<ktemkin> I'd assume one of the three ethernet-adapter USB device classes
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<vup> scientes: btw litex just merged litefury support: https://github.com/litex-hub/litex-boards/pull/123 maybe you have more luck getting that running
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<Finde> ooh
<Finde> oh it does tty over pcie? interesting
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<scientes> litex.build.generic_platform.ConstraintError: Resource not found: serial:None
<scientes> and i just ran ./litex_setup.py update
<scientes> and when i run test_targets.py it just quits without telling me why, which is frustrating
<scientes> ahh ./setup.py test
<scientes> this is something that really frustrates me with the python community: WARNING: Testing via this command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Users looking for a generic test entry point independent of test runner are encouraged to use tox.
<scientes> like with installing some python code, there is no straight forward way to do it, and I end up just having to run the python interpreter from the directory, because everything is a "solution" instead of actually saying how things work
<zyp> scientes, what do you mean by «straight forward»? python has a pretty standardized package system
<zyp> if that doesn't work for you, you can put stuff wherever and point $PYTHONPATH at it
<scientes> ok thanks on $PYTHONPATH
<scientes> it was just that valentyusb was never made for pip, and setup.py just tells you "this is deprecated" which has the same problem as what I copied above
<zyp> ah, yeah
<scientes> anyone that has worked with children knows that telling them to NOT do something usually doesn't work very well
<scientes> and then i go to the #python channel, and they just repeat "this is deprecated", as I continue to get more frustrated
<zyp> stuff like migen/litex I prefer keeping in git submodules linked to my own project rather than messing with installing them in a virtualenv
<scientes> instead of saying the $PYTHONPATH thing you said
<scientes> yeah, they also said "use a virtualenv"
<scientes> but again, I don't really care at all
<scientes> I just want to run the software
<zyp> it'd work, but to me that's state to maintain, and I don't like that
<scientes> of course, but if you can't run a program you don't have freedom 0, so it wears my patience thin pretty fast
<zyp> the advantage of submodules is that I can check out any old commit and that'll also give me the exact commits of all the dependencies I used at that time
<zyp> which is pretty useful with fast moving targets like litex
<scientes> yeah I love using tools too, but it sure made me rage when everybody was trying to solve problem I didn't have, while not actually answer the question of HOW to run the program
<scientes> which I assure you is 99% of people reading the distutils documentation
<scientes> anyways, I think you answered my question at the very top
<zyp> also, the serial:None is because your board doesn't have a physical serial port like the target defaults to
<zyp> you'll probably want to add --serial-name=crossover or something like that
<scientes> that's why reading tests is the best way to get acquainted with any software program
<zyp> I find examples to be more interesting than unit tests
<scientes> but tests are examples
<scientes> examples are generally just better chosen examples (if they exist)
<scientes> and "examples" are often not actually run, so they can be wrong
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