99.99999% of my e-mail isn't “real people”
I'd say about 80% for me, but much of the 20% isn't important; just mailing lists
oh, mailing lists are all automatically filtered
elliottcable: discover mail filtering?
yeah, it's all already *heavily* filtered
I probably have ~150 gmail filters
oh crap.
and I've *still* got 900 unread, un-filtered-out in my inbox.
* whitequark
has around a dozen
I only started on a crusade to reduce my e-mail issues six months, ish, ago
so there's still plenty of automatic mailings, various spam-y things, or services I used once and then forgot
so when I “clear out my inbox,” it generally involves taking the top item of mail, searching for all mail from that sender's domain, and then selecting all, mark as read and archive
similarly, looking for an “unsubscribe” or “notification preferences” link within those emails
so, time to automate that process and allow me to batch-process entire chunks of mail (“Everything from Twitter.com”, “everything from the NRA”, etceteras) at once
then, allow me to automatically add a new filter or append an existing one, if there's no unsubscribe link or similar to handle it
all of this should be relatively trivial scripting, if I can get past the fucking authentication part
I hate OAuth with a livid passion. More “security” (in airquotes, because every fucking system implementing OAuth is already as leaky as boxers on a baby) for general users, at a loss to scriptability of the web as a whole.
use gem 'mechanize'
meh, not in the mood to be around Ruby right now
doing it in Node
and I definitely want to do this properly, not by scraping the HTML
done plenty of mechanize back in the day, but it's *way* too slow to process hundreds of e-mails over the 3G connections I generally find myself using
use a server?
also um
why do you need oauth to get email?
I was offering mechanize as a means to log in to websites from which you want to unsubscribe
OAuth because I want to generalize it and turn it into a Gmail Gadget someday.
so you want to restrict people who want to use it to gmail only
The end-goal is a <canvas> disc-shaped break-down of your e-mail, by label, sending-website, individual sender, mailing-list ... you get the idea
yay so my memorization algorithm works pretty well
with the ability to create a filter, or apply an “unsubscribe”-link heuristic, for any given subsection that it displays
with one click.
* whitequark
read that as "dick-shaped break-down"
definitely gmail only.
whitequark: wat.
reading too much drama lately
elliottcable: No worries, but who are Brian_Phillip and danpalmer and how did they get into my Twitter-stream?
lol. Brian's a friend of mine; danpalmer is a very smart dude who used to frequent this channel
elliottcable: everything from that list, including filtering, is not gmail-specific
he goes to the same university as trolling
so he stopped frequenting. I believe it was becoming weird for them.
elliottcable: K. All good.
kind of want to make my own ketchup
whitequark ⑊ yes, but the ability to *create* a filter is too specific to the service; I don't want to have to generate filter-rules specific to whatever service the user may use
not an argument I care about.
convention over configuration, every time; and gmail is *the* convention.
elliottcable: discover sieve
make the code simple enough and modular enough to modify to your necessities, then wrap it into a gmail gadget. done.
alexgordon: memorization algo?
devyn: you know about supermemo?
or anki, etc
I know Anki
elliottcable: and you're essentially generating filter-rules specific to whatever service the user may use.
yes, but specific to *one* service, not many
could just as well say I should support POP as well as IMAP, etcetcetc
devyn: Anki uses an algorithm called "SM2", which was developed in the 80s iirc
this is a script, for me, that it'd be *easy enough* to generalize for others' use
devyn: it's pretty inefficient :P
doesn't mean I'm going to put a lot of effort into making it useful for *everybody* who might want to do something similar
sephr has joined #elliottcable
wait, alexgordon
“memorization” not “memoization?”
this conversation just took on an entirely new light.
with an R
for remembering stuff
Is there something like that for the iPhone, with push notifications?
'cause, want.
there probably is
but I'll open source my lib and you can use it!
oh, that would be neat; something that just sends you an info card every so often?
it's quite resource intensive though, I designed it for desktop computers
I need to debug one of my passes which produce invalid SSA
but my debugging tool broke
alexgordon ⑊ do that!
DO NOT WANT to analyze 10k+ lines of console output
devyn, elliottcable: so for a mobile device you'd probably need a server to do all the work and just have a thin client
I have a 313-lines-of-Ruby-long script that's a clusterfuck now
devyn ⑊ I was thinking, after reading Lift.do's fucking-whitepaper-in-release-notes for the last release, about something like that
yes, server and thin-client
and I'd like to add *additional* heuristics to ensure I don't get too many push requests
would have to take into account: 1) how often I swipe-open the APN, as opposed to ignoring it entirely,
2) how many “refreshers” I complete after swiping an APN
anyway as I was saying Anki uses SM2 and the latest is SM15 which is considerably more efficient. But algorithms from about SM5 onwards are not detailed very well, so I'm designing my own from scratch
(let's assume that the app will APN when it has something new that it wants to refresh you about, a month down the line ... but when you swipe that APN, it will *continue* showing you refereshers as long as you're bored and stay in the app)
alexgordon ⑊ what are these SM* numbers?
I've done that before, although I'm not a fan of that syntax
watf since when is this called templeos
generally, I stick to %|| or %(), or, in special cases, a space (% abc )
why does he change the name so goddamn frequently
*especially* when you're already within square-brackets, use something else
for a while it was LoseThos
devyn: OS written in 10 years by a schizophrenic and VERY religious guy
alexgordon: I know
oh, misread
but I don't understand why he keeps changing the name of it
just recently
oh my god this video
pretty sure it's giving me that thing with the eyes and seizures
elliottcable: erm anyway, I have one algorithm for working out which items are relevant today, and a separate one for working out *when* in the day to do what
“can change tasks in half
a microsecond”
because that totally doesn't depend on processor speed
devyn: are you suggesting that multiple people are running this OS?
alexgordon: hmmm? I don't follow
devyn: he's the only person crazy enough to run it
it's not for using, it's for playing
I look at this, and think “Arduino, but for systems-level-software instead of gadget-level-hardware”
i.e. completely useless for any real tasks, only interesting for learning and fiddling and being crazy
elliottcable: so for a thin client implementation, you would have a server tell you what items are relevant for today, then have the client decide when in the day to show them
there's plenty of alternatives for *real* tasks (compare Arduino to BeagleBoards, Lego Mindstorms, Raspberry Pi, ...)
but for what it's good for, it looks excellent
alexgordon ⑊ not good enough, at least for what I'm talking about; because the server needs to provide push-notifs throughout the day
elliottcable: can't an app do that using a background process?
... no
why not
have you ever *touched* an iPhone?
I thought you could run limited background processes on iOS
did I miss something massive, and you use Android or something?
yes. very limited.
you've got:
- 10 minute task-completion, limited in API availability after the app has tabbed out
- indefinate audio API, even *more* limited availability (basically impossible to hijack for any purpose other than Spotify-esque music streaming)
that's literally it, unless I missed the big “Oh! We're going to let you background tasks indefinately now!” headline feature in iOS 6
oh well
everything you see that does notifications when the app isn't running, is doing it server-side, or within ten minutes of you last tabbing out of the app
ok then I guess you'd have to do it on the server
still don't get your dual-algo approach
why the hell?
because basically the two problems are unrelated
during the day you want to make an "imprint" as supermemo guy calls it, so that you definitely remember the desired memory for at least the rest of the day
but between days it's a different problem, you want to optimize for memory "strength", so that you forget the memory *more slowly*
strength doesn't really exist in units less than a day
this is the key insight in supermemo: the less often you repeat something, the slower you forget it
if you repeat something really quickly, then you have to keep repeating it at that speed otherwise you forget it just as quickly, but if you repeat it in big intervals (but are frequent enough that you don't forget it) then you build strong memories that you forget slowly
I'm sorry, if his thing is written on that assumption, than it's fatally flawed
it's backed up by data, so not really
and please don't make that mistake in your own, as it'd make it as useless to me as it sounds like his would be
I've an *absolutely atrocious* memory; and I guarantee you that I can forget something within the same day
you probably don't, but you might just need more effort to imprint the memories
for me, more useful (at least at the start) would be repeating in much smaller intervals. Perhaps fifteen minutes after I spam it in the first time, if there's nothing else for it to show me, then perhaps three hours later
brb food
see, I shouldn't have to put effort in. That's the entire point.
by effort I mean greater repetition during the day
I'm not suggesting you just show it once a day
but you forget things differently between days than you do during a day
I'm not so sure I believe that.
But if there's truly studies backing that statement, so be it
as long as there's a methodology for training on schedules *shorter than a day*
brr has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
malia_ has joined #elliottcable
brr has joined #elliottcable
devyn ⑊ was that in reply to whitequark's tweet, or vice versa?
either way, what's the context?
elliottcable: vice versa
time to write a speech...
... I hate writing speeches...
why're you writing a speech?
speech class.
elliottcable: brr's mask is corrobor@please.feed.the.damn.cat
Aria has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:59:04] <+elliottcable> why're you writing a speech?