bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <codeworkx> samsung phones are accidents | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
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<rsaffi> Gd'night y'all
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<rsaffi> Actually: gd'evening! :)
zz_crispybacon is now known as crispybacon
<rsaffi> I have a suggestion about the wiki, if any editor is present, it's about this page:
<rsaffi> On "General downloads", the second link is but should be
<rsaffi> ;)
<EgotisticalElf_> no, i9100 is right
<EgotisticalElf_> galaxys2 is only valid for CM7
<EgotisticalElf_> though i dunno why they built CM9 for it
<EgotisticalElf_> weird, i guess they renamed it *again*
<EgotisticalElf_> sorry bout that
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<rsaffi> it's ok… it's just that I did double check before posting that ;)
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<sebasmagri> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
sixstringsg is now known as afkstringsg
<sebasmagri> Guys I'm looking for a newer ROM than the stock for the Galaxy Ace 2...
<sebasmagri> Do you guys know if I can use CM or any teamhacksung ROM on it? or if there exists any ROM for Ace 2?
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<Jiangyi> sebasmagri: Don't think so. I can't even find a XDA section for it. =[
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<Tsz> i am using the tab2 7.0 which has a problem
<Tsz> when i connect the tab with my computer, my computer cannot display the content of the internal sd
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<Entropy512> Tsz: check for .nomedia on internal SD
<Entropy512> might be the result of today's ROM Manager bug
afkstringsg is now known as sixstringsg
<Tsz> i am using the CM9
<Tsz> btw how to check for .nomedia on internal SD
<Entropy512> umm... ADB in, then
<Entropy512> ls -al /emmc
<Entropy512> if you want something simpler ask someone else. :P
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<Tsz> i dont understand what you said
<sixstringsg> Any root explorer should be able to show you hidden files.
<sixstringsg> Some normal file explorers can too.
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<Tsz> but in my tab, it can show the file on the other hand i want to connect the tab with my computer, my computer cannot show the file.
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<Tsz> i found the .nomedia file..
<Tsz> what the usage of this file
<sixstringsg> Where is it?
<Tsz> people said that check for .nomedia on internal SD
<Tsz> i use the exlorer to fnd this file on internal sd
<sixstringsg> In what folder?
<sixstringsg> Just in the rood of your internal sd?
<sixstringsg> *root
<Tsz> yes
<sixstringsg> Delete it.
<Tsz> what the usage of this file
<sixstringsg> When it is present, it tells the media scanner to not index that folder.
<sixstringsg> It is an empty file.
<Tsz> ok let me try
<Tsz> sad.. it also has the same porblem...
<Tsz> my conputer is cannot display all folder of the internal SD on tab.
<sixstringsg> Did you reboot?
<bbqbot> derp
<sixstringsg> Also, is your computer showing your tab at all?
<Tsz> sorry-- i forget to reboot the tab..
<Tsz> now it can show all folder .
<Tsz> thank!!
<Tsz> i also have a question.
<Tsz> how to format the internal SD?!
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<sixstringsg> Either via CWM or via the storage menu in settings.
<sixstringsg> To format the SD it's an option in mounts.
<sixstringsg> Not data wipe/factory reset, that formats /data and /cache
<Tsz> ....
<Tsz> I am Confusion..
<Tsz> btw the storage menu in setting which dont have the format functiion
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