nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | Changelog App : | IRC stats : | <codeworkx> YIPIJAHEY SCHWEINEBACKE
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<FingR86> hi everybody
<FingR86> Camera error: Can't connect to the camera
<Sturmeh> heya
<FingR86> in cm-9-20120630-NIGHTLY
<FingR86> could anyone help me ?
<Sturmeh> what device is that
<FingR86> i9100
<Sturmeh> happens all the time?
<FingR86> almost
<FingR86> sometime enough to start the cam 2-3 times
<Sturmeh> that usually happens if one app is using the cam
<FingR86> but at this time
<FingR86> I can't
<Sturmeh> and another tries using it
<FingR86> always the same message
<Sturmeh> like one that's spying on your face
<FingR86> ohh shit
<FingR86> Iseeyou pro??
<Sturmeh> yes
<Sturmeh> that
<FingR86> or eyespy :D
<Sturmeh> I was going to mention that, but didn't think it'd be that common
<Sturmeh> :P
<FingR86> I installed both of them
<FingR86> fck
<Sturmeh> either of those will cause that problem
<FingR86> I try to remove them
<FingR86> brb
<Sturmeh> but I thought eyeseeyou fixed it
<Sturmeh> kk
<FingR86> camera works again...
<FingR86> U're the best :D
<Sturmeh> you don't have to remind me
<Sturmeh> muhahaha
<FingR86> wehe :D
<FingR86> and any way to use my cam
<FingR86> with eyespy or iseeyou with??
<Sturmeh> i think iseewithyou will be fine
<Sturmeh> whats eyespy do
<Sturmeh> they do the same thing?
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<noxxx> hi all
<Sturmeh> hhi
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<FingR86> yes they do
<FingR86> but eyespy has much more options
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<Abadon-ger> Hi
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<n30-surfplatta> hey i have gt-p5100 with latest cm9 and when i turn off display i cant turn it on again. i need to press power button and make it to restart before i can use it again
<n30-surfplatta> can i resolve this?
<Abadon-ger> install newest nightly
<Abadon-ger> Or let your display ever on
<Abadon-ger> ;-)
<n30-surfplatta> i have the latest
<n30-surfplatta> codeworkx any suggestions
<codeworkx> works fine
<codeworkx> you did something wrong
<n30-surfplatta> how can i do it wrong when i press button fast to turn off or on display?
<codeworkx> did you flash any custom kernel?
<n30-surfplatta> the stuff that stands in your guide
<codeworkx> my 5100 works without a single issue
<n30-surfplatta> after done your guide i have installed apps that i use like android irc and games
<Abadon-ger> There is a lack of drivers or is it by design that the light sensor is so slow
<Abadon-ger> On sgs2
<n30-surfplatta> and its your kernel
<n30-surfplatta> i did just verify that by check it
<codeworkx> n30-surfplatta: like i've said, my tab works fine and a lot others too
<n30-surfplatta> and mine does not
<n30-surfplatta> :-)
<codeworkx> now think about it. some thousand tabs do, yours not
<codeworkx> where's the error?
<Abadon-ger> there is no 100% guarantee that everything is all right?
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<n30-surfplatta> codeworkx i know the problem is on my tablet
<n30-surfplatta> but i want to find a solution
<codeworkx> reinstall cm, flash gapps, do a factory reset
<codeworkx> then check again
<n30-surfplatta> ok ill try
<n30-surfplatta> ill report later
<Abadon-ger> Can me everyone give a answer why the light sensor is so slow is it because the drivers fail or is it so normal
<Abadon-ger> In sgs2
<Abadon-ger> I9100
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<codeworkx> Abadon-ger: samsungs sensor HAL is shitty
<Abadon-ger> Ok thx
<pulser> cody, what's tbe best way to use your hal right now?
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<codeworkx> Pulser: which one?
<pulser> you did an open source one, no?
<codeworkx> broken compass
* pulser is sure he recalls having loads of light sensor values
<pulser> hmm, I rarely use compass :D
<codeworkx> hardware/samsung/exynos4/exynos4210/
<pulser> ok :)
<pulser> thx
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<Abadon-ger> Have on question more why is CWM when i install sometimes a nightly use 20 or 30% from my battery i begin everytime a update when it is 100% and so.etines when i take update i have only 70% and the phone is the complete update process loading station
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<codeworkx> Abadon-ger: don't get fooled by gui.
<codeworkx> Abadon-ger: cwm doesn't consume 30%
<Abadon-ger> Sometimes yes
<Abadon-ger> :-(
<codeworkx> no
<Abadon-ger> And what consume so many
<Abadon-ger> :-)
<codeworkx> maybe in android it was wrong? and after a reboot it get's reread new?
<Abadon-ger> Was?
<Abadon-ger> :-D
<Abadon-ger> Einnal auf deutsch
<Abadon-ger> Einmal
<codeworkx> vielleicht hat android falsch angezeigt und nachm reboot werden die tatsächlichen werte neu eingelesen?
<codeworkx> glaube nicht was du siehst ;-)
<Abadon-ger> :-D ok
<Abadon-ger> Aber muss dennoch warten bis wieder geladen ist schädigt das nicht den akku?
<codeworkx> was der user zu sehen bekommt sind meist keine harten fakten, denn die würde er nicht verkraften ;-)
<Abadon-ger> :-D
<Abadon-ger> In warheit ist alles nur ein sehr empfindliches kartenhaus was jederzeit zusmmenbrechen kann
<Abadon-ger> Wie unser finanzsystem :-D
<Abadon-ger> Aber ich muss gestehen ich hab mal irgendwo gelesen das das CM9 Team vor hat cm9 so zu gestalten das der Nutzer das Gefühl hat das Handy hätte mit CM9 hergestellt worden sein oder müssen wie auch immer und so fühlt es sich auch an einfach so muss das sein gefühl
<Abadon-ger> Seit Wochen keine abstürze sehr stabil geworden anfangs zeit kamen critical kernel meldungen meistens in verbindung telefonat...
<ernie`> gesundheit
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<RoBz> guys do you need to root before flashing the Resurrection edition? been a while since i installed for the first time...
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<dabear> RoBz: no root needed, you flash from your pc
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<RoBz> thanks!
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<twittergal> Hi
<twittergal> someone using samsung phone
<twittergal> here
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<n30-surfplatta> if i wanna save gamedata from installed game before reinstall. shall i copy /data/data/gamename ?
<cdesai> n30-surfplatta: not game name actually
<cdesai> package name of the game
<cdesai> better use titanium backup
<cdesai> backing up games and apps you installed with titanium backup is fine.
<n30-surfplatta> ok?
<n30-surfplatta> i meant tha package name
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<ernie`> Titanium Backup all the way
<n30-surfplatta> com.rovio.angrybirds
<n30-surfplatta> is the folder name in /data/data
<cdesai> yea, can do that -better tar it then copying
<n30-surfplatta> isnt that the folder that contains the data from levels that have been made
<n30-surfplatta> okok
<n30-surfplatta> titanium. can i choose what to backup there?
<ernie`> yes
<n30-surfplatta> nice ill check it out
<n30-surfplatta> bye
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<lolwat> twittergal, ohai
<lolwat> HE IS SO NICE
<lolwat> he is like
<lolwat> twitter
<lolwat> + gal
<lolwat> like twitt girly
<lolwat> or somtehing
<lolwat> dunno
<lolwat> but sort of
<lolwat> k
<lolwat> so gal mean
<lolwat> go to kitchen k
<lolwat> and gimme some sammitch
<lolwat> twittergal, k?
<RoBz> shut up plz
<twittergal> omg
<twittergal> you should type in sentances. not words by words.
<twittergal> and stop spamming cctp command at me
<twittergal> im lagging
<lolwat> ?
<lolwat> lololololol
<lolwat> twittergal, srs now
<lolwat> do you need help regarding your samsung phone?
<bbqbot> derp
<twittergal> bbqbot
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<Baskey> @8ball lolwat
<bbqbot> Outlook not so good.
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<twittergal> @8ball lolwat
<bbqbot> As I see it, yes.
<twittergal> shut up bot
* twittergal slaps bbqbot around a bit with a large trout
<twittergal> hi Baskey
<Baskey> hi, stranger
<twittergal> stranger?
<twittergal> im not stranger
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<Baskey> @geo user twittergal
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for twittergal
<bbqbot> {"range":[1209876480,1209877934],"country":"US","region":"FL","city":"Orlando","ll":[28.5445,-81.3706]}
<twittergal> we are samsung users.
<cdesai> still a stranger
<lolwat> @geo user lolwat
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for lolwat
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1599639552,1599643135],"country":"DE","region":"08","city":"B�hl-iggelheim","ll":[49.3806,8.3039]}
<lolwat> haha fail
<lolwat> close but wrong location
<twittergal> hey
<twittergal> Baskey
<cdesai> @geo user Baskey
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Baskey
<twittergal> are you there
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1337561088,1337565183],"country":"PL","region":"84","city":"Starachowice","ll":[51.0519,21.0883]}
<twittergal> baskey baskey
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<twittergal> cdesai
<Jiangyi> Everyone's here eh? :-)
<cdesai> twittergal: ?
<cdesai> Jiangyi: yea
<twittergal> hows s3 doing
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<Jiangyi> Hmmm.... My AdBlock Plus has stopped working. O_O
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<twittergal> that sucks
<twittergal> i think you got to full wipe and reflash your phone
<twittergal> or get S3
<Jiangyi> I'm talking about Adblock for Firefox on my PC.... :-S
<jimyv> morng folks
<twittergal> LOL
<twittergal> why are you asking that in here. please use IE instead.
<twittergal> firefox sucks
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<ahmad_> hi
<twittergal> Hello
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<twittergal> welcome, another samsung user
<jimyv> lol
<ahmad_> how are you
<twittergal> good, tell us your experinces after using samsung phone
<jimyv> tab 2 here
<ahmad_> i want to ask you about cm9 ics
<twittergal> cm9 has auto brightness issue
<jimyv> yea lil dim
<lolwat> twittergal, use the open source sensor module with codeworkx threshold settings
<lolwat> works great for me
<twittergal> how?
<twittergal> can you please make a video on youtube
<twittergal> show us how u did it lolwat
<lolwat> i don't know if it is the open source sensor module is default on cm9 kernel
<codeworkx> sensor HAL is userspace, not kernel :-D
<lolwat> lol i thought it was a kernel module
<lolwat> my bad
<lolwat> lol supid me
<codeworkx> os sensor hal breaks compass
<lolwat> hal already says that it is usespace
<jimyv> im running 629 and the 2a krenel
<lolwat> codeworkx, well compass ain't that important to me right now
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<ahmad__> hi
<lolwat> ohai
<jimyv> fast fast fast
<ahmad__> tell me are you here
<twittergal> compass is important when u get lost in the forest
<jimyv> lmao
<ahmad__> i want to ask you about cm9
<ahmad__> its not support video call?
<ahmad__> how i can make video call ??
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<twittergal> not sure too
<jimyv> which model?
<bbqbot> derp
<twittergal> maybe you can try voice recognition
<Jiangyi> ahmad__: Use Skype.
<twittergal> say "video call Name now"
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Man, you make everything sound more screwed up than the I9100G. :-S
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<jimyv> who preordered nexus 7tab?
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<Baskey> "@SamMobiles: Lol everyone got a Nexus7 except @netchipTI ..."
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<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Baskey: HAPPY CANADA DAY :-D
<Baskey> :O
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<Baskey> nebkat: HAPPY CANADA DAY
<twittergal> whats
<twittergal> happy canada day
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<twittergal> national day for Canada?
<cdesai> chad : when u here, happy ca day
<Baskey> yeah
<Jiangyi> cdesai: LOL
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<cdesai> Jiangyi: he's in ca, so :P
<DuperMan> as the adage goes
<Jiangyi> cdesai: He is? :O
<cdesai> Jiangyi: ask him when he's around
<cdesai> he might have shifted to mars
<Jiangyi> cdesai: Then why did he hate Canadians last time?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Ah shoot, I gtg
<Jiangyi> Have fun guys. :-)
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<ernie`> how can I check what FS my internal SD is?
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<whitequark> hm, my sgs2 no longer switches the sound output to headphones
<whitequark> any ideas why? there's nothing in logcat when I plug them in
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<RoBz> anyone know if the resurrection edition includes CWM? gonna flash my friends phone...
<RoBz> it probably does im guessing
<DuperMan> blamespielberg
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<lolwat> lol
<lolwat> garyd9
<lolwat> lmao
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<DuperMan> hilariousssssssssss typo is FUCK U NOT SO FUNNY
<DuperMan> <3
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<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Whut? o.O
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> "@DepressedDarth: Happy Canada Day, have fun today Canada, but don't think the rest of the world is forgiving you for Justin Bieber."
<Baskey> :)
<Jiangyi> .........
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<DuperMan> Jiangyi: not sure, tired.
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: OK then lol
<Baskey> NOT OK
<DuperMan> :) how tired? only getting around to GTA IV
<DuperMan> :P
<Jiangyi> BF3? :-D
<DuperMan> 2015 xD
<DuperMan> oooh
<Jiangyi> This looked interesting..... Until I found out that the original thread link is missing. -.-
<DuperMan> -_- lol
<DuperMan> I'm a patent a nipple clamps operated bluetooth controller for fps's on the go
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<DuperMan> will sell like mad
<DuperMan> (no)
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> XDA-developers: Why you troll us like this? Especially on Canada Day? Q.Q
<DuperMan> srsly, fps on touch is kinda gay. best implamentation is ea's dead space and ME:I
<DuperMan> $XDA!=trolling not parse
<DuperMan> yes:)
<EvilBelgian> I'm looking to get a tablet soon
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<EvilBelgian> if budget was no obstacle what would you guys get
<DuperMan> Surface
<DuperMan> srsly
* DuperMan hops
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<EvilBelgian> Duperman, microsoft really...or do you wanna hack droid on there
<Jiangyi> EvilBelgian: Nexus 7 Obviously. :-P
<Jiangyi> Oh ooops, didn't read the budget is no obstacle part. lol
<DuperMan> EvilBelgian: already got a kindle for reading and galaxy note for porn
<DuperMan> samsung s7s hooked me on w8's promise
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<DuperMan> though will likely die:(
<DuperMan> (the platform, not my device)
<Jiangyi> It sucks how most of the tablets that I'm actually interested in have Nvidia chips. :-(
<Espenfjo> I would like to see a high-end tablet
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<Espenfjo> Had hopes for the nexus 7, but its really low-end :(
<DuperMan> Espenfjo: pejorative exploitive Series 7 Slate
<DuperMan> :P
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<EvilBelgian> Jiangyi, what's Nvidia done now?
<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: ASUS Transformer Pad Infinity. :-P
<DuperMan> :PPPP
<Jiangyi> EvilBelgian: Nothing, just their closed source-ness :-P
<Jiangyi> and the fact that Linus gave them the middle finger lol
<Espenfjo> Jiangyi: yes.. perhaps
<DuperMan> reallllllly loved teh tabletpc product class
<DuperMan> :/
<EvilBelgian> oh, Linus Torvalds is lol
<Espenfjo> Budget isnt really an issue
<DuperMan> EvilBelgian: +1
<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: Only reason I'd consider it over a real laptop would be the screen.
<Jiangyi> Most laptop screens in that price range suck in my experience. :-P
<Espenfjo> yup
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: no wacom no deal
<EvilBelgian> The infinity is so purdy
<Espenfjo> And it being android and touchscreen is nice
<Jiangyi> Yeah that too.
<Jiangyi> Although I doubt I'll get any work done on it when it's so pretty and fun xD
<DuperMan> s7s=whatever's the current buzzword for Air thin notebooks+capacitative+wacom
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> but I mostly use the note, beside photoshop and epeen extentions via w8
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<EvilBelgian> Duperman, stop bragging about windows's like running around advertising you're a leper
<Espenfjo> There are so many nice games on the tablets that I do not have on my laptop :P
<DuperMan> I'm not bragging, I like it and love the last great tablet pc tablet
<DuperMan> :P
<Jiangyi> NO WINDOWS 8
<DuperMan> still was a bad buy though
<Jiangyi> It doesn't have a start button. D-:
<DuperMan> it does
<DuperMan> XD
<Jiangyi> No it doesn't. ._.
<EvilBelgian> I'm just waiting for Linux steam support then I'm jumping the windows train for good
<DuperMan> but the Windows brand is quickly becoming a misnomer
<DuperMan> the machine does, the os doesn't:P
<Jiangyi> Oh, here's what I saw off of the Apple website a few days ago. :-P
<DuperMan> EvilBelgian: see you on counter strike in 2020
<Jiangyi> "This Retina display doesn’t sit behind a layer of glass, it is the glass."
* Jiangyi lol'd
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: they applied it with magic
<EvilBelgian> Duperman, Source is already compatible with Unix platforms :P , all my indie games run on linux.
<DuperMan> EvilBelgian: haven't tried yet, but cool
<DuperMan> :)
<EvilBelgian> anything else is old enough that I can just run it in a vb no prob
<DuperMan> generals. c&c generals.
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<Jiangyi> Anyone played Red Alert here?
<DuperMan> dune 1 ftw
<Espenfjo> ah, dune <3
<DuperMan> mouse shadow on the second moon
<DuperMan> :P
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<peterperfect> interwebz is so quiet today
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<Jiangyi> *cricket cricket*
<peterperfect> yeah
<peterperfect> all quiet
* peterperfect updating noobuntu
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<noxxx> hi all
<noxxx> including virgins
<noxxx> :D
<peterperfect> hi oxidation number
<peterperfect> nox is the abreviation (in portuguese) for a chemichal property
<peterperfect> called oxidation number
<noxxx> but i am noxxx
<noxxx> x*3
<noxxx> also
<noxxx> i hate chemistry
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<noxxx> lol i found a picture of nebkat
<peterperfect> ahhaha
<Baskey> :O
<peterperfect> well played
<Baskey> HANDZUM
<DuperMan> that's the tastiest looking human I ever saw
<DuperMan> BURGER
<Baskey> @8ball Is nebkat tasty?
<bbqbot> Without a doubt.
<Baskey> :)
<DuperMan> so it IS neb
<DuperMan> :-O
<DuperMan> but wait, how can we cook the only person who knows how to work the bbq?
<DuperMan> :P
<noxxx> nah
<noxxx> this man is too fat
<noxxx> it is unhealty food
<noxxx> its better to eat 100 big tasties
<DuperMan> unhealthy like bacon
<noxxx> ye
<DuperMan> bacon>longevity
<DuperMan> if God meant arteries not to clog human hematocirulation was pneumatic
<Sushi> question, are those number selectors standard to the android platform ?
<Baskey> yep
<DuperMan> usually a real language is used though
<Sushi> :p
<Sushi> do the control have a name ? can't find it in eclipse ide
<DuperMan> whereever trebuchet's stuffs be
<Sushi> NumberPicker
<peterperfect> people
<peterperfect> are the sgs3 stylus and wireless kit avaible for buying?
<bbqbot> derp
<Sushi> only on ICS, that's why
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<Jiangyi> peterperfect: I don't think they're out yet. :-P
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<peterperfect> sammy logistics sucks
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<peterperfect> cant get their whole product chain well supplied
<peterperfect> also afaik those things are not produced by sammy
<peterperfect> they are outsourced
<noxxx> all those capacitive touchscreens were made to get rid of stylus
<noxxx> why you use stylus?
<ernie`> sometimes you look at your old code and think.. "what the hell did I do here?"
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<denvro> hello i have a small question bout lockscreen hangs
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<denvro> just installed rc1 and thought lockscreen hangs would be solved
<denvro> also because codeworx custom kernel is removed from the first post on xda
<denvro> but i still have the lockscreen issue, are there some things i have not set up right maybe?
<denvro> sorry misspelled codeworkx name ;)
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<Jiangyi> denvro: Which device?
<denvro> Oh sorry, Galaxy SII
<Jiangyi> Oh, well I don't know then. Sorry. :-(
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<denvro> anyone available who can give me an answer please? if i've asked a stupid question, i'd also like to know...
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<caferea> hello
<caferea> anyone there
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<Jiangyi> Wow, #BoycottApple is trending fast on G+.
<baskeybot> that's good
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<Jiangyi> OMG baskeybot's back!?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Baskey> nah
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<Jiangyi> ...
<noxxx> where this boycottapple thing come from?
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<xplodwild> baskeybot:
<baskeybot> I've seen this
<baskeybot> on your twitter
<xplodwild> :D
<baskeybot> ;)
<noxxx> lol
<noxxx> fuck apple
<noxxx> not a fruit
<ernie`> I bet some people wouldn't mind doing it to the fruit either
<baskeybot> nebkat for example
<noxxx> ye
<noxxx> or Jiangyi
<noxxx> or you baskeybot
<baskeybot> yeah
<baskeybot> or Dwarken
<noxxx> dunno
<baskeybot> even xplodwild
<noxxx> is Dwarken is a virgin?
<nebkat> baskeybot: !
<nebkat> yo baskey, switch to baskey mode
<baskeybot> xD
<Jiangyi> wait what?
baskeybot is now known as Baskey
<nebkat> I got to invite you to a super secret place :)
<Baskey> ZOMG
<xplodwild> nebkat: "our" secret place? :o
* Jiangyi bet Dwarken's there lol
<noxxx> Jiangyi Baskey said dat you wouldnt mind to fuck fruit
<Baskey> MOM, I'M ON TV
<Jiangyi> Baskey wtf?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> xplodwild: yep :D
<ernie`> ಠ_ಠ
<noxxx> nebkat and Baskey are in the secret place? what is happening there?
<noxxx> i request live translation
<nebkat> noxxx: prostitution
<noxxx> nebkat O_O
<xplodwild> xD
* Jiangyi is scared now
<xplodwild> zoophilia and pedophilia too from time to time
<xplodwild> nebkat shows us how he do his dog
<xplodwild> oops, wasn't supposed to say
<noxxx> xplodwild you doing little doggies there?
<noxxx> "My GF says that small dick isn't a problem and I am agree with it. But I am feeling a lil bit uncomfortable while my GF has a dick." O_O
<ernie`> haha
* Jiangyi is disturbed now
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<ernie`> darn it's sunday.. work tomorow >_<
<ernie`> polish zloty?
<nebkat> ernie`: WHAT UTHER ZLOTY/
<ernie`> I dunno what weird stuff you're into :P
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<Jiangyi> ernie`: Holiday tomorrow here I think :-D
<ernie`> nebkat, today I experienced Barcode scanner wouldn't start becuase it couldnt find the camera until I shut down EyeSpy, though, after that both seems to work just fine… just weird
<ernie`> Jiangyi, lucky :P
<ernie`> My vacation doesn't start until one week
<Baskey> [21:47] (Jiangyi) ernie`: Holiday tomorrow here I think :-D
<Baskey> same here
<nebkat> ernie`: err weird
<nebkat> ernie`: it shouldnt be like that....
<ernie`> indeed
<ernie`> maybe its a bug in the camera itself.. maybe the latest nightly has fixed it
<ernie`> just flashed it, so I'll see
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<Jiangyi_> FF crashes yet again. =[
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<Jiangyi_> ...................
<Jiangyi_> No.... Just.... No. ._.
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<ernie`> ಠ_ಠ
<xplodwild> legalize jelly beans
<xplodwild> speed up my tf300t i/o
<xplodwild> Key Lime Pie
<xplodwild> xD
<xplodwild> ^ true this
<xplodwild> I wonder when Apple will come up with "Siri Now"
<xplodwild> "Now you phone tells you what's going to happen without having to ask him!"
<ernie`> haha.. probably iOS8, because they have to remove Siri in iOS7 for it to be something new in iOS8
<xplodwild> iOS Beam too
<xplodwild> iBeam
<ernie`> iBeam
<xplodwild> "This is a revolution"
<xplodwild> "Put two phones back to back, and transfer everything"
<ernie`> "Experienced the previously impossible"
<xplodwild> Baskey: waiting moniez to buy some Alienware laptop
<ernie`> Personally I like OSX much more than iOS, if that makes any sense
<xplodwild> ernie`: true
<xplodwild> on my future laptop, I'll put diehard linux, windows 8, and osx86
<ernie`> My biggest fear when it comes to the future of OSX is that it becomes closed like iOS
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<ernie`> I still cant believe that the first Air had backlit keyboard, the one I bought didn't, the the next two does.. "Now with lit keyboard (again MUHAHAHA)"
<ernie`> That last part was put in my me
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<ernie`> Still a better love story than Twillight
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<Baskey> 4:0
<Baskey> lolololol
<Baskey> what a carnage
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<EvilBelgian> oh NEBKAT
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<ernie`> Seems like somebody won
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<Baskey> derp
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<ernie`> people need bouncers
<Jiangyi> xD
<ernie`> haha nice
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<Jiangyi> *facepalm*
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<ernie`> haha
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<n30-mobil> Codeworkx my p5100 is still fucked up
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<n30-mobil> I did wipe/factory reset it
<n30-mobil> I still need to press power button gor hard reset
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