bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <Baskey> POKAŻ CHUJA, PIERDOLCU | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | IRC stats :
<koud> well if no logcat
<koud> I think that wont help
<sk8erwitskil> oh yah duh
<sk8erwitskil> lol
<koud> if it craches that early seems might be kernel
<sk8erwitskil> yah thats what i was afraid of.
<koud> maybe it writes crash dump somewhere_
<koud> ?
<sk8erwitskil> its weird tho cuz so many other people have succesfully gotten jb running using ics kernel
<koud> I dont know well what to do when it crashes that early
<koud> worked well for me
<koud> atleast to get adb running
<koud> since adbd starts really early
<sk8erwitskil> yah maybe im missing something in the ramdisk
<koud> possible
<sk8erwitskil> everything looks good at first glance but i gotta dig deeper and see what changes other people made to their ramdisk
<sk8erwitskil> from what ive read tho it doesnt seem like most have had to make many changes to the ramdisk
<sk8erwitskil> only the adding of init.trace.rc
<sk8erwitskil> and adding a few import lines to init.rc
<koud> cm9 boot.img worked enough to get adb for me
<koud> on sgs2
<sk8erwitskil> oh nice. you didnt have to make any changes at all to the boot.img?
<sk8erwitskil> you just copied it over?
<koud> yes
<koud> well atleast to get adb working
<koud> but after that you are right
<koud> some small changes to some paths are needed in ramdisk
<koud> I think that should be all
<sk8erwitskil> yah bootclasspath
<sk8erwitskil> anything else?
<koud> I think I had some sched path issue
<sk8erwitskil> but im compiling from source so it should already have the correct bootclasspath i would think
<koud> yes
<koud> create the boot.img that way too?
<sk8erwitskil> yah i used the aosp repo to make an otapackage and it created everything
<koud> ok
<koud> well you could just use cm9 boot.img to start with
<koud> and then take one error at a time
<sk8erwitskil> yah im going to try that. and see if adb even starts
<sk8erwitskil> thanks for the help
<sk8erwitskil> imma try that now
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<koud> np :)
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<coldEvo> psh
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<jamesn_> sweet, softbricked my phone :) some how :S lucky i can get into download mode, so i have a question, when i flash resurrection edition does it matter if i put Gapps on it after, since i can't put it on my phone since it doesn't work lol?
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<jamesn_> scrap that, found the answer lol cya
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<frengo0> hi to all, i have a little problem
<frengo0> hello?
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<xplodwild> just ask
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<xplodwild_work> @eval xplod()
<bbqbot> 'Yes master, I will destroy the world'
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<Espenfjo> - hah
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<gladiac1337> damn...
<IamSachin> :D
<tat-> Espenfjo: without audio? :-p
<Espenfjo> Who needs audio anyway :P
<Espenfjo> Only yourmom calling anyway
<Espenfjo> ;)
<IamSachin> Espenfjo: they just wanna play with google now, and see the butter smooth speed and then restore CM9 nandroid :P
<Espenfjo> Yes I do
<Espenfjo> Not that I have tested it yet.. Know for certain that it will not boot fully
<Espenfjo> But finally everything compiles neatly
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<hillerstorm2> IamSachin: you could try google now on ICS :) if you do't care about voice search, and speed :D
<IamSachin> hillerstorm2: done that :P
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<Espenfjo> I think I will wait to test this one until I am home from work
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<tat-> Pfff, good reason to avoid taking phone calls
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<L551_> Got a new TF300, yay! However I've heard lots of problems with random reboots and the screen moving on it's own. Of course I want to root/unlock/Get CWM on here, but I know unlocking voids the warranty. So, should I just wait?
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<Rewolution> L551_: i bought an TF300 too yesterday, I think I will wait a week for seeing if the tablet has no problem, then CM
<L551_> It's close enough to stock that it isn't that bad (At least it's not Sense UI), but I would still like to tinker with it. Damn the boot loader unlock voiding the warranty.
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<noxxx> hello
<noxxx> any1 here? got question about kernel wakelock
<xplodwild_work> ask
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<IamSachin> ask
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<AndChat-235809> howd it go with last nights test build?
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<IamSachin> On S3, its fine
<SeLkCiP> really?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild_work> "fine"
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<xplodwild_work> I'm not sure we're speaking the same english
<noxxx> got running bbs for 4h44m16s and there is kernel wakelock "suspend_backoff" for 3h46m56s Cnt:(c/wc/ec) 1367/0/1367 79/7%
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<SeLkCiP> hehe
<noxxx> how do you think is that the cause of my battery drain?
<xplodwild_work> noxxx: using chrome?
<noxxx> xplodwild_work: yep
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work Fine in comparison to previous nightly :P .... super duper awesome in comparison to stock or any other ROM
<xplodwild_work> noxxx: the issue is chrome
<SeLkCiP> there is nightlies uh? ;)
<noxxx> xplodwild_work: so if i remove chrome it will disappear?
<xplodwild_work> yep
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<noxxx> bye bye chrome
<IamSachin> suspend_backoff appears a lot for me too, didnt know it was chrome
<noxxx> thank you very much
<noxxx> i noticed that from some point my phone became discharge very fast. About 30% in 4 hours in sleep mode.
<IamSachin> do u use WhatsApp, or Gtalk or anything that's always online?
<noxxx> nope
<noxxx> IamSachin: i just realized it was chrome
<noxxx> i suppose i think that chrome didnt let phone go to sleep
<IamSachin> even i didnt know suspend_backoff was from Chrome, thanks xplod :)
<IamSachin> i still have 2 more doubts...wakelocks named multipdp and l2_hsic
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<slainer68> so nobody succeeded in running JB on SGS3 ;) ?
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<IamSachin> OffTopic: Amazing Alex released :)
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<cantIntoCode> codeworkx: noticed you asked for kernel logs from someone with camera issues on XDA, and they did not help. That's just the camera snippet if you need the whole log let me know
<cantIntoCode> i9300 that is
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<Zipcode> Hello who can help me please with the samsung n7000 clone from china. I can't get the fone in boot mode
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<Aerys> nice
<cantIntoCode> slainer68: seen it =)
<slainer68> xplodwild: nice ;)
<Aerys> Can't wait to test it =]
<slainer68> is it true that CM uses closed source blobs for some devices? i thought CM was 100% open source.
<bbqbot> derp
<IamSachin> xplodwild: w00000t
<Zipcode> Hello who can help me please with the samsung n7000 clone from china. I can't get the fone in boot mode
<IamSachin> is it clone or kirf?
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<Zipcode> clone
<Zipcode> It looks like real allso the box
<Zipcode> But if i try Volume up + Home and Power it is not come in some bootloader
<cantIntoCode> Zipcode: that doesnt matter, the hardware would need to be the same as the n7000 for n7000 things to work
<Zipcode> I try odin i install all the samsung drivers and i try kies
<Zipcode> noting is work
<Aerys> lol its not a samsung device
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<Zipcode_> I am back
<Zipcode_> sorry
<cantIntoCode> Zipcode_: its not going to work its not a samsung device ..
<Zipcode_> So i can do noting
<Zipcode_> I also can't install apps
<cantIntoCode> thats what happens why you buy fake china phones
<Zipcode_> then it say error
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<Zipcode_> lol in the first please i think it is not fake
<Zipcode_> i buy it in thailand
<Zipcode_> All looks like real
<Zipcode_> But now i am back in holland and try to install some apps
<Jiangyi> Zipcode_: What did you buy? :-P
<IamSachin> yeah
<IamSachin> thats called KIRF, keep it real fake
<Zipcode_> it is not work
<Zipcode_> I think i buy a n7000 samsung
<Aerys> koop gewoon een echte
<Jiangyi> Ahhh KIRFs. :-P
* Jiangyi has seen too many of them while in China
<Aerys> xd
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<Aerys> zipcode the display is 5,2 inch right?
<Zipcode> yes
<IamSachin> Zipcode_: for how much did u buy it for?
<Aerys> and it has 800x480 res -.-'
<Aerys> ppi is so low
<Zipcode> 9000 thailand bth
<Aerys> hoeveel euro?
<Zipcode> ongeveer 400 euro
<Aerys> wtf
<Aerys> that sucks
<Zipcode> Maar men zij dat het een echte was
<Aerys> do you have a pic?
<IamSachin> english bro
<Zipcode> I can make a pic
<Aerys> hmm installed I9300XXBLG1 its really nice =))
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<Zipcode> But it looks like the real one
<Aerys> just make a pic to be sure its fake
<Zipcode> from the front ore the back
<Aerys> both
<Zipcode> And then
<Zipcode> where can i put it
<Aerys> or twitter i dont know
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<IamSachin> xplodwild how come the wallpaper is visible, hwcomposer working?? :P
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<Baskey> IamSachin: hwcomposer isn't working atm
<IamSachin> Ok
<xplodwild_work> @8ball Do I hate hwcomposer?
<bbqbot> As I see it, yes.
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<xplodwild_work> brings back memories
<Baskey> yeah... :D
<IamSachin> Yes yes you do :P
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<IamSachin> the million times that question was asked to you :P
<Baskey> xplodwild_work: WHAT IS HWCOMPOSER?
<xplodwild_work> @bomb Baksey
<bbqbot> Baksey, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<Baskey> green
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<Baskey> green
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
<Aerys> lol
<Baskey> umm
<gladiac1337> hmm
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<Baskey> that was dummy one
<Baskey> I think so
<peterperfect> Baskey its a thing that composes the hw
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<cantIntoCode> xD
<IamSachin> hwcomposer to xplodwild_work = (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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<EvilBelgian> Hey guys...
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<Aerys> hi
<EvilBelgian> Got a radio show discussing Tech/gaming/etc. now tune in in fifteen minutes.
<IamSachin> is there anyway to individually allow some apps to bypass autorotate off
<IamSachin> maybe i should submit that in OpenDesign :)
<Jiangyi> EvilBelgian: I'll watch it to support you. :-P
* Jiangyi is bored anyways, tis 8 in the morning here
<EvilBelgian> Awww thanks Jiangyi
<Jiangyi> :-)
<Zipcode> Aerys are you still here
<Aerys> yeah
<Zipcode> hm i don't know how to make some pic
<Zipcode> But the front look like a real n7000
<Zipcode> And insite is a sticker
<Zipcode> I can tell you what is say
<Aerys> tell
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<Zipcode> Model : gti9220 ssn: i9220gsmh fcc id: A3LGTi9220 Made in Korea
<Zipcode> s/n:bhl 1402060ZZ
<Zipcode> sorry - one Z on the end
<Aerys> but its turning on right?
<Mardos> evil
<Mardos> whats your show radio show about ?
<Zipcode> yes
<Aerys> okay do you see touchwiz?
<bbqbot> derp
<Mardos> i heart touchwiz
<Zipcode> you mean sorry
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<Mardos> what os are people running here ? linux or windows
<Aerys> ubuntu
<chadouming> windows because of my job
<gladiac1337> debian
<Jiangyi> Zipcode: Isn't that the Chinese variant of the Note?
<Zipcode> Wat you mean Aerys
<Aerys> Yea its a real one but its chinese
<Zipcode> I don't know Jiangyi
<Zipcode> I buy it in thailand
<Jiangyi> I9220 = N7000
<Zipcode> yes
<Mardos> yaa chinese variant
<Mardos> with a crappy bootloader lol
<Mardos> when ics came out
<Zipcode> now i can't install anyting
<Jiangyi> As long as you're around that area of Asia, you get a incredibly bizarre mix of products and variants from all the surrounding countries.
<Zipcode> that is the problem
<Jiangyi> Zipcode: Let me guess, no Google Play?
<Mardos> i member when i had the note chainfire flashed the leaked ics with a new bootloader which he was stuck on
<Zipcode> ore i get a error ore unsupported media
<Zipcode> and no googleplay
<Zipcode> If i try to click install it say webpage not fond
<Mardos> download from xda
<xplodwild_work> [14:05] <Mardos> what os are people running here ? linux or windows
<xplodwild_work> NO JOKE
<xplodwild_work> BEST OS EVER
<Jiangyi> Zipcode: Did you try factory resetting it?
<Zipcode> yes
<Mardos> omgg are you serious VISTA?
<Mardos> id rather go xp over vista
<Zipcode> but if i look in the settings it looks not like a n7000
<Zipcode> i miss a lot in there
<xplodwild_work> Mardos:
<Zipcode> like for USB
<Jiangyi> Umm... Is it 2.3.6 or 4.0?
<Mardos> umm wow !
<Jiangyi> Ay caramba!
* Jiangyi has flashbacks
<Mardos> hes not jokingg
<Baskey> ¡Ay caramba!
<Mardos> hes for realz
<Aerys> Zipcode what does it say at system information?
<Zipcode> A lot of shit Aerys Noting about adroid
<Jiangyi> ..........
<Baskey> lawl
<Jiangyi> OK, he might have a Chinese fake then. lol
<Aerys> i think so ;p
<Aerys> java os -.-'
<Baskey> Jiangyi: THAT'S ALL YOUR FAULT
<xplodwild_work> @bomb Baskey
<bbqbot> Baskey, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<Baskey> green
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
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<Zipcode> there is java inside
<Baskey> hi-o
<Mardos> jiangyi your fucking people eh
<Jiangyi> Mardos: -.-
<Aerys> nah its not his fault
<Mardos> netchip ‏@NetchipTl
<Mardos> RUMOUR: @Faryaab helped by @teamhacksung, confirmed.
<Jiangyi> Baskey: NO it's you! :-P
<Aerys> but it sucks its fake mate
<Baskey> Jiangyi: no, it's you
<Mardos> take a pic of the device id love to see it
<Baskey> @8ball am I rite?
<bbqbot> It is certain.
<Baskey> Jiangyi: you see?
<Zipcode> So there is noting wat i can do
<Jiangyi> @8ball am I correct?
<bbqbot> Cannot predict now.
<Jiangyi> @8ball am I correct?
<bbqbot> Signs point to yes.
<IamSachin> @8ball = @nexusq
<bbqbot> Yes — definitely.
<Jiangyi> see?
<Mardos> zipcode take a pic of the device
<Baskey> we have a pineapple situation
<Zipcode> And the device is Mardos
<Zipcode> ??
<Mardos> your fake note or w.e lol
<Jiangyi> <- Man, I'm glad I didn't flash the new build yet.
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<Mardos> why not
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<Mardos> dupermannnnnnnnnnnn
<Zipcode> But wat you want to see Mardos from wat most i make a pic
<DuperMan> hi Mardos
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<DuperMan> 36c
<DuperMan> hottest it got this summer. explains my latest facebook commission
<DuperMan> :P
<Mardos> fuck i never knew they had fake notes
<DuperMan> rofl wtf
<Mardos> duperman where you located
<Zipcode> ??
<DuperMan> middle east betwixt sahara and dubai
<DuperMan> :P
<chadouming> @8ball
<bbqbot> Outlook good.
<DuperMan> ^
<DuperMan> @8ball can you make it rain?
<bbqbot> Without a doubt.
<DuperMan> :D
<Mardos> middle east is hotter then 36 lol
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: I'm in Florida right now, so it's pretty hot here too. :-P
<DuperMan> mideast IS 36
* Jiangyi is flying to DC later today
<DuperMan> speaking from where I'm at
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: at least it's a dryyyyyy heat here
<DuperMan> lol
<Zipcode> But nobody can help me
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: I wish, it's humid as hell. D-:
<DuperMan> isn't dc like the london of america?
* Jiangyi wants Canada back
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: wish all you want, I meant it's a dry heat HERE xD
<Mardos> jiangyi toronto is 35 today lol
<DuperMan> dang. noway, c?
<Mardos> yes
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: DERP, I read there instead of here lol
<DuperMan> lol
<Jiangyi> Meh, 35's not that bad
<Mardos> ya no huimd today
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: sorry for making your baked brains hope. trust me that I know the feeling (of a sunstreak)
<Jiangyi> Where I come from, it was 38 everyday
<Mardos> not lfike last week 43 with humind
<DuperMan> Mardos: hell?
<Mardos> where you come from china?
<Jiangyi> Fuzhou
<DuperMan> china is hot? srsly? hot 'lil asian chi... HI
<Jiangyi> Haven't had snow there in over 15 years :-D
peterperfect has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
<DuperMan> same xD
<Mardos> lol
<DuperMan> or just about 15
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
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<DuperMan> I is watch the futuramas
<DuperMan> later
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Bai
peterperfect has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Mardos> hate that show
<Zipcode> But nobody can help me
<Baskey> Zipcode: omg, you are annoying
<Mardos> zipcode what is your issue i ignored everything you said
<Zipcode> lol
<Zipcode> I tell a lot in here
<chadouming> zipcode, what is your issue, i was not there when you stated
<Zipcode> About my maby fake samsung n7000
<xplodwild_work> Zipcode: what's the situation?
<bbqbot> derp
<Zipcode> I can't install apps then it say error
<xplodwild_work> Zipcode: you already flashed a rom?
<Zipcode> I also can't put it boot mode
<Zipcode> that is the problem
EvilBelgian has quit [Quit: Poot Poot]
<xplodwild_work> Zipcode: you already flashed a rom?
<Zipcode> no
<Zipcode> that is the problem
<xplodwild_work> do you have adb?
<chadouming> Zipcode, ask for refund and get a real one ?
<Jiangyi> Summary of Zipcode's situation: He potentially has a fake I9220, which is the Chinese Note.
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<xplodwild_work> Zipcode: do you have adb?
<Zipcode> I life in holland and buy it in thailand so it is hard to get some refund now
<Zipcode> That time they say it is a real one
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<Zipcode> Wat is adb?
<bbqbot> derp
<EvilBelgian> Tune into my show people... ...on a music break I'll be on the air again in a few minutes
<Aerys> woops
<Aerys> adb ^^ xd
<xplodwild_work> Zipcode: it's really likely you have a fake one
<cantIntoCode> xplodwild_work: he does
<cantIntoCode> bought in thailand
<xplodwild_work> then I won't care more
<chadouming> Oops. We can't load the radio right now...
<Zipcode> So if i look now under google adb is a tool
<Jiangyi> cantIntoCode: Not everything from that part of Asia's fake you know.
<cantIntoCode> I know that, but he said he purchased it there and knew it was fake
<Zipcode> Is that wat you mean xplodwild
<xplodwild_work> Zipcode: yes
<xplodwild_work> Zipcode: if you have it run : adb shell ls /
<xplodwild_work> if you don't have init.smdkv310.rc
<Jiangyi> :-
<Zipcode> Under dos you mean
<xplodwild_work> then it's a fake
<xplodwild_work> yes
<Zipcode> i try it oke
<Zipcode> i read this first all
<Jiangyi> xplodwild_work: I see you haz JB booted on i9300. :-P (Yes, I'm stalking you on Twitter lol)
<DuperMan> does fake haz wacom?
<DuperMan> if yes, f
Baskey has quit [Read error: No route to host]
zz_Alram is now known as Alram
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<Mardos> creeperrrr
<Jiangyi> I'm kidding. :-P
<Mardos> using a galaxy nexus nicee
<DuperMan> what's special about kidding with a galnex?
<xplodwild_work> I remember when I trolled a repair center
<xplodwild_work> back when my note was bricked
<Mardos> xplod you still got the note
<DuperMan> was it hot?
<Mardos> those stupid emmc bug
<DuperMan> the center
<DuperMan> not the note
<xplodwild_work> I brought it there, the guy said "Well looks like its dead... Is your mom aware?"
<DuperMan> the note is always hot
<DuperMan> xD
<DuperMan> trolled x10
<xplodwild_work> I answered "She doesn't care" while taking my Galaxy Nexus out of my pocket
<xplodwild_work> *trollface*
<Mardos> lol nice
<xplodwild_work> then left the store
<xplodwild_work> I was proud
<DuperMan> you out-douched
<DuperMan> but he trolled better
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> @bomb DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<xplodwild_work> @bomb DuperMan if you wish
<bbqbot> DuperMan, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<DuperMan> blue
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was green]
DuperMan has joined #teamhacksung-support
<DuperMan> blew*
<Mardos> lmaoo
<Mardos> xplod you still got the note? do you sitll do stuff for the note or is it only entropay
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> Mardos: xplodwild_work is rulez
<xplodwild_work> Mardos: I still do, not a lot but I'll do probably for JB
<DuperMan> note stuffs don't happen by themselves
<DuperMan> xD
<Mardos> i loved the note until i got the s3
* DuperMan tips hat
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<DuperMan> Mardos: I'm still loving my note but old ladies are starting to slanteye it when I say 'not 3'
<Mardos> s3 is amazing in tablet mode
<chadouming> i want the S3 :(
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<Mardos> sorry i meant the note is amazing in tablet moe
<DuperMan> I love my note. who cares about s3? tablet mode sounds nice but meh
<DuperMan> ah
<DuperMan> haven't tried parand
<Mardos> paranoid or cm9
<Aerys> i hate tablet mode
<DuperMan> tab mode in cm9?
<DuperMan> oo
<Mardos> HTC One X user - I love my Tegra3 version as well but battery life is pretty ridiculous.
<Mardos> I just cant play any game AT ALL because I KNOW I’ll end up with a dead battery by 5-6pm.
<DuperMan> f games. got a pc don't i?
<DuperMan> :D
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<Aerys> i have never played a game on my S III =)
<Mardos> s3 is solid device
<Aerys> not even fcking angry birds
<DuperMan> phone=drawing on a screen 1 inch diag too small
<DuperMan> :D
<Mardos> angry birds is fucking stupid
<Aerys> yep -.-
<DuperMan> point? game
<DuperMan> leave brain at door
<DuperMan> or get paid to pay
<DuperMan> or bust
<Mardos> droidsniff is the best app hhahah (evil laugh)
<DuperMan> cogs is pretty sweet though
<chadouming> EvilBelgian, ?
<xplodwild_work> toki tori
<Jiangyi> Hmm... Chinese Carrier localization doesn't seem to be working as intended. :-
<xplodwild_work> is the most awesome game ever
<Jiangyi> :-|*
<cantIntoCode> I got the with the humble bundle
<DuperMan> droidsniff?
<chadouming> that's so true that game based on movie are horrible
<DuperMan> wiresharkclone?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> :D
<Mardos> yess droidsniff
<DuperMan> chadouming: f u youngster. I remember when it WAS true
<chadouming> duh ?
<DuperMan> between 1994 and 2005 the only worthwhile movie based game was The Lion King
<DuperMan> fact
<Mardos> are you serious ?
<DuperMan> Mardos: 50%
<Zipcode> xpplowild are you stil here
<Mardos> interesting
<xplodwild_work> Zipcode: sure
<Zipcode> i have install Android SDK Maneger
<chadouming> DuperMan , false
<Zipcode> And if i connect my n7000 it is asking all the time for a USB CDC Modem Divice
<DuperMan> chadouming: maybe
<DuperMan> flashing this moment's night... bu... thingy
<DuperMan> :D
<chadouming> Avalon and Spy Kidss
<chadouming> !!
<DuperMan> Zipcode: sammy drivers
<DuperMan> chadouming: avalon? like chinese chekcers or whatever?
<DuperMan> oO
<Zipcode> sammy drivers..??
<DuperMan> so... that movie that came with the matrix
<DuperMan> but more chinese
<DuperMan> existence
<Mardos> yes download the samsung drivers
<DuperMan> with a Z someplace
TeMpTiN_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Zipcode> i have allready don that
<Zipcode> but it is keep asking
<DuperMan> Zipcode: again, reboot, again
<DuperMan> chadouming: no.
<DuperMan> it is very much older
<DuperMan> and awesome
<DuperMan> to my perverted liking
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<DuperMan> but older
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<Mardos> when you go to settings and about
<Mardos> what do you see
<chadouming> oh trie
<chadouming> true*
<chadouming> that website was lying to me :(
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> awesome guilty pleasure, but so fucking guilty
<Mardos> an amazing movie is
<DuperMan> and kinda lacking pleasre
<DuperMan> pleasure
<DuperMan> the mario bros flick
<DuperMan> Mardos: based on LV slot machines? oO
<DuperMan> we're discussing game-to-film adaptations :D
<Mardos> fuck w hat your discussing
<DuperMan> got paypal? I'll write a reminder to wire you two cents sometime
<DuperMan> :)
<bbqbot> derp
<Mardos> yes email me bitch lol
<DuperMan> I dunno your bitch hence I can not email your bitch
<DuperMan> sorry ma'am
<Mardos> email me a chinise hoe
<DuperMan> they only fit in the paper shredder
<DuperMan> will it d... derp
<chadouming> @kick Mardos : Watch your langugage
Mardos was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [: Watch your langugage]
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> but will it rejoin?
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<chadouming> @kick mardos AND NO FUCK WHAT WE ARE DISCUSSING
Mardos was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [AND NO FUCK WHAT WE ARE DISCUSSING]
<DuperMan> +1
<chadouming> lol
<DuperMan> rofl
Mardos has joined #teamhacksung-support
<DuperMan> O HAI
<Mardos> damn haters
<chadouming> you want me to start hating %
<chadouming> ?
<DuperMan> there's a link for that
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: may I comment upon chinese civil liberities as follow-up?
<DuperMan> :P
<chadouming> @google no.jpg
<DuperMan> sorry
<DuperMan> I'm trying to adopt alocoholism as my new hobby
<Mardos> wtf is that NOO youtube clip its soo annoying
<DuperMan> since work is crap which pays too little and leaves me exhausted at the day's end
<DuperMan> up to 2 liters to get a buzz now
<Mardos> dude just drinkkk vodka and yoll be off to agood start lol
<DuperMan> Mardos: wait, wiki'ing a good alternative
<DuperMan> for men
<Mardos> wiking lol
<Mardos> chadouming - dont hate on me jeez
<chadouming> i'll hate whoever i want !
<DuperMan> عَرَق
<DuperMan> :P
<Mardos> gods of hater
<DuperMan> ערק
<Mardos> i dont understand arabic or chinese
<chadouming> é
<DuperMan> hebrew's the latter
<Mardos> or french
<DuperMan> ehrm... Arak
<chadouming> more reason to hate you !
<Mardos> oh my lord
<DuperMan> seems to be google's best tranlations
<Mardos> have you hever had arak?
<Mardos> that shit is harshh
<Mardos> mix it with water looks like milk lol
<DuperMan> Mardos: it's neither good nor fun, it's there
<DuperMan> not a foe, by little
<DuperMan> never far
<DuperMan> it's there for you
<Mardos> arak's nasty
<Mardos> the father drinks it
<DuperMan> heh. good on him!
<DuperMan> no kidding
<DuperMan> second to unicom/um
<DuperMan> third to absinth
<DuperMan> Arak is awesome
<DuperMan> again, not saying it's "good"
<DuperMan> just worthy of awe
<Mardos> lol
<DuperMan> if you don't know where to get Arak ask for Arab Vodka at the cornershop
<DuperMan> you'll be looted beaten and probably misused sexually
<DuperMan> leaving you with much the same experience Arak will
<chadouming> i'll stay with bacardi 151 then
<DuperMan> teen
Aerys has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<DuperMan> I can't do rum, had my last highschool binge on that:/
<chadouming> teen, with 75.5% alcool ?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> chadouming: quit describing my younger self
<DuperMan> stalker
<chadouming> hmm, maybe if you were less "wild" in your teen, you would have a less boring job and would'nt want to become an alcoolic ?
<DuperMan> yes
<DuperMan> not really a 'maybe' unless I had the misfortune of being blind as well of dumb, as a teen
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> and I'm no wannabe alcoholic if that description came off by any means realistic
<DuperMan> I just am P:
* DuperMan ponders the sound of four ops facepalming
<chadouming> w/e
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<xplodwild_work> IM TEH WILD
<chadouming> @google vandals : I have a date album
<chadouming> @google vandals I have a date album
<chadouming> @google what is vandals I have a date album
<DuperMan> toniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
<DuperMan> gimme dawnguard
<xplodwild_work> @google chadouming
<bbqbot> chadouming (chad cormier roussel) · GitHub -
<chadouming> why you google me ?
<DuperMan> rofl. != me
<xplodwild_work> 'cause I'm bored at work
<DuperMan> oO
<cdesai> chadouming: strange your github acc showed up
<cdesai> @google cdesai
<bbqbot> xda-developers - View Profile: cdesai -
<cdesai> knew it'ld be xda
<Mardos> chadouming in Sept Iles is rogers weak?
<chadouming> we dont have rogers
<Mardos> only bell and telus right ?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> only bell / telus
<Mardos> ahh no wonder
<Mardos> thanks
<chadouming> i heard videotron is comming, but who give a fuck about videotron cellphone service xD
<DuperMan> vi..deo...tron
<Mardos> do you know if valdor is also belus?
<cdesai> video..tron legacy
<DuperMan> via that wron(g)
<Mardos> la tuque?
<Mardos> la salle?
<DuperMan> is French a language?
<DuperMan> techncially
<chadouming> mardos : I dont know, that's pretty far away from where i live
<Mardos> darn
<DuperMan> I've been to Paris as well as France
<DuperMan> thoug I've yet to have seen a certain artifact coming to mind
<DuperMan> though
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<DuperMan> :)
<Mardos> ive been to the netherlands
<DuperMan> my greatuncle married a girl about twice his height there
<DuperMan> +1 the netherleands
<DuperMan> lands
<chadouming> you greatuncle was a dwarf or she was an amazone ?
<DuperMan> bit of both. 5 ft jew vs. 8.5 ft nord
<DuperMan> xD
<chadouming> 8.5 ~ 10 ?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> 8.5feets girl ! god damn
<DuperMan> 8 feet 6 inches?
<DuperMan> oo
<DuperMan> girl was tall. is old now. shorter.
<DuperMan> 6.25 ft oO
<DuperMan> stupid imperial
<chadouming> oh
axx_ has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
<chadouming> that's not that bad xD
<DuperMan> yeah. got to hand it to the dude even at 76 - he married 3 feet over his size xD
<chadouming> 6'3''
<DuperMan> kinda reminds me of cat's cradle (by kurt vonnegut)
<DuperMan> f. I just said 8 ft. bbl, dyinf of linguistic shame
<Mardos> damn freaks of nature
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<DuperMan> dying*:)
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<Mardos> bored eh
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<koud_> mored
<xplodwild_work> lored
<DuperMan> gored
<xplodwild_work> pored
<cdesai> sored
<DuperMan> gnarley
<Baskey> marley
<DuperMan> stfu
<xplodwild_work> plody
<Baskey> @google no.jpg
EvilBelgian has quit [Quit: Poot Poot]
<Baskey> @google ploft
<addi> @8ball is Jelly Bean running awesome on my GNex?
<bbqbot> Most likely.
<addi> ^_^
<xplodwild_work> @8ball is Jelly Bean running awesome on my i9300?
<bbqbot> Signs point to yes.
<xplodwild_work> liar!
<cdesai> @8ball will jellybean compile fine?
<bbqbot> Yes.
<DuperMan> @8ball is my n7000 running jellybean a. well? or b. decent
<bbqbot> It is decidedly so.
<Mardos> lmaoo all liess
<DuperMan> ^
<addi> @8ball is Jelly Bean running awesome on my GNex?
<bbqbot> Cannot predict now.
<addi> :(
<Mardos> @8ball is Jelly Bean running awesome on my s3
<bbqbot> Yes.
<Mardos> you lying sack of poo
<Mardos> @8ball do i hav a gnex
<bbqbot> My reply is no.
<Mardos> correct
<DuperMan> a sack of poo isn't likely to speak
<addi> he's just trying to make you guys feel better :p
<DuperMan> therefore probably won't lie
<Baskey> @8ball is Jelly bean running awesome on my SGS2?
<bbqbot> My sources say no.
<Baskey> CORRECT
<Mardos> BOOM
<Baskey> @8ball do I have SGS2?
<bbqbot> Without a doubt.
<DuperMan> @8ball is my Leo HD2 failing to boot with JB?
<bbqbot> My sources say no.
<DuperMan> :)
<Mardos> you still have the hd2 lol
<DuperMan> no
<Baskey> HE HAZ
<gladiac1337> @8ball what about my hd2? will it boot jb?
<bbqbot> Don't count on it.
<Baskey> @8ball is DuperMan lying?
<bbqbot> Don't count on it.
<gladiac1337> damn
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> oO
<DuperMan> stoopid 8ball
<DuperMan> @8ball assuming I installed cm# on X, is my warranty void?
<bbqbot> Reply hazy. Try again.
<Mardos> the bot should come up with more words
<DuperMan> @8ball will it?
<bbqbot> Cannot predict now.
<DuperMan> ah
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<slainer68> i bought a sgs3 thinking that it would receive JB sooner thanks to open source projects like CM. But know I see that open source projects have to wait for closed source binaries from samsung (?) to port JB. should i sell my sgs3 for a galaxy nexus?
<addi> if you can live with a poorer camera and no expandable storage, then YES
<addi> unless there's something in the S3 you really need, get a GNex
<addi> seeing as your main aim is to get faster software updates, a Nexus device is a no-brainer
<slainer68> addi: maybe it's too late now, i think that google will release a new nexus phone this fall like every year?
<bbqbot> derp
techmik has joined #teamhacksung-support
<addi> slainer68, not likely
<Mardos> i want a gnex as a backup
<addi> they released Nexus 7
<addi> with JB, Gnex is doubly awesome
<cantIntoCode> gnexus is still a really good device
<Jiangyi> Maybe a new device near Christmas time. :-P
<cantIntoCode> I dont see them with a reason to update it, + nexus 7 just released as addi said
<addi> exactly
<addi> unless they want to show 4.2 or 5.0 on a new device
<addi> or whatever next version of Android is
<cantIntoCode> 5.0 / 4.2 will be the next nexus I think
<addi> cantIntoCode, hahahaha at netchip's gerrit commit :p
<cantIntoCode> addi: hilarious xD
<cantIntoCode> he blocked me on twitter because he got TOLD by codeworkx
<slainer68> so imagine samsung never release new binaries for sgs3 does it mean nobody won't ever be able to fully port JB ?
<addi> also, not really sure there's enough left to add in Android for Google to release a major upgrade and hence a new device any time soon
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<xplodwild_work> cantIntoCode: the comment was amazing
<xplodwild_work> pure epicness
<cantIntoCode> I agree hahahahaa
<addi> slainer68, get a Gnex. sell it and get S3 again when JB is properly working on it.. :P
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<slainer68> maybe next nexus will be from asus :)
<Aerys> nah
<addi> unlikely, they don't make phones, only tablets :p
<addi> and motherboards :p
<cantIntoCode> yep ^
<Jiangyi> Well, they did make that one phone....
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<Jiangyi> Can anyone link me to that gerrit commit?
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<chadouming> what comment did i miss %
<chadouming> ?
<addi> Jiangyi, what happened to going to the USA?
<Jiangyi> addi: I'm in it. lol
<addi> Jiangyi, then come back here after 1.5 weeks like you said! :P
<Jiangyi> addi: Nah. XD
<addi> ^_^
<cdesai> addi: just makefiles :P
<chadouming> lawl
<Jiangyi> lol
<addi> read the comment by cody
<Jiangyi> Netchip got bashed.
<addi> awesome telling off like cantIntoCode said
<chadouming> that's the funny part
<addi> i for some reason followed netchip on Twitter. oh man, a tweet every minute. 'repo synced'. 'build started'. 'build crashed' 'oh wait, gotta wait for CM team do stuff before I can do anything' etc etc
<chadouming> i love everything on my Gnex, beside the easy to scratch screen and the notification led that is on bottom instead of top
<addi> easy to scrath screen? :O
<addi> no scratch on my baby yet! :/
<addi> but yeah, that 'enforced glass' doesn't make me too confortable :p
<chadouming> the gnex screen is really easy to scratch
<xplodwild_work> chadouming: I got a scratch on mine
<xplodwild_work> (nexus)
<xplodwild_work> I don't even know how
<Aerys> nah its not that easy
<chadouming> never had a screen protector on my SGS II and it' was perfect when i gave it
<addi> i had two small scratches on my SGS1 in 1 years 3 months of usage
<chadouming> already have a few scratches on my Gnex and i have it since march
<addi> and one was because i put it in my back pocket with the keys and sat down -.-
<addi> though SGS1 had a case. Gnex didn't come with any -.-
<chadouming> i dont use case
<chadouming> specially for the gnex that is already big
<addi> me neither since Gnex didn't come with it :p
<chadouming> xD
<addi> also, GNex not officially available in India, so couldn't find a case specifically for it :p
<addi> they all show me the GNote case -.-
<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> you updated to JB yet ?
<addi> of course :D
<addi> been running it since Google I/O leak
<chadouming> lol same here
<addi> never going back to stupid and horrible ICS :p
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<chadouming> how is you battery life ?
<addi> hmm, now that S3 is here, might get an S3 case, should fit well
<addi> good with the official OTA
<addi> quite good actually
<chadouming> using stock kernel i guess ?
<addi> yes
<addi> not tried any custom yet
<addi> only rooted, that's it. JB is so awesome i'm not in a hurry for CM9 or fancy ROMs :p
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<Mardos> whats the fastest way to root a nexus and update to jb?
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<chadouming> fastboot oem unlock
<chadouming> fasboot flash recovery recovery.img
<chadouming> flash supersu in cwm
<chadouming> install JB via cwm
<chadouming> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> or clear data for Google Services Framework and keep trying software button from about screen. heard that's getting some people the takju update :p
<addi> one guy got it after his 14th try xD
<chadouming> lol, wtf ?
<chadouming> xD
<addi> yer xD
<addi> "Wipe the data, and force close the google services framework, just connect to a fast wifi network and leave it,
<addi> don't manually check for updates, after wiping it just quit the settings and leave it.
<addi> One of my friends did that and got a pop up saying update found after a few hours"
<addi> wonder why these guys simply don't update via CWM :/
<Mardos> galaxy nexus toolkit
<addi> ah, the fastest way (specially for lazy people) ^^
<chadouming> true
<chadouming> but fast boot is also easy on gnex
<Frd^> @supproted
<bbqbot> Frd^: Command does not exist!
<Frd^> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
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<Frd^> @changelog i9300
<addi> chadouming, it's easy on Sony devices as well. fastboot ftw heh?
<chadouming> yup
<Mardos> how do i know if its yakju or takju its a new phone its a buddys phone
<chadouming> that's the definition of open :D
<Frd^> does someone use cmd9 on main device?
<Mardos> not rooted locked bootloader
<addi> Mardos, where'd he buy it? off the Play Store with Wallet installed? then it's takju
<addi> international variants found in Europe = yakju (as far as I'm concerned)
<Mardos> no he got it from a carrier
<Mardos> build name tuna maguro
<Mardos> 4.0.2
<Mardos> wtf all i see i recovery mode start power off restart bootloader
<Aerys> facepalm
<addi> that's all you get in fastboot
<addi> tuna maguro = probably yakju
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<danyasd> cm9 for the s3 is so fast! :)
<Mardos> fucking nexus toolkit is stuck on waiting for device but drivers are all installed
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<addi> make sure device is in fastboot :p
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<addi> yes
<addi> guess there's something else wrong ^^
<Mardos> ya apparently fucking hell
<Mardos> going to try my lpaotp
<Mardos> hmm seems like a driver issue it says android 1.0 on device manager
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<Mardos> got ittt
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<danyasd> Is there a possibility to use the original S3 stock camera app with cm9? it's just great
<chadouming> nope
<Mardos> noo
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<Mardos> time to try JB
<Jiangyi> loool
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<Mardos> any custom kernel for jb
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<chadouming> lol, adam outler telling everyone to shut the fuck up
<addi> where? xD
<addi> link meh!
<addi> xD
<danyasd> So is there an other camera app that's very good?
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<Mardos> sweet on 4.1.1.
<Mardos> boom installed franco kernel
<Baskey> @8ball ?
<bbqbot> It is decidedly so.
<chadouming> gnex or SGS III ?
sixstringsg|afk is now known as sixstringsg
<Baskey> Spica
<addi> :O
<addi> go die Baskey!!!
<Baskey> y
<addi> you has Spica, that's why :p
* chadouming is away: dinner :D
<danyasd> no way to port the camera app from stock to cm9? s3
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<noxxx> question to rom devs: is there way to make phone react faster on light conditions changed?
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<IamSachin> xplodwild: what is "deleted_wake_locks"?
<IamSachin> noxxx: small polling intervals = more battery usage
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<danyasd> popup play
<danyasd> *?
<addi> get SuperVideo for popup play
<danyasd> thanks!
<IamSachin> and nebkat's app for SmartStay :)
<danyasd> don't need that one ;)
<IamSachin> :)
<IamSachin> i use that just to support nebkat, awesome dev :)
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<danyasd> I'll google for the other ones, if I can't find the apps I need I'll ask here ;)
<IamSachin> anytime mate :)
<noxxx> IamSachin i agree to have little more battery drain
<noxxx> now it takes too long to adjust brightness
<IamSachin> noxxx: Settings>Display>Automatic Backlight> Check for some polling intervel there...I am not sure sicne I use manual brightness
<noxxx> no there is no such settings
<noxxx> now the interval is 10 seconds
<noxxx> why not add an option
<noxxx> ?
<IamSachin> use an app called Lux, I think that lets you customize more
<noxxx> or just make it 5 seconds for example
<noxxx> oh those additional apps ...
<noxxx> you know ... wakelocks ... )
<IamSachin> hahaha
<danyasd> S planner?
<IamSachin> Calender :)
<danyasd> I don't like the style of the org. calender
<danyasd> calendar :D
<IamSachin> Any good calendar app should do from market
<IamSachin> this one is quite famous i guess, a little costly though
<danyasd> a little costly? hahaha, good joke
<bbqbot> derp
<danyasd> but looks fine
<danyasd> I'll see
<IamSachin> i m a student, a little costly for me :P
<danyasd> me too
<IamSachin> i buy only 1$ under apps, or apps made by any cm devs, koush, chainfire or supercurio :)
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<IamSachin> bbqbot: nebkat wats up with the new name? :P
<addi> IamSachin, i got charged Rs. 1 for EyeSpy by Google for some reason even though it's Rs. 68 xD
<Baskey> IamSachin: that's not nebkat
<IamSachin> lucky you addi :P
<addi> i can go as far as $3, above that the app has to be really important. like Titanium
<IamSachin> Baskey: but it says nebkat in his username
<noxxx> i am titaaaaaniiiiium!
<noxxx> umts-umts-umts-umts
<IamSachin> addi r u from india?
<Baskey> nebkat is currently on a basketball camp
<addi> yeah
<noxxx> ye
<IamSachin> Lol
<IamSachin> where in india addi?
<noxxx> nebkat is black jewish gay basketball player
<noxxx> he told me dat
angelsl has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<addi> the bot is logged in from nebkat's computer/server/whatever, so his name :p
<addi> IamSachin, Pune
<Baskey> noxxx: lawl
<IamSachin> addi all it does is say derp periodically :P
<Baskey> @google no.jpg
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<danyasd> s beam?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> IamSachin, after every 7th question it says derp :p
<addi> @8ball is derp all you say?
<bbqbot> It is certain.
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<addi> @8ball does bbqbot only say derp?
<bbqbot> Cannot predict now.
<IamSachin> Hah :P
<Baskey> @8ball is netchip idiotte?
<bbqbot> Yes — definitely.
<Baskey> BOOM
<IamSachin> netchip, where is the notification option in EyeSpy?? :P
<addi> huh?
<addi> where is netchip?
<IamSachin> nebkat*
<addi> nebkat isn't here :p
<IamSachin> those two confuse me since last november :P
<Espenfjo> lol
<IamSachin> okk :)
Karbowiak is now known as karbowiak
<addi> and Baskey is waiting for nebkat to return to him at his home. XXX
<Baskey> yep
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<IamSachin> LOL
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* chadouming is back (gone 01:01:27)
<IamSachin> anyone knows what is "deleted_wake_locks" wakelock?
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<koud_> Espenfjo: got a build yet? :)
<chadouming> IamSachin, That's the wakelock that are deleted, kinda like a placeholder
<IamSachin> then i guess it must be harmless. it had a count of over 75000
<IamSachin> chadouming: and what's multipdp?
<chadouming> idk
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<Karbowiak> how's the JB stuff going, any major hurdles?
<chadouming> well, JB roms has started rolling out for Galaxy nexus
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<chadouming> all the Dev are working hard on JB
<Karbowiak> cool, luckers on GNex :P
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<Karbowiak> but i guess they have the advantage tho, all their drivers are readily available, including hals and whatnot
<chadouming> oh, i was speaking all dev are working hard on other device than Gnex
<chadouming> all the work for gnex is done
<chadouming> xplod, cody, espen, even pulsr are working on JB
<Karbowiak> cool, i shall look forward to seeing it then :D
<Karbowiak> i have to admit, i can't really wait, but then again, the thing im most wanting is actually google now
<peterperfect> thats a hell of a team
<IamSachin> Google Now seems to be an intelligent features, much better than Siri IMO
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<chadouming> not that spectacular
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<IamSachin> how did they manage to fit in the database for offline voice recognization?
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<qwebirc56802> hi there
qwebirc56802 is now known as JByeah
<JByeah> :)
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<JByeah> can jelly bean smooth (tribuffer, etc) be backported to ics?
<peterperfect> no
<IamSachin> i guess they are deep integrated into the OS
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<IamSachin> i had a doubt since the day JB was introduced. Pumping up the CPU for increased touch response, wont that lead to lesser battery life?
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<Aerys_> i was also wondering that
<Aerys_> and battery is even better they say 0.0
<IamSachin> hmm yeah, must be some kickass code optimizations in there
<JByeah> nice question IamSachin
<Aerys_> Yeah.. oh god i can wait for a jb rom for my S3 xD
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<JByeah> hahaha
<JByeah> i cant wait for my sgs2
<Aerys_> haha ;p
<IamSachin> it took 3 weeks after ICS release to get hands on first leak of stock ICS on S2
<JByeah> probably audio is broken
<IamSachin> so I guess we'll have to wait till then for a proper build
<JByeah> but
<Aerys_> I dont care about the camera
<Aerys_> but the other stuff.... ;]
<IamSachin> I m just waiting for smoothness... :)
<JByeah> and only with aosp sources? How long did it take?
<bbqbot> derp
<Aerys_> Yea and just to feel the power of JB xD
<IamSachin> Sources were released after a loooong looong time, somewhere in feb or march i guess
<IamSachin> oh i got u wrong
<JByeah> hahaha wanted to have a nexus now
<IamSachin> with aosp sources they had many problems
<IamSachin> xplod had hard time fixing a transparency issue, producing a black homescreen backgound
<Aerys_> yea i remember
<IamSachin> true story, this is the time when u feel like having a nexus :P
<Aerys_> i just sold my gnex to get a S3 =|
<JByeah> what is first aosp-only(without samsung sources and leaks) build for s2?
<IamSachin> trust me, when we have a proper build, s3 + JB = true awesomeness :P
<IamSachin> it was a very premature build in november last week
<Aerys_> euhm i guess it was build in December by some devs
<Aerys_> And 1 guy leaked somethin
<IamSachin> almost everything was dead, audio, 2g/3g, wifi
<JByeah> but now, its incremental update
<IamSachin> Coentje44 was the asshole
<JByeah> less time, no?
<IamSachin> everyone hates him since then :P
<Aerys_> yea that bastard
<Aerys_> hehe
<IamSachin> phew, good old times :P
<JByeah> my old times was with milestone
<JByeah> haha
<Aerys_> good ol' S2 =)
<IamSachin> S2 will always be one of the best devices made by sammy :)
<Aerys_> yes
<Aerys_> its still pretty slick
<IamSachin> yeah
<JByeah> i love my s2
<JByeah> its better hardware than gnexus
<Aerys_> but after using some 720p display devices i will never use something llike S2 again
<IamSachin> wish s3 had the backplate like s2, instead of that glossy mirrory finish :P
<Aerys_> yep
<IamSachin> yeah that 720p screen on S3 and GNex are pure gold
<JByeah> really Aerys_?
<JByeah> i never seen 720p device haha
<Aerys_> yea when i compare my S3 to my S2 i can really tell a big difference in PPI
<JByeah> s3 is expensive in my country. 900 us dollars
<JByeah> new galaxy s2 is 600 dollars
<JByeah> bad things :(
<IamSachin> they will reduce the price eventually
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<IamSachin> Note 2 is being announced in august ending
<IamSachin> i guess before that they'll reduce prices
<JByeah> i hope so
<Aerys_> wow 600$ for a S2? 0_o
<Aerys_> its like 387euro here
<JByeah> yeah
<JByeah> its brazil my friend :p
<Aerys_> =p
<IamSachin> In India S3 is for 675US$
<IamSachin> Rs. 37500 aadi :P
<JByeah> I wish that price here
<Aerys_> I got my S3 for 585euro
<JByeah> 1$ =~ R$2,00
<JByeah> s2 =1200 R$
<JByeah> s3= 1800
<JByeah> 2,6 reais = 1 euro
<IamSachin> cheaper than the iCrap 4s i guess? :P
<peterperfect> BRAZIL?
<peterperfect> WHO IS BRAZILIAN HERE?
<peterperfect> @geo user JByeah
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for JByeah
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for c94f87d1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<JByeah> i'm brazilian
<JByeah> same price for 16gb model
<peterperfect> JByeah me too
<peterperfect> <3
<JByeah> really? *-*
<JByeah> hahaha nice
<peterperfect> Não, estou mentindo..
<IamSachin> now kiss :P
<peterperfect> xD
<JByeah> nem eu :p
<JByeah> kkkkkkkkkk = laugh here
<JByeah> :o
<JByeah> peter, tell them the day that Apple sold its itrash 64gb to almost $ 1500 here
<JByeah> i trash s
<peterperfect> true story
<peterperfect> @money 2000 BRL EUR
<bbqbot> 2000 BRL = 803.65 EUR
<peterperfect> thats how much i payed on my sgs3
<JByeah> you are mod. nice :p
<peterperfect> yeah i bribed xplodwild
<JByeah> i wish one :(
<JByeah> where's codework'x? he disappeared
<peterperfect> he is here
<peterperfect> but he is busy with JB
<peterperfect> JB is giving some headache
<Espenfjo> HATE IT
<peterperfect> Espenfjo libs?
<Espenfjo> iPhone > Android
<Espenfjo> :(
<Espenfjo> stupid samsung
<JByeah> really? drivers i supposed
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild> damn
<xplodwild> I have thermal paste on my fingers
<peterperfect> xplodwild new pc?
<xplodwild> peterperfect: yeah got the thermal paste stick today
<xplodwild> motherboard comes tomorrow
<peterperfect> nice
<peterperfect> y u using thermal paste if you dont have the mobo?
<xplodwild> was checking the tube
<peterperfect> testing? ahahha
<xplodwild> just opened the stick and boom
<xplodwild> xD
<noxxx> well
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<JByeah> for a while I thought that project butter was 'placebo'.
<noxxx> what is secril_fd-interface wakelock?
<peterperfect> xplodwild will setup linux on it?
<TUR|KaZo> hey guys, just a short question. when will the final version ready to release?
<TUR|KaZo> :D
<JByeah> no etas
<noxxx> TUR|KaZo NO ETAS!
<TUR|KaZo> :(
<TUR|KaZo> damn
<JByeah> yeah
<TUR|KaZo> aaaaaah
<TUR|KaZo> kk
<peterperfect> i have an ETA
<peterperfect> 2045
<JByeah> even launch a build now, probably have many problems
<peterperfect> January
<JByeah> is audio working with sgs3?
<noxxx> hey guys how to disable fast dormancy
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<noxxx> i found code *#*#9900#*#*
<noxxx> but it doesnt work on cm
<addi-Magutoro> that's probably Samsung ROM specific code
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<chadouming> more usefull code : *#*#4636#*#*
<noxxx> chadouming what it does?
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<chadouming> service mode
<chadouming> try it
<noxxx> tried
<noxxx> there is no fast dormancy settings
<Aerys_> omg my internet is sooo slow within Ubuntu
<noxxx> i disabled it through build.prop
<chadouming> -_-'
<chadouming> Aerys_, i should kick you
<Aerys_> why?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> bandwidth is not related to the OS
<Aerys_> it is a driver issue
<Aerys_> -.-
<Aerys_> on Windows my speed pwns
<noxxx> Aerys_ nah ubuntu was always faster than windows
<chadouming> yeah, right
<noxxx> in network applications
<peterperfect> my internet is fast in ubuntu
<chadouming> in everythning
<chadouming> beside crashing
<noxxx> chadouming no
<Aerys_> on my pc its very slow
<noxxx> ubuntu sucks in usb transfer speed
<chadouming> then you have something else going on or eating your bandwidth
<peterperfect> yeah
<peterperfect> its a 56600 modem
<Aerys_> im only using firefox and some terminal
<noxxx> firefox?
<noxxx> fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
<noxxx> who uses firefox?
<chadouming> and you are the only one on your network ?
<Aerys_> yeah ._.
<chadouming> and no update is going on ?
<Aerys_> when i switch to windows now it will be very fast again
<Aerys_> nopoe
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<Aerys_> 26 mbps
<noxxx> lol
<noxxx> millibitspersecond
<noxxx> oh wait
<noxxx> MICRO bits per second
<JByeah> here is 2Mb/s shared with seven people
<noxxx> XD
<JByeah> cry hard
<noxxx> lawl
<noxxx> i have personal 20 mbit
<Baskey> I have personal 10Mb/s
<Baskey> :|
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<Baskey> Y SO SLOW
<JByeah> =~2,5MB/s
<JByeah> ?
<noxxx> Baskey coz u loozar
* Jiangyi is waiting at the airport (again)
<Baskey> noxxx: Orange iz loozar
<Jiangyi> Flight's delayed :-(
<Baskey> xplodwild: rite?
<chadouming> i have personnal 42 mbpts
<chadouming> mbps*
<xplodwild> +1
<chadouming> i'm able to use the full 42 mbps either in windows or linux
<IamSachin> -2.25
<noxxx> 42 mbps is too much
<chadouming> torrent download fast :D
<IamSachin> i have 15mbps
<chadouming> but yeah, most of the time , when i download something, the problem is not that i'm capped, the problem is that the server can't output that much
<JByeah> 2Mb/s = 30 dollars
<JByeah> cry hard
<chadouming> lol
<Aerys_> i might blacklist it
<chadouming> 42mbps = 60$<
<noxxx> i have 20 mbit for 15$
<Baskey> 10Mbps = about 13$
<JByeah> good :(
<Jiangyi> I pay what chadouming pays for 28 mbps :P
<Baskey> I mean here in Poland
<chadouming> and i haz 250GB download limit
<Baskey> lol
<Baskey> download limit
<Jiangyi> But I'm unlimited
<Baskey> LAWL
<noxxx> i haz no limit
<Baskey> ditto
<Jiangyi> Chadouming: which country you at?
<chadouming> canada
<chadouming> with cogeco
<Baskey> :D
<JByeah> i havent download limit :PPPP
<Jiangyi> Ahh... west coast?
chadouming is now known as wifi
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<Aerys_> the blacklist thing fixed it
<Aerys_> its 150mbps now
<Aerys_> phew
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<IamSachin> hey datagutt how are u man? :)
<IamSachin> long time
wifi is now known as chadouming
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<koud_> btw has it been reported that video chat does not work on sgs2 cm9?
<bbqbot> derp
<koud_> skype and google hangout has same problem, video is messed up
<IamSachin> ?
Jiangyi has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
<IamSachin> Friday the 13th is here :)
AndChat-235809 has quit [Read error: No route to host]
<chadouming> awwww yeah !
SeLkCiP has joined #teamhacksung-support
onyx has joined #teamhacksung-support
<onyx> hi all any test build for GS2 ;)
<Karbowiak> only noobs have download limits
<Karbowiak> and only noobs have less than 100/100Mbit at home
* Karbowiak flexes
<codeworkx> onyx: srsly?
<IamSachin> ahh, the Dovahkiin spoke finally :P
<onyx> just kidding ;)
h4rdco2e has joined #teamhacksung-support
<addi-TUNA> h4rdco2e, then update it :p
<h4rdco2e> addi-TUNA: how?
<addi-TUNA> where you been? not coming online much these days?
<addi-TUNA> it's a wiki
<addi-TUNA> make an account and edit it
<pier> +1
<h4rdco2e> addi-TUNA: too much work
<h4rdco2e> however, this isn't importaint
<addi-TUNA> then let it be ^^
guvner has joined #teamhacksung-support
<h4rdco2e> addi-TUNA: why are you called "Tuna"
<Karbowiak> he likes tuna
<Karbowiak> or is a tuna
<Karbowiak> or has tuna
<addi-TUNA> both ^^
<chadouming> lol, 3 option, both xD
<addi-TUNA> okay. ALL THREE :p
<chadouming> :D
chadouming is now known as wifi
<HSPA-Only> :P
<HSPA-Only> hello wifi
<wifi> hi HSPA-Only
Baskey is now known as LTE4G
<HSPA-Only> xD
<LTE4G> hi, my slower brothers
<wifi> shishs
<wifi> i'm faster than you
<HSPA-Only> hi fake 4G speeds LTE4G
<wifi> and more versatile
<wifi> i have way less latency too
<HSPA-Only> i is available in more areas than you LTE4G. like a common whore :p
<wifi> i am in more house than both of you together
<HSPA-Only> but you got low range. go to other room and you is weak! :p
<wifi> oh, and you can own me, but no one can own 4G or hspa
<HSPA-Only> wiser and you drains more battery.. pffft!!
<wifi> yup, you both drain more battery
<HSPA-Only> oh, you has us beat there wifi :(
<LTE4G> cause I'm powerfull
<LTE4G> powerful*
tyn has joined #teamhacksung-support
<wifi> lol, i'm powerfull too
<HSPA-Only> poweful but can't last long.
<HSPA-Only> that's what's she said
<HSPA-Only> powerful*
<wifi> and offered free in mcdonald's
<IamSachin> lol
<LTE4G> tyn: hi, I'm from Teamhacksung Support
<LTE4G> How can I help you?
<bbqbot> derp
<wifi> tyn: hi, I'm from Teamhacksung Support
tyn has left #teamhacksung-support [#teamhacksung-support]
<HSPA-Only> xD
<LTE4G> hahaha
<twittergal> hey i cant find a download link for cm10? anyone help
<HSPA-Only> <wifi> tyn: hi, I'm from Teamhacksung Support
<HSPA-Only> <-- tyn (~rynxy@ has left #teamhacksung-support
<HSPA-Only> :D
LTE4G is now known as Baskey
<HSPA-Only> twittergal, huh?!
<HSPA-Only> CM10?
twittergal was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by wifi [twittergal]
<HSPA-Only> that's like asking for 5G!
twittergal has joined #teamhacksung-support
<twittergal> hey
<twittergal> why did you kick me
<Baskey> twittergal: Y U TROLL
<chadouming> next one to ask link or eta for CM10 is ban
twittergal was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by HSPA-Only [because you is troll who wants CM10 which doesn't exist..]
twittergal has joined #teamhacksung-support
<twittergal> god sake
<twittergal> just give me the download link.. i wont ask anymore
HSPA-Only was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming [why you kick]
<Baskey> @google CM10
<bbqbot> CyanogenMod Team Gives Update on CM10, Only a Matter of Time ... -
<chadouming> @kickban twittergal
twittergal was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [twittergal]
HSPA-Only has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> lawl
HSPA-Only is now known as addi
<peterperfect> lulz
addi has left #teamhacksung-support [#teamhacksung-support]
addi has joined #teamhacksung-support
<peterperfect> kicked for dumbness
<addi> :(
addi is now known as y_u_kick
<Baskey> y_u_kick: [21:45] ** bbqbot sets mode(s) +b twittergal!*@*
<Baskey> :)
<y_u_kick> :|
<Karbowiak> noobs use wifi
<Karbowiak> noobs use 4g / lte
<y_u_kick> like Karbowiak
<chadouming> lol, optic all the way ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Karbowiak> bosses like me, use a fiber connection !
David has joined #teamhacksung-support
y_u_kick is now known as addi
<David> Hello all.
<chadouming> hi
* Karbowiak pets his 100/100Mbit fiber connection
* addi pets his 2 mbps connection. take that bitch!
<chadouming> @geo ip
<Karbowiak> noob connection
<chadouming> @geo ip
<chadouming> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[1209876480,1209877934],"country":"US","region":"FL","city":"Orlando","ll":[28.5445,-81.3706]}
<Baskey> David: if you have any problem, ask chadouming for help, he's from Teamhacksung Support.
<Karbowiak> @geo host
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1464419328,1464434687],"country":"DK","region":"17","city":"Copenhagen","ll":[55.6667,12.5833]}
<chadouming> @geo user David
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for David
<addi> Karbowiak, this is India. my 2 mbps = higher than about 70% of India xD
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for 0288ac1a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<David> I'm about to download today's nightly for my SGS3. I've been reading the log change and I haven't seen anything about burst shot yet... Do you guys know if it has been added already?
<Karbowiak> lol, yeah ok addi
<Karbowiak> :D
<addi> ^_^
<xplodwild> David: not yet merged
<chadouming> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[42511360,42514431],"country":"ES","region":"29","city":"Madrid","ll":[40.4,-3.6833]}
<addi> 100/100Mbit fiber connection? after India becomes superpower. around 100 years later
<Karbowiak> i guess anything faster than sending a letter via the normal postal services, is fast
<Baskey> cause xplodwild is lame
<chadouming> shish, and what do you know about this xplodwild ?
<Baskey> winzipper and kanger
<chadouming> beside the fact that you made it ?
<David> Thanks xplodwild. Do you have any idea when would it be added?
<addi> Karbowiak, actually, most that have a faster connection here don't have unlimited bandwidth
<addi> so it's more a waste
<xplodwild> David: I have to change a few things, and with JB it kind of prioritized down
<addi> i wants unlimtedz for the porn and warez
<Karbowiak> if you torrent, sure
<addi> no torrent. only warez sites me uses :p
* Karbowiak whistles
<chadouming> oh god
mrb_ has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
<Baskey> xplodwild: is lying
<chadouming> lol Karbowiak
<addi> xplodwild is lying with girly smile on his face
<Baskey> addi: indeed, my little bearded friend
* addi sprinkles some alcohol on his pants
<xplodwild> bitch please
<addi> xD
<addi> OKAY
<Baskey> xplodwild: DON'T PRETEND YOU CAN DEV
<Karbowiak> his name should be King Kang
raymonddull has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
<addi> 7-ZIPPER
DarkAlchemist has joined #teamhacksung-support
<xplodwild> I WINRAR
<xplodwild> BITCHES
<Karbowiak> fits him perfectly then
<Karbowiak> :D
<Baskey> :D
<xplodwild> WIFI
<xplodwild> CONNECT
<xplodwild> NAO
<Baskey> no.jpg
<Baskey> @google no.jpg
* Karbowiak pets his all cat6e 1Gbit switched network
David has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<Baskey> @google download eyespy
<bbqbot> Eye Spy Pro - CNET -
<Baskey> @google eyespy.apk
<bbqbot> One Eye Spy v1.2.2 Full Apk App ~ Free Android Mobiles Apk Apps ... -
<Baskey> xD
<Baskey> one eye spy
<Baskey> dafuq
<Karbowiak> gateway -> switch/wifi accesspoint/hdhomerun boxes -> wifi accesspoint #2 / computers
<Baskey> @google eyespy ipmart
<bbqbot> Transparent Screen v1.0 - Free full version android apk downloads ... -
<Baskey> @google karbowiak
<bbqbot> Christine Karbowiak - Bridgestone Americas, Inc. -
<Baskey> :O
<chadouming> @google eyespy nebkat
<bbqbot> Nebojsa Cvetkovic - Google+ -
<chadouming> @google "eyespy" nebkat
<bbqbot> Nebojsa Cvetkovic - Google+ -
<Karbowiak> @google Michael Karbowiak
<bbqbot> Michael Karbowiak profiles | LinkedIn -
<Karbowiak> wat
<chadouming> @google "eyespy" nebkat -google+
<Karbowiak> i have a linkedin profile ?
<bbqbot> EyeSpy Test App - Android - Apk -
<chadouming> @google "eyespy" nebkat -google+ -test
<bbqbot> BBQLog - CyanogenMod Changelog -
<Baskey> look at this
<chadouming> @google "eyespy" nebkat -google+ -test -bbqlog
<bbqbot> 间谍眼EyeSpy v1.1.1-Android软件-飞鹏网 -
<Karbowiak> oh i dont
<Baskey> when u google for me
<Baskey> @google Bartek Orkiszewski
<bbqbot> Nebojsa Cvetkovic - Google+ -
<Karbowiak> just other people in the world having the same name
<chadouming> @google "eyespy" nebkat -google+ -test -bbqlog -fpwap
<bbqbot> Оформление Andorid -
<chadouming> @google "eyespy" nebkat -google+ -test -bbqlog -fpwap -androidik
<bbqbot> No search results returned for that keyword.
<Baskey> @google nebojsa exposed naked photos childen porn
<bbqbot> LILITH NEWS: Five Dirty Cops on trial, Biggest Police Corruption ... -
<Baskey> child pr0n*
<Baskey> @google luka rocco magnotta
<bbqbot> Luka Magnotta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
<Mardos> luka magnotta is besss
Devourz has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
<Baskey> [22:01] (Baskey) @8ball is xplodwild mentally disabled?
<Baskey> [22:01] (@bbqbot) You may rely on it.
<xplodwild> @kick baskey
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [Baskey]
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Baskey> xD
<Mardos> lool
lolwat has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Karbowiak> dafuq
<Karbowiak> 60 USD an hour to cuddle with that chick
<Baskey> I mean... really?
<Baskey> the fuck...
<addi> @8ball is Baskey as idiotic as that LTE4G guy?
<bbqbot> My reply is no.
<addi> xD
<Baskey> :D
<addi> @8ball is Baskey as foolish as that LTE4G guy?
<bbqbot> Outlook not so good.
<addi> 0,o
pmgnet has left #teamhacksung-support [#teamhacksung-support]
<Karbowiak> @8ball is addi a douche on wheels ?
<bbqbot> Yes.
<addi> ^_^
<Baskey> boom
<Baskey> :D
<addi> @8ball is Karbowiak a douche on an oxcart?
<bbqbot> My sources say no.
<addi> :(
<Karbowiak> mehehehe
<Karbowiak> @8ball am i the sexiest person alive on this ungodly planet ?
<bbqbot> My reply is no.
<Karbowiak> :(
<Baskey> mehehehe
<Karbowiak> @8ball am i the top 10 sexiest person alive on this ungodly planet ?
<bbqbot> My reply is no.
<Baskey> @8ball am i the sexiest person alive on this ungodly planet?
<bbqbot> My sources say no.
<Karbowiak> motherfucker
<Baskey> nuuuu
<Karbowiak> @8ball am i the top 1000 sexiest person alive on this ungodly planet ?
<bbqbot> As I see it, yes.
<addi> @8ball is Karbowiak Steven Elop's bitch?
<bbqbot> Concentrate and ask again.
<Karbowiak> yay
<addi> @8ball is Karbowiak Steven Elop's bitch?
<bbqbot> You may rely on it.
<Karbowiak> addi and 8ball isn't good friends
<addi> concentrated xD
<Karbowiak> @8ball is addi a crackwhore ?
<bbqbot> Without a doubt.
<Baskey> @8ball is addi Tim Cook's bitch?
<bbqbot> Concentrate and ask again.
<Baskey> @8ball is addi Tim Cook's bitch?
<bbqbot> Yes — definitely.
<Baskey> yay :D
<chadouming> karbowiak : lol, start cuddle, fall asleep. wake up. You owe them 500$
<Karbowiak> haha
<addi> hmm, always says concentrate and ask again when you use bitch
<Karbowiak> yeah
<Karbowiak> that'd suck
<Karbowiak> @8ball cocks
<bbqbot> Better not tell you now.
<addi> @8ball are all the above statements about me true?
<bbqbot> Better not tell you now.
<Karbowiak> @8ball vaginas
<bbqbot> It is certain.
<addi> @8ball are all the above statements about me true?
<bbqbot> It is certain.
<koud_> @8ball will I ever see JB on my phone?
<bbqbot> Better not tell you now.
<Baskey> @8ball bollocks
<bbqbot> Most likely.
<addi> @8ball are all the above statements about me true?
<bbqbot> Yes — definitely.
<addi> @8ball are all the above statements about me true?
<bbqbot> Yes — definitely.
<addi> :(
<Karbowiak> mehehehe
* addi goes crying into corner
<Karbowiak> @8ball you suck donkey cocks
<bbqbot> It is decidedly so.
<Baskey> @8ball is Karbowiak sex slave?
<bbqbot> My sources say no.
* addi takes Baskey along to rape him in the corner
<Baskey> :)
<Karbowiak> i can't decide
<Karbowiak> do i want to reinstall my desktop
<Karbowiak> or do i not want to reinstall my desktop
<Baskey> remove kebab
<addi> @8ball does Karbowiak want to reinstall his desktop?
<bbqbot> Most likely.
<Mardos> i heard about that cuddling whore
<addi> go go go!
<Mardos> its the legit way to make money
<Karbowiak> @8ball should i reinstall my desktop ?
<bbqbot> It is decidedly so.
<addi> Karbowiak, go go go!
<Baskey> @8ball should I stay or should I go?
<bbqbot> Without a doubt.
<Karbowiak> @8ball can i be arsed to reinstall my desktop ?
<bbqbot> It is decidedly so.
<Karbowiak> wat
<Karbowiak> fml
<Karbowiak> no
<Baskey> idiotte
<addi> Karbowiak, go go go! :P
<chadouming> @8ball Should i use that cuddle service
<bbqbot> Yes — definitely.
<chadouming> aww
<Baskey> hahaha
<noxxx> @8ball should i get bj today?
<bbqbot> Without a doubt.
<noxxx> ok
<addi> @8ball is Karbowiak delaying installing his desktop like a pussy?
<bbqbot> Yes.
<Karbowiak> SCHILDKRÖTE !!!!!!!
<addi> ^_^
<Baskey> @8ball should I bang noxxx's partner?
<bbqbot> My reply is no.
<addi> Baskey, you want to bang a man?
<Baskey> whatever
<addi> :D
<addi> you likes it all, heh? xD
<Baskey> yeah...
<chadouming> cnn, has really evolved like todays music :
<bbqbot> derp
<CoowBooy> INDEED
<chadouming> in french baskey ?
<Baskey> CoowBooy: hi there, you handsome devil
<Baskey> chadouming: umm?
<noxxx> хватит писать на непонятных языках!!!1
<addi> okay, off to sleep. goodnight. love you all. XXX
<Baskey> addi: xoxo (no homo)
<addi> XXX
<Baskey> that would be a nice domain
<addi> ¬_¬
<chadouming> i dont love you
<chadouming> gn tho
<noxxx> xxx wakelock
<xplodwild> I'm listening to coldplay
<xplodwild> "Paradise"
<addi> chadouming, but i do. XXX
<addi> goodnight
<xplodwild> in my head it sounds lik" Paradoxx"
<Baskey> xplodwild: Coldplay is gay
<xplodwild> "This could be para-- para-- paradooxxx"
<chadouming> yeah, addi , sound like my ex gf right now
<xplodwild> @kick Baskey you're gay
Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [you're gay]
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<addi> chadouming, ¬_¬
<noxxx> yo feel the flow
<Karbowiak> i wonder why that was even a news story chadouming
<noxxx> que pasa paradox
<Karbowiak> it's like the news agencies in the US have _NOTHING_ to talk about
<Baskey> xplodwild: only their first album is ok
<Karbowiak> except irrelevant shit, terrorism and scaring people into giving more money to the military
<Baskey> xplodwild: they sucks as a Jenna Jameson
<chadouming> karbowiak : Cause that the kind that make the rest of people say : Hey, i'm not that stupid. Look at that whore who send nicholas cage pic instead of resume.
<Karbowiak> she's canadian
<Karbowiak> not american
<Karbowiak> lol
<Karbowiak> americans can't even send a resume
<Karbowiak> they dont know how
<Karbowiak> "DURRR, COMPUTERS.. ~~~~~"
<addi> hello. this is customer care. have you checked the power switch?
<addi> is it on?
addi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by addi [go to sleep bitch!]
addi has joined #teamhacksung-support
<noxxx> please tell me
<noxxx> what is better
<noxxx> opel astra h
<noxxx> or
<noxxx> skoda octavia ii
<chadouming> never talked about america xD
<Baskey> OPEL
<chadouming> canadian are really near USA
<Karbowiak> chadouming it was CNN
<noxxx> Baskey Y?
<Karbowiak> CNN is american
<Baskey> I dunno
<addi> skoda octavia ii? we have only skoda octavia here
<chadouming> beside quebec
<Karbowiak> the girl who sent the resume was canadian
<addi> no i or ii xD
<Baskey> Skoda is a VW's bitch
<addi> and only opel astra, no h :p
<chadouming> lol
<Karbowiak> canadians > americans
<noxxx> addi new
<chadouming> more stupid
<noxxx> addi skoda octavia new
<addi> though Astras stopped coming years ago :p
<addi> noxxx, ah, okay
<Baskey> europeans > canadians > americans
<Karbowiak> true story
<addi> Indians > europeans > canadians > americans
<addi> take that bitch
<noxxx> addi Astras are still produced
<Karbowiak> europeans > canadians > * > americans > indians (not the american indians)
<Baskey> martians > Indians > europeans > canadians > americans
<Baskey> Astra is produced in Poland
<noxxx> jesus > russians > all others
<noxxx> get it
<addi> noxxx, yeah, but here we had one Opel Astra that stopped being on sale around a decade ago
<noxxx> Baskey i know
<CoowBooy> Baskey: nope, me & u > europeans > canadians > americans
<peterperfect> brazilians > asians > indians > europeans > canadians > americans
<addi> no other Astras
<Karbowiak> you're a bible thumber ?
<Karbowiak> oh god
<Karbowiak> please go burn in a fire
<noxxx> addi Astra H and Astra J
<addi> you are all > others
<addi> and I am > all of you
<noxxx> BE A MAN YOU
<Karbowiak> anyway
<Karbowiak> noxxx get a Nissan GT-R
<noxxx> Karbowiak too much
<addi> noxxx, no Opel here
<Karbowiak> 370Z then
<addi> Astra H or J or L
<Baskey> get a Lambo Aventador
qnm has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
<Karbowiak> fuck lambo
<noxxx> addi there is no Astra L
<Karbowiak> GT-R > 370Z > *
<addi> noxxx, xD
<noxxx> i wonder why Opel stoped produce Vectra C
<Karbowiak> GT-R will rapemutilateownkillfuck a lambo
<Karbowiak> noxxx get a used Nissan Skyline R33 or R34 then
<addi> no. 1 small car in Japan
<addi> no 2. all round in India
<noxxx> addi LOL
<addi> these are called wagons
<addi> because they slow as wagons
<Karbowiak> R34 <3
<addi> noxxx, 1.2 billion population here, not enough space on road for fast cars xD
<addi> 3.3L is the highest there is here :X
<chadouming> yeah, bring a GT-R in off-road
<addi> GPS? fuck GPS, just ask directions to someone walking on the road. one of those 1.2 billion will know the way :p
<noxxx> Karbowiak naaaah
<noxxx> Nissan Skyline is a) right-handed
<noxxx> b) old
<Karbowiak> old?
<bbqbot> derp
<Mardos> hot car !
<Karbowiak> R34 isn't old
<addi> noxxx, in fact, after driving my car, it feels really cramped in lower heighted cars :p
qnm has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Karbowiak> and you can get them left handed
<noxxx> 2000
Stonos has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
<Karbowiak> a car from ~2000-2005 isn't old
SeLkCiP has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<noxxx> Karbowiak here in Moscow there is no left-handed R34s
<noxxx> only R35s
<Karbowiak> then import one :P
<Karbowiak> you can drive to poland and get one cheap
<Karbowiak> chances are it's stolen, but who cares
SeLkCiP has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Karbowiak> everything in russia is stolen anyway
<addi> BEST CAR
<addi> FASTEST
<noxxx> 2004 year for $20K
<Karbowiak> not bad
<noxxx> no
<noxxx> BAD
<noxxx> i can buy new octavia for about %25K
<Karbowiak> you can't destroy an R34 you know
<Karbowiak> the engine alone will last a lifetime
<noxxx> Karbowiak y u say so bad about russia?
<Karbowiak> people in russia can't drive
<Karbowiak> it's like they are all driving around with mad roadrage all the time
<noxxx> no
<noxxx> that's not true
<Karbowiak> oh but it is
<Mardos> driving with vodka
<noxxx> Karbowiak that is how i drive
dark3n is now known as dark3n|off
<Karbowiak> what did i just watch ?
<noxxx> Karbowiak XD
<noxxx> that is how i tried to drive to work
<noxxx> but police stoped me from that )
<noxxx> Baskey oh you do?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> noxxx: yep
<Karbowiak> i dont get it
<Karbowiak> how did you try and drive ?
<Baskey> it's gettin' worse when I'm trying to write
<Baskey> but I understand
<noxxx> there's heavy traffic in the morning
<noxxx> that's why i drive so slow
<noxxx> wait Skyline R35 is kinda INFINITI?
<noxxx> looks similar to G35 sport sedan
<Karbowiak> Infniti uses Nissan cars, yes
<noxxx> :)
<Karbowiak> nice sped up video
<Karbowiak> if you call that driving fast, then i can drive faster
<Karbowiak> record me driving, then put it on youtube with a dubstep beat, and the video going at 2000x playback speed
kabooz has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Karbowiak> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<noxxx> ok
<noxxx> that's the one with real speed
<Karbowiak> nop
<Karbowiak> nope nope nope
<noxxx> i own opel astra h sedan
<Karbowiak> russians can't drive
trackz has quit []
pier is now known as pier|afk
<noxxx> Karbowiak aha tell me about it
<noxxx> ok got to go to sleep
<noxxx> tomorrow i will have a long hard 4km drive to work
<noxxx> about 2 mins
noxxx has quit []
sixstringsg|afk is now known as sixstringsg
Karbowiak is now known as karbowiak
<SeLkCiP> Eh.. Jb isnt dissapointing at all, christ its freakin fast
ou812bkewl has quit [Quit: bye]
sbrissen is now known as sbrissen_gone
<Mardos> i want vodkaaaa
<Mardos> do russians drive LHD or RHD?
<cantIntoCode> xplodwild: well done :)
<xplodwild> I/ServiceManager( 1907): Waiting for service SecTVOutService...
<xplodwild> D/ ( 2226): SKURWYSYN, SecTVOutService instantiate!
<xplodwild> I/SurfaceFlinger( 1907): EventThread ready to run.
<xplodwild> :)
<xplodwild> peterperfect and Baskey will tell you what SKURWYSYN means
<cantIntoCode> :D:D
<peterperfect> SKURWYSYN!!
<peterperfect> SKURWYSYN = FILHO DA PUTA!
<Baskey> ;D
<cantIntoCode> :D
<Baskey> Mardos: RHD
<koud_> xplodwild: working with i9300?
<SeLkCiP> the million rupee question..
slainer68 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<xplodwild> koud_: in your opinion? :p
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> i9100
<koud_> I just wonder :P
<Baskey> xplodwild: i5700!!!!!!111
<Baskey> maek jb for i5700
<SeLkCiP> i5700 < i9300 = insane
SeLkCiP has quit [Quit: Bye]
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<IamSachin> xplodwild: what was the idea that worked? :P
<xplodwild> IamSachin: fake the missing stuff
<Baskey> with skurwysyn
<xplodwild> absolutely
<IamSachin> :)
<xplodwild> it's like fus ro dah
<IamSachin> you being the dovahkiin
<PiCkLeS> Can thid channel bear a single moment of truth. Can you handle the truth?
PiCkLeS is now known as dbddb
<CoowBooy> BAZKEY
<cantIntoCode> ‌ ▲
<cantIntoCode> ▲‌ ▲
peterperfect has quit [Quit: If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you]
* CoowBooy beats up Baskey with a suspicious intelligent lizzard
<DarkAlchemist> What's the verdict on JB vs ICS?
<Baskey> CoowBooy: sup
ciwrl|work is now known as ciwrl|away
<CoowBooy> Baskey: Chuck?
<dbddb> *
<Baskey> I bet you look good on the dancefloor
<Baskey> dbddb: you are that weird dude, who talks about monkeys?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> or am I wrong?
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<superdoublem> hey guys was just wondering if encryption works now on cyanogenmod 9
<superdoublem> cause last time I used it I had serious issues
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<koud_> how long ago was that?
<dbddb> x.. when you tweet like that i wanna kill myself.
<h4rdco2e> xplodwild: are you working on JB?
<cantIntoCode> yes ^
<xplodwild> obviously
<cantIntoCode> someone obviously doesnt use twitter lol
<Baskey> he's working on BJ
<dbddb> h4: omg get twitter.
<Baskey> xplodwild: don't stop, baby
<dbddb> still wanna kill myself
<Baskey> just do it
<dbddb> pandas are stopping me.
<Baskey> hahaha
<Baskey> pandas
<Baskey> not monkeys
<Baskey> I KNEW IT
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
<Baskey> you are that weirdo
<Baskey> I remember you from #aospsgs2
<dbddb> they have flexible/expandable assholes. blows my mind. makes me wanna live.
<dbddb> yeah its me
<dbddb> sorry..
<dbddb> thats it? just silence? pandas has assholws that expands and no reaction? wow..
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PiCkLeS is now known as dbddb
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<superdoublem> koud_: that was mid may
<koud_> I have not used encryption alot, but I was able to encrypt my device atleast
<superdoublem> I was able to but then couldn't install anything or read my sd card, when did you last try it?
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> xplodwild: whould fix this preview issue in Videocam? i9100?
<xplodwild> dunno
Guest83679 is now known as akSeya
<xplodwild> cp /Volumes/BBQ\ CM10/out/target/product/i9300/boot.img . && ./adb remount && ./adb push /Volumes/BBQ\ CM10/out/target/product/i9300/system/lib/modules/ /system/lib/modules && ./adb reboot bootloader && sleep 3 && heimdall flash --5 boot.img && ./adb wait-for-device && ./adb setprop service.adb.root 1 && ./adb root
<xplodwild> this is some hot shit
<cantIntoCode> damn straight
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<Mardos> wtf is going on righ tnow lol
<xplodwild> woot, I'm over 3k followers on twitter
<Baskey> I'M ONE OF THEM
karbowiak is now known as Karbowiak
<Baskey> xplodwild: FOLLOW ME, BE MY STALKER
<xplodwild> time to sleep
<xplodwild> productive CM10 day
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<koud_> xplodwild: good job :)
<xplodwild> ;)
<cantIntoCode> we await further breakthroughs ;D
Karbowiak is now known as karbowiak
romann is now known as romann|afk
karbowiak is now known as Karbowiak
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<Espenfjo> hm, anyone on cm9 here now?
<bbqbot> derp
<Aerys_> me
sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|afk
<Karbowiak> yes Espenfjo
<Espenfjo> too late ;)
<Karbowiak> :(
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romann|afk is now known as romann
datagutt has quit [Quit: kthxbai]
<Espenfjo> so.. what to do next
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romann is now known as romann|afk
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<Karbowiak> good question Espenfjo
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<Karbowiak> i assume half the things on it doesn't work, but i might be wrong in that assumption
<Espenfjo> audio, wlan, hwcomposing (fix ready), keyboard
<Espenfjo> cam
<Espenfjo> but who needs that anyway
<Karbowiak> not that bad a list
<Baskey> audio is the biggest problem, rite?
<Karbowiak> cam is useless, you can toss that to the bottom of the todo list, lol
<Espenfjo> Baskey: yes
<Baskey> damn
<Baskey> fu yamaha
<Karbowiak> im guessing the audio and wlan thing is gonna be depending on Samsung to put out a JB release
<cantIntoCode> Espenfjo: can I ask whats the jb icon in the notification tray I'm seeing in all these screenshots?
<Karbowiak> most likely a welcome cantIntoCode
<cantIntoCode> ahh
<Karbowiak> "congrats you have installed jellybean" or something like that
<cantIntoCode> just curious :)
<Karbowiak> a guess anyway
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<Baskey> I want a GNex so badly
<Baskey> :(
<Karbowiak> seems weird that they would change the audio hal from ICS to JB tho
<Karbowiak> most of the changes to JB is in the graphics processing pipeline and on the cpu scheduling
<Espenfjo> cantIntoCode: It is the replacement for the old android icon
<cantIntoCode> ahhhh
<Espenfjo> They have smashed the USB and adb icons togheter into jellybug
<Karbowiak> lol
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Baskey is now known as Yamaha
Yamaha is now known as Baskey
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<Karbowiak> wtf
<Karbowiak> Google Play was updated in Jelly Bean ?
<Karbowiak> owait, nevermind, i was thinking the music player
* Karbowiak walks away
<Baskey> Karbowiak: Music Player was updated too
<Karbowiak> ok, but i was thinking of the Play Music thingy
<Karbowiak> the one using google music
<Karbowiak> or whatever it changed it's name to this week
<Baskey> that's what I'm talking about
<Karbowiak> better than the "old" version in ICS ?
<Baskey> and it's called Google Play Music since a few months
<Baskey> different
<Baskey> better organized
<Karbowiak> got an apk?
<bbqbot> derp
<Karbowiak> <3
<Baskey> it haz better widget
<Baskey> with cover arts
Thiagovfar has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Karbowiak> thefuck
<Karbowiak> i just keep getting 'isn't installed' as an error
<Baskey> remove the old one
<Karbowiak> i have
<Karbowiak> weird
<Baskey> and push my .apk to system/app
<Karbowiak> i see
<Karbowiak> uno momento
<Karbowiak> that worked
<Karbowiak> ahh yeah that looks way better
<Karbowiak> :D
<Baskey> yep