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ugh, i have no idea what the next step I need to do is
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rqou: Translate it into verilog. :P
i can't even get my program to understand a process block
and you want it to output verilog?
Heheh ...
90% of the work is for features used 10% of the time
Just suggesting you implement your logic in small, simple, discrete steps,and render it to the closest problem with a known solution.
rqou: Another more serious reminder .... many software projects of the type you are working on don't support all of the features of the language in question in their first, second, or even third versions.
i'm just trying to make sure I don't get stuck being unable to implement certain features
Gnash is a good example.
Baah ... this is your first time doing it. Get it working once, partway if necessary, at first and then once you know what you are doing -- then go back and fix whatever got broken in the first pass at it.
offtopic: I just looked into how IMEs work on Linux
i'm amazed it works at all
X11 is hell
why are IMEs so hard?
i guess this is an example of "you needed to have thought about it from the start"
i18n and a11y are both things that you really needed to have thought about from the start rather than hacking them in later
otherwise you are in for a world of pain
Is it x11's responsibility to impl IMEs?
from what I found, apparently X11 has a "legacy" one that still kinda sorta works (this is typical X)
on top of that, every "widget toolkit" has implemented their own thingamajig to talk to IMEs
what makes you say "wtf" (I believe you, just wondering)?
all of the redundancy, layering violations, and duct tape
example article (curious)
ZipCPU: "many software projects of the type you are working on don't support all of the features of the language in question" This can come back to bite you badly. "People only use 5% of X, but everyone uses a different 5%"
Basically, people having diverse needs makes all software terrible in the long run.
erm, X in that case is a metavariable, not "X11" :P
rqou: Thanks, I'll read that when I'm happy and want to be depressed ;_
supposedly IMEs have a "fun" problem in that the people who need/want IMEs aren't well integrated with "the rest of the community"
e.g. "they only speak Chinese/Japanese"
Random observation: Every Japanese NetBSD/mikutter developer I know can speak English competently.
in my experience this is uncommon
Since I barely memorized hiragana, let alone kanji, vocab, or grammar, I suspect I will be talking to them in English for the forseeable future :P
meanwhile i've been telling myself to work on my chinese since forever but I never actually do
cr1901_modern: Agreed, but it can help to get you off the ground. In the case of gnash, which I cited earlier, I would specifically note that there's a reason I'm not running gnash on my browser instead of Adobe's flash--it's just not full-featured *enough* to do the task I want.
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pointfree: The PSoC 5LP stuff isn't in there yet, so you'll still need a patch for that.
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