ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<cr1901_modern> Boost for the ppl not on Masto but on IRC
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<Lord_Nightmare> cr1901_modern: that's like the third genesis music hardware player thing I've heard about in the last 6 months
<Lord_Nightmare> There's going to be a severe run on ym2612 chips
<Lord_Nightmare> really bad
<Lord_Nightmare> and ym3438
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<cr1901_modern> I do not think it'll be any worse than that damn gacha
<superctr> as long as they keep buying fakes from utsource it should be fine
<superctr> the gacha was bad because they made sure those were real, working chips
<superctr> for someone to buy and turn into keychains
<Lord_Nightmare> the fuck, someone used the gacha for fucking keychains?
<Lord_Nightmare> someone needs a paddling for that
<Lord_Nightmare> theres plenty of alibaba/utsource shit for making keychains out of
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<andlabs> I mean
<andlabs> if they bought it overstock then it's fine???
<andlabs> it's not like making commerative keychains for microchips are anything unusual or unheard of
<andlabs> of particular infamy is the "Andy Grove" one, which were made of unsold stock of versions of the Pentium chip with the FDIV bug
<ej5> then of course you have the white ceramic 6502s that people are paying ridiculous sums for
<cr1901_modern> I would say that keeping Yamaha chips alive today has more utility than keeping a Pentium w/ an FDIV bug alive today. I'm not really aware of any RE efforts for the Pentium. And even the simpler 486 is over 1 million transistors (thanks to the FPU).
<cr1901_modern> 68k is ~35,000 and that took Sarayan a year to RE?
<ej5> 68k is about 68,000 iirc
<cr1901_modern> That was a marketing gimmick
<cr1901_modern> A cute one, but marketing nonetheless
<ej5> probably counts a transistor in every bit of the ROM array then?
<cr1901_modern> Unless by "68000" they mean "that's the maximum that will fit in the allocated die space"
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<andlabs> sure, but no one knew that when those gatchas were made
<andlabs> also
<andlabs> unrelated: can we have public domain netlists please
<andlabs> (not like we own the rights to the transistor layouts, anyway; they're either facts (public domain) or the IP of the chip designers (Yamaha, Motorola, Intel, MOS))
<Lord_Nightmare> we know what the cause of the fdiv bug is anyway, so in theory it can be LLE'd
<Lord_Nightmare> its a bug in a division result lookup table in a radix-4 table
<cr1901_modern> Why would you want to? FDIV bug is good for the jokes that came out of it and not much else
<Lord_Nightmare> the last five values are supposed to be "+2" i think but are all 0 due to a truncated hex record file
<cr1901_modern> "Why didn't Intel call the Pentium the 586? Because they added 486 and 100 on the first Pentium and got 585.999983605."
<andlabs> the FDIV bug was fixed ages ago
<andlabs> they were missing 5 entries in the lookup table Lord_Nightmare said and the fix was just to put them back
<Lord_Nightmare> what i'd love to know is what all the entries in the fdiv table are, and also how to actually use said table to speed up division
<Lord_Nightmare> something like multiplicative inverse and doing a multiply but more complex
* TD-Linux singlehandedly destroyed the entire remaining stock of a YM chip
<TD-Linux> only one that no one cares about :^)
* cr1901_modern cares
<fseidel> was this that MIDI control one?
<Lord_Nightmare> opl1?
<TD-Linux> yes, the 3802-x