peterperfect changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
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<DMoult> hm, debating whether to flash 0806 or skip it for next nightly
<DMoult> phone settings FC is kinda problematic :<
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<Gapone> goog morning
<nevyn> so I spent two days cursing nightlys for being broken wrt mobile data.
<nevyn> today I open settings to discover that mobile data is off
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<timmaeh> hi guys, got the latest cm9-nightly for my i9300 (Galaxy S3 Int.), but all the people I talk to complain about a static noise in the background, so they almost cannot understand me when I phone them. Is there any possibility to fix this?
<ernie`> @who_is_awesome
<bbqbot> ernie`: Command does not exist!
<timmaeh> bump
<DMoult> timmaeh, i'm no expert, but have you checked whether you've got noise suppression enabled?
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<pier> @ping
<bbqbot> Version: 0.1, source at:
<timmaeh> DMoult: oh you're right, I haven't... I will try this with noise suppression now, thanks! I thought the S3 would to this automatically because of the two mics? o.O
<Assid> ernie`: need help with managed switches
<ernie`> hmm.. Ive never worked with a managed one before
<Assid> what about them smart ones?
<ernie`> Sorry.. not those either.. only those "stupid" ones
<ernie`> But
<ernie`> I could try at least
<ernie`> The HP swtiches are excellent tho
<ernie`> even the managed ones, I've heard
<Assid> yeah thats what im told
<Assid> so i m looking at that
<ernie`> Thers a version with 8 and 22 ports as well, if you dont need 48 ports
<Assid> yeah thats a smart switch.. thats the one im considering for my future roll out and for just setting up standard switching policies
<Assid> however if you want routing and vlan interconnectivity.. you probably need a level3 switch
<ernie`> hmm
<ernie`> this should do
* nevyn liked enterasys switches way cheaper than procurve or ciscos.
<nevyn> and a reasonably nice feature set.
<DMoult> timmaeh, no idea, was just a guess. good luck ~
<Assid> yeah this is ridiculously expensive
<ernie`> ^^
<timmaeh> DMoult : Thanks a lot, that seems to have fixed the problem ... for now :P Strange, that I never saw this option before^^
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<DMoult> glad to help
<ernie`> Assid: Sorry I couldn't be of more help
<Assid> hmm
<ernie`> I have the small, unmanaged procurve
<ernie`> no complaints
<Assid> you sure its not websmart ?
<bbqbot> derp
<ernie`> doesnt look like it
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<dizko> anybody who knows sgs3 well around?
<ernie`> depends what your looking for
<dizko> ive been trying to port cm9 to the docomo version
<dizko> found some people here in japan who have actually done more than me, supposedly have a working rom
<dizko> when i flash it, i get screen corruption and it crashes at setup screen
<dizko> but it seems to work for them, although their github is a mess
<dizko> so i cant quite piece together how they got it working, or why its going badly for me
<dizko> wondered if anyone might have a clue to the video corruption (overclocking?)
<ernie`> hmm.. sorry.. I dont have any experience on that
<ernie`> you might want to wait and see if anybody else knows
<dizko> my japanese sucks and they dont speak english, kind of frustrating ;)
<ernie`> hehe.. yeah.. I can understand that
<dizko> probably why theyre not contributing to the main source tree also
<ernie`> hmm
<dizko> ive compiled from source, tried using different kernel...i can build one that boots but has issues with connectivity
<dizko> their config seems to reference the same kernel defconfig as d2att, which is impossible, so i think they have crap modified that isnt committed to git
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<dizko> someone had questions about managed switches?
<ernie`> might be
<ernie`> Assid did
<dizko> was he just wanting advice on a purchase decision or something actually technical?
<Assid> dizko: both.. since one effects the other
<dizko> any particular reason youre partial to HP?
<ernie`> affects (sorry)
<Assid> ernie`: yeah..
<Assid> dizko: been highly suggested
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<dizko> how big a network are you building?
<Assid> around 30-40 computers .. around 40 odd ip cameras (2 ip cameras network)
<dizko> dont envision it growing larger?
<bbqbot> derp
<dizko> are you doing anything like high performance computing or other data intensive apps?
<Assid> not that much really.. if anything mayube more sections
<Assid> dizko: pm ok? since we're OT here
<dizko> sure
<ernie`> I like that the abbreviaton OT could be botn on or off topic
<ernie`> both*
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<Balder_> I'm sorry if this question keeps popping up... I have tried to search the thread but haven't found anything. After flashing the newest build (0806) from an earlier build the search bar defaults to google search instead of google now. Should I reflash Google apps and will that require a factory reset?
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<ernie`> Balder_: you need to reflash gapps after each rom flash
<ernie`> and you dont need to wipe unless you're experiencing problems
<Balder_> Thanks ernie'
<Balder_> but I should still do a cache wipe I guess?
<Balder_> The search widget is correct if I put it on a screen but the search bar is not...strange
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<Gapone> ernie`:you need to flash gapps if you are starting from the scratch not everytime when you're updating cm10 to latest
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<addi> ernie`, CM backs up Gapps every time you update to new version without a wipe
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<gur-i> hie ..
<gur-i> can any one guide me for how to build for the device from the source .
<gur-i> i.e. compile from the git repo and how to make a zip package for cwm and flash the phone
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<ernie`> addi: ahh ok
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<Balder_> @addi, so what do I do if the update of CM10 removes the google now searchbar?
<bbqbot> Balder_: Command does not exist!
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<Balder_> I tried reflashing Gapps but that crashed the phone (I thought that would happen)
<addi> i have no idea Balder_
<Balder_> I have now restored to the 0801 build
<Balder_> ok...
<addi> Google Now is not something I really use :p
<Balder_> It's growing on me
<Balder_> but the default font when I get the magnifying glass instead of the google text is enough to put me off ;)
<kozy> \3
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<dsathe> hello , A small query
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<dsathe> The gallery app is not working atm , that's perfectly cool given the dev status, any workaround or alternate ?
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<Lieber7> Hello
<DuperMan> teh trbe it updated
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> addi: HERESY
<Lieber7> why not use titanium backup ?
<DuperMan> google now is AWESOME
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<Lieber7> someone know if google now working in hebrew ?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> Lieber7: it is
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<DuperMan> Lieber7: on titanium, if you have to ask you shouldn't use it
<Lieber7> ok
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<DuperMan> Lieber7: actually google now only works in hebrew for me, STUPID ACCENT
<Lieber7> and the rom with hebrew fonts bulid-in right?
<DuperMan> derp
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<DuperMan> I meant the speech recognition though, not the hebrew interface
<Lieber7> ok thank you :)
<Lieber7> i am downloading now
<Lieber7> there is more something that i need to know that will help me ?
<DuperMan> what device are you on? 1. you can upgrade from cm9, won't be able to downgrade
<Lieber7> galaxy s2
<Lieber7> and i have miui rom...
<DuperMan> 2. if you don't try restoring system settings and use titanium backup's restore judiciously you should be safe.
<DuperMan> so... dunno about miui :P good luck ^^
<Lieber7> and what about the kernel ?
<Lieber7> its will change the kernel automatic ?
<DuperMan> derp
<DuperMan> yes
<Lieber7> ok thank you so much :)
<DuperMan> :)
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<ernie`> @dood cdesai
<bbqbot> cdesai: what up dood
<cdesai> gonna rain :D
<ernie`> you are?
<dsathe> any galarrey app ?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Adam27> Hello I have a SGS2 and wanting to try JB, the instructions say to "flash a official ICS rom" for the bootloaders, where may I get the official ICS ROM from?
<cdesai> look on xda
<cdesai> you'll find plenty of threads with instructions
<addi> and you'll find official firmware on as well, though best to go to XDA for instructions as well
<Adam27> Yeah that is where I got the information from, just looking for the ROM, I already have ICS on, but it is a un offical one.
<Adam27> Ill check out thanks.
<cdesai> addi: sammobile now
<addi> oh, right.. ^^
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<addi> though still works :p
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<DuperMan> still works? when did it start?
<DuperMan> ^^
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<DuperMan> hooray for teh silly. persist.system.vold.switchexternal toggling instead of checking for the appropriate assett :D
<addi> DuperMan, tbh, for getting all the stock firmware at one place, samfirmware is very good. just their choice of Hotfile sucks -.-
<addi> though that doesn't bother me, as I have an account at that imports files from Hotfile/other hosts as premium user for you ^^
<DuperMan> addi: I wasn't serious. they provide a needed service in an ugly way
<addi> yeah, true
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<DuperMan> I got my first spam on my blog btw. yay
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<addi> what blog? o_0
<DuperMan> nothing real, just a domain I fetched on the down cheap and messed with a bit to see how awesome is having a domain><
<addi> you haz awesome blog and you no tells me about it >.>
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<DuperMan> it not real blog and not intended for personal use, I'm no anne frank
<DuperMan> :P
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<DMoult> <DuperMan> it not real blog and not intended for personal use, I'm no anne frank
<DMoult> that's probably a good thing
<DuperMan> yeah, I couldn't be on the internet if I was a girl
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<Lieber7> why google now not working? its only google voice search...
<bbqbot> derp
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<Lieber7> i dont have google maps and not google now, someone know how to fix it?
<chadouming> download from market
<DuperMan> market? we only got play store, wp7 fanboi
<chadouming> nah, old androdi fanboy
<chadouming> android*
<DuperMan> I know rite
<Lieber7> there is no google now on the play store
<DuperMan> google now IS google voice search/google serach
<DuperMan> search
<DuperMan> and some carriers/countries need to have a faked carrier id, I heard
<DuperMan> ehrm cough cough
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<Tim__> Anyone else have google now crashing when you open the app?
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<Lieber7> so how to other people the google now is working and to me is only google search?
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<chadouming> Lieber7, open settings and turn on google now ?
<chadouming> oh, and you are on jelly bean ?
<Lieber7> i dont have option to do it..
<Lieber7> and yes. i am on jelly bean
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<chadouming> 1167$
<DuperMan> that just makes me want proper sd io rates
<DuperMan> :D
<Mardos> thats canadian pricing lol
<DuperMan> 100USD?!?!??
<Mardos> yaa cheep eh
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<Lieber7> how can i turn on google now ?
<chadouming> @money 1167 CAD USD
<bbqbot> 1167 CAD = 1168.58 USD
<chadouming> haha
<DuperMan> still 100x argentinean dollars @peterperfect
<chadouming> our money worth more than us right now
<DuperMan> haha socialists! 'our money'? us money is 'the money' :P
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<chadouming> @geo user Lieber7
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Lieber7
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for 54e5b96f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<chadouming> @geo host<
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for<
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for<
<chadouming> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[1424340992,1424343039],"country":"IL","region":"04","city":"Haifa","ll":[32.8156,34.9892]}
<Lieber7> israel :)
<Lieber7> so i cant use google now in israel?
<bbqbot> derp
<Lieber7> i like my country, i dont want to leave and to mvoe to usa :)
<Mardos> our money sucks lol !
<chadouming> i dont know, or try another rom
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<DuperMan> bbl
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<xaler> hi guys
<Mardos> ola
<xaler> i've a question: in the CM10 for P5110 the ad-hoc wifi are enabled ?
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<xaler> nobody know ?
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<xaler> there is someone there ?
<chadouming> yup
<xaler> can you answer ? i'm going out of head
<chadouming> i dont know the answer for your question, that's the reason why i didnt answer earlier
<cdesai> why not try it yourself?
<xaler> let's see if you can solve my problem... i've a P5110 ics 4.0.4 with CM9 and i can't find a wpa_supplicant 0.8.x patched for my tablet... so i can't enable ad-hoc wifi... i want to share my n900 wap/gprs connection but i can't find how
* chadouming is away: Guess what ?
* chadouming is back (gone 00:00:06)
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<xaler> no
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<Lieber7> someone know how to turn on google now not in the support countries ?
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<Motogeekchris> Lieber7: Language and keyboard have to be set to U.S i think
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<arpit0906> hello
<chadouming> hi
<addi> namaste
<arpit0906> i'm using CM9 3rd august build and have a small issue with the camera.
<chadouming> shit happen
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<arpit0906> the camera when started stays full screen so i cant get out of it, any ideas what i could do?? P3100
<arpit0906> yeah well, it does.. :P
<chadouming> camera should never be in fullscreen, the button are blackened tho
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<arpit0906> restarting device, gimme a sec to check it again.
<arpit0906> chad, i tried, but i don't know why but again it is full screen. :( is it because its the nightly build??
<Mardos> camera jb+ has the ability to save to SDCard!
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<arpit0906> guys, any help? please
<thomasGER> Hi, very basic question, google didn't help though.. question is: Why should I flash a new modem? I Installed this release and it says I can download a LQ6 modem, why should I do that? Everything seems to work fine
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<Jiangyi> thomasGER: If calls/data are working fine, then leave it.
<thomasGER> Alright, thanks!
<arpit0906> thank you guys, i guess i'll go back to RC2, 3rd august nightly seems to be having this problem
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<suikhei> hello. what is the difference between s5570 & s5570i in relation to which version of cm7.2 to install? I only find 1 version, is it compatible for both devices?
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<Jiangyi> suikhei: GSMArena says that the 5570i has a faster CPU, so I don't know about conpatibility since it's not the exact same phone. :/
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<suikhei> exactly...
<GuineaPiet> When will CM10 no longer count as EXPERIMENTAL?
<chadouming> @kick GuineaPiet NO ETA
GuineaPiet was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [NO ETA]
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<suikhei> i assume the 'i' version came much later than the normal version, and so cm does not even know about it yet...
<GuineaPiet> wasnt asking for ETA. -_-... I was asking what makes it an EXPERIMENTAL. My wording was a bit wrong in retrospect
<chadouming> GuineaPiet> When will CM10 no longer count as EXPERIMENTAL?
<chadouming> that's an ETA
<GuineaPiet> When will a build be considered stable? When most of the bugs are out. That is what I meant. Wasnt looking for a time, was asking for a condition
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<chadouming> hmm, when it's ported to a lot of device, most of the bug has been sorted out, all feature has been added and finnaly, when it's ready
<DMoult> when will it be ready?
<DMoult> (joking, don't kick me!)
<Jiangyi> suikhei: Probably. From a quick look at the spec sheet, it's an OCed version of the original, but who knows what else changed on the inside.
<Jiangyi> DMoult: You probably shouldn't have said that. :-P
<DMoult> :P
<GuineaPiet> I hate how most music players cant paly WMA files -_-... so much conversion to do
<suikhei> Jiangyi: ok, thank you for your assistance. so I should not try putting the tess version on it i guess...
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<suikhei> it does not even have its own section on xda (I think), just the normal mini version there...
<Jiangyi> suikhei: Yeah no prob, sorry that Sammy pulled another one of these things again. :-P
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<suikhei> hmm, looks like there are not even any other custom ROMs... seems like I am stuck with stock...
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<chadouming> @bomb DMoult
<bbqbot> DMoult, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<DMoult> red
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
DMoult was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
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<DMoult> that was amazing
<Flumdahl> @bomb chadouming
<bbqbot> Flumdahl: You are not allowed to run that command!
Yoshimo has quit [Quit: Yoshimo]
<chadouming> hmm
<chadouming> baaaaaad Flumdahl
<Flumdahl> bad bot!
<chadouming> i should show you the full POWAH of bbqbot
<cdesai> @bomb Flumdahl
<bbqbot> Flumdahl, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<cdesai> good bot
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
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<Flumdahl> pink pussy
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Flumdahl was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was orange]
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<chadouming> @nuclearbomb Flumdahl
<bbqbot> Flumdahl, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<cdesai> lol
<bbqbot> 3
<Flumdahl> everyone knows that bbqbot have wrong
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
<Flumdahl> !!
Flumdahl was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was orange]
<chadouming> never mess with nuclear bomb
<vels> sd card mounting to pc problem in sgs2 cm10
<slainer68> yay
<DMoult> vels, really? tell us more ~
<chadouming> @timer set 60 unban Flumdahl
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<vels> im running the latest version of cm10 in my sgs2 GTI9100
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<vels> when i trying to connect mass storage to pc it does not connect
<addi> <Flumdahl> everyone knows that bbqbot have wrong < ban him permanently! no one says that to bbqbot >.<
<cdesai> addi: already done :p
<addi> * bbqbot removes ban on Flumdahl!*@*
<vels> help me
<addi> he's unbanned now :p
<vels> help me
<vels> help me
<addi> @kick vels stop repeating
vels was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [stop repeating]
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<xi0n> Hi! Trying to compile cm10 for i9100 on arch linux 64 bit (my daily use computer), i get this error after 160 minutes compiling: ERROR: could not open directory /home/jonander/android/system/out/target/product/i9100/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/../../system/usr/lib/modules/ No such file or directory
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<xi0n> its like my system added a 99.98 to some directory and makes the compilation fail for a file not found error...
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<tuhis> @changelog i9100
tuhis is now known as tuhoojabotti
<tuhoojabotti> How stable is current CM10 preview for i9100?
<chadouming> tuhoojabotti, as stable as a one leg bear on a unicycle
<tuhoojabotti> chadouming: So, it's already better than stock ICS? :)
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> tuhoojabotti: Yeah pretty much lol
<tuhoojabotti> I'm just waiting for CM10 mature before switching to it.
<tuhoojabotti> I've been using stock so far
<tuhoojabotti> I don't see point in installing CM9 RC now
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<tuhoojabotti> So my question is that is the CM10 good for daily use yet or shall I wait?
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<Thracky> Works fine for me but it really depends on the person and if any of the features that aren't working 100% are necessary for you
<tuhoojabotti> Just found know issues
<tuhoojabotti> G stands for global, right?
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<Thracky> the G is a different phone
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<tuhoojabotti> oh, ok
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<DMoult> tuhoojabotti, i guess if you quickly highlight what features you use the most, we can tell you whether you will run into any big problems
<tuhoojabotti> well I use camera, music streaming, ssh
<tuhoojabotti> fb, plume, etc.
<tuhoojabotti> chrome
<tuhoojabotti> And the new google voice search would be nice, of course. :)
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* chadouming is away: lunch lD
* chadouming is away: lunch :
* chadouming is away: lunch :D
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<mfadlimusa> hi there
<mfadlimusa> i have aproblem after flash cynaogen9
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<Fissurez> Samsung did say they wanted to compete with apple./
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<vamps_> hi
<chadouming> hi
<vamps_> i have one question...
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<vamps_> do u know if cm10 on s2 is working the wifi direct?
<vamps_> im unable to use it,dunno if its a known bug or im doin something wrong
<chadouming> nope, but my guess are on
<chadouming> no*
<vamps_> ok, thx
<vamps_> btw im using cm10 as a daily rom, great work codeworkx & other involved ppl !!
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<htchd2sucks> Hello !
<tuhoojabotti> htchd2sucks: Hai
<chadouming> hi
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<htchd2sucks> I have a basic question :D
<Jiangyi> hi
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<chadouming> ask it
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<htchd2sucks_> how's your CM10 experience doing? the progress have been very fast compared to CM9
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<htchd2sucks_> got to go play with Samsung S2 and CM10, by!
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* Jug6ernaut fails at replying
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<Sandman__> @downloads samsung
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<Sandman__> @downloads android
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
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<chadouming> wow
<chadouming> worst moron i ever saw
<chadouming> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[1121391360,1121391615],"country":"US","region":"CA","city":"Glendale","ll":[34.1879,-118.2594]}
<chadouming> explain everything xD
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<chardsingkit> Hi, can I ask flashing questions herE?
<tuhoojabotti> chadouming: Have you ever been to Reddit? :)
<tuhoojabotti> :D
<tuhoojabotti> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<tuhoojabotti> @google cyanogenmod
<bbqbot> CyanogenMod | Android Community Rom based on Ice Cream ... -
<tuhoojabotti> chadouming: What bot is bbqbot?
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<chadouming> chardsingkit, if it's stupid question, beware of bomb
<chadouming> tuhoojabotti, bbqbot is an intelligent, self controlled bot made by datagutt
<chardsingkit> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<tuhoojabotti> chadouming: Open source? :)
<chadouming> @ping
<bbqbot> Version: 0.1, source at:
kozy has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
<chardsingkit> I go to Reddit but I'd rather ask the pros here. I think.. Just wan't to ask if it's ok to flash cm9 nightly from any CFRoot versions? I have CWM Manager 3.6, CF-CWM-v1.5
<bbqbot> derp
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
<tuhoojabotti> chadouming: I'm making my own Node.js bot too. :)
raXuz|Away is now known as raXuz
<chadouming> dont use CWM manager, flash straight from recovery
<fluorine7> hey! i had a really strange bug using the CM9 20120805 nightly for the SGS2: I did a factory reset, cleared chache und dalvik, installed the latest nightly, installed gapps and cleared chache und dalvik again. Afterwards the phone worked fine for ~1 day.
<fluorine7> today, I couldn't start a single app
<fluorine7> had lots of fc
<fluorine7> kernel panics....
<chardsingkit> Ok, thanks @chaduoming
<chadouming> you flashed another kernel ?
<fluorine7> stock
<fluorine7> i could pull a log
<fluorine7> but afterwards alogcat wouldnt start anymore
<fluorine7> right now
<fluorine7> everything works again as it should
<fluorine7> wtf?
<chardsingkit> BTW, why are we not supposed to restore apps from Titanium backup?
<chadouming> for both of you, shit happen :P
<chardsingkit> I see. Lol okay i wont. thanks
<fluorine7> i did not restore apps from titanium backup
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<michel> how can i restore my contacts on cm10 for i9100?
<chadouming> yeah, didnt said both were related :P
<fluorine7> ok, only half the apps work right now
<fluorine7> I'll try reflashing
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<fluorine7> I flashed the latest nightly and gapps and fixed permissions.
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<fluorine7> Kernel Panic Upload Mode [RST_STAT = 0x20000000 ]
chadouming has quit [Quit: I'M GOING DOWNNNNNNNN]
<fluorine7> any tips on what I can do to fix this?
Zi1x has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Zi1x> Hi everyone !
<Argon_> hi
<Zi1x> Is there a dev of the i9300 CM10 ROM ?
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<MacFly76> hello all
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<Zi1x> Hello
<MacFly76> I have a question about cm9 kernel
<MacFly76> is it a kernel abble to enable BLN?
<bbqbot> derp
<fluorine7> no it isnt
<MacFly76> bad news
<MacFly76> do you know why?
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<varan> hey there, if someone has got a little spare time, can you please review these patches?
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<fluorine7> hey! what can I do, when this error pops up in a log?
<fluorine7> E/SQLiteDatabase( 4157): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDiskIOException: disk I/O error
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<fluorine7> after restoring 20120704 - everything now works fine again
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<superdoublem> hi guys, just had a couple of question about the stability of cm 10 and what are the main improvement compared to cm 9
<Argon_> butter
<Argon_> and kinda stable
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<PandaUK> what does it mean if your wallpaper changes randomly back to default?
<Argon_> old one deleted?
<PandaUK> didnt delete anything, liturally made a phone call, then hung up, then unlocked my phone and the wall paper went to default
<Argon_> live wallpaper?
<desg> yeah my live wallpaper did that all the time
<superdoublem> so to install cm 10 or not that is the question what do you guys thinl
<chadouming> i have CM10 for a long time now and no problem
<superdoublem> alright? which phone if I may ask?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> gnex
<Argon_> sgs here.
<superdoublem> and you guys are happy with the improvements and it all?
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<Argon_> i am
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<superdoublem> alright thinking i will probably upgrade after dinner then
* dizko sends email in butchered japanese to try to communicate with an android mod developer
<Argon_> what phone do you use?
<superdoublem> sgs 2
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<PandaUK> Argon_: yeah live wallpaper
<Argon_> ur phone might killed it to get more ram for call
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