xplodwild_work changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | <Baskey> POKAŻ CHUJA, PIERDOLCU | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | IRC stats : http://irc.nebkat.com/ | NO ETAs | Everything is borked on CM10. Don't ask
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<GalaxyS2Latino> Hi!
<GalaxyS2Latino> i only have 1 question
<GalaxyS2Latino> [ROM][GT-I9100G][JB][4.1.1] CyanogenMod 10 This work in the i9100???
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<MattRising> Hoho
<MattRising> Is it safe to ask the known issues of CM10 for i9100G?
<Assid> from what i understand.. the i9100G hjas a lot more working than the i9100
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<Jiangyi> Yeah, it
<Jiangyi> 's pretty much only no FM.
<Assid> man.. stupid omap
<Jiangyi> :-D
<Jiangyi> Well, there are quirks here and there, but nothing major. :-P
<Assid> for the 9100 ?
<Assid> i thought most shit didnt work ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> No, 9100G.
<Jiangyi> Most of the things that I've seen has been related to camera, but it's not that bad. :-P
<Jiangyi> There are still some people with weird problems that is just random lol
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<Assid> hmm.. i actually got my sis to exchange her 9100g for the 9100
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<walski> hi i was wondering if someone had a alt link for http://download.cyanogenmod.com/get/jenkins/4473/cm-9-20120716-NIGHTLY-galaxys2.zip - it seems to be down
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<halloroid> hi
<halloroid> i wanna buy a note but wonder how big/vital the dev community is.. or will be in say two years. any insight? :3
<halloroid> because if there wont be new roms id rather take the nexus..
<Assid> if you want the best "support" always go for a google device..
<Assid> that said
<Assid> the nexus is now old.. so
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<halloroid> how old do these devices get before they are generally abandoned?
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<xplodwild_work> @eval xplod()
<bbqbot> 'Yes master, I will destroy the world'
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<Dwarken> Polish boy Baskey
<Baskey> here I am
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<Dwarken> yaay!! :D
<addi> Dwarken,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> doodh
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<Dwarken> Wurd up?! Doing great, chilling at work, doing almost nothing at the moment
<Dwarken> :D
<gladiac1337> nice :P
<Dwarken> if most of the user could be an vacation all year would be nice
<Dwarken> :D
<Dwarken> users*
<Baskey> Dwarken: adopt me
<MacDrunk> hello all
<Dwarken> I'm to young to have a child! :O
<MacDrunk> hmm how young
<Dwarken> 25 ^^
<Dwarken> i'm not in a hurry ^^
<Dwarken> 30 would be fine for me
<Baskey> I AM YOUR SON
<Dwarken> Ohhh noees... :D
<Dwarken> i had a girlfrien like that once.. ^^
<Dwarken> right after she was my ex-girldfriend. ^^
<Baskey> :o
<Baskey> @geo user szonek
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for szonek
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~pahel@forfiter.aster.pl
<bbqbot> {"range":[3561758720,3561764095],"country":"PL","region":"78","city":"Warsaw","ll":[52.25,21]}
<Dwarken> @geo user addi
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for addi
<bbqbot> {"range":[2991554560,2991570943],"country":"GB","region":"","city":"","ll":[54,-2]}
<Baskey> @geo user Baskey
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Baskey
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~intersect@unaffiliated/baskey
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for unaffiliated/baskey
<addi> BNC FTW
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<gladiac1337> AMAZON!! Y U NO SELL BUS PIRATES?!?!
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<Dwarken> gladiac1337: dafuq is Bus Pirates?!
<Dwarken> Baskey: so what are you up to today?
<addi> w00t, Faryaab
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> Dwarken: I'm going back home today
<xplodwild_work> addi,
<Dwarken> Baskey: back home?! where the hell are u? :O
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild_work> whats up dood
<Baskey> Dwarken: I'm in Wroclaw
<Dwarken> xplodwild_work: y u no fix JB for my sgs3?
<Dwarken> Baskey: what are you doing there? Sounds like a village for mulocs
<Dwarken> murlocs
<addi> xplodwild_work,
<addi> whats up dood
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<Baskey> that's one of the biggest cities in Poland
<xplodwild_work> addi,
<xplodwild_work> dood dood & u dood?
<addi> xplodwild,
<addi> no u dood
<Baskey> no dood & you say wat
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> addi: whats up dood
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> @8ball whats up dood
<bbqbot> Outlook good.
<addi> xD
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work you play bass or lead?
<Baskey> bass
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: both
<Baskey> @google what's up dood
<IamSachin> :)
<xplodwild_work> though I'm better at bass
<IamSachin> Ok, put up some videos of covers man :)
<Baskey> xplodwild_work: LET'S MAEK TEH BAND
<xplodwild_work> but mainline guitar is better when girlfriends around
<Dwarken> Baskey: can sing in polish
<Baskey> xD
<addi> I SING
<addi> Baskey,
<xplodwild_work> WHO DRUMS
<IamSachin> Baskey: I play lead too :D
<addi> do you want me to sing for you?
<Baskey> addi: yes, please
<addi> okay, count me in
<IamSachin> Baskey: I dont use plectrum though, Mark Knopfler style :)
<Baskey> oh, sounds nice
<IamSachin> addi Watching Bunty Bubbly for the first time :P
<addi> no need of drummer, let's go old school and use guitar in place of drums :p
<addi> IamSachin, i haven't watched it even once :p
<xplodwild_work> Drums + Guitar + Bass + Sing + Everything = me
<IamSachin> LOl
<IamSachin> + coding too :P
<Dwarken> xplodwild_work: gonna listen to that ^^
<addi> xplodwild_work, can I sing in the chorus? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?!
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> bbqbot,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> @8ball what's up dood
<bbqbot> Concentrate and ask again.
<addi> @8ball whats up dood
<bbqbot> Signs point to yes.
<Dwarken> xplodwild_work: What's wrong with you?!?! You don't sound french?!
<IamSachin> bbqbot: where is nebkat? :P
<addi> -.-
<xplodwild_work> @8ball Do you know where is nebkat?
<bbqbot> As I see it, yes.
<xplodwild_work> @8ball Where is he?
<bbqbot> You may rely on it.
<xplodwild_work> @8ball Thanks.
<bbqbot> It is certain.
<Baskey> @geo user dood
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for dood
<bbqbot> Error resolving hostname for dood
<xplodwild_work> Dwarken: I'm an uber frenglish
<Dwarken> i bet you are! :D
<IamSachin> ze engliz
<Baskey> I bet he look good on the dancefloor
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: whats ur age?
<IamSachin> @8ball what's xplodwild's age?
<bbqbot> It is decidedly so.
<addi> he's 60
<Baskey> he's 60yo pedophile
<addi> forever alone
<IamSachin> yeah...his gf netchip is too young :P
<xplodwild_work> xD
<addi> xplodwild_work + netchip = greatest love story ever told
<addi> better than Twilight!
<Dwarken> where is netchip?! :O
<IamSachin> still better than Twilight :P
<Baskey> yeah, indeed
<bbqbot> He is 18 years old. I swear.
<Baskey> WHO
<addi> bbqbot, you LIE
<Dwarken> he was 18 in your dreams..
<IamSachin> @8ball are u a liar?
<bbqbot> Without a doubt.
<Dwarken> stupid catholic priest :P
<bbqbot> Bots don't dream, idiottes
<Baskey> xplodwild_work: STOP BEING POLANSKI
<xplodwild_work> Baskey: wut?
<Dwarken> dafuq?!
<xplodwild_work> I can't see what's wrong with it :D
<xplodwild_work> ah
<xplodwild_work> no
<xplodwild_work> I'm not
<xplodwild_work> xD
<xplodwild_work> prefer to cut wood
<IamSachin> 2 girls 1 xplod :P
<xplodwild_work> if you know what I mean
<Baskey> gah
<xplodwild_work> doesn't LESNIAK means forester?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> Leśniczy means forester
<xplodwild_work> close enough
<Dwarken> Dafuq! "act upon a child under 14,"
<Baskey> Las = forest
<Baskey> Leśniak = FORESTER-ISH
<Dwarken> what is the legal sex age in poland again?
<Baskey> 17
<xplodwild_work> Dwarken: 6
<Baskey> or 16
<Baskey> I CAN HAZ SEX
<IamSachin> xplodwild = condom explosion during wild sex
<Baskey> SINCE I'M 17
<addi> here in India, it's 16. except in one state where it's 14, which goes down to the 13 if the guy agrees to marry the girl :O
<Dwarken> 15 in denmark ^^ but now i'm in ireland then i have to wait till they are fucking 16!! ^^ LOLZ :D
<addi> to 13*
<IamSachin> addi live in has become legal in Hyderabad finally :P
<addi> but people stupidly think the age is 18, as that's the marriagable age -.-
<Baskey> Dwarken: :(
<addi> IamSachin, good thing ^^
<Dwarken> dafuq that's crazy when you are 13 you should play with barbie dolls, not dicks
<addi> Dwarken, hahahahaha
<addi> yeah
<Baskey> good point
<xplodwild_work> Dwarken: who knows what you can do with barbie dolls
<xplodwild_work> </pedobear>
<addi> damn, it's now legally 18 >.<
<Baskey> xplodwild_work: perv
<addi> "except in the state of Manipur, where it is 14. The bill has come under sharp criticism from many sects of society. If the partners are married to each other they may legally engage in sexual activity at a lower age (13 in Manipur and 15 elsewhere)"
<xplodwild_work> Three Cheers for a Sweet Revenge
<addi> hah, changed to 18 in April this year
<IamSachin> yeah but they are raiding in hotels in Delhi and all
<addi> so I did nothing wrong with my gf.. :p
<IamSachin> catching couples
<IamSachin> so pointless :P
<Dwarken> addi: i guess there's a lot of pedobears running around in india now then. :D
<addi> Dwarken, actually, no, like mentioned, only in one state it is so :p
<Dwarken> why does that state have most ctizens?!?! haha just kiddin
<Dwarken> :P
<Baskey> The total area of Poland is 312,679 square kilometres (120,726 sq mi), making it the 69th largest country in the world and the 9th largest in Europe.
<Baskey> lawl
<Baskey> 69th
<xplodwild_work> xD
<addi> Dwarken, xD
<Baskey> Poland: 18, 16 for women with judicial approval.
<Baskey> SO ITZ 16
<addi> IamSachin,
<addi> Total handset sales registered: 50.2 million
<addi> Featurephones: 47.5 Million units
<addi> Smartphones: 2.7 Million (that's just 5.3%)
<addi> quite low, don't you think?
<Baskey> xplodwild_work: France: 18
<Baskey> ehehehe
<Baskey> hehehehehe
<Baskey> 18
<Baskey> heheheheh
<addi> hehehehehe
<addi> whats up dood
<xplodwild_work> Baskey: believe me a lot of people are doing it way before this age :p
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<Baskey> 18
<Baskey> it's obvious
<xplodwild_work> I know what I'm talking about
<xplodwild_work> if you know what I mean
<addi> people doing it way before that age are quite low in India.. that's what people tell me :p
<Baskey> no, you don't xplodwild_work
<Dwarken> xplodwild_work: so in india where you have to be 14 they start at 8 to follow the statistics?! :D
<addi> hahahahaha
<xplodwild_work> Dwarken: yeah ! xD
<addi> that one state is probably a dangerous place to live in for 14 year old girls :p
<xplodwild_work> "Hey sweetie it's 4am can you please go to the store get some milk?"
<xplodwild_work> I don't want to know where the milk will be from
<Dwarken> yeah it's a porpular place for kid rapists, they only get in jail for rape, not for being pedobear :D
<addi> yer :D
<addi> the guys must be going "hmmm, you just turned 14? hmmmmm" :p
<xplodwild_work> imagine Hacksung office, brainstorming with addi/Baskey/dwarken/me
<xplodwild_work> cody comes in "So what do we do?"
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild_work> "Rape".
<Baskey> xplodwild_work: :D
<addi> xD
<Dwarken> Let's rape the code
<Dwarken> cody
<addi> like TouchWiz/Sense etc rape Android?
<Baskey> Cody is our God
<addi> Cody is our Pedocoder :p
<xplodwild_work> Baskey: and I'm jesus
<Dwarken> and i like raping gods for being fantasy creatures
<xplodwild_work> if you know what I mean
<xplodwild_work> xD
<Dwarken> ^^
<Baskey> xplodwild_work: that's true
<addi> jesus
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> Vatican City: 18 as the age of majority,[85] in the case of minors, 16 for males and 14 for females with parental or judicial consent per code of canon law.
<Baskey> lawl
<Baskey> filthy Vatican
<Baskey> 14
<addi> hah
* Dwarken Is the machine connected to the network? /User no i cannot login.. FFS that was not what i asked you about.!
<addi> so wait, their parents say to their 14 year old kids that you can go have sex?
<Baskey> yep
<addi> parental consent FTW?
<addi> U CAN HAZ SEX
<xplodwild_work> that's where you see if your parents cares about you
<addi> xD
<xplodwild_work> (I was going to say "gives you a fuck" but that would be out of context :p)
<Dwarken> best birthday present for 14year olds are free condoms for a whole year
<addi> my Dad simply went "think twice before you do anything". I'm like "okay Dad, I will try" :p
<addi> now what all that "anything" covers, he didn't tell me
<xplodwild_work> addi: I guess you didn't even think once xD
<addi> well, i said no once, then my gf got the better of me :p
<Baskey> addi: hi, daddy
<Baskey> I'M YOUR SON
<Dwarken> HI, I JUST MET YOU
<addi> :p
<addi> BUT I AM 14
<addi> ?
<Dwarken> Qoute from a 14year old indian girl
<Baskey> Dwarken: WHAT THE FUCK
<xplodwild_work> this is becoming NSFW
<addi> Dwarken, shhh, not so loud, that's taboo here :p
<addi> xplodwild_work,
xplodwild_work is now known as xplodwild_nsfw
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> really need to add another screen to PC for IRC. can't get any work done with this talk :p
<xplodwild_nsfw> sorry changed nick question won't apply
<addi> xplodwild_nsfw,
<addi> whats up dood
<xplodwild_nsfw> I'm bored
<xplodwild_nsfw> and when I'm bored
<xplodwild_nsfw> I troll netchip
<IamSachin> LOL....twitter?
<xplodwild_nsfw> I gief buttsaiks to the one who finds my twitter trolling account
<gladiac1337> uh, just realized that cm9 got cwm v6
<Dwarken> i'm not sure if i want any buttsaiks, doesn't sound delicious
<IamSachin> netchip has been saying since the JB has been announced: wifi and audio should be working noiw :P
<addi> gladiac1337, use TWRP, or DIE
<Dwarken> TWRP?!
<bbqbot> derp
<Dwarken> dafuqs that
<IamSachin> xplodwild_nsfw: compile TWRP for international s2 and s3 :P :P
<xplodwild_nsfw> TouchWiz Rape Party
<addi> Dwarken, custom recovery that actually works like it's for touchscreens
<addi> not like CWM's ancient interface :p
<addi> xplodwild_nsfw, am I invited?
<Dwarken> ahhh and not like CWM tocuh?! that sucked
<xplodwild_nsfw> oops
<addi> Dwarken, what device?
<xplodwild_nsfw> that wasn't meant to be pasted here
<gladiac1337> twrp? nah...
<addi> yeah, right
<IamSachin> lol
<Dwarken> tried it on S2, but didn't like it.. havent tried TWRP :P
<addi> gladiac1337, then DIE
<addi> TWRP not there for S2 I think :p
<Baskey> yep
<Dwarken> i dno if should flash CM9 on my sgs 3 right nao
<gladiac1337> @8ball: is twrp better than cwm6?
<bbqbot> gladiac1337: Command does not exist!
<Baskey> Dwarken: GIEF MEH SGS3
<addi> gladiac1337, no :
<addi> @8ball is TWRP better than CWM6?
<bbqbot> My sources say no.
<xplodwild_nsfw> boom
<addi> :(
<addi> then DIE
<xplodwild_nsfw> @die
<bbqbot> xplodwild_nsfw: Command does not exist!
<addi> @8ball is TWRP better than CWM6?
<bbqbot> Signs point to yes.
<Baskey> die potato
<addi> now, that's good
<xplodwild_nsfw> I guess I don't have rights with this nick either
<xplodwild_nsfw> @eval netchip
<bbqbot> xplodwild_nsfw: You are not allowed to run that command!
<addi> @8ball is CWM Touch really shit?
<bbqbot> You may rely on it.
xplodwild_nsfw is now known as xplodwild_work
<addi> ^^
<xplodwild_work> @eval netchip
<bbqbot> 'idiotte'
<Baskey> boom
<xplodwild_work> Baskey: WUB
<xplodwild_work> reversed boom
<Baskey> WUBBOT
<IamSachin> Etchola Bambou FTW :P
<xplodwild_work> I'm going to tweet to netchip every 2 hours with this account
<xplodwild_work> xD
* addi rapes Baskey
* Baskey rapes Dwarken
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<addi> it's a rape-a-thon! hope you girls are all 14 and above!
<Baskey> xD
<xplodwild_work> xD
* Dwarken scream like a little 14year old native indian girl.. Woookaaa woookaaaa
<Baskey> wtf is woookaaa woookaaa
<addi> Dwarken, that state actually has people who look like the Chinese/Japanese, with small eyes etc. so scream like CHinese!
<Baskey> @google woookaaa woookaaa
<bbqbot> Airi Kataoka | Facebook - http://ja-jp.facebook.com/woookaaa
<Baskey> oh god
<addi> Baskey, sext me..
<lodder_> is he serious: http://netchip.exynos.co/explain/ ?
McFrog has quit [Quit: McFrog]
<addi> NO
<addi> SEXT ME
<xplodwild_work> lodder_: lawl
<xplodwild_work> lodder_: where did you find that link?
<Dwarken> U guys know about the big dilemma that you have to take a piss, but you are too lazy to get up and go take a leak?! :D
<bbqbot> derp
<lodder_> I was board and checked his twitter
<Baskey> @geo user lodder_
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for lodder_
<bbqbot> {"range":[1538601984,1538602495],"country":"BE","region":"09","city":"Ardooie","ll":[50.9833,3.2]}
<Baskey> Dwarken: yep, that's a common problem
<Dwarken> were you a Chalkboard or Whireboard ? :P
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<Dwarken> Whiteboard*
<xplodwild_work> lodder_: damn, he's really running TWO Mediaservers xD
<xplodwild_work> he's dumb
<addi> Dwarken, and then when you actually go and pee, you go 'oh damn, that hurts' :p
<tat-> :D
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<xplodwild_work> "NetchipTl My best friend xplodwild arranged for me to be kicked off all servers "
<Baskey> <singing>
<xplodwild_work> that felt so good
<Baskey> his best WAT?
<lodder_> congratz xplodwild_work your netchip best friend
* Dwarken whisteling and hoping noone catches him peeing in his pants..
<xplodwild_work> lodder_: :D
<xplodwild_work> lodder_: I don't know if he has a new build box
<Dwarken> BRB!! my eyes are starting running in water..
<Baskey> lop
<Baskey> lol*
Dwarken is now known as Dwarken^Pee
Baskey is now known as Dwarken
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<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: the low latency of audio in JB requires new hardware?? or is it good with current hardware?
<xplodwild_work> Dwarken^Pee: you're not on facebook here, no need to tell everyone what's you're doing
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: Good with current hardware
Dwarken is now known as Baskey
<xplodwild_work> but now that you say this
<xplodwild_work> wait
<xplodwild_work> Fix all teh audio! - Route everything to the deep buffer instead of lowlatency as our chip can't handle both at the same time
<Basken> Dwarken^Pee, Baskey
<Basken> whats up doods
<lodder_> xplodwild_work: fix audio? you guys working on it?
<xplodwild_work> lodder_: that was for S3
Baskey is now known as Dwarkey
<lodder_> ah
<IamSachin> supercurio and cody were working on that right?
<xplodwild_work> yeah they're tweaking cody hal
<xplodwild_work> but I prefer min
<xplodwild_work> mine
<xplodwild_work> mine is cool
<IamSachin> but cody hall has better lows, how different is it from tinyhal?
<xplodwild_work> no idea, I started off tuna hal
<IamSachin> okk :)
<xplodwild_work> I haven't used S3 audio enough to tell if it's any better
<IamSachin> Okk...i found S3 much better than S2 on my JBL earplugs
<xplodwild_work> no yamaha shit
<IamSachin> Steve Angelo - Tivoli, is actually vibrating the earplugs badly on high volume :P
<lodder_> I want yamaha to release hal!!!!!
<xplodwild_work> I'll try to use my S3 HAL on the S2
<xplodwild_work> wonder what result will it give
<xplodwild_work> it should be alsa-compliant
<xplodwild_work> now it might be shiz for calls
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<xplodwild_work> we'll see
<xplodwild_work> will probably need tinymix dumps
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<IamSachin> hmm...is porting JB easier for S3 compared to S2?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: seems so
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<lodder_> tinymix?
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<IamSachin> supercurio also told that his display expert will fix banding
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<xplodwild_work> lodder_: helper application for tinyalsa
<xplodwild_work> lodder_: lets you show and change controls of the alsa device
<lodder_> ah and doesn't alsa work with yamaha? or do you still need the correct hal?
<IamSachin> me refreshing XDA a lot for the imminent experimental :P
Dwarkey has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )]
Dwarken^Pee is now known as Dwarken^
<Dwarken^> Ahhh a good leak and a new redbull, day have been saved!
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<xplodwild_work> lodder_: that's what I need to test
<xplodwild_work> lodder_: I have no idea if the yamaha lib/service does something special
<xplodwild_work> or if it's just a bunch of useless junk
<xplodwild_work> because if it's fully ALSA compliant, then I think we can use our current HALs
<xplodwild_work> considering they didn't make a weird driver and PCM functions are broken
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<xplodwild_work> heh, netchip appeared on cm-dev
<lodder_> xplodwild_work: good luck with the testing
<lodder_> xplodwild_work: ask netchip for a proper fix of the audio ;)
<xplodwild_work> lodder_: if my n7000 build boots, that'll be the first thing I'll test
<lodder_> nice
<lodder_> can't wait
<neoD|ml> hey guys, where can i get themes for cm9 sgs3 ?
<xplodwild_work> @google CM9 Themes
<bbqbot> Official CM9/AOKP Themes Thread **34 FREE THEMES** - xda-developers - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php%3Ft%3D1643406
<xplodwild_work> there.
<neoD|ml> sorry lol
<neoD|ml> thx
<neoD|ml> page not found :p but i can google more
<xplodwild_work> neoD|ml: replace %3F by ?
<xplodwild_work> and %3D by =
<Assid> hrmm you guys running linux desktops ?
<xplodwild_work> @eval decodeURI("%3F")
<bbqbot> '%3F'
<xplodwild_work> @eval "%3F".decodeURI()
<bbqbot> TypeError: Object %3F has no method 'decodeURI'
<bbqbot> undefined
<xplodwild_work> hmm
<xplodwild_work> [11:40] <netchip> hey xplodwild_work [11:40] <netchip> already heard of my pesky error? :p
<xplodwild_work> he really thinks I will reply him? xD
<bbqbot> derp
<neoD|ml> thx again xplodwild
<xplodwild_work> Assid: yes why?
<xplodwild_work> @eval decodeURI("&eacute;");
<bbqbot> '&eacute;'
<xplodwild_work> @eval decodeURI("aaa%3Fddd");
<bbqbot> 'aaa%3Fddd'
<xplodwild_work> @eval decodeURI.toString()
<bbqbot> 'function decodeURI() { [native code] }'
<Dwarken^> xplodwild_work: don't be a dick, asnwer mr chippie :P
<xplodwild_work> Dwarken^:
<xplodwild_work> @google NO.jpg
<Dwarken^> with regards from med and baskey
<Dwarken^> :D
<xplodwild_work> better die than help him
<xplodwild_work> xD
<xplodwild_work> he's dumb
<Dwarken^> Y don't say?! :D
<Dwarken^> U*-
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<htchd2sucks> Hi
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<htchd2sucks> Anyone here? I have a quick question related to CM 9 RC vs Nightly :D (not found on the forum)
<Dwarken^> Fire away i think :D
<Dwarken^> btw HTC HD2 is quite a cool phone.. ! :P
<htchd2sucks> Ok, I found infos on changelogs, etc... Like usual on the 1st page. But I don't know the status as per today (I am back from holiday, missed a few days :D). So basically I see the nightly have fixed many bugs. But I don't see any changelog for the RC
<htchd2sucks> So I don't really understand if the release candidate has incorporated those changes, or if there is a RC updated
<regardtv> you looked on bbqlog?
<htchd2sucks> (is there any thread for the RC by the way, I never found it on the forum, only found related questions)
<Dwarken^> on my sgs2 i have only run with nightly's and never had a prob, i think the RC's is outdated.
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<regardtv> http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/ <-- looking at my changelog I see the naming changed to RC2 --- but the nightly there includes all the fixes mentioned
<htchd2sucks> Yes my nightly is also very good
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<htchd2sucks> So I don't get the" release candidate " concept then :D
<regardtv> so, based on the galaxyS2 -- the 'nightly' from this morning includes all fixes including the 'name change' to RC2
<regardtv> us 'nightly' guys ... don't ;-) ... in essence if you look here: http://get.cm/?device=galaxys2
<regardtv> some people only look for 'stable'
<regardtv> or 'release candidate'
<regardtv> so they only get a release once in a while
<regardtv> remember that a nightly contains all fixes as they are added
<xplodwild_work> htchd2sucks: RC are snapshots of nightlies
<regardtv> a 'release candidate' / 'stable' is a windup of all the fixes considered stable at a point in time
<xplodwild_work> they're frozen with a stable codebase
<htchd2sucks> haaa thanks a lot
<htchd2sucks> yes I saw the RC was "frozen" (code freeze) for analysis and stability
<kalgecin_> which kernel can i use to boot my build of jb on i9100?
<htchd2sucks> but I could not understand why they were still "both evolving", ok... so it's a snapshot in time, a "pause" while the nightly progress
<htchd2sucks> Great thanks, that clarifies
<Assid> xplodwild_work: im thinking of moving.. once again.. but i hate the unity bar
<Assid> xplodwild_work: so wante dto get your take on other distros out there.. i mostly use it for TV viewing on xbmc
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<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: who is pedro carneiro?
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<peterperfect> Me
<IamSachin> :)
<peterperfect> Sup?
<IamSachin> Just saw ur reply to me on G+ :P
<peterperfect> Ah ok : )
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<IamSachin> you are in the dev team too?
<bbqbot> derp
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<peterperfect> Kind of...im the internal tester
<peterperfect> :)
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<IamSachin> Okk :)
neoD|ml has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
<htchd2sucks> bye bye all, thanks for the answers
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<IamSachin> anyone dutch here?
<Dwarken^> Dno, Ask in dutch? :D Have you seen the movie Zombibi? ^^
<IamSachin> watching a dutch movie Claustrofobia (thats the spelling) :)
<Dwarken^> :D
<IamSachin> sick of battery-monitor and PowerManagerService wakelocks :(
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<slainer68> yay ! cm9 rc2 :D ?
<slainer68> will the i9300 will be in rc2 ?
<dabear_> no
<dabear_> i9300 wont get any cm release
<dabear_> /endtroll
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<slainer68> dabear_: you mean cm9 :D
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<lodder_> what was the repo again for the propratiary files?
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<dixipix> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<dixipix> @downloads galaxys2
<bbqbot> Download at: http://get.cm/?device=galaxys2
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<Jiangyi> Well this took a while to merge. :-P
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<IamSachin> troll
<IamSachin> @8ball is everyone asleep?
<bbqbot> Outlook not so good.
<IamSachin> @8ball is xplodwild_work going to watch The Dark Knight Rises on the first day?
<bbqbot> Yes — definitely.
peterperfect has joined #teamhacksung-support
<IamSachin> @8ball are u a liar?
<bbqbot> Signs point to yes.
<gladiac1337> @8ball What is the answer to all questions?
<bbqbot> Most likely.
<gladiac1337> hmm, yeah, most likely works almost always...
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<xplodwild_work> gladiac1337: most likely
<xplodwild_work> "is netchip dumb?" most likely
<gladiac1337> @8ball is bus pirate v4 better than v3?
<bbqbot> Concentrate and ask again.
<paickda> hey chan, i'm going crazy over this. i've enabled wifi but i'm getting no prompt to select which wifi to connect to - am i missing something real simple?
<gladiac1337> bbqbot, you are right - it is quite obvious
dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
<paickda> (using gt19300 cyanogenmod)
<xplodwild_work> paickda: have you pressed on the "WiFi" setting menu?
<paickda> xplodwild_work, under wireless and networks, there is only a wifi and bluetooth toggle and a data usage button.. also there is more but there is nothing wifi related (only wifi direct) under More..
<xplodwild_work> paickda: press on that WiFi
<pawitp> padde: press on wifi
<xplodwild_work> not the on/off button
<paickda> OOOOHHHH
<paickda> hahahahahahahahaha
<paickda> *hides*
<Dwarken^> haha :D
<Dwarken^> welcome to a whoe new world
<Dwarken^> :P
<Dwarken^> whole*
<xplodwild_work> call it a day
<chadouming> hmmm, you just went to the archive
Jo_Ki has joined #teamhacksung-support
<paickda> well, that's that case solved!
<Jo_Ki> hi guys,
<chadouming> hi Jo_Ki
AndChat|22484 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<paickda> thanks xplodwild_work + pawitp ... just one more question before bed: under contacts on the phone there is a Me entry; is the thumbnail supposed to be retrieved from the linked gmail account?
<xplodwild_work> if that's the case then it doesn't work
<xplodwild_work> so I don't think so
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<Jo_Ki> I own a Galaxy Note but in the late days it acts very strange do some fast self reboots etc, so I am thinking for lashing CM 9.2 to it. I am currently on stock GB and I really can't wait for patched version of ICS for my country. I would like to know is it possible to flash CM 9 and after that to install the Premium suit that comes with ICS for glalaxy NOTE. Thanks
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<xplodwild_work> etchola gets trolled
<xplodwild_work> he/she is sad
<Mardos> holy crap everyones posting xplodwild new info lol
<xplodwild_work> I own the interwebz
<chadouming> am i missing something ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Mardos> yess you are good sir
<chadouming> tell me or i bomb random people until i get my answer
<chadouming> !
<xplodwild_work> chadouming: look my g+
<xplodwild_work> @bomb random
<bbqbot> random, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<chadouming> ok ^^
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<Mardos> looooool
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
<gladiac1337> lol :)
<Dwarken^> Shut up and take my penis..! 8=====>
<Mardos> the us s3 got cm10 and everyones going crazy lol
<IamSachin> peterperfect: internal test it fast :P
<Dwarken^> iwant CM10
<Dwarken^> can i has a sussage?
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<Mardos> have 2
<Jo_Ki> Can I install "premium suit note" after installing CM 9 on Glalaxy Note international ?
<chadouming> is that an app found on market ?
<chadouming> or it's samsung bloat
<Mardos> samsung bloat
<Mardos> i recall this on my note
<chadouming> then nope
<Jo_Ki> its "addon" to the ICS release i believe it is not a separate .apk
<IamSachin> grab soon
<IamSachin> dota 2 key giveaway
<IamSachin> 1700 keys left :)
<chadouming> then forget it more
<Mardos> wtf is dota
<chadouming> lol, key available : 0
<chadouming> nvm, its not for canada
<Jo_Ki> Why would I have a note without the S-pen functionality ?! It is like having American Express in Japan
<Jo_Ki> :D
<Mardos> so dont have cm go back to touchwiz
<Mardos> its really simple
<Mardos> i had a note and never used the pen or s note or any other crap
<Jo_Ki> then u never had a note :P just a pocket plasma TV :D
<Mardos> good i was ahppy with my pocket plasma tv and cm9 thanks
<addi> stupid idiots spreading wrong info
<Jo_Ki> and u r right - touch Wiz really sux, donno why they keep on pushing it .... :)
<IamSachin> chadouming: use hidemyass
<xplodwild_work> http://pastie.org/4271216
<xplodwild_work> @eval netchip_dumbness = 0;
<bbqbot> 0
<xplodwild_work> @eval netchip_dumbness++;
<bbqbot> 0
<Mardos> so what your saying is netchip is awesome
<xplodwild_work> @eval increaseIdiocy() = function() { netchip_dumbness++; return 'Netchip did ' + netchip_dumbness + ' idiot things'; }
<bbqbot> ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment
<bbqbot> undefined
<xplodwild_work> @eval increaseIdiocy = function() { netchip_dumbness++; return 'Netchip did ' + netchip_dumbness + ' idiot things'; }
<bbqbot> [Function]
<xplodwild_work> @eval increaseIdiocy();
<bbqbot> 'Netchip did 2 idiot things'
<chadouming> lawl
<chadouming> @eval increaseIdiocy();
<bbqbot> 'Netchip did 3 idiot things'
<xplodwild_work> can't wait to reach 9000
<xplodwild_work> shouldn't take much longer
<addi> did Samsung announce SII won't get JB? :O
<lodder_> @eval increaseIdiocy();
<bbqbot> lodder_: You are not allowed to run that command!
<xplodwild_work> addi: no
<addi> that's what I thought
<pier> @eval netchip();
<bbqbot> pier: You are not allowed to run that command!
<pier> :(
<xplodwild_work> @eval netchip
<bbqbot> 'idiotte'
<pier> see
<pier> works
<pier> thx xplodwild =)
<xplodwild_work> @eval idiocyLevel() { return 'Netchip did ' + netchip_dumbness + ' idiot things.'; }
<bbqbot> SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
<bbqbot> undefined
<xplodwild_work> @eval idiocyLevel = { return 'Netchip did ' + netchip_dumbness + ' idiot things.'; }
<bbqbot> SyntaxError: Unexpected string
<bbqbot> undefined
<xplodwild_work> @eval idiocyLevel = function() { return 'Netchip did ' + netchip_dumbness + ' idiot things.'; }
<bbqbot> [Function]
<xplodwild_work> @eval idiocyLevel()
<bbqbot> 'Netchip did 3 idiot things.'
<Dwarken^> @eval xplodwild_work
<bbqbot> Dwarken^: You are not allowed to run that command!
<xplodwild_work> One does not simply eval me
<Mardos> derp
<Dwarken^> haha
<chadouming> @eval xplodwild_work
<bbqbot> ReferenceError: xplodwild_work is not defined
<bbqbot> undefined
<chadouming> @eval xplodwild_work = 'God'
<pier> @eval pier
<bbqbot> 'God'
<bbqbot> pier: You are not allowed to run that command!
<pier> :(
<Mardos> pier it wont work give up
<pier> i've got no powah
<pier> infectedorgasm?
<pier> Oo
<pier> ah
<pier> nism
<pier> :(
* pier shuts up
<Mardos> bout time
pier is now known as pier|wrk
<pier|wrk> :)
<Mardos> you remind me of CYM who talks all day
<pier|wrk> I'm better than u :D
<pier|wrk> becouse now I work
chadouming is now known as wifi
<pier|wrk> and I make money to buy new phones
<wifi> i'm better than pier|wrk cause i'm useful
<pier|wrk> and to brick them with my borked repositories
<pier|wrk> ciao :)) jk ^^
<pier|wrk> I just needed a pause
<Mardos> i think pier wants a bomb
<wifi> yup, that's what i was thinking too
wifi is now known as chadouming
<Mardos> do it up
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akSeya was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming [akSeya]
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<Mardos> why did you kick lol
<chadouming> Guest11059 (~akSeya@ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<chadouming> tought he had timed out
<chadouming> and was waiting for his ghost to disconnect
<IamSachin> chadouming: do u have a cs:go beta key? :P
<chadouming> nope
<chadouming> not intersted tho
<IamSachin> okk :)
<chadouming> interested*
<chadouming> i just started skyrim
<Guest11059> whyyyyyyy!!?
<chadouming> didnt really like other oblivion game
<IamSachin> i m starting it again, for the expansion :)
<chadouming> but skyrim can be played in 3rd person :D
akSeya is now known as Guest33059
Guest11059 is now known as akSeya
<IamSachin> haha, yeah thats one of the many good things about skyim or any other TES games :P
<akSeya> i am my own ghost XD
<xplodwild_work> Ouverta: Prelude is teh best game
<xplodwild_work> :D
<chadouming> hmm, i didnt knew other TES could be played in 3rd person
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<chadouming> that's one of the main reason i didnt like other tes game
<chadouming> half of the screen shield, 1/3 of the screen axe
<chadouming> have fun with the nice graphic
<dabear_> what tablet do you guys recommend? preferably ipad-like in screen size
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<virustripple> hallo
<virustripple> hallo zusammen
<xplodwild_work> english
<xplodwild_work> only
<xplodwild_work> plz thx
<virustripple> kann mir jemand mal einen tip geben wegen dem galaxy tab 2 5110 wegen HDMI ?
<xplodwild_work> english
<xplodwild_work> only
<xplodwild_work> plz thx
<virustripple> oh sorry
<Mardos> BOMM@!!
<virustripple> can heply my by my galax tab 2 5110 ?
<xplodwild_work> sure
<virustripple> i have a hdmi adapter and i can not so see my tel.
<chadouming> i'm not bombing because someone is speaking in another language
<chadouming> what a stupid idea
<xplodwild_work> virustripple: is your hdmi adapter connected to AC?
<bbqbot> derp
<virustripple> yes
<virustripple> itis
<virustripple> it is
<Klozzas> Hi guys.. on short question... i checked the forum regarding the "status 7" error during installation.. but i can´t find my mistake here.. could someone give me a tip?
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: how;s the internal testing going on for s3? any major hiccups?
<xplodwild_work> codeworkx: ^ virustripple
<xplodwild_work> Klozzas: full error line plz
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: just a small issue with calls (only routed to speakerphone)
<IamSachin> Okk thanks :)
<virustripple> it on tv
<koud_> Klozzas: goin into advanced setting of recovery and press show log
<virustripple> i see black
<koud_> or whatever it is called
<Klozzas> okay... one moment please
<pmgnet> Hey gang. I flashed CM9 0716 to GS3(i747), coming from Diet ICS ROM and it just sticks on Cid for about 10-15 minutes with the boot anim. Tried flashing direct from CWM too. Anyone using CM9 on i747 yet?
<xplodwild_work> virustripple: can you try to play a video?
<xplodwild_work> virustripple: see if it plays on TV
<xplodwild_work> pmgnet: wipe
<chadouming> pmgnet, wipe data
<virustripple> no i can see
<xplodwild_work> (support line overflow)
<pmgnet> Thanks. will do.
<virustripple> it is all black
<virustripple> on my tv and on my talbelt
<chadouming> woah, this channel went from death to full of life :D
<pmgnet> Is USB to PC working on 0716? I'm actively developing at the moment and can't lose ADB over USB yet.
<xplodwild_work> virustripple: seems like there is an issue with HDMI on the rom then, wait for codeworkx for an official answer though, I'm not a maintainer for this tablet
<pmgnet> I saw a bunch of MTP Google driver references for "Next Build".
<pmgnet> So wondering if I should wait.
<xplodwild_work> pmgnet: adb isn't affected
<xplodwild_work> pmgnet: some people reported MTP issues on Mac, that might be for it
<xplodwild_work> but adb can't break
<virustripple> ok
<virustripple> i wait
<pmgnet> xplodwild_work: awesome. I thought I had read no ADB/USB yet. Flashing again now! Too bad I'm going to return this phone!
<Klozzas> okay.. i guess i get my mistake.. this is the rom for the 9100G.. :)
<IamSachin> MTP on mac issue is there with me too
<Mardos> brb restart windows time !
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: works fine for me (S3/JellyBean at least :p)
<pmgnet> I got a scratch on the GS3 glass on the 4th day having it. Just sat the GS3 face down on a nightstand like I've done for a year with GS2.
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<Klozzas> so.. i will have a look to find the version for the I9100... or is there none yet?
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: And that's called teasing :P
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<xplodwild_work> Klozzas: http://get.cm/?device=i9100
<bbqbot> derp
<pmgnet> I think the GS3 has zero lip on the front face.
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<xplodwild_work> Klozzas: http://get.cm/?device=galaxys2 *
<xplodwild_work> sorry
<chadouming> pmgnet, how the fuck can you scratch gorilla glass
<Klozzas> thanks so much
<pmgnet> No kidding
<pmgnet> I set it down face down on nightstand.
<pmgnet> apparently a small piece of sand was there, and that's just too much for this Gorilla glass.
<pmgnet> Like I said, I was babying it. More than the GS2 I've had for a year.
<pmgnet> I don't use cases or films
<chadouming> i just had my first real scratch on my Gnex
<pmgnet> So painful.
<chadouming> and i have for 3 month now
<done> i accidentally downloaded cm7 nightly and flashed it over cm9.. lovely! and now im blaming samsung
<chadouming> but it doesnt have gorilla glass :(
<pmgnet> done: I hate that!
<pmgnet> I wish cm7 and cm9 were filtered in downloads!
<chadouming> i'm going to get a tempered glass protection tho
<pmgnet> Yeah, I never used covers or films, even when I had my old winmo phones.
<chadouming> better than a films
<pmgnet> I haven't heard of that
<chadouming> not funny, it's iphone
<pmgnet> I've had GS2 for a year. no scratches.
<addi> that's why it's funny
<addi> iPhone can't get a single scratch!!! :p
<addi> so it's FUNNY! :p
<chadouming> same for my GS2
<chadouming> but i didnt paid attention for my Gnex
<addi> same for my SGS when I had it :p
<chadouming> went drunk and slept with it in my pocket
<addi> then i put it in back pocket with car keys and without case and BAM!
<addi> though still not that big a scratch
<chadouming> the problem is that i also had usb key in my pocket xD
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<addi> at least you no spilled beer over it
<addi> that's all that matters ^^
<IamSachin> Liquipel, wen is it coming?
<chadouming> already out, only not for SGS III
<chadouming> it exist for gnex :D
<addi> WHAT DOES?!
<addi> WHAT?!
<chadouming> that's the most wonderful invention
<addi> oh. Liquipel
<addi> OKAY
<chadouming> STOP CAP
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<pmgnet> weird. CM flashes so fast on GS3. Pretty scary.
<pier|wrk> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<pier|wrk> @changelog maguro
<chadouming> pmgnet, that's because SGS III is freaking fast !
<IamSachin> xplodwild_work: the audio is not getting routed to the earpiece?
<bbqbot> derp
<pmgnet> That is sick. I'm already restoring from TiBu
<xplodwild_work> IamSachin: It used to be (at least I think it was on my build), but in the last build peterperfect tested, it's only router to speakerphone
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<IamSachin> Ok
<slainer68> am i the only one to use Spotify on CM9 ? It's crashing randomly while playing music, very annoying... -_-
<pmgnet> I can't use spotify. I don't have FB logon
<addi> <chadouming> STOP CAP < sorry dood :(
<Mardos> doenst work in canada without a proxy stupid spotify
<Mardos> do you pay a monthly fee?
<xplodwild_work> pmgnet: you don't need FB to logon spotify
<IamSachin> no Spotify, Pandora in India :(
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<pmgnet> xplodwild_work: I keep looking for a workaround. Everything I see says go make a fake FB logon
<pmgnet> Maybe I've only looked from the android app
<xplodwild_work> pmgnet: in France at least it's not needed
<Mardos> iamsachin you can do it lol
<pmgnet> "You need a Facebook account to register for Spotify. If you have an account, just log in below to register. If you don't have a Facebook account, get one by clicking the 'create an account' link below."
<IamSachin> i dont want to be turning the proxy on and off :P
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<pmgnet> xplodwild_work: so... maybe I just need to access spotify from France...
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<pmgnet> get an account, and done.
<IamSachin> OpenDesign idea submit: Pull down notification in full screen, like in Galaxy S3
<Mardos> friend tried it and it was mo nthly
<stallemanden> I have one question. Will the latest CM9 for SGS III work on a SGS III bought in China. From what I can read, it is a "special" modem-thingy that they put into it.
<addi> IamSachin, which they copied from MIUI :p
<IamSachin> lol, I was once a fan of MIUI..but then after last november december mishaps i started hating them
<addi> MIUI has had the option to expand notifications in full screen months before SGS3 came
<addi> nice to manufacturers and Google taking things from custom ROMs xD
<addi> Apple doing it too, heh
<addi> nice to see*
<Mardos> im ryunning miui right now with my s3 to test:(
<Mardos> wallet is not working though :(
<addi> Mardos, it sucks on all new devices :/
<addi> not as smooth as AOSP
<IamSachin> Apple is going to patent grandmoms....hurry guys
<addi> no problem, mine passed away years ago :p
<IamSachin> I dont like MIUI on superAMOLED....too bright themes and hence battery drains (i know dark ones are there)
<addi> IamSachin, get Black Android Theme
<addi> done
<addi> best theme there is
<IamSachin> i guess Samsung copied the square toggle buttons too from MIUI v4
<addi> IamSachin, though on idle, MIUI has much less battery drain on my GNex compared to CM9/AOSP ^^
<addi> even in use it got me a little more
<addi> if only it was smooth, which it isn't -.-
<chadouming> JB is draining battery here
<IamSachin> I have a fetish for Galaxy Pack live wallpaper, battery drains are significant for me :P
<Mardos> i alwayas thought miui was based of cm9 or aosp, this is the first time i seen it based off sammy rom for the s3
<addi> chadouming, not much for me, though while sleeping it seems to be higher
<IamSachin> miui v4 was based on sammy rom for s2 too
<IamSachin> chadouming: you testing it on sgs3??
<addi> IamSachin, i have a fetish for fully black image backgrounds. otherwise no use of SAMOLED :p
Entropy512 is now known as Entropy|work
<chadouming> no, i'm on gnex
<chadouming> hey Entropy|work
<addi> those blacks are the only thing I'm really addicted to in SAMOLEDs, other stuff don't matter
<addi> i'm fine with more natural colours found on other screens
<chadouming> i love samoled screen
<IamSachin> waiting for supercurio's Display Expert, more natural colors :)
<chadouming> with tuned color it's perfect
<addi> me love too, but except for the deep blacks, me fine with other screens too
<addi> too bad supercurio doesn't seem interested on working on the Nexus -.-
<addi> but again, CM color correction FTW already ^^
<IamSachin> i use this livewallpaper addi
<chadouming> my friend has an HTC and i prefer my screen
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<pmgnet> grrr can't get gapps from goo!
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<pmgnet> techarata mirror is dead too
<pmgnet> sweet
<addi> IamSachin, I hate live wallpapers :p
<Mardos> supercurio is a cocky bastard
<IamSachin> i have never used any other LW, only this one :)
<addi> Mardos, supercurio is after $$$$ hence he focuses on devices like S3 that sell well :p
<pmgnet> chadouming: interesting! what's up with that gapps date?
<pmgnet> Something new in there?
<addi> full time job of his so i guess its natural :/
<chadouming> yup, but he is also a genius dev
<addi> yes, he is a genious dev for sure
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<chadouming> pmgnet, idk, we dont really ahve GApps Changelog
<addi> but otherwise i'm not a fan of his practices
<IamSachin> supercurio does a lot of hardwork IMO, he and chainfire deserve what they charge
<pmgnet> That says 'jb'. good for cm9?
<bbqbot> derp
<Mardos> chainfire no doubt about it the best
<chadouming> hmm
<chadouming> pmgnet, not sure
<chadouming> doubt about it in fact
<IamSachin> chainfire 3d by chainfire was ingenious, changed the android gaming community totally
<chadouming> gapps link then
<chadouming> yup, chainfire is also one of the god
<Mardos> one???
<Mardos> HE ISS
<pmgnet> chadouming: thanks
<chadouming> no, there is many god among android devs
<IamSachin> codeworkx xplodwild supercurio chainfire koush nebkat are my favorites
<chadouming> adam outler is also doing a lot
<chadouming> he is like the mythbuster of android device
<Mardos> koush made cwm correct?
<IamSachin> adam outler = adamg?
<bbqbot> derp
<Mardos> nebkat ?? what he do
<chadouming> except he is not paid for it xD
<IamSachin> yeah..koush is smartass :P
<addi> <IamSachin> supercurio does a lot of hardwork IMO, he and chainfire deserve what they charge <- i have no problem with them charging for their work, but in the case of supercuriom, he usually forgets older devices when newer ones come out
<IamSachin> nebkat, trebuchet launcher, eyespy, and i guess he is on CM team too
<IamSachin> he made bbqbot i gues :P
<chadouming> bbqbot -> datagutt
<Mardos> ohh ok now it makes sense lol
<IamSachin> addi agree to that :)... he concentrates on the newer devices
<addi> and i hope Chainfire updates Chainfire 3D soon, doesn't work on JB :/
<IamSachin> datagutt!!! and i was wondering where is he :P
<addi> though he said 'don't expect it soon' to me on #project-voodoo :p
<datagutt> me and nebkat made eit
<datagutt> he did some code
<addi> datagutt,
<IamSachin> yeah, it's not been updated since long
<addi> whats up dood
<datagutt> some plugins etc
<datagutt> hey addi
<datagutt> not much
<IamSachin> hey datagutt :D
<datagutt> im seriously considering a new phone
<datagutt> also
<Mardos> what phoneee
<IamSachin> datagutt: still on S2?
<datagutt> noo
<datagutt> this shit mx
<datagutt> meizu
<addi> IamSachin, my sexy wallpaper :P http://i.imgur.com/CmWvA.png
<addi> datagutt, SELL IT NAO
<datagutt> only way to root is UART
<addi> you still waiting?
<IamSachin> Lol addi :P
<datagutt> fucking uart
<addi> after me told you yesterday to sell it?! :p
<bbqbot> derp
<datagutt> addi: i usually buy new phones each year
<addi> well, change your rule this time
<addi> SELL IT
<datagutt> i got EXACT the right amount of money for mx
<datagutt> but then i will need to empty my bank acc
<addi> get S3 when you can if quad-core is what you want
<addi> stop wasting money on MX
<chadouming> dont buy another meizu phojne
<IamSachin> s3 is good, trust me :)
<Dwarken^> I think the MX looks quite nice.
<addi> making the same mistake again is considered a foolish thing to do
<chadouming> you will end up with the same crap
<Dwarken^> for its price
<chadouming> and cry
<datagutt> Dwarken
<addi> learning from your mistake is a smart thing :p
<Dwarken^> in china
<datagutt> you dont
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<datagutt> dont think about it
<datagutt> it IS nice in a way
<datagutt> but they locked my bootloader and refused downgrade after latest update
<Dwarken^> i have a SGS3 so don't need it :D
<datagutt> even though i bought their HK = unlocked device
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<chadouming> and it is not nice in a lot of way !
<datagutt> in some ways
* addi has GNex, so he needs not even the S3. Nexus FTW
* chadouming is agreeing with addi tought
<IamSachin> chadouming: eclipse or netbeans?
<addi> chadouming, did you know I'm running official Jelly Bean on Nexus? oh wait, you are too xD
<chadouming> for android developement ?
<Dwarken^> yeah if you could buy Gnex for a good price in europe.. :P
<IamSachin> yeah
<Dwarken^> i want US prices!
<chadouming> addi, going for CM10 now
<chadouming> just wiped my whole phone
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<addi> Dwarken^, you bought S3 but can't buy GNex? NOOB
<datagutt> im just echoing the same shit to people who want to buy it
<IamSachin> grrrrr u guys, wish i was an internal tester too for s3 x(
<chadouming> IamSachin, for android dev ?
<addi> chadouming, still, fully working Jelly Bean :p
<datagutt> i should register meizusucks.org
<IamSachin> yeah chadouming
<datagutt> and link people
<datagutt> rent a billboard in china
<Dwarken^> I'm off work, Cya.. :)
<addi> bye bye Dwarken^
<datagutt> make a chinese language version of the campaign
<slainer68> what's an internal tester :D N?
<chadouming> dont know if netbeans support android dev
<datagutt> or just give up and let the suckers buy it
<chadouming> but eclispse does, and really well
<IamSachin> okk
<chadouming> and i have always made android app on eclipse
<rodel> anyone know where to get CM9 wallpaper, i try search but unable to find with the maskot say hi
<datagutt> also chadouming and addi
<Dwarken^> i think i'll order myself a Nexus 7
<datagutt> im NEVER BUYING meizu again
<datagutt> ofc i will buy sgs3
<datagutt> once i can
<chadouming> slainer68, that's a tester that test our internal test build test
<datagutt> or whatever is best at the time
<chadouming> good
<addi> chadouming, i installed fitsnugly kang, but Play Store decided to tell me i haven't bought any apps, so i decided to go back without thinking too much about it
<datagutt> [15:50:57] <@datagutt> i got EXACT the right amount of money for mx
<chadouming> lol
<datagutt> wut
<datagutt> i meant sgs3
<datagutt> sgs***
<datagutt> sgs3**
<addi> hehehe xD
<Dwarken^> datagutt: maybe you can find someone who will sell the SGS3 to you if you pay in naturals.. :P
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<datagutt> "for mx" im not that stupid xD
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<datagutt> Dwarken: maybe pay in bitcoins?
<bbqbot> derp
<datagutt> loool
<datagutt> or i will sell xplodwilds pr0n
<chadouming> addi, this already happened to me. But i dont know how i fixed it. I think you simply have to go in market -> menu -> account -> select the good account
<datagutt> Baskey:
<datagutt> ah hes offline
<datagutt> :p
<addi> chadouming, only have one account :p
* Dwarken^ thinks that bbqbot look like a slutty derpina.
<chadouming> i know
<addi> has happened to me too before, but a wipe and reflash seemed to fix it for me
<chadouming> need to reselect it
<addi> but again, CM10 has nothing special right now, so kinda sticking to stock :/
<addi> ah, okay
<chadouming> anyway, i have completely wiped it now
<Dwarken^> wipe my ass :P
<chadouming> saw this
Dwarken^ was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming [Dwarken^]
<datagutt> lol
<datagutt> paranoidandroid
<Mardos> I HATE WINDOWSSSSSSSSS its crashinggggg on meee
<addi> chadouming, installing that?
<datagutt> looks cool
<chadouming> waiting the new version link xD
<addi> Mardos, your hardware is failing, get Mac :p
<chadouming> based on CM10
<chadouming> or aosp, idk
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<chadouming> usually based on CM
<Dwarken^> :'(
<Mardos> its crashing on me fuckk
<datagutt> MARDOS GET MAC
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<chadouming> lawl
<Mardos> this is my work machine
<chadouming> get better windows ?
<datagutt> IN A*
<datagutt> AND A SPICA
<chadouming> i haz windows 8 at my job
<datagutt> AND HTC DEsIRE
<chadouming> no crash, no trouble
<addi> though me was kidding. custom built PC FTW, Mac etc = meh
<datagutt> GET IT AWAY FROM ME
<Mardos> mac is at home lol
<Mardos> i need windows at work
<datagutt> i beg you
<datagutt> :p
<Dwarken^> i'll take it from you and throw it at you :P
<addi> Windows 7 never crashes or causes problems for me. again, all i do is browse, listen to music and play games :p
<chadouming> i'll buy the whole thing you just said, for , let's say, 45 CAD
<datagutt> haha
<Dwarken^> addi: remember the pr0n
<chadouming> why you dont install linux addi ?
<datagutt> im sellling just the phone
<Mardos> hmm maybe i should install linux at work
<addi> used to Windows
<datagutt> spica is in my heart
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<datagutt> actually at the time it was a similar shit phone
<Mardos> only issue is i need outlook
<addi> Linux does nothing special for me
<Mardos> openoffice sucks lol
<IamSachin> this is the longest time netchip has been silent without tweeting "wifi and sound almost fixed" :P :P
<addi> if i was compiling shit, then I'd use it :D
<chadouming> lol, i was going to suggest open office
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<addi> but anyway, i find Windows more convenient for every day use than Linux
<chadouming> try office on WINE ?
<addi> but probably because I'm used to it
<Mardos> addi +1
<datagutt> @google winedb
<bbqbot> WineHQ - Wine Application Database - http://appdb.winehq.org/
<addi> Linux is great for powering systems, not as an every day OS
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<chadouming> well, ubuntu has evolved way much more in a every day system than a power system os
<addi> still not as good as Windows imo
<addi> and I hate Unity
<addi> :p
<chadouming> focused on 3rd user
<chadouming> install another desktop -_-'
<Mardos> jeez insurance is high if i lease a new car!
<datagutt> office doesnt get further than the installer on wine
<addi> chadouming, i know, I install Mint :p
<chadouming> datagutt : playonlinux, if i'm not wrong, you can install office with it
<addi> and games don't run well on Linux
<addi> most have lower framerates
<Mardos> to much workaround to get something simple working
<Mardos> windows for life lol
<addi> and you take hours to set them up
<chadouming> again, play on linux
<addi> yeah Mardos
<addi> chadouming, not a solution
<chadouming> i never really had problem playing windows game on linux
<addi> if you're regularly playing games, Linux is not the answer
<chadouming> never tried crysis tho
<addi> even with Wine or Play on Linux
<datagutt> @google steam linux
<bbqbot> Steam for Linux - http://steamforlinux.com/
<addi> try Diablo 3. friend of mine says it runs pretty well
<chadouming> true
<Mardos> jeez $332 a month for a 2013 hyundai elantra - insurance sucks in ontario
<chadouming> steam for linux :D
<datagutt> hm
<chadouming> Mardos, OMG
<datagutt> there will be steam for linux
<chadouming> is that with a deductible
<chadouming> ?
<datagutt> @google steam'd penguin
<bbqbot> Valve Linux Blog - Steam&#39;d Penguins - http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/
<datagutt> ^
<chadouming> like you pay the 1st 500$
<addi> but can't blame Linux I guess, companies need to support it. but they don't.. $$$$$
<Mardos> 500 deductible 2013 hyundai elantra lease
<Mardos> full coverage
<Mardos> i have a very crappy record
<datagutt> you can play all the left 4 dead 2 you want
<Mardos> 3 speeding tickets so im considered high risk!
<datagutt> thats the only ported game
<datagutt> :p
<koud_> :)
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<chadouming> lol, your problem then
<koud_> who has time for games anyways
<chadouming> didnt learn after the 2nd ticket ?
<bbqbot> derp
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<chadouming> i sometime have time for game
<datagutt> buy an ouya
<datagutt> @google ouya
<bbqbot> OUYA: A New Kind of Video Game Console by OUYA — Kickstarter - http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ouya/ouya-a-new-kind-of-video-game-console
<datagutt> lool
<chadouming> they got 4 milion !
<datagutt> Yeah
<datagutt> they got 2 million the first day or something
<datagutt> and its open...
<datagutt> piracy and cm10 here i come!
<datagutt> :p
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<datagutt> (they will probably hinder piracy somehow, but ey its rootable so not impossible)
<IamSachin> there was just one bug in testing for S3 for cm10. if all goes well then xplod might release an experimental :)
<addi> as long as the butter works, all is well :p
<datagutt> Netchip will fix it
<addi> <datagutt> Netchip will fix it
<datagutt> he will fix all
<addi> xD
<datagutt> even my meizu
<IamSachin> lol, netchip already fixed it in some universe :P
<datagutt> (notice how i drag them into everything)
<chadouming> hmm, ok , so if understand that ouya thing, in fact, they simply take a raspberry pi, boost it with a tegra 3 chipset, they invented a controller that goes on android (ALL the devs) and modded android ?
<chadouming> that's it
<chadouming> and they got a strange facial movement girl
<datagutt> its a phone without the phone
<datagutt> well its cheap
<datagutt> maybe too cheap to get money out of
<datagutt> might sell it with a loss
<datagutt> but i got the hope, and 99$ less in my account
<chadouming> well, they still got the 4 millions in kickstarter xD
<datagutt> yeah
<chadouming> i'd buy an usb otg cable and use xbox 360 controller on my phone
<datagutt> it supports bt aswell
<datagutt> wii remote here i come!
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<hillerstorm2> playing n64 emu on my old lg p990 sucked with a ps3 controller
<hillerstorm2> my old transformer*
<chadouming> instead of paying 99$ for this, i'd pay 210$ for this http://www.asiapads.com/product_info.php?cPath=190&products_id=2217
<hillerstorm2> no true analogue input
<chadouming> mali-400 instead of tegra 3
<chadouming> + 3.5" HDD support
<chadouming> :D
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<addi> why the hell don't all Android game devs enable their games to stay on and running in the background is beyond me. really stupid
<addi> downloading data, send game to background, go back and see it restart -.-
<addi> pawitp,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> y u no speak
<Mardos> i wish the logitech revuew had root!
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<Kaik541> chadouming: "wifi doogle support"
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<chadouming> yup
<Kaik541> not dongle
<Kaik541> doogle
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<chadouming> lol
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<Mardos> i will send a new revue to anyone that can root it lol
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<Mardos> got my usb OTG amazing using keyboard and mouse wireless lol
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<chadouming> mardos : BT keyboard and mouse ? trully wireless
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<slainer68> does the latest i9300 nightly includes open source hal ?
<IamSachin> yeah
<slainer68> trying it now.
<IamSachin> hmm...cm10 build is imminent too...donno when though
<slainer68> i've noticed that taking a photo for example does not cut the sound yay :)
<IamSachin> :)
<Mardos> chadouming yes ! its awesome lol
<chadouming> xD
<Mardos> s3 us got it before us!! lol
<IamSachin> s3 US got cm10 build???? :O
<bbqbot> derp
<Mardos> yes mam
<slainer68> :trollface:
<chadouming> i mean, with BT keyboard and mouse, you dont need the usb otg cable
<Mardos> not bt
<neoD|ml> telling wifi to "not be enabled with screen off" hasnt worked since 1st nightly, doesnt work on stock after 2nd firmwareupgrade either :/
<Mardos> its a usb wireless
<IamSachin> i hope they release it today, international s3 cm10 experiment build
<Kaik541> neoD|ml: it takes 15 minutes for wifi to turn off with that setting
<chadouming> yeah, i mean, why dont you get BT keyboard and mouse for truely wireless experience ?
<neoD|ml> oh ok Kaik541
<slainer68> what won't work in JB till sammy leaks? now that hal is open sourced =).
<IamSachin> slainer68: everything is working
<neoD|ml> why would you use keyboard and mouse for your mobile? for TV viewing?
<IamSachin> its under internal testing by peterperfect
<Mardos> meh i want the usb otg for usb disk
<IamSachin> only bug is audio while calls is being routed to speakerphone
<akSeya> i want usb otg for a USB to Serial adapter
<Mardos> yes and gaming ps one lol
<slainer68> IamSachin: woooooooooooo
<IamSachin> slainer68: check this
<chadouming> lol
<slainer68> i'm fapping right now guys xD
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<neoD|ml> new nightly sgs3 :)
<IamSachin> :o ????
<IamSachin> my nandroid backup is ready
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<IamSachin> waiting for experimental sgs3 cm10 :D
<IamSachin> ohh kill me
<Mardos> how
<IamSachin> i thot cm10 experimental is out :P
<Mardos> only for US s3
<neoD|ml> i mean cm9 IamSachin :)
<IamSachin> its ready actually :P
<IamSachin> waiting for the release
<neoD|ml> im waiting abit
<neoD|ml> dont want 500 bugs :)
<IamSachin> :)
<chadouming> lawl : http://www.fuckyouapple.com/
<neoD|ml> lol
<chadouming> anyway, out for a 802.11g snack
<neoD|ml> ^^
* wifi is away: dinner
<Didou> cm10 realease today ?
<IamSachin> # boycottapple :D
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<neoD|ml> cm9 changelog?
<IamSachin> @google cm9 changelog
<bbqbot> CyanogenMod nightlies changelog for Galaxys2 - http://cm-nightlies.appspot.com/%3Fdevice%3Dgalaxys2
<neoD|ml> yeah s3
<neoD|ml> have googled it
<neoD|ml> but was too lazy to google more i guess
<IamSachin> @google netchip
<bbqbot> netchip (NetchipTl) on Twitter - http://twitter.com/netchiptl
<IamSachin> :P
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<suikhei> hello. for n7000, why do I need to flash a custom kernel if I only want clockworkmod recovery? i want to stay as stock as possible for the moment, just have recover for nand backups.
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> suikhei, because recovery and kernel are combined on Note
<addi> can't have one without the other
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<suikhei> so there is no more /recovery partition on the note?
<addi> well, if it was there before, it's there now
<addi> but some Samsung devices don't have a separate recovery partition
<addi> i'm talking in general
<suikhei> hmm, so i need to investigate some more then :)
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<suikhei> in case of cyanogenmod, does it flash a kernel on the note as well, or does it use what is on it already?
<suikhei> my thoughts are, if I flash a kernel with recovery, and then install cm, it will overwrite the kernel and I will lose recovery as well...
<suikhei> if there is no /recovery partition that is...
<addi> CM flashes a kernel
<sinc> what makes you think that the CM kernel doesn't have CWM also?
<addi> can't make AOSP ROMs work with stock kernel on Samsung devices
<addi> it does
<addi> you should simply flash CF-Root and be done with it
<sinc> there's really no way around it, you'll have to have an custom kernel to flash CM and to boot it
<addi> i don't see the fetish of 'staying as close to stock as possible'
<addi> but since you have that, flash CF-Root if you only want root and CWM
<addi> don't understand*
<suikhei> I searched for info about CF-root, and many people seem to have wifi issues
<neoD|ml> derp
<addi> derp x2
<xplodwild> @eval idiocyLevel()
<bbqbot> 'Netchip did 3 idiot things.'
<xplodwild> @eval increaseIdiocy()
<bbqbot> 'Netchip did 4 idiot things'
<suikhei> ok, i guess I am convinced, I'll get cyanogenmod on the note
<addi> suikhei,
<neoD|ml> but
<addi> "If you get wifi issue or partial root after flashing CF root kernel
<addi> Install This from market
<addi> and update it."
<suikhei> so there is no way of getting cyanogenmod directly onto the note from a rooted samsung rom without flashing a kernel first?
<neoD|ml> call it "cm" or "cm9" pls
<neoD|ml> :D
<bbqbot> derp
<suikhei> oh sorry, i guess it is cm9, since no other cm exists for the note
<neoD|ml> i dont know how it works on note but
<neoD|ml> what do you mean flashing kernel first?
<addi> suikhei, you need CWM, either through a kernel or by itself
<addi> that thread I linked to has all methods
<neoD|ml> just get it by itself
<suikhei> basically, I am trying to follow this now: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/Samsung_Galaxy_Note:_Full_Update_Guide
<neoD|ml> cf-root as addi says
<suikhei> addi: can I get the play link unshortened? :)
<addi> and after you install CM9, CF-Root goes away anyway so no WiFi problems
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<suikhei> ok, thank you all for the info, I shall study it now :)
<neoD|ml> never used busybox
<neoD|ml> what is it
<neoD|ml> derp!
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<addi> neoD|ml, it apparently allows more functionality along with root to apps
<addi> no one uses it directly :p
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<neoD|ml> ok :o
<addi> for example, MyBackup Root says using busybox can make backups and restores faster :X
<neoD|ml> goes fast enough as it is :D
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<Poo-teen> hi all
<neoD|ml> soo addi, looking forward to cm10?
<neoD|ml> ppl are crazy about it
<peterperfect> no
<Poo-teen> anyone uz swype beta?
<peterperfect> cm10 is canceled
<neoD|ml> is that so
<peterperfect> because of potatoez
<IamSachin> i use swype
<IamSachin> peterperfect: hows the testing going?
<neoD|ml> are you trolling
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<peterperfect> IamSachin pretty...little things to be good to go
<Poo-teen> IamSachin is der some way to change language switching method?
<bbqbot> derp
<Poo-teen> long pressing space is shit
<neoD|ml> what did i miss
<neoD|ml> :<
<akSeya> Poo-teen, swype beta here
<Poo-teen> also, dat stupid voice search button
<Poo-teen> it makes me mad
<Poo-teen> akSeya i know
<akSeya> oh.. but as far as I know, there is no way to do that
<Poo-teen> i use swype beta too
<Poo-teen> it was nice to switch language by separate button
<akSeya> i was mad before because I missed the Carriage return key on messages
<akSeya> on SMS I mean, i just got that stupid smillie icon
<Poo-teen> and now i have to lose 2 seconds on switching language
<Poo-teen> smilies button is awesome
<akSeya> not if it repeats on 8 screens and there is no carriage return >.<
<akSeya> I prefer smilies button on Z long press :D
<akSeya> and agree with the language switch..
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<Poo-teen> i thought that someday cm9 default keyboard will have separate lang switch
<Poo-teen> but with no luck
<Poo-teen> so i decided to use swype again
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<Poo-teen> soeh
<Poo-teen> is der some way to flash cm9 on stock sgs2 under mac os?
<peterperfect> dunno
<akSeya> Poo-teen, i think you can with heimdall
<peterperfect> Poo-teen y u on stock
<Poo-teen> akSeya well ... i think i cant explain how to use heimdall to other guy)
<peterperfect> y u do this tu yourself?
<Poo-teen> peterperfect that's not me
<peterperfect> ah ok
<Poo-teen> i made my friend to buy sgs2 instead of iphone 3gs
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<Poo-teen> and now i want to make him uz cm9
<Poo-teen> instead of bloatwiz
<akSeya> oh.. but this one is for cm7.1
<addi> neoD|ml, not really, only things I really need are navigation button customization and theme chooser, otherwise I'm fine with stock
<addi> i'm not crazy about any ROM, CM or otherwise. that's for kids :p
<akSeya> i'm convincing my girlfriend to use CM9 on her sgs2 :P
<akSeya> just waiting for the stable release
<peterperfect> w00000000000000000000000000000000000000t
<peterperfect> @bomb addi
<bbqbot> addi, you have been challenged!
<addi> let her use what she wants damn you, or she'll nuke you to oblivion
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
addi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
<Poo-teen> akSeya i'll read it thanks
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<peterperfect> :D
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<addi> and it proves my point xD
<Poo-teen> my hot wief doesnt like cm9 :(
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<addi> peterperfect, I was a big fan of CM before I had a GNex. with GNex, everything is fine xD
<Poo-teen> she likes bloatwiz cartoonish interface
<Poo-teen> addi now you haz iphone?
<peterperfect> ICS for with touchwiz is still GB
<addi> Poo-teen, a lot of people prefer TouchWiz over AOSP
<addi> doesn't mean they are wrong and you are right ;)
<addi> no u
<addi> GNex
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<Poo-teen> oh
<Poo-teen> i got it wrong
<addi> :p
<Poo-teen> i see no pros on TW
<addi> you don't, some people do :p
<addi> all a matter of choice really
<Poo-teen> even dialer no haz russian letters
<IamSachin> In a parallel universe, vanilla android uses TW, and Samsung makes it plain
<Poo-teen> IamSachin ye
<addi> i'm fine with both AOSP and TouchWiz or Sense or whatever. not so paranoid about that
<addi> though I prefer AOSP after using the GNex ^^
<Poo-teen> and Apple makes worst phones ever called iPokia
<Poo-teen> i prefer aosp after using htc hd2
<Poo-teen> but cm7 was shit on sgs2
<Poo-teen> and cm9 is fine
<akSeya> just tell me.. what is trebuchet !?
<Poo-teen> so i used 2.3 androidmeda
<akSeya> it's cm launcher by nebkat, right?!
<Poo-teen> ye
<addi> it's cm launcher
<addi> not sure if its only by nebkat :X
<Poo-teen> when u say trebuchet u mean nebkat
<akSeya> what's the difference between trebuchet and googles launcher?
<bbqbot> derp
<Poo-teen> in SOVIET UNION trebuchet is by nebkat only
<addi> akSeya, Trebuchet has a few customization options
<Poo-teen> a few dozens of it
<addi> Google's launcher gives you no settings to play with
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<addi> for me, Apex launcher FTW
<addi> because I bought it :p
<akSeya> hum.. but visually it's basically the same
<akSeya> right?
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<addi> yes
<Poo-teen> soeh i forgot. i should have root to use mobile odin or not?
<addi> of course
<Poo-teen> soeh
<addi> can't access system partitions without root
<Poo-teen> how to get root on stock 4.0.3
<addi> which is what mobile odin needs to do
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<addi> oh wait
<Poo-teen> is it safe?
<addi> completely
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<addi> just match kernel and firmware version
<Poo-teen> there will be yellow triangle
<addi> not with CF-Root afaik
<addi> or is there?
<Poo-teen> soeh i can just flash kernel tar through odin right?
<bbqbot> derp
<Poo-teen> and then use triangleaway
<akSeya> i bought a usb jig :P
<akSeya> from dealextreme
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<akSeya> it resets the counter and removes the triangle
<Poo-teen> akSeya ye but i have no jig
<Poo-teen> also if sw makes it why us hw dongle
<Didou> s3 :(
<akSeya> buy one.. than you can brick your phone and bring it back to life ^^
<Poo-teen> no sorry
<Poo-teen> i dont like bricks
<Poo-teen> and phones wich bork
<akSeya> XD
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* wifi is back (gone 01:01:21)
<akSeya> how do you guys themes your cm?
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<suikhei> so lets see if I understand it correctly. CF-root includes kernel+recovery, I flash it on the note, and when I install cm9 it overwrites kernel+recovery with the cyanogenmod version of it?
<Poo-teen> suikhei ye
<suikhei> and the only way to update cwm is to install an updated version of cyanogenmod? e.g. if I want to test cwm6
<addi> currently, yes
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<addi> CF-Root should soon have CWM 6 as well
<addi> right now it's only in CM afaik
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<suikhei> ok, thank you again for your answers
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<suikhei> you are all doing great things in this channel :)
<suikhei> i think I will try to do it all now
<suikhei> is there a more tested nightly version of cm9 on the note? or a suggested one?
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<noobie_> Hello. After the post at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1727420 was edited today, the download links no loner work. This is about CM for Samsung P31xx.
<noobie_> I meant "no loner work"
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<noobie_> no longer work
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<iTokez> the galaxy tab 2 7.0 isnt working. does any one know where i can download cm9?
<iTokez> the link*
<akSeya> @downloads
<bbqbot> Downloads: http://get.cm
<iTokez> tried it not working
karbowiak is now known as Karbowiak
<iTokez> thanx btw ill go check again
<peterperfect> iTokez works for me here
<iTokez> really ill check with my pc thnx bro
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<Poo-teen> guys
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<Poo-teen> tell me why cm9 haz lower usb speed?
<bbqbot> derp
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<bhanu> hi
<bhanu> ok
<bhanu> i just wanted to know the issues in this experimental build of cm10
<peterperfect> which device?
<bhanu> i9100G
<bhanu> galaxy s2
<MotoMudder> theres an experimental CM10 for i9100g huh? nice!
<peterperfect> yes there is i think....cody did it not sure
<peterperfect> bhanu i dunno take a look at xda
<MotoMudder> how different is that device from i9100 base?
<peterperfect> lots of
<peterperfect> differente chipset
pier|afk is now known as pier
<bhanu> a lot
<Mardos> nothing for the i9300 :(
<peterperfect> i9100 is exynos = very closed
<MotoMudder> lol, figured
pier is now known as pier|food
<peterperfect> i9100g is OMAP = very opened
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<MotoMudder> so the exynos chipsets are now not the greatest?
<bbqbot> derp
<bhanu> true
<bhanu> that's why i have seen people on xda crying because cm10 released for i9100g before the origi
<bhanu> :)
<peterperfect> MotoMudder they are..but hard to deal with on code level
<pier|food> i9100g is i9250's brother
<pier|food> :)
<peterperfect> full closed source and undocumented
<bhanu> they are greatest but not that open
<bhanu> there are some other issues that hinder OMAP also
<MotoMudder> ahh i see
<peterperfect> Mardos we are sharping the edges for i9300 first public build
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<bhanu> that is Samsung's own so...
<bhanu> difficult to break
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<bhanu> programatically
<bhanu> ;)
<bhanu> kool
<bhanu> has anyone got i9100 here?
<MotoMudder> not too far off from it why?
<Mardos> thanks peter
<MotoMudder> wait yea, nm you on G, dont forget the "G"
<peterperfect> bhanu i had it before i300
<peterperfect> i9300
<bhanu> ohk
<pier|food> I have i9100
<MotoMudder> I's on i777 very close to i9100 but not "G"
<bhanu> You might have upgraded it to ICS right?
<bhanu> yup moto
<peterperfect> well...its was CM9
<peterperfect> so yes, ICS
<bhanu> ohk...
<bhanu> what was the RAM shown?
<pier|food> let me see
<bhanu> please check pier
<bhanu> moto one diff i came across in i777 and the internation s2 series
<akSeya> 829MB here
<bhanu> was the camera
<pier|food> 829 too
<akSeya> whyyyyyy!?!
<bhanu> recording in i777 version is 720p max
<MotoMudder> no its not
<Poo-teen> looks like lockscreen weather is bork in latest nighlty :(
<bhanu> while in the other cases it is 1080p
<bhanu> ohk
<MotoMudder> maybe stock
<bhanu> the G version shows 690 on CM9
<bhanu> and 687 on stock
<MotoMudder> but i got 1080, least it states it, havent tested to see if its actually 1080
MotoMudder is now known as MotoMudder-afk
<bhanu> cm does support that
<bhanu> i was talking about the stock
<bhanu> and you see
<bhanu> that is where OMAp differs from its counterpart from the East
<bhanu> has anyone tried deodexing using xUltimate?
<bbqbot> derp
<akSeya> is 829 MB right?!
<akSeya> where is the rest?!
<bhanu> ICS
<pier|food> codeworkx's bank account
<bhanu> :)
<akSeya> :O
Malmis_l has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<bhanu> ICS has architecture that demands extra memory
<bhanu> There is an explanation on xda in some thread
<bhanu> I had read it once
<addi> yeah, and stupidly is not designed for 512 MB RAM devices
<addi> just increase requirements for the heck of it
<addi> and still not be as smooth as other OS
<addi> (though JB is now on similar levels as other OS)
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<Mardos> anyone know where i can buy software for cheap
<bhanu> which other OS are you talking about addi
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<addi> bhanu, iOS, WP7
<addi> or even Symbian -.-
<bhanu> which software?
<addi> huh?
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<bhanu> my goodness
<addi> what do you mean 'which software'?
<bhanu> you haven't used the optimization in android i guess
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<addi> what optimizations?
<bbqbot> derp
<vogli> Will i be able to update to jb from stock rom or omega or will cm9 be required?
<addi> no one has used them
<addi> because ICS is unoptimized shit
<bhanu> I agree that iOS is way too smoother than any other OS but not the rest you quoted
<addi> WP7 is also way toooo smoother
<Lenny> it will be its own rom, you can update from any rom but you will need to wipe
<bhanu> nopes
<addi> maybe not fast as apps take time to load, but the interface itself is quite smooth
<addi> bhanu, i've used WP7 for a month. it's smooth ;)
<Mardos> Im looking for Quicbkooks pro 2012 it as on sale for $99 but now its back up to $199
<vogli> Is the wipe also needed from cm9?
<addi> smoother and faster are two different things though, the latter of which WP7 is not
<bhanu> It is but dont be an android hate-baby
<bhanu> I have used WP7
<addi> heh, i don't hate Android
<addi> but some things in it I do
<addi> just like some things in iOS or WP7 I hate
<bhanu> at present I use Galaxy S2
<bhanu> and iphone 4
<addi> (though I hate quite a lot in iOS and WP7) :p
<bhanu> First time when I upgraded to ICS the stock was a shit and I thought of downgrading to GB
<addi> it's a simple fact that ICS is unoptimized, no matter what you do
<bhanu> but then there were some custom ROMS and kernels also available
<addi> except if you give it quad-core Exynos power
<addi> Jelly Bean is the optimized ICS
<blamesamsung> yup, JB will show you all the butter of android
<addi> heavily optimized ICS
<bhanu> true
<bhanu> i will agree on that
<blamesamsung> jellybean look like a finished ICS
<akSeya> Jelly Bean with butter.. nah
addi is now known as blamechadoumin
<blamesamsung> for me, it's almost an android milestone
<blamechadoumin> yer
<bhanu> Google might have realised the mistakes
<bhanu> LOL
<blamechadoumin> Jelly Bean is the final straw
<blamechadoumin> what single-core and weaker devices needed
<bhanu> yup
<blamechadoumin> ICS was clearly not for them
<vogli> Is jelly bean as smooth as ios?
<bhanu> well i will get the taste today
<bhanu> hopefully
<blamechadoumin> vogli, most of the time, yes
<bhanu> have you already used the JB
<vogli> Thaz sounds really cool
<blamechadoumin> yes, I have a Gnex ;)
<Lenny> vogli, wipe will be needed from cm9 too (more than likely)
<Lenny> its a serious rom change
<bhanu> kool
<IamSachin> Smoothness is not the only factor making an OS good
<IamSachin> iOS sucks in everything else
<blamechadoumin> bhanu, even though it's not available in our lovely India :p
<IamSachin> Yeah, I hate them for not making GNex available in India
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<bhanu> you already bought it from outside?
<bhanu> :)
<bhanu> true sachin
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<blamechadoumin> IamSachin, well, you played right into their hands by buying an S3
<blamechadoumin> ;)
<IamSachin> S3 is one phone I've been waiting for
<bhanu> But it gives all the things that a normal user wants
<blamechadoumin> bhanu, bought from a local shop. no bill/warranty
<bhanu> almost
<IamSachin> Even today I prefer it over GNex
<IamSachin> only thing it is short is late updates
<blamechadoumin> S3 sucks. because it's TouchWiz
<blamechadoumin> and it looks girly
<vogli> Lenny: thanks, then i will stay on onega until cm10 experimental will hit us
<blamechadoumin> otherwise, it's awesome :p
<Lenny> vogli, hopefully it will be soon
<IamSachin> Is it?? try holding one..you'll find that it's good
<IamSachin> iPhone looks girly
<Mardos> i wanted to rename my self to Netchip but it wouldnt let me lol
blamechadoumin was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming [One simply can't blame me]
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<chadouming> @bomb mardos
<bbqbot> mardos, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<Mardos> yellow
<bbqbot> 1
<Mardos> orange
<bbqbot> 0
<Mardos> gay
<bbqbot> BOOM!
Mardos was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was orange]
<chadouming> lol
<vogli> Yes, but lets give them the time they need
<Lenny> lol
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blamechadoumin is now known as addi
<chadouming> idk why, but mardos cant answer that
<Mardos> chad = homo
<addi> IamSachin, S3 looks kinda cute
<addi> = girly
<addi> i held one
<addi> GNex is better
<addi> 10x sexier
<Lenny> girls will struggle to use the s3
<Lenny> screen is too big for them :P
<addi> and I hate that extra wide bezel on S3
<addi> makes it look odd from the front
<IamSachin> I like color of GNex, build quality too..but all you are making is just excuses
<addi> and it has a hardware button
<bhanu> Initially you might addi
<addi> no
<pier|food> @bomb pier|food
<bbqbot> pier|food: You are not allowed to run that command!
<addi> GNex is better
<pier|food> bah
<addi> i have held an S3
<IamSachin> Been using S, S2 and now S3..it gets better and better
<addi> GNex is sexier
<chadouming> ya, Homo sapiens.
<IamSachin> I say S2 is sexier than S3
<bhanu> friends
<addi> me too
<addi> and GNex is the sexiest of them all
<IamSachin> but still, S3 is one good looking phone, if you have a pebble blue
<IamSachin> yeah "my phone is the best" is the motto right :P
<bhanu> Every phone is good in some sense or the other
<addi> yes, never said it's bad, but it's not impressive to me
<bhanu> so lets stop fighting and celebrate googl'e victory over apple
<bhanu> :D
<addi> its design does not make me go wow at any point
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<addi> and the back is simply ugly, specially the camera part
<IamSachin> Get a pitch black rugged custom back cover (not over the body cover)..good to go
<pier|food> i've sgs2, sgs3 and gnex and I do prefer... gnex
<pier|food> call me silly :D
<Poo-teen> pier|food silly
<addi> chadouming, read that xD
<pier|food> ty ^^
pier|food is now known as pier
<addi> IamSachin, um, no, i don't hate anything that much to go waste money on a cover xD
<addi> i is very tolerant of stuff
<IamSachin> Hmm, chalo it's everybody's preference that's the best :)
<addi> yes, i respects everyone's preference
<addi> i also respect people wanting an iPhone or WP7 device :p
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<addi> i'd give an iPhone/WP7 phone to my Mom any day over an Android
<addi> or to my Dad
<addi> or to my sis..
<addi> sad life I live :p
<chadouming> hehe
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<chadouming> sad life but same here
<chadouming> familly is not really "technologic"
<addi> oh, when my Dad calls me to tell him how to do something on the computer, i'm like 'oh noes!'
<addi> WP7 has some really silly limitations, but WP8 I will certainly buy for my family in place of an Android when it comes
<addi> IamSachin, have you handled a GNex?
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<bhanu> guys wish me luck
<bhanu> flashing cm10
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<addi> :P
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<bhanu> fingers crossed
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<kila> Hi all
<chadouming> hi
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<bhanu> done
<kila> the link at xda by codeworkx (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1774541) is just for i9100g or it can be use on i9100
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> kila, that thread is for I9100G
<addi> so it only works on the G variant
<kila> ok thanks a lot
<addi> you can NOT use one device's ROM on another no matter how similar they may be
<addi> the hardware underneath is different
<bhanu> people good night
<bhanu> now I will play with the jelly bean today
<kila> ok
<bhanu> nice talking to you
<bhanu> and am trying to build my custom ROM
<bhanu> will let you know if that happens some day
<bhanu> LOL
<bhanu> please help me if anyone of you can
<kila> Still no JB rom for i1900
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<IamSachin> netchips tweet : I'm going a few days on *real* holidays. AKA limited internet (:/), no builds (maybe I can... depends on internet speed and testers) (1/2)
<neoD|ml> anyone know app who can show me how much mA is being used charging it?
<IamSachin> Ass always makes dumb reasons
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<Lenny> well tbh he might actually be going on holiday
<Lenny> but doesn't mean he would have had a build if he was not :P
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<Kaik541> lol netchip
<Kaik541> of course he makes some major improvement RIGHT BEFORE not being able to make it available
<Kaik541> makes total sense
<mauimauer> he got a s3 now, right?
<Lenny> don't think he does
<Lenny> but I might be wrong
<IamSachin> Kaik541: he has been almost fixing Wifi and Audio since day 1 of JB release :P
<peterperfect> netchip haz a nokia n95
<mauimauer> virtual progress is better than no progress at all
<mauimauer> he's a marketing genius
<mauimauer> the treal morons are those who dare to install the "stuff" he releases ;)
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<Lenny> especially when he has done kernels
<Poo-teen> soeh?
<Poo-teen> i9100 JB is soon?
<Espenfjo> never going to happen
<Poo-teen> Espenfjo y?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> Because it will not work until Samsung releases either source code, or binary blobs
<Espenfjo> So atleast never going to happen until Samsung releases 4.1 for it
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<Poo-teen> Jelly Bean is not my lover
<Poo-teen> She's just a girl who
<Poo-teen> says that I am the one
<Poo-teen> But the kid is not my son
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<EvilBelgian> Lol there's a Cm10 clearly I have not been paying attention in here lately
<EvilBelgian> @download galaxys2
<bbqbot> Download at: http://get.cm/?device=galaxys2
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<IamSachin> i9300 US CM10 is out....i9300 international is not :(
<mauimauer> well...completely different SoC
<IamSachin> this says its almost ready :)
<peterperfect> i9300 intl almost ready too
<peterperfect> and so?
<mauimauer> i know that ;)
<EvilBelgian> how can there be a CM10 there's isn't even a stable release of cm9 yet
<peterperfect> :D
<IamSachin> peterperfect: why u no release? :P
<peterperfect> EvilBelgian who says that?
<IamSachin> EvilBelgian: I find Cm9 more stable than stock on my SGS3
<EvilBelgian> peterperfect...I say stable as in
<Mardos> lol netchip
<EvilBelgian> go to get.cm and click on stab
<EvilBelgian> stable*
<peterperfect> EvilBelgian nightly is more stable than stable
<peterperfect> and also
<peterperfect> i think cm should get rid of this naming strategy in future
<peterperfect> it just messes noobs head
<EvilBelgian> I read the g+ post
<EvilBelgian> everything makes sense now
<IamSachin> peterperfect: that audio bug is fixed??
<EvilBelgian> Been busy with work had no time for flashy...only flashing away from RC1 now
<peterperfect> IamSachin yep
<peterperfect> hail xplodwild
<IamSachin> xplodwild: FTW :D
<addi> xplodwild,
<addi> whats up dood
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<cantIntoCode> addi: have you played dead trigger?
<bbqbot> derp
<cantIntoCode> its pretty awesome
<cantIntoCode> one of the few games I have actually been playing
<addi> cantIntoCode, yeah
<addi> and it runs completely smooth with Tegra 3 effects on GNex :O
<addi> i had to pirate Tegra 3 version after I bought normal version from Play Store for $1 :p
<IamSachin> peterperfect: build must be imminent then
<cantIntoCode> yeah its £0.75 here
<addi> soon as I saw that price, I bought without thinking :D
<addi> Madfinger Games deserves it
<cantIntoCode> my friend told me to buy it so I thought it was worth a go
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<IamSachin> " :) "
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<addi> cantIntoCode, have you tried Mass Effect Infiltrator?
<addi> that's another game I can't stop playing
<cantIntoCode> nope any good?
<cantIntoCode> ahh
<addi> that and Dead Trigger
<cantIntoCode> £4.75
<cantIntoCode> pricy
<addi> pirate it! :p
<addi> i got links if you wants u_u
<chadouming> blackmart !
<addi> nah, i goes mobilism :p
<Mardos> mobilisim sucks too much ads
<addi> no ads here. Ad Blocker FTW :p
<Mardos> blackmart alpha is bess
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<IamSachin> 20 mins ago, xplod tweeted: Do you promise not to bitch because of minor issues on #i9300 ?
<IamSachin> :D :D :D
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<cantIntoCode> IamSachin: =)
<IamSachin> Even in Androidify avatars xplod looks much better than netchip :P
<cantIntoCode> LOL
<IamSachin> cantIntoCode: I guess cm10 experimental is coming now :D
<chadouming> keep guessing :/
pier|afk is now known as pier
<IamSachin> chadouming: dont kill my hopes mate :P
<chadouming> dont wanna kill your hopes, just dont wnat to give you fake
<IamSachin> i trust xplod to the core, been testing for him since ICS very early days :)
<chadouming> lol, he didnt said he was giving away CM10 like that
<IamSachin> :(
* Poo-teen goin to write his own version of JB. With black jack and whores.
<IamSachin> lol :P
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Poo-teen is now known as MeHazHotWief
* MeHazHotWief !
<chadouming> MeHazHotWief, futurama . . .
<MeHazHotWief> why sammy is so sammy?
<bbqbot> derp
DarkAlchemist has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
<MeHazHotWief> what futurama?
<MeHazHotWief> never watched it
<chadouming> Poo-teen goin to write his own version of JB. With black jack and whores.
<chadouming> that's what bender
<chadouming> said
<MeHazHotWief> didnt see it
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<kubawww> hi if anyone knows where i can get newest cm9 kernel?
<kubawww> i want to set auto brightness but with siyah i can set only till 3000
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MeHazHotWief was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming [MeHazHotWief]
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<MeHazHotWief> chadouming WHY!?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> BECAUSE I CAN
<akSeya> muahahuhau
<MeHazHotWief> chadouming you'd beta ansa me
<MeHazHotWief> akSeya don laugh at me
<chadouming> @timer 60 kick MeHazHotWief
<MeHazHotWief> or you'll be shemale
<chadouming> @kick MeHazHotWief
MeHazHotWief was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [MeHazHotWief]
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<akSeya> it's chadouming laugh
<MeHazHotWief> chadouming stop that you
<kubawww> does anyone konow!!?
<MeHazHotWief> konow wow!?
<kubawww> know;)
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<kubawww> mehazhotwief where to dwnload cm9 kernal?
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<MeHazHotWief> kubawww just flash cm9
<MeHazHotWief> you'll get cm9 kernel
<Perka> flashed cm10 on my sgs and this is what I get. Any solution? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=28920429&postcount=84
<Perka> padde:
<akSeya> me wanna cm10
<Perka> ops sry
<MeHazHotWief> Perka looks like you have to decrypt storage lawl
<MeHazHotWief> akSeya why noone ansa me about usb issue?
<bbqbot> derp
<kubawww> i know that;) but im using paranoid;) the problem is auto brightness
<MeHazHotWief> kubawww oh
<MeHazHotWief> kubawww then you have to flash cm9 and use cm9
<akSeya> ^^
Mardos has quit []
pier is now known as pier|afk
<Perka> MeHazHotWief: yea but whats the password? I dont have any
<kubawww> oh oh:) i want to set it properly but i cant set above 3000
<MeHazHotWief> Perka dunno. I didnt set it.
<Perka> I did not do it
<Perka> ;)
<MeHazHotWief> akSeya did you set password for Perka?
<kubawww> mehaz if you doesnt know just say ;)
<Perka> nope
<xz> Perka, there is something broken with cm10
<MeHazHotWief> kubawww there's no separate cm9 kernel
<Perka> I made a clean flash with latest samsung rom, then cm10
<akSeya> nope
<xz> Perka, did you tried wipe ?
<Perka> I have nothing on my phone just cm10
<Perka> wiped ofc
<MeHazHotWief> Perka see akSeya didnt set it too
<IamSachin> xplodwild...waiting :D...promised as u asked :P
<Perka> sure
<MeHazHotWief> i thonk chadouming did it
<xz> Perka, try removing sd card
<Perka> cant
<Perka> ;)
<xz> why?
<Perka> just have internal
<xz> ohh :)
<akSeya> i bet it was xplod
<IamSachin> netchip tweet: I should code my own #jellybean audio hal as xplodwild isn't going to open source it.
<Perka> will iwpe and flash again
<akSeya> oh oh oh.. it must have been netchip
<Perka> MeHazHotWief: sure
<xplodwild> IamSachin: /****** NETCHIP ANTIKANG - Please keep this while we're in preview *******/
<xplodwild> Binaries are safe too
<xplodwild> :p
<IamSachin> glad :)
<xz> Perka, It's very strange.
<MeHazHotWief> it is 0:44 here
<cantIntoCode> xplodwild: LOL
<MeHazHotWief> and i am eating pizza
<MeHazHotWief> ._O
<IamSachin> it's like we are saving our women and goats from a serial rapist :P
<xz> Perka, I'm very sorry but I don't have solution for you.
<Perka> np
<MeHazHotWief> anyone use lockscreen weather on latest nightly?
kubawww has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<Ravenheart> i do
<MeHazHotWief> logcat says something wrong with parser data
<Ravenheart> works fine
<MeHazHotWief> Ravenheart id doesnt for me :(
<MeHazHotWief> FUCKIN MAGIC!!!
<MeHazHotWief> Ravenheart fixed it for me
<Ravenheart> wut how did i do that
<MeHazHotWief> Ravenheart dunno
<MeHazHotWief> you're magician
<Perka> xz: wiped all again and now its fine yay
<xz> Perka, I'm glad it works for you.
<Perka> thx
<koud_> anyone remember how long it took for first ICS leak to come for sgs2?
<bbqbot> derp
<MeHazHotWief> koud_ no
<IamSachin> yes
<IamSachin> it was leaked in december 2nd week
<MeHazHotWief> NO
<MeHazHotWief> IamSachin why cm9 usb speed is so low?
<IamSachin> and there was a conflict between cody and sammobile
<IamSachin> IamSachin: coz of the force, use the force :P
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<MeHazHotWief> IamSachin talking to yourself?
<IamSachin> nope
<MeHazHotWief> MaRLo - [A State Of Trance Radio Top 20 June 2012 #09] Showgrounds (Original Mix)
<IamSachin> use mtp, better faster smarter
<MeHazHotWief> tha's freaking beautiful
<MeHazHotWief> IamSachin does mtp works on cm9>
<MeHazHotWief> ?
<Ravenheart> yes
<Yash_> which phone are you'll talking abt ??
<IamSachin> oh yeah
<Ravenheart> everything works on cm9 :)
<Yash_> ??
<bbqbot> derp
<Ravenheart> am with a galaxy s2
<Yash_> the g or non g ?
<Ravenheart> I9100
<Ravenheart> exynos
<MeHazHotWief> i9100nong
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<IamSachin> Bad Luck Brian: Does not masturbate all month. Gets testicle cancer.
<IamSachin> requirement: you gotta be sexy chick
Baskey is now known as SexyChic
<xplodwild> true this
SexyChic is now known as SexyChick
dixipix has quit [Quit: Lämnar]
<SexyChick> DONE
<xplodwild> lul
<SexyChick> NOW MARRY ME, LG
SexyChick is now known as Baskey
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<cantIntoCode> lol
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<IamSachin> geared up :D
<IamSachin> nandroid check
<IamSachin> battery check
<akSeya> where is cm10 i9100 buuuild!? :(
<IamSachin> it will follow up, requires more hacking than i9300
<akSeya> can't wait for it :P
<xplodwild> Shitstorm in...
<xplodwild> 3...
<xplodwild> 2...
<IamSachin> :D
<xplodwild> 1...
<xplodwild> "Submit New Thread"
<IamSachin> Yippie :D
<IamSachin> am i the only one who is hyper excited here?? :P
<bbqbot> derp
<koud_> xplodwild: congrats :)
<akSeya> congratulations!!!
<akSeya> i wish I had a s3 :(
<Baskey> ditto
Didou has joined #teamhacksung-support
<IamSachin> 4 mins remaining..cant wait :D
<IamSachin> 95mb gapps :P
<Didou> IamSachin, cm10?
<IamSachin> yeah :D
<IamSachin> just released
<IamSachin> for s3
<Didou> Nice
<Didou> :D
<IamSachin> experimental preview...careful :)
<Didou> I dowloading , so my phone is bricked :D
<Espenfjo> hm, what is this E/SchedPolicy( 1870): add_tid_to_cgroup failed; background=0
<Alram> Poor FM radio
<Alram> It's like the old grandpa right in between all of the new kids
<IamSachin> lol..sadly many people use it
<Alram> I do twice a day for an hour
<akSeya> xplodwild, is Spirit UL working on CM10 ?
<IamSachin> i ll try and tell u
<IamSachin> dont hassle him :P he'll close the thread otherwise :P
<akSeya> :P
<akSeya> sry
<IamSachin> he actually put that warning there :P
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<Didou> cm10 not release on S2 ?
<IamSachin> okk flashing now...Geronimooooo
<akSeya> just saw it.. but I was just curious.. I don't even have s3 yet :P
<akSeya> Didou, it will follow up, requires more hacking than i9300
<akSeya> IamSachin, XD
<Didou> ok
<akSeya> "Stress-test our download cluster" lol
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<Alram> Yeah
<Alram> Started at 47 kb/s
<Alram> Now at my top speed
<Alram> Nice cluster! :)
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<marcos> Hey
<akSeya> hou
<Baskey> what's up dood
<IamSachin> guys this is fucking awesome :D
cantInto_ is now known as cantIntoCode
<marcos> Anyone know how to fix my google account ? contacts synchronization stopped working
<IamSachin> its sooooo smooooooth
<IamSachin> akSeya: I ll make a video and post soon
<Baskey> IamSachin: maek it nao
<akSeya> naaao
<IamSachin> soon = now + 5 mins.. :P
<akSeya> :P
<marcos> Sync is currently experiencing problems. it will be back shrtly
<marcos> :(
<cantIntoCode> IamSachin: can you mirror jb gapps?
<cantIntoCode> dev-host is taking forever
<IamSachin> yeah
<IamSachin> lemme do that
<IamSachin> mediafire?
<cantIntoCode> yes :)
<cantIntoCode> cheers man
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<Didou> it's verry low
<marcos> build jul 15
<Didou> to dowload
<marcos> anyone have any idea ?
<IamSachin> uploading...3 mins remaining
<IamSachin> i wont mirror the ROM, in honor of devs :)
<IamSachin> here you go...JB gapps
<bbqbot> derp
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<akSeya> s3 owners... you lucky bastards
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<cantIntoCode> IamSachin: cheers
<IamSachin> cheers man :)
<IamSachin> xplodwild: shall i put this link on the thread too? http://www.mediafire.com/?5l2cwiph1gkp177
<xplodwild> IamSachin: I'm mirroring on d-h
<IamSachin> okk :)
<xplodwild> IamSachin: but wait, uploading preview 2
<xplodwild> did a bad thing
<IamSachin> okk
<akSeya> IamSachin, rollback rollback!!!!
<IamSachin> lol :P
<xplodwild> wow
<xplodwild> BBQ is having 17MB/s incoming
<IamSachin> congos :D
<xplodwild> bacon is dying slowly
<xplodwild> and chorizo does his best
<xplodwild> xD
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<Alram> I like my bacon fried
<Cym> Thanks for the official builds ;-)
<Alram> So if the server fries I will have no issues with this whatsoever
<xplodwild> I'm going to kill the sessions on one server at least
<xplodwild> so I can upload preview 2 in less than an hour xD
<IamSachin> whats the difference?
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<xplodwild> fixed an audio bug
<xplodwild> ok uploaded preview 2 on bacon
<IamSachin> the audio routing to speakerphone bug?
<xplodwild> nno
<xplodwild> audio not working at all
<xplodwild> xD
<Cym> @changelog p3110
<xplodwild> did a mistake in a quickfix
<IamSachin> didnt notice :P
<xplodwild> ok build 2 uploaded everywhere
<xplodwild> killing down apaches
<xplodwild> well, nginxes
<Didou> Preview 2 lol :D
<IamSachin> i m flashing preview 2 over preview 1 :P first one to get an update
<akSeya> reading some random news.. everything seams so bitter...
<IamSachin> butter* u mean :P
sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|afk
<akSeya> no.. bitter
<akSeya> i want some sweet for my s2
<Didou> akSeya, me too
<akSeya> we shall be the next
<akSeya> :P
<IamSachin> definitely s2 and then note
<akSeya> :P
<xz> s2 will not get 4.1
<IamSachin> already in work by cody :)
<xz> yamaha is such a bitch, refuses to cooperate
<xz> ohh, sweet :)
<IamSachin> supercurio + cody = can kill yamaha
<xz> there is #aospsgs2 channel on freenode
<xz> they are also trying to get android 4.1 on i9100
<xz> they should work together
<akSeya> but netchip is without internet for some days.. we will have to wait
<IamSachin> actually thats a good thing
<IamSachin> netchip might make something too faulty
<xz> Netchip also annoys me.
<akSeya> but.. without him, cm will copy from whom!?
<IamSachin> cm doesnt copy
<xz> The kid thinks he can steal someone else's work without consequences.
<akSeya> XD
ciwrl|work is now known as ciwrl|away
<Alram> netchip is still in school
<Alram> he's like 15 or something
<IamSachin> he is being boycotted by all the major forums
<xz> He isn't even 15.
<IamSachin> his friend paradoxxx is 16
<xz> He's only skill is unzipping.
<akSeya> are they doing something.. or just building what is done already?
<Alram> i like how he said that teamhacksung thinks hes a threat
<IamSachin> they wait for CM source code
<IamSachin> use whatever they want
<IamSachin> put their name on it
<Baskey> @geo user xz
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for xz
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~xz@90-191.tau.pl
<IamSachin> and ask people donation for other people's work
<bbqbot> {"range":[1540184064,1540185087],"country":"PL","region":"75","city":"Biala Podlaska","ll":[52.0313,23.1214]}
<xz> akSeya, they are unziping ready roms
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<IamSachin> i remember once netchip distributed nandroid backup to restore for ICS
<Alram> i know what dutch 15 year olds are like
<Baskey> yeah, that was last year
<Alram> i was one as well
<Alram> think we know the world
<Alram> and then look back 6 years later thinking what the fuck was going on back then
<akSeya> is he learning something at least!?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> netchip is like 13
<Baskey> or sth
<Baskey> so...
<Cym> anyone know if codeworkx has made any changes to the h/w video decoder for the p31xx and p51xx roms that just got added to the official build server today?
<xz> He was 12 few months ago.
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<Baskey> that's even worse
<IamSachin> nobody would like to risk costly devices to such kids
Entropy|work is now known as Entropy512
<Baskey> unless you are posh nebkat
<Alram> his english is pretty good for his age
<Alram> thats all i can say
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<davednut> congrats guys
<akSeya> well.. going home..
<akSeya> c ya
<Cym> i wonder who will get cm10 first
<Cym> besides the obvious
<xplodwild> wut bbqbot?
<xplodwild> I think there is WAY more downloads than planned xD
<Alram> first rule of hosting
<Alram> expect way more than you expect
<davednut> can put on ftp and web serve if needed?
<davednut> 16mb upload
Jiangyi has joined #teamhacksung-support
* Jiangyi is finally back home
<DarkAlchemist> (xplodwild): You post JB for probably the most popular new phone, and expect b/w not to get totally raped?
<Jiangyi> lol
<Veyka> xplodwild: Good job collecting all the fucktards in the sgs3 section into one area
<Veyka> Now I just need a gun and we can be rid of them all in one fell blow
<DarkAlchemist> (Veyka): Banhammer!
<Jiangyi> Oh this I've got to see. :-P
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<Cym> Why are you borking it?
<Cym> I guess the merging didnt go so smoothly
<Veyka> DarkAlchemist: I wish
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<xplodwild> Veyka: I just made your life a disaster :p
<Veyka> xplodwild: And I just shrunk your thread, howufeel? :P
<xplodwild> :p
sixstringsg|afk is now known as sixstringsg
<xplodwild> it's so funny
<xplodwild> people are saying so much dumb things
<xplodwild> it's fun so far
<xplodwild> "Anyone tried another kernel ?" - 30min after release
<Veyka> I kind of dare not hit the refresh button :(
<xplodwild> "Can someone upload Camera.apk?" - Camera now part of Gallery
<xplodwild> "I noticed that shortcut on menu to Play Store doesnt work. " - Most important feature ever
<Veyka> You should open a CM general thread tbh
<Veyka> It worked well on the sgs3
<Veyka> *sgs2
<xplodwild> there's one for CM9 afaik
<xplodwild> was from someone random
<Veyka> Make an official one, link it in your OP
<Veyka> I start getting idiots who dont read banned
<Veyka> Everyone profits
<xplodwild> cm9 or 10?
<Veyka> You wanna do a combined CM general one or split the CM9 and 10 up?
<Veyka> Its upto you mate
<xplodwild> better split
<xplodwild> otherwise it'll be a shitfest for users
<Veyka> :Thumbsup:
<xplodwild> let me do one for CM10 first
<xplodwild> then I'm off to sleep xD
<Veyka> Yeh
<Veyka> Sounds good :)
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<Veyka> Add to the OP/make a post in the thread, and I will keep a close eye on both for a bit
<Veyka> While people get used to it
<xplodwild> done
<Veyka> Cheers
kalpik has joined #teamhacksung-support
<xplodwild> Play Books is just overpriced
<xplodwild> looking for some cool nerd books, about C++ for example
<xplodwild> 29eur
<Jiangyi> lol those questions plus GApps questions have been asked over 9000 times on the I9100G CM10 thread too.
<cantIntoCode> xplodwild: most online book stores are really expensive
<cantIntoCode> when you can go to a book store in town and get it for half the price
<xplodwild> Blender book => 25eur
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<xplodwild> cantIntoCode: yeah absolutely
<xplodwild> it's just abusive there
<koud_> :P
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<Entropy512> cantIntoCode: Yeah. I bought the original B&N Nook
<Entropy512> barely used it
<Entropy512> when I could get paperbacks
<Entropy512> FROM FUCKING B&N
<Entropy512> for less
<cantIntoCode> tell me about it
<cantIntoCode> especially programming books are really expensive for the ebook
<Jiangyi> lol
<cantIntoCode> and go into a book store and its much cheaper for the paperback
<Veyka> Entropy512: You feel like looking at a logcat of the sgs2 random network drop issue? ;)
<Jiangyi> paperback ftw. :-P
<Entropy512> Cryptonomicon was something like 50% more expensive as ebook than paperback
<Jiangyi> Nothing like a good old book.
<Entropy512> Veyka: someone who owns an I9100 should do it
<Entropy512> er look into it
<Entropy512> seems very specific to certain modems
<Entropy512> try a gingerbread modem
<Veyka> Entropy512: If i experience the same issue with this modem, ill give my old fav XXKI3 a shot
<Veyka> And gotcha, ill stop bugging you then ;)
<Entropy512> I'm still on UCKH7 on my I777
<Entropy512> UCKK6 was shit
<Entropy512> I just don't trust anything newer as AT&T seems to be on a quality-destruction rampage
<Entropy512> UCLE5 is without any doubt, the shittiest Samsung ICS release to date
<Entropy512> except for maybe the I717 or Shitrocket releases
<Veyka> Bahaaha
<Jiangyi> Damn. I have to redo my entire VMWare setup. Didn't give the VM enough space to work with the first time around. :-(
<Entropy512> seriously, the I9100 leaks from February were probably more stable than UCLE5 is
<Cym> hmm.. H/W video decoding has not crashed yet. :-o
<Cym> could it be fixed now?
<Cym> did not crash on the first show
<Entropy512> also, in addition to not owning an I9100, my primary focus for the next 2-3 weeks is still Superbrick
<Veyka> Samsung's ICS stuff is pretty blah
<Entropy512> meeting Samsung engineers this weekend
<Jiangyi> Oh yeah, I should probably flash to CM10 now. :-P
<Jiangyi> Almost forgot.
<cantIntoCode> effective c++ : google play books: £22.44, amazon: £25.19 for paperback
<Veyka> Is the I777 susceptible to it?
<Entropy512> Veyka: I9100 is "pretty blah" - I777 ICS is "epic turd from hell"
<Entropy512> yes
<cantIntoCode> £3 more and you get the hard copy
<Entropy512> in fact we got bit long before I9100 with UCLD3 leak
<cantIntoCode> I know what I'd buy
<Jiangyi> Entropy512: Ask them why I9100G hasn't bricked yet. :-D
<Entropy512> but fortunately, we already had fully functional custom kernels
<Veyka> Entropy512: Heh.. Its like samsung's shit plus AT&T shit
<xplodwild> off to sleep, 'night
<Entropy512> That I can't figure out, my guess is there's some sort of erase blocker in the kernel
<Jiangyi> Gnite!
<Entropy512> yeah, AT&T can fuck anything up
<Veyka> Well considering the G is not a exynos
<Entropy512> every I777 release has been absolute poo
<Veyka> Might be a diff eMMC ship or firmware?
<Entropy512> G has a confirmed vulnerable MMC chip
<Veyka> Aaahh
<Entropy512> but there might be some difference in the host driver
<Jiangyi> Wait, are Qualcomm S2s bricking?
<Cym> bricking from bad software?
<Veyka> Mhmm
<Veyka> Bah, I want jellybean
<Veyka> brb posting in SGS2 CM10 thread asking for it on sgs2
<Veyka> >__>
<Veyka> <__<
<Veyka> D
<Veyka> :D
<Cym> so jelly bean is supposed to be harder to hack because of the random memory blocks
<RoBz> apparently
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
<Jiangyi> I thought it was partly because of the 9100's crappy DAC.
<Cym> it is nice to know that jelly bean offers a direct API to the hardware video decoder
<Cym> that should make it easier to port
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<Cym> Codeworkx, you are awesome.
<Cym> I think the H/W video decoding is fixed
<Cym> :-)
sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|work
<Jiangyi> Cym: Which device are you on?
<Cym> the tab 2
<Cym> he just added it to the official nightly today
<Cym> i have a p3110
<Cym> but i think it is the same for all p31xx and p51xx devices
<Cym> well i just watched an hour of video that was crashing it before and it did not crash
<Cym> i am very happy
<Jiangyi> Ah.
<Cym> there was a problem with it being able to handle variable bitrates
<Jiangyi> Yeah I was wondering why Tab 2 took so long to merge. :-P
<Cym> decoding mp4 with the hardware acceleration
<Cym> yah i did not want to bother him
<Cym> :-)
<Cym> it was worth the wait
<Jiangyi> Well, I've been using DICE Player for all my videos, and it handles everything fine unlike the stock player, but I expected that. :-P
<Cym> yeah but all the players use the same chip for hardware decoding
<Cym> so every player seemed to be affected by it
<Cym> but I heard BSPlayer was not affected because it uses its own hardware acceleration driver
<Cym> im not sure how that would work
<Jiangyi> :-|
<Cym> i figured the driver was in a kernel module
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<Cym> but you guys are cranking out the fixes fast
<Cym> really happy now
<Cym> I was not sure if i made a mistake by not getting the nexus 7
<Cym> but im happy to have this kind of support
<embersoaker> Has anyone else had the assert build prop error? My device is a galaxy s2 but when I try to install the experimental cm 10 build its failing that test
<Jiangyi> embersoaker: S2 as in I9100G?
<embersoaker> yes
<Jiangyi> Ah OK. No need to yell "NO CM10 FOR I9100" then. :-)
<Jiangyi> What are you flashing from?
<embersoaker> cm 7.1
<Cym> thats a jump
<Jiangyi> ........
<Jiangyi> There is no CM 7.1 for I9100G......
<embersoaker> one sec, going to reboot phone. I know its 7.x
<Cym> some devices should not even try to run 4.0+
<Cym> i guess the S2 has 1 Gig RAM?
<Jiangyi> embersoaker: If it is, then you don't have an I9100G.
<Jiangyi> Cym: Yeah. :-P
<embersoaker> gt-I9100 is the device and cm 7.1.0 is what i'm running
<embersoaker> checked under settings -> about
<embersoaker> Cym: it does, yep
<RoBz> dont go near that cm10 then
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<RoBz> its for the i9100g
<Jiangyi> OK, so I do get to yell then.
<embersoaker> ah, thank you robz
<embersoaker> bring on the yelling Jiangyi
<embersoaker> sorry guys
<Jiangyi> NO CM10 FOR I9100!!!!! For now anyways. :-P
<Jiangyi> Yeah, go near it, and your phone will explode. Or at least soft-brick. lol
<Cym> so all the devices are built off the same tree and when he merges cm10 for one device, then they will all start building cm10?
<Jiangyi> Cym: What? o.o
<Cym> im just trying to understand the source tree
<Cym> there must be common code for all devices
<RoBz> some common code yeah
<RoBz> but the i9100g has a different CPU and GPU
<Cym> so it verges on the kernels
<Jiangyi> well, not just the kernels. :-|
<Cym> yah and the hardware
<Cym> which is mostly in the kernel
<Cym> but the framework and stuff is common?
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<Cym> I guess its the "and stuff" part I dont get :-)
<Cym> I need to buy a PC
<Cym> this x586 is not cutting it to build ICS
romann|afk is now known as romann
<Jiangyi> Umm...
<Jiangyi> @google x586
<Cym> heh
<Cym> i may be exaggerating a little
<Jiangyi> lol
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<Cym> Have you guys ever experienced a problem with ClockworkMod Recovery and backing up long file names?
<Cym> and disabling the progress meter is a known workaround?
<Cym> with "touch .hidenandroidprogress"
<Cym> I know all these builds are not the same
<Jiangyi> Umm... I rarely back up, and everytime it worked fine, so I don't know. :S
<Cym> so maybe the one from codeworkx does not have that problem
<Cym> yah me neither..i always backup when there is nothing on the device
<Cym> i didnt have the problem when i made a backup
<Cym> but i just read about other people
<Cym> just curious
<Cym> not every version of is the same i think
<Jiangyi> Well, from what I've seen with the I9100G, there seems to be a great variation between some people's phones.
<Cym> depending on the device
<Cym> yah
<Jiangyi> Some have camera issues while I have none; Some have vibration issues while I have none. :-|
<Cym> the bugs can be device specific and not just version specific
<Cym> and the devices have versions
<Cym> so its complicated
<Jiangyi> Yeah =|
<Jiangyi> Who knows what Samsung did in these devices? lol
<Cym> we have two variables
<Cym> actually more
<Cym> depending on how many versions of the device there are
<Cym> yah when one part runs out, they use a different make
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<Jiangyi> S2 has at least 2 different camera modules from what I've heard.
<Cym> and different hardware in the different regions too
<Cym> yah
<Cym> what is up with people needing an unsecure boot image after taking an OTA update.
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<Cym> but not if they update with odin
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<Cym> the build prop was set to read only in the latest update or something
<Cym> err something in the build.prop
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<Cym> im glad i never took any updates before i rooted this
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<Cym> well, thanks for everything
<Cym> im off to sleep
<Cym> until the next episode
<Cym> peace out
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