daveshah: Am I reading this right : icestorm says "A logic tile sends the output of its eight logic cells to its neighbour tiles. ". So whe connecting an LC (or RAM) output to a cell that's right next to it (including diagonal), you don't need to go through either v/h spans at all ? And does that prevent that output from also being connected to a span to go a bit further or can it be connected to both or even several neighbors ?
The output fans out to all 8 neighbours, all can be used if needed
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mwk: oh, my bad, I didn't know.
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keesj: Yes, I have used AutoFPGA with DDR3 designs. AutoFPGA doesn't provide the DDR3 logic, but it can glue the controller to the rest of the design
whitequark: I think it's a good start! Very similar to my own first FIFO proof
You seem to have also gotten hooked--having now found bugs in "working"/production code
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I should try formal at some point ... but it really seems like so much work.
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it's not
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tnt: q3k is right. It's actually less work
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mwk: btw, my offer from 35C3 still stands - if you need test devices, I'll send some boards over. I'm drowning in Spartan 6 boards
G33KatWork: I have one now
ah, cool
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ugh, why did they rewrite the xilinx bitstream parsing _again_
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FWIW, I have a bunch of S3, S3E, S6, V2, V4, V5 and other board sitting in my board scrap bin
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if anyone needs a test device hooked up to JTAG; I can provide a shell
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(re the discussion above)
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davidc__: I'm building a library of dev boards. I'm happy to accept V2, V4, or V5 boards. Already have S3, S3E, and S6
ZipCPU: I'm having some trouble with the two entry trick to verify FIFO contract.
I wrote the state machine in the obvious way and it of course passes BMC.
but I think it's only useful for k-induction.
kc8apf: the V2, V4, V5 stuff I have isn't dev boards; just scrap boards with working FPGAs
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ah. I prefer boards I can get schematics to
as far as I can tell, verifying that with induction requires $live (assert eventually)
which does not seem to work with all backends
or engines
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Hmmm, from reading symbiyosys docs, proving liveness is a different mode from induction. I wonder if this means "whatever $live cells are transformed to" are ignored in aiger solvers during induction.
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cr1901_modern: $live isnt something i remember seeing
yosys has added a lot of new formal capabilities lately
i need to start playing with them...
azonenberg_work: They're implemented in the AIGER backend
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cr1901_modern: well i'm also embarking on a massive campaign to systemverilog-ify all of my infrastructure
so everything sucks less
My sincere sympathies
The next step is to fox yosys so it can build my stuff
And then work on getting formal working on that
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nextpnr-ecp5: what are reasonable timings for a design that basically just reads and stores 2048 * 16 bit words in BRAM and then writes them back? I'm currently writing a loopback for a ft600 + ecp5 combo and am getting ~125 MHz. Just want to check if that is good/decent/bad. I need 100MHz so it's fast enough for my usecase right now so there isn't a problem, I'm just wondering.
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what is your critical path?
ECP5 BRAM have comparatively high clock to out times (5.6ns in the slowest grade)
1.5 ns logic, 6.4 ns routing
i'm not really sure how to read the output from the critical path report.. i guess i'm looking the the most expensive step(s) in the path? I'm still learning, coming from software.
it's hard when the critical path is "a net i recognise", twenty $abc$????, "another net, what are you doing there"
ah, abc.
my ip stack is only hitting 77MHz now ;(
but nmigen is sending arp replies so that's something
adamgreig: you should try synthesizing with flowmap.
it's depth optimal but not area optimal, so your design may grow about 1.5-2x
atm about 500 luts for the mac and another 500 for the ip stack, compiling now
1013 to 1672 luts
77 to... 61MHz :p
yeah, but now you get to learn the critical path
well, in this case, there's another problem
flowmap is not doing resynthesis, which is probably what's biting you so mcuh
e.g. on picorv32 there is very little difference in Fmax
fwiw, i am quite interested in such an IP stack
That's because the crit path in picorv32 is mostly carry...
The problem is, flowmap is a depth optimal mapping for a given circuit
glasgow revE might use it
this is probably a bit too minimal to be that interesting, in that it's quite "answer icmp echo and arp, and send/receive udp, and let's do without a local arp cache" sort of thing
mmh i really need some ECP5 board
It doesn't guarantee that circuit is optimal in the first place
though some of the ideas for nmigen might still work with something a bit more general purpose
yes, that's what i mean
there is such a DSL for Yumewatari too
nothing can *guarantee* that a large circuit is optimal
does yours handle arbitrary gearing btw?
the ip stack talks to the mac through a bram for packet data and an async fifo for bram start address and length
sorry that's not really an answer to your question
i have avoided worrying about gearing by putting all the data through brams as it crosses clock domains, bytes at a time
how many bytes wide is your datapath in each clock domain?
can you enlarge that?
probably yea
just avoided needing to special case not-full-words in the mac
* whitequark
goes back to formally verifying a fifo
didn't expect to need to and thought this would be cheaper area-wise
anyway it's a wip, we'll see how it ends up once it's actually got udp working
pleased at how relatively quickly a first cut comes together though
i want tcp :]
honestly i was and still am tempted to just stuck a small cpu in
boneless? :D
i'm spending 500 luts and a bram or two on the ip stack so far and it's very bare-bones
well quite
i was working my way to the pun but yes
it'd cost as much resource and i could just program a small ip stack instead
lmk, i'll finish boneless then
right now i'm somewhat trapped in nmigen hell
whereas my critical path now is the mux chain writing the rx memory address through three protocol stacks or whatever
sounds like it needs more registers
the eth fsm is delegating to the ip4 fsm which delegates to the icmp fsm etc etc
yea ideally i should pipeline it but that makes working out the timing much more annoying
especially because currently each byte of incoming packet to process is one clock and one state in the fsm so it just eats through it
why can't you make it one FSM?
probably can do
this seemed nicer conceptually but is definitely worse from a circuit architecture pov
explaining "arbitrary gearing": yumewatari is parameterized over the datapath width, so you can run it with a 32-bit datapath to more easily make timing at 2.5 or 5 GT/s, or maybe 16-bit to save LUTs if you have faster fabric and better placement
you can have them separate in code
i expect to rejig it a few times as it goes
right now it's quite oriented to replying to incoming packets so i'm not sure how i'll do transmitting a new packet ab initio
ah, the smoltcp problem :D
i might also rejig it to just stream the incoming packet byte by byte without any control form the protocol layers
right now them having control lets them skip over unneeded bytes but probably quicker overall to not
then you'd lose the long mux chain and can stream through the pipeline to the tx bram without worrying about pipeline delay
hah, yes
funny how some things just keep happening
sorear: is that both the mac layer and the protocol engine?
so like my "ip stack" processes incoming packets a byte at a time, but in ip4 many fields are 16bit anyway so you could imagine rewriting it to do that, but i'm less sure how you'd parameterise it
i guess cleverer metaprogramming
yumewatari is a PCIe stack, it currently has most of the Physical Layer and none of the Data Link Layer, "MAC" is not a term used in the PCIe spec
tbh most of it atm is already "skip 2 bytes, check next 4 bytes match this constant, copy next 6 bytes to start of tx memory" and you could just divide all those numbers by 2
does it have to deal with things akin to ip headers or once the link is established is it just streaming plain data?
i could readily imagine having the mac layer in this do 16 bits or whatever into a wider memory (16bit would match ice40 nicely), but ip protocol stuff seems like it might be more annoying
whitequark has a thing which uses a byte-level grammar to generate multi-byte datapaths; I suspect it's overkill for processing PCIe training sequences but quite appropriate for TCP
the data link layer is packet oriented
but my knowledge of the plans falls off rapidly and I don't want to speak for things I don't know
sorear: not entirely overkill if i want to do full validation of training sets
however, it is definitely more oriented at DLLPs
also, PCIe has a 32-bit bias; TLPs are explictly defined as sequences of 32-bit words, the data link and physical layers are nominally byte oriented but go to some trouble to preserve 32-bit alignment
i imagine that helps
ip4 is pretty alright for 16bit at least
how bad is using an ice40 bram as 8bit wide? maybe i could save some address logic by using twice as many 16bit ones
(I assume the hardware is only 16bit and using them as 8bit instantiates some address logic to select output bytes)
the hardware can do 16,8,4,2
why have i heard the non-16bit primitives described as pseudo-primitives?
is it just that the actual primtive has a parameter..
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SB_RAM40_4K vs SB_RAM512x8 for instance
the primitive has All Of The Parameters
got it
most of the psuedo-primitives are just primitives with some parameters fixed
so using it as 8x512 is just fine?
that's nice
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should have time this weekend to push the ip stack a bit further anyway
right now it massively cheats on the asyncfifo but once a formally verified one lands in lib.io it should slot right in ;)