chadouming changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | SmartStay Ex available now ! | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <codeworkx> samsung phones are accidents | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting.
<Loof> Captivate... well, I better go if I still want to have a phone... and a wife :P
<Loof> If anyone has a better answer... feel free to chime in, I'll hop back on in a few hours
<Loof> kids do sleep eventually
<frankdrey-tab> okay, :P
<frankdrey-tab> ill look into it
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<Yappy> so are most of the devs moving onto CM10 now?
<Yappy> on to*
<frankdrey-tab> well for the gtab2, yes
<frankdrey-tab> no more cm9 updates apparantly
<Yappy> ahh ok
<Yappy> well, keen to see CM10 on my sgs3
<Yappy> :)
<Yappy> stable one at least haha
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<chadouming> answering someone over rootzwiki then i'll search a bit on that partitions thing
<frankdrey-tab> Yappy, yeah, i'm loving CM10 on my tab2 right now :D
<chadouming> good for u
<frankdrey-tab> chadouming, good for u too :D
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<chadouming> not chainging anything for me
<chadouming> changing *
<chadouming> ok, now time to see what is that discussion over partition about
<chadouming> loof, you have any link ?
* Jiangyi is sad to say that he knows nothing outside of the GS2 devices.
<Jiangyi> :-(
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<chadouming> Jiangyi : dont worry, this will come with time xD
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Next step for me: Figure out Nexus devices. :-P
<chadouming> get the next nexus device :D
<chadouming> i have gnex and it's so wonderfull
<chadouming> and i bet with anyone that it's smoother than any phone they ever seen
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<Jiangyi> chadouming: I wish to challenge that with I9100G. :-P
<chadouming> haha
<chadouming> i compared with my friend SGS III
<chadouming> and he was crying
<Jiangyi> Well, 9100G is like lil bro of GNex, so....
<Jiangyi> G + CM magic = GNex with a lower-res screen lol
<chadouming> lolk
<chadouming> lol
<Jiangyi> I got quite a few friends who got the S3 too
<Jiangyi> Can't wait to go to school tomorrow and make them cry :-D
<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> I9100G would be nice with a bigger screen, 0 shutter lag and notification led
<chadouming> wait
<chadouming> It's US SGS III
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> except it has no Ti-omap
<chadouming> but still dual core krait :D
<chadouming> almost a15 dual core > rest or a9
<chadouming> andy murray vs raonc :D
<Jiangyi> Indeed.
<Jiangyi> Well, codey hacked the capacitive keys to be notification LEDs :-P
<chadouming> pff
<chadouming> not cody who did taht
<Jiangyi> Pretty sure it was.
<chadouming> BLN existed long ago
<Jiangyi> Well, I mean specifically for the 9100G. =|
<chadouming> it even has been made by neldar
<chadouming> or something like thta
<chadouming> that*
<chadouming> simply ported
<chadouming> well, it's not simple
<chadouming> but not hard like writing it
<Jiangyi> Well, I do know that he and his bro rewrote the touchkey functionality.
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<Jiangyi> OK, back to Linux :P
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<chadouming> go see some tennis at rds xD
* Jiangyi only haz Free Antenna TV
<chadouming> go on web then
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> epic game right now
<Jiangyi> OK, after Linux reboot.
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<Jiangyi> chadouming: J'ai besoin un link parce que le page est en francais.
<Jiangyi> nvm, US Open?
<chadouming> yup
<Jiangyi> k
<chadouming> hmm
<Jiangyi> Now if I can only find the livestream link....
<chadouming> i was going to say : i doubr it's live tho, but there was a live symbol on top of the screen xD
<frankdrey-tab> i should have gotten the asus transformer :T
<chadouming> you just missed something soo nice
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Ah, cuz I can't find a livestream button. lol
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<chadouming> only link i found is not working in my area, might work in your
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Nope.
<Jiangyi> Americans are racist towards us. :-(
<chadouming> fucking us
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<PyroGS2> Sup Guys! The CyanogenMOD 10 for GSII (I9100) It's not being compiled anymore? All the other variants of GSII are getting nighlies...
<Jiangyi> PyroGS2: It's because Exynos sucks. =|
<PyroGS2> rly? the delay on the compiling is due to hardware?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> sty, Jiangyican't find you a stream :(
<Thracky> Jiangyi:
<Jiangyi> PyroGS2: Yes, since there's a bunch of troubles with the Exynos variant.
<Jiangyi> chadouming: It's OK, Thracky's got it. :-D
<Jiangyi> Thanks man.
<Thracky> np
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> thracky, i like you
<PyroGS2> geeeeezzz...
<Thracky> I'm resourceful what can I say
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<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> you even have a few second ahead me
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<chadouming> wtf
<chadouming> 2 as
<chadouming> after 2 double faults xD
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<chadouming> nice match, ened bad tho
<chadouming> ended*
<chadouming> going to my charging dock now
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<Loof> chadouming: Still around?
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<simech2> hi, how's i9100 development going? Are new experimental builds only made at "random" intervals, or are the devs waiting for something in particular?
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<MacDrunk> hello
<frankdrey-g1> Hi
<MacDrunk> dude you use a SGS II
<frankdrey-g1> Nope
<MacDrunk> hmm naa
<MacDrunk> to bad
<frankdrey-g1> But you can send me one :3
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<MacDrunk> naw
<MacDrunk> what phone do you use
<MacDrunk> shit i was about to get me a new ps3
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<MacDrunk> but my truck need new tiers
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<frankdrey-g1> I use a sony ericsson tm717 :P
<frankdrey-g1> And a G1
<frankdrey-g1> But #1 is my /phone/
<frankdrey-g1> My pass device into this channel is a galaxy tab 2 10.1
<frankdrey-g1> Anyway, battery is dying
<frankdrey-g1> Bye
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<ibrahima> man fabrice bellard is such a massive baller
<ibrahima> software LTE basestation o_O
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<Jiangyi> School starts in a hour and a half. =|
<Jiangyi> Although it's only til 12. :-P
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<lodder_> with the nightly being released for the i9100, does dis mean mem leak is fixed?
<Yappy> oh yeah, this mem leak thing. i've been seeing it mentioned a few times. what is it?
<lodder_> it's has to do with the hwc
<Yappy> oh? :S
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<lodder_> check xda for more details, but watch out it's a mess
<Yappy> "A memory leak, in computer science (or leakage, in this context), occurs when a computer program consumes memory but is unable to release it back to the operating system. "
<Yappy> shouldnt be called a "leak" then :P
<bealtine> its a leak...memory is often described as being a pool
<Yappy> ooh
<bealtine> see leak from the pool
<gladiac1337> yeah... malloc without free for example
<bealtine> new without delete:)
<Yappy> eh, bit too advanced for me haha
<bealtine> if you want memory space for a thing
<bealtine> you allocate the space
<bealtine> using whatever the runtime or OS uses
<Yappy> so mem leak is, in short
<gladiac1337> well it's easy, if you want a block of memory you call malloc and the os gives you the address to the beginning of the block. after using this block of memory you should free it again
<Yappy> RAM being hogged
<bealtine> if you allocate the 2space" and then do not return it to the "free pool"
<bealtine> you get a leak
<Yappy> ...and this is why people like me have you guys to code the stuff :P
<bealtine> eventually memory get full
<bealtine> and boom
<Yappy> phone restarts to "flush" it?
<bbqbot> derp
<Yappy> well, refresh sort of
<bealtine> restart clears the ram
<gladiac1337> not really, ram is just no allocated :P
<gladiac1337> it content's are still there
<Yappy> so would you say 1GB RAM is enough for something like the SGS3?
<bealtine> true but its still free'd for reuse
<Yappy> running Cm10 maybe
<Yappy> not sure what apps require alot of memory, i know for the computer something like video editing eats up RAM
<bealtine> and on a phone too
<Yappy> anyway, on a somewhat unrelated note
<Yappy> will the release of a JB ROM from samsung for the s3 help CM10 development at all?
<Yappy> im asking because CM10 being an AOSP ROM and whatnot
<Jiangyi> Yappy: Maybe kernel sources.
<Yappy> ah yes
<Yappy> and they are different for different android versions?
<Jiangyi> Of course. ._.
<Jiangyi> ICS kernel can't work on JB without modifications and such.
<Yappy> oh ok
<Yappy> i was told samsung releases kernel source code to the community
<Yappy> do we get these source codes from their website
<Yappy> or sort of extract it from their ROM image
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<Jiangyi> Yappy:
<Jiangyi> Samsung doesn't do this because they want to, it's because they're required by law to release kernel sources.
<Yappy> ohh
<Yappy> pfft
<Yappy> thought they were being nice and love the dev community or something haha
<Yappy> holy shit
<Yappy> 184MB for source code
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<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Samsung, loving the dev community? :-P
<cdesai> the full android souces goes into gigabytes
<cdesai> Jiangyi: s/samsung/sony/
<Yappy> christ mate
<cdesai> no kicking for u
<Jiangyi> cdesai: I thought Sony was pretty ok.
<cdesai> they're the coolest
<Jiangyi> And I don't kick people anyways lol
<cdesai> google xperia S in aosp
<Yappy> sony release code? :O
<Jiangyi> About time they supported another Qualcomm device I guess.
<cdesai> @google xperia s in aosp
<bbqbot> Sony Xperia S Added to AOSP as Experimental Device – xda ... -
<Yappy> well, my friend has an xperia play, running stock GB 2.3.3 i think
<Yappy> launcher is smooth as fuck
<Yappy> even for a "mid end" device
<Yappy> mid range*
<Jiangyi> I only have ever seen an Xperia X10 lol
<Jiangyi> Yay new nightly
* Jiangyi is flashaholic :-D
<Yappy> hehe
<Yappy> how do you guys determine when something is "stable"?
<Yappy> like, you have nightlies, then one day a stable release comes out
<Yappy> and RCs
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<Jiangyi> Stable and RC are a separate branch from the Nightlies I believe.
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<Yappy> i know nightlies are more of like "yes, we know it's still buggy, but it's getting there" stage
<Yappy> but when does the team determine that "yup, this is it. it's stable"
<Jiangyi> Features and fixes from Nightlies get ported into the stable branch, but not all.
<Yappy> +?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> This branch is then tested by people to determine if there are issues and such.
<Yappy> ahh ok
<Yappy> so stable is not really "bug free"
<Jiangyi> In other words, stable = Some old nightly with potentially some fixes.
<Yappy> it's more "very very good enough as a daily driver"
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<Jiangyi> Basically.
<Yappy> fair enough :)
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<gladiac1337> as with most other software :)
<Yappy> and how does everyone get the most up to date code?
<Yappy> surely new code is being submitted every 2 minutes or something
<Yappy> maybe 2 people are working on the same thing, how do you guys determine which one is the better code to serve the purpose?
<Yappy> i asusme that's what github is for... or something :S
<Yappy> assume*
<Jiangyi> Yappy: Gerrit.
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<Yappy> ah ok
<Yappy> so what, someone posts the code online
<Yappy> and the guy manually edits his own copy of the code with it?
<bealtine> then you have a branch
<bealtine> you could fold the changes back into the repository
<Yappy> repository?
<bbqbot> derp
<bealtine> depends on how its all setup
<Yappy> im assuming this is the "pool" of code
<bealtine> wher all the sources live
<Yappy> ah
<bealtine> github is a vcs (version control system)
<bealtine> at its simplest explanation
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<bealtine> github is where it lives and git is the vcs
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<bealtine> i use tortisegit regularly as i work mostly on windows
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<cdesai> github for windows has a neat ui
<cdesai> just not geeky
<cdesai> metro ui :/
<Jiangyi> Kill Metro with fire!
<bealtine> metro looks like some 2 year old got loose with a box of crayons
<kldoc> hi, i wanted to know if this , which seems to be an opensource camera hal for ti omap4 could be used on Samsung's based omap4 devices ? Still looking for a solution for my lonely omef01 camera module on my I9100G :(
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<lodder_> any one running google now on cm9?
<bealtine> it only comes with cm10
<Yappy> runs on ICS, if anything
<Yappy> well, the voice search at least
<Yappy> never bothered to try google now
<kldoc> tried it for fun, but well, apart when you're driving, i really don't get the point ...
<hillerstorm> quick way to check the weather without installing widg0ts
<hillerstorm> :)
<Yappy> battery hog i assume?
<Yappy> too much battery usage for it's purpose for me, i reckon
<kldoc> didn't try long enough to know about that, and difficult to obtain accurate weather in China, so well :p
<Yappy> x)
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<hillerstorm> for me it's useless when i'm at work, because some wifi here is telling google im in Lynwood, WA, USA
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<hillerstorm> when im actually in sweden
<Yappy> fuck china firewall
<Yappy> it's a piece of shit
<kldoc> i won't say the contrary, i'm not chinese :p
<Yappy> all good, asian australian here :P
<kldoc> french living in china for 2 years and half :p
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<Yappy> haha
<Yappy> nice
<Yappy> 2 years what for though?
<Yappy> exchange student or something
<kldoc> wife is chinese XD
<Yappy> HAH!
<kldoc> i'm working here actually, no come back plan, but yes, their internet sucks
<lodder_> kldoc vpn?
<bbqbot> derp
<kldoc> but can't talk much, everything is logged through google :p
<Yappy> google? thought it was banned there anyway :P
<Yappy> except HK
<kldoc> google is working
<kldoc> results are censored
<Yappy> wat.
<Yappy> baidu that shit
<kldoc> baidu works quite well actually
<kldoc> but from china, not from the exterior
<Yappy> yeah
<Yappy> well, baidu is china's google anyway
<kldoc> still, it's in chinese, and i can't read chinese :p
<Yappy> and what's china's facebook? ren ren or something
<kldoc> most of them use qq network actually
<Yappy> oh yes
<Yappy> id number for everyone
<Yappy> like they're products or something :P
<kldoc> mix of facebook tied with a client like msn
<Yappy> yeah, i've got a couple of chinese friends who use it
<kldoc> lol, nah, you shouldn't listen to what western world is telling bout china
<bealtine> dont feel loely over there in china the EU wants to do the same as china
<bealtine> lonely
<Yappy> hahhhahah
<Yappy> >lonely
<Yappy> >china
<Yappy> :P
<bealtine> true...left out then:)
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<kldoc> despite the censorship, they have more content, no riaa or mpaa can say a damned thing :p
<Yappy> as if that will be able to control people in the first place
<Yappy> not worried at all
<kldoc> it's not as bad as it seems
<Yappy> yeah, im sure if it's fine after awhile
<Yappy> may miss facebook a bit if you've been using it for >1 year though
<Yappy> i guess
<bealtine> wait until you get back to france...then you'll see real censorship
<bealtine> hadopi
<kldoc> i thought it would be, but i actually feel more at peace here than in France ...
<kldoc> indeed lol :p
<Yappy> haha
<kldoc> hope one dev here will see the repo i posted, found that on google today, really hope this omap4 camerahal can work with cm framework
<kldoc> but why the hell did sammy put a module in my phone that was not intended for my model lmao, got a fiberobtic s.lsi omef01, and this was only supposed to be in i9100, not in the g version, the firmware isn't even in the official rom ^^
<kldoc> yappy, you're here because of nothing on Tv or ? :p
<Yappy> irc?
<kldoc> yup
<Yappy> meh, just one of those teenage guys who know a bit about technology and computers
<Yappy> not really a spend time with family kinda person etc haha
<kldoc> well, used to be my case, just don't have much time anymore
<Yappy> ever since you got a missus? :P
<kldoc> family guy inside :p
<Yappy> hee hee
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<kldoc> only here because i read tons of line of code to try to understand why my cam FC on CM9/Cm10, and since i found something interresting, wanted to share it and know if could be used for a different way to sole the problem, opensource camerahal for omap4 can't be a bad thing, many android phones use that soc
<Yappy> well, im not familiar with the end part
<Yappy> maybe you're not getting replies because of the timezones
<kldoc> that's my main problem lol
<Yappy> maybe try again when everyone's asleep in your area :P
<kldoc> but i should be sleeping too by then lol
<Yappy> heh
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<Yappy> maybe post in the forum i guess
<Yappy> anyway, im off!
<Yappy> have a good one
<kldoc> see ya then
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<iKillCypher> Sup
<iKillCypher> samsung damaged my phone had to replace the whole handset >:(
<Loof> iKillCypher: I guess it's better than if they had to replace your whole hand...
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<iKillCypher> they did
<Loof> hand
<Loof> not handset
<Loof> :)
<iKillCypher> lol
<iKillCypher> anyway Im on LPB Now WTF
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<Loof> LPB?
<bbqbot> derp
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<iKillCypher> GUYS
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<iKillCypher> uh anyone used CM10 so far for S2 ?
<iKillCypher> or should I stick to ICS
<iKillCypher> XXLPB
<iKillCypher> anyone :) ?
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<iKillCypher> no one here tested CM10 compare to CM9 for SGS2 ?
<lodder_> I have tried it for a few hours
<lodder_> but I had RIL and memory leak issue
<lodder_> but it was version 15/08
<iKillCypher> well so I guess ICS
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<iKillCypher> crap now my phone cant turn on !!!!
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<Yappy> tried removing battery iKillCypher?
<iKillCypher> nvm need to flash LP9 kernel
<Yappy> ah ok haha
<Yappy> wait, sgs2?
<iKillCypher> yeah
<Yappy> yeah, have to use the right kernel for that :/
<iKillCypher> the samsung flash some a shitty kernel which affect my reception
<Yappy> thank god for sgs3, universal kernels
<Yappy> well, not exactly. samsung based roms dont work with AOSP ones
<Yappy> kernels for samsung based roms*
<Yappy> could it be modem iKillCypher?
<Yappy> or have u fixed it haha
<iKillCypher> well can fix it
<iKillCypher> I dont know man samsung are like losers
<Yappy> try different modem
<iKillCypher> the engineer screwed up my phone up twice
<Yappy> can flash any one
<iKillCypher> and he kept on laughing for some shitty reason
<Yappy> lmao
<Yappy> high engineer
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<Yappy> not what you want
<Yappy> anyway, im off. good luck dude :)
<iKillCypher> they never knew I rooted my Phone and he kinda damage my speakers
<Yappy> lol wat
<iKillCypher> loser he had replaced the battery,housing
<iKillCypher> only the motherboard was the same
<iKillCypher> he replaced everything
<iKillCypher> lol when the main issue was a volume button not working
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<Yappy> lmfao
<Yappy> hahhaha
<iKillCypher> he damaged the whole phone and no choice but to replaced for free
<iKillCypher> expect the motherboard was okay
<Yappy> haha of course
<Yappy> i'd be pretty annoyed x)
<iKillCypher> I was actually
<iKillCypher> he kept saying its okay dude
<iKillCypher> I know what Im doing
<Yappy> hahaha
<iKillCypher> sucks to be him new battery LMAO
<iKillCypher> he busted the old one until he could not be readed o.o
<Yappy> makes you wonder how the people who genuinely know stuff, loioking for a job, not get employed
<Yappy> << your engineer
<iKillCypher> all he needed to do was to replace a volume button
<iKillCypher> but he ended up replacing everything
<Yappy> yeah haha
<Yappy> too funny
<iKillCypher> so my 1 year phone look like a brand new phone
<iKillCypher> <3 Samsung
<Yappy> win for you anyway :P
<iKillCypher> indeed high market price :D
<iKillCypher> bro
<iKillCypher> can you mirror for me a file
<Yappy> shit download speed here sorry haha
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<slainer68> hi
<Ntemis> hello
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<chadouming> hi
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<Loof> chadouming: Did you want more info about the captivate issue?
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<chadouming> loof, i dont have time right now
<chadouming> @geo user loof
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for loof
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1135418112,1135418367],"country":"US","region":"IN","city":"Indianapolis","ll":[39.8588,-86.0133]}
<chadouming> great, we have same time. I'll be there this morning
<chadouming> evening*
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<jzn_> Hi guys! I just got a really serious problem. I am on experiment build 0830 and when I tried to reboot into recovery, the phone just couldn't make it. Instead, it just kept rebooting the recovery loading screen. And the only way to start the phone is to remove the battery and put it back and turn it on normally. Any ideas how this happened or how to fix this?
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<datagutt> chadouming: ffs i was actually trying to say something meizu unrelated
<datagutt> @kickban chadouming
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<Karbowiak> silly question, hwcomposer in the nightly cm10 build for i9100, yay/nay ?
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<peterperfect> nay
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<chadouming> Yay and nay
<peterperfect> nay working properly
<chadouming> Exact
<Karbowiak> yay there, nay working
<chadouming> There but not working
<Karbowiak> gotcha
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<chadouming> Tou may return to your occupation peasant.
<bealtine> tu/vous?
<chadouming> You on a cellphone
<ernie`> anybody know the difference between the CM10 nightly and the experimental cody uploaded to clockworkmod on i9300?
<chadouming> But it would be vous xD
<bealtine> i dont irc from my phone
<chadouming> Experimental has something to test if fixed. Nightly, well, it's nighrly
<bealtine> tried a few clients but they sucked:)
<chadouming> Nighrly
<chadouming> Androirc ?
<bbqbot> derp
<bealtine> ja
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<chadouming> Work good here
<bealtine> cool
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<chadouming> @geo user guest99237
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for guest99237
<bbqbot> {"range":[[536937584,0],[536937584,4294967295]],"country":"US","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
<chadouming> @geo user guest56909
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for guest56909
<bbqbot> {"range":[[536937584,0],[536937584,4294967295]],"country":"US","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
<chadouming> Y u no get a user name?
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<cybpsy> Hello! Can I use external sd-card with any file system (ext2-4 preferably) other then fat32 in my samsung p5100 with cyanogenmod 9.1.0?
<cybpsy> I really need fs supporting files more that 2GB
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<cybpsy> I'm linux user (desktop and notebook) so I don't need fat32 at all
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<koud> cybpsy: I don't think so yet, but I did see patches in review for it
<Xart0s> Hello, Does the USB audio out work on SGS2 with cm10 kernel 3.0.36 ??
<cybpsy> koud: all internal stuff uses ext4 and I can't use it on external card? Are you sure?
<koud> cybpsy: yes
<koud> vold needs to know it
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<Guest1009> hi
<cybpsy> koud: who is vold? Is it any other way to store files more then 2GB on ext sdcard?
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<Guest1009> I have a problem when I turn mute sounds, you still hear sounds sms
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<koud> cybpsy: vold is the program that manages sdcard storage
<koud> and other storage stuff
<koud> but this is for cm10, and it is not merged yet
<koud> I think there was something merged for cm7 to enable ext4 support
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<koud> cybpsy: you mean larger than 2gb?
<bbqbot> derp
<koud> I thought fat32 limit was close to 4gb
<koud> in filesize
<Espenfjo> yes
<cybpsy> koud: yes. I'd like to watch movies and series in 720p.
<koud> I don't think there is official solution for that
<koud> series should not be a problem
<cybpsy> koud: doesn't matter. Most of movies are 5GB+
<koud> some movies might be yes
<koud> split them :P
<koud> 2 parts :P
<cybpsy> koud: damn, nokia n900 is still the best
<koud> why?
<cybpsy> koud: cause maemo support ext in any way :)
<koud> :)
<koud> I guess should be some way to manually mount sdcard with ext4
<koud> without vold
<cybpsy> koud: it's idea. Will try now
<koud> not sure if applications will be able to see it
<Espenfjo> issue may be permissions
<Espenfjo> ext4 is posix permis, fat32 is not
<koud> I dont think so, since internal uses ext4
<Espenfjo> this is the reason for using fuse
<Espenfjo> all apps can write to sdcard/Pictures for example
<koud> how does it work with internal sdcard on i9100?
<koud> that is also ext4 partition right
<koud> and vold can handle that
<cybpsy> and what about mounting nfs shares?
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<koud> I don't know how that work sorry
<Xart0s> I have an kenwood car amp that is android compatible does anyone knows exactly what that means?? Is it like the Iphone support that you can send the sound direct from phone to amp or is it just that it handles the directorys on the phone??
<giuseppej87> hi everyone!
<giuseppej87> someone have installed cm10 on samsung I9300?
<chadouming> XartOs never heard of that
<bealtine> yes i have
<chadouming> Giuseppej87. Nope. No one want to truy that
<Xart0s> okey thanks anyway
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<frankdrey-tab> :D
<giuseppej87> works WIFI?
<bbqbot> derp
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<frankdrey-tab> giuseppej87 talking to me? :S
<bealtine> my wifi works fine
<frankdrey-tab> okay never mind
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<chadouming> Frankdrey, dont talk about benchmark please
<giuseppej87> I made full wipe
<frankdrey-tab> chadouming, you one of those benchmark haterz?:P
<giuseppej87> I follow the guide but wifi doesn't work
<chadouming> Benchmark are useless and shows nothing. Took me long to understand it but i dk now
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<chadouming> do*
<frankdrey-tab> yeah, i agree...most of the time
<frankdrey-tab> like right now, my tablet is actually lagging more :P
<chadouming> All the timwp
<frankdrey-tab> i think ill go back to stock kernel
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<chadouming> Benchmark show the limit of your device. Which is not often reached when reading sms or checking for an update
<bealtine> not working is pretty vague
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<frankdrey-tab> chadouming, yeah i see what you mean
<frankdrey-tab> hmmm...overclocking cpu is useful...but this kernel has a permanantly overclocked gpu, which is terrible
<frankdrey-tab> it makes gpu performance worse actually
<frankdrey-tab> at least, as far as i see...
<frankdrey-tab> do you guys recommend me to stay on this kernel or go to stock cm?
<bealtine> go to stock
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<frankdrey-tab> alright, in a minute
<bealtine> you whine a lot...
<frankdrey-tab> :p
<frankdrey-tab> brb
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<chadouming> I think i am a lonely person
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<cybpsy> koud: good news. I have tried mount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /extSdCard/ , then pressed button "attach memory card" (don't know it exactly in english) in settings->memory and it works!
<cybpsy> I can make photos to sdcard
<cybpsy> FX filemanager can see it
<cybpsy> It's shown in settings->memory
<cybpsy> How can I make "mount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/extSdCard/" to be executed during device startup? Earlier is better
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<koud> init scripts
<koud> in etc I would guess
<koud> I think cm has one for custom stuff that gets saved during upgrades
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<cybpsy> koud: . Something like /data/local/ ?
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<koud> never played with it myself, but I am sure you can find people that have'
<koud> must be a lot on google
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<cybpsy> koud: Aaaand, my sdcard is mounted after reboot and seems that everything works ok! Thanks you, man
<koud> np :)
<cybpsy> koud: and don't forget to make it 777
<koud> yea :)
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<mongi> Hi all. Anyone using latest nightly of CM10 for i9100?
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<mongi> Is MTP working, cuz when I tried a unnoficial it didn't. It stoped transfering
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<RaphaBarreiros> hello guys
<RaphaBarreiros> can someone help me with today's build? I have no audio :(
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<RaphaBarreiros> (i9300)
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<RaphaBarreiros> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<RaphaBarreiros> How can I fix no audio calls on i9300 with today's nightly? Please
<Thracky> RaphaBarreiros: go back to a nightly that worked?
<peterperfect> RaphaBarreiros out of a sudden?
<mongi> volume up up up
<peterperfect> @geo user RaphaBarreiros
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for RaphaBarreiros
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for c951b8be@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<peterperfect> RaphaBarreiros brazilian?
<RaphaBarreiros> @peterperfect yes
<bbqbot> RaphaBarreiros: Command does not exist!
<RaphaBarreiros> @peterperfect yes
<bbqbot> RaphaBarreiros: Command does not exist!
<RaphaBarreiros> peter, yes
<peterperfect> nebkat logcat datagutt xplodwild Pulser Espenfjo WE ARE EVERYWHERE
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<xplodwild> are we?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> xplodwild where we = brazilians
<xplodwild> oh yeah
<xplodwild> my face is absolutely brazilian
<RaphaBarreiros> :(
<peterperfect> RaphaBarreiros you were on CM10 experimental builds before?
<peterperfect> RaphaBarreiros im from Rio
<RaphaBarreiros> peter, yes
<RaphaBarreiros> I've always used nightly and experimental
<peterperfect> RaphaBarreiros ok but yesterday you were already on CM10, right?
<peterperfect> and you just flashed todays nightly and has no audio?
<RaphaBarreiros> right!
<RaphaBarreiros> exactly
<peterperfect> well thats weird
<Espenfjo> logcats
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<peterperfect> RaphaBarreiros can you logcat during call?
<RaphaBarreiros> I flashed experimental and a couple hours flashed nightly
<RaphaBarreiros> let me try
<DuperMan> audio=feature request
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<RaphaBarreiros> downloading adb on this pc
<peterperfect> ok
<peterperfect> logcat > pastebin
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<RaphaBarreiros> I hate my work computer
<peterperfect> gief
<peterperfect> lol its because you should be working not playing with device but who am i to talk? xD
<RaphaBarreiros> LOL. I have to make a call, so I need to solve this issue :)
<peterperfect> why you need calls on a cellphone?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> xD
<RaphaBarreiros> hahahahaha
<peterperfect> [16:31] <@xplodwild> oh god
<peterperfect> [16:31] <@xplodwild> i fixed the leak
<datagutt> :D:D:D::D
<Thracky> did you use mighty putty?
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<RaphaBarreiros> my logcat exceeds 500kb
<DuperMan> wtf u fixed notorious jb memory leak!?!?!??!?!
<DuperMan> <3
<RaphaBarreiros> nope, I just dont have audio on calls :(
<peterperfect> DuperMan hang on, not yet
<hillerstorm> love the smell of trolls in the evening
<Thracky> yess, one textbook down, $26 spent :D
<Thracky> doing good so far
<peterperfect> RaphaBarreiros send me somehow
<peterperfect> link it
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<DuperMan> peterperfect: figures. RaphaBarreiros: only I am allowed to be this intentionally oblivious. and nebkat
<Espenfjo> RaphaBarreiros: the logcat
<peterperfect> ahahaha
<peterperfect> Espenfjo his log is too big for pastebin
<DuperMan> dropbox it, with virii
<Thracky> pff dropbox
<Thracky> google drive that shit :P
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frankdrey-tab is now known as Guest37125
<Guest37125> tried aokp along the way there
<Guest37125> and shoot...
<DuperMan> the derp is derp in derp one
Guest37125 is now known as frankdrey-tab
<DuperMan> lol. talk about yer creative solutions
<RaphaBarreiros> :)
<DuperMan> :)
<RaphaBarreiros> peterperfect got it?
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<Espenfjo> hm, odd
<DuperMan> having nfc and needing it ever called/used? yeah
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-tab> so, about the "bug" in cm10 for gtab2 it really gonna stay? -_- it's not a bug, auto-rotate is just disabled by default, you need to enable it manually
<frankdrey-tab> *whatever*, not like anyone here wants to do anything
<Espenfjo> submit a patch
<frankdrey-tab> uh...
<frankdrey-tab> it's not a bug
<frankdrey-tab> it's just listed in the "Known Issues" on the wiki
<frankdrey-tab> but it's not one
<frankdrey-tab> it's just an option that the guy didn't look into
<Thracky> "the guy" = nebkat
<Thracky> it's a trebuchet thing
<frankdrey-tab> the guy who added it the wiki
<frankdrey-tab> don't think so
<Thracky> ohh u mean on the wiki
<Thracky> my bad
<frankdrey-tab> yeah:P
Fissurez has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Thracky> take it off the wiki then if it's not an actual issue
<Espenfjo> fix it
<peterperfect> RaphaBarreiros yep
<frankdrey-tab> well, i'd like someone else to confirm it first or something
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<peterperfect> Espenfjo did you see the log?
<peterperfect> i cant find nothing wrong
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<frankdrey-tab> anyone have a gt-p5113?
<Espenfjo> peterperfect: same
<DuperMan> so, the toggle for auto-rotate is set to off by default or the function is disabled?
<DuperMan> cause if former 'stfu'
<RaphaBarreiros> should I wipe data/dalvik and install again?
<Espenfjo> peterperfect: Other than it crashing, tho
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<Thracky> frankdrey-tab: I'm sure you're correct, just create an account on the wiki and make the edit.
<frankdrey-tab> in trebuchet settings, auto-rotate is set to off by default. and can be easily turned on
<Thracky> exactly
<Thracky> it's been that way every CM i've used
<peterperfect> RaphaBarreiros well try that
<peterperfect> since we dunno whats happening
<RaphaBarreiros> :(
<DuperMan> peterperfect: u r not mean and very cute la la la
* DuperMan hops
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<Thracky> hrm looks like cody purged the wiki accounts :P
<DuperMan> rofl
<frankdrey-tab> and either way, look at the page.
<Thracky> have to request one now
<DuperMan> I almost got one
<DuperMan> so he really shouldv'e
<DuperMan> :D
<Thracky> DuperMan: I had one, and made a useful edit :P
<DuperMan> Thracky: no good deed goes unpunished
<Thracky> of course
<Thracky> but when the wiki has retarded incorrect info we can't change it now :P
<frankdrey-tab> ohwait >.<
<Thracky> ohwait what?
<frankdrey-tab> it could be the fact that every device's "known issues" links to the gt-p5100 page >.<
<DuperMan> you can ask nicely again and get temporary (judging by past experience) POWER
<bealtine> i cant see how clicking a setting is a bug?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-tab> bealtine, that's what im saying, hold on, ill link ya
<Thracky> frankdrey-tab: probably on purpose.
<DuperMan> bealtine: it isn't
<peterperfect> RaphaBarreiros report back
<Thracky> frankdrey-tab: I would imagine the roms are so brutally similar there's no point in having separate known issues pages
<frankdrey-tab> Thracky, well in that case....that's somewhat trippy
<DuperMan> rejoice for I have beer
<DuperMan> hooray
<DuperMan> \o/
<frankdrey-tab> i guess then it's fine as it is
<frankdrey-tab> maybe the 3100 does have that bug
<Thracky> go check xda, I doubt it's a bug.
* DuperMan still can't see the bug. is it like those 3d stereograms?\
<Thracky> have you ever seen a device that doesn't auto rotate properly? :P
<frankdrey-tab> meh, i do too, but that's a lot of effort :P
<DuperMan> Thracky: I have at times, while xplodwild was doing the good work
<DuperMan> ><
<Thracky> I'm sure it's happened, but really, even cm10 is far enough along at this point.
<RaphaBarreiros> fixed it!
<RaphaBarreiros> just flashed RIL again
<DuperMan> RaphaBarreiros: fixed wot? I lost track
<frankdrey-tab> ohey, speaking of RIL...
<RaphaBarreiros> DuperMan, my audio issue
<frankdrey-tab> who wants to reverse engineer the toshiba tg01's RIL for me?:3
<peterperfect> samsung phones are weird
<peterperfect> =/
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<RaphaBarreiros> yea :(
<DuperMan> RaphaBarreiros: kinda awesome. frankdrey-tab: u just keepin' it ril
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<frankdrey-tab> :P
<peterperfect> [16:59] <frankdrey-tab> who wants to reverse engineer the toshiba tg01's RIL for me?:3
<peterperfect> aw, everyone
<DuperMan> I'd love to, 5,000$ upfront
<frankdrey-tab> :P
<DuperMan> 20,000$ when it's done
<DuperMan> ^^
<DuperMan> will take me ~4 years
<frankdrey-tab> so far, i've been emailing obscure offices in toshiba japan
<frankdrey-tab> asking for source :P
<DuperMan> well that's random and stalker like
<DuperMan> was it helpful?
<frankdrey-tab> since its pretty much in the garbage for them :P
<DuperMan> 'dear tosh, can I know what were the ingredients in what I found in your trash? rather than a sandwich it is a phone'
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-tab> well, so far, they all claim to be "just distributors" and don't have the sourc
<frankdrey-tab> :P
<DuperMan> :P indeed
<RaphaBarreiros> hell, I need to work
<DuperMan> you're random. learn the channels or don't hassle random strangers xDDDDDDD
<RaphaBarreiros> thanks a lot guys!
<Thracky> oh wow EA finally did something smart, they merged battlelog and origin friends.
<DuperMan> have fun RaphaBarreiros
<RaphaBarreiros> u 2
<DuperMan> what's battlelog? a thingy that logs things. oh. thanks
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<frankdrey-tab> DuperMan, oh you don't know how random i can get :p i have the attention span of a 5 year old child xD
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<Thracky> DuperMan: the stupid web interface to launch BF3
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<Thracky> honestly it's the most convoluted piece of shit ever
<DuperMan> frankdrey-tab: I own - outrandom that
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<DuperMan> pardon my French
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<frankdrey-tab> i see "single women over 40?", DuperMan, on your site
<DuperMan> lol. so it's parked and I ain't paid?!?!?!?!
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<DuperMan> F godaddy
<DuperMan> motherfuckers, Imma affiliating
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<frankdrey-tab> :P
<DuperMan> * imma'll affilz
<DuperMan> but 'gee thank them for parked for free so nice'
<DuperMan> p:
<DuperMan> thanks for showing me another place I'm f'ed though, frank
<DuperMan> :)
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<DuperMan> W8 y u so win?
<DuperMan> :P
<frankdrey-tab> :P
<frankdrey-tab> i need to stop screwing around with my tablet and stick with cm10 :T
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<RaPoZa> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<RaPoZa> @downloads galaxys2
<bbqbot> Download at:
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<frankdrey-tab> no gtab2 love? ;_;
<Thracky> that's old
<peterperfect> [17:12] <frankdrey-tab> i need to stop screwing around with my tablet and stick with cm10 :T
<peterperfect> ^^ would be wise
<peterperfect> frankdrey-tab ths support like a gazillion devices
R^Xuz is now known as raXuz|Away
<frankdrey-tab> yeah, i've probably reinstalled these apps 20 times today
<frankdrey-tab> ah :P
<RaPoZa> hey guys, is it ok if I shoot some newbie questions around here?
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<peterperfect> RaPoZa another brazilian?
<peterperfect> @geo user RaPoZa
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for RaPoZa
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for bd68c47d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<RaPoZa> lol. indeed
<peterperfect> dude, we everywhere
<peterperfect> logcat see, i told you
<RaPoZa> phew
pier|cig is now known as pier
<RaPoZa> thought I was going to hear some flaming
<peterperfect> no
<peterperfect> nobody flames brazilians here..otherwise get killed
<RaPoZa> hehe
<peterperfect> but go ahead..shoot your noobery
<RaPoZa> I won't bother much
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<RaPoZa> i'm using the last CM9 nightly in my S2
<logcat> @bomb peterperfect
<bbqbot> logcat: You are not allowed to run that command!
<peterperfect> @bomb logcat
<bbqbot> logcat, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
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<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
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<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
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<RaPoZa> it's the brazilian version. I just saw this tutorial: where it says I don't have to do any wipe after migrating to CM10
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<peterperfect> RaPoZa no you dont have to
<RaPoZa> so I just flash CM10, G-Apps
<RaPoZa> no wipes?
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<RaPoZa> NONE?
<peterperfect> yep
<peterperfect> none at all
<RaPoZa> lol
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<peterperfect> flash build > flash gapps > reboot > enjoy
chadouming_ is now known as chadouming
<RaPoZa> hmmm, wonderful!
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<chadouming> bad peterperfect, baaaaaaaaad
<peterperfect> chadouming that was awesome infact :D
<chadouming> nah, irc client crashe
<chadouming> d
<RaPoZa> here with cm9 I'm having some issues
<peterperfect> chadouming brazilian haxxx tecniks
<RaPoZa> like I can't install specifically 2 apps from the Play Store
<chadouming> @nuclearbomb peterperfect
<bbqbot> peterperfect, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<peterperfect> which are?
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
peterperfect was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was orange]
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> mouhahahahahha
<RaPoZa> Overskreen and 4shared music. it says there's no space
<chadouming> @owners remove peterperfect
<bbqbot> User peterperfect got removed as owner.
<chadouming> @unban peterperfect
<Espenfjo> :P
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<RaPoZa> tried to find where they keep their data, but didn't find anything
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<RaPoZa> peterperfect: [17:28] <RaPoZa> Overskreen and 4shared music. it says there's no space | [17:29] <RaPoZa> tried to find where they keep their data, but didn't find anything
<RaPoZa> ever heard?
<peterperfect> nop
<RaPoZa> I think it's the last question: is this the same phone version of this:
<RaPoZa> i always used the second link as source to my phone
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<peterperfect> this one
<RaPoZa> sorry?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> the first one is the right link for cm10
<peterperfect> but yes, its the same phone
<peterperfect> but the naming changed
<RaPoZa> hooray
<RaPoZa> made it a bit confusing
<RaPoZa> but ok
<RaPoZa> (the name change)
<RaPoZa> thanks peterperfect
<RaPoZa> imma download and flash cm10
<peterperfect> do it
<RaPoZa> lets hope I don't come here later praying for help
<Fissurez> holy crap! CM10 nightly?
<peterperfect> Fissurez yep
<Fissurez> oooh!
<Fissurez> what's fixed?
<Fissurez> (i use the 21/08/12 one)
<RaPoZa> last question
<RaPoZa> btw, peterperfect
<RaPoZa> what if I have to do some wipe
<peterperfect> Fissurez nothing
<peterperfect> you dont have to
<RaPoZa> is the CM kernel risky? about that brickbug thing
<Fissurez> RaPoZa: no.
<peterperfect> but no, its safe
<Fissurez> they basically nuked that ASAP
<RaPoZa> awesome
<RaPoZa> hey, Fissurez
<RaPoZa> hows cm10 for a daily use?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> the one i use
<Fissurez> it's ok
<Fissurez> crashes once a day or so
<Fissurez> sometimes more often
<RaPoZa> by crashes do u mean reboots or any special app?
<Fissurez> dead trigger is broken on it.
<Fissurez> reboots
<Fissurez> well... dead trigger works
<Fissurez> but crashes freq
<RaPoZa> is it that game?
<Fissurez> memory leaks, occassional slowdowns
<Fissurez> yes.
<Fissurez> sometimes gpu heavy games crash
<Fissurez> works pretty well though.
<RaPoZa> i'm from Brazil and 4.0.3 vivo brand ICS is pretty light on my GF's S2
<RaPoZa> light how CM9 isnt
<Fissurez> basically, expect things to break.
<Fissurez> lots of things are quirky
<DuperMan> dead trigger is ok on note
<RaPoZa> imma backup my cm9 then
<Fissurez> yes.
<Fissurez> definitely
<Fissurez> nand backup the hell out of it
<RaPoZa> heheh
<RaPoZa> i heard the touch is better in JB
<DuperMan> pretty sure if anything's broken it's either Google Voice or the whole audio framework
<DuperMan> :P
<RaPoZa> didn't check it out, tho
<DuperMan> I touch the best on any version
<DuperMan> :D
<RaPoZa> by touch, i mean how the screen rolls
<RaPoZa> when u touch
<RaPoZa> lol
<RaPoZa> is Apollo coming in CM10?
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<DuperMan> pretty sure it's there already
<DuperMan> oo
<DuperMan> why apollo?
<DuperMan> plz
<RaPoZa> i'm from Brazil dude
<RaPoZa> Google Music doesnt mean much
<RaPoZa> and i'm pretty used to Apollo
<DuperMan> I'm from camel central corner of '50c hot on cool days'
<DuperMan> google music loves proxying
<RaPoZa> its sad that I can't upload my music properly
<RaPoZa> its opened here in the tray
<RaPoZa> but not uploading in like, forever
<DuperMan> you can, just not ... like, paperwork-wise proper
<DuperMan> wtf... so google music is activated for your account but the upload thingy won't upload?
<DuperMan> ><
<RaPoZa> exac
<DuperMan> you probably just have the watched folders wrong
<DuperMan> lol
<RaPoZa> i used a proxy to activate
<RaPoZa> and didn't use it anymore
<DuperMan> shhhhh u didn't. and it should keep working, just have it leech the proper folder
<DuperMan> :)
<RaPoZa> i'll take a look at it
<DuperMan> cool, be prepared for a night of laggy nets as it ups
<DuperMan> :P
<RaPoZa> a whole week
<RaPoZa> lol
<RaPoZa> internet here in brazil is kinda "wrong"
<RaPoZa> my cable upload rate is shit and i rarely get 1mb d/l in 3G
<DuperMan> took me like 36 hours for a 36gb~ collection in israel
<DuperMan> and if your upstream is shittier you take the cake with bells on
<DuperMan> cake not intended for consumption by children under the age of 5 due to risk of swallowing bells
<RaPoZa> lulz
<DuperMan> where's my shoe polish?
<RaPoZa> how can i be sure of what i9100 i have?
<bbqbot> derp
<RaPoZa> model number says only GT-I9100
<DuperMan> google the first 4 numbers of the serial or something
<DuperMan> but by the model is should just be a gt-i9100
<peterperfect> RaPoZa sold in brazil = i9100 (international)
<RaPoZa> oki
<DuperMan> ^ told him but sure be south american about it
<RaPoZa> hey peter
<RaPoZa> about the "no space" play store problem i mentioned
<RaPoZa> I HAS
<peterperfect> well if its just those two apps
<DuperMan> *did
<peterperfect> its apps fault
<RaPoZa> i installed Blood and Glory after this
<RaPoZa> and it worked normally
<peterperfect> so its apps fault
<RaPoZa> idk about 4shared music
<DuperMan> :/ if I cron stuffs and set a nightly but not take credit can I haz helping the things? don't wanna kang
<RaPoZa> but i used a cracked Overskreen version
<DuperMan> but bored
<RaPoZa> to test it
<DuperMan> and want rom manager to be cute
<RaPoZa> bam, unninstaled it, bought it on play store -> then u no can install it
<peterperfect> lol
<DuperMan> RaPoZa: happens. some shit is silly. either peck for what's left over from the STOLEN THING or shrug
<peterperfect> maybe a coincidence, maybe not
<RaPoZa> it was for testing purposes
<RaPoZa> actually, i own it now
<RaPoZa> but
<DuperMan> it always is
<RaPoZa> i cant use it
<DuperMan> it always is
<peterperfect> RaPoZa
<DuperMan> it always really is
<peterperfect> dunno what to do
<peterperfect> its 100% app related
<RaPoZa> i thought about some wipe
<RaPoZa> but i'm too afraid to go wiping things
<peterperfect> try it
<DuperMan> a wipe should work. or peck through the system things for the stuff
<peterperfect> if you are on CM
<DuperMan> btw, peterperfect: where the f is my /data in jb? xD
<peterperfect> theres nothing to be afraid
<RaPoZa> so i wondered what wipes could i do without losing any data
<DuperMan> wiping is killing the data
<DuperMan> so you could wipe your you know what
<RaPoZa> i mean personal data
<RaPoZa> i know
<DuperMan> with no effect on your phone
<DuperMan> :)
peterperfect has quit [Quit: We be chillin - IceChat style]
<DuperMan> I have nova 3 in similar limbo if it's any comfort
<DuperMan> :P
<RaPoZa> oh
<RaPoZa> it's twice as sad
<DuperMan> yay
<DuperMan> as a misanthrope I approve:D
pier is now known as pier|cig
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<RaPoZa> cyanogenmod is really fantastic
<RaPoZa> just flashed cm10, finishing updating gapps
<RaPoZa> but no bootloops
romann is now known as romann|afk
<RaPoZa> no wipes made
sbrissen is now known as sbrissen_gone
<Fissurez> upgrading from what?
<RaPoZa> cm9
<Fissurez> yeah, i din't wipe either
<Fissurez> works fine
<RaPoZa> been using cm9 from like 3-4 months
<Fissurez> i did, then jumped to CM10
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<RaPoZa> JB is so light
<RaPoZa> impressive
<Fissurez> is smoother than CM9 imo
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<RaPoZa> cm9 was already kinda "heavy" here
<RaPoZa> laggy
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<RaPoZa> even tho I keep getting the insuficient space in Play Store
<RaPoZa> :P
<RaPoZa> thanks everyone who helped me
<RaPoZa> Fissurez, DuperMan
Ntemis has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 15.0/20120825192214]]
<Fissurez> ?
<RaPoZa> thanks
<Fissurez> RaPoZa: oh that.
<RaPoZa> =P
<RaPoZa> peterperfect is offline
Fissurez has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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<Jiangyi> Holy damn. ANOTHER 2GB Update for BF3?! O_O
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<Thracky> 2 GB? no way
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> it was like 100 meg
<Jiangyi> Thracky: 2277.93 MB to be exact.
<Thracky> mine patched in like a minute
<Thracky> I was playing earlier
DeadMonkeyX has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<Thracky> and I didn't have origin running all day either
<Jiangyi> Hmm.
<Thracky> they finally merged origin/battlelog friends btw
<Jiangyi> You must've downloaded the major part of it when you redownloaded BF3. =|
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<Thracky> maybe
<Jiangyi> This is probably prep for Armoured Kill.
<Thracky> stupid expansion packs
<Thracky> :P
<Jiangyi> Indeed.
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<Thracky> a lot of people were saying that a bunch of stuff was fixed/properly nerfed etc
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<Jiangyi> They only make you download it because of the new guns and such.
<Thracky> but I don't really pay attention
<Thracky> someone was saying LMG was really accurate now
<Jiangyi> I heard that the MP412 is like OP now lol
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<smoke_> can someone link me where i can get the att sgs3 stock apps for cm10?
<bealtine> eh?
<smoke_> i like the stock calulator and clock app heh
<smoke_> wanted to see if i could get a hold of those for cm10
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<bealtine> you cant install them on cm
<smoke_> sorry if its a stupid question i just switched to android a couple days ago
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<Entropy512> also, THS mainly does Exynos/Hummingbird devices
<Entropy512> not the mutant derpbeasts
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<fn0rd_> evening folks, having a problem getting wifi to work with CM10. i've tried permissions, all the wipes, reinstalling with no success.
<Entropy512> no problems here on any of my devices... you, of course, didn't specify yours
<fn0rd_> sory galaxy s3 i9300
<Entropy512> 5 GHz by any chance?
<Entropy512> otherwise, no clue, my first guess would be region code issues
<fn0rd_> nope 2.4. i've tried with 2 different access points. one a cisco at work and a ddwrt at home
<Entropy512> which are far more obvious with 5 GHz APs
<Entropy512> my n8013 is similar, only problem I'm having so far is region code handling is totally busted
<Entropy512> hmm
<Entropy512> dunno, I think I'll need to leave this to one of the i9300 guys
<bealtine> did you just flash over another rom and not wipe?
<Entropy512> beer time for me
<bealtine> try forget the networks and scan again
<fn0rd_> no i wiped / factory reset before flashing cm10
<bealtine> i dunno works for me
<fn0rd_> even putting in a wrong password doesn't prompt me with incorrect password
<fn0rd_> downloading cm9 nightly to see if that works
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<fn0rd_> well 9 didn't work either. trying to upgrade to cm10 again
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<fn0rd_> gonna go back to stock firmware and see if that works.
<bealtine> did you clear the dalvik cache?
<fn0rd_> i did yes. before and after flashing
<bealtine> do it again
<fn0rd_> rebooting now. i just cleared the dalvik cache
<fn0rd_> nope
<fn0rd_> i also can't add an APN now either
<bealtine> scan
<fn0rd_> only 1 network near me, mine.
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