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<siraben> remexre: turns out there's a volume 6: separation logic foundations
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<lispmacs[work]> I just got set up with VICE and have been playing with 64Forth on Commodore64
<f-a> how was it
<lispmacs[work]> so far a good experience, except I'm having some confusion about figuring out where some special C64 keys map to on my real keyboard
<lispmacs[work]> to go into insert mode in the block editor, you have to press something like Shift-Insert on the C64 which doesn't seem to map to the same keys on my real keyboard
<lispmacs[work]> but, I figured out anyway how to save normal definitions to a disk image, and load them
<lispmacs[work]> compiled definitions
<lispmacs[work]> I might have made more progress but got a bit distracted playing M.U.L.E. for C64
<remexre> siraben: ooh, nice; adding it to my list
<remexre> been reading thru for the last couple of days; doesn't seem easy to apply it to Forth, but cool stuff nonetheless
<lispmacs[work]> how would you do partial evaluation in Forth? you would need some kind of special operator, wouldn't you, to hold the applied values?
<f-a> siraben would probably agree that the way to go is to write an Haskell compiler in Forth
<f-a> *agree with me
<siraben> f-a: to implement partial evaluation?
<f-a> and to use Haskell :P
<f-a> I am not sure I can link Forth to PE
<f-a> evaluate what?
<f-a> stuff on the stack?
<siraben> Forth doesn't really have a notion of closure, is that required for PE?
<f-a> you can for sure short circuit and and friends
<siraben> remexre: nice, for a second I thought that cover was AoP haha
<siraben> I haven't looked too deeply into PE, but PLF has a chapter on it
<remexre> oh huh; yeah, I'm checking it out in the context of the calculating-compilers stuff
<remexre> I'm thinking if I wanna do a JIT, I could do the same sorta "partial evaluation as a consequence of polymorphic inline caching" that graalvm does
<remexre> but my advisor's like "you should actually read any of the partial evaluation literature lol it's probably not /that/ bad to do it statically"
<siraben> f-a: I was actually strongly contemplating translating ben lynn's lazy λ-calculus VM into Forth
<remexre> esp because the calculated exec function is structurally recursive
<siraben> f-a: the closest I got to that was an SKI machine running on EVM
<siraben> (EVM = ethereum virtual machine, which is stack based but I extended it with my assembler to have subroutines)
<siraben> lol one of the words is
<siraben> rot dup sp@ cels mem + dup dup4 swap d! cell+ rot swap d! cells sp d@ + cell- sp d! sp d@ d! exit
<siraben> (gotta love stack juggling)
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<KipIngram> Stack juggling has more or less vanished from my code.
<KipIngram> The stack frames dealth with it.
<KipIngram> The purists hate it, but I've decided that being able to treat the top few elements of the stack as a small array, and having a variety of words that operate on them, is the way to go.
<KipIngram> Not just fetch and store, but also +! and other such.
<KipIngram> I'm looking at the operations my 41 CV allowed. It provided a rich library of commands to operate on all four elements of the stack.
<KipIngram> THEY. HELP.
<KipIngram> I'm actually naming my top four elements x, y, z, t like in that calculator. That's the top elements of the actual stack, whereas the stack frame is a more fixed thing. So it's really two separate mechanisms.
<KipIngram> I'm sold on both things - any future Forth I do will have them.
<siraben> KipIngram: that's well and good, but that routine had to be as efficient as possible and factoring would have added too much overhead
<siraben> this is because I'm faking subroutine calls as well, the EVM doesn't actually have it
<KipIngram> Fair enough.
<siraben> bbl, sleep
<KipIngram> Well, I do factor a lot these days, but the frame and the stack access words aren't really "factoring related."
<KipIngram> They're just more primitives, particularly the HP-stolen ones.
<KipIngram> In fact, some of them would boost efficiency - things like store and recall arithmetic. HP would have called RCL* Z for example - for me that would be z@*
<KipIngram> We already had SWAP - I added x<>z and x<>t. Store and recall arithmetic for all four basic operations. Increment and decrement, by 1, 2, 4, and 8.
<KipIngram> For all four elements, that is.
<KipIngram> On the other hand, the stack frame only provide words to give you the address of the frame elements (the first few - 0 through 4). Then you use that like any other address.
<KipIngram> I would say that the overhead of opening a stack frame, and closing it when you're done, would be similar to the overhead of calling and returning from a factored word, so that's a fair comparison.
<KipIngram> The HP words are just "there," though - no cost to use them, and they combine operations that would otherwise have to be done separately.
<KipIngram> Their "cost" is just a fatter dictionary.
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<lispmacs[work]> wam
<KipIngram> :-)
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<cmtptr> somebody please find me a new job
<lispmacs[work]> we've got an opening for night parts clerk. I think it pays a dollar or two above minimum wage
<lispmacs[work]> you would need to move to Alaska