bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <codeworkx> samsung phones are accidents | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
<Guest84555> Is it possible that the CM9/CM10 camera is worse than stock?
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<Thracky> codeworkx: I noticed that the last time I tried to do an install... I was like wtf I don't remember it being this hard.
<codeworkx> it's not hard
<Thracky> ok, not hard, just more work
<codeworkx> cfdisk, and some commands and you'Re done
<Thracky> follow the noob wiki and you're good to go
<codeworkx> partition, format, install base using pacstrap, install grub, generate fstab, chroot, config your system, make ramdisk, configure grub, set password, unmount all, reboot
<codeworkx> done
<codeworkx> takes 1-2 years for a beginner
<codeworkx> :-D
<Thracky> lol yeah
<codeworkx> arch = noobfilter
<Thracky> if you're a linux noob you need ubuntu
<codeworkx> and if you wanna work with your system and not on your system
<codeworkx> got sick of fiddling around with arch
<Thracky> that's what was recommended for our "intro to unix" class last semester... ubuntu windows installer lol
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<codeworkx> i've spent more time in configuring arch than doing usefull stuff
<Thracky> true, that's why I scrapped it this last time and just went to mint
<Thracky> even mint I had to fiddle a bit but it was minimal
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<codeworkx> pull battery, wait few seconds, put back in, phone boots -.-
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<PandaUK> guise, if i restore a backup to cm9 from cm10, and then update cm9 to the latest cm9, will there be any problems?
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<chadouming> nebkat, xplodwild, you there ?
<xplodwild> yup
<xplodwild> not for too long
<chadouming> invite me in bs please
<chadouming> formated my pc
<xplodwild> @invite chadouming #blamesamsung
<xplodwild> done
<xplodwild> bbqbot <3
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> didnt knew it exist
<chadouming> <3 bbqbot
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<koud> whadup
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<chadouming> better LD
<chadouming> :D
<koud> :D
<whitequark> what's #blamesamsung is about?
<chadouming> same rule as fightclub
<whitequark> oh.
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<PandaUK> im guessing cm9 doesnt work with HDMI on the s3?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> no.
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<virtualghost> hello
<virtualghost> if I have android revolution hd 3.0.0
<virtualghost> can I flash cm10 directly?
<virtualghost> or should i get cm9
<virtualghost> i am not sur eif android revolution hd is aosp based
<chadouming> revolution 3.0 is android JB ?
<virtualghost> yes
<virtualghost> 4.1.1
<chadouming> you should be ok
<chadouming> make a backup firsdt
<virtualghost> from the recovery menu right?
<chadouming> if it doesnt work , you will need to wipe data if you want to switch
<chadouming> right
<virtualghost> ok then
<virtualghost> android revolution hd was my first flashed
<virtualghost> and i want to try cm10 preview since i heard lots of good things
<virtualghost> how do i use gapps?
<chadouming> you flash them from CWM menu
<virtualghost> so this is how
<chadouming> you have to download them in order to have playstore and google account in CM
<virtualghost> aa
<virtualghost> so
<virtualghost> i have to put gapps on internal sdcard together with cm10 right?
<chadouming> yes
<virtualghost> sorry if these are noob questions but last time i ran superwipe and had no os to boot hehe
<chadouming> lol, if you wipe only data, you wont have problem
<virtualghost> well that was because of what wrote on the android revolution hd tutorial
<virtualghost> what does this Install the update zip from recovery mean?
<chadouming> you put the update zip file on your SDCard and flash it with recovery
<virtualghost> where is it?
<bbqbot> derp
<virtualghost> I mean if it is the one in the phone or it is a different one that has to be downloaded and put on the sdcard..
<chadouming> usually the same
<virtualghost> hmm ok so the files are on the sdcard now..
<virtualghost> gapps and cm10
<virtualghost> I go in the recovery mode..
<virtualghost> install /sdcard/ ?
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<chadouming> install then gapps
<virtualghost> finding update package..installing update..
<virtualghost> install from sdcard complete..?
<virtualghost> now what
<virtualghost> gapps?
<virtualghost> or
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<Jiangyi> The GApps zip.
<chadouming> yup
<chadouming> thx Jiangyi
<virtualghost> thank you both :D
<Jiangyi> chadouming: No prob, I just got back. :-P
<virtualghost> ok so
<virtualghost> gapps and cm10 installed
<virtualghost> now reboot?
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<virtualghost> or
<chadouming> good cause i'm going to bed ^^
<Jiangyi> haha
<Jiangyi> This is my typical shift anyways xD
<virtualghost> are you both chinese?
<Jiangyi> We're both Canadian. :-P
<virtualghost> aa..
<virtualghost> ok well
<jj2baile> Yay canada!
<virtualghost> me italy
<Jiangyi> I'm mostly Chinese though.
<virtualghost> so
<virtualghost> i am in the recovery mode
<virtualghost> installed cm10
<virtualghost> and gapps
<evil-doer> im mostly canadian
<virtualghost> now reboot right?
<Jiangyi> Multi-culturalism ftw^^
<Jiangyi> Yeah.
<Jiangyi> First boot's going to take a while.
<jj2baile> Oh, is anyone familiar with Galaxy S CM10?
<bbqbot> derp
<virtualghost> hehe i see the cyanogen thing :D
<virtualghost> on boot
<virtualghost> great one
<virtualghost> does this boot get much battery ? lol
<jj2baile> Something seems strange about the partioning? data is only 500 mb? and System was abnormally big, but i didnt get a chance to check before I accidentally nuked my phone
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<virtualghost> damn
<virtualghost> i dont have the wifi pass..
<virtualghost> can i change these settings later?
<Jiangyi> Yes.
<virtualghost> ok
<Jiangyi> It won't be like a setup wizard again, but these settings are all accessible in the Settings later.
<virtualghost> aa
<virtualghost> does cm10 have google now?
<virtualghost> ah yes :D
<virtualghost> this looks great
<virtualghost> thanks a lot for your help :D
<virtualghost> i guess i will have to use zoom fx
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<Jiangyi> zoom fx?
<Jiangyi> why? o-o
<virtualghost> well this doesnt look much like the stock one..
<virtualghost> does this one have HDR?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Oh.
<Jiangyi> In that case, you're gonna need a third party one.
<virtualghost> does zoom fx work?
<virtualghost> see you later thanks for helping me good luck
<Jiangyi> I believe it does yes.
<Jiangyi> Yeah no prob, good luck!
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<virtualghost_> i am back here again lol
<virtualghost_> how do i check for updates?
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<virtualghost_> ..
<Jiangyi> ROM Manager?
<virtualghost_> ah right :D
<virtualghost_> i am very new to this rom
<virtualghost_> and i dont know
<virtualghost_> to find out
<virtualghost_> which is the saved password
<virtualghost_> on my laptop
<virtualghost_> for this wifi
<Jiangyi> There are software for your laptop that can do that.
<Jiangyi> Google it, I don't remember the name off the top of my head.
<virtualghost_> they don't really work
<virtualghost_> ok i will try tomorrow anyway thanks a lot for your help i wish you a great time :D
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<JRobson23> Hi guys, me again from earlier :) I have another question.
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<addi> I know you! you were that noob asking for ETAs! :p
<JRobson23> I was :P
<JRobson23> :3
<JRobson23> and now I've forgotten my question... wait for it xD
<JRobson23> oh, is there a way to remove root? I have a mobile banking application that won't let me use it because I'm rooted.
<Jiangyi> JRobson23: there's a temp unroot option in superuser.
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<JRobson23> yeah, I tried that, it didn't work, it still noticed root was there
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<JRobson23> ahh well guys, doesn't matter :) night everyone!
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<Jiangyi|Sleep> damn, then i'm not sure.
<Jiangyi|Sleep> OK sleepytime then. lol
<PandaUK> anyone here?
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<addi> PandaUK, hi, i'm the director of that Avengers movie you hated :p
<PandaUK> dear god
<PandaUK> give me my 2 hours back you jerk
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<addi> sorry, I spent that for Dark Knight Rises
<PandaUK> addi : D:
<addi> you know, I loved The Avengers. it was great fun. Then TDKR came, and I realized I'll watch TDK or TDKR if given choice between them and Avengers.. :X
<PandaUK> the avengers felt
<PandaUK> broken up
<PandaUK> i want to watch tkr
<PandaUK> tdkr*
<PandaUK> addi : you wouldnt hapent to know where i can download the stock rom for the S3 would you?
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<addi> PandaUK,
<addi> Firmware and files section
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<MacDrunk> sup all
<MacDrunk> need some help
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<MacDrunk> hello
<MacDrunk> need some help installing cm9 stable anyone can help
<sae-taff> MacDrunk: hello
<MacDrunk> sup
<MacDrunk> i just dl cm9 stable from cyangenmod,, page
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<MacDrunk> but i want to know if theres some issues whit it
<MacDrunk> i like to install so i can try it
<sae-taff> cm9 is stable so there is no risk apparently
<sae-taff> got clockworkmod on your phone ?
<bbqbot> derp
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<MacDrunk> hmm yes
<sae-taff> should work :)
<MacDrunk> im reading xda forum
<MacDrunk> hmm im on LPE
<MacDrunk> so i can follow normal instructions right
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<MacDrunk> no need to do noob install
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<MacDrunk> it says i need to be on a LOWER bootloader than LPH
<MacDrunk> and LPE Is lower than LPH or not??
<addi> MacDrunk, best way to check is on Samfirmware, see what firmware came out on what date for your device
<MacDrunk> ok
<MacDrunk> ill doit
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<sae-taff> addi: lol
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<MacDrunk> hmm can i flash cm9 stable whit mobile odin??
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<addi> MacDrunk, nope, Odin is for flashing stock ROMs, needs the necessary files like data, cache, kernel, system
<addi> custom ROMs don't have all that
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<MacDrunk> ok so i just flash whit normal odin
<MacDrunk> phone on flash mode,,, conect to pc,, then select zip file an put it on pda right
<MacDrunk> then click
<MacDrunk> or do a wipe
<addi> um, no, you can't flash custom ROMs aka zip files with ODIN
<addi> ODIN is only for stock ROMs in .tar/.md5 files
<addi> you need ClockworkMod recovery to flash custom ROMs
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<MacDrunk> so i upload the cm9 stable zip file to sd card and gapps too
<MacDrunk> thats it
<nijhum> hello sir
<addi> yeah, that's it
<addi> hello nijhum
<MacDrunk> hhm and which version of the gapps should i use
<MacDrunk> do i need rom manager??
<nijhum> i want to flash my GSN by CM9
<MacDrunk> addi
<nijhum> hi addi
<MacDrunk> do you have cm 9 stable on your phone
<nijhum> there are some known brick issue
<addi> MacDrunk, I have GNex, so using Jelly Bean :p
<addi> MacDrunk, um, have you never flashed a ROM before? :X
<MacDrunk> na
<MacDrunk> i flash alot
<MacDrunk> but i dont like to have mistakes
<MacDrunk> just fuck up my xperia
<Veyka> MacDrunk: You know thats illegal? ;)
<nijhum> right now i am running stock ICS
<addi> well then, you should no ROM Manager is a piece of shit and shouldn't be used on Samsung phones ^^
<addi> know*
<MacDrunk> veyka do you???
<Veyka> Do I what?
<bbqbot> derp
<Veyka> bbqbot: Yes, I derp, do you derp, derp! derpa derp
<MacDrunk> <Veyka> MacDrunk: You know thats illegal? ;) <<<<<<<<<<<
<Veyka> MacDrunk: I was making a joke about "flashing"
<Veyka> :p
<MacDrunk> i know
<MacDrunk> lol
<addi> MacDrunk, Xperia phones are totally different. on Samsung devices, you flash CWM, put ROM and gapps on SD card, boot to recovery and flash them both
<MacDrunk> well i know
<cdesai> once you got recovery it's the same for all phones
<nijhum> XXLRK version
<Veyka> What phone?
<MacDrunk> i help one friend of mine
<addi> cdesai, not on Sony devices or HTC devices, first need to flash boot.img then flash ROM
<MacDrunk> azuzu
<Veyka> i9100?
<MacDrunk> to do some testing
<MacDrunk> on xperia x10a
<cdesai> that's on locked devices
<MacDrunk> the phone works fine, ,, but i fuck up my usb port
<addi> yes, well, nowadays and on all 2011 Xperia phones that's the procedure :p
<Veyka> What phone are you trying to flash atm? O-o
<MacDrunk> only charging is working
<addi> even unlocked Sony devices have same procedure
<nijhum> any help
<MacDrunk> i want to try cm9 on my SGS II i9100
<addi> cdesai, Sony went stupid Samsung way of merging recovery with kernel :D
<MacDrunk> but i hate having to restore apps and back ups
<Veyka> nijhum: GNS? what device?
<MacDrunk> so i use my root back up to back up sms,, call logs and shit
<MacDrunk> i know that google syncs contacts
<MacDrunk> but shit
<MacDrunk> i have to loose sms and mms logs
<MacDrunk> i hate sorry
<nijhum> galaxy note
<Veyka> MacDrunk: Flash the resurrection edition then the newest nightly or stable via CWM
<MacDrunk> same procedure
<nijhum> n7000
<MacDrunk> cause on resurrection edition it says i need to use odin
<Veyka> Are you running stock ICS atm?
<Veyka> nijhum: CM kernels are safe, afaik the safest way is to go back to a GB safe kernel then flash the zip via CWM
<nijhum> ok
<nijhum> thanks
<Veyka> ill double check though
<Veyka> 1s
<MacDrunk> veyka
<MacDrunk> why do i need to use the noob procedure
<Veyka> MacDrunk: ?
<bbqbot> derp
<MacDrunk> i just dl cm9 stable
<MacDrunk> and im dling gapps 2012317
<Veyka> Sure, just there can be issues if you are on GB bootloaders
<MacDrunk> best way to backup sms,, mms, call logs,,??? im using my backup root
<MacDrunk> i dont back up contacts
<Veyka> Titanium backup
<MacDrunk> google dosit for me
<MacDrunk> titanium
<MacDrunk> you sure
<Veyka> sms+mms and call logs to XML
<Veyka> Upload to gdrive
<Veyka> Done
<Veyka> Thats what I do anyway
<Veyka> ;)
<Veyka> Need pro though
<MacDrunk> on titanium back up
<MacDrunk> hell yea i hav it
<Veyka> Theres SMS backup+ that saves SMS to your gmail account if you dont want to buy tbackup pro
<MacDrunk> i have it
<MacDrunk> dam i forgot how to active cloud back up
<MacDrunk> on titatium
<MacDrunk> shit
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<Veyka> O-o
<Veyka> When the backups finish it will ask you where to save it
<MacDrunk> done
<Veyka> Just same it to wherever you want
<MacDrunk> hehe
<MacDrunk> dam how to i find sms,, mms,, callogs
<MacDrunk> shit
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<Veyka> What?
<Veyka> Just hit the overflow button, then backup data to XLM
<MacDrunk> how do i do a back up of those items,, sms,mms,callogs
<MacDrunk> ok
<MacDrunk> backup data to xml
<Veyka> Yes
<MacDrunk> done
<MacDrunk> shit backup bookmarss
<MacDrunk> veyka
<Veyka> yo
<MacDrunk> just did the backup 4 xlm files
<MacDrunk> bookmarks, sms mms, wifi, call log
<Veyka> Save them somewhere safe
<MacDrunk> uploaded to box
<MacDrunk> ja 50g accout
<MacDrunk> for free
<MacDrunk> ok
<MacDrunk> so then i dl resurection and install whit odin then use stable cm9 and dl gapps to sd card
<MacDrunk> and use cwm recovery right
<Veyka> 1) flash resurection edition using desktop odin
<Veyka> 2) flash newest nightly via CWM
<Veyka> 3) flash gapps
<Veyka> 4) wipe data/cache
<Veyka> 5) boot
<MacDrunk> dud
<MacDrunk> dude
<MacDrunk> there is a stable cm9 version
<MacDrunk> no more nigtlys
<MacDrunk> ok ill do the following
<Veyka> nightly/stable/w.e
<Veyka> Flash newest version of Cm9 that you want to
<Veyka> :p
<MacDrunk> 1) flash resurection destop odin
<MacDrunk> 2) flash new cm9 verions via cwm
<MacDrunk> 3) flahs gapps via cwm
<MacDrunk> 4) wipe data/cache
<MacDrunk> 5)reboot
<Veyka> Correct
<Veyka> Oh
<Veyka> First thing, nandroid ;)
<MacDrunk> ok just finish backing upp loogs,sms mms, bookmars
<MacDrunk> going to cwm
<MacDrunk> one q
<MacDrunk> do i need to reset flahs counter
<Veyka> No
<MacDrunk> what about yellow triangle
<Veyka> The bootloaders packaged in the resurection edition work with triangle away
<MacDrunk> ok
<MacDrunk> just dl and install triangle away
<MacDrunk> and done
<MacDrunk> nandroid back up in progress
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<MacDrunk> hmm
<MacDrunk> after i flash resurecction do i need the triangle away stuf or just before the cm9 flashing
<Veyka> Doest matter
<Veyka> You dont need to use it at all
<Veyka> Unless sending it in for repairs
<Chieftexi> if you were on ICS, and wanted to flash JB, is it possible just to flash a GB (not JB) kernel, reboot straight into recovery then flash from there (to avoid emmc bug)?
<Veyka> yes
<Veyka> CM9 kernels are safe though
<Chieftexi> yes but im trying to work on a rule of thumb that assumes the kernel is unsafe (stock for example)
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<Chieftexi> also, I understand that CWM is included in the kernel in some phones, and not in others. if its not included in the kernel, and you flash another kernel, do you then lose CWM?
<nebkat> vai vaifai so slou :(
<Veyka> Does the gnexus fall under hacksung or another team?
<addi> nebkat, vai uor router so suck?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> addi: iitt nott mahh ruuterr
<nebkat> its the damn servers around the world
<addi> den vai blame router u?
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<addi> :p
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<KeN____> Hi there, is there a logfile to list the bugs CM10 currently have ?
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<MacDrunk> brbrb
<MacDrunk> veyka
<Veyka> yes?
<MacDrunk> shit nandroid back up taking agess
<Veyka> Yes
<MacDrunk> shit to the last fart
<MacDrunk> hjehe is a 1387 back up
<MacDrunk> 1387mbs sorry
<Veyka> Its even worse on phones like the sgs3, cwm backups can break 2gig
<Veyka> Cos the stock roms are almost 800meg..
<MacDrunk> damit
<MacDrunk> ill get mine end of year thats the sgs III or perhaps the GNOTE @
<MacDrunk> 2
<MacDrunk> dunno which one
<Veyka> Broke both CWm and TWRP as there versions of tar had a 2gig limit :p
<cdesai> dedupe <3
<cdesai> use cwm 6.x
<Veyka> Huge pita getting it off the phone
<MacDrunk> damit
<MacDrunk> got a back up error
<MacDrunk> on boot img
<Veyka> Um... thats weird
<Veyka> What version of CWM?
<MacDrunk> hmm from cf-root
<Veyka> Must be old cf-root
<MacDrunk> what if i flash a new cWM
<MacDrunk> would that afect??
<MacDrunk> shit i know what happend
<MacDrunk> no more free space on sd
<MacDrunk> damit
<MacDrunk> would wipe sd card
<MacDrunk> wout no sd card mount
<MacDrunk> shit
<Veyka> reboot into android
<Veyka> clean space
<Veyka> Delete failed backup
<Veyka> Try again
<MacDrunk> doing that
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pier is now known as pier|afk
<MacDrunk> veyka have you hear about androidcommander app
<MacDrunk> is a pc app works as a xplorer
<Veyka> File manager?
<Veyka> Aah
<MacDrunk> yes
<Veyka> I just use solid explorer on the device
<Veyka> or adb
<Veyka> or just chuck stuff via mtp
<MacDrunk> naa i like androidcommander jejej for noobs and lazys like me
<Veyka> :P
<MacDrunk> im pulling my backup files from my sd card
<MacDrunk> shit my lappy is old
<MacDrunk> a dell inspiron 9400 whit a hd ok 80gbs almost full and 2 gbs of ram dual core processor
<Veyka> old skewl
<MacDrunk> shit SGS III have more power than my lap
<MacDrunk> yup
<MacDrunk> like to build a new pc desktop gaming rig
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<MacDrunk> need about 1300
<MacDrunk> i just got half
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<Chieftexi> can you see which kernel you are on from cwm?
<bbqbot> derp
<Veyka> no
<cdesai> yes
<cdesai> cat /proc/version
<Veyka> That will be the CWM kernel version ;)
<cdesai> though that wouldn't really help for all kernels
<cdesai> Veyka: yea, but on most samsung devices cwm uses the same kernel
<Veyka> cdesai: true
<Veyka> LEts go with: depends on your device :p
<Chieftexi> hmm
<Chieftexi> thanks
<Chieftexi> some roms dont actually include a kernel though right?
<Chieftexi> though im sure most do
<Veyka> You always need a kernel
<Veyka> And most roms will come with one
<Chieftexi> yes
<Chieftexi> as a rule of thumb, isnt it just better to flash whatever rom you want, THEN reboot to recovery and do the wipes?
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<MacDrunk> ok
<MacDrunk> just kill like 8gbs of space on my lap
<MacDrunk> shit
<MacDrunk> only music
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<Chieftexi> is root permission contained within the kernel?
<Veyka> No
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<Chieftexi> intriguing
<Veyka> its just a su binary in the right location with the right permissions
<Veyka> Getting it there, not so easy
<Veyka> :
<Veyka> :)
<Veyka> Well, depends on the device
<Veyka> Its piss easy on bootloader unlocked or unlockable devices
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<datagutt> this desktop...
<datagutt> looks nice
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<Shin> hi all
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<nebkat> ITS BACK
<EvilBelgian> what is that
<nebkat> EvilBelgian: legalise crystal zloty
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<Fissurez> an automessage?
<Fissurez> RAGE
<nebkat> -ChanServ- The entry message for #teamhacksung-support has been set to HELLO SIR HOW ARE YOU SIR WELCOME TO TECHNICAL SUPPORT. PLEASE ASK NEBKAT FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.
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<Fissurez> meh
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<DuperMan> i am home
<DuperMan> it is lovely
<DuperMan> hoo
<DuperMan> ray
<Jiangyi|Sleep> My build failed
<Jiangyi|Sleep> It's not lovely D:
Jiangyi|Sleep is now known as Jiangyi
<DuperMan> I still use ooooooooold teamhacksung/device/n7000 :P
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<DuperMan> and as good as cherry pick the dang galaxys2-common thingies
<DuperMan> xD
<Jiangyi> lol
<Thracky> why did it fail?
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<Chieftexi> duperman what?
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<GabMus> hello
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<qlf> hi
<GabMus> are there any news?
<GabMus> something i should now about cm10?
<GabMus> just to talk
<qlf> nothing major - no. TEst build out for a lot of devices - not moved to nightlies yet afaik
<GabMus> mh. nothing i didnt know
<GabMus> thank you anyway
<qlf> np
<GabMus> i dont know why cm10 isnt officially released as nightly or even experimental
<GabMus> on my i9100 it works really good
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<GabMus> i had more problems with cm9 rc2
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Accidentally cherry-picked something that I didn't mean to xD
<Jiangyi> bad copy-paste
<Thracky> that would do it. :P
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<Saini_> hello
<Saini_> anyone here for support i am on build 17 helly bean
<Saini_> i wna flash cm10 latest build on site
<Saini_> if i flash latest cm10 will i use devil kernel with this rom
<Saini_> if yes then which one
<Saini_> ?
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<Saini_> this channel is for support or a silence zone
<Thracky> if you're going to be an impatient idiot nobody will help you.
<Thracky> so you might as well ragequit now.
<Saini_> oh
<Saini_> r u admin lol who r u to say so
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<Thracky> I just know things.
<cdesai> Saini_: wait for an answer
<Saini_> thx cdesai
<Thracky> for starters, you didn't even say what device you have.
<onyx> build on jankins again crash fo GS2 ... ;( wtf
<Thracky> secondly, nobody will support anything but stock cm10 kernel here.
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<Saini_> i think its for i9000 only that why
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<Thracky> no, this channel is for many devices
<Saini_> because sgs_jb is only for i9000
<Thracky> ranging from i9000 to the gs3 to the tablets.
<Saini_> oh thx for info
Xeon3D|Zzz is now known as Xeon3D
<Saini_> any one flashed build 18 for i9000 samsung galaxy s korean model lol
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<Saini_> now thats ok
<Thracky> yes, you may have better luck with that on the forums though because if i recall there are only a few i9000 users in here
* Xeon3D misses his i9000
<Xeon3D> Had a couple of i9003 but it wasn't the same.
<Thracky> Saini_: do you already have clockworkmod recovery on your phone?
<bbqbot> derp
<Saini_> yes
<Saini_> i am on derteufel helly bean
<Thracky> then just do a nandroid backup of your current rom, flash and wipe data.
<Saini_> i think u all know who is derteufel
<Thracky> should be no complications
<Thracky> no I have no idea who that is tbh. I only pay attention to i9100 stuff
<Saini_> i know the wiping flashing process i am not new here i am member of xda since 2009
sixstringsg|afk is now known as sixstringsg
* Xeon3D has no idea on who derteufel is...
<GabMus> here i am
<Thracky> Saini_: then read the CM10 thread on xda, and you'll have an idea of what the bugs are
<Thracky> you should know that by now since you're such a pro :P
<Saini_> i wna know about no datadata partition
<GabMus> i actually use last cm10 build on my i9100
<GabMus> ?
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<GabMus> what are u talking about?
<Saini_> thracky i read about cm10 its without datadata partition please explain
<GabMus> i have data partition
<Saini_> if i flash this one i can restore my data via titanium backup
<GabMus> no problems
<Xeon3D> Thracky, any new i9100 stuff worth checking out lately?
<Saini_> lol gabmus
<Saini_> .
<Thracky> Xeon3D: I dunno, my latest build from last night runs super smooth
<GabMus> you just have to backup APPLICATIONS
<Xeon3D> fwiw, I now own a i9100p
<GabMus> and not data such as videos or music
<Thracky> another person with a 'P' wow.
<Thracky> 2 by my count
<Thracky> (I am not one of them)
<Xeon3D> heh, it's preety much a 9100, apart from nfc circuitry.
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<Xeon3D> I don't even have a use for nfc, so I treat it as a normal i9100
<Thracky> you can back up your applications with titanium, but i wouldn't recommend restoring the apps with it, just the data once you install the apps from market.
<GabMus> i think there are not too many differences
<Thracky> yeah just the nfc I think
<Thracky> as Xeon3D says
<GabMus> i actually restored my apps with titanium backupo
<GabMus> no problems
<Thracky> I guess as long as you avoid system apps...
<GabMus> i think there could be problems if you didnt use cm9 before flashing cm10
<Thracky> I usually prefer just to install from market, everything I use is cloud based anyways
<GabMus> it is a too long process to re-install apps from the market :|
<GabMus> yeah, i nevere backup system apps
<GabMus> just user one
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<GabMus> ones*
<GabMus> who uses apex?
<GabMus> oh, new question: who is going to buy ouya?
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* addi uses Apex
<Thracky> I won't buy ouya. last thing I need is another thing I don't use hooked up to my tv :P
<GabMus> i will
<GabMus> i think that playing games like death trigger on a real console would be great
<GabMus> or asphalt 7
<Xeon3D> what's the expected price on it?
<GabMus> about 100$
<GabMus> you can already pre order it
<GabMus> you will have it in april 2013
<hazwheel> ok guys, having real problems installing either cm9 OR cm10 on galaxy s i9000, followed all the instructions but the best i get is the samsung splash screen, followed by the modified cyanogen splash screen for 2 seconds then a black screen and nothing, cannot reboot into recovery, and the rom has not finished installing. any ideas please?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> i just don't really play games on android as is, and have almost no interest in doing so.
<Thracky> primarily because it absolutely destroys the battery life :P
<GabMus> hazwheel: can u access the download mode screen?
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<hazwheel> @gabmus yes
<bbqbot> hazwheel: Command does not exist!
<hazwheel> yes
<GabMus> ok
<hazwheel> just installed jvs via odin AGAIN
<GabMus> flash cf-root for your device
<GabMus> ops
<GabMus> "flash" is not correct
<GabMus> i think
<hazwheel> ive been using speedmod but i will go find cf root now
<GabMus> try it out
<Thracky> I assume there's cf-root for i9000
<GabMus> there should be
<GabMus> i9000 is one of the most famous android devices
<GabMus> maybe was
<Thracky> there you go
<Thracky> yeah was is more appropriate lol
<sinc> btw, is it normal that the i9000 bootlogo says cm9 even with cm10?
<Thracky> yep
<Thracky> there is no cm10 bootlogo
<sinc> k, good to know
<GabMus> every cm10 version has cm9 bootlogo
<GabMus> i9000 has a quite old hw, but its still pretty good
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<addi> yeah, it's just that Android's needs to run smooth are a bit high :/
<GabMus> yep
<sinc> well, I have i9100 and i9300 too, just like try out how jb works with my old sgs :)
<addi> plus Samsung messed up the flash chips = recipe for disaster
<sinc> so far I like it
<addi> actually, Nexus S runs great with JB because it's NAND chip is apparently faster
<GabMus> i heard that android (in the 5th version maybe?) will no longer use dalvik cause of © problems with oracle
<addi> wasn't that case closed with "there is no infringements"?
<sinc> it was
<GabMus> really?
<sinc> yup
<addi> so in short, dalvik cache shall survive :p
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<addi> dalvik vm* -.-
<GabMus> yeah, thats true cause dalvik development started when java still was a propriety of sun
<sinc> oracle didn't get anything from it and they had to pay google's lawyer expenses too
<GabMus> lol
<GabMus> anyway, i think that using a java vm makes everything slower
<GabMus> i think that using gnu would be someway better
<GabMus> im really looking forward to see a gnu/linux version of android
<sinc> there's no way to switch away from java
<addi> it would need a whole rewrite of the OS I guess :p
sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|afk
<GabMus> but it would work really better
<GabMus> i think google will do it
<sinc> nah, they won't. it would break all the backward compatibility with apps
<addi> I don't think so
sixstringsg|afk is now known as sixstringsg
<GabMus> not really
<addi> they basically don't care either :p
<GabMus> they could do something similar to apple rosetta
<Thracky> Not only would the whole os need a rewrite, all the apps would also, no?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> yeah, probably. or we could use a VM again to run old apps :p
<GabMus> yes
<GabMus> and wait since developers fix their apps
<GabMus> i think it is a necessary sacrifice
<Thracky> no, not all of them do :P
<addi> that's too much stuff to do to move away from dalvik
<GabMus> there's no evolution without pain
<addi> since Google doesn't care, it won't happen
<addi> get money from advertising, that's all they want :p
<sinc> from marketing perspective that would be a suicide
<GabMus> but
<GabMus> can they update dalvik
<GabMus> using oracle stuff?
<sinc> what oracle stuff?
<GabMus> java
<GabMus> ...
<sinc> there's nothing from oracle that they would need
<GabMus> i cant explain
<GabMus> new versions of java maybe
<GabMus> i dont know
<GabMus> ok, i just want to see a gnu/linux version of android -_-
<sinc> ...
<addi> then let's take it up as an unofficial project. you guys work on the code, I'll be the treasurer of the cash that comes in (if any) :p
<hazwheel> ok GabMus, I am now in CF recovery
<GabMus> suuure
<GabMus> ok haz
<GabMus> well
<GabMus> now flash cm10
<GabMus> but
<GabMus> follow this instructions
<GabMus> wipe everything
<GabMus> flash cm10
<GabMus> flash gapps
<GabMus> wipe everything
<GabMus> reboot
<hazwheel> exactly the same problem
<GabMus> ooook
<GabMus> try flashing cm9 then
<GabMus> maybe i9000 isnt ready for jb
<hazwheel> started with jvs stock, flashed cf root via odin, rebooted into recovery, wipe everything, flash cm10 and after a few seconds, a reboot which after the cyanogen splash appears for like 2 seconds , blank screen then nothing. and again cannot get into recovery, same cyanogen splash for 2 seconds then blank screen dammit
<GabMus> thats the problem
<hazwheel> everyone else seems to manage it, just not me
<hazwheel> with i9000
<GabMus> afrer flashing you have to wipe everything again
<DuperMan> I just wiped. now I'm building. shouldv'e started that before going in the loo I suppose
<hazwheel> I cant wipe everything again, it doesnt complete the flash, after a few seconds from starting the cm10 flash, the i9000 resets and hangs on a blank screen 2 seconds after the cyanogen splash, cannot reenter recovery as the same thing happens
<GabMus> wtf
<GabMus> have you tried with cm9?
<hazwheel> yes, same problem
<GabMus> mh..
<GabMus> well, now i dont know how to help you
<GabMus> let me think about it
<hazwheel> just had a green tinted screen appear with something about encryption problems !?!?!? hit the reset button but again, same issue
<GabMus> if i have a solution i will tell you
<DuperMan> you should consider either doing it well or not failing as much
<DuperMan> :)
<GabMus> ?
<GabMus> are you talking to me?
<hazwheel> on the blank screen, if i touch the soft keys, they light up, but still nothing happens
<GabMus> this is because actually soft keys behave as hardware buttons
<DuperMan> no, I spoke of you using the direct inquiry form for artistic effect
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<GabMus> +DuperMan: i tried helping him as i could, can you criticise me for doing it?
<bbqbot> derp
<GabMus> freakin bbqbot xD
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<sinc> the way I installed jb on i9000: first I flashed latest semaphore kernel with odin, then went to the recovery, wiped everything, and formated /system, /data, /cache, /datadata/ and dalvik cache, then flashed the latest jb nightly and gapps and rebooted the system
<sinc> worked perfectly
<DuperMan> GabMus: of course I could, but I appreciate the intention more than I desire to troll futility
<DuperMan> :D
<sinc> first boot took something like 4 minutes, but after that the system worked just fine
<GabMus> lol
<GabMus> ok
<hazwheel> I've never had any problems flashing any rom on either my i9000 or my i9100 except for cm9/10 on the i9000. cm9/10 on the i9100 no problems :(
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<GabMus> try with cm7 then
<GabMus> i would prefer a working outdated device
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<GabMus> better than an updated non working one
<hazwheel> i can install cm7 on the i9000 but trying to from there to cm9 or cm10 reults in the same problems
<GabMus> it is sooooo freakin ba
<GabMus> bad*
<GabMus> gotta go
<GabMus> see ya
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<GuineaPiet> hey guys. should i update my RIL?
<GuineaPiet> to the latest ones?
pier|afk is now known as pier
<hazwheel> is there an odin flashable cm9 or cm10 for the i9000 anywhere guys? i know there is for i9100
<addi> can't flash aosp roms via Odin on i9000
<hazwheel> oh poo
<addi> bml needs to be changed to mtd first. thanks to Samsung ^^
<hazwheel> well why the f**k wont cm9 or 10 install on my sodding i9000?
<hazwheel> sorry, getting a bit annoyed with it now
<spY|da> hazwheel, what did you do?
<spY|da> nvm ive read it
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<hazwheel> ive tried installing from cm7, other custom roms, various stock roms but always have the same problem, start the cm9/10 install, after a few seconds the phone resets and i get the samsung splash followed by the cyanogen splash for 2 seconds then a blank screen forever. have wiped and formatted everything and same result
<spY|da> cm7 works?
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<hazwheel> yes, no problems installing cm7
<sae-taff> I remeber experiencing the same problem
<spY|da> and flashing cm9 from cm7, then reboot in recovery and flashing cm9 again wont solve the problem?
<bbqbot> derp
<sae-taff> you had to intall it twice with full wipe each time
<hazwheel> flashing cm9 gives trhe same problem, it starts for a few seconds, resets , same splash for 2 seconds, blank screen and can't get back to recobvery
<hazwheel> i can't install it once dude
<Devourz> try stock ?
<Devourz> lol
<hazwheel> to use stock or flash from stock? tried it, no joy
<Devourz> :(
<Devourz> usb jig ?
<Devourz> then try stock ?
<hazwheel> why a jig
<hazwheel> i can get to download
<sae-taff> get dark resurection rom :)
<sae-taff> darky*
<hazwheel> got it, can't flash cm9/10 from it, same problem
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<Devourz> ok this might be wrong
<hazwheel> i'm sure there's nothing wrong with the phone because any other rom flashes fine
<Devourz> but didnt usb jig is factory mode download
<Devourz> not normal mode download
<Devourz> aka recover partition ?
<Devourz> or i might be talking bullshit
<Devourz> lol
<hazwheel> well, how will that help? there is no odin flashable cm9 or cm10
<Devourz> there is stock one
<Devourz> ...
<Devourz> or u like cm exlusively?
<bbqbot> derp
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<hazwheel> i want jb, thats the problem
<hazwheel> got it on my i9100, want it on my i9000
<Devourz> ohh
<Devourz> i see
<Devourz> tought ur phone wont dload anything
<Devourz> my bad
<Devourz> nvm then
<hazwheel> should repartitiion be ticked in odin if you use a pit file?
karbowiak is now known as Karbowiak
virtualghost has joined #teamhacksung-support
<virtualghost> hello..
<virtualghost> my wifi on cm10 v30 is not working
<codeworkx> wtf is cm10 v30?
<codeworkx> unofficial build by temasek
<codeworkx> nothing to do with us
<virtualghost> what is the latest one
<virtualghost> from official?
<virtualghost> nightly?
<virtualghost> this is yours right?
<Devourz> what gave it away
<Devourz> xD
<virtualghost> dont i need gapps?
<bbqbot> derp
<Frd> derp
<codeworkx> virtualghost: stop being lazy. read instructions and follow them
<virtualghost> before i flashed temased I had that
<virtualghost> and that didn't work neither
<virtualghost> I had android revolution hd 3.0.0 then I flashed the one in the link you gave
<virtualghost> the wifi was not working
<virtualghost> then I flashed the temasek one
<virtualghost> neither did that
<codeworkx> did you flash any JB leak before?
<virtualghost> yes android revolution hd 3.0.0
<codeworkx> congrats
<codeworkx> flash back to the latest official ics one
<virtualghost> that's what I did
<virtualghost> now it is saying samsung since 2 minutes
<virtualghost> should I be worried if it takes so long?
<codeworkx> factory reset
<virtualghost> how long does stock rom first boot take?
<codeworkx> some mins
<virtualghost> then I need to flash cf root for clockwork recovery right?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> official cwm
<virtualghost> does the experimental build receive updates?
<virtualghost> like google now
<virtualghost> it looked somewhat better on android revolution hd
<virtualghost> but it was updated on 17th aug
<bbqbot> derp
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<virtualghost> stock rom is still booting..?
<codeworkx> sure
<virtualghost> 10 minutes since it boots
<virtualghost> shouldn't I hold the power button on
<virtualghost> and reboot?
<codeworkx> did you do a factory reset?
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<virtualghost> not before I flashed the stock rom
<codeworkx> do it now
<virtualghost> now reboot ?
<Karbowiak> itc: flashing roms is hard
<virtualghost> this is the first time this happens..
<virtualghost> I flashed 3 roms already and softbricked first time
<virtualghost> yes it works
<virtualghost> google docs link not working
<virtualghost> but I got the recovery-clockwork,img from the rommanager
pier is now known as pier|brb
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<virtualghost> yes wifi works
<virtualghost> on stock rom
<virtualghost> now I should flash recovery
<Karbowiak> hey codeworkx, dumb question, won't the mali drivers and whatnots from the i9300 work for the i9100 ?
<codeworkx> Karbowiak: they're the same
<codeworkx> Karbowiak: so what's the benefit?
<Karbowiak> cool, and dunno
<Karbowiak> i was going by the thought that hwcomposer would be the same too
<codeworkx> it works the same way
<codeworkx> but depencies are butthurt
<virtualghost> codeworkx
<virtualghost> can you upload the .tar one somewhere else?
<bbqbot> derp
<virtualghost> google docs not working
<Karbowiak> ah, ok then :)
<Karbowiak> 2s virtualghost
<virtualghost> ok :)
<virtualghost> thanks :D
<codeworkx> Karbowiak: we have to wait for the official i9300 release + kernel sources. then we might be able to do something.
<codeworkx> Karbowiak: worst case: you have to wait for official i9100 release
<Karbowiak> yeah it's no biggie, was just wondering really :)
<Karbowiak> my GS2 works fine with CM9
<codeworkx> you're still wondering about samsung phones?
<Karbowiak> nop
<virtualghost> i like google now this is why I want roms
<Karbowiak> next is most def. a nexus device, lol
<virtualghost> and for the other advantages..
<codeworkx> i've given up a long time ago
<virtualghost> ok I flashed that one
<virtualghost> now I should get gapps and experimental cm10 right?
<Karbowiak> yes
<Karbowiak> latest cm10 zip and latest gapps for jb
<Karbowiak> toss both onto the phone, reboot to recovery, flash cm10, flash gapps, wipe data/cache/dalvik
<Karbowiak> reboot
<Karbowiak> done
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<Karbowiak> you don't need to wipe the last part if you don't want to, some people just like that
<Karbowiak> lol
<virtualghost> well the first time I ran superwipe
<virtualghost> and I was out of roms to flash hehe
<virtualghost> I was stuck there for 2 days
<Karbowiak> learn to use odin
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<virtualghost> well
<codeworkx> FUCK ODIN
<virtualghost> the stock rom
<virtualghost> for my country
<virtualghost> was getting the odin to quit
<virtualghost> and I tried an italian one ( i am in italy now )
<virtualghost> and it worked perfectly
<codeworkx> gief faaaaaastasfuckbooooot
<Karbowiak> the horribad thing HTC uses?
<Karbowiak> oh good lord
<codeworkx> the horrible thing that every google phone uses
<codeworkx> and asus
<codeworkx> and a lot more
<Karbowiak> (18:06:17) (Karbowiak) oh good lord
<codeworkx> fastboot flash recovery recovery.img done
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<virtualghost> lol clockwork touch looks amazing
<virtualghost> first time
<virtualghost> my /sdcard/ mounts
<Jiangyi> Wait, I thought fastboot wasn't that bad.
<Jiangyi> ._.
<virtualghost> hello jiangyi i remember you helped me
<virtualghost> last night
<virtualghost> canadian right?
<Jiangyi> virtualghost: Yep I remember.
<Jiangyi> :-D
<virtualghost> YES
<virtualghost> it works :D
<virtualghost> wifi
<peterperfect> Jiangyi: fastboot is awesome
<Jiangyi> peterperfect: Just how awesome are we talking? :-P
<peterperfect> a lot of
<peterperfect> :D
<addi> well, it's great :D
<virtualghost> what is the max speed
<virtualghost> for the s3?
<virtualghost> does it support 1 gbps?
<bbqbot> derp
<virtualghost> on wifi
<peterperfect> 300km/h
<addi> fastboot oem unlock FTW :p
<virtualghost> internet speed
<Jiangyi> lol
<addi> or fastboot flash recovery .img FTW :p
<Karbowiak> virtualghost
<Karbowiak> it has WiFi N support
<Karbowiak> 2.4 and 5GHz spectrum
<Jiangyi> Wait, I've always wanted to ask this about the GNex and Fastboot:
<Karbowiak> and N can do upto 300Mbit/s
<Karbowiak> but in reality it'll max do somewhere around 100Mbit/s
<Jiangyi> If you unlock it and relock it, do you still have warranty?
<addi> Jiangyi, you do, yes
<peterperfect> yep
<Jiangyi> w00t
<Jiangyi> Nexus it is then :D
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<addi> even Sony devices have a hack to relock bootloader and remove all signs of tampering :p
<peterperfect> nexus has a bad side
<peterperfect> if i buy nexus
pier|brb is now known as pier
<peterperfect> i will not be pinging codeworkx anymore
<peterperfect> for fix this or fix that
<peterperfect> life will be less fun
<Jiangyi> peterperfect: +1
<Jiangyi> That and no SD Card slot.
<peterperfect> true
<virtualghost> ok done..
<virtualghost> why is Check for rom updates
<virtualghost> for premium users only?
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<Jiangyi> virtualghost: Ask koush. :-P
* Jiangyi thinks it's stupid that codey's stuff is in Premium
<virtualghost> how much does it cost
<Jiangyi> I mean, you can just go to the ROM Manager website and download it for free....
<virtualghost> ok
<addi> Jiangyi, because according to Google, an external SD card confuses things. "if you take a pic, where do you save it? do you give users an option or do you decide for them?" some shit talk like that one Google employee had with Android Police once :p
* Jiangyi facepalms
<Jiangyi> Google, Y U BE LIKE APPLE
<addi> he also said Google are against file managers as they don't want users to have to play with all that. files should just be available without any need of file managers. another thing in that shit talk :p
<virtualghost> chrome always crashes -.-
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<virtualghost> wtf
<virtualghost> 6 euro rom manager
<addi> virtualghost, just forget ROM Manager. it's not worth it
<addi> manually download and flash
<Jiangyi> addi: I'm waiting for this guy to be fired. lol
<addi> it's a costly app that can't even download files properly without getting interrupted all the time
<virtualghost> well how do I know when a new update comes for my rom?
<virtualghost> other than checking xda
<addi> well, manually check when you can on XDA. :p
<addi> better than spending 6 Euros on a shit app
<Jiangyi> #blamekoush
<Jiangyi> virtualghost: I have the page bookmarked xD
<virtualghost> hehe
<addi> Jiangyi, I've noticed Google employees are never open to criticism. they will answer each question and act like they did the best thing in the world
<Jiangyi> lol
<virtualghost> i would rather use a google product than an apple product
<virtualghost> anytime
<virtualghost> the only thing I think google did wrong was chrome os since they spent time on a product people don't really want to use
<addi> they also took a few years to realize Android is laggy as shit and decided to do something about it -.-
<virtualghost> ..
<virtualghost> well
<virtualghost> should I uninstall the rom manager
<virtualghost> that comes with cm10
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: because FM Radio is dead since some years and SD Card got replaced by CLOUD ALL TEH THINGS
<virtualghost> and install a premium cracked apk one?
<codeworkx> no
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Screw cloud, and I <3 my FM.
<addi> Jiangyi, and people have excuses like that for everything ;)
<codeworkx> if you want premium, pay for it!
<Jiangyi> Cloud = data fees
<virtualghost> ok..
<Karbowiak> my carrier just gave me 3x more data for the same price
<Karbowiak> and i had 6GB each month for 99kr (with 6 hours talk, free sms and mms)
* Jiangyi has no data atm =\\
<virtualghost> my network carrer gave me 500x speed for same price
<virtualghost> in february
<addi> Jiangyi, data fees + no guarantee of a good signal everywhere :p
<Karbowiak> now i have 18GB data, and 18 hours talk and free sms and mms, at upto 42Mbit/s, for 99kr
<virtualghost> i had 2-4 mbps for 10 euro
<Karbowiak> lol
<Jiangyi> addi: +1
<virtualghost> and now I have 1000 for 10 euro
<Karbowiak> 99kr = ~7.5 EUR
<Jiangyi> addi: And roaming charges when abroad =\
<Karbowiak> eh ~13 EUR *
<virtualghost> I have HSPA+ and max is 21.6..
<addi> but those who love cloud live in a dream world where they have network everywhere -.-
<virtualghost> what isy our network speed?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> addi: Like codey?
<addi> yeah
<addi> and like Google :p
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: vodafone raffles 1 mio eur as asset for your prepaid card
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: lasts till 2037
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: who cares about costs? :-D
<addi> even MS saw reason and added SD card
<addi> external SD*
<codeworkx> addi: we have network everywhere
<addi> codeworkx, lot of people do, just not you :p
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Those of us who live in North America with crappy service costs. T_T
<addi> codeworkx, sure sure
<addi> i believe you
<Jiangyi> If I want cheap, then I'll have to go use AWS bands with crappy reception.
<codeworkx> important things go to internal storage
<codeworkx> non important to cloud
<codeworkx> no network -> who cares
<virtualghost> my internet provider
<virtualghost> gives me hspa+ 21.6 mbps for free
<virtualghost> but it is a normal sim
<codeworkx> and a fact is: 16gb internal is enough for everyone. except he wants to carry illegal things around
<virtualghost> like droidsheep wifikill and network spoofer
<virtualghost> hehe
<codeworkx> kanged movies and stuff
pier is now known as pier|brb
<addi> and HD games, pirated from mobilism :p
<virtualghost> mobilism
<Jiangyi> Well, at least GNex as OTG.
<Jiangyi> has*
<codeworkx> -.-
<Jiangyi> Better than nothing. :-P
<codeworkx> carrying my 3.5" hdd around
<codeworkx> + POWER ADAPTER
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: 32GB flash drive. lol
<addi> nah, carrying my 8 GB usb stick around as external storage :p
<addi> or 32GB xD
<Jiangyi> Oh, I just got an idea
<Karbowiak> 64GB SDcard in the GS2 and the usb cable, voila
<addi> Jiangyi, the long story short, you want FM radio and external SD support, do not buy Nexus. :p
<Jiangyi> USB OTG + USB SD Card adapter + 32GB SD card :-D
<Jiangyi> addi: Nothing else to buy though. D-:
<Karbowiak> or buy a tablet with +64GB storage
<Karbowiak> and use that for content instead of the phone :P
<addi> Jiangyi, then forget FM radio and external SD support, and get it :p
<addi> get a cheap ass phone for FM :p
<Jiangyi> :-(
* Jiangyi goes to find his old Sandisk Sanza Clip+
<Karbowiak> i hear they make phones in china with tv, radio and multiple sim support
<Karbowiak> ^^
<addi> and go read that Android Police article. NAO
<addi> Jiangyi, ^
<Jiangyi> addi: I read it already lol
<addi> Karbowiak, Chinese made phones are great. 8 speakers on phone, TV, radio, dual-sim, everything in one
<Karbowiak> sad part is that they're shit
<Karbowiak> but oh well
<virtualghost> what apps do you use?
<addi> they were a big fad here in India once, till people realized they aren't worth it despite the 8 speakers xD
<virtualghost> i had a n900 chinese
<virtualghost> it was crap
<virtualghost> 50 euro when my father was in china
<addi> was it made by "Nakia"? :p
<virtualghost> no
<Jiangyi> Speaking of Chinese Android phones.....
<Karbowiak> seen the new Mi2 ?
<Jiangyi> I've heard about it, haven't seen it just yet though.
<Karbowiak> Quad Snapdragon S4 Pro
<virtualghost> thanks a lot for the help offered,have a great time
<Karbowiak> 2GB Ram, Adreno 320 GPU
<Karbowiak> 4.3" 720p screen with IPS panel
<Karbowiak> sexy little thing
<addi> a bloody powerhouse in short
<Karbowiak> and you can get one with a 3000mAh battery
<Jiangyi> For 1999 RMB too.
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<Karbowiak> ~310 USD
<Jiangyi> @money 2000 CNY USD
<bbqbot> 2000 CNY = 314.48 USD
* Jiangyi goes to look at Chinese originals
<Karbowiak> 90 FPS camera at 720p, wtf
<Karbowiak> that's pretty badass
<Jiangyi> Interesting UI they put in.
<Karbowiak> it's MIUI
<addi> it's MIUI they put in :p
<addi> xD
<addi> it's basically a closed source Android phone. FTW :p
<Jiangyi> Well, I know it's MIUI, I mean the Freedom desktop thing.
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<addi> "We got tired of seeing OEMs include many GB of internal storage for music, while users were still running out of space for apps and data." <-- that alone is a freaking great advantage to ICS+ sd card mounting
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<addi> give it all to the apps, even if that means having to use MTP on computer
<Jiangyi> I still can't get MTP to work with Linux. =\
<addi> "On Windows (which the majority of users use), it has built-in MTP support in Explorer that makes it look exactly like a disk. On Linux and Mac it's sadly not as easy, but I have confidence that we'll see some work to make this better"
<addi> guess they didn't do any work to make it better yet :p
<Jiangyi> I swear, over the next few years, Chinese phones are going to start to dominate.
<addi> Google basically makes an OS that has a Linux kernel, their employees all seem to hang around with Macs at Google I/O, but they think of Windows users in the end :p
<Jiangyi> So much power at such attractive prices.
<addi> attractive prices but bad quality testing and really bad software support, at least that's Meizu for you..
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<Jiangyi> addi: Like Samsung? :p
<bbqbot> derp
pier|brb is now known as pier
<addi> nah, Samsung is 10x better than Meizu :p
<addi> ask datagutt about Meizu, he'll tell you! :D
<Jiangyi> lol
<datagutt> haha
<datagutt> :p
<datagutt> all i want is kernel source
<datagutt> and being able to change default apps
<datagutt> not that fucking hard is it
<DuperMan> don't want, have
<datagutt> Jiangyi: fly down to MZ office and kick their buts
<datagutt> butts*
<Jiangyi> I'm ok lol
* DuperMan overyodes
<Jiangyi> Where are Meizu located anyways..........
<DuperMan> korea n noisy about it no?
<DuperMan> or hong kong and sly?><
<datagutt> Zhuhai
<DuperMan> :P
<Jiangyi> I don't even know where Zhuhai is lol
<DuperMan> didn't u mean ohai?
<DuperMan> ^^
<DuperMan> @dood
<bbqbot> what up dood
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<Jiangyi> Hmm.... Seems like no one has done Traditional Chinese translations in like forever.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: sudo ./
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Thanks.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: dunno what everyone is doing wrong. i connect my phone, then i'm getting phone icons on desktop, click them, see files
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I plug phone in, and it gives me errors related to camera. =[
<codeworkx> that's samsung ;-)
<codeworkx> but should work
<Jiangyi> Let's see how this goes.
<Jiangyi> need to restart?
<codeworkx> no
<Jiangyi> k
<Jiangyi> Blah. Error initializing camera: -60: Could not lock the device
<Jiangyi> Same thing again.
<codeworkx> thats normal
<codeworkx> i'm getting that too
<Jiangyi> .............
<codeworkx> but just on these crappy samsung phones
<codeworkx> even on stock fw
<DuperMan> thanks to win8 rtm I can now cook on my S7Slate
<Jiangyi> So there was nothing wrong with my VM before?!
<Jiangyi> O_O
<codeworkx> gnex works fine
<DuperMan> :S
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: can you access your phone via mtp?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Doesn't work. :S
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: then reboot
<Jiangyi> ok one sec
<Jiangyi> ooh the updated quasseldroid looka fancier :o
<pier> cody saw how I replied to that guy on our PM on XDA?
<pier> yep mint <3 mtp
<codeworkx> it's debian
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<codeworkx> lmde ;-)
<pier> uh uh
<pier> ok a green-debian-thing :p
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You switched systems again?
<codeworkx> Linux Mint debian
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<Jiangyi> oh :P
<Jiangyi> Yeah, still not working. =[
<codeworkx> but mtp works on any ubuntu distro
<pier> I had to turn off my cinnamon animations becouse they're breaking eclipse
<codeworkx> out of the box for me
<Jiangyi> Sorry, could not display all the contents of "store_00010001": DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply
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<mongi> Is there the latest CWM touch for I9100?
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<spY|da> mtp sucks, even if its running out of the box, it has its benefits but the UMS works like a charm on every os
* Jiangyi is cherry-picking UMS and trying to compile right now :p
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<mongi> UMS to slow here
<mongi> spY|da: wich speed you get in UMS?
<bbqbot> derp
<Stonos> how slow?
<mongi> here i get only 1.2 mb/s
<Stonos> if I remember correctly, I get 10 MB/s
<Stonos> but I'm on CM9
<mongi> I'm on CM9 too
<mongi> wich device you have?
<Stonos> I9100
<mongi> me too
<mongi> =s
<Stonos> wait, let me do a small test
<mongi> ok...
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<Stonos> copied a ~200MB file from internal SD: about 20MB/s
<mongi> in UMS?
<Stonos> yes
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<mongi> very weired =s
<Stonos> copying to the internal SD however is much slower
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: see if it helps you somehow
<mongi> will test in another pc
<Stonos> around 2 MB/s
<mongi> 2 or 20?
<Stonos> 2
<mongi> oh
<mongi> you using sd card?
<Stonos> yes, but I'm copying to the internal SD card
<Stonos> let me try the external one
<mongi> i don't have sd card
<Stonos> oh
<mongi> only internal memory.
<mongi> ums in internal memory gets 1.2 here
<mongi> what about you?
<bbqbot> derp
<Stonos> 1-2MB/s
<mongi> oh, ok ok hehe
<mongi> thanks
<Stonos> same thing in external SD
<Stonos> that's weird :/
<Stonos> (class 10)
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<mongi> you getting 2 mb/s in UMS in sd card?
<Stonos> yes
<Stonos> (write speed)
<Stonos> read speed is much better
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Nope. Doesn't do anything.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: well vnc tomorrow to solve it
<Jiangyi> OK. :-P
<mongi> did you get higher speed before that?
<Jiangyi> Meanwhile, I'll just compile this CM10 with UMS.
<Stonos> I can't remember :/
<mongi> try another pc latter
<Stonos> I might
<Stonos> but I doubt anything will change
<mongi> is it possible to use MTP in sd card?
<Jiangyi> What? o.o
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<Stonos> it is
<Stonos> MTP seems faster
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<Jiangyi> OMG Build finished successfully :-D
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<mongi> mtp is faster
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<Stonos> has the strip unicode feature in Mms been ported to CM10?
<Stonos> had a quick look in Gerrit, didn't find anything
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<pmgnet> Did latest CM10 nightly lose google cloud messaging library? I'm getting this: "Device does not have package"
<Jiangyi> Aww UMS isn't working.
<Stonos> doesn't GCM require gapps?
<bbqbot> derp
<pmgnet> Maybe! Had a bad flash. reflashing gapps.
<DuperMan> an'bdy wna buyz a gammgeer?
<Jiangyi> ....
<Jiangyi> a what?
* DuperMan slowly rises from a jaded stupour, ruthless introspective voices in his head preventing the dire need to forget he was transformed before the mental fog presently clearing, disrupting the urge - nay - instinct - that's denial. he awakes an Ebayer
<DuperMan> :(
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<DuperMan> it's like being a d&d lych irl:D
<Jiangyi> ..............
pier|food is now known as pier
<DuperMan> remember me for the less pitiful trolling I did when I was human, good folks
<DuperMan> for now I must bid you all 0.05$
<DuperMan> no reserve
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<Jiangyi> .................... x2
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<DuperMan> pardon the dumb. derpeperperpederp
<DuperMan> herrrrrr
<DuperMan> otoh got a n7000 bt keyboard case thing shipping, hooray
<Jiangyi> OK back into Windows. :-P
<DuperMan> 8?:D
<bbqbot> derp
<Chieftexi_> duperman got a link?
<DuperMan> me thinks I erred in buying
<h4rdco2e> SGS2 CM10 is fucking heavy unsatable -.-
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: teh leakings
<Chieftexi_> why did you err in buying? it looks good!
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: What?
<DuperMan> it in teh mems
<Chieftexi_> he means memory leaks
<DuperMan> Chieftexi_: dunno, afraid it'll prove cheap and overheaty
<Chieftexi_> then why did you buy it?
<DuperMan> valium
<Chieftexi_> frankly, i want one now! but im not sure if the keyboard will scratch the screen when closed
Chieftexi_ is now known as chieftexi
<DuperMan> hehe well I'll be raving mad about it should it ever ship, good or bad
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: What happened this time?
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: Phone restarts insted of going ito deep sleep xD
<Jiangyi> lolz
<DuperMan> :) hedging my dumbs I'm getting a petite rechargable bt kb if nothing else
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: it's a feature :D
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: hahhahaha, going back to Stock (1 day max.)
<DuperMan> blasphemy!
<chieftexi> duperman, just buy a small bt kkeyboard then
<chieftexi> and stay off the valium
<DuperMan> chieftexi: I think the point is I pretty much did
<DuperMan> ><
<Baskey> DUPEY
<DuperMan> don't hug me! I'm filthy with teh ebays!
<DuperMan> :(
<Baskey> fair enough
<DuperMan> <3
<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: I made a build with your UMS commit, and it's not working. Keeps bouncing back to MTP. (I9100G btw)
<Jiangyi> Logcat shows:
<chieftexi> duperman i mean just a keyboard. a thin one. with no case
<Jiangyi> E/UsbDeviceManager( 339): waitForState(mass_storage,adb) FAILED
<Jiangyi> E/UsbDeviceManager( 339): Failed to switch persistent USB config to mass_storag
<Jiangyi> e,adb
<Jiangyi> I/StorageNotification( 657): UMS connection changed to false (media state mount
<Jiangyi> ed)
<DuperMan> chieftex: I have scissors, derp
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<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> chieftex: derp. at least I got free shipping to the desert and stuff
<DuperMan> :)
<chieftexi> i actually like yours, because it includes a stand
<DuperMan> chieftexi: I may well like it also, just feel like I hit 'buy teh thing' too fast
<DuperMan> wouldv'e been sweet if it didn't use velcro...
<DuperMan> xD
<chieftexi> we live in a capitalist society, don't let it get you down
<DuperMan> it will regardless of my personal view on economics, unless less dumb :D
<DuperMan> is what the sexy in capitalism
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<chieftexi> is english your first language duperman?
* Jiangyi doesn't think so
<chieftexi> I'm hoping it isn't. Otherwise, another point on the list of side effects of valium
<DuperMan> it are. did'nts is shown?
<h4rdco2e> Espenfjo: Where could I see if my kernel has HHARDBRICK BUG?
<chieftexi> h4rdco2e is it a custom or stock kernel?
<h4rdco2e> chieftexi: CF-Root
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<h4rdco2e> I'm comming from cm10 thats cause I'm asking
<chieftexi> cf-root jb kernel
<chieftexi> surelu
<Espenfjo> Jiangyi: May be missing usb gadget/ums stuff from the kernel
<Espenfjo> Jiangyi: not quite sure :/
<chieftexi> surely its safe, but check the notes
<Jiangyi> Aww. :-(
<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: Thanks for the answer. Guess I'll wait for Code to implement stuff then. :-P
<Espenfjo> not sure what was done initially to make UMS work
<Espenfjo> My patch is mostly a switch for the manual setprop
<Jiangyi> Hmm.....
<Jiangyi> Definitely will wait then.
<Jiangyi> Thanks. :-)
pier is now known as pier|cig
<dabear> does anyone know why I can't install runkeeper/endomondo? cm9, galaxy s2
<bbqbot> derp
<dabear> says "not compatible" if I go to the play store from my browser
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<qlf> @changelog I9100
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<lubosz> hi. do you have any idea why i don't receive the official jelly bean update for my maguro / galaxy nexus?
<h4rdco2e> Your Golem user :-D
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<lubosz> i had to google 3 days to find this
<itsjustaride27> is there a does-not-work list for cm10 on fascinate?
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<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: Last line made me a little sad. :-|
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: Which one?
<Jiangyi> At least, I hope Google translate translated that even half correctly.
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: Nach dem S3 ist Ende für mich beim Thema CM für Hacksung Phones.
<pier> yes
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i'm done with samsung
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: I could understand Cody
<pier> cody, even if next nexus will be samsung based?
<pier> :p
<h4rdco2e> I would get pissed off hacking closed source things
<codeworkx> i'll stay at nexus and lol at any non nexus user
<codeworkx> thats my new hobbie
<pier> +1
<pier> even +100
<codeworkx> lol s4
<pier> :)
<codeworkx> ok, thats nothing new.
<codeworkx> lol s3 users
<codeworkx> lol s2 users
<codeworkx> :-D
<pier> evilll
<evil-doer> what
<pier> ehehe
<pier> sorry evil-doer
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<pier> I was targeting cody
<nebkat> pier: pierre
<pier> nebkat: :)
<peterperfect> codeworkx: buy next nexus mid-end
<peterperfect> FTW
<codeworkx> np
<Fissurez> cody - what about meizu users :p
<Jiangyi> Aww
<pier> I dont care if it'll be mid-sized
<Jiangyi> Even at I9100G users? D-:
<pier> i9100g is a nexus in disguise, shup :O
<Fissurez> i9100G uses the same stuff as a nexus doesn't it?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> peterperfect: mid end nexus phones are far better than high end messed up ones
<Fissurez> probably true
<Fissurez> my s2 is doing a fucktonne of weird things
<peterperfect> its not exactly like this..but i will let it go
<Fissurez> on the supposedly stable version of CM9
<peterperfect> :D
<Jiangyi> Next phone = w/e codey buys :-P
<codeworkx> iphone
<Fissurez> heh
<Fissurez> that'd be brilliant
<codeworkx> lol. never
<pier> b2g phone
<pier> could be an idea for my sgs2
<Fissurez> speaking of which, isn't it the 3G where they installed android on?
<codeworkx> low end b2g
<pier> ah
<codeworkx> b2g is for the low end market
<pier> like a better bada
<pier> *nods*
<Fissurez> so cody, why isn't the i9100 in the list of CM10 nightlies (i.e. what constitutes an official nightly?)
<peterperfect> spica
<Fissurez> :|
<codeworkx> mem leak
<codeworkx> non working hwcomposer
<Jiangyi> lol someone edit the wiki and put I9100G as Nightly xD
<codeworkx> ril crashes
<Fissurez> touché
<codeworkx> afterwards i would say s2 shouldnt get any stable release
<codeworkx> to much weird shit
<Jiangyi> Speaking of RIL issues, found out some new things about the signal drops on I9100G.
<Fissurez> weird shit?
<pier> my gnexus' RIl was crashing all the times on every rom... solution? they swapped it for a new one (thx samsung, took 1 month but well.. new phone)
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Seems it's only on 2G networks AND only on some batches of phones.
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<codeworkx> slow ums, camera derps, video derps...
<Jiangyi> And keeping the phone awake prevents drops.
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: SGS2 CM10 is not usable, Systemserver is crashing all the time, I tried to get logcat but wifi adb doesn't work :-(
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: Get logcat in Terminal Emulator?
<Fissurez> or download an app?
<codeworkx> and why does it work here?
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<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: don't know
<Espenfjo> h4rdco2e: You wrote something wrong
<Espenfjo> h4rdco2e: You wrote "SGS2 CM10".. But I am sure you meant "h4rdco2e"
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: but if an app is active phone won't go into deep sleep
<Fissurez> and this is why you always nand backup :D
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i think we have it on all phones
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<h4rdco2e> Espenfjo: don't hatting me!
<Fissurez> ...
<Fissurez> hehehe
<Fissurez> prepare for hat related puns!
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: But only I9100G has it on stock too.
* Fissurez hits h4rdco2e with a baseball cap
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: might be smartreflex
<h4rdco2e> How is Nexus feeling
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: We tried disabling that a long time ago, remember? :-P
<Fissurez> hatty
<codeworkx> right
<Jiangyi> A guy even borrowed his friend's I9100G and made sure everything's the same, yet his drop and his friend's doesn't. :-S
<Jiangyi> Samsung, y u do this to users T_T
<pier> well.. I just hope that next Nexus wont be made by ASUS
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Still taking logs for this signal problem?
<Fissurez> pier: why?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> no
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: codeworkx is done with Samsung :_D
<codeworkx> i'm done with samsung ril
<h4rdco2e> & HALs?
<Jiangyi> aww
<Fissurez> but who will replace cody?
<codeworkx> nobody
<Jiangyi> No one can replace cody
<codeworkx> drop samsung
<codeworkx> slap in face
<Fissurez> only if you buy me a nexus :D
<pier> Fissurez: their quality control is a pain
<h4rdco2e> Samsung bought codeworkx
<Jiangyi> He's like the device maintainer for 6 thinga :-P
<Jiangyi> things*
<pier> Fissurez: think about N7 problems.. tf101 , tf300 .. every asus android device had big issues
<Fissurez> the N7 had problems?
<bbqbot> derp
<pier> yes, mainly on display
<Fissurez> odat
<codeworkx> samsungs quality is horrible too
<Fissurez> light bleeding?
<pier> that's true too
<h4rdco2e> is htcs better?
<Fissurez> i've had that on both my ipod touches XD
<Fissurez> not really :D
<codeworkx> yeah light bleeding on s3
<codeworkx> high end shit
<Jiangyi> SGS2's ok :P
<pier> codeworkx: this is why my 1st SGS2 dropped on the ground ...
<Fissurez> my i9100 is ok :D
<pier> my 2nd i9100 is perfect
<codeworkx> sgs2 is cheap plastics with ugly look
<Fissurez> yes
<pier> +1 to this cody
<Fissurez> but pretty resiliant
<codeworkx> crappy sound
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<codeworkx> misscalibrated display
<Fissurez> i never use the speakers
* pier drinks beer
<pier> that sounds wrong
<Fissurez> misscalibrated as in?
<h4rdco2e> sgs2 looks ok, but the design of the sgs3 is horrible :_(
<Fissurez> touch?
<codeworkx> oversaturation
<pier> gnexus display is miscalibrated even more
<peterperfect> anyone knows a good id3 tag automatic seeker > fixing for linux?
<Fissurez> oh, yeah.
<codeworkx> lazorbeam dispkay
<Fissurez> yay for supercontrast!
<pier> codeworkx: oversaturation is a market thing I think
<codeworkx> yep
<Fissurez> yeah, it makes things look brighter
<codeworkx> gnex is much better
<pier> someone should code an android screen calibrator for my colorimeter
<Jiangyi> It seems that 9100G displays are slightly cooler than I9100 ones from what I've seen and read :P
<pier> :p
<codeworkx> nexus s was best
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Pentile display = Best!? O_O
<Fissurez> wasn't the nexus s pretty much a sgs1?
<codeworkx> yep
<codeworkx> sgs1 was fuct up too
<codeworkx> thanks to mdnie
<Fissurez> >.>
<codeworkx> every phone with mdnie is .... ugly
<Fissurez> mdnie?
<Jiangyi> Everything's screwed up from Cody's view :P
<Fissurez> "this screw? SCREWED!"
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Does the G even hace mDNIe?
<codeworkx> no
<Jiangyi> have*
<Jiangyi> interesting.....
<Fissurez> what is mdnie?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> i9100g can show grayscales
<codeworkx> ;-)
<codeworkx> i9100 cant
<Fissurez> wa?
<Jiangyi> Man, if someone came up to me and wants to trade a brand new GNex for my I9100G, I don't even know if I'd do it. :-S
<codeworkx> mdnie= use case specific display profiles
<Fissurez> is it that option in displays/
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<Jiangyi> Fissurez: Should be in Advanced.
<Fissurez> yeah, that
<codeworkx> basically good idea, but not when any profile is fuct up
* Jiangyi knows this because he translated it
<Fissurez> camera is default... yet mine is set to UI?
<Fissurez> >.>
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: So you're not gonna even continue to maintain the OMAP Sammys? D-:
<Fissurez> o he mad at sammy
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: omap5 ?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Sure.
<codeworkx> :-)
<codeworkx> ok, exynos5 kernel at google repo looks much better than anything what samsung ships
<Jiangyi> I take that as a yes then?
<Fissurez> -.-
<Fissurez> :D
<Jiangyi> I still have my doubts as to whether Google will use Exynos. It's not Pentaband after all.
<pier> maguro toro
<pier> omap5 exynos5
<pier> hope not :(
<pier> good night
<Jiangyi> GNex is one of the few phones that work on any GSM carrier, which is nice. :-P
<pier> :))
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<Jiangyi> And now comes the silence as moat ppl here go to sleep....... :-/
<Jiangyi> most*
<Thracky> not me :P
<Jiangyi> Yay:-d
<Jiangyi> :-D*
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<Entropy512> codeworkx: think of it this way: At least you don't have to deal with AT&T's shit on top of samsungifications
<Entropy512> why the fuck does AT&T insist on always fucking around with the touchscreen/touchkey drivers
<Entropy512> getting the _new kernel to even build properly is a bitch
<Entropy512> finally seems to be working
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<Jiangyi> Well I just found a derp thing in the source.
<Jiangyi> spn-conf.xml in ICS/JB is from all the way back in Gingerbread, and some of the things in there need framework changes (which aren't present in ICS or JB) to function.
<Jiangyi> And this is why Chinese carrier displays are messed up. :-P
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<Ryster> hey all
<Ryster> was following the guide on the xda forums for installing the latest CM10 build (have been running CM9 successfully for ages, including nightlies)
<Ryster> but something went wrong after step one (Make sure you're NOT RUNNING A KERNEL WITH THE MMC-SUPERBRICK-BUG. If you're unsure, flash this ClockworkMod-Recovery using Odin/Heimdall). so I did with Odin which worked fine, and now my phone wont boot. the SGS2 logo appears, then the screen just goes black
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<koud> Ryster: what phone?
<bbqbot> derp
<Ryster> SGS2
<koud> i9100?
<Ryster> yep
<koud> not g?
<Ryster> nope.. plain i9100 :)
<Ryster> was following the guide here..
<koud> tried getting to recovery?
<Ryster> yeah can get to recovery and download just fine...
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<Ryster> shall I just try reflashing the last CM9 build I had on there?
<koud> tried checking adb?
<koud> logcat
<sinc> I'd say try flashing some stock rom that is 4.0.3 (and NOT 4.0.4)
<koud> seems like you are stuck in the boot process
<MacDrunk> hello
<MacDrunk> about to flahs resurection editon then cm9 then gapps
<MacDrunk> i read that the only think that dont work is native radio app
<MacDrunk> is that right
<Ryster> forgive me, dont know about adb and logcat.
<koud> ok
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<koud> Ryster: well if the flash was fine and you can get to recovery
<koud> there should be no problem I think
<koud> Ryster: actually since you were already on cm9 there was no need to do that step
<Ryster> thought as much lol... but the "SUPERBRICK-BUG. If you're unsure..." bit scared me ;-)
<koud> :P
<koud> yeah no problem :)
<Ryster> anyhow just tried flashing my last CM9 build, looks to be booting ok now
<Ryster> android is upgrading... optimising... blah
<koud> Ryster: but didnt you want to flash cm10?
<bbqbot> derp
<Ryster> yes but I hadnt got to the stage where it asks to copy the cm10 file to the internal sd yet ;)
<sinc> yup, the instructions should probably give a link to this post:
<koud> you could have done from recovery I think Ryster
<koud> I think there is mass storage mode in recovery
<Ryster> I couldnt get recovery to mount the internal sd to show in windows so I could copy it over
<Ryster> i tried ;)
<koud> ah
<koud> :P
<Ryster> i'll just start again and skip the second step :)
<koud> well now you are back on step 1 again :P since flashing your old cm9 build will flash your old kernel :P
<Ryster> first step I mean
<koud> yeah cm9 should be safe
<koud> and have proper recovery
<Ryster> and there we go.. phone working again :D
<koud> :)
<MacDrunk> hello anyone here whit a SGS II whit cm9
<koud> MacDrunk: what version?
<koud> i9100?
<MacDrunk> yep
<MacDrunk> i read that tv out and fm radio is not working
<koud> yes
<MacDrunk> is worth the lost of those two features the install
<MacDrunk> i mean someone wont miss it
<koud> I never used tv out or fm radio
<MacDrunk> since i never use tv out
<MacDrunk> well i use radio some times
<whitequark> fm radio works with an app from marker
<MacDrunk> i mean native radio app
<whitequark> *market
<whitequark> spiritfm or so
<Ryster> i never used fm radio either... cant stand the headphones that came with the phone ;)
<MacDrunk> but spiritfm uses internet or build in radio hardware??
<whitequark> Ryster: you aren't required to use these headphones, but with other ones YMMV
<whitequark> >Spirit FM Light is a real, tuned, "over the air" FM radio app. It is NOT a streaming app that requires expensive data service.
<Ryster> good to know whitequark, thanks.
<MacDrunk> hmm well i really like the native app i dont like to spend my 3gbs limited accout
<Ryster> brb, gonna reboot. cant get my phone to show in explorer so I can copy the CM10 build over
<sinc> the fm radio should actually work with any headphones
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<whitequark> sinc: afaik it uses headphones as an antenna. therefore, as the reception quality depends on length of the antenna, it won't necessarily work with your ones exactly as well as with the factory-provided ones
<whitequark> sinc: but as most headphones are pretty similar...
<MacDrunk> so
<MacDrunk> none awnser my question does spiritfm uses hardware or internet strem
<sinc> spirit fm doesn't use internet, it's just a program for the tuner
<whitequark> I did answer it
<sinc> he did answer it, you just didn't bother to read it
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<MacDrunk> no
<sinc> whitequark: fm radio doesn't really need that special antenna to work anyway, I used to use some coathangers back in the 80's and they worked just fine :3
<MacDrunk> i read what he wrote
<MacDrunk> but i ask does it use native hardware as native fm radio app or uses streaming
<sinc> he did write that it's not a streaming app...
<whitequark> sinc: well, it's a running joke in russia that you can receive radio Mayak [Lighthouse] even on a sausage. That particular station is broadcast with quite an immense power
<MacDrunk> ok
<MacDrunk> so reading that and having that in mind im about to flash resurecciotn cm9 edition for odin
<whitequark> sinc: according to some sources, 100 to 500 kW on 198kHz and 549kHz
<MacDrunk> then flash over recovery the cm stable version
<Ryster> wish me luck, CM10 flashing now :)
<MacDrunk> then the gapps 20120317 to be exact
<MacDrunk> good look
<MacDrunk> sorry
<MacDrunk> luck
<MacDrunk> im flasing cm9
<MacDrunk> stbale
<whitequark> sinc: and in this case, it doesn't really matter if you have precise l/4 antenna or just a piece of wire
<Ryster> cm9 is nice, you'll like it. I just like living on the edge
<Ryster> is it normal for CM10 to still have the CM9 boot animation?
<qlf> don't mistake it for Spirit FM - bloody religious radio streaming app :( doh!
<qlf> looks like you want the "lite" one
<MacDrunk> huh
<whitequark> Ryster: well, it's the "new" one (with cid)
<Ryster> flash is successful... but yeah, boot animation says CM9 still, just confused me for a few seconds :)
<Ryster> now to remember what apps I had and reinstall them :)
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<MacDrunk> how do i restore apps
<MacDrunk> i have to install them normaly right
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