yosys/master 9ed4c9d Clifford Wolf: Improve write_aiger handling of unconnected nets and constants
yosys/master d9201b8 Clifford Wolf: Change default smt2 solver to yices (Yices 2 has switched its license to GPL)
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I'm starting to get useful data
Just fiddling around right now, no automation
but at this point i can measure cross connection 11 as being ~80 ps slower than cross connection 1
for my specific die, at 3.3V, at my ambient temp
At some point i'm going to make a big pile of bitstreams to do measurements better
and script this up
Ooh, LUT0 in1 -> out is 310 ps slower than in0
inb4 not even the manufacturer has this data
They don't
I'm doing propagation delay for now just playing around
but will be measuring setup/hold shortly
xilinx are noobs
They do not characterize setup/hold
this isnt xilinx
this is asileg
xilinx are still noobs
i'm using an artix on the other end as my test signal generator
Doing this properly will require automation
testing across a range of Vdd values
testing across a range of ambient temps
i'm doing it by hand just to kinda get a feel for how to measure things
But this is gonna be good data
like, knowing which lut pins are slower than others means that the optimizer may be able to re-order lut inputs to improve timing
if one path isnt critical and the other is
rqou: my measurement is sensitive enough to see a 240 ps lag through pin 3 vs pins 4 and 5
which, interestingly enough, is the pin that i reworked
no idea if this is coincidental (the wire on the devkit happens to be longer) or my rework has a slightly higher resistance than the original wire
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why this specific device btw?
Because the vendor does not have a static timing analyzer
I figured it'd be educational to characterize the device myself and write one
i already have a mostly completed HDL flow
but no STA
the vendor datasheet has typical propagation delays for rising vs falling
but not setup/hold times
or any info on PTV corner
just typical delays
I plan to characterize multiple dies at upper and lower voltage extremes
and a range of temperatures
to provide full cross-PTV timing data
wow, THIS is interesting
i'm measuring LUT3_0 in2 as 3.28 ns to output
but in0, in1 are 7.89, 8.05
Smells wrong but i havent found anything up with my data yet
swap the polarity!~one!?#!
like, the in0 to in1 propagation delay is about what i expected
but in2 being massively faster smells wrong
4.61 ns is a lot
Let's see if it holds for another lut3