chadouming changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | SmartStay Ex available now ! | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | -> Gief TeamHacksung Galaxy Note 10.1 for CM10 porting. If you have a problem, fill this first :
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<Marian0> Why benchmarks like Quadrant Standar throws poor results on CM10 than on stock ROM?
<Marian0> on CM10 = 2990 ~ 3100
<Marian0> on stock = 3800 ~ 3900
<Marian0> (score)
<Kaik541> @bomb Marian0 don't use stupid benchmark tools when discussing real world usage
<bbqbot> Kaik541: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Kaik541> bullshit
Marian0 was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Kaik541 [don't use stupid benchmark tools when discussing real world usage]
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<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> Kaik541: i'll try to give you moderator, but i'm really bad at this
<Kaik541> I've been gone for a while and bbqbot is flaky at best
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<chadouming> @moderators add Kaik541 Kaik541!
<bbqbot> chadouming: Command does not exist!
<chadouming> @admins add Kaik541 Kaik541!
<bbqbot> User Kaik541 got added as admin.
<chadouming> try again ?
<chadouming> well, bomb me xD
<Kaik541> @bomb chadouming
<bbqbot> Kaik541: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Kaik541> LIES
<chadouming> [03:36:16] <@chadouming> Kaik541: i'll try to give you moderator, but i'm really bad at this
<chadouming> NO
<chadouming> i tried xD
<chadouming> give me one sec
<chadouming> @help commands
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @userlevel @eval @owners @admins @mods @nick @prefix @say @join @part @kick @kickban @unban @op @deop @voice @devoice @mute @unmute @topic @invite @autoOP @supported @downloads @changelog @addDevice @removeDevice @google @eightball @bash @addQuote @bomb @nuclearbomb @geo @timer @money @nebkatQuote
<chadouming> @mods add Kaik541 Kaik541!
<bbqbot> User Kaik541 got added as mod.
<chadouming> try again ?
<Kaik541> @nebkatquote
<bbqbot> Kaik541: Command does not exist!
<Kaik541> @nebkatQuote
<bbqbot> <Jiangyi|BF3> Shouldn't it be CodeworkxQuote instead? lol
<bbqbot> * nebkat has kicked Jiangyi|BF3 from #teamhacksung-support (idiot)
<Kaik541> @bomb chadouming
<bbqbot> Kaik541: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Kaik541> whatevskies, I'll just kick all the people
<chadouming> @userlevel Kaik541
<bbqbot> chadouming has userlevel 5
<Jiangyi> Uhhh......
<chadouming> do @userlever
<chadouming> do @userlevel*
<Kaik541> @userlevel
<bbqbot> Kaik541 has userlevel 1
<Kaik541> PWNED
<chadouming> hmk, well, i told you i was not good xD
<chadouming> @help mods add
<bbqbot> Usage: @mods <type>
<Jug6ernaut> @setUserLEvel 10
<bbqbot> Description: Shows mods
<bbqbot> Jug6ernaut: Command does not exist!
<Jug6ernaut> u dont exist
<chadouming> @help admins
<bbqbot> Usage: @admins <type>
<bbqbot> Description: Shows admins
<Kaik541> @mods
<bbqbot> Kaik541: You are not allowed to run that command!
<chadouming> hmm, that was to prevent people pinging us for nothing xD
<chadouming> @ping
<bbqbot> Version: 0.1, source at:
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<chadouming> @owners add Kaik541 Kaik541!
<bbqbot> User Kaik541 got added as owner.
<chadouming> ok, last try ?
<Kaik541> @bomb chadouming
<bbqbot> Kaik541: You are not allowed to run that command!
<chadouming> damn
<chadouming> i hate that shit xD
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<chadouming> i'm pretty sure it's the host part that is not good
<Kaik541> @bomb chadouming
<bbqbot> Kaik541: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Kaik541> probably
<chadouming> @owners add Kaik541
<bbqbot> User Kaik541 got added as owner.
<chadouming> try again ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Kaik541> @bomb chadouming
<bbqbot> chadouming, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<Kaik541> huzzah
<chadouming> 42
<bbqbot> Correct wire!
<bbqbot> Bomb disarmed!
<chadouming> there we go :D
<chadouming> time to keep updating the GitHubUpdater of BBQLog :D
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<jjjames> hey, um the new cm 10 link for galaxy s2 is broken lol, just thought I would let you know... tho it may be intentional
<jjjames> I mean the new download link for 20th of
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<vikz> hi
<vikz> i have problem with [ROM][PrimoU/GSM] 15/9/12 CM10 B89 *Unofficial*.
<vikz> CyanogenMod
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<vikz> anyone there?
<vikz> hello
<vikz> ?
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<brins0> morning all, quick question about the noob proof odin flash for the i9300 that codeworxx put out yesterday
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<brins0> if i'm on the latest samsung JB leak, if I install the resurrection kit, will that have the same effect as flashing back to ICS first, or do I still have to do that before hand?
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<brins0> I guess the internet must be sleeping... ah well, thanks anyway
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<j3t> hi all
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<j3t> appollo seems doesnt work on cm10 latest build i9100g ?
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<SuperLeet> Anyone online that could help me out? :)
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<therealbob> hi hacksung....real quick q...when flashing a nightly cm10 build do i have to wipe data/factory reset if i'm updating from a previously flashed nightly build?
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<SuperLeet> YAY
<SuperLeet> i got it to work!
<SuperLeet> fuck yeah
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<SuperLeet> where is peterperfect when you need him
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<SuperLeet> Anyone else have the problem of notifications not showing up?
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<thrap> Hi
<thrap> I need help ^^
<thrap> any body active here !?
<bealtine> with?
<thrap> I'm very newbie in andriod things
<thrap> and I need a simple guid
<thrap> to start from
<thrap> so I can root and install any custom or stock rom
<thrap> for my sgs1,2,3 and note
<bealtine> device?
<thrap> yes I've all of them
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<bealtine> the cyanogenmod wiki has instructions
<thrap> can you provide link
<thrap> ^^
<Mardos> IPHONE 555555555555555555555555555
<bealtine> lmgtfy
<Mardos> the headphone jack will be on the bottom - booom lool
<whitequark> thrap: you need guid right?
<whitequark> here you are: {3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301}
<whitequark> bealtine: GUID and UUID are not the same
<whitequark> and that site in fact generates UUIDs.
<whitequark> you see, a GUID is required to be globally unique, and for that reason it includes some constant bytes
<whitequark> in Microsoft's implementation that was the MAC address, which led to two problems
<whitequark> first, there were privacy concerns, which finally resulted in creating the UUID spec
<whitequark> and second, MAC addresses are not actually unique. some Chinese vendors use all the same for an entire batch of Ethernet cards.
<bealtine> guid is the ms implementation of uuid
<bealtine> move on
<bealtine> you'd argue with your oes over fullstops
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<SuperLeet> peterperfect o hei thur
<SuperLeet> I fixed it!
<peterperfect> SuperLeet managed to do the odin suff?
<peterperfect> SuperLeet how do you managed to install the nightly?
<SuperLeet> I never rooted
<SuperLeet> so first i rooted
<SuperLeet> then i flashed cwm
<SuperLeet> then i flashed nightly
<SuperLeet> and it's fucking amazing
<peterperfect> humn ok
<peterperfect> strange, did you factory reset?
<bbqbot> derp
<SuperLeet> i finally feel my phone is worth the money, but my notification bar/ status bar is fucked in the ass
<peterperfect> should be ok
<SuperLeet> no, i actually installed kies on my pc
<SuperLeet> which fixed the driver issues
<peterperfect> ok
<peterperfect> but coming from a samsung rom, you should do factory reset on cwm before flashing the nightly
<SuperLeet> I did
<SuperLeet> i cleared everything
<SuperLeet> even davik
<peterperfect> well, so try reflashing
<peterperfect> cause i really dunno what might be wrong
<SuperLeet> ok, so i go into CWM again, clear everything and do the odin thing?
<peterperfect> noooo
<peterperfect> try flashing the nightly again please
<peterperfect> just that
<peterperfect> using CWM
<SuperLeet> okay, will do. Will have to redownload though
<peterperfect> ok
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<SuperLeet> just CM10 or also gapps?
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<Nitneroc> Hi everybody
<Nitneroc> may I bother you with my little problem after flashing cm10 ?
<Nitneroc> I come from stock
<Nitneroc> everything works ok, but my download speeds in google plays are ridiculous
<Nitneroc> I tried wiping application data/cache
<Nitneroc> but nothing changes
<Nitneroc> it works ok via wifi, though...
<SuperLeet> are you sure you didnt reach your fair use policy on bandwith?
<Nitneroc> everything else works perfectly
<SuperLeet> in the netherlands they put you back to 64/64kb when that happens
<Nitneroc> i can watch youtube videos perfectly
<SuperLeet> hmmm
<Nitneroc> I flashed last nightly, btw
<SuperLeet> I have no idea, im new to this stuff, in here for the help aswel
<Nitneroc> thanks for trying
<Nitneroc> hope you'll get help :)
<SuperLeet> No probs
<SuperLeet> and so do i haha
<peterperfect> SuperLeet flash everything just in case
<SuperLeet> Im not getting any notifications.. you can't imagine what it's like
pier is now known as pier|znc
<SuperLeet> so.. reflash CWM aswel?
<SuperLeet> ohj you meant gapps
<SuperLeet> yeah i reflashed, didnt help
<peterperfect> nooo
<peterperfect> you reflashed just the nightly
<peterperfect> ?
<SuperLeet> and gapps
<SuperLeet> yeah
<peterperfect> give screenshot
<SuperLeet> of what
<peterperfect> of your borked status bar
<SuperLeet> my home button doesnt work either
<SuperLeet> i jsut foudn out
<SuperLeet> lol
<SuperLeet> it only works to wake up my device
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<SuperLeet> when I try to make a screenshot it just puts itself to sleep
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<iKillCypher> she is gone out of my life I really miss that girl
<SuperLeet> That feel
<SuperLeet> so familiar
<SuperLeet> the icons in the upper left corner
<SuperLeet> i dotn see them
<SuperLeet> they dont apear
<peterperfect> well
<iKillCypher> peterperfect wasnt a source leak by samsung for GTI9305 ?
<peterperfect> SuperLeet your screenshot show me two icons there
<peterperfect> iKillCypher yep, its already implemented on i9300 nightly
<iKillCypher> but not for GT-9100 ?
<bbqbot> derp
<iKillCypher> :(
<SuperLeet> thats the screenshot from your thread on XDA
<SuperLeet> its an example
<peterperfect> ah
<SuperLeet> I can't take a screenshot
<SuperLeet> because my home button doesnt respond
<peterperfect> SuperLeet plug usb cable, the icon will appear, hold power button, press screenshot
<bealtine> press power button otherwise just configure things
<SuperLeet> there you go
<SuperLeet> and for soem reason it seems people can't call me either
<SuperLeet> fuckkk
<peterperfect> SuperLeet seems something to have a icon
<peterperfect> SuperLeet do me a favor
<SuperLeet> Yes sir
<bealtine> go back to stock:)
<peterperfect> SuperLeet settings > about phone > screenshot
<iKillCypher> does the Cyanogenmod 10 support LTE ? or we need a phone just for LTE ??
<iKillCypher> cause I wondering if SGS2 Int is able to support LTE?
<peterperfect> no, lte need specific hardware shit
<bealtine> no the phone needs to support lte
<peterperfect> but yes, cyanogenmod has lte normally
<peterperfect> if you phone support it
<SuperLeet> bealtine hates me :<
zz_Karbowiak is now known as Karbowiak
<peterperfect> SuperLeet have a international galaxy s3 on t-mobile?
<peterperfect> how weird
<peterperfect> :P
<SuperLeet> i have a t-mobile card
<bealtine> not really t-mob are in europe too
<SuperLeet> but the phone is without simlock
<bealtine> crap but hey...
<peterperfect> SuperLeet seriously, dunno how to help. Try downloading odin version again and do the odin method
<iKillCypher> lol
<iKillCypher> his kernel verson is so old ?
<bbqbot> derp
<iKillCypher> what build are you using? cause last I know kernel is version 3.0.36
<iKillCypher> may be wrong tho
<SuperLeet> this thread
<peterperfect> iKillCypher nop, for i9300 is 31
<iKillCypher> yeah I kinda pity my phone this days samsung seems to have forgetten SGS2 my only dreams that it will become like SGS
<SuperLeet> i find samsung disgusting
<SuperLeet> with touchwiz my phone lagged and shit
<SuperLeet> now it's working on actual speed
<SuperLeet> took me 4 months to find out it's actual worth. except for the fact that i cant do the most essential thing now :P phone calls
<Mardos> derp
<SuperLeet> ill be back later
<SuperLeet> going home from work
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<Baskey> @dood _Fissurez_
<bbqbot> _Fissurez_: what up dood
_Fissurez_ is now known as Fissurez
<Fissurez> Baskey: DUUUUUUUUUDE
<Baskey> sup
<Fissurez> not much
<Baskey> I'm exhausted
<Fissurez> think i'm going to upgrade to the latest nightly of CM10
<Fissurez> hah
<Baskey> finally
<Fissurez> that's cause you left me in GS2ness
<Fissurez> bitch.
<Fissurez> LIAR
<Xello> still waiting for new cm9 nightly :(
<Xello> shouldn't have donated, they be livin it up instead of workin on rom
<Fissurez> Xello: for what?
<bbqbot> derp
<Xello> i9300
<Fissurez> olol
<Xello> im not even sure i have HSPA+
<Xello> because in a nightly after the stable version im on theres "Add the ability to recognize HSPA+ by creating a separate case for HSPAP and include new H+ icons." in the changes
<chadouming> It only show hspa vs 3g
<chadouming> Purely interface related
<Xello> i see so its not actual support
<Fissurez> i don't have 3G on my GS2
<Fissurez> only H and H+
<Fissurez> same thing, different names ^_^
<chadouming> H is 3g
<Fissurez> ik.
<Fissurez> btw, what is the i9200?
<Fissurez> did sammy skip it?
<Xello> i knew the difference between 3 and 3.5g back in like 2007
<chadouming> Doesnt exist
<Xello> the new stuff, ive no idea
<chadouming> I9250 is nexus
<Fissurez> yeah, i know that, but still... HOW CAN THEY SKIP IT!!
<Fissurez> also, these renders are nicer.
<Fissurez> of the GS2
<Xello> i thought 9200 was gs2?
<Xello> and 9100 was gs1
<chadouming> Xello only lte was added since hspa+(3.5g)
<Fissurez> Xello: nope
<chadouming> Xello i9000 = s1
<Fissurez> i9100 is GS2, i9000 is s1
<Xello> got it
<chadouming> I9100 = s2
<Xello> chadouming but my old phone had 3.5g
<chadouming> I9250 =
<chadouming> Nexus
<Xello> which was HSDPA
<Xello> it did not have HSUPA, HSPA, HSPA+
<Xello> that stuff
<Fissurez> HSPA+ is 3.5g to be fair
<p_l|backup> Xello: which are, iirc, mostly in range of firmware upgrades on BTSes
<Fissurez> probably just different names.
<chadouming> Hspa Hsdpa and hsupa
<Xello> bts = ?
<p_l|backup> Fissurez: 3.75, like Verizon's LTE (I don't accept the cop out of lowering the requirements for 4G... damn)
<chadouming> Hspa= hsdpa and hsupa
<p_l|backup> Xello: Base Station
<Xello> oh yeah
<p_l|backup> Xello: the "center" of a Cell
<Xello> well it was a nokia n97
<Xello> they definitely didn't upgrade it with those goodies
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<chadouming> Hspa+ = hspa with multiple connection to tower
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<Xello> that makes it clearer, thx
<p_l|backup> HSPA techset required upgrades to antenna systems on BTSes, iirc, but once those upgrades were done, upgrading all the way to HSPA+ is easier
<Fissurez> what's the difference between hsdpa vs hsupa
<Xello> down packets and up packets
<p_l|backup> Fissurez: HSDPA is unfinished HSUPA
<Fissurez> hey, the galaxy camera looks pretty nice.
<Fissurez> wat.
<Fissurez> ?
<p_l|backup> basically, the name conveys the part of HSPA which was concentrated on
<Xello> like my n97 has hsdpa, so download speeds were good
<Xello> it didn't have hsupa, so upload speeds sucked
<p_l|backup> the tech itself is HSPA. HSDPA is subset designed around pushing more data towards the phone only, without taking care of upload much
<chadouming> P_l|backup hsdpa = download, hsupa = upload
<chadouming> Not unfinished
<chadouming> Hspa is both together
<Xello> yeah
<p_l|backup> chadouming: they are basically two sides of the coin :)
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<Fissurez> the galaxy camera is just a massive phone with a humongus lense on it.
<Xello> hsdpa was what made n95 such a good phone, first with it afaik
<Xello> first here anyway
<Xello> no doubt japan/korea are years ahead
<Xello> fml today though, vodafone decided it was time to have a friday without any 3g connectivity whatsoever
<Xello> on good old Edge
<p_l|backup> Xello: Japan is slightly... off
<p_l|backup> afaik
<Xello> off what?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> Haha, we dont even have edge here
<chadouming> It's 3g/hspa+ only xD
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<p_l|backup> Xello: "off" compared to rest of the world. UMTS is basically a bit more normal version of what, iirc, NTT DoCoMo deployed ~2000
<p_l|backup> while compatible, it's afaik not exactly the same
<Xello> not using the same standards you mean
<Xello> i see
<p_l|backup> Xello: there are iirc still networks that use completley one-off designs not seen anywhere else
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<Xello> lol
<Xello> idk why usually i have a full 3.5g signal bar every day but every few months ill get a whole day with no 3g connection at all
<scelestic> solarflares
<addi> 3.5G signal bar? You using a Nokia? :p
<addi> ah, right
<addi> you are
<addi> N95 FTW
<Thracky> aw yiss :D Got BL2 running with my 6990 and a GT9600 as a dedicated PhysX card
<Xello> no s3
<addi> but wait, you have N97, which is fail :p
<addi> Thracky, damn you, my new motherboard doesn't have a slot for my seconday GTX260 for Physx. might have to clip off the end of one PCI-e 1.0x slot :p
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<bealtine> cdma cell breathing possibly
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<GabMus> hello
<GabMus> i need help pretty quickly
<GabMus> my friend installed cm9.1 stable with fresh install
<GabMus> but it is stuck in recovery
<chadouming> reinstall stock, quickest path to victory
<GabMus> ?
<GabMus> quickest
<GabMus> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<GabMus> ok it looks like it is working
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<razer> Hi guys
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<shaaan> hello
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<frankdrey-g1> My bro almost got a galaxy nexus...
<frankdrey-g1> Was gonna trade his iphone 3gs 32 gb + $70 for it
<frankdrey-g1> But its not in good condition
<frankdrey-g1> So he was like no way
<frankdrey-g1> the guy wanted 200 cash
<frankdrey-g1> My bro was planning to sell the iphone for 250
<frankdrey-g1> So...:P
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<Assid> heya
<Assid> err is the gps working on the sgs2/i9100 builds?
<Assid> my device doesnt lock on..
<Assid> ive tried a few modems as well
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<Assid> gps status shows a few satellites.. just doesnt lock on to any
<Ravenheart> works on mine
<Ravenheart> am running a pre- final nightly
<Ravenheart> oddly i think the bluetooth doesn't work
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<Assid> pre-final ?
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<Assid> this sucks.. i really wanna get a working gps
<Ravenheart> yea its from the RC builds
<Assid> also een tho i have rom manager premium it shows me ads etc
<Ravenheart> haven't updated since then
<Assid> eh latest recovery is ?
<Assid> clockworkmod touch is not available for my device?
<Assid> is rom manger a defunct project?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Guest65112> folks
<Guest65112> i'm rooting my friends galaxy s2
<Guest65112> used de debugfs method, and su is installed
<Guest65112> then I installed rom manager to get clockworkmod
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<Guest65112> it installed clockworkmod 4.0.15 and it does not have a backup option.. is that normal:
<Guest65112> ?
<Guest65112> i want to do a full backup before installing cm 9.1
Guest65112 is now known as akSeya
<akSeya> i want to keep the stock kernel too on the backup
<akSeya> or, how can I do a full backup without clockworkmod recovery?
<bbqbot> derp
<akSeya> no one!?
<akSeya> :(
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<chadouming> you cant
<akSeya> any idea why this recovery has no backup option?
<chadouming> on galaxy S I/II the recovery is in the kernel
<akSeya> also it only allows me to install update from external sdcard
<chadouming> great samsung idea
<akSeya> aff
<chadouming> so you didnt install CWM, but you are on stock recovery
<akSeya> so, if I want to do a full system backup, I must install a custom kernel
<chadouming> pretty much
<akSeya> damn
<akSeya> i was happy I was able to root without changing kernel
<akSeya> and Rom Manager told me clockwork mod 4.0.15 was installed
<akSeya> dumb Rom Manager >.<
<akSeya> chadouming, i'm downloading siyah kernel and going to flash it via heimdall .. is it OK or do you have a better suggestion?
<akSeya> done
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<akSeya> @download gapps
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
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<akSeya> thanks chadouming :)
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<choirboy> I unlocked my verizon galaxy nexus (fastboot oem unlock), do I have to lock it to get the OTA update for it?
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<choirboy> I've been checking all day and no update, I wondered if it was because it's unlocked?
<codeworkx> dont think so
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<choirboy> I wouldn't think so, either.
<choirboy> but, stranger things have happened.... ;-)
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<pvagner> guys I have some questions I am unable to get answered by simple google search Can you try to answer some of them?
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<pvagner> - I am using Samsung Galaxy S II with CM-10 nightlies
<pvagner> with the build 20120921 superuser repeatedly asks for permissions even though I have already granted the permissions for the specific apps. Is this known?
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<st4nnn> Hi on I9100, with CM10 nightly, I still have the system asking me the pincode regularly, is it normal?
<bbqbot> derp
<akSeya> i have the same issue pvagner has..
<chadouming> fill out the survey in topic
<akSeya> i was going to tell it now.. i have just wiped cache again, deleted all su data
<pvagner> for me it is a bit critical because I am using call recorder. It needs root permissions and I am unable to manually confirm root permissions for cal recorder each time I receive or make a call.
<akSeya> pvagner, if it's critical, roll back to last nightly :)
<akSeya> fill the survey and hope it gets fixed on next nightly :)
<chadouming> if your phone is critical, dont use nightlies
<pvagner> I have reverted to the 20120910 which I was using before. I just want to make sure I am not only one and it is know and likelly to get fixed.
<akSeya> pvagner, yeah.. I can confirm it.. will try to logcat later
<st4nnn> chadouming: does logcat trace RIL errors? (related to my phone asking me the pincode multiple times)
<pvagner> akSeya: I have attempted to make logcat however it is a 2 MB file. I think it contains unneccessary stuff as well. Is there a way on how to properly strip it? I cant see timestamps there so I really dont know how to do it properly.
<pvagner> chadouming: With GTI9100 I am also occassionally getting pin code but it is so rare e.g. once a day that I dont make a big issue out of it for the time being.
<Ravenheart> why not stick to CM9
<st4nnn> pvagner: once a day? for me it's about 5-6 times
<Ravenheart> other than project butter what else super important are you loosing
<Wechner> I, too, have the bug that superuser keeps asking if an app is allowed to obtain root although I ckecked that my answer should be remembered
<Fissurez> well, i'm aabout to bump up to the 21 nightly anyways :D
<pvagner> Well JB introduces some significant accessibility updates since I am blind I prefer CM-10 then. I am running it since jully 26th with no issues. and today I have found my first one so it is damn stable anyway. You know I was just curious and since I dont yet know how to report stuff properly I came here to ask.
<chadouming> why people no follow simple instructions
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<pvagner> chadouming: umm. I dont think there are some specific instructions for logcat. it just needs a bit more experience as I understand it.
<pvagner> I can already use adb and dump its output into a file. I just dont know how to extract relevant part out of it.
<chadouming> upload it all
<pvagner> okay I am not going to do it right now but I will try next time.
<koud> rwrwrar!
<whitequark> cm10 still leaks right?
<pvagner> another thing is not a bug however I will try to ask. In my country cell numbers are 10 digit long for example 0905123456. We tent to format it like this: 0905 123 456 CM-10 displays it like 090 512 3456. It is just a minor stuff for the convenience. Do you think this can be adjusted as a part of the localization? Is there a tutorial on localizing? I would be happy to help in this regard.
<pvagner> I know I can clone the whole source tree and manually translate xml files however I have read rumours the whole source tree is a few gigabites. I feel for what I would like to do it is too much.
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<pvagner> as for the superuser issue I am now reading the changelog. most likelly It has really been introduced in this build. because now superuser is compiled from source rather than including premade app.
<chadouming> koud, it's rwxrwxr-x :P
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<pvagner> I have found an similar issue with CM-9 which was already fixed a while ago. Maybe fix permissions in clockworkmod might help.
<chadouming> try it, nothing to loose
<chadouming> or install supersu
<chadouming> or reflash su package
<chadouming> or clear data from superuser and try again
<akSeya> i tried clear data already
<akSeya> ^^
<akSeya> but fell free to try too
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<pvagner> okay the superuser issue is already reported at least in the forum thread.
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<mongi> so guys, is it true that cody is going to sony phones now? haha
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<Jiangyi> mongi: Just not Exynos lol
<mongi> is he leaving s2 then? =/
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<Jiangyi> Don't think so.
<Jiangyi> He's just getting rid of the S3 :-P
<mongi> i hope sp =D
<mongi> *so
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<pvagner> sorry for disturbing but does anyone have an idea regarding localization of cyanogenmod to different languages than english? I cant find it
<bbqbot> derp
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<Guest73707> Nebkat, you got a min? Need help with cyanogen mod 10 for my tab 2
<Guest73707> I can't sign into google, it tries to connect but then signs out. I tried the browser login, but it is just a white screen with 'sign in' in top left corner...
<Guest73707> Correction: Tries to sign in but then times out
<_Fissurez_> Jiangyi: is he getting rid of it cheapo? :P
<Jiangyi> _Fissurez_: idk =|
<mongi> will he join the fxp team now? xD
<Guest73707> Never mind! Just started working ;)
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<Jiangyi> Oh wow, Raspberry Pi's in stock again :O
<Thracky> I still haven't gotten mine that I ordered in like june or july
* Jiangyi is tempted to get one
<Jiangyi> Or maybe 2.
<Jiangyi> Would probably make for decent HTPCs.
<Thracky> well, sorta.
<Thracky> no netflix tho :P
<akSeya> pvagner, still in here?
<chadouming> dont get raspberry pi get a mk802
<Jiangyi> I don't have Netflix anyways. :-P
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<Jiangyi> chadouming: Does it run CM or any full-fledged Linux systems?
<pvagner> akSeya: yes I am
<chadouming> ask peterperfec
<chadouming> t
<akSeya> i'm rebooting my cm10 now.. i have just downloaded superUser zip, extracted, replaced the cm10 su and then reinstalled Superuser.apk
<akSeya> didn't work :(
<pvagner> where you got the superuser zip from?
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<pvagner> oops
<akSeya> damn
<akSeya> but anyway, I got it from here
<akSeya> going to try to flash it
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<Jiangyi|BF3> Gonna go play for a bit.
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<Mardos> one quick question how can i format my sd card in my phone?
<bbqbot> derp
<Mardos> from cwm?
<Jiangyi|BF3> Yes.
<Mardos> my sdcard got partitioned to 121mb and 29gb unallocated
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<Mardos> fixed it
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<chadouming> wow, that was quick
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<koud> anyone here got experience with clevo laptops? :)
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<SeTConVar> Hi
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<SeTConVar> @nebkat I need help
<bbqbot> SeTConVar: Command does not exist!
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