2-i9100g
<codeworkx> Guest31771: then you didn't follow the instructions
<Guest31771> im using CMW as the instruction told
<Guest31771> is it possible caused by kernel?
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<datagutt> LET ME JUST CHECK EBAY....
<datagutt> WHAT A GREAT DEAL
<chadouming> lawl
<EgoElf> why pay that much to hold your coffee cup?
<bbqbot> derp
<Guest31771> thx codework for the link
<Guest31771> i think im using wrong version of cmw
<Thracky> "vintage" lol
<Thracky> some hipster will probably buy it.
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<Jiangyi|zZzZz> Thracky: I got a Powerbook 280 for $2, so vintage Apple stuff doesn't cost too much lol
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<Gapone> codeworkx:have you tried that LH1 modem for i9300 and is it working ok?
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<Thracky> but it's an iphone Jiangyi so it's worth 10k apparently :P
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: It's what lord Jobs wanted. lol
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<sixstringsg> datagutt, around?
<datagutt> y
<sixstringsg> Just curious how to make the bot auto-voice or OP.
<sixstringsg> When I do !voice user channel, it doesn't auto-voice when they re-join
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<Guest62715> is thr anyway to change the scrolling speed for cm9?
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<codeworkx> Guest62715: swipe harder or swipe less hard
<Shamiwork> sup
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<DMoult> so what new amazing things are in the 0809 release?
<DMoult> is it worth staying up another 30 minutes to wait for the download, or should i sleep and flash it in the morning?
<Jiangyi|BF3> DMoult: Look in BBQLog :-P
<Jiangyi|BF3> codeworkx: Want to play BF3? xD
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<GuineaPiet> Whats with the Kanger warning?
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<BHSPitMonkey> @changelog i777
<BHSPitMonkey> Awesome. Anyone running the Aug 3 CM10 build for i777? I'm stoked.
<xz_> 32MP photo
<xz_> amazing
<BHSPitMonkey> Nikon D800, eh
<Jiangyi|BF3> Damn that's pretty cool.
<Jiangyi|BF3> So HD *_*
Jiangyi|BF3 is now known as Jiangyi
<BHSPitMonkey> Once 4k is the mainstream video format, that's what our movies will look like :)
<BHSPitMonkey> At least the ones with good DPs and cinematography
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<BHSPitMonkey> Phones are getting close! (Taken on my Galaxy S 1, I believe)
<BHSPitMonkey> Anyone able to comment on their experience with CM10 on the SGS2?
<zas0006> I am running CM10 that i compiled a couple days ago and it is running pretty well
<zas0006> i am on the 1777
<zas0006> the only issue I have so far that really annoys me is the hardware keyboard is turned on after each reboot. So i cant text or anything untill i go turn it back off...
<BHSPitMonkey> zas0006: huh, I'm not sure I understand. So if you power off and on, you can type, but if you reboot then you cannot?
<zas0006> nope. even on a power off it does it.
<BHSPitMonkey> Also, what hardware keyboard? Or are you saying the OS falsely believes you have a hardware keyboard?
<zas0006> There is an option in the input settings to use an external hardware keyboard. That option resets to ON everytime you boot the phone. so untill you go to insput settings and turn it off you dont get the on screen keyboard.
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<BHSPitMonkey> Oh, I thought you meant you had to turn the phone off
<[x]> hi! any chance the SHV-E210 sources make it into the git repository? :)
<BHSPitMonkey> Is there still the issue with media scanner using 100% cpu for the first hour or so?
<zas0006> correct. it thinks I am using an external HW keybpard when in fact none exists. I thought it was a bad build at forst, i even rebuilt serveral times with make cleans in between and still had it. Then I saw on XDA that it was a known issue so I just deal with it for now...
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<zas0006> I dont have the media scanner issue, but i dont have a lot of media to scan. My friend at work uses the following workaround: he sets his phone to not sleep when plugged in and leaves his phone plugged in when he first noots up. That way the battery doesnt tank due to media scanner. It looks like mediascanner starts over (or pauses) when the screen gets turned off...
<BHSPitMonkey> Weird
<zas0006> I have a quick question, I am new at compiling this stuff myself. If I want to cherrypick some commits that have not been merged yet, is it really as simple as issuing the git command from the code review page for that committ and then kick off a build? or is their some magic in there that I do not yet understand?
<BHSPitMonkey> I think I'll refrain from running it on my phone until that gets fixed...
<zas0006> Dont blame you, but it wont be long. These guys rock. THey know it is happening and will fix it once they can. They always find a way.
<BHSPitMonkey> zas0006: it will depend on what exactly you're trying to do, but yes, git will let you do insane things depending on how complex you get with the commands
<BHSPitMonkey> Yeah, the mediascanner issue should be trivial to profile, compared to bugs like random crashes or connection drops
<BHSPitMonkey> zas0006: can you use WiFi, camera, etc?
<bbqbot> derp
<BHSPitMonkey> The bot's possessed!
<Thracky> the bot says derp every 7 questions or so
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<ubuntufreak> hi guys, i'm trying to install the CM9 Resurrection edition using heimdall 1.3.2 32-bit installed in Ubuntu 12.04. But when i select the md5 file after extraction it says firmware.xml missing. Does that mean i need to create the firmware.xml file ?
<Jiangyi> Argh. Windows, y u no reinstall faster? :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: use linux
Jug6ernaut is now known as Jug6-away
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Gonna install a Linux VM later. :-P
<codeworkx> native
<codeworkx> no vm
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Scared of driver issues :-P
<Thracky> grow a pair Jiangyi
<Thracky> :P
<Jiangyi> :-(
<Jiangyi> Last time I heard, AMD graphics cards don't play well with Linux.
<Mardos> he has none to grow
<codeworkx> works
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<Jiangyi> Wow, only 6 processes running after a fresh install. :O
<GuineaPiet> lol, you can actually see someone in the bird's eye
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You run Mint right?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> hm, has there been any SoDs latlely?
<GuineaPiet> the known issues say that not all JB features work yet... what features in particular?
<GuineaPiet> doesnt feel like im missing any
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<koud> I imagine workx as an arch linux guy
<Thracky> you are correct iirc :P
<Thracky> Espenfjo: I haven't had any.
<Thracky> still the occasional RIL crash but seems much less frequent
<Espenfjo> hm, odd, I have had quite a few
<Thracky> i9100?
<Espenfjo> But ill check whats up now that I am back from my holiday
<Espenfjo> yes
<GuineaPiet> Does Chainfire 3D work on anyone's CM10?
<Thracky> odd.
<GuineaPiet> After I install the driver, it reboots but then it cannot start up
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: yes, mint
<Thracky> aww I was wrong
<Thracky> I liked mint in the short timespan I used it
<codeworkx> since mint is back with MATE, i switched from arch
<BHSPitMonkey> Doesn't Mint use KDE now? Ew
<BHSPitMonkey> Ah, they're using MATE? Awesome
<Thracky> except for when mint 11 corrupted my mbr trying to install off usb
<codeworkx> Cinnamon, KDE, XFCE, MATE
<Thracky> I didn't like that
<codeworkx> choose what you want
<BHSPitMonkey> Well now I need to give it a second look
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<GuineaPiet> I love my games too much to use linux =/
<Thracky> I need to clean out one of my HD's so I can dual boot a proper linux environment
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: no reason
<Thracky> actually, I could probably throw it on the ssd.
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: i've a small ssd with windows for gaming
<Jiangyi> So many choices. D:
<BHSPitMonkey> GuineaPiet: Steam and Source Engine games coming soon :P
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: but i'm 95% on linux
<BHSPitMonkey> (Well, they already work pretty well in WINE, but yeah)
* Jiangyi doesn't know what to use
<Thracky> I just want Tribes Ascend on linux then I'm good :D
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: dual screen setup?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: MATE, otherwise cinnamon
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I wish. Single screen here. :-/
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<GuineaPiet> Someday when Im rich and famous, I'll buy me a SSD for windows :P
<Thracky> ooh mint 13 looks nice
<Thracky> ssd's are cheap now
<GuineaPiet> In your country maybe
<GuineaPiet> in South Africa everything is fucking expensive
<Thracky> true.
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<GuineaPiet> Starting price for an Alienware laptop in USA: $1400. In South Africa: $2500 for a shittier one
<BHSPitMonkey> Fooken Prawns
<GuineaPiet> xD
<Thracky> alienware is way overpriced anyways
<GuineaPiet> Yeah I was just searching around and noticed it
<Jiangyi> Wow, Mint looks quite nice.
<Thracky> it's silly to try and have a top end gaming machine on a laptop
<Thracky> I used mint 11 and 12, I'll have to give 13 a whirl. Maybe this weekend
* Jiangyi will make a live CD
<Jiangyi> :P
<GuineaPiet> :P
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: shall i ship you a box of ssds?
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx = rich :P
<BHSPitMonkey> codeworkx: do it, I'll just PM you their address
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<BHSPitMonkey> please ignore any address GuineaPiet gives you
<GuineaPiet> lol
<BHSPitMonkey> I know the correct one.
<Jiangyi> haha
<GuineaPiet> I already owe you for creating this ROM, cannot claim SSDs from you :P
<Jiangyi> GuineaPiet: +1 to that.
<Jiangyi> ....... My Firefox can't find the AdBlock Plus extension.
<Jiangyi> WTH?
<GuineaPiet> It's a known problem
<GuineaPiet> with browsers that are not Chrome :P
<Jiangyi> really?
<Jiangyi> It was all fine last time I did this :P
<GuineaPiet> Is there a reason why you prefer Linux?
<GuineaPiet> I was all proud when I got my S2 last year... Now my friend got the S3... :(. I am inferior
<Jiangyi> GuineaPiet: Linux is almost essential to Android development lol
<Jiangyi> GuineaPiet: Laugh at his shiny back and thinner glass. :-P
<BHSPitMonkey> GuineaPiet: development tools are generally designed for linux
<GuineaPiet> I do laugh at his piece of shit back :P
<BHSPitMonkey> and I'm not talking about Visual Studio
<GuineaPiet> Cannot laugh at his glass tho. The screen looks too sexy
<BHSPitMonkey> I'm pleased with the S2. There's really nothing else that I would want other than the improved display and camera resolutions.
<GuineaPiet> I dont really care about the camera
<BHSPitMonkey> Both of which are more than good enough for me.
<GuineaPiet> but a better display is always welcome
<BHSPitMonkey> Yeah
* Jiangyi <3 the I9100G
<BHSPitMonkey> I remember being blown away by my Captivate display, and the S2's is even better
<GuineaPiet> The S2 display is nice on its own, but looks shit next to an S3
<BHSPitMonkey> I'm sure
<Jiangyi> BHSPitMonkey: +1, had a Cappy too :-D
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<GuineaPiet> I take it the Captivate is the American version of the Galaxy S
<GuineaPiet> ?
<Pikachu320> hey
<BHSPitMonkey> AT&T version, yes.
<BHSPitMonkey> There were a few very different US versions of the Galaxy S
<BHSPitMonkey> Depending on carrier
<GuineaPiet> I saw, same with S2 isnt it?
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<BHSPitMonkey> Not as much I think
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<GuineaPiet> Or is it only the Skyrocket?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Well, mine was Canadian, so no ugly ATT logo lol
<BHSPitMonkey> The bodies were dramatically different between the Captivate/Fascinate/Vibrant
Jug6-away is now known as Jug6ernaut-work
<Jiangyi> GuineaPiet: Almost all the NA S2 variants had Qualcomm chips instead.
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<Pikachu320> is there a Belgian here?
<Pikachu320> EvilBelgian maybe? :p
<GuineaPiet> lol I dont even know why I come into this channel
<Pikachu320> to be heard!
<Pikachu320> I'm searching for a decent modem for my i9000, working with a "normal" battery drain in Belgium
<Pikachu320> I've got the standard CM9 modem, but it's crap
<GuineaPiet> Blasphemy!
<Pikachu320> I lasted 6 hours
<GuineaPiet> My S2 cannot make up its mind about its battery drain
<Pikachu320> ok I started maps for 5 minutes with gps
<Pikachu320> ><
<GuineaPiet> there are times in the day where my battery level actually goes up
<Baskey> [21:09] (Pikachu320) I've got the standard CM9 modem, but it's crap
<Pikachu320> it's calculated :)
<Baskey> CM9 doesn't provide a modem
<Baskey> soeh
<Pikachu320> mmm
<Pikachu320> I thought
<Pikachu320> weird I didn't remember flashing that modem
<Pikachu320> but you mean it's CM9 then!
<Pikachu320> ouch
<Pikachu320> i'll flash another modem and see tomorrow
<GuineaPiet> Do modems really affect your battery drain that much>
<Pikachu320> Yes
<Pikachu320> When I check my stats
<Pikachu320> I see that now modem related stuff takes more % of my battery than before
<Pikachu320> just followed by system
<Pikachu320> i'm recharging right now, so I can't put the figures
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<Pikachu320> but it was aroung 15% for the cell standby and 10% for the android system... I remember having smtg like 10% for the cell standby on a good modem
<Pikachu320> I don't remember the modem ofc
<Pikachu320> maybe I should do something with display too
<Pikachu320> it seems so bright even on auto
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<GuineaPiet> I'll maybe check out a new modem too
<GuineaPiet> see if it makes a difference
<GuineaPiet> anyone here play Dota 2?
<GuineaPiet> Glad to see you enjoy your lives :P
<Pikachu320> :)
<BHSPitMonkey> Not enough hats in DOTA
<Thracky> I play tribes :P
<Thracky> I suck at any rts type stuff
<Thracky> tried LoL for like a week and hated it
<GuineaPiet> thats everything you need to know of Dota 2 :P
<GuineaPiet> just that last part
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Tried it for 20 min and then it was off my PC. :/
<Jiangyi> I do like the RA series though.
<Thracky> Jiangyi: LoL?
<GuineaPiet> I have LoL too. And HoN. They're just not as fun for me
<Pikachu320> Should I start LoL or Dota2?
<Pikachu320> that's the question :p
<bbqbot> derp
<GuineaPiet> there is your answer
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Yeah.
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<Thracky> Jiangyi: yeah just not my kind of game. only strategy I play is Civ V
<GuineaPiet> Cannot wait for Darksiders 2. 2 weeks :D
<Pikachu320> lol
Johnsel_ is now known as Johnsel
<Pikachu320> nice video
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<GuineaPiet> I lol at all his Dota 2 vid
<GuineaPiet> s
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<GuineaPiet> Modems are flashed just like ROMs right?
<djevrek> if they're cwm flashable, then yes
<Pikachu320> you can even flash them with Rom manager
<Pikachu320> and download them with it
<Pikachu320> this video is really funny :)
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: INSTALL LINUX NAO!!!
<GuineaPiet> :P
<GuineaPiet> It's even funnier when you actually understand the game
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I'm not even done installing SP1 for Win7 lol
<Thracky> I can never run windows on a non ssd again for reasons like that Jiangyi
<Thracky> shit takes way too long on a regulard hd
<Thracky> *regular
<Jiangyi> Thracky: +1
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: lol
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: updating windows = install windows 5 times in a row
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I know, it's sooo bad D-:
<Thracky> might as well install it 5 times. your windows dir will inflate to like 20 GB after installing sp1 and all current updates.
<GuineaPiet> I'm just going to stick with my regular HD forever and ever and ever
<GuineaPiet> Can't bother me if I dont know what Im missing :P
<Thracky> until it dies GuineaPiet. and it will.
<BHSPitMonkey> Anyone tested NFC on CM10?
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: you're missing a speed increase of around 800%
<Jiangyi> Thracky: it already took up 40GB and it's not even done.
<Jiangyi> I definitely need a bigger drive.
<Thracky> SSD is like, the biggest most noticeable change in computing speed since the dedicated 3d video card came out.
<Jiangyi> Hmm... SSD or GPU......
<GuineaPiet> Like I said: doesn't bother me if I dont know what Im missing. I want a whole new PC
<Thracky> *perceived computing speed
<Thracky> Jiangyi: well, for BF3 I'd probably go GPU
<Thracky> even if your load times suck your framerates will be better
<BHSPitMonkey> I want to grab an SSD. For the time being, though, $80 is a lot to "waste"
<BHSPitMonkey> In a couple months I'll probably bite
<GuineaPiet> ^ is how I feel
<Thracky> I've dropped like $3k+ on my computers in the last year and a half.
<codeworkx> Thracky: VOODOO!!!!
<Thracky> some of it was definitely excess.
<GuineaPiet> Not worth getting an SSD when my whole PC needs upgrading
<codeworkx> 3DFX!!!
<Thracky> but I made about 1500 bucks from bitcoin/other cryptocurrencies
<Thracky> so sorta covered half :P
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Yeah, it's a bit of a mix for me. Better BF3 experience or faster everything else? lol
<Thracky> depends on your priorities. Honestly I'd probably go SSD.
<GuineaPiet> codeworkx: now that I have your attention :P. Are you aware of Chainfire 3D not working on CM10?
<Jiangyi> Actually now I think about it, what the hell powered my first computer's graphics?
<Thracky> codeworkx: I had a 4 meg RIVA TNT iirc.
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: that's something i don't care about
<Thracky> that thing was awesome
<Jiangyi> It was a Pentium 166, but I have no clue what the graphics was.
<Thracky> Tomb raider looked amazing at the time lol.
<GuineaPiet> okay. Was just wondering if it was like a driver thing or w/e
<codeworkx> Thracky: i had a Monster3D
<Jiangyi> 2nd computer I had had a Nvidia Geforce 2 series though. :-
sixstringsg is now known as afkstringsg
<Jiangyi> :-P*
<addi> GuineaPiet, CF3D doesn't work on Jelly Bean. the graphic drivers major changes. Chainfire told me he'll be updating it but not any time soon
<addi> drivers have*
<Jiangyi> Oh yay SP1's done.
<GuineaPiet> Thanks addi
<Jiangyi> That was faster than I expected.
<codeworkx> !!!!!!!!!!!!!
<GuineaPiet> thought it was something like that
<Jiangyi> Took only 20 min :P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: God that's ancient. o.o
<Thracky> codeworkx: remember how many different brands of card there were? it was so freaking hard to keep track of.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I couldn't even walk on my own back then.
<Thracky> I remember seeing quake 1 on a 3d card and the resolution was so high you couldn't even read the console
<Thracky> my jaw was on the floor and I was like 13 or so lol
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<codeworkx> Thracky: the best "Motoracer: The Monster 3D offers a perfect 3D image."... ummm. ugly? xD
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> lol
<Thracky> hahahah
<Thracky> yeah it's amazing how far we've come
<codeworkx> i can play quake in ma browza
<Jiangyi> Tis so perfect that the road has no lanes! xD
<Thracky> can play it on our phones
<Thracky> don't need a computer anymore
<codeworkx> 15 years ago they would have killed you for saying this
<BHSPitMonkey> codeworkx: try to imagine telling someone in 1997 that the screenshot looks like it's from a cell phone game
<Jiangyi> haha
<BHSPitMonkey> oh, someone said the same thing 10 seconds faster, lol
<Thracky> *shitty cell phone game <-FTFY
<BHSPitMonkey> damn you Thracky
<Thracky> :D
<Jiangyi> God, I missed out by being born so late. :-P
<BHSPitMonkey> codeworkx: technically, it's not all that interesting what we can and can't play "in a web browser" at a technological level
<BHSPitMonkey> that's mainly a result of how we've decided to bloat "web standards" (I'm not saying it's a bad thing)
<BHSPitMonkey> the performance increases in javascript are noteworthy, sure, but the fact that we started giving web browsers GPU access and a 3d graphics API isn't really a feat
<Jiangyi> Speaking of standards:
<BHSPitMonkey> it's just bureaucracy among browser makers
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<BHSPitMonkey> always a relevant xkcd
<Jiangyi> lol yep
<codeworkx> BHSPitMonkey: b b b buuuuut.... chrome os
<codeworkx> BHSPitMonkey: who needs a bloated OS if chrome os can do everything via browser? :-D
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<BHSPitMonkey> codeworkx: all I'm saying is that none of it is really "impressive"; You could have taken a 3D game engine in 1997 and finangled it into a web browser, and you'd have accomplished the same thing
<BHSPitMonkey> it's great, but not really a feat
<codeworkx> BHSPitMonkey: what's big for you? using a lan port besides your ear, not requiring a computer at all? :-D
<BHSPitMonkey> codeworkx: the progress we've made in computing power, graphics power, realism, etc. is the actual impressive stuff
<Thracky> quantum computing will impress me if it becomes viable.
<Jiangyi> lol
<BHSPitMonkey> whether or not it's bundled into something called a "browser" or a "web standard" is mainly a bureaucratic decision, not an invention or anything
<Thracky> because it pretty much breaks most crypto right now
<codeworkx> BHSPitMonkey: even if someone comes up with a 1000000000000000000000000000000 core cpu, i'll just say "hmmm. i expected that."
<addi> yes, SGS4 to have 8 cores.. i expect that.. :p
<BHSPitMonkey> codeworkx: what's "cool" is increasing our ratio of available performance per physical size or energy input
<addi> considering TouchWiz can't keep up even on quad-core, a octo-core is surely on the cards :p
<BHSPitMonkey> of course it's "expected" (moore's law, lots of really skilled people at intel/amd working hard, etc.)
<BHSPitMonkey> but imagine how excited you would be 10 years ago to see what we can do now
<Thracky> honestly I find it hard to remember specifically how things were because I was young and just so amazed and overwhelmed by it all
<BHSPitMonkey> I know the 15-year-old me would be overwhelmed to see one of today's tablets
<Pikachu320> but indeed who could have said 15 years ago that http will rule the world
<codeworkx> BHSPitMonkey: the first time i'll be really impressed will be the time where machines took over the world
<codeworkx> BHSPitMonkey: because we didn't learn from our own sci-fi movies
<Pikachu320> the first i'll be really impressed it's when codeworkx will say something smart
<codeworkx> BHSPitMonkey: human stupidity = impressive
<BHSPitMonkey> Thracky: I did find myself way more excited by things that were happening in the tech world during my childhood/youth
<BHSPitMonkey> like when pocket PCs were coming out, I was like "OMG SO AWESOME"
<codeworkx> Pikachu320: i don't have routines to say smart things
<Pikachu320> :)
<BHSPitMonkey> I get that feeling far less now, I guess since like codeworkx says a lot of it is just expected growth
<BHSPitMonkey> however there are really awesome things happening in the hardware world now that are rekindling that flame for me
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<addi> yeah, i don't go wow over anything now
<BHSPitMonkey> some really cool things happening with displays, tablets, VR
<GuineaPiet> I cannot remember ever being excited over something new coming out, mostly because I knew I wouldnt be able to afford it :P
<Pikachu320> I regret not knowing ASM
<addi> though I'm just becoming more and more boring as days pass by :-/
<Thracky> BHSPitMonkey: I find I'm excited in a completely different way because I FINALLY decided to go to school for something computer related last year :P
<Jiangyi> Yeah tech is growing at an exponential rate right now.
<Thracky> I've just been an semi-advanced hobbyist up until that point.
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<BHSPitMonkey> addi: I got to try a new VR system prototype (the Oculus Rift on kickstarter) the other day, and I felt kind of like a kid again
<Jiangyi> The one thing that had me excited was what Google Glass could potentially offer.
<DuperMan> @dood addi
<bbqbot> addi: what up dood
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<GuineaPiet> I saw the video of the Oculus Rift
<addi> BHSPitMonkey, if only I could get those things to try out, haha
<codeworkx> next year we'll have hexa core phones and everyone goes like "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOOWOW NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED"
<Jiangyi> But then again, it's kind of expected for us to go that way.
<addi> Jiangyi, on iOS, things are not exponential, they're explosive. like Twitter integration one year, then Facebook integration next year xD
<Pikachu320> i didn't want the rift
<Jiangyi> addi: lol
<Pikachu320> seems cool but not interested
<Thracky> I'm kinda bored with phones/tablets tbh.
<DuperMan> hrrrrm... no. future is teh better load dispersion
<Thracky> It's all just spec increases now
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<codeworkx> addi: the biggest thing on iOS was..... MMS
<addi> codeworkx, like they said they need quad-core Exynos? :p
<DuperMan> more testicular warming is redundant, will self defeat
<Pikachu320> phones/tablets are just predefined tools
<Thracky> like wtf is apple gonna do with iPhone 5 to keep people from getting bored
<addi> nah, it was copy paste :p
<Pikachu320> that's not really funny
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Yeah, I'm only looking forward to new software now lol
<madLyfe> any cm9 sgs2(i777) guys here?
<Thracky> people are flocking to android now cause they're just sick of iOS
<BHSPitMonkey> addi: it was at QuakeCon, and I'm sure they'll be going to plenty of other gaming and tech trade shows in the foreseeable future
<Pikachu320> i'm with old crap :)
<DuperMan> balls warmers, gimme cloud processed load balancing
<addi> BHSPitMonkey, I'm in India, and I don't really get to travel to these events :p
<Pikachu320> I did buy the ouya, for future hacking
<DuperMan> 95% of time seamless connectivity
<addi> i can only drool sitting in front of the computer xD
<BHSPitMonkey> addi: ah... well, you can always order the dev kit for $300 on kickstarter!
<Jiangyi> At least Google changes things up every once in a while. :-P
<Thracky> yeah
<addi> ouya seems well priced enough. $105 isn't bad
<BHSPitMonkey> addi: I ordered an ouya right before their kickstarter ended :P
<DuperMan> why. teh. 5.
<BHSPitMonkey> DuperMan: international shipping?
<GuineaPiet> I cannot see how VR is the future of gaming tho
<addi> @dood DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan: what up dood
<DuperMan> BHSPitMonkey: oh
<Jiangyi> I'll stick to PC gaming. Still can't use a controller for life. :-P
<DuperMan> :)
<Thracky> GuineaPiet: kinect was supposed to be the future of gaming too.
<DuperMan> ^ :D
<DuperMan> PC
<addi> BHSPitMonkey, i might get myself one if its easily accessible for me
<Jiangyi> I even sucked at Mario lol
<DuperMan> even with a conroller
<addi> ebay FTW I guess
<GuineaPiet> I would not want to play a game and not be able to drink my coffee
<Thracky> I've really stopped console gaming, it's wierd.
<BHSPitMonkey> GuineaPiet: the future of all gaming? surely not, but a cool peripheral for people wanting a cool way to experience the game? surely
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> and 3x prices on ebay FTW as well :p
<Pikachu320> Jiangyi it's not the same PC gaming and android gaming
<DuperMan> android gaming is dead trigger
<Pikachu320> I won't play the same if I ever play a game for android :)
<DuperMan> and crack heroin
<DuperMan> :P
<Pikachu320> but the console is great
<BHSPitMonkey> really good VR will also make waves in simulation industries and other things
<DuperMan> good phone games are addictive and shameful
<Pikachu320> for the price tag
<GuineaPiet> lol I only play Final Fantasy 3 on my Android
<DuperMan> good pc games are fun
<DuperMan> :/
<mongi> Hey codeworkx one newbie question here. May I?
<Pikachu320> I may play that
<Pikachu320> :)
<Thracky> I have a modded xbox 360, a modded wii, and I never play them anymore.
<Pikachu320> modded PS2 and wii
<DuperMan> modding is the best use :P
<Pikachu320> same
<Pikachu320> i don't homebrew anymore
<GuineaPiet> Wii was the biggest ripoff console ever
<GuineaPiet> srsly
<Thracky> cause my desktop is now hooked up to my tv so I just sit on the couch and play pc.
<addi> sshhhh everyone, mongi wants to ask something :p
<Pikachu320> pfff
<Pikachu320> ok
<Thracky> NO
<DuperMan> WHAT IS IT mongi
<mongi> kkkkkkkkkkk
<DuperMan> WHAT IS IT
<Pikachu320> WE WONT
<mongi> you guys made me embarassed
<GuineaPiet> SPEAK FOOL
<mongi> =$
<mongi> hhahaah
<Pikachu320> HYRRT YO
<addi> Thracky, i would do that, if my TV wasn't a 28" CRT with 352x288 resolution, hahahaha
<BHSPitMonkey> Thracky: Pikachu320: play my wii homebrew games :P
<DuperMan> just speak you poor mofo
* Jiangyi doesn't own a console
<DuperMan> ffs
<Pikachu320> @addi lol
<bbqbot> Pikachu320: Command does not exist!
* addi doesn't own a console either
<Jiangyi> It's been PC for me for years lol
<Pikachu320> @addi lol
<bbqbot> Pikachu320: Command does not exist!
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<DuperMan> Jiangyi: +1
<Jiangyi> Apparently, the consoles we know today are all banned in China. :-P
<addi> Pikachu320, you don't need to add @ in front :p
* GuineaPiet owns a Wii... but is ashamed to admit it
<addi> Jiangyi, +1
<Pikachu320> them!
<Pikachu320> damn*
<DuperMan> banned in china? by china?
<DuperMan> wtf
<DuperMan> oh Jiangyi joke
<Pikachu320> my pasting skills!
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> har
<addi> Xbox Live is almost illegal there :p
<Jiangyi> Yeah apparently, parents were worried that their kids' brains are gonna rot, so they banned it. :-|
<Jiangyi> Now, you only see ripoff consoles in China lol
<DuperMan> *PARTY was worried that LESS SLAVES
<DuperMan> :)
* Pikachu320 owns too many consoles and never uses them
<addi> "Video game consoles are illegal in China. Ironically, the Wii, the PS3 and the Xbox 360 are Chinese-made. "
<DuperMan> not ripoff, 'helping local economics'
<GuineaPiet> 'PC games allow your brain to opperate at speeds it would never reach under normal circumstances' - thats the excuse I use when someone bitches at me
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<Pikachu320> it trains your brain to drive
<addi> this is a government that loves protecting its people xD
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
pier|nap is now known as pier
<Baskey> addi,
<Baskey> what's up dood
<Jiangyi> OK, let's download this Linux Mint now.
<GuineaPiet> codeworkx: does a modem affect your device's WiFi?
<Jiangyi> Still deciding between Cinnamon or MATE. :-P
<DuperMan> mint:/ I think my lan port died of heat while I was out
<Baskey> @dood Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Jiangyi: what up dood
<DuperMan> rip lan
<addi> Jiangyi, i downloaded Cinnamon yesterday to try it, want to see how it is
<addi> MATE is not that good :p
<Baskey> DuperMan: DUPEY
<BHSPitMonkey> GuineaPiet: don't think so
<addi> DUPEY T H E A W E S O M E Z
<Jiangyi> addi: Time to look at screenshots then!
<DuperMan> Baskey! let's rubs penises like totally straight fellows!
<Jiangyi> :-P
<DuperMan> <3
<BHSPitMonkey> Jiangyi: MATE is GNOME 2, if you didn't know
<Baskey> I second that
<BHSPitMonkey> Jiangyi: what Ubuntu always used to use until recently
<addi> improved Gnome 2 or something >.<
<GuineaPiet> NO HOMO
<Baskey> I mean rubbing penises
<Jiangyi> BHSPitMonkey:Ah OK.
<DuperMan> NO HOMO
<addi> NO HOMO
<Baskey> HOMONO
<BHSPitMonkey> NO YOLO
<Thracky> HOHOHO?
<DuperMan> no hobo?
<Baskey> NOFROYO
<DuperMan> jb
<Pikachu320> Jiangyi Linux?
<bbqbot> derp
<BHSPitMonkey> (por favor)
<Pikachu320> Mint ?
<Pikachu320> Really ?
<DuperMan> bill gates says NO POLIO
<Jiangyi> Pikachu320: What?
<Baskey> NO FOLIO
<DuperMan> fellti//// ahhh tis silly
<Pikachu320> Windows + VMs is more powerful!
<Pikachu320> more efficient drivers :)
<Thracky> uh oh Pikachu320 prepare to feel the wrath
<BHSPitMonkey> I just locked myself out of my phone playing with the pattern lock screen...
<DuperMan> lol
<Baskey> lol
<Pikachu320> lawl
* addi is loving Windows 8 without Metro :p
<Thracky> ah that reminds me, I need to buy cerberus
<Pikachu320> Thracky I feel that everyday @work :)
<DuperMan> addi: /me is loving the metro
<DuperMan> what's metro called though?
<Pikachu320> good question
<Pikachu320> I was the rename of the store, not yet of metro
<Pikachu320> saw*
<addi> whatever it is, it's a damn waste of time. full screen for everything? F U
<BHSPitMonkey> Pikachu320: try using all 16GB of RAM in your machine without paying a ton of money for the most ultimatexorz version of 64-bit windows
<Thracky> DuperMan: windows 8 style UI is what it's called now
<addi> would be nice if those apps ran in smaller windows
<Pikachu320> BHSPitMonkey no problem :)
<DuperMan> lol just saw a sgs3 commercial >< it's WINDOWS
<Jiangyi> Pikachu320: Yeah that was my original plan, but codeworkx convinced me otherwise. =|
<addi> i want to use the mail and the Twitter app, but not when they're all fullscreen :(
<Pikachu320> first I don't pay my Windows, it's my job who pays it
<DuperMan> addi: drag them sidewards
<DuperMan> they clinglock
<addi> Pikachu320, me neither. i pirate it :p
<Pikachu320> then if you use vms you'll use your memory
<addi> DuperMan, but I want to use them on desktop :p
<BHSPitMonkey> addi: you can split the screen up...
<DuperMan> addi: u not haz
<Jiangyi> Hmmm......
<BHSPitMonkey> addi: they tile and slide around and shit
<Jiangyi> OK, Cinnamon looks cooler. lol
<Pikachu320> at work, I'm using linux + freebsd + openbsd on vms, it's efficient enough and you can do everything
<DuperMan> * it's good for what it is
<addi> BHSPitMonkey, that's on the main start menu
<Thracky> I have my little linux server here at work that is allll mine
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<Jiangyi> It'll be an interesting transition from stock Ubuntu to this though.
<addi> an app after opening doesn't let me use it in anything but fullscreen
<Thracky> because nobody here would even know how the fuck to log in lol.
<Pikachu320> we only have linux servers at work
<Pikachu320> i'm so sad
<BHSPitMonkey> addi: I've seen videos showing how you can run like 2 or more apps side-by-side.
<Pikachu320> we could have freebsd!
<addi> yes, but still all done in Metro :(
<BHSPitMonkey> addi: I'm just saying, the window manager has a mechanism for it
<addi> that's the thing. going from desktop to Metro for all that stuff is just not intuitive enough
<addi> hmmm, yeah
<Pikachu320> I'm afraid of W8 in fact
<Pikachu320> I'll wait for W9
<Pikachu320> :)
<BHSPitMonkey> all that being said, I don't wish to use w8 at all
<Thracky> Pikachu320: I'm working for the head office of a property restoration franchise, and IT really is NOT a priority at all here
<DuperMan> the f u pronounce w9?
<Baskey> I'll wait for Android 5.0 Kransekake
<DuperMan> :(\
<BHSPitMonkey> I would play with it on a Surface tablet, but that's it
<DuperMan> w8 so smoooooth
<Thracky> the IT department = the CTO and me for the summer.
<addi> Pikachu320, i likes Windows 8. fast and smooth
<Pikachu320> yes ?
<bbqbot> derp
* Baskey pets addi
<addi> i was afraid too, but decided to try it for a few days
<addi> not going back to Win 7 now :)
<Pikachu320> I don't like starting with metro
<Baskey> silly addi
<addi> just bypass Metro with Classic Shell. done :p
* addi rapes Baskey
<DuperMan> after going w8 w7 feels like a server edition
<DuperMan> :P
<Pikachu320> it's possible to boot on it ?
<DuperMan> srsly
* Baskey looks at Fissurez
<codeworkx> Pikachu320: you can easily get rid of metro with: format C: /q
<addi> Pikachu320, yes, Classic Shell skips Metro
<Pikachu320> I mean, to skip completely metro
<Pikachu320> ok
<addi> it does come up for a second, then goes to desktop
<Pikachu320> lol codeworkx
<Pikachu320> doesn't work anymore I guess
<addi> and booting up is fast thanks to Windows 8 hibernating kernel
<Pikachu320> I have ssd, I don't mind
<codeworkx> MS does the same error ubuntu did some time ago
<Pikachu320> :)
<DuperMan> Pikachu320: ~13 seconds with ssd
<Baskey> pushing retarded UI?
<DuperMan> from 'cold' start
<addi> codeworkx, like Unity, like Metro? :p
<Pikachu320> for win8 I also don't like the power button
<addi> DuperMan, very fast
<Pikachu320> where is it ?
<codeworkx> trying to teach a desktop computer "touch"
<chadouming> metroUI is not htat bad
<Jiangyi> Yeah Unity is pretty bad. =[
<DuperMan> addi: I love it
<Pikachu320> i don't usually use it but still
<Pikachu320> Unity is bad
<Pikachu320> metro is not good
<Baskey> Metro UI on PC? meh, nope
<Pikachu320> there is a slight difference
<codeworkx> Gnome 3 is the same
<chadouming> true, unity is bad tho
<addi> Pikachu320, drag mouse to right of screen, press Settings, then power, then power off :p
<chadouming> mint ftw
<Pikachu320> yes it's crap!
<codeworkx> took 15 months for gnome 3 to go from No 1 to No Unknown
<addi> 4 effing steps to shut down now
<Pikachu320> that's exactly what i was thinking
<addi> that is why Classic Shell FTW
* GuineaPiet shows himself out.
<Pikachu320> i'll check on that
GuineaPiet has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<Jiangyi> chadouming: You using MATE or?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> no make him port w8 to note 10.1
<addi> here's what IE now says: "Set Internet Explorer as your default browser to get a fast and fluid browsing experience that’s great for touch and built for Windows 8."
<DuperMan> :D
<Baskey> lol
<Jiangyi> lol
<Pikachu320> so classic shell is a start menu for win8 ?
<Pikachu320> clever!
<codeworkx> addi: cause MS didn't understand a single thing about desktop computers
<addi> they're actually telling you its great for touch on the desktop IE
<DuperMan> ms assumes next question will be 'y desktop'
<DuperMan> might be right:)
<chadouming> Jiangyi, nope
<Jiangyi> Wow, Linux Mint is quite small. :O
<addi> codeworkx, and we just found that out with Windows 8 :/
<Baskey> Y DESKTOP
<Jiangyi> Well, compared to Win7 anyways.
afkstringsg is now known as sixstringsg
<addi> Jiangyi, Linux is lighter and smaller :)
<DuperMan> I just made out with W8
<Pikachu320> they said it was a "bet"
<addi> doesn't take 1.5 GB of RAM like Windows xD
<DuperMan> mmmmm
<Pikachu320> maybe they won't make it, but I seriously doubt that
* addi rapes Baskey again
* Baskey looks at DuperMan
<codeworkx> reminds me of the Speak-to-Text software 10 years ago. everyone came up with a solution and everyone failed with it
<Jiangyi> addi: I actually had quite a few netbooks with 1GB of RAM run Win7 :P
* DuperMan bbl
<addi> Jiangyi, Windows actually keeps RAM aside, so more you have, more it wants :p
<Jiangyi> addi: Fair enough.
<addi> i'm still thinking whether to install Mint. I always install it then go back to Windows
<addi> <3 Windows for general use
<addi> rather, just used to it :p
<Baskey> I'm too stupid for Linux
<codeworkx> addi: for general use linux is much better ;-)
<addi> Baskey, nah, lots of stupid Linux geeks around :)
<codeworkx> Baskey: not true
<Jiangyi> I think I'll go back to the VM solution. Just remembered that I still need to type Chinese and crap. :-P
<mongi> windows does same thing as linux, and vice versa...
<addi> codeworkx, nah, I prefer Windows over Linux on desktop for simple things
<Jiangyi> Windows has my favourite Chinese IMEs.
<Baskey> codeworkx: Ubuntu (I mean 7-9 tiems) was uber idiotte friendly
<Baskey> and I failed
<DuperMan> *vm
<DuperMan> lol
<addi> Baskey, Windows is the most user-friendly for noobs. buy it :p
<chadouming> i'm out, maybe for a while
<codeworkx> Baskey: ubuntu is ugly. i fail on ubuntu too
<Baskey> I hav W7 already
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Laterz :-P
<addi> Ubuntu + Unity = WORSE THAN TOUCHWIZ
<Baskey> codeworkx: it is indeed
* addi hides
<Baskey> addi: POOPWIZ
<chadouming> later
<DuperMan> lates chadouming. trying to leave too
<DuperMan> oo
<DuperMan> ><
<mongi> use elementary OS
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Don't kill me D-:
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<chadouming> easy
<chadouming> loo
<chadouming> k
chadouming has quit [Quit: I'M GOING DOWNNNNNNNN]
<mongi> or mint
<DuperMan> trying to pull a chad off
DuperMan has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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<Jiangyi> Hmm....
<addi> with Valve taking an interest in Linux, lets hope other devs do the same. then me might switch to Linux
<Jiangyi> Actually, aside from knowing how to sync repo and use git in Ubuntu, I don't know anything else about it lol
<Jiangyi> Very confusing indeed.
<Pikachu320> Valve is pissed off
<addi> tired of pirating Windows anyway :p
<Pikachu320> I undestand
<Pikachu320> if linux get better support and drivers I'll move to it
<Pikachu320> I went to it long ago, I'm now on windows, I've learned from my mistakes
<mongi> and if don't eat my notebook battery too
<Pikachu320> addi -> I can understand, pirating is so annoying
<koud> codeworkx: so you are a mint fan?
<addi> Pikachu320, not really, i was kidding. I love pirating everything except Android apps :p
<codeworkx> koud: for sure
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<Baskey> looks cool
<mongi> it looks better then mint
<codeworkx> koud: why? install it -> use it
<codeworkx> koud: don't have to waste a full week on tweaking the shit out of it
<koud> I should give it a try :)
<addi> how much performance degradation am I seeing installing Linux Mint from inside Windows. as in not from a boot CD by making special partition for it?
<koud> I assume you're not a fan of unity? or why not use ubuntu?
<bbqbot> derp
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<addi> koud, Ubuntu sucks with/without Unity. Linux Mint is the better one :p
<Jiangyi> koud: We all agreed that Unity is pretty bad just a while ago lol
<koud> aww :P
<mongi> with gnome 2 ubuntu was just great
<koud> I like unity :)
endstille has quit [Quit: I'll be back.]
<mongi> freaking great
<addi> I like Baskey
<Jiangyi> hmm.....
<addi> mmmmm
<Jiangyi> addi: Same question as yours for me now.
<Jiangyi> Didn't know there was an option to install inside windows. :-P
<koud> Unity has grown a lot on me :)
<addi> not inside Windows
<Baskey> I do liek addi
<addi> but not as a proper OS
<Jiangyi> addi: Well, that's what this disc is saying to me. Albeit it's in Chinese lol
<addi> yeah, guess it is what happens
<Jiangyi> So could be bad translations. :-|
<addi> installs it in a separate space set aside inside a partition
<addi> doesn't use the whole partition
<Pikachu320> don't make a partition of it
<Jiangyi> addi: So kinda like a VM eh?
<addi> nah, again, its booting directly from HDD
<addi> not through VM :p
<Pikachu320> pff
<addi> you do have to restart to use Linux
<Pikachu320> that's completely lame :p
<Jiangyi> Ah OK.
<addi> it just installs inside a folder instead of using the whole partition, so to speak
<Pikachu320> don't use that!
<Jiangyi> Hmm....
<pier> mint, debian mint, xfce or?
<addi> guess me will try Cinnamon like that though
<mongi> xfce
<mongi> lxde
<addi> off I go, see you from Xchat on Mint 13 Cinnamon :p
<pier> fvwm ftw :P
<mongi> linus uses xfce
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<mongi> haha
endstille has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<pier> I'm on sls with fvwm
<addi> is there a way to remove the need to use a password to login to Linux?
<pier> err twm atm
<Jiangyi> I guess I'll either install this on my old IDE 80GB HDD then.
<addi> there is an option to not enter password, but after a few minutes or hours it says some keyring wasn't unlocked then asks to enter password -.-
<mongi> addi: sure
<mongi> when you're installing the os there's this option
<mongi> at least on ubuntu there is
<Jiangyi> Hmm... I wonder what I choose for OS in the VMWare settings.
<addi> yes, that's what I said. that is fine, but after some time it always says 'a keyring was not unlocked and needs password'. something like that
<addi> will google about that when i install it this time
<pier> Jiangyi, for mint => ubuntu
<Jiangyi> pier: Thanks, that was my guess. :-P
<mongi> addi: using wich distro?
<pier> Jiangyi, but even standard linux is more than enought
<Jiangyi> OK thanks again.
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<pier> debian -> ubuntu -> mint ...
<pier> forks :P
<addi> Omg, Linux install failed due to Windows 8 not shutting down properly on reboot 0_o
ciwrl|work is now known as ciwrl|away
<addi> F u Microsoft
<mongi> microsoft ftw
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<pier> g'nite
<Jiangyi> lol
pier is now known as pier|afk
* Fissurez whacks Baskey
<mongi> if linux was really the best, better than windows, i guess there is no need to do dual boot with windows
<Fissurez> yah, was playing firefall
<codeworkx> addi: linux doesn't give you by default full access to everything. ;-) and that's good
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<addi> Yeah, but that keyring thing comes up without me going anything needing a password :/
<addi> doing
<mongi> i guess is the root password, no?
<codeworkx> i'm doing the login via user and pw, but it never asks after it
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<codeworkx> depends on how you set it up
<codeworkx> keyring -> type pw -> set "remind pw forever" -> done
<addi> codeworkx, that's what. that way its fine. but if i set it to not need password to be entered when booting up, that keyring thing comes up after a while
<addi> ah, okay
<codeworkx> i don't like other people using my pc
<codeworkx> notebook has fingerprint reader
<addi> no one here uses my PC, so I don't need password :p
<codeworkx> notebook is at girlfriends home
<codeworkx> and only my fingers are working
<codeworkx> :-D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Who would even dare approach your PC anyways? lol
<Thracky> my wife gets so angry if she can't access my computers :P
<codeworkx> GF
<Thracky> "what are you hiding!?!?"
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> my gf knows all my passwords and I hers :)
<Jiangyi> lol
<codeworkx> Thracky: it's not about what i'm hiding
<addi> she knows I keep porn
<Thracky> same addi
<codeworkx> Thracky: U DONT DESTROY MY PC
<addi> as long as I don't watch it when she's around, haha
<Thracky> anything I really want to hide is on a truecrypt volume anyways.
<codeworkx> Thracky: u know, noobs are always clicking "yes" and installing everything they can get
<Thracky> true.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Put it in dummy Windows mode for people who want to use it. :-P
<Thracky> my wife knows better than that though.
<addi> and installing search bars and what not in IE, then complaining of viruses -.-
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: live cd :-P
<Jiangyi> That works too. :-P
<codeworkx> hey, i wrote a damn big document and stored it. why is this gone away?
<codeworkx> baby, live cd is the key
<Jiangyi> I've trained my mom to not install anything that pops up lol
<Jiangyi> Hmm.... Should I install an antivirus again......
<Pikachu320> Thracky > she can know your passwords but you don't need that cause you have an hardware key right?
<Thracky> Pikachu320: I don't follow :P
<Pikachu320> nvm :)
<Thracky> my wife's laptop is actually surprisingly clean though, I've taught her well.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: If you do that to your computer, then I wonder what you do to your phones....
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: phone is always in my trousers or besides me
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: touch phone -> flame on
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: o___o And I'm guessing it's the same with your tablets?
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: no, tablet doesn't matter
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: still don't feel the need for a tablet
<Thracky> I never use my ipad at home
<Thracky> I completely agree
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: it's there. sometimes using it for surfing or youtube. but thats all
<Jiangyi> Nexus 7 is still kinda interesting. =|
<Thracky> I have 3 computers within 3 paces of me in the living room heh
<Thracky> Jiangyi: my boss just bought one, it's awesome.
<Jiangyi> Thracky: I thought it was sold out everywhere. ._.
<Thracky> he ordered it from the play store
<Jiangyi> Ah.
<Thracky> hoooome time.
elmig has joined #teamhacksung-support
<addi> BAI BAI
<addi> Nexus 7 has too many manufacturing problems though it seems
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<addi> in one case screen came apart from tablet as if it was kept on it xD
<Pikachu320> i'm off guys
<Pikachu320> cya next time
<Jiangyi> bye!
Pikachu320 has quit [Quit: Bye!]
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Why did you get a Tab 2 then? :-P
<codeworkx> hacking
<codeworkx> cmnize all teh things
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Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: lol that's a lot of money that you throw down for us users. :-P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: BTW, Did Amazon EC2 kill your credit card in the end? xD
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> but its Tod slow
<Jiangyi> Umm... Didn't you say it was faster than your PC?
<codeworkx> no
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<Jiangyi> ._.
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* Jiangyi be hallucinating
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<pete_> hey
pete_ is now known as Guest62493
<Guest62493> ive been in hospital for a while, what about the ril bug and hwcomposer?
<bbqbot> derp
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