Strange that why it is made a "solder" jumper
you could remove both and solder a header to J5 for a normal jumper if you'd like
I figure the reason it's using a solder jumper by default is because all the other parts are surface mount, so the board only requires reflow soldering
adding a selective wave soldering step just to solder J5 would increase the cost of manufacturing significantly for little gain
or more likely hand assembly than selective wave, but still
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zyp how is the SDRAM on ulx3s different compared to the DDR3 memory on orangecrab in terms of memory data transfer protocol implementation?
slower and simpler, I guess
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zyp wait, I am asking about protocol coding in verilog
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No DDR signals?
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DDR3 has DQS strobes, you need to make use of special fpga features to implement that properly. SDRAM (and DDR1) you're good with just IO registers.
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ive been digging thru ddr2 docs lately, to better understand the dram controller in the rpi
and now i know more then i wanted to know, lol
now i cant stop thinking about how i would implement suspend to ram and deal with self-refresh, without halt the docs.....
daveshah: Mouser seem to make it really hard to find different but very similar products from the same manufacturer
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