ChanServ changed the topic of #zig to: zig programming language | | be excellent to each other | channel logs:
<daurnimator> andrewrk: so how are the 12? :)
<andrewrk> daurnimator, still on the first one. almost done :)
* daurnimator looks at list of open PRs..... copy ellision is "first".
<andrewrk> #1733 and #638
<daurnimator> while on #638, is there an open issue for making readInt take an enum instead of a boolean for the endianess arg?
<andrewrk> pretty sure it already does. but I'm making a bunch of breaking API changes to all the read and write int functions
<daurnimator> ah it does! I was looking at an old revision
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<mgxm> andrewrk:
<mgxm> seems that file_path returned by SplitIterator_rest was not including a null byte
<andrewrk> ah
<andrewrk> I'd be happy to make the fix directly, or would you like to make a pull request and get credit for it?
<andrewrk> nice find, thank you
<mgxm> no problem, you can fix directly
<andrewrk> thanks
<andrewrk> in a moment; I'm in the middle of another commit
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<zachcarter> hello, just stumbled upon this error -
<zachcarter> I'm sure I'm doing something wrong with the defer - since I'm catching errors already
<andrewrk> zachcarter, what happened is you returned an error from main, so zig is trying to print an error return trace, to show where the error came from (although in this case it is trivially obvious) and the debug info code itself has panicked and triggered a stack trace, which then succeeds and shows where in zig's debug info code it failed
<andrewrk> so it's a bug in zig standard library with regards to macos stack traces
<zachcarter> gotcha - just wanted to make sure that it was already known about, and if not to raise it :) thanks for the explanation
<zachcarter> enjoying zig so far :) coming from C++ and Nim
<andrewrk> zachcarter, I filed an issue on your behalf:
<andrewrk> thanks for the report!
<zachcarter> sure thing!
<andrewrk> mgxm, I created a temporary freebsd vm and I'll see if I can fix that issue
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<andrewrk> mgxm, fixed it.
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<andrewrk> funny, this is almost exactly what I'm doing in copy-elision branch:
<zachcarter> I'm very impressed with Zig
<zachcarter> managed to get a basic SDL2 app working with knowing almost nothing about the language in about an hour
<zachcarter> and that included looking up syntax I didn't understand
<andrewrk> zachcarter, glad to hear it
<andrewrk> I'm guessing you ran into this issue along the way:
<zachcarter> I very much like many of the design decisions you've taken with the language
<zachcarter> I did - it threw me for a bit
<zachcarter> then I found some SDL2 wrapper code and then finally I found @ptrCast and all was right with the world
<zachcarter> Nim handles this with unchecked arrays
<zachcarter> I like the proposal though - it's not an easy problem to solve IMO
<zachcarter> heh - considering this is even an issue - kind of makes me really happy
<zachcarter> amazed how few bugs I ran into given how new the language is
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<andrewrk> I'm glad to hear you could pick it up quickly though. that's one of my goals - is that source code is discoverable and readable even to people who don't know the language
<andrewrk> zig code is intended to be very boring and obvious
<zachcarter> I am a fan of simplicity
<zachcarter> I like C++ - I think it has some great features
<zachcarter> when I code in it - I stick to a minimal subset if possible
<zachcarter> but I'd rather code in a language that is more in the vein of C when possible
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<mgxm> andrewrk: great, thank you
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<daurnimator> would KernelAllocator be a better name for DirectAllocator ?
<daurnimator> Also other thing I've been thinking about, do we have a way to add misc attributes to memory and/or memory allocators?
<daurnimator> e.g. traits on an allocator that say "executable"
<emekoi> it should be possible
<emekoi> here's an example of how that would work in c
<daurnimator> emekoi: I know how it works in C..... the question is how we can apply attributes to memory and/or allocators in zig. It's more than executuable too: not all memory is the same. e.g. on some architectures, some memory is faster to access than others. you might decide to have 'persistant' memory. huge pages exist...
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<zachcarter> got sdl2 + bgfx initialized with zig:
<zachcarter> time to start making cubes :)
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<andrewrk> zachcarter, nice!
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