chadouming changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | SmartStay Ex available now ! | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting. If you have a problem, fill this first :
<frankdrey-g1> Alright
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<zamotcr> Hello, in CM9.1 with stock everything, do you have problem taking pictures with the front camera?
<logcat> read the topic
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<zamotcr> which part?
<Jiangyi> The last part about filling out the form should you have problems.
<zamotcr> oh, i see, ok, i will fill it then
<zamotcr> done :
<zamotcr> :)
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<whitequark> DuperMan: hi
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<androcheck> trim kommando windows
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<lordnike> hello, anyone to report something about the cyanogenmod 10 for gt-9100?
<lordnike> @nebkat are you here for a technical asistance?
<bbqbot> lordnike: Command does not exist!
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<p_l|backup> ...?
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<frankdrey-g1> p_l|backup, the band I'm in drove me crazy today :|
<p_l|backup> ... acquaint yourself with some band-follower of appropriate sex?
<frankdrey-g1> Wha?
<bbqbot> derp
<p_l|backup> frankdrey-g1: just suggesting ways of dissolving the crazy
<frankdrey-g1> But how would that help?:/
<frankdrey-g1> I'm not following a band :P
<frankdrey-g1> I'm in one :|
<frankdrey-g1> And they keep screwing me over
<frankdrey-g1> Heading into my solo for one song at 200 bpm instead of 130 :\
<p_l|backup> frankdrey-g1: that's why I suggested acquaintaining yourself with a band follower. That's the tradition, isn't it? ;)
<frankdrey-g1> Its a worship band in a church. No one follows it exactly. :P
<p_l|backup> ouch
<frankdrey-g1> And I already have an "aquantaince". She's totally in love with some other blonde blue eyed dude
<frankdrey-g1> :\
<frankdrey-g1> So yeah :P
<p_l|backup> Ok. I'm not sure if asking someone to kill you gets around the dogma against suicide or not
<frankdrey-g1> Hehe, yeah, I'm kidding :P
<p_l|backup> also, the going rate for assasination seems to be ~40k USD, afaik
<frankdrey-g1> Lol
<frankdrey-g1> I should content myself by updating to the latest cm nightly ;_;
<p_l|backup> frankdrey-g1: internet is the cesspool that will make you learn things you never expected to know
<frankdrey-g1> I know...:p
<frankdrey-g1> And......practice tomorrow is cancelled
<frankdrey-g1> We're playing Friday
<frankdrey-g1> YES
<frankdrey-g1> The leader told me that if the rest of the band can't get the tempo right when we practice before playing Friday, we just won't do the song
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<roniez> morning alles.
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<bigbrovar_> Hi guys, I have cm9 stable running on the sgs3, was wondering if the nfc sync on that device is compatible with the sgs3 running stock samsung's android? (their S beam) I dont have a sgs3 to try it out.
<bbqbot> derp
<bigbrovar_> Just want to know if its possible to send contacts and stuff to a sgs3 device since its the device most people are getting in Nigeria and don't wanna be left out :p
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<roniez> bigbrovar_: how you mean send contacts and stuff to a sgs3 device? what is stopping you from not being able to do it?
<roniez> u mean contacts and etc that is stored locally on your phone? and not on your account profile?
<codeworkx> bigbrovar_: since when do we call stock roms "android"?
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<bigbrovar_> codeworkx: I mean samsung's implementation of android... the one which ships with their devices (hence stock in relative to them)
<bigbrovar_> roniez: I read somewhere that Sbeam which is the feature on the sgs3 for transfering stuff via nfs is only compatible with other sgs3s .. and by extension sgs3s which comes with stock samsung firmware
<roniez> bigbrovar_: ur transfering from what device/
<bigbrovar_> roniez: I have the sgs3 running cm9.. I was wondering if it would be possible to transfer contacts and playlist to the sgs3 running touchwiz via NFC
<codeworkx> bigbrovar_: probably not then. but you can transfer stuff to ALL other phones.
<codeworkx> i rly hate those koreans
<codeworkx> and their cheap plastics crap
<roniez> bigbrovar_: Codeworkx has a point on this, but there is alternatives u could use.
<bigbrovar_> codeworkx: thanks. I wonder why they decided to implement their NFC in such a way to make it break compatibility with standards
<cdesai> bigbrovar_: they always do that
<cdesai> Android Beam works just fine
<bigbrovar_> cdesai: one more reason to use cm.. I rather be compatible with the rest of the world
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<nikorette> hey guy
<nikorette> guys*
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<RoBz> anyone else getting loads of processes crashing on the latest nightly?
<nikorette> just wanted to ask does incall audio go through dock with the lastest nightly
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<jellbean> does wifi direct works now???
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<jellbean> wifi direct does it work with anybody????
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<nikorette> 9anyone?
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<scelestic> im trying to figure out why my galaxy s2 keeps 'locking' the sim card and needs a pin unlock randomly (the device doesnt reboot, seems just the modem/sim getting locked)
<chadouming> look at topic
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<scelestic> i'll try to pull a log tonight, it's not my phone and i dont have it here, seems to be kernel related after a bit of googling
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<scelestic> seems disable sim card lock is a workaround for now
<DuperMan> scelestic: sounds like it overheats and the contacts fidget du to the heat
<DuperMan> just a hunch, but you'd think something like this would be better reported+randomly is a metaphor in this context
<Skeith> hi there, can i ask a question about cm10 on SGS2?
<Skeith> i've 2 little problems
<Thracky> lol
<Thracky> chadouming: I wish people would actually use that, but I feel like they won't.
<Thracky> chadouming: 99% of people won't read the topic or even know how to :P
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<Skeith> i suppose that i've to take that like a "No" answer
<Eps> hii all
<scelestic> DuperMan: overheat might also be something indeed, but it doesnt reboot though, uptime is fairly high, battery use is bad atm though
<addi> Skeith, just ask what you want to ask
<addi> no need to ask permission for asking a question
<chadouming> thracky it's simple to tell them xD
<scelestic> but yeah, i haven't even did a logcat, and i dont have the phone
<Skeith> oh, ok
<chadouming> Skeith reda the topic
<Eps> does anyone has the same problem as me? when i flash the CM10 Rom my wifi doesnt seem to work
<Thracky> chadouming: spam people with that part of the topic when they join :D
<Thracky> like 100 messages
<Thracky> lol
<Thracky> If you have a problem, fill this first :
<Skeith> well, first problem: after the flash the phone randomly ask me the pin code, there is a way to fix it? second problem: the screen off animation don't work all the times (some days never work), it is normal because it's a nightly?
<Thracky> chadouming: Can I fix the English on the form?
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<chadouming> give me your email
<Thracky> thracky@gmail
<Thracky> so ccmplex
<Thracky> :D
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<Thracky> got it, I'll have it all nice shortly :)
<chadouming> good
<chadouming> if you see other usefull question to ask, add them
<Thracky> I assume for the known issues you mean the hacksung wiki issues?
<chadouming> yeah, or on the thread for each respective device on XDA
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<Thracky> K it's all fancy now
<Thracky> well, not fancy, but just fixed up the verbage
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<tidus> Hi everybody
<tidus> I flash (from a cm9) the last CM10 nightly on my SGS3 et it simlocked back my phone, anyone know why?
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<DarkJobber> Hello
<DarkJobber> can someone tell me, when will be stable cm10 released?
<bbqbot> derp
<DarkJobber> estimate
<loswillios> christmas
<peterperfect> 2045
<DarkJobber> :-D
<bealtine> when its ready probably
<peterperfect> rule number 0 of cyanogenmod
<peterperfect> one no ask for eta
<DarkJobber> yeah i understand but im greenhorn at cm, and i cant find how long u work at cm9
<peterperfect> but DarkJobber, whats your device?
<DarkJobber> sgs3
<peterperfect> its stable enough
<peterperfect> whats your concern?
<DarkJobber> really? its perfect
<DarkJobber> intl
<bealtine> perfect?
<DarkJobber> i think
<peterperfect> well, its perfect for me
<peterperfect> i have no bugs at all
<peterperfect> its fast
<bealtine> its better than perfect its peterperfect
<peterperfect> xD
<tidus> why when a newbie ask a stupid question, every body answer a joke :)
<peterperfect> ts me!
<peterperfect> tidus cause its fun
<DarkJobber> and what about iOS6 :-D
<DarkJobber> jokingly
<bealtine> fun...
<peterperfect> DarkJobber but what are your concerns?
<peterperfect> about cm10
<tidus> I want answer too, even stupid answers lol
<bealtine> this is irc afterall
<peterperfect> no no
<peterperfect> this is wikipedia
<DarkJobber> peterperfect i read something about camera and fm
<bealtine> i find cm10 pretty stable on my sgs3
<peterperfect> DarkJobber fm radio will never be supported
<peterperfect> camera works fine
<DarkJobber> ok, after i come home from work i can start flash
<peterperfect> DarkJobber if you dont mind fm radio and tv out, is good to go
<DarkJobber> *came
<DarkJobber> yeah i dont mind fm radio
<peterperfect> and tv out
<DarkJobber> but the camera is quite the most importing for me
<peterperfect> camera is fine
<DarkJobber> ok, thx for ur reply :)
<peterperfect> :)
<tidus> nobody for my simlock issue?
<DarkJobber> good job
<peterperfect> tidus whats your problem?
<DarkJobber> have a nice time, gb
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<tidus> I flashed (from a cm9) the last CM10 nightly on my SGS3 and it simlocked back my phone, anyone know why?
<peterperfect> tidus you had simlock on cm9?
<bealtine> did you wipe first?
<tidus> no , I unlocked my phone before with the app
<Espenfjo> Anyone have any good documents to why Mercurial sucks?
<bealtine> git ftw:)
<Espenfjo> I need to convince my boss that git is better
<Espenfjo> There is a small group at work using Mercurial, and he dont want to use anything else unless there are reasons for it
<bealtine> ahhh
<peterperfect> dear boss, the whole world uses git
<bealtine> the svn syndrome
<peterperfect> tidus which app?
<bbqbot> derp
<tidus> bealtine I did a wipe ... but I don't remember if it was before or after flashing it
<peterperfect> tidus why u no unlock it again?
<peterperfect> there are probably methods for it
<tidus> voodoo galaxy s III unlock
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<peterperfect> aw, dunno if this method still working
<p_l|backup> well, it's pretty rare to find one locked in first place
<tidus> I don't know if the app works on JB and I don't want to do a shit
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<tidus> dunno?
<tidus> aaah don't know
<tidus> (i'm fench)
<bealtine> thats an incureable disease
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<tidus> it seam like this application works on JB
<tidus> will try it later if I have the issue again
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<nikorette> hey peter
<nikorette> anychance you would know if dock mode and incall audio work together on any of the cm roms for sgs3?
<nikorette> or anyone else in the know for that matter?
<peterperfect> sup
<peterperfect> well dont have a dock
<peterperfect> so i dunno
<peterperfect> do you have a dock?
<bbqbot> derp
<nikorette> yes ive tried cm9 stable but unfortunately incall audio is routed through internal speakers
<nikorette> and cm10 stable dock mode doesnt work at all ;\
<nikorette> :/
<nikorette> question as a nightly becomes available to changes/fixes get reverted?
<nikorette> sorry never been into the whole nightly flashing.
<nikorette> o have to go thanks for your time. if you do get an answer can you pm me so i dont have to look through the whole chat. thanks
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<xplodwild> old
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<Xello> alan rickman
<Cristianpark> Hi guys, I'm using CM10 in my SIII and I love it (last time I had some troubles and go back to CM9 but now it works great), I can't find where to disable "old TV effect" when the screen turns off. In CM9 was in screen settings, do you know how can I disable this?
<Xello> maybe its not an option yet
<Cristianpark> I think that too but I'm wondering if there's a way of disable editing some files or something
<chadouming> Nope
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<Cristianpark> mmm ok, thanks guys
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<akSeya> hello folks :)
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<GabMus> hello
<GabMus> could anyone help me with deodexing with baksmali
<GabMus> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<akSeya> i found on Contacts an option to ignore someone calls, is there such option to SMS too?
<akSeya> running cm10 on i9100
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<akSeya> it's a bit quiet in here today...
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<loswillios> akSeya: hm, so the number has to be in the contacts? I'd like to ignore a number without first save it
<akSeya> it's indifferent to me if i must save it or not.. just wanted to block incoming sms too
<akSeya> something like "Incoming SMS to junk/trash"
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<akSeya> loswillios, about not adding the number to contacts, looks like CM 7.1/7.2 has this option, in Settings > Call Settings > Blacklist
<akSeya> but about SMS, can't find this feature.. i guess I'll have to download an app for that, but I add this as a feature request ;)
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<frankdrey-g1> :o
<frankdrey-g1> That form thing is pretty cool :3
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<SuperLeet> O hai thur.
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<frankdrey-g1> Hai
<SuperLeet> Anyone here that has a few minutes of spare time? :)
<frankdrey-g1> More than a few :P
<SuperLeet> can I PM you?
<frankdrey-g1> Depends on what for....
<frankdrey-g1> O.o
<SuperLeet> I'm very confused about the process to get CM10 on my S3
<SuperLeet> I've looked around and either I'm completely retarted or I'm overlooking something
<SuperLeet> *retarded
<SuperLeet> I'm guessing the first, but I'm not sure
<bealtine> root, wipe, flash in cwm
<bealtine> end
<frankdrey-g1> Root?
<SuperLeet> Is that seriously it?
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<frankdrey-g1> Meh, just install cwm?
<frankdrey-g1> root != install cwm :P
<frankdrey-g1> I never rooted my tablet
<SuperLeet> Everyt freaking tutorial I see, starts with an already rooted device with a custom rom on it
<frankdrey-g1> Hold on SuperLeet
<frankdrey-g1> What specific model?
<bbqbot> derp
<loswillios> akSeya: there is no such feature with cm10
<SuperLeet> GT-I9300
<SuperLeet> I already downloaded Gapps and CM10
<SuperLeet> last nightly build
<bealtine> cf-root does flash cwm
<frankdrey-g1> Hold on a second Superleet
<SuperLeet> All I really wanna do is get rid of touchwiz.. I regret not buying a nexus
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<SuperLeet> Will do frankdrey
<Xello> you got Odin?
<SuperLeet> Nope, I haven't yet. Since I'm not sure what the difference between Odin and CF-root is
<Xello> odin is the tool
<Xello> you load cf-root with it
<bealtine> dont need odin
<SuperLeet> this topic right?
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<frankdrey-g1> You made me use the browser on my g1
<frankdrey-g1> Crashed andchat :P
<frankdrey-g1> You have the international one right?
<frankdrey-g1> SuperLeet^
<SuperLeet> yes sir
<frankdrey-g1> There you go
<frankdrey-g1> Follow that guide
<SuperLeet> As I said, I overlooked something
<SuperLeet> thanks man.
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<andrew_> hi all
<andrew_> I want to delete all my contact
<andrew_> how to do it?
<bbqbot> derp
<andrew_> I am using SS s2
<andrew_> CM 9
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<bealtine> manage them on google
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<frankdrey-g1> ^
<frankdrey-g1> Go on gmail from PC
<frankdrey-g1> >Contacts
<frankdrey-g1> And delete em all :3
<andrew_> and then
<bealtine> . /contacts
<andrew_> synch
<andrew_> with my phone right?
<bealtine> then they are deleted
<andrew_> okay thank you so much
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<SuperLeet> I can;t get it into recovery mode >_<
<SuperLeet> That's because I didn't read properly. I'm an idiot.
<SuperLeet> When I try that, it still goes into android system recovery
<SuperLeet> is that ok?
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<peterperfect> SuperLeet no
<peterperfect> SuperLeet you flashed JB leak from samsung?
<SuperLeet> Im following this
<peterperfect> SuperLeet you flashed JB leak from samsung?
<SuperLeet> I haven't flashed anything yet
<SuperLeet> I'm trying to put on CM10, from stock rom.. never rooted/flashed before
<peterperfect> ok
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<peterperfect> SuperLeet codewrox is working on a odin version to cases like yours
<peterperfect> its not the first one with this kind and others problems
<Baskey> @8ball
<bbqbot> Don't count on it.
<SuperLeet> it doesnt load clockwork
<SuperLeet> meh
<peterperfect> sup
<peterperfect> SuperLeet wait for ressurection build
<SuperLeet> Are the nightly build shit?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> SuperLeet no, they are awesome, but they are for ppl that already are ok with CWM recovery
<peterperfect> you are not
<SuperLeet> Alright
<SuperLeet> I fucking HATE touchwiz
<SuperLeet> so basically, I just whiped my phone for no reason? :P
<peterperfect> SuperLeet so you are very welcome here
<peterperfect> everyone who hates touchwiz is my friend
<SuperLeet> hehe
<SuperLeet> I regret buying the S3, would much rather have bought a nexus in the end
<peterperfect> well, so you probably coder0x friend too
<peterperfect> xD
<SuperLeet> A lot of friends in here.
<SuperLeet> Any ETA on that resurrection mod? I'm so sick of this OS and the way it looks
<SuperLeet> I'm not a 12 year old anymore
<peterperfect> hahaha
<SuperLeet> I would've bought an iphone if i wanted that
<peterperfect> codeworkx please bring Ressu for this guy, he is awesome
<peterperfect> SuperLeet he said that he would try to bring it today, lets wait and see
<SuperLeet> wow
<SuperLeet> that would be nice.
<SuperLeet> Did i tell you how much I hate touchwiz?
<peterperfect> ahaha..yeah
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<Baskey> @geo user SuperLeet
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for SuperLeet
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for 52aef86f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<SuperLeet> Wut.
<SuperLeet> Why are you doing this ser
<Baskey> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[1387198464,1387198975],"country":"NL","region":"05","city":"Roermond","ll":[51.2,6]}
<SuperLeet> *sir
<peterperfect> SuperLeet where u from?
<SuperLeet> Netherlands
<peterperfect> SuperLeet just to know where u from
<SuperLeet> I'm not from Roermond actually
<SuperLeet> I'm close though
<SuperLeet> I'm off watching Band of Brothers..
<SuperLeet> Will be back in a bit :)
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<Baskey> @google Band of Brothers
<bbqbot> HBO: Band of Brothers: Homepage -
<SuperLeet> Isn't the play store supposed to redownload my apps?
<SuperLeet> Baskey: you DONT know band of brothers?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> nah, I'm so busy lately
<SuperLeet> Wow, that shit's from 2000
<SuperLeet> Brilliant series man, you should watch it!
<Baskey> lol
<SuperLeet> only 10 episode
<Baskey> ok, I'll do
<SuperLeet> promise me
<Baskey> I PROMISE
<SuperLeet> fuck yeah
<peterperfect> SuperLeet can you develop?
<SuperLeet> Absolutely not, I have zero knownledge about programming android.
<peterperfect> ok
<Baskey> join the club
<SuperLeet> Sorry
<SuperLeet> I can do other stuff though
<SuperLeet> I'm pretty good at impersonating Arnold Schwarzenegger
<Baskey> rofl
<peterperfect> SuperLeet ressurection should be up in a few
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<bealtine> wth is resurection?
<bbqbot> derp
<bealtine> i dont rember flashing with odin:)
<Baskey> :)
pier|znc is now known as pier
<Fissurez> BASKEY
pier is now known as pier|afk
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<peterperfect> SuperLeet
<peterperfect> download ressurection
<peterperfect> flash it with odin
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<SuperLeet> Oh shit
<SuperLeet> serious
<peterperfect> yep
<peterperfect> flash with odin
<SuperLeet> Okay so, i have no idea what to do now
<SuperLeet> haha
<peterperfect> flash gapps
<peterperfect> ahahah
<peterperfect> have you used odin?
<peterperfect> ever
<SuperLeet> nope
<SuperLeet> First time flash
<SuperLeet> haha
<SuperLeet> or whatever
<peterperfect> mother of noobs xD
<SuperLeet> YES SIR
<peterperfect> ok download this shit i linked you
<SuperLeet> done
<SuperLeet> well, in progress
<peterperfect> wait a little
<peterperfect> will give you another thing to download
<SuperLeet> No gay porn please <3
<peterperfect> ahah FU
<bbqbot> derp
<SuperLeet> epic music to listen to while linking me stuff
<Xello> +1 band of brothers
pier|znc is now known as pier
<Xello> best ww2 series by a lightyear
<SuperLeet> First time I'm watching it
<Xello> how far you got?
<SuperLeet> Currently on ep 6.. bastogne
<Xello> ohhh
<Xello> im glad im not in bastogne
<Xello> thats probably the best ep
<Xello> some losses :(
<SuperLeet> it is?
<SuperLeet> I LOVED crossroads
<Xello> think its my favorite yet
<Xello> yea*
<SuperLeet> it is to me
<SuperLeet> absolutely
<SuperLeet> first episode i really enjoyed
<SuperLeet> im kinda meh on ep 6 so far..
<Xello> its the one where they are dug in and cut off from supplies for like a month in the snow?
<SuperLeet> yeah
<Xello> yeah my fave
<SuperLeet> they just got their supplies
<SuperLeet> but dont say anything or I'll have to murder you
<Xello> lol
<peterperfect> Xello stopped closing tasks like a noob?
<SuperLeet> peter I just finished downloading the ress build
<peterperfect> ok
<Xello> btw make sure to watch the pacific next
<peterperfect> download this gapps
<SuperLeet> already have that
<peterperfect> ok hang
<SuperLeet> will do sir
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<peterperfect> SuperLeet put it on your external sdcard
<SuperLeet> another song while we're add it
<SuperLeet> Oh shit, does it have to be external?
<bbqbot> derp
<SuperLeet> *add = at
<SuperLeet> wow I'm baked man
<peterperfect> SuperLeet no doesnt have too
<chadouming> -_-
<peterperfect> chadouming what
<peterperfect> download odin
<SuperLeet> I have no external card
<Xello> whos bright idea was it to start using "sdcard" to describe internal memory anyway?
<peterperfect> Xello samsung
<peterperfect> SuperLeet dont need
<peterperfect> download odin
<Xello> grr
<SuperLeet> Done
<SuperLeet> unzipped
<EgotisticalElf> Xello, the sgs1 all had internal sdcard and a removable external sdcard :)
<peterperfect> SuperLeet reboot your phone in download mode
<peterperfect> SuperLeet can you do this?
<SuperLeet> yes
<SuperLeet> vol down home power
<peterperfect> yep
<Xello> if they get sued it should be for that
<Xello> not some apple patnet thing
<Xello> for causing confusion and lengthening conversations needlessly everywhere, hand over $5b
<Fissurez> if only google used apple maps :D
<peterperfect> SuperLeet open odin put the ressurection file in PDA slot
<SuperLeet> goddamnit it wont boot
<SuperLeet> rofl
<peterperfect> SuperLeet doesnt need home i think
<peterperfect> just power + down
<SuperLeet> ah
<SuperLeet> no wonder
<SuperLeet> <derp
<Xello> The UChicago Logan Arts Center was recently assimilated by the Borg.
<Xello> wtf. everyone knows the borgs are green
<SuperLeet> goddamnit
<peterperfect> SuperLeet ping me when done with 1) rebooted into download mode 2) open odin and put the file in PDA slot
<peterperfect> dont touch NOTHING else in odin for god sake
<bealtine> we got a new airport...
<SuperLeet> peterperfect: done
<peterperfect> SuperLeet dont touched nothing esle right?
<SuperLeet> as you told me sir
<peterperfect> SuperLeet Make sure repartition IS NOT ticked
<SuperLeet> it is not
<peterperfect> ok
<peterperfect> plug phone
<SuperLeet> done
<peterperfect> press start
<SuperLeet> all threads completed
<SuperLeet> succes 0 fail 0
<Xello> :(
<Xello> fail 1
<SuperLeet> everything is as you told me it should be
<peterperfect> SuperLeet reboot
<peterperfect> your phone
<SuperLeet> into download again?
<peterperfect> no
<SuperLeet> ok
<peterperfect> normally
<peterperfect> check if there is cm
<SuperLeet> no theres not
<SuperLeet> just touchwiz
<peterperfect> wtfq
<Xello> peterimperfect!
<SuperLeet> lulz
<bealtine> i used the idiot version...
<peterperfect> SuperLeet exit odin, open it again, load the pda file, plug phone, wait 30 seconds and give me a screen shot
<pier> 10 minutes from make clobber to file uploaded to -.-
<peterperfect> before pressing start
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<pier> ops
<bealtine> to flash cf-root
<peterperfect> SuperLeet plug the phone in download mode, ofc
pier is now known as pier|food
<peterperfect> SuperLeet you are in download mode and plugged the phone with usb?
<bbqbot> derp
<SuperLeet> yes sir
<Xello> drivers?
<peterperfect> cause seems like oding cant see your phone
<peterperfect> odin
<SuperLeet> what drivers?
<peterperfect> SuperLeet is the first time you plug your phone?
<Xello> odin does that if you dont have the drivers on
<SuperLeet> no but i dont use Kies
<SuperLeet> fuck that shit
<Xello> you need the drivers to use that
<bealtine> just dl the drivers
<SuperLeet> ill install kies
<SuperLeet> fast
<SuperLeet> >_<
<SuperLeet> another song to listen to in the meanwhile
<peterperfect> SuperLeet follow bealtine instructions
<peterperfect> get the drivers
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<peterperfect> kies gives brain damage
<bealtine> kies sucks
<SuperLeet> its like itunes
<SuperLeet> it should be burned
<SuperLeet> or sprayed with aids
<EgotisticalElf> i just used the samsung driver spack instead of kies itself
<SuperLeet> shit
<SuperLeet> what build do i have
<SuperLeet> ah
<SuperLeet> there it is
<SuperLeet> my build is not in the list
<SuperLeet> >_<
<SuperLeet> IMM76D.I9300XXBLH1
<bealtine> what list?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> @google gyazo
<bbqbot> Welcome to Gyazo : Seriously Instant Screen-Grabbing -
<peterperfect> SuperLeet what dafaq you doing?
<SuperLeet> i downloaded and installed the toolkit
<bealtine> ffs
<SuperLeet> atleast i think i did 0_o
<bealtine> pick 3 from rooting options
<peterperfect> SuperLeet why?
<bealtine> or 4
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<SuperLeet> it instantly present me the screen i linked before
<peterperfect> install samsung drivers and do the kies operation
<peterperfect> just that
<chadouming> Ressurection aint working ?
<peterperfect> chadouming he doesnt has the drivers
<peterperfect> odin cant see his device
<chadouming> Ha, give me 2 sex
<bealtine> he just keeps randomly doing stuff
<chadouming> Sec*
<peterperfect> [15:32] <@peterperfect> install samsung drivers and do the kies operation
<peterperfect> ^^ i meant ODIN
<peterperfect> not kies
<SuperLeet> WHAT
<SuperLeet> wow
<SuperLeet> I'm not doing anything random bealtine
<SuperLeet> I'm following exact instructions
<peterperfect> SuperLeet from xda?
<SuperLeet> Nope, dont have an XDA account
<bealtine> no you arent...
<peterperfect> SuperLeet
<chadouming> install these driver
<peterperfect> stop whatever you doing
<peterperfect> install drivers from this link chad posted
<peterperfect> and after that lets try odin again
<peterperfect> right?
<bealtine> and dont randomly do stuff
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<SuperLeet> how the fuck do i install them
<peterperfect> download the file
<SuperLeet> i did
<bealtine> now install
<Xello> might have to plug in your phone and install manually?
sixstringsg|afk is now known as sixstringsg
<chadouming> Go to hardware manager on your pc and select the unknown device and install the given driver
<SuperLeet> do i have to connect my phone first?
<bealtine> he xcant follow 123 instructions...
<chadouming> Xello, yup
<peterperfect> SuperLeet yep
<peterperfect> SuperLeet not in download mode
<peterperfect> SuperLeet and select the correct driver
<peterperfect> [15:39] <@chadouming> Go to hardware manager on your pc and select the unknown device and install the given driver
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<SuperLeet> ok
<SuperLeet> so installed the new drivers
<SuperLeet> i now reboot into download
<peterperfect> yep
<chadouming> Oh god
<peterperfect> download mode > plug > check odin
<chadouming> You had to be in download 1st then install driver
<chadouming> Now you just replaced the mtp driver to adb driver
<SuperLeet> ok
<SuperLeet> ok
<SuperLeet> again
<Xello> you'll know what its detected, the leftmost box will be uhhh
<Xello> green i think?
<chadouming> Yellow
<Xello> mellow yellow
<chadouming> Green when flashed
<chadouming> Red if something went wrong
<Xello> anti-communist program
<SuperLeet> goddamnit
<SuperLeet> still nothing
<chadouming> Nah, simple program
<chadouming> Wanna try something ?
<chadouming> I'll repair peterperfect error, install teamviewer
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<Xello> i had this problem when i first went to flash my s3 few weeks ago, i ended up plugging into a different usb port, and it seemed to auto-install drivers from windows, this is after i had already been using it on windows to transfer files
<Xello> (so after drivers were already installed)
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<Xello> i dont know enough to know what happened and just was happy it was working so ignored it
<SuperLeet> alright
<SuperLeet> id di chadouming
<SuperLeet> *i did
<soliver84> CyanogenMod 10 muss man da RIL noch aufspieln oder nicht? wenn ja was bring es?
<Xello> are you plugging it straight into motherboard usb port superleet?
<bbqbot> derp
<SuperLeet> yes
<chadouming> Give me id + pass ?
<Xello> <3 teamviewer
<Xello> great program
<SuperLeet> check pm
<soliver84> ist hier jemand der German versteht?
<peterperfect> chadouming my error? pft
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<soliver84> ???
<bealtine> nein
<Thracky> 9
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<SuperLeet> Hey guys
<SuperLeet> thanks for trying to help me
<SuperLeet> I'll try again tomorrow at work
<SuperLeet> I'm going to cry myself to Touchwiz sleep now
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<shaaan> hello guys
<shaaan> need some help to get cwm 6 working for the samsung galaxy ace
<shaaan> anyone ?
* Thracky points to topic
<shaaan> the device cannot mount any partitions except sdcard
<shaaan> error says E:/cannot mount *
<Jiangyi> Holy smokes. All BF games for $10 today O_O
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> too bad it's NOT BORDERLANDS 2 Jiangyi
<Espenfjo> tomorrow is the day
<Thracky> that's all I'm playing lately
<Thracky> ohh yeah you euro people don't get it until tomorrow?
<Jiangyi> lol EA being racist again? :-P
<Thracky> no, just how release schedules go
<Espenfjo> Racist
<bealtine> feckin mexicans you're all the same:)
<Thracky> NA AAA titles release on tuesdays
<Thracky> EU AAA titles on thursday/friday
<Thracky> makes SENSE honestly doing thurs/friday
<Thracky> then you can play on the weekend
<Espenfjo> If it werent for it being so hyped I would have pirated it days ago
<Thracky> tuesday releases just cause people to call in sick
<Thracky> It's awesome Espenfjo :)
<peterperfect> and i have no machine to play BF 3 :(
<Jiangyi> Oops, sorry not EA =|
<Thracky> yea 2k/whatever other publishers for other regions
<Thracky> I think tomorrow I'm gonna grab my 9600GT out of my old machine and pop it in here for a dedicated physx card :D
<spY|da> bf3 sucks
<Thracky> well, my problem with bf3 is EVERYONE ELSE PLAYS TOO GODDAMN MUCH
<Thracky> so I can't get any points and level up :P
<Thracky> Just not my forte in terms of style of shooter I guess
<Espenfjo> bf3 wasnt fun
<Thracky> Tribes however, I pwn at
<Thracky> anyways bbl.
<Thracky> yeah Espenfjo I kind of agree
<Thracky> I play it because I feel I should since I bought it.
<Thracky> not because I really want to
<Espenfjo> :D
<Jiangyi> Poor Thracky :-P
<Espenfjo> I... I am not sure if I bought it or not..
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<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: o_O How did you play Multiplayer then?
<Espenfjo> beta perhaps
<Espenfjo> dunno, cant remember buying it
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<Jiangyi> Ah OK :P
<Jiangyi> Yeah Beta was kinda weird IMO.
<spY|da> as i said bf3 sucks, there is no skill needed, play metro, use a big gun and shoot as many bullets as you can in one direction
<Jiangyi> spY|da: That's why I rarely play Metro :P
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<addi> BF3 sucks. bad engine (except for good lighting), bad gameplay, bad shooting
<addi> stupid game
<spY|da> the hole premium player thing pissed me of, havent played for a month now
<spY|da> the bluetint got fixed with fxaa injections
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<spY|da> jet gameplay is the only thing i like at bf3
<Xello> just rage quitted csgo
<Xello> 99 in 4 hits my ass
<spY|da> cs go sucks too, but paying 12 euro and 50 makes a big difference
<Xello> i was still top on the scoreboard by 20 points, but still
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
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<mt4gh> i just got a galaxy tab 2 7 and am having trouble installing any rom , ive wipe evrything just like i would on my t989 and its not go
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<Kenji> lets get some apple patents invalidated! :D
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<Ravenheart> hehehe
<Ravenheart> the patent season begins!
<peterperfect> nice
<Jiangyi> Ravenheart: Every season is patent season with Apple around. :-P
<Kenji> don't quite get if you can challange active patents or if it is just for new patent applications
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<koud> who ever is in charge of leaking firmwares at samsung for i9100 must have dropped off this world
<Jiangyi> Well, you'll definitely never see an I9100 JB leak from China. Guy who works there wrote that they dropped it :-P
Mackenzie has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Mackenzie> hi. just want to clarify on instructions for downloading CM10
<Mackenzie> @nebkat can you help me?
<bbqbot> Mackenzie: Command does not exist!
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<dr_space> Hi there
<dr_space> I'm not shure if this is the right place to ask, but I'd like to compile CM10 for some days now, but it fails always at the same point
<dr_space> somebody here who is willing to help me?
<bbqbot> derp
<bealtine> um click download and voila done
<dr_space> anybody?
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<chadouming> i need a good game
<hooligreek> hello, a bluetooth question: are there any plans to allow phone calls from a computer to the phone via bluetooth on cm10 for sgs2? are services going to be exported?
<hooligreek> chadouming: gw2 or csgo?
<Jiangyi> dr_space: What phone?
<dr_space> i9100g
<Thracky> chadouming: borderlands 2.
<Jiangyi> chadouming: You jumping on the BF3 hate train too? :-P
romann is now known as romann|afk
<chadouming> looking more for a game like saint row or GTA
<Thracky> sleeping dogs
<chadouming> jiagyi, not playing enough for that
<Jiangyi> dr_space: Did you have everything sync'd properly and proprietary files pulled?
<Thracky> I had a great time with sleeping dogs heh, fun game
<Thracky> I don't finish many games but actually finished the storyline for it
<Jiangyi> I still need to try Black Mesa :P
<chadouming> hooligreek: i doubt about that
<chadouming> about BT
<Thracky> BL2 > *
<dr_space> @ Jiangyi: Yes, I guess so. I followed first the easy way, after it failed the extended way but no joy
<hooligreek> chadouming: I think it was working on CM9, that is why I was asking
<Thracky> well we'd need specifics on why it's failing
<Thracky> "it fails to build" gives zero relevant information in terms of helping fix it.
<Jiangyi> dr_space: That guide's for i9100. =|
<bealtine> the "not work" error
<dr_space> @ Jiangyi after ./ i9100g
<Thracky> well, all you have to do is change the device name to i9100g :P
<Jiangyi> And not do the manifest change :-P
<dr_space> hey guys id love to give more infomartion if you are willing to help
<dr_space> thank you very much in advance!
<Jiangyi> dr_space: What's the error that it spits out before it stops?
<bbqbot> derp
<dr_space> @ Jiangyi I used that guide but replaced i9100 with i9100g
<dr_space> because I could not find a guide for the "G"
<dr_space> do you want me to copy the output here or pastebin?
<Thracky> pastebin
<Thracky> for sure
<dr_space> ok give me a second
<Jiangyi> Hmm. nvm the not doing the manifest change thing, misread that.
<Jiangyi> Never used myself =|
<Thracky> heh
<Jiangyi> Brunch usually works out just fine :-P
<Thracky> well, solves a lot of little issues, as I found out doing a non hacksung build :P
<Thracky> not on arch 64 bit :P
<Jiangyi> Right, I'm easymoding everything with Linux Mint xD
<Thracky> well, I was on bbq.
<Thracky> but building d2att
<dr_space> OK here it it:
<Thracky> dr_space: looks like you didn't pull the proprietary files.
<dr_space> I think line 312 shows the prob: It says No rule to make target \/proprietary/system/vendor/lib/egl/
<Thracky> but I could be wrong.
<dr_space> I did and i checked the file is there
<Jiangyi> Yeah that seems to be the problem.
<dr_space> But I pulled the files already from a cm10 nightly, is that ok?
<Jiangyi> What distro of Linux are you on?
<dr_space> Again, your help is appreciated a lot!
<dr_space> (K)ubuntu 12.04
<chadouming> dr_space you made sure to make : make i9100g_defconfig ?
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<dr_space> no... thats not in the guide... willdo
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Lunch is needed first before that right?
<chadouming> that's possible, i dont compile rom often
<chadouming> i do way more kernel compilatiob
<chadouming> compilation *
<Jiangyi> Ah OK
<chadouming> must be pretty simple tho xD
<Jiangyi> I just do . build/ && brunch cm_i9100g-userdebug
<Jiangyi> :-P
<dr_space> hmm output can be found here
<dr_space> sorry its in german :-(
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<dr_space> but again no rule to create i9100g_defconfig (Keine Regel, um »i9100g_defconfig« zu erstellen)
<Jiangyi> dr_space: You can try my command and see how that goes.
<dr_space> sure
<chadouming> try that
<chadouming> and pulser
<chadouming> if you are here
<chadouming> ping me back xD
<Jiangyi> lol GUI xD
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<dr_space> @chadouming Yeah I will have a look at this, but my goal is to do the compliling on a dedicated server without gui. But I will have a look, thanks!
<bbqbot> dr_space: Command does not exist!
<dr_space> @ Jiangyi same error here
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<dr_space> and file itself is there -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4,7K Sep 20 23:34 proprietary/system/vendor/lib/egl/
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<Jiangyi> chadouming: Got any ideas on this? :-S
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> i'd need to see exact log
<dr_space> @ Jiangyi: at 00:09 you wrote "And not do the manifest change :-P" how should the manifest look like for the i9100g?
<Jiangyi> dr_space: Nevermind that, I made a mistake. :-P
<dr_space> ok no prob
<Jiangyi> And can you post the full log?
<dr_space> sure - of what? sorry...
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<chadouming> hmm
<chadouming> system32.exe
<chadouming> seems legit xD
<dr_space> of . build/ && brunch cm_i9100g-userdebug?
<chadouming> yupo
<chadouming> yup*
<chadouming> well, were the error is
<chadouming> specially
<chadouming> like the 200 last line before error and up to the error
<chadouming> brb, need to reboot
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<dr_space> 130 line are in but I will post a more complete log
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<chadouming> i'd try to get new proprietary files
<dr_space> ok, perhaps too much...
<dr_space> @ chadouming: yes although this file is there I got errors while pulling them, will redo it and post it
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<dr_space> when I execute./ from CM10 I got this
<dr_space> which means 3 files are somehow missing, will investigate on this
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<Marian0> Hi all, im using cyanogenmod 10 on a gt-i9100 i would like to submit some issues to the project which is the correct place to do that?
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<chadouming> Marian0: read the topic
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