bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <codeworkx> samsung phones are accidents | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Just testing my theory.
<Jiangyi> Theory?
<Thiagovfar> Yeah. It says you would not wake up just because I've pinged you.
<Thiagovfar> Does that proved to be right?
<Jiangyi> LOL
<Jiangyi> Yes. xD
* Jiangyi was sleeping really deeply
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<Tiru> +i
<Tiru> If there are any cyanogenmod developers on I just wanted to stop by and say thanks. I just updated my Fascinate to CM10 and you've done an amazing job. Thanks for extending the life of this device
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<FunkyELF> I followed this guide a while ago....
<FunkyELF> now I'm getting prompted for a software update on my phone
<FunkyELF> Should I do it or not?
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: My time to sleep. Bye.
<Jiangyi> OK Good night. :-)
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<Jiangyi> FunkyELF: Not really sure about that. This is more of the support room for International Samsung devices + the I777. :-P
<Jiangyi> My guess is that an OTA would kill the root, but don't quote me on that. =|
<FunkyELF> just won't want a brick
<FunkyELF> Jiangyi, is there a channel for the 999?
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<Jiangyi> FunkyELF: I actually don't know. =[ Sorry.
<FunkyELF> Jiangyi, I understand that my question was t-mobile related... but besides that, why are there different forums, channels, etc?...are they that different?
<Jiangyi> FunkyELF: Well, International S3 uses a completely different chipset. The North American variants (Depending on carrier) might have different radios and such.
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<ibrahima> FunkyELF: you might be able to keep root by using voodoo ota rootkeeper
<FunkyELF> ibrahima, I'm just wondering if i'll get bricked
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<EgotisticalElf> FunkyELF, you have to revert back to stock recovery to even apply it
<EgotisticalElf> the update just removes google local search :)
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<Logos01> Hello -- I'm running the most recent CM10 nightly. I just attempted to encrypt my phone... I got to the point where I had a password prompt, which I filled out, and then the phone went to the "android-with-a-gear" -- and it's stayed there.
<Logos01> logcat keeps having entries like "E/overlay (15209): i=0 val=0
<Logos01> Over and over.
<Logos01> If I reboot into recovery will /sdcard still be accessible?
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<halfgoku> i installed an ics version and now my phone is stack at the animation screen at the begining
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<pmgnet2> is there a preferred method for cyanogemod (or Android otherwise) to map network shares? something kind of easy/instantaneous, automatically connects, etc?
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<halfgoku> is anyone here ?
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<Chann> good day, i got a question, i flashed jelly bean on my galaxy tab 2 and everything is working fine except for 1 thing
<Chann> the homescreen button and the back button are at the center of the screen, how can i move the so they are on the left or right corner of the screen?
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<Logos01> I'm trying to mount /sdcard in recovery and I keep getting "mounting /dev/null on /sdcard failed: No such file or directory"
<Logos01> What is going on here?
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<Logos01> "Error while restorying /system" "I: Can't partition non-vfat: datamedia" "I: can't partition unsafe device: /dev/block/mmcblk1p1"
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<Logos01> There's really nobody in here I guess. :-/
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<Tusker> heya guys, I was wondering about building a ROM for SCH-i559. Samsung have released the "source" (, and I was wondering what source tree to start with to get it working ?
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<Logos01> So I need to manually wipe /sdcard from recovery.
<Logos01> But it can't be mounted because the mount binary for Clockworkmod can't comprehend "/sdcard datamedia /dev/null"
<Logos01> So what's up with this?
<Tusker> Logos01: you shouldn't need to mount it to format ?
<Logos01> Tusker: Yeah well I'm right now trying to *find* what device is really /sdcard because CWM can't comprehend that fstab entry to know what device /sdcard is.
<Logos01> You can't partition /dev/null.
romann is now known as romann|afk
<Logos01> I'm stuck in recovery at this point -- I literally can't even flash a backup because of this.
<Tusker> the internal sdcard shows as emmc for me
<Logos01> Tusker: What's in your /etc/recovery.fstab ?
<Tusker> hang on
<Logos01> Or at least what's your /etc/mtab?
<Logos01> ... sorry, that seems not to exist. :-/
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<Tusker> /emmcvfat/dev/block/mmcblk0p11
<Tusker> /sdcardvfat/dev/block/mmcblk1p1
<Tusker> obviously with some spaces in there
romann|afk is now known as romann
<Tusker> what devices is yours though ? it's probably different
<Logos01> SGS III
<Tusker> mine is a II
<Logos01> Yeah, that's no help then.
<Logos01> Thank you though. :-/
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<Logos01> Yeah... so I'm looking at the parted partition table printout for /dev/block/mmcblk0 and I am seeing that p15 has "15 1686MB 14.8GB 13.1GB userdata"
<Logos01> That should be ext4 yes?
<Logos01> Hrm...
<Logos01> "W: failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p15 (Invalid argument)" immediately following "I: using /data/media for /sdcard" and "Error mounting /sdcard!"
<Logos01> I'm going to go with vfat for that.
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<Tusker> Logos01: can you connect with adb shell ?
<Logos01> Tusker I'm on adb shell in ClockworkMod
<Logos01> Busybox has mkfs.vfat but I can't get it to do more than 2GB.
<Logos01> :-/
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<Logos01> Anyone here have a stock image for the SGS III?
<Logos01> I'm sorely busted here. :-/
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<addi> Logos01, you can find stock firmware on
<Logos01> T-Mo SGS III is SGH-T999 right?
<Logos01> (I've still got ash builtins but my busybox binary is fucked.)
<Logos01> This is in recovery.
<Logos01> (Correction, *sh* builtins.)
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<Logos01> Okay... so I have the SGH-T999 tar.md5 from sammobile and am attempting to flash it onto my SGS III (T-Mo, SGH-T999) via Odin.
<Logos01> I'm hung at "SetupConnection".
<Logos01> Is there *anything* I can do or do I have a $600 brick?
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<Fissurez> Anyone know whether rotation is broken in cm10 gt i9100 aug 21st build?
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<DuperMan> I haz world's probabky onliest leather zippo. Imma made it \o/
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<Logos01> I am in process of a successful stock write!
<Logos01> De-bricking in progress.
<Logos01> FUCK. YES.
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<gantzer> hello, is anyone there?
<Entropy512> just leaving, business trip. hate leaving the house at 5:20 AM
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<Fissurez> No one is here!
<Fissurez> This channel is actually empty.
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<gantzer> Lol
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<sh4z> @supported
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<sh4z> running cm9.1 - wondering what options there are for overclocking/undervolting ?
<sh4z> I'd like to use the official kernel but it appears to lack the neccessary functionality
<sh4z> is there a kernel update from the CM team I can apply to make this work?
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<vncs> @changelog
<vncs> @changelog i9100
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<vncs> @changelog <i9100>
<Pulser> the bot isn't here right now
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<Jiangyi> bbqbot a disapru? :o
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<Pulser> JiangyiVolunteer, yeah he's disappeared for now
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<JiangyiVolunteer> Pulser: OH NOES TIS END OF world!!!
<Pulser> mmhm
<Pulser> :P
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<qwebirc1943> Hi ...
<qwebirc1943> i have a galaxy s2 i777 with UCKH7 modem. I rooted this and installed the cm9
<qwebirc1943> and i started to experience more dropped calls... is it anything to do with the modem? should i upgrade the modem ?
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<qwebirc1943> nebkat u there ?
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<qwebirc1943> hello !!!
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<qwebirc1943> can someone help to answer ? appreciate ur help
<NeoPhyTe-x360> hi people
<qwebirc1943> hi neophyte///
<qwebirc1943> i have a galaxy s2 i777 with UCKH7 modem. I rooted this and installed the cm9 and i started to experience more dropped calls... is it anything to do with the modem? should i upgrade the modem ?
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<qwebirc2521> hi.. i have a galaxy s2 i777 with UCKH7 modem. I rooted this and installed the cm9 and i started to experience more dropped calls... is it anything to do with the modem? should i upgrade the modem ?
<addi> qwebirc2521, wait for someone to answer
<addi> don't repeat yourself continuously :)
<qwebirc2521> oops .. sorry abt that
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<NeoPhyTe-x360> [qwebirc2521] try another modem
<NeoPhyTe-x360> won't be problems trying different modems
<qwebirc2521> which oen do you recommend? is there any recommended for cm9 ?
<qwebirc2521> if i flash different modem do i need to root again ? will it affect my carrier unlock ?
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<xplodwild> modem doesn't affect anything else
<xplodwild> just flash and test
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<bealtine> why do you want to flash a modem anyway?
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Xeon3D|Zzz is now known as Xeon3D
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<kodel> Hi all
<kodel> how can i build cm10 from the nightly to my i1900
<kodel> i9100
<bealtine> you want to build from source or just falsh the latest?
<kodel> build from source
<kodel> by the way what is the latest
<bealtine> beanpeeler
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<kodel> ok
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<kodel> i'm trying to figure out how to build from source
<bealtine> youve built multisource prjs before?
<kodel> prjs?
<kodel> ok
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<bealtine> projects
<bealtine> look on xda there are guides on how to build the source
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<kodel> ok
<jamesyb0i> sgs2 cm10 page doesn't have this url on first post,
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<datagutt> @owners
<bbqbot> Owners: datagutt
<datagutt> still broken
<datagutt> nebkat
<datagutt> :)
<datagutt> lets readd people
<datagutt> in pm
<datagutt> :)
<cdesai> dude datagutt, you should do that on a priv channel
<cdesai> datagutt: yea better
<cdesai> or on #bs
<datagutt> nah
<datagutt> pm
<datagutt> instead of mass ping
<cdesai> :P
<datagutt> would still be mass ping in bs
<datagutt> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<datagutt> ah
<datagutt> good
<datagutt> if i had this saved in db as well (which i should)
<cdesai> but you won't
<datagutt> it would be empty
<datagutt> cdesai: yeah im enjoying the nebkat lifestyle
<datagutt> aka
<datagutt> start doing stuff
<cdesai> lol
<datagutt> never finish
<peterperfect> nebkat datagutt
<datagutt> peterperfect
<peterperfect> are you able to preview ringtone on your sgs3?
<peterperfect> im in the wrong channel
<peterperfect> hehe
<bealtine> hey guys i have a reproducible error on my sg3 with cm10
<bealtine> wanna see if anybody else can repro?
<peterperfect> just say it
<peterperfect> maybe someone do
<bealtine> ok...
<bealtine> i do system apps/profiles
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<bealtine> dismiss profiles
<bealtine> then bring up profiles again
<bealtine> and its empty and if i press "application groups" I get unfortuneatly,settings has stopped
<cdesai> peterperfect: ^
<peterperfect> WHATAFUCK
<peterperfect> bealtine dude..i JUST talked about that
<peterperfect> on other channel
<peterperfect> what a hell of a coincidense
<bealtine> heh ok
<peterperfect> bealtine im reporting it forward
<peterperfect> thanks
<bealtine> ok so its not just me...
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<addi> Xperia T to have 4.6" 1080p screen U_U
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<addi> eh, it's 720p >.>
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<EgotisticalElf> Karbowiak, dang, them #eve-dev guys are cranky today
<Karbowiak> yep
<Karbowiak> can't blame them tho
<Karbowiak> :P
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<ernie`> the unpacked event is today, isn't it?
<nebkat> <nebkat> <3 you too
<nebkat> <nebkat> and you wonder why people hate canadians :'(
<nebkat> <chadouming> shissh
<ernie`> @dood nebkat
<bbqbot> nebkat: what up dood
<nebkat> ernie`: da pc has left tamworth
<ernie`> which pc?
g_byers[Away] is now known as g_byers
<g_byers> hey
<g_byers> is there a place to submit bug reports?
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<bealtine> sometimes here is good depends on who is in da house
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<tbag_> hello anyone here?
<tbag_> need some help with Wi/Fi Tether
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<tbag_> anyone here know if wi/fi tether works in CM10? i cant seem to get my pc to connect to it.
<bbqbot> derp
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<tbag_> hello?
<peterperfect> ohai
<tbag_> you running CM10 by any chance?
<tbag_> cant get wifi tether to work
<tbag_> #teamhacksung
<peterperfect> everybody is running cm100
<peterperfect> tbag_ wifi tether password is broken
<peterperfect> for now
<peterperfect> you can do it insecure
<tbag_> ah thanks.... so if i take password off it works?
<peterperfect> yep
<tbag_> thanks ill give it a try right now
<tbag_> broken on AOSP as well?
<peterperfect> not if you running a gnex
<tbag_> sammy fassy
<peterperfect> if you running sgs3 or sgs3 is probably borked
<peterperfect> sgs2 or sgs3
<tbag_> lol fassy, so SGS
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<pier> unpacked live now
<pier> :)
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<kldoc> Hi, i'm coming back here about my camera having force close under CM10 on an I9100G, because i found out exactly what my camera was, and i found a repo containing a file named m5mo.c which contains a reference to my camera module and firmware where CM10 source code doesn't contain any reference to my camera module being firmware OMEF01 with the firmware file named RS_M5LS_OM.bin with the reference FIBEROPTICS - S.LSI
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<kldoc> i don't have the C knowledge to try and propose a patch myself, but i guess that since this particular module isn't in CM10 source code and it's inside that driver for M5MOLS on that repo, it could be used ?
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<kldoc> i don't know if it's the right place to post this or not, but i don't know where to post this kind of informations, only a few of I9100G users have this particular module, but i would love to be able to use CM10 but can't because of that ...
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<codeworkx> kldoc: download all I9100G kernel sources and look there
<Mardos> 1.6ghz quad core 2gb ram
<Mardos> 4.1.1
<peterperfect> no way
<peterperfect> its gingerbread
<peterperfect> im 100% sure
<Mardos> oops lol
<Mardos> 1.6GHz quad-core CPU, 2GB RAM, Android Jelly Bean
<Mardos> Not to mention a 3,100 mAh battery! That should keep it chugging along for a while
<Mardos> just to good lol
<Espenfjo> please gief sysdump
<peterperfect> it sounds like a sgs3 with big screen and a pen
<Espenfjo> it sound like a n8000 with a small screen
<Espenfjo> :P
<peterperfect> yeah
<peterperfect> ahaha
<Mardos> 3G/4G LTE support on board
<Mardos> 5.5 inches hugeee
<Mardos> 16:9 ratio wow
<Mardos> 9.4mm thin, 180g weight
<cantIntoCode> 3100mah battery :)
Xeon3D is now known as Xeon3D|Zzz
Xeon3D|Zzz is now known as Xeon3D
<datagutt> @invite bbqbot #blamesamsung
<datagutt> @join #blamesamsung
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<Mardos> invite onlyyy
<Mardos> whattt
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<datagutt> it is a secret club
<frankdrey> hmmm....sweet...looks like i have a new channel to add to my auto-join list :D
<datagutt> hey
<frankdrey> alright, is the samsung galaxy tab 2 10.1 worth rooting to get JB on?
<frankdrey> hey
<Espenfjo> yes
<Espenfjo> jb is always worth it
<Espenfjo> removing stock is also always worth it
<Espenfjo> ;)
<frankdrey> even one that's shiny and only one week old ? ;_;
<frankdrey> lol
<datagutt> It is very hard to break a phone when rooting
<frankdrey> is it totally safe and controlled?
<Mardos> you need to be invited lol
<Mardos> stupid secret club
<frankdrey> i know with my G1 it was totally safe
<frankdrey> i flash everything and everything on that thing :P
<frankdrey> *anything
<frankdrey> *everything and anything
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> okay, i guess i'll do it soon as i find the time to
<frankdrey> (and maybe ill build my own ROM on my server with 512 whole megabytes of RAM! :D)
pier is now known as pier|brb
<Mardos> good luck lol
<v4nelle> guys any good vnc client to control my linux mint?
<v4nelle> vnc client for android of course
sixstringsg|afk is now known as sixstringsg
<frankdrey> android-vnc-viewer
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> it's like the simplest one
<frankdrey> im using it to control my server right now :D
<frankdrey> because im too lazy to set up ssh
<cantIntoCode> derp
<cantIntoCode> haha
pier|brb is now known as pier
<ibrahima> frankdrey: im almost 100% certain that you cant build android 4.0/4.1 with 512mb ram lol, i think it uses around 3gb at least at some parts
<ibrahima> it'll just crash in the middle
<frankdrey> even if i turn off "--pipe" ? D:
<frankdrey> what about swap?:P
<frankdrey> i don't care if it's hecka slow
<frankdrey> i have tons of time
<v4nelle> frankdrey: i have problem with x11 with this app!I can see only my desktop and not the opening apps etc
<frankdrey> i don't think that's the app...
<frankdrey> it's probably the server
<ibrahima> lol
<ibrahima> might take days then LOL, but i think even with swap it might not work because it needs all that stuff in memory at once
<ibrahima> not 100% sure on that, im not crazy enough to have tried
<frankdrey> oh, huh :T
<Espenfjo> should work
<frankdrey> i can get a max of 2gb in there :P
<frankdrey> oh, cool :D
<ibrahima> lol damn yesterday i dropped my gs3 on the ground and cracked the screen, today the note 2 is announced
<Espenfjo> I build CM10 in 30 minutes with 16GB ram on an i7-3770k (four cores @ 4.6GHz, eight threads), ssd.
<ibrahima> coincidence? i think not
<ibrahima> :P
<cantIntoCode> galaxy camera
<cantIntoCode> I've heard it all now
<ibrahima> lol
<ibrahima> im amused they used onscreen keys for that but not the gs3
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<cantIntoCode> lol it haz jb
<Kenji> i like how news stories about announcements happen before the live coverage annouces them, that story was like half an hour ago
<Mardos> wtff galaxy camera
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<Thracky> 21x optical is pretty nuts th o
<Thracky> *tho
<Thracky> hopefully the stabilization is good :P
<cantIntoCode> camna?
<cantIntoCode> lol
<xplodwild> we have CM10 for Galaxy Camera already
<xplodwild> everything works except camera
* frankdrey has never liked samsungs cameras
<cantIntoCode> xD
<frankdrey> they sure have lots of MP, but other than that....
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> like the samsung behold back a while ago
<frankdrey> 8 or so megapixels?
<Mardos> lmaoo nice one xplod
<frankdrey> my 1.3 mp sony ericsson took better pics
<Mardos> lies
<frankdrey> nolies
<Thracky> samsung's standalone cameras are pretty nice these days
<frankdrey> even my tab pictures suck:P
<pier> i want that galaxy camera
<pier> instagram dream *droool*
<Mardos> thracky how oyu likingthe s3 so far
<Thracky> it's awesome
<Thracky> no complaints other than toronto's LTE coverage is spotty :P
<Thracky> but that's not the phone
g_byers is now known as g_byers[Away]
<Mardos> spotty where
<Thracky> in buildings.
<Thracky> west scarborough, pretty much toronto and I get no 4g inside
<Mardos> true
<Mardos> and that trains your battery
<Thracky> seems better in mississauga tho where I live
<bealtine> the higher the frequency the shiiier the indoor coverage
<Thracky> but i stick to wifi at home anyways
<Thracky> even outside I get like 2 bars on LTE here at work
<Thracky> full bars when I'm stuck on the gardiner though :P
<Thracky> remote viewfinder... that's pretty slick.
<cantIntoCode> quad core camera xD
<Kenji> that looks pretty cool
<cantIntoCode> booo
<cantIntoCode> fuck windows 8
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<Mardos> Thracky even then its still crappy on 2 bars your phone is probably looking to get a better signal
<Thracky> it's still *fast* with 2 bars :P
<Mardos> indeed it is
<Mardos> here at my work i can get speeds of 40
<Mardos> +
<bealtine> only for as long as mobile contention isnt a problem
<Thracky> i haven't had a benchmark over 15 o_O
<cantIntoCode> its round
<cantIntoCode> apple lawsuit inbound
<Thracky> lol
<cantIntoCode> did he say shit?
<Thracky> they'll sue for the shape of the camera screen
<Thracky> "customers will think it's an iphone from far away"
<bealtine> hey i own roundy me
<Thracky> I believe he said "shift"
<Thracky> but I don't have audio on, I just saw it ont he screen
<cantIntoCode> ahh
<cantIntoCode> I thought he said 'we've heard a lot of shit about sharing tonight, haven't we?'
<Thracky> oh heh
<Mardos> beefore the end of 2012 we shall see note 2 in NA
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<Thracky> bleh, better start saving my pennies now so my wife can buy it.
<Thracky> she's been pestering me about the Note 1 for months :P
<Mardos> hmm will europe get lte
pier is now known as pier|brb
<Thracky> is it bad that I want an i5 tablet? :P
<bealtine> yes
<Kenji> gtfo
<Thracky> :(
<Mardos> god damn it
<bealtine> lte for all eventually just diff frequencies
<Mardos> hopefully quad core and lte will work in canada i dont want hte s4 chip
<Thracky> look at the korean s3 :P
<Thracky> dunno what lte frequencies that runs on though off the top of my head
<Mardos> no supprt = no buy
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<Kenji> why does quad core and lte not work?
<Thracky> I think it was done for battery considerations
<Thracky> since the s4 has lte built in iirc
<Thracky> exynos requires a separate chip
<Thracky> yeah s4 has on die lte modem
<Mardos> oh well
<Mardos> note 2 maybe lol
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<Mardos> jb this month
<cantIntoCode> for s3?
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<cantIntoCode> 'very soon' is what they said
<frankdrey> when will there be official jb for tab 2?
<Mardos> yes s3 i9300
<cantIntoCode> 3 weeks maybe idk
<cantIntoCode> and its still august ;p
<Thracky> barely
<Thracky> :P
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<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> im really bored
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<frankdrey> might root
<frankdrey> :P
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<Mardos> root and shish
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<frankdrey> shish?
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<dagb> anyone up to enlightening me about sgs and storage? sdcards, slow internal memory and whatnot?
<Yoshimo> if the cell reboots without no apparent reason every now and then, how can one find the reason?
<dagb> Yoshimo: logging
<Yoshimo> how?
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<Mardos> Veyka can you ban this guy already ???
<bbqbot> derp
<Veyka> Mardos: yes
<Mardos> thanks !
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<Mardos> this is his second thread of useless and swearing
<Kuzon> Samsung made the Note II screen even larger? It was already enormous before lol
<Espenfjo> larger screen, lower resolution
<Thracky> interesting choice.
<Thracky> but I imagine the lower res may help battery life a touch?
<Thracky> I know the samsung reps are saying the goal is to have a student able to take notes on the thing for 10 hours.
<Kuzon> Well it is true 720p now
<Kuzon> the pixel density is still great
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<Kuzon> battery is enormous too
<Kuzon> like razr maxx big
cardinal is now known as hcarrega
<Kuzon> also an over kill 1.6ghz quad core exynos lol
<Kuzon> also there are a bunch of Android Cameras coming out now
<Kuzon> Samsung's and Nikon
<Kuzon> and I think Sony did one too
<Kuzon> or was that someone else
<Kuzon> You know if Samsung doesn't improve their Build quality for the S IV and S V, Sony could be the new Android brand for me
<Kuzon> They seem more open to development, good build quality, decent internals, etc
<chadouming> Get a nexus device
<Kuzon> Looking at the Note / Note II's plastic back is kind of disgusting and so is my S III's
<Kuzon> Hopefully the rumors for Nexus' coming from multiple manufactures
<chadouming> True
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<Kuzon> because HTC's Nexus One was beautiful and then the Nexus S was bleh
<chadouming> next lg phone has killer spec too :D
<Veyka> But its made by LG
<Veyka> so its shit
pier|brb is now known as pier
<Baskey> +1
<chadouming> Teuw
<Kuzon> LG improved their design as well, but LG is in the same boat as Samsung. Cheap, plastic,
<chadouming> True* xD
<Kuzon> and honestly I would trust Samsung mroe than LG
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<Veyka> LG just has the worlds worst software as well
<Kuzon> idk, Motoblur was awful too
<Kenji> you're gonna install cm anyways so what does the software matter:P
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<chadouming> +1 on cm
<Veyka> Never getting newer android versions = issues with old blobs on newer CM
<chadouming> Read somewhere lg was working closely with android
<Veyka> Hahaha thats funny
<Veyka> If so thats even worse
<chadouming> xD
<Baskey> Sony all teh wai
<Veyka> Nexus all the way
<Kuzon> Interesting with Sony testing Nexus like software on their phones
<Baskey> indeed
<Kuzon> by Nexus I mean AOSP I guess
<Veyka> If they put aosp and open source it
<Kuzon> maintainerd by Google
<Veyka> Then maybe
<Veyka> But otherwise, meh
<Kuzon> Isn't it open source?
<bbqbot> derp
<Kuzon> I swear the source was put online
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<Kenji> some oem has to make it possible to run pure asop soon, how hard can that be
<Kenji> should be a market for it
<Veyka> Dunno
<bealtine> touchwiz all the way
<Kuzon> I'll kill you.
<Baskey> nebkat
<Kuzon> ><Kenji> should be a market for it Nexus devices?
<bealtine> we need moar touchwiz
<chadouming> @nuclearbomb bealtine
<bbqbot> chadouming: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Kuzon> Touchwiz is better than most other skins, besides the new motoblur
<Kuzon> but it looks like Gingerbread still
<chadouming> -_-' i tought we were friend bbqbot
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<Baskey> chadouming: :|
<bealtine> haha
<Kenji> Kuzon: well the option to install it on all devices not just a single one
<Kuzon> well Google, imo, should start enforcing some things a bit.
<frankdrey> touchwiz launcher sucks
<Kuzon> Ask for companies to supply AOSP versions of their phone's rom
<frankdrey> touchwiz mini apps are pretty cool
<chadouming> True, google should enforce some standard
<Kuzon> Google doesn't enforce any standard really and it's disappointing
<pier> did they say anything about JB for i9100 ?
<chadouming> Google has nothing to do with jb on i9100
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<addi> since its open source (not counting HC), can they really enforce anything except e.g say no Play Store access to devices that don't have an AOSP ROM etc etc?
<Kuzon> the g apps
<frankdrey> ^^ not that bad of an idea...
<chadouming> Well, they made it, they can do whatever they want with it.
<addi> they already did the 'no play store access for those that don't have Holo UI or something", not sure what that was
<addi> that PDK must be working though, JB already out on a new device
<Kuzon> It's not the Holo UI
<Espenfjo> cts
<addi> it was Holo something xD
<Kuzon> It's just permission from Google to use it on their phone
<Espenfjo> thats the enforcement
<addi> ah, okay, that
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<Kenji> well they don't want to enforce anything so, its suppose to be open
<Espenfjo> no
<Kenji> and other devices that are not phones would be harder if there where stuf enforced like that, like the galaxy camera, or media centers and stuff like that
<Espenfjo> One can do what one want with Android, but not with gapps
<Kenji> yep
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<Thracky> Barack Obama just broke reddit.
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<Kenji> probobly not even obama writing
<Alram> but they posted a picture from him behind his laptop that could have been taken at any time
<Alram> obviously its real
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<Syphyr> hi
<Syphyr> codeworkx, right before you checked the code in for the P31XX builds for CM9, you had fixed a buffer overflow issued with the using hardware decoding on variable bitrate mp4 videos.
<frankdrey> hi
<Syphyr> but now the same problem is back in CM10
pier is now known as pier|brb
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<Syphyr> where the video driver crashes and you just get a horizontal line of compressed video in the middle of the screen.
<Syphyr> im not sure who merged over your code, but they broke it in the last few days
<Syphyr> is it possible to explain where the problem is so that I can relay that information
<Syphyr> since you already fixed it once
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Xeon3D is now known as Xeon3D|Zzz
Xeon3D|Zzz is now known as Xeon3D
<codeworkx> Syphyr: i didnt
<Syphyr> oh
<Syphyr> i thought it was you since it was fixed right after you checked in the code or CM9
<Syphyr> for*
joethc is now known as joethc[brb]
<Syphyr> well, at the moment I cant watch any videos.. I could buy that BS Player, but I really didnt want to have to do that.
<Syphyr> I guess BS Player has its own hardware drivers
<Syphyr> but now I cant use software or hardware decoding
<codeworkx> it was never broken
<codeworkx> and got never fixed
<Syphyr> well, it was never broken in CM10 until now
<Syphyr> but it was not working in the CM9 experimental builds
<codeworkx> and i'm 1000% sure there has nothing changed the last few days
<codeworkx> because i didnt do anything
<Syphyr> is there anyone else changing it?
<codeworkx> no
<Syphyr> when the CM9 builds started making nightly builds, then the problem went away
<Syphyr> this is what it looks like:
<Syphyr> when it crashes
<Thracky> if it was that big of an issue, everyone would be mentioning it
<JiangyiVolunteer> codeworkx: Mini-ATX board eh? :-P
JiangyiVolunteer is now known as Jiangyi
<codeworkx> Syphyr: android + kerner log
<Syphyr> it only happens when you hardware decode variable bitrate mp4
<Syphyr> ok
<Syphyr> logcat and dmesg?
<codeworkx> codecs are proprietary
<codeworkx> done ;-)
<codeworkx> yes logcat and dmesg
<Syphyr> if i re-encode my mp4 with a non-variable bitrate, then it wont crash
<Syphyr> ok
<Syphyr> coming up
<Syphyr> i recently rebooted, so let me crash it again before i send the log
<Syphyr> it always crashes on the same spot in the video
<Dillinjer> reverse engineering the parts that are broken in cm10 (sgs3) from the driver is doable?
<bbqbot> derp
<Dillinjer> or would be too much work and waste of time? :X
<Dillinjer> would be nice if we could adjust the open source mali drivers to work with cm10
<Syphyr> it will probably take about 5 mins before it crashes again
<Syphyr> it doesnt crash immediately
peterperfect has quit [Quit: Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.]
<Syphyr> ok just crashed
<Syphyr> let me gather the logs
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<Syphyr> how should i send it
<Syphyr> dcc?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> Anyone want to help me find out what is going wrong with my accelerometer?
<codeworkx> Syphyr:
<Syphyr> k
<codeworkx> Dillinjer: have fun
<Fissurez> Cody!
<Fissurez> I like cm10, good work to you and whoever helped make it.
<Fissurez> Much more usable than i was expecting
<Fissurez> Still having problems with my accelerometer cutting out for some reason
<frankdrey> ^stuff like this is why i kinda wanna stick with stock :P
guvner has quit [Quit: User pushed the X - because it's Xtra, baby]
<frankdrey> meh, my G1 is my screw-around phone
<frankdrey> idk if i should still root this tablet
<Fissurez> what tablet?
<frankdrey> samsung galaxy tab 2 10.1
<Fissurez> And my phone was fucked uo before root anyway.
<Fissurez> I dont think i could not root now.
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<Fissurez> Ok then.
<Fissurez> How do i restart the accelerometer?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Syphyr> crap, i think i posted dmesg twice
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<Syphyr> let met do the logcat again
Xeon3D is now known as Xeon3D|Zzz
<frankdrey> how
Xeon3D|Zzz is now known as Xeon3D
* frankdrey is trying to figure out what triggers the bot
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<Syphyr> sorry about that
<Fissurez> Ignore that, i crashed.
<Syphyr> here is the logcat
<Syphyr> And, I'm also not the only one
<codeworkx> and now? i'm not at home @ computer
<Syphyr> hm?
<Syphyr> oh nm
<Fissurez> Cody - any ideas what might be causing my accelerometer tk stop working?
<codeworkx> send me the links at xda
<Syphyr> are you talking to me?
<codeworkx> Fissurez: no
<Fissurez> Aw :(
Pulser has quit [Excess Flood]
<Fissurez> I take it a logcat would show it though?
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<Fissurez> So i should grab that when it next happens.
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<Espenfjo> + kernel log /dmesg /kmsg
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<Fissurez> Espenfjo - that to me?
<Espenfjo> yes
<Fissurez> any apps that would get that?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> Or will lumberjack do that?
<codeworkx> ADB
<Fissurez> Ohok.
<Fissurez> Im not near a pc atm
<Fissurez> Espenfjo - will last kmsg do?
<Syphyr> is that what you need, codeworkx ?
<Syphyr> I am surprised, because I thought you already fixed this once.
<Syphyr> Soon as you checked in the code for CM9, it went away, until today.
<Fissurez> Its a ghost!
<Syphyr> but I have not tested the last few builds
<Fissurez> Someone call the ghostbugsters!
<Fissurez> I am a comedic genius.
<Syphyr> on the bbq log, I saw something about video codecs, so, I thought that was the problem.
<Syphyr> recently
<bneenb> has anybody else microfreezes on the last cm10 build on i9300?
<Syphyr> It was working perfectly, but I thought you used a blob from the proprietary drivers to fix it
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pier|brb is now known as pier
<Syphyr> This is triggered mostly from watching NTSC television
<Syphyr> PAL is not variable bitrate
<Syphyr> so if you download any tv shows from america, then it should crash within 5 minutes
<Syphyr> I had the same problem as this with my DVB card
<Syphyr> when the dvb card would parse the sections of the video, it would overflow and cause the same type of crash
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<Syphyr> since the variable bitrate filled the buffer
<codeworkx> i didnt change anything for weeks
<Syphyr> odd
<Syphyr> but the builds are changing
<Syphyr> not saying it was you
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
<Syphyr> does anything pop out for you in the logs?
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<Syphyr> It seems like a lot of people just went and purchased BS Player so that this would not be an issue.. but i would like to get it working without that.
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<bneenb> whats uuppppp?
<bbqbot> derp
peterperfect has quit [Quit: The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese]
<Baskey> ?pppppuu stahw
<Baskey> @dood bneenb
<bbqbot> bneenb: what up dood
<Baskey> @geo user bneenb
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for bneenb
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1530941440,1530946559],"country":"DE","region":"16","city":"Berlin","ll":[52.5167,13.4]}
<Baskey> @googlw bneenb
<bbqbot> Baskey: Command does not exist!
<bneenb> nothing... just wathing yt vids about san andreas ported into gta 4 engine...
<Baskey> OMG TYPO
<Baskey> @google bneenb
<bbqbot> BNEENB - YouTube -
<bneenb> haha thats not me
<bneenb> im kinda bored..
<Syphyr> FYI, BS Player does fix it
ciwrl|work is now known as ciwrl|away
<_Fissurez_> DUUUUUUUDDE
<_Fissurez_> Baskey - my accelerometer is still buggy ;_;
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<bneenb> time for a cig
<Baskey> _Fissurez_: that's a bummer
<Baskey> ;(
harv has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
<_Fissurez_> Yah
<_Fissurez_> Fuck. Its stuck in landscape.
<_Fissurez_> Halp.
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<_Fissurez_> Pootispootispootis
<Baskey> LA POO POO
<_Fissurez_> Baskey - help me logcat to fix accelerometer
<Baskey> me? lawl
<Baskey> LAWL BRAW
<Jiangyi> .............
<Baskey> @geo user Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Jiangyi
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1427701760,1427708959],"country":"DE","region":"","city":"","ll":[51,9]}
<_Fissurez_> Jiangyi - halp
<Baskey> _Fissurez_: HAVE YOU TRIED WIPE DATA
FunkyELF has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<_Fissurez_> No. U.
<_Fissurez_> I donut too!
<_Fissurez_> No. Want 2 donut.
<Baskey> ok, enough is enough
<_Fissurez_> Pomatoes are toxic. Has tbe simpsons taught you nothing?
<Baskey> uh, shame on me
<Jiangyi> _Fissurez_: Go back to stock. Calibrate. Come back to CM.
<Baskey> daaamn
<Baskey> _Fissurez_: GG
<_Fissurez_> Nooooooooo.
<_Fissurez_> Jiangyi - it works sometimes, then stops working after a whild.
<Jiangyi> GG.
<Jiangyi> =|
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<Baskey> _Fissurez_: YOUR PHONE IS BORKED
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<_Fissurez_> NOOOOOOOO
<_Fissurez_> Cant export dmesg either >.>
Xeon3D is now known as Xeon3D|Zzz
Xeon3D|Zzz is now known as Xeon3D
<Syphyr> Is there a way to lock the desktop with trebuchet?
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<chadouming> Never say meizu is better than anything
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<Syphyr> well, thanks for looking into my problem, codeworkx
<Syphyr> im about to crash
|Cero| has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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<Phlor> hiho
<Phlor> who online&
<Phlor> ?
<Phlor> ...
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Baskey has quit [Quit: If you were there, beware.]
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Karbowiak is now known as zz_Karbowiak