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reductum has joined #zig
Just starting to get acquainted with the stdlib. I would like to pass a *std.unicode.Utf8Iterator to a function, but that struct is private. Is there a reason for that?
I ask because right below Utf8Iterator, Utf16LeIterator is defined, and that's public.
reductum, generally, if something is private but seems like it should be public, it was an oversight
andrewrk: Got it. I shall submit the most trivial of PRs.
reductum, apologies, I already pushed to master
Even better! Now I can pull it down and continue with this (zig) advent of code.
wow you're doing unicode stuff?
why is that?
I ask because I just finished mine
Well I'm taking this advent of code as an opportunity to familiarize myself with various bits of the stdlib, so I decided to treat the "input" for the first puzzle as utf8 code points, even though it's all the ascii subset.
that goes against something I've come to the conclusion of about utf8, which is that, the beauty of it is that you can almost always leave it encoded
I've watched zig from afar for a while, but decided I should finally get used to actually programming with it.
(can, and should)
Yes that's the way I usually do it. I think I've drifted toward this approach due to unfamiliarity with the language and the stdlib. I guess I should poke around more.
Yes. It was helpful to look at std/zig/tokenizer.zig
IntoxicatedHippo has joined #zig
bcdfgh has joined #zig
Are there plans for os.File to support io.readLineSliceFrom() ? I got an error readByte() not defined for os.File (IIRC).
Another thing regarding I agree with "Since it's only 1 character, and it's semantically equivalent". But I don't feel that it makes the language any smaller or bigger. It should be a relatively small change and AFAIK almost all languages with slices support it.
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andrewrk: oh? what did you do with unicode?
reductum has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.3]
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basro has joined #zig
hello, does zig target or have plans to target to webassembly in the future?
zig uses LLVM, so I guess it's possible
reductum has joined #zig
basro, yes
if you look at the readme, webassembly is Tier 4 support, which is not great. after llvm 8 comes out, it will be Tier 3, and we can work on making it 2 and then 1
sjums, pass your input as a pointer, so that it as mutatable
andrewrk, so there's at least a plan to have it be tier 1 in the future?
basro, yes
ok, very nice
the main blocker right now is that LLVM 7 (current release) has it as an experimental target
so it's not even guaranteed to be available
but that is changed in trunk
so zig 0.4.0 will have the wasm target guaranteed
do you have a rough estimate on how long that will take from now? just so I can remind myself to come back and check zig for this purpose in after such time passed
basro, 0.4.0 is scheduled for March 15 2019
it's coordinated to be 1 week after LLVM 8 is released, so if they have a delayed release, zig does too
ok, thanks andrewrk, I'll definitely be checking out zig with the goal of using it for wasm by then
basro, great, see you then :)
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emekoi has joined #zig
i was working on added network to support for windows and i was wondering if functions like ntohl and friends.
i'm guessing no because we have functions like std.mem.endianSwapIfLe
so has joined #zig
do we have a memmove implementation anywhere
seedofonan has joined #zig
Is zig.exe expected to crash with the dialog box "Windows will close the program ..." anytime it reports an error?
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how does one ask a question here? My first time...
seedofonan: the compiler shouldn't ever crash, so if you see that, it's probably a bug
what command were you running (e.g. `zig build-exe`)? Does the crash happen every time?
I'm not too familiar with windows, so I'm not totally sure what that dialogue means
reductum has joined #zig
I just downloaded and unzipped it. Seems to crashes every time it reports an error w/ stacktrace. And the stacktrace never has words, is always like ???:?:?: 0x7ff7e6d6167f in ??? (???).
I'm not sure why you'd be seeing that dialogue though. Maybe someone with more windows experience would know what details to ask you
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Now I just tried the last nightly. Stacktrace has words okay, but still crashes out. Also now working is "zig build" following a "zig init-exe". That was also crashing with the 3.0 release version.
I'm pretty certain the question marks are intentional in some cases, gdb displays stuff similarly
Weird to see that windows dialog box popup though
seedofonan: What are you building?
I loaded up my windows laptop with 0.3.0
Literally anything. Like in the top of the 0.3 release notes, there's a screenshot of "test "stack traces"" for "fn addOne" and then I do a "zig.exe test test.zig".
suirad has joined #zig
seedofonan: what version of windows are you running?
seedofonan, that's what windows does when a program crashes. that's expected behavior
if you have a debugger installed it would open it up for you to debug
seedofonan, we had an unfortunate regression with stack traces that happened right before 0.3.0 was released
just so I understand, you mean this dialogue should appear any time something exits non-zero? Or crash as in get e.g. segfault?
exit(1) should not trigger the pop up, but crashing with @panic or a segfault yes
it's configurable in windows how windows should respond to this
I see. what does @panic do that would make this happen?
the default panic handler dumps a stack trace and then calls abort()
seedofonan, if you have a suggestion for different behavior, please do share. this was the best I came up with when I looked at the APIs and experimented with different behaviors
Okay, thanks all for your attention. The behavior is supprising for an operation like "zig build ...", but rational for zig, I imagine. And as you mention, configurable in Windows.
seedofonan, I think there could be a good argument that `zig build` should not abort() when the build fails. That should probably be a normal exit(1)
we have reached GitHub's popularity requirements for them to add zig syntax highlighting
Happy December everyone
oh hell yes
wootehfoot has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
that sort of recognition will add credibility to the name
Hejsil has joined #zig
The repo list is on the liguest issue is cool. I should go through as see if people have made something cool
Also 17 zig repos with nearly a 100 zig files from me!
Hejsil, I enjoyed reading your advent of code code
I see you bothered to handle stdin :)
I was considering whether to just have an int array, a long string
did you see mine?
But then decided that those where boring and just did the stdin
I think my hashing strategy for AutoHashMap isn't amazing
I'm really happy with how this is turning out. Idk if anyone cares for terminal based rom hacking though :)
this is exciting, I haven't seen any demos from you until this one
This is in zig?
very cool hejsil :p
andrewrk, I don't have any opinion yet about zig build doing a panic vs an exit. Since the zig build system is compiling and running a user written zig application, perhaps that's why the present behavior makes good sense. More helpful I think would be a few words in the Documentaion at the beginning to set the expectation.
Hejsil, I like this unix philosophy thing you have going here. it makes a lot of sense for this use case
Hejsil: thats pretty cool
if github is going to add syntax highlighting support then we better make sure that the syntax highlighting is working properly.
emekoi, it's a little outdated, but I believe once it gets accepted, then we are in control of the repository, and changes roll out on a regular basis