chadouming changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <xplodwild> see the August whore on my balls | <codeworkx> Olympics? New phone to hack on? | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | CYANGOGENMERD MOD 11 IS BASED ON ANDROID 5.0 KRANSEKAKE
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<Igashu> Trying to write the new GT-P7510 4.0.4 system.img via fastboot and failing; anybody know why that might be?
<Igashu> ah, I see
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<Igashu> apparently fastboot has an image size limit
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<NickD_> hello
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<Guest43025> I just bought a galaxy tab 2 10.1 5113, and am looking for the easiest way to get usb audio out
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<Guest43025> also would like to install Google music
<Guest43025> anyone here?
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<mna> what is the different between cyanogen 9 and rc 2?
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<newbz> hi
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<Keith_> hi
<Keith_> I can't use Experimental builds: 20120731 in CWM, anyone same with me?
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<dsathe> hey , could anyone tell me about the possible bugs in cm10 on the gt i9100 (galaxys2) , what's not working ?
<dsathe> really eager to try, great work team hacksung
<Jiangyi> dsathe: hwcomposer's not fully working, so it's not as buttery as 4.1's supposed to be.
<dsathe> oh ok
<dsathe> camera etc ?
<dsathe> and battery life ?
<dsathe> i think ill give it a go then
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<Jiangyi> dsathe: idk, I don't actually have a I9100. xD
<dsathe> :D
<dsathe> kk
<dsathe> thanks anyway :)
<Jiangyi> yeah no prob :P
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|zZzZz
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<nevyn> so in cm9 there seems to be no fm radio app? what's the standard solution to this problem?
<dsathe> use spirit fm
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<Guest53092> hi having difficulties sending mms on i9100g running cyanogen mod 9..
<Guest53092> can anynone help?
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<hhh111hhh> have the Nightlys for CM10 come out?
<jwalker> hello, sorry to be a noob about this... I just got a "reconditioned" (used) galaxy SII off of ebay. It looks pretty much stock. Now, I'm an avid linux/freebsd user and am one of those guys that likes the latest of the stable versions. However, this is my FIRST ever "smart" phone. I'm trying to sort out where to go.
<hhh111hhh> Still have preview. Works good but google plus is pretty buggy.
<jwalker> hacksung and cyanogenmod seem to be the leaders for the galaxy sii. Anyone have a good location for a noob tutorial?
<dsathe> if i am running cm9 am i clear of the MMC-SUPERBRICK-BUG
<dsathe> and can wipe and flash as normal ?
<dsathe> i am running the current nightly
<dsathe> and want to try the preview
<hhh111hhh> of jb?
<dsathe> yes
<hhh111hhh> I was running CM9 no issue flashing into recovery and getting cm10 on GS2
<dsathe> ok
<hhh111hhh> but might still wanna get some further clearance
<hhh111hhh> jb is great not to buggy only issue no file view on SD and Google plus buggy still.
<hhh111hhh> Anyone know of any new jb previews out I have 20122707
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<Jiangyi|zZzZz> dsathe: no emmc bug on CM.
<dsathe> great
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> hhh111hhh: what phone?
<hhh111hhh> GS2
<hhh111hhh> I am waiting for the nightlys but cant find anything yet.
<Guest53092> im having difficulties sending mms on i9100g running cyanogen mod 9..any help or guide?
romann|afk is now known as romann
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> hhh111hhh: 0729 afaik.
<Guest53092> im having difficulties sending mms on i9100g running cyanogen mod 9..any help or guide?
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> Guest53092: Look through the last few posts on the CM10 I9100G thread. l
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> People wrote about it there. :-P
* Jiangyi|zZzZz is having insomnia
<Guest53092> ok tq..ill look in cm10 thread
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> Guest53092: oops. I mean CM9 thread.
<Guest53092> err..ok
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> Looked at the wrong tab lol
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<Guest53092> so i need to edit the smsc?
<Guest53092> but sms works fine
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> Guest5302: Does mobile data work fine too?
<Guest53092> yes
<Guest53092> no problem
<Guest53092> jz mms keep showing sending
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> ok, clearly I'm sleepy. I read mms as sms lol
<Guest53092> and i cant download mms which ppl sent
<Guest53092> haha..
<Guest53092> so what can i do?
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> Guest53092: Try HiAPN.
<Guest53092> i check my apn setting all fine
<Guest53092> what is HiApn?
<YoYo> Anyone running CM10 on their i777?
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> Guest53092: It's a tool that corrects APN settings. Usually MMS problems are from bad APN settings.
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> Other than that, I'm out of ideas. Sorry.
<Guest53092> i think my setting is correct
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<hhh111hhh> I am
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<hhh111hhh> Hey Jiangyi do you think I should wait a couple of nights to update CM10
<hhh111hhh> running the first Preview
<Trebesan> does the cm10 preview for the i777 not come with a camera app yet?
<hhh111hhh> I have a camera on mine.
<Trebesan> mine doesn't have one. and it wasn't in the zips system/app folder...?
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<Trebesan> I'm also noticing that it doesn't like Bluetooth stereo yet lol
<hhh111hhh> Yeah the newest nightly has fixed that issue.
<hhh111hhh> form last night but I can deal waiting for more improve before I start crack flashing.
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<witakr> hey folks
<witakr> guess what!
<hhh111hhh> ?
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> hhh111hhh: Update all teh things!
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<witakr> I have no idea what i'm doing and I have wrecked my new phone! sweet! ahaha
<witakr> its kinda great
<hhh111hhh> Okay Jiangyi I shall do that.
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> Trebesan: Camera's now part of Gallery2.apk.
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<witakr> ok for real.. what does Unsupport dev_type mean ?
<hhh111hhh> Do you know if you need new Gapps.
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> witakr: what phone?
<witakr> when i try to flash cf root in odin 307 i get that on the phone
<witakr> gs3
<witakr> and
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> hhh111hhh: I would get the one codey put up in the thread.
<hhh111hhh> thanks
<witakr> when i try to just boot like normal i get an error saying the firmware didnt update correctly and it tells me to start kies
<hhh111hhh> I think galaxy devices you can always reboot to stock and wipe data.
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<witakr> aaand the adventure continues
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> witakr: Just connect it to your PC and flash a stock ROM through Odin.
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> witakr: you're sure you have the intl variant?
<witakr> so i should boot into download try to flash the stock rom and it should fix and I can try to reroot?
<witakr> sweet
<witakr> sprint
<witakr> ?
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> witakr: Blah. You tried flashing something not for your phone.
<witakr> fantastic! lol
<Guest53092> ,;
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> witakr: Anything for the intl GS3 (i9300) is incompatible.
<witakr> well I'm going to flash the stock rom and see what happenes
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> witakr: Make sure you download the right one.
<witakr> ok
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<Jiangyi|zZzZz> Argh, why am I still up at 2 in the morning.........
<ernie`> what a fine day for work it is
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> freaking insomnia.
* ernie` is tired as fudge
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<Jiangyi|zZzZz> ernie`: Your turn to give support, i'm going to sleep xD
<ernie`> ernie`reporting for duty!
<ernie`> good night, Jiangyi|zZzZz
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> +1
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> gnight!
<witakr> no!
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> ???
<witakr> You can;t leave I might neeed you
<witakr> lol
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> :-(
<witakr> nite
<witakr> thanks btw
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> no sleep then.
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> lol
<witakr> kidding
<witakr> ,lol
<Jiangyi|zZzZz> oh alright then :-)
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<witakr> oh geez.. the stock rom is so big... this is going to screw my HD on netflix
<witakr> lol first world problems
<ernie`> aww yeah its big
<ernie`> ;)
<ernie`> also, that's what she said
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<ScoobyTT> hi there
<ernie`> Hey.. welcome to #teamhacksung-support
<witakr> herro
<witakr> lmao @ernie
<ScoobyTT> how is everyone tonight?
<witakr> just saw it
<witakr> lol
<witakr> just a little crazy and yourself?
<ScoobyTT> fine fine
<witakr> that's great
<witakr> just great
<ernie`> ScoobyTT: its 8 in the morning.. what are you talking about "tonight"? :P
<witakr> I wish i could just get my phone rooted with cm9 and working wifi tether
<ernie`> witakr: press tab for nick-autocompletion ;)
<witakr> had HD aaaaaaand its gone
<ScoobyTT> so I'm in trinidad and tobago and my provider is somehow selling the S2 for 300USD, no contract so well I got one. I upgraded from the captivate. Lol @<ernie`> its 2am here
<ernie`> Somebody fix his timezone
<ScoobyTT> and well i just installed the last experimental cm10
<ScoobyTT> can i use as a daily?
<ScoobyTT> i know its experimental and the name is self explanatory
<ernie`> Im not sure how far cm10 is on the s2, but on my s3 I use it as a daily driver
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<witakr> really
<witakr> you use the cm10 daily
<witakr> is it working that well?
<ernie`> sure it has some memory leak issues, but a reboot now and then fixes that
<ScoobyTT> i use the cm10 daily on my captivate and its running fine
<witakr> hmm
<ScoobyTT> i haven't rebooted my captivate in almost a week
<ernie`> normally you reboot when flashing newest build anyway.. at the most a reboot later that day as well
<witakr> i was considering cm10 for my gs3 but chose cm9 because i figured it was a little more stable with fewer bugs
<witakr> my biggest thing is wifi tether... is it working?
<ScoobyTT> i'm considering cm9 for the s2
<ScoobyTT> i would check wifi tether for you but that will be on an s2
<witakr> earnie, you have cm10 on a gs3, right? have you tried the wifi tether? is it working?
<ScoobyTT> wifi tether working on the s2 if that somehow helps lol
<witakr> lol
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<ScoobyTT> cm10 on s2 seems to run fine but i think doesn't have H/w accel support atm
<ScoobyTT> cm9 ftw then LOL
<witakr> thats what I was thinking with the gs3
<ScoobyTT> oh if anyone can help
<dsathe> hey seems down
<dsathe> can someone point me to a mirror for gapps
<dsathe> ?
<witakr> uh
<witakr> i think there is one hold on
<ScoobyTT> you know when the s2 boots, it says Galaxy SII , on that screen it has a yellow triangle, how do i get rid of that
<witakr> which apps do you need?
<ScoobyTT> lol @ --> 500 - Internal Server Error
<dsathe> ics
<dsathe> latest
<ernie`> I dont know about wifi tethering.. havent tried that
<dsathe> 0429 afiak
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<witakr> ok im back\
<witakr> oh
<witakr> nevermind.
<ScoobyTT> anyone know how to remove the yellow triangle from the kernel screen
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<ernie`> ScoobyTT: triangle-away
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<ernie`> if your deivce was s2
<ScoobyTT> yea it is an s2, so i should be good with it
<ScoobyTT> thanks
<ernie`> np
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<ernie`> goodbye Guest53092
<Assid> which gapps do you want?
<Assid> i'll mirror
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<witakr> almost done
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<ScoobyTT> Thank you all for your help I'm off to bed now
<ScoobyTT> have a great day/morning
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<brickoutman> hey
<brickoutman> any S2 users in the house
<witakr> nope
<witakr> i keed
<witakr> :fingerscrossed:
<witakr> flashing now
<Assid> brickoutman: whats your question
<witakr> earnie' does your wifi tether work in cm10?
<brickoutman> I have some widgets on the CM10 that just dont appear
<witakr> im just gonna go with cm9 and update later or something
<ernie`> AAGH
* Assid is mirroring gapps
<ernie`> you know.. one of the thing I look most forward to ending my simmer internship
<MacDrunk> hmm im using stock Trinidad and tobago whit CF-root
<witakr> simmer interships suck
<MacDrunk> should i move to CM9 or 10
<ernie`> my coworkers are so appleheads
<ernie`> no reasoning with them
<Assid> whats a simmer intership?
<ernie`> s/simmer/summer
<MacDrunk> sumer
<MacDrunk> dude
<witakr> i know.. mine too.. even... gulp... my brtoehr is... geez.. he just bought an ipad
<Assid> type correctly!
<MacDrunk> summer intership,, is like a part time job before you graduate
<MacDrunk> i think
<witakr> he texted me to "brg"... i threw up a little
<Assid> yeah internship
<witakr> braf*
<Assid> -- mirror (gapps still downloading)
<Assid> have fun
<witakr> sweet thanks
<Assid> wait.. its still downloading tho
<Assid> i think.. not monitoring it anymore
<witakr> cool my phone is booting again
<witakr> thats good news
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* Assid needs to play with his router again
<ernie`> !!! seriously.. no reasoning whatsoever.. "Apple is best, samsung stole from them"
<Assid> ?
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<ernie`> my coworkers.. how I feel they act
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<witakr> whats the best way to root my gs3 to get cm9 working? i tried the heildall thing but i get a libusb error so if i can use odin it would be great... any suggesttions?
<Assid> ernie`: i had someone who did that.. i wentr and asked them to show me their notification bar.. and ask them how they got it.. and then i asked them to go see where they got it from
<Dwarken> addi :O
<Assid> thereafter i ask them if they use a mac.. and they generally say yes.. i ask them what X in osx means.. they say 10 .. i ask them to open utilities and show me X11 .. then ask them what that is.. they say they dont know.. i tell them THATS STOLEN FROM THE INTERNET FROM X-WINDOWS
<blackra1n> hello all, after flashing latest CM9 nightly, Mail app cant connect to my account, only says "waiting for sync"
<Assid> and linux had it first
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<blackra1n> someone please ?
<Assid> then i go and ask them whats at the heard of osx . some answer darwin.. some say mac .. i ask them do they know where the code comes from.. which ofcourse they dont then i asked them to google freebsd and mac
<blackra1n> BTW my device is I9300
<ernie`> Assid: they know that was taken from android, but they still can't be reasoned with, with regards to the samsung apple trial. Samsung stole rectangle shape from Apple... I mean.. COME ON! Its a rectangle shape... and of course they'll inspire from apple.. like apple did android..
<ernie`> like everybody does to everybody
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<Assid> ernie`: ask them if apple claims to be so proper.. can they please stop using the mouse ? thats a by product stolen from xerox, they should also stop using X windows. 90 % of the communication methods which are pre-patented by motorola; nokia and the rest of the "phone companies"
<ernie`> yeah..
<ernie`> but Id rather just ignore them
<Assid> i would like to see apple MAKE a product which isnt bought / obtained through different companies
<ernie`> they can live an ignorant life if they like
<ernie`> lol yeah
<Assid> you wanna piss them off.. tell them if they do all this.. technically they are dell .. they buy the machines.. assemble it.. put their addon software.. add their badge and sell at a premium
<Assid> then you tell them apple stole dell stuff
<witakr> ok so the intl version oc cm9 wont work for my sprint
<witakr> ?
<witakr> cf root too?
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<silentkillerz> im using i9100g and unable to sent using CM9...need help and guide
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<hakim> hello, i recently updated my friend phone i9100g
<hakim> with cm9 build 15 july
<hakim> there seems to be a bug
<hakim> when he finished a call
<hakim> the screen just went black
<hakim> it doesnt happened to my phone though
<hakim> using the same build
<hakim> hope you can help me
<ernie`> same modem?
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<witakr> dude this is frustrating
<blackra1n> hello, i recently updated my friend phone i9300
<blackra1n> with cm9 latest nightly
<blackra1n> now he cant sync email
<blackra1n> the MAIL app just says "waiting for sync"
<blackra1n> on both WIFI connection and cellular internet
<Assid> has codeworkx released an odin compatible cm10 preview?
<silentkillerz> im using i9100g and unable to sent using CM9...need help and guide
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<Assid> hmm need a ics howto for 9100g
<Fusion_> Been ages since I was in a chatroom. So many brains in here
<ernie`> its been ages since I heard the term chatroom
<Fusion_> ha
<Fusion_> * N 1
<Fusion_> 8 N 1
<Assid> okay i have an untouched 9100G
<Assid> do i have to load cm9 first ? or can i push it to cm10 directly
<Fusion_> I have only questions young one, no answers
<codeworkx> Assid: cm10
<Fusion_> My question is an easy one. My CM10 nightly I just put on i777 works great, but the tethering screen is gone. Did I build it wrong? I didn't see any mention of its removal in BBQLogs
<Assid> codeworkx: k.. so first i load cwmod through heimdall then as simple as normal updates
<codeworkx> Assid: aye
<Assid> sweet.. im like a rom flashing counter.. 3 s2's on my table right now eveyrone comes here for their android requirements
<Assid> codeworkx: mirrored the latest files .. incase you need them
<Assid> stupid godiddy
<ernie`> godiddy.. new name registrar from p diddy
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<ernie`> made my own mirror for i9300
<Dwarken> ernie` spiser surstømmning
<addi> Dwarken,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> ernie`,
<addi> whats up dood
<Dwarken> addi wurd
<ernie`> lol addi.. are you missing the @dood command? :P
<addi> nah
<ernie`> Dwarken: I DO NOT.. I hate fish
<addi> both are fine xD
<Dwarken> ernie` how can a norwegian hate fish?
<addi> it's the dooding that matters, not the way you do it :p
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<ernie`> <-- proof
<witakr> ok well I ahve my shiz rooted but now I need to pick a rom
<witakr> i want cm9 but it wont work and i give up
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<witakr> been trying for days to get cm9 running on my gs3 but nothing... pretty sure i bricked and unbricked several times in the process
<witakr> so im thinking blazer
<ernie`> and thats more swedish than norwegian
<ernie`> afaik
<ernie`> Dwarken:
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<Dwarken> ^^
raXuz|Away is now known as raXuz
<ernie`> Dwarken: you were danish?
<Dwarken> ernie` yup
<Dwarken> living in tha irelandz
<witakr> "were" seems like an odd word to use in that particular sentence
<ernie`> we're dealing with lots of danish data right now.. trying do decrypt your mystical language :P
<Dwarken> lol norwegian and danish are almost the same.. swedish is another one.. For me it is easier to understand swedish but read norwegian :D
<Dwarken> norwegians sounds like drunk danes.. ^^
<ernie`> lol
<ernie`> yeah..
<ernie`> was a field "Gade"
<ernie`> and I was like.. what the hell is gade
<Dwarken> Street
<ernie`> and then
<Dwarken> haha
<ernie`> OOH... gate
<Dwarken> port is gate
<Dwarken> gade is street
<ernie`> nono
<Dwarken> :P
<ernie`> Gade == gate
<ernie`> :P
<Dwarken> bad danish
<Dwarken> sounds like chinese translator
<ernie`> haha
<Dwarken> ernie` what ya working with?
<ernie`> Im not really allowed to say.. but we're dealing with a danish customer
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<ernie`> or rather.. the corporate is danish, swedish and norwegian
<ernie`> and they're trying to make a common database
<ernie`> so we get a lot of danish data
<Dwarken> i can translate if you get me a contract.. haha be back, breakfest
<ernie`> :P
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<ernie`> if anybody wants mirror for i9300, im gonna try to update with latest builds
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<witakr> have you ever just wanted to lay down so badly that you really just stopped caring about any and all other things and the thought of laying down consumes you heart and soul until you actualy find your self resting in that horizontal heaven of comfort and heaven?
<witakr> thats how I fee now
<witakr> sans the actuall laying part.. that is still to come
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<ernie`> are you standing a lot these days, witakr?
<witakr> ernie`: nope but it feels like it right now
<witakr> im waiting for a rom to download
<witakr> then bed
<ernie`> haha, ok
<ernie`> I felt like that after standing 5 hours in line in paris AFTER having gone trough Louvre as well
<witakr> i think I would have been consumed by the Louvre but I guess 5 hours on the feet in a line can take its toll on a person too so yeah
<ernie`> Dwarken: what the hell is orlov?
<ernie`> I went, quickly, trough whole louvre.. then I found signing with the author of death note.. and stood in line for that for 5 hours before I sat down for the first time in many, many hours
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<witakr> death note
<witakr> you know
<ernie`> what?
<witakr> I have never been in to anime but i get the feeling I really need to check out death note
<ernie`> you should check out death note
<ernie`> you really need to check out Cowboy Bebop
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<witakr> lol
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<ernie`> mmmm... crispy bacon
<witakr> oh i know
<witakr> im hungry
<ernie`> me too
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<ernie`> soon time for lunch
<witakr> soon time for breakfast
<witakr> its 4am for me
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<ernie`> 4am is sleepytime
<ernie`> its 11am here
<witakr> nice
<witakr> yes 4am normally would be sleepytime
<witakr> but I have been trying to unf**k my phone so a late night it is
<witakr> im determined to finish with something useful
<Dwarken> ernie: orlov is like Maternity leave
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<ernie`> oh
<ernie`> thanks
<Dwarken> or leave of absence
<Dwarken> barselsorlov is more like maternity leave
<witakr> what about this though:
<witakr> i just think the pic of Griggory Orlov is funy
<witakr> er Grigory
<witakr> ole grigs.. what a narcissist
<Dwarken> haha
<witakr> " ooohhh look at my asweome red sash"... please dude
<witakr> lol
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<witakr> ok im going to bed
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<witakr> I got my phone back to a working state so i'm going to call it a night
<witakr> thanks your the help and the laughs folks. I am out
witakr is now known as witakr|EffingAsl
<witakr|EffingAsl> lmao
<witakr|EffingAsl> not ASL
<witakr|EffingAsl> supposed to be asleep
<witakr|EffingAsl> lol
witakr|EffingAsl is now known as witakr|sleepy-by
<witakr|sleepy-by> better
<witakr|sleepy-by> night folks
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<Dwarken> witakr|sleepy-by: nighty night
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<Teolino> Hello!
<Teolino> i have a question
<Teolino> i have a galaxy s2
<Teolino> and i seen that today
<Teolino> you released the new rom
<Teolino> now the butter effect
<Teolino> is actived?
<Teolino> *activated?
<Dwarken> buttferfly effect can be dangerous.. seen the movie?
<Dwarken> ^^ Sry, i don't ahve a clue of what you are talking about :D
<Teolino> ^o)
<Dwarken> butter effect?
<Teolino> The project butter of Jelly Bean..
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<Teolino> nothing?
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<ernie`> yummy in my timmy
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<Dwarken> in your timmy?
<Dwarken> lol
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<ernie`> tummy lol :P
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<Guest50482> Hello! In this rom is enabled for galaxy s2 the h/w accelerator?
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<elmig> no
<Guest50482> ok
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<fredst> Hi, I'm on CM10@SG-Note-N7000. Widgets with transparency loose transparency during scrolling/desktop-panning (or whatever it's called). Is it supposed to?
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<Espenfjo> no, but it is known
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<DuperMan> yay making mess of jb buildin^^
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<silentkillerz> im using i9100g and unable to sent using CM9...need help and guide
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<ernie`> have you tried different modem?
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<silentkillerz> already tried like 5 modem
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<silentkillerz> and finally im using the stock modem for ics malaysian version
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<silentkillerz> im using i9100g and unable to sent using CM9...need help and guide
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<silentkillerz> im using i9100g and unable to sent using CM9...need help and guide
<ernie`> are you sure you have configured the apn right?
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<silentkillerz> yes..i already check and seems ok
<gawaw> hey
<gawaw> admin?
<ernie`> them I dunno.. try again later when people start to wake up/come back from work
<silentkillerz> i try to sent mms 2 days and it keep sending
<silentkillerz> and i cant download mms image whcih ppl sent to me
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<ernie`> weird
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<silentkillerz> ya...
<silentkillerz> i tried several modem and sms apps..still cant sent mms
<Dwarken> Samsung Beam, quite cool with a projector built in
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<Tee_Pee> 'ello
<Tee_Pee> I am having a rather silly problem, hoping someone can help me out - I am running CM9 on my SGS2, a relatively older build (9-20120507), and I can't seem to get 'adb devices' to see it.
<Tee_Pee> USB debugging is enabled, the SDK is, to my knowledge, configured properly, Eclipse isn't yelling at me and AVDs work.
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<Tee_Pee> I've tried kill-server / start-server, plugging it in and out, all the usual stuff, but didn't really help.
<Tee_Pee> Truth be told, the only unusual thing is that, when I plugged it in the first time, it got the drivers for the phone (I-9100) but failed to get 'Android' drivers.
<Tee_Pee> (Win7 64-bit)
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<DuperMa> hmmm
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<DuperMan> blindly building kernel krazy^^
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peterperfect changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <xplodwild> see the August whore on my balls | <codeworkx> Olympics? New phone to hack on? | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | CYANGOGENMERD MOD 11 IS BASED ON ANDROID 5.0 KRANSEKAKE |
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<Tee_Pee> aand yeah, just to not leave my issue open, I managed to solve it by manually installing the SGS2 USB drivers. Yey
<Tee_Pee> Have a good day folks
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<fredst> Hi, regarding CM10-preview2@SG-Note-N7000: When connecting a swedish BT keyboard; a notification asks me to "Select keyboard layout". However tapping the notification sends me to keyboard and input methods (where Android keyboard is set to swedish). I am thus unable to change the BT keyboard layout, the notidfication icon remains and the keyboard does not get a swedish layout. Known problem?
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<elmig> ./ i9100 only built kernel, is not supposed to compile a full update zip ?
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<Pulser> elmig, should build full ROM
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<TAsnw> Hey, is there a known issues list for CM10 for s2?
<Entropy512> no because it's too damn large
<TAsnw> haha
<TAsnw> ok. :)
<TAsnw> good answer.
<TAsnw> Entropy512, Thanks a lot.
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<Entropy512> Once things stabilize a bit I'll start tracking things more
<Entropy512> but main things I can think of immediately are mediascanner is slow as hell and WPA2 tethering is broken on all BCM4330 devices
<Entropy512> but there are 2848230035534 other issues
<TAsnw> Entropy512, was hoping to be a beta tester, but if things are not even beta quality yet, I'll have to stay back.
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<Entropy512> alpha or pre-alpha
Burek_ is now known as Burek1
<TAsnw> Entropy512, sounds like it, yeah.
<TAsnw> Entropy512, too bad, just played with my friend's nexus with jb and got a bit excited.
<Entropy512> oh yeah huge memory leaks too
<TAsnw> Entropy512, they actually did some cool changes.
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<Burek1> hey guys. I just wanna say thanks!! to the devs for JB on i9100. you guys are the best.
<Pulser> Entropy512, you have mediascanner slowness on the 777?
<Entropy512> it's on all JB devices
<Entropy512> it's core Google code
<Entropy512> and it depends on how many files you have on the SD card
<elmig> libmedia ?
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<Pulser> haha Entropy512 so it's more google fail?
* Pulser does hate mediascanner
<Pulser> I disabled it tbh
<Pulser> "This slows down the scanner somewhat, but recent
<Pulser> optimizations more than make up for that."
<Pulser> ROFL
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<elmig> so now we have a name to kick ass :D
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<elmig> (kiddind)
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<Entropy512> yeah, I think a directory with 7500 files was a corner case he didn't think of
<Entropy512> I may just delete Parallel Kingdom
<Entropy512> or see if it has a bunch of stale files
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<Entropy512> if I nuke that SD card directory maybe it won't put so many back in there
<elmig> that dont solve anything
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<kage99> Wow the 08/01 version of CM10 for i9100 runs great. Thanks codeworkx
<ernie`> haha.. I downloaded the 0801 build but I forgot to flash it xD
<ernie`> just went into about and saw that I was on the previous built, and thought to myself: hmm.. wasnt I on the new one?
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<Cubox> Ohai
<kage99> Ohai
<Cubox> What the point about modem ?
<Cubox> cdesai: tell me to use LPQ but it is not on forum thread :/
<Cubox> (for cm10 sgs2 sorry)
<cdesai> Cubox: i didn't tell you to use it :P
<ernie`> no point in having modems.. just delete it
<Cubox> ernie`: what ?
<ernie`> Im merely kidding :P
<ernie`> Your question was weird
<Cubox> actually I have LPH
<ernie`> :P
<Cubox> but this one is not on forum thread too...
<Cubox> So, nobody know :/
<Thracky> I'm using LPX, I don't seem to have the RIL issues I was having on LPQ tbh
<cdesai> Cubox: check #bs
<cdesai> rom manager or cm wiki
<Cubox> nothing on both
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<cdesai> google it?
<cdesai> I9100XXLPQ
<cdesai> do one thing before flashing if it doens't come from a reliable source
<cdesai> strings
<cdesai> make sure it's for i9100
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<Cubox> cdesai: I will take the first modem on thread
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<nebkat> fuck yeah
<nebkat> finally installed teh gaem
<Pulser> hi
<nebkat> hello
<Espenfjo> nebkat!
<nebkat> Pulser: /invite to #bs plz?
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<Pulser> ok
<Espenfjo> nebkat: no ops
<nebkat> damnit
<Espenfjo> nebkat: fix chanserv plx
<nebkat> im the only one with ops xD
<cdesai> nebkat: xD
<Pulser> uhm can't
<Pulser> lol nebkat
<Pulser> request an invite
<cdesai> nebkat: close webchat
<nebkat> #fail :P
<cdesai> and come maek more ops
<cdesai> or msg chanserv mayeb?
<Pulser> /msg chanserv invite #channelname
<cdesai> *maybe
<nebkat> does someone have voice?
<Espenfjo> nop
<nebkat> aw
<nebkat> Pulser: worked
<Pulser> :)
<ernie`> oh wait.. does the version not change on the 0801 build for i9300 in settings?
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<NetSilb> nebkat: you working on treb for jb?
<cdesai> NetSilb: NO.
<NetSilb> k
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<Dwarken> Fyraften!
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<ernie`> fyr?
Guest74084 is now known as akSeya
<akSeya> hello
<kage99> how come 0801 on i9100 runs so well, or is that placebo on our part? did something major get fixed?
<akSeya> kage99, experimental cm10?
<kage99> yup
<akSeya> i'm going to flsh it right now
<kage99> it's great
<kage99> once you unlock it's blazingly fast
<kage99> faster than 07/29
<akSeya> tell me.. that kernel on the thread.. it is necessary? i thought the kernel was "build in" the rom
<akSeya> niice :P
<kage99> yeah
<kage99> but codey released a new kernel after he released the 0801 rom
<kage99> flash the rom, then the kernel
<akSeya> oh, OK :)
<kage99> I wish the tread on XDA didn't get shut down
<kage99> too many hotheads/crap, etc
<dixipix> i cant get it to work with my bluetooth headset
<Pulser> kage99, if people would think and stop acting like morons
<Pulser> it would be perfectly fine open
<Pulser> unfortunately most people cannot manage that, but it will open when cody does, or if things calm down
<akSeya> kage99, do you use rom manager?
<kage99> no
<kage99> Boot into Recovery
<akSeya> oh
<akSeya> my rom manager is buggy... when I tell it to flash the rom, it reboots, boots into recovery and tries to flash an "" then I reboot it manually and boot into recoveery manually.. then it flashes the selected rom
<kage99> I never use ROM Manager
<kage99> Plus now CWM 6 is built into CM10
<kage99> I think ROM Manager still boots into CWM 4 no?
<akSeya> no, it boots the CMW you have
<cdesai> s2?
<cdesai> #blamesamsung
<akSeya> yeap
<akSeya> :P
<cdesai> they kept recovery in the normal kenrel
<akSeya> #lameseamsung
<cdesai> *kernel
<cdesai> and didn't use a separate partiton for tit
<cdesai> *it
<akSeya> cdesai, it does not make sense.. i think...
<akSeya> cause cmw is booted, but it tries to flash an unknown
<cdesai> remove battery
<cdesai> boot into cwm manually
<cdesai> then install the zip
<akSeya> i do that.. but the next time I tell ro mamanger to flash a rom, it tries to flash this again
<cdesai> wipe cache
<akSeya> did it
<akSeya> i can flash after a new reboot
<akSeya> it's not a biiiig issue
<akSeya> just annoying
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<kage99> so anyone figured out whether there's been any major changes in 0801?
<kage99> for i9100? The BBQ changelog is good but I can't figure out if anything major has changed to cause it to be so fluid
<Espenfjo> nope
<Espenfjo> no changes
<kage99> unless it's all sorcery by codeworkx!
<chadouming> kage99, read topic, pinging codewokrx again will get you kicked !
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<Alkymia> someone who can give me support on samsung gtab2 p3110 ?
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<kage99> sorry
<kage99> I didn't ping codeworkx
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<cdesai> you did now lol
<kage99> by doing a whois?
<kage99> just accident with mouse
<kage99> didn't mean to
<kage99> but a whois is not a ping
<DMoult> am i correct in saying that CM9 for galaxy s2 does not support TV out?
<Pulser> kage99, typing their full name does it
<Pulser> ping = typing someone's name
<Pulser> like I did there
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<cdesai> so use codewrox
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<kage99> really?
<kage99> I have used IRC for years
<kage99> typing someone's name in a channel is not a ping
<cdesai> it is
<cdesai> type cdesai
<cdesai> and i'll get pinged
<kage99> type my name
<cdesai> kage99:
<kage99> ok
<kage99> your name gets bolded
<kage99> regardless
<kage99> cody from now on!
<addi> cdesai,
<addi> whats up dood
<cdesai> haxing stuff
<addi> so you up to usual stuff.. good lad..
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<Mardos> anyone got a email from netflix about a sue?
<Jug6ernaut> arg
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* Jug6ernaut thinks back to when the recoding industry wanted to ban vhs because it would "destroy there industry"
<Jug6ernaut> morons
<Andrew|Sleeping> Mardos: Think you're pretty safe in Canada.
<Mardos> i wonder if i will get free netflix lool
<Mardos> so do i exclude my self or stay in
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<DarkLegend> @dood addi
<DarkLegend> :o
<DarkLegend> o:
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<Mardos> oh perfect its only for hte US lol
<Andrew|Sleeping> Mardos: if it's just an email, then I'd say it's even more unofficial and just scare tactics.
Andrew|Sleeping is now known as Jiangyi
<Thracky> damn greedy lawyers
<Jiangyi> Damn the XDA mobile app.
<Thracky> can you imagine how much money the apple v. samsung lawyers are making?
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<Jiangyi> Keeps FCing all of a sudden. :/
<Mardos> i know thats shit load of moneey wow
<Thracky> prolly your i9100G Jiangyi ;-)
<Jiangyi> thracky: -rolls eyes-
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<Mardos> what happned to nuggyunlimited
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<Thracky> battery pretty good so far on 0801, this will be my first full day on JB though.
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<Mardos> thracky you got the s3
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<Jiangyi> I think my battery life just went down the drain. lol
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<Jiangyi> ..... I think BetterBatteryStats is glitching for me.
<Jiangyi> CPU states shows 1 KHz 100% of the time.
<Jiangyi> O_O
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<Jug6ernaut> lol
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<Thracky> Mardos: no i9100
<Motogeekchris> BBS makes things funny. i had to get rid of it
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: bbs sometimes goes crazy and kills your battery better than any other app
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: better battery drain
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Aiyaya D-:
<alejobog> This chat is for Entropy ROM support? CM10 or in general?
<codeworkx> teamhacksung
<codeworkx> any cm version
<codeworkx> samsung devices
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<chadouming> and trolling a bit
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<chadouming> hmm, jedi vulcan, arnt you a paradox ?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: question: Should users facing signal drops on stock ICS too submit logs?
<chadouming> jedi = star wars, vulcan = star trek. Both together = ?
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<silentkillerz> i tried several modem and sms apps..still cant sent mms..any help?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: no
<Jiangyi> k.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: we dont care about stock xD
<codeworkx> silentkillerz: APN
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: it happens on every ICS version for them, including CM.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: cool
<Thracky> Doesn't happen to me anymore after switching to LPX
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: So no?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: it happens also on i9100, nexus and so on
<Jiangyi> :O nexus too?
* Jiangyi is suddenly disappointed in Google
<codeworkx> seems to get better with other modems
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: not google. ril is proprietary and samsung
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: but we've not much choice on i9100g, right?
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yeah. Got a guy to try all of the available modems to no avail. :/
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i should upload all to rommanager
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: but dont want to download all roms
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I got all 3 of the Chinese ones. Need the modem.bin?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: aye
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: zip and drive tem
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: K, I'll put ZCLP5 and ZCLPE in.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Think I can find people to send over DXLP6 and XXLPN too.
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<Jiangyi> idk what Samsung China is doing, but their official ics release has more signal issues than the leak.
<Jiangyi> Baseband disappearing, takes abnormally long to find network signal, etc.
<Thracky> The behaviour I saw was very rarely on LPQ I would have signal just completely drop, reboot and it comes back, also if I was in my parking garage and had no signal, I'd have to reboot to get it back once I was outside.
<codeworkx> fucking cool: Sensor_version = ÿÿÿ/ù´, Sensor_Type = Ѭ³IQý² «j€
<codeworkx> no wonder that this doesnt work
<Thracky> but the parking garage thing was rare, and the signal drop was at most once every few days
<Thracky> and as I said, LPX I've seen none of this on cm9 or 10
<koud> codeworkx: delicious ÿÿÿ/ù´
<codeworkx> best firmware
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<Jiangyi> lol
<chadouming> lol
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* chadouming is away: lunch
<silentkillerz> already checked my APN and its correct
<silentkillerz> i also tried Hi Apn apps
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<Fissurez> ooh! new cm10 preview bild!
<Fissurez> PLZ
<codeworkx> webos? dead?
<Fissurez> just like bad comedy
<Fissurez> and awesome OSs.
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<codeworkx> no working and full market = dead
<codeworkx> see windoze
<codeworkx> see all other shit
<Fissurez> pretty sure there was something about it running android apps.
<codeworkx> DIE DIe
<Fissurez> if it does, that's awesome
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<Fissurez> if not, well webOS is still super sexy
<Fissurez> god i loved those notifications.
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<Thracky> we have a touchpad with cm9, we never use webos on it
<Fissurez> touchpad... meh.
<Fissurez> didn't have the awesome capacative nav bar thingy
<Thracky> there wasn't even a decent ebook app for webos
<Fissurez> that the pre plus had
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<Stakoman> hi
<codeworkx> every webos user want's to run android, some android users wants to run webos. wrong world
<codeworkx> Fissurez: wanna run win 98 on your s2?
<Fissurez> i'd be happy to
<codeworkx> -.-
<Fissurez> as long as i can still run android
<codeworkx> ok, ignore this guy
<codeworkx> troll
<Fissurez> then i can play theif II with a bluetooth keyboard
<Fissurez> oh hell no, not as a daily driver.
<Thracky> cause of all that win98 bluetooth support :P
<Fissurez> yes.
<Stakoman> i need to know just a little currentlt on CWM
<Stakoman> to put the new CWM6
<silentkillerz> codeworkx..i try sent mms seeting from my service provider but i didnt get the config on my mobile
<Stakoman> what do i need to do? i need odin?
<codeworkx> silentkillerz: add it manually?
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<silentkillerz> i try sent it manually from the website
<silentkillerz> but i didnt get the config on y mobile
<silentkillerz> but i check the apn setting on my mobile its correct
<Fissurez> codeworkx: from what i hear the new build of ~that rom~ is much smoother?
<codeworkx> silentkillerz: if it would be correct, it would work
<silentkillerz> ok..ill try again..
<codeworkx> Fissurez: dunno. i dont use s2
<Fissurez> ok
<codeworkx> galaxy nexus and s3
<Fissurez> i'm confuzzled as to how you got a tonne of stuff working O_o
<Fissurez> is hwcomposer still giving trouble?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I thought you hated S3. o_O
<codeworkx> Fissurez: yes
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: sure. but i have to test it to work on it, right? :-D
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<Fissurez> so that means it should be crazy smooth when you finally get it working :D
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i have to carry my devices around to get a feeling what needs fixing
<codeworkx> Fissurez: dunno
<codeworkx> Fissurez: probably
<codeworkx> the i9100g is fucking smooth
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Send one to me, I'll test it for you. :-D
<Jiangyi> jk
<Stakoman> can you help me?
<Fissurez> want to send me a nexus 7? i'll look after it ;_
<Fissurez> ;)
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: yeah, i'll send you the i9100g :-P
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: T_T Didn't you have 2 S3s?
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<Fissurez> he hoards them
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<Jiangyi> Hmm.... Having a hard time finding someone with DXLP6......
<Fissurez> wassat?
<silentkillerz> codeworks i already set my APN manually according to service provider but when i send mms it keep showing sending...
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: In your drive.
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<AndroUser> Hello, is anyone here?
<EgotisticalElf> no, 174 other people all bots
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<limousin> lol
<EgotisticalElf> ROFL
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<limousin> welcome AndroUser, 174 bots are here to help you
<AndroUser> Lol
<AndroUser> Well here we go
EgotisticalElf is now known as Bot173
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: So no RIL problem on any other device on stock?
<limousin> silentkillerz: did you solved your mms problem?
<silentkillerz> nop..
<silentkillerz> the mms keep showing sendin and i cant download received mms image
<AndroUser> Is the nightly build of CM9 for the sgs3 stable for Dutch tel providers? I heard something about needing a new modem... I'm kinda new into CM, so some advice would be awesome
Bot173 is now known as EgotisticalElf
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<limousin> silentkillerz: i've got the same here..
<silentkillerz> oic...i tried several modem and still nothing works
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<limousin> i dont think its modem related since everything else works nicely
<dixipix> On CM10 the bluetooth isnt really working with my headset. The music plays on the phone. Not the headset. Is it only for me or thats it?
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<Motogeekchris> dixipix: a2dp is not working yet
<dixipix> alright
<dixipix> i guess its not high priority for now anyways
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Found another one, gonna reupload.
* chadouming is back (gone 00:59:20)
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Uploaded.
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<GuineaPiet> Why did you replace the Google Search bar with that fugly search app on CM10 T_T
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<Baskey> GuineaPiet: what?
<GuineaPiet> if you click on the Google search bar at the top of the home screen. In the 26 July build, it brought up a nice white screen... now it opens that ugly search app
<Baskey> datagutt,
<datagutt> Baskeeyyy
<Baskey> heeeeey
<datagutt> sup
<Baskey> hmm
<datagutt> Baskey: NO CAPS IDIOTTE!
<Baskey> haha
<Baskey> y u no bring back teh bbqbot?
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<Thracky> GuineaPiet: brings up google now for me.
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<datagutt> Baskey: #blamechadouming
<datagutt> he is working on bringing the server back
<GuineaPiet> Mine was like that until I loaded the latest one
<GuineaPiet> Ah... if I disable the search app, it brings up Google
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<flinch87> hello
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<flinch87> what modem is best in the philippines?
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<Mardos> anyone know where i can buy local nfc tags in toronto
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<CodeFriar> Morning / Afternoon.
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<Espenfjo> Evenin'
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<CodeFriar> I just used odin to setup cwm and when I went to reboot it gave me a warning about how the rom might rewrite recovery ... and that I could prevent that but that there was no undoing it.... what exactly does it mean that there's no undoing it
<Thracky> guess I spoke too soon about my lack of RIL issues, it just died on me
<Espenfjo> Thracky: log plz
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<Thracky> yup, just gotta reboot the phone so I can upload the log somewhere. at work so I can't use adb at the moment heh
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<Guest43075> hi to everybody, i cant install i9100 last preview cm jb rom, when i can try to update 0729 to 0801 from cwm, screen flickers and went to back recovery main menu, i checked log, it say about extendcommand, and file not found,
<Thracky> I'm gonna assume I can trim all the shit from my logcat that clearly was from before the RIL died.
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<Thracky> regular logcat
<flinch87> hello
<flinch87> does DXLP9 baseband modem works in cm10?
<Thracky> radio logcat
<Thracky> looks more interesting than the regular logcat :P
<Espenfjo> thats from the crash?
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<Thracky> yeah
<Thracky> did it right after I noticed the radio dropped out.
<Thracky> notice the RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE towards the bottom of the logcat -b radio
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<Thracky> CM10 0801, i9100, LPX modem btw.
<Espenfjo> at the top you mean?
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<chadouming> D/RILJ ( 7557): [0004]< SCREEN_STATE error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
<Espenfjo> ah
<Thracky> yea it was near the top of the pastebin also, I trimmed a bunch from the top of the log that looked completely unremarkable
<Espenfjo> hm, do you have more of the radio one?
<Thracky> so top of the pastebin was where things started to look like they were fucking up :P
<Thracky> yeah I can up the whole thing
<Espenfjo> please do :)
<Thracky> just usually everyone complains about redundant shit ;-)
<Espenfjo> Just noticed E/RIL ( 1871): ReaderLoop STATE_CRASH_RESET at the top
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<Thracky> there you go
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<Jiangyi> H
<Jiangyi> hurray*
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* Jiangyi finally finished translations for settings
<Jiangyi> 825 strings lol
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<icewinder> hello guys. i got a little issue and i hope you can help me. sometimes my connection gets broken. this mean I can't sent sms or take a call. only reboot helps
<icewinder> ian using cm10 (01.08
<icewinder> ) on my sgs2. no mods or something like that
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<Espenfjo> that wasnt even one minute..
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<nebkat> Espenfjo: that wasnt even donutt
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<Espenfjo> Definately not a dougnut
<nebkat> Espenfjo: dougnut? dougnut?
<nebkat> Espenfjo: DONUT
<Espenfjo> missed an h
<nebkat> DONAT
<nebkat> ahahaha
<Thracky> fuck I want doughnuts.
<Thracky> you bastards
<Thracky> and I forgot my wallet this morning.
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<Baskey> Thracky: #blamechadouming
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<Espenfjo> Thracky: :D
<Espenfjo> mmmmmm, doughnuts
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<Thracky> home time.
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<ernie`> damn.. a whole day unproductive
<Jiangyi> WTH just happened in boxing?
<Jiangyi> Guy got disqualified for holding. o_o
<Jiangyi> and another guy just flat out didn't show up.
<ernie`> olympics or something?
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<Jiangyi> yeah.
<SkynetTx> samsung really didn't mess around with the battery life on the tab 2 10.1"
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<SkynetTx> streamed a 2 hour movie, browsed web + youtube for another 2 hours, and still 80% battery left
<Jiangyi> :O
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<SkynetTx> that's looking at 20% battery at a relatively high brightness setting
<SkynetTx> 20 hour*
pier|afk is now known as pier
<SkynetTx> proof
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<flinch87_> hello
<pier> hello flinch87
<flinch87_> what is best modem used here in the philippines?
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<flinch87_> can i flash DXLP9 on cm10?
<pier> galaxy note?
<flinch87_> galaxy s2
<pier> nokia 3310?
<flinch87_> i cannot use my pocket data (LPS
<addi> iPhone 5?
<pier> :P
<SkynetTx> ipod classic?
hillerstorm_phon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<pier> iOS DXLP9 sounds nice :d
<addi> iPhone 5S?
<flinch87_> hahaha LOL
<addi> WebOS?
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<pier> Synbian?
<addi> MeeGo?
<flinch87_> Blackberry
<pier> B2G?
<addi> Blackberry OS*
<addi> Firefox OS?
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<pier> anyway u need to do a data wipe
<pier> and be sure to have a good cwm :)
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<flinch87_> okay thanks :)
<Espenfjo> hm?
<Espenfjo> data wipe when?
<pier> to move from stock ics to cm10
<Espenfjo> yup
<pier> on i9100
<pier> :)
<flinch87_> im already at cm10
<pier> ok so u want go back to stock?
<Espenfjo> pier: I think he just wanted the modem
<pier> lol
<pier> ^_^ ok
<pier> you can flash the mode u want
<bigbrovar> hi guys, is there is difference in power usage btw cm9 and stock rom with the s3
<flinch87_> i just want to know what modem use in the philippines to use my pocket data
<pier> flinch87, u will have to test the one better for u :(
<flinch87_> okay ill test all thanks :)
<Espenfjo> flinch87_: I would say you should use atleast a day per modem :/
<pier> share your opinion on the forums :)
<pier> ppl will love that
<flinch87_> sure :)
<flinch87_> by the way thanks :D
<pier> :P
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<flinch87_> just any clarifications :)
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<Puref> hey there
<Puref> whats the diference betwen Experimental builds: 20120801..and 20120729? for CM10?
<Puref> on gs2
<Puref> :#
<addi> i know i know! 0801 is newer! :p
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<Espenfjo> thats about it, yes :P
<Puref> XD but only that
<flinch87_> hahaha yes it is newer
<Puref> hee
<addi> ^_^
<Puref> thanks
<Puref> i can flahs it over CM9
<Puref> ?
<Puref> can i*
<addi> yes
<Espenfjo> Yes
<addi> though make a backup just in case ;)
<Espenfjo> Yes
<addi> no need to wipe data either
<Puref> hehe :)
<addi> again, make backup just in case :p
<flinch87_> i didnt make a back up hahaha XD
<addi> there you go, no backup also works!!! :p
<pier> :P
<flinch87_> is cm10 compatible on anycall SGS?
<Puref> i´m testint a bunch of roms
<Puref> but i cant
<Puref> let go Cyanogen XD
<Puref> best ROM evar :D
<addi> what in the 11th hell is Anycall SGS? o_0
<flinch87_> hahaha
<addi> ah, Korean version
<addi> don't think so :p
<addi> unless the hardware is exactly the same
<addi> even then, me wouldn't risk it :p
<pier> @ping
<addi> no bot :|
<pier> uh
<pier> they borked it
<pier> #blamedatagutt
<flinch87_> its not the same with gt-i9000
<addi> then no
<addi> unless there's a port for the Anycall version, which I doubt there is
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<Jiangyi> addi: Anycall is Samsung's sub-brand that they use in China and Korea lol
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<addi> and it can send and receive any call = the name Anycall? :p
<Jiangyi> lol dunno about that :p
<DuperMa> job. it sucks
* Jiangyi thinks AnyCall has been around since he was born
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<Jiangyi> Ah, 1993.
<Jiangyi> Yep, it's older than me. :-P
<DuperMa> 1993 u was borns?
<DuperMa> ew
<addi> 5 years younger than me, yay!
<DuperMa> batbiter
<DuperMa> f!
<DuperMa> u kids r kids
<DuperMa> I drink stiff drinks now and feel sad
<DuperMa> :D
<Jiangyi> w/e
* Jiangyi goes to mow lawn
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Lawn
<addi> DuperMa, i don't drink now nor will I in the future :p
<addi> as in, i no drinks the 'drink's
* DuperMa diddles chicks your age muahahaha
<addi> 'drinks'*
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<addi> you makes me jealous xD
<DuperMa> addi: wish I had your resolution, but no I love me
<DuperMa> :)
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<addi> my resolution in things like this is something me is proud of ^_^
<DuperMa> so would I :) honestly admirable, no harshing there
<DuperMa> I'm not even weak willed, I'm silly and like shiny stuff
<DuperMa> ><
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<addi> hehe. i did have heavy cola addiction from age 15 to 18, getting rid of that addiction is what gave me this resolution, heh
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Nathan is now known as Guest3814
<DuperMa> good. I had a bad pot habbit 2000 to 2007
<addi> and cola addiction is bad, 1 month of stopping having it were hell. 0_o
<DuperMa> a.k.a Wanker's syndrom :)
<addi> xD
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<DuperMa> real shame there, so much potential
Chu is now known as Guest57091
<DuperMa> now I'm stuck at going over the heads of chicks who put out while being seen for the worthless rat troll I am by them wize girlies
<DuperMa> :)
<Guest57091> Hello all :)
Guest57091 is now known as Chumad
<addi> but you is awesomeness, that's how girls should see you
<DuperMa> hey qweb the renamed
<DuperMa> addi: they do, but I the morals deep downs :(
<DuperMa> I like the not abusing and not taking advantage:(
<DuperMa> brb skype girl
<Chumad> Is this the place to ask questions about the CyanogenMod? Doesn't seem the convo is too based around that atm so I find myself wondering if I'm in the wrong place :)
<ernie`> good night, people
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<userx_> is there a buglist of cm10?
<addi> Chumad, ask away and wait for someone to answer :)
<addi> there's talk of all kind here, don't let that stop you, haha
<addi> goodnight ernie`
<Chumad> hehe thanks addi...
<Chumad> I'd like to use the CM 10 preview, but in it he states that I need the "stock cm-kernel" - just not sure where to get it? I'm using one of Entropy's kernel's atm...
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<Tr0jAn> the kernel is in the rom
<Chumad> Thanks Tr-jAn - if it's in the rom, how come he even mentioned getting no support unless I use it? There must be the option to re-flash a new kernell after-the-fact?
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<addi> Chumad, what that means is that if you use a kernel other than stock cm kernel, you are not allowed to report bugs
<raymonddull> aka don't change kernels or don't bitch about problems caused by the alternate kernel
<addi> you can reflash other kernels after that
<addi> raymonddull!!
<addi> long time :p
<Chumad> ok cool, thanks for the info guys.
<raymonddull> hi addi
<raymonddull> lol
<addi> Chumad, flash any kernel that works, just don't ask for support with non-stock cm kernel :)
<addi> raymonddull, i presume you're busy with your job?
<raymonddull> that and sleeping
<raymonddull> I'm back to an officially supported cm device again though
<raymonddull> I have a fascinate now.
<addi> yer, once job starts, initially it's all job + sleeping, hehe
<raymonddull> (cdma sgs)
<addi> hehe
pier is now known as pier|afk
raXuz|Away is now known as raXuz
<cantIntoCode|hac> damn this memory leak is super wierd
<Chumad> I've never used Rom-Manager before... that's where I'm supposed to get the latest version of Google Apps - how does that work? Do I just install Rom Manager from the play store?
<cantIntoCode|hac> was totally fine till 5 mins ago
<cantIntoCode|hac> Total PSS by process:
<cantIntoCode|hac> 53570 kB: system (pid 2163
<cantIntoCode|hac> Total PSS by category:
<cantIntoCode|hac> 153605 kB: Dalvik
<raymonddull> Chumad, either that or just download the gapps from
<raymonddull> and flash them like a normal zip
<Chumad> Thanks raymonddull - is that link working for you atm?
<raymonddull> yes
<raymonddull> oh... it was cached, its not loading actual content
<Chumad> Mkk... so other option is to use Rom-Manager? Does that just give me an option to install gapps or something?
romann|afk is now known as romann
<Chumad> ooo, is working again :)
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
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<raymonddull> yeah you can go to where it says download rom in rom manager, then there's a google apps section
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<Motogeekchris> Thracky: You alive?
* Jug6ernaut hopes so
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<Jiangyi|Lawn> raymonddull: No more S3?
Jiangyi|Lawn is now known as Jiangyi
<raymonddull> nope
<raymonddull> returned it
<Jiangyi> Why?
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
<raymonddull> needed the money more than the phone
<Jiangyi> Ah.
<Jiangyi> Well, GNex is only $349 now. :-P
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<raymonddull> yeah
<raymonddull> I might get it
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<mongi> is it my impression or the cm9, in my case on a i9100, the systema shows the battery going down percent by percent...?
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<Kaik541> mongi: as opposed to going down by... what? taco?
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raXuz|Away is now known as raXuz
<mongi> Kiak541: i mean the battery percentage. in old builds, is used to fall by 5 for 5 percent...
<mongi> or something similar
<Kaik541> uhhh
<Kaik541> speak English that makes sense please
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<mongi> ...
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<Kaik541> mongi: your words make literally no sense... "battery goes down percent by percent"
<Kaik541> it's a nonsensical statement
<Kaik541> yes, with battery drain the percentage of battery left decreases
<mongi> the battery percentage, it decrease percent by percent...
<Kaik541> so if that's what you're trying to say, congrats, you understand how "batteries" work now
<mongi> like, 100%, 99%, 98%...
<mongi> and the it goes
<Kaik541> yes now you also understand the concept of "counting down"
<Chumad> lol
<mongi> in old build it used to show like 100, 95, 90
<Kaik541> so combine those two concepts of a "battery" and "counting down" and you get "how battery life is displayed"
<Kaik541> and once you've mastered that, you'll know be smarter than most primary school children
<mongi> not always man
<Kaik541> s/know/now/
<Kaik541> that's true, I can't give you too much credit
<mongi> you're trying to make fun of something
<Kaik541> you'll then be smarter than SOME primary school children
<Kaik541> yes because you don't seem to understand that numbers work sequentially
<mongi> if you don't want to help, the... be quiete
<mongi> =D
<mongi> simple as that
<Kaik541> which is bloody hilarious if you ask me
<mongi> well, maybe your mom can teach me
<mongi> as she is always here every night with me
<Kaik541> probably, she's good at handling retards
<mongi> yes, she is
<mongi> very gooooooood
<Kaik541> oh what's this?
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<mongi> she make me a gooooood retardddd
<Kaik541> @bomb mongi
<Kaik541> oh where's bbqbot :(
<raymonddull> hahahahahaha
<mongi> with your mom
<Kaik541> I'll have to do it myself then
mongi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Kaik541 [dicklick]
<cantIntoCode|hac> omg hahahaha
<raymonddull> I get what he was saying
<raymonddull> in touchwiz it counted by 5%
<raymonddull> lmfao
<Kaik541> raymonddull: I do too, but I'm not gonna tolerate his retardation
<raymonddull> even better lmfao
<Kaik541> I mocked him for his inability to speak English and then basically denied he worded it terribly
<Kaik541> either way, fuck 'em
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<Chumad> Wow, hope I don't get on Kaik541 's bad side ;)
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<Kaik541> I just don't like people who can't speak proper or get all defensive because they're ignorant
<Kaik541> so as long as you don't do one of those two things (or spout about AOKP or stock ROM's being better) I won't care
<Chumad> hah, deal :)
<garyd9> I'm almost afraid to ask this...
<Chumad> Which rom you on?
<raymonddull> garyd9, lmfao go ahead and ask
<Kaik541> always CM
<Chumad> Which CM?
<Kaik541> 10
<raymonddull> Kaik541, do I get on your bad side by telling you I'm using a fascinate right now?
<Kaik541> raymonddull: no, I just pity you
<raymonddull> :(
<garyd9> is it possible to build cm10 on i9300 and if so, how do I do what lunch normally would do?
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<Kaik541> garyd9: you should be able to "breakfast" and select the device
<raymonddull> AND its on stock because I'm fighting with diag mode trying to make it work properly
<Kaik541> and then it will sync the repo and you can extract the blobs
<Chumad> I just got done installing 10. Waiting on the super slow gapps download though. So far it looks dang nice though. Love all the eye candy.
<raymonddull> (modem diag mode, not adb)
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
<Kaik541> and then you should be able to "brunch i9300"
<garyd9> Kaik541: i9300 or i9300_userdebug?
<garyd9> (device doesn't show on the breakfast menu)
<Kaik541> garyd9: just run "breakfast i9300"
<garyd9> I have manually added the device tree and blobs to the local_manifest (and resync'd)
<cantIntoCode|hac> then dinner steak
<cantIntoCode|hac> and a steak comes out your cd drive
<cantIntoCode|hac> you can thank me later.
<Kaik541> garyd9: it will then automagically sync the repo then cd to the directory, and then brunch i9300
<garyd9> cantIntoCode|hac: shh
<Kaik541> . build/ && brunch i9300
<raymonddull> && stab cantIntoCode|hac
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<garyd9> Kaik541: okay, that appears to be working. thank you.
<Kaik541> it doesn't have to be in the to be brunchable
<cantIntoCode|hac> || eat steak
metal_slug is now known as de_Carvalho
<Chumad> If I unlocked prior to flashing CM10, will I need to unlock again?
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<garyd9> Chumad: gnex? oem unlock? if so, no - not unless you used a tool to relock
<Motogeekchris> Chumad: Carrier Unlock? should be unlocked for good.
<garyd9> i think that covers any types of unlock possible.
<Chumad> Yes, Carrier unlock. Sorry for not being specific
<Chumad> Or maybe Network unlock is better word?
<raymonddull> carrier lock is in the modem nvram, lock state will not change by flashing roms
<garyd9> carrier/network/sim unlock (I think all tend to refer to the same thing)
<garyd9> Kaik541: looking good. thank you again.
<Chumad> Thanks
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<Tattus> okay...
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<Tattus> Kaik541: you're a very funny guy, like that (=
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<Bojcha> des vuche
<starscream> please support cancer research :)
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<Motogeekchris> not something you would expect a decepticon to support.
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cantIntoCode is now known as OptimusPrime
<OptimusPrime> Optimus Prime approves cancer research
OptimusPrime is now known as Guest33226