bbqbot changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | GETT SMARTSTAY EX NAO | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <codeworkx> samsung phones are accidents | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
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<bobnormal> i have an sgs2 that was booting to many popup errors, making the device unusable. decided to flash with cyanogenmod to fix. i flashed with?'heimdal kernel zImage' and now the thing wont boot except to recovery. i have no microsd but don't want to lose the photos on the device. possible to protect photos via some cwm recovery feature before factory reset?
<Jiangyi> bobnormal: Factory reset doesn't wipe out your photos.
<bobnormal> jiangyi: perfect.
<Jiangyi> Yeah, it's only your installed apps that'll be gone.
<ibrahima> if you can get into CWM you can always adb pull your photos just to be sure
<Jiangyi> That too^^
<Jiangyi> bobnormal: Just don't touch format /sdcard and format /emmc and you should be OK.
<bobnormal> how do i get photos mounted in sgs2 under cwm? i can get shell but cant find path to adb pull them
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<Jiangyi> bobnormal: Should be /emmc/DCIM or something.
<bobnormal> jiangyi: /emmc is empty
<Jiangyi> bobnormal: Oh yeah, and you have to mount /sdcard/ and mount /emmc.
<bobnormal> ok so i cant get the device to boot at all now. at power on, screen just goes to black then cycles back to charging battery. i can get to cwm recovery though. found a microsd, going to try reflashing and hope for the best.
<bobnormal> what filesystem do i format the microsd as? fat32 i guess
<ibrahima> if you can only get into CWM i dont know that it would be any faster to copy to a microsd vs just adb pull to your computer
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<bobnormal> yay cm9 boot screen .. does it normally take forever to change? its like 1min+ right now
<bobnormal> i am running the latest available nightly
<bobnormal> dmesg shows some cpu1 on/off cycling, and a permission denied error to audio.stub
<bobnormal> i will try fix permissions in cwm recovery screen and a reboot
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<LeandroLM> Sup Guys... I have a question... I'm currently on CM10 [i9100] Can I flash the modem from the stock firmware [BRAZIL- ICS - I9100VJLP7 - 4.0.3]? It works?
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<Jiangyi> LeandroLM: Look at codework|x's ROM Manager page for available radios.
<bobnormal> fix permissions didn't help .. any idea how to get past boot screen?
<bobnormal> 'ps' seems to be unchanging.. i am pretty sure boot has failed somewhere/somehow. does cm9 have a boot log?
<bbqbot> derp
<bobnormal> aha, i get more details in adb logcat
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<Jiangyi> bobnormal: Did you wipe? =|
<bobnormal> factory reset, wipe cache partition, yes.
<bobnormal> but i think maybe wipe cache was applied later than it should have been
<bobnormal> errors in the logcat output seem to be related to write permissions
<bobnormal> since it has upgraded my cwm recovery i think i will retry the factory wipe/wipe cache/install from zip process
<Jiangyi> That seems odd.
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<bobnormal> jiangyi: some errors like E/UserManager( 7824): /data/system/users/0.xml: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) ... and W/UsageStats( 7824): Error : open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) reading data from file:/data/system/usagestats/usage-20120827
<Jiangyi> Yeah I have no idea.
* Jiangyi is not a coder
<Jiangyi> :S
<bobnormal> its just screwed-up embedded linux
<bobnormal> hrrm reinstall still fails
<bobnormal> time to try a non nightly
<bobnormal> oop no it worked!
<bobnormal> win :)
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<MacDrunk> hello
<MacDrunk> anyone here can tell me which is the super user version that came whit cm9
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<MacDrunk> hello
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<simech2> hi, my i9100 won't stay in standby mode. When I turn off the screen (or when it time outs) it immediately turns on agin. In the logcat this is repeated over and over again:
<simech2> suggestions?
<simech2> cm9 btw
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<nebkat> Baskey: DOOOOOOOOD
<nebkat> SHIT GOIN :D
<Baskey> :OOOOOO
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<nebkat> Baskey: FIX THIS DERPY LAPTOP
<pier> mhh
<pier> do you guys know if someone already worked with the NovaThor 8500 SoC?
<nebkat> pier: do we know?
<nebkat> yes, we know
<pier> do u ?
<pier> :D
<nebkat> we know whether someone has already worked with it
<pier> XD
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* pier slaps nebkat around a bit with a large linaro toolchain
<simech2> which of the galaxys2/i9100 repos should be used when committing translations?
<bbqbot> derp
pier was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [nebkat kicks pier what a slap of the keyboard]
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<pier> :p
<nebkat> simech2: what you mean
<pier> jellybean is main branch now, simech2
<simech2> arent you supposed to push changes/suggestions to the repo for the device when it comes to translations?
<pier> if u mean that
<simech2> yes, but has two different for the i9100: "i9100" and "galaxys2-common" something
<pier> why you want to translate a devicetree?
<simech2> because of poor/missing translations?
<pier> translations arent in devicetrees.. well .. if you want to translate i9100 devicesettings yes.. but for other stuff you've to check each package
<simech2> alright. So for most of the settings I need to dig into each individual package?
<pier> no, for settings u've to dig: packages/apps/Settings/res
<pier> and /device/samsung/i9100/DeviceSettings/res
<nebkat> Baskey: IM SCARED BASKEY
<pier> yup simech2 : all those values-
<Espenfjo> getprop error 7 is assert error, right?
<pier> yep Espenfjo
<Espenfjo> hm, ok
<Espenfjo> odd
<pier> playing with edify ? :P
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> no, an user is having problems installing my n8000 rom
<Espenfjo> a user
<simech2> thanks, pier
<pier> ah
<simech2> just hoping I can get the git and all up and running properly :P
<pier> Espenfjo: for i9100 .. we use TARGET_OTA_ASSERT_DEVICE := galaxys2,i9100,GT-I9100,GT-I9100M,GT-I9100P,GT-I9100T
<pier> this saved a lot of headaches
<pier> bbl
pier is now known as pier|znc
<Espenfjo> hmm, yes
<Espenfjo> := c0,n8000,GT-N8000
<Espenfjo> Thats what I use
<Espenfjo> Should be OK
<simech2> I can't use the github applicaton for mac to commit changes directly, right? And submit it through the review system instead?
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<Jiangyi> simech2: Yes, you must use Gerrit.
<Jiangyi> simech2: What language? :p
<simech2> Norwegian :P
<Espenfjo> :D
<simech2> knew it :P
<Jiangyi> ^^
<Jiangyi> simech2: I've never done it with a Mac, so I can't offer you help should you run into any issues. :-|
<simech2> alright. I'll give it a try tonight, and hopefully I'll manange with the help of google :)
<Espenfjo> I think you would have to download the whole source
<Baskey> nebkat: WHA WHA WHA
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<simech2> do I need to set up the enitre build environment just to submit changes? Wouldn't setting up gerrit/git be sufficient?
<Jiangyi> Umm.....
<Jiangyi> Someone remind me please: What phone uses the tuna board?
<Jiangyi> o_O
<Jiangyi> simech2: You need to repo sync the entire CM source.
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<Espenfjo> Just the part you are going to translate might be sufficient, tho.
<simech2> I'll find out. Thanks, anyway :)
<Jiangyi> Well, I have to translate everything, so I sync'd everything. lol
<Espenfjo> Or.. well
<Espenfjo> The best solution is to learn english ;)
<Jiangyi> xD
<Espenfjo> Unless its for old people
<Jiangyi> Too many English-illterates in China. :-P
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<fantom89> hello, how do screnshot the CM10 in the P5100?
<bbqbot> derp
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<nebkat> Baskey: DUDE PLEEZ VISIT LODZ
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<Baskey> NETCAB
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<Baskey> NEBCAT
<bneenb> hey baskey
<bneenb> sup?
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<nebkat> Baskey: GET THEM
<nebkat> hey Peter`Pan
<nebkat> hey peterperfect
<nebkat> peterperfect: /invite meh
<Baskey> bneenb: ohai dude
<peterperfect> ohai
<Baskey> nebkat: PAY ME FIRST
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<peterperfect> nebkat join
<peterperfect> nebkat join serbian!
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<nebkat> Baskey: I PAY U WHEN MY PC ARRIEV
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<chadouming> dizko you here ?
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<Jonthan> hi
<Jonthan> hi
<Jonthan> hey
<Jonthan> hi
<Jonthan> hi
<Jonthan> hiii
<bealtine> did you say hi enough times yet?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jonthan> could help in something
<Jonthan> ??
<gladiac1337> just ask :)
<Jonthan> is I have a galaxy s2 and only hear on speaker
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<Jonthan> ??
<Jonthan> Who can help
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<Jonthan> hii
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<Jonthan> hi
<bealtine> sounds like a hardware problem...bring it to a repair shop
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<chadouming> jonthan : say hi again, i dare you. I double dare you mofo
<nebkat_> chadouming: i'll handle this
Jonthan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat_ [idiotte]
<chadouming> mah
<bealtine> no op tennis?
<gladiac1337> no bomb? :)
TeMpTiN has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<chadouming> @bomb gladiac1337
<bbqbot> gladiac1337, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<gladiac1337> 42
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
gladiac1337 was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
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<chadouming> bealtine, wanna try something ?
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<chadouming> gonna throw a bomb at you, try to answer it correctly
<chadouming> if you have it, i never bomb you again
<bealtine> unpossible
<chadouming> yup
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<chadouming> it's possible to answer, like any other bomb
<gladiac1337> blue...
<gladiac1337> oh well
<bealtine> its always the blue wire on the tv
<chadouming> @nuclearbomb bealtine
<bbqbot> bealtine, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bealtine> blue
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
bealtine was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was red]
<chadouming> nuclearbomb ftw :D
<gladiac1337> without 42-cheat...
<chadouming> @unban bealtine
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<chadouming> best function evah after skynet
<chadouming> you wont know what happen with skynert
<chadouming> skynet
<chadouming> when you see it it's too late
<chadouming> require special password :D
<bealtine> just unplug it
<bealtine> ctrl-alt-del it
<chadouming> yup, unplug all the computer
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<chadouming> @geo host
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1337542656,1337544703],"country":"PL","region":"84","city":"Starachowice","ll":[51.0519,21.0883]}
<Baskey> Y U SPYING
<chadouming> cause i dont like
<chadouming> you
<chadouming> so i need to know you more
<Baskey> damn
<Baskey> I'm scared
<nebkat_> Baskey: s/Starachowice/LODZ/
<Baskey> nah, I'm not from Starachowice
<Baskey> wrong city
<Baskey> nebkat_: HEH, LODZ, HEH
<nebkat_> Baskey: DEY BE HOLDIN IT FOR 18 HOURS DAWG
<nebkat_> FIXIT
<nebkat_> Baskey: :O
<nebkat_> peterperfect: /inviet
<Baskey> nebkat_: y dell, idiotte?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> alienware all teh wai
<bealtine> a dull pc?
<Baskey> I like your style
<bealtine> alien is dull too
<nebkat_> lol
<nebkat_> this is better than the best alienware offer
<nebkat_> alienware had real old shit
<chadouming> alienware is way overrated
<bealtine> i like to build my own stuff...much more fun
<nebkat_> chadouming: /invite plz
<cdesai> come nebkat_
<Baskey> join the dark side
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<nebkat> Baskey: WHAT IF I CALL MY TANK GAME "TANX" xD
<nebkat> Baskey: i am ROFL xD
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<Thracky> nebkat: may want to google that name first :P
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<Thracky> I feel like maybe it was used before
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<pmgnet1> Anyone know what the USB spec requirements are for S3? I can't get anything but the one cable from samsung to support ADB/USB
<bbqbot> derp
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<tincmulc> quick question: (device: s3 international, i9300) Does the modem have anything to do with wifi, or is everything wifi related embeded in the kernel?
<chadouming> kernel
<chadouming> modem only take care of the communication to cell network
<tincmulc> thanks
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<tincmulc> Device: sgs3 int, cm9 stable, problem: no wifi; on a freshly installed rom the /data/ isn't there (so I can't delete it), but after copying the from a Samsung rom (from the nandroid), wifi works, but the file (and wifi with it) doesn't survive a reboot. Any suggestions?
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<akSeya> hello
<akSeya> folks, I'm running latest cm10 experimental on my i9100. I'm just wondering about the RIL/Baseband compatibility people are talking about
<pier> akSeya, if you're worried.. use getril from market and align them
<akSeya> i got GetRil and it recommends another RIL. I guess codeworkx puts latest RIL (not sure though), must I change baseband to align it?
<akSeya> yeah, what is the better option? update RIL or the Baseband?
<codeworkx> don't touch it if you don't have problems
<Espenfjo> I didnt have problems, and touched it
<akSeya> i have some.. i get no signal from time to time
<Espenfjo> now I have a shitload of problems
<pier> codeworkx, +1
<Espenfjo> mad angry
<akSeya> lol
<chadouming> Espenfjo, you still dont know the gold rule ?
<Espenfjo> fu
<pier> cody.. what's the ril on the muppets? LPT?
<codeworkx> dunno
<pier> gonna check
<pier> yes, proprietary_vendor_samsung/i9100/ jellybean = LPT
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<EgotisticalElf> @supported
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<siontx> Hello @ all
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<siontx> Can some help me sich my Brocken kernel on Samsung Galaxy s2 GT-I9100G USB Problem ?
<siontx> I have install Prosper driver because I have testet with the same Samsung Galaxy s2 GT-I9100G Form a friend and all works but only with my the USB connection do not work so my only way that i See is root the device with a eigene kernel er with a APP and install cwm and flash Form cwm a New Rom with complete New kernel er I am wrong ?
<siontx> Here I have try to flash a custom kernel
<siontx> But dos not work
<Thracky> you won't get any help with custom kernels here
<Thracky> fyi
<siontx> And hier my system
<siontx> I need not really hell with custom kernels i need help to root the device
<siontx> Look on the my system picture i dont have install a custom kernel er custom firmware
<siontx> My Smartphone is Brocken i cant connect it with a Computer over usb
<Thracky> then getting root will be very difficult.
<Thracky> if not impossible.
<Thracky> you need to get it into download mode, flash a cf-root kernel, then install the rom of your choice with clockworkmod recovery.
<Thracky> flashing the cf-root kernel can be done with odin or heimdall
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<nebkat_> chadouming: invite
<Thracky> but if your usb connectivity isn't working at all, it's not likely to work.
<nebkat_> datagutt: invite
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<siontx> Thracky you dont understand me download mode starts but the device dos not work
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<siontx> Forget Odin er heim all I have try both
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<siontx> My driver s are proper only with this device allways come the message unkown usb device
<EgotisticalElf> instal lthe official samsung usb drivers
<siontx> I need a signed kernel that includes root rights
<EgotisticalElf> no, you need usb drivers for your pc
<siontx> Only way Tod flash is over recovery mode or I will need a app hat root the device
<siontx> No one unterstand me or ?
<EgotisticalElf> you need drivers for your pc so your phone is regonized while in DOWNLOAD mode
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<siontx> I have the USB driver s with the same setup the same Smartphone Form a friend all works fine
<EgotisticalElf> select the unknown usb device and tel it to update driver. it may find it
<siontx> It is a Problem oft this Smartphone no driver problem
<EgotisticalElf> fine, i'm out
<siontx> That dos not work
<siontx> Is there no way Tod extract the stockfirmware to get the kernel and build a root kernel that is signed ?
<siontx> So that I can flash this kernel Form recovery mode ?
<asenci> if you mod the file it looses the sign
<asenci> otherwise the sign process would be kind of pointless, don't you think?
<asenci> have you tried installing the drivers and connecting your phone on another pc?
<siontx> Yes but Kern s is there a way to resign it after modding
<asenci> sure...
<asenci> if you have the key
<siontx> Perhaps not Kern
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<asenci> you can sign it as much as you want
<siontx> Witch key ?
<asenci> the priv key used to sign the original rom
<siontx> Do you asenci know a way to geht root rights with out Odin or heimdall
<siontx> Does some one have the priv key ?
<siontx> Or I have to change it on the hard way by using a Hardware nand flasher ?
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<asenci> sorry... just the download mode process
<siontx> How nand ways I have I think only this to nandflahser or signed root kernel or I am wrong ?
<siontx> Download mode dos Start but no way only unkown device and Yes for the 1000 time driver are proper i have to find a another way sorry
<asenci> your best bet is to try fixing the drivers
<asenci> have you tried it on another pc?
<siontx> Or I have to send the device back to shop because its not proper working flash co unter is 0 and stockfirmware is oft course on it
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<siontx> It cant be the driver same Modell of device Form a friend works perfect on the same Computer with out and problems it is a device error
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<siontx> Tiere is no other way I have make a hard reset oft the device vor recovery mode no change
<asenci> i'd try on another pc before sending to the shop...
<asenci> it ALWAYS can be the driver... something learnt from years of experience.. :P
<siontx> If I would have only driver problem then i dos not search here for help on work i have everday driver problems and fix it by my self ;)
<asenci> whats the vendor and device ID detected when you plug the phone in download mode?
<siontx> Sorry but it cant same device GT-I9100G works only this one not
<siontx> There is no vendor nothing
<siontx> Unkown device only on Windows Odin show nothing
<siontx> No way
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<Adamastor2> Hi everyone. Im new here. i just wanted to ask you guys a question.
<siontx> I neee something like z4root but for GT-I9100G
<nebkat_> Adamastor2: welcome to teamhacksung support!
<Adamastor2> Im trying some CM10 nightly roms on my samsung galaxy s i9000, i just want to aks if there is anyway to update to a newer version without installing all the apps again
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<nebkat_> Adamastor2: WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PIC
<pmgnet2> Does cm10 have the custom light levels for S3 that cm9 had for S2? When I am outside, the brightest display is too dim.
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<zcat> nebkat_, what have you done to "my" bbq changelogs?! :)
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<nebkat_> zcat: they should be back now
<zcat> nebkat_, I need an account now? (
<Thracky> isn't that it?
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<zcat> Thracky, redirects. same thing.
<Thracky> wierd, works for me.
<Thracky> clear your cache :P
<asenci> Thracky: working fine for me too
<zcat> i've shift-reloaded a bunch of times already
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<siontx> Have solution found ^^
<siontx> Normal update over wifi
<siontx> If the stockfirmware is downloaded the install starts from alone
<siontx> I hope then USB Problem will fixed after update
<datagutt> zcat: sorry
<datagutt> we had some problems
<datagutt> should be fixed now
<datagutt> :D
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<asenci> is anyone else having mic issues on tabs with cm10? headset mic (from a galaxy s2) doesnt work in call. works fine on voice search and on cm9 though. p5100
* akSeya wants to build my own Android custom ROM with a very easy-to-use interface, without sacrificing the possibilities!!!!
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<bjorn_> maybe a dumm question buit howlong does the first bootlogo use to be
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<g_byers> um why do you need 600,000 euros again O_o
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<Allen_R> was wondering how the nightlys for the cm10 for i777 is it a daily driver yet
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<Jiangyi> Allen_R: There are no nightlies for i777.
<DuperMan> thanks, I love my TESV:Skyrim CE
<DuperMan> why asking?
<DuperMan> yo Jiangyi, u have?
<DuperMan> the game
<Jiangyi> huh?
<Jiangyi> o-o
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: I only haz BF3 atm lol
<DuperMan> I wsa drunk stupid n' depressed
<DuperMan> got g1 1983 megatron and collector's edition skyrim on the (s&h) not included) cheap:)
* DuperMan <3 being that facile
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<Jiangyi> o_O
<DuperMan> very a gun
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<DuperMan> too drunk n' jaded to shoot worth crap
<DuperMan> :)
<asenci> the awkward moment when you realize your fapping lotion made into the shot...
<asenci> lol
<DuperMan> it's hair cream which I knoly ever used to wank
<DuperMan> and who gives a rat's ass?
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<DuperMan> not suggesting I'd take
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