Espenfjo changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | SmartStay Ex available now ! | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting. | Support employee of the month: peterperfect
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<omggalaxywtf> i have a fascinate has 2gb internal storage space, and its only registering 468MB?
<omggalaxywtf> why is it registering only that much?
<omggalaxywtf> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<omggalaxywtf> huh?
<omggalaxywtf> is it possible to change it using CWM? I've googled to no avail.
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<Thracky> complicated stuff though
<Thracky> I wouldn't attempt it if you don't know what you're doing.
<omggalaxywtf> Id just like to be able to have access to the full 2GB internal storage
<omggalaxywtf> instead of half of a GB
<Thracky> well you're not going to get it easily.
<Thracky> welcome to custom roms.
<omggalaxywtf> Overlooking that link it seems that its contents do in fact refer to some of that, but not the entirety of what I'm referencing? I understand that /datadata is smaller and the reasons for such no lag etcetera, I'm just wondering as to why its still there in JB when I thought it was removed to prevent such?
<Thracky> also, I don't believe hacksung maintains the fascinate, so you're probably better off asking in #cyanogenmod
<Thracky> I'm not at all familiar with the device.
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<Thracky> k silly n00b question, why do my kangs always have the same build date on em? :|
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<Thracky> wow new calculator is sexy :D
<Thracky> <3 the dec/hex/bin changing on the fly
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Before you build again, run make clean.
<Thracky> yeah figured that out lol
<Thracky> hacksung buildscripts used to do that for me I guess
<Jiangyi> Wait, calculator got merged?
<Thracky> no I cherry picked :)
<Thracky> hrm wtf, wife's sensation is giving me permission errors trying to pull proprietary files, and I set root access to adb and apps :|
<Thracky> maybe needs a reboot.
<omggalaxywtf> hmm, maybe bc its htc >.<
<Thracky> nope, adb was being ghey
<Thracky> had to kill it and restart it
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<Thracky> hmm interesting, y u no thermald :|
<Thracky> ls
<Thracky> woops :P
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<mnsm> cm 10 for i9100?
<bbqbot> derp
<mnsm> is it available?
<mnsm> i want cm 10(jb) for samsung galaxy s2(i9100),how to get?
<loswillios> mnsm: check the cyanogemmod website
<mnsm> there is no available cm10 link
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<bealtine> get glasses
<mnsm> can you please give me link
<bealtine> now stop asking
<mnsm> thnx
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<Shuky> Is anyone here?
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<kahtahs_> just ask
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<peterperfect> good mourning
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<pier> hello mr peter
<peterperfect> sup dood
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<Xello> hmmmmm
<peterperfect> Xello:
<peterperfect> what a coincidence
<peterperfect> look at this
<peterperfect> just came up yesterday
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<Xello> ok but if i detect a hint of slowdown in my phone im coming for you
<Xello> :p
<peterperfect> :)
<Xello> you said swiping away on the recent app list closes the app too?
<peterperfect> yep
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<peterperfect> but also said you dont need it
<Xello> whats the difference between doing it that way and hold back to kill
<peterperfect> no idea
<peterperfect> you shall no do both
<peterperfect> the second one is on developers options
<Xello> well if im gonna start using that list its going to be needed just for the fact that the list is gonna get fking huge as a day goes on
<peterperfect> so shouldnt be touched at all
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<peterperfect> afaik recent app is designed to switch between the apps
<peterperfect> thats the core function
<Xello> yeah, the problem is that as you say apps are designed to be open that list gets huge
<Xello> take way too long to scroll to find what you want
<peterperfect> meh
<peterperfect> stop whinning
<Xello> lol
<peterperfect> and use android how it is supposed to be
<Xello> i have all the apps i need at exactly the spot on the home screen that i know they are at so i can get to them within a second
<Xello> what would work is if you could change the scale of the recent app list
<peterperfect> well so you dont even need recent apps list anyway
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<Xello> i mean even Settings is showing in recent app list
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<mn_> is this is for gt-i9100 india version?
<mn_> i want cm 10 for i9100 india
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<peterperfect> mn_: what is india version?
<mn_> i have i9100 from india
<peterperfect> but your device is i9100 international version?
<cdesai> what are you currently using mn_ ?
<mn_> galaxy s2,purchased in india
<cdesai> samsung rom?
<cdesai> what's the model no.
<mn_> no cm9 currently
<mn_> i9100
<mn_> i9100 from india,i want cm 10,help me
<cdesai> @downloads i9100
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<cdesai> fix it nebkat datagutt_
<mn_> k
<bbqbot> derp
<mn_> dis is for what?
<Xello> your 9100
<Xello> no stables it seems
<mn_> k
<datagutt_> @download I9100
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<datagutt_> @devices
<bbqbot> datagutt_: Command does not exist!
<datagutt_> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<datagutt_> ahh
<datagutt_> it still uses galaxys2 style
<datagutt_> @addDevice samsung i9100 i9100
<bbqbot> datagutt_: You are not allowed to run that command!
<datagutt_> xD
<Xello> lol
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<datagutt> @addDevice samsung i9100 i9100
<datagutt> @download i9100
<bbqbot> Download at:
<datagutt> cdesai
<datagutt> ^
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<datagutt> if you use galaxys2 it will link to cm9 nightlies
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<Xello> He noted that the iPhone 4′s shots are inferior to those taken on his Galaxy S III.
<Xello> is that true? i have an s3 but i read the iphones cam is much better
<addi> 4S cam might be better, not 4's
<bealtine> 4s has the same megapixels
<addi> and megapixels don't equal image quality ;)
<bealtine> true
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<addi> "The iPhone 4S camera samples have less noise and higher dynamic range than the iPhone 4. It's hard to really find anything to question about the iPhone 4S camera."
<addi> ^^
<Xello|s3> yea s3 is pretty bad tbh wheb u look at a pic in 100% zoom
<Xello|s3> higher mp cheap quality
<Xello|s3> looks great fullsize of course
<addi> and my Gnex has pretty bad images even at no zoom :p
<Xello|s3> lol
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<addi> almost the same I guess
<addi> sharp details is not the GNex's camera's strong point.
<addi> and noise in indoors pics without flash is like epic noise
<Xello> i think what im missing is the focus you get with the stock rom
<Xello> like you can touch a part of the screen and it will focus on whats there
<Xello> guess they cant port that to aosp
<Xello> or cm for that matter
<addi> that's another thing, Gnex's camera focus sucks too, my Nokia N79 from 2008 does it better -.-
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<Xello> ah view original is the link i was lookin for
<Xello> i guess low light indoors is no good
<bealtine> 403
<Xello> oh i guess it needs to be in public
<bealtine> :)
<bealtine> 403
<Espenfjo> 403
<bealtine> still
<Xello> really? wtf
<Xello> guess you cant view original links on another account?
<Xello> that one will work but its dropbox page
<bealtine> hey look its a monitor:)
<Xello> :p
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<Wechner> hey, I'm running the cm10 20120914 nightly on my i9100 and I experience a strange behaviour of the volume control for music, etc. (with headphones plugged in, speaker simply not yet tested, though): Beginning in the muted state, the first 5 or six steps do increase the volume but the last 10 steps change nothing, the volume stays the same .... is this issue known? is there something I can do to investigate this?
<bbqbot> derp
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<p_l|backup> anyone managed to transplant Polaris Office from official rom to CM10?
<Entropy512> Wechner: known issue, #blamesamsung, probably won't get fixed until one of (I9100/I777/N7000) get official JB
<Entropy512> stupid yamaha chipset
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<Wechner> Entropy512: ah, thanks for the information
<Entropy512> although I sort of recall hearing similar issues on Gingerbread so I'll ask some people about what the solution for that was
<Entropy512> I still touchwizzed it on GB.
<Wechner> may I ask what you mean by "touchwizzed it on GB"?
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<Wechner> and I think that I stumbled upon a thread mentioning the same problem with an earlier cm version, I think that the solution had something to do with running alsamixer (periodically)
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<Wechner> but I may be mistaken
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<stevn> hi
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<Syphyr> Number one in the hood, G.
<Syphyr> sup
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<chadouming> oh god
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<Jiangyi> ._.
<Jiangyi> Am I missing something here?
<Syphyr> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Syphyr> Oh, yeah. I got the flu and so Ive been home all day watching all nine seasons of ATHF.
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<Syphyr> is there a way to lock the desktop with trebuchet?
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<Jiangyi> Lock desktop rotation or?
<Syphyr> so the widgets will not move or resize
<Jiangyi> Oh. AFAIK No. =|
<Syphyr> for the future i guess
<Syphyr> tnx
<Syphyr> you guys need to fix the backup script for FaceLock in the latest gapps
<Syphyr> i made a patch
<Syphyr> who is the maintainer?
<Syphyr> there are 6 files not included in the script that need to be
<Syphyr> in optional/face/addon.d/
<Syphyr> if i paste a few lines in here, will i get kicked?
<Syphyr> vendor/pittpatt/models/detection/multi_pose_face_landmark_detectors.7/left_eye-y0-yi45-p0-pi45-r0-ri20.lg_32/full_model.bin
<Syphyr> vendor/pittpatt/models/detection/multi_pose_face_landmark_detectors.7/nose_base-y0-yi45-p0-pi45-r0-ri20.lg_32/full_model.bin
<Syphyr> vendor/pittpatt/models/detection/multi_pose_face_landmark_detectors.7/right_eye-y0-yi45-p0-pi45-r0-ri20.lg_32-2/full_model.bin
<Syphyr> vendor/pittpatt/models/detection/yaw_roll_face_detectors.6/head-y0-yi45-p0-pi45-r0-ri30.4a-v24/full_model.bin
<Syphyr> vendor/pittpatt/models/detection/yaw_roll_face_detectors.6/head-y0-yi45-p0-pi45-rn30-ri30.5-v24/full_model.bin
<Syphyr> vendor/pittpatt/models/detection/yaw_roll_face_detectors.6/head-y0-yi45-p0-pi45-rp30-ri30.5-v24/full_model.bin
<Syphyr> thats it
<Syphyr> those need to be added to the backup script
<Syphyr> otherwise, when you apply an update, facelock will not start unless you re-apply gapps
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<Syphyr> have a good night
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<Thracky> Jiangyi: I decided this morning I hate bf3 and you should play tribes instead.
<Jiangyi> lol
<Thracky> like how teh fuck am I supposed to kill people when my gun shakes constantly from being shot at or having explosions around me
<Thracky> oh and the bluetooth headset thing doesn't work :P
<Jiangyi> How am I shooting properly then? .-.
<Thracky> beats me
<Thracky> also, people play bf3 800000 hours/week
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<Jiangyi> o_O
* Jiangyi haxx
<Jiangyi> xD
<Thracky> us grownups don't have time to dedicate practicing BF3 :P
<Thracky> doesn't help that people with high level gear just pwn low level people
<Jiangyi> Fair enough on the gear thing.
<Jiangyi> Practice part, not so much. :-P
<Thracky> hrm that razer banshee headset is still half off on ncix.
<Jiangyi> I've practiced flying jets for hours. Still can't hit a damn thing. xD
<Jiangyi> Sandisk 120GB SSD was $80 yesterday. :-P
<Thracky> heh
<Thracky> I'm good for ssds
<Thracky> but you need one
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<Jiangyi> And a hard drive.
<Jiangyi> And a GPU.
<Jiangyi> And ALL TEH THINGS T_T
<Xello> thracky tribes is pretty fun :)
<DuperMan> F BLACK MESA. gimme Fallout 3: half life
<DuperMan> :P
<Thracky> I love tribes heh
<DuperMan> sup?
<Xello> reminded me of playing some old ut2k4 mods
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: almost bought:D
<Thracky> I played starsiege tribes a lot back in the day
<Xello> anyone finished black mesa? i just finished a session
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Bought what?
<DuperMan> Xello: derp life is half
<Thracky> and ut99, I was quite highly ranked in that heh
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: an ssd
<Jiangyi> I still need to get the Source SDK to play Black Mesa,
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Ohhh
<Xello> im at the start of Power up chapter
<DuperMan> assuming the samsung 128gb thingy yes?
<Xello> man the gargantuan i think its called.. holy shit
<DuperMan> Xello: half life half life is half life
<DuperMan> ><'
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<DuperMan> I mean, sure, it's mad awesome - but it's also "what half life: source wasn't"
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<PandaUK> guise
<DuperMan> dis
<PandaUK> is the stock rom for the sgs3 international version of JB out yet?
<Xello> nop
<PandaUK> damnit
<bealtine> october maybe
<PandaUK> bah
<DuperMan> link or it wasn't scheduled
<bealtine> lot of bollox on xda about it
<DuperMan> nowai
<DuperMan> xda bullox???
<bealtine> me2 bollox
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<bealtine> your grandads metal :
<DuperMan> I like mine better. settle for maiden?
<bbqbot> derp
<bealtine> there was no metal before them :)
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<Jiangyi> Would anyone like to explain the sector function in stopwatches to me? :-S
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<DuperMan> not the other way around? I can explain the stopwatch function in Sectors
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> probably stands for a single run though, a length etc
<Espenfjo> Please explain stopwatch function in sectors
<DuperMan> a Sector is a brand of watch, ostensibly with a chronometer on certain models
<DuperMan> unlike "lost sucked so I stopped watching" a watch in this case means a type of wrist encircling bracelet that tells time
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<Jiangyi> lol #dupermanlogic
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<DuperMan> it never fails, insofar as dupermanlogic can parse:D
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<DuperMan> iphone is dead. apple fought samsung, won't find another partner as leak-proof - no more 'one more thing's, no more media buggery over the keynote
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> I give it 5 years
<frankdrey-g1> :D
<frankdrey-g1> Notice how all of apple's ads have very sad emotion provoking calm music?
<frankdrey-g1> Its to make teenage girls cry over not having a life, and then they'll buy the iphone
<DuperMan> yeah. I was honestly certain the whole trial thingy was pure PR - they won a trial against their own oem
<DuperMan> ffs
<DuperMan> xD
<frankdrey-g1> :P
<DuperMan> noooooooo corporations taking advantage of youth? nevah
<DuperMan> lies
<frankdrey-g1> XD
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<p_l|backup> DuperMan: something that now means that they'll probably face total ban in EU
<DuperMan> p_l|backup: which thing? all teh things are confusing
<p_l|backup> since the patents Samsung and HTC are suing them over are "old" style patents, that is, hw functionality related (though they involve algorithms, it's tightly related to LTE functionality)
<p_l|backup> so those patents could be defended in much saner patent systems
<p_l|backup> where Apple's "rounded rectangle" patents would be laughed out
<DuperMan> ah. yeah. life is fair, laws apply equally to all
<DuperMan> so yeah
<DuperMan> you're so right :) Imma not putting money on that though
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<p_l|backup> DuperMan: HTC already said they are not going for settlement
<p_l|backup> they're going for either win or fail in court
<DuperMan> p_l|backup: JUSTICE
<p_l|backup> dunno about samsung, but HTC got enough to block iPhone 5 and iPad 3 4G from being sold in EU
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<DuperMan> samsung would be unlikely prudent to do settle and resume being 'the iphone company that lets' apple brand the thing'
<DuperMan> but hopefully won't
<DuperMan> *surprisingly prudent
<DuperMan> Apple: geeeeeeee.... I seat on this here branch and the branch is imprinted with my arse since I have sat for such a long time indeed
<frankdrey-g1> XD
<p_l|backup> they're supposedly suing a small grocery shop for having domain
<DuperMan> do they even know how to pronounce 'a' in polish?
<DuperMan> oO
<p_l|backup> DuperMan: yes, we pronounce it 'a' :>
<koud> the SHW-M250K JB OTA is of any help for cm10 on sgs2?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> Kernel sources are the only thing missing
<Espenfjo> mali has changed
<koud> ah
<koud> so cant use their hwcomposer?
<DuperMan> p_l|backup: you pol
<DuperMan> :P
<koud> and what about audio? I have not looked in the zip yet but is there new audio libs?
<DuperMan> libs? code the audio drivers in realtime when you want music
<koud> mostly I am interested in better steps for volume :P so I wont make my tinitus worse
<Espenfjo> Probably can use their hwcomposer, but it wont be any better than what we have now
<DuperMan> tinitus sucks, period. how can you have 'better tinitus'?
<Espenfjo> dunno about audio
<Espenfjo> You cant have better, but you can make it worse ;)
<DuperMan> :) hell yeah. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
<DuperMan> lol
<DuperMan> so bloody true
<DuperMan> o/t, msft stock - good?
<DuperMan> ^^
<koud> Espenfjo: no problems with the current hwcomposer?
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<Espenfjo> There are some, but they are mostly related to everything else not supporting vsync/triplebuf
<Espenfjo> gralloc, mali etc.
<Espenfjo> hwcomposer is function good as far as I know. Issues are gralloc leaking memory, and fimc not liking youtube and netflix
<DuperMan> can't gralloc be shot in the face with a shotgun when mem's low?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> But if the SHW-M250K have a leak, and uses the YMU823 it may help audio
<Espenfjo> DuperMan: dunno
<DuperMan> leak may help audio: I better be gleaning wrong
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<Espenfjo> ach... bsdiff
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<DuperMan> I haz 4th cloud
<DuperMan> OO
<DuperMan> dropbox, amazon, google
<DuperMan> now godaddy
<DuperMan> xD
<frankdrey-g1> I haz own cloud
<frankdrey-g1> Its in a cardboard box too
<frankdrey-g1> I should go set it up
<DuperMan> I had a nas once. sucked. better as 'gutted hdd of former nas'
<frankdrey-g1> Meh
<p_l|backup> I planned a NAS, but I ended up not getting the job that would pay for it
<frankdrey-g1> I speak of regular server here
<frankdrey-g1> I can do anything with it
<p_l|backup> and I once had a job where we had proper SAN :)
<DuperMan> well wd w/ebook 325097823409273
<DuperMan> it sucked
<p_l|backup> your fault for using crap ;)
<DuperMan> yes it is
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<chieftex> guys, if im on a custom ics rom, and i flash a gb kernel in CWM (for brick free wipes), will this cause an issue?
<chieftex> assuming im about to install another ics rom that is
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