using retiming to hide *global interconnect deays*
this seems like it'd need nextpnr support
I think that might be more for ASIC than FPGA
from memory ASIC flows have much larger routing to logic delay ratios
oh interesting
logic delay only based retiming should be good enough for most FPGA cases
not to say interconnect delay retiming won't be useful at all
so i looked through the slides
it's literally the same basic graph manipulation as in FlowMa
i can definitely implement it
this guy is a genius. no normal person can do so many optimal algorithms *and* make them easy to implement
retiming feels like one of those things you want to have individual control over
well either that or everyone else just sucks a lot
ad retiming - the current Yosys/ABC retiming is badly broken, definitely need to think about improving things (this was going to be fixed in the abc/xaig stuff)
right now it gives a separate netlist to ABC for each clock domain
which seems sensible except "clock domain" includes different ce/sr too
as optimizations go, since shuffling the relative positions of logic vs registers feels like one of those "makes it harder to understand the final results and has opportunity for subtle effects"
yes, that's why almost no flows - even vendor - have significant retiming enabled by default
>h. By gradually increasing the depth bounds, we
are able to produce a set of mapping solutions with smooth
area and depth trade-off for a given design.
even asic flows you opt in retiming on a module by module basis
that makes sense
guess you might want it in say a filter pipeline, but definitely not in your control mcu
rocket does this for the FPU, much nicer to do a combinatorial FMA unit and stick four stages after it then to try to figure out where to put pipeline regs *inside* a FMA
yeah one thing I would love to see better support for is setting boundaries (at the module level) for certain classes of optimizations. just from a making-it-easier-to-reason-about-results standpoint. sure optimize the cpu and the peripherals, but don't start combining logic/registers or pushing bits of one into the other
so, hierarchical synthesis?
afaik at the moment that is in the realm of supported, but not well used enough to be bug free
I think so.
* swetland
will happily add it to his list of things to experiment with.
I think some of the people doing ASIC stuff with Yosys have done fully hierarchical stuff
should just be a case of adding -noflatten to synth_ice40; then flatten and opt_clean at the end to make a flat netlist for nextpnr
maybe more subtle if you want some hierarchies flattened
eg, cpu may be composed of 4-5 modules (regfile, decoder, etc) and I don't mind *them* being optimized together, just want to keep the top level components (cpu, peripherals, etc) from bleeding into each other)
probably a (*flatten="always"*) attribute or something
There is (* keep_hierarchy *) already
> The keep_hierarchy attribute on cells and modules keeps the flatten command from flattening the indicated cells and modules.
but that makes nextpnr cranky, no? need to do some kind of force flatten as a final step perhaps?
ah no, that's not quite the same thing
yes, need `opt_clean; flatten` before netlist export
nextpnr will support hierarchical netlists at some point, but imo we should get rid of the hand-written JSON parser first
handwritten json parser....
badly ripped out of Yosys too (don't @ me, not my code)
daveshah: oh what the hell...
FlowMap-r is ... trivial to implement
at least it's not xml ^^
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and it also preserves all original network properties
very nice
>Experimental results show that the run time of SeqMapII for
computing the optimal solutions is too long in practice (e.g.,
more than 12 h of CPU time for a design of 134 gates on a
mwk: can you please send me your email address
edmund: mwk@0x04.net and I thought you had it already?
qu1j0t3: 1998-01 was the first month of ultra5 availability
mwk: Lost in translation :-)
You should have gotten an invite by email.
gruetzkopf: hm :)
whitequark: in glasgow, are unused pins force to 0 somewhere ?
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Mmm, looks like in the verilog io[n] (n being the unused IO) is not connected to anything ... and then yosys or nextpnr decides to make that 0 which is rather inconvenient.
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mithro: btw, not sure if that's helpful at this stage but I wrote some hack to run sigrok PD inside gtkwave. Useful to debug USB probably.
tnt: that would be useful
mithro: do you have a .vcd for me to try it on to make sure it works with the usb pd first ? Then I'll send it along with how to run it. (gtk wave tends to be a bit picky and just plain freeze if you don't do thing exactly right)