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ZipCPU: do you have any advice for formal verification of FIFOs?
nMigen has a fairly large selection; FWFT, non-FWFT, FWFT with sync backing memory, async, async buffered...
and it has had very heinous bugs in FIFOs before
(though those would I think be only caught by verifying post-synthesis netlist from Vivado, but that can be done)
The contract for a FIFO is: if you write two successive values in, you should be able to read those same two values out, in order, some time later
I've written two articles on synchronous FIFOs, but the asynchronous article actually has the two write test within it
how do I write an assertion for that?
It's a state machine:
State 1: First item has been written
State 2: First and second items have been written
cr1901_modern: That's part of it ... that just recognizes being in the various states
hmmm, this seems really complicated, somehow
i feel like it ought to be simpler
nMigen should definitely offer first-class multi-clock-domain formal support
I have another example which looks a bit simpler using concurrent assertions
none of this manual messing with $global_clock and $stable
all of that should be automatically inferred from your design
You don't need $global_clock or $stable with synchronous designs
I know
what I'm saying is that verifying single-domain designs in nMigen should be as close to verifying multi-domain designs as possible
Then just always run the clk2fflogic pass
No, don't!
that would not have the same semantics.
SymbiYosys has an "multiclock on" option that replaces clk2fflogic
I mean close in terms of developer effort
I don't use symbiyosys
or rather, haven't used it
how do you use multiclock?
SymbiYosys is easier to work with than yosys-smtbmc
manually specifying to yosys to run clk2fflogic pass
* ZipCPU
steps away, will come back later
ZipCPU: I think I figured out what I don't like about your approach
specifically wrt FIFO contract
it treats the FIFO as white-box, and I want to treat it as black-box
perhaps a black-box with embedded asserts/assumes for induction support, but the overall harness would still do black-box testing
that's not to say it's wrong; I only dislike it
dunno if that's always possible or even desirab- oh, you mentioned "embedded asserts/assumes for induction support"
hey, does any one know if clifford is on IRC?
not regularly
Ok. Nothing pressing; I just kicked his vloghammer Xilinx bugs to someone that I know in Xilinx FAE, so I was gonna make the introduction if it was useful.
davidc__: If you are chatting with a Xilinx FAE, did you see the AXI-lite bug I blogged about recently?
whitequark: Formal Verification is fundamentally a white box testing method. While you can create "black box" "contracts" describing how a module should perform, the properties necessary to prove that the contract can be met tend to be quite intrusive
ZipCPU: essentially I think I want a *methodology*, which splits a formal specification into a black box contract and a set of white box properties
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I've done FIFO's several times on the blog. Once without formal, once asynchronously, and once describing my first experience with formal methods. While the latter has a bit of a proof, it's not a complete one
I only know of the one way to get to the complete proof, and that's the two writes followed by two reads test
is that really sufficient? its not like you have induction
ZipCPU: yeah, the basis of my black box contract is the two writes plus two reads test.
but I am concerned about complexity, and intertwinedness with the innards of the FIFO, of the rest of the specification
I am going to follow the approach I think is better when verifying nMigen's FIFOs
let's see whether that works
Here's the difficult part: you want to be able to restart that proof in the middle, so every step of the proof has to fully define the part it is on
Or, at least passing induction will require it ...
I understand that
If you find a better/simpler way, then I'm all ears. I'd love to hear it.
<smalltext>use a functional language, make things correct by construction? :P</smalltext>
I think I see one. but let's see first if I can actually finish a proof.
pie__: Thank you for the suggestion. I've heard that suggestion before, but ... don't understand it. I might need to spend a day or two with someone to really appreciate your suggestion. (Thanks for making it tho)
ZipCPU, im somewhat joking but only because im not particularly familiar with the method myself (yet?)
ZipCPU, i recommend you look into the curry-howard isomorphism, and CLaSH (clash-lang.org), but i am unsure if and how applicable the concepts are to clash
they are probably applicable at least to the extent they are applicable to haskell
there is also an irc channel
Shhh!!! Don't mention Haskell! shapr will try to teach it to me! :D :D :D
<3 ;3
i need to learn agda :V
oh wait
whitequark: your twitter is great fun to read
rqou: whatever happened with the russian display boards? did you build a better driver board?
ZipCPU: I think Haskell would blow your mind, and then you'd be like "wait, this is like proving things in verilog" and then you'd get a job at a big financial company doing HFT on FPGA
do HFT for a year, get rich, retire, write us moar tutorials :V
ZipCPU / azonenberg lets see if these first ones get results before I chuck a dump-truck of bugs at him; this is a social connection, not a contractual one :P
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davidc__: the one i was thinking of i have to check in 2018.3 still
but it was incorrect synthesis of verilog strings containing \0 characters
there's another one that is causing some concatenated strings to be truncated that i havent repro'd in a minimal case yet
but VCS synthesizes it right and vivado truncates the first char of some substrings
azonenberg, you ever figure out the issue with your gigabit phy?
azonenberg: have you looked at VCS vs modelsim by any chance? I saw drastically different string handling with modelsim I think it was (could've been incisive)
Finde: no i have not, i dont have access to modelsim
isim, xsim, and vcs
m_w: i have not
i tried a ton of things
being in an academic setting I get to hit my head against each of the simulators to find which hurts least ;)
i am now making an eval board with probe points and jumpers up the wazoo to reconfigure things
and twice as many decoupling caps as usual
that can take both the 9021 and 9031
in hopes it will shed some light on my problem
but i'm literally shooting in the dark here
i have zero idea what could be causing it
[Glasgow] rohitk-singh commented on pull request #95: arch.xilinx: add empty __init__ file to please setuptools - https://git.io/fhCNc
So lots of room to tweak
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m_w: then avddh and dvddh are adjustable across the full range
m_w: you know how I pushed for a beaglewire discussion forum? I now think I was wrong and it was a waste of your time, sorry. on the other hand, I am still enjoying the BeagleWire!